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Fosters Racial Proling

Ine!ective & Misleading
Punishes/Deports Citizens
Punishes/Deports Victims of
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Screening for immigration violators encourages racial

and ethnic proling tactics

So-called Secure Communities program violates the

basic promises of fairness and due process at the core
of our legal system

Increased policing creates fear in our neighborhoods

and erodes trust

So-called Secure Communities has been known to

deport victims of domestic violence that have been
detained because of their immigration status

Secure Communities has detained and deported U.S.

citizens due to its poor execution and institutional
racism, solely because someone looks like an

Secure Communities is ine!ective and criminalizes

communities and often picks up people for low level
o!enses and crimes of economics
What is Secure Communities ?
A racially motivated anti-immigrant program created by the Federal Government that
mandates local law enforcement to share all ngerprints processed at local jails with the
Department of Homeland Securitys Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the
F.B.I. This ngerprint sharing occurs regardless of the type of crime and even if charges are
African Americans have a history of being economically exploited, marginalized and
discriminated against. So-called Secure Communities and criminalization of immigrants is
the perpetuation of racist policies that a"ict African Americans. These policies separate
families, continue distrust of law enforcement and foster crime.
Historic and current U.S. immigration policy is infused with racism, enforcing unequal and
punitive standards for immigrants of color. As people who have more contact with law
enforcement, it is also the ngerprints of African Americans that will be shared in these
government databases. We should all discourage policies that target our neighbors, our
community and lowers our collective standard of life.
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