Introduction To Classware: Classware User's Guide 1

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Classware Users Guide 1 Cambridge University Press 2010 Photocopiable

Classware is presentation software for the classroom from Cambridge University Press. With Classware, you can
present material in a lively and interactive way. All of the assets you might need in your lesson are available through
one simple interface, with teaching material such as book pages, audio, video or even Flash content at your fngertips
and instantly accessible with the click of a button. You can use Classware with an interactive whiteboard, portable
interactive whiteboard technology or even simply with a laptop and a projector.
First, you need to create a user profle. Your user profle will contain any Classware material which is unique to you,
such as saved sessions (see Saving sessions further on in this guide).
When you start the Classware software you will be prompted to create a profle or select an existing profle.
Click Create new profle and follow the instructions to make a new profle. Your profle will be stored on the hard
drive of your computer. The option to delete profles is only available on the Select Profle screen. Once you have
deleted a profle, the profle is permanently removed.
Click on to delete a profle .
If you already have a profle on the hard drive of your computer you will see it listed. Click on that profle to select it.
Once you have selected a profle, the Classware library will open.
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The library is used for storing and organising books and sessions. You can select the book or session you want to work
with and launch it from the library into the classroom teaching interface.
You can view the library content in two different ways. Click to select a thumbnail view. Click to select a
list view.
To see all books available in the library, select Books from the menu in the top left-hand corner of the screen. This
button also indicates how many books are currently stored in the library. Books are available to all users. They are
stored on the hard drive of the computer and are not part of your profle. Each Classware disc contains Cambridge
University Press teaching material optimised for use with Classware, such as pages from a students book or an
activity book, class audio, video and Flash content if available. When you install Classware, it will not only install the
Classware software but it will also install new Classware teaching material into the library on your computer.
To launch a book, click on the book you want to use. Click the Launch button to start working with the book in the
classroom teaching interface.
To remove a book from the library, click on the book and then click on the X button. This will remove the book for
all Classware users. If you remove a book by accident, you can reinstall it with the original Classware disc.
When you use the classroom teaching interface, you can save what you have done for later (see Saving sessions
below). Any sessions you save are stored in your profle. You can view your sessions in the library, and launch them
again later. To see all of your currently stored sessions select Sessions from the top left-hand corner of the screen.
This button also shows you how many sessions you currently have stored.
Unlike books, only you can see and work with your sessions. In order to be able to use a session, the book on which it
is based must be installed into the library on the computer you are using. If that book is not in the library, you can see
your session but you cannot open it.
To open a saved session that has been saved to an alternative location like a USB stick, click on the Open Session
Browse for your saved session and click OK. Your session will now be visible in the session library.
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To launch a session, click on the session you want to use. Click the Launch button to start working with the book in
the classroom teaching interface.
You can export a session in two ways. Firstly, you can export from the session library if the session has been saved
and secondly from within the book itself.
To export from the session library, click on a session to reveal the session options. Click export and browse to where
you want to place the session data. Click OK. This data can be moved between devices, for example from your hard
drive to a USB stick.
To export a session from a book, Click File to reveal a drop down menu.
Then click Export session. Enter a name for your session and click Save. You will be able to browse to where you
want to save and place the session.
To remove a session from the library, click on the session and then click on the X button. WARNING this will
permanently delete the session from your profle, and once deleted that session cannot be retrieved.
The classroom teaching interface displays the pages of the book or session you have selected and provides a variety
of useful tools for annotating the material and working with the content. You can also save any work you do to your
profle as a session, and use it again later.
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You will see the cover page of the book you have selected or the book on which your selected session is based. Tools
and functions available to you will be grouped together on one side of the interface. The default position is to the left.
First of all you may want to move the buttons for all tools and functions to the other side of the interface. There are
several reasons why you might want to do this. You could be left or right handed, or perhaps one side of the board has
limited access due to your classroom setup. Maybe you just prefer to be on one side of the whiteboard or the other.
To fip the tool and function buttons from one side of the interface to another click .
Note that the main toolbar can be hidden from view. To hide or reveal the toolbar, click the Tools tab.
You can also switch between displaying one page at a time or two. To toggle between these two view options click
or .
Navigating around the pages of a book or session is simple.
Click to move forwards one page. Click to move back one page.
To jump quickly from one part of the book or session to another, use the contents panel.
Click to open the contents panel.
There can be up to four different tabs in the contents panel Contents, Audio, Video and Flash. Click each to
see a list of the pages, audio clips, video clips or Flash content available in that book or session. Please note that not
all books will have audio, video or Flash content. If there is none available the tab is disabled.
The Contents tab shows all pages available. As with the library you can view the pages either as a list or by
Classware Users Guide 5 Cambridge University Press 2010 Photocopiable
thumbnails. To go to a page, click on the relevant title or thumbnail.
The Audio, Video and Flash tabs show all audio or video available. Click on a title to open the relevant audio or
video clip. See Working with audio and Working with video below for more information.
Click again to close the contents panel.
Click to use the arrow tool. This acts as a generic pointer, and also doubles as your digital hand. Click and hold
a page with the arrow tool to drag it around. This is particularly useful when you are zoomed in on a page. You can
also change pages using the arrow tool. Click and hold on a page, then quickly fick the page to the left or right and
release the page to move forwards or backwards one page.
You can also use the arrow tool to move text boxes, web and page links, and attached fles to different locations (see
The text box tool and Attaching fles below).
Click to activate the text box tool. Click anywhere on the page to create a text box (note). Use the keyboard to
type into the text box. The text box will resize automatically as you type. You can minimise the text box tool using the
small black arrow in the top right hand corner of the text box. Click the X button to delete the note.
Click the Embed image button . A pop-up window will appear allowing you to browse to the location of your
image. Click on your image and press open. The image will be placed in the note.
Note It is good practice to group all images in one folder. The browse for window, automatically recognises where
you last chose an image.
Click the or to attach a fle or delete the fle from the text box\note.
Click or to hide or show parts of a page.
Click the small grey triangle in the bottom right hand corner of one button to reveal the other.
To hide part of a page, select the hide tool and then draw a line around the part of the page you want to conceal.
When you stop drawing a grey mask will fll the area of the shape you created. You can create multiple hidden areas
on a page.
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To focus attention on part of a page, use the show tool. Draw a line around the part of the page you want to focus on.
When you have fnished drawing a grey mask will conceal everything outside of the shape you created. You can create
more focus points by continuing to use the show tool to cut holes in the grey mask.
You can remove these grey masks with the eraser tool. Click once on a grey mask to make it disappear instantly, or
click and drag the eraser to manually erase the hidden area.
Note - After creating a hidden or shown area, you can keep the shape but toggle between the two modes by selecting
the opposite button. A simple way of creating multiple shown areas is to hide the areas you want to focus on frst, and
then toggle to show.
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Click to select the pen tool. You can use this pen to write and draw on the page.
There are several different options available with the pen tool. Click the small grey triangle in the corner of the main
pen tool button to open the menu of options.
You can select your pen colour and the width of the pen tip. When you have made a selection you will see the main
icon change to show the pen colour and the nib width selected.
Note The white pen is used for concealing small areas of the screen with a white colour. These white pen lines can
be removed with the eraser tool.
Click to select the highlighter tool. Draw over parts of the page to highlight it. The tool is particularly useful for
highlighting text, but you can use it to mark other parts of the page too.
Click to select the eraser tool. Click and drag the tool across pen lines or hidden or shown areas to erase them.
You can also use this tool to remove hidden or shown areas and attached fles with a single click.
Click the grey triangle in the main button to expand the eraser tool menu and reveal the erase all annotations tool.
With this tool you can remove all of the pen lines and hidden/shown areas from the page at once with a single click.
Click to open the zoom tool. You can use this tool to zoom into and out of the page.
When you activate the zoom tool, you will see predefned zoom hotspot areas appear on the page.
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Simply click on one of the hotspots to zoom in automatically, and then click again to zoom back out.
To create your own zoom area, click and drag the zoom tool to create a box.
In the corner of the zoom tool button is a grey triangle. Click this to reveal the ft to screen tool.
Click to zoom back out to view the whole page or double page spread once again.
Note when you are zoomed in, you can easily move around the page using the arrow tool. Click and hold anywhere
on the page and move your pen or mouse to move the page around. If you grab and hold the page and then fick the
pen or mouse in a direction before letting go you can kinetically slide the page around.
Most Classware titles will include the class audio. You can access the audio through the contents panel and through
links on pages.
Classware Users Guide 9 Cambridge University Press 2010 Photocopiable
Click a link to open the audio in the audio player.
For Classware with the Full-Size
For Classware with the small audio player
which appears centred in the top toolbar
The player includes standard controls for playing, pausing, and stopping and resetting the audio clip, as well as a
volume control and progress slider. You can select a position in the audio by manually controlling the progress slider.
Click and drag the slider button to move it.
For Classware with the Full-Size
For Classware with the small Player
You can also choose to display the script for
the audio. Words and phrases are highlighted
in yellow as they are spoken. Click on a word
or phrase to hear it.
Change the size of the script box with the
small grey triangle in the bottom right-hand
Click the X button to close the script box.
Click and drag the top of the audio player or
script box to move them around the screen.
Script boxes can also be annotated by using
the annotation tools provided.
No transcript will be visible as the page text
is fully visible on screen.
Clicking on an audio hotspot when the audio
player is already open stops the audio track
from playing and starts the new audio track.
If a page is turned when the audio player is
open, the audio player will close and will
not be visible again until another hotspot is
clicked on.
Click and drag the top of the audio player or script box to move them around the screen.
Some Classware titles will include video. You can only access video through the contents panel. Click on a video title
to open the video player.
Classware Users Guide 10 Cambridge University Press 2010 Photocopiable
The player includes standard controls for playing, pausing, and stopping and resetting the video clip, as well as a
volume control and progress slider. You can select a position in the video by manually controlling the progress slider.
Click and drag the slider button to move it.
View subtitles for the video with the button.
Hide the picture with the button.
See the video in full screen mode with the button.
Click and drag the top of the video player to move it around the screen.
You can attach your own fles such as images, audio fles or video clips to pages and then open them with a single
Click to reveal a drop down menu.
Then click .
Position the pointer (a paperclip icon) on the part of the page where you want to attach a fle and click the page. A fle
browser window will open browse to the relevant fle and select it to attach it to the page. When you have done so,
you will see an icon on the page.
Click this icon to open your attachment in a web browser. You can also move your attached fle to different locations
Classware Users Guide 11 Cambridge University Press 2010 Photocopiable
on a page by clicking and dragging it with the arrow tool.
Click on an attachment with the eraser tool to remove it. Note that attachments are not removed with the erase all
annotations tool.
You can attach blank pages to a page. Click to reveal a drop down menu.
Then click .
Position the pointer (a paperclip icon) on the part of the page where you want to attach a blank page and click the
page. You will then see an icon on the page.
Click on this icon to open the blank page. You can annotate that blank page, add text boxes and hidden or
shown areas, and attach fles. Click the underscore _ to close the blank page any work you have done
with that blank page is saved, and you can open that page again to continue working with it. You can also
remove all annotations from your blank page with the erase all annotations tool.
Click on a blank page icon with the eraser tool to remove it. Note that blank pages are not removed from
book pages with the erase all annotations tool.
You can add web links to your pages to link to additional resources on the world wide web.
Click to reveal a drop down menu.
Then click
Enter a name for your web link and the URL. The web link will appear as an icon with a tool tip activated to tell you
where the link goes when you hover over the icon.
Click on this icon and Classware will automatically open your default web browser and navigate to the link.
You can add page links to your pages to link to sections of a book quickly and easily.
Click to reveal a drop down menu.
Then click
Enter the link title, this will appear as a tool tip when you roll the mouse over the icon. Click the page you would like
to set the destination link to. Click Save. You will now be able to link from the source page link to the destination
page link and vice versa. You can add as many page links to a page and book as you wish.
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You can save all of your work (annotations, text boxes, hidden or shown areas and attached fles by creating a session.
Click to reveal a drop down menu.
Then click
Enter a name for your session and click Save. Sessions are stored in your profle and can be used again later on.
When you go back to the library you will see that your profle has been updated and your new session has been stored.
You can save a session after a class so that you can return to it again next time, or you can prepare your pages before
a class and then use that session with your students. Also, you can update previously saved sessions by saving them
again, either with the same fle name or a different one.
Click to open the phonemic chart. Click on a phoneme to hear audio for that phoneme. Related phonemes are
highlighted in the chart. Click the X button to close the chart.
Please note that you must be connected to the Internet for this feature to work.
Click to activate the dictionary.
When you have fnished working with the classroom teaching interface click to return to the library.
Remember that you can save any work you have done as a session. If you return to the library without saving a session
then any annotations you have made, text boxes attached etc will be lost permanently.
All efforts have been made to contact the copyright holders of material reproduced in this product which belongs to third parties, and citations
are given for the sources. We welcome approaches from any copyright holders whom we have not been able to trace but who fnd that their
material has been reproduced herein.

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