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Analysis of the Selected Indian Films

The Indian flms weve chosen are (1) 3 Idiots, (2) Every Child is Special
(Taare ameen !ar), and (3) "ha#ini$
"ha#ini was inspired %y Christopher &olan's (cademy (ward winnin)
art flm, *emento (2+++), which tells the story o, a man who is searchin) ,or
the -iller o, his wi,e$ The pro%lem is that he s./ers ,rom antero)rade
amnesia (short term memory loss), which he contracted in a head in#.ry
d.rin) the attac- that -illed his wi,e$ 0ith his limited memory he trac-s down
on his wi,e's -iller %y -eepin) notes, ta-in) photo)raphs and ma-in) tattoos
on his %ody to remem%er thin)s$
Taare ameen !ar (Every Child is Special) was inspired %y the story
developed %y its writer (mole ".pte which centers on the idea o, a child who
cannot adapt to a conventional ed.cational system$ This concept was %ased
on the childhood o, 1apanese flmma-er (-ira 2.rosawa, who per,ormed
poorly in school$ The )oal was th.s to e3plore the story o, 4a child who did
not ft into the school stream$4 5e cited a specifc moment in 2.rosawa's
%io)raphy where he %e)an to e3cel a,ter meetin) an attentive art teacher,
and noted that this scene 4%ecame the inspiration ,or how a teacher co.ld
trans,orm the li,e o, a st.dent4$
3 Idiots was inspired %y the novel, 6ive !oint Someone %y Chetan
(ll o, these flms starred (amir 2han, who was one o, the most
renowned Indian actors in the Indian flm ind.stry$ (side ,rom this, one the
similarities %etween these three flms was the son) and dance
accompaniment$ The son) and dance n.m%ers were woven per,ectly into the
script, addin) to the well8written plot$ (nother is the flm d.ration that r.ns
more or less than 3$ The reason ,or this is that the Indian a.diences
e3pect ,.ll val.e o, their money th.s these flms %e worthy eno.)h$
The a.dience co.ld never ,eel %ored i, movie or flm has its elements9
son)s and dances, comedy, love stories and s.spense:action$ This is also a
way o, deviatin) ,rom the d.ration most movies had (li-e ,or 1 and a
hal, only), there,ore creatin) the Indian flms rep.tation o, providin) a
38ho.r flm with s.%stantial and ;moneys worth< plot$
The themes were mostly %ased on the social in India as the
ed.cation system, poverty, s.icide (3 Idiots)= attention ,or st.dents with
special needs and %.llyin) (Every Child is Special)= tra>c-in) and
violence ("ha#ini)$ *ost o, all, h.mor, love, ,aith and hope can also %e ,o.nd
in these flms$

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