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Let us pause to think: Why the War? Because the Major Epidemics? Was part of an exchange
of ideas with Einstein Freud, made at the request of the League of Nations, predecessor of the
UN. Impressed with the horrors of the First World War, the two reflected on the nature of war and
how to avoid it or reduce its scope. The same reasoning is also valid for the Major Epidemics, as
currently, our coexistence with Ebola.
Hence, Freud writes "EVIL BEING IN CIVILIZATION" which is considered the most influential
work in the context of sociology and anthropology. Was written on the eve of the collapse of the
exchanges in New York (1929) scholarship and published in Vienna the next year. So, 85 years
ago. But, totally applicable to ours days... It's an investigation into the roots of human
unhappiness, on the conflict between instincts and culture. Discusses the fact that culture - a term
that the author equates to civilization - produce a malaise in humans. There is a dichotomy
between instinctual impulses and civilization, therefore, for the sake of civilization, the individual is
overwhelmed in his drives and lives in malaise. And the way he, human, takes on modern
Also constitute, in the words of historian Peter Gay: "A Psychoanalytic Theory of Politics." New
introductory lectures can be read as a standalone work, for summarizing the key findings of
psychoanalysis and expose their developments after 1917. The most influential of these is "The
Dissection of the Psychical Personality". Therefore, the malaise in civilization is a penetrating
investigation into the origins of unhappiness on the conflict between individual and society and
their different configurations in civilized life. In the translation of Paulo Csar de Souza, which
preserves the conceptual accuracy and dimension of all literary prose of the creator of
psychoanalysis: The book provides a real dip in Freudian Theory of Culture, according to which
civilization and sexuality coexist always confrontational mode?
From the biological foundations of libido and aggression, Freud demonstrates that the repression
and sublimation of sexual instincts as well as his conduit for the world of work are the main causes
of mental illnesses of our time. Conclusion we reached: The human being suffers from Oedipal
Disease... What is disease? Disease is a set of specific signs and symptoms that affect a living
being, changing your normal health. The word is of Latin origin, where "dolentia" means "pain,
suffering." In general, the disease is characterized as the absence of health; on reaching a state
that an individual causes disorders of mental and physical functions. Can be caused by exogenous
factors (external, environment) or endogenous (internal, the body itself).
According to Freud, the Oedipus complex is when the child reaches the phallic sexual period
during childhood and then gives account of the difference of sexes, tending to lay down his libidinal
attention to people of the opposite sex in the family environment. Freud was based on the tragedy
of Sophocles (496-406 BC), Oedipus the King, to formulate the concept of the Oedipus complex,
the veiled preference of the child by the mother, accompanied by a clear dislike of the father. In the
play (and in Greek mythology) Oedipus killed his father Laius and married his own mother,
Jocasta. After discovering that his mother was Jocasta, Oedipus pierces his own eyes and Jocasta
commits suicide. Sophocles used this myth to prompt a debate on the issue of guilt and
accountability standards, ethics and taboos established in their society (behavior that, within the
customs of a community, it is considered harmful and harmful to normal, being seen by this as
dangerous and prohibited its members).
In his essay Dostoevsky and parricide cite Freud besides Oedipus the King, two other works that
portray the complex: Hamlet and The Brothers Karamazov. The Oedipus complex is a reference to
the threat of castration caused by the destruction of the phallic genital organization of the child,
rooted in psychodynamic libidinal, whose background libidinal experiences that begin in the womb
removed. Important to note that the libido is a sexual energy, but not only is the sexual practice,
but also in investments that individuals make to obtain pleasure.
The Oedipus complex is a key concept for psychoanalysis, as understood by this universal and
therefore characteristic of all human beings. The Oedipus complex is characterized by mixed
feelings of love and hostility. Metaphorically, this concept is seen as love to hate his father and
mother (not the father to be exclusive, can be any other person that distracts the attention she has
for her son), but this idea remains, just because the world child comes down to these parental
figures or representatives of them.
Once the human being cannot be conceived without a father or a mother (although never come to
know of these parts or both), the relationship that exists in this triad is, according to
psychoanalysis, the essence of human conflict. The Oedipus complex is very important because it
characterizes the differentiation of the subject in relation to parents. The child begins to realize that
parents belong to a cultural reality that can not only dedicate themselves to it because they have
other commitments. The father is the inclusion of children in the culture is the cultural order. The
child also begins to realize that belongs to the mother and father so directs hostile feelings towards
The differentiation of the subject is permeated by the identification of the child with a parent. In
positive identification, the boy identifies with the father and the girl with her mother. In negative
identification, fear of losing one whom hostilizamos or not being loved makes identifying happen
with the figure of the opposite sex and this can cause homosexual behavior. Therefore: With the
resolution of the Oedipus complex, the reign of the impulses and instincts rises to a more rational
and coherent plan. By VISION PSYCHOSOMATIC, we cannot forget the Infantile Neurosis;
Children's Diabetes; etc.; as a legacy of an unresolved Oedipus... In the game contains a child is
much more than your present and past, there is a sense of future that is contained by the parents
and the analyst.
In the treatment is aspirated to establish, among other things, health and anticipatory expected
IDs. I think in the game, identificatory ghosts carriers neurotic disorder that dwell in Patient I, can
announce their arrival on the scene in adolescence to generate, like the father, Neurosis; Diabetes
one; etc.. Pubescent. Psychoanalytic thinking of a possible intervention for family members with
chronic organic or neurotic patients opens a door for prevention for those sick individuals inhabited
by ghosts, and that health systems only expect that presents what they call genetic destiny.
Through our Drives Internal and External Interference of Civilization, which gives us the condition
of health and survival. Thus avoiding major epidemics, the wars, all it's mass extermination...
So how to respond to dying people infected with Ebola people call? How reassure citizens
who are in the risk zone of Ebola? We cannot forget that Action by World Health Organ are
being taken, new drugs being developed and tested; measures and hygiene criteria and anti-
contamination being used; clarification of Symptoms of Ebola and any symptoms that look for
medical or humanitarian help. But we cannot forget that the world is in RISK! Be Ebola; other
Major Epidemics, by which we have passed as HIV, etc .; by wars, civilian aircraft are killed by
missiles, like the toy a "virtual little game" between Great Powers, all the POWER.
SOUND; HOLDING (Support of Omnipotence Mother Baby); Reverie (breaking this Omnipotence,
to be able to fantasize); Construction of Identity of the Subject; Social graces of the Individual (its
Humanization); of his Introduction to Culture. All this experience is organized in Dyadic and Triadic
or oedipal.
Celia Gevartoski
CPN 502004. SP
Clinic psychoanalyst and training analyst
Cognitive / Behavioral
Director of the Center for Training of ABPC
Course Coordinator Training in Psychoanalysis

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