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Teacher: Jully Rodrgue !ru

Read "he "e#"$:
A !old %ay

It is a frigid January day in York, Pennsylvania. The temperature is below freezing. Snow is
starting to fall. r. James turns on the television to !he!k the weather.
"e must leave for his work at the hospital soon. #Today is going to be very !old,$ says the T%
weatherman. #&e sure to wear very warm !lothes when you go outside. 'lso, be !areful
driving on the roads.
Snowfall will make them slippery. In fa!t, if you !an stay home today, do it($

r. James !annot stay home. %ery si!k people are waiting to see him at the hospital. "e goes
to his !loset. "e takes out the warmest !lothes he has.

"e puts on a sweater, )a!ket, gloves, so!ks, boots, and a hat. "e opens his front door to go
to work. ' gust of !old air blows inside.

#*ow, it is very !old outside,$ r. James says. "e is from +iami and is not used to the !old.
#The weatherman was right($ &efore he !an drive to work, r. James must !lear the snow off
his !ar. "e does this very fast. "e hops in the !ar. "e shivers. "is ne!k feels espe!ially !old.

r. James drives slowly to work. ,veryone else is driving slowly, too. There is a lot of traffi!
on the road. There are !ars in front of and behind him.

Suddenly, the !ars in front of r. James !ome to a stop. There has been an a!!ident(

r. James hurries from his !ar to !he!k on the driver of the !ar that has swerved off the road.
#Is everyone okay-$ r. James asks. #Yes, yes, we are fine. *e slipped on a pat!h of i!e,$
the driver says. #This would have been a good day to stay home in bed.$
Re$al"ar co& Amar'llo la re$(ue$"a correc"a:
./ If the weather is frigid, it is very 0000..
A. cold &. rainy 1. windy . slippery

2/ In what !ity does this story take pla!e-
'. 3lorida &. +iami 1. Pennsylvania %. )or*

4/ r. James doesn5t stay home be!ause 0000..
A. There are $'c* (eo(le +a'"'&g ,or h'm.
Enviar examen hasta el 14 de Agosto
hasta las 8pm
&. "e listens to the weatherman.
1. "e has to !lear snow off his !ar.
. "e must help the people in the a!!ident.

6/ *hat !ould r. James have put on his ne!k to keep it warm-
'. gloves -. a $car, 1. another hat . a )a!ket

7/ *hat does r. James do before he leaves for work-
I. "e dresses warmly.
II. "e !he!ks the weather on T%.
III. "e !lears snow from his !ar.

'. I only
&. I and II
1. II and III
%. I. II. a&d III

8/ 9iven what is said in the story, what is probably true about +iami-
A. I" '$ a +arm (lace.
&. It is a rainy pla!e.
1. It is a windy pla!e.
. People drive slowly there.

:/ "ow are people driving today-

'. badly -. $lo+ly 1. very fast . like they do not !are

;/ 's des!ribed in the beginning of the story, what does it mean if the
roads are slippery-
'. The roads are full of !ars.
-. The road$ are ea$y "o $l'de o&.
1. The roads are very long and !urvy.
. The roads lead to a pla!e with lots of snow.

</ *hy does r. James !lear the snow off his !ar =ui!kly-
A. /ecau$e he '$ 0ery cold
&. be!ause he is late for work
1. be!ause he knows his patients are waiting
. be!ause he knows he will have to drive slowly

.>/ There is a lot of traffi! on the road. "ow !an we rewrite this senten!e-
'. There is a lot of snow on the road.
-. There are a lo" o, car$ o& "he road.
1. There are a lot of a!!idents on the road.
. There are a lot of people walking on the road.

../ *hy did the !ar have an a!!ident-
'. be!ause it was snowing outside
&. be!ause r. James hit the !ar
1. be!ause it was so !old outside
%. /ecau$e "he car $l'((ed o& a (a"ch o, 'ce

.2/ *hat is an a!!ident-
'. something that hurts people
&. something that happens only in the snow
!. $ome"h'&g "ha" ha((e&$ "ha" ha$ &o" /ee& (la&&ed
. something that happens be!ause other people want it to

.4/ *hat is the weatherman right about-
I. It is a windy day.
II. It is very !old outside.
III. The roads are slippery.

'. I only
&. I and II
!. II a&d III
. I, II, and III

.6/ *hy does r. James hurry from his !ar after the a!!ident-
'. be!ause he is very !old
&. be!ause he wants to get to the hospital as soon as possible
1. be!ause he is worried about his patients waiting at the hospital
%. /ecau$e he +a&"$ "o ma*e $ure "he (eo(le '& "he car are o*ay

.7/ o you like the weather where you live- *hy or why not-
Yes, I like a lot, be!ause 1hi!layo has a sub?tropi!al !limate.
@,'IA9B #' S,1CA JC&$B D*e are running out of money,D ad said. DI must find another )ob.D
+om was a tea!her. ad +a$ a tea!her. They had four !hildren. The baby had a rare disease. She
+a$ always si!k. They had to take her to the do!tor often. The do!tor was eEpensive. &ut he "oo*
good !are of the baby. "e said she would be healthy in a few years. &ut ad owed the do!tor a lot of
money. "e loo*ed in the paper for another )ob. "e a$*ed his friends about another )ob. 3inally he
found another )ob. "e /ecame a taEi driver. 'fter he "augh" s!hool, he a"e dinner. Then he went to
the taEi !ompany. "e dro0e the taEi to the airport. "e ('c*ed up people at the airport. "e dro((ed off
people at the airport. Some people gave him big tips. Some people ga0e him small tips. Some people
gave him no tips. "e drove the taEi for eight hours. Then he +e&" home. "e was "'red. "e went
straight to sleep. ,very night he had a dream. ,very night it was the same dream. ,very night he
dreamed about money. ,very night the money was on fire.
.. "ow many !hildren did they have- They had ,our ch'ldre&.
2. *as the father a tea!her- )e$. he +a$ a "eacher.
4. Is the baby a girl- )e$. '" +a$ a g'rl.
6. id the father look for another )ob- )e$. +a$ "a#' dr'0er.
7. *hat was the fatherFs se!ond )ob- Ta#' dr'0er.
8. "ow many hours did he drive- 1e dro0e a "a#' ,or e'gh" hour$.
:. *hat does he have every night- E0ery &'gh" '$ $lee(.
;. *as he tired- )e$. I +a$ "'red.
<. id he drive the same every night- 1'$ daugh"er +a$ $'c*.
.>. *hat was the problem with the baby- She had a rare d'$ea$e
... *rite the professions mentioned in the readingB Teacher a&d %oc"or
.2. *rite the ad)e!tives mentioned in the readingB e#(e&$'0e. heal"hy. ad0'ce
.4. "ighlight the verbs in past tense mentioned in the readingB
+a$. had . a$*ed. /ecame. "augh". a"e . led . ('c*ed . le," . dreamed. dro0e . ga0e. "'red.
.6. "ighlight the pla!es mentioned in the readingB School. Ta#' !om(a&y. A'r(or".
.7. id you like the reading- I l'*ed read'&g /ecau$e '" $ho+$ "he lo0e o, a ,a"her "o "he ch'ldre&.
2'll '& "he (a$$age$ +'"h "he 0er/$ '& /rac*e"$. U$e "he (a$" $'m(le
' minute before we .. 3e," Gleave/ 1asablan!a, a women 2. Go" Gget/ on the plane. She 7.
%'d &o" had Gnot have/ mu!h luggage for an international flight. 3rom the moment I 8. $a+ Gsee/ her I
:. Though" Gthink/ she was an interesting person. The only empty seat ;. +a$ Gbe/ neEt to me. She <.
A$*ed Gask/ me if she .>. !ould G!an/ sit there.

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