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University of Cincinnati

FST 204
Read Chapters 1-3. If you believe the statement to be more true than false, write the
letter T in the spae provided. If you believe the statement to be more false than true,
write the letter !. Cite the pa"e number in the te#t where you found your answer.
C#a$ter %& Ha'ar(o)s Materia*s& Overvie+
1. The ability to reo"ni$e a potential ha$ardous materials inident is ritial to ensurin"
one%s safety. &&&&&&&&&&
'. The (mer"eny )lannin" and Community Ri"ht to *now +t was one of the first laws to
affet how fire departments respond in a ha$ardous materials emer"eny. &&&&&&&&&&
3. (ah ,tate has a ,tate (mer"eny Response Commission -,(RC. that ats as a liaison
between loal and state levels of authority. &&&&&&&&&&
/. The ations ta0en at ha$ardous materials inidents are lar"ely ditated by the hemials
involved. &&&&&&&&&&
1. !ires re2uire a less strai"htforward response than do ha$ardous materials inidents.
3. 4hen approahin" a ha$ardous materials event, you should ma0e a onsious effort to
han"e your response perspetive. &&&&&&&&&&
5. Response a"enies should not preplan tar"et ha$ards owin" to the health issues involved in
suh plannin". &&&&&&&&&&
6. The "oal of a fire fi"hter is to favorably han"e the outome of a ha$ardous materials
inident. &&&&&&&&&&
7. The ,+R+ re"ulates and "overns issues relatin" to ha$ardous materials and the
environment. &&&&&&&&&&
18. The ()+%s version of 9+:4;)(R is in Title /8, Protection of the Environment, Part 311,
Worker Safety. &&&&&&&&&&
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University of Cincinnati
FST 204
ASSI!"ME"T O"E cont,(
C#a$ter 2& Ha'ar(o)s Materia*s& -ro$erties an( Effects
1. + physial han"e is essentially a han"e in state< a hemial han"e results in an
alteration of the hemial nature of the material. &&&&&&&&&&
'. 4ater has an e#pansion rate of 188=1 and a boilin" point of 188 de"rees ! -36 de"rees C..
3. >iesel fuel has a hi"her flash point than does "asoline. &&&&&&&&&&
/. The wider the flammable ran"e, the more dan"erous the material. &&&&&&&&&&
1. ?apor pressure diretly orrelates to the speed at whih a material will evaporate one it is
released from its ontainer. &&&&&&&&&&
3. Radioative isotopes an be deteted by the noise and odors they "ive off. &&&&&&&&&&
5. The nuleus of an atom is made up of protons, neutrons, and eletrons. &&&&&&&&&&
6. + ha$ard is a material apable of posin" an unreasonable ris0 to health, safety, or the
environment. &&&&&&&&&&
7. @erve a"ents atta0 the entral nervous system. &&&&&&&&&&
18. + hemial brou"ht into the body throu"h an open ut is an inAetion e#posure.
)a"e ' of 1/
University of Cincinnati
FST 204
ASSI!"ME"T O"E cont,(
C#a$ter .& Reco/ni'in/ an( I(entifyin/ t#e Ha'ar(s
1. 9a$ardous materials inidents an our almost anywhere. &&&&&&&&&&
'. Intermodal tan0s are both shippin" and stora"e vehiles. &&&&&&&&&&
3. @on-bul0 stora"e vessels an also be used as intermodal tan0s. &&&&&&&&&&
/. 9a$ardous materials an be transported in ardboard drums or paper ba"s. &&&&&&&&&&
1. The >epartment of Transportation%s mar0in" system is harateri$ed by a system of si"ns,
olors, and numbers. &&&&&&&&&&
3. ;B is used to represent ompressed o#y"en in the @!)+ ha$ard identifiation system.
5. +CI> is used to represent aid in the @!)+ ha$ard identifiation system. &&&&&&&&&&
6. Core than / billion tons of ha$ardous materials are shipped annually in the Dnited ,tates.
7. +n C,>, will usually inlude a responsible party ontat. &&&&&&&&&&
18. C9(CR(,)(CT is a free servie that onnets fire fi"hters with hemial manufaturers,
hemists, and other produt speialists who an help durin" a hemial inident.
)a"e 3 of 1/
University of Cincinnati
FST 204
Read Chapters /-3. If you believe the statement to be more true than false, write the
letter T in the spae provided. If you believe the statement to be more false than true,
write the letter !. Cite the pa"e number in the te#t where you found your answer.
C#a$ter 4& Esti1atin/ -otentia* Har1 an( -*annin/ a Res$onse
1. >e"radation and penetration refer to the same proess. &&&&&&&&&&
'. 4hen dealin" with a ha$ardous material, a variety of soures of information should be
ompared for onsisteny. &&&&&&&&&&
3. + Eevel F ensemble provides a hi"h level of respiratory protetion but less s0in protetion
than Eevel +. &&&&&&&&&&
/. Eevel > ensemble is the hi"hest level of protetion. &&&&&&&&&&
1. +ir-purifyin" respirators -+)R. provide breathin" air and are appropriate for use when
suffiient o#y"en for breathin" is not available. &&&&&&&&&&
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University of Cincinnati
FST 204
ASSI!"ME"T T0O cont,(
C#a$ter 2& I1$*e1entin/ t#e -*anne( Res$onse
1. The duration of the ha$ardous materials inident is a fator in determinin" whether shelter-
in-plae is a viable option. &&&&&&&&&&
'. Conitorin" and portable detetion devies assist the inident ommander in determinin"
the hot, warm, and old $ones and the evauation distanes re2uired. &&&&&&&&&&
3. The safety of responders is paramount to maintainin" an effetive response to any
ha$ardous materials inident. &&&&&&&&&&
/. 4hen possible, approah a ha$ardous materials inident autiously from downwind of the
site. &&&&&&&&&&
1. The ba0up personnel remain on standby in the old $one awaitin" orders to prepare for
follow-up duties. &&&&&&&&&&
3. The deontamination team must be in plae before anyone enters the hot $one.
5. There are several ways to isolate the ha$ard area and reate the ontrol $ones.
6. +ll personnel must be fully briefed before they approah the ha$ard area or enter the old
$one. &&&&&&&&&&
7. The warm $one ontains ontrol points for aess orridors as well as the deontamination
orridor. &&&&&&&&&&
18. +n inident that involves a "aseous ontaminant will re2uire a lar"er hot $one than one
involvin" a li2uid lea0. &&&&&&&&&&
)a"e 1 of 1/
University of Cincinnati
FST 204
ASSI!"ME"T T0O cont,(
C#a$ter 3& Terroris1
1. +nthra# and the pla"ue are e#amples of nerve a"ents. &&&&&&&&&&
'. (mer"eny responders are deontaminated one they leave the ontaminated area.
3. Gamma rays are the least harmful of the three types of radiation. &&&&&&&&&&
/. Feta partiles are also ative nerve a"ents. &&&&&&&&&&
1. + personal dosimeter is used to measure the amount of radioative e#posure. &&&&&&&&&&
3. ,oman is a hi"hly infetious disease that 0ills appro#imately 38 perent of those infeted
with it. &&&&&&&&&&
5. Dniversal preautions must be ta0en when respondin" to ats of yberterrorism.
6. !ire fi"hters must beome familiar with potential terrorist tar"ets and ations beause they
are often involved in the initial response and handlin" of a terrorist inident. &&&&&&&&&&
7. The first emer"eny response units to arrive should establish an outer perimeter to ontrol
aess to and from the sene. &&&&&&&&&&
18. (#posure to hi"h levels of radiation an ause vomitin" and di"estive system dama"e
within a short time. &&&&&&&&&&
)a"e 3 of 1/
University of Cincinnati
FST 204
Read Chapters 5-18. If you believe the statement to be more true than false, write the
letter T in the spae provided. If you believe the statement to be more false than true,
write the letter !. Cite the pa"e number in the te#t where you found your answer.
C#a$ter 4& Mission5S$ecific Co1$etencies& -ersona* -rotective E6)i$1ent
1. Feta partiles are more ener"eti than alpha partiles and pose a "reater health ha$ard.
'. ,tandard firefi"htin" turnout "ear offers little hemial protetion, but does have a hi"h
de"ree of abrasion resistane and prevents diret s0in ontat. &&&&&&&&&&
3. Tyve0 provides satisfatory protetion from all hemials. &&&&&&&&&&
/. ?apor-protetive lothin" and hemial-protetive lothin" are idential. &&&&&&&&&&
1. >e"radation is the proess by whih a hemial moves throu"h a "iven material on the
moleular level. &&&&&&&&&&
3. Reusable Eevel + suits are re2uired to be pressure-tested after eah use. &&&&&&&&&&
5. Eimited use hemial-protetive lothin" is e#peted to be disarded alon" with the other
ha$ardous waste "enerated by the inident. &&&&&&&&&&
6. 9()+ filters are effetive for anthra# spores. &&&&&&&&&&
7. )owered air-purifyin" respirators are effetive for protetion a"ainst asphy#iants suh as
nitro"en and helium. &&&&&&&&&&
18. The rapid and destrutive way that "asoline dissolves a ,tyrofoam up is an e#ample of
de"radation. &&&&&&&&&&
)a"e 5 of 1/
University of Cincinnati
FST 204
C#a$ter 7& Mission5S$ecific Co1$etencies& Tec#nica* Deconta1ination
1. (mer"eny medial responders are responsible for establishin" a deontamination orridor
for the initial emer"eny response rews and vitims. &&&&&&&&&&
'. >urin" "ross deontamination, hospital staff use low pressure, hi"h volume water flow to
rise off and dilute ontaminates. &&&&&&&&&&
3. ?auumin" is the removal of dusts, partiles, and some li2uids by su0in" them into a
ontainer. &&&&&&&&&&
/. )ersonnel leavin" the hot $one should plae used tools in a tool drop area near the
deontamination orridor. &&&&&&&&&&
1. +n item that will be submitted as evidene should arrive for deontamination double
ba""ed. &&&&&&&&&&
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University of Cincinnati
FST 204
C#a$ter & Mission5S$ecific Co1$etencies& Mass Deconta1ination
1. Cass deontamination and emer"eny deontamination are similar, e#ept that emer"eny
deontamination needs to be addressed muh more 2ui0ly. &&&&&&&&&&
'. 4ater washin" will not han"e the physial or hemial properties of C;, so the
appliation of water would yield minimum benefit. &&&&&&&&&&
3. Controllin" runoff is a primary obAetive when mass deontamination is implemented.
/. >eontaminatin" ambulatory vitims is a muh slower proess than deontaminatin" non-
ambulatory vitims. &&&&&&&&&&
1. 4hen deontaminatin" non-ambulatory vitims, be sure to leave lothin" or towels
underneath the vitims to allow for absorption of the produt. &&&&&&&&&&
3. Feause water is a "ood "eneral-purpose solvent, washin" as muh of the ontaminant as
possible with a massive water spray is the best and 2ui0est way to deontaminate a lar"e
"roup of people. &&&&&&&&&&
5. Contaminated patients will almost always wait for responders to establish a formal
deontamination area. &&&&&&&&&&
6. ,ome visous hemials annot be ompletely removed from the s0in by washin" alone.
7. (videne preservation is not an important onsideration in mass deontamination
ativities. &&&&&&&&&&
18. @aturally ourrin" barriers an be used to diret a movin" "roup and reate a mana"eable
traffi flow. &&&&&&&&&&
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University of Cincinnati
FST 204
C#a$ter %0& Mission5S$ecific Co1$etencies& Evi(ence -reservation an( Sa1$*in/
1. Re"ardless of the type of atta0 or weapon dissemination method, it is imperative that
evidene be preserved, sampled, and olleted properly. &&&&&&&&&&
'. +n intentional release or atta0 involvin" ha$ardous materials would be investi"ated by
the (nvironmental )rotetion +"eny. &&&&&&&&&&
3. Cethamphetamine is a psyhostimulant dru" manufatured ille"ally in illiit laboratories.
/. 9a$ardous materials first responders at the sene are in the best position to deide whether
the evidene they find will be admissible in ourt and worthy of preservation.
1. )lasti ontainers should not be used to hold evidene-ontainin" petroleum produts
beause these hemials may lead to deterioration of the plasti. &&&&&&&&&&
)a"e 18 of 1/
University of Cincinnati
FST 204
Read Chapters 11-1/. If you believe the statement to be more true than false, write the
letter T in the spae provided. If you believe the statement to be more false than true,
write the letter !. Cite the pa"e number in the te#t where you found your answer.
C#a$ter %%& Mission5S$ecific Co1$etencies& -ro()ct Contro*
1. In a ha$ardous materials inident, all emer"eny response personnel must reo"ni$e and
identify whih ha$ardous materials may be present. &&&&&&&&&&
'. The opposite of absorption is adsorption. &&&&&&&&&&
3. +ll e#posures need to be proteted in the same way. &&&&&&&&&&
/. !irefi"htin" foams should be sprayed diretly on the burnin" material and surfae.
1. In some ases the inident ommander may deide to withdraw to a safe distane and let
the ha$ardous materials inident run its ourse. &&&&&&&&&&
3. The reovery phase and lean-up will li0ely re2uire amounts of resoures and e2uipment
that are far beyond the apabilities of loal responders. &&&&&&&&&&
5. CC 385H>;T /85 ar"o tan0s are ertified to arry hemials that are transported at hi"h
pressure. &&&&&&&&&&
6. Cany hemial proesses, or piped systems that arry hemials, have a way to remotely
shut down a system or isolate a valve. &&&&&&&&&&
7. >ilution an be used only when the identity and properties of the ha$ardous material are
0nown with ertainty. &&&&&&&&&&
18. + retention tehni2ue is used to rediret the flow of a li2uid away from an area.
)a"e 11 of 1/
University of Cincinnati
FST 204
ASSI!"ME"T FOUR cont,(
C#a$ter %2& Mission5S$ecific Co1$etencies& 8icti1 Resc)e an( Recovery
1. In most ha$ardous materials inidents, at least five trained responders are re2uired to ma0e
a resue attempt. &&&&&&&&&&
'. In ha$ardous materials response, the entry teamHba0up team ratio is always 1=1.
3. Fa0up team members are dressed one ))( level down from that worn by the entry team.
/. Typially, definitive medial are is rendered to vitims durin" resue mode. &&&&&&&&&&
1. (mer"eny deontamination is performed in potentially life-threatenin" situations to
rapidly remove the bul0 of the ontamination from an individual. &&&&&&&&&&
3. +mbulatory vitims who are within the line of si"ht and are able to wal0 may be direted
and enoura"ed to leave the area under their own power. &&&&&&&&&&
5. The radle-in-arms arry an be used by one responder to arry a hild or small adult.
6. The best method for one person to remove a vitim from a vehile without ompromisin"
the ne0 and spine is with a lon" ba0board resue tehni2ue. &&&&&&&&&&
7. 9a$ardous materials teams pratied the onept of rapid intervention before it was
adopted in strutural firefi"htin". &&&&&&&&&&
18. Chemial "loves improve de#terity and ma0e both lothin" and s0in easier to "rasp.
University of Cincinnati
)a"e 1' of 1/
FST 204
ASSI!"ME"T FOUR cont,(
C#a$ter %.& Mission5S$ecific Co1$etencies& Res$onse to I**icit La9oratories
1. + ommon harateristi of methamphetamine labs is the use of ephedrine and
pseudoephedrine -old mediine. tablets. &&&&&&&&&&
'. Illiit laboratories an be small enou"h to fit inside the trun0 of a ar. &&&&&&&&&&
3. Fiolo"ial a"ents suh as anthra# an be ultured ille"ally in illiit laboratories.
/. Tablets are "round in household blenders as the first step in methamphetamine prodution.
1. Clandestine dru" laboratories will rarely have unusual hemial odors. &&&&&&&&&&
3. Fiolo"ial to#ins are typially e#trated from a plant or animal. &&&&&&&&&&
5. Cyanide is typially e#trated from the amphor bean, whih "ives it its harateristi
smell. &&&&&&&&&&
6. )ersonal protetive e2uipment is routinely used by those operatin" landestine dru"
laboratories. &&&&&&&&&&
7. Canine teams used in law enforement may need to be deontaminated. &&&&&&&&&&
18. >eontamination areas and e2uipment should be established prior to any responder
enterin" an illiit laboratory. &&&&&&&&&&
University of Cincinnati
)a"e 13 of 1/
FST 204
ASSI!"ME"T FOUR cont,(
C#a$ter %4& Mission5S$ecific Co1$etencies& Air Monitorin/ an( Sa1$*in/
1. The C,+ CGI was the first and most popular monitorin" instrument used in the fire
servie. &&&&&&&&&&
'. Too little o#y"en reates a health ris0, but too muh o#y"en reates an elevated fire ris0.
3. The hi"hest level of safety e#ists when the atmosphere reahes 188I of the E(EHE!E.
/. Colorimetri tubes are desi"ned to detet sin"le substanes andHor hemial families or
"roups. &&&&&&&&&&
1. + arbon mono#ide sensor may pi0 up the presene of hydro"en sulfide, hydro"en, or
hydro"en yanide. &&&&&&&&&&
3. The p9 sale "oes from 8 -stron" base. on the low end of the sale to 1/ -stron" aid on
the opposin" end of the sale. &&&&&&&&&&
5. (letrohemial sensors have a shelf life of 1 to 5 years, dependin" on the use.
6. In some ases, radiation detetion devies an identity whih type of radiation is present
-alpha, beta, "amma.. &&&&&&&&&&
7. )ersonal dosimeters stay on the responder throu"hout an inident. &&&&&&&&&&
18. Reation time for a devie an be as short as 1 or ' seonds or as lon" as 38 to 78 seonds.
)a"e 1/ of 1/

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