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Saint Joseph's University, Philadelphia, PA Fall 2014


Dr. Mihelle !o"e
Pro#essor o# $ealth Servies % Aade&i '(e)tive Diretor, *inney +enter #or A)tis&
Post $all 11, and *inney +enter #or A)tis&
Phone- .10/..0/101.
'&ail- &ro"e2s3).ed)
+o)rse Meets- 4)esday % 4h)rsday 5-,0/10-40
Required textbook!
Sperry, L (2009). Treatment of Chronic Medical Conditions: Cognitie!"ehaioral
Therapy Strategies and #ntegratie Treatment $rotocols. %merican $sychological
%ssociation, &ashington, 'C.
McCrac(en, ). (200*!reprint). The +iants ,o-se: % .omance. $-/lisher: .andom
,o-se $-/lishing +ro-p
Corrigan, $. (2001). The Stigma of 'isease and 'isa/ility: 2nderstanding Ca-ses and
3ercoming #n4-stices. %merican $sychological %ssociation.
Coure De"ri#tio$!
% s-rey of psychological, social, and /ehaioral theories and principles as they relate
to the e5periences of chronic illness and disa/ility, this co-rse 6ill emphasi7e the
impact of these e5periences on the patient in terms of motiation and life satisfaction,
restr-ct-ring social s-pport systems, and changes in psychosocial8deelopmental
needs. %ttention 6ill /e gien to the changing role of the health professional as direct
care proider, manager, cons-ltant, and adocate. #ss-es of patient ed-cation, 9-ality
of life8life satisfaction, patient a-tonomy, and family role 6ill also /e disc-ssed.
.ationale: %s st-dents, healthcare professionals are e5posed to many co-rses related
to ac-te illness, disease, preention, etc. ,o6eer, fe6 co-rses foc-s -pon the
pro/lems and iss-es related to chronic illness and disa/ility, in depth. ,ealth care
ed-cational instit-tions hae not stressed this topic as a separate discipline in and of
itself, perhaps /eca-se emphasis in the field of health care has, for so long, /een
-pon ac-te or tertiary care or /eca-se of society:s tendency to ;/lame the ictim.; 3ne
of the clear conse9-ences of adances in health technology is the creation of an eer!
gro6ing pop-lation of indiid-als 6ith chronic illnesses and disa/ilities. &here, once,
a diagnosis of cancer meant almost certain death, no6 s-rial rates in many cases are
*0< or higher. &here infants /orn at only 20 6ee(s gestation 6ere once not ia/le /y
definition, no6 many s-rie= some are healthy, /-t many hae disa/ilities ranging from
minor sensory deficits to seerely crippling motor deficits. Treatment iss-es for these
patients are stri(ingly different from those for ac-te care patients !! application of
traditional medical paradigms that foc-s e5cl-siely on c-ring illness rather than -pon
caring for the patient are inade9-ate.
Coure Ob%e"ti&e!
Thro-gh participation in this co-rse, st-dents 6ill:
! State their o6n ie6s of the nat-re of chronicity and its implications for an ac-te care,
c-re!oriented, cost!/ased system of health care.
!'efine ario-s types of disa/ility in terms of f-nctional loss res-lting from an illness or
impairment, 6hich may or may not lead to a personal handicap.
!3/tain a detailed, first!person acco-nt of chronic illness and8or disa/ility as a :lied
!#dentify e5isting reso-rces, /oth p-/lic and priate, for long!term care and coping, and
design an afforda/le, indiid-ali7ed ;pac(age;
!)al-ate their o6n roles as ;helpers; and health care professionals in relation to those
6ho hae chronic illnesses or disa/ilities, and to their caregiers.
!2nderstand the Mind!"ody .elationship and the ario-s models -sed to e5plain this
relationship, and -nderstand the clinical implications of the "iopsychosocial model.
!2nderstand the str-ct-re of the nero-s system and ho6 physiology impacts health
and illness, and -nderstand the nat-re of stress and methods to manage it. >-rther
-nderstand the relationships /et6een the nero-s system, the endocrine system, and
the imm-ne system.
!2nderstand ho6 health!enhancing /ehaiors act to red-ce illness, 6hile health!
compromising /ehaiors act to increase the ris( of illness. >-rther, -nderstand ho6
health /ehaiors contri/-te to cardioasc-lar, a-toimm-ne and a-toimm-ne!li(e
disease, dia/etes, cancer, and other chronic diseases.
Atte$d'$"e Po(i")!
.eg-lar attendance at sched-led sessions is essential. )5cessie a/sences &#LL
hae an aderse effect on yo-r final grade and 6ill res-lt in 0) a grade red-ction, 2) a
re9-est that yo- 6ithdra6al from the co-rse, or ?) a failing grade. ,o6eer, if yo- are
sic( (feer, eff-sie cold or fl-, omiting or diarrhea, ongoing co-gh, etc.) please '3
@3T come to class. 3ne of the important aspects of learning a/o-t health care is
learning ho6 to decrease the incidence of comm-nica/le diseases. $lease consider
ho6 others may /ecome ill 6hen deciding 6hether or not yo- sho-ld come to class. #n
addition to /eing present, all st-dents are e5pected to actiely contri/-te to class
disc-ssions and actiities, as 6ell as to come to class prepared (preparation 6ill
generally /e operationally defined d-ring the prior class). St-dents missing class for
any reason are responsi/le for all information presented in their a/sence. Therefore, if
yo- are -na/le to attend class, it is yo-r responsi/ility to ac9-ire lect-re notes and
assignments from yo-r classmates.
Ai*$+e$t '$d Ex'+ Po(i")!
$apers and assignments 6ill /e s-/mitted 6hen d-e. %ny late assignments 6ill /e
red-ced one letter grade for )%C, day late. There are @3 e5ceptions and this 6ill /e
strongly enforced. )5ams 6ill /e gien as sched-led on the sylla/-s and e5ams 6ill /e
ta(en 6hen sched-led. 2nless a st-dent is serio-sly ill (as descri/ed a/oe) and can
doc-ment it, 6ith a note from the 'eanAs 3ffice, a physician, or the St-dent ,ealth
Center, yo- m-st ta(e the e5am as sched-led. $lease note that an airplane reseration
or a 4o/ interie6 is not an e5c-sa/le a/sence. There are no e5ceptions to this policyB
A"'de+i" Ho$et)!
The %cademic ,onesty $olicy states that integrity is a re9-irement for learning. The
2niersity:s policy is descri/ed in the SC2 Catalog. 'epending -pon the seerity of the
infraction, st-dents discoered cheating 6ill receie failing grades and8or /e dismissed
from the 2niersity. #n the present co-rse, plagiarism (either from a p-/lished a-thor or
a fello6 st-dent) constit-tes seere academic dishonesty. @ote: ;Lifting; direct
statements /y a-thors in 4o-rnal articles, in /oo(s, or on the #nternet is considered
plagiarism D yo- m-st -se yo-r o6n 6ordsB
Stude$t ,it- Di'bi(itie!
>or those 6ho hae or thin( that they may hae a disa/ility (learning, physical or
psychological), please contact Serices for St-dents 6ith 'isa/ilities at E00!EE0!0**1
or E00!EE0!0E20 as early as possi/le in the semester. .easona/le accommodations
may only /e offered to st-dents 6ith c-rrent (6ithin ? years) doc-mentation of the
disa/ility and to the e5tent that s-ch accommodation does not interfere 6ith the
essential re9-irements of a partic-lar co-rse or program.
3nce it is determined /y the 'irector of Serices for St-dents 6ith 'isa/ilities
(F'irectorG) that a st-dent 9-alifies for consideration for a reasona/le accommodation,
the 'irector 6ill /e in to-ch 6ith the st-dentAs professors in 6hose co-rses s-ch
accommodation is /eing re9-ested to disc-ss the instr-ctional essential re9-irements
of the partic-lar co-rse and the type of accommodation /eing so-ght /y the st-dent in
connection 6ith the co-rse. &ith this specific information related to the co-rse and the
doc-mentation of the st-dentAs disa/ility, the 'irector 6ill determine 6hat
accommodation, if any, can /e offered to the st-dent.
#n the eent that a st-dent does not initiate this process at the start of the semester or
at the start of his8her enrollment at Saint CosephAs, /-t at some point d-ring the
academic year 6ishes to re9-est e5tended time to ta(e e5aminations and8or an
e5amination in a distraction free enironment, s-ch re9-ests m-st /e disc-ssed 6ith
the 'irector a minim-m of t6o (2) 6ee(s prior to the sched-led date of the e5am. #n
addition, all st-dents re9-esting e5tended time to ta(e e5aminations in a distraction!
free enironment m-st complete the )5tended!Time .e9-est >orm, present it to the
professor a minim-m of one (0) 6ee( prior to the sched-led date for signat-re and
ret-rn the completed >orm to the 3ffice of Serices for St-dents 6ith 'isa/ilities three
(?) days prior to the date of the e5amination. >ail-re to follo6 these proced-res co-ld
res-lt in a denial of the re9-est as -ntimely. %ll other mid!semester re9-ests for
reasona/le accommodation sho-ld /e disc-ssed 6ith the 'irector as soon as possi/le.
A""o++od'tio$ .rie&'$"e Pro"edure /or Stude$t ,it- Di'bi(itie!
The 3ffice of Serices for St-dents 6ith 'isa/ilities 6ill see( to proide a reasona/le
accommodation to 9-alified st-dents 6ith disa/ilities. ,o6eer, there may /e times
6hen a disagreement as to 6hat is a reasona/le accommodation or as to the nat-re of
the reasona/le accommodation /eing proided 6ill occ-r /et6een the st-dent and the
2niersity. The st-dent has a right to file a grieance for complaints regarding a
re9-ested or offered reasona/le accommodation on the /asis of a disa/ility -nder
Section H01 and the .eha/ilitation %ct of 09*?, Title ## of the %mericans 6ith 'isa/ilities
%ct (%'%) and 2niersity policies.
#f yo- hae any 9-estions contact 'r. Chris Mec(e, 'irector, Serices for St-dents 6ith
'isa/ilities D "ellarmine D .oom +00 ! E00!EE0!0**1 or cmec(eIs4-.ed-
St-dents are enco-raged to disc-ss their instr-ctional (Freasona/le academic
ad4-stmentsG) and accommodation needs 6ith their professors. %ll st-dent re9-ests for
e5tended time to ta(e e5aminations in a distraction free enironment, m-st /e
disc-ssed 6ith the professor a minim-m of one 6ee( prior to the sched-led date of the
e5am= the st-dent m-st complete the )5tended!Time .e9-est >orm and o/tain the
professorAs approal= and s-/mit the form to the office D Serices for St-dents 6ith
'isa/ilities a minim-m of ? days prior to the date of the sched-led e5am. >ail-re to
follo6 these proced-res co-ld res-lt in a denial of the re9-est.
)5ceptions to e5am sched-les re9-ire prior 6ritten approal of the professor.
.r'di$* Po(i")!
>inal grades for the co-rse 6ill reflect the 2niersityAs J8! system. The follo6ing
re9-irements m-st /e attained for corresponding grades: %K9H!000, %!K90!91, "JKLL!
90, " L1!L*, "!KL0!L?, CJK*L!L0, CK*1!**, C!K*0!*?, 'JKEL!*0, 'KE1!E*, >KE? or
/elo6. $lease note: % grades are earned for Fe5ceptional performanceG only.
Coure Require+e$t '$d E&'(u'tio$ Pro"edure!
1.'(a&s 6407 o# #inal 8rade9 D T6o m-ltiple choice and essay format e5ams 6ill /e
gien as sched-led on the sylla/-s.
2.Psyhosoial $istory Plan 6207 o# #inal 8rade9 ! % detailed, psychosocial history of an
indiid-al, chosen /y yo-, 6ho has a chronic illness or disa/ility. This 6ill also incl-de
a detailed plan of care for this indiid-al incl-ding the -se of medical, social,
psychological, and economic reso-rces, and a 00!min-te oral presentation of findings.
This may /e done in small gro-ps (no more than ?). +rades 6ill /e /ased -pon yo-r
coerage in the a/oe areas and grading 6ill /e done -sing the scoring r-/ric on the
last page of this sylla/-s.
,.!eation Papers 6107 o# #inal 8rade9 ! >o-r reaction papers 6ill /e assigned d-ring
the semester. %ll papers m-st /e s-/mitted /y hardcopy in class. Mo- are responsi/le
for printing and s-/mitted yo-r papers in person. )mailed papers &#LL @3T /e
accepted, een if yo- are not in class that day. The target range sho-ld /e 2!1 pages.
+rades 6ill /e /ased -pon the comprehensieness of yo-r response and 6ill incl-de
the follo6ing: HKe5tensie response (%), 1Kela/orate response ("), ?K/asic response
(C), 2Kinade9-ate response ('), 0Kpoor response (>), 0Kfailed to s-/mit paper (no
4. :ehavioral +han8e ;ideo Presentation 6107 o# #inal 8rade9- )ach st-dent 6ill identify
one health!related /ehaior or practice that they 6o-ld li(e to change (e.g. stop
smo(ing, increase e5ercise, or improe diet) or 6or( on changing the /ehaior of
another person. The st-dent 6ill attempt to change the /ehaior oer the length of
the co-rse -sing (no6n /ehaioral change theories, practices, and concepts from
class. The /ehaioral change 6ill /e doc-mented and presented in a Mo-T-/e
ideo that 6ill /e sho6n in class. The ideo sho-ld /e no more than H!L min-tes
and address the points listed /elo6.
)ntry 0: &hat /ehaior 6o-ld yo- li(e to change and 6hyN
(#ncl-de a disc-ssion of impact on yo-r /iopsychosocial stat-s)
)ntry 2: List the steps that yo- 6ill ta(e to change the /ehaior.
)ntry ?: %pply a releant health theory or model to yo-r intended /ehaioral change.
)ntry 1: 'isc-ss s-ccess to date and oercoming o/stacles to change.
)ntry H: 'isc-ss s-ccess to date and facilitators to change.
)ntry E: 'isc-ss yo-r e5perience 6ith the /ehaior change, s-ccesses or set/ac(s.
'isc-ss modifications to the theory that yo- might ma(e /ased on yo-r e5periences.
H. C-rrent )ents (0H< of final grade) D )ach st-dent 6ill /e responsi/le for t6o
H!min-te, mini presentations8disc-ssions d-ring the semester.
D'te To#i" Re'di$*
T-es, %-g 2E Co-rse oerie6
Leading ca-ses of death O health indicators
Th-rs, %-g 2L 'ecide on health /ehaior change pro4ect Sperry 0
T-es, Sep 2 The "rain, )ndocrine System, #mm-ne Sperry 2
System connection=
#mpact of stress on chronic illness
Th-r, Sep 1 The "rain, )ndocrine System, #mm-ne Sperry ?
System connection=
#mpact of stress on chronic illness
Re'"tio$ 12Ho, doe tre '//e"t t-e bod)3
T-es, Sep 9 ,ealth 3/4ecties for the @ation Sperry 1
,ealth disparities= ,istory of the
disa/ility moement
(>'., 'orothea 'i5, )d .o/erts)=

Th-r, Sep 00 %mericans 6ith 'isa/ilities %ct Sperry HOE
Re'"tio$ 4-5-'t #o(i"ie -'&e bee$
de&e(o#ed to #rote"t #eo#(e ,it- di'bi(itie3
T-es, Sep 0E Stigma and $erceptions Sperry *OL
Corrigan 0
Th-rs, Sep 0L The @at-re of Chronicity O #llness Sperry 9
T-es, Sep 2? ,ealth "ehaior Theory Sperry 00
Re'"tio$ 6-Di"u ,-'t +ode( bet ex#('i$
t-e ex#erie$"e o/ #eo#(e ,it- di'bi(itie7
Th-rs, Sep 2H $reention O #nterention Sperry 00O02
Models and Theories of ,ealth
D'te To#i" Re'di$*
T-es, Sep ?0 $ersonality >actors in Chronic #llness Sperry 0?!0H
O ,ealth Corrigan 0?O01
Th-rs, 3ct 2 Caregiing D >amily O the patient Sperry 0E
Re'"tio$ 8-De"ribe t-e iue '$d o(utio$
/ro+ T-e .i'$t9 Houe7 Ho, did it e//e"t )our
t-ou*-t 'bout #eo#(e ,it- di'bi(itie3
Th-r, 3ct 9 Children and Chronic #llness Corrigan 1,00,02
T-es, 3ct 01 No C(' 2 F'(( Bre'k
Th-rs, 3ct 0E )5am
T-es, 3ct 20 $sychiatric #llnesses Corrigan 2O?
Th-rs, 3ct 2? $sychosocial ,istory $lans
T-es, 3ct 2L 3/esity Corrigan 9
Th-rs, 3ct ?0 $sychosocial ,istory $lans
T-es, @o 1 Cancer and .elated #ss-es Corrigan L
Th-rs, @o E $sychosocial ,istory $lans
T-es, @o 00 #nfectio-s 'iseases Corrigan EO*
Th-rs, @o 0? %nd the "and $layed 3n
T-es, @o 0L Mo/ility and $hysical 'isa/ility Corrigan H
Th-rs, @o 20 %nd the "and $layed 3n
T-es, @o 2H $rolonging Life= Terminal #llness Corrigan 00
Th-rs, @o 2* @o Class D ,appy Than(sgiing
T-es, 'ec 2 )5am .eie6 and Co-rse Completion
Th-rs, 'ec 1 Last Class
TBA Fi$'( Ex'+
$SMC,3S3C#%L %S$)CTS 3> C,.3@#C #LL@)SS %@' '#S%"#L#TM
>%LL 2001 ! '.. M. .3&)
3ral $resentations D $sychosocial ,istory $lan
Scoring: HK)5tensie Coerage8)5ceptional, 1K"road Coerage8Pery +ood,
?K"asic Coerage8+ood, 2KMinimal Coerage8>air, 0K#ncomplete8$oor
0) $-rpose of selecting topic QQQQQQQQ
2) #ntrod-ction to /ac(gro-nd of the indiid-al QQQQQQQQ
?) >actors a/o-t the illness8disa/ility QQQQQQQQ
1) $ersonality factors of the indiid-al QQQQQQQQ
H) >amily and social s-pport QQQQQQQQ
E) #ntrod-ction to $lan of action QQQQQQQQ
*) Medical sol-tions QQQQQQQQ
L) Social sol-tions QQQQQQQQ
9) )conomic sol-tions QQQQQQQQ
00) $ersonal sol-tions QQQQQQQQ
00) S-mmary8Concl-sions QQQQQQQQ
02) S-ggestions for additional information QQQQQQQQ
0?) Time management (no e5cess ram/ling) QQQQQQQQ
01) $reparation (not reading from papers or $o6er$oint slides) QQQQQQQQ
0H) $resentation Style QQQQQQQQ

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