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THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2014 Successful People Read The Post 4000 RIEL



WG Dunlop
Obama vowed yesterday
that the United States
would not be intimidated
by the beheading of a sec-
ond American reporter but
acknowledged the fight
against the jihadists would
take time.
Obama pledged that
justice would be served to
the Islamic State (IS) kill-
ers of 31-year-old reporter
Steven Sotloff, wherever
they hid and however long
it took.
But he warned that elim-
inating the threat posed to
the region by the group
from its bases in Iraq and
Syria would take time.
IS posted video footage
on the internet of Sotloffs
beheading confirmed as
authentic by Washington
which sparked outrage
around the world.
It said the journalists
Chan Muyhong
PRIME Minister Hun Sen
yesterday defended his gov-
ernment, saying its reputa-
tion for corruption is unde-
served, laying blame on the
private sector for initiating
the bribe process and call-
ing out international devel-
opment partners for apply-
ing double standards.
Speaking at the Eighth
Regional Conference of
Anti-Corruption Intiative
for Asia and the Pacific in
Phnom Penh, Hun Sen con-
ceded that corruption can
occur within government
ranks when it comes to
public spending, but when
business is involved, he
pointed the finger squarely
at the private sector.
Do not forget that the
private sector is the one
who pays bribes. If the pri-
vate sector does not bribe,
where does the official get
the money from? he
Hun Sen also called on
businesses to take up the
fight against corruption and
to be more transparent, as
government officials were
all too often wrongly
Sometimes, govern-
ment officials are only
there to be blamed, when
they did not receive any
bribes, he said.
Companies need to
keep a closer eye on staff
who may claim they need
extra cash to bribe an
official, when the money
justice for
Hun Sen
Kevin Ponniah
S THE Khmer Rouge
tribunal was mired in
budget woes last August
five months after
unpaid national staff walked out
on the job and weeks before they
would do so again David Schef-
fer, the UNs chief court fund-
raiser, travelled to four ASEAN
countries in search of money.
Visiting some of the blocs
wealthiest member states Bru-
nei, Indonesia, Malaysia and
Singapore Scheffer aimed to
drum up long-awaited funding
for the beleaguered UN-backed
court, its national side in par-
ticular, from regional donors.
My best judgment is that
these ASEAN governments are
considering financial support
for the ECCC [the tribunals for-
mal acronym], but the timing of
that support remains uncertain,
a hopeful Scheffer told the Post
after the trip not his first
Charity begins elsewhere
In the world of KRT donations, ASEAN members remain bit players
World News
Inside page 13
World losing Ebola battle
Apartment clutter
Ukrainian servicemen from the Kiev-1 Battalion show portable anti-tank guided missiles on Tuesday in the southeastern
town of Slavyansk after the materiel was discovered in the cellar of incomplete apartment block. AFP
STORY > 12
Job Announcement
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Persons with prior work experiencein Cambodiawill begiv-
en preference.
Passionateabout motorcycles.
Position is open only for Cambodians
Contact Detail
info@viparauto.asia, virat@viparauto.asia
Phak Seangly
A GROUP of 33 Cambodian
loggers has been charged and
put under pretrial detention
in Thailands Sa Kaeo province
after they illegally crossed the
border and logged luxury tim-
ber, the Post has learned.
The 33 loggers, all men aged
between 17 and 42, were ar-
rested when Thai authorities
caught them cutting Thai
rosewood in a protected for-
est on August 27. After arrest-
ing the loggers, Thai police
questioned them and sent
them to prison. They were
charged by the court late
last week, according to Neth
Saray, Cambodian consular-
general in Sa Kaeo.
Some evidence was found
and seized, such as chainsaws,
timber and axes, Saray said.
The consulate has provided
a defence lawyer to the men,
who come from Battambang,
Siem Reap, Kampot, Ban-
teay Meanchey and Oddar
Meanchey provinces.
In separate cases, seven
Cambodians arrested for il-
legal logging completed their
jail time last month and were
repatriated to Cambodia, ac-
cording to Touch Ra, deputy
director of the Choam Ksan
Cambodia-Thailand bor-
der checkpoint in Oddar
Meanchey province.
Ra added that another two
Cambodians had been ar-
rested in Thailand in the same
month as the 33: one for steal-
ing a motorbike and another
for logging,
They have been arrested
and jailed temporarily for
further investigation before a
hearing, Ra said.
The Bangkok Post reported
an additional 45 Cambodians
were caught illegally logging
rosewood in Sa Kaeo on Au-
gust 10. The suspects told Thai
police that they had been sent
to the protected forest by a
Cambodian military ofcial.
The Ministry of Foreign Af-
fairs could not conrm the
case yesterday.
Chin Piseth, deputy director
of the Cambodia-Thai Bor-
der Relations Ofce, said he
did not have a total gure for
Cambodians arrested or shot
in Thailand in 2014, as Thai-
land had not been providing
the data.
He added that he suspected
there was less timber in Thai-
land now, so Cambodian log-
gers cross less frequently.
Phak Seangly
A DAY after the first results
of the countrywide census of
foreigners were revealed, Inte-
rior Minister Sar Kheng yester-
day called on politicians to
reserve judgment.
So far some politicians have
criticised us . . . I think that this
is a premature assessment,
Kheng said in Phnom Penh.
The census is still being con-
ducted, so we do not know how
many legal and illegal migrants
there are. After finding out a
specific number well deal with
it with a responsible spirit and
in accordance with the law.
The census has already
resulted in a number of illegal
immigrants being deported.
Khengs comments came just
one day after officials in Ratan-
akkiri the first province to
have completed the census
said results revealed a major
drop in Vietnamese migrants
compared to the 2002 census.
One rights worker dismissed
the results as unbelievable,
while opposition lawmaker Mu
Sochua said she supported the
process but wanted the census
to be carried out with full
Dozens to be tried in
Thailand for logging
Dont judge census: Kheng
Death hole if Hun Sen stays
Meas Sokchea

IVIL society groups
had called on three
former prime minis-
ters to back their push
for term limits to be added to
the constitution, but only one,
a bitter rival of Prime Minister
Hun Sen, joined them yester-
day at the National Assembly
to launch the campaign.
Pen Sovann, who served
briey as Cambodias rst
prime minister following the
toppling of the Khmer Rouge
before being purged and
jailed in Hanoi, currently sits
in the National Assembly with
the opposition Cambodia Na-
tional Rescue Party.
He said the lack of term lim-
its had allowed Hun Sen to be-
come a dictator.
Our Khmer natural resourc-
es are now exhausted, because
he is a dictator and did not ask
for the opinions of lower-level
ofcials. If he remains in of-
ce, our Khmer country will
fall into a death hole, he said.
The push to impose a two-
term, or 10-year, limit on prime
ministers has been spearhead-
ed by election watchdog Com-
frel, which said yesterday that
it had collected petitions from
more than 1,000 civil society
representatives and politicians
supporting the endeavour.
This is just the rst step. We
will deliver these petitions to
the National Assembly presi-
dents, deputy presidents and
Samdech Prime Minister. And
especially we will send them
to all 123 lawmakers so all of
them know . . . that people
support this, Comfrel execu-
tive director Koul Panha said.
He added that the campaigns
aim was to persuade lawmakers
to support term limits before
constitutional amendments
are made in October for a new
National Election Committee.
The group had also invited
former prime ministers Ung
Huot and Prince Norodom Ra-
nariddh, but neither attended.
Ranariddh said yesterday
that while he supported term
limits, he was not optimistic
that the initiative would obtain
the required two-thirds par-
liamentary approval. In prin-
ciple, I support this, he said.
Ranariddh conrmed he
would not attend another
press conference on Septem-
ber 9 because the decision to
impose term limits would be
up to the political parties.
Huot could not be reached
yesterday, but according to
Comfrel, he will attend next
weeks event.
Former prime minister and current opposition lawmaker Pen Sovann speaks to the media at the National As-
sembly yesterday, after the launch of a campaign to limit prime ministers to two terms in ofce. HONG MENEA
Union leader says charges baseless
Mom Kunthear
ONE of six union leaders charged and
summonsed for questioning over a strike
that ended in government forces shooting
dead at least five people in January has
sent a message to authorities to hurry up
and get his hearing over with.
I want to tell them that I am not afraid
of this, Free Trade Union president Chea
Mony said. Its politically motivated. This
is very cheap behaviour.
Phnom Penh municipal judge Chea
Sokheang yesterday confirmed that he was
summonsing the leaders of six unions over
intentional violence and other charges stem-
ming from a nationwide minimum garment
wage strike in late December and January.
I already summonsed them for ques-
tioning for intentional violence with
aggravating circumstances, Sokheang said.
While the judge couldnt recall whom he
had ordered to appear in court, a clerk said
the list included Mony, Ath Thorn, Rong
Chhun, Pav Sina and Yang Sophorn.
On Tuesday, the Post obtained the sum-
mons sent to Sina, president of the Collec-
tive Union of Movement of Workers.
The summonses come months after the
Garment Manufacturers Association in
Cambodia (GMAC) filed a court complaint
on behalf of 170 factories.
Mony said he believed the Ministry of
Labour and GMAC were pushing to remove
the Kingdoms independent union presi-
dents from power.
Sophorn, president of the Cambodian
Alliance of Trade Unions (CATU), has not
yet received a court summons for ques-
tioning, said May Sopheaktra, CATUs
You could say that this summons is a
threat, but [union leaders] actions are not
theirs alone; they work for their mem-
bers, Sopheaktra said. She did not do
anything wrong, she is not afraid of
answering to the court.
Sophorn could not be reached.
Neither GMAC secretary-general Ken
Loo nor the Ministry of Labour could not
be reached for comment.
Sen David
TALKS between ofcials in
Preah Vihear province and
local villagers whose land is
in the way of a proposed do-
mestic airport hit some tur-
bulence on Tuesday, as ho-
meowners bristled over the
various forms of compensa-
tion being offered.
Local authorities in Preah
Vihear started measuring the
land of families living on the
defunct air eld in Preah Vi-
hear towns Palhal commune in
September. The purpose of the
meeting on Tuesday, attended
by ofcials from the provin-
cial government and the State
Secretariat of Civil Aviation
(SSCA), which owns the land,
was to come to an agreement
amenable to both parties, the
town said in a statement.
Oum Mara, the Preah Vihear
provincial governor, said that
the government presented two
options: a social land conces-
sion for the affected families,
or compensation for their
homes. He said that the pro-
vincial authorities will come to
measure more land next week.
We suggest them to wait
for [us to] measure clearly, he
As tourism continues to
grow, Cambodian aviation of-
cials have been looking at
redeveloping old airports all
over the country, but little in-
formation has been released
about the efforts. Soy Sokhan,
undersecretary of state at the
SSCA, said that he cannot dis-
close details of the airports
I cannot tell what time ex-
actly, because the big problem
is that the solution to the land
dispute with the villagers is not
nished, he said.
Sok Pov, 38, said the pro-
posed area is too far away,
some 20 kilometres. Its also
underdeveloped, he added,
with no infrastructure to
speak of. And the compensa-
tion of $1 per 1 square metre
isnt enough for him and oth-
ers to rebuild.
How can we take that mon-
ey to buy new land for living?
And the new village is in a wild
area; nothings there.
Lor Chan, a coordinator for
rights group Adhoc in Preah
Vihear, said the authorities
should be more transparent
about the project. Chan also
fears that the government
will, some time in the future,
abandon the airport idea and
simply give those lands to any
Fight or ight: Plan for
airport faces resistance
General in Interpols sights
Alice Cuddy and Tat Oudom

MILITARY general
and adviser to Deputy
Prime Minister Ke
Kim Yan who is want-
ed on suspicion of the double
murder of his mistress and their
daughter has been added to In-
terpols Wanted Persons list.
Major General Kim Marintha,
57, is suspected of carrying out
the premeditated murder of
his mistress, Va Dary, 27, and
their 6-year-old daughter, Kem
Thavichda, on February 15.
The badly decomposed bod-
ies of Dary and Thavichda were
found on March 20, dumped
in scrub land near Pech Nil in
Kampong Speu province.
Both Marintha and his son,
Kim Seng Rithy, 30, now ap-
pear on the red list of wanted
persons on the International
Criminal Police Organization,
or Interpol, website.
According to the website,
Marintha is charged with vol-
untary murder, while his son
is accused of hiding the bodies
and using illegal weapons.
Last month, Marinthas son-
in-law Chea Samnang, 34, was
arrested in Preah Sihanouk
province and ofcially charged
by the municipal court pros-
ecutor with being an accom-
plice to an intentional murder.
A joint task force has been in-
vestigating the case since mid-
March and, in the latest chapter
of its investigation, yesterday
raided the home of Marinthas
ex-wife, Eang Kanet.
When Kanet arrived at her
home in Phnom Penh yesterday
afternoon, she led police who
were stationed outside into the
property but stressed that she
and Marintha were divorced
and claimed that she had
not seen him for a long time.
After a lengthy examination
of the scene, police re-emerged
but had uncovered no new evi-
dence. But one police ofcial
who asked not to be named
told the Post that police be-
lieved that Marintha had been
a regular guest at the property.
Following the inspection,
Kanet refused to speak to re-
porters. Im not related to the
crime, she said.
Yesterdays action followed a
police raid last month of GST
Express Bus Company, one of
several businessess owned by
Marintha, where investigators
believe the murders took place.
James McCabe, director of
operations at the Child Pro-
tection Unit, said yesterday
that his team was continu-
ing to provide coordination
and support to the ongoing
A policeman enters a house during a search of the premises yesterday in Phnom Penh in connection to a
double murder involving a military general. KOAM CHANRASMEY
Pushed out
No warm
welcome for
ONKS and villag-
ers affected by land
disputes yesterday
chased a ruling Cambodian
Peoples Party politician out of
Wat Samaki Rainsy pagoda in
Phnom Penh after he shouted
at a monk.
According to Sieng Sovan-
nara, the chief abbot at the
pagoda, Sous Yara, a Preah
Vihear lawmaker, had come
to talk to villagers from his
province about their disputes.
But instead, he began
making speeches about the
Cambodia-Thai border and
other issues before getting
angry at a monk when he
asked him to talk about the
villagers concerns.
He was disrespecting the
monk, and regarding the
monk as not equal to him. So
people got angry and stood up
together, surrounding him,
Sovannara said, adding that he
quickly made his exit after that.
In a video posted on Face-
book, Yara could be seen
shouting at a monk.
Yara said he did not disres-
pect anyone and that monks
had incited villagers. PECH
Bus driver
in jail after
ofcer dies
Sen David
A CAMBODIAN border police
officer who also worked as a
bodyguard of Svay Riengs pro-
vincial Governor Chieng Am
was killed by a bus travelling
from Vietnam on Tuesday
night at a border crossing
near the main Vietnam-Cam-
bodia gate at Bavet, police
said yesterday.
The passenger bus, from
Vietnamese company Kumho
Samco Busline, instantly
killed 41-year-old police offic-
er Kong Sochea, said Ouk
Kunary, Svay Riengs deputy
traffic police chief.
At night the border police-
man was riding his motorbike
to work but the Vietnamese
bus crashed into him. He was
pronounced dead at the
scene, he said.
The driver, Houy Dam
Phoung Voung, 51, was driving
fast in the opposite direction
of the border officer, who was
making his way to work,
according to Kunary. After the
accident, the driver attempted
to flee on foot but passengers
helped arrest him.
He will be sent to court this
morning to be charged.
Thais want to talk energy
May Kunmakara
and Kevin Ponniah

HAILAND wants to re-
start talks with Cambo-
dia over the maritime
Overlapping Claims
Area contested for decades by
both countries, according to a
report in Thai media.
Negotiations over the 27,000
square kilometres of seabed in
the Gulf of Thailand, believed
to be rich in oil and gas, have
ebbed and owed in recent
years, depending on the Thai
government of the day.
Newly appointed Thai For-
eign Minister Tanasak Pati-
mapragorn visited Cambodia
on Monday and was joined by
Energy Ministry ofcials that
reportedly held talks with Cam-
bodian ofcials about the OCA,
the Nation reported yesterday.
This visit is regarded as
opening a new era for restart-
ing the talks about the overlap-
ping claims area, which have
been delayed for a long time,
said Kurujut Nakornthap, di-
rector-general of the Mineral
Fuels Department at the Thai
Energy Ministry.
He added that he was hopeful
Thailand which is running low
on petroleum reserves would
soon appoint a committee to
resume negotiations.
Meng Sachtheara, secretary
of state at the Ministry of Mines
and Energy, said that while the
ministry had yet to receive of-
cial contact from Thailand, it
would welcome new talks.
We didnt meet them when
they were in town. But we wel-
come them as we already have
our working group and techni-
cal experts ready to talk about
the deal, he said.
What is important for us to
talk about is how to develop the
area and what economic bene-
ts we are going to share. We are
not sure whether an agreement
will be reached quickly.
Resource extraction from the
OCA is widely expected to pro-
vide a huge windfall to both
A MoU to jointly explore the
area was signed in 2001 but
was shelved by a conservative
Thai government in 2009 when
deposed former prime min-
ister Thaksin Shinawatra was
named as an economic adviser
to Cambodia. Developments
appeared to take a positive turn
when Thaksins sister, Yingluck,
won ofce in 2011.
Since she was ousted in May
and the Thai military launched
a coup, Prime Minister Hun
Sen and Thai military leaders
have sought to embrace each
A view of a drilling platform off the coast of Thailand. The Thai and
Cambodian governments have begun talks in regards to the maritime
Overlapping Claims Area. BLOOMBERG
ASEAN members remain on the sidelines in KRT
Continued from page 1
attempt to raise funds in the region on
which he was accompanied by govern-
ment officials.
It is still uncertain. A year later, only
Malaysia has stepped up to the plate.
Its $50,000 contribution to the national
side in July brought total ASEAN con-
tributions to the court since its incep-
tion to just $74,331 (Thailand contrib-
uted the rest back in 2006). By
comparison, the court has spent more
than $216 million since 2006.
By way of comparison, Luxembourg,
a tiny country in Europe, has contrib-
uted more. And its not alone.
Other states that have individually
beat out the combined donations of
Cambodias nine ASEAN partners
include Japan, Australia, the US, the UK,
Germany, France, Sweden, Denmark,
Norway, the European Union, South
Korea, Canada, Denmark, Finland,
Netherlands, Spain, New Zealand,
India, Austria, Ireland and Belgium.
Though the Cambodian government
is responsible for funding the national
side, it has often relied on intervention
from foreign donors to avert financial
shortfalls and ensure staffers are paid.
Traditional donors Sweden and Nor-
way have stepped in on the govern-
ments behalf this year to cover second
and third quarter salaries for Cambo-
dian employees.
While many ASEAN states are still
developing countries with notable
exceptions, such as Singapore even
symbolic contributions from them have
been sorely lacking, said Youk Chhang,
director at the Documentation Center
of Cambodia, which researches Khmer
Rouge history. By largely failing to sup-
port the court after many years, he
added, ASEAN states have lent credence
to the notion that they still see human
rights as a Western concept and that the
supposed unity of the region extends
little beyond the economic sphere.
People all over the world feel respon-
sible. They feel an obligation to do this,
and thats what we want to see. And
these are Cambodias neighbours . . .
[They are] so insincere.
Chhang says he has lobbied officials
from ASEAN countries for years, but
they have ignored calls for help, citing
the blocs nonintervention principles,
despite many appeals also having been
made directly by the government.
This is not about Cambodia, its
about global issues. ASEAN cannot say
we cannot interfere with Cambodias
internal issues . . . No, genocide, crimes
against humanity are global issues . . .
So any means Im not demanding
money but any means ASEAN can
contribute would show political respon-
sibility to prevent genocide.
But in a region where human rights
are often protected on paper but not
in practice, and where many leaders
have checkered histories, ASEAN gov-
ernments have misgivings about sup-
porting this kind of judicial process,
analysts say.
Some ASEAN governments are wary
of endorsing a UN-backed human rights
process in their neigbourhood a prec-
edent that could come back to haunt
them, said John D Ciorciari, a Cambo-
dia observer at the Gerald R Ford School
of Public Policy at the University of
Michigan and co-author of Hybrid Jus-
tice, a recent book on the tribunal.
Some also have their own histories of
engagement with Cambodia.
After the fall of Democratic Kam-
puchea in 1979 and the installation of
a Vietnamese-backed government,
Singapore and Thailand backed resist-
ance forces that included the Khmer
Rouge on the Thai-Cambodia border.
Thailand also allowed ex-DK leaders
to use its soil as a safe haven until the
late 1990s.
However, Cambodians have no
desire to take a revenge position,
Chhang said. Scheffer, whose official
title is UN Secretary Generals Special
Expert on United Assistance to the
Khmer Rouge Trials, said last month
that he continues to lobby ASEAN dip-
lomats together with Cambodian gov-
ernment officials.
We knew from the beginning that it
will take time to orient ASEAN govern-
ments to the work of the ECCC, he said
in an email.
The Cambodian Government had
demonstrated a keen interest in obtain-
ing ASEAN financial support for the
Court, for which we at the United
Nations are grateful. Our joint efforts
are beginning to produce results, with
the all important contribution from
Malaysia. I remain hopeful that some
other ASEAN governments will follow
suit as soon as possible, and efforts
with these governments continue.
But while Scheffer said last year that
ASEAN funding was critical to the
future of the tribunal, he expressed
confidence that the donor base was
continuing to expand in other regions,
such as the Arab world.
So while ASEAN governments
remain very important targets for con-
tributing to the national budget of the
Court, other governments are also part
of the donor base.
But according to Ciorciari, donating
provides a relatively easy opportu-
nity for ASEAN to boost the credibility
of its own expressed commitment to
human rights.
The court has many problems, but
an ASEAN member is nonetheless ask-
ing for help to deal with some of the
most heinous crimes in Southeast Asian
history, he said.
Diplomatic representatives of Singa-
pore, Malaysia, Brunei, the Philippines
and Thailand did not respond to
requests for comment. The Myanmar
and Laos embassies could not be
reached, while a Vietnamese Embassy
spokesman declined to comment.
The Indonesian Embassys first sec-
retary Muhsinin Dolisada said Indo-
nesia was still considering whether
it would donate to the tribunal, and
said that since Scheffer visited Jakarta
last year, his country has been preoc-
cupied with elections, which took
place in April and July.
Whether [his request] is rejected or
accepted, we have not reached any
decision yet, Dolisada said.
The tribunals national side contin-
ues to seek financial support from
outside donors, including ASEAN
countries, to make up a budget short-
fall, according to Ek Tha, deputy direc-
tor of the press department at the
Council of Ministers.
Chhang believes ASEAN states still
have time to rethink how they see the
court. ASEAN has a great opportunity;
the door is still open and they should
not miss it . . . There is a role for ASEAN
that they have not yet fulfilled.
An audience watches statements being delivered at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia in Phnom Penh during
case 002 in 2011. Thailand and Malaysia are the only two ASEAN nations that have contributed to funding the ECCC. ECCC
Beef over bovine ends
in battering, bruising
AN ARGUMENT over bovine
babysitting left a testy resident
of Kandals Koh Thom district
bruised and battered on Monday
night. Police said the man was
drinking with a neighbouring
farmer when he asked the man
to pay him for looking after his
cows. When the farmer refused,
the man lashed out and
punched him in the face. The
farmer grabbed a nearby bam-
boo stick and hit the man three
times in the head. The police
arrived and arrested only the
farmer, who reportedly con-
fessed, saying he was furious at
the other man, who had hit him
Man wouldnt hit a guy
with glasses, just glass
THE mood at a party in Phnom
Penhs Chamkarmon district
was shattered on Tuesday
when a man smashed a glass
over the head of a rowdy
attendee. According to police,
the victim had sauntered up to
a pretty young woman and
asked to clink glasses with her.
She refused. Consumed with
anger and shame, the man
smashed his glass on the floor
and began arguing with her. A
friend of the young womans
took issue, however, smashing
his own glass over the victims
head. The cops showed up,
sent the victim to hospital and
questioned the attacker. KOH
Teen dealer reveals all
after cops haul him in
ONE alleged small-time dealer
led cops straight to two others
in Poipet town on Tuesday.
Police said they arrested a
16-year-old they had suspected
of dealing, finding a packet of
yama on him. He, in turn, spilled
the beans on two other dealers
who police arrested the same
day, finding nine packets of
yama and various parapherna-
lia. They reportedly confessed to
dealing in the area, but refused
to rat on their supplier. KOH
Curtains for cockfight
after police raid ring
THIRTEEN men proved quite
unlucky when cops in Battam-
bangs Mong Russey busted a
cockfight on Tuesday. The 13
were hauled in, and only one
cockfighting enthusiast, the
rings owner, managed to
escape in the fray. The owner
was reportedly paid $10 per
fight, with hundreds of dollars
in bets changing hands, lead-
ing to a host of social ills in the
area, police said. KOHSANTEPHEAP
Man pistol-whipped in
violent moto robbery
A SPUNKY man in Kandals
Takhmao town received a nasty
head wound after refusing to
fork over his moto on Tuesday.
Police said the man was at the
market when two others
approached, pretending to ask
for a motodop. One produced a
gun, however, and demanded
the mans moto. When he
refused, the gunman knocked
him unconscious with his pistol
and took the bike anyway. Police
are on the lookout for the sus-
Translated by Phak Seangly
Exciting opportunity on Australian Aid funded project
Excellent remuneration and conditions
Provincial location (to be determined)
URS has been appointed as the Implementing Service Provider for this Australian Aid funded
The Cambodia Community J ustice Assistance Partnership (CCJ AP) continues the support that
Australia has provided over the past 16 years in the criminal justice sector in Cambodia; the
assistance has moved from being donor-driven and institutionally focussed to an increasingly
community oriented and locally owned and administered program of support to provide communities
with equitable access to justice.
The aim of CCJ APis to provide safer communities for women, youth and children through less
crime. CCJ AP will work toward strengthening court and prison systems through more effective
management of pre-trial arrangements, use of non-custodial sentencing and improved prisons.
The Senior Provincial Program Ofcer will be responsible for working with RGC agencies and other
communities, civil society and private sector stakeholders at sub-national and commune levels
to plan and implement activities supporting the CCJ AP partnership themes and end-of-program
outcomes that align with the RGC Legal and Judicial Reform Strategy. The senior provincial
program ofcer will play an active role to support the provincial program ofcer in integration of
activities from a menu of options focusing on Crime Prevention and Community Safety into the
annual planning processes led by Provincial and District Coordinating Committees. The position
will also support capacity building planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.
To be successful in this role, candidates must have:
A minimum of 5 years experience in a leadership role on a multidisciplinary team in a
complex project management environment in Cambodia.
Familiarity with the RGC National Strategic Development Plan, Legal and Judicial Reform
Understanding of the current Decentralisation and Deconcentration (D & D) reforms and
the NCDDS 3-year Implementation Plan (IP3).
You must be eligible to work in Cambodia to apply.
For further information on this role and to apply go to http://www.ap.urscorp.com/
InternationalDevelopment/ProjectRecruitment and enter the job code 633.
Applications close 21
September, 2014
Enquiries can be directed to internationaldevelopment@urs.com
Australian Aidmanaged by URS on behalf of the Australian Government
URS is an equal opportunity employer of choice and is committed to child protection.
We encourage women and men to apply.
Cambodia Community Justice Assistance Partnership
Senior Provincial Program Adviser
Major Cineplex is the largest cinema in Thailand and
currently we have more than ve hundred screens. We
are now looking for talented and dynamic people who
can generate and execute ideas to build truly competitive
advantages to make our company outstanding.
Marketing Manager
*Number of hiring: 1 based in Phnom Penh
*J ob Responsibilities:
Modify, Check and adjust POSM solution to increase 1.
accuracy and reduce management time.
Manage strategic plan activity to support cinema 2.
branding through all prospects.
Analyze the effective cinema branding activity to 3.
nd for the better solution
Coordinate with sponsor provide add up benet 4.
to loyalty and regular customer on special events
and promotions. Also nd sponsor to add up to
Plan every budget spending to maximize the 5.
contribution to reach strategic goal
Build up and maintain a good relationship with 6.
press, stars, producer, distributor and corporate
Perform other related duties as required 7.
Hold bachelor degree or Master degree in -
Marketing or related eld
Minimum three years experiences -
Ability to work in longer and exible hour -
Strong communication skill with a wide variety of -
organizations/ companies
Ability to lead and to contributes to the team -
English literacy is a must -
Interested candidate please submit CV and cover letter
with a recent photo to #35-37, Street 214, Sangkat
Beung Raing, Khan Daun Penh, Phnom Penh or via
Deadline for submission: 15 September, 2014
More brides
on way home
Laignee Barron

WO women who were
trafcked as brides to
China are scheduled
to arrive home today
after an anonymous donor
read of their plight in the Post.
The victims, a 17-year-old
and a 24-year-old, escaped
abusive men they were forced
to wed, but then found them-
selves stuck at the Cambodian
Embassy in Beijing, as their
penniless families were unable
to front $400 plane tickets.
Three weeks after the embassy
procured legal documents for
their return, the women still
had no way out.
Their benefactor learned of
the predicament, common
among escaped trafcking
victims in China, after reading
about two pregnant, teenage
cousins that last month told
the Post they had resorted to
sleeping on city sidewalks be-
cause of a lack of consular as-
sistance and funding home.
I realised it didnt matter
which two victims I helped,
there were still 21 needing
ights, the donor said.
The women returning today
are the fth and sixth victims
to be repatriated in the last
two weeks. Rights group Ad-
hoc said that 15 others await-
ing airfare will be funded this
month or next, but the num-
ber of victims keeps growing.
I got calls from another three
victims who cannot escape
abusive families in China. One
of the women said the family
detained her and is torturing
her, said Chhan Sokunthea of
Adhoc, adding that she would
forward the complaints to the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The ministry yesterday post-
ed on its website the phone
numbers for all embassies and
consular ofces in China
Koy Kuong, Foreign Minis-
try spokesman, could not be
reached for comment but re-
leased a statement about two
victims from Kampong Cham
who had sought help with di-
vorce and legal papers from the
embassy in Beijing only to be
redirected to the consulate in
Shanghai. Without explanation,
the women returned to the men
they were sold to and told the
consulate they would handle
the matter themselves. ADDITION-
KPPM dissidents trial to begin
Alice Cuddy
dissident who has been labelled
a terrorist by the government
will face charges of treason at
the Phnom Penh Municipal
Court later this month.
Sourn Serey Ratha, the self-
exiled leader of the Khmer Peo-
ple Power Movement (KPPM),
will be put on trial on September
18 to face charges ranging from
treason to incitement to com-
mit a crime, according to a court
summons obtained this week.
Defence lawyer Sok Sam
Oeun said the court had com-
bined two cases against Serey
Ratha; one involving T-shirts
bearing anti-election slogans
and the other regarding flowers
and leaflets that allegedly
encouraged a military coup.
Serey Ratha, who is currently
in Thailand meeting with mem-
bers of the KPPM, said he will
not attend the trial. The dissi-
dent added that he will attempt
to register a political party, the
Khmer People Power Party,
ahead of the court date.
Paperwork will be finished
this week and my team will
[submit it] . . . before 15th Sep-
tember, he said by email.
Stars, stripes and petitions
Villagers from Kampong Chhnang and Phnom Penh stand in front of the US Embassy in Daun Penh district
yesterday to submit a petition calling for resolutions to various land disputes. ELI MEIXLER
Indicative Exchange Rates as of 3/9/2014. Please contact ANZ Royal Global Markets on 023 999 910 for real time rates.
To SE Asia tours, Chinese say no
HINAS biggest on-
line travel agency is
offering a 30 per cent
discount on trips
to Southeast Asias beaches
and malls. The Chinese arent
buying it.
Singapore, Malaysia and
Thailand are traditionally the
favourite tourism route for the
Chinese, said Jiang Haibin,
a public affairs manager at
Ctrip.com International Ltd.
This year, that route was af-
fected a lot.
Chinese travellers have been
deterred by political violence
and the mysterious disap-
pearance almost six months
ago of a Malaysia Airlines
plane bound for Beijing. Ter-
ritorial skirmishes with the
Philippines and Vietnam have
also hurt intergovernment
relations, while Singapore, a
transit hub and stopover for
those travelling around in
the region, said China arriv-
als dropped 30 per cent in the
rst six months of the year.
Visitors from China made up
a 10th of all arrivals to the re-
gion in 2012, threatening an in-
dustry that employs millions in
Southeast Asia and contributes
billions of dollars to the regions
gross domestic product.
Chinese travellers have been
the fastest-growing tourism
market for the 10-member As-
sociation of Southeast Asian
Nations, accounting for the
majority of the increase over
the past decade, according to
Chua Hak Bin, an economist at
Bank of America Merrill Lynch.
The Philippines has seen
visitor growth from China
slow amid disputes between
the two countries in the South
China Sea. That was even be-
fore authorities in the South-
east Asian nation announced
on Tuesday a plot by a group
called USAFFE to strafe Chi-
nese-linked establishments in-
cluding the nations embassy.
The economic relationship
between China and Southeast
Asia has spanned centuries
and extends beyond tourism
to trade and investment. China
was the largest trading partner
of ASEAN last year, with the
bloc importing more from the
regions No 1 economy than it
exported to it.
For Malaysia, the impact of
the March 8 disappearance
of Flight 370 has been com-
pounded by the kidnapping
of Chinese nationals visiting
and working in the country.
Malaysias tourist arrivals from
China dropped 32 per cent in
May from a year earlier, after a
20 per cent decline in April.
About two-thirds of those on
board the Malaysian Airline jet-
liner that vanished were from
China. Bookings from China
dropped 50 per cent to 60 per
cent after the loss of MH370.
Thailand attracted 342,547
visitors from China in July, a 25
per cent drop from the same
period a year earlier, accord-
ing to data from the Ministry of
Tourism and Sports. Travellers
from China accounted for 18
per cent of total visitors to Thai-
land that month, compared
with 21 per cent a year earlier.
The decline in visitors since
the army seized power in a
May 22 coup has been more
severe in the capital Bangkok.
In the seven months ended
July, the number of travellers
from China visiting Bangkok
fell 35 per cent, compared with
a 21 per cent drop nationwide.
For now, Southeast Asias loss
is Japans gain. Visitors from
China doubled in July from
a year earlier, and more are
heading to Australia, the US
and Italy, tourism data show.
Thailands hotel revenue
per available room fell 15 per
cent in July, while Malaysias
declined 11 per cent. In con-
trast, Osakas hotel revenue per
available room jumped 20 per
cent in the same period, while
Tokyos climbed 9 per cent.
Ties between China and fel-
low communist nation Viet-
nam cooled after a Chinese
oil rig was placed off Vietnams
coast in May. It led to deadly
anti-Chinese riots in Vietnam
where protesters damaged
factories and halted produc-
tion lines.
Chinese visitors accounted
for more than a fth of Viet-
nams foreign arrivals in July,
even as their numbers dropped
by 29 per cent compared with
a year earlier.
Indonesia may be an excep-
tion. Theres no sign of a down-
turn there, where the beaches
and culture of Bali island are the
most popular draw. The num-
ber of Chinese tourists visiting
the worlds largest archipelago
rose 22 per cent in the rst six
months of 2014, with a spike in
arrivals during the Lunar New
Year holiday in January and
Tourists and locals visit the Wat Phrathat Doi Suthep temple in Chiang Mai, Thailand. BLOOMBERG
THREE-MONTH visa fee waiver for
Chinese and Taiwanese tourists is
expected to help boost international
tourist arrivals in Thailand after a 10
per cent fall in the first seven months
of this year from political uncertainty.
The visa fee exemption for the two
markets became effective on August 9
and lasts until November 8.
The Tourism Council of Thailand
(TCT) anticipates more tourists arriving
from August. Arrivals this month are
expected to drop only 4 per cent,
slightly below the 1.99 million visitors
that came in the same month last year.
We strongly believe that Chinese
arrivals in Thailand will return to a
positive growth in September after
falling 21 per cent in the first seven
months of this year. It fell the most in
June at more than 40 per cent, said
TCT vice president Thanate Vorasaran.
It is the low tourism season now.
Most key source markets for Thai
tourism are sluggish but the fee waiver
should help pull back the overall tourist
arrivals during the period, he added.
In the first seven months, Chinese
arrivals to Thailand totalled 2.21
million while the overall international
tourist arrivals fell 10 per cent to 13.6
million. Taiwanese tourist arrivals fell
32 per cent to 202,610. BANGKOK POST
Business breeds bribes: PM
Continued from page 1
is more likely to go into that
staff members own pocket,
the premier added.
Preap Kol, executive director
of Transparency International
Cambodia, said yesterday that
while the private sector does
have a role in ghting cor-
ruption, it quite often has no
choice if it requires govern-
ment services.
We cannot completely
blame it on the private sec-
tor; the government holds a
bigger responsibility in anti-
corruption than the private
sector does, because they are
the one who have the admin-
istrative power to set regula-
tions and practices that can
ensure a clean business envi-
ronment, he said.
Te Taing Por, president of the
Federation of Associations for
Small and Medium Enterpris-
es of Cambodia (FASMEC),
said yesterday that it was im-
possible for the private sector
to avoid corruption.
There is not any mecha-
nism from the government
to simplify processes regard-
ing public service for us as
the companies, he said. We
have to pay extra fees for of-
cials to follow the paper
process or else it will not hap-
pen, he added.
It wasnt just the private
sector in the prime ministers
sights yesterday internation-
al development agencies were
also called out.
Citing the cases of IMF
chief Christine Lagarde, un-
der investigation for fraud
over a 2008 case relating to
her time as Frances nance
minister, and former World
Bank president Paul Wolfow-
itz, who resigned in 2007 fol-
lowing a hefty pay raise for
his bank-employed mistress,
Hun Sen warned the ADB to
be wary of corruption in its
own ranks.
I do hope that the ADB will
not damage its reputation
like the IMF and the World
Bank, he said.
The prime minister also
called on the ADB to help set
a standard across corruption
indexes, which he said unfair-
ly rank Cambodia and are not
factually based.
Sometimes it is too much.
Being an international organi-
sation, you come and defame
a countrys reputation, he
said, without naming any spe-
cic organisation. Will they
[a sovereign nation] be willing
to accept it? A state with sover-
eignty will not accept it.
Citing Transparency Inter-
national as an organisation
that has strong standards
behind its evaluations, San
Chey, country network co-
ordinator of the Afliated
Network for Social Account-
ability (ANSA) Cambodia,
said it was just a matter of the
organisations meeting with
the government and explain-
ing how they work.
Actually, they have their
own evaluation tools. I think
the government, the ACU
[the governments Anti-Cor-
ruption Unit] and Transpar-
ency International should sit
down together and look at
the evaluation tools to avoid
pointing the nger at each
other, he said.
Prime Minister Hun Sen delivers a speech at a conference on corruption yesterday in Phnom Penh. Hun Sen
deected criticism of corruption within his government, laying the blame on the private sector. VIREAK MAI
Agriculture, manufacturing,
banking and real estate will be
among the key business sectors
discussed at the upcoming
International Business Chamber
of Cambodia (IBC) Investment
The conference will bringtogether
senior government ministers, top
economists and business leaders
in Phnom Penh on October 6

and 7th.
Cambodias Prime Minister H.E.
Techo Hun Sen will deliver the
conferences opening address on
the morning of October 6
The keynote speech, delivered by
Donald Kanak, the chairman of
Prudential Corporation Asia,
aleading sponsor of theconference,
will be followed by two panel
discussions moderated by the
renowned Wall Street Journal
columnist Andrew Browne.
Government ministers attending
the event include Cambodias
Minister of Commerce H.E Sun
Chanthol, Education Minister H.E.
Hang ChuonNaron and Minister
of Posts & Telecommunication
(MPTC)H.E. PrakSokhonn.
Those wishing to register for
the IBC Investment conference
should visit the IBCs website at
Sponsored by IBC
BAIDU Inc, Chinas biggest
search engine, is challeng-
ing the countrys No 1 e-
commerce company, Alibaba
Group Holding Ltd, by adding
services that help shoppers
nd retail stores and retrieve
product information.
Baidu agreed to invest in
mapping company Indoor-
Atlas Ltd, which allows us-
ers to nd their way through
malls and ofce buildings, the
companies said yesterday.
The search operator also
unveiled a headset that can
delivers product information
to shoppers and a mobile
service that makes it easier
for consumers to nd nearby
IndoorAtlas is the worlds
rst location service using
magnetic anomalies inside
buildings to pinpoint indoor
locations, with results that
are accurate to less than three
metres, or about 10 feet, ac-
cording to its website. Baidu
invested $10 million in the
Finnish company, valuing it at
about $40 million to $50 mil-
lion, a person familiar with the
matter said, asking not to be
identied as the details arent
Baidu eyes
of Alibaba
Newmont seal Indonesia deal
ant Newmont has
reached a tentative
agreement with
the Indonesian government
that should allow it to resume
exports after they were halted
due to controversial restric-
tions on mineral shipments,
reports said yesterday.
The company stopped ex-
porting copper from its huge
Batu Hijau mine in central
Indonesia in January when
Southeast Asias top economy
introduced the new regula-
tions. They include a ban on
exports of some unprocessed
minerals, and higher taxes on
others that can still be shipped
out of the country, and are an
example of recent economic
policies dubbed resource na-
tionalism by critics.
Copper concentrate, a par-
tially processed product that
is a major export for Newmont
and its US peer Freeport-Mc-
MoRan, was exempt from the
ban but the companies still
faced paying the new, higher
taxes on shipments.
However, Newmont refused,
saying that the levies conict
with its original agreements
to operate in Indonesia, and
stopped exports.
In June it ceased production
at Batu Hijau after its stores
lled up, and a month later
led an international arbitra-
tion claim against Jakarta over
the regulations.
However, late last month
it dropped the claim after a
breakthrough in talks and
late on Tuesday reached a
tentative deal that should
soon allow it to resume ex-
ports, reports said.
We have reached an agree-
ment with the government,
the head of Newmonts Indo-
nesian unit, Martiono Hadian-
to, was cited as saying in the
Jakarta Post daily.
He said that once a letter
relating to exports was led
with the trade ministry, New-
mont would be able to re-
sume shipments.
R Sukhyar, the energy min-
istrys director general of min-
erals and coal, told Dow Jones
Newswires that a deal had been
reached and said the company
had agreed to pay higher ex-
port taxes and royalties.
Freeport-McMoRan also
halted exports from Indone-
sia after locking horns with
the government over the new
regulations but resumed ship-
ments last month after striking
a new deal. AFP
Newmont Nusa Tenggara trucks haul raw earth materials in the Batu Hijau copper mine site, in Indonesias
West Nusa Tenggara province. Newmont has announced that an agreement has been reached with the
Indonesian government that will allow the rm to resume exports. AFP
Paid advertisement
The management of Phnom Penh Sugar would like to set the record
straight about the companys operations in Kampong Speu-
The Phnom Penh Sugar Company has received 9312 hectares of land at
Kampong Speu which was mostly waste land being used for unsustainable
charcoal creation. The Company has developed the land to create a successful
sugar plantation that provides gainful employment and modern agricultural
techniques to the local population there. The company also provides a
thriving community with business opportunities for others. The amount of
land leased to Phnom Penh Sugar is within the letter of the Cambodian law.
Phnom Penh Sugar has invested more than USD $200 million building a
sugar reining facility at its plantation in Kampong Speu. The development
of the site has included a state-of-the-art reinery, a thriving community with
stand-alone businesses and markets, 400km of roads, 90km of electricity
transmission lines, 5000m3 per day of clean water, a school and a dam.
Phnom Penh Sugar is engaging and has been engaging in direct dialogue
with the villagers at Kampong Speu to discuss claims that are being made by
outside entities - including those made by NGO Equitable Cambodia.
The Phnom Penh Sugar Company employs approximately 5000 people
at its sugarcane plantation and sugar reining facility at Kampong Speu.
The company funds specialist training programs for Cambodian workers
to ensure the transfer of skills for a newly developing sugar industry in
Cambodia as well as sugarcane planting skills in the community.
The Phnom Penh Sugar Company plantation has been developed to supply
the domestic market and to reduce the amount of sugar being imported
from neighboring countries. Eighty per cent of Phnom Penh Sugars output
is bought locally.
Phnom Penh Sugar is wholeheartedly committed to assisting with the continued
development of the Kingdom of Cambodia (as evidenced by the companys
investment and actions); recent reports by local and international parties would
have Cambodians and international institutions think otherwise.
Phnom Penh Sugar would like to assure all readers that the company only has the
interests of the Kingdom of Cambodia in mind.
ANA, Lufthansa form
freight partnership
ANA Holdings Inc and
Deutsche Lufthansa Ag, both
partners in the Star Alliance
network of airlines, formed a
venture to cooperate on cargo
in routes connecting Japan
and Europe. ANA received
antitrust immunity for the
venture from the Japanese
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure
and Transport, the two airlines
said on the website of the
Asian carrier. With the
partnership, ANA and
Lufthansa Cargo can jointly
manage planning, pricing,
sales and handling on all
routes between Japan and
Indonesian minister is
suspected of corruption
INDONESIAS energy minister
was yesterday named a
suspect in a corruption case,
the third member of the
Cabinet to become embroiled
in a graft scandal in recent
times. Jero Wacik stands
accused of extortion of state
funds and abuse of power, and
is suspected of swelling his
ministrys budget by almost
$850,000 through illicit
activities, the powerful anti-
corruption agency said. These
included collecting kickbacks
and claiming money for
arranging fictitious meetings,
said Widjojanto. AFP
Opportunity cost
costs poor
states $1T
ORRUPTION, fraud and
money-laundering cost
poor countries a total of
$1 trillion a year, the anti-pov-
erty organisation ONE said in a
study released yesterday.
The group, founded by U2
singer Bono, said the misuse
of funds resulted in $38 billion
to 64 billion a year in uncollect-
ed taxes alone. This cost 3.6
million lives a year that could
be saved if the money were
wisely invested, ONE said.
It is nothing short of a
trillion-dollar scandal, said
the report.
To put the $1 trillion in
perspective, ONE said that
it was equivalent to the an-
nual prots all the 86 biggest
publicly quoted companies in
the world. It blamed the loss
on a web of corrupt activity
that involves shady deals for
natural resources, the use of
anonymous shell companies,
money-laundering and illegal
tax evasion. Massive sums are
being taken out of develop-
ing countries own budgets
and economies, preventing
them from nancing their own
ght against extreme poverty,
disease, and hunger. AFP
Halliburton pays $1.1B for spill
agreed to pay $1.1
billion to settle a
majority of lawsuits
that were brought against the
rm over its role in the largest
offshore oil spill in US history.
The agreement is subject to
court approval and includes
legal fees, the Houston-based
company said on Tuesday.
Halliburton was accused by
spill victims and BP Plc of do-
ing defective cementing work
on the Macondo well before
the April 2010 Gulf of Mexico
oil spill. Halliburton blamed
the incident on decisions by
BP, which owned the well.
The settlement comes as the
judge overseeing oil-spill cases
weighs fault for the disaster.
An agreement now averts the
companys risk of a more cost-
ly judgment for some spill vic-
tims and removes much of the
uncertainty that has plagued
Halliburton for the past four
years as investors waited to see
the payout tally. With its big-
gest piece of liability resolved,
Halliburton can refocus its at-
tention on developing new oil-
eld technology that will help
it boost prots worldwide.
The settlement represents
the most signicant payout
yet for Halliburton from the
explosion aboard the Deepwa-
ter Horizon drilling rig, which
killed 11 workers and caused
millions of barrels of oil to spill
into the Gulf. The accident
sparked hundreds of lawsuits
against London-based BP, Hal-
liburton and Vernier, Switzer-
land-based Transocean Ltd,
the rigs owner.
Transocean settled some
claims for $1.4 billion last year,
while BP has paid more than
$28 billion and faces poten-
tially tens of billions more.
Tuesdays agreement doesnt
resolve certain state lawsuits
that have been led against
Halliburton, which has taken
a $1.3 billion reserve for costs
related to the incident, ac-
cording to a July 25 earnings
statement. Halliburton said
it has incurred legal fees and
expenses of about $294 mil-
lion, with $263 million of this
reimbursed or expected to be
covered by insurance.
The settlement will be paid
into a trust in three install-
ments during the next two
years until all appeals have
been resolved. A certain level of
claimants must participate in
the settlement or Halliburton
can terminate it. The company
didnt immediately respond to
a request for comment on the
terms of the agreement.
Halliburton rose 0.7 per
cent to $68.06 at 9:16 am in
New York, before the start of
regular trading in US mar-
kets. The shares have gained
33 per cent this year before
EU nes
rms for
THE EU yesterday fined Infin-
eon, Philips and Samsung 138
million ($181 million) for form-
ing a smartcard chip cartel in
Europe in its latest anti-trust
case against technology firms.
The German, Dutch and
South Korean rms colluded
through bilateral contacts
that took place in the period
between September 2003 and
September 2005, the Euro-
pean Commission said in a
Japans Renesas was granted
immunity for revealing the
cartels existence.
Inneon was ned 82.7
million, Philips 20.1 million,
and Samsung 35.1 million,
with the latter having its pen-
alty reduced by 30 per cent
for having cooperated with
They discussed and ex-
changed sensitive commer-
cial information on pricing,
customers, contract negotia-
tions, production capacity or
capacity utilisation and their
future market conduct. The
companies in our view knew
that their conduct was ille-
gal, said Joaquin Almunia,
the commissions vice presi-
dent. AFP
Oil washes ashore in Orange Beach, Alabama, on June 19, 2010. Halliburton has agreed to pay $1.1 billion to
settle lawsuits regarding the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill. BLOOMBERG
Catholic Relief Services (CRS) was founded in 1943 by the United
States Conference of Catholic Bishops to assist the poor and
disadvantaged. CRS returned to Cambodia in 1991 and currently
works in the sectors of Health, Education, and Sustainable
Livelihoods, with approximately 20 local partners. CRS ofce
is located in Phnom Penh. CRS Cambodia is the hub ofce for
Southeast Asian programming, including Myanmar, Thailand and
other outreach countries.
CRS Cambodia Country Programiscurrently looking for Local or
International Insurance Company to provide insurance package for
CRS Cambodia staff and families as per below:
Outpatient 1. and includes:
Eye glasses up to $70 per year (staff and family members)
Dental care (teeth removing, planting and treatment)
Health checkup(annual, for staff and family members)
Vaccination (please state name of vaccine offering)
Extend coverage territory to include VN, Thailand, also provide
options withinother Asian Countries.
(CRS staff: 28, Dependent: 62 = Total 90)
Inpatient 2. Hospitalization and includes:
Maternity coverage for female staff and wife of staff (only)
required to be insured after 90 days for new staffs.
Extend coverage territory to include VN and Thailand, also
provide options within other Asian Countries.
(CRS staff: 28, Dependent: 62 = Total 90)
Group Personal Accident 3. (staff only: 28)
Worldwide coverage territory
Travel insurance (staff only: 28) 4.
Worldwide coverage territory
Note: Two years contract period to be considered
CRS Cambodia wishes to invite all qualied Insurance Company to
contact our ofce at the address below to receive Bid Document
(this document is available for free of charge).
Deadline: by September 10, 2014 before 3pm with bid in
sealed envelope to CRSCambodia, # 14, Street 278, Sangkat Boeung
Keng Kang I, Khan Chamkar Morn, PhnomPenh, Cambodia.
For bid document, please contact Mr. Voung Sophat,
Procurement Ofcer, at Sophat.voung@crs.org or
tel: 023-211-165.
Invitation for Bid
GOODHILL Enterprise (Cambodia) Co Ltd, a Singapore-based sales and
distribution company with operations in Cambodia since 1993, currently seeking
dynamic, self-motivatedanddedicatedcandidatesto joinour teamandcontributeto
driveour businessforward.
Business Development Manager
Key Responsibilities
To actively distribute and increase sales and market share of the assigned
To plan, organizeandexecutesalesandmarketingactivities.
To lead, direct and supervise group of sales to achieve sales and collection
To provide quality coverage with minimum Retail Performance Standard
expectedfromthecoveredstoreviaprofessional andexcellent level of customer
servicefor existingandnew customers
To manageanddeliver all KPIsset andreview processesregularly
To maintain efcient /healthy stock level at all time and supervise the monthly/
annual stock count
To submit monthly report, annual businessplanandbudget, andother information
as and when required by the company/principal
To follow up/visit the provincial distribution dealers established, if any, as and
To ensure business is at protability level

Job Requirements
Bachelor degree with good communication skill and computer prociency.
Self-drivenandableto work independently withintheset framework
Result Orientedandcommitment to work.
At least 5yearsexperienceinsales
Sales & Marketing Manager
Key Responsibilities
To lead, direct andsuperviseagroupof Sales teamto achieveCompany Sales
To Establish both distribution and merchandising goals, manage all delivery
KPIsandreview processesregularly
To ensureproper implementationof sales, marketingandpromotionprogramsto
achievethehighest in-storevisibility andsales
To developnew productsto increasebusinessscale
To developannual marketingplan
To participateintheBusinessPlanandBudgetingprocess
To Updatemonthly report for ManagingDirector
Job Requirements
Bachelor degree with good communication and computer prociency
Self-drivenandableto work independently withintheset framework
Result Orientedandcommitment to work
At least 4yearsexperienceinsales& marketing

Closing Date: 15 September 2014
We are offering a competitive remuneration package, attractive long-termcareer
prospects and the opportunity to work in a friendly, exciting and challenging
environment. Interested candidates areinvited to apply by sending Resumeor CV
attached with cover letter, present/ expected salary and a recent photograph to the
contact below:
No 214-218, Sihanouk Boulevard, Boeng Kengkang II, Chamkamon, Phnom Penh,
Tel: 023 0 217 888 Or Email: personnel@goodhill.com.kh Attn: Mr Sok Bunty
job announcement
Individual Internatonal consultant and assistant consultant
The Natonal Accountng Council (NAC) has obtained the funds from the 1.
Ministry of Economy and Finance to implement the capacity building for a
number of selected local universites in internatonal Financial Reportng
Standards (IFRSs). The Program will support the implementaton of some of
the key policy recommendatons that are derived from the Financial Sector
Development Strategy 2011-2020.
The development objectve of the Program is to improve the quality and 2.
capacity relatng to IAS/IFRS for lecturers in universites in Cambodia to
implement the standardized IFRS curriculum in their respectve universites,
which is part of the implementaton of Financial Sector Development
Strategy 2011-2020 of the Royal Government of Cambodia.
Based on the ROSC report and the recent survey jointly conducted by the 3.
Natonal Accountng Council and the Kampuchea Insttute of Certed Public
Accountants and Auditors in 2013 found an urgent request for the training of
the full version of IFRS with emphasis on the latest updates of a number of
important standards is needed.
Therefore, The Natonal Accountng Council (NAC) of the Ministry of Economy 4.
and Finance (MEF) is looking for the following:
One (1) Internatonal consultant who should possess the following 1)
Must be at least a Master Degree in Accountng and/
or nance from recognized universites and/or Certed
Public Accountant from an internatonally recognized
accountng bodies;
Aminimumof sevenyears working experiences withIFRS/IAS;
A minimum of seven years internatonal experiences in
training and consultancy relatng to IFRS/IAS;
Excellent verbal and writen communicaton in English
used as the working language.
One (1) assistant consultants who should have the following 2)
Cambodian natonal
At least a Master Degree in Accountng, nance and/or
relevant eld from recognized universites.
Familiarity with IFRS/IAS
A minimum of 5 years of experiences in training and/or
teaching at University level
Understanding of accountng profession in Cambodia
Excellent verbal and writen communicaton in English and
Khmer used as the working language.
The services for both positons are expected to contnue through 5.
approximately feen (15) working days, startng from 11 December 2014
and ending by 31December 2014. The Internatonal consultant and Assistant
Consultants will be based at the NAC oce in Phnom Penh.
In submitng their expression of interest, the interested candidates are 6.
kindly requested to provide their technical and nancial proposal to
thebelow address.
Interested candidates may obtain copies of the detailed Term of Reference 7.
(in English) for the service from below address from Monday to Friday during
oce hour except public holidays.
Expression of interest must be submited to the below address by email no 8.
later than 03October 2014.
Natonal Accountng Council
Ministry of Economy and Finance
Address: Street 92, SangkatWat Phnom, Khan Daun Penh, Phnom Penh,
Phone: 855-12 805 111/ 855-11691496
Email: boutharin168@gmail.com/sengtola@yahoo.com
International commodities
Thailand Vietnam
Singapore Malaysia
Hong Kong China
Japan Taiwan
Thai Set 50 Index, Sep 2
FTSE Straits Times Index, Sep 2 FTSE BursaMalaysiaKLCI, Sep 2
Hang Seng Index, Sep 2 CSI 300 Index, Sep 2
Nikkei 225, Sep 2 Taiwan Taiex Index, Sep 2
Ho Chi Minh Stock Index, Sep 2
2,408.84 25,317.95
1,864.87 3,347.15
640.75 1,057.29
South Korea Philippines
Laos Indonesia
India Pakistan
Australia New Zealand
KRX 100 Index, Sep 2 PSEI - Philippine Se Idx, Sep 2
Laos Composite Index, Sep 2 Jakarta Composite Index, Sep 2
BSE Sensex 30 Index, Sep 2 Karachi 100 Index, Sep 2
S&P/ASX 200 Index, Sep 2 NZX 50 Index, Sep 2
29,628.81 27,211.89
5,224.14 1,427.72
7,206.02 4,341.35
Item Unit Base Average (%)
Gasoline R 5250 5450 3.81 %
Diesel R 5100 5200 1.96 %
Petroleum R 5500 5500 0.00 %
Gas Chi 86000 76000 -11.63 %
Charcoal Baht 1200 1300 8.33 %
Construction equipment
Item Unit Base Average (%)
Rice 1 R/Kg 2800 2780 -0.71 %
Rice 2 R/Kg 2200 2280 3.64 %
Paddy R/Kg 1800 1840 2.22 %
Peanuts R/Kg 8000 8100 1.25 %
Maize 2 R/Kg 2000 2080 4.00 %
Cashew nut R/Kg 4000 4220 5.50 %
Pepper R/Kg 40000 24000 -40.00 %
Beef R/Kg 33000 33600 1.82 %
Pork R/Kg 17000 18200 7.06 %
Mud Fish R/Kg 12000 12400 3.33 %
Chicken R/Kg 18000 20800 15.56 %
Duck R/Kg 13000 13100 0.77 %
Item Unit Base Average (%)
Steel 12 R/Kg 3000 3100 3.33 %
Cement R/Sac 19000 19500 2.63 %
Food -Cereals -Vegetables - Fruits
Cambodian commodities
(Base rate taken on January 1, 2012)
Crude Oil (WTI) USD/bbl. 93.39 0.51 0.55% 4:45:52
Crude Oil (Brent) USD/bbl. 100.75 0.41 0.41% 4:46:07
NYMEX Natural Gas USD/MMBtu 3.9 0.01 0.31% 4:44:54
RBOBGasoline USd/gal. 255.64 1.34 0.53% 4:45:42
NYMEX Heating Oil USd/gal. 280.6 0.93 0.33% 4:42:12
ICEGasoil USD/MT 854.75 -3 -0.35% 4:44:56
CBOT Rough Rice USD/cwt 12.61 0 0.00% 3:18:42
CME Lumber USD/tbf 346.6 0.3 0.09% 20:07:15
Wealth gap bloats food gap
NCOME inequality isnt the only
gap the United States needs to
mind these days: The country
is amassing a sad and expensive
discrepancy between what its poor
and rich eat.
The wealthiest people are eating
better, while diets of the poorest are
getting worse, according to a new
study published this week in JAMA
Internal Medicine, which measured
the quality of US diets among adults
between 1999 and 2010. Socioeco-
nomic status was associated strongly
with dietary quality, and the gaps in
dietary quality between higher and
lower SES [socioeconomic status]
widened over time, the study said.
The analysis found that the US diet,
on the whole, improved during the
observed period. Our study suggests
that the overall dietary quality of the
US population steadily improved
from 1999 through 2010, the study
said, suggesting that Americans are
likely responding to recent nutrition
education efforts. Thats consistent
with macroeconomic food trends,
including a shift away from soda.
But that improvement doesnt ap-
pear to be happening society-wide.
Americans in the top socioeconomic
tier are leading the charge, while
those in the bottom tier are being
left behind. The authors divided the
population into three socioeconom-
ic tiers, accounting for education
and income level. They also devel-
oped a metric called the Alternate
Healthy Eating Index, which incor-
porated the latest scientic evidence
on the relationship between diet
and health, and it assigned values to
certain foods based on their relative
nutritional value (sugar-sweetened
juices, for instance, have a lower rat-
ing than vegetables).
The researchers found a yawn-
ing nutrition gap. The difference in
median index value between what
the study considers a high socioeco-
nomic status and what it considers a
low socioeconomic status rose from
5.7 in 1999 to 7.3 in 2010.
Part of that divide is likely price-
driven. Health foods, while growing
in popularity, can be expensive, and,
in turn, inaccessible to poorer peo-
ple. Price is a major determinant
of food choice, and healthful foods
generally cost more than unhealthful
foods in the United States, the study
said. A signicant portion of the US
population has enough trouble feed-
ing itself any food, let alone pricier
foods. About 15 per cent of the US
population and 17 per cent of US
households were food insecure as
of 2012, according to the Agriculture
Department, which means that they
occasionally run out of money for
food, or food entirely.
The gap is also a reection of the
growing income gap. Last year the
difference in income between the
countrys rich and poor was the high-
est in almost 80 years, according to
the Pew Research Center. The nan-
cial crisis was particularly unkind to
the poor as inequality rose sharply
across the country. Less money for
those who had less money to begin
with has put even more strain on
dietary decisions. The inability to,
say, pay for a car could restrict ones
access to supermarkets with more
healthy options.
Education is probably driving
the gap as well. People from lower
socioeconomic tiers may have lim-
ited opportunity to learn about the
effects of unhealthy foods and the
consequences of unhealthy diets.
The study found a strong correlation
between education level and perfor-
mance in the health index. The me-
dian index value for those with less
than 12 years of education was more
than six points lower than it was for
those who had completed college.
The growing inequality isnt just
affecting the poor. Diet-driven dis-
eases such as obesity and diabetes
cost the country hundred of billions
of dollars every year. The federally
funded Supplemental Nutrition As-
sistance Program alone doles out al-
most $80 billion per year in the form
of benets, food stamps, and vouch-
ers or more than $130 per month
per person to the nearly 50 million
Americans who are part of the pro-
gram. Given the lack of comparative
progress, theres reason to believe
such programs could be doing more
or that they could at least limit the
purchases of junk food.
No matter the cause, the gap is mar-
ginalising a signicant portion of the
population. In America, food has
become the premier marker of so-
cial distinctions, that is to say social
class. It used to be clothing and fash-
ion, but no longer, now that luxury
has become affordable and available
to all, Adam Drewnowski, an epide-
miologist at the University of Wash-
ington, said in 2010. There now seems
to be further statistical truth to back
up that claim. THE WASHINGTON POST
A poor family shops at a food pantry in New York City. AFP
Boko meet
in Nigeria
as attacks
FOREIGN ministers from
Nigeria and neighbouring
countries met yesterday to dis-
cuss Boko Haram, as the mili-
tants rapid land grab intensi-
fied in the far northeast, raising
fears for regional security.
The one-day meeting of rep-
resentatives from Benin, Cam-
eroon, Chad and Niger also
includes officials from the Unit-
ed States, Britain, France and
Canada, plus the African Union
and the United Nations.
Nigerias ministry of foreign
affairs said the talks were aimed
at reviewing progress of ear-
lier meetings in Paris and Lon-
don as well as the Africa Summit
held in the US last month. In
particular, it would examine
the extent of foreign assistance,
including efforts by the Nigerian
government, in the continued
fight to . . . rout the Boko Haram
insurgency, it added.
Regional powers vowed to
play a greater role against the
Islamists after the mass kid-
napping of more than 200 girls
from their school in northeast
Nigeria in April, which caused
global outrage.
International powers sent
intelligence and surveillance
specialists and equipment to
Abuja to help trace the missing
teenagers, 217 of whom are still
being held captive.
But nearly five months on
from the abduction, Western
diplomats have indicated that
there has been little progress,
despite a claim from Nigerias
military that they had located
the girls.
Recent weeks have seen Boko
Haram take and hold swaths of
territory in northeast Nigeria,
with the countrys military
seemingly unable to check
their advance.
On Monday, residents said the
militants took over the town of
Bama, 70 kilometres from the
Borno state capital, Maiduguri,
sending hundreds of soldiers
fleeing. But top brass disputed
the claim and maintained they
were still in control.
The attack led to fears that
Boko Haram has Maiduguri in
its sights and aims to make it
the centre of a separate, hard-
line Islamic state.
Andrew Noakes, co-ordina-
tor of the Nigeria Security Net-
work of analysts, warned that
the government was losing
control of vast parts of the
northeast and a looming
humanitarian crisis.
Unless swift action is taken,
Nigeria could be facing a rapid
takeover of a large area of its ter-
ritory reminiscent of ISs light-
ning advances in Iraq, he said.
If Borno falls to Boko Haram,
parts of [neighbouring] Yobe
and Adamawa [states] can be
expected to follow. Parts of
Cameroon along the border
area would also probably be
overrun. AFP
Putin unveils Ukraine peace plan
USSIAN President Vladimir
Putin yesterday called on
both Ukrainian rebels and
government forces to cease
re and agree to the broad terms of a
truce ending their four-month war.
Putins rst direct appeal on the in-
surgents to lay down their weapons
came hours after the beleaguered
Ukrainian president, Petro Poroshen-
ko, said he and Putin had agreed on a
ceasere deal.
The announcements raised hopes
of an end to ghting that has killed at
least 2,600 people and driven relations
between Russia and the West to their
lowest ebb since the Cold War.
Putin outlined a seven-point peace
plan that included the end of active
offensive operations by the [Ukrainian]
armed forces and armed rebel units in
the southeast of Ukraine.
The Russian leader added that he
expected a nal agreement to be an-
nounced by the insurgents and Kiev
representatives during European-me-
diated negotiations on Friday in the
Belarussian capital Minsk.
Poroshenkos ofce said the two
presidents agreed by telephone on a
permanent ceasere in Donbass [east-
ern Ukraine].
An understanding was reached con-
cerning steps that will help to establish
peace, a statement said.
Putins appeal to the rebels came in
advance of a NATO summit today at
which the Western military bloc is ex-
pected to approve a new rapid reaction
force for defending eastern Europe.
The Kremlin denies giving more than
moral support to the insurgents, who
began their uprising against Kievs new
Western-backed leaders in April.
But Western powers say that Mos-
cow has been orchestrating the war
as part of a land grab that started with
the annexing by Russian troops of
Crimea, a strategic region on the Black
Sea, in March.
US President Barack Obama, on a
highly symbolic visit to former Soviet
republic and new NATO member Es-
tonia, reacted cautiously to initial re-
ports of a ceasere deal, saying it was
too early to early to tell.
There is an opportunity here. Lets
see if there is a follow-up, Obama said.
There was also still doubt over
whether pro-Russian rebel command-
ers who have been routing Ukraines
army in recent ghting would comply.
One rebel representative of the east-
ern district of Donetsk said the rebels
would halt re only if government
forces retreat from eastern cities they
had been shelling in recent weeks.
If Kiev withdraws from towns and
cities and better yet, from the en-
tire territory of the Donetsk Peoples
Republic then there will be no sense
in seeking a military solution to the
conict, Donetsk rebel leader Miro-
slav Rudenko told Russias Interfax
news agency.
NATO has published satellite images
purporting to show more than 1,000
Russian troops and heavy weaponry
moving into Ukraines east.
There are accusations that the Krem-
lins ultimate aim is to use the separat-
ists to carve out a land corridor linking
Russia to Crimea. Putin denies this,
but has said he wants statehood for
the heavily Russied eastern districts
of Lugansk and Donetsk.
Poroshenko has so far insisted that
he can crush the rebellion and reunify
his fragmented country. But his negoti-
ating position with Russia and the in-
surgents has weakened dramatically in
recent days by events on the ground.
Government forces have in some
cases simply abandoned their equip-
ment as they cede swaths of territory
that they had initially won back from
the militants.
Ofcials revealed yesterday that 87
bodies of soldiers had been registered
in morgues from recent ghting in
Ilovaysk. AFP
Vladimir Putin gestures during a meeting with Mongolian President Tsakhia Elbegdorj in the Mongolian capital Ulan Bator yesterday. AFP
Obama vows justice for IS after beheading
Continued from page 1
killing, which comes on the
heels of the beheading last
month of another US reporter,
James Foley, was in retaliation
for expanded US airstrikes
against its fighters in Iraq over
the past week.
It warned that a British hos-
tage would be next unless Lon-
don backs off from its support
for Washingtons air campaign.
Prime Minister David Cam-
eron said that Britain too
refused to be cowed, while For-
eign Minister Philip Hammond
said that British airstrikes were
not being ruled out.
Obama said the whole world
had been repulsed by the bar-
barism of Sotloffs murder but
we will not be intimidated.
Those who make the mis-
take of harming Americans
will learn that we will not for-
get and that our reach is long
and that justice will be served,
he said.
Obama said Washington was
determined to halt the IS threat
but warned it would depend on
close cooperation with part-
ners in the region.
Washington has ruled out
any airstrikes for now against
IS fighters on the Syrian side,
where they hold a swath of the
east. Obama has also ruled out
any cooperation with the
Damascus regime against IS,
for fear it would drive other
Sunni rebel groups in Syria into
alliance with the jihadists.
Ten children were among 16
people killed in an IS-control-
led area of eastern Syria yester-
day, a monitoring group said.
The Syrian Observatory for
Human Rights said a regime air
raid hit a bus, but state televi-
sion blamed the jihadists.
The British prime minister
said the beheading video
depicted an absolutely dis-
gusting, despicable act and
chaired a meeting of security
chiefs to discuss how to tackle
the IS threat.
The masked executioner in
the video spoke with a London
accent and claimed to be the
same man, confirmed by UK
security services as a Briton,
who beheaded Foley.
Im back, Obama, and Im
back because of your arrogant
foreign policy towards the
Islamic State, the black-clad
jihadist says, wielding a com-
bat knife.
So just as your missiles
continue to strike the necks of
our people, our knife will con-
tinue to strike the necks of
your people, he declares,
before reaching around to cut
his captives throat.
At the end of the five-minute
recording, the militant threat-
ens another captive, identified
as Briton David Cawthorne
Haines. We take this opportu-
nity to warn those governments
that enter this evil alliance of
America against the Islamic
State to back off and leave our
people alone, he says.
Britain has maintained a
silence about the kidnapping
of aid worker Cawthorne
Haines and there were few
immediate details about when
or how he was abducted. I can
assure you that we will look at
every possible option to pro-
tect this person, the British
foreign minister said.
We have to deal with [IS] on
the basis of the wider threat
that they pose to the British
public as well as this individu-
al, Hammond added.
If we judge that air strikes
could be beneficial, could be
the best way to do that, then we
will certainly consider them
but we have made no decision
to do so at the moment.
Britain has not so far carried
out any strikes of its own
against jihadist targets in Iraq
but it has made extensive
reconnaissance flights in sup-
port of the US air campaign
from its base in Cyprus. AFP
USTRALIAN Prime Minister Tony
Abbott has declined to rule out
military involvement in northern Iraq,
saying he was not prepared to stand aside
in the face of genocide.
Speaking after a day of intelligence
briefings in London, Abbott described the
atrocity in northern Iraq as a humanitarian
catastrophe and said Australia would
provide aid to Yazidi refugees besieged by
IS forces on Mount Sinjar.
Abbott said: As President Obama has
said, it is a potential genocide and no one
wants to stand aside in the face of a
potential genocide. Asked in a press
conference in central London whether he
would rule out Australian military
involvement in the deepening crisis, the
Liberal leader said: We certainly dont
rule that out. We are talking to our
partners our partners in this instance
are certainly much wider than simply the
US and UK about what we can usefully
do to help, but what I want to stress is this
is a humanitarian cause.
Protecting people from murder at the
hands of [IS] terrorists is a humanitarian
cause. Trying to ensure people are not
exposed to terrorists who have been
crucifying, executing, decapitating . . . this
is a humanitarian cause and Australia has
a long and proud tradition of assisting
people in need. THEGUARDIAN
Frankie Taggart

cal agency Medecins
sans Frontieres said on
Tuesday that the world
was losing the battle to con-
tain Ebola as the United Na-
tions warned of severe food
shortages in the hardest-hit
MSF told a UN brieng in
New York that world leaders
were failing to address the
epidemic and called for an
urgent global biological di-
saster response to get aid and
personnel to West Africa.
Six months into the worst
Ebola epidemic in history,
the world is losing the battle
to contain it. Leaders are fail-
ing to come to grips with this
transnational threat, MSF in-
ternational president Joanne
Liu said.
The [World Health Orga-
nization] announcement on
August 8 that the epidemic
constituted a public health
emergency of international
concern has not led to deci-
sive action, and states have
essentially joined a global co-
alition of inaction.
Her comments came as a
third American health worker
tested positive for the deadly
virus while working with
patients in Liberia, the worst-
hit country.
Two fellow US health work-
ers who worked at the same
ELWA hospital in the Lxibe-
rian capital Monrovia were
previously own home and
successfully treated for the
Unlike the others, the lat-
est US victim had not been
working directly with Ebola
patients, and it is not yet clear
how he caught the disease,
which is usually fatal.
Liu called for the interna-
tional community to fund
more beds for a regional net-
work of eld hospitals, dis-
patch trained personnel and
deploy mobile laboratories
across Guinea, Sierra Leone
and Liberia.
MSF said in a statement ac-
companying the brieng that
the crisis was particularly
acute in Monrovia, where it
is estimated that 800 addi-
tional beds are needed.
Every day we have to turn
sick people away because
we are too full, said Stefan
Liljegren, MSFs coordinator
at the ELWA Three Ebola unit
in Monrovia.
MSF said that while its care
centres in Liberia and Sierra
Leone were overcrowded,
people were continuing to
die in their communities.
In Sierra Leone, highly in-
fectious bodies are rotting
in the streets, their state-
ment said.
The Ebola outbreak
has killed 1,552 people
and infected 3,062,
according to the lat-
est gures released by
the WHO.
At current infec-
tion rates, the
agency fears
it could take
six to nine
m o n t h s
and at
l e as t
million to bring the outbreak
under control, by which time
more than 20,000 people
could be affected.
The UNs Food and Agri-
culture Organization issued
an alert that restrictions on
movement in Guinea, Liberia
and Sierra Leone had led to
panic buying, food shortages
and severe price hikes.
The food security alert was
sounded as the WHO an-
nounced a separate Ebola
outbreak in the Democratic
Republic of Congo has now
killed 31 people, although
it added that
the conta-
gion was
to an area
800 ki-
l o me t r e s
(500 miles)
north of
AUTHORITIES are offering
rewards of 10,000 yuan ($1,600)
a year to promote intermar-
riage in restive Xinjiang
between ethnic minorities and
Chinas dominant Han ethnic
group, state media said.
The far-western region bor-
ders Central Asia and is the
homeland of the mostly Mus-
lim Uighur ethnic group.
Chinas ruling Communist
Party has blamed separatist
militants from the area for a
series of attacks across the
country over the past year,
including in Beijings Tianan-
men Square.
We are advocating the inter-
marriage of Han and ethnic
minorities to promote positive
energy, local official Zhu Xin
said in a media report posted
last week on the website of the
Bayingol Mongolian Autono-
mous Prefecture government.
The program also provides
health care, housing, employ-
ment, educational and other
benefits for intermarried
households and would con-
tribute toward the realisation
of the Chinese dream, he
added, employing a favoured
slogan of Chinese President
Xi Jinping.
The posting had been
removed from the government
website as of yesterday after-
noon, and local authorities did
not answer phone calls.
According to official fig-
ures, Xinjiang is 46 per cent
Uighur who speak a Turkic
language and 39 per cent
Han Chinese.
Relations between the two
are often tense and riots
rocked Xinjiang in 2009, when
about 200 people died.
Beijing says its policies in
Xinjiang have brought pros-
perity and higher living stand-
ards, and it promotes the
region as an example of a place
where numerous ethnic
groups live in harmony.
But rights groups and aca-
demics argue that tensions
have been exacerbated by cul-
tural and religious oppression,
intrusive security measures
and immigration by Han Chi-
nese, who comprise 92 per
cent of Chinas population as
a whole.
Critics also cite Beijings
marginalisation of the Uighur
language in schools and its
moves to discourage veils for
women and beards for men.
A yearlong anti-terror crack-
down, announced after a mar-
ket attack killed 39 people in
the regional capital Urumqi,
has seen 800 people arrested
since May, according to US-
based Voice of America.
Last month, a renewed push
by authorities in Chinas Tibet
region to encourage intermar-
riage between Tibetans and
Han Chinese similarly made
A years-long effort in the
region had led to double-digit
increases in the intermarriage
rate, with 4,795 Tibetan-Han
couples tying the knot last
year, up from 666 in 2008,
according to a government
report. AFP
Tumour boys parents
barred from seeing son
THE father of British brain
tumour patient Ashya King said
yesterday that he was being
prevented from visiting the
5-year-old in hospital, despite
the lifting of an extradition
order against him and his wife.
They wont let me see my
child because I dont have
custody of my child, Brett King
told reporters upon arriving at
a childrens hospital in the
southern resort of Malaga.
They said now he is a ward of
court, said King, who was
detained on Saturday with his
wife for taking Ashya out of a
British hospital before being
released late on Tuesday. AFP
Aus father charged with

abusing surrogate twins
A MAN has been charged in
Australia with sexually abusing
twins he fathered with a Thai
surrogate, reports and
childrens organisations said
on Tuesday. The case is the
second in as many months to
ignite debate about
commercial surrogacy, after
another Australian couple left
a surrogate baby which was
born with Downs syndrome in
Thailand. The Australian
Broadcasting Corporation said
that in the latest case the Thai
mother, Siriwan Nitichad, had
agreed to carry a child for a
man and his wife who had not
been able to conceive. AFP
World losing Ebola battle: MSF
Source : WHO/emedicine.medscape.com/CDC/MedicineNet.com/Medterms.com/Healthline/Boston University
Viruses are parasitic, they hijack living cells to reproduce their own genome
How the Ebola virus attacks
Viruses are submicroscopic,
a fraction of the size
of a typical bacteria
Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever (EHF)
Pertaining to bleeding
or the abnormal flow of blood
The virus is thought to transmit
among some fruit bat species
without causing them harm
Virus enters body through contact
with infected blood, urine, feces,
semen or other bodily fluids
Attacks immune system,
destroys white blood cells
Infected cells transport the virus
throughout the body
Forms blood
clots that damage
organs and also
depletes clotting
Death can be caused by
organ failure or hypovolemic shock,
the loss of more than 20 percent of
blood or fluid supply
The current west African outbreak
has killed 53% of people infected
Incubation 2 -- 21 days
The immune
system goes into
dangerous overdrive
known as a cytokine storm,
ultimately turning
against itself
7 Overall vascular
system damaged.
Internal and external
bleeding, from
wounds, mucus
membranes and orifices
6 The disease can attack
all organs including brain,
liver, kidneys,
intestines, eyes, genitals
Followed by...
Vomiting, diarrhoea, rash,
impaired kidney and liver,
internal and external bleeding
Early stage
Sudden onset of fever,
intense weakness, muscle
pain, headache, sore throat
Ebola is a Filovirus,
identified in 1976
The group includes the
Marburg, another deadly
Ethnic Uighur women shop in the market in the old city of Kashgar in
Chinas restive Xinjiang region. AFP
China to reward intermarriage
in restive Xinjiang: state media
rack Obama ar-
rived in Estonia
aboard Air Force
One early yesterday to meet
Baltic leaders and reafrm
Washingtons commitment to
the security of former Soviet
NATO members.
The talks in Tallinn come
ahead of the key alliance sum-
mit in Wales focused on the
crisis in Ukraine.
Russia on Tuesday declared
NATO a major threat af-
ter the Western military al-
liance announced plans to
reinforce defences in eastern
Europe because of the Krem-
lins perceived stoking of war
in Ukraine.
Obamas plane landed at
6:30am (0330 GMT) in the
capital of the small Baltic na-
tion of Estonia, which joined
NATO in 2004.
Ahead of the visit, the White
House said Obamas mission
in Estonia, where he will also
meet the leaders of Latvia and
Lithuania, is simple to put
Russia on notice that it must
not attempt the kind of in-
timidation and inltration of
NATOs ex-Soviet members it
has carried out in Ukraine, a
non-NATO member.
NATO has played a leading
role and produced ample evi-
dence to indicate that Russia
has intervened in ways that
grossly violate the territorial
integrity of the independent
nation of Ukraine, White
House spokesman Josh Ear-
nest said.
Its not OK for large coun-
tries to agrantly violate the
territorial integrity of their
smaller neighbours.
In Tallinn, Obama was to de-
liver a highly symbolic speech
later yesterday.
Senior Obama aides said the
president would make clear
that the US regards its Article
Five commitments on the col-
lective self-defence of NATO
members as sacrosanct, and
would not tolerate any Russian
moves on American allies.
To steel Obamas message
ahead of its summit at the
Celtic Manor resort in Wales,
NATO has unveiled plans for
a rapid reaction force of thou-
sands of troops to reinforce
the alliances eastern ank.
Russia reacted angrily to the
move, saying it was evidence
of NATOs desire to aggravate
tensions with Moscow, and
vowed to reinforce its own de-
fences as a result.
This is Obamas rst visit to a
Baltic nation since arriving in
the White House in 2009 and
comes with some observers
fearing that Europe is on the
brink of a major conict.
Analysts say the trip to Eu-
rope marks a crucial moment
in Obamas presidency at a
time when his foreign policy
is under withering attack from
rivals for failing to quell the
territorial ambitions of both
Russian President Vladimir
Putin and IS jihadist radicals
in Syria and Iraq.
This is a very dramatic
backdrop, where Europes
security environment has
turned upside down, said
Heather Conley, of the Center
for Strategic and International
Studies in Washington.
NATO had never thought
nine months ago that it would
be focusing on a robust col-
lective defensive posture in
northern Europe, but thats
exactly where we are today.
Obama left Washington
without commenting on a
video purported to show the
IS murder of US journalist Sot-
loff, following the killing last
month of another American
reporter, James Foley. Nor did
he speak to reporters on his
arrival in Tallinn.
Estonias Prime Minister
Taavi Roivas believes Russias
intervention in Ukraine has
fundamentally altered Eu-
ropes security and that the
West must respond with a
long-term strategy: This isnt
just a period of bad weather,
its climate change. So our re-
action has to be long-term.
More than 100 prominent
Baltic gures, including for-
mer leaders of Estonia Arnold
Ruutel and Lithuanias Vytau-
tas Landsbergis, on Monday
urged a permanent pres-
ence of allied troops in the
Baltic states in an open letter
to Obama.
Their call echoes similar
ones by leaders from across
the region for permanent
NATO or US boots on the
ground, a move they hope
will materialise at the Wales
summit. AFP
Thailand rights situation
seriously concerns UN
THE UN said yesterday it was
seriously concerned about
growing restrictions on human
rights activists in Thailand after
a string of curbs on freedom of
expression in the junta-ruled
nation. Since seizing power
from the elected government in
May, the Thai army has stifled
dissent by hauling in anti-coup
protesters, muzzling the media
and threatening those found in
breach of martial law with trial
in a military court. The UN
Human Rights Office for South-
East Asia (OHCHR) pointed to
a deteriorating environment
for human rights defenders a
day after activists said they
scrapped a debate about
access to justice in post-coup
Thailand due to pressure from
the junta. AFP
US strike likely killed

Somalia Shebab chief
THE death of the leader of
Somalias al-Qaeda-linked
Shebab rebels in a US airstrike
is a very strong probability,
but still remains unconfirmed,
security sources said yesterday.
Pentagon press secretary Rear
Admiral John Kirby confirmed
that the late Monday attack was
aimed at the groups leader,
Ahmed Abdi Godane, also
referred to as Abu-Zubayr, and
that the ordnance definitely hit
a meeting of Shebab chiefs.
But he said it was unclear if
Godane, listed by the US as one
of the worlds eight top terror
fugitives, had been killed.
According to a Western security
source, who asked not be
identified, there was a very
strong probability that he is
dead.. AFP
US President Barack Obama and Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves listen to their national anthems
before meetings at the Kadriorg Palace in Tallinn yesterday. AFP
Obama lands in
Estonia on eve
of NATO meet
ATOS expected approval of the deployment of military
equipment and thousands of troops to Eastern Europe is a
major setback for Moscow, which since the end of the Cold
War sought first an end of military blocs on the continent
and then to keep NATO weak and as far away from its border
as possible.
Russian policy makers have an almost visceral hate for
NATO, feeling that the West reneged on understandings at the
end of the Cold War that military blocs would disappear.
The bitterness was compounded when NATO expanded into
former Moscow-led Warsaw Pact countries in 1999. More
joined in 2004, including three Baltic states that had been
forcibly incorporated into the Soviet Union.
Now NATO is pushing the limits of its 1997 agreement with
Moscow to not create bases and station troops in the new
NATO members. The reasons for Russias fear of NATO
expanding are more paranoid than military-political, said
Alexander Konovalov, head of the Strategic Analysis Institute,
as the military readiness of the alliance has dropped
considerably in recent years.
For Russia, NATO has had a clear and important internal
political function to be a bugbear, Konovalov said. The fable
that NATO is tightening its ring around Russia can be used to
explain to the population why pensions are not enough to live
on in a country drowning in petro-dollars, the analyst said.
This fear of NATO is just for public consumption, he added,
for the leadership it is a means of maintaining power.
And then there is the military-industrial complex.
Our military chief of staff and defence intelligence agency
are people who served during the Cold War and have an
interest in a confrontation along the lines of the Cold War,
independent defence analyst Pavel Felgenhauer said. They
know how to drum up money for defence, thinking up threats.
But there are disturbing signs they may have begun to
believe in those threats themselves, such as a recent ban on
senior officials leaving the country. Thats paranoia, said the
analyst, who is critical of the Kremlin.
Putin justified the annexation of Crimea in March as a move
to prevent NATO from taking over Sevastopol, the home port
of its Black Sea Fleet it had been leasing from Kiev, despite
NATO having long ago put Ukraines effort to join the alliance
on ice. AFP
Japans PM names ve women to new cabinet
JAPANESE Prime Minister Shinzo Abe
named five women to his new cabinet
yesterday, leading by example in a
country economists say must make
better use of its highly educated but
underemployed women.
The five make up nearly a quarter
of the 18-strong cabinet and come
close to matching his declared aim for
the percentage of women in senior
A society in which women shine is
one of the big pillars of this govern-
ment, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshi-
hide Suga told a news conference
ahead of the announcement.
Abe has repeatedly spoken of the
need to get more women into the work-
force to plug a growing gap in the
labour market.
He has said he wants 30 per cent of
senior business and political positions
occupied by women by 2020, to miti-
gate problems caused by an ever-
shrinking number of workers who need
to provide for a growing number
of retirees.
We have to revise ideas of seeing
everything from mens viewpoint, Abe
said in a speech earlier this year.
The most underused resource we
have is the power of women, Abe said.
Japan must be a place where women
are given the chance to shine.
Government figures show only 11
percent of managerial jobs are occu-
pied by women, compared with 43 per
cent in the United States and 39 per
cent in France.
The reshuffle, Abes first since com-
ing to power in December 2012, is seen
as partly an exercise in shoring up his
power base in the sometimes-fractious
Liberal Democratic Party, and partly
aimed at re-enlivening a flagging eco-
nomic and security agenda.
Observers say the LDP, the bastion of
age-based seniority that has ruled
Japan for most of the last 60 years, is
crammed with lawmakers who feel
they have served their time on the back
benches and deserve a shot at a gov-
ernment job.
Key figures of the administration
remained in place, including Foreign
Minister Fumio Kishida, Finance Min-
ister Taro Aso and Chief Cabinet Sec-
retary Yoshihide Suga, but the cabinets
lower ranks saw fresh blood.
However, the female appointments
up from two in the last cabinet
marked a shift in emphasis for a body
usually dominated by older men,
where women frequently appear to be
little more than a cosmetic after-
One of those who won a ministerial
portfolio was Yuko Obuchi, 40, the
daughter of former premier Keizo
Obuchi, who becomes economy, trade
and industry minister.
She has made the grade once before,
at the age of 34, and holds the record
for being the youngest female cabinet
minister Japan has had.
Among other female politicians get-
ting the nod were Midori Matsushima,
58, as justice minister, and Haruko
Arimura, 43, as minister in charge of
womens activities, Suga said.
Abe is trying to give an example of
his commitment to the better use of
women by appointing five of them,
said Shinichi Nishikawa, professor of
politics at Meiji University in Tokyo.
Appointing women was also expected
to lead to a rise in support for him
among female voters, Nishikawa said.
The staunchly conservative premier
had enjoyed sky-high public support
when he came to power in December
2012 promising to kick-start Japans
sputtering economy.
But a series of bruising battles over a
consumption tax hike and an unpopu-
lar move to water-down the pacifist
constitution have taken some of the
wind out of his sails.
The reshuffle was the first major sur-
gery Abe has performed since coming
to power, making the present cabinet
one of the longest-serving collectives
since the end of World War II.
Abes own 20 months in the top job
also marks him out as unusual in a
country where, with precious few
exceptions, premiers have tended to
last little more than a year. AFP
Furry Robin Hood
Monkey in
cash drop

on town
MONKEY sparked
a dash for cash in a
northern Indian town
when he showered banknotes
from a rooftop, witnesses said
on Tuesday.
Passersby in the hill town
of Shimla spotted the monkey
with a bundle of notes on Sun-
day after it broke into a building
site in search of food.
Finding nothing to munch on,
it stole 10,000 rupees ($165)
that a contractor had planned
to pay his labourers, according
to the Amar Ujala newspaper.
I was returning from the
nearby temple when I suddenly
saw some people looking up at
currency notes flying. I noticed
a monkey was dropping them
from a tree, resident Ashok
Kumar said.
I also joined the crowd and
picked up two notes of 100
rupees [$1.65] each.
Workers at the construction
site tried in vain to catch the
thieving primate, who playfully
tossed down money from a
rooftop before continuing the
handouts from a tree, with an
eager crowd gathering to catch
the cash for nearly an hour.
Monkeys are revered in
Hindu-majority India but
the animals can be a menace,
trashing gardens, offices and
residences and even attacking
people for food. AFP
CSI technique may help track polar bears
Damian Carrington

RACE DNA samples
recovered from foot-
prints in the Arctic
snow have been used
to reveal the bloody killing of
a seal by a polar bear, which
was joined by seagulls in de-
vouring the corpse.
It is the rst time that ge-
netic material from animals
has been recovered from
footprints, and the CSI-
style technique is expected
to prove a valuable tool in
tracking the plight of endan-
gered species.
The method is cheaper,
easier and crucially far less
invasive than existing ap-
proaches which can involve
capturing and anaesthetis-
ing wild animals.
A WWF expedition on Nor-
ways Svalbard islands high in
the Arctic circle collected the
snow in 10 footprints from
one set of tracks made by a
female polar bear. In the lab-
oratory, the snow was melted
and then ltered to collect
skin cells from the tracks.
The DNA in the cells was
multiplied, allowing the iden-
tication of the animals and
the reconstruction of the gris-
ly scene.
Probably the bear was
eating the seal and there
was then some blood on
her footprints, said Dr Eva
Bellemain, project leader at
Spygen, the company that
has pioneered this new DNA
The gull was probably
also feeding on the seal and
may have defecated at the
site. This footprint tells the
whole story.
The scientists are now nd-
ing molecular markers in the
DNA which will allow them
to identify individual bears.
We will be able to see how
they use their territories and
how they are related to one
another, Bellemain said.
Just a single cell would
be enough to give a result,
she said.
Spygen, founded by mo-
lecular ecologists from the
University of Grenoble, is
using similar techniques to
analyse other water samples
to identify which sh and
frogs are present in lakes and
seas. The gene can be a spy
for us in nding the species
from the samples, said
The new footprint
technique is to be
used on other po-
lar bear tracks
from Canada
and to track
snow leopards
elsewhere. DNA
has been retrieved once be-
fore from a brown bear track,
but the results have yet to be
The scientists also hope to
extend its use to footprints in
mud. At this early stage, the
scientists do not know how
fresh the footprints must be
to preserve DNA but other
work on animal droppings
shows that genetic material
can resist degradation for six
months in cold conditions.
This method would be an
invaluable tool for conserva-
tion biology, says Arnaud
Lyet of WWF. At present, re-
searchers use expensive, in-
vasive techniques to track the
population size and health of
wildlife such as polar bears.
Using footprint DNA, we
could dramatically cut the in-
vestment required, so moni-
toring populations could be
done more easily.
The Arc-
tic is hostile,
remote and
rapidly chang-
ing, making it
particularly chal-
lenging to get reli-
able information on
polar bear popula-
tions, he said.
Polar bear numbers in key
regions have been shown to
be declining, but in many
areas data is too scarce to
know. Currently there are
thought to be no more than
25,000 polar bears.
In May, scientists at the
Norwegian Polar Institute
told the Guardian that the
proportion of polar bear fe-
males in Svalbard giving birth
to cubs crashed to just 10 per
cent in 2014, following a se-
ries of warm years and poor
DNA samples recovered from polar bear footprints are expected to
prove a valuable tool in tracking the plight of endangered species. AFP
MAGINE the question posed the
other way round. An independ-
ent nation is asked whether to
surrender sovereignty to a larger
union. It would be allowed a bit of
autonomy, but key aspects of its gov-
ernance would be handed to another
nation. It would be used as a military
base by the dominant power and
yoked to an economy over which it
had no control.
It would have to be bloody desper-
ate. Only a nation in which the
institutions of governance had col-
lapsed, which had been ruined eco-
nomically, which was threatened by
invasion or civil war or famine
might contemplate this drastic step.
Most nations faced even with such
catastrophes choose to retain their
independence in fact, will fight to
preserve it rather than surrender
to a dominant foreign power.
So what would you say to a coun-
try that sacrificed its sovereignty
without compulsion; that had no
obvious enemies, a basically sound
economy and a broadly functional
democracy, yet chose to swap it for
remote governance by the heredi-
tary elite of another nation, behold-
en to a corrupt financial centre?
What would you say about a country
that exchanged an economy based
on enterprise and distribu-
tion for one based on spec-
ulation and rent? That
chose obeisance to a
government that spies
on its own citizens, uses
the planet as its dustbin,
governs on behalf of a
transnational elite that
owes loyalty to no nation,
cedes public services to cor-
porations, forces terminally ill
people to work and cant be trusted
with a box of fireworks, let alone a fleet
of nuclear submarines? You would con-
clude that it had lost its senses.
So whats the difference? How is
the argument altered by the fact
that Scotland is considering wheth-
er to gain independence rather than
whether to lose it? Its not. Those
who would vote no now, a new
poll suggests, a rapidly diminishing
majority could be suffering from
system justification. System justifi-
cation is defined as the process by
which existing social arrangements
are legitimised, even at the expense
of personal and group interest. It
consists of a desire to defend the
status quo, regardless of effects. It
has been demonstrated in a large
body of experimental work, which
has produced the following results.
System justification becomes
stronger when social and economic
inequality is more extreme. This is
because people try to rationalise
their disadvantage by seeking legit-
imate reasons for their lot. In some
cases the disadvantaged are
more likely than the privi-
leged to support the sta-
tus quo. One study
found that US citizens
on low incomes were
more likely to believe
economic inequality
is legitimate and nec-
It explains why women
in experimental studies pay
themselves less than men, why
people in low-status jobs believe
their work is worth less than those
in high-status jobs, even when
theyre performing the same task,
and why people accept domination
by another group. It might help to
explain why so many people in
Scotland are inclined to vote no.
The fears the no campaigners have
worked to stoke are by comparison
with what the Scots are being asked
to lose mere shadows. As Adam
Ramsay points out in Forty-Two Rea-
sons to Support Scottish Independ-
ence, there are plenty of nations
smaller than Scotland that possess
their own currencies and thrive.
Most of the worlds prosperous
nations are small: there are no inher-
ent disadvantages to downsizing.
Remaining in the UK carries as
much risk and uncertainty as leav-
ing. Englands housing bubble
could blow at any time. We might
leave the European Union. Some of
the most determined no campaign-
ers would take us out: witness
Ukips intention to stage a pro-un-
ion rally in Glasgow on September
12. The union in question, of
course, is the UK, not Europe. This
reminds us of a crashing contradic-
tion in the politics of such groups: if
our membership of the EU repre-
sents an intolerable loss of sover-
eignty, why is the far greater loss
Scotland is being asked to accept
deemed tolerable and necessary.
The Scots are told they will have
no control over their own currency if
they leave the UK. But they have
none today. The monetary policy
committee is based in London and
bows to the banks. The pounds
strength, which damages the manu-
facturing Scotland seeks to promote,
reflects the interests of the City.
To vote no is to choose to live
under a political system that sus-
tains one of the rich worlds highest
levels of inequality and deprivation.
This is a system in which all major
parties are complicit, which offers
no obvious exit from a model that
privileges neoliberal economics
over other aspirations. It treats the
natural world, civic life, equality,
public health and effective public
services as dispensable luxuries,
and the freedom of the rich to
exploit the poor as non-negotiable.
The lack of a codified constitution
permits numberless abuses of pow-
er. It has failed to reform the House
of Lords, royal prerogative, cam-
paign finance or first-past-the-post
voting (another triumph for the no
brigade). It is dominated by media
owned by tax exiles, who, instruct-
ing their editors from their distant
chateaux, play the patriotism card
at every opportunity. The concerns
of swing voters in marginal constit-
uencies outweigh those of the
majority; the concerns of corpora-
tions with no lasting stake in the
country outweigh everything. Bro-
ken, corrupt, dysfunctional, reten-
tive: you want to be part of this?
Independence, as more Scots are
beginning to see, offers people an
opportunity to rewrite the political
rules. To create a written constitu-
tion, the very process of which is
engaging and transformative. To
build an economy of benefit to eve-
ryone. To promote cohesion, social
justice, the defence of the living
planet and an end to wars of choice.
To deny this to yourself, to remain
subject to the whims of a distant
and uncaring elite, to succumb to
the bleak, deferential negativity of
the no campaign, to accept other
peoples myths in place of your own
story: that would be an astonishing
act of self-repudiation and self-
harm. Consider yourselves inde-
pendent and work backwards from
there; then ask why you would sac-
rifice that freedom. THE GUARDIAN
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Scotland, get out while you can
Dogs Asbo (left), wearing a union ag, and Millie, wearing a Scottish ag, are pictured at the 150th Birnam Highland Games in
Perthshire, Scotland, last month. AFP
George Monbiot
George Monbiot is the author of the best-
selling book The Age of Consent: A
Manifesto for a New World Order.
Banned in Bogota?
in Colombia
legal again
BAN on bullghting in
Colombias capital was
lifted on Tuesday by the
countrys highest court, which
ruled that the prohibition violated
the right to artistic expression.
Mayor Gustavo Petro, a former
leftist congressman and guer-
rilla ghter, barred bullghting
nearly two years ago on grounds
it was cruel to the animals.
But the Constitutional Court
ruled on Tuesday the ban violated
the right to artistic expression
by people who loved the tradition
that was legally regulated.
Colombians are among the
most avid fans of bullghting
in Latin America, and the court
ruling followed a suit led by a
company that organises bull-
ghts in Bogota. The city now has
six months to resume bullghts.
In December 2012, Petro
rescinded a contract that al-
lowed bullghts in Bogotas La
Santamaria bull ring one of the
most important such arenas in
the country.
Debate on violence in bullght-
ing has been raging in recent
years in Spain and across Latin
America. AFP
Mixed Troubles: a rally of
love, politics and comedy
Chelsea Chapman
rally of love, politics
and comedy will
be played out in
the Phnom Penh Players
(PPP) latest performance,
Mixed Troubles.
Performed this weekend on
the Himawari tennis court,
the story tells of two unlikely
tennis partners ung to-
gether for a Red Cross Tennis
Charity Event.
Against the odds, the Ameri-
can duo make it into the nals,
where they face Russia in a
fast-moving game of political
satire, caricatures and the oc-
casional bit of tennis.
Writer Zac Kendall said: Its
a terrible thing but US-Russia
relations arent very good right
now, so it fell into our lap.
Kendall, who also plays the
role of Richard Dick Fischer,
a washed up semi-profession-
al tennis player, teams up with
Mimi Darling, a local high
school student, played by Sar-
ah Woods-Killam.
Their story, which unfolds
through a prematch interview
with an ESPN reporter and
ashbacks to scenes both on
and off the court, focuses on
the relationships between the
players and the signicant
others in their lives.
As the story progresses so
does the relationship between
the two main characters. Its
about how the two of them
relate to each other, Kendall
said. He doesnt have much
time for her and shes not very
impressed with him.
The PPP are an amateur
theatre group that has been
putting on performances for
more than 15 years, with up-
wards of 80 people involved
this year alone.
We have 10 or 12 people that
are in the full cast. Its not huge
but its a good size, director
Joe Conway said. Its a great
mix of people the youngest
she is 9 up to their mid-40s.
We have Australians, Amer-
ican, French, the most famous
Russian impersonator, Con-
way said.
Kendall, who is from the
United States, has been a mem-
ber of the PPP for six years. He
studied playwriting at univer-
sity and has written some eight
pieces for the group, including
last years PPP Christmas pan-
tomime, Epic.
While the play has been
scripted, as an amateur theatre
group there is always going to
be some spontaneity involved
for the audience as well as
the actors, Conway said.
We like to get the audience
involved a bit. You dont want
to keep them there just sitting
and watching, he said, adding
that the troupe had considered
a splash warning for those to
one side of the court.
All prots from PPP perfor-
mances are given to creative
NGOs in Cambodia. Prots
from Mixed Troubles will go to
Epic Arts.
The last time we sent them
money, later on they sent us
photographs of the changing
rooms they had built at the
back of the theatre with the
money we had given them,
Kendall said.
Its not intended for chil-
dren, Conway added. Its
very much an adult show;
there is no nudity but there is
a lot of cursing.
With the audience on one
side of the net and the perfor-
mance on the other, Kendall
requests that all guests bring
their sense of humour.
Himawari Hotel, #425 Siso-
wath Quay. Friday 7:30pm,
Saturday 2:30pm & 7:30pm.
Tickets are $10 and available
at Willow Hotel, Flicks 1 and
Pizza and Ribs.
Sarah Kilian, left, and Zac Kendall in a rehearsal of Mixed Troubles this week. ELI MEIXLER
Ay caramba! GETTY IMAGES

Mafia bosss memoir
wins anti-mafia prize
THE memoir of a mafia boss
serving life in jail for several
murders has won a Sicilian
literary prize named after one
of the first Italian writers to
challenge the Cosa Nostra.
Malerba, which recounts the
life, crimes and education of
Giu-seppe Grassonelli a
savage criminal by his own
admission received this years
Sciascia-Racalmare prize on
Sunday. But its victory sparked
an angry row in Sicily. Gaspare
Agnello, one of the jurors, quit
over the books shortlisting,
saying its candidacy was an
Thai mansion to receive
UNESCO Merit award
A MANSION in Bangkok is one
of five sites receiving the
Awards of Merit from the UN
agency this year. The restor-
ation of the early 20th-century
Phraya Si Thammathirat
residence in Bangkok . . . is a
prime example of . . . commit-
ment to the preservation of a
building with significant
heritage value, UNESCO said
in a statement. Phraya Si
Thammathirat was a civil
servant in the reign of King
Rama VI, according to the Siam
Society. His house was later
sold to the bureau and the
present tenant is the Thai-
Chinese Education and Culture
Myths hamper immunisation in Philippines
Jef Tupas
THE Philippines government this
week launched a mass immunisation
campaign with the help of the World
Health Organization (WHO) and the
British government. But it faces an
uphill battle, with many parents fear-
ing adverse side effects and religious
ramications if they partake in the
drive to immunise children against
measles, polio and rubella.
We encounter parents who refuse
to have their children immunised be-
cause it is supposed to be against their
religion, Dr Abdullah Dumama, re-
gional health director for Davao, told
ucanews.com. We try to convince
them that there is nothing in the vac-
cine that counters their religion.
But Marianelle, a 25-year-old moth-
er from Davao, told ucanews.com
she is scared to have her 3-year-old
daughter vaccinated after neighbours
warned her of the bad effects.
I was told my child would get sick
once she gets the medicine, she said.
She claimed that a baby in her vil-
lage got sick after receiving the mea-
sles vaccine. She said that neither she
nor her siblings received any kind of
vaccine when they were young.
Armi Capili, of the Pulse Polio Im-
munisation program, admitted that
parents hesitation to vaccinate their
children has become a problem.
We try to spend time with them.
They have to understand the impor-
tance of having their children immu-
nised, she told ucanews.com.
WHO aims is to immunise 13 mil-
lion children in the Philippines over
the coming month.
WHO is committed to a world in
which nobody needs worry about the
threat of measles, rubella or polio, it
said in a statement. It said that with a
determined effort the program will
bring measles down to very low levels,
reduce rubella rates and support ef-
forts to keep the Philippines polio-free.
The government has allocated
$390,000 for Davao region alone,
where Dumama said the program
aims to reach at least 1.2 million chil-
dren aged ve years old and below.
We knock on their doors and talk
to the parents. We explain to them the
benets of the vaccine. We do not stop,
we should not stop, Dumama said.
In January, the Philippines Depart-
ment of Health declared an outbreak
of potentially deadly measles in sever-
al districts in at least nine cities within
Metro Manila. Records from the Na-
tional Epidemiology Center show that
last year there were 1,724 measles cas-
es, including 21 deaths. UCANEWS.COM
A child receives polio vaccination drops from a medical volunteer in January. AFP
LV Anderson

HAT would America be with-
out dessert? It would be
puritanical. It would be
boring. It would be
healthier, probably.
Thankfully for our collective cul-
ture, if not our blood sugar levels,
America is a land of desserts. Drive
across the country, and youll nd
pralines and cookies in every gas sta-
tion, pies and cakes in every diner.
More than oil, more than sports,
more than meat, even, sugar is the fuel
that keeps America running.
And so it is clear that each state ought
to claim its own dessert, even as we all
praise apple pie as the ultimate symbol
of Americana. Surprisingly, only eight
states have an ofcial dessert (along with
15 that have recognised state cookies, candies
and other subcategories). I see this as an enor-
mous oversight and a trenchant example of the
failure of bureaucracy to meet citizens needs.
And so I decided to assign a dessert to every one
of these blessed United States.
Such a formidable task needs ground rules:
1. No two states can have the same dessert.
Once a dessert is assigned to one state, no other
state can lay claim to it. This rule will no doubt
chagrin many readers who believe their state
deserves banana pudding, but, as we all learned
in childhood, we cant always have ba-
nana pudding when we want it.
2. Brands are not desserts. For the
purposes of this map, a dessert is a treat
that can be made in your kitchen, not a trade-
marked secret recipe. There are lots of dessert
brands closely associated with states Ben and
Jerrys in Vermont, MoonPie in Tennessee and Her-
sheys in
Pennsylvania, for i n - stance
but you wont nd any of them on this
map. (I did make a single exception for a certain
brand name that has become synonymous with
gelatin desserts of all stripes.)
3. No state gets apple pie or chocolate chip
cookies. Assigning apple pie to a state would be
tantamount to declaring that state more American
than the others. We wouldnt want to be respon-
sible for sparking a second civil war, and so weve
decided to take apple pie off the table, so to speak.
chip cook-
ies arent
quite as
emblematic as
apple pie, and
unlike apple
pie they have a
clear place of birth:
the Toll House Inn in
Massachusetts. But
chocolate-chip cook-
ies have spread across
the nation like an invasive
species. It wouldnt be
fair to let one state lay
claim to such a uni-
versal favourite. (And
besides, Massachusetts
already has a bunch
of great desserts to
choose from.)
This map was difcult to compile, given that
so many desserts are regional rather than local
in origin, and it will no doubt draw complaints
from, say, Louisianans who think they should
have gotten red velvet cake. But remember:
Even if your state didnt get your favorite des-
sert, youre still allowed to eat it. SLATE
The state of the unions sweets
Alabama: Lane cake
Also known as Alabama Lane cake,
Lane cake is one of those boozy,
eggy, dried-fruit-lled confections
we dont eat enough of these days.
Invented by Emma Rylander Lane
in the 1890s, a Lane cake is a sponge
cake layered with a raisin-bourbon
lling and frosted with a marshmal-
lowy boiled white frosting. Lane
cake is also to Harper Lee what the
madeleine is to Marcel Proust: The
baked good makes several appear-
ances in the Alabama-set To Kill a
Alaska: Baked Alaska
OK, ne, so the baked Alaska was
not invented in Alaska. It wasnt even
invented by someone who had been
to Alaska. Cakes topped with ice
cream and encased with meringue
were served for decades before Alas-
ka became a state, under names like
omelette surprise and omelette
a la norvegienne (Norwegian om-
elette, probably an allusion to Nor-
ways cold climate). But it was the
name popularised in the 1870s by
Delmonicos Restaurant in New York
a tribute to the newly purchased
Department of Alaska that stuck.
Its easy to see why the visually apt
name caught on: The white, mound-
ed dessert bears more than a passing
resemblance to the snow-capped
Mount McKinley.
Furthermore, Alaska is the only
state name that describes a dessert
not merely as a modier, but as a
noun. To omit this singular sweet
from a list of pseudo-ofcial state
desserts would be a dereliction of
my duties.
Colorado: Edibles
The legalisation of recreational
marijuana in Colorado at the begin-
ning of this year opened the ood-
gates to a vigorous and controversial
edibles industry. It was never any
question that Colorados state des-
sert would be laced with THC the
question was, what kind of sweet ed-
ible should get the crown? Cookies?
Brownies? Gummy bears? Who cares.
Florida: Key lime pie
Key lime pie is the ofcial state pie
of Florida. There is an annual Key
lime pie festival in Cape Canaveral.
Florida media outlets specialise in
lists of the best Key lime pies served
in the state. And the limes in Key lime
pie are named after the Florida Keys.
This choice was easy as pie.
Kansas: Dirt cake
A chilled concoction of instant
pudding, imitation whipped cream,
and crushed chocolate sandwich
cookies, Kansas dirt cake is the most
prominent dessert named in honour
of Kansas. (I promise, I looked for
other ones, but this was it.) Kansas
dirt cake is not to be confused with
Mississippi mud pie, which is a to-
tally different soil-themed dessert.
Nebraska: Popcorn balls
Nebraska is the countrys leading
popcorn producer, growing about
one-quarter of our national sup-
ply. According to legend, popcorn
balls were invented during a day
of wonky Nebraska weather: First
heavy rains sent syrup owing from
sorghum grass into the cornelds,
then extreme heat caused the corn
to pop, and nally a tornado swept
the sugar-coated popcorn into clus-
ters. Climate change makes this story
seem actually kind of plausible, but
the folktale gives short shrift to who-
ever really invented candy-coated
popcorn spheres, Nebraskas home-
grown contribution to the nations
dessert menu.
New Jersey: Salt water taffy
Atlantic City, New Jersey, has made
a number of lasting contributions
to Americana: Monopoly, the Miss
America pageant, that Bruce Spring-
steen song and, most importantly,
those colour-coded candy cylinders
that, despite their name, contain no
salt water.
New York: Cheesecake
New York state is much more than
New York City but New York Citys
signature dessert has acquired such
mythic proportions that it overshad-
ows the rest of the states sweets. In
fact, New York-style cheesecake, with
its impossibly tall and dense layer of
cream-cheese lling, has eclipsed all
other styles of cheesecake to become
Americas denitive cheesecake style.
In a city of constant ethnic ux,
cheesecake is itself a constant, offer-
ing something for everyone, wrote a
New York Times reporter in 2004, and
the statement still rings true today.
The Big Apple has seen its share of
culinary fads, but ranking the best
slices of cheesecake in the city re-
mains an ever-popular pastime.
North Carolina: Sweet potato pie
Sweet potato pie is one of those
pan-Southern desserts, a mainstay
of soul food with roots in slave cook-
ing. So why does North Carolina get
it, instead of, say, Georgia, Virginia,
or Mississippi? Tar Heels grow more
sweet potatoes than residents of any
other state, which gives them dibs on
the tubers most illustrious dish.
Texas: Pecan pie
The pecan tree is Texas ofcial
state tree, the native pecan is Texas
ofcial state nut, and San Saba,
Texas, is the self-proclaimed pecan
capital of the world. Does it surprise
you that the Texas House of Repre-
sentatives recently named pecan pie
the ofcial state pie? It should not.
Texas has covered all its bases where
it comes to pecans, and to give this
Thanksgiving dessert to any other
state would just be wrongheaded.
(It would also probably qualify as
messing with Texas.)
Vermont: Maple candy
The Pieces of Vermont store, Your
Vermont maple candy and maple
wedding favours specialists, isnt the
only place you can buy maple candy
a magical confection that is made
from pure, concentrated, whipped
maple syrup but it is the most aptly
Washington, DC: Cupcakes
The cupcake craze of the early 21st
century did not begin in Washington,
DC, but it ended there. Our nations
capital is home to several indepen-
dent cupcake bakeries, including
Georgetown Cupcake, which rose to
prominence on the TLC reality show
D.C. Cupcakes the program that for-
ever linked the District of Columbia
with cupcakes in the nations imagi-
nation. No one tell DC that macaro-
ns, pie, whoopie pies and doughnuts
are the new cupcake.
West Virginia: Shooy pie
Shooy pie is a colourful name for
molasses pie. It seems to have been
invented, like so many other des-
serts, by the Pennsylvania Dutch,
but molasses is a beloved ingredient
throughout Appalachia, as evidenced
by the West Virginia Molasses Fes-
tival, held annually in Arnoldsburg,
West Virginia, since 1967.
Wyoming: Cowboy cookies
The connection between cowboys
and cowboy cookies is unclear, un-
less its just that cowboys, like the rest
of us, enjoy oatmeal cookies packed
with chocolate chips, pecans, and
coconut. Regardless, as the state with
the most enduring cowboy cred, Wy-
oming gets cowboy cookies.
Visit http://tinyurl.com/pfn2bwu for
the complete list.
If every state had an ofcial dessert
Scale the Eiger
on your laptop
Nina Larson

custom-made 360-
degree cameras
mounted on the
backs of climbers scaling the
Eiger in the Swiss Alps has
captured a unique and diz-
zying view of the mountains
infamous north face.
Mountaineers Stephan
Siegrist and Daniel Arnold
climbed the legendary origi-
nal route up a 1,800-metre
wall, rst conquered in 1938,
over two days in April. The
summit of the Eiger itself is
3,970 metres high.
For Project 360, backed by
Swiss mountaineering and
trekking equipment compa-
ny Mammut, the two carried
specially made cube-shaped
cameras made from six cam-
eras stuck together, shooting
still frames and video every
30 seconds.
One more climber, Denis
Burdet, also followed with
his own 360-degree camera,
while two other climbers
were carrying regular cam-
era and video equipment.
A drone shot aerial footage
from above.
After being digitally
stitched together, the images
offer unprecedented pan-
oramic views of the jagged
face, which computer users
can navigate the same way as
Google Street View (http://
You really get the feeling
youre climbing the North
Face, Siegrist said in an in-
terview, adding that he had
been deeply impressed and
surprised by how real [the
footage] looks.
He said he at rst had been
concerned that the cam-
era, which looked a bit like
they were made by Bob the
Builder and was mounted
on a rod sticking out of his
backpack, would throw him
off balance.
But the pack, which to-
gether weighed about 8 ki-
lograms, turned out to be
fairly comfortable and the
climb was actually quite
easy, he said.
The 42-year-old profession-
al climber, who has scaled
Eigers daunting north face
30 times over his more than
15-year-career, said he at
rst had been sceptical about
the project. He feared it might
entice tablet-bearing nov-
ices to try to scale the face,
nicknamed Mordwand or
Murder Wall for the mul-
titude of climbers who have
lost their lives there.
But his mind was put at
ease when the team decided
to only show the hot spots
along the way and not the
entire route, he said.
Siegrist and Arnold have
also pulled off a similar climb
with 360-degree cameras on
the famous Hornli Ridge on
the Matterhorn, on the Swiss
border with Italy.
The images from that
mountain, whose pyramidal
4,478-metre peak is consid-
ered a national symbol in
the Alpine country, are set to
be released by Project 360 in
Mammut is also using other
teams to map 360 views of oth-
er Alpine peaks, and Siegrist
said he expected it would not
be long before more easily ac-
cessible routes could also be
explored virtually.
The climber acknowledged
he was ambivalent about the
inspirational pull the projects
would likely have in convert-
ing more people to moun-
taineering and climbing.
While good for the industry
that provides his livelihood,
Siegrist said its a dilemma.
I really only want to be alone
in the mountains. AFP
A screengrab from a website
offering 360-degree views of the
Eiger in the Swiss Alps. PROJECT360
Flighs Days Dep Arrival Flighs Days Dep Arrival
K6 720 Daily 12:05 01:10 K6 721 Daily 02:25 03:30
PG 930 Daily 13:20 14:30 PG 939 Daily 11:20 12:30
PG 938 Daily 06:20 07:30 PG 931 Daily 08:10 09:25
PG 932 Daily 10:15 11:25 TG 580 Daily 07:55 09:05
TG 581 Daily 10:05 11:10 PG 933 Daily 13:20 14:30
PG 934 Daily 15:20 16:30 FD 606 Daily 15:00 16:20
FD 607 Daily 17:05 18:15 PG 935 Daily 17:10 18:20
PG 936 Daily 19:10 20:20 TG 584 Daily 18:25 19:40
TG 585 Daily 20:40 21:45 PG 937 Daily 21:20 22:30
CZ 324 Daily 08:00 16:05 CZ 323 Daily 14:30 20:50
QR 965 Daily 16:30 23:05 QR 964 Daily 01:00 15:05
CZ 324 Daily 08:00 11:40 CZ 6059 2.4.7 12:00 13:45
CZ 6060 2.4.7 14:45 18:10 CZ 323 Daily 19:05 20:50
VN 840 Daily 17:30 20:35 VN 841 Daily 09:40 13:00
QR 965 Daily 16:30 17:30 QR 964 Daily 14:05 15:05
VN 841 Daily 14:00 14:45 VN 920 Daily 15:50 16:30
VN 3856 Daily 19:20 20:05 VN 3857 Daily 18:00 18:45
KA 207 11:25 15:05 KA 208 08:50 10:25
KA 207 6 11:45 22:25 KA 206 3.5.7 14:30 16:05
KA 209 1 18:30 22:05 KA 206 1 15:25 17:00
KA 209 3.5.7 17:25 21:00 KA 206 2 15:50 17:25
KA 205 2 19:00 22:35 - - - -
KE 690 Daily 23:40 06:40 KE 689 Daily 18:30 22:20
OZ 740 Daily 23:50 06:50 OZ 739 Daily 19:10 22:50
AK 1473 Daily 08:35 11:20 AK 1474 Daily 15:15 16:00
MH 755 Daily 11:10 14:00 MH 754 Daily 09:30 10:20
MH 763 Daily 17:10 20:00 MH 762 Daily 3:20 4:10
AF 273 2 20:05 06:05 AF 273 2 20:05 06:05
FM 833 19:50 23:05 FM 833 19:30 22:40
MI 601 09:30 12:30 MI 602 07:40 08:40
MI 622 2.4 12:20 15:20 MI 622 2.4 08:40 11:25
3K 594 1234..7 15:25 18:20 3K 593 Daily 13:30 14:40
3K 594 ....56. 15:25 18:10 - - - -
MI 607 Daily 18:10 21:10 MI 608 Daily 16:20 17:15
2817 1.3 16:40 19:40 2816 1.3 15:00 15:50
2817 2.4.5 09:10 12:00 2816 2.4.5 07:20 08:10
2817 6 14:50 17:50 2816 6 13:00 14:00
2817 7 13:20 16:10 2816 7 11:30 12:30
CI 862 Daily 10:50 15:20 CI 861 Daily 07:30 09:50
BR 266 Daily 12:45 17:05 BR 265 Daily 09:10 11:35
VN 840 Daily 17:30 18:50 VN 841 Daily 11:30 13:00
QV 920 Daily 17:50 19:10 QV 921 Daily 11:45 13:15
8M 402 1.3.6 13:30 14:55 8M 401 1.3.6 08:20 10:45
8M 401 1.3.6 11:45 12:30
Flighs Days Dep Arrival Flighs Days Dep Arrival
K6 700 Daily 12:50 2:00 K6 701 Daily 02:55 04:05
PG 924 Daily 09:45 11:00 PG 903 Daily 08:00 09:10
PG 906 Daily 12:20 13:35 PG 905 Daily 10:35 11:45
PG 914 Daily 15:50 17:00 PG 913 Daily 14:05 15:15
PG 908 Daily 19:05 20:10 PG 907 Daily 17:20 18:15
PG 910 Daily 20:30 21:45 PG 909 Daily 18:45 19:55
CZ 3054 2.4.6 11:25 15:35 CZ 3053 2.4.6 08:45 10:30
CZ 3054 19:25 23:20 CZ 3053 16:35 18:30
K6 850 Daily 06:50 08:30 K6 851 Daily 19:30 21:15
VN 868 12:40 15:35 VN 843 Daily 15:25 17:10
VN 842 Daily 18:05 19:45 VN 845 Daily 17:05 18:50
VN 844 Daily 19:45 21:25 VN 845 Daily 17:45 19:30
VN 800 Daily 21:00 22:40 VN 801 Daily 18:20 20:00
VN 3818 Daily 11:10 12:30 VN 3809 Daily 09:15 10:35
VN 826 Daily 13:30 14:40 VN 827 Daily 11:35 12:35
VN 3820 Daily 17:45 18:45 VN 3821 Daily 15:55 16:55
VN 828 Daily 18:20 19:20 VN 829 Daily 16:20 17:40
VN 3822 Daily 21:35 22:35 VN 3823 Daily 19:45 20:45
KE 688 Daily 23:15 06:10 KE 687 Daily 18:30 22:15
OZ 738 Daily 23:40 07:10 OZ 737 Daily 19:20 22:40
AK 281 Daily 08:35 11:35 AK 280 Daily 06:50 07:50
MH 765 3.5.7 14:15 17:25 MH 764 3.5.7 12:10 13:15
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3 Fri, 20:00 - Sat 23:59 1 Call/week SIN-SHV-SGZ-SIN
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SGN= Saigon, Vietnam
SGZ= Songkhla, Thailand
SHV= Sihanoukville Port Cambodia
SIN= Singapore
TPP= TanjungPelapas, Malaysia
TYO= Tokyo, Japan
TXG= Taichung, Taiwan
YAT= Yantian, China
YOK= Yokohama, Japan
Air Asia (AK)
Room T6, PP International
Airport. Tel: 023 6666 555
Fax: 023 890 071
Cambodia Angkor Air (K6)
PP Ofce, #206A, Preah
Norodom Blvd, Tonle Bassac
+855 23 6666 786, 788, 789,
+855 23 21 25 64
Fax:+855 23-22 41 64
E: helpdesk@angkor-air.com
Qatar Airways (Newaddress)
VattanacCapital Tower, Level7,
No.66, PreahMonivongBlvd,
Sangkat wat Phnom, KhanDaun
Penh. PP, P: (023) 963800.
E: pnhres@kh.qatarairways.com
#90+92+94Eo, St. 217,
Sk. Orussey4, Kh. 7 Makara,
Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
T:023 881 178 | F:023 886 677
Dragon Air (KA)
#168, Monireth, PP
Tel: 023 424 300
Fax: 023 424 304
Tiger airways
G. oor, Regency square,
Suare, Suite #68/79, St.205,
Sk Chamkarmorn, PP
Tel: (855) 95 969 888
(855) 23 5515 888/5525888
E: info@cambodiaairlines.net

Koreanair (KE)
Room.F3-R03, Intelligent Ofce
Center, Monivong Blvd,PP
Tel: (855) 23 224 047-9
Cebu Pacic (5J)
Phnom Penh: No. 333B
Monivong Blvd. Tel: 023 219161
SiemReap: No. 50,Sivatha Blvd.
Tel: 063 965487
E-mail: cebuair@ptm-travel.com
SilkAir (MI)
Regency C,Unit 2-4, Tumnorb
Teuk, Chamkarmorn
Phnom Penh
Tel:023 988 629
2817 - 16 Tigerairways KA - Dragon Air 1 Monday
5J - CEBU Airways. MH - Malaysia Airlines 2 Tuesday
AK - Air Asia MI - SilkAir 3 Wednesday
BR - EVA Airways OZ - Asiana Airlines 4 Thursday
CI - China Airlines PG - Bangkok Airways 5 Friday
CZ - China Southern QR - Qatar Airways 6 Saturday
FD - Thai Air Asia QV - Lao Airlines 7 Sunday
FM - Shanghai Air SQ - Singapore Airlines
K6- Cambodia Angkor Air TG - Thai Airways | VN - Vietnam Airlines
This ight schedule information is updated about once a month. Further information,
please contact direct to airline or a travel agent for ight schedule information.
5J 258 2.4.7 22:30 02:11 5J 257 2.4.7 19:45 21:30
MI 633 1, 6, 7 16:35 22:15 MI 633 1, 6, 7 14:35 15:45
MI 622 2.4 10:40 15:20 MI 622 2.4 08:40 09:50
MI 630 5 12:25 15:40 MI 616 7 10:40 11:50
MI 615 7 12:45 16:05 MI 636 3, 2 13:55 17:40
MI 636 3, 2 18:30 21:35 MI 630 5 07:55 11:35
MI 617 5 18:35 21:55 MI 618 5 16:35 17:45
3K 598 .2....7 15:35 18:40 3K 597 .2....7 13:45 14:50
3K 598 ...4... 15:35 18:30 3K 597 ...4... 13:45 14:50
QV 522 10:05 13:00 QV 512 06:30 09:25
8M 402 1. 5 20:15 21:25 8M 401 1. 5 17:05 19:15
Flighs Days Dep Arrival Flighs Days Dep Arrival
K6 130 1-3-5 12:55 13:55 K6 131 1-3-5 11:20 12:20
Thinking caps
1 Pitchers illegal moves
6 Get ___ of yourself!
11 Camping grp.
14 Oil well firefighter Red
15 Private instructor
16 Barley bristle
17 Tool for a certain shark
19 Hula hoop?
20 And others, for short
21 Prefix for way or wife
22 Certain Major Leaguer (Abbr.)
24 Tool thats a wicker basket
28 Soccer is football there
31 Skating figure
32 Medical pictures
33 Phrase in legalese
34 Veiled oath?
37 Ones in the fast lane?
39 Like newly pressed pants
42 Cry to a bullfighter
43 Use acid to cut
45 Joyous, in poetry
46 Draw a conclusion
48 Willows used in basketry
49 Tool used for those who serve
53 Hop or sing ending
54 Shooters org.
55 Expression of sorrow
59 Tillis or Torme
60 Tool used for good, strong slaps
64 Tigers org.
65 Pear and apple, e.g.
66 Small-minded
67 Author Rand
68 Spring purchases
69 Sooty residues
1 Titular film pig
2 Mine entrance
3 Singers syllables
4 Party poopers
5 ___ Lanka
6 Indoor courtyards
7 Football-field conferences
8 How some stocks are sold (Abbr.)
9 Piniella or Rawls
10 Soak
11 Soothing salves
12 Like Georgia Brown
13 Diva Baker
18 Tahiti sweetie
23 Still and all
25 Church feature
26 A Cockney will often drop one
27 Hunchback of film horror
28 Large public show
29 River that flows to the Caspian
30 Demolish, to a Brit
33 Daisy look-alike
34 Land in the ocean
35 Forest ruminant
36 Lofty works
38 Ring officials
40 Natural effortlessness
41 Stirs up trouble
44 Started the Model T
46 Small hotel
47 Monday-football times
48 Give the go-ahead
49 Neighbor of St. Petersburg
50 Song of lament
51 Legendary pitcher Ryan
52 Salad ingredient, sometimes
56 Suffix meaning stone
57 Entr___
58 The ___ the limit!
61 Its found in a lode
62 Average grade
63 Relaxing resort
Wednesdays solution Wednesdays solution
A thriller centred on two archaeologists in search of a
lost treasure in the catacombs below Paris.
City Mall: 3:35pm
Tuol Kork: 11:04am
In the far reaches of space, an American pilot named
Peter Quill finds himself the object of a manhunt
after stealing an orb coveted by the villainous Ronan.
City Mall: 7:30pm
Tuol Kork: 7pm
A group of high school students document the events
and aftermath of a devastating tornado.
City Mall: 1:30pm, 5:35pm, 7:35pm
Tuol Kork: 9:10am, 1:05pm, 5:10pm, 10:10pm
A married couple wake up to discover that the sex
tape they made the evening before has gone missing,
leading to a frantic search for its whereabouts.
City Mall: 5:35pm
Tuol Kork: 8:10pm
Darkness has settled over New York City as Shredder
and his evil Foot Clan have an iron grip on everything
from the police to the politicians. The future is grim
until four unlikely outcast brothers rise from the
sewers and discover their destiny as Teenage Mutant
Ninja Turtles.
City Mall: 11:50am, 10pm,
Tuol Kork: 3pm, 10pm
When world-famous air racer Dusty learns that his
engine is damaged and he may never race again,
he must shift gears and is launched into the world
of aerial firefighting. Dusty joins forces with veteran
fire and rescue helicopter Blade Ranger and his
team, a bunch of all-terrain vehicles known as The
Smokejumpers. Together, the fearless team battles
a massive wildfire, and Dusty learns what it takes to
become a true hero.
City Mall: 11:05am
Shameless @ Pontoon
Firefox and full cabaret show with live
drag show and wild entertainment.
With music all night from the resident
DJs Rob Bianche and Alex Shaman. Free
Pontoon, #80 Street 172. 10pm
Doco @ Meta House
In Tims Vermeer, a US inventor tries to
solve one of arts greatest mysteries: How
did 17th-century Dutch master Johannes
Vermeer manage to paint so photo-
realistically 150 years before the
invention of photography?
The epic research project Tim Jenison
embarks on to test his theory is as
extraordinary as what he discovers.
Meta House, #37 Sothearos Boulevard.
Cheap pasta @ Willow
An all-Italian pasta night with wine,
salads, desserts and pasta dishes all for
$3.50 each. The menu changes each
week with two pastas (one meat, one
vegetarian), a salad and a variety of
The Willow Boutique Hotel, #1 Street 21.
10am - MAN OF STEEL: A young itinerant worker is
forced to confront his secret extrastellar origin when
Earth is invaded by members of his own race. HBOI
12:20pm - LOST IN TRANSLATION: A faded movie star
and a neglected young woman form an unlikely bond
after crossing paths in Tokyo. HBO
2pm - ERIN BROCKOVICH: An unemployed single mother
becomes a legal assistant and almost single-handedly
brings down a California power company accused of
polluting a citys water supply. HBO
7:15pm - HERE COMES THE BOOM: A high school biology
teacher looks to become a successful mixed-martial arts
fighter in an effort to raise money to prevent extra-
curricular activities from being axed at his cash-strapped
school. HBO
9pm - RUSH HOUR: Two cops team up to get back a
kidnapped daughter. HBO
Dutch master Johannes Vermeers Girl with a Pearl Earring. BLOOMBERG
Amy Adams, Henry Cavill and Antje Traue star in
Man of Steel. BLOOMBERG
Swing @ Code Red
Everyone is welcome to swing out on
the dance oor. Learn the Charleston,
Lindy Hop and more. $5.
Code Red, opposite NagaWorld.
Intermediate 6:40pm, beginner
7:40pm, freestyle dance 8:40pm

Big names confirmed to
appear at special event
WORLD stars led by Lin Dan
and Lee Chong Wei are
confirmed to join the Badminton
Thai Glory To The King
tournament in Bangkok on
December 5. Lin, 30, of China, a
two-time Olympic champion
and a five-time world
championship winner, is the
latest player confirmed to
participate in the prestigious
competition held to celebrate
King Bhumibol Adulyadejs 87th
birthday. World No 1 Lee of
Malaysia was the finalist at last
weeks World Championship in
Denmark, losing to Chinas
Chen Long. Other confirmed
shuttle stars joining Lin and Lee
in exhibition games at the
Indoor Stadium Huamark
include Thai star Boonsak
Ponsana and Indonesian trio
Taufik Hidayat, Ahmad Tontowi
and Liliyana Natsir. BANGKOKPOST
US, Slovenia remain
unbeaten, Aussies shock
SLOVENIA and United States
both remained undefeated at
the World Basketball World
Championships with
comfortable wins on Tuesday
while Australia surprised
Lithuania and Mexico picked up
a historic win. Phoenix Suns
playmaker Goran Dragic led
Slovenia with 22 points and the
other four starters also scored
in double digits in an 89-72 win
over South Korea to improve to
3-0 atop Group D. Group D also
saw the biggest surprise of the
day as Australia handed
Lithuania their first loss of the
competition, an 82-75 victory
in Gran Canaria In the other
Group D game, Mexico beat
Angola 79-55 for their first win
in this years competition and
their first victory at the Worlds
in 40 years. AFP
S Africa make changes
for Australia rugby Test
SOUTH Africa yesterday
overhauled their team for the
clash against Australia this
weekend, making six changes
for a game in which Bryan
Habana will reach the 100 Test
milestone. The Springboks
survived a scare against
Argentina in their last Rugby
Championship outing last
month, bouncing back from 12
points down to edge the match
in Salta 33-31. The scrums
were a particular problem for
the two-time world champions
and coach Heyneke Meyer
made four changes to his pack
for Saturdays match, bringing
in Marcell Coetzee, veteran
Victor Matfield, Adriaan
Strauss and Tendai Mtawarira.
He also recalled Jan Serfontein
and the experienced Morne
Steyn to the backline. AFP
Josh Brent can return to
Cowboys team after ban
DALLAS Cowboys defensive
tackle Josh Brent, found guilty
of intoxication manslaughter
for a 2012 car crash that killed
former teammate Jerry
Brown, has a reinstatement
path to the National Football
League. The league said on
Tuesday that Brent could be
conditionally reinstated to the
NFL if he completes a
10-game suspension. He
would be able to visit the
Cowboys training camp after
the sixth week of the season
and to practise with the team
in the ninth week. AFP
TWO-TIME Tour of Spain
winner Alberto Contador
took the overall lead in this
years edition on Tuesday as
German Tony Martin won the
10th stage, a 36.7-kilometre
Contador, 31 and who n-
ished fourth, 39 seconds
slower than triple time-trial
world champion Martin,
replaced Colombian rider
Nairo Quintana in the overall
leaders red jersey.
For Contador it represents
quite a comeback after, like
Chris Froome, he failed to
nish the Tour de France be-
cause of injury, in his case a
broken tibia.
Nobody ould have imag-
ined that I would be in red
today, it is an enormous sur-
prise, the Tinkoff team leader
told Spanish TV station TVE.
As a result of that I really be-
lieve I can win.
Quintana, who took a
three-second lead on Sunday,
came to grief when he fell af-
ter a dozen kilometres, as he
was bending down to ddle
with his right shoe, and lost
more than three minutes to
Quintana, bidding for a
second Grand Tour win this
season having won the Tour
of Italy, limited the damage
somewhat in the remainder of
the stage and lies in 11th spot.
No positive tests on Le Tour
There were no positive
dope tests at this years Tour
de France, world cyclings
governing body the UCI an-
nounced on Tuesday.
All the samples collected
were systematically analysed
to detect stimulants and eryth-
ropoiesis, said the UCI, the
latter being the process which
produces red blood cells.
Isotope-ratio mass spec-
trometry was also analysed
in a certain number of sam-
ples, in particular to detect
testosterone abuse and its
A total of 719 blood and
urine samples were taken on
this years Tour, compared to
622 a year ago, with the testing
carried out at a laboratory in
France. AFP
Martin wins stage,
Contador takes lead
Cook vows to carry on
ENGLAND captain Alastair
Cook insisted he still wanted
to lead the side at the World
Cup despite conceding the
teams chances of triumphing
at next years tournament
were far-fetched following
another mauling by India.
The reigning world cham-
pions inflicted a humiliating
nine-wicket defeat upon
England in the fourth one-
day international at Edgbas-
ton on Tuesday to take an
unbeatable 3-0 lead in the
five-match series.
India dismissed England
for just 206, a total that owed
much to number seven
Moeen Alis 67.
They then coasted to vic-
tory with more than 19 overs
to spare after Ajinkya Rahane,
whose 106 was his maiden
ODI century, and Shikhar
Dhawan (97 not out) put on
183 for the first wicket.
Defeat saw England suffer
a fifth loss in their last six ODI
England only have a diet of
limited overs cricket between
now and the start of the World
Cup in Australia and New Zea-
land in February. But their
chances of lifting the trophy
for the first time in what will
be 40 years of trying look as
remote as they have since they
made the last of their three los-
ing appearances in the final in
1992 the only previous occa-
sion when the tournament
was staged Down Under.
Former England off-spin-
ner Graeme Swann recently
urged Cook to quit one-day
cricket and concentrate sole-
ly on Tests.
But Cook, whose nine on
Tuesday meant he has gone
38 innings without an ODI
hundred, faced similar calls
to stand down as Test skipper
from half-a-dozen former
England captains earlier in
the season, only to lead the
team to a 3-1 series win over
Cook, asked if he would be
Englands captain at the
World Cup, replied: If Im
allowed to be, yes.
I dont have a say on selec-
tion, but Ive captained for
three-and-a-half years with
the goal to try to win the
World Cup in Australia.
He added: I know that
seems a bit far-fetched at the
moment when were losing
games of cricket, but there are
a lot of really good players in
that changing room.
If we can improve at the
rate we need to improve, weve
got a chance.
England, beaten heavily for
the third match in a row, will
try to avoid further embar-
rassment in the series finale
at Headingley tomorrow.
Maybe for a few of these
guys, its the first time its hap-
pened that weve lost as badly
as this and its a true test of
character for the whole team,
really, Cook said.
Former England captain
Michael Vaughan has criti-
cised the teams old-fash-
ioned approach to one-day
But Cook said the problem
was more fundamental than
I dont think its been our
mind-set really, he said.
I think its been our lack of
execution of fairly basic skills
at the moment with our bat-
ting. AFP
Wozniacki to face Peng
ORMER world number one
Caroline Wozniacki and rst-
time Grand Slam seminal-
ist Peng Shuai will meet for a
place in the US Open title match af-
ter dominant victories on Tuesday.
Wozniacki, the runner-up at Flush-
ing Meadows in 2009, dismissed
13th-seeded Italian Sara Errani 6-0,
6-1 and is back in the seminals of a
major for the rst time since the 2011
US Open.
Chinas Peng, in the quarterfinals
of a major for the first time in her
37th attempt, made similarly short
work of Swiss teen Belinda Bencic
6-2, 6-1.
Peng joined two-time Grand Slam
champion Li Na and Zheng Jie as the
only Chinese to reach the last four of
a Grand Slam.
Thirty-seven times Grand Slam,
Peng said, then had to stop the
thought as she struggled to contain
her emotions after taking apart Ben-
cic in just 64 minutes.
Its a little bit too exciting, she
said. I love tennis, I love to play, but
its a long time, the career. Its tough.
Sometimes Ive thought to give up
and stop playing because I dont
know if I can make it or not.
My coach and my parents always
told me to ght and not give up that
today was coming.
Wozniacki was similarly convinc-
ing on a windy night on Arthur Ashe
Stadium court, where towels from
the players chairs and stray plastic
bags had to be corraled.
In a match between two players with
an uncanny ability to extend rallies,
Wozniackis 26 outright winners to the
12 of Errani made the difference.
Errani, who boasts a top-speed
serve of less than 90 mph (144.84
km/h) couldnt hold once in six ser-
vice games.
She was unable to capitalise on any
of four break points in the opening
game of the match and after ghting
for that hold Wozniacki was rolling.
It was really tricky conditions with
the wind, but I tried to stay aggres-
sive, Wozniacki said, calling the
opening game very important.
You always go out there and are a
little bit nervous. I served really well
after that.
Errani did break Wozniacki to open
the second set, but with the Italian
unable to protect her own serve it was
immaterial, and the Dane wrapped
things up in 65 minutes.
It means so much to me, said
Wozniacki, who has struggled to nd
consistency this season and coped
with the abrupt and highly publi-
cized end of her engagement to golf-
er Rory McIlroy.
Federer, Monls to clash in quarters
Five-time champion Roger Federer
set up a US Open quarternal block-
buster against eccentric French star
Gael Monls on Tuesday as the huge-
ly hyped new generation once again
Second seed Federer reached his
10th US Open quarternal in the last
11 years with a comfortable 6-4, 6-3,
6-2 win over Spains Roberto Bautista
Agut while Monls, the 20th seed,
reached his second New York last-
eight stunning seventh-seeded Grigor
Dimitrov 7-5, 7-6 (8/6), 7-5
Federer, the 17-time major winner,
leads Monls 7-2 in career meetings,
including their most recent clash in
Cincinnati last month.
Gael has been playing some great
tennis, hes always very entertaining.
Im sure well see lots of retrieving
by him and attacking by me, said
Meanwhile, Czech sixth seed Tomas
Berdych reached the quarternals with
a 6-1, 6-2, 6-4 win over Austrias Domi-
nic Thiem. He will face Croatias Marin
Cilic after the 14th seeded Croatian
reached his third US Open quarter-
nal with a 5-7, 7-6 (7/3), 6-4, 3-6, 6-3
win over Frances Gilles Simon. AFP
Caroline Wozniacki of Denmark hits a return to Sara Errani of Italy during their US Open womens singles match in New York on Tuesday. AFP

Marshs virtuoso display
sees Australia into final
performance by Mitchell Marsh helped
Australia return to winning ways as
they beat South Africa by 62 runs on
Tuesday in Harare to secure their place
in the triangular series final. Marsh
struck a brutal 86 not out from 51 balls
to boost the Australian total to 282 for
seven, and then took two key wickets as
South Africa were bowled out for 220 in
spite of Faf du Plessis superb hundred.
It was the best response Australia
could have hoped for after they were
humiliated by hosts Zimbabwe on
Sunday to leave their participation in
Saturdays final in doubt. South Africas
own qualification will only be confirmed
today, though they would need to be
heavily beaten by Zimbabwe in the final
round robin game to miss out. AFP
New Zealand cricket coach
Hesson extends contract
NEW Zealand coach Mike Hesson
signed a two-year contract extension
yesterday in a major vote of confidence
for the young Black Caps mentor.
Hesson, 39, took over in mid-2012 with
New Zealand in the doldrums after a
poor run of defeats and soon created
controversy by axing the popular Ross
Taylor as captain in favour of Brendon
McCullum. However, his appointment
has paid dividends, with the Black Caps
winning their last three Test series
against India at home and the West
Indies at home and away. New Zealand
Cricket chief executive David White said
Hesson's contract, which had been due
to expire in April next year, had been
extended to April 2017. AFP
WMAU backing
Bokator's push
for heritage nod
H S Manjunath
mance by Cambodias Boka-
tor warriors came in for
high praise at the recently
concluded annual World Martial Arts
Festival in the South Korean city of
Chungju, bolstering the Kingdoms
case for UNESCO recognition of this
Angkorian-era ghting style as Intan-
gible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
The World Martial Arts Union, of
which Cambodia is a member, is
strongly lobbying UNESCO, who are
currently evaluating the mound of
supporting historical evidence that
was presented last year.
We are awaiting UNESCOs deci-
sion. As one of the worlds ancient
ghting techniques, which take an
art form, this recognition is very
important for us, National Olym-
pic Committee of Cambodia secre-
tary general Vath Chamroeun told
the Post yesterday after returning
from Chungju.
The performances by our four-
man team of Bokator ghters was
very well received at the festival and
there was huge appreciation for
some of its techniques.
Every year, the festival showcases
all of worlds martial art forms as well
as South Koreas traditional ones.
Asian Games preparations
Meanwhile, the NOCC ofcial also
conducted some important adminis-
trative work in relation to Cambodias
participation in the forthcoming 17th
Asian Games being held in Incheon
from September 19 to October 4.
We nalised the registrations and
discussed security issues apart from
working out travel arrangements for
our delegation, Vath Chamroeun
told the Post.
Cambodian athletes will partici-
pate in beach volleyball, wrestling,
tennis, judo, taekwondo, swimming
and athletics, apart from soft tennis,
which will be a demonstration sport.
The Cambodian delegation, ex-
cept for the athletics squad, will
leave Phnom Penh on September 16,
reaching Incheon the next morning.
Athletics coach Chay Khimsan and
his three wards Hem Bunting, Neko
Hiroshi and Ma Viro left two days
ago to train in Japan for two weeks
before heading straight to Korea.
Hem Bunting, who is Cambodias
most successful long distance run-
ner and a SEA Games silver medal-
ist, has been recalled to national
duty for the rst time since his last
appearance at the Guangzhou Asian
Games four years ago.
In the intervening years, Bun-
ting won several international half
marathons at home and went on a
few training jaunts to other coun-
tries, most notably Kenya in 2012.
His omission from the national
team had kicked up a raging contro-
versy with the athletics authorities
often accusing him of indiscipline, a
charge that the countrys ace runner
has steadfastly refuted.
While Neko Hiroshi, the recent win-
ner of Cambodias rst full marathon
race in Siem Reap, will only run the
42km event in Incheon, Hem Bun-
ting and Ma Viro will both gure in
the 5km run and the marathon.
Cambodia's Bokator performers pose with a South Korean army ofcer during their
trip to the World Martial Arts Festival in Chungju. PHOTO SUPPLIED

Azpilicueta signs on for
five years at Chelsea
SPANISH full-back Cesar
Azpilicueta has signed a new
five-year contract with Chelsea,
the Premier League club
announced on Tuesday.
Chelsea Football Club is
pleased to announce Cesar
Azpilicueta has today signed a
new five-year contract, the
current Premier League
leaders said on their website.
Azpilicueta, 25, joined Chelsea
from Marseille in August 2012
and broke into the first team at
left-back last season, despite
having scant experience in the
position. His displays saw him
win Chelseas Players Player of
the Year award and he has now
committed himself to Stamford
Bridge until 2019. AFP
United offload Cleverley
on loan to Aston Villa
ENGLAND midfielder Tom
Cleverley became the latest
player to leave Manchester
United as he joined Premier
League rivals Aston Villa on a
seasonlong loan on Tuesday.
However, the 25-year-old could
go back to United in the next
transfer window in January or
even be bought outright by Villa
if his term there is successful.
The deal was struck late on
transfer deadline day on
Monday and the clubs had been
waiting for it to be passed by the
Premier Leagues board. AFP
Financial Fair Play
unfair, says PSG chief
PARIS Saint-Germain president
Nasser Al-Khelaifi said on
Tuesday that Financial Fair Play
is unfair after a summer in
which the French champions
were hit with sanctions for
breaching UEFAs regulations.
For me, FFP is unfair. It stops
new investors from coming into
football, said Al-Khelaifi, who
became PSG president after
Qatar Sports Investments
bought the French capital club
in 2011. QSI sanctioned the
spending of huge sums in the
transfer market in their first
three summers at the Parc des
Princes in a bid to turn the club
into one of Europes biggest,
culminating in the 64 million
($84 million) recruitment of
Edinson Cavani from Napoli in
July 2013. But in May PSG, along
with Premier League
champions Manchester City,
were slapped with a fine of 60
million for breaching FFP
regulations, namely accruing
losses in excess of the 45
million limit over the course of
the past two seasons. The
French champions also agreed
not to increase their wage bill
for the next two campaigns and
to significantly limit spending
in the transfer market while
curbing losses to no more than
30 million next year. AFP
Spurs would have been
easy option: Van Gaal
LOUIS van Gaal says he has no
regrets about becoming
Manchester United manager
and claims that if he had
wanted an easy life, he would
have gone to Tottenham
Hotspur. Van Gaal rejected an
offer from Spurs to succeed
David Moyes at United, but he
has had a difficult start at Old
Trafford. United are without a
win after three league games
and were humiliated 4-0 by
third-tier Milton Keynes Dons
in the League Cup. AFP
Brazil legend Zico to coach in new India league
BRAZILIAN legend Zico has
signed up to coach a team in
the Indian Super League, join-
ing other former stars in the
new franchise-based venture
to be played later this year.
Zico, 61, who played in three
World Cups and has coached
around the world, will manage
the Goa franchise for the
10-week tournament that
begins in October.
The tournament has been
modelled along the lines of
crickets cash-rich Indian Pre-
mier League (IPL) and hopes
to raise footballs profile in the
cricket-mad nation.
Zico, one of Brazils great
exponents of the beautiful
game who played in World
Cups from 1978 to 1986, signed
the contract in Rio de Janeiro
on Tuesday, a statement from
Goa franchise said.
FC Goa is proud to
announce that the legendary
Brazilian football player Zico
has agreed to be the manager
of their team that will play in
the Indian Super League, the
statement said.
It added that representatives
of the club, owned by a group
of football-loving Goa busi-
nessmen, will travel to Brazil
soon to help Zico complete
visa formalities.
Other former stars who have
confirmed their participation
as player or coach include Ital-
ian great Alessandro Del Piero,
France and Juventus striker
David Trezeguet, his compa-
triot Robert Pires, Spaniard
Luis Garcia, and England goal-
keeper David James.
The league is backed by
Indias Reliance Industries,
controlled by the countrys
richest man Mukesh Ambani,
sports management giant IMG
and Rupert Murdochs Star TV.
India, ranked a lowly 150th
in the world, has been dubbed
a sleeping giant by world
governing body FIFA president
Sepp Blatter.
But the English Premier
League draws big TV audi-
ences and team owners are
hoping to replicate the success
of the IPL, the domestic Twen-
ty20 cricket tournament that
attracts some of the games
biggest names. AFP
Brazilian legend Zico has signed up to coach Goa in the new Indian
Super League competition, which starts next month. AFP
New-look Spain set for test
FTER their abject failure at
the World Cup, Spain have
a new look as they begin
preparations for the defence
of the European Championship with a
friendly against France tonight.
Just over two months on from their
group-stage elimination as World Cup
holders in Brazil, coach Vicente del
Bosque takes a squad that is a mixture
of familiar faces and potential stars of
the future for the match at the Stade
de France, the venue for the Euro
2016 nal.
Xavi Hernandez and Xabi Alonso,
veterans of the side that won Euro
2008, the 2010 World Cup and Euro
2012, have retired from international
football, following in the footsteps of
David Villa.
Pepe Reina, Fernando Torres and
Juan Mata were all omitted, while
tness problems of varying degrees
have ruled out Gerard Pique, Andres
Iniesta and Javi Martinez.
Of the new faces, five are uncapped
and four are aged 23 or under, in-
cluding Valencia striker Paco Alcac-
er. Others, like 28-year-old Atletico
Madrid midfielder Raul Garcia, have
had to wait a little longer for their
They all join 22-year-old Atletico
midelder Koke, who went to the
World Cup but is now expected to take
on extra responsibility.
Its a team for now with a view to
two years down the line, explained
del Bosque after unveiling his squad,
with the aim of tonights match being
to prepare for their opening Euro 2016
qualifying Group C xture against
Macedonia in Valencia on Monday.
We have come up with a squad
that is a consequence of our bad per-
formance, [but] the World Cup has
not left any effects nor do I think we
need to change our way of acting in
the future.
Defender Sergio Ramos, another
survivor from Euro 2008, called for La
Roja to get back to basics.
We are going to try to get back to
what we were and forget about the
success we have had because we cant
always live off that, said the Real Ma-
drid defender, a veteran of over 100
caps, as he arrived for the squad get-
together this week.
In contrast to Spain, France came
out of the World Cup with their reputa-
tion greatly enhanced, a narrow quar-
ter-nal defeat to eventual winners
Germany coming after some impres-
sive performances in the group stage.
Coach Didier Deschamps is now em-
barking on a two-year run of friendlies
before France hosts Euro 2016, where
they will be expected to feature promi-
nently with a squad that is a healthy
mix of youth and experience.
Indeed, Deschamps only made
three changes to his World Cup squad
for the game and Sundays friendly
against Serbia in Belgrade, with one
the return of t-again Marseille goal-
keeper Steve Mandanda in place of
the retired Mickael Landreau.
Lyon striker Alexandre Lacazette
and Barcelona defender Jeremy Ma-
thieu have also been recalled with Ar-
senal duo Olivier Giroud and Laurent
Koscielny injured.
But Deschamps has admitted that
his starting lineup against the reign-
ing European champions may be the
same as that which took to the eld
against Germany at the Maracana in
Rio de Janeiro on July 4.
We have two matches very close
together but the team which starts on
Thursday will be close to that which
started against Germany, said Des-
champs, who added that his priority
is to make sure his team are as com-
petitive as possible in two years.
There will of course be no Franck
Ribery, the Bayern Munich winger
who missed the World Cup with a
back injury and has now retired from
international football to the surprise
of many.
France lost 2-0 to Spain at the Euro
2012 quarter-nals and nished sec-
ond behind La Roja in qualifying for
the World Cup, drawing 1-1 in Madrid
and then losing 1-0 at home in Paris
in March last year.
However, full-back Bacary Sagna
insists France are a different proposi-
tion now.
We are more respected than a few
years ago, he said. We have shown
that we are ready to ght, to give every-
thing for the shirt. We have more con-
dence in ourselves. Other countries
fear France more and more. AFP
Tonights Fixtures
Bosnia-Herzegovina v Liechtenstein
Slovakia v Malta 11:20pm
Sweden v Estonia 12:45am
Croatia v Cyprus 1:15am
Belgium v Australia 1:45am
Italy v Netherlands 1:45am
France v Spain 2am
France midelder Samir Nasri (left) vies with his Spanish opposite number Andres Iniesta during their Euro 2012 quarternal at Donbass Arena in Donetsk, Ukraine. AFP
Jamaican Olympic sprinting
champion Usain Bolt celebrates
after his team won a four-over
exhibition match against Indian
cricketer Yuvraj Singhs team
at Chinnaswamy Stadium in
Bangalore on Tuesday. Bolt, on his
rst-ever visit to India, took part
in an exhibition cricket match with
some of Indias top players. AFP
Wildcards named for Ryder Cup
SA captain Tom Watson
selected Keegan Brad-
ley, Hunter Mahan and
Webb Simpson on Tues-
day as his three wildcard selec-
tions for a Ryder Cup team intent
on revenge later this month at Gle-
neagles, Scotland.
The Americans have lost five
of the past six biennial team golf
showdowns against Europe, in-
cluding in 2012 at Medinah, when
the visitors made a stunning last-
day singles rally to stun the US
squad on home soil.
That was a hard loss for the Amer-
ican players and it still sticks with
a lot of them, Watson said. They
want to make amends for what hap-
pened at Medinah two years ago.
Previously assured of a place on
the US team for the September 26-
28 meeting with Europe were Bubba
Watson, Rickie Fowler, Jim Furyk,
Jimmy Walker, Phil Mickelson, Matt
Kuchar, Jordan Spieth, Patrick Reed
and Zach Johnson.
In all, seven members of the US
lineup were on the 2012 squad
Furyk, Johnson, Kuchar, Mickel-
son, Simpson, Watson and Bradley,
who still has his uniform bagged
from 2012.
I would like to come home with
a trophy before I open up the bag.
Im not sure. Maybe Ill take that
bag over to Scotland, Bradley said.
Hopefully well all be able to touch
it and get a little redemption.
Bradley, ranked 23rd in the world,
was the 2011 PGA Championship
winner, but said the Ryder Cup was
like nothing he had felt before.
It was so emotional, he said. Im
not going to hide any emotions. Im
going to let it all go. Sometimes that
can make you play great golf.
The Ryder Cup just has this pull.
It can make you do crazy things.
Mahan, ranked 20th, won the
rst US PGA playoff event, the Bar-
clays, in suburban New York, last
month, to secure his prized spot on
the squad.
Captain Watson indicated Mahan
would be a stalwart for the squad,
saying, Dont worry, you are prob-
ably going to go ve [matches, the
It feels awesome. We have a lot to
play for on this team, Mahan said.
Redemption is going to be a strong
word among all the players.
Losing hangs with you. It bites at
you. It lingers. I dont know if we can
make up for it but I know how good
it feels to win and I want to give it to
those guys from 2012 because I also
know how it feels to lose.
Its a very lonely feeling. I want to
get rid of it for sure.
Simpson had to wait out the deci-
sion after Chris Kirk, ranked seven
spots ahead of him at 25th, won on
Monday at Boston.
I knew it was going to be a dif-
cult decision, Simpson said. I
knew it would be a long night wait-
ing to hear the news.
Westwood, Poulter, Gallacher in
Meanwhile, Europes Ryder Cup
captain Paul McGinley made his
three wildcard picks for Gleneagles,
selecting Lee Westwood, Ian Poulter
and Stephen Gallacher.
But there was no place for former
world number one Luke Donald,
despite being ranked higher in the
world than the three chosen ahead of
him to complete the 12-strong team.
Already assured of a place in the
European team for the September
26-28 showdown with the Americans
in Scotland were Rory McIlroy, Hen-
rik Stenson, Victor Dubuisson, Jamie
Donaldson, Sergio Garcia, Thomas
Bjorn, Justin Rose, Martin Kaymer
and Graeme McDowell.
That means that McGinley has
at his disposal four of the top ve
ranking players in the world in
McIlroy, Stenson, Garcia and Rose
all of whom have past Ryder
Cup experience along with three
rookies in Dubuisson, Donaldson
and Gallacher.
In all, there are seven players
who retain their place from the
team that two years ago in Chicago
staged the greatest nal day come-
back in Ryder Cup history to defeat
the Americans 14 1/2 to 13 1/2.
The ve changes involve Gallacher,
Donaldson, Dubuisson, Stenson and
Thomas Bjorn replacing Donald, Pe-
ter Hanson, Paul Lawrie, Nicholas
Colsaerts, and Francesco Molinari.
All the focus on Tuesday, however,
was on which three picks skipper
McGinley would make, with two for-
mer world number ones, Westwood
and Donald, going up against Ryder
Cup hero Poulter and 39-year-old
would-be debutant Gallacher.
In the end it was Donald, a veteran
of four previous European Ryder Cup
wins, but who has been in relatively
poor form of late, who missed out.
Im in a privileged position in
that I had a variety of choices and it
says a lot about the European Tour
and the standards we have now in
Europe, the quality of the picks I
have and how far weve come over
the years for me to have such an
abundance of talent to choose
from, McGinley said. AFP
USA team wildcard pick Keegan Bradley says the Ryder Cup can make you do crazy things, ahead of the 2014 edition. AFP

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