Engineering Week Activities Sypnopsis

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3D Printing Design workshop (10 Nov 13 Nov) 3 Half days

Have you heard the latest news? NASA is doing 3D printing of rocket components
from scratch and firing them!
3D printing has grown in popularity over the last two years and has spurred lots of
interesting innovations from this technology.
Have you ever wanted to make a 3D solid o!ect of virtually any shape from a digital
model? "f you wanted to know more aout 3D design and printing# this is the
workshop for you.
"n this workshop# you will e provided with an "ntroduction to 3D printing# different
types of printers# the printing technologies# different types of printing materials and
how an o!ect is printed $ou will also learn aout the fundamentals of Designing for
3D %rint and given an introduction to 3D &odelling Software. At the end of the
workshop# you will design your own 3D model and get it printed with a 3D printer.
No of vacancies' () students
Learning Jorney to 3! (1" Nov #a$ to 1"p$)
*hen we think of 3&# most of us would immediately link it with %ost+it Notes. ,ut 3&
is more than !ust a %ost+it Notes company. -o date# the company serves a multitude
of consumer and industrial markets and is a market leader in many of these markets#
which include electronics# oil and gas# shipuilding# automotive aftermarket#
construction# health care# semiconductor# aerospace# and consumer markets. "t has
successfully transformed itself from a sandpaper company in the early ./00s to a
multi+national conglomerate usiness today. -his process must have involved many
product developments# which have resulted in reakthroughs.

-o achieve reakthroughs is challenging# as it is not the same as merely producing
line e1tensions and incremental improvements to e1isting products and services. -o
add to the challenge# the pace of change in today2s markets re3uires developers to
come up with reakthroughs more regularly. So how has 3& managed to cope with
such demands? %art of the answer can e found in the process they have developed
which enales the generation of reakthrough products and services to e more
-he visit to 3& comprise tour of facilities# sharing of 3&2s New %roduct "ntroduction
4ycle and interaction with scientists and engineers who are spearheading innovation
No of vacancies' .) students
%todesk Design workshop (10 Nov 11 Nov) 1 fll day & 0'( days
At the workshop# students will e1perience the following'
.. 5earn to e proficient with Autodesk .(3D
(. ecome more aware of their creativity capacity
3. learn to create innovative designs for print
)tdent *enefits+
Students ac3uire ideation techni3ues for promoting creativity and idea generation#
drawing relevance
to practical concept design. -hey also gain e1perience in three areas that promote
)pirit of .nterprise
5ateral 6 critical thinking
&aking creative connections
"ncreasing idea generation
"mproving e1isting concepts
Life )kills
4ommunicating effectively
Dealing with change
7efining social skills
Adapting to varied situations
"ncreasing self+esteem
/areer )kills
%lanning 6 e1ecuting
%resentation skills
4ommunity involvement
8nhancing leadership calire
*orking in self+directed teams
0raining !ethodology+
-he following methodologies are used to present materials# facilitate class
discussions and provide
students with an interactive learning environment.
9 4ase studies 97eflective :ournaling 9;roup *ork
9 %rolem+,ased 5earning
9 7ole+play 6 Scenarios 9"nnovation <ideos
No of vacancies' (0 students
)12.) .3periential workshop (10 Nov 13 Nov) 3 Half days
-his program aims to share with students the overview of the
aviation industry as well as the latest trends and development in
the industry# to provide the est learning e1perience to
our students.
Having participated in the program allows students to e more
adept and knowledgeale in the area of aviation# and through
active participation# students will e more motivated to consider a
career in the aviation industry after going through the program.
"ndustry =ield <isits and 5earning 81periences
Seeing is ,elieving and 81periencing is 5earning. *e take it one step further
y ringing an element of an actual site visit to the actual site.
*e seek to ring in the est leaders in the aviation industry# with the ig names like
7olls 7oyce# S- Aerospace as well as &A: Aviation in order to provide our
students the highest learning enefit. 5earn aout the company2s
culture and its contriution to the aviation industry through the
words of the company2s representatives
No of vacancies' () students

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