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My Faves: Mistborn, Attolia, Charlie Bone, Inkheart, Narnia, Stormlight, Asimov,

Bartimaeus, Cobra, Thrawn, Conquerors, Artemis Fowl, Septimus Heap, ragonba!k,
ragon "ousters, Chrestoman!i, Bla!k!ollar, Bla!k Magi!ian, Ma!hiavelli, Airborne,
Foreigner, #or$ o% the &ings'
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-----Younger Fantasy Books-----
1. Harry Potter
a. J.K Rowling
i. Sorcerers stone
ii. Chamber of secrets
iii. Prisoner of Azkaban
iv. Goblet of Fire
v. Order of the Phoenix
vi. Half-Blood Prince
vii. he !eathl" Hallo#s $ %erfect endin& to a %erfect series'
2. The Chronicles of Narnia
a. C.S Lewis
i. he (a&icians )e%he#
ii. he *ion+ the ,itch and the ,ardrobe
iii. he Horse and his Bo"
iv. Prince Cas%ian
v. he -o"a&e of the !a#ntreader
vi. he Silver Chair
vii. he *ast Battle
3. Charlie Bone
a. Jenny Nimmo
i. (idni&ht for Charlie Bone
ii. he ime #ister
iii. he .nvisible Bo"
iv. Castle of (irrors
v. he Hidden /in&
vi. he Beast
vii. he Shado#
viii. he 0ed /ni&ht 1
4. Artemis Fowl
a. Eoin Colfer
i. Artemis Fo#l
ii. he Artic .ncident
iii. he 2ternit" Code
iv. he O%al !ece%tion
v. he *ost Colon"
vi. he ime Paradox
vii. he Atlantis Com%lex 1
5. Septimus Heap
a. Angie Sage
i. (a&"k
ii. Fl"te
iii. Ph"sik
iv. 34este
v. S"ren
vi. !arke 1
6. Inheritance Cycle
a. Christopher Paolini
i. 2ra&on
ii. 2ldest
iii. Brisin&r
iv. .nheritance
7. Inkheart Trilogy
a. Cornelia Fnke
i. .nkheart
ii. .nks%ell
iii. .nkdeath 1
8. The Penragon series
a. !.J. "a#$ale
i. he (erchant of !eath
ii. he lost cit" of Faar
iii. he )ever ,ar
iv. he 0ealit" B4&
v. Black ,ater
vi. he 0ivers of 5adaa
vii. he 34illan Games
viii. Pil&rims of 0a"ne 1
ix. 0aven 0ise 1
x. Soldiers of Halla 1
9. The !era No"els
a. !a%i& Clement' !a%ies
i. Fire Brin&er
ii. he Si&ht
iii. Fell 1
10. The #ragon $ousters series
a. "er#e&es La#key
i. 6o4st
ii. Alta
iii. Sanct4ar"
iv. Aerie
11. The Chrestomanci %ooks
a. !iana (ynne Jones
i. Conrad7s Fate
ii. Chronicles of Chrestomanci
iii. (ixed ma&ics
iv. he lives of Christo%her chant
v. ,itch #eek
vi. Charmed life
vii. he ma&icians of ca%rona
viii. he Pinhoe e&&
12. Pilgrim Parties
a. !iana (ynne Jones
i. !ark *ord of !erkholm
ii. 8ear of the Griffin
13. A ale of ime Cit"
a. !iana (ynne Jones
14. he (erlin Cons%irac"
a. !iana (ynne Jones
15. &eys to the &ingom
a. )arth Ni*
i. (ister (onda" 1
ii. Grim 4esda" 1
iii. !ro#ned ,ednesda" 1
iv. Sir h4rsda" 1
v. *ad" Frida" 1
vi. S4%erior Sat4rda" 1
vii. *ord S4nda" 1
16. 'ewall
a. Brian Ja#+es
i. 0ed#all
ii. (ossflo#er
iii. (attimeo
iv. (ariel of 0ed#all
v. Salamandastron
vi. (artin the ,arrior
vii. he Bellmaker
viii. O4tcast of 0ed#all
ix. he Pearls of *4tra
x. he *on& Patrol
xi. (arlfox
xii. he *e&end of *4ke
xiii. *ord Brocktree
xiv. a&&er4n&
xv. riss
xvi. *oamhed&e
xvii.0akket" am
xviii. Hi&h 0h4lain
xix. 24lalia9
17. 'anger(s Apprentice
a. John Flanagan
i. he 04ins of Gorlan
ii. he B4rnin& Brid&e
iii. he .cebo4nd *and
iv. he Battle for Skandia
v. he Sorcerer of the )orth 1
vi. he Sie&e of (acinda# 1
vii. 2rak:s 0ansom 1
viii. he /in&s of Clonmel 1
ix. Halt:s Peril 1
18. The )racle Prophecies
a. Catherine Fisher
i. he Oracle Betra"ed
ii. he S%here of Secrets
iii. !a" of the Scarab
iv. he archon
19. The *nerlan Chronicles
a. S,anne Collins
i. Gre&or the Overlander
ii. he Pro%hec" of Bane
iii. he C4rse of the ,armbloods
iv. he (arks of Secret
v. he Code of Cla#
20. The Hollow &ingom Trilogy
a. Clare B. !nkle
i. he Hollo# /in&dom
ii. Close /in
iii. .n the Coils of the Snake
21. Castaways of the Flying #utchman
a. Brian Ja#+es
i. Casta#a"s of the Fl"in& !4tchman
ii. he An&el7s Command
iii. -o"a&e of the Slaves
22. Percy $ackson an the )lympians
a. Ri#k Rior&an
i. he *i&htnin& hief 1
ii. he Sea of (onsters 1
iii. he itans C4rse 1
23. +iking 'aiers
a. Nan#y Farmer
i. he Sea of rolls
ii. he *and of the Silver A%%les
iii. he .slands of the Blessed 1
24. Air%orne %ooks
a. Kenneth -ppel
i. Airborn
ii. Sk"breaker
iii. Starclimber
25. Airman
a. Eoin Colfer
26. he hief *ord
a. Cornelia Fnke
27. #iscworl , Terry Pratchett ./ery fnny0001
28. !e"iathan , Scott -esterfel
29. .rimm/s Fairy Tales
30. Book of a ho4sand !a"s
a. Shannon $ale
31. Attolia
a. "egan (halen 2rner
i. he hief
ii. he 34een of Attolia
iii. he /in& of Attolia
iv. A Cons%irac" of /in&s
v. ;ntitled
-----End Younger Fantasy Books-----
----- Younger Scifi Books-----
32. #ragon%ack
a. 2imothy 3ahn
i. !ra&on and hief
ii. !ra&on and Soldier
iii. !ra&on and Slave
iv. !ra&on and Herdsman
v. !ra&on and 64d&e
vi. !ra&on and *iberator
33. The Hunger .ames
a. S,anne Collins
i. he H4n&er Games
ii. Catchin& Fire
iii. (ockin&<a"
34. .ame-orl Trilogy
a. Conor Kosti#k
i. 2%ic
ii. Sa&a
iii. 2dda
35. Star Son& and other stories =
a. 2imothy 3ahn
36. S%inneret
a. 2imothy 3ahn
-----End Younger Scifi Books-----
----- Younger Misc. Books-----
37. Ale0 'ier
a. Anthony $orowit,
i. Stormbreaker
ii. Point blanc
iii. Skeleton ke"
iv. 2a&le strike
v. Scor%ia
vi. Ark an&el
vii. Snakehead 1
viii. Crocodile ears 1
ix. Scori%a 0isin& 1
38. Similar Tales
a. )ail Carson Le%ine
i. 2lla 2nchanted
ii. Fairest
iii. he #o Princesses of Bamarre .Personal Fa%orite1
iv. 2ver
39. Cadel Pi&&ot
a. Catherine Jinks
i. E%il )enis
ii. )enis S+a&
iii. 2he )enis (ars 1
40. 2nd"mion S%rin&
a. "athew Skelton
41. Pirates
a. Celia Rees
42. The 1issing
a. "argaret Peterson $a&&i*
i. Fo4nd
ii. Sent 1
iii. Sabota&ed 1
43. Bets" and the 2m%eror
a. Staton Ra4in
44. Gifted Hands
a. Ben Carson
45. ,here the 0ed Fern Gro#s
a. (ilson Rawls
46. S4mmer of the (onke"s
a. (ilson Rawls
47. The Book Thief , 1arkus 2usak
48. Art of -ar , Sun T3u
49. 1achia"elli .man&atory Slytherin rea&ing material1
a. Ni##olo "a#hia%elli
i. he Prince
ii. he Art of ,ar
iii. he !isco4rses on Histor" of it4s *iv"
50. Animals
a. Ri#har& A&ams
i. ,atershi% !o#n
-----End Younger Misc. Books-----
-----Older Fantasy Books-----
51. !or of the 'ings
a. J.R.R. 2olkien
i. he Hobbit
ii. he Fello#shi% of the 0in&
iii. #o o#ers
iv. 0et4rn of the /in&
52. Bartimaeus Trilogy
a. Jonathon Stro&
i. he am4let of Samarkand
ii. Golem7s 2"e
iii. Ptolem"7s Gate
iv. he 0in& of Solomon
53. Prince of nothing
a. R S#ott Bakker
i. 2he !arkness that #omes 4efore
ii. 2he warrior prophet
iii. 2he thosan&fol& thoght
54. +la Taltos
a. Ste%en Brst
i. Jhereg
ii. 5en&i
iii. 2e#kla
55. Coe0 Alera
a. Jim Bt#her
i. Fries of Cal&eron
ii. A#a&em6s Fry
iii. Crsor6s Fry
iv. Captain6s Fry
v. Prin#ep6s Fry
vi. First Lor&6s Fry
56. &ing&iller Chronicles
a. Patri#k Rothfss
i. 2he Name of the (in&
ii. 2he (ise "an6s Fear
57. Cronus Chronicles
a. Anne 7rs
i. he Shado# hieves
ii. he Siren Son&
iii. he .mmortal Fire
58. The First !aw
a. Joe A4er#rom4ie
i. 2he Bla&e 8tself
ii. Before they are hange&
iii. Last argment of kings
59. 1ist%orn
a. Bran&on San&erson
i. Final Empire
ii. (ell of As#ension
iii. $ero of Ages
60. Stormlight Archi"e
a. Bran&on San&erson
61. ,arbreaker
a. Bran&on San&erson
62. he ,a" of /in&s
a. Bran&on San&erson

63. 'iyria 'e"elations
a. "i#hael J. Slli%an
i. he Cro#n Cons%irac"
ii. 0ise of 2m%ire
iii. Heir of )ovron
64. Throne of Amenkor
a. Josha Palmatier
i. he Ske#ed hrone
ii. he -acant hrone
iii. he Cracked hrone
65. &ingoms of Thorn an Bone
a. J. )regory Keyes
i. he Briar /in&
ii. he Charnel Prince
iii. he Blood /ni&ht
66. Acacia
a. !a%i& Anthony !rham
i. Acacia
ii. he Other *ands
iii. he Sacred Band
67. The Change
a. S.". Stirling
i. !ies the Fire
68. 1ala3an Book of the Fallen , Ste"en 4rikson
69. -heel of Time , 'o%ert $oran
70. The Black Company , .len Cook
71. Shannara , Terry Brooks
72. The #ee of Paksenarrion , 4li3a%eth 1oon
73. Farseer trilogy
a. Ro4in $o44
i. Assassin7s A%%rentice
ii. 0o"al Assassin 1
iii. Assassin7s 34est 1
74. Tawny man 5Farseer continue6
a. Ro4in $o44
i. Fool7s 2rrand 1
ii. Golden Fool 1
iii. Fool7s Fate 1
75. The !i"eship Traers
a. Ro4in $o44
i. Shi% of (a&ic 1
ii. (ad Shi% 1
iii. Shi% of !estin" 1
76. Herals of +alemar , 1ercees !ackey
77. Concla"e of Shaows
a. Raymon& E. Feist
i. alon of the Silver Ha#k
ii. /in& of Foxes
iii. 2xile7s 0et4rn
78. Nether
a. !e4orah Chester
i. he S#ord
ii. he 0in&
iii. he Chalice
79. -ins of the Forelans
a. !a%i& B. Coe
i. 04les of Ascension
ii. Seeds of Betra"al
iii. Bonds of -en&eance
iv. Sha%ers of !arkness
v. ,eavers of ,ar 1
80. )%siian Trilogy
a. "er#e&es La#key
i. he O4tstretched Shado#
ii. o *i&ht a Candle
iii. ,hen !arkness Falls
81. His #ark 1aterials
a. Philip Pllman
i. he Golden Com%ass
ii. he S4btle /nife
iii. he Amber S%"&lass 1
82. The Black 1agician Trilogy
a. 2r&i Cana%an
i. Pre+el9 he (a&ician:s A%%rentice 1
ii. he (a&ician7s G4ild
iii. he )ovice
iv. he Hi&h *ord
v. he Ambassador:s (ission 1
83. The Immortals
a. 2amora Pier#e
i. ,ild (a&ic
ii. ,olf S%eaker
iii. 2m%eror (a&e
iv. he 0ealms of the Gods
84. .reen 'iers
a. Kristen Britain
i. Green 0ider
ii. First rider7s call
iii. he Hi&h /in&7s omb
iv. Blackveil
85. Books of Pellinor
a. Alison Croggon
i. he )amin&
ii. he 0iddle
iii. he Cro# 1
iv. he Sin&in& 1
86. The Shinali
a. Sherryl Jor&an
i. Secret Sacrament
ii. ime of the 2a&le
87. +ampire
a. Eli,a4eth Kosto%a
i. he Historian
88. The #agger an Coin , #aniel A%raham
89. The !ong Price 7uartet , #aniel A%raham
90. A 'a"en/s Shaow , Anthony 'yan
91. The Power 1age Trilogy , Brian 1cClellan
92. The Shaow Campaigns, #8ango -e0ler
-----End Older Fantasy Books-----
-----Older Scifi Books-----
93. Co%ra Trilogy
a. 2imothy 3ahn
i. Cobra
ii. Cobra Strike
iii. Cobra Bar&ain
iv. Cobra Alliance 1
94. The Con9uerors Saga
a. 2imothy 3ahn
i. Con>4erors %ride
ii. Con>4erors Herita&e
iii. Con>4erors *e&ac"
95. he .car4s H4nt
a. 2imothy ,ahn
96. An&elmass
a. 2imothy 3ahn
97. 'epu%lic Commano
a. Karen 2ra%iss
i. Hard Contact
ii. ri%le 5ero
iii. r4e colors 1
iv. Order ?? 1
v. @AB
98. Bounty Hunter -ars
a. K.(. Jeter
i. he (andalorian Armor
ii. Slave Shi%
iii. Hard (erchandise
99. Alle&iance
a. 2imothy 3ahn
100. (anta7s Gift
a. 2imothy ,ahn
101. 7uarail series
a. 2imothy 3ahn
i. )i&ht train to 0i&el
ii. he hird *"nx 1
iii. Odd Girl O4t 1
iv. he !omino Pattern 1
102. Blackcollar
a. 2imothy 3ahn
i. Blackcollar
ii. he Backlash mission
iii. he 64das Sol4tion
103. he Green and the Gra"
a. 2imothy 3ahn
104. S%here
a. "i#hael Cri#hton
105. Saga of the Se"en Suns
a. Ke%in J. An&erson
i. Hidden 2m%ire
ii. A Forest of Stars
iii. Horizon Storms
iv. Scattered S4ns
v. Of Fire and )i&ht
vi. (etal S#arm 1
vii. he Ashes of ,orlds 1
106. he Host
a. Stephenie "eyer
107. 2om%ie
a. "a* Brooks
i. ,orld ,ar 5
ii. 5ombie S4rvival G4ide 1
108. Foreigner
a. C.J. Cherryh
i. Forei&ner
ii. .nvader
iii. .nheritor
iv. Prec4rsor
v. !efender
vi. 2x%lorer
vii. !estro"er
viii. Pretender
ix. !eliverer
x. Cons%irator
xi. !eceiver
xii. Betra"er
xiii. .ntr4der
109. Ariane 4mory
a. C.J. Cherryh
i. C"teen
ii. 0e&enesis
110. Books %y Heinlein
a. $einlein
i. he !oor into S4mmer
ii. And He B4ilt a Crooked Ho4se
iii. Starshi% roo%ers
iv. 4nnel in the Sk"
v. Have S%aces4it+ ,ill ravel
vi. 0ed Planet
vii. S%ace Cadet
viii. !o4ble Star $Personal Favorite999'
ix. he (oon is a Harsh (istress
x. Citizen of the Galax"
111.Any %ook %y Asimo": All are awesome: Start with I; 'o%ot; or Nightfall:
112. #une , Frank Her%ert
113. 4ner/s .ame series , )rson Scott Car
114. !ucifer/s Hammer , !arry Ni"en
115. !ost Fleet , $ack Camp%ell
116. +atta/s -ar , 4li3a%eth 1oon
117. In Fury Born , #a"i -e%er
118. Chanur series , C:$: Cherryh
119. 1ulti"erse , #a"i -e%er
120. The 40panse , $ames S:A: Corey
-----End Older Scifi Books-----
-----Star Wars Expanded niverse-----
121. O4tbo4nd Fli&ht
a. 2imothy 3ahn
122. The Thrawn Trilogy
a. 2imothy 3ahn
i. Heir to the 2m%ire
ii. !ark Force risin&
iii. he *ast Command
123. The Han of Thrawn
a. 2imothy 3ahn
i. S%ecter of the Past
ii. -ision of the F4t4re
124. S4rvivors 34est
a. 2imothy 3ahn
125. New $ei )rer
a. 2imothy ,ahn: Aaron Allston: 2roy &enning.
i. -ector %rime
ii. !ark ide BC Onsla4&ht
iii. !ark ide DC 04in
iv. A&ents of Chaos BC Hero7s rial
v. A&ents of Chaos DC 6edi 2cli%se
vi. Balance Point
vii. 2d&e of -ictor" BC Con>4est
viii. 2d&e of -ictor" DC 0ebirth
ix. Star b" Star
x. !ark 6o4rne"
xi. 2nem" *ines BC 0ebel !reams
xii. 2nem" *ines DC rebel Stand
xiii. raitor
xiv. !estin"7s ,a"
xv. Force Heretic BC 0emnant
xvi. Force Heretic DC 0ef4&ee
xvii.Force Heretic EC 0e4nion
xviii. he Final Pro%hec"
xix. ;nif"in& Force
126. The #ark Nest Trilogy
a. 2roy !enning
i. 6oiner /in& 1
ii. he ;nseen 34een 1
iii. he S#arm ,ar 1
127. !egacy of the Force
a. Aaron Allston: Karen 2ra%iss: 2roy !enning
i. Betra"al
ii. Bloodlines 1
iii. em%est 1
iv. 2xile 1
v. Sacrifice 1
vi. .nferno 1
vii. F4r" 1
viii. 0evelation 1
ix. .nvincible 1
128. Star -ars
a. "i#hael A. Sta#kpole
i. .+ 6edi
129. Star wars
a. )reg Bear
i. 0o&4e Planet
130. Star -ars
a. "i#hael Rea%es
i. !eath Star
131. #arth Bane 5Star -ars6
a. !rew Karpyshyn
i. Path of !estr4ction
ii. 04le of #o 1
-----End Star Wars Expanded niverse-----
-----Older Misc. Books-----
132. Band of Brothers
a. Stephen E. Am4rose
133. Bourne Trilogy , 'o%ert !ulum
134. 1alcolm .lawell %ooks
135. he Scre#ta%e *etters
a. C. S. Lewis
136. (ere Christianit"
a. C. S. Lewis
137. he hirteenth ale
a. !iane Setterfiel&
138. he Broker
a. John )risham
139. The Penergast No"els .E*tremely s#ary;&istr4ing 1
a. !oglas Preston: Lin#oln Chil&
i. 0elic
ii. 0eli>4ar"
iii. he cabinet of c4riosities
iv. Still life #ith cro#s
v. Brimstone
vi. !ance of death
vii. he book of the dead
viii. he #heel of darkness
ix. Cemeter" !ance 1
x. Fever !ream 1
-----End Older Misc. Books-----

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