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LESSON PLAN (for a speaking skill)

Supervisors name: PHM HNG

Student teachers name: PHAN TH TR MY
Class: 10B12
Lesson: Speaking Unit !: "#T#ES $Eng%is& '( )asi* E+ition,
#- "LASS LE.EL: Preintermediate
##- A#MS:
To help students describe a city and compare !ith another cities"
To help students know how to state their preferences and explain the reason.
Language: present and practice some voca#ular$ items concerning cities and use the comparative structures.
Skills: get students to practice speaking skill for descri#ing the scene of the cit$ and compare !ith another cities"
Students have finished reading te%t
Students have learnt some voca#ular$ concerning the cit$"
Students ma$ have pro#lems !ith grammar
&he class !ill #e nois$
&here ma$ not have enough time to practice
Simplif$ the instruction
'anage classs !orking time
.##- TEA"H#NG A#1S: pictures( #oard( chalk( te%t#ook( handouts
.###- PRO"E1URE: &he pre stage( the !hile stage and the post stage"
#3- T#ME GU#1E1: )* minutes"
Stage 4 Ti5ing
Tea*&e68s a*ti9ities St7+ents8 a*ti9ities
Lea+:in $!8,
Pla$ing a game
+ntroduces lesson
,ivide class into ) groups
-sk sts some .uestions a#out: /anoi and /o
Chi 'inh cit$
- 0roup providing a correct ans!er more
.uickl$ !ill get 1 point"
- &he !inner is group !ith more points"
- 0ive feed#ack
+ntroduce the title of lesson
1rite it on the #oard: "ities
1ork in groups
2isten and ans!er
Cop$ do!n
See Appen+i;
Task $<8,
'atching ,istri#ute handouts
0ive instruction
-sk sts to do task 1
Call sts to give ans!ers
0ive feed#ack
/elp sts revie! some .uestions to ask a#out
,o the task 1
-ns!er individuall$
Correct mistakes
2isten and take note
See &an+o7ts
Task = $'8,
+nformation 0ap
Task > $=8,
'aking Comparison
Task ? $=8,
characteristics of a cit$
-sk sts to !ork in pairs
-sk sts to close their te%t#ook
,istri#ute each pair 2 sets of cards
0ive instruction
-sk sts to ask and ans!er information a#out
3e! 4ork and 2ondon ( #ase on suggested
.uestions in task 1)
Call some pairs to present
0ive feed#ack
-sk sts to open their #ook and call some pairs
to read aloud conversation (p"150)
6evie! the comparative forms of -d7 and 3
-sk sts to !ork in pairs
-sk sts to compare #et!een 2 cities that the$
1alk round and help them
Call each group to present in front of class
0ive feed#ack
6evie! structure 8prefer
-sk sts to !ork in groups and intervie! other
sts a#out the cit$ the$ prefer and give reasons"
9#serve and offer help if necessar$
Call some sts to report their findings
0ive feed#ack
1ork in pairs
Close the te%t#ook
-sk and ans!er
Correct mistakes
9pen the #ook and read
aloud conversation
2isten and take note
1ork in pairs
Compare 2 cities
Correct mistakes
2isten and take note
1ork in groups and
Present findings
Correct mistakes
See Appen+i;
See te;t@ook
See &an+o7ts
1rite a short paragraph a#out the city you
like.(in 100 !ords)
Unit =: "#T#ES $Speaking,
Task : Complete each .uestion in A !ith a suita#le !ord in )-
Task 2: Work in pairs" +nformation gap
Task 3: Work in pairs" 'aking comparison
Task 4: Work in groups. +ntervie!ing
NeA Yo6k Lon+on 2&D
So5e S7ggeste+ E7estions:
A )
1. When was New York city___________?
2. What is the __________ like?
3. What are the _________ like?
. !ow "any ____________ are there?
#. What is the __________ of the city?
$. What is its _________ ?
-" people
B" area
C" population
," founded
:" parks
;" transport
1hat is the area of the cit$<
/o! large is the cit$<
1hat is the area that the cit$ covers<
1hat is the population of the cit$<
/o! man$ people live there<
/o! man$ ha#itants are there in the cit$<
1hen !as the cit$ founded<
1ho founded the cit$<
&ransport = other
1hat is the main means of transport there<
/o! do people get around<
1hat is the transport like<
1hat are the people like<
-re there man$ parks< """
S7ggeste+ E7estions:
1" 1hich cit$ is larger in area< H"M " (covers an area of 20?* km2 #ut /3 covers an area of ?21 km2)
2" 1hich cit$ has a #igger population< H"M " (has a population of 52 million #ut /3 has a population of @ million)
@" 1hich cit$ is older< HN (!as founded in 1010 #ut /C' C !as founded in 15?A)
)" 1hich cit$ has more districts< H"M " (has 1? inner districts and * outer districts #ut /3 has onl$ A inner
districts and * outer districts)
*" 1hich cit$ is hotter< H"M "
#nFo65ation Gap

"a6+ A "a6+ )
NeA Yo6k
;ounded: 15)2
Population: B million
-rea: ?)5 s.uare km
3ational holida$s: B da$s
'an$ high #uildings
9ne #ig park
People: friendl$( open
&ransport: convenient
NeA Yo6k
3ational holida$s:
/igh #uildings:
"a6+ =A "a6+ =)
;ounded: )@ -,
Population: B million
-rea: 1510 s.uare km
3ational holida$s: 1) da$s
;e! high #uildings
;ive #ig parks
People: formal( reserved
&ransport: convenient
3ational holida$s:
/igh #uildings:

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