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The field of finite element, HYPERMESH meshing software is the most famous, ANSYS

WORKEN!H "erforman#e multi$"h%si#s #ou"ling anal%sis software, and how to a#hie&e

"owerful #om'ination ma(es it "ossi'le to use HYPERMESH meshing model, and then im"orted
into the ANSYS WORKEN!H anal%sis, attra#ted the attention of man% !AE engineers) ut no
matter the networ( media, or from the "u'lished literature, 'ut also do not see a rele&ant
e*am"le) +n &iew of this, the author of this ,uestion to e*"lore, to find a suita'le wa%) Starting
from an e*am"le 'elow, a ste"$'%$ste" des#ri"tion of how to use the two #o$simulation)
The e*am"les are as follows) The two #antile&er 'eams A and , one a'o&e +n addition, a slight
ga" 'etween)-niform load a""lied to the left of the #antile&er down to stud% when the the load
#olle#tor degree graduall% in#rease, the #antile&er is how o""ression 'elow the #antile&er,
resulting in its deformed)
The ma.or ste"s of the o"eration of the two #o$simulation are as follows/
Two three$dimensional #antile&er as shown 'elow) !reated in a three$dimensional software
0SO1+2WORKS3 and sa&ed as a 4) St" format files)
5) O"en in HYPERMESH in this model, and mesh)
6) 2efined in the !om"onent Manager in HYPERMESH unit t%"e, material, and set the
!om"onent Manager)

A 7) 8inite element model deri&ed in HYPERMESH to the ANSYS) 9et a "ra#ti#s)!2 file) This
file #an 'e read into the ANSYS #lassi# interfa#e)
O"en ANSYS #lassi# interfa#e, use the 8+1E: the REA2 the +NP-T 8ROM reads the file)

;) -se the e*"ort fun#tion of the do#ument model in ANSYS #lassi# interfa#e to write to the file,
here write for file)#d' file)

O"en the main interfa#e of ANSYS WORKEN!H and dragged into a 8inite Element Modeler
+n the 8inite Element Modeler the "a"er reads file)#d')
O"en 8inite Element Modeler, the finite element model)
<= 8inite Element Modeler generates an initial three$dimensional model)

The three$dimensional model as well as in front of the finite element model #an use the the
WORKEN!H other a""li#ations) elow followed '% demonstrations in the ME!HAN+!A1
<< in WORKEN!H #reate a stati# anal%sis)
<5) 8inite Element Modeler model #ell onto the stati# stru#tural model #ell, and 'uild
<6 u"dates 8inite Element Modeler)
<7 O"en the stati# stru#tural)
<> adds a fi*ed end 'oundar% #onditions, and the load is a""lied)
<;) Anal%sis and &iew of dis"la#ement #ontours)
You #an also &iew the stress #loud
Thus, the "ro'lem sol&ing end)

Seen, the use of the a'o&e$des#ri'ed manner, the ad&antages of 'oth #an 'e #om'ined with the
effi#ient simulation, whi#h #an 'e a #om"le* "ro'lem) +n fa#t, the "ur"ose of the general "ro'lem,
using ANSYS WORKEN!H enough, do not need to s"end HYPERMESH 2a.ia mesh) ?ust for
a &er% #om"le* model, the ,ualit% of the grid for the results 'efore the% need for su#h o"erations)

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