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R Read eadT Theo heor ry y. .

O Org rg 2 201 010 0 Name

Engli Englis sh hFor ForE Ev ve er ry yon one e. .O Org rg 200 2008 8 Date
B By y t th he e W Wa at te er r
Re Rea ad di in ng g Co Com mp pr rehen ehens si ion on S Sh ho or rt t S Sto tori ries es
Directions: Read the story. Then answer the questions below.
I live in a house by the water.
I sit by the water each day.
I tae my bag there with me. In it! I pac a boo and a blanet. I also carry a
chair and a baset o" "ood.
I wal down my bac steps and sit in the same spot along the grass.
When I go out to the water in the morning! I am alone.
I hear the water.
I see the boats.
I "eel calm.
It is the part of the day I like best.
#ater! some children come to play by the water.
It is a"ternoon.
I hear them laughing.
I see them play ball.
$estor! $estor% the children yell when they see me on the beach.
I wave and smile.
&lay ball with us! $estor% the children shout.
$o! thans! I say. 'I am too old to play ball. I wal with a cane and my
hands are no longer good at catching.'
I try to read my boo! but it is hard with all the noise.
I watch mothers and "athers "ish along the shore. I am
happy. I hear the water.
I see the boats.
I eat my lunch.
#ater! the sky gets dark.
I gather all o" my things and go bac to the house.
I get in bed. I hear the water through my open window.
(he sound puts me to sleep.
1 1) ) Where does $estor live+
A. on a "arm
B. on a mountain top
C. in a boat on the water
D. in a house by the water
2 2) ) What does $estor do each day+
A. ,e sits by the water.
B. ,e plays by the water.
C. ,e runs by the water.
D. ,e swims in the water.
3 3) ) Which o" the "ollowing things does
$estor bring with him to the water+
I. "ood
II. a blanet
III. a "ishing pole
A. I only B.
I and II C.
II and III
D. I! II! and III
4 4) ) $estor lives in a house by the
water. What is another way to write
A. in the water
B. over the water
C. close to the water
D. "ar away "rom the water
5 5) ) What do the children do by the
I. "ish
II. laugh
III. play ball
A. I only B.
I and II C.
II and III
D. I! II! and III
6 6) ) When do the children come to the
A. in the morning
B. in the a"ternoon
C. in the evening
D. at night
) ) What ind o" person does $estor
seem to be+
A. calm
B. sad
C. loud
D. young
! !) ) What does the children-s noise
mae it hard "or $estor to do+
A. eat
B. catch "ish
C. read
D. sleep
)uestions .continued/*
" ") ) Who "ishes+
A. $estor
B. the children
C. mothers and "athers
D. all o" the above
1# 1#) ) Why doesn-t $estor play with the
I. ,e is too tired.
II. ,e cannot catch.
III. ,e "eels he is too old.
A. I only B.
I and II C.
II and III
D. I! II! and III
11 11) ) ,ow do $estor-s "eelings change
during the story+
A. "rom calm to sleepy to happy
B. "rom sleepy to calm to happy
C. "rom calm to happy to sleepy
D. "rom happy to sleepy to calm
12 12) ) What does $estor mean when he
says that the sky gets dark+
A. that it is night
B. that it is raining
C. that the wind is blowing
D. that the sy is angry
13 13) ) What is $estor-s "avorite part o" the
A. the morning
B. when he is watching the children
C. the a"ternoon
D. D. the night
14 14) ) When does $estor hear the water+
A. only in the morning
B. only in the a"ternoon
C. only in the night
D. D. all the time
15 15) ) $estor says! It is the part o the day I !ike best. What is another way to
write this sentence! while eeping its original meaning+
A. I do not lie this part o" the day.
B. I love this part o" the day.
C. It is my "avorite part o" the day.
D. I lie all parts o" the day.
What is your "avorite part o" the day+ Why+
Ans$ers and E%&lanations
0/ D
In paragraph 0! the speaer says! I live in a house by the water. In
paragraph 1! the speaer o" the story describes some children calling to
him. (hey yell! $estor! $estor. (his lets us now the speaer2s name is
$estor. 3rom this in"ormation! we now that $estor lives in a house by the
water! so 'D) is correct.
(he story does not provide in"ormation to support answer choices 'A) and
'B). (here"ore they are incorrect. $estor says! I see the boats! but he
does not live on a boat. (his means 'C) is incorrect.
4/ A
In paragraph 0! $estor says! I sit by the water each day. (here"ore 'A) is
correct. In the middle o" the story! it says that the children play by the water!
but $estor does not play with them. (his means 'B) is incorrect. (he story
does not provide in"ormation to support answer choices 'C) and 'D).
(here"ore they are incorrect.
5/ B
In paragraph 4! we learn that $estor pacs a baset o" "ood. (his supports
o&tion '(). In paragraph 4! we learn that $estor pacs a blanet. (his
supports o&tion '((). 6ven though $estor lives beside the water and he
watches other people "ish along the shore! $estor does not bring a "ishing
pole. (his eliminates o&tion '(((). (here"ore 'B) is correct.
7/ C
In paragraph 0! we learn that $estor lives by the water. ,e wals to the
beach. (his means he is close to the water. I" something is by something! it
is close to it. (he "ollowing words are all part o" the same "amily! and have
almost the same meaning* close to! by! beside! ne8t to! near. (his means 'C)
is correct.
$estor2s house is not in the waters! so 'A) is incorrect. $estor2s house is not
over the water! which would mean on top o" the water. (here"ore 'B) is
incorrect. We now $estor2s house is not "ar "rom the water because $estor
wals to the water every morning. (his maes 'D) incorrect.
9/ C
In paragraph 0:! $estor watches the mothers and "athers "ish. (he
children do not "ish. (his eliminates o&tion '(). In paragraph ;! $estor hears
children laughing. (his supports o&tion '((). <lso! $estor sees the children
ball. (his supports o&tion '(((). (here"ore 'C) is correct.
=/ B
(he "irst sentence o" paragraph ; says! #ater! some children come to play by
the water. (he second sentence states! It is a"ternoon. (his lets us now
that the children come to the water in the a"ternoon! so 'B) is correct. (he
story does not provide in"ormation to support answer choices 'A)! 'C)! and
'D). (here"ore they are incorrect.
;/ A
In the last sentence o" paragraph 9! $estor says! I "eel calm. (here"ore 'A)
is correct.
We now $estor is not sad because in paragraph 0: he says! I am happy.
(his maes 'B) incorrect. ,e is not loud because he does not mae noise in
the story. (his means 'C) is incorrect. In paragraph 1! $estor says! I wal
with a cane and my hands are no longer good at catching. (his lets us
now that he is not young! so 'D) is incorrect.
1/ C
In paragraph >! $estor says! I try to read my boo! but it is hard with all the
noise. (his means 'C) is correct. (he story does not provide in"ormation to
support answer choices 'A)! 'B)! and 'D). (here"ore they are incorrect.
>/ C
In paragraph 0:! $estor says! I watch the mothers and "athers "ish along
the shore. (his maes 'C) correct. (he story does not provide in"ormation to
support answer choices 'A)! 'B)! and 'D). (here"ore they are incorrect.
0:/ C
(he story does not say that $estor is tired. (his eliminates o&tion '(). In
paragraph 1! we learn that the children as $estor to play ball. $estor says! I
am too old to play ball. I wal with a cane and my hands are no longer good
at catching. (his in"ormation tells us he cannot catch. (his supports
o&tion '((). (hese sentences also tell us that he "eels he is too old to play.
(his supports o&tion '(((). (here"ore 'C) is correct.
00/ C
In paragraph 9! $estor says! I "eel calm. #ater! in paragraph 0:! $estor
says! I am happy. 3inally! in paragraph 00! $estor goes to bed. ,e says that
the sound o" the water puts him to sleep. We can understand that this
means that he is sleepy. So $estor2s "eelings change "rom calm to happy
to sleepy. (his means 'C) is correct.
(he story does not provide in"ormation to support answer choices 'A)! 'B)!
and 'D). (here"ore they are incorrect.
04/ A
In paragraph 00! $estor says! (he sy gets dar. We now that the time
has passed "rom morning to a"ternoon! and now it is night. (he sy gets dar
at night! so he means that it is night. (his maes 'A) correct.
(he sy can get dar when it is raining! but the story does not say anything
about rain. (here"ore 'B) is incorrect. (he story does not provide
in"ormation to support answer choices 'C) and 'D). (here"ore they are
05/ A
In paragraph 7! $estor says he goes out to the water in the morning. In
paragraph =! he tells us! It is the part o" the day I lie best. We can
understand that morning is the time o" day that $estor lies best. <nother
way to say that you lie something best is to say that it is your "avorite.
?orning is $estor2s "avorite time o" day! so 'A) is correct.
(he story does not provide in"ormation to support answer choices 'B)! 'C)!
and 'D). (here"ore they are incorrect.
07/ D
In the "irst part o" the story! which taes place in the morning! $estor says! I
hear the water. (he second part o" the story taes place in the a"ternoon!
and then $estor also says! I hear the water. <t the end o" the story! $estor
is in bed and can hear the water through his open window. (here"ore!
$estor hears the water in the morning! a"ternoon! and night. (his means 'D)
is correct.
Since $estor hears the water throughout the entire day! it is incorrect to say
he o n ly hears it in the morning! or in the a"ternoon! or in the night.
(here"ore 'A)! 'B)! and 'C) are incorrect.
09/ C
In the middle o" the story! $estor says! It is the part o" the day I lie best.
<nother way to say that you lie something best is to say it is your
"avorite. (here"ore 'C) is correct.
Since $estor lies that part o" the day be s t ! we can understand that he does
lie it! so 'A) is incorrect. Sometimes we love the things that we lie the best!
but not always. $estor does not say he loves this part o" the day. ,e says
he lies it best. (his means 'B) incorrect. $estor chooses one part o" the
day to lie best. #iing something best is di""erent than liing everything. We
do not now i" $estor lies all parts o" the day! so 'D) is incorrect.

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