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Module 6: Interpreting Data (Conclusion)
Answer Scheme
1 - The more the number of times the spring is oun!" the #esser the time t$%en to
tr$&e# b' the to' ($r ) &i(e &ers$
- As) *f ) +hen the numbers of times the spring is oun! in(re$ses" the time
t$%en to tr$&e# b' the to' ($r !e(re$ses &i(e &ers$,
- The time t$%en to tr$&e# b' the to' ($r !e(re$ses $s the number of times the
spring is oun! in(re$ses,
2 - The more the !ist$n(e of #ight sour(e from ob-e(t" the #esser the #ength $n! the
si.e of the sh$!o )&i(e &ers$,
- As) *f ) +hen the !ist$n(e of #ight sour(e from ob-e(t in(re$ses" the #ength $n!
the si.e of sh$!o !e(re$ses, )&i(e &ers$,
- The #ength $n! the si.e of sh$!o !e(re$ses $s the !ist$n(e of #ight sour(e from
ob-e(t in(re$ses
/ - The more the number of see!#ings" the #esser the $&er$ge height of see!#ing )
&i(e &ers$
- As) *f ) +hen the number of see!#ings in(re$ses" the $&er$ge height of see!#ing
!e(re$ses &i(e &ers$,
- The $&er$ge height of see!#ing !e(re$ses $s the number of see!#ings in(re$ses
4 - The more the m$ss of the b$##" the more the !ist$n(e the oo!en b#o(% mo&e!
&i(e &ers$
- As)*f)+hen the m$ss of the b$## in(re$se" the !ist$n(e the oo!en b#o(% mo&e!
in(re$se ) &i(e &ers$
- The !ist$n(e the oo!en b#o(% mo&e! in(re$se $s the m$ss of the b$## in(re$se,
0 - The more the number of mi(e" the #esser the $&er$ge m$ss of the mi(e )
&i(e &ers$
- As) *f ) +hen the number of mi(e in(re$ses" the $&er$ge m$ss of the mi(e
!e(re$ses ) &i(e &ers$
- The $&er$ge m$ss of the mi(e in(re$se $s the number of mi(e in(re$se,
1 - The more the #ength of strings" the #esser the number of sings in/0 se(on!s,)
&i(e &ers$,
- As) *f) +hen the #ength of string in(re$se" the number of sings in /0 se(on!s
!e(re$se ) &i(e &ers$,
- The number of sings in /0 se(on!s !e(re$se $s the #ength of string in(re$se,
2 The see!s nee! $ter $n! $ir to germin$te,
3 The p#$nts nee! sun#ight to gro e## ) he$#th',
4 5ifferent pupi#s h$s !ifferent #ength of sp$n,
10 - The more)bigger the b$se $re$ of the mo!e#" the #esser the time its t$%es to
topp#e o&er ) &i(e &ers$
- As)*f)+hen the b$se $re$ of the mo!e# in(re$se" the time it t$%es to topp#e o&er
!e(re$se ) &i(e &ers$,
11, The mi(e ) $nim$# nee! foo! to st$' $#i&e,
12, - The more)higher the height of the mo!e#" the #esser the time its t$%es to
topp#e o&er ) &i(e &ers$
- As)*f)+hen the height of the mo!e# in(re$se" the time it t$%es to topp#e o&er
!e(re$se ) &i(e &ers$,
- The time t$%en it t$%es to topp#e o&er !e(re$se $s the height of the mo!e#
1/, - Li6ui! 7 is $n $(i!i(" 8 is $n $#%$#ine $n! L is neutr$#,
- Li6ui! 7 (h$nge b#ue #itmus p$per to re!" #i6ui! 8 (h$nge re! #itmus p$per to
b#ue hi#e #i6ui! L !oes not (h$nge the b#ue $n! re! #itmus p$per,
14, - The more the $ge of the pupi#s" the more the number of or!s $re un!erstoo!
- As the $ge of the pupi#s in(re$se " the number of or!s $re un!erstoo! in(re$se,
- The number of or!s $re un!erstoo! in(re$se $s the $ge of pupi#s in(re$se,
10, $9 :opper $n! iron $re (on!u(tors me$nhi#e rubber $n! p#$sti( $re insu#$tors
b9 The m$teri$#s th$t ($n #ight up the bu#bs $re (opper $n! iron ) $re (on!u(tors,
11, The n$i# in be$%er ; !oes not rust' be($use it !oes not e<pose to $ir
12, The more the time the see!s $re so$%e! " the more the m$ss of the see!s unti#
minute /0 the m$ss of the see!s (onst$nt ) s$me ) !oes not (h$nge,
13, - From 3 $m to 12,00 noon" the sh$!o is in the est" hi#e 12,00 noon to 1,00
pm the sh$!o is in the e$st,
- *n the morning the sh$!o is in the est hi#e in the e&ening the sh$!o is in
the e$st,
14, - Preser&e foo! b' ($nning t$%es the #ongest time to rotten,
- Preser&e foo! b' (oo#ing t$%es the shortest time to rotten
- 5ifferent $'s of preser&ing foo! t$%e !ifferent perio! of time to get rotten,
20, - Sponge ($n $bsorb the most $ter hi#e tissue p$per ($n $bsorb the #e$st $ter,
- 5ifferent t'pe of p$per h$s !ifferent $bi#it' to $bsorb $ter,

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