OB Hesi

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1. 1 meter 3.

3 feet
2. 1 meter in cm 100 cm
3. Administer IV
sulfate to
decrease hyperreflexia and minimize risk
of seizure activity.
4. amniotic fluid Pale, straw-colored fluid in which the
fetus floats. It serves as a cushion against
injury from sudden blows or movements
and helps maintain a constant body
temperature for the fetus. The fetus
modifies the amniotic fluid through the
processes of swallowing, urinating, and
movement through the respiratory tract.
5. The anterior
fontanel closes at
12 to 18 months
6. APGAR 10 is perfect; 0 is worst
7. baby low temp,
shaky hands and
lower lip
hypoglycemia, do glucose stick
8. ballottement Rebounding of the fetus against the
examiner's finger on palpation. When
the examiner taps the cervix, the fetus
floats upward in the amniotic fluid. The
examiner feels a rebound when the fetus
falls back.
9. betamethasone a glucocorticoid given (after after mag
sulfate for preterm labor) to increase
surfactant producation to stimulate fetal
lung maturation. given at 28 to 32 wks if
mag is successful in inhibiting labor for
48 hrs.
10. BMI Kg / (Meters squared)
11. Butorphanol
tartrate (Stadol)
is an opioid analgesic that provides
systemic pain relief during labor. DO
NOT use with opioid addicts bc of strong
withdrawal symptoms.
12. cephalhematoma slight abnormal deviation from delivery
trauma. it is capillary bleeding between
the periosteum and skull. often caused by
13. Chadwick's sign Violet coloration of the mucous
membranes of the cervix, vagina, and
vulva that occurs at about 4 weeks of
pregnancy caused by increased
vascularity. This is considered a probable
sign of pregnancy.
14. delivery Actual event of birth; the expulsion or
extraction of the neonate.
15. dizygotic = fraternal twins
16. ductus
connect umbilical vein with inferior vena
cava, passes through/largely bypasses the
17. dystocia prolonged labor or very painful labor
18. eclampsia seizure. when preeclampsia progresses to
eclampsia, clear and maintain open airway,
give oxygen, administer mag, assess BP and
fetal HR
19. embryo Stage of fetal development that lasts from day
15 until approximately 8 weeks after
conception or until the embryo measures 3
cm from crown to rump.
20. Episodic
changes are
those that
are not associated with UCs.
21. fertilization Uniting of the sperm and ovum, which occurs
within 12 hours of ovulation and within 2 to
3 days of insemination, the average duration
of viability for the ovum and sperm.
22. Fetal heart
23. food rich in
LEGUMES, meat, liver, whole grain breads,
deep green leafy veggies, dried fruits.
24. foods that
reduce iron
milk, eggs, coffee, bran, tea
25. goal of labor
is to achieve
three good quality contractions in ten minute
26. Goodell's sign Softening of the cervix that occurs at the
beginning of the second month of gestation.
This is considered a probable sign of
27. gravida A pregnant woman; called gravida I
(primigravida) during the first pregnancy,
gravida II during the second pregnancy, and
so on.
28. Hegar's sign Compressibility and softening of the lower
uterine segment that occurs at about week 6
of gestation. This is considered a probable
sign of pregnancy.
29. implantation Embedding of the fertilized ovum in the
uterine mucosa 6 to 10 days after conception.
30. infant A human born alive; also, a human from 28
days of age until the first birthday.
OB Hesi
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31. labor Coordinated sequence of rhythmic
involuntary uterine contractions resulting in
effacement and dilation of the cervix,
followed by expulsion of the products of
32. lecithin-to-
(L/S) ratio
Ratio of two components of amniotic fluid,
used for predicting fetal lung maturity;
normal L/S ratio in amniotic fluid is 2:1 or
greater when the fetal lungs are mature.
33. lightening In first-time pregnancies the uterus sinks
downward and forward about 2 weeks
before term, when the fetus's presenting part
(usually the fetal head) descends into the
true pelvis. also called dropping
34. lochia Discharge from the uterus that consists of
blood from the vessels of the placental site
and debris from the decidua; lasts for 2 to 6
weeks after delivery.
35. lochia alba yello or white days 10 until placenta is
healed (2 to 6 weeks after delivery)
36. lochia rubra first lochia, with debris and gunk
37. lochia serosa pink or light brown days 3 or 4 to day 10
38. Mag Sulfate It decreases neuromuscular excitability. It
produces peripheral vasodilation.
39. mag sulfate
decreases it; blocking neuromuscular
transmission (
40. mag
4-8 mg/dL
41. monozygotic = identical twins
42. Ngele's rule Determines the estimated date of birth based
on the premise that the woman has a 28-day
menstrual cycle. Add 7 days to the first day
of the last menstrual period; subtract 3
months and add 1 year. Alternatively, add 7
days to the last menstrual period and count
forward 9 months.
43. newborn A human from the time of birth to the
twenty-eighth day of life; also called
44. parity Number of pregnancies that have reached
viability regardless of whether the fetus was
born alive or stillborn.
45. Periodic
changes are
those that
occur with UCs.
46. placenta Organ that provides for the exchange of
nutrients and waste products between the fetus
and the mother and produces hormones to
maintain pregnancy. The placenta develops by
the third month of gestation and is also called
47. The
closes by ...
by the end of the second month
48. postpartum
blues peak
around the 5th postpartum day
49. produces
flushing and
due to
mag sulfate
50. quickening Maternal perception of fetal movement for the
first time, occurring usually in the sixteenth to
twentieth week of pregnancy.
51. severe pain
delivery of
uterine inverstion!!!
52. surfactant Phospholipid that is necessary to keep the fetal
lung alveoli from collapsing; amount is
usually sufficient after 32 weeks' gestation.
53. third
characteristic of placenta previa and
diagnosed by transabdominal ultrasound
54. tocolytic drug used to suppress labor (toci = birth)
55. uterus Organ located behind the symphysis pubis,
between the bladder and the rectum. It has
four partsfundus (upper part), corpus (body),
isthmus (lower segment), and cervix.
56. vagina Tubular structure located behind the bladder
and in front of the rectum; it extends from the
cervix to the vaginal opening in the perineum.
It functions as the outflow tract for menstrual
fluid and for vaginal and cervical secretions,
the birth canal, and the organ for coitus.
57. viability Capability of the fetus to survive outside the
uterus; about 22 to 24 weeks of gestation or
fetal weight more than 500 g.
58. what aids in
of iron?
vitamin C!
59. when does ovulation occur? 14 days before menses

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