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iMK. 1(11
Run>s ir Unvi-c iVom DoIds aiul hivi^liinj^ llu-iii in s-jMiin-; (lu'ir i-liv, miuI m nunu'iiiiii!', it
illi vl.iini's mill l(MU|il(i llcil
cosl .1 iliiiiiNiiiiil tiiloniN, iiN n
|ii't>ii<l iiiiil x'iiin witnitiii li'ii'kN
luTsiiriml Willi jrwrh
lonll's I ifr of /'V)/V/,v.) Till'
IMiiu'ivM, III Siiiiliiin,
WHS |ii iiliMlily liy Ii'lilllts; liiil
llio lri|i|ii(>Nl ('MoriM oC
lllis :inllilt>l'l WHS till' Icllipll'
i>r A|)i)ll() l'',|(iiMH'iiis, ill Ari'.i
<ii:i. slill lU'iii'ly I'liliii'. Till"
lirciili.irilii's I'm mil in il wo will
vliiirlly licliiil. 'I'hr rninl Iimn
six t'olninns, iind inslcnil of
I hill cell ill ciicli lltiiiK ( IIkmisiiiiI
niinilu'i) (luTi" III'!' lil'icon. In
till" iiiU'riiir, Imlin'sNos nn ciicli
siilc, ((> Ilio niinihiM' ol' six, ro-
tnni inw.iiils iVoin flio will Is ol'llu' coll, o.icli ciidiiii^ in si'iiiiciri'iiliir jiiliisli'is iirilic Ionic orilci.
'I'lii'sc sccin It) li.ivt- iiccn Inoii'^lil up Hir llic liicilily ol' .Mipporliiij', llic roni', wliicli of
',1(1111'. Willi llic exception of llic Ictnpic ol' IMiiieiv.'i iil 'rc;',eii, ils icpiiliilion Cor ImviiiIv whs
MicJi, tliiit it Miip.'issed, il'ilinl lie ii line lesl, nil oilier l)iiililiiij;s in I'eloponncNns. Il't'dlii
.'ilioii is iil)<)iil llirce or (our miles Trom the niiiis of riiifr.iliii, on iiii elevMlcii pint ol" Mount
Cotyliis, coniiinniliiiu; ii s|ileiiili(l liiiiilsciipc, which is tenniiiiileil liy the nc:i in llie ili-diinee.
I.")!. About n7() ii.c, I'',)mmi iiliis restored the IVIesseniinis to independciicc, mill linill
the city ol' Messene. The ruins slill cxtiint prove Hint the iirl lit thiil period hud not niii-
teiiiilly ili'cliiieil. Its walls, in iniiny p.irls, iiri' i-iilire, mid exliiliil ii liiieexmnple ofdreciiiii
niilil.iiy mchilcctiire in their lowt'rs mid (^iitcs. At no disliint time I'loni the iijjc in ipic'i-
tioii the porlieo ol' I'liilip of IMacedon, at lejist his name is iii'.ei ilieil on il, sliow'i Ihc
Doric order had iindeiffonc a f^reat chmi^^e in its propoi lions. This portico ninsl h.ive lieeii
erected ahoiit iJHH ii.c, mid after it the Ionic order seems to have licen more liiviinrcd mid
I'liltivaI.ed. 'I'lie last example of the Doric is |ierliaps the portico of Atij^iistus, at AtheiiM.
l.T'J. Hufoi'c ))ri)ceediii;^ to the invest i}.5al ion of the Ionic order, it may here, perhiip", he
as well to speak of the proportions helweeii the length and hreadth of lemplcN, as compared
with the rules f^iveii hy Vitrnviiis (liook iv. chap. -I.
), that the leii(i;lh of a temple shall ho
doiihle its hreadth, and the cell ilself in lciif.';lli one iiiiiilh part more lliiiii llie lireadlh, in-
cliidin^r the wall in which tin- doors are placed. Tlioii;^li in the (iicek eMimpleH Ihi'ic
proportions arc approxiinated, an exact conformity with the rule is not observed in any. The
leiif^th, for instance, of the tem|de of Jupiter, at .Selinim, is to the breadlh iisVM).') to I ; in
the teinpli- of Thenuiis, as 'J:i to I ;
and fiom llic mean of six examples of the Doric order,
selected ill (Jreece and Sicily, is 'J'_'l to I. If llic Hanks be rej^iilatcd in leii(rth by making';
Ihe immlicr of intercolniimi.'itions ex.iclly double tlioi.e in front, it will be iinniediately Nceii the proportions of Vilriiviiis are olilaiiied on a line passing!; lliroii|;;li the aves of Ihe
I'olimms. lint as in most of the (ireek temple.'! the central iiitercoliimniiilion in fniiit i>i
wider than the rest, the leli^^lh of the tem|ile would necei.'.ai ily be les'i than twice the vvidlli.
Ill the earlier sp"ciiiieiis of the Dmic order the leiifflh is certainly, lei above iiii'iilioiied in
the temple of .fiipiler at .Selimis, very nearly in accordance with Ihc role ; Iml in oiilii to
counteract the elU'ct of the central intercDlninniatioii beiii)^ wider, Ihe inimbei of ((iliiiiiii'i.
Mislead of intercolinimiatioiiH on tin; Hank, is made exactly doiiiile those in front. In
the later ex.-iinpli's, however, ;is in the temples of TlieneiiM mid the rarlheiioii, and xoiiie
others, tin? inimbcr of intercoliimni.itioiis on the Hank was made double the number of
colmnii'i in the i'roiit, whence the number of coliimiis on the Hanks wiei double Ihe niimber
of those in front ,-md one more
so that the proportion became nearly in the ratio of ',i:i to I.
'J he simplicity which (lowed from these arran^emeiitH ill the (irecian teiiiplcH wan micli
that it seems little more than arithmetical architecture, mo ymmetrical that from Ihe three
d;ita, the diameter of the column, the width of tin; iiitcrcoliiimiiatioii, mid Ihc number of
coliinms in front, all the other parts mi^lit be Coiind.
l.'j;!. 'J'lie Ionic order, at (irst chiiffly condned to the slate; of A'lla Minor, appeiir'i to have
been coeval with the Doric order. The mo'.t ancient example of it on record i'l the temple
of .Jiiiio, at Sairios. Herodotus ( Hiilir/x:) sayH, it wuh one of the most Mtiipeiidoici edilice*
erected by the (JrcokH. In the I<mi<in /Inlii/nlfifH ('Ji{ edit. vol. i. c. ri. ) in to be found nil
account of its ruins. It wuh erected about .O-IO yearn ii.r-., by RIi/iciih and Theodoriii, two
natives of the island. The octastyle temple of ISacchiiM, at Teim, in wIiohc prai'-.e Vitruviii*
Was lavish, shows by ItH riiiim that the old inaKter of our art wa well i.'iipable of /ipprc-
Ciatiiig the beaiitien of an edidce. Ilermo^^eneH, of Alabaiida, witn \t% architect, and hi-
K'ciiis to have been the promoter of a (^reat ihan>^e in the taste of IiIm day. Vilruviiii
I' 2

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