GB Final Report

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(Replace with your companys Six Sigma Logo)

Executive Summary
(List the summary of the problem, conclusions, actions taken & projected benefits. Two
Paragraphs, maximum
Project Title:
GB Candidate Name:
Email Address:
Phone Number:
TCE nstructor:
Trainin! Start "ate: ##$##$####
Trainin! End "ate: ##$##$####
Project Title:
GB Candidate Name:
Email Address:
Phone Number:
B%G nstructor:
Trainin! Start "ate: ##$##$####
Trainin! End "ate: ##$##$####
&' Project (vervie)
1.1. Problem Statement
(!nclude" what, where, when, how much, how do you know
1.2. Goal/Objective Statement
(#sing $.%.&.'.T." $pecific, %easurable, &ggressi(e yet &chie(able, 'ele(ant, Time
)ound, i.e. Improve {metric} from {baseline level} to {goal level} by {timeframe}.

1.3. Financial Benefits
($a(ings, i.e. %easure of the *** impact when the primary metric is impro(ed
*orecast +alidated,
*orecast +alidated,
Actual Savin!s
To "ate
+reen )elt ,inal 'eport Page - of .
1.4. Non-financial Benefits (Primar an! Secon!ar "etrics#
Primary.Secondary %etric Baseline Actual Goal
/ mprovement
To)ard Goal
(!/$0'T Primary %etric +'&P1 2filename" metrics.xls, from 3efine" Project
3efinition %odule4. %ake sure to include your primary metrics.
1.$. Ot%er Or&ani'ational Benefits (Not meas(re! or not meas(rable#
(List other positi(e results from your project" conse5uential metrics that may actually
ha(e impro(ed, side benefits to other products or processes, potential sa(ings, increases
in capacity
1.). S(mmar of *%an&es "a!e to +ffect ,m-rovement
(List the changes made to the processes that ha(e been (erified to ha(e caused the
impro(ements in the project metrics and6or that pro(ided the sa(ings. %ake sure that
you address each of these changes in the phase summaries.
1... /imeline
Start "e0ine %easure Analy1e mprove Control
1.0. /eam "embers
Name *unctional Area Expertise
+reen )elt ,inal 'eport Page 7 of .
+reen )elt ,inal 'eport Page 8 of .
2' Phase Summaries
(The phase summaries are where you tell the story of your project. !n these summaries,
discuss the tools you used in each phase and the conclusions drawn as a result of those tools.
9ou should include any graphical output with discussion & interpretation pertaining to the
major deli(erables by phase.
2.1. 1efine
Project 3efinition
Project $coping Tools
3etermination of )aseline & 0ntitlement
2.2. "eas(re
Process ,low 3iagram
3etailed Process %ap
:ause & 0ffect %atrix and6or ,ishbone 3iagram
%$& (&ttribute or ;ariable +age '&' $tudies

:apability &nalyses
2.3. +nal'e
+raphical Techni5ues (
include all analysis tools used to analy<e data in the analysis phase
1ypothesis Tests
o %eans Tests
o =ne >ay &/=;&
2.4. ,m-rove
3=0 Planning $heets
&ny 3=0s run (,ull or -
, if appropriate
3isplay 9 ? f(x, prominently
2.$. *ontrol

#pdated ,%0&
,ormal :ontrol Plan
:ontrol %ethods
o ;ariable $P:
o %istake Proofing
=utstanding &ctions 'e5uired for :ompletion
o PT&P (insert a copy of your Project Transition &ction Plan here
+reen )elt ,inal 'eport Page @ of .
3' Six Si!ma Green Belt "eliverables %atrix
Phase.Tool 4sed Comments
' "e0ine
Project Forecasted Savings ($) x
Prolem Statement x
Project !etrics (aseline and entitlement)
"jective Statement x
#eam !emers x
Financial $stimates
' %easure
Process !ap (PFD, I/O List, Detailed Map) x
%ause & $''ect !atrix x
Fishone (iagram
F!$) x
*ariale + )ttriute R&R x Address measurement concept
%apaility $stimates
(escriptive Statistics
-raphical Summary
' Analy1e
.ox Plots At least one graphical test
(ot Plots
!ain $''ects+/nteractions Plot
0ormality #esting
!eans #esting At least one statistical test
"ne12ay )0"*) #esting
+' mprove
("$ Planning Sheet
Full Factorials
$xperiment Report(s)
+' Control
!ista4e Proo'ing
SP% (%ontrol %harts) x
5pdated F!$)
+reen )elt ,inal 'eport Page A of .
Formal %ontrol Plan x
5' Appendix
4.1. 1O2 3e-orts (1etaile!4 if a--ro-riate#
4.2. F"2+s (1etails#
4.3. Ga&e or +ttrib(te 353 St(!ies (1etails#
4.4. +n Ot%er S(--ortin& 1ata
+reen )elt ,inal 'eport Page . of .

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