Optimizing Oracle DBA EP

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Leverage EMC Proven Solutions to deliver advantages in performance,
management, and cost for your Oracle database environments.
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Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Redefning the Role of the DBA ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Optimize Oracle Performance .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Scale Oracle Faster without Disruption .............................................................................................................................................................................. 8
Accelerate Oracle Lifecycle Management ...................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Enhance Oracle Backup and Recovery ........................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Consistent Oracle Data Protection ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Continuous Availability for Mission-Critical Oracle ................................................................................................................................. 13
Three Paths to the Cloud .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Improve DBA Productivity with EMC.................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
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and Oracle

share a deep history of investment dating back to 1995, and the partnership currently supports
over 80,000 joint customers. EMC and Oracle continue that long history of collaboration today through strong joint
engineering, solutions development, and global support.
This cumulative investment over nearly two decades has led to EMC being the #1 storage platform deployed for Oracle
environments in the world

. Today, our joint customers are coming to us to understand how to prepare and execute on
their journey to the cloud and what this journey means to their Oracle DBA and IT infrastructure teams.
Cloud computing focuses on the abstraction, pooling and automation of IT infrastructure resources, designed to better
service multiple Oracle databases and applications. While achieving this goal for IT as a whole, cloud computing
should also provide DBAs the same level of control and effciency they are used to in Oracle software, but enable the
acceleration of their tactical and strategic management tasks, including:
Oracle performance tuning and optimization Capacity planning and growth management
Database lifecycle management Backup and recovery
Local and remote data protection Active-active cluster management
Oracle IT Management Gap Today
In this EMC guide we will discuss a variety of ways in
which small investments in IT infrastructure can have
dramatic effect in helping DBAs accomplish daily
management tasks faster and more effciently. This
increase in DBA productivity in their daily activities frees
up time to focus on value-add processes and innovation.
The benefts of an EMC virtual infrastructure plug into
nearly all Oracle environments today, without changing
the Oracle database software or applications, and lays a
foundation for IT as a whole to leverage cloud computing
across all application environments.

Source IDC Storage User Demand Study, 2012 - Fall Edition: Many Uses of Internal Storage,
doc #241840, June 2013.
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This journey to a cloud-enabled infrastructure is not just about technology. To successfully transform IT to deliver IT-as-a-
Service, IT organizations need to redefne their existing processes and skillsets. In the new cloud model there will be new
roles in IT, such as cloud architects and cloud administrators. The roles of these new IT professionals will focus on building
infrastructure across multiple databases & applications, defning specifc service levels for those unique environments as
well as metering and reporting. They will also manage prioritizing how new services will be added and develop self-service
catalog processes.
What does this mean for todays Oracle DBA?
What we see in talking with thousands of
Oracle customers is that during this shift
to cloud computing the role of the DBA
continues to be a vital role and is only
increasing in responsibility. However, a
recent study done by the IOUG showed that
most Oracle DBAs still spend too much time
and budget for ongoing management of
their current Oracle environments. In fact we
surveyed Oracle DBAs on where they spend
the most time daily maintaining their Oracle
database environments.
The Role of the DBA in the Cloud
To help address this, over the past 12-18 months EMC has worked closely with Oracle to jointly engineer Solutions which
combine EMC software and platforms with Oracle software to help DBAs with:
Optimizing Oracle Performance
Oracle Scalability Without Disruption
Accelerate Oracle Lifecycle Management
Enhance Oracle Backup & Recovery
Application Consistent Oracle Data Protection
Non-Stop Oracle Data Access
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The Role of the DBA in the Cloud
Building off of the IOUG Research, EMC worked with a 3rd party analyst, Wikibon, to interview EMC and Oracle customers on
the sum of impact these EMC capabilities can have on the productivity of Oracle DBAs. By leveraging the core capabilities of
EMC virtual infrastructure - including automation in storage tiering, fash and virtualization, and backup and data protection
capabilities Wikibons research concluded that DBAs can spend 27% more time on value-add activities.
27-50% More Time for Proactive Initiatives
In addition, when converged infrastructure
VCE Vblock

Systems were used, an additional

23% of time was saved due to the integrated
nature of Vblock Systems to automate tasks
such as performance, provisioning and capacity
management as well as availability of the
The following sections of this EMC Perspective
will offer a detailed review of benefts EMCs
virtual infrastructure provides DBAs including the
EMC Solution testing and proven results
Jointly engineered integration with
Oracle software
Customer case studies and use case
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Due to the varying nature of Oracle workloads, the underlying storage infrastructure should be approached not as a single
monolithic entity, but as intelligent, dynamic and automated tiering storage architecture.
EMC believes in a tiered storage approach, which allows Oracle DBAs the choice of optimizing their infrastructure for
performance, scalability, and fexibility. This starts by frst choosing the appropriate tier of storage itself, between high
performance fash drives, high capacity SATA drives, and traditional FC drives. For the past several years, we have worked
actively with Oracle customers, utilizing Oracle Automated Workload Repository (AWR) reports to identify which Oracle data
should be placed on which tiers of storage. The AWR report is a good way to identify those Oracle workloads well suited
for fash drives, for example, identifying the top fve wait events, or where you have a high degree of random reads and
writes. Once tiered storage is deployed however, Oracle workloads will change in a day, week, or month. The process of
reconfguring storage can be time consuming and often involve downtime to the database.
Evolution of Flash Technology
EMC introduced Fully Automated Storage Tiering (FAST) as a
means to automate this provisioning process and perform tiering
at the Oracle block level. FAST provides the automation to place
and move data to the appropriate storage tier while signifcantly
reducing storage administration time. DBAs can set policies around
which databases or specifc parts of the database should have
priority for performance during different times of the day or as
certain performance thresholds are reached.
EMC is expanding the use of FAST to take advantage of targeted use of fash at different layers of the Oracle I/O path for
maximized performance and reduced response times:
EMC FAST Virtual Pools (FAST VP) enables the underlying storage resources to automatically adapt to new database
polices set by the Oracle DBA in up to 9X less time than traditional storage architecture, alleviating the DBAs
management burden and maintaining maximized performance as workloads changeover time.
EMC FAST Cache uses fash drives to add an extra layer of cache between DRAM cache and rotating disk drives, thereby
creating a faster medium for storage frequently accessed data. FAST Cache is an extendable read/write cache which
tracks data activity at a granularity of 64 KB and promotes hot data into FAST Cache by copying it from the HDDs to fash
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drives assigned to FAST Cache. Subsequent I/O access to that data is handled by the fash drives and is serviced at
fash drive response times, for very low latency. FAST Cache is particularly suited for Oracle database applications that
generate a large number of random I/Os that experience sudden bursts in user query activity or high, concurrent user
loads where the data set fts within the fash drive cache.
FAST VP automatically moves data to the most appropriate storage tier based on sustained data access and demands over
time. FAST Cache automatically absorbs unexpected spikes in application workloads for burst-prone data. FAST Cache can
be used alone or with FAST VP and EMC testing has shown that the addition of FAST Cache can double Oracle transactions
per minute (TPM) in a virtualized Oracle database environment running VMware.
EMC XtremCache is a server fash caching solution that uses intelligent caching software and PCIe fash technology
to reduce the latency and increase throughput which dramatically improves application performance. XtremCache
automatically identifes frequently accessed read data and promotes that data to the fash on the PCIe card, alleviating
I/O pressure from the storage array which accelerates performance and complements FAST VP. Since frequently accessed
data now is located on dedicated storage inside the server, I/O service times are greatly reduced. Used in combination,
XtremCache and the FAST Suite further streamline data delivery across the data continuum which provides an end-
to-end tiering solution that optimizes Oracle capacity and performance from the server to the storage. XtremCache is
particularly benefcial for read-intensive applications such as Oracle OLTP environments. EMC testing with VMware has
shown adding XtremCache can nearly triple Oracle transactions per minute (TPM) and reduce I/O latency by 60-80% in a
virtualized Oracle database environment running VMware.
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By applying EMC FAST Suite and fash technology within the storage array, storage network or Oracle database server
itself, EMC has shown that just a little fash can go a long way in maximizing Oracle database performance.
As customers virtualize their Oracle databases they will need to scale performance as more virtualized servers and users
are added to the database environment. EMC recently performed a series of tests to document Oracle OLTP database
performance in a virtualized environment using both EMC Symmetrix VMAX

and VNX

platforms with EMC XtremCache.

The results demonstrate the ability to use EMC XtremCache to scale performance linearly to nearly 3 million IOPs, adding
virtualized database servers and user access, while maintaining sub-millisecond response times.
Virtualized Oracle Query IOPS on EMC VMAX Virtualized Oracle Query IOPS on EMC VMAX
with XtremCache with XtremCache
For those customers running Oracle over NFS, EMC has an added option to leverage Oracle Direct NFS (dNFS) together with
EMC Unifed Storage. Oracle dNFS is an optimized NFS (Network File System) client that provides faster and more scalable
access to NFS storage located on NAS storage devices. Direct NFS provides faster performance that what can be provided
by the operating systems NFS driver as Oracle bypasses the operating system and generates exactly the requests it needs
(no user confguration or tuning required). Data is cached just once in user space, which saves memory (no second copy in
kernel space). Performance is further improved by load balancing across multiple network interfaces (if available).
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Once Oracle databases are deployed and begin to scale, DBAs will need to extend existing databases or create new
database instances. Both of these tasks require engagement with storage infrastructure. Traditionally, administrators
allocate database space and storage capacity based on anticipated future growth. This is done to mitigate recurring
operational activities such as incrementally increasing storage allocations, or adding discrete blocks of storage as space
is consumed. This approach results in more storage allocated than is actually needed over an extended period of time. In
other examples, database administrators may pre-allocate large amounts of storage for data fles or table spaces to ensure
suffcient free space within the database.
The operating system sees space as completely allocated but in reality, internally only a fraction of the allocated space
might be used. In both scenarios, capacity is wasted and can pose opportunities to speed allocation of capacity to Oracle
DBAs where and when its needed.
EMC Virtual Provisioning allows more storage to be presented to a host operating system than is physically available. Virtual
provisioning can allocate physical storage only when the storage is actually written to, allowing more effcient storage use and
lower cost. Virtual provisioning also stripes the data across disks in the thin pool regardless of whether a small or large thin
device or database object is created, and alleviates the need for time-consuming storagelayout planning.
EMC Virtual Storage Provisioning for Oracle
This allows the seamless addition of more physical storage as the
demand for the Oracle database application grows. While increasing
the available capacity, more physical disks can also improve the
applications I/O performance because of wider striping and more
back-end spindles to drive I/O traffc.
For those customers running VMware Sphere on their Oracle database
servers, VMware Dynamic Resource Scheduler (DRS) aggregates
vSphere host resources into clusters and automatically distributes
these resources across virtual machines by monitoring utilization and
continuously optimizing virtual machine distribution across vSphere
hosts. Combined with EMC Virtual Storage Provisioning, Oracle server
and storage resources can be optimized for growth management and
capacity planning even as Oracle workloads change.
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Production Oracle database environments create within them an ecosystem of supporting environments used for tasks
such as fast online recovery, software or hardware maintenance, and test and development. All of these tasks need to be
performed off of copies separate from the production database to avoid impacting IT operations. Historically Oracle DBAs
have relied on server-based replication copying Oracle data over corporate LAN environments. This process can be time
consuming and also impact production database performance or in some cases require production database downtime
to accomplish. In addition, refreshing environments with this approach can take hours or even days depending on the
size of the environment. Through EMC virtual infrastructure, DBAs have access to different types of replication options
executed within the storage infrastructure itself. One example is full volume-for-volume copies of the entire Oracle database
environment. These are used to create fully recoverable copies of the Oracle database. This process leverages EMC clones
that provide not just full copies of the actual data, but also add an EMC technology called consistency groups. These are
important because many Oracle databases will span multiple LUNs within the storage array. As transactions continue to be
processed during the replication process it is critical to assure, with clones, that the new copy is transactionally consistent
with the source database so that it can be used for effective and fast recovery.
While full database clones are useful for full recovery, they are also time consuming to create as they copy all data on a
block-for-block basis, not to mention they consume large amounts of storage space. With this in mind, EMC enables the use
of snaps as a cost-effective alternative to clones. Snaps are space-saving copies that store the data in memory versus
disk. Because RAM is much faster for storage and retrieval than physical drive space, speed is a beneft. Point-in-time
images are made quickly without causing undo impact to host applications. Another beneft is the extra storage space this
leaves available for other information. EMC snap copies take a smaller percentage of the capacity required for the source,
and thats only the space necessary to protect the original datas integrity, which would subsequently be overwritten on
the source volume. To enable the power of these replication tools into the hands of the Oracle DBA, EMC developed a
technology called EMC Replication Manager. DBAs can use a centralized management console to manage EMC point-in-
time replication technologies and coordinate the entire data replication process from discovery and confguration to the
management of multiple application consistent disk-based replicas.
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EMC Replication Manager for Oracle
EMC has also worked closely with Oracle to combine
the use of a new Oracle feature called clonedb which
allows Oracle DBAs to create read and writeable snaps
off of EMC snaps using only a fraction of allocated
storage capacity. Storage is consumed only at the rate
at which Oracle data is modifed within the snaps,
providing an ideal solution to setup large amounts of
Oracle copies for supporting environments, like test and
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Backup and recovery management using Oracle RMAN is a core task for nearly every Oracle DBA. For many customers,
the time required to backup Oracle (even with incremental backups) can impact production database availability and
performance, and over time, backups consume excessive amounts of storage.
EMC Data Domain Boost integration with Oracle Recovery Manager provides the industrys frst solution that gives the
database administrator complete control of backup and disaster recovery processes. DD Boost for RMAN distributes parts of
the deduplication process to the Oracle database server, which increases performance and enables Oracle RMAN to directly
manage Data Domain

Specifcally, this can increase backup performance up to 50 percent, reduce LAN bandwidth requirements up to 99 percent
through deduplication, and reduce the overall impact on the Oracle server by 20 to 40 percent.
50% Faster Backups for Oracle DBAs
To enable even greater effciency, DD Boost for RMAN
is compatible with Oracle block change tracking (BCT).
With DD Boost for RMAN confgured and BCT enabled,
when an incremental backup is run, the RMAN script will
direct the backup to read the tracking fle. Then, without
scanning the entire fle system, only unique data is
sent from the Oracle server to the Data Domain system.
Integration of Oracle RMAN and Data Domain Boost
empowers both the DBAs and IT teams to:
Retain backups longer By deduplicating data before it
is backed up, more data can be stored online at lower
cost. This allows for the retention of more Oracle data
for longer periods of time, and the performance of
more frequent full backups vs. incremental backups.
Replicate smarter Data Domain systems only move deduplicated data over existing networks with up to 99 percent
bandwidth effciency for fast, cost-effective disaster recovery.
EMC Data Domain and DD Boost also support EMC Avamar

, EMC NetWorker

and third-party backup applications to help

enable centralized backup and recovery across the entire IT landscape.
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As more applications and databases are consolidated in Oracle environments, keeping that infrastructure available
continuously becomes even more critical to avoid business disruption. Many Oracle customers use Oracle DataGuard to
protect their databases, but DataGuard does not enable protection of the entire software and infrastructure stack.
Some customer SLAs require fast, complete recovery of all application components, not just the database fles. EMC
RecoverPoint is a comprehensive data-protection solution providing concurrent local and remote data protection. It is
fully leveraged through EMC Replication Manager as an additional replication solution option for Oracle DBAs.
RecoverPoint is a technology that resides in the network allowing all Oracle writes to be tracked in a Recovery Journal before
they are written to disk.
Oracle data is then compressed and deduplicated before shipping to a remote site, reducing the network bandwidth
requirements up to 90 percent to allow for longer distance replication. Should a recovery be necessary, the Recovery
Journal can be used to roll back the complete Oracle software stack to any point in time for full recovery.
For those customers running VMware on their Oracle database servers, VMware Site Recovery Manager can be used with
EMC RecoverPoint to orchestrate the recovery of either physical or virtualized Oracle servers. Furthermore, leveraging
VMware virtual machines, DBAs can also quickly and transparently failover production to another set of virtual servers and
perform recovery in a secure, separate environment to see what recovery would look like in the event of a disaster.
More Effcient Data Protection for Oracle DBAs
The standby environment continues to have read/write
access, increasing the return on investment while also
dramatically strengthening data protection. By leveraging EMC
RecoverPoint and VMware Site Recovery Manager, DBAs can
protect the entire Oracle stack faster and more completely.
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Many Oracle customers leverage Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) which enables Oracle databases to be run across
multiple servers with simultaneous read/write access. Oracle RAC users have been challenged to stretch their Oracle RAC
confgurations over distance, and as a result, most RAC users have single-site confgurations and leverage host-based or
array-based data replication solutions for disaster recovery.

is a technology deployed in the storage area network which enables the same data to exist in two separate
geographical locations and be accessed and updated in both locations at the same time. Working with Oracle, VPLEX Metro
provides Oracle RAC users simultaneous access to the same dataat both locationsyet its easily managed as though its
only one site. The Oracle hosts need only to connect to the local VPLEX cluster with no complex cross-connect, and there
are no costly host CPU cycles consumed on mirroring - I/O is sent only once from host to the VPLEX, then VPLEX manages
the replication
Non-Stop Oracle Data Access Over Distance
Oracle RAC clusters today can be stretched across
data centers, but the distance is limited with Oracle
recommendations to keep RAC nodes within 10 kilometers.
EMC VPLEX extends the ability of Oracle RAC to be in active-
active mode up to 100 kilometers distance between sites.
This allows greater distance for Oracle stretch RAC clusters
while keeping the round trip time to 5 milliseconds or less.
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With all of these benefts available to Oracle DBA, IT organizations are evaluating the best approach to take in deploying IT
infrastructure for Oracle. Some Oracle IT organizations are evaluating the use of engineered systems to standardize their
IT infrastructure. Many are considering a horizontal, virtualized approach to IT infrastructure. Before a standardization
approach is taken however, Oracle customers should carefully evaluate at what level they should standardize infrastructure
given the environment they have in place today. For example:
What existing database versions and applications am I running?
How am I backing up and protecting those applications today?
Will my applications run unchanged on this new infrastructure?
Will the DBA process I have in place (ex: cloning, disaster recover) still apply?
EMCs belief is that Oracle customers should be empowered with the flexibility and choice to optimize their existing
Oracle database environments, without modifying database software, applications or DBA processes, but still get
the benefits of engineered systems. Furthermore, these benefits should be available not just to Oracle database
environments, but mixed workload environments, as over 90 percent of Oracle customers today run more than
just Oracle.

Three Paths to the Cloud
To help Oracle customers achieve this, EMC
offers three fexible paths toward private cloud
computing. The frst path is leveraging a best of
breed combination of EMC hardware and software,
integrated with Oracle software. EMC offers a
portfolio of validated solutions, services, and
technologies that provide everything you need to
build the infrastructure that is right for you.

This portfolio targets each area of the Oracle infrastructure stack with the goals of increasing performance, driving effciency,
and lowering risk. All of the best practices described in this paper are offered as part of EMCs best-of-breed solutions for
Oracle customers.

Source IOUG Enterprise Platform Decision Survey 2010 Towards A Smarter Foundation
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The second path is EMC VSPEX Proven Infrastructure. EMC VSPEX is a partner-led offering that allows customer to leverage
proven Reference Architectures for design, but have fexibility of virtualization, server and network components. All of these
solutions are fully-tested and delivered by EMC partners. EMC VSPEX solutions come in a pre-bundled set of S/M/L sizing,
depending on the application and performance needs. The result is an IT infrastructure that is simple, effcient and fexible.
Finally, many Oracle customers wish to standardize the entire hardware infrastructure they deploy including server,
network and storage together. With Vblock Systems delivered through VCE, Oracle customers can get all the benefts of
standardization without compromise including:
Single Product
Single Point of Management and Support
Integrated Data Protection Options
For Oracle environments specifcally, Vblock Systems have been proven to have tremendous benefts:
3X more performance through optimized storage tiering and x86 architecture
5X faster deployment through less hand-offs between database, server, storage administrators
4X less staff resource time through a single point of management and control
3X lower cost through less server, storage and network infrastructure required
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EMC solutions and joint engineering with Oracle can unlock powerful benefts for Oracle Database Administrators, making
them more productive in their daily tasks and freeing up time for innovation.
More Productivity and Control for Oracle DBAs
To help empower Oracle DBAs, EMC has
established an open community for Oracle
DBAs to interact directly with EMCs Oracle
Subject Matter Experts around the world.
EMC Community for Oracle Customers
This community acts as a centralized
resource for DBAs to gain free access to all
of EMCs documented solutions for Oracle,
as well as provides an interactive forum
to discuss and share best practices with
not only EMCs experts, but fellow Oracle
customers as well.
EMC2, EMC, the EMC logo, VMAX


, Data Domain

, Avamar

, NetWorker

, DataDomain Boost


, XtremCache

, RecoverPoint



are registered
trademarks or trademarks of EMC Corporation in the United States and other countries. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. Copyright
2014 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. Published in the USA. 06/14 Handout H7424.3
EMC believes the information in this document is accurate as of its publication date. The information is subject to change without notice.

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