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CASRN: 75-09-2
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Human Health Effects:
Toxicity Summary:
Exposure of members of the general public to methylene chloride /i.e., dichloromethane/ will occur from
its use in consumer products such as paint removers, which can result in relatively high levels being found in
indoor air. Occupational exposure during production arises primarily during filling and packaging
(manufacturing is in closed systems). Because of its use in paint strippers, occupational exposure to
methylene chloride occurs during formulation of paint remover, original equipment manufacturer, and in
commercial furniture refinishing. Methylene chloride is widely used as a process solvent in the manufacture
of a variety of products ... Biological monitoring of methylene chloride exposure can be based on
measurement of the solvent itself in exhaled air or blood. However, as production of carbon monoxide with
exposure for more than 3-4 hr/day appears to be the limiting factor in regard to health risk, biological
monitoring based upon either analysis of carbon monoxide in exhaled air or of carboxyhemoglobin in blood
is to be preferred. ... Methylene chloride is rapidly absorbed through the alveoli of the lungs into the
systemic circulation. It is also absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, and dermal exposure results in
absorption but at a slower rate than via the other routes of exposure. Methylene chloride is quite rapidly
excreted, mostly via the lungs in the exhaled air. It can cross the blood-brain barrier and be transferred across
the placenta, and small amounts can be excreted in urine or in milk. At high concentrations, most of the
absorbed methylene chloride is exhaled unchanged. The remainder is metabolized to carbon monoxide,
carbon dioxide, and inorganic chloride. ... One pathway involves oxidative metabolism mediated by
cytochrome P-450 and leads to both carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. This pathway appears to operate
similarly in all rodents studied and in man. ... The other pathway involves a glutathione transferase and leads
via formaldehyde and formate to carbon dioxide. This route seems only to become important at doses above
the saturation level of the "preferred" oxidative pathway ... /in/ man it seems to be used very little at any dose.
Species difference in glutathione transferase metabolism correlates well with the observed species diffence in
carcinogenicity. ... In the aquatic environment, fish and amphibian embryos have been shown to be the most
sensitive ... The acute toxicity of methylene chloride /on laboratory mammals/ by inhalation and oral
administration is low. ... Acute effects after methylene chloride administration by various routes of exposure
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are primarily associated with the central nervous system (CNS), and the liver, and these occurred at high
doses. ... Occasionally other organs were affected such as the kidney or respiratory system. ... Cardiac
sensitization to adrenaline-induced arrhythmia have been reported. ... Prolonged exposure to high
concentrations of methylene chloride caused reversible CNS effects, slight eye irritation and mortality in
several laboratory species. Body weight reduction was observed in rats ... and in mice .... Slight effects on the
liver were noted in dogs ... Other target organs are the lungs and the kidneys. ... Methylene chloride is
moderately irritant to the skin and eyes of experimental animals. Methylene chloride is not teratogenic in
rats or mice ... Within the limitations of the short-term tests currently available there is no conclusive
evidence that methylene chloride is genotoxic in vivo. ... Methylene chloride is carcinogenic in the mouse,
causing both lungs and liver tumors, following exposure to high concentrations ... Syrian hamsters exposed to
methylene chloride by inhalation ... showed no evidence of a carcinogenic effect ... Rats exposed to
methylene chloride via various routes have shown increased incidences of tumors at certain sites. ... The
mechanism by which methylene chloride induces mammary adenomas in the rat is important for human
hazard assessment. ... It seems most likely ... that the increased incidence of mammary adenomas is the result
of an indirect mechanism operating via hyperprolactinemia. In humans, there is conflicting evidence on
whether mammary tumors are responsive to prolactin as is the case in the rat. ... Prolactin is not luteotrophic
in primates. It is unlikely, therefore, that this mechanism of tumor development is of relevance to man. ... / In
humans/ Methylene chloride irritates the skin and eyes, especially when evaporation is prevented. In these
circumstances, prolonged contact may cause chemical burns. ... Fatalities due to accidental inhalation and
skin contamination have been reported. The main toxic effects of methylene chloride are reversible CNS
depression and /carboxyhemoglobin/ formation. Liver and renal dysfunctions and effects of hematological
parameters have also been reported ... Neurophysiological and neurobehavorial disturbances have been
observed in human volunteers ... An increased rate of spontaneous abortion ... has been attributed to exposure
to methylene chloride. A causal relationship was not established because of insufficiencies in the design of
the study. Several mortality studies in relevant cohorts show an inconsistent pattern in the causes of death. ...
[Environmental Health Criteria 164: Methylene Chloride (Second Edition). pp. 21-29 (1996)
by the International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS) under the joint sponsorship of
the United Nations Environment Programme, the International Labour Organisation and the
World Health Organization.] **QC REVIEWED**
Evidence for Carcinogenicity:
Cancer Classification: Group B2 Probable Human Carcinogen
[USEPA Office of Pesticide Programs, Health Effects Division, Science Information
Management Branch: "Chemicals Evaluated for Carcinogenic Potential" (April 2006)] **QC
CLASSIFICATION: B2; probable human carcinogen. BASIS FOR CLASSIFICATION: Based on inadequate
human data and sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals; increased incidence of hepatocellular
neoplasms and alveolar/bronchiolar neoplasms in male and female mice, and increased incidence of benign
mammary tumors in both sexes of rats, salivary gland sarcomas in male rats and leukemia in female rats. This
classification is supported by some positive genotoxicity data, although results in mammalian systems are
DATA: Sufficient.
[U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS). Summary
on Dichloromethane (75-09-2). Available from, as of March 15, 2000:
/iris/ **PEER REVIEWED**
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A3: Confirmed animal carcinogen with unknown relevance to humans.
[American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists TLVs and BEIs. Threshold Limit
Values for Chemical Substances and Physical Agents and Biological Exposure Indices.
Cincinnati, OH 2010, p. 25] **QC REVIEWED**
Evaluation: There is inadequate evidence in humans for the carcinogenicity of dichloromethane. There is
sufficient evidence in experimental animals for the carcinogenicity of dichloromethane. Overall evaluation:
Dichloromethane is possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B).
[IARC. Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man. Geneva:
World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1972-PRESENT.
(Multivolume work). Available at: p. V71 299 (1999)]
Dichloromethane: reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen.
[DHHS/National Toxicology Program; Eleventh Report on Carcinogens: Dichloromethane
(75-09-2) (January 2005). Available from, as of July 31, 2009:
/ntp/roc/eleventh/profiles/s066dich.pdf **QC REVIEWED**
Human Toxicity Excerpts:
[American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, Inc. Documentation of the
Threshold Limit Values and Biological Exposure Indices. 6th ed. Volumes I, II, III.
Cincinnati, OH: ACGIH, 1991., p. 984] **PEER REVIEWED**
[Clayton, G.D., F.E. Clayton (eds.) Patty's Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology. Volumes 2A,
2B, 2C, 2D, 2E, 2F: Toxicology. 4th ed. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons Inc., 1993-1994.,
p. 4035] **PEER REVIEWED**
[American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, Inc. Documentation of the
Threshold Limit Values and Biological Exposure Indices. 6th ed. Volumes I, II, III.
Cincinnati, OH: ACGIH, 1991., p. 984] **PEER REVIEWED**
[Browning, E. Toxicity and Metabolism of Industrial Solvents. New York: American Elsevier,
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1965., p. 246] **PEER REVIEWED**
[Browning, E. Toxicity and Metabolism of Industrial Solvents. New York: American Elsevier,
1965., p. 245] **PEER REVIEWED**
... Primary cultures of human fibroblasts were treated in closed vessels with 0.5-5.5% dichloromethane in
the absence of S9. No increase in grain counts was seen, indicating that unscheduled DNA synthesis was not
induced. ... Concn of 2.5, 5 & 10 ul/ml dichloromethane did not induce unscheduled DNA synthesis in
human lymphocytes in the presence or absence of phenobarbital-induced rat liver S9.
[IARC. Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man. Geneva:
World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1972-PRESENT.
(Multivolume work). Available at: p. V41 62 (1986)]
A proportionate mortality study showed no incr in death from malignant neoplasms among workers exposed
for up to 30 years to mean concentrations of methylene chloride ranging from 33 ppm to 118.8 ppm, when
compared to control populations.
[Friedlander BR et al; J Occupat Med 20 (10): 657-66 (1978)] **PEER REVIEWED**
Twenty liters of methylene chloride (dichloromethane, DCM) were spilled accidentally in a laboratory.
Two workers cleaned it up by hand using floor cloths, and inhaled DCM vapors for 20 min. The peak inhaled
concn was later estimated, using experimental data, at 3300-5300 ppm. Both workers suffered headache,
nausea, drowsiness, giddiness, heaviness of limbs, dryness of the mouth, but all these symptoms except for
the headache disappeared after a few hours. No long-term effects were noted.
[Bernardini P et al; Medicina del Lavoro 75 (2): 133-8 (1984)] **PEER REVIEWED** PubMed
Forty-six workers were exposed to methylene chloride at concn < 100 ppm with a group of twelve controls.
There was an excess of self reported neurological symptoms in the exposed workers, twenty nine of whom
were /examined/ ... to detect any evidence of neurophysiological damage when compared with age matched
controls with no solvent exposure. The study included clinical examination, measurement of ulnar and
median nerve motor conduction velocity, ECG, and a psychological test battery designed to detect minimal
brain damage. No evidence was found of long-term damage that could be attributed to methylene chloride
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[Cherry N et al; British J Indust Med 38 (4): 351-5 (1981)] **PEER REVIEWED**
... A 13 year-old boy who was ... using a paint remover that contained dichloromethane (DCM) ... was
discovered dead no more than 9 hr after exposure. ... DCM was the primary agent responsible for death.
[USEPA; Health Assessment Document: Dichloromethane (Methylene chloride) (Draft) p.5-9
(1982) EPA-600/8-82-004] **PEER REVIEWED**
Lethal blood level: 280.0 mg/l.
[Winek, C.L. Drug and Chemical Blood-Level Data 1985. Pittsburgh, PA: Allied Fischer
Scientific, 1985.] **PEER REVIEWED**
A case control study was carried out in 44 women who had a spontaneous abortion during employment in the
pharmaceutical industry. Three age matched female pharmaceutical factory workers who had given birth to a
child were chosen as controls for every case. Information about occupational exposures was obtained from
questionnaires completed by the occupational physician or nurse at the factory. Exposure to chemicals was
more common among the cases than the controls. For chloride (dichloromethane) the increase in odds ratio
(OR) was of significance (OR= 2.3, p= 0.06).
[Taskinen H et al; Br J Ind Med 43: 199-205 (1986)] **PEER REVIEWED** PubMed Abstract Full
text: PMC1007633
All solvent-exposed female workers in a factory producing loudspeakers were examined in order to assess
neurotoxic signs and symptoms possibly related to organic solvent exposure. ... Symptoms of neurasthenia
and paraesthesia were significantly more frequent in the exposed group. Five of the exposed workers, whose
neurasthenic symptoms could not be related to alternative causes, underwent neuropsychological testing. One
of these workers had test results compatible with toxic encephalopathy caused by solvents. In another worker
cerebral dysfunction was suspected.
[Storstein J, Stabell K; Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen 106 (3): 1132-35 (1986)] **PEER REVIEWED**
PubMed Abstract
To assess the potential chronic health effects of methylene chloride, the mortality experience of a maturing
1964 to 1970 cohort of 1,013 hourly men was /studied/ through 1984. On average, employees were exposed
at a rate of 26 ppm (eight hour time weighted average) for 22 years; median latency was 30 years. Compared
with the general population, no statistically significant excesses were observed for such hypothesized causes
of lung cancer (14 observed vs 21.0 expected), liver cancer (0 vs 0.8), and ischemic heart disease (69 vs
98.1); dose response relationships based on career methylene chloride exposure and latency were not
demonstrated. Among nonhypothesized causes a significant deficit was reported for total deaths (176 vs
253.2). None of the industrial referent comparisons achieved statistical significance. Sufficient power was
available to detect relative risks of 1.6 for lung /cancer/ and 1.3 for ischemic heart disease. In contrast, there
was inadequate power to identify meaningful risk levels for hepatic cancer. With 14 combined lung and liver
cancer deaths observed vs 36.3 predicted (p< 0.0001), the mortality estimate projected from a mathematical
model derived from an animal bioassay substantially overestimated cancer mortality for these sites. This
inconsistency emphasizes the need to incorporate epidemiologic evidence in assessing the human health risks
associated with long-term exposure to this widely used solvent.
[Hearne FT et al; J Occupat Med 29 (3): 217-28 (1987)] **PEER REVIEWED**
[STEWART RD, HAKE CL; JAMA 235 (4): 398-401 (1976)] **PEER REVIEWED** PubMed Abstract
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Phosgene poisoning has been reported to occur in several cases where methylene chloride was used in the
presence of an open fire.
[Mackison, F. W., R. S. Stricoff, and L. J. Partridge, Jr. (eds.). NIOSH/OSHA -
Occupational Health Guidelines for Chemical Hazards. DHHS(NIOSH) Publication No. 81-123 (3
VOLS). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, Jan. 1981., p. 2] **PEER
[Hamilton, A., and H. L. Hardy. Industrial Toxicology. 3rd ed. Acton, Mass.: Publishing
Sciences Group, Inc., 1974., p. 281] **PEER REVIEWED**
/Produces/ skin inflammation and skin burns.
[ITII. Toxic and Hazarous Industrial Chemicals Safety Manual. Tokyo, Japan: The
International Technical Information Institute, 1982., p. 335] **PEER REVIEWED**
... A cohort mortality study /was conducted/ of 1271 white & nonwhite men & women employed in a fiber
prodn plant in which dichloromethane was used as a general purpose solvent. The range of exposure was
time weighted avg of approx 140-475 ppm. ... Employees who had worked for at least 3 mo subsequent to
Jan 1954 & prior to 1 Jan 1977 were included & followed up to 30 June 1977. The observed numbers were
compared with the expected numbers from internal referent cohort of 948 acetone exposed employees & with
mortality data for US white males, nonwhite males & white females. Vital status was not confirmed for 18%
of the exposed cohort or 12% of internal referent cohort. Among exposed white men & women, 7 deaths due
to malignant neoplasms were observed compared to 10.1 expected in USA population. No specific cancer site
was over represented. Seven malignant neoplasms were observed in referent cohort, whereas 12.3 were
expected for white men & women. (The Working Group noted that only 115 men & 154 women with more
than 5 years' exposure had been first exposed before 1960, ie, allowing for adequate follow-up time with
respect to latency for malignant neoplasms /for only 21% of the cohort/.)
[IARC. Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man. Geneva:
World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1972-PRESENT.
(Multivolume work). Available at: p. V41 66 (1986)]
After a 3-hr exposure to 800 ppm dichloromethane significant deficits in psychomotor tasks (e.g., simple
and choice reaction times, reduced tapping speed, and impaired coordination and steadiness) developed in
human volunteers. ... Levels of 10,000-25,000 ppm ... dichloromethane produce coma in humans within a
short period of time.
[Sullivan, J.B. Jr., G.R. Krieger (eds.). Hazardous Materials Toxicology-Clinical
Principles of Environmental Health. Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins, 1992., p. 736]
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Human Toxicity Values:
Blood carboxyhemoglobin levels ... should not exceed 5% in workers exposed to dichloromethane. This
carboxyhemoglobin level approximates the concentration obtained following a workday exposure to 100 ppm
dichloromethane in resting nonsmokers.
[Sullivan, J.B. Jr., G.R. Krieger (eds.). Hazardous Materials Toxicology-Clinical
Principles of Environmental Health. Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins, 1992., p. 744]
Skin, Eye and Respiratory Irritations:
Irritation of eyes and respiratory tract.
[ITII. Toxic and Hazarous Industrial Chemicals Safety Manual. Tokyo, Japan: The
International Technical Information Institute, 1982., p. 335] **PEER REVIEWED**
Medical Surveillance:
The following medical procedures should be made available to each employee who is exposed to methylene
chloride at potentially hazardous levels: Initial Medical Exam: The purpose is to detect existing conditions
that might place employee at increased risk, & to establish baseline for future health monitoring. Exam of
skin, liver, kidneys, CNS, & blood should be stressed. Clinical impressions of autonomic nervous system &
pulmonary function ... made, with additional tests conducted where indicated. Skin disease: Methylene
chloride can cause dermatitis on prolonged exposure. Persons with existing skin disorders may be more
susceptible to effects of this agent. Liver disease: ... A profile of liver function should be obtained by utilizing
medically acceptable array of biochemical tests. Kidney disease: ... justifies special consideration before
exposing persons with impaired renal function. Cardiovascular disease: Because of reports of excessive
carbon monoxide levels following exposure ... persons with cardiac disease may be at incr risk. ... A complete
blood count should be performed ... Carboxyhemoglobin values should be determined periodically, & level
above 5% should prompt investigation of worker & his workplace. 2. Periodic medical exam: /SRP/: The
aforementioned medical exam should be repeated on an annual basis. Persons should be cautioned against
smoking due to smoke induced increase in carboxyhemoglobin levels in blood.
[Mackison, F. W., R. S. Stricoff, and L. J. Partridge, Jr. (eds.). NIOSH/OSHA -
Occupational Health Guidelines for Chemical Hazards. DHHS(NIOSH) Publication No. 81-123 (3
VOLS). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, Jan. 1981., p. 1] **PEER
Dichloromethane exposure in workers may be monitored by analysis of dichloromethane in blood or
breath, or carbon monoxide in blood. Blood dichloromethane concn measured during exposure probably
should not exceed 1 mg/l in subjects exposed at 100 ppm level for 8 hr. Breath dichloromethane concn avg
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about 33 ppm during exposure to air containing 100 ppm of chemical ... Blood & breath concn plateau after 2
hr of exposure, & decline rapidly after cessation of exposure. It should be noted that physical exertion during
exposure can dramatically incr blood & breath content of dichloromethane. ... Pre-exposure specimens
should be analyzed to establish background carboxyhemoglobin levels for each individual.
[Baselt, R.C. Biological Monitoring Methods for Industrial Chemicals. 2nd ed. Littleton,
MA: PSG Publishing Co., Inc. 1988., p. 116] **PEER REVIEWED**
PRECAUTIONS FOR "CARCINOGENS": Whenever medical surveillance is indicated, in particular when
exposure to a carcinogen has occurred, ad hoc decisions should be taken concerning ... /cytogenetic and/or
other/ tests that might become useful or mandatory. /Chemical Carcinogens/
[Montesano, R., H. Bartsch, E.Boyland, G. Della Porta, L. Fishbein, R. A. Griesemer, A.B.
Swan, L. Tomatis, and W. Davis (eds.). Handling Chemical Carcinogens in the Laboratory:
Problems of Safety. IARC Scientific Publications No. 33. Lyon, France: International
Agency for Research on Cancer, 1979., p. 23] **PEER REVIEWED**
Populations at Special Risk:
The quantity of dichloromethane (DCM) absorbed is dependent on body weight and fat content of the body.
/The risk of accumulation of DCM in adipose tissue is expected to be greater for obese persons/.
[USEPA; Health Assessment Document: Dichloromethane (Methylene Chloride) (Review Draft)
p.4-6 (1983) EPA-600/8-82-004B] **PEER REVIEWED**
Artists with cardiovascular impairment should not use materials containing methylene chloride.
[Hart C; Journal of Environmental Health 49 (5): 282-86 (1987)] **PEER REVIEWED**
... Acute exposure ... may cause myocardial infarction in individuals with atherosclerotic heart disease. /From
[Sullivan, J.B. Jr., G.R. Krieger (eds.). Hazardous Materials Toxicology-Clinical
Principles of Environmental Health. Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins, 1992., p. 693]
Probable Routes of Human Exposure:
Casting room (1968-1972) - 55-495 ppm; Plastic film factory - 3 year study, 318 samples - 30-5,000 ppm,
627 ppm avg; 1973-1974 study of 7 jobs using dichloromethane: 6 of 7 jobs - 0-74 ppm, chemical plant
0-5,520 ppm(1). Monitoring data suggest that the mean TWA personal exposure to dichloromethane in the
workplace may be in the range of 100-200 ppm or higher from its use in the production of acetyl sulfonyl
chloride and cellulose acetate/triacetate fibers and during paint stripping operations(2). Dichlormethane
occurred in 40% of the 7705 samples of solvent vapor from a variety of different industries in Norway(3).
The furniture stripping industry employs an estimated 21,000 workers in approximately 4000 small
businesses. Dichloromethane exposure ranged from 300 to >2,100 ppm(4). A ventilation system reduced
this to a geometric mean of 13 ppm(4). Mean level of exposure to dichloromethane in workspace air at a
pharmaceutical factory where this substance is used as a solvent was 50.3 mg/cu m during a 4 hr shift(5). 26
samples of model and hobby glues from 12 different manufacturers in Europe and the US have been found to
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contain dichlormethane at concns ranging from 0.004-9.2% w/w(6).
[(1) NIOSH; Criteria for a Recommended Standard Occupational Exposure to Methylene
Chloride NIOSH 76-138 pp. 80-81, 152, 164 (1976) (2) Santodonato J et al; Monograph on
Human Exposure to Chemicals in the Workplace: Methylene Chloride NCI Contract NO. N01-CP-
26002-03 (1985) (3) Fjeldstad PE, Woldbaek T; A National Exposure Database. Spec Publ. Roy
Soc Chem. Natl Inst Occup Helath, Oslo, Norway. 108(Clean Air Work): 303-10 (1992) (4)
Hall RM et al; Appl Occup Environ Hyg 10: 188-95 (1995) (5) Ghittori S et al; Am Ind Hyg
Assoc J 54: 27-31 (1993) (6) Rastogi CS; Bull Environ Contam Toxicol 51: 501-7 (1993)]
Exposure levels between 1-69 mg/cu m (occupational exposure standard of 350 mg/cu m) were detected in 7
U.K. waste disposal facilities(1). Average worker exposure concns ranging between 0 and 25 ug/cu m were
detected at various locations within municipal solid waste composting facilities(2). In Denmark, aerosol
products were analyzed for dichloromethane, in 21 samples of cosmetics a conc of 0.001-0.05%, in 3
samples of household and hobby products a conc of 0.2-4.0%, 3 samples of paint and paint remover, a conc
of 0.02-0.07%, 1 sample of lubricant and anti-rust products, a conc of 55.8%(3). Exposure of
dichloromethane was detected in 15 non-production departments of 3 mills at concns ranging from 6.1 to
100 ppm, median concn of 0 ppm(4).
[(1) Allen MR, et al; Environ Sci Technol 31: 1054-61 (1997) (2) Eitzer BD; Environ Sci
Technol 29: 896-902 (1995) (3) Rastogi SC; Chromatographia 33: 117-21 (1992) (4) Teschke K
et al; Amer Indust Hyg Assoc J 60: 73-83 (1999)] **PEER REVIEWED**
NIOSH (NOES Survey 1981-1983) has statistically estimated that 1,147,425 workers (287,914 of these are
female) are potentially exposed to dichloromethane in the US(1). Occupational exposure to
dichloromethane may occur through inhalation and dermal contact with this compound at workplaces where
dichloromethane is produced or used(SRC). The general population may be exposed to dichloromethane
via inhalation of ambient air, ingestion of food and drinking water, and dermal contact with consumer
products, such as paint strippers(2), soaps, paint, varnish(3) and model and hobby glues(4), which contain
[(1) NIOSH; National Occupational Exposure Survey (NOES) (1983) (2) Chemical Marketing
Reporter; Chemical Profile Methylene Chloride. Nov. 24, 1997. p. 33 NY,NY: Schnell Pub Co
(1997) (3) Allen MR, et al; Environ Sci Technol 31: 1054-61 (1997) (4) Rastogi SC; Bull
Environ Contam Toxicol 51: 501-7 (1993)] **PEER REVIEWED**
Body Burden:
Detected in all 8 samples of mother's milk from 4 urban areas(1). Mother's milk in Soviet women
manufacturing rubber articles - 74 ppb mean in 17 of 28 samples approx 5 hours after start of work, level
declined after termination of work(2). Whole block specimens, 250 subjects, not detected to 25 ppb, 0.7 ppb
avg(3). ppb, 0.7 ppb avg(3). Mean level of dichloromethane present in urine of workers at a pharmaceutical
factory where this substance is used as a solvent was 190.8 ug/l during a 4 hr shift but appears to be nearly
eliminated during the night break(5).
[(1) Pellizzari ED et al; Bull Environ Contam Toxicol 28: 322-8 (1982) (2) Jensen AA; Res
Rev 89: 1-128 (1983) (3) Antoine SR et al; Bull Environ Contam Toxicol 36: 364-71 (1986)
(4) Ghittori S et al; Am Ind Hyg Assoc J 54: 27-31 (1993)] **PEER REVIEWED**
Emergency Medical Treatment:
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Emergency Medical Treatment:
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The following Overview, *** METHYLENE CHLORIDE ***, is relevant for this HSDB record chemical.
Life Support:
o This overview assumes that basic life support measures
have been instituted.
Clinical Effects:
A) USES: Dichloromethane (methylene chloride) is used as a
solvent in the chemical industry. In household
products, it is used as paint remover, aerosol
propellant, urethane foam, and degreaser.
B) TOXICOLOGY: Similar to other halogenated solvents, an
acute high concentration exposure can cause CNS
depression and respiratory depression. Dichloromethane
is a tissue irritant, and a high concentration
inhalation may cause mucous membrane irritation,
pulmonary edema, and hemorrhage. It is metabolized to
carbon monoxide (CO) and large exposures can lead to
elevated carboxyhemoglobin concentrations. When heated
to decomposition, dichloromethane releases toxic
phosgene, hydrogen chloride gas, and chlorine gas.
C) EPIDEMIOLOGY: Poisoning is rare and most often occurs
by the inhalational route. Rarely, intentional
ingestions have been reported. Systemic poisoning after
dermal exposure is unusual since dichloromethane
evaporates quickly.
1) MILD TO MODERATE TOXICITY: Drowsiness, somnolence,
skin and mucous membrane irritation, abdominal pain if
ingested, and nausea and vomiting.
2) SEVERE TOXICITY: Severe effects include significant
CNS depression, corrosive injury of the
gastrointestinal tract, and pancreatitis.
Hepatotoxicity, renal injury leading to renal failure
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may be seen, but are not common. Elevated
carboxyhemoglobin levels may develop in significant
poisoning. Severe inhalational injury is associated
with pulmonary edema and hemorrhage. Hypotension and
hypertension have been reported after a large,
deliberate ingestion. Cardiac dysrhythmias and cardiac
depression have been linked to chronic exposure with
dichloromethane. Delirium and seizures may be seen.
1) Exposure to fumes causes eye irritation. Direct
contact or immersion may cause burns to the cornea or
oral mucosa.
1) Methylene chloride may cause occupational heart
disease. Inhalation of methylene chloride may
exacerbate angina in persons with preexisting cardiac
2) Angina, myocardial infarction, and cardiac arrest
associated with methylene chloride inhalation
developed in one patient. Hypotension, hypertension,
and tachycardia have been reported after ingestion of
methylene chloride.
1) Pulmonary irritation and cough may develop after
inhalation exposure. Pulmonary edema is rarely
reported. Respiratory failure may develop secondary to
CNS depression in severe exposures. Goodpasture's
syndrome has been associated with one case of
occupational exposure.
1) Headache and light-headedness are common after
inhalation. Psychomotor performance is impaired with
acute exposure. Syncope, CNS depression and coma may
develop with more severe exposure. CNS excitation
including seizures may also occur.
1) Nausea and vomiting are common after inhalation
exposure. Gastrointestinal ulceration and bleeding and
pancreatitis have been reported after ingestion.
1) Elevated liver enzyme levels rarely occur.
1) Renal effects are rare. Hematuria, acute tubular
necrosis and the development of Goodpasture's syndrome
have been associated with exposure to methylene
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1) Methylene chloride is metabolized to carbon monoxide.
Carboxyhemoglobin as high as 50% are reported, and
levels may continue to rise for several hours after
exposure has ceased. The apparent half-life of
carboxyhemoglobin is prolonged to 13 hours because of
ongoing production of carboxyhemoglobin.
1) Skin irritation, pain, numbness and mild burns may
develop with acute exposure. Severe burns may develop
with prolonged exposure or immersion. Systemic effects
can result from absorption through the skin.
A) Delirium with auditory and visual hallucinations is
rare but has been reported after chronic exposure.
A) Methylene chloride was not found to be teratogenic in
mice and rabbits. It crosses the placenta, and is found
in breast milk, and has been associated with increased
spontaneous abortion. However, few reproductive effects
are seen in rats.
A) IARC Carcinogenicity Ratings for CAS75-09-2 (IARC
Working Group on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks
to Humans, 2006; IARC Working Group on the Evaluation
of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans, 2007; IARC Working
Group on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to
Humans, 2010; IARC Working Group on the Evaluation of
Carcinogenic Risks to Humans, 2010a; IARC Working Group
on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans,
2008; IARC, 2004):
1) IARC Classification
a) Listed as: Dichloromethane (methylene chloride)
b) Carcinogen Rating: 2B
1) The agent (mixture) is possibly carcinogenic to
humans. The exposure circumstance entails exposures
that are possibly carcinogenic to humans. This
category is used for agents, mixtures and exposure
circumstances for which there is limited evidence of
carcinogenicity in humans and less than sufficient
evidence of carcinogenicity in experimental animals.
It may also be used when there is inadequate
evidence of carcinogenicity in humans but there is
sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in
experimental animals. In some instances, an agent,
mixture or exposure circumstance for which there is
inadequate evidence of carcinogenicity in humans but
limited evidence of carcinogenicity in experimental
animals together with supporting evidence from other
relevant data may be placed in this group. HUMAN OVERVIEW
A) Methylene chloride is a suspected human carcinogen,
based on inadequate human data but sufficient evidence
in experimental animals. ANIMAL OVERVIEW
A) Methylene chloride is considered to be a confirmed
animal carcinogen; divergent results have been obtained
in rodent studies.
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A) Results concerning the genotoxicity of methylene
chloride have been conflicting in vivo and in vitro. It
is generally mutagenic and can cause DNA breaks and
chromosomal aberrations.
A) Monitor vital signs and mental status.
B) Order carboxyhemoglobin levels.
C) Routine lab studies include: serum electrolytes, renal
function, liver enzymes and lipase. Obtain arterial blood
gases when significant pulmonary toxicity is observed.
D) Dichloromethane concentrations are not rapidly available
or useful to guide therapy.
Treatment Overview:
1) Treatment is symptomatic and supportive. Remove
contaminated clothing, wash exposed skin with soap and
water. Administer supplemental oxygen for possible
carbon monoxide (CO) formation. EYE EXPOSURE: Irrigate
with saline or water.
1) Orotracheal intubation for airway protection should be
considered in patients with severe CNS depression.
Administer 100% oxygen for possible CO poisoning. In
patients with significant CNS toxicity and elevated
carboxyhemoglobin levels, consider hyperbaric oxygen
therapy. Treat seizures and delirium with
benzodiazepines. Treat ongoing vomiting with
1) PREHOSPITAL: Activated charcoal is not recommended
because of limited efficacy, rapid absorption of
dichloromethane after ingestion, and the risk of
corrosive injury to the gastrointestinal tract.
2) HOSPITAL: Activated charcoal is not recommended because
of limited efficacy, rapid absorption of
dichloromethane after ingestion, and the risk of
corrosive injury to the gastrointestinal tract.
Consider nasogastric suction, if the patient presents
early (0.5 to 2 hours) after a very large oral
1) Administer high flow oxygen to any symptomatic patient.
Patients with significant CNS depression or pulmonary
injury need orotracheal intubation and mechanical
ventilation. Consider significant oropharyngeal injury
after large ingestions.
1) There is no antidote for methylene chloride poisoning.
1) HOME CRITERIA: Asymptomatic adults and children can be
kept home after an inadvertent dermal or inhalation
exposure or taste ingestions with dichloromethane
household products. Any patient with a significant
industrial exposure or an intentional ingestion should
be admitted.
2) ADMISSION CRITERIA: A patient with signs of CNS
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toxicity, significant gastrointestinal symptoms, mucous
membrane irritation, and any patient with an
intentional exposure should be admitted.
3) CONSULT CRITERIA: Consult a poison center or medical
toxicologist for assistance in managing patients with
severe toxicity (ie, CNS depression, organ failure,
significant CO poisoning), or in whom the diagnosis is
1) Dichloromethane poisoning may lead to significant
endogenous CO poisoning. Half-life of carboxyhemoglobin
is prolonged to about 13 hours in dichloromethane
poisoning due to ongoing formation of CO in the body.
1) Consider poisoning with other hydrocarbons, CNS
depressants, and acetaminophen in the case of
A) Move patient to fresh air; administer 100% oxygen;
determine carboxyhemoglobin concentration if
B) ACUTE LUNG INJURY: Maintain ventilation and oxygenation
and evaluate with frequent arterial blood gases and/or
pulse oximetry monitoring. Early use of PEEP and
mechanical ventilation may be needed.
A) DECONTAMINATION: Remove contact lenses and irrigate
exposed eyes with copious amounts of room temperature
0.9% saline or water for at least 15 minutes. If
irritation, pain, swelling, lacrimation, or photophobia
persist after 15 minutes of irrigation, the patient
should be seen in a healthcare facility.
1) DECONTAMINATION: Remove contaminated clothing and
jewelry and place them in plastic bags. Wash exposed
areas with soap and water for 10 to 15 minutes with
gentle sponging to avoid skin breakdown. A physician
may need to examine the area if irritation or pain
persists (Burgess et al, 1999).
2) Administer oxygen and determine carboxyhemoglobin
concentration in patients with systemic symptoms.
Range of Toxicity:
A) TOXICITY: Inhalation is the usual route of occupational
exposure. OSHA's short-term exposure limit: 125 ppm;
8-hour permissible exposure limit: 25 ppm; NIOSH
immediately dangerous to life and health concentration:
2300 ppm. For humans, 50,000 ppm is considered
life-threatening. The lowest oral dose reported to cause
death is 357 mg/kg.
B) Patients usually develop toxicity after ingestions of
more than 25 mL of dichloromethane.
C) Methylene chloride is metabolized to carbon monoxide,
resulting in carboxyhemoglobin in the blood and toxic
effects. When heated to decomposition, methylene chloride
releases toxic phosgene, hydrogen chloride gas, and
chlorine gas.
[Rumack BH POISINDEX(R) Information System Micromedex, Inc., Englewood, CO, 2014; CCIS
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Volume 162, edition expires Nov, 2014. Hall AH & Rumack BH (Eds): TOMES(R) Information
System Micromedex, Inc., Englewood, CO, 2014; CCIS Volume 162, edition expires Nov, 2014.]
Antidote and Emergency Treatment:
Basic treatment: Establish a patent airway. Suction if necessary. Watch for signs of respiratory insufficiency
and assist ventilations as needed. Administer oxygen by nonrebreather mask at 10 to 15 L/min. Minimize
physical activity and provide a quiet atmosphere. Monitor for pulmonary edema and treat if necessary ... .
Anticipate seizures and treat if necessary ... . For eye contamination, flush eyes immediately with water.
Irrigate each eye continuously with normal saline during transport ... . Do not use emetics. Rinse mouth and
administer 5 mI/kg up to 200 ml of water for dilution if the patient can swallow, has a strong gag reflex, and
does not drool. Administer activated charcoal ... . Treat frostbite with rapid rewarming techniques ... .
/Chlorinated fluorocarbons (CFCs) and related compounds/
[Bronstein, A.C., P.L. Currance; Emergency Care for Hazardous Materials Exposure. 2nd ed.
St. Louis, MO. Mosby Lifeline. 1994., p. 192] **PEER REVIEWED**
Advanced treatment: Consider orotracheal or nasotracheal intubation for airway control in the patient who is
unconscious or in respiratory arrest. Positive pressure ventilation techniques with a bag valve mask device
may be beneficial. Monitor cardiac rhythm and treat arrhythmias if necessary ... . Start an IV with D5W
/SRP: "To keep open", minimal flow rate/. Use lactated Ringer's if signs of hypovolemia are present. Watch
for signs of fluid overload. Consider drug therapy for pulmonary edema ... . Treat seizures with diazepam
(Valium) ... . Use proparacaine hydrochloride to assist eye irrigation ... . /Chlorinated fluorocarbons (CFCs)
and related compounds/
[Bronstein, A.C., P.L. Currance; Emergency Care for Hazardous Materials Exposure. 2nd ed.
St. Louis, MO. Mosby Lifeline. 1994., p. 192] **PEER REVIEWED**
Animal Toxicity Studies:
Toxicity Summary:
Exposure of members of the general public to methylene chloride /i.e., dichloromethane/ will occur from
its use in consumer products such as paint removers, which can result in relatively high levels being found in
indoor air. Occupational exposure during production arises primarily during filling and packaging
(manufacturing is in closed systems). Because of its use in paint strippers, occupational exposure to
methylene chloride occurs during formulation of paint remover, original equipment manufacturer, and in
commercial furniture refinishing. Methylene chloride is widely used as a process solvent in the manufacture
of a variety of products ... Biological monitoring of methylene chloride exposure can be based on
measurement of the solvent itself in exhaled air or blood. However, as production of carbon monoxide with
exposure for more than 3-4 hr/day appears to be the limiting factor in regard to health risk, biological
monitoring based upon either analysis of carbon monoxide in exhaled air or of carboxyhemoglobin in blood
is to be preferred. ... Methylene chloride is rapidly absorbed through the alveoli of the lungs into the
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systemic circulation. It is also absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, and dermal exposure results in
absorption but at a slower rate than via the other routes of exposure. Methylene chloride is quite rapidly
excreted, mostly via the lungs in the exhaled air. It can cross the blood-brain barrier and be transferred across
the placenta, and small amounts can be excreted in urine or in milk. At high concentrations, most of the
absorbed methylene chloride is exhaled unchanged. The remainder is metabolized to carbon monoxide,
carbon dioxide, and inorganic chloride. ... One pathway involves oxidative metabolism mediated by
cytochrome P-450 and leads to both carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. This pathway appears to operate
similarly in all rodents studied and in man. ... The other pathway involves a glutathione transferase and leads
via formaldehyde and formate to carbon dioxide. This route seems only to become important at doses above
the saturation level of the "preferred" oxidative pathway ... /in/ man it seems to be used very little at any dose.
Species difference in glutathione transferase metabolism correlates well with the observed species diffence in
carcinogenicity. ... In the aquatic environment, fish and amphibian embryos have been shown to be the most
sensitive ... The acute toxicity of methylene chloride /on laboratory mammals/ by inhalation and oral
administration is low. ... Acute effects after methylene chloride administration by various routes of exposure
are primarily associated with the central nervous system (CNS), and the liver, and these occurred at high
doses. ... Occasionally other organs were affected such as the kidney or respiratory system. ... Cardiac
sensitization to adrenaline-induced arrhythmia have been reported. ... Prolonged exposure to high
concentrations of methylene chloride caused reversible CNS effects, slight eye irritation and mortality in
several laboratory species. Body weight reduction was observed in rats ... and in mice .... Slight effects on the
liver were noted in dogs ... Other target organs are the lungs and the kidneys. ... Methylene chloride is
moderately irritant to the skin and eyes of experimental animals. Methylene chloride is not teratogenic in
rats or mice ... Within the limitations of the short-term tests currently available there is no conclusive
evidence that methylene chloride is genotoxic in vivo. ... Methylene chloride is carcinogenic in the mouse,
causing both lungs and liver tumors, following exposure to high concentrations ... Syrian hamsters exposed to
methylene chloride by inhalation ... showed no evidence of a carcinogenic effect ... Rats exposed to
methylene chloride via various routes have shown increased incidences of tumors at certain sites. ... The
mechanism by which methylene chloride induces mammary adenomas in the rat is important for human
hazard assessment. ... It seems most likely ... that the increased incidence of mammary adenomas is the result
of an indirect mechanism operating via hyperprolactinemia. In humans, there is conflicting evidence on
whether mammary tumors are responsive to prolactin as is the case in the rat. ... Prolactin is not luteotrophic
in primates. It is unlikely, therefore, that this mechanism of tumor development is of relevance to man. ... / In
humans/ Methylene chloride irritates the skin and eyes, especially when evaporation is prevented. In these
circumstances, prolonged contact may cause chemical burns. ... Fatalities due to accidental inhalation and
skin contamination have been reported. The main toxic effects of methylene chloride are reversible CNS
depression and /carboxyhemoglobin/ formation. Liver and renal dysfunctions and effects of hematological
parameters have also been reported ... Neurophysiological and neurobehavorial disturbances have been
observed in human volunteers ... An increased rate of spontaneous abortion ... has been attributed to exposure
to methylene chloride. A causal relationship was not established because of insufficiencies in the design of
the study. Several mortality studies in relevant cohorts show an inconsistent pattern in the causes of death. ...
[Environmental Health Criteria 164: Methylene Chloride (Second Edition). pp. 21-29 (1996)
by the International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS) under the joint sponsorship of
the United Nations Environment Programme, the International Labour Organisation and the
World Health Organization.] **QC REVIEWED**
Evidence for Carcinogenicity:
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Cancer Classification: Group B2 Probable Human Carcinogen
[USEPA Office of Pesticide Programs, Health Effects Division, Science Information
Management Branch: "Chemicals Evaluated for Carcinogenic Potential" (April 2006)] **QC
CLASSIFICATION: B2; probable human carcinogen. BASIS FOR CLASSIFICATION: Based on inadequate
human data and sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals; increased incidence of hepatocellular
neoplasms and alveolar/bronchiolar neoplasms in male and female mice, and increased incidence of benign
mammary tumors in both sexes of rats, salivary gland sarcomas in male rats and leukemia in female rats. This
classification is supported by some positive genotoxicity data, although results in mammalian systems are
DATA: Sufficient.
[U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS). Summary
on Dichloromethane (75-09-2). Available from, as of March 15, 2000:
/iris/ **PEER REVIEWED**
A3: Confirmed animal carcinogen with unknown relevance to humans.
[American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists TLVs and BEIs. Threshold Limit
Values for Chemical Substances and Physical Agents and Biological Exposure Indices.
Cincinnati, OH 2010, p. 25] **QC REVIEWED**
Evaluation: There is inadequate evidence in humans for the carcinogenicity of dichloromethane. There is
sufficient evidence in experimental animals for the carcinogenicity of dichloromethane. Overall evaluation:
Dichloromethane is possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B).
[IARC. Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man. Geneva:
World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1972-PRESENT.
(Multivolume work). Available at: p. V71 299 (1999)]
Dichloromethane: reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen.
[DHHS/National Toxicology Program; Eleventh Report on Carcinogens: Dichloromethane
(75-09-2) (January 2005). Available from, as of July 31, 2009:
/ntp/roc/eleventh/profiles/s066dich.pdf **QC REVIEWED**
Non-Human Toxicity Excerpts:
[Clayton, G.D., F.E. Clayton (eds.) Patty's Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology. Volumes 2A,
2B, 2C, 2D, 2E, 2F: Toxicology. 4th ed. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons Inc., 1993-1994.,
p. 4036] **PEER REVIEWED**
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[IARC. Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man. Geneva:
World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1972-PRESENT.
(Multivolume work). Available at: p. V20 458 (1979)]
[IARC. Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man. Geneva:
World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1972-PRESENT.
(Multivolume work). Available at: p. V41 61 (1986)]
2720, 6800 & 12800 MG/KG BODY WT IN RESPECTIVE GROUPS). AFTER 24 WK, 18, 5 & 12
[IARC. Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man. Geneva:
World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1972-PRESENT.
(Multivolume work). Available at: p. V20 455 (1979)]
[IARC. Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man. Geneva:
World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1972-PRESENT.
(Multivolume work). Available at: p. V20 458 (1979)]
... .
[Browning, E. Toxicity and Metabolism of Industrial Solvents. New York: American Elsevier,
1965., p. 244] **PEER REVIEWED**
Dichloromethane (104, 157 & 209 mM) induced gene conversion, mitotic recombination & gene mutation
in Saccharomyces cerevisiae D7 when the cells were grown under conditions that led to the synthesis of
endogenous cytochrome p450. Strain D4 (which detects gene conversion only), grown under similar
conditions, had one-fifth the p450 activity of strain D7 & responded only marginally to dichloromethane.
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[IARC. Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man. Geneva:
World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1972-PRESENT.
(Multivolume work). Available at: p. V41 62 (1986)]
Female Long-Evans rats were exposed to 0 or 4500 ppm (0 or 15600 mg/cu m) dichloromethane (> 97%
pure) during either a 3-wk pregestational period or during the first 17 days of gestation or both. Ten females
per group were allowed to give birth, & the offspring were exam for abnormal growth & behavior. Dams
exposed to dichloromethane during gestation had incr absolute & relative liver weights. There were no
effects on litter size or viability, but fetal weight was reduced in both groups exposed during gestation. No
treatment related visceral or skeletal abnormality was detected in fetuses of any exposure group, but a greater
proportion of litters exposed during both pregestational & gestational periods had fetuses with rudimentary
lumbar ribs. No difference in pup birth weight, viability, or growth rate was observed, but alterations in
spontaneous locomotor activities were seen in all exposure groups.
[IARC. Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man. Geneva:
World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1972-PRESENT.
(Multivolume work). Available at: p. V41 60 (1986)]
Injection of dichloromethane into the air space of 2, 3, & 6 day old White Leghorn chick embryos induced
abnormalities & death. The LD50 was estimated to greater than 100 umol/egg. Dichloromethane was not
teratogenic following injection into the yolk sac of 0 hr old White Leghorn chick embryos. The LD50 was
estimated to be 14 mg/egg.
[IARC. Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man. Geneva:
World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1972-PRESENT.
(Multivolume work). Available at: p. V41 60 (1986)]
[MORRIS JB ET AL; EXP MOL PATHOL 30 (3): 386-93 (1979)] **PEER REVIEWED** PubMed Abstract
A long term study was conducted to determine the possible chronic toxicity and oncogenicity of methylene
chloride. Rats and hamsters were exposed by inhalation to 0, 500, 1500, or 3500 ppm of methylene chloride
for 6 hr/day, 5 days/wk, for 2 yr. No exposure related cytogenetic effects were present in male or female rats
exposed to 500, 1500, or 3500 ppm. Female rats exposed to 3500 ppm had an increased mortality rate while
female hamsters exposed to 1500 or 3500 ppm had decreased mortality rates. Carboxyhemoglobin values
were evaluated in rats and hamsters exposed to 500, 1500, or 3500 ppm with the percentage increase in
hamsters greater than in rats. Minimal histopathologic effects were present in the livers of rats exposed to
500, 1500, or 3500 ppm. Decreased amyloidosis was observed in the liver and other organs in hamsters
exposed to 500, 1500, or 3500 ppm. While the number of female rats with a benign tumor was not increased,
the total number of benign mammary tumors was increased in female rats in an exposure-related manner.
This effect was also evident in male rats in the 1500- and 3500-ppm exposure groups. Finally, male rats
exposed to 1500 or 3500 ppm had an increased number of sarcomas ... located in or around the salivary
glands. Therefore, in this 2 yr study, some effects were observed in male and female rats exposed to 500,
1500, or 3500 ppm of methylene chloride. In contrast, hamsters exposed to the same concentrations had less
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extensive spontaneous geriatric changes, decreased mortality (females), and lacked evidence of definite target
organ toxicity.
[Burek JD et al; Fundam Appl Toxicol 4 (1): 30-47 (1984)] **PEER REVIEWED** PubMed
[KLUWE WM ET AL; J PHARMACOL EXP THER 220 (3): 597-603 (1982)] **PEER REVIEWED** PubMed
Instilling 0.1 and 0.01 ml liquid dichloromethane (DCM) into rabbits' eyes /caused persistent/ lacrimation,
... inflammation of lids and conjunctivae, ... conjunctival edema, ... sloughing and increased intraocular
pressure, iritis, and keratitis. Increased corneal thickness developed in rabbits exposed to dichloromethane
vapor at concn of 1,750 and 17,500 mg/cu m (504 and 5,040 ppm).
[Ballantyne B et al; Toxicology 6: 173-87 (1976) as cited in USEPA; Health Assessment
Document: Dichloromethane (Methylene Chloride) (Draft) p.5-16 (1983) EPA-600/8-82-004B]
... Fischer rat embryo cell cultures (F1706, subculture 108) /were exposed/ to dichloromethane (DCM)
liquid at concn of 1.6X10+2 and 1.6X10+3 uM for 48 hr. ... After treatment, cells were cultured in growth
medium alone at 37 deg C. Transformation of cells treated with either dose level of DCM was observed by 23
and 30 days of incubation, and was characterized by progressively growing foci, composed of cells lacking
contact inhibition and orientation. ... Subcutaneous injection of cells treated with 1.6X10+2 uM
dichloromethane five subcultures earlier produced local fibrosarcomas in 5/5 newborn Fischer 344 rats
within 60 days following treatment.
[Price PJ et al; In Vitro 14: 290-3 (1978) as cited in USEPA; Health Assssment Document:
Dichloromethane (Methylene Chloride) (Draft) p.5-84 (1983) EPA-600/8-82-004B] **PEER
Mice (male, Swiss-Webster) exposed via inhalation to dichloromethane (169 mg/l for 0-4 days) were tested
for learning ability using a passive avoidance conditioning task. Exposed animals had a significantly decr
ability to learn. The exposed animals did not differ from controls in motor activity, weight gain, and absence
of analgesia.
[Alexeeff GV, Kilgore WW; J Toxicol Environ Health 11 (4-6): 569-81 (1983)] **PEER
REVIEWED** PubMed Abstract
Subacute exposure of male rats to various concn (70-1000 ppm) of DCM produced a selective redn of
dopamine levels ... /and/ also produced a discrete dose dependent increase of the noradrenaline turnover. ...
Apparently, DCM can produce discrete changes in amine storage and turnover in catecholamine nerve
terminal systems of the tel- and diencephalon, some of which may contribute to the DCM induced
disturbances of the secretion of anterior pituitary hormones, but actions on other transmitter identified
neurons involved in neuroendocrine regulation must also be considered.
[Fuxe K et al; Toxicity 29 (4): 293-305 (1984)] **PEER REVIEWED**
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Dichloromethane (1-30 mM) did not induce DNA damage in a DNA repair test with isolated rat hepatocytes
... At higher concn (approx 30 mM), dichloromethane slightly affected replicative DNA synthesis.
[Andrae U, Wolff T; Arch Toxicoll 52 (4): 287-90 (1983)] **PEER REVIEWED**
Several short-term mammalian test systems ... were used for mutagenicity testing of the organic solvent
dichloromethane. The cmpd was negative in the forward mutation test on the hypoxanthine-guanine
phosphoribosyltransferase locus in Chinese hamster cells. In the test on DNA synthesis inhibition,
dichloromethane caused an aspecific inhibition in both human and hamster cells, but in this test, the effect
did not indicate a DNA-damaging action. A weak positive effect was found in the test on sister-chromatid
exchanges in hamster cells.
[Jongen WMF et al; Mutat Res 81 (2): 203-14 (1981)] **PEER REVIEWED** PubMed Abstract
The effect of mammalian metabolizing enzymes on the mutagenicity of dichloromethane was investigated in
Salmonella typhimurium strain TA 100. The cmpd was directly mutagenic toward this strain, with the
mutagenic activity being enhanced upon addition of either rat liver microsomes or cytosol fraction. Further
experiments showed that cytochrome /SRP: p450/ oxygenase and glutathione-S-transferase are involved in
the bioactivation of dichloromethane.
[Jongen WMF et al; Mutat Res 95 (2-3): 183-9 (1982)] **PEER REVIEWED** PubMed Abstract
Rats were exposed to dichloromethane vapor at 500 ppm, 1000 ppm, or 1000 ppm as a time-weighted
average. ... For 6 hr, 5 days/wk for 2 wk. Kidney microsomes displayed a dose-dependent enhancement of the
ethoxy-coumarin O-deethylase activity. After the second wk the enhancement was accompanied by an
increase in renal glutathione content. In the liver, UDP-glucuronosyltransferase activity showed a dose
dependent increase and NADPH-cytochrome c reductase activity decreased. Hepatic glutathione content
remained unchanged. Dichloromethane exposure did not effect hemoglobin concn of the blood. An 8-9%
carboxyhemoglobin concn was found after exposure in all groups. The similarity of carboxyhemoglobin
concn suggests that in the rat, the metabolic pathway converting dichloromethane to carbon dioxide was
saturated ... at the lowest exposure level under study.
[Kurppa K, Vainio H; Res Commun Chem Pathol Pharmacol 32 (3): 535-44 (1981)] **PEER
REVIEWED** PubMed Abstract
Male Wistar rats were exposed to 500, 1000, or 100 ppm as time-weighted average (TWA) concn of
dichloromethane vapor. The 1000 (TWA) ppm exposure consisted of two 1 hr peak concn (2800 ppm) on a
basal exposure of 100 ppm. All exposures lasted for 6 hr, 5 days/wk for 2 wk. Solvent concns were analyzed
in the perirenal fat samples which showed a relation to the dose with the highest values in the 1000 (TWA)
ppm exposures. Solvent concn increased in the perirenal fat between the 2 wk of exposure. Blood carbon
monoxide concn did not accurately reflect body solvent /concentrations/. Neurochemical effects displayed a
dose relationship and included decreased succinate dehydrogenase and acid proteinase activity at 1000 ppm
in the cerebrum. Withdrawal of animals for 7 days /after/ ... the 2 wk exposure showed that the biochemical
changes were abolished with the exception of decreased succinate dehydrogenase activity at 1000 (TWA))
[Savollainen H et al; Chem-Biol Interact 34 (3): 315-22 (1981)] **PEER REVIEWED** PubMed
The influence of different kinds of industrial solvents on the vestibular function of rats was studied by
recording nystagmus, induced by accelerated rotation. The effect was related to the blood levels of the
solvents. One group of solvents, including halogenated saturated hydrocarbons like dichloromethane, caused
depression of the vestibulo-oculomotor reflex. Another group, including ... halogenated unsaturated
hydrocarbons like 1,2-trichloroethylene caused an excitation of the vestibulo-oculomotor reflex. ... If the
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animals were exposed simultaneously to solvents from both groups, the excitatory effect prevailed and was
even potentiated.
[Tham R et al; Acta Pharmacol Toxicol 54 (1): 58-63 (1984)] **PEER REVIEWED**
Methylene chloride (MC) was evaluated for the induction of micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes
(MPEs) in bone marrow of treated C57BL/6J/Alpk mice. Groups of five male and five female mice were
exposed by gavage to doses of 1250, 2500 or 4000 mg/kg MC in corn oil. Bone marrow samples were taken
24, 36, 48 and 72 hr after dosing for analysis. Negative results were obtained in all treatment groups.
[Sheldon T et al; Mutagenesis 2: 57-59 (1987)] **PEER REVIEWED** PubMed Abstract
Chemical test results for mutagenicity of dichloromethane in L5178Y mouse lymphoma cells were
equivocal (FY1985).
[NTP; Fiscal Year 1986 Annual Plan p.74 (1986) NTP-86-086] **PEER REVIEWED**
Animal experiments have shown that continuous exposure to 1,000 ppm can be lethal in 5 to 7 wk for dogs
and that fatty livers, icterus, pneumonia and splenic atrophy developed in dogs.
[Mackison, F. W., R. S. Stricoff, and L. J. Partridge, Jr. (eds.). NIOSH/OSHA -
Occupational Health Guidelines for Chemical Hazards. DHHS(NIOSH) Publication No. 81-123 (3
VOLS). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, Jan. 1981., p. 2] **PEER
Cardiac arrhythmias attributed to sensitization of the myocardium have been observed following exposure to
high concn of some chlorinated hydrocarbons, but dogs exposed to 10,000 and 20,000 ppm of methylene
chloride did not show this phenomenon.
[Mackison, F. W., R. S. Stricoff, and L. J. Partridge, Jr. (eds.). NIOSH/OSHA -
Occupational Health Guidelines for Chemical Hazards. DHHS(NIOSH) Publication No. 81-123 (3
VOLS). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, Jan. 1981., p. 2] **PEER
Mongolian gerbils were exposed to dichloromethane for three months by continuous inhalation at 210 ppm.
Total free tissue amino acids, glutathione, and phosphoethanol-amine were determined in the vermis posterior
of the cerebellum and the frontal cerebral cortex. These two brain areas were chosen because humans
occupationally exposed to dichloromethane have shown abnormalities in the electroencephalogram of the
frontal part of the cerebral cortex. This study showed that /subchronic/ of gerbils to dichloromethane (210
ppm) for three months leads to decreased levels of glutamate, gamma-aminobutyric acid, and
phosphoethanolamine in the frontal cerebral cortex, while glutamine and gamma-aminobutyric acid are
elevated in the posterior cerebellar vermis.
[Briving C et al; Scan J Work Environ health 12 (3): 216-220 (1986)] **PEER REVIEWED**
Rats (200-250 g males) were exposed to 500 or 1000 ppm CH2C12 (DCM) for 8 hr, and a group was
exercised within the inhalation chamber in a treadmill cylinder for the last 15 min of every hour of exposure.
DCM of orbital sinus blood declined to negligible levels with 2 hr postexposure in both sedentary and
exercised rats, with higher levels occurring at the 1000-ppm exposure. The carboxylHb (COHb) levels in rats
exposed to 500 ppm DCM were similar in exercised and sedentary rats; at 1000 ppm DCM all levels were
higher, but there were small decreases in the COHb of the exercised group compared to the sedentary group.
Thus, exercise fails to elevate CLHb levels.
[Carlson GP, Kim YC; IRCS Med Sci 14 (8): 795 (1986)] **PEER REVIEWED**
Dichloromethane (DCM) was administered at levels of 0, 60, 125, 185 and 250 mg/kg body weight/day to a
total of 1000 B6C3F1 mice in deionized drinking water for 104 wk. The high dose male and female mice
showed a transitory increase in mean leucocyte counts. Treatment related toxic changes were noted in both
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male and female livers at the highest dose. There was a slight elevation of proliferative hepatocellular lesions
in the treated males but no dose related trend was apparent and the effect was absent in the females.
Neoplastic lesions observed in the study were homogeneous among all groups and were within the range of
incidence in historical controls. The results of this study demonstrated a toxicological no observable effect
level for DCM of 185 mg/kg body weight/day in both sexes.
[Serota DG et al; Food Chem Toxicol 24 (9): 959-64 (1986)] **PEER REVIEWED** PubMed
Dichloromethane (DMC), bromodichloromethane, bromochloromethane (BCM), bromotrichloromethane,
and dibromomethane (DBM) were tested for their mutagenic activity. The Ames test and in vitro cell cultures
were used. All substances were positive in the Ames test. In the in vitro test with FAF-cells of Chinese
hamsters only BCM produced an increase of the sister chromatid exchange frequency. All tested substances
induced an increase in the aberration ratio/cell. The highest ratios were induced by DCM, DBM, and BCM.
[Strobel K, Grummt T; Toxicol Environ Chem 13 (3-4): 205-21 (1987)] **PEER REVIEWED**
... Rats /were exposed/ to 4500 ppm for 6 hr/day before & during the first 17 days of gestation. Some fetal
weight reduction occurred but no malformation increase was found. In the same treatment group ...
behavioral studies were done. Post natal growth activity & avoidance learning were not impaired but
behavioral habituation was more rapid in the exposed group.
[Shepard, T.H. Catalog of Teratogenic Agents. 5th ed. Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins
University Press, 1986., p. 193] **PEER REVIEWED**
Threshold concn of cell multiplication inhibition of the protozoan Uronema parduczi Chatton-Lwoff: >
16,000 mg/l
[Verschueren, K. Handbook of Environmental Data on Organic Chemicals. 3rd ed. New York,
NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1996., p. 1280] **PEER REVIEWED**
Affected fish swam near the tank bottom. Half of the fish were overreactive to external stimuli while half
were underreactive. They also had increased respiration, were darkly covered, & lost equilibrium prior to
death. /Sample purity 99+%/
[Geiger D.L., Poirier S.H., Brooke L.T., Call D.J., eds. Acute Toxicities of Organic
Chemicals to Fathead Minnows (Pimephales Promelas). Vol. III. Superior, Wisconsin:
University of Wisconsin-Superior, 1986., p. 28] **PEER REVIEWED**
In gerbils exposed continuously by inhalation to 350 ppm (1200 mg/cu m) but not in those exposed to 210
ppm (730 mg/cu m), dichloromethane for up to 3 mo, increased brain concn of two astroglial proteins
(S-100 & GFA) & decreased cerebellar DNA concn were observed. Decreased hippocampal DNA concn
were observed at both exposure levels.
[IARC. Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man. Geneva:
World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1972-PRESENT.
(Multivolume work). Available at: p. V41 59 (1986)]
Groups of 50 male & 50 female B6C3F1 mice, 8 to 9 wk of age, were exposed to 0, 2000 or 4000 ppm (0,
6940 or 13880 mg/cu m) dichloromethane (> 99% pure) by inhalation for 6 hr/day on 5 days/wk for 102 wk
& were killed after 104 wk of study. Survival to the end of the study period in males was: control, 39/50;
low-dose, 24/50; & high-dose, 11/50; & that in females was 25/50, 25/49 & 8/49. Significant dose-related
incr in incidences of lung & liver tumors were observed in treated mice. The incidences of
alveolar/bronchiolar adenomas were: males - 3/50, 19/50 & 24/50 (p < 0.001); & females - 2/50, 23/48 &
28/48 (p < 0.001). Those of alveolar/bronchiolar carcinomas were: male - 2/50, 10/50 & 28/50 (p < 0.001); &
females - 1/50, 13/48 & 29/48 (p < 0.001). The incidences of hepatocellular adenomas were: males - 10/50,
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14/49 & 14/49 (p= 0.075); females - 2/50, 6/48 & 22/48 (p < 0.001). The incidences of hepatocellular
carcinomas were: males - 13/50, 15/49 & 26/49 (p= 0.016); & females - 1/50, 11/48 & 32/48 (p < 0.001)
(NTP, 1986).
[IARC. Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man. Geneva:
World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1972-PRESENT.
(Multivolume work). Available at: p. V41 57 (1986)]
Dichloromethane (10 ul) was mutagenic to Escherichia coli WU361089 (mutation to tyrosine prototrophy),
using a spot test in a desiccator; the same protocol did not lead to mutation of E coli SD-4 to streptomycin
[IARC. Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man. Geneva:
World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1972-PRESENT.
(Multivolume work). Available at: p. V41 62 (1986)]
Dichloromethane was tested for induction of sex linked recessive lethal mutations in Drosophila
melanogaster. Following exposure by feeding (125 & 620 mM) (in which the flies would presumably also be
exposed by inhalation), a weak positive response was observed in one of the 3 broods.
[IARC. Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man. Geneva:
World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1972-PRESENT.
(Multivolume work). Available at: p. V41 62 (1986)]
Dichloromethane (2-15 ul/ml) induced dose related chromosomal damage, measured as chromatid gaps,
chromatid breaks, isochromatid breaks & exchanges, in cultured Chinese hamster ovary cells. Damage was
induced both with & without Aroclor induced rat liver S9, the S9-treated sample giving higher responses.
Small but nonsignificant incr in incidence of sister chromatid exchanges were produced, both with & without
[IARC. Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man. Geneva:
World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1972-PRESENT.
(Multivolume work). Available at: p. V41 63 (1986)]
Dichloromethane induced sex linked lethal mutations in nematode Panagrellus redivivus maintained for 120
hr in media containing 1x10-8, 1x10-6 or 1x10-4 mole/l.
[IARC. Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man. Geneva:
World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1972-PRESENT.
(Multivolume work). Available at: p. V41 63 (1986)]
In preparation for the design and performance of chronic toxicity and carcinogenicity studies in rats and mice
on dichloromethane (methylene chloride; DCM), biochemical, mutagenicity, short term, metabolic and
subchronic feeding studies were carried out. These studies established that it was feasible to present DCM to
rodents at adequate levels in drinking water. Saturation of metabolic pathways was demonstrated in both rats
and mice at oral doses of approximately 100 mg/kg. The lowest toxic effect levels after 90 days of treatment
were found to be approximately 190 and 580 mg/kg for rats and mice, respectively. Dose, vehicles and the
exposure regimen were found to affect DCM challenge to target tissues and its metabolism to CO and CO2.
[Kirschman JC et al; Food Chem Toxicol 24 (9): 943-9 (1986)] **PEER REVIEWED** PubMed
Liquid dichloromethane applied at concn of 1.17x10-3 M & above for 24 hr was mutagenic in Tradescantia
stamen-hair somatic mutation assay. When tested in Tradescantia under conditions that allowed for
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volatilization of dichloromethane, concn of 0.24-18% resulted in toxicity & a borderline induction of
micronuclei (details not given).
[IARC. Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man. Geneva:
World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1972-PRESENT.
(Multivolume work). Available at: p. V41 62 (1986)]
The principal acute toxic action of dichloromethane is exerted on the central nervous system ... or, in high
concn, an anesthetic effect ...
[International Labour Office. Encyclopaedia of Occupational Health and Safety. 4th
edition, Volumes 1-4 1998. Geneva, Switzerland: International Labour Office, 1998., p.
104.242] **PEER REVIEWED**
Groups of 68 female B6C3F1 mice, eight to nine weeks of age, were administered dichloromethane (>99%
pure) by whole-body inhalation at concentrations of 0 ppm (control) or 2000 ppm (6940 mg/cu m) for various
lengths of time over a 104-wk period. Lung and liver were evaluated histopathologically. Survival was
reduced compared with controls in groups exposed to dichloromethane for the first 52, 78, or the complete
104 weeks of the study. The incidences of mice with lung adenomas, carcinomas or adenomas and
carcinomas combined and the incidences of mice with hepatocellular adenomas, carcinomas or adenomas and
carcinomas combined were increased in all groups in which exposure was begun during the first 26 weeks of
the study.
[IARC. Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man. Geneva:
World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1972-PRESENT.
(Multivolume work). Available at: p. V71 273 (1999)]
On rabbit's eyes a single application of 0.1 ml of methylene chloride has caused lacrimation persisting for a
week, hyperemia of the conjuctivae and lid margins, small hemorrhages and marked edema of the
conjunctiva, subsiding in a week. The corneas lost epithelium and became swollen for a week or two in some
rabbits, usually associated with signs of iritis.
[Grant, W.M. Toxicology of the Eye. 3rd ed. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas Publisher,
1986., p. 616] **PEER REVIEWED**
The effects on the mouse liver were studied microscopically ... during continuous exposures. At 347 mg/cu
m, fatty infiltration, vacuolization, and enlarged nuclei persisted up to the end of the 10-wk exposure, while
an increase in triglycerides concentration was reversible. At 17,350 mg/cu m, body weights fell, and relative
liver weights increased up to the end of the 168-hr exposure. Fatty infiltration, an increase in the triglycerides
concentration, and hydropic degeneration of the endoplasmic reticulum gradually disappeared. Protein
synthesis was depressed. Necrosis was observed in a few hepatocytes.
[WHO; Environmental Health Criteria 32: Methylene Chloride p.29 (1984)] **PEER REVIEWED**
CNS depression was noted in dogs, monkeys, rats, rabbits, and guinea pigs during each daily session of
repeated exposure to a methylene chloride concentration of 34,700 mg/cu m for 7 hr/day, 5 days/wk, for 6
mos. All animals became inactive, some time after initial excitement.
[WHO; Environmental Health Criteria 32: Methylene chloride p.30 (1984)] **PEER REVIEWED**
Fetuses of 19 rats exposed to a methylene chloride concentration of 4340 mg/cu m air on days 6-15 of
pregnancy, for 7 hr/day, showed an increased incidence of dilated renal pelvis. Fetuses of 12 mice, exposed
similarly, showed an increased incidence of extra sternebrae.
[WHO; Environmental Health Criteria 32: Methylene chloride p.34 (1984)] **PEER REVIEWED**
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National Toxicology Program Studies:
Male and female F344/N rats inhaled methylene chloride at 0, 1000, 2000, and 4000 ppm 6 hr/day, 5
days/wk for 102 wk. Male and female B6C3F1 mice inhaled methylene chloride for the same time duration
and at the same concn, excluding the 1000 ppm concn. All animals tested positive for tumors as follows: 1)
male rats: a) mammary glands: fibroadenoma or adenoma; b) tunica vaginalis: mesothelioma; c) multiple
sites: mesothelioma; 2) female rats: a) mammary glands: fibroadenoma or adenoma; b) hematopoietic
system: mononuclear cell leukemia; 3) male and female mice: a) lung: alveolar/bronchiolar carcinoma; b)
liver: hepatocellular adenoma and carcinoma; c) circulatory system (males only): hemangiosarcoma or
[NTP; Toxicology and Carcinogenesis Studies of Dichloromethane Report# 306 (1986) NIH Pub#
86-2562] **PEER REVIEWED**
Non-Human Toxicity Values:
LD50 Mouse inhalation 16000 ppm/7 hr plus 1 hr observation
[IARC. Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man. Geneva:
World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1972-PRESENT.
(Multivolume work). Available at: p. V41 59 (1986)]
LD50 Rat oral 1600 mg/kg
[Verschueren, K. Handbook of Environmental Data of Organic Chemicals. 2nd ed. New York,
NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1983., p. 849] **PEER REVIEWED**
LC50 Rat inhalation 2,000,000 mg/cu m/15 min
[IARC. Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man. Geneva:
World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1972-PRESENT.
(Multivolume work). Available at: p. V41 59 (1986)]
LC50 Guinea pig inhalation 11600 ppm/6 hr plus 18 hr observation
[IARC. Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man. Geneva:
World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1972-PRESENT.
(Multivolume work). Available at: p. V41 59 (1986)]
LC50 Rat ihl 88,000 mg/cu m/30 mos
[Lewis, R.J. Sax's Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials. 9th ed. Volumes 1-3. New
York, NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1996., p. 2231] **PEER REVIEWED**
LD50 Mouse ip 437 mg/kg
[Lewis, R.J. Sax's Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials. 9th ed. Volumes 1-3. New
York, NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1996., p. 2231] **PEER REVIEWED**
LC50 Mouse ihl 14,400 ppm/7 hr
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[Lewis, R.J. Sax's Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials. 9th ed. Volumes 1-3. New
York, NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1996., p. 2231] **PEER REVIEWED**
LD50 Mouse sc 6460 mg/kg
[Lewis, R.J. Sax's Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials. 9th ed. Volumes 1-3. New
York, NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1996., p. 2231] **PEER REVIEWED**
LD50 Rat oral 3000 mg/kg body weight
[WHO; Environmental Health Criteria 32: Methylene Chloride p.28 (1984)] **PEER REVIEWED**
LC50 Rat ihl 79,000 mg/cu m/2 hr
[WHO; Environmental Health Criteria 32: Methylene Chloride p.28 (1984)] **PEER REVIEWED**
LC50 Rat ihl 52,000 mg/cu m/6 hr
[WHO; Environmental Health Criteria 32: Methylene Chloride p.28 (1984)] **PEER REVIEWED**
LC50 Mouse ihl 56,230 mg/cu m/7 hr
[WHO; Environmental Health Criteria 32: Methylene Chloride p.28 (1984)] **PEER REVIEWED**
LC50 Mouse ihl 49,100 mg/cu m/6 hr
[WHO; Environmental Health Criteria 32: Methylene Chloride p.28 (1984)] **PEER REVIEWED**
LC50 Mouse ihl 51,500 mg/cu m/2 hr
[WHO; Environmental Health Criteria 32: Methylene Chloride p.28 (1984)] **PEER REVIEWED**
LC50 Guinea pig ihl 40,200 mg/cu m/6 hr
[WHO; Environmental Health Criteria 32: Methylene Chloride p.28 (1984)] **PEER REVIEWED**
Ecotoxicity Values:
LC50 Pimephales promelas Rafinesque (fathead minnows) 193 mg/l/96 hr, flow-through bioassay
[Verschueren, K. Handbook of Environmental Data on Organic Chemicals. 3rd ed. New York,
NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1996., p. 1280] **PEER REVIEWED**
LC50 Pimephales promelas Rafinesque (fathead minnows) 310 mg/l/96 hr, static bioassay
[Verschueren, K. Handbook of Environmental Data on Organic Chemicals. 3rd ed. New York,
NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1996., p. 1280] **PEER REVIEWED**
LC50 Poecilia reticulata (guppy) 294 ppm/14 days /Conditions of bioassay not specified/
[Verschueren, K. Handbook of Environmental Data on Organic Chemicals. 3rd ed. New York,
NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1996., p. 1280] **PEER REVIEWED**
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LC50 Daphnia magna 224,000 ug/l/48 hr /Conditions of bioassay not specified/
[Kayser, R., D. Sterling, D. Viviani (eds.). Intermedia Priority Pollutant Guidance
Documents. Washington, DC: U.S.Environmental Protection Agency, July 1982., p. 2-7] **PEER
LC50 Mysid shrimp 256,000 ug/l/96 hr /Conditions of bioassay not specified/
[Kayser, R., D. Sterling, D. Viviani (eds.). Intermedia Priority Pollutant Guidance
Documents. Washington, DC: U.S.Environmental Protection Agency, July 1982., p. 2-7] **PEER
EC10 Pimephales promelas Rafinesque (fathead minnows) 68.5 mg/l/24 hr (95% confidence limit 44.2-86.7
mg/l), flow-through bioassay
[Verschueren, K. Handbook of Environmental Data of Organic Chemicals. 2nd ed. New York,
NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1983., p. 849] **PEER REVIEWED**
EC10 Pimephales promelas Rafinesque (fathead minnows) 66.3 mg/l/48 hr (95% confidence limit 42.6-79.7
mg/l), flow-through bioassay
[Verschueren, K. Handbook of Environmental Data of Organic Chemicals. 2nd ed. New York,
NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1983., p. 849] **PEER REVIEWED**
EC10 Pimephales promelas Rafinesque (fathead minnows) 66.3 mg/l/72 hr, (95% confidence limit 42.6-79.7
mg/l), flow-through bioassay
[Verschueren, K. Handbook of Environmental Data of Organic Chemicals. 2nd ed. New York,
NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1983., p. 849] **PEER REVIEWED**
EC10 Pimephales promelas Rafinesque (fathead minnows) 66.3 mg/l/98 hr, (95% confidence limit 42.6-79.7
mg/l), flow-through bioassay
[Verschueren, K. Handbook of Environmental Data of Organic Chemicals. 2nd ed. New York,
NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1983., p. 849] **PEER REVIEWED**
EC50 Pimephales promelas Rafinesque (fathead minnows) 99.0 mg/l/48 hr (95% confidence limit 83.2-121.5
mg/l), flow-through bioassay
[Verschueren, K. Handbook of Environmental Data of Organic Chemicals. 2nd ed. New York,
NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1983., p. 849] **PEER REVIEWED**
EC50 Pimephales promelas Rafinesque (fathead minnows) 99.0 mg/l/72 hr, (95% confidence limit
83.2-121.5 mg/l), flow-through bioassay
[Verschueren, K. Handbook of Environmental Data of Organic Chemicals. 2nd ed. New York,
NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1983., p. 849] **PEER REVIEWED**
EC50 Pimephales promelas Rafinesque (fathead minnows) 99.0 mg/l/96 hr, (95% confidence limit
83.2-121.5 mg/l), flow-through bioassay
[Verschueren, K. Handbook of Environmental Data of Organic Chemicals. 2nd ed. New York,
NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1983., p. 849] **PEER REVIEWED**
EC90 Pimephales promelas Rafinesque (fathead minnows) 220.1 mg/l/24 hr, (95% confidence limit
175.1-335.4 mg/l), flow-through bioassay
[Verschueren, K. Handbook of Environmental Data of Organic Chemicals. 2nd ed. New York,
NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1983., p. 849] **PEER REVIEWED**
EC90 Pimephales promelas Rafinesque (fathead minnows) 147.6 mg/l/48 hr, (95% confidence limit
120.5-249.7 mg/l), flow-through bioassay
[Verschueren, K. Handbook of Environmental Data of Organic Chemicals. 2nd ed. New York,
28 of 89 9/4/2014 10:26 AM
NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1983., p. 849] **PEER REVIEWED**
EC90 Pimephales promelas Rafinesque (fathead minnows) 147.6 mg/l/72 hr, (95% confidence limit
120.5-249.7 mg/l), flow-through bioassay
[Verschueren, K. Handbook of Environmental Data of Organic Chemicals. 2nd ed. New York,
NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1983., p. 849] **PEER REVIEWED**
EC90 Pimephales promelas Rafinesque (fathead minnows) 147.6 mg/l/96 hr, (95% confidence limit
120.5-249.7 mg/l), flow-through bioassay
[Verschueren, K. Handbook of Environmental Data of Organic Chemicals. 2nd ed. New York,
NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1983., p. 849] **PEER REVIEWED**
LC10 Pimephales promelas Rafinesque (fathead minnows) 122.0 mg/l/24 hr, (95% confidence limit
72.7-160.8 mg/l), flow-through test bioassay
[Verschueren, K. Handbook of Environmental Data of Organic Chemicals. 2nd ed. New York,
NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1983., p. 849] **PEER REVIEWED**
LC10 Pimephales promelas Rafinesque (fathead minnows) 94.0 mg/l/48 hr, (95% confidence limit
50.7-130.4 mg/l), flow-through test bioassay
[Verschueren, K. Handbook of Environmental Data of Organic Chemicals. 2nd ed. New York,
NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1983., p. 849] **PEER REVIEWED**
LC10 Pimephales promelas Rafinesque (fathead minnows) 51.2 mg/l/96 hr (95% confidence limit 22.5-78.2
mg/l), flow-through bioassay
[Verschueren, K. Handbook of Environmental Data of Organic Chemicals. 2nd ed. New York,
NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1983., p. 849] **PEER REVIEWED**
LC10 Pimephales promelas Rafinesque (fathead minnows) 67.3 mg/l/72 hr (95% confidence limit 32.3-98.9
mg/l), flow-through bioassay
[Verschueren, K. Handbook of Environmental Data of Organic Chemicals. 2nd ed. New York,
NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1983., p. 849] **PEER REVIEWED**
LC50 Pimephales promelas Rafinesque (fathead minnows) 268.0 mg/l/24 hr (95% confidence limit
213.0-346.6 mg/l), flow-through bioassay
[Verschueren, K. Handbook of Environmental Data of Organic Chemicals. 2nd ed. New York,
NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1983., p. 849] **PEER REVIEWED**
LC50 Pimephales promelas Rafinesque (fathead minnows) 265.0 mg/l/48 hr (95% confidence limit
202.5-369.7 mg/l), flow-through bioassay
[Verschueren, K. Handbook of Environmental Data of Organic Chemicals. 2nd ed. New York,
NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1983., p. 849] **PEER REVIEWED**
LC50 Pimephales promelas Rafinesque (fathead minnows) 232.4 mg/l/72 hr (95% confidence limit
172.4-337.6 mg/l), flow-through bioassay
[Verschueren, K. Handbook of Environmental Data of Organic Chemicals. 2nd ed. New York,
NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1983., p. 849] **PEER REVIEWED**
LC90 Pimephales promelas Rafinesque (fathead minnows) 589.0 mg/l/72 hr (95% confidence limit
432.6-1077.4 mg/l), flow-through bioassay
[Verschueren, K. Handbook of Environmental Data of Organic Chemicals. 2nd ed. New York,
NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1983., p. 849] **PEER REVIEWED**
29 of 89 9/4/2014 10:26 AM
LC90 Pimephales promelas Rafinesque (fathead minnows) 746.3 mg/l/48 hr (95% confidence limit
494.7-1712.1 mg/l), flow-through bioassay
[Verschueren, K. Handbook of Environmental Data of Organic Chemicals. 2nd ed. New York,
NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1983., p. 849] **PEER REVIEWED**
LC90 Pimephales promelas Rafinesque (fathead minnows) 722.1 mg/l/96 hr (95% confidence limit
447.4-1947.1 mg/l), flow-through bioassay
[Verschueren, K. Handbook of Environmental Data of Organic Chemicals. 2nd ed. New York,
NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1983., p. 849] **PEER REVIEWED**
Ongoing Test Status:
The following link will take the user to the National Toxicology Program (NTP) Test Agent Search Results
page, which tabulates all of the "Standard Toxicology & Carcinogenesis Studies", "Developmental Studies",
and "Genetic Toxicity Studies" performed with this chemical. Clicking on the "Testing Status" link will take
the user to the status (i.e., in review, in progress, in preparation, on test, completed, etc.) and results of all the
studies that the NTP has done on this chemical. [
[Available from:
/index.cfm?fuseaction=ntpsearch.searchresults&searchterm=75-09-2 **QC REVIEWED**
TSCA Test Submissions:
A percutaneous absorption study was conducted with adult male albino rabbits receiving dichloromethane at
15, 50, 100, 200 or 500mg/kg. At each dose level, 4 rabbits (2 animals intact skin, 2 animals abraded skin)
were treated for 8hrs/day, 5days/week, for 90 days. The treatment produced no signs of toxicity as indicated
by hematology parameters, weight gain, general appearance, food consumption and pathology when
compared to both treated (isopropyl alcohol) and nontreated controls.
[Industrial Biological and Testing Laboratories, Inc.; Ninety Day Percutaneous Absorption
study in Rabbits with Chlorothene and Methylene Chloride, (1961), EPA Document No.
40+8224318, Fiche No. OTS0509178] **UNREVIEWED**
A two-generation inhalation reproduction study was conducted with male and female Fischer 344 rats
receiving whole body exposure to methylene chloride at a nominal concentration of 0, 100, 500 or 1500ppm
in a dynamic air flow chamber. At each concentration, 30 male and 30 female rats (F0 generation) beginning
at approximately 7 weeks of age were exposed 6hrs/day, 5days/week, for 14 weeks and then allowed to mate.
From each of the parental treatment groups, 30 male and 30 female weaned F1 generation offspring (4 weeks
of age) were exposed 6hrs/day, 5days/week, for 17 weeks then allowed to mate to produce the F2 generation.
During the mating, gestation and lactation periods, exposure of the F0 and F1 rats was continued 6hrs/day, 7
days/week, with the exception that dams were not exposed from gestation day 21 through the fourth day
post-partum. The treatment produced no signs of maternal, reproductive or neonatal toxicity. There were no
treatment-related gross pathologic changes in F0 and F1 adults and F1 and F2 weanlings at necropsy.
[Dow Chemical U.S.A; Methylene Chloride: Two-generation Inhalation Reproduction Study in
Fischer 344 Rats, (1985), EPA Document No. 40+8524084, Fiche No. OTS0509187]
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Chronic toxicity and oncogenicity of dichloromethane were evaluated in groups of B6C3F1 mice exposed to
dichloromethane orally in deionized drinking water at nominal target dose levels of (number of
males/females): 0 (60/50), 0 (65/50), 60 (200/100), 125 (100/50), 185 (100/50) or 250 mg/kg/day (125/50)
for 24 months. There were no significant differences between treated animals and controls in the following:
tissue masses, body weights, water consumption, leukocyte counts, necropsy findings, or histopathology with
respect to focal or multifocal hepatocellular hyperplasia, proliferative hepatocellular lesions, adenoma or
carcinoma. The only significant sign of toxicity was a marginal increase in the amount of positively staining
material in the livers of high-dose groups of both sexes.
[Hazelton Laboratories America, Inc.; 24-Month Oncogenicity Study of Methylene Chloride in
Mice, Final Report, Volume 1. (1983), EPA Document No.45-8303005, Fiche No. 0505606]
Chronic toxicity and oncogenicity were evaluated in groups of male and female Sprague-Dawley rats
(129/sex/concentration) exposed to dichloromethane via inhalation to 0, 500, 1500, or 3500 ppm for 6
hrs/day, 5 days/week, excluding holidays, for 2 years. There were significant differences between treated
animals and controls in the following: mortality (increased in females at 3500 ppm at 18th-24th months),
palpable masses (increase in number of masses, number of animals not significantly different, in females at
500, 1500 and 3500 ppm and males at 3500 ppm), mean liver weights (relative weights for both sexes and
absolute weights for males at 3500 ppm), hepatocellular vacuolization (increased in all groups),
multinucleated hepatocytes (increased in females at all dose levels), number of foci and areas of altered
hepatocytes (increased females at 3500 ppm), number of pancreatic lesions (decreased in males at 3500
ppm), benign mammary tumors (increased in dose-related manner in females at all dose levels, slight increase
in males at 1500 or 3500 ppm), and sarcomas near the salivary gland (increased in males at 3500 ppm). There
were no significant differences between treated animals and controls in the following: body weights,
hematology, clinical chemistry, urinalysis, carboxyhemoglobin, plasma estradiol, cytogenetics, malignant
mammary tumors, total number of animals with tumors or number of carcinomas.
[Dow Chemical Toxicological Research Laboratories; Methylene Chloride: A Two-Year
Inhalation Toxicity and Oncogenicity Study in Rats and Hamsters. (1980), EPA Document No.
FYI-OTS-0281-0097, Fiche No. 0097] **UNREVIEWED**
Chronic toxicity and oncogenicity were evaluated in groups of male and female Golden Syrian hamsters
(107-109/sex/concentration) exposed to dichloromethane via inhalation to 0, 500, 1500, or 3500 ppm for 6
hrs/day, 5 days/week, excluding holidays, for 2 years. There were significant differences between treated
animals and controls in the following: mortality (decreased in females at 3500 ppm at 13th-24th months and
at 1500 ppm at 20th-24th months), hemoglobin, carboxyhemoglobin and hematocrit levels (increased in all
treated groups). There were no significant differences between treated animals and controls in the following:
body weights, clinical chemistry, urinalysis, cytogenetics, histopathological lesions, total number of tumors
or of specific types of tumors, or number of animals with tumors.
[Dow Chemical Toxicological Research Laboratories; Methylene Chloride: A Two-Year
Inhalation Toxicity and Oncogenicity Study in Rats and Hamsters. (1980), EPA Document No.
FYI-OTS-0281-0097, Fiche No. 0097] **UNREVIEWED**
The ability of dichloromethane to induce morphological transformation in the BALB/3T3 mouse cell line
(Cell Transformation Assay) was evaluated. Dichloromethane was tested at 1.56x10(-3), 1.56x10(-4),
1.56x10(-5) and 1.56x10(-6)M concentration, with cell survival ranging from 71% to 58%. None of the tested
concentrations produced significantly greater transformation relative to the solvent control.
[Arthur D. Little, Inc.; BALB/3T3 Neoplastic Transformation Assay With Methylene Chloride
(Food Grade Test Specification). (1978), EPA Document No. 878211825, Fiche No. 206132]
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In a two-generation reproduction study, male and female Charles River CD rats (10/sex/group) were orally
exposed by gavage to dichloromethane at dosage levels of 0, 25, 75 and 225 mg/kg/day for 18 weeks and at
approximately 100 days of age were mated 1 to 1. Following weaning of the pups, the parent rats were
sacrificed and discarded. The male and female offspring (F1) (15/sex from each dosage group) were orally
exposed to dichloromethane in the diet at the same dosage levels as their respective parent rats for 90 days.
No significant differences were observed between treated and control F1 animals in the following: general
behavior and appearance, food consumption, ophthalmoscopy or hematological, biochemical and urinalysis
studies, fertility indices, number of pups/litter or pup survival. No compound related gross pathologic lesions
or organ weight variations were observed in any rats which were sacrificed at the end of the 90 days and no
compound related microscopic lesions were observed in any tissues from high-dose level F1 rats.
[International Research and Development Corp.; Reproduction and Ninety Day Oral Toxicity
Study in Rats. (1976), EPA Document No. 878210710, Fiche No. OTS0205887] **UNREVIEWED**
In a two-generation reproduction study, male and female Fischer 344 rats, (F0) (30/sex/group) were exposed
to dichloromethane by inhalation at nominal dosage levels of 0, 100, 500 or 1500 ppm for 6 hrs/day, 5
days/week for 14 weeks. Male and female rats from the same exposure groups were mated and selected F1
offspring rats (30/sex/group) were exposed to the same concentrations of dichloromethane for 17 weeks, at
which point they were mated and gave birth to F2 offspring. No adverse effects on reproduction parameters,
neonatal survival or neonatal growth were observed in any of the animals in either the F0 or F1 generations.
There were no treatment related gross pathological observations in F0 and F1 adults and F1 and F2 weanlings
at necropsy. No treatment related lesions were observed upon histopathological examination of tissues from
F1 and F2 weanlings.
[Dow Chemical U.S.A.; Methylene Chloride: Two Generation Inhalation Reproduction Study in
Fischer 344 Rats. (1985), EPA Document No. 40-8524084, Fiche No. OTS0509187]
The mutagenicity of dichloromethane was evaluated in Salmonella bacterial tester strains TA98, TA100,
TA1535, TA1537, and TA1538 and Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast strain D4, both in the presence and
absence of added metabolic activation by Aroclor-induced rat liver S9 fraction. Dichloromethane was tested
at concentrations of 0.1, 1, 5, and 10 ul/plate using the plate incorporation method. Dichloromethane did not
cause a reproducible positive response in any of the bacterial or yeast tester strains, either with or without
metabolic activation. Due to the volatility of the test material, separate tests under an inverted and sealed petri
dish, both in the presence and absence of metabolic activation, were conducted using Salmonella tester
strains TA98 and TA100. Dichloromethane at a concentration of 0.05 ml/inverted petri dish did not cause a
reproducible positive response either with or without metabolic activation.
[Litton Bionetics, Inc.; Mutagenicity Evaluation of Methylene Dichloride, Final Report.
(1976), EPA Document No. 878212285, Fiche No. OTS0205979] **UNREVIEWED**
The mutagenicity of dichloromethane was evaluated in Salmonella tester strains TA98, TA100, TA1535,
TA1537, TA1538, and G46, both in the presence and absence of added metabolic activation by Aroclor-
induced rat liver S9 fraction. Dichloromethane was tested using the plate incorporation method in 30 ml
closed culture flasks in which 2, 4, 6, and 8 ml/system were allowed to volatilize. Dichloromethane caused a
reproducible positive response in bacterial tester strains TA98, TA100, TA1535, and G46 at all doses used
with these strains, both with and without metabolic activation.
[Litton Bionetics, Inc.; Mutagenicity Evaluation of High Purity Methylene Chloride, Final
Report. (1977), EPA Document No. 878210856, Fiche No. OTS0206082] **UNREVIEWED**
The ability of dichloromethane to cause chromosome aberrations was evaluated in bone marrow cells of
Sprague-Dawley albino rats (5/sex/group) receiving nominal concentrations of test material at 0, 500, 1500
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and 3500ppm in a dynamic air flow chamber for 6hours/day, 5days/week for 6 months. At the end of the six
month exposure, all animals were sacrificed and 200 bone marrow cells per animal were scored. None of the
aberration rates in any of the treatment groups were significantly (ANOVA, p < 0.05) greater than the control
[Dow Toxicology Research Laboratory; Cytogenetic Evaluation of Bone Marrow Cells from Rats
Exposed to Methylene Chloride for Six Months, Final Report, (1980), EPA Document No.
FYI-OTS-0281-0097, Fiche No. OTS0000097-0] **UNREVIEWED**
The disposition of 14C-methylene chloride was evaluated in male Sprague-Dawley rats (3/group) receiving
a single administration of 1 or 50mg/kg of test material orally by gavage. Immediately following treatment,
animals were placed in metabolism cages for collection at 12 hour intervals for 48 hours of urine, feces and
expired air. The major metabolites of methylene chloride were carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide found
in expired air. Rats receiving the low dose metabolized 88% of the dose compared to the high dose animals
which only metabolized 26% of the administered dose. The highest 14C-activity was observed in the liver
and no significant accumulation of radioactivity was found in the fat. It was concluded that the
dose-dependency was due to saturation of methylene chloride metabolites above the 50mk/kg dose.
[Dow Toxicology Research Laboratory; The Dose-Dependent Metabolism of 14C-Methylene
Chloride Following Oral Administration to Rats, (no date reported), EPA Document No.
878212096, Fiche No. OTS0206132] **UNREVIEWED**
The fate of methylene chloride (MeCl2) and macromolecular binding in salivary tissue (submaxillary,
sublingual & parotid glands) relative to other target (liver) and nontarget tissue (kidney, abdominal muscle
&/or fat) were evaluated in ten male Sprague-Dawley rats receiving a single exposure to 14C-MeCl2 at a
nominal concentration of 3500ppm for six hours in a dynamic air flow chamber. Five rats were sacrificed for
determination of MeCl2 concentrations in selected tissue and the remaining five rats were sacrificed to
evaluate macromolecular binding in selected tissue. The highest concentration of 14C-activity per gram of
tissue was found in the fat, with approximately 10 fold less 14C-activity per gram found in the liver, kidney,
muscle, submaxillary and sublingual glands. The concentration of 14C-activity in parotid gland was
approximately 3-5 fold greater than that of the submaxillary and sublingual glands, these values were
dependent on the dissection techniques. Radioactivity was observed irreversibly bound to liver
macromolecules to the greatest extent, followed in decreasing order by the sublingual gland, kidney,
submaxillary gland, parotid gland and muscle.
[Dow Toxicology Research Laboratory; Distribution and Macromolecular Interactions of
Inhaled Methylene Chloride in Various Tissues of the Male Sprague Dawley Rat, (1981), EPA
Document No. 878211306, Fiche No. OTS0206132] **UNREVIEWED**
From previously preformed studies, experimental animals were observed to biotransform methyl chloride
(MeCl2) in the body to carbon monoxide (CO) resulting in increased carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) levels and
also reported were increased COHb in the blood of human subject inhaling MeCl2. The formation of COHb
causes a shift in the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve (OD-Curve), theoretically resulting in a diminished
ability to release oxygen at the tissue level. The ability of MeCl2 to alter the OD-Curve was evaluated with
and without CO as measured by the P50 (pressure of oxygen which causes 50% saturation of Hb). In vitro
studies were preformed with blood (from male Sprague-Dawley rats & from male and female human) which
was equilibrated with room air (control), MeCl2 alone (800ppm), CO alone (2500ppm) or MeCl2 (800ppm)
plus CO (2500ppm). The in vivo studies consisted of five male Sprague Dawley receiving a nominal
concentration of MeCl2 at 500ppm for 3 hours in a dynamic air flow chamber. At the end of the three hour
exposure, blood was drawn by cardiac puncture and was incubated with MeCl2 (800ppm). Exposure to
MeCl2 in vitro or in vivo did not cause a significant change in the P50 value relative to the controls.
[Dow Toxicology Research Laboratory; Effect of Methylene Chloride on the Oxyhemoglobin
Dissociation Curve (OD-Curve) of Rat and Human Blood, (1977), EPA Document No. 878211309,
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Fiche No. OTS0206132] **UNREVIEWED**
The pharmacokinetics of methylene chloride (MeCl2) was evaluated in male Syrian Golden hamsters
(4/exposure) receiving nominal concentrations of 14C-MeCl2 at 50 or 1500ppm for six hours in a dynamic
air flow chamber. At the end of exposure, hamsters and were placed in metabolic cages and urine, feces and
expired air was collected for 48 hours. 14C-MeCl2 was extensively metabolized in the hamster in a
dose-dependent manor with approximately 97 and 73% of the total body burden recovered as metabolites at
50 and 1500ppm, respectively. The major metabolites were 14C-labeled carbon monoxide (CO) and
14C-labeled carbon dioxide (CO2), which together accounted for approximately 65 and 48% of the total
recovered radioactivity at 50 and 1500ppm, respectively. The remaining radioactivity in the hamster was
recovered as either nonvolatile radioactivity in the urine, feces, skin, carcass and cage wash or as unchange
14C-MeCl in expired air. The hamsters were observed to metabolize 1.1 (50ppm) and 1.9-fold (1500ppm)
more 14C-MeCl2 on a body weight basis compared to data reported on the rat.
[Dow Toxicology Research Laboratory; 14C-Methylene Chloride: Pharmokinetics in the
Hamster, (1983), EPA Document No. 878214493, Fiche No. OTS206588] **UNREVIEWED**
The macromolecular binding of methylene chloride (MeCl2) was evaluated in male Syrian Golden hamsters
(4/exposure) and male Sprague Dawley rats (4/exposure) receiving nominal concentrations of 14C-MeCl2 at
50 or 1500ppm for 6 hours in a dynamic air flow chamber. At the end of exposure, all animals were sacrificed
and the irreversible binding of radioactivity to the liver and submaxillary glands macromolecules were
examined. Hamster and rats at the 1500ppm exposure level experienced an 7-8 fold and 3-5 fold increase in
the apparent macromolecular binding, respectively, as compared to that at 50ppm. Hamsters exhibited a
greater binding of radioactivity per gram of liver and submaxillary gland protein, more than two fold,
compared to rats at 1500ppm.
[Dow Toxicology Research Laboratory; 14C-Methylene Chloride: Macromolecules Interactions
in Hamster and Rat Selected Tissue, (1983), EPA Document No. 878214493, Fiche No.
OTS0206588] **UNREVIEWED**
The ability of dichloromethane to induce unscheduled DNA synthesis in the salivary tissue, liver and
kidneys was evaluated in male Sprague-Dawley rats (5/group) exposed by inhalation to concentrations of 0 or
3500 ppm dichloromethane for 6 hrs/day for 3 consecutive days. There were no statistically significant
differences between treated and control animals with respect to DNA content (mg DNA/g tissue) or DNA
synthesis (dpm radioactive thymidine incorporated/ug DNA).
[Dow Chemical Toxicology Research Lab.; Methylene Chloride: Distribution and
Macromolecular Interactions of Inhaled Methylene Chloride in Various Tissues of the Male
Sprague-Dawley Rat. (1981), EPA Document No. 878211306, Fiche No. OTS0206132]
The ability of dichloromethane to bind to DNA in the liver and submaxillary gland was evaluated in male
Sprague-Dawley rats (6 rats) and male Syrian Golden Hamsters (6 animals) exposed by inhalation to a
nominal concentration of 3500 ppm for 3.5 hr. The animals were sacrificed 1 hr after the termination of
treatment. The incorporation of radiolabelled dichloromethane in DNA (as dpm 14C/mg DNA) was
determined for the livers of 6 rats and 6 hamsters and the submaxillary glands of 3 rats and 2 hamsters. The
ratios of radioactivity incorporation in hamsters/rats were 1.5 and 3.0 for liver and submaxillary gland
tissues, respectively. The 14C activity (dpm 14C/mg DNA) associated with purified liver and submaxillary
gland DNA was 169 and 635 for the hamsters, respectively, and 110 and 211 for the rats, respectively. The
ratios of incorporation in submaxillary gland/liver were 3.8 and 1.9 for hamsters and rats, respectively. The
incorporation of radiolabel appeared, by HPLC results, to be due to incorporation in the carbon skeleton of
the parent DNA bases via normal anabolic pathways (not due to alkylation of DNA by dichloromethane).
[Dow Chemical Toxicology Research Lab.; (14C) Methylene Chloride: Pharmacokinetics and
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Interaction with Hamster and Rat Liver Tissue Macromolecules. (1983), EPA Document No.
878214493, Fiche No. OTS0206588] **UNREVIEWED**
Methylene chloride (CAS # 75-09-2) was evaluated for acute inhalation toxicity in male B6C3F1 mice
(10/treatment group) administered single dynamic, whole-body exposures to target atmospheric
concentrations of 0, 2000, and 4000 ppm (0, 2010, and 3710 ppm mean analytical). Exposure levels were
repeated from a previous chronic inhalation study to illustrate differing acute effects in mice and rats
conducive to an observed interspecies inconsistency in methylene chloride tumorigenicity. Lungs and liver
were excised and analyzed for histopathologic changes on Study Day 2. In both mice and rats, signs of mild
anesthesia characterized the overt toxicity to 4000 ppm exposures only. In mice, exposures to 2000 and 4000
ppm also induced highly specialized vacuolation and pyknosis of the non-ciliated Clara cells of the
bronchiolar epithelium. Upon electron microscopic examination, vacuolation and swelling of the
endoplasmic reticulum of these cells was visualized, near total in association with 4000 ppm exposures and
25-50% in association with 2000 ppm exposures. Enlarged and pale mitochondria and phagocytozed necrotic
cellular debris with myelin whorls of damaged endoplasmic reticulum in the Clara cell cytoplasm were also
noted. Loss of cilia from ciliated bronchiolar cells and pale and enlarged mitochondria in alveolar type II
cells were observed in association with 4000 ppm exposures. The mild effects on the liver consisted of
increased myelin whorls in bile canaliculi of centrilobular hepatocytes, but no ultrastructural changes. The
study authors offered that the Clara cell specificity in the mouse suggests a methylene chloride metabolism
via the cytochrome P-450 monoxygenase system and related metabolic pathways.
[Shell Oil Co; Ten Day Inhalation Toxicity Study to Investigate the Effects on Rat and
Mouse Liver and Lung with Methylene Chloride; 01/10/86; EPA Document No. 86-880000287;
Fiche No. OTS0514365] **UNREVIEWED**
Methylene chloride (CAS # 75-09-2) was evaluated for acute inhalation toxicity in the lungs and liver of
male Fischer 344 rats (10/treatment group) administered single dynamic, whole-body exposures to target
atmospheric concentrations of 0, 2000, and 4000 ppm (0, 1910, and 3910 ppm mean analytical). Exposure
levels were repeated from a previous chronic inhalation study to illustrate differing acute effects in mice and
rats conducive to an observed interspecies inconsistency in methylene chloride tumorigenicity. In mice and
rats, signs of mild anesthesia characterized the overt toxicity to 4000 ppm exposures only. On Study Day 2,
lungs and liver were excised and analyzed for histopathologic changes. No compound-related changes were
noted in either lung or liver of the rat after acute inhalation exposure. Specifically, the Clara cell of the lung
bronchiolus, a target cell of parallel acute inhalation toxicity study in the mouse, showed no effects of
[Shell Oil Co; Ten Day Inhalation Toxicity Study to Investigate the Effects on Rat and
Mouse Liver and Lung with Methylene Chloride; 01/10/86; EPA Document No. 86-880000287;
Fiche No. OTS0514365] **UNREVIEWED**
Methylene chloride (CAS # 75-09-2) and its metabolites were evaluated for DNA-binding in the lung and
liver of 6 F344 rats and 30 B6C3F1 mice exposed once by inhalation to 14C-methylene chloride at a
nominal concentration of 4000 ppm for 3 hours. Enzymatically hydrolyzed DNA samples, isolated from lung
and liver tissues at 6, 24, and 48 hours after start of the exposures, were analyzed for amount and distribution
of radiolabel. Control groups of mice and rats, likewise exposed to 4000 ppm non-labelled methylene
chloride, were subsequently dosed with intravenous 14C-formate (formate, both a metabolite of methylene
chloride and used in the biosynthesis of DNA bases) to establish the pattern of formate incorporation into
DNA via the C-1 pool. Both rat and mouse liver and lungs showed low level radioactivity (less than 1
dpm/mg DNA), although DNA and protein binding in the mouse was 2-4 fold that in the rat. Mouse
pulmonary DNA contained twice as much radiolabel as hepatic DNA with peak binding at 6 hours after
initiation of the exposures. As compared to the pattern of DNA incorporation in 14C-formate-treated mice,
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chromatography revealed binding of methylene chloride radiolabel to the normal constituents of DNA,
rather than by formation of altered (alkylated) nucleosides. The authors concluded that the conditions of this
study were not conducive to DNA alkylation by reactive metabolites of methylene chloride and provided no
evidence of somatic mutation and genotoxicity.
[Shell Oil Co; Methylene Chloride - Interaction with Rat and Mouse Liver and Lung DNA In
Vivo; 01/22/86; EPA Document No. 86-880000286; Fiche No. OTS0514364] **UNREVIEWED**
Methylene chloride (CAS # 75-09-2) and its metabolites were evaluated for DNA-binding in the lung and
liver of 6 male F344 rats and 30 male B6C3F1 mice exposed once by inhalation to 14C-methylene chloride
at a nominal concentration of 4000 ppm for 3 hours. Enzymatically hydrolyzed DNA samples, isolated from
lung and liver tissues at 6, 24, and 48 hours after start of the exposures, were analyzed for amount and
distribution of radiolabel. Control groups of mice and rats, likewise exposed to 4000 ppm non-labelled
methylene chloride, were subsequently dosed with intravenous 14C-formate (formate, both a metabolite of
methylene chloride and used in the biosynthesis of DNA bases) to establish the pattern of formate
incorporation into DNA via the C-1 pool. Both rat and mouse liver and lungs showed low level radioactivity
(less than 1 dpm/mg DNA). Rat pulmonary and hepatic DNA contained similar amounts of radiolabel with
peak binding at 12 hours after initiation of the exposures. As compared to the pattern of DNA incorporation
in 14C-formate-treated mice, chromatography revealed binding of methylene chloride radiolabel to the
normal constituents of DNA, rather than by formation of altered (alkylated) nucleosides. The authors
concluded that the conditions of this study were not conducive to DNA alkylation by reactive metabolites of
methylene chloride and provided no evidence of somatic mutation and genotoxicity.
[Shell Oil Co; Methylene Chloride - Interaction with Rat and Mouse Liver and Lung DNA In
Vivo; 01/22/86; EPA Document No. 86-880000286; Fiche No. OTS0514364] **UNREVIEWED**
The metabolism of dichloromethane (CAS # 75-09-2) to carbon monoxide was investigated following
observation of elevated carboxyhemoglobin levels in humans exposed to dichloromethane vapors.
Carboxyhemoglobin levels in the blood of male rats (strain and numbers unspecified) rose and persisted in a
dose-dependent manner following intraperitoneal injections of dichloromethane in corn oil at doses of 1.5,
3.0, and 6.0 mmoles/kg. The administration of phenobarbital or methylcholanthrene (enzyme inducers) or
SKF 525-A (drug metabolism inhibitor) prior to treatment produced no change in dichloromethane
metabolism; however, repeated doses of dichloromethane substantially increased carboxyhemoglobin levels.
As compared to a control rat administered 13C-labelled carbon monoxide alone, the blood of a solitary rat
administered 13C-labelled dichloromethane showed characteristic peaks by infrared spectrometry
representing elevated 13C-carbon monoxide, confirming the dichloromethane source of elevated carbon
monoxide levels.
[Dow Chem Co; Metabolism of Dihalomethane to Carbon Monoxide Prepared by Univ of
Minnesota; 07/03/73; EPA Document No. 878211823; Fiche No. OTS0206132] **UNREVIEWED**
The effects of methylene chloride on the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve (ODC) and, consequently,
hemoglobin delivery of oxygen to tissues was investigated in rat (Sprague-Dawley) and human blood
incubated in a blood gas tonometer with methylene chloride alone, carbon monoxide alone, and methylene
chloride in combination with carbon monoxide (CO). Increased carboxyhemoglobin levels is associated with
methylene chloride exposure in rodents and humans. Hemoglobin binding with CO (a metabolite of
methylene chloride), in turn, is associated with a shift to the right of the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve,
representing a diminished oxygen release in tissues. In vivo exposure of Sprague-Dawley rats to 500 ppm
methylene chloride for 3 hours resulted in a 6% carboxyhemoglobin level; however, the P50 value remained
comparable to that of controls. Methylene chloride alone was found to have no effect on the P50 value of the
ODC in either rat or human blood in vitro. Consequently, no direct effect on hemoglobin affinity for CO was
noted and an observed shift to the left of the ODC in association with exposure in vivo (historical data) is
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dependent on methylene chloride biotransformation to CO. In human blood, a P50 value was increased by 4
mmHg (a shift of the ODC to the right) after incubation with methylene chloride and CO as compared to CO
alone, although carboxyhemoglobin levels were comparable, suggesting an ameliorative effect of methylene
chloride on CO-induced effects on the ODC.
[Dow Chem Co; Effect of Methylene Chloride on the Oxyhemoglobin Dissociation Curve of Rat
and Human Blood; 07/15/77; EPA Document No. 878211309; Fiche No. OTS0206132]
The metabolism of methylene chloride (75-09-2) was compared in vitro in liver and lung fractions of male
B6C3F1 mice, Fischer 344 rats, Charles River Lake View hamsters, and 4 human accident victims (liver
tissue only) to attempt to explain marked species specificity of tumorigenic response in these tissues. The
cytochrome P450 and glutathione-S-transferase dependent pathways, respectively, of isolated microsomal
and cytosolic fractions were assessed by carbon monoxide formation (cytochrome P450 pathway) and by
formaldehyde production (glutathione-S-transferase pathway) after incubation of the tissues with methylene
chloride. Cytochrome P450 biotransformation of methylene chloride to carbon monoxide in mouse and
hamster lung and liver was significantly more efficient than that of rat or human (liver only). The rate of
methylene chloride conversion to carbon monoxide via glutathione-S-transferase in the mouse liver (Vmax
36.4 nmoles/min/mg protein) markedly exceeded that of any other tissue, being 12 times more active than
that of the rat (Vmax 2.9 nmoles/min/mg). Neither human nor hamster liver cytosolic fractions showed any
detectable methylene chloride metabolism by this pathway, although positive controls confirmed viability of
the system. Slight evidence of such metabolism was detected in mouse lung tissue (Vmax 0.15
nmoles/min/mg), but was barely perceived in that of rat or hamster (human lung was not available). In that
known carcinogenicity correlates with methylene chloride metabolism by the glutathione pathway in
experimental animals, but not the cytochrome P450 pathway, the relative inactivity of that pathway in
humans suggests a low risk of methylene chloride-induced carcinogenicity.
[Shell Oil Co; In Vitro Metabolism in Rat, Mouse and Hamster Liver and Lung Fractions and
In Human Liver Fractions with Methylene Chloride; 09/22/86; EPA Document No. 86-880000289;
Fiche No. OTS0514367] **UNREVIEWED**
The glutathione S-transferase (GST) components of methylene chloride (CAS # 75-09-2) metabolism in
male B6C3F1 mouse and rat liver were compared based on the structure and specific activity of the
respective theta class GST enzymes to explain characteristic toxic tumorigenicity in exposed mice that is not
seen in either rats or hamsters. N-terminal and internal amino acid sequences of the MT1 of 2 identified
mouse theta class GST liver enzymes are identical to those of GST 5-5 of 3 known rat GST enzymes. Their
specific activities to methylene chloride, as determined by glutathione-mediated conjugation of MC to
formaldehyde, are 5.5 and 11 umol/min/mg protein, respectively. Essentially, these enzymes have comparable
activity in the metabolism of methylene chloride in mouse and rat liver and fail to demonstrate a cause for
species specificity of tumorigenic response. The activity of mouse MT2 enzyme also has its structural
equivalent in the rat, GST 12-12, but has been shown to be labile throughout the purification process, with
the specific activity to methylene chloride lost upon attempts at isolation. The conjugating activity on
methylene chloride of mouse in vivo or in cytosol fractions is 10 fold that in the rat, which does not appear
to be attributable to differences in relative specific activities of MT1 and GST 5-5. Consequently, the authors
suggested that further study may reveal disparate expression of these enzymes or a distinct contribution by
MT2 that will elucidate the significance of glutathione-dependent metabolism rates to methylene chloride-
induced carcinogenicity in the mouse and its importance in assessment of human risk.
[Isolation of Two Mouse Theta Glutathione S-Transferases Active with Methylene Chloride;
00/00/00; EPA Document No. 86950000282; Fiche No. OTS0572588] **UNREVIEWED**
Methylene chloride (CAS # 75-09-2) was evaluated for genotoxicity conducive to mammalian somatic cell
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mutation in the CHO/HPRT cell mutation assay. The study was intended to elucidate a proposed glutathione-
S-transaminase (GST) metabolic pathway-derived genotoxic mechanism of methylene chloride species
specific carcinogenicity in the mouse. Previous study using DNA alkaline elution established that methylene
chloride causes DNA single strand (ss) breaks in mouse liver and lungs in vivo and in liver hepatocytes and
lung Clara cells in vitro which correspond to carcinogenic in vivo exposures. Although CHO cells lack
endogenous GST-mediated metabolism of methylene chloride and no DNA ss breaks in association with
methylene chloride exposure, GSH metabolites from exogenous activation of methylene chloride with
mouse liver S9 or S100 cytosol fractions do produce DNA ss breaks in CHO cells. CHO-K1 cells were
therefore incubated with methylene chloride and GSH for 4 hours with mouse S100 fraction to determine if
DNA ss breaks in CHO cells are also associated with an increase in HPRT mutation in these cells as
compared to that after incubation with formaldehyde (a known mutagen generated by methylene chloride
GSH metabolism via a postulated intermediate, S-chloromethylglutathione) or 1,2-dibromomethane (the
positive control). Harvested colonies (50 cells minimum/plate) were counted after 10 days and the mutant
frequency per 10,000,000 surviving cells determined. Formaldehyde proved only weakly mutagenic (2-fold
increase at 0.2 mM), with marked cytotoxicity at concentrations of 0.5 mM and above. Methylene chloride,
although still only weakly mutagenic (3-5 fold increase), produced greater mutagenicity in the absence of
cytotoxicity (0.2 mM). These results suggest that DNA ss breaks due to GST-mediated metabolism of
methylene chloride are associated with mutagenicity and that, in the mouse liver, methylene chloride acts
as a genotoxic carcinogen. Exposing the cells at high density in suspension enhanced mutagenicity of both
methylene chloride and formaldehyde at non-toxic concentrations which also coincided with DNA ss
breaks. Formaldehyde mutagenicity was still considerably lower than that associated with methylene
chloride exposure, prompting the authors to suggest that the S-chloromethyl GSH metabolic subconjugate of
formaldehyde might contribute significantly to methylene chloride-induced DNA ss breaks and associated
[Mouse Liver Glutathione S-Transferase Mediated Metabolism of Methylene Chloride to a
Mutagen in the CHO/HPRT Assay; 00/00/00; EPA Document No. 86950000284; Fiche No.
OTS0572590] **UNREVIEWED**
The induction of increased DNA-scheduled hepatocyte synthesis by methylene chloride (CAS # 75-09-2)
was evaluated in male B6C3F1 mice (10/group), with variably radiolabelled liver DNA (3 regimes, 120uCi
intraperitoneally injected tritiated thymidine), administered whole body exposures once or twice via
inhalation to target concentrations of 0 or 4000 ppm for 2 hours. Isolated livers were analyzed for S-phase
hepatocytes (% of 3000 hepatocytes/mouse) at 24 and 48 hours post-exposure. Small increases in S-phase
hepatocytes reached statistical significance in 2 of 3 experimental protocols, but the biological significance of
these marginal findings and given wide variability between test animals of a group was unclear.
[Dow Chem Co; Methylene Chloride - Induction of S-Phase Hepatocytes in Mice After In Vivo
Exposure (Final Report); 09/22/86; EPA Document No. 88-920004070; Fiche No. OTS0540418]
Metabolism/ Pharmacokinetics:
Metabolism/ Metabolites:
Biotransformation of dihalomethanes leads to dehalogenation & end product is carbon monoxide. In the case
of dichloromethane the carbon monoxide appears to arise from formyl halide. This intermediate, as an
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alternative to losing carbon monoxide, can covalently bind to cellular protein or lipid. The involvement of
nonmicrosomal enzymes in dihalomethane biotransformation leads to prodn of formaldehyde & halide. A
necessary step is the reaction of dihalomethane with glutathione, which results in loss of one halide. The
resulting halomethylglutathione is postulated to undergo nonenzymatic hydrolytic dehalogenation leaving
hydroxymethylglutathione. The next step would result in the release of the hydroxymethyl group as
formaldehyde. Alternatively it has been shown that in the presence of formaldehyde dehydrogenase & NAD
/nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide/ formic acid can be formed.
[Doull, J., C.D.Klassen, and M.D. Amdur (eds.). Casarett and Doull's Toxicology. 3rd ed.,
New York: Macmillan Co., Inc., 1986., p. 647] **PEER REVIEWED**
[The Chemical Society. Foreign Compound Metabolism in Mammals. Volume 4: A Review of the
Literature Published during 1974 and 1975. London: The Chemical Society, 1977., p. 231]
Rats (male, Sprague-Dawley) converted 26, 23, and 14% of body burden of dichloromethane (DCM) to
carbon dioxide during a single 6 hr inhalation exposure at 50, 500, and 1500 ppm, respectively; 27, 18, and
10% of body burden of DCM was converted to carbon monoxide at 50, 500, and 1500 ppm, respectively.
[McKenna MJ et al; Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 65 (1): 1-10 (1982)] **PEER REVIEWED** PubMed
... Carbon dioxide, formaldehyde, and formic acid are additional metabolites of dichloromethane.
[USEPA; Health Assessment Document: Dichloromethane (Methylene Chloride) (Review Draft)
p.4-19 (1983) EPA-600/8-82-004B] **PEER REVIEWED**
Dichloromethane is metabolized to carbon monoxide in vivo & in vitro by hepatic microsomal cytochrome
p450-dependent monoxygenases & by bacteria (Salmonella typhimurium TA100). Dichloromethane is
metabolized in vitro by rat hepatic cytosolic fractions to formaldehyde & inorganic chloride, apparently by
[IARC. Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man. Geneva:
World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1972-PRESENT.
(Multivolume work). Available at: p. V41 61 (1986)]
... The specific isoenzymes involved in the metabolism of dichloromethane have been identified as the
cytochrome CYP2E1 and the theta-class GST, GSTT1-1.
[IARC. Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man. Geneva:
World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1972-PRESENT.
(Multivolume work). Available at: p. V71 278 (1999)]
Absorption, Distribution & Excretion:
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500 OR 1500 PPM; 174, 1735 OR 5200 MG/CU M) < 10% OR 7-23%, RESPECTIVELY, OF THE BODY
[IARC. Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man. Geneva:
World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1972-PRESENT.
(Multivolume work). Available at: p. V41 60 (1986)]
[IARC. Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man. Geneva:
World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1972-PRESENT.
(Multivolume work). Available at: p. V20 458 (1979)]
When rats (male, Sprague-Dawley) were exposed to 50, 500, and 1500 ppm methylene chloride
(dichloromethane, DCM) for 6 hr, plasma dichloromethane levels at apparent steady state were
disproportionately higher with increasing exposure concn. Blood carboxyhemoglobin (HbCO) was 3% at 50
ppm and 10-13% at 500 ppm and at 1500 ppm. At the end of the 6 hr exposure, HbCO levels declined with
half-life of 23 min.
[McKenna MJ et al; Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 65 (1): 1-10 (1982)] **PEER REVIEWED** PubMed
In rats exposed to 500 ppm (1735 mg/cu m) dichloromethane for 1 hr on day 21 of gestation, concn in
maternal blood were higher than those in fetal blood (176 nmole versus 115 nmole/ml), while carbon
monoxide concn were similar in the two compartments (approx 169 nmole/l).
[IARC. Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man. Geneva:
World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1972-PRESENT.
(Multivolume work). Available at: p. V41 61 (1986)]
Dichloromethane is absorbed through the placenta and can be found in the embryonic tissues following
exposure of the mother; it is also excreted via milk.
[International Labour Office. Encyclopaedia of Occupational Health and Safety. 4th
edition, Volumes 1-4 1998. Geneva, Switzerland: International Labour Office, 1998., p.
104.242] **PEER REVIEWED**
The tissue distribution and metabolism of dichloromethane (DCM) was investigated in B6C3F1 mice
following iv or oral administration. The route of exposure and the compn of the dosing solution had a
significant effect on the pharmacokinetics. Following single iv doses of 10 or 50 mg (14)C DCM/kg, dose
dependent metabolism to (14)CO2 and (14)CO and rapid pulmonary clearance of unchanged methylene
chloride (CH2C12) characterized the elimination of DCM from the body. The highest concns of methylene
chloride (CH2C12) were found in the liver, lung and kidney, with > 50% of the total radioactivity in these
tissues represented by the parent compound. When DCM was administered orally in single gavage doses for
14 consecutive days at treatment levels of 50 mg/kg in water or 500 and 1000 mg/kg in corn oil, rapid
absorption and elimination of DCM characterized the treatment in water while distinctly slower trends were
found for the doses in corn oil. No observable pharmacokinetic or metabolic effect resulted from repeated
oral dosing over the 2 wk treatment period.
[Angelo MJ et al; Food Chem Toxicol 24 (9): 965-74 (1986)] **PEER REVIEWED** PubMed
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Radioactivity from (14)C-dichloromethane given orally (8.3 or 26 mmole/kg) to rats was associated
preferentially with hepatic proteins & lipids. Trace amt associated with nucleic acids were also reported.
After incubation of (14)C-dichloromethane with rat hepatic microsomal fractions fortified with NADPH,
metabolites were bound to both lipids & proteins.
[IARC. Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man. Geneva:
World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1972-PRESENT.
(Multivolume work). Available at: p. V41 61 (1986)]
Rats metabolize only 7% of an admin dose of dichloromethane, as much as 5% being converted to carbon
monoxide, & excrete 92% unchanged in the breath.
[Baselt, R.C. Biological Monitoring Methods for Industrial Chemicals. 2nd ed. Littleton,
MA: PSG Publishing Co., Inc. 1988., p. 115] **PEER REVIEWED**
It is inhaled by persons using products containing the ingredient, with up to 75% of the vapor absorbed
through normal respiration. ... Concentrates in the liver and kidneys.
[Sullivan, J.B. Jr., G.R. Krieger (eds.). Hazardous Materials Toxicology-Clinical
Principles of Environmental Health. Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins, 1992., p. 1160]
Following exposure to 200 ppm dichloromethane for 7.5 hr, human subjects eliminated approximately 30%
of the absorbed dose of dichloromethane as carbon monoxide. The elimination of dichloromethane from
the lungs is rapid ...
[Sullivan, J.B. Jr., G.R. Krieger (eds.). Hazardous Materials Toxicology-Clinical
Principles of Environmental Health. Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins, 1992., p. 739]
... Dichloromethane is extensively distributed in the rat, with highest concentrations observed in fat, brain,
liver, kidneys, and adrenal tissue.
[Hayes, W.J., Jr., E.R. Laws, Jr., (eds.). Handbook of Pesticide Toxicology. Volume 2.
Classes of Pesticides. New York, NY: Academic Press, Inc., 1991., p. 672] **PEER
Methylene chloride is well absorbed by the lung (55% retention in rats, 35% in humans).
[Ellenhorn, M.J., S. Schonwald, G. Ordog, J. Wasserberger. Ellenhorn's Medical Toxicology:
Diagnosis and Treatment of Human Poisoning. 2nd ed. Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins,
1997., p. 1465] **PEER REVIEWED**
From the moment of application, dermal absorption of liquid methylene chloride in mice increased linearly
with time at a rate of 0.1 mg/sq cm/min.
[WHO; Environmental Health Criteria 32: Methylene Chloride p.19 (1984)] **PEER REVIEWED**
In women occupationally exposed to an average methylene chloride concentration of 86 mg/cu m, the
compound was found in the placenta, fetus, and breast milk (0.07 mg/l milk average).
[WHO; Environmental Health Criteria 32: Methylene chloride p. 37 (1984)] **PEER REVIEWED**
Mechanism of Action:
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The correlation between biol activity (toxicity and mutagenic effectiveness in Salmonella TA 100) and
reactivity towards strong nucleophiles indicates that reactions with nucleophilic groups of high reactivity in
biological materials, possibly SH or amino groups in proteins, are involved in dichloromethane's mechanism
of action.
[Osterman-Golkar S; Chem Biol Interact 46 (1): 121-30 (1983)] **PEER REVIEWED** PubMed
Increases in the concn of dichloromethane (DCM) lower the oxygen affinity of human hemoglobin as
demonstrated by the shift of the oxygenation curves to higher partial pressures of oxygen and increase in the
p50 (oxygen pressure necessary for fractional saturation of 0.50). Dichloromethane binds weakly to
hemoglobin at four different sites, but binding to only one site is responsible for decreasing the oxygen
affinity of hemoglobin.
[Saxena AM et al; Biochem Biophys Acta 704: 1-6 (1982)] **PEER REVIEWED** PubMed Abstract
The influence of different kinds of industrial solvents on the vestibular function of rats was studied by
recording nystagmus, induced by accelerated rotation. The effect was related to the blood levels of the
solvents. One group of solvents, including halogenated saturated hydrocarbons like dichloromethane, caused
depression of the vestibulo-oculomotor reflex. Another group, including ... halogenated unsaturated
hydrocarbons like 1,2-trichloroethylene caused an excitation of the vestibulo-oculomotor reflex. ... If the
animals were exposed simultaneously to solvents from both groups, the excitatory effect prevailed and was
even potentiated.
[Tham R et al; Acta Pharmacol Toxicol 54 (1): 58-63 (1984)] **PEER REVIEWED**
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The influence of different kinds of industrial solvents on the vestibular function of rats was studied by
recording nystagmus, induced by accelerated rotation. The effect was related to the blood levels of the
solvents. One group of solvents, including halogenated saturated hydrocarbons like dichloromethane, caused
depression of the vestibulo-oculomotor reflex. Another group, including ... halogenated unsaturated
hydrocarbons like 1,2-trichloroethylene caused an excitation of the vestibulo-oculomotor reflex. ... If the
animals were exposed simultaneously to solvents from both groups, the excitatory effect prevailed and was
even potentiated.
[Tham R et al; Acta Pharmacol Toxicol 54 (1): 58-63 (1984)] **PEER REVIEWED**
Environmental Fate & Exposure:
Environmental Fate/Exposure Summary:
Dichloromethane's production and use as solvent, chemical intermediate, grain fumigant, paint stripper and
remover, metal degreaser, and refrigerant may result in its release to the environment through various waste
streams. If released to air, a vapor pressure of 435 mm Hg at 25 deg C indicates dichloromethane will exist
solely as a vapor in the ambient atmosphere. Vapor-phase dichloromethane will be degraded in the
atmosphere by reaction with photochemically-produced hydroxyl radicals; the half-life for this reaction in air
is estimated to be 119 days. It will not be subject to direct photolysis. If released to soil, dichloromethane is
expected to have very high mobility based upon an estimated Koc of 24. Volatilization from moist soil
surfaces is expected to be an important fate process based upon a estimated Henry's Law constant of
3.25X10-3 atm-cu m/mole. Dichloromethane may volatilize from dry soil surfaces based upon its vapor
pressure. Biodegradation in soil may occur based on activated sludge studies. If released into water,
dichloromethane is not expected to adsorb to suspended solids and sediment in water based upon the
estimated Koc. Biodegradation is possible in natural waters but will probably be very slow compared with
evaporation. Volatilization from water surfaces is expected to be an important fate process based upon this
compound's Henry's Law constant. Estimated volatilization half-lives for a model river and model lake are 1
hr and 4 days, respectively. An estimated BCF of 2 suggests the potential for bioconcentration in aquatic
organisms is low. Hydrolysis is not an important degradation process under normal environmental conditions.
Occupational exposure to dichloromethane may occur through inhalation and dermal contact with this
compound at workplaces where dichloromethane is produced or used. The general population may be
exposed to dichloromethane via inhalation of ambient air, ingestion of food and drinking water, and dermal
contact with consumer products, such as paint strippers, which contain dichloromethane. (SRC)
Probable Routes of Human Exposure:
Casting room (1968-1972) - 55-495 ppm; Plastic film factory - 3 year study, 318 samples - 30-5,000 ppm,
627 ppm avg; 1973-1974 study of 7 jobs using dichloromethane: 6 of 7 jobs - 0-74 ppm, chemical plant
0-5,520 ppm(1). Monitoring data suggest that the mean TWA personal exposure to dichloromethane in the
workplace may be in the range of 100-200 ppm or higher from its use in the production of acetyl sulfonyl
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chloride and cellulose acetate/triacetate fibers and during paint stripping operations(2). Dichlormethane
occurred in 40% of the 7705 samples of solvent vapor from a variety of different industries in Norway(3).
The furniture stripping industry employs an estimated 21,000 workers in approximately 4000 small
businesses. Dichloromethane exposure ranged from 300 to >2,100 ppm(4). A ventilation system reduced
this to a geometric mean of 13 ppm(4). Mean level of exposure to dichloromethane in workspace air at a
pharmaceutical factory where this substance is used as a solvent was 50.3 mg/cu m during a 4 hr shift(5). 26
samples of model and hobby glues from 12 different manufacturers in Europe and the US have been found to
contain dichlormethane at concns ranging from 0.004-9.2% w/w(6).
[(1) NIOSH; Criteria for a Recommended Standard Occupational Exposure to Methylene
Chloride NIOSH 76-138 pp. 80-81, 152, 164 (1976) (2) Santodonato J et al; Monograph on
Human Exposure to Chemicals in the Workplace: Methylene Chloride NCI Contract NO. N01-CP-
26002-03 (1985) (3) Fjeldstad PE, Woldbaek T; A National Exposure Database. Spec Publ. Roy
Soc Chem. Natl Inst Occup Helath, Oslo, Norway. 108(Clean Air Work): 303-10 (1992) (4)
Hall RM et al; Appl Occup Environ Hyg 10: 188-95 (1995) (5) Ghittori S et al; Am Ind Hyg
Assoc J 54: 27-31 (1993) (6) Rastogi CS; Bull Environ Contam Toxicol 51: 501-7 (1993)]
Exposure levels between 1-69 mg/cu m (occupational exposure standard of 350 mg/cu m) were detected in 7
U.K. waste disposal facilities(1). Average worker exposure concns ranging between 0 and 25 ug/cu m were
detected at various locations within municipal solid waste composting facilities(2). In Denmark, aerosol
products were analyzed for dichloromethane, in 21 samples of cosmetics a conc of 0.001-0.05%, in 3
samples of household and hobby products a conc of 0.2-4.0%, 3 samples of paint and paint remover, a conc
of 0.02-0.07%, 1 sample of lubricant and anti-rust products, a conc of 55.8%(3). Exposure of
dichloromethane was detected in 15 non-production departments of 3 mills at concns ranging from 6.1 to
100 ppm, median concn of 0 ppm(4).
[(1) Allen MR, et al; Environ Sci Technol 31: 1054-61 (1997) (2) Eitzer BD; Environ Sci
Technol 29: 896-902 (1995) (3) Rastogi SC; Chromatographia 33: 117-21 (1992) (4) Teschke K
et al; Amer Indust Hyg Assoc J 60: 73-83 (1999)] **PEER REVIEWED**
NIOSH (NOES Survey 1981-1983) has statistically estimated that 1,147,425 workers (287,914 of these are
female) are potentially exposed to dichloromethane in the US(1). Occupational exposure to
dichloromethane may occur through inhalation and dermal contact with this compound at workplaces where
dichloromethane is produced or used(SRC). The general population may be exposed to dichloromethane
via inhalation of ambient air, ingestion of food and drinking water, and dermal contact with consumer
products, such as paint strippers(2), soaps, paint, varnish(3) and model and hobby glues(4), which contain
[(1) NIOSH; National Occupational Exposure Survey (NOES) (1983) (2) Chemical Marketing
Reporter; Chemical Profile Methylene Chloride. Nov. 24, 1997. p. 33 NY,NY: Schnell Pub Co
(1997) (3) Allen MR, et al; Environ Sci Technol 31: 1054-61 (1997) (4) Rastogi SC; Bull
Environ Contam Toxicol 51: 501-7 (1993)] **PEER REVIEWED**
Body Burden:
Detected in all 8 samples of mother's milk from 4 urban areas(1). Mother's milk in Soviet women
manufacturing rubber articles - 74 ppb mean in 17 of 28 samples approx 5 hours after start of work, level
declined after termination of work(2). Whole block specimens, 250 subjects, not detected to 25 ppb, 0.7 ppb
avg(3). ppb, 0.7 ppb avg(3). Mean level of dichloromethane present in urine of workers at a pharmaceutical
factory where this substance is used as a solvent was 190.8 ug/l during a 4 hr shift but appears to be nearly
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eliminated during the night break(5).
[(1) Pellizzari ED et al; Bull Environ Contam Toxicol 28: 322-8 (1982) (2) Jensen AA; Res
Rev 89: 1-128 (1983) (3) Antoine SR et al; Bull Environ Contam Toxicol 36: 364-71 (1986)
(4) Ghittori S et al; Am Ind Hyg Assoc J 54: 27-31 (1993)] **PEER REVIEWED**
Artificial Pollution Sources:
Dichloromethane is formed during the chlorination of water.
[IARC. Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man. Geneva:
World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1972-PRESENT.
(Multivolume work). Available at: p. V20 453 (1979)]
Dichloromethane's production and use as a solvent, chemical intermediate, grain fumigant, and
refrigerant(1) may result in its release to the environment through various waste streams(SRC). Air emissions
are probable from dichloromethane's use as a paint stripper and remover, metal degreaser, and to a lesser
extent, as an aerosol(2). Wastewater emissions are primarily from the following industries: Paint and ink,
aluminum forming, coal mining, photographic equipment and supplies, pharmaceutical, organic
chemical/plastics, rubber processing, foundries and laundries(3).
[(1) Budavari S, ed; The Merck Index. 12th ed. Whitehouse Station,NJ: Merck and Co., Inc.
p. 1035 (1996) (2) Chemical Marketing Reporter; Chemical Profile Methylene Chloride. Nov.
24, 1997. p. 33. NY,NY: Schnell Pub Co (1997) (3) USEPA; Treatability Manual
EPA-600/2-82-001A pp. I.12.2-1 to I.12.2-4 (1981)] **PEER REVIEWED**
Environmental Fate:
TERRESTRIAL FATE: Based on a classification scheme(1), an estimated Koc value of 24(SRC), determined
from a structure estimation method(2), indicates that dichloromethane is expected to have very high
mobility in soil(SRC). Volatilization of dichloromethane from moist soil surfaces is expected to be an
important fate process(SRC) given a Henry's Law constant of 3.25X10-3 atm-cu m/mole(3). The potential for
volatilization of dichloromethane from dry soil surfaces may exist(SRC) based upon a vapor pressure of 435
mm Hg(4). Biodegradation in soil may occur based on activated sludge studies(5). Biodegradation of
dichloromethane in contaminated aquifers may occur under nitrate-reducing conditions via oxidation
[(1) Swann RL et al; Res Rev 85: 17-28 (1983) (2) Meylan WM et al; Environ Sci Technol 26:
1560-67 (1992) (3) Leighton DT Jr, Calo JM; J Chem Eng 26: 382-5 (1981) (4) Boublik T et
al; The vapor pressures of pure substances. Vol. 17. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier Sci.
Publ p. 42 (1984) (5) Tabak HH et al; J Water Pollut Control Assoc 53: 1503-18 (1981) (6)
Aronson D, Howard PH; Anaerobic biodegradation of organic chemicals in groundwater: a
summary of field and laboratory studies. Syracuse, NY; Syr Res Corp. S-97-023f. pp. 121-2
(1997)] **PEER REVIEWED**
AQUATIC FATE: Based on a classification scheme(1), an estimated Koc value of 24(SRC), determined from
an estimation method(2), indicates that dichloromethane is not expected to adsorb to suspended solids and
sediment in water(SRC). Volatilization from water surfaces is expected(3) based upon a estimated Henry's
Law constant of 3.25X10-3 atm-cu m/mole(4). Using this Henry's Law constant and an estimation method(3),
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volatilization half-lives for a model river and model lake are 1 hr and 4 days, respectively(SRC). According
to a classification scheme(5), an estimated BCF of 2(SRC), from its log Kow of 1.25(8) and a regression-
derived equation(7), suggests the potential for bioconcentration in aquatic organisms is low. Biodegradation
is possible in natural waters based on sewage studies(9-14) but will probably be very slow compared with
evaporation(15). Biodegradation of dichloromethane in contaminated aquifers may occur under nitrate-
reducing conditions via oxidation pathways(16).
[(1) Swann RL et al; Res Rev 85: 17-28 (1983) (2) Meylan WM et al; Environ Sci Technol 26:
1560-67 (1992) (3) Lyman WJ et al; Handbook of Chemical Property Estimation Methods.
Washington, DC: Amer Chem Soc pp. 4-9, 15-1 to 15-29 (1990) (4) Leighton DT Jr, Calo JM; J
Chem Eng 26: 382-5 (1981) (5) Franke C et al; Chemosphere 29: 1501-14 (1994) (6) Meylan
WM, Howard PH; J Pharm Sci 84: 83-92 (1995) (7) Meylan WM et al; Environ Toxicol Chem 18:
664-72 (1999) (8) Hansch C et al; Exploring QSAR. Hydrophobic, Electronic, and Steric
Constants. ACS Prof Ref Book. Heller SR, consult. ed., Washington, DC: Amer Chem Soc p. 3
(1995) (9) Tabak HH et al; J Water Pollut Control Assoc 53: 1503-18 (1981) (10) Davis EM
et al; Water Res 15: 1125-7 (1981) (11) Rittman BE, McCarthy PL; Appl Environ Microbiol
39: 1225-6 (1980) (12) Klecka GM; Appl Environ Microbiol 44: 701-7 (1982) (13) Stover EL,
Kincannon DF; J Water Pollut Control Fed 55: 97-109 (1983) (14) Gossett JM; Anaerobic
Degradation of C1 and C2 Chlorinated Hydrocarbons. Air Force Eng Serv Cent, Eng Serv Lab.
ESL-TR-85-38 p. 153 (1985) (15) Chodola GR et al; Water Pollut Res J Can 24: 119-42 (1989)
(16) Aronson D, Howard PH; Anaerobic biodegradation of organic chemicals in groundwater: a
summary of field and laboratory studies. Syracuse, NY; Syr Res Corp. S-97-023f. pp. 121-2
(1997)] **PEER REVIEWED**
ATMOSPHERIC FATE: According to a model of gas/particle partitioning of semivolatile organic compounds
in the atmosphere(1), dichloromethane, which has a vapor pressure of 435 mm Hg at 25 deg C(2), is
expected to exist solely as a vapor in the ambient atmosphere. Vapor-phase dichloromethane is degraded in
the atmosphere by reaction with photochemically-produced hydroxyl radicals(SRC); the half-life for this
reaction in air is estimated to be 119 days(SRC), calculated from its rate constant of 1.42X10-13 cu
cm/molecule-sec at 25 deg C(3). A small fraction of the chemical will diffuse to the stratosphere where it will
rapidly degrade by photolysis and reaction with chlorine radicals(4,5).
[(1) Bidleman TF; Environ Sci Technol 22: 361-367 (1988) (2) Boublik T et al; The vapor
pressures of pure substances. Vol. 17. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier Sci. Publ p. 42
(1984) (3) Atkinson R; J Phys Chem Ref Data Monograph 1 (1989) (4) Cox RA et al; Atmos
Environ 10: 305-8 (1976) (5) Spence JW et al; J Air Pollut Control Assoc 76: 994-6 (1976)]
Environmental Biodegradation:
AEROBIC: Dichloromethane is reported to completely biodegrade under aerobic conditions with sewage
seed or activated sludge between 6 hours to 7 days(1-5).
[(1) Tabak HH et al; J Water Pollut Control Assoc 53: 1503-18 (1981) (2) Davis EM et al;
Water Res 15: 1125-7 (1981) (3) Rittman BE, McCarthy PL; Appl Environ Microbiol 39: 1225-6
(1980) (4) Klecka GM; Appl Environ Microbiol 44: 701-7 (1982) (5) Stover EL, Kincannon DF;
J Water Pollut Control Fed 55: 97-109 (1983)] **PEER REVIEWED**
ANAEROBIC: Dichloromethane exhibited 86-92% conversion to carbon dioxide (CO2) after acclimation
using anaerobic digestion in wastewater(1). Under simulated conditions of a landfills, dichloromethane was
degraded at a rate of 0.6 mg/cu A half-life of 11 days has been reported in a 30-60 day laboratory
study using anaerobic groundwater bacteria(3). A rate constant of 0.0064/day, half-life of 108 days, was
observed from an initial dichloromethane concentration of 3500 ug/l over a 906 day period at a
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contaminated methanogenic site in Hawkesbury, Ontario, Canada(4). Biodegradation of dichloromethane in
contaminated aquifers may occur under nitrate-reducing conditions via oxidation pathways(5).
[(1) Gossett JM; Anaerobic Degradation of C1 and C2 Chlorinated Hydrocarbons. Air Force
Eng Serv Cent, Eng Serv Lab. ESL-TR-85-38 p. 153 (1985) (2) Deipser A, Stegmann R; ESPR -
Environ Sci Pollut res 4: 209-16 (1997) (3) Wood PR et al; pp. 493-511 in Ground-water
Quality. Ward CH et al, eds, NY,NY: John Wiley and Sons (1985) (4) Fiorenza S et al; pp.
277-86 in Bioremediation of Chlorinated Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons. Hinchee RE et
al, eds. Boca Raton, FL: Lewis (1994) (5) Aronson D, Howard PH; Anaerobic biodegradation
of organic chemicals in groundwater: a summary of field and laboratory studies. Syracuse,
NY; Syr Res Corp. S-97-023f. pp. 121-2 (1997)] **PEER REVIEWED**
Environmental Abiotic Degradation:
The rate constant for the vapor-phase reaction of dichloromethane with photochemically-produced hydroxyl
radicals has been estimated as 1.42X10-13 cu cm/molecule-sec at 25 deg C(SRC) using a structure estimation
method(1). This corresponds to an atmospheric half-life of about 119 days at an atmospheric concentration of
5X10+5 hydroxyl radicals per cu cm(1). Hydrolysis is not an important degradation process under normal
environmental conditions. The minimum reported half-life for hydrolysis is approximately 18 months(2).
Since dichloromethane does not absorb light >290 nm(3), it will not degrade by direct photolysis in the
troposphere. It does not photodegrade when exposed to sunlight for 1 year in aerated water(1). In the
stratosphere, it would undergo photolysis and also degrade by reaction with Cl radicals(4,5).
Dichloromethane will degrade by reaction with hydroxyl radicals in the troposphere with a half-life of
several months(4,6,7). There is some disparity concerning the photooxidation of dichloromethane in the
presence of nitrogen oxides. One investigator reported 11.5% degradation in 6 hours(8) and another reported
< 5% degradation in the presence of much higher concentrations of nitrogen oxides(9). The importance of
photooxidation is supported by the fact that the highest concentrations of dichloromethane are observed at
night or in the early morning(10).
[(1) Atkinson R; J Phys Chem Ref Data Monograph 1 (1989) (2) Dilling WL et al; Environ Sci
Technol 9: 833-8 (1975) (3) Hubrich C, Stuhl F; J Photochem 12: 93-107 (1980) (4) Cox RA
et al; Atmos Environ 10: 305-8 (1976) (5) Spence JW et al; J Air Pollut Control Assoc 76:
994-6 (1976) (6) Hampson RF; Chemical Kinetic and Photochemical Data Sheets for
Atmospheric Reactions 1 Report FAA-EE-80-17 US Dept of Transportation (1980) (7) Singh HB
et al; Atmos Environ 15: 601-12 (1981) (8) Yanagihara S et al; Photochemical Reactivities
of Hydrocarbons Proceedings of the 4th Clean Air Congress p 472-7 (1977) (9) Dilling WL et
al; Environ Sci Technol 10: 351-6 (1976) (10) Singh HB et al; Environ Sci Technol 16:
872-80 (1982)] **PEER REVIEWED**
Environmental Bioconcentration:
An estimated BCF of 2 was calculated for dichloromethane(SRC), using a log Kow of 1.25(1) and a
regression-derived equation(2). According to a classification scheme(3), this BCF suggests the potential for
bioconcentration in aquatic organisms is low.
[(1) Hansch C et al; Exploring QSAR. Hydrophobic, Electronic, and Steric Constants. ACS
Prof Ref Book. Heller SR, consult. ed., Washington, DC: Amer Chem Soc p. 3 (1995) (2)
Meylan WM et al; Environ Toxicol Chem 18: 664-72 (1999) (3) Franke C et al; Chemosphere
29: 1501-14 (1994)] **PEER REVIEWED**
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Soil Adsorption/Mobility:
Using a structure estimation method based on molecular connectivity indices(1), the Koc for
dichloromethane can be estimated to be 24(SRC). According to a classification scheme(2), this estimated
Koc value suggests that dichloromethane is expected to have very high mobility in soil. It is adsorbed
strongly to peat moss, less strongly to clay, only slightly to dolomite limestone, and not at all to sand(3).
[(1) Meylan WM et al; Environ Sci Technol 26: 1560-67 (1992) (2) Swann RL et al; Res Rev
85: 17-28 (1983) (3) Dilling WL et al; Environ Sci Technol 9: 838-8 (1975)] **PEER
Volatilization from Water/Soil:
The Henry's Law constant for dichloromethane is 3.25X10-3 atm-cu m/mole(1). This Henry's Law constant
indicates that dichloromethane is expected to volatilize rapidly from water surfaces(2). Based on this
Henry's Law constant, the volatilization half-life from a model river (1 m deep, flowing 1 m/sec, wind
velocity of 3 m/sec)(2) is estimated as 1 hour(SRC). The volatilization half-life from a model lake (1 m deep,
flowing 0.05 m/sec, wind velocity of 0.5 m/sec)(2) is estimated as 4 days(SRC). Half-lives for the
evaporation from water of 3-5.6 hours have been determined at moderate mixing conditions(2-4). When
released into an estuarine bay, all the chemical dissipated within 4 km of the release point in the spring and
within 8 km in the winter under ice(5). Dichloromethane's Henry's Law constant(1) indicates that
volatilization from moist soil surfaces may occur(SRC). The potential for volatilization of dichloromethane
from dry soil surfaces may exist(SRC) based upon a vapor pressure of 435 mm Hg(3).
[(1) Leighton DT Jr, Calo JM; J Chem Eng 26: 382-5 (1981) (2) Lyman WJ et al; Handbook of
Chemical Property Estimation Methods. Washington, DC: Amer Chem Soc pp. 15-1 to 15-29
(1990) (3) Boublik T et al; The vapor pressures of pure substances. Vol. 17. Amsterdam,
Netherlands: Elsevier Sci. Publ p. 42 (1984) (4) Rathbun RE, Tai DY; Water Res 15: 243-50
(1981) (45) Helz GR, Hsu RY; Limnol Oceanogr 23: 858-69 (1978)] **PEER REVIEWED**
Environmental Water Concentrations:
GROUNDWATER: Ground water near 43 Finish landfills was analyzed for dichloromethane and a median
concn of 39 ug/l and a maximum concn of 1,600 ug/l were reported(1). Dichloromethane was detected in
groundwater samples collected from Japan in 1991 at a concn of <0.10 ppb(2). Dichloromethane was
detected in groundwater samples collected from the Biscayne Aquifer Superfund site, Florida at a maximum
concn of 20 ug/l for the entire study area, 6.4 ug/l in the well fields(3).
[(1) Assmuth TW, Strandberg T; Water Air Soil Poll 69: 179-99 (1993) (2) Yamasaki T et al;
Wat Sci Tech 25: 33-39 (1992) (3) Canter LW, Sabatini DA; Intern J Environ Stud 46: 35-57
(1994)] **PEER REVIEWED**
DRINKING WATER: Dichloromethane was detected in the following supply systems: 30 Canadian Water
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Treatment Facilities - 50% positive - 10 ppb, avg, 50 ppb max (summer), 30% pos, 3 ppb avg, 50 ppb max
(winter)(1); 10 State survey drinking water from groundwater sources - 2% pos, 3600 ppb max, max surface
water conc 13 ppb(2); EPA Region V Survey (83 sites in 5 states: MN, WI, IL, IN, OH) - 8% pos, 1-7 ppb(3),
National Organics Monitoring Survey (1976) - 15 of 109 samples positive, 6.1 ppb, mean of positive
samples(3). Dichloromethane was detected in 4 of 182 bottled water samples collected from Canada at
concns ranging from 22 to 97 ug/kg, with an average concn of 59 ug/kg(4).
[(1) Otson R et al; J Assoc Offic Analyt Chem 65: 1370-4 (1982) (2) Dyksen JE, Hess AF
III; J Amer Water Works Assoc 74: 394-403 (1982) (3) USEPA; Ambient Water Quality Criteria
for Halomethanes USEPA-440/5-80-051 p. C-6 to C-17 (1980) (4) Page RD et al; J AOAC Inter
76: 26-31 (1993)] **PEER REVIEWED**
SURFACE WATER: Dichloromethane was detected in water samples collected from 30 sites along selected
rivers in Osaka, Japan between August 1993 and February 1995 at a concn of 134 ug/l(1). Dichloromethane
was detected in river water samples collected from Japan in 1991 at a concn of 0.38 ppb(2).
[(1) Yamamoto K et al; Environ Poll 95: 135-43 (1997) (2) Yamasaki T et al; Wat Sci Tech
25: 33-39 (1992)] **PEER REVIEWED**
RAIN/SNOW/FOG: Dichloromethane was detected in rain water samples collected from Japan in 1991 at a
concn of <0.10 ppb in urban and rural areas(1).
[(1) Yamasaki T, et al; Wat Sci Tech 25: 33-39 (1992)] **PEER REVIEWED**
Effluent Concentrations:
Weser R, Germany - 72-179 ppb(1). Industries in which wastewater exceeded an avg of 1000 ppb: Coal
mining, aluminum forming, photographic equipment and supplies, pharmaceutical mfg, organic chemical/
plastics mfg, paint and ink formulation, rubber processing, foundries, and laundries(2). Max concn measured
was 210,000 ppb in paint and ink industry and aluminum forming(2). Outfalls from 4 municipal treatment
plants in southern California with primary or secondary treatment - random samples - < 10 to 400 ppb(3).
USEPA STORET database, 1,480 data points, 38.8% pos, 10.0 ppb median(4). USA, 178 CERCLA
hazardous waste disposal sites, 19.2% pos(5). Minnesota municipal solid waste landfills, leachates, 6 sites,
66.7% pos, 64-1300 ppb, contaminated groundwater (by inorganic indices), 13 sites, 53.8% pos, 1-250 ppb,
other groundwater (apparently not contaminated as indicated by inorganic indices), 7 sites, 14.3% pos,
2.1-3.9 ppb(6). 1987 SARA data report an avg emission for dichloromethane of 465 tons/yr(7).
Dichloromethane was detected not quantified in 1 of 4 biodegradable waste samples and 1 of 7 mixed
household waste samples collected in Copenhagen, Denmark(8).
[(1) Von Dueszeln et al; Z Wasser Abwasser Forsch 15: 272-6 (1982) (2) USEPA; Treatability
Manual USEPA-600/2-82-001A pp. I.12.2-1 to I.12.2-4 (1981) (3) Young DR et al; Water
Chlorination: Environ Impact Health Effect 4 (Book 2): 871-4 (1983) (4) Staples CA et al
Environ Technol Chem 4: 131-42 (1985) (5) Plumb RH Jr; Ground Water Monit Rev 7: 94-100
(1987) (6) Sabel GV, Clark TP; Waste Manag Res 2: 119-30 (1984) (7) LaGrone SF; Environ
Sci Technol 25: 366-8 (1991) (8) Wilkins K et al; Chemosphere 29: 47-53 (1994)] **PEER
In 7 U.K. waste disposal facilities, concns of dichloromethane were found to range between 1 and 85 ug/cu
m(1). Air samples were taken from 4 municipal landfill sites (3 old, 1 active) in southern Finland between
1989 and 1990, 100-250 meters from housing, concns ranged between 0.8-112 ug/cu m(2). Leachate samples
taken from 3 hazardous wastes sites in Germany showed concns of dichloromethane ranging between 70
and 200,000 ug/l(3). In 1989, Dichloromethane was detected in air samples collected at 6 different sites, in 3
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separate campaigns from sources such as vehicle exhaust, gasoline vapor, natural gas, industrial solvents, and
drycleaning/ degreasing/wastewater at concns ranging from 0 to 48 ug/cu m, with an average of 1.5 ug/cu
m(4). The City of Los Angelels was required to to prepare air toxics emissions inventories on its 4 waste
water treatment plants; following are the concns of dichloromethane found at each plant: Hyperion, 4,337
kg/yr; Terminal Island, 249 kg/yr; Tillman, 600 kg/yr; LA-Glendale, 444 kg/yr(5). Air samples from 8 solid
waste composting facilities indicated maximum concns of dichloromethane to be: 260 ug/cu m (all
samples), 12 ug/cu m (non-carboy), 174,000 ug/cu m (TLV-TWA)(6). Dichloromethane was detected in 507
of 1159 products sampled for volatile organic compounds, average concns ranged from 0.1 wt% to 74.3
wt%(7). Dichloromethane was detected in 26 of 168 wastewater samples collected from 14 of NYCs
water pollution control plants between 1989 and 1993 at concns ranging from 2 to 29 mg/l(8).
Dichloromethane was detected, not quantified in air samples from the following sources: paint remover; an
auto part shop; 8 of 31 samples from frangrance products; 14 of 15 samples taken from
microenvironments(9). Dichloromethane was detected in emissions from heated roofing asphalt samples
collected in 1990 at average gaseous concns ranging from 0 to 0.5126 ug/cu m, average emissions per area
ranged from 0 to 7873 ug/sq m-hr (10). Dichloromethane was detected in off-gas air samples collected from
2 Ontario waste water treatment plants at concns ranging from 333 to 1,158 ug/cu m; concns from water
samples ranged from 7.2 to 18.0 ug/l; estimated emission rates were 343 and 1,252 g/d(11).
Dichloromethane was detected not quantified in 157 groundwater samples collected from 479 US waste
disposal sites in 10 EPA regions(12).
[(1) Allen MR et al; Environ Sci Technol 31: 1054-61 (1997) (2) Assmuth T,Kalevi K;
Chemosphere 24: 1207-16 (1992) (3) Brack W, et al; Environ Toxicol Chem 17: 982-91 (1998)
(4) Mukund R et al; Atmos Environ 30: 3457-70 (5) Mayer GJ; Waste Water Res 66: 140- 44
(1994) (6) Eitzer BD; Environ Sci Technol 29: 896-902 (1995) (7) Sack TM et al; Atmos
Environ 26A: 1063-70 (1992) (8) Stubin AI et al; Water Environ Res 68: 1037-44 (1996) (9)
USEPA; Identification of polar volatile organic compounds in consumer products and common
microenvironments p.1-14 USEPA-600/D-91/074 (1991) (10) USEPA; Evaluation of VOC emissions
from heated roofing asphalt p.1-56 USEPA-600/2-91-061 (1991) (11) Bell J et al; Water
Environ Res 65: 708-16 (1993) (12) Barbee GC; Ground Water Monit Rem 14: 129-450 (1994)]
Sediment/Soil Concentrations:
SEDIMENT: Bottom sediment near sewage outfall - Southern California - <4 ppb. In Lake Pontchartrain,
New Orleans: 1.5 ppb wet weight in sediment from Inner Harbor Navigation Canal; 3.2 ppb in sediment from
Chef Monteur Pass; and not detected in sediment from Rigolets(1-2). USEPA STORET database, 338 data
points, 20.0% pos, 13.0 ppb median(3). Dichloromethane was not detected in sediments which were
collected from mouths of several rivers and a port in Niigata Prefecture, Japan in September, 1995, detection
limit= 120 ng/g(4).
[(1) Young DR et al; Water Chlorination: Environ Impact Health Effect 4 (Book 2): 871-4
(1983) (2) Ferrario JB et al; Bull Environ Contam Toxicol 34: 246-55 (1985) (3) Staples CA
et al; Environ Toxicol Chem 4: 131-42 (1985) (4) Kawata K et al; Bull Environ Contam
Toxicol 58: 893-900 (1997)] **PEER REVIEWED**
Atmospheric Concentrations:
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SOURCE DOMINATED: Avg of 127 samples - 270 parts per trillion(1), 11 - highly industrialized locations -
10-74,000 parts per trillion(2); Industrial sites in Newark, Elizabeth and Camden, NJ (Summer 1981) -
230-720 parts per trillion geometric mean, 10.2 ppb max(3). Estimated U.K. emmissions in 1990 showed a
concn of 0.40% dichloromethane (by mass distribution)(4). In southern California and the Los Angeles area,
1.7% of total organic gas emissions was dichloromethane, due to industrial adhesive activities(5). 7-24% of
dichloromethane was detected in approximately 50 air samples collected from the Lamato Reserve in Ivory
Coast between Feb 9 and 18, 1991 and also from the Kruger national Park in South Africa between Sept 18
and 24, 1992(6). Dichloromethane was detected in air samples collected from 6 municipal solid waste sites
in Hamburg, Germany at concns ranging from 0.01 to 2.68 mg/kg(7). Max concn in gas from a lab anaerobic
digester was 30 mg/N-cu m, leachate concentration was 0.4 mg/l(7).
[(1) Brodzinsky R, Singh HB; Volatile Organic Chemicals in the Atmosphere: An Assessment
of Available Data SRI Contract 68-02-3452 (1982) (2) Pellizzari ED; Quantification of
Chlorinated Hydrocarbons in Previously Collected Air Samples USEPA-450/3-78-112 (1978) (3)
Harkov R et al; J Air Pollut Control Assoc 33: 1177-83 (1983) (4) Derwent RG; p. 1-15 in
Issues in Environmental Science and Technology; Hester RE, Harrison RM, eds (1995) (5)
Harley RA et al; Environ Sci Technol 26:2395-2408 (1992) (6) Rudolph J et al; Comm Eur
Communities 1: 424-30 (1994) (7) Deipser A, Stegmann R; Waste Manag Res 12: 129-39 (1994)]
URBAN/SUBURBAN: 11 sites - 414-3751 parts per trillion avg; 12,000 parts per trillion max(2-4); avg of
718 samples - 630 parts per trillion(1). 1987 SARA data report an avg ambient atmospheric concn for
dichlormethane from 1987 to 1988 of 2.0 ppb-v(5). A mean concn of 0.5 ug/cu m of dichloromethane was
detected in 2966 air samples collected from 78 sites in populated areas of the US(6). Dichloromethane was
detected in 24 of 38 ambient air samples collected from Porto Alegre between March 20, 1996 and April 16,
1997 at concns ranging from 0.1 to 2.4 ppb, 0.513 +/- 0.586(7). Dichloromethane was detected in 10
ambient air samples collected from Boston, Chicago, Houston and the Seattle/Tacoma area in 1988 at concns
ranging between 0.29 to 0.42 ppbv(8). Dichloromethane was detected in air samples collected from 4
representative areas in Arizona between 1994 and 1996 with average concns ranging from 0.61 to 1.62
ppbv(9). Dichloromethane was detected in air samples collected from California, Houston, TX and Denver,
CO between Feb 1984 and December 1985 at concns ranging from 71 to 10,310 parts per trillion, with a
mean value of 1688 parts per trillion(10).
[(1) Brodzinsky R, Singh HB; Volatile Organic Chemicals in the Atmosphere: An Assessment
of Available Data SRI Contract 68-02-3452 (1982) (2) Singh HB et al; Atmospheric
Measurements of Selected Hazardous Organic Chemicals USEPA-600/5-3-81-032 (1981) (3) Singh
HB et al; Environ Sci Technol 16: 872-80 (1982) (4) Singh HB et al; Atmos Environ 15:
601-12 (1981) (5) LaGrone SF; Environ Sci Technol 25: 366-8 (1991) (6) Kelly TJ et al;
Environ Sci Technol 28: 378A-387A (1994) (7) Grosjean E et al; Environ Sci Technol 33:
1970-78 (1999) (8) Evans GF et al; J Air Waste Manage Assoc 42: 1319-23 (1992) (9)
Zielinska B et al; J Air Waste Manage Assoc 48: 1038-50 (1998) (10) Singh HB et al; Atmos
Environ 26A: 2929-46 (1992)] **PEER REVIEWED**
RURAL/REMOTE: Global 32 parts per trillion; Northern Hemisphere - 44 parts per trillion. Southern
Hemisphere - 20 parts per trillion(1). (5 samples) - 45 parts per trillion(2); Weighted avg for
dichloromethane (parts/trillion): Eastern Pacific Ocean: Northern hemisphere, 38, Southern hemisphere, 21;
global avg, 29(3). Estimates of global atmospheric emissions of dichloromethane calculated from air
samples taken yearly between 1988 and 1992 decreased from 592,000 to 513,000 metric tonnes; concns for
geographical regions included: North America - 167,000-179,000 metric tonnes/yr, Europe -
135,000-187,000 metric tonnes/yr, Far East - 94,000-103,000 metric tonnes/yr, Northern Hemisphere
mid-latitudes - 41,000-79,000 metric tonnes/yr, Northern Hemisphere tropical - 43,000-52,000 metric
tonnes/yr, Total Northern Hemisphere - 494,000-573,000 metric tonnes/yr, Southern Hemisphere -
16,000-22,000 metric tonnes/yr(4). Reported and accepted odor threshold values of dichloromethane from
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various air samples and sources showed concns ranging from 500 to 790 ug/cu m, unreviewed sources
reported concns of 0.2 to 1.4 ug/l(5). Dichloromethane was detected in air samples collected from Japan
between December 1990 and January 1991 at a concn of <0.1 ppb(6).
[(1) Singh HB et al; Atmospheric Distributions, Sources and Sinks of Selected Halocarbons,
Hydrocarbons, SF6 and H2O USEPA-600/3-79-107 p. 4 (1979) (2) Brodzinsky R, Singh HB;
Volatile Organic Chemicals in the Atmosphere: An Assessment of Available Data SRI Contract
68-02-3452 (1982) (3) Singh HB et al; J Geophys Res 88: 3675-83 (1983) (4) McCulloch A,
Midgley PM; Atmos Environ 30: 601-8 (1996) (5) USEPA; Reference Guide to Odor Thresholds
for Hazardous Air Pollutants Listed in the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 p. 2-25 USEPA-
600/R-92/047 (1992) (6) Yamasaki T et al; Wat Sci Tech 25: 33-39 (1992)] **PEER REVIEWED**
INDOOR: Dichloromethane was detected in ambient air samples collected from a new federal office
building in Portland, Oregon between August 1987 and October 1988 at concns ranging from 2.6 to 119.7
ug/cu m(1). Dichloromethane was detected in indoor air samples collected from the Netherlands, the USA
and Germany at concns less than 10 ug/cu m(2). Dichloromethane was detected in 41 of 101 indoor air
samples collected from several dwellings in several countries between 1978 and 1990 at an average
maximum concn of 170 ug/cu m(3).
[(1) Hodgson AT et al; Air Waste Manag Assoc 41: 1461-68 (1991) (2) Crump DR; Issues
Environ Sci Technol 4: 109-24 (1995) (3) Brown SK et al; Indoor Air 4:123-34 (1994)]
Food Survey Values:
Dichloromethane was detected in intermediate grain based food (1984); 9 varieties, 77.8% pos, 1.9-30 ppb
(max concn in bleached flour, followed by a fudge brownie mix; wheat, corn, oats (1984), 10, 2, and 1
samples, respectivley: not detected(1). Table ready foods: 19 varieties, 42% pos, 1.4-71 ppb; max concn in
cheddar cheese; butter, 7 samples, 100% pos; 1.1-280 ppb; margarine, 7 samples, 100% pos, 1.2-81 ppb;
cheese, 4 types 8 samples, 100% pos, 3.9-98 ppb, max concn in Parmesan cheese(2).
[(1) Heikes DL, Hopper ML; J Assoc Off Anal Chem 69: 990-8 (1986) (2) Heikes DL; J Assoc
Off Anal Chem 70: 215-26 (1987)] **PEER REVIEWED**
Fish/Seafood Concentrations:
Bottomfish, Commencement Bay and adjacent waterways, Tacoma, WA 1982, highest avg level, 0.53 ppm,
highest level 0.7 ppm dichloromethane(1). Lake Pontachartrain, New Orleans: oysters from Inner Harbor
Navigation Canal, 7.8 ng/g (ppb) wet weight; clams from Chef Manteur Pass, 27 ppb; clams from Rigolets,
4.5 ppb(2).
[(1) Nicola RM; J Environ Health 49: 342-7 (1987) (2) Ferrario JB et al; Bull Environ
Contam Toxicol 34: 246-55 (1985)] **PEER REVIEWED**
Milk Concentrations:
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Dichloromethane was detected in all 8 samples of mother's milk from 4 urban areas(1). Mother's milk in
Soviet women manufacturing rubber articles - 74 ppb mean in 17 of 28 samples approx 5 hours after start of
work, level declined after termination of work(2).
[(1) Pellizzari ED et al; Bull Environ Contam Toxicol 28: 322-8 (1982) (2) Jense AA; Res
Rev 89: 1-128 (1983)] **PEER REVIEWED**
Environmental Standards & Regulations:
FIFRA Requirements:
Dichloromethane is exempted from the requirement of a tolerance when used as a solvent or cosolvent in
accordance with good agricultural practice as inert (or occasionally active) ingredients in pesticide
formulations applied to growing crops only.
[40 CFR 180.1001(d) (7/1/99)] **PEER REVIEWED**
As the federal pesticide law FIFRA directs, EPA is conducting a comprehensive review of older pesticides to
consider their health and environmental effects and make decisions about their future use. Under this
pesticide reregistration program, EPA examines health and safety data for pesticide active ingredients initially
registered before November 1, 1984, and determines whether they are eligible for reregistration. In addition,
all pesticides must meet the new safety standard of the Food Quality Protection Act of 1996. Pesticides for
which EPA had not issued Registration Standards prior to the effective date of FIFRA, as amended in 1988,
were divided into three lists based upon their potential for human exposure and other factors, with List B
containing pesticides of greater concern and List D pesticides of less concern. Methylene chloride is found
on List C. Case No: 3090; Pesticide type: insecticide; Case Status: No products containing the pesticide are
actively registered ... The case /is characterized/ as "cancelled." Under FIFRA, pesticide producers may
voluntarily cancel their registered products. EPA also may cancel pesticide registrations if registrants fail to
pay required fees or make/meet certain reregistration commitments, or if EPA reaches findings of
unreasonable adverse effects.; Active ingredient (AI): Methylene chloride; AI Status: The active ingredient
is no longer contained in any registered pesticide products ... "cancelled."
[USEPA/OPP; Status of Pesticides in Registration, Reregistration and Special Review p.263
(Spring, 1998) EPA 738-R-98-002] **PEER REVIEWED**
TSCA Requirements:
Pursuant to section 8(d) of TSCA, EPA promulgated a model Health and Safety Data Reporting Rule. The
section 8(d) model rule requires manufacturers, importers, and processors of listed chemical substances and
mixtures to submit to EPA copies and lists of unpublished health and safety studies. Dichloromethane is
included on this list.
[40 CFR 716.120 (7/1/99)] **PEER REVIEWED**
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CERCLA Reportable Quantities:
Persons in charge of vessels or facilities are required to notify the National Response Center (NRC)
immediately, when there is a release of this designated hazardous substance, in an amount equal to or greater
than its reportable quantity of 1000 lb or 454 kg. The toll free number of the NRC is (800) 424-8802; In the
Washington D.C. metropolitan area (202) 426-2675. The rule for determining when notification is required is
stated in 40 CFR 302.4 (section IV. D.3.b).
[40 CFR 302.4 (7/1/99)] **PEER REVIEWED**
RCRA Requirements:
F002; When dichloromethane is a spent solvent, it is classified as a hazardous waste from a nonspecific
source (F002), as stated in 40 CFR 261.31, and must be managed according to state and/or federal hazardous
waste regulations.
[40 CFR 261.31 (7/1/99)] **PEER REVIEWED**
U080; As stipulated in 40 CFR 261.33, when dichloromethane, as a commercial chemical product or
manufacturing chemical intermediate or an off-specification commercial chemical product or a
manufacturing chemical intermediate, becomes a waste, it must be managed according to Federal and/or State
hazardous waste regulations. Also defined as a hazardous waste is any residue, contaminated soil, water, or
other debris resulting from the cleanup of a spill, into water or on dry land, of this waste. Generators of small
quantities of this waste may qualify for partial exclusion from hazardous waste regulations (40 CFR 261.5).
[40 CFR 261.33 (7/1/99)] **PEER REVIEWED**
Atmospheric Standards:
This action promulgates standards of performance for equipment leaks of Volatile Organic Compounds
(VOC) in the Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry (SOCMI). The intended effect of these
standards is to require all newly constructed, modified, and reconstructed SOCMI process units to use the
best demonstrated system of continuous emission reduction for equipment leaks of VOC, considering costs,
non air quality health and environmental impact and energy requirements. Methylene chloride is produced,
as an intermediate or a final product, by process units covered under this subpart.
[40 CFR 60.489 (7/1/99)] **PEER REVIEWED**
Methylene chloride has been designated as a hazardous air pollutant under section 112 of the Clean Air Act.
[40 CFR 61.01 (7/1/99)] **PEER REVIEWED**
Clean Water Act Requirements:
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Toxic pollutant designated pursuant to section 307(a)(1) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act and is
subject to effluent limitations. /Halomethanes/
[40 CFR 401.15 (7/1/99)] **QC REVIEWED**
The maximum contaminant level (MCL) set forth by the National Revised Primary Drinking Water
Regulations for the organic contaminant dichloromethane in community and non-transient, non-community
water systems is 0.005 mg/l.
[40 CFR 141.61 (7/1/99)] **QC REVIEWED**
Federal Drinking Water Standards:
EPA 5 ug/l
[USEPA/Office of Water; Federal-State Toxicology and Risk Analysis Committee (FSTRAC).
Summary of State and Federal Drinking Water Standards and Guidelines (11/93) To Present]
State Drinking Water Standards:
(NJ) NEW JERSEY 2 ug/l
[USEPA/Office of Water; Federal-State Toxicology and Risk Analysis Committee (FSTRAC).
Summary of State and Federal Drinking Water Standards and Guidelines (11/93) To Present]
State Drinking Water Guidelines:
(AZ) ARIZONA 4.7 ug/l
[USEPA/Office of Water; Federal-State Toxicology and Risk Analysis Committee (FSTRAC).
Summary of State and Federal Drinking Water Standards and Guidelines (11/93) To Present]
[USEPA/Office of Water; Federal-State Toxicology and Risk Analysis Committee (FSTRAC).
Summary of State and Federal Drinking Water Standards and Guidelines (11/93) To Present]
(ME) MAINE 47 ug/l
[USEPA/Office of Water; Federal-State Toxicology and Risk Analysis Committee (FSTRAC).
Summary of State and Federal Drinking Water Standards and Guidelines (11/93) To Present]
[USEPA/Office of Water; Federal-State Toxicology and Risk Analysis Committee (FSTRAC).
55 of 89 9/4/2014 10:26 AM
Summary of State and Federal Drinking Water Standards and Guidelines (11/93) To Present]
FDA Requirements:
Certification of this color additive when used as an ink for marking fruit and vegetables is not necessary for
the protection of the public health, and therefore batches thereof are exempt from the certification pursuant to
section 721(c) of the act. Restriction: No residues.
[21 CFR 73.1 (4/1/99)] **PEER REVIEWED**
Dichloromethane is an indirect food additive for use only as a component of adhesives.
[21 CFR 175.105 (4/1/99)] **PEER REVIEWED**
Allowable Tolerances:
Dichloromethane is exempted from the requirement of a tolerance when used as a solvent or cosolvent in
accordance with good agricultural practice as inert (or occasionally active) ingredients in pesticide
formulations applied to growing crops only.
[40 CFR 180.1001(d) (7/1/99)] **PEER REVIEWED**
Chemical/Physical Properties:
Molecular Formula:
Molecular Weight:
[Budavari, S. (ed.). The Merck Index - An Encyclopedia of Chemicals, Drugs, and
Biologicals. Whitehouse Station, NJ: Merck and Co., Inc., 1996., p. 1035] **PEER
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Colorless liquid [Note: A gas above 104 degrees F].
[Budavari, S. (ed.). The Merck Index - An Encyclopedia of Chemicals, Drugs, and
Biologicals. Whitehouse Station, NJ: Merck and Co., Inc., 1996., p. 1035] **PEER
Sweet, pleasant odor, like chloroform
[U.S. Coast Guard, Department of Transportation. CHRIS - Hazardous Chemical Data. Volume
II. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1984-5.] **PEER REVIEWED**
Chloroform like odor.
[NIOSH. NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards. DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 94-116.
Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, June 1994., p. 208] **PEER REVIEWED**
Boiling Point:
39.75 deg C @ 760 mm Hg
[Budavari, S. (ed.). The Merck Index - An Encyclopedia of Chemicals, Drugs, and
Biologicals. Whitehouse Station, NJ: Merck and Co., Inc., 1996., p. 1035] **PEER
Melting Point:
-95 deg C
[Budavari, S. (ed.). The Merck Index - An Encyclopedia of Chemicals, Drugs, and
Biologicals. Whitehouse Station, NJ: Merck and Co., Inc., 1996., p. 1035] **PEER
Liquid methylene chloride will attack some forms of plastics, rubber and coatings.
[Mackison, F. W., R. S. Stricoff, and L. J. Partridge, Jr. (eds.). NIOSH/OSHA -
Occupational Health Guidelines for Chemical Hazards. DHHS(NIOSH) Publication No. 81-123 (3
VOLS). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, Jan. 1981., p. 2] **PEER
57 of 89 9/4/2014 10:26 AM
Critical Temperature & Pressure:
Critical temperature: 510 K; critical pressure: 6.10 MPa
[Lide, D.R. (ed.). CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. 79th ed. Boca Raton, FL: CRC
Press Inc., 1998-1999., p. 6-49] **PEER REVIEWED**
Density/Specific Gravity:
1.3255 20 deg C/4 deg C
[Budavari, S. (ed.). The Merck Index - An Encyclopedia of Chemicals, Drugs, and
Biologicals. Whitehouse Station, NJ: Merck and Co., Inc., 1996., p. 1035] **PEER
Heat of Vaporization:
28.82 kJ/mol at 25 deg C ; 28.06 kJ/mol at boiling point
[Lide, D.R. (ed.). CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. 79th ed. Boca Raton, FL: CRC
Press Inc., 1998-1999., p. 6-104] **PEER REVIEWED**
Octanol/Water Partition Coefficient:
log Kow= 1.25
[Hansch, C., Leo, A., D. Hoekman. Exploring QSAR - Hydrophobic, Electronic, and Steric
Constants. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society., 1995., p. 3] **PEER REVIEWED**
Miscible with alcohol, ether, dimethylformamide
[Budavari, S. (ed.). The Merck Index - An Encyclopedia of Chemicals, Drugs, and
Biologicals. Whitehouse Station, NJ: Merck and Co., Inc., 1996., p. 1035] **PEER
Miscible in ethanol and ethyl ether; soluble in carbon tetrachloride
[Lide, D.R. (ed.). CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. 79th ed. Boca Raton, FL: CRC
Press Inc., 1998-1999., p. 3-206] **PEER REVIEWED**
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13,000 mg/l at 25 deg C in water
[Horvath AL; Halogenated Hydrocarbons: Solubility-Miscibility With Water NY: Marcel Dekker
(1982)] **PEER REVIEWED**
Spectral Properties:
Index of refraction: 1.4244 @ 20 deg C/D
[Budavari, S. (ed.). The Merck Index - An Encyclopedia of Chemicals, Drugs, and
Biologicals. Whitehouse Station, NJ: Merck and Co., Inc., 1996., p. 1035] **PEER
IR: 4354 (Coblentz Society Spectral Collection)
[Weast, R.C. and M.J. Astle. CRC Handbook of Data on Organic Compounds. Volumes I and II.
Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press Inc. 1985., p. V1 840] **PEER REVIEWED**
NMR: 6401 (Sadtler Research Laboratories Spectral Collection)
[Weast, R.C. and M.J. Astle. CRC Handbook of Data on Organic Compounds. Volumes I and II.
Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press Inc. 1985., p. V1 840] **PEER REVIEWED**
MASS: 117 (Atlas of Mass Spectral Data, John Wiley & Sons, New York)
[Weast, R.C. and M.J. Astle. CRC Handbook of Data on Organic Compounds. Volumes I and II.
Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press Inc. 1985., p. V1 840] **PEER REVIEWED**
IR PRISM: 6620 (gas), 1011, IR GRATING: 28523
[IARC. Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man. Geneva:
World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1972-PRESENT.
(Multivolume work). Available at: p. V41 44 (1986)]
Intense mass spectral peaks: 49 m/z, 84 m/z
[Pfleger, K., H. Maurer and A. Weber. Mass Spectral and GC Data of Drugs, Poisons and
their Metabolites. Parts I and II. Mass Spectra Indexes. Weinheim, Federal Republic of
Germany. 1985., p. 81] **PEER REVIEWED**
Surface Tension:
28.12 dyne/cm at 20 deg C.
[WHO; Environ Health Criteria: Methylene Chloride p.11 (1984)] **PEER REVIEWED**
Vapor Density:
2.93 (Air=1.02)
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[Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. 4th ed. Volumes 1: New York, NY. John
Wiley and Sons, 1991-Present., p. V5 (93) 1042] **PEER REVIEWED**
Vapor Pressure:
435 mm Hg at 25 deg C
[Boublik, T., Fried, V., and Hala, E., The Vapour Pressures of Pure Substances. Second
Revised Edition. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1984.] **PEER REVIEWED**
Relative Evaporation Rate:
71 (Ether= 100)
[McGovern EW; Ind Eng Chem 35: 1230-9 (1943)] **PEER REVIEWED**
0.43 mPa.s @ 20 deg C
[Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. 4th ed. Volumes 1: New York, NY. John
Wiley and Sons, 1991-Present., p. V5 (92) 1042] **PEER REVIEWED**
Other Chemical/Physical Properties:
1 PPM IN AIR= 3.48 MG/CU M @ 25 DEG C, 760 TORR
[Clayton, G.D., F.E. Clayton (eds.) Patty's Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology. Volumes 2A,
2B, 2C, 2D, 2E, 2F: Toxicology. 4th ed. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons Inc., 1993-1994.,
p. 4035] **PEER REVIEWED**
Conversion factor: 720 mg/cu m= 200 ppm
[Cleland, J.G., G.L. Kingsbury. Multimedia Environmental Goals for Environmental
Assessment. Volume 1. EPA-600/7-77-136a. Research Triangle Park, NC: EPA, Nov. 1977., p.
[U.S. Coast Guard, Department of Transportation. CHRIS - Hazardous Chemical Data. Volume
II. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1984-5.] **PEER REVIEWED**
Heat of fusion: 6.00 kJ/mol
[Lide, D.R. (ed.). CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. 79th ed. Boca Raton, FL: CRC
Press Inc., 1998-1999., p. 6-122] **PEER REVIEWED**
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Heat of melting: 1.1 kcal/mole (@ bp); Heat of sublimation: 6.94 kcal/mole @ 298 K; Specific heat: 14.24
cal/K/mole @ 400 K, 17.30 cal/K/mole @ 600 K, 19.32 cal/K/mole @ 800 K, 20.76 cal/K/mole @ 1000 K
[Dean, J.A. Handbook of Organic Chemistry. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1987., p.
Enthalpy of formation: -29.80 kcal/mole (liq), -22.80 kcal/mole (gas); Gibbs free energy of formation: -16.83
kcal/mole (liq), -16.46 kcal/mole (gas); heat capacity: 12.16 cal/deg/mole (gas)
[Dean, J.A. Handbook of Organic Chemistry. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1987., p.
[IARC. Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man. Geneva:
World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1972-PRESENT.
(Multivolume work). Available at: p. V20 450 (1979)]
Ionization potential: 11.35 eV
[NIOSH. Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards. 2nd Printing. DHHS (NIOSH) Publ. No. 85-114.
Washington, D.C.: U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, NIOSH/Supt. of Documents, GPO,
February 1987., p. 162] **PEER REVIEWED**
Thermal capacity: 1.171 kJ/kg.K @ 15-45 deg C; heat capacity: 54.09 J/mole @ 25 deg C; critical density:
472 kg/cu m; water solubility in methylene chloride @ 20 deg C 1.4 g/kg; kauri-butanol value 136
[Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. 4th ed. Volumes 1: New York, NY. John
Wiley and Sons, 1991-Present., p. V5 1042] **PEER REVIEWED**
Dielectric strength: 94.488 (24.000) V/cm @ 24 deg C; specific resistivity 1.81X10+8 ohm/cm
[Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. 4th ed. Volumes 1: New York, NY. John
Wiley and Sons, 1991-Present., p. V5 1042] **PEER REVIEWED**
Henry's Law constant= 3.25X10-3 atm-cu m/mol @ 25 deg C
[Leighton DT Jr, Calo JM; J Chem Eng 26: 382-5 (1981)] **PEER REVIEWED**
Hydroxyl radical rate constant= 1.42X10-13 cu cm/molecule-sec @ 25 deg C
[Atkinson R; J Phys Chem Ref Data Monograph 1 (1989)] **PEER REVIEWED**
Chemical Safety & Handling:
DOT Emergency Guidelines:
/GUIDE 160: HALOGENATED SOLVENTS/ Health: Toxic by ingestion. Vapors may cause dizziness or
suffocation. Exposure in an enclosed area may be very harmful. Contact may irritate or burn skin and eyes.
Fire may produce irritating and/or toxic gases. Runoff from fire control or dilution water may cause pollution.
[U.S. Department of Transportation. 2004 Emergency Response Guidebook. A Guide book for
First Responders During the Initial Phase of a Dangerous Goods/Hazardous Materials
Incident. Washington, D.C. 2004] **QC REVIEWED**
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/GUIDE 160: HALOGENATED SOLVENTS/ Fire or Explosion: Some of these materials may burn, but none
ignite readily. Most vapors are heavier than air. Air/vapor mixtures may explode when ignited. Container may
explode in heat of fire.
[U.S. Department of Transportation. 2004 Emergency Response Guidebook. A Guide book for
First Responders During the Initial Phase of a Dangerous Goods/Hazardous Materials
Incident. Washington, D.C. 2004] **QC REVIEWED**
/GUIDE 160: HALOGENATED SOLVENTS/ Public Safety: CALL Emergency Response Telephone
Number ... . As an immediate precautionary measure, isolate spill or leak area for at least 50 meters (150 feet)
in all directions. Keep unauthorized personnel away. Stay upwind. Many gases are heavier than air and will
spread along ground and collect in low or confined areas (sewers, basements, tanks). Keep out of low areas.
Ventilate closed spaces before entering.
[U.S. Department of Transportation. 2004 Emergency Response Guidebook. A Guide book for
First Responders During the Initial Phase of a Dangerous Goods/Hazardous Materials
Incident. Washington, D.C. 2004] **QC REVIEWED**
/GUIDE 160: HALOGENATED SOLVENTS/ Protective Clothing: Wear positive pressure self-contained
breathing apparatus (SCBA). Wear chemical protective clothing that is specifically recommended by the
manufacturer. Structural firefighters' protective clothing will only provide limited protection.
[U.S. Department of Transportation. 2004 Emergency Response Guidebook. A Guide book for
First Responders During the Initial Phase of a Dangerous Goods/Hazardous Materials
Incident. Washington, D.C. 2004] **QC REVIEWED**
/GUIDE 160: HALOGENATED SOLVENTS/ Evacuation: Large spill: Consider initial downwind evacuation
for at least 100 meters (330 feet). Fire: If tank, rail car or tank truck is involved in a fire, ISOLATE for 800
meters (1/2 mile) in all directions; also, consider initial evacuation for 800 meters (1/2 mile) in all directions.
[U.S. Department of Transportation. 2004 Emergency Response Guidebook. A Guide book for
First Responders During the Initial Phase of a Dangerous Goods/Hazardous Materials
Incident. Washington, D.C. 2004] **QC REVIEWED**
/GUIDE 160: HALOGENATED SOLVENTS/ Fire: Small fires: Dry chemical, CO2 or water spray. Large
fires: Dry chemical, CO2, alcohol-resistant foam or water spray. Move containers from fire area if you can do
it without risk. Dike fire control water for later disposal; do not scatter the material. Fire involving tanks or
car/trailer loads: Fight fire from maximum distance or use unmanned hose holders or monitor nozzles. Cool
containers with flooding quantities of water until well after fire is out. Withdraw immediately in case of
rising sound from venting safety devices or discoloration of tank. ALWAYS stay away from tanks engulfed in
[U.S. Department of Transportation. 2004 Emergency Response Guidebook. A Guide book for
First Responders During the Initial Phase of a Dangerous Goods/Hazardous Materials
Incident. Washington, D.C. 2004] **QC REVIEWED**
/GUIDE 160: HALOGENATED SOLVENTS/ Spill or Leak: ELIMINATE all ignition sources (no smoking,
flares, sparks or flames in immediate area). Stop leak if you can do it without risk. Small liquid spills: Take
up with sand, earth or other non-combustible absorbent material. Large spills: Dike far ahead of liquid spill
for later disposal. Prevent entry into waterways, sewers, basements or confined areas.
[U.S. Department of Transportation. 2004 Emergency Response Guidebook. A Guide book for
First Responders During the Initial Phase of a Dangerous Goods/Hazardous Materials
Incident. Washington, D.C. 2004] **QC REVIEWED**
/GUIDE 160: HALOGENATED SOLVENTS/ First Aid: Move victim to fresh air. Call 911 or emergency
medical service. Give artificial respiration if victim is not breathing. Administer oxygen if breathing is
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difficult. Remove and isolate contaminated clothing and shoes. In case of contact with substance,
immediately flush skin or eyes with running water for at least 20 minutes. For minor skin contact, avoid
spreading material on unaffected skin. Wash skin with soap and water. Keep victim warm and quiet. Ensure
that medical personnel are aware of the material(s) involved and take precautions to protect themselves.
[U.S. Department of Transportation. 2004 Emergency Response Guidebook. A Guide book for
First Responders During the Initial Phase of a Dangerous Goods/Hazardous Materials
Incident. Washington, D.C. 2004] **QC REVIEWED**
Odor Threshold:
205-307 ppm
[U.S. Coast Guard, Department of Transportation. CHRIS - Hazardous Chemical Data. Volume
II. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1984-5.] **PEER REVIEWED**
2.14x10+2 ppm (odor recognition in air; chemically pure sample)
[Fazzalari, F.A. (ed.). Compilation of Odor and Taste Threshold Values Data. ASTM Data
Series DS 48A (Committee E-18). Philadelphia, PA: American Society for Testing and
Materials, 1978., p. 109] **PEER REVIEWED**
Odor thresholds: low= 540 mg/cu m; high= 2160 mg/cu m.
[Ruth JH; Am Ind Hyg Assoc J 47: A-142-51 (1986)] **PEER REVIEWED**
Skin, Eye and Respiratory Irritations:
Irritation of eyes and respiratory tract.
[ITII. Toxic and Hazarous Industrial Chemicals Safety Manual. Tokyo, Japan: The
International Technical Information Institute, 1982., p. 335] **PEER REVIEWED**
Fire Potential:
It is flammable in the range of 12-19% in air but ignition is difficult.
[Lewis, R.J. Sax's Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials. 9th ed. Volumes 1-3. New
York, NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1996., p. 2231] **PEER REVIEWED**
NFPA Hazard Classification:
Health: 2. 2= Materials that, on intense or continued (but not chronic) exposure, could cause temporary
incapacitation or possible residual injury, including those requiring the use of respiratory protective
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equipment that has an independent air supply. These materials are hazardous to health, but areas may be
entered freely if personnel are provided with full-face mask self-contained breathing apparatus that provides
complete eye protection.
[Fire Protection Guide to Hazardous Materials. 12 ed. Quincy, MA: National Fire Protection
Association, 1997., p. 325-68] **PEER REVIEWED**
Flammability: 0. 0= This degree includes any material that will not burn.
[Fire Protection Guide to Hazardous Materials. 12 ed. Quincy, MA: National Fire Protection
Association, 1997., p. 325-68] **PEER REVIEWED**
Reactivity: 0. 0= This degree includes materials that are normally stable, even under fire exposure conditions,
and that do not react with water. Normal fire fighting procedures may be used.
[Fire Protection Guide to Hazardous Materials. 12 ed. Quincy, MA: National Fire Protection
Association, 1997., p. 325-68] **PEER REVIEWED**
Flammable Limits:
Lower flammable limit: 13% by volume; Upper flammable limit: 23% by volume
[Fire Protection Guide to Hazardous Materials. 12 ed. Quincy, MA: National Fire Protection
Association, 1997., p. 325-68] **PEER REVIEWED**
Autoignition Temperature:
1033 deg F (556 deg C)
[Fire Protection Guide to Hazardous Materials. 12 ed. Quincy, MA: National Fire Protection
Association, 1997., p. 325-68] **PEER REVIEWED**
Fire Fighting Procedures:
Use dry chemical, carbon dioxide, foam, or water spray. Use water spray to keep fire-exposed containers
[Fire Protection Guide to Hazardous Materials. 12 ed. Quincy, MA: National Fire Protection
Association, 1997., p. 49-52] **PEER REVIEWED**
Extinguishant: Dry chemical, carbon dioxide, foam.
[Mackison, F. W., R. S. Stricoff, and L. J. Partridge, Jr. (eds.). NIOSH/OSHA -
Occupational Health Guidelines for Chemical Hazards. DHHS(NIOSH) Publication No. 81-123 (3
VOLS). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, Jan. 1981., p. 2] **PEER
If material involved in fire: Cool all affected containers with flooding quantities of water. Apply water from
as far a distance as possible. Extinguish fire using agent suitable for type of surrounding fire. (Material itself
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does not burn or burns with difficulty.) Keep run-off water out of sewers and water sources.
[Association of American Railroads. Emergency Handling of Hazardous Materials in Surface
Transportation. Washington, DC: Association of American Railroads, Bureau of Explosives,
1994., p. 355] **PEER REVIEWED**
Toxic Combustion Products:
Toxic gases and vapors (such as hydrogen chloride, phosgene and carbon monoxide) may be released in a fire
involving methylene chloride.
[Mackison, F. W., R. S. Stricoff, and L. J. Partridge, Jr. (eds.). NIOSH/OSHA -
Occupational Health Guidelines for Chemical Hazards. DHHS(NIOSH) Publication No. 81-123 (3
VOLS). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, Jan. 1981., p. 2] **PEER
Explosive Limits & Potential:
[Lewis, R.J. Sax's Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials. 9th ed. Volumes 1-3. New
York, NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1996., p. 2230] **PEER REVIEWED**
It will not form explosive mixtures with air at ordinary temperatures.
[Lewis, R.J. Sax's Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials. 9th ed. Volumes 1-3. New
York, NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1996., p. 2231] **PEER REVIEWED**
Hazardous Reactivities & Incompatibilities:
Mixtures of /dinitrogen/ tetraoxide with ... dichloromethane ... are explosive when subjected to shock of 25
g TNT equiv or less.
[Bretherick, L. Handbook of Reactive Chemical Hazards. 4th ed. Boston, MA: Butterworth-
Heinemann Ltd., 1990, p. 1352] **PEER REVIEWED**
Mixtures of lithium shavings with several halocarbon derivatives are impact sensitive and will explode,
sometimes violently. Such materials include: ... dichloromethane ....
[Bretherick, L. Handbook of Reactive Chemical Hazards. 4th ed. Boston, MA: Butterworth-
Heinemann Ltd., 1990, p. 1315] **PEER REVIEWED**
Dichloromethane dissolves endothermically in concentrated nitric acid to give a detonable soln.
[Bretherick, L. Handbook of Reactive Chemical Hazards. 4th ed. Boston, MA: Butterworth-
Heinemann Ltd., 1990, p. 1158] **PEER REVIEWED**
Contact of 1.5 g portions of the solid /potassium tert-butoxide/ ... with drops of ... dichloromethane caused
ignition after ... 2 min.
[Bretherick, L. Handbook of Reactive Chemical Hazards. 4th ed. Boston, MA: Butterworth-
65 of 89 9/4/2014 10:26 AM
Heinemann Ltd., 1990, p. 475] **PEER REVIEWED**
[IARC. Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man. Geneva:
World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1972-PRESENT.
(Multivolume work). Available at: p. V20 450 (1979)]
[Lewis, R.J. Sax's Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials. 9th ed. Volumes 1-3. New
York, NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1996., p. 2231] **PEER REVIEWED**
Contact with strong oxidizers, strong caustics and chemically active metals such as aluminum or magnesium
powder, sodium and potassium may cause fires and explosions.
[Mackison, F. W., R. S. Stricoff, and L. J. Partridge, Jr. (eds.). NIOSH/OSHA -
Occupational Health Guidelines for Chemical Hazards. DHHS(NIOSH) Publication No. 81-123 (3
VOLS). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, Jan. 1981., p. 2] **PEER
Dichloromethane, previously considered to be nonflammable except in oxygen, becomes flammable in air at
102 deg C/1 bar, @ 27 deg C/1.7 bar or @ 27 deg C/1 bar in presence of less than 0.5 vol% of methanol ...
[Bretherick, L. Handbook of Reactive Chemical Hazards. 4th ed. Boston, MA: Butterworth-
Heinemann Ltd., 1990, p. 141] **PEER REVIEWED**
Strong oxidizers; caustics; chemically-active metals such as aluminum, magnesium powders, potassium &
sodium; concentrated nitric acid.
[NIOSH. NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards. DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 97-140.
Washington, D.C. U.S. Government Printing Office, 1997., p. 208] **PEER REVIEWED**
Mixtures in air with methanol vapor are flammable. ... Reacts violently with ... (potassium hydroxide +
[Lewis, R.J. Sax's Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials. 9th ed. Volumes 1-3. New
York, NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1996., p. 2231] **PEER REVIEWED**
Hazardous Decomposition:
It can be decomposed by contact with hot surfaces and open flame, and then yield toxic fumes that are
irritating and give warning of their presence. When heated to decomposition it emits highly toxic fumes of
phosgene and /hydrogen chloride/.
[Lewis, R.J. Sax's Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials. 9th ed. Volumes 1-3. New
York, NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1996., p. 2231] **PEER REVIEWED**
Prior History of Accidents:
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The Diamond Shamrock Corp has reported that due to an industrial accident in its methylene chloride and
chloroform production facility in Belle, WV, two employees were exposed to an airborne mixture of chems
which may have included bis(chloromethyl)ether.
[USEPA; Preliminary Evaluations of the Initial TSCA Section 8(e) Substantial Risk Notices
July 1, 1979- January 31, 1980] **PEER REVIEWED**
Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health:
Niosh recommends that methylene chloride be regulated as an occupational carcinogen.
[NIOSH. NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards. DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 97-140.
Washington, D.C. U.S. Government Printing Office, 1997., p. 208] **PEER REVIEWED**
Protective Equipment & Clothing:
Wear appropriate chemical protective ... boots ...
[Association of American Railroads. Emergency Handling of Hazardous Materials in Surface
Transportation. Washington, D.C.: Assoc. of American Railroads, Hazardous Materials
Systems (BOE), 1987., p. 244] **PEER REVIEWED**
Employees should be provided with & required to use impervious clothing, gloves, face shields (eight-in
minimum), & other appropriate protective clothing necessary to prevent repeated or prolonged skin contact
with liq methylene chloride. ... Employees should be provided with & required to use splash-proof safety
goggles where liq methylene chloride may contact the eye.
[Mackison, F. W., R. S. Stricoff, and L. J. Partridge, Jr. (eds.). NIOSH/OSHA -
Occupational Health Guidelines for Chemical Hazards. DHHS(NIOSH) Publication No. 81-123 (3
VOLS). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, Jan. 1981., p. 363] **PEER
... Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and natural rubber should not be used /for protective clothing/. Use neoprene for
protective clothing. Do not use closed circuit rebreathing system employing soda lime or other carbon
dioxide absorber because of formation of toxic compounds capable of producing cranial nerve paralysis.
Equipment should not be iron or metal, susceptible to hydrogen chloride.
[Kayser, R., D. Sterling, D. Viviani (eds.). Intermedia Priority Pollutant Guidance
Documents. Washington, DC: U.S.Environmental Protection Agency, July 1982., p. 8-1] **PEER
The permeation of methylene chloride ... through seven protective clothing materials was studied to
determine the permeation parameters, and to investigate the effect of solubility (polymer weight gain) and
material thickness on the permeation parameters. The materials tested were two different nitrile rubbers,
neoprene, combination (a blend of natural rubber, neoprene and nitrile), two different polyvinyl chlorides,
and polyvinyl alcohol. Methylene chloride permeated through all materials, except polyvinyl alcohol, with
breakthrough times in the range of 2 to 8 min, and permeation rates in the range of 1250-5800 ug/sq cm min.
... It was shown that for /methylene chloride/, there is a correlation between the solubility (weight gain) and
the ratio of permeation rate to breakthrough time (PR/BT). For all material/chemical pairs, an increase in
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solubility, increased (PR/BT). The change in material thickness had an effect on breakthrough time and
permeation rate, but no effect on normalized breakthrough time. An increase in thickness reduced permeation
rate and increased breakthrough time.
[Vahdat N; Am Ind Hyg Assoc J 48 (7): 646-51 (1987)] **PEER REVIEWED** PubMed Abstract
PRECAUTIONS FOR "CARCINOGENS": ... Dispensers of liq detergent /should be available./ ... Safety
pipettes should be used for all pipetting. ... In animal laboratory, personnel should ... wear protective suits
(preferably disposable, one piece & close fitting at ankles & wrists), gloves, hair covering & overshoes. ... In
chemical laboratory, gloves & gowns should always be worn ... however, gloves should not be assumed to
provide full protection. Carefully fitted masks or respirators may be necessary when working with
particulates or gases, & disposable plastic aprons might provide addnl protection. ... Gowns ... /should be/ of
distinctive color, this is a reminder that they are not to be worn outside the laboratory. /Chemical
[Montesano, R., H. Bartsch, E.Boyland, G. Della Porta, L. Fishbein, R. A. Griesemer, A.B.
Swan, L. Tomatis, and W. Davis (eds.). Handling Chemical Carcinogens in the Laboratory:
Problems of Safety. IARC Scientific Publications No. 33. Lyon, France: International
Agency for Research on Cancer, 1979., p. 8] **PEER REVIEWED**
For methylene chloride breakthrough times less (usually significantly less) than one hour reported by
(normally) two or more testers for natural rubber, neoprene/sytrene-butadiene rubber, neoprene/natural
rubber, nitrile, polyethylene, and polyvinyl chloride.
[ACGIH; Guidelines Select of Chem Protect Clothing Volume #1 Field Guide p.50 (1983)]
For methylene chloride some data suggesting breakthrough times of approximately an hour or more for
polyvinyl alcohol and viton.
[ACGIH; Guidelines Select of Chem Protect Clothing Volume #1 Field Guide p.50 (1983)]
Wear appropriate personal protective clothing to prevent skin contact.
[NIOSH. NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards. DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 97-140.
Washington, D.C. U.S. Government Printing Office, 1997., p. 208] **PEER REVIEWED**
Wear appropriate eye protection to prevent eye contact.
[NIOSH. NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards. DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 97-140.
Washington, D.C. U.S. Government Printing Office, 1997., p. 208] **PEER REVIEWED**
Eyewash fountains should be provided in areas where there is any possibility that workers could be exposed
to the substance; this is irrespective of the recommendation involving the wearing of eye protection.
[NIOSH. NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards. DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 97-140.
Washington, D.C. U.S. Government Printing Office, 1997., p. 208] **PEER REVIEWED**
Facilities for quickly drenching the body should be provided within the immediate work area for emergency
use where there is a possibility of exposure. [Note: It is intended that these facilities provide a sufficient
quantity or flow of water to quickly remove the substance from any body areas likely to be exposed. The
actual determination of what constitutes an adequate quick drench facility depends on the specific
circumstances. In certain instances, a deluge shower should be readily available, whereas in others, the
availability of water from a sink or hose could be considered adequate.]
[NIOSH. NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards. DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 97-140.
Washington, D.C. U.S. Government Printing Office, 1997., p. 208] **PEER REVIEWED**
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Recommendations for respirator selection. Condition: At concentrations above the NIOSH REL, or where
there is no REL at any detectable cocentration. Respirator Class(es): Any self-contained breathing apparatus
that has a full facepiece and is operated in a pressure-demand or other positive-pressure mode. Any
supplied-air respirator that has a full facepiece and is operated in a pressure-demand or other positive-
pressure mode in combination with an auxiliary self-contained breathing apparatus operated in pressure-
demand or other positive-pressure mode.
[NIOSH. NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards. DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 97-140.
Washington, D.C. U.S. Government Printing Office, 1997., p. 208] **PEER REVIEWED**
Recommendations for respirator selection. Condition: Escape from suddenly occurring respiratory hazards:
Respirator Class(es): Any air-purifying, full-facepiece respirator (gas mask) with a chin-style, front- or
back-mounted organic vapor canister. Any appropriate escape-type, self-contained breathing apparatus.
[NIOSH. NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards. DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 97-140.
Washington, D.C. U.S. Government Printing Office, 1997., p. 208] **PEER REVIEWED**
Compatible protective equipment construction material include: Polyurethane, polyvinyl alcohol, viton.
[Association of American Railroads. Emergency Handling of Hazardous Materials in Surface
Transportation. Washington, DC: Association of American Railroads, Bureau of Explosives,
1994., p. 355] **PEER REVIEWED**
Preventive Measures:
SRP: The scientific literature for the use of contact lenses in industry is conflicting. The benefit or
detrimental effects of wearing contact lenses depend not only upon the substance, but also on factors
including the form of the substance, characteristics and duration of the exposure, the uses of other eye
protection equipment, and the hygiene of the lenses. However, there may be individual substances whose
irritating or corrosive properties are such that the wearing of contact lenses would be harmful to the eye. In
those specific cases, contact lenses should not be worn. In any event, the usual eye protection equipment
should be worn even when contact lenses are in place.
If material not on fire and not involved in fire: Keep material out of water sources and sewers. Build dikes to
contain flow as necessary. Attempt to stop leak if without undue personnel hazard. Use water spray to knock
down vapors.
[Association of American Railroads. Emergency Handling of Hazardous Materials in Surface
Transportation. Washington, DC: Association of American Railroads, Bureau of Explosives,
1994., p. 355] **PEER REVIEWED**
Good industrial hygiene practices recommend that engineering controls be used to reduce environmental
concentrations to the permissible level. However, there are some exceptions where respirators may be used to
control exposure. Respirators may be used when engineering and work practice controls are not technically
feasible, when such controls are in the process of being installed, or when they fail and need to be
supplemented. Respirators may also be used for operations which require entry into tanks or closed vessels,
and in emergency situations. ... In addition to respirator selection, a complete respiratory protection program
should be instituted which includes regular training, maintenance, inspection, cleaning, and evaluation.
[Mackison, F. W., R. S. Stricoff, and L. J. Partridge, Jr. (eds.). NIOSH/OSHA -
Occupational Health Guidelines for Chemical Hazards. DHHS(NIOSH) Publication No. 81-123 (3
VOLS). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, Jan. 1981., p. 3] **PEER
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Persons not wearing protective equipment and clothing should be restricted from areas of spills or leaks until
cleanup has been completed.
[Mackison, F. W., R. S. Stricoff, and L. J. Partridge, Jr. (eds.). NIOSH/OSHA -
Occupational Health Guidelines for Chemical Hazards. DHHS(NIOSH) Publication No. 81-123 (3
VOLS). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, Jan. 1981., p. 4] **PEER
Promptly remove nonimpervious clothing that becomes wet.
[NIOSH. NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards. DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 97-140.
Washington, D.C. U.S. Government Printing Office, 1997., p. 208] **PEER REVIEWED**
A major concern in the painting studio is solvents, /including dichloromethane/. ... Precautions include ...
use of dilution and local exhaust ventilation, control of storage areas, disposal of solvent soaked rags in
covered containers, minimizing skin exposure and the use of respirators and other personal protective
equipment. The control of fire hazards is also important, since many of the solvents are highly flammable.
[Hart C; Journal of Environmental Health 49 (5): 282-86 (1987)] **PEER REVIEWED**
Personnel protection: Avoid breathing vapors. ... Wash away any material which may have contacted the
body with copious amounts of water or soap and water.
[Association of American Railroads. Emergency Handling of Hazardous Materials in Surface
Transportation. Washington, DC: Association of American Railroads, Bureau of Explosives,
1994., p. 355] **PEER REVIEWED**
Areas in which it is produced or used should be provided with adequate exhaust ventilation, sufficient to keep
the atmospheric concn below the exposure limits. Special caution should be exercised when entering tanks
which may have contained dichloromethane ... the workers involved should be equipped with oxygen masks
or respirators, eye protection, safety belts and life lines, and be under the constant control of a supervisor.
[International Labour Office. Encyclopedia of Occupational Health and Safety. Vols. I&II.
Geneva, Switzerland: International Labour Office, 1983., p. 624] **PEER REVIEWED**
SRP: Contaminated protective clothing should be segregated in such a manner so that there is no direct
personal contact by personnel who handle, dispose, or clean the clothing. Quality assurance to ascertain the
completeness of the cleaning procedures should be implemented before the decontaminated protective
clothing is returned for reuse by the workers. Contaminated clothing should not be taken home at end of shift,
but should remain at employee's place of work for cleaning.
PRECAUTIONS FOR "CARCINOGENS": Smoking, drinking, eating, storage of food or of food & beverage
containers or utensils, & the application of cosmetics should be prohibited in any laboratory. All personnel
should remove gloves, if worn, after completion of procedures in which carcinogens have been used. They
should ... wash ... hands, preferably using dispensers of liq detergent, & rinse ... thoroughly. Consideration
should be given to appropriate methods for cleaning the skin, depending on nature of the contaminant. No
standard procedure can be recommended, but the use of organic solvents should be avoided. Safety pipettes
should be used for all pipetting. /Chemical Carcinogens/
[Montesano, R., H. Bartsch, E.Boyland, G. Della Porta, L. Fishbein, R. A. Griesemer, A.B.
Swan, L. Tomatis, and W. Davis (eds.). Handling Chemical Carcinogens in the Laboratory:
Problems of Safety. IARC Scientific Publications No. 33. Lyon, France: International
Agency for Research on Cancer, 1979., p. 8] **PEER REVIEWED**
PRECAUTIONS FOR "CARCINOGENS": In animal laboratory, personnel should remove their outdoor
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clothes & wear protective suits (preferably disposable, one piece & close fitting at ankles & wrists), gloves,
hair covering & overshoes. ... clothing should be changed daily but ... discarded immediately if obvious
contamination occurs ... /also,/ workers should shower immediately. In chemical laboratory, gloves & gowns
should always be worn ... however, gloves should not be assumed to provide full protection. Carefully fitted
masks or respirators may be necessary when working with particulates or gases, & disposable plastic aprons
might provide addnl protection. If gowns are of distinctive color, this is a reminder that they should not be
worn outside of lab. /Chemical Carcinogens/
[Montesano, R., H. Bartsch, E.Boyland, G. Della Porta, L. Fishbein, R. A. Griesemer, A.B.
Swan, L. Tomatis, and W. Davis (eds.). Handling Chemical Carcinogens in the Laboratory:
Problems of Safety. IARC Scientific Publications No. 33. Lyon, France: International
Agency for Research on Cancer, 1979., p. 8] **PEER REVIEWED**
PRECAUTIONS FOR "CARCINOGENS": ... Operations connected with synth & purification ... should be
carried out under well ventilated hood. Analytical procedures ... should be carried out with care & vapors
evolved during ... procedures should be removed. ... Expert advice should be obtained before existing fume
cupboards are used ... & when new fume cupboards are installed. It is desirable that there be means for
decreasing the rate of air extraction, so that carcinogenic powders can be handled without ... powder being
blown around the hood. Glove boxes should be kept under negative air pressure. Air changes should be
adequate, so that concn of vapors of volatile carcinogens will not occur. /Chemical Carcinogens/
[Montesano, R., H. Bartsch, E.Boyland, G. Della Porta, L. Fishbein, R. A. Griesemer, A.B.
Swan, L. Tomatis, and W. Davis (eds.). Handling Chemical Carcinogens in the Laboratory:
Problems of Safety. IARC Scientific Publications No. 33. Lyon, France: International
Agency for Research on Cancer, 1979., p. 8] **PEER REVIEWED**
PRECAUTIONS FOR "CARCINOGENS": Vertical laminar flow biological safety cabinets may be used for
containment of in vitro procedures ... provided that the exhaust air flow is sufficient to provide an inward air
flow at the face opening of the cabinet, & contaminated air plenums that are under positive pressure are leak
tight. Horizontal laminar flow hoods or safety cabinets, where filtered air is blown across the working area
towards the operator, should never be used ... Each cabinet or fume cupboard to be used ... should be tested
before work is begun (eg, with fume bomb) & label fixed to it, giving date of test & avg air flow measured.
This test should be repeated periodically & after any structural changes. /Chemical Carcinogens/
[Montesano, R., H. Bartsch, E.Boyland, G. Della Porta, L. Fishbein, R. A. Griesemer, A.B.
Swan, L. Tomatis, and W. Davis (eds.). Handling Chemical Carcinogens in the Laboratory:
Problems of Safety. IARC Scientific Publications No. 33. Lyon, France: International
Agency for Research on Cancer, 1979., p. 9] **PEER REVIEWED**
PRECAUTIONS FOR "CARCINOGENS": Principles that apply to chem or biochem lab also apply to
microbiological & cell culture labs ... Special consideration should be given to route of admin. ... Safest
method of administering volatile carcinogen is by injection of a soln. Admin by topical application, gavage,
or intratracheal instillation should be performed under hood. If chem will be exhaled, animals should be kept
under hood during this period. Inhalation exposure requires special equipment. ... Unless specifically
required, routes of admin other than in the diet should be used. Mixing of carcinogen in diet should be carried
out in sealed mixers under fume hood, from which the exhaust is fitted with an efficient particulate filter.
Techniques for cleaning mixer & hood should be devised before expt begun. When mixing diets, special
protective clothing &, possibly, respirators may be required. /Chemical Carcinogens/
[Montesano, R., H. Bartsch, E.Boyland, G. Della Porta, L. Fishbein, R. A. Griesemer, A.B.
Swan, L. Tomatis, and W. Davis (eds.). Handling Chemical Carcinogens in the Laboratory:
Problems of Safety. IARC Scientific Publications No. 33. Lyon, France: International
Agency for Research on Cancer, 1979., p. 9] **PEER REVIEWED**
PRECAUTIONS FOR "CARCINOGENS": When ... admin in diet or applied to skin, animals should be kept
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in cages with solid bottoms & sides & fitted with a filter top. When volatile carcinogens are given, filter tops
should not be used. Cages which have been used to house animals that received carcinogens should be
decontaminated. Cage-cleaning facilities should be installed in area in which carcinogens are being used, to
avoid moving of ... contaminated /cages/. It is difficult to ensure that cages are decontaminated, & monitoring
methods are necessary. Situations may exist in which the use of disposable cages should be recommended,
depending on type & amt of carcinogen & efficiency with which it can be removed. /Chemical Carcinogens/
[Montesano, R., H. Bartsch, E.Boyland, G. Della Porta, L. Fishbein, R. A. Griesemer, A.B.
Swan, L. Tomatis, and W. Davis (eds.). Handling Chemical Carcinogens in the Laboratory:
Problems of Safety. IARC Scientific Publications No. 33. Lyon, France: International
Agency for Research on Cancer, 1979., p. 10] **PEER REVIEWED**
PRECAUTIONS FOR "CARCINOGENS": To eliminate risk that ... contamination in lab could build up
during conduct of expt, periodic checks should be carried out on lab atmospheres, surfaces, such as walls,
floors & benches, & ... interior of fume hoods & airducts. As well as regular monitoring, check must be
carried out after cleaning up of spillage. Sensitive methods are required when testing lab atmospheres. ...
Methods ... should ... where possible, be simple & sensitive. /Chemical Carcinogens/
[Montesano, R., H. Bartsch, E.Boyland, G. Della Porta, L. Fishbein, R. A. Griesemer, A.B.
Swan, L. Tomatis, and W. Davis (eds.). Handling Chemical Carcinogens in the Laboratory:
Problems of Safety. IARC Scientific Publications No. 33. Lyon, France: International
Agency for Research on Cancer, 1979., p. 10] **PEER REVIEWED**
PRECAUTIONS FOR "CARCINOGENS": Rooms in which obvious contamination has occurred, such as
spillage, should be decontaminated by lab personnel engaged in expt. Design of expt should ... avoid
contamination of permanent equipment. ... Procedures should ensure that maintenance workers are not
exposed to carcinogens. ... Particular care should be taken to avoid contamination of drains or ventilation
ducts. In cleaning labs, procedures should be used which do not produce aerosols or dispersal of dust, ie, wet
mop or vacuum cleaner equipped with high efficiency particulate filter on exhaust, which are avail
commercially, should be used. Sweeping, brushing & use of dry dusters or mops should be prohibited.
Grossly contaminated cleaning materials should not be reused ... If gowns or towels are contaminated, they
should not be sent to laundry, but ... decontaminated or burnt, to avoid any hazard to laundry personnel.
/Chemical Carcinogens/
[Montesano, R., H. Bartsch, E.Boyland, G. Della Porta, L. Fishbein, R. A. Griesemer, A.B.
Swan, L. Tomatis, and W. Davis (eds.). Handling Chemical Carcinogens in the Laboratory:
Problems of Safety. IARC Scientific Publications No. 33. Lyon, France: International
Agency for Research on Cancer, 1979., p. 10] **PEER REVIEWED**
PRECAUTIONS FOR "CARCINOGENS": Doors leading into areas where carcinogens are used ... should be
marked distinctively with appropriate labels. Access ... limited to persons involved in expt. ... A prominently
displayed notice should give the name of the Scientific Investigator or other person who can advise in an
emergency & who can inform others (such as firemen) on the handling of carcinogenic substances. /Chemical
[Montesano, R., H. Bartsch, E.Boyland, G. Della Porta, L. Fishbein, R. A. Griesemer, A.B.
Swan, L. Tomatis, and W. Davis (eds.). Handling Chemical Carcinogens in the Laboratory:
Problems of Safety. IARC Scientific Publications No. 33. Lyon, France: International
Agency for Research on Cancer, 1979., p. 11] **PEER REVIEWED**
The worker should immediately wash the skin when it becomes contaminated.
[NIOSH. NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards. DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 97-140.
Washington, D.C. U.S. Government Printing Office, 1997., p. 208] **PEER REVIEWED**
Work clothing that becomes wet or significantly contaminated should be removed or replaced.
[NIOSH. NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards. DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 97-140.
72 of 89 9/4/2014 10:26 AM
Washington, D.C. U.S. Government Printing Office, 1997., p. 208] **PEER REVIEWED**
Stability/Shelf Life:
In the absence of moisture @ ordinary temp, dichloromethane is relatively stable when compared with its
congeners, chloroform and carbon tetrachloride.
[USEPA; Health Assessment Document: Dichloromethane (Methylene Dichloride) p.3-1 (1982)
EPA-600/8-82-004] **PEER REVIEWED**
At elevated temperatures (300-450 deg C) tends to carbonize when vapor contacts steel and metal chlorides.
[USEPA; Health Assessment Document: Dichloromethane (Methylene Dichloride) p.3-1 (1982)
EPA-600/8-82-004] **PEER REVIEWED**
Shipment Methods and Regulations:
No person may /transport,/ offer or accept a hazardous material for transportation in commerce unless that
person is registered in conformance ... and the hazardous material is properly classed, described, packaged,
marked, labeled, and in condition for shipment as required or authorized by ... /the hazardous materials
regulations (49 CFR 171-177)./
[49 CFR 171.2; U.S. National Archives and Records Administration's Electronic Code of
Federal Regulations. Available from, as of February 15, 2006:
/ecfr/ **QC REVIEWED**
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) Dangerous Goods Regulations are published by the IATA
Dangerous Goods Board pursuant to IATA Resolutions 618 and 619 and constitute a manual of industry
carrier regulations to be followed by all IATA Member airlines when transporting hazardous materials.
[International Air Transport Association. Dangerous Goods Regulations. 47th Edition.
Montreal, Quebec Canada. 2006., p. 177] **QC REVIEWED**
The International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code lays down basic principles for transporting hazardous
chemicals. Detailed recommendations for individual substances and a number of recommendations for good
practice are included in the classes dealing with such substances. A general index of technical names has also
been compiled. This index should always be consulted when attempting to locate the appropriate procedures
to be used when shipping any substance or article.
[International Maritime Organization. International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code. London,
UK. 2004., p. 75] **QC REVIEWED**
Storage Conditions:
To minimize the decomp of dichloromethane, storage containers should be galvanized or lined with a
phenolic coating.
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[USEPA; Health Assessment Document: Dichloromethane (Methylene Dichloride) p.3-3 (1982)
EPA-600/8-82-004] **PEER REVIEWED**
Cleanup Methods:
Environmental considerations - Air spill: Apply water spray or mist to knock down vapors.
[Association of American Railroads. Emergency Handling of Hazardous Materials in Surface
Transportation. Washington, DC: Association of American Railroads, Bureau of Explosives,
1994., p. 355] **PEER REVIEWED**
Environmental considerations: Water spill: Use natural deep water pockets, excavated lagoon, or sand bag
barriers to trap material at bottom. remove trapped material with suction hoses.
[Association of American Railroads. Emergency Handling of Hazardous Materials in Surface
Transportation. Washington, DC: Association of American Railroads, Bureau of Explosives,
1994., p. 355] **PEER REVIEWED**
Environmental considerations - Land spill: Dig a pit, lagoon, holding area to contain liquid or solid material.
/SRP: If time permits, pits, ponds, lagoons, soak holes, or holding areas should be sealed with an
impermeable flexible membrane liner./ Dike surface flow using soil, sand bags, foamed polyurethane, or
foamed concrete. Absorb bulk liquid with fly ash, cement powder, or commercial sorbents.
[Association of American Railroads. Emergency Handling of Hazardous Materials in Surface
Transportation. Washington, DC: Association of American Railroads, Bureau of Explosives,
1994., p. 355] **PEER REVIEWED**
Stop or control the leak, if this can be done without undue risk. Control runoff and isolate discharged material
for proper disposal.
[Fire Protection Guide to Hazardous Materials. 12 ed. Quincy, MA: National Fire Protection
Association, 1997., p. 49-52] **PEER REVIEWED**
Disposal Methods:
Generators of waste (equal to or greater than 100 kg/mo) containing this contaminant, EPA hazardous waste
number U080, must conform with USEPA regulations in storage, transportation, treatment and disposal of
[40 CFR 240-280, 300-306, 702-799 (7/1/89)] **PEER REVIEWED**
Generators of waste (equal to or greater than 100 kg/mo) containing this contaminant, EPA hazardous waste
number F002, must conform with USEPA regulations in storage, transportation, treatment and disposal of
[40 CFR 240-280, 300-306, 702-799 (7/1/89)] **PEER REVIEWED**
Potential candidate for liquid injection incineration, with a temperature range of 650 to 1600 deg C and a
residence time of 0.1 to 2 seconds; for rotary kiln incineration with a temperature range of 820 to 1600 deg C
and residence times of seconds for liquids and gases, hours for solids; and for fluidized bed incineration, with
a temperature range of 450 to 980 deg C and residence times of seconds for liquids and gases, longer for
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[USEPA; Engineering Handbook for Hazardous Waste Incineration p.3-12 (1981) EPA
68-03-3025] **PEER REVIEWED**
Dichloromethane is a waste chemical stream constituent which may be subjected to ultimate disposal by
controlled incineration, preferably after mixing with another combustible fuel; care must be exercised to
assure complete combustion to prevent the formation of phosgene. An acid scrubber is necessary to remove
the halo acids produced.
[USEPA; Engineering Handbook for Hazardous Waste Incineration p.2-5 (1981) EPA 68-03-3025]
Incineration, preferably after mixing with another combustible fuel; care must be exercised to assure
complete combustion to prevent the formation of phosgene; an acid scrubber is necessary to remove the halo
acids produced. Recommendable method: Incineration.
[United Nations. Treatment and Disposal Methods for Waste Chemicals (IRPTC File). Data
Profile Series No. 5. Geneva, Switzerland: United Nations Environmental Programme, Dec.
1985., p. 205] **PEER REVIEWED**
PRECAUTIONS FOR "CARCINOGENS": There is no universal method of disposal that has been proved
satisfactory for all carcinogenic compounds & specific methods of chem destruction ... published have not
been tested on all kinds of carcinogen-containing waste. ... summary of avail methods & recommendations ...
/given/ must be treated as guide only. /Chemical Carcinogens/
[Montesano, R., H. Bartsch, E.Boyland, G. Della Porta, L. Fishbein, R. A. Griesemer, A.B.
Swan, L. Tomatis, and W. Davis (eds.). Handling Chemical Carcinogens in the Laboratory:
Problems of Safety. IARC Scientific Publications No. 33. Lyon, France: International
Agency for Research on Cancer, 1979., p. 14] **PEER REVIEWED**
PRECAUTIONS FOR "CARCINOGENS": ... Incineration may be only feasible method for disposal of
contaminated laboratory waste from biological expt. However, not all incinerators are suitable for this
purpose. The most efficient type ... is probably the gas fired type, in which a first stage combustion with a
less than stoichiometric air:fuel ratio is followed by a second stage with excess air. Some ... are designed to
accept ... aqueous & organic solvent solutions, otherwise it is necessary ... to absorb soln onto suitable
combustible material, such as sawdust. Alternatively, chem destruction may be used, esp when small
quantities ... are to be destroyed in laboratory. /Chemical Carcinogens/
[Montesano, R., H. Bartsch, E.Boyland, G. Della Porta, L. Fishbein, R. A. Griesemer, A.B.
Swan, L. Tomatis, and W. Davis (eds.). Handling Chemical Carcinogens in the Laboratory:
Problems of Safety. IARC Scientific Publications No. 33. Lyon, France: International
Agency for Research on Cancer, 1979., p. 15] **PEER REVIEWED**
PRECAUTIONS FOR "CARCINOGENS": HEPA (high efficiency particulate arrestor) filters ... can be
disposed of by incineration. For spent charcoal filters, the adsorbed material can be stripped off at high temp
& carcinogenic wastes generated by this treatment conducted to & burned in an incinerator. ... LIQUID
WASTE: ... Disposal should be carried out by incineration at temp that ... ensure complete combustion.
SOLID WASTE: Carcasses of lab animals, cage litter & misc solid wastes ... should be disposed of by
incineration at temp high enough to ensure destruction of chem carcinogens or their metabolites. /Chemical
[Montesano, R., H. Bartsch, E.Boyland, G. Della Porta, L. Fishbein, R. A. Griesemer, A.B.
Swan, L. Tomatis, and W. Davis (eds.). Handling Chemical Carcinogens in the Laboratory:
Problems of Safety. IARC Scientific Publications No. 33. Lyon, France: International
Agency for Research on Cancer, 1979., p. 15] **PEER REVIEWED**
PRECAUTIONS FOR "CARCINOGENS": ... small quantities of ... some carcinogens can be destroyed using
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chem reactions ... but no general rules can be given. ... As a general technique ... treatment with sodium
dichromate in strong sulfuric acid can be used. The time necessary for destruction ... is seldom known ... but
1-2 days is generally considered sufficient when freshly prepd reagent is used. ... Carcinogens that are easily
oxidizable can be destroyed with milder oxidative agents, such as saturated soln of potassium permanganate
in acetone, which appears to be a suitable agent for destruction of hydrazines or of compounds containing
isolated carbon-carbon double bonds. Concn or 50% aqueous sodium hypochlorite can also be used as an
oxidizing agent. /Chemical Carcinogens/
[Montesano, R., H. Bartsch, E.Boyland, G. Della Porta, L. Fishbein, R. A. Griesemer, A.B.
Swan, L. Tomatis, and W. Davis (eds.). Handling Chemical Carcinogens in the Laboratory:
Problems of Safety. IARC Scientific Publications No. 33. Lyon, France: International
Agency for Research on Cancer, 1979., p. 16] **PEER REVIEWED**
The following wastewater treatment technology has been investigated for dichloromethane. Concentration
Process: Stripping.
[USEPA; Management of Hazardous Waste Leachate, EPA Contract No.68-03-2766 p.E-3-E-22
(1982)] **PEER REVIEWED**
Occupational Exposure Standards:
OSHA Standards:
The employer shall ensure that no employee is exposed to an airborne concentration of methylene chloride
in excess of 25 ppm as an 8 hr TWA. The employer shall ensure that no employee is exposed to an airborne
concentration of methylene chloride in excess of 125 ppm as determined over a sampling period of 15
[29 CFR 1910.1052(c) (7/1/99)] **PEER REVIEWED**
Threshold Limit Values:
8 hr Time Weighted Avg (TWA): 50 ppm
[American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists TLVs and BEIs. Threshold Limit
Values for Chemical Substances and Physical Agents and Biological Exposure Indices.
Cincinnati, OH, 2008, p. 24] **QC REVIEWED**
Excursion Limit Recommendation: Excursions in worker exposure levels may exceed 3 times the TLV-TWA
for no more than a total of 30 minutes during a work day, and under no circumstances should they exceed 5
times the TLV-TWA, provided that the TLV-TWA is not exceeded.
[American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists TLVs and BEIs. Threshold Limit
Values for Chemical Substances and Physical Agents and Biological Exposure Indices.
Cincinnati, OH, 2008, p. 5] **QC REVIEWED**
A3; Confirmed animal carcinogen with unknown relevance to humans.
[American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists TLVs and BEIs. Threshold Limit
Values for Chemical Substances and Physical Agents and Biological Exposure Indices.
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Cincinnati, OH, 2008, p. 24] **QC REVIEWED**
Biological Exposure Index (BEI): Determinant: Dichloromethane in urine; Sampling Time: end of shift;
BEI: 0.3 mg/L. The biological determinant is an indicator of exposure to the chemical, but the quantitative
interpretation of the measurement is ambiguous. These determinants should be used as a screening test if a
quantitative test is not practical, or as a confirmatory test if the quantitative test is not specific and the origin
of the determinant is in question.
[American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists TLVs and BEIs. Threshold Limit
Values for Chemical Substances and Physical Agents and Biological Exposure Indices.
Cincinnati, OH, 2008, p. 104] **QC REVIEWED**
NIOSH Recommendations:
NIOSH recommends that methylene chloride be regulated as an occupational carcinogen.
[NIOSH. NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards. DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 97-140.
Washington, D.C. U.S. Government Printing Office, 1997., p. 208] **PEER REVIEWED**
NIOSH usually recommends that occupational exposures to carcinogens be limited to the lowest feasible
[NIOSH. NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards. DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 97-140.
Washington, D.C. U.S. Government Printing Office, 1997., p. 208] **PEER REVIEWED**
Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health:
Niosh recommends that methylene chloride be regulated as an occupational carcinogen.
[NIOSH. NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards. DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 97-140.
Washington, D.C. U.S. Government Printing Office, 1997., p. 208] **PEER REVIEWED**
Other Standards Regulations and Guidelines:
Emergency Response Planning Guidelines (ERPG): ERPG(1) 200 ppm (no more than mild, transient effects)
for up to 1 hr exposure; ERPG(2) 750 ppm (without serious, adverse effects) for up to 1 hr exposure;
ERPG(3) 4000 ppm (not life threatening) up to 1 hr exposure.
[American Industrial Hygiene Association. The AIHA 1999 Emergency Response Planning
Guidelines and Workplace Environmental Exposure Level Guides Handbook. American Industrial
Hygiene Association. Fairfax, VA 1999., p. 26] **PEER REVIEWED**
77 of 89 9/4/2014 10:26 AM
SKIN (1991); UNITED KINGDOM: 100 PPM, 10 MIN STEL 250 PPM (1991).
[American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, Inc. Documentation of the
Threshold Limit Values and Biological Exposure Indices. 6th ed. Volumes I, II, III.
Cincinnati, OH: ACGIH, 1991., p. 986] **PEER REVIEWED**
Manufacturing/Use Information:
The active ingredient is no longer contained in any registered pesticide products ... "cancelled."
[USEPA/OPP; Status of Pesticides in Registration, Reregistration and Special Review p.263
(Spring, 1998) EPA 738-R-98-002] **PEER REVIEWED**
[Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. 3rd ed., Volumes 1-26. New York, NY:
John Wiley and Sons, 1978-1984., p. 5(79) 688] **PEER REVIEWED**
In pour molding of dental material, the 50:50 mixture of dichloromethane and methylmethacrylate cold
curing monomer is used to treat the acrylic teeth to improve the bonding
[Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. 3rd ed., Volumes 1-26. New York, NY:
John Wiley and Sons, 1978-1984., p. 7(79) 503] **PEER REVIEWED**
Paint stripping, extraction solvent for decaffeination of coffee, spices, and beer hops, dip-type metal cleaner,
vapor degreasing of metals, carrier solvent in textile industry, aerosol, refrigerant, low temperature
heat-transfer agent. It is used in chemical processing (e.g., manufacture of polycarbonate plastics, insecticides
and herbicides, pharmaceuticals. Other uses include grain fumigation and oil dewaxing.
[Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. 4th ed. Volumes 1: New York, NY. John
Wiley and Sons, 1991-Present., p. V5 1048] **PEER REVIEWED**
Solvent in paint removers, for cellulose acetate; degreasing and cleaning fluids; as solvent in food processing.
Pharmaceutical aid (solvent). Aerosol propellant; insecticide.
[Budavari, S. (ed.). The Merck Index - An Encyclopedia of Chemicals, Drugs, and
Biologicals. Whitehouse Station, NJ: Merck and Co., Inc., 1996., p. 1035] **PEER
Dow Chemical U.S.A., Hq, 2030 Dow Center, Midland, MI 48674, (517) 636-1000. Production sites:
Freeport, TX 77541; Plaquemine, LA 70765
[SRI. 1999 Directory of Chemical Producers -United States. Menlo Park, CA. SRI Consulting
1999., p. 744] **PEER REVIEWED**
Vulcan Materials Company, Vulcan Chemicals Group, Chloralkali Business Unit, Hq, P.O. Box 530390,
Birmingham, AL 35253-0390, (205) 877-3484; Production sites: Geismar, LA 70734; Wichita, KS 67277
78 of 89 9/4/2014 10:26 AM
[SRI. 1999 Directory of Chemical Producers -United States. Menlo Park, CA. SRI Consulting
1999., p. 744] **PEER REVIEWED**
Methods of Manufacturing:
Produced industrially in the U.S. by two methods. The older and currently lesser used method involves a
direct reaction of excess methane with chlorine at high temperatures. The predominant method involves the
reaction of methyl chloride with chlorine. This reaction is usually carried out thermally in the gas phase, but
may be carried out at low temperatures and high pressure in the liquid phase.
[Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. 4th ed. Volumes 1: New York, NY. John
Wiley and Sons, 1991-Present., p. V5 1044] **PEER REVIEWED**
General Manufacturing Information:
Production capacities are flexible since more than one chlorinated hydrocarbon can be produced in the same
[Chemical Marketing Reporter; Chemical Profile. Methylene Chloride. November 24, 1997. NY,
NY: Schnell Pub Co p. 33 (1997)] **PEER REVIEWED**
Chloroform and carbon tetrachloride are coproduced in the production of methylene chloride by the
chlorination of methyl chloride.
[Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. 4th ed. Volumes 1: New York, NY. John
Wiley and Sons, 1991-Present., p. V5 1044] **PEER REVIEWED**
Although methylene chloride is considered a very stable compound, small amounts of stabilizer are usually
added at the time of manufacture.
[Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. 4th ed. Volumes 1: New York, NY. John
Wiley and Sons, 1991-Present., p. V5 1044] **PEER REVIEWED**
Dichloromethane is available as commercial/technical grade & grades intended specifically for vapor
degreasing, aerosol use, food extraction, reagent use & spectrophotometry. Purity, when reported, ranges
from 99-99.9% (reagent/high performance liq chromatography grade). Acidity (as hydrochloric acid) may be
up to 5-10 mg/kg. The max concn of water in commercial grade dichloromethane is generally 100-200
mg/kg, but anhydrous dichloromethane (less than 50 mg/kg water) is also available ...
[IARC. Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man. Geneva:
World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1972-PRESENT.
(Multivolume work). Available at: p. V41 44 (1986)]
Small amt of stabilizers are often added to dichloromethane at the time of manufacture. Cyclohexane (50
79 of 89 9/4/2014 10:26 AM
mg/kg) & propylene oxide have been added to commercial aerosols & reagent grades of dichloromethane
for this purpose. Other reported stabilizers include 2-methyl-2-butene @ 50 mg/kg, ethanol or methanol at
approx 0.2%, & small quantities (1 mg/kg) of phenol ... .
[IARC. Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man. Geneva:
World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1972-PRESENT.
(Multivolume work). Available at: p. V41 45 (1986)]
Additives may include 0.0001-1% of stabilizers such as: amines, 4-cresol, hydroquinone, methanol,
2-methylbut-2-ene, 1-naphthol, nitromethane + 1,4-dioxane, phenol, resorcinol, and thymol.
[WHO; Environ Health Criteria: Methylene chloride p.15 (1984)] **PEER REVIEWED**
In the USA, a standard grade dichloromethane has the following typical specifications: a clear, water white
liquid, free of suspended matter ... acidity, 5 mg/kg max; non volatile residue 10 mg/kg max; free halogen
none; & a 100% distillation range of 39.5-40.5 deg C.
[IARC. Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man. Geneva:
World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1972-PRESENT.
(Multivolume work). Available at: p. V20 450 (1979)]
Grades available from Mallinkrodt Speciaty Chemicals include AR, ChomAR, NANOGRADE, SpectrAR,
UltimAR, ACS Reagent, USP, HPLC, and GC grades.
[Rodnan N; Chemcyclopedia 98. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society p. 90 (1997)]
Impurities include tetrachloromethane, trichloromethane, 1,2-dichloroethane, cis- and trans-
1,2-dichloroethylene, pentachloroethane, 1,1,12-tetrachloroethane, 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane, 1,1,1-
trichloroethane, `,`,1-trichloroethane, 1,1-dichloroethylene, bromodichloroethylene, tetrachloroethylene,
bromodichloromethane, and benzene. /Halogenated solvents/
[Sullivan, J.B. Jr., G.R. Krieger (eds.). Hazardous Materials Toxicology-Clinical
Principles of Environmental Health. Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins, 1992., p. 733]
Consumption Patterns:
Paint removers, 30%; metal cleaning/degreasing, 22%; miscellaneous solvent uses and other applications,
21%; aerosols, 17%; foam blowing agent, 5%; pharmaceutical solvent, 5% (1978). /From table/
[Kayser, R., D. Sterling, D. Viviani (eds.). Intermedia Priority Pollutant Guidance
Documents. Washington, DC: U.S.Environmental Protection Agency, July 1982., p. 3-2] **PEER
80 of 89 9/4/2014 10:26 AM
Aerosols, 30%; paint remover, 30%; foam blowing, 15%; fiber & plastic solvent, 5%; metal cleaning, 5%;
miscellaneous, 15% (1985)
CHEMICAL PROFILE: Methylene chloride. Paint stripper, 28%; aerosols, 18%; exports, 15%; chemical
processing, 11%; urethane foam blowing agent, 9%; metal degreasing, 8%; electronics, 7%; other, 4%.
[Kavaler AR; Chemical Marketing Reporter 235 (8): 54 (1989)] **PEER REVIEWED**
Dichloromethane use in the United States in 1995: Paint removers/strippers 40%; chemical processing 10%;
pharmaceuticals 6%; metal degreasing/cleaning 13%; electronics 3%; urethane blowing agent 6%;
miscellaneous (includes pesticides, food processing, synthetic fibers, paints and coatings, aerosols, and film
processing) 22%. /From table/
[IARC. Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man. Geneva:
World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1972-PRESENT.
(Multivolume work). Available at: p. V71 255 (1999)]
Paint stripping and removal, 40%; metal cleaning, 13%; plastics (polycarbonate triacetate fiber), 10%;
pharmaceuticals, 6%; flexible polyurethane foam, 6%; electronics, 3%; film processing, 2%; miscellaneous,
including pesticides, food processing, synthetic fibers, paints and coatings, and aerosols, 20%.
[Chemical Marketing Reporter; Chemical Profile. Methylene Chloride. November 24, 1997. NY,
NY: Schnell Pub Co p. 33 (1997)] **PEER REVIEWED**
U. S. Production:
(1978) 2.59X10+11 G
(1979) 2.97X10+11 g
[Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. 3rd ed., Volumes 1-26. New York, NY:
John Wiley and Sons, 1978-1984., p. 7(79) 698] **PEER REVIEWED**
(1981) 2.53X10+11 G
(1983) 2.46X10+11 G
(1985) 2.12X10+11 g
(1986) 5.61X10+8 lb
81 of 89 9/4/2014 10:26 AM
(1987) 5.16X10+8 lb
1986 Production by USA chemcial industry 559 million lbs.
[CHEM ENG NEWS 65 (23): 31 (1987)] **PEER REVIEWED**
1987 production by USA chemical industry 516 million lbs.
[CHEM ENG NEWS 66 (25): 40 (1988)] **PEER REVIEWED**
CHEMICAL PROFILE: Methylene chloride. Demand: 1988: 500 million lb; 1989: 475 million lb; 1993
/projected/: 410 million lb. (Includes exports, but not imports, which totaled 27 million lb last year).
[Kavaler AR; Chemical Marketing Reporter 235 (8): 54 (1989)] **PEER REVIEWED**
Demand: 1982: 530 million lb; 1983: 530 million lb; 1987: 621 million lb.
[Kavaler, A.R. (ed.). Chemical Marketing Reporter. New York, NY: Schnell Publishing Co.,
Inc., 1984] **PEER REVIEWED**
1996 Demand: 335 million pounds. Projected demand for 1997: 325 million pounds. Projected demand for
2001: 250 million pounds. (Includes exports which amounted to 133 million pounds in 1996 and averaged
148 million pounds between 1992 and 1996).
[Chemical Marketing Reporter; Chemical Profile. Methylene Chloride. November 24, 1997.
NY,NY: Schnell Pub Co p. 33 (1997)] **PEER REVIEWED**
1992: 164,227,000 kilograms
[USITC. Syn Org. Chem - U.S. Production/Sales 1992, USITC Publication 2720 p. 3-11 (1993)]
Production capacity: 770 million pounds (estimate as of 4/1/99)
[SRI. 1999 Directory of Chemical Producers -United States. Menlo Park, CA. SRI Consulting
1999., p. 742] **PEER REVIEWED**
U. S. Imports:
Imports are in the range of 10 to 20 million pounds per year.
[Chemical Marketing Reporter; Chemical Profile. Methylene Chloride. November 24, 1997. NY,
NY: Schnell Pub Co p. 33 (1997)] **PEER REVIEWED**
U. S. Exports:
1996: 133 million pounds. 1992-1996: 148 million pounds, average.
[Chemical Marketing Reporter; Chemical Profile. Methylene Chloride. November 24, 1997. NY,
NY: Schnell Pub Co p. 33 (1997)] **PEER REVIEWED**
Laboratory Methods:
82 of 89 9/4/2014 10:26 AM
Clinical Laboratory Methods:
Whole blood is diluted with water & specimen is allowed to equilibrate in a sealed container at a constant
temp. A sample of the headspace vapor is analyzed by flame-ionization gas chromatography. Breath samples
may be analyzed by direct injection of 1-2 ml, using as standards suitably prepared dilutions of appropriate
chemical in air. ... Instrumental conditions: ... 2 m x 2 mm id glass column containing 2% OV-17 on 100/120
mesh Chromosorb G-HP; Injector, 150 deg C; column, 60 deg C; detector, 150 deg C. Nitrogen flow rate, 20
ml/min. ... Retention time for dichloromethane 1.3 min. Calculation is based on a std curve prepared each
time an assay is performed. Evaluation: Sensitivity: 0.1 mg/l. Linearity: 0.2-5.0 mg/l. Relative recovery: not
established. Interferences: ... Many other volatile organic cmpd are detected with this technique & may
[Baselt, R.C. Biological Monitoring Methods for Industrial Chemicals. 2nd ed. Littleton,
MA: PSG Publishing Co., Inc. 1988., p. 37] **PEER REVIEWED**
Analytic Laboratory Methods:
EPA Method 601: A purge and trap gas chromatographic method for the analysis of dichloromethane in
municipal and industrial discharges, consists of a stainless steel column, 8 ft x 0.1 in ID, packed with
Carbopack B (60/80 mesh) coated with SP-1000, with electrolytic conductivity detection, and helium as the
carrier gas at a flow rate of 40 ml/min is an EPA approved method. A sample injection volume of 2 to 5 ul is
suggested, the column temperature is held isothermal at 45 deg C for 3 minutes then programmed at 8
deg/min to final temperature of 220 deg C. This method has a detection limit of 0.25 ug/l and an overall
precision of 0.21 times the average recovery + 1.43, over a working range of 8.0 to 500 ug/l.
[40 CFR 136 (7/1/86)] **PEER REVIEWED**
EPA Method 624: A purge and trap gas chromatographic/mass spectrometry method for the analysis of
dichloromethane in municipal and industrial discharges, consists of a glass column, 6 ft x 0.1 in, packed
with Carbopack B (60/80 mesh) coated with 1% SP-1000, with the detection performed by the mass
spectrometer, and helium as the carrier gas at a flow rate of 30 ml/min, is an EPA approved method. A
sample injection volume of 2 to 5 ul is suggested, the column temperature is held isothermal at 45 deg C for 3
minutes and then programmed at 8 deg/min to a final temperature of 220 deg C. This method has a detection
limit of 2.8 ug/l and an overall precision of 0.26 times the average recovery - 1.72, over a working range of 5
to 600 ug/l.
[40 CFR 136 (7/1/86)] **PEER REVIEWED**
EPA OSW Method 8021A. Determination of Halogenated and Aromatic Volatile Organics using Capillary
Column Gas Chromatography. Method detection limit 0.030 ug/l.
[USEPA; Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/ Chemical Methods, SW-846, 3rd
Edition, Final Update II, September 1994 (1994)] **PEER REVIEWED**
EPA OSW Method 8260A. Determination of Volatile Organics by Purge and Trap, Capillary Column Gas
Chromatography/ Mass Spectroscopy. Method detection limit 0.130 ug/l.
83 of 89 9/4/2014 10:26 AM
[USEPA; Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/ Chemical Methods, SW-846, 3rd
Edition, Final Update II, September 1994 (1997)] **PEER REVIEWED**
EPA OSW Method 8240B. Determination of Volatile Organics by Purge and Trap Gas Chromatography/
Mass Spectroscopy. Estimated quatitation limit 5 ug/l.
[USEPA; Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/ Chemical Methods, SW-846, 3rd
Edition, Final Update II, September 1994 (1997)] **PEER REVIEWED**
EPA Method 502.1. Volatile Halogenated Organic Compounds in Water by Purge and Trap Gas
Chromotography, GC with electroconductivity detection, detection limit not reported.
[USEPA; EMMI. EPA's Environmental Monitoring Methods Index. Version 1.1 PC# 4082.
Rockville, MD: Goverment Institutes (1997)] **PEER REVIEWED**
EPA EMSL Method 502.2. Volatile Halogenated Organic Compounds in Water by Purge and Trap Capillary
Gas Chromotography with Photoionization and Electrolytic Conductivity Detectors in Series, GC with
electroconductivity detection, method detection limit 0.020 ug/l.
[USEPA; EMMI. EPA's Environmental Monitoring Methods Index. Version 1.1 PC# 4082.
Rockville, MD: Goverment Institutes (1997)] **PEER REVIEWED**
EPA EMSL Method 524.1. Measurement of Purgeable Organic Compounds in Water by Packed Column Gas
Chromatography/ Mass Spectroscopy. Method detection limit 1.0 ug/l.
[USEPA; EMMI. EPA's Environmental Monitoring Methods Index. Version 1.1 PC# 4082.
Rockville, MD: Goverment Institutes (1997)] **PEER REVIEWED**
EPA OSW Method 8021A. Determination of Halogenated and Aromatic Volatile Organics using Capillary
Column Gas Chromatography. Electroconductivity detector. Method detection limit 0.020 ug/l.
[USEPA; Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/ Chemical Methods, SW-846, 3rd
Edition, Final Update II, September 1994 (1994)] **PEER REVIEWED**
EPA OSW Method 8240B. Determination of Volatile Organics by Purge and Trap Gas Chromatography/
Mass Spectroscopy. Estimated quantitation limit 5 ug/l.
[USEPA; Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/ Chemical Methods, SW-846, 3rd
Edition, Final Update II, September 1994 (1997)] **PEER REVIEWED**
EPA EAD Method 1624. Determination of Volatile Toxic Organic Pollutants and Additional Compounds
Amenable to Purge and Trap GC/MS. Gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy. Minimum detection level 10
[USEPA; EMMI. EPA's Environmental Monitoring Methods Index. Version 1.1 PC# 4082.
Rockville, MD: Goverment Institutes (1997)] **PEER REVIEWED**
NIOSH Method 1005. Methylene chloride by GC/FID. Gas chromatography with flame ionization
detection. Substrate: air. Detection limit 4.0 mg/cu m.
[U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease
Control, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. NIOSH Manual of Analytical
Methods. 4th ed. Methods A-Z & Supplements. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing
Office, Aug 1994.] **PEER REVIEWED**
NIOSH Method 2549. Volatile organic compounds (screening). Thermal desorption tube. Limit of detection
100 ng/tube or less.
[U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease
Control, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. NIOSH Manual of Analytical
Methods. 4th ed. Methods A-Z & Supplements. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing
Office, Aug 1994.] **PEER REVIEWED**
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Special References:
Special Reports:
USEPA; Health Assessment Document: Dichloromethane (Methylene Chloride) (Draft) (1982)
WHO; Environ Health Criteria: Methylene chloride (1984)
USEPA; Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Halomethanes (1980) EPA-440/5-80-051
DHHS/ATSDR; Toxicological Profile for Methylene Chloride (Update) TP-92/13 (1993)
NTP; Division of Toxicology Research and Testing; Management Status Report; 07/07/93; p.25. NTP TR No
306; Route: inhalation; Species: rats and mice. NTIS No PB86187903/AS.
USEPA; Update Health Assessment and Addendum for Dichloromethane (Methylene Dichloride):
Pharmacokinetics, Mechanism of Action, and Epidemiology. (Draft) (1987) EPA/600/8-87/030A
National Toxicology Program. Eleventh Report on Carcinogens (2005). The Report on Carcinogens is an
informational scientific and public health document that identifies and discusses substances (including
agents, mixtures, or exposure circumstances) that may pose a carcinogenic hazard to human health.
Dichloromethane (75-09-2) is listed as reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen.
[Available from, as of July 31, 2009:
Synonyms and Identifiers:
85 of 89 9/4/2014 10:26 AM
Methylene chloride
Methylenum chloratum
Dichloromethane is available as commercial/technical grade & grades intended specifically for vapor
degreasing, aerosol use, food extraction, reagent use & spectrophotometry. Purity, when reported, ranges
from 99-99.9% (reagent/high performance liq chromatography grade). Acidity (as hydrochloric acid) may be
up to 5-10 mg/kg. The max concn of water in commercial grade dichloromethane is generally 100-200
mg/kg, but anhydrous dichloromethane (less than 50 mg/kg water) is also available ...
[IARC. Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man. Geneva:
World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1972-PRESENT.
(Multivolume work). Available at: p. V41 44 (1986)]
Small amt of stabilizers are often added to dichloromethane at the time of manufacture. Cyclohexane (50
mg/kg) & propylene oxide have been added to commercial aerosols & reagent grades of dichloromethane
for this purpose. Other reported stabilizers include 2-methyl-2-butene @ 50 mg/kg, ethanol or methanol at
approx 0.2%, & small quantities (1 mg/kg) of phenol ... .
[IARC. Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man. Geneva:
World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1972-PRESENT.
(Multivolume work). Available at: p. V41 45 (1986)]
Additives may include 0.0001-1% of stabilizers such as: amines, 4-cresol, hydroquinone, methanol,
2-methylbut-2-ene, 1-naphthol, nitromethane + 1,4-dioxane, phenol, resorcinol, and thymol.
[WHO; Environ Health Criteria: Methylene chloride p.15 (1984)] **PEER REVIEWED**
In the USA, a standard grade dichloromethane has the following typical specifications: a clear, water white
liquid, free of suspended matter ... acidity, 5 mg/kg max; non volatile residue 10 mg/kg max; free halogen
none; & a 100% distillation range of 39.5-40.5 deg C.
[IARC. Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man. Geneva:
World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1972-PRESENT.
(Multivolume work). Available at: p. V20 450 (1979)]
Grades available from Mallinkrodt Speciaty Chemicals include AR, ChomAR, NANOGRADE, SpectrAR,
UltimAR, ACS Reagent, USP, HPLC, and GC grades.
[Rodnan N; Chemcyclopedia 98. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society p. 90 (1997)]
86 of 89 9/4/2014 10:26 AM
Shipping Name/ Number DOT/UN/NA/IMO:
UN 1593; Dichloromethane
IMO 6.1; Dichloromethane
Standard Transportation Number:
49 411 32; Dichloromethane
49 411 32; Methylene chloride
49 057 64; Methyl chloride-methylene chloride mixture
EPA Hazardous Waste Number:
U080; A toxic waste when a discarded commercial chemical product or manufacturing chemical intermediate
or an off specification commercial chemical product or manufacturing chemical intermediate.
F002; A hazardous waste from nonspecific sources when a spent solvent.
Administrative Information:
Hazardous Substances Databank Number:
Last Revision Date:
Last Review Date:
87 of 89 9/4/2014 10:26 AM
Reviewed by SRP on 1/29/2000
Update History:
Field Update on 2010-09-07, 1 fields added/edited/deleted
Field Update on 2010-06-02, 4 fields added/edited/deleted
Field Update on 2010-04-27, 1 fields added/edited/deleted
Field Update on 2009-08-12, 2 fields added/edited/deleted
Field Update on 2008-09-02, 2 fields added/edited/deleted
Field Update on 2008-08-23, 1 fields added/edited/deleted
Field Update on 2008-08-21, 1 fields added/edited/deleted
Field Update on 2008-08-15, 25 fields added/edited/deleted
Field Update on 2007-06-07, 1 fields added/edited/deleted
Field Update on 2006-04-18, 2 fields added/edited/deleted
Field Update on 2006-04-17, 2 fields added/edited/deleted
Complete Update on 2005-06-24, 2 fields added/edited/deleted
Field Update on 2005-04-29, 4 fields added/edited/deleted
Complete Update on 2003-08-29, 1 fields added/edited/deleted
Complete Update on 11/08/2002, 1 field added/edited/deleted.
Complete Update on 10/31/2002, 1 field added/edited/deleted.
Complete Update on 08/15/2002, 1 field added/edited/deleted.
Complete Update on 08/06/2002, 1 field added/edited/deleted.
Complete Update on 05/31/2002, 1 field added/edited/deleted.
Complete Update on 05/13/2002, 1 field added/edited/deleted.
Complete Update on 01/14/2002, 1 field added/edited/deleted.
Complete Update on 08/09/2001, 1 field added/edited/deleted.
Complete Update on 05/15/2001, 1 field added/edited/deleted.
Complete Update on 12/07/2000, 2 fields added/edited/deleted.
Complete Update on 12/06/2000, 2 fields added/edited/deleted.
Field Update on 09/12/2000, 1 field added/edited/deleted.
Complete Update on 06/08/2000, 88 fields added/edited/deleted.
Field Update on 03/28/2000, 1 field added/edited/deleted.
Field Update on 02/08/2000, 1 field added/edited/deleted.
Field Update on 02/02/2000, 1 field added/edited/deleted.
Field Update on 11/18/1999, 1 field added/edited/deleted.
Field Update on 09/21/1999, 1 field added/edited/deleted.
Complete Update on 05/04/1999, 1 field added/edited/deleted.
Complete Update on 03/19/1999, 1 field added/edited/deleted.
Complete Update on 02/11/1999, 1 field added/edited/deleted.
Complete Update on 11/16/1998, 2 fields added/edited/deleted.
Complete Update on 11/12/1998, 1 field added/edited/deleted.
Complete Update on 08/28/1998, 1 field added/edited/deleted.
Complete Update on 08/10/1998, 1 field added/edited/deleted.
Complete Update on 06/02/1998, 1 field added/edited/deleted.
Complete Update on 10/17/1997, 1 field added/edited/deleted.
88 of 89 9/4/2014 10:26 AM
Complete Update on 05/08/1997, 1 field added/edited/deleted.
Complete Update on 03/27/1997, 2 fields added/edited/deleted.
Complete Update on 02/24/1997, 1 field added/edited/deleted.
Complete Update on 06/06/1996, 2 fields added/edited/deleted.
Complete Update on 05/10/1996, 1 field added/edited/deleted.
Complete Update on 04/18/1996, 2 fields added/edited/deleted.
Complete Update on 04/16/1996, 10 fields added/edited/deleted.
Field Update on 04/11/1996, 5 fields added/edited/deleted.
Field Update on 01/18/1996, 1 field added/edited/deleted.
Complete Update on 01/11/1996, 2 fields added/edited/deleted.
Complete Update on 05/26/1995, 1 field added/edited/deleted.
Complete Update on 02/13/1995, 1 field added/edited/deleted.
Complete Update on 01/23/1995, 1 field added/edited/deleted.
Complete Update on 12/19/1994, 1 field added/edited/deleted.
Complete Update on 09/26/1994, 1 field added/edited/deleted.
Complete Update on 08/31/1994, 1 field added/edited/deleted.
Complete Update on 07/28/1994, 1 field added/edited/deleted.
Complete Update on 03/25/1994, 1 field added/edited/deleted.
Complete Update on 11/05/1993, 1 field added/edited/deleted.
Complete Update on 09/16/1993, 1 field added/edited/deleted.
Complete Update on 08/07/1993, 1 field added/edited/deleted.
Complete Update on 08/04/1993, 1 field added/edited/deleted.
Complete Update on 04/26/1993, 1 field added/edited/deleted.
Field update on 12/10/1992, 1 field added/edited/deleted.
Complete Update on 11/20/1992, 1 field added/edited/deleted.
Complete Update on 09/03/1992, 2 fields added/edited/deleted.
Complete Update on 06/26/1992, 16 fields added/edited/deleted.
Complete Update on 04/03/1992, 4 fields added/edited/deleted.
Field Update on 04/01/1992, 1 field added/edited/deleted.
Field Update on 01/13/1992, 1 field added/edited/deleted.
Field Update on 09/27/1991, 1 field added/edited/deleted.
Field Update on 09/26/1991, 1 field added/edited/deleted.
Complete Update on 05/07/1991, 1 field added/edited/deleted.
Complete Update on 11/02/1990, 44 fields added/edited/deleted.
Field Update on 10/22/1990, 1 field added/edited/deleted.
Field Update on 08/23/1990, 1 field added/edited/deleted.
Field Update on 05/04/1990, 1 field added/edited/deleted.
Complete Update on 01/11/1990, 106 fields added/edited/deleted.
Field Update on 05/05/1989, 1 field added/edited/deleted.
Field Update on 03/01/1989, 1 field added/edited/deleted.
Field Update on 10/31/1988, 1 field added/edited/deleted.
Field Update on 05/12/1988, 1 fields added/edited/deleted.
Complete Update on 05/06/1988, 2 fields added/edited/deleted.
Complete Update on 04/22/1988, 112 fields added/edited/deleted.
Complete Update on 05/02/1985
Created 19830315 by DS
89 of 89 9/4/2014 10:26 AM

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