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Prambanan is the largest Hindu temple of ancient Java, and the frst building
was completed in the mid-9th century. It was liely started by !aai Piatan as the
Hindu "an#aya $ynasty%s answer to the
&uddhist "ailendra $ynasty%s &orobudur and "ewu temples nearby. Historians
suggest that the construction of Prambanan probably was meant to mar the
return of the Hindu "an#aya $ynasty to power in 'entral Java after almost a
century of &uddhist "ailendra $ynasty domination. (he construction of this
massive Hindu temple signifes that the )edangcourt had shifted its patronage
from )ahayana &uddhism to "hivaist Hinduism.
Prambanan (emple or (emple of *oro Jonggrang is the largest Hindu temple
comple+ in Indonesia, which was built in the 9th century ,$. (his temple is
dedicated to (rimurti, the three ma#or gods of Hindu god &rahma as the creator,
-ishnu the preserver god, and "hiva as the god of destruction. &ased on the
inscription "iwagrha original name of this temple comple+ is "iwagrha ."ansrit
which means %house of "hiva%/, and indeed in garbagriha .main hall/ of the temple
is a statue of "hiva )ahadeva dwells as high as three meters which showed that
*ord "hiva in this temple are preferred.
, temple was frst built at the site around 012 '3 by !aai Piatan and
e+panded e+tensively by 4ing *oapala and &alitung )aha
"ambu the "an#aya ing of the )ataram 4ingdom. ,ccording to the "hivagrha
inscription of 015 '3, the temple was built to honor *ord "hiva, and its original
name was Shiva-grha .the House of "hiva/ or Shiva-laya .the !ealm of "hiva/.
,ccording to the "hivagrha inscription, a public water pro#ect to change the
course of a river near "hivagrha (emple was undertaen during the construction
of the temple. (he river, identifed as the 6pa !iver, now runs north to south on
the western side of the Prambanan temple compound. Historians suggest that
originally the river was curved further to east and was deemed too near to the
main temple. (he pro#ect was done by cutting the river along a north to south a+is
along the outer wall of the "hivagrha (emple compound. (he former river course
was flled in and made level to create a wider space for the temple e+pansion, the
space for rows of pervara .complementary/ temples.
"ome archaeologists propose that the statue of "hiva in
the garbhagriha .central chamber/ of the main temple was modelled after 4ing
&alitung, serving as a depiction of his deifed self after death
(he temple compound was e+panded by successive )ataram ings, such
as $asa and (ulodong, with the addition of hundreds of perwara temples around
the chief temple. Prambanan served as the royal temple of the 4ingdom of
)ataram, with most of the state%s religious ceremonies and sacrifces being
conducted there. ,t the height of the ingdom, scholars estimate that hundreds
of brahmins with their disciples lived within the outer wall of the temple
compound. (he urban center and the court of )ataram were located nearby,
somewhere in the Prambanan Plain.
(he Javanese locals in the surrounding villages new about the temple ruins
before formal rediscovery, but they did not now about its historical bacground7
which ingdoms ruled or which ing commissioned the construction of the
monuments. ,s a result, the locals developed tales and legends to e+plain the
origin of temples, infused with myths of giants, and a cursed princess. (hey gave
Prambanan and "ewu a wondorous origin8 these were said in the *oro Jonggrang
legend to have been created by a multitude of demons under the order of
&andung &ondowoso.
In 9:;;, this temple was found by the ', *ons a $utch nationality. (his
temple attracted worldwide attention when during the &ritish occupation of Java.
<hen was 'olin )acen=ie, a surveyor subordinate "ir (homas "tamford !a>es,
found this temple. ,lthough "ir (homas then ordered a further investigation, the
ruins of this temple remained neglected until decades. ?o serious e+cavation
conducted during the 9002s that unfortunately even fertili=e practice looting and
stone carved temples. *ater in 9011 Jan <illem IJ=erman start cleaning and
moving some rocs and soil from the temple. , few moments later Isaac
@roneman massive demolition and temple stones were piled hapha=ardly along
the !iver 6pa. (he statues and reliefs of the temple was taen by $utch
nationals and used as garden ornaments, while the natives using stones of the
temple foundation for building materials and home.
(he restoration began in 9990, but a serious eAort begins in earnest in the
99;2s. In 992B-992;, (heodoor van 3rp eep parts that are prone to collapse. In
the years 9990-99B5, followed by the &ureau of ,ntiCuities .6udheidundige
$ienst/ under PJ PerCuin a more systematic manner according to the rules of
archeology. ,s nown predecessors did removal and demolition of thousands of
stones at random without thining of any restoration eAort bac. In 99B5 $e Haan
continued until his death in 99;2 In 99;9 was replaced by Ir. -.!. van !omondt up
in 99DB and later handed over to the leadership of the renovation was the son of
Indonesia and it continued until 999;.
6ngoing renovation eAorts carried out even today. (he restoration of the
"hiva temple is the main temple comple+ was completed in 991; and inaugurated
by the frst President of the !epublic of Indonesia "uarno. )any parts of the
temple were renovated, using new stones, because many original stones were
stolen or reused elsewhere. , temple will be renovated only when at least :1E of
the original stones are still there. (herefore, many small temples are not rebuilt
and only looed foundation course.
?ow, the temple was included in the <orld Heritage "ite which is protected
by F?3"'6, was granted F?3"'6 status in 9999.
(his temple comple+ is located in the district of Prambanan, "leman and
Prambanan sub-district, 4laten, appro+imately 9: ilometers northeast of
Gogyaarta, 12 ilometers southwest of "uraarta and 9B2 m south of "emarang,
#ust on the border between 'entral Java and Gogyaarta. It is very uniCue,
Prambanan temple is located in the administrative area &oohar#o village,
Prambanan, "leman, while the entrance of the Prambanan temple comple+
located in the administrative region (logo village, Prambanan, 4laten. Precisely
address is Jl. Jog#a-"olo 4m. 95 Prambanan village.
(rans Jog#a is one alternative that operates mass transportation in the city of
Gogyaarta since B220 Hleet (rans Jog#a are eCuipped with air-conditioning is in
operation every day starting at 17;2 to B97;2 pm and serve 5 special route
traversed some of which are not city buses. *ie the (rans Jaarta, (rans Jog#a bus
stops also have scattered in various places. <hile distinguishing is (rans Jog#a has
no special corridors such as the (rans Jaarta, but still mi+ed with other vehicles.
(rans Jog#a passenger capacity is B2 passengers seated and B2 standing
,nyone who want to ride the (rans Jog#a is reCuired to purchase single trip
ticet for !p ;,222. (hese ticets can be used to ride the (rans Jog#a wherever and
for whatever. If we get oA at the stop then transit to another Ieet, we do not need
to pay anymore. However this is not true if we bergati stop. Hor anyone who wants
to linger in Jog#a, it is better to buy a ticet subscription with refll system ranging
from !p 91,222, !p B1,222, !p 12,222 and !p 922,222. (he advantage of using
this is our subscription ticet will only be charged !p B,:22 per trip. In addition, if
we move the stop with a distance less than 9 hour since it was frst climbed (rans
Jog#a then it will not be charged. (o purchase a subscription ticet we have to fll
the data themselves frst in special shelters mared P6" .Point of "ales/.
,s an alternative transportation to Prambanan temple, (rans Jog#a become
comfortable public transport, easy, cheap, and safe. 3ase Path to the location (J
Prambanan become an easy option for tourists. (J path used to get to the temple
Prambanan was paths (J 9, because this is the only path leading to the temple
Here are (rans#og#a *ine !oute 9,
route 9,7 (erminal Prambanan - ,disucipto ,irport - )onument "tation - )alioboro
- J3'7
Prambanan (erminal - "1. 4alasan - ,disucipto ,irport - ";. )aguwohar#o - Janti
.below/ - ";. FI? 4ali#aga - "D. $emangan - "D. @ramedia - "D. (ugu - (ugu (rain
"tation - )alioboro - "D. @rand Post 6Jce - "D. @ondomanan - "D. "entul maret -
"D. "@) - Happy *oa - "D. 4urt -@edonguning - J3' - "D. &loc 6 - Janti .above/ -
";. )aguwohar#o - ,disucipto ,irport - "1. 4alasan - Prambanan (erminal.
(he route followed7 Jl. Jog#a-"olo - Jl. !ear ,disucipto - Jl. Frip "umohar#o - Jl. Jend.
"udirman - Jl. )argoutomo - Jl. 4leringan - Jl. ,bu &ar ,li - Jl. )alioboro - Jl.
)argomulyo - Jl. Panembahan "enopati - Jl. "ultan ,gung - Jl. 4usumanegara - Jl.
Janti - Jl. !ing !oad 3ast - Jl. *asda ,disucipto - Jl. Jog#a-"olo
&y using (rans Jog#a as a transportation option to get to Prambanan temple, can
save money on transportation costs.
(icet prices Prambanan temple is divided into two inds of domestic and
international ticet. Hor domestic tourists admission price is !p.0222, - and for
foreign tourists admission price K 92, -
)ay B225 Gogyaarta 3arthCuae is a strong seismic event that shoo the
3arth%s tectonic Gogyaarta and 'entral Java on )ay B:, B225 at 1711 pm
appro+imately for 1: seconds. (he earthCuae measuring 1.9 on the !ichter
scale. Fnited "tates @eological "urvey reported that the Cuae occurred at 5.B on
the !ichter scale. (hese events mae Prambanan suAered severe damage and
was closed temporarily for the scrutini=ed again the level of damage. $amage to
Prambanan suAered most is the collapse of parts of the temple and the
destruction of some of the mountains that mae up the roc temple
(he earthCuae caused severe damage to many buildings and deaths in the
population around. (he Cuae was centered on 6pa tectonic fault, the faults in
the direction of the 6pa river valley near the Prambanan. 6ne of the buildings
that were badly damaged Prambanan temple comple+, especially the &rahma
(emple. 3arly photographs show that although the comple+ of buildings remain
intact, damage is signifcant. *arge pieces of stone, including carved panels-
panels, and waterless wa#ra fell and scattered on the ground. (hese temples had
closed from tourist visits to the damage and danger of collapse can be calculated.
Gogyaarta ,rchaeological Hall stated that it could tae many months to
determine the e+tent of damage caused by this earthCuae. , few wees later, in
B225 the site was re-opened for tourist visits. In B220, there were a number of
Indonesian travelers 015 2B9 and 99D 919 foreign tourists visited Prambanan. 6n
January 5, B229 ?andi temple restoration is complete. In B229, the enclosed
space in the main temple of tourists visit for security reasons.
Prambanan temple-shaped building towering typical Hindu architecture and
layout of the building of the temple in the form of )andala, such as &orobudur. ,s
a symbol of the world L cosmos in Hinduism, the temple is divided into three
sections either upward or sideways. &hurloa, which is the base of the temple,
also outside the sCuare depicts the underworld. , place for ordinary people, dirty
place where greedy lot going on. (his area is not a sacred area. &huvarloa, which
is the center of the central sCuare in the temple and temple comple+, symboli=es
%the world is% a place for those who have left the earthly passion later in Hinduism
is nown by the name of "an Gasin. Places where people started getting
pencerahan."varloa, namely top of the temple, and bu#ursanngar most in
describing the world of the gods, the most holy place, and crowned.
Prambanan temple architecture guided by the traditions of Hindu
architecture which is based on the boo <astu *iterature. Plan of the temple
follows the pattern of the mandala, while the towering form of the temple is
typical of Hindu temples. Prambanan real name "iwagrha and designed to
resemble the home of "hiva, which is follows the shape of the sacred mountain
)ahameru, where the gods dwell. (he entire temple comple+ follows the model of
the universe according to Hindu cosmology concept, which is divided into several
layers of the realm, nature or *oa.
"uch as &orobudur, Prambanan temple also has a =one levels, ranging from
the less holy to the most holy =one. $espite the diAerent names, each of these
Hindu concept has sandingannya the &uddhist concept, which in principle is
almost the same. *and either hori=ontally or vertically Ioor plan is divided into
three =ones
&hurloa .in &uddhism7 4amadhatu/, is the lowest realm of mortals8
humans, animals, spirits and demons as well. In this realm is still tied with
less human lust, passion, and a way of life that is not holy. Page terlar and
foot of the temple symboli=es the realm bhurloa.
&huwarloa .in &uddhism7 !upadhatu/, is a natural tegah, the holy man
places, sages, ascetics, and dewatarendahan. In this human nature began
to see the light of truth. (he central courtyard of the temple and symboli=es
"warloa .in &uddhism7 ,rupadhatu/, is at once the most sacred trtinggi
realm where the gods dwell, also called "wargaloa. Pages in and the roof of
the temple symboli=es the realm swarloa. (he roof of the temples in
Prambanan comple+ decorated with a waterless mastaa ratna ."ansrit7
#ewel/, Prambanan is a modifed form of #ewel that symboli=es wa#ra form
diamond or thunder. In ancient Javanese Hindu architecture, ratna is Hindu
sandingan for &uddhist stupa, which serves as a waterless or mastaa
,t the time of restoration, #ust below the statue of "hiva under "hiva temple main
hall there are wells that contained didasarnya pripih .stone bo+/. (he 1.:1-meter-
deep wells and pripih stone coJn was found on a heap of wood charcoal, soil, and
animal bones of victims. Inside this pripih are sacred ob#ects such as sheets of
gold inscribed with characters <aruna .god of the sea/ and Parwata .mountain
god/. In this stone caset contained sheets of copper mi+ed with charcoal, ash,
and soil, B2 ancient coins, a few grains of gems, glass, pieces of gold, and silver
sheets, shells, and 9B sheets of gold .1 of them in the form of a turtle, snae
dragon .cobra/, padma, altar and egg/
Prambanan temple has three main yard. (he frst courtyard is the most
sacred courtyard, the second courtyard the courtyard whose position is lower than
on the frst courtyard, and the third courtyard is the lower courtyard again from
the previous courtyard. (he composition is formed which leads to the central
Prambanan temple comple+ has ; courtyard, which is
(he frst courtyard with sCuare form, is the most sacred yard because these
courtyard there are ; main temple ."hiva, -ishnu, &rahma/, three ancillary
temples, two temples wedge, D color temples, D corner temples L peg.
(he second 'ourtyard is also form in the sCuare, it is located lower than the
frst courtyard. 6n this courtyard there are BBD temples ancillary arranged
on D series with a ratio of the number 50, 52, 1B, and DD temples.
(he third page is the outermost courtyard of this temple comple+. direction
is not symmetrical with the frst or second courtyard the fence, because the
direction of the 6pa river Iow limiting temple comple+ in the west of the
plot turns, so it was forced to ad#ust the shape of the outer fence is no
longer possible because the formed symmetrical with the previous fences.
(he composition such forming concentric arrangement toward the center of
courtyard. ,ccordingly, the Prambanan temple comple+ built in a unitary concept,
which is central temple worship "hiva as )ahadeva "hiva statue as the main
statue. (his is consistent with reports in the year 015 ,$ inscription 'iwagrha
issued by the !aai Piatan.
!amayana and 4rishnayana
(he temple is decorated with a narrative that tells the Hindu epics8
!amayana and 4rishnayana. (his tells series of reliefs engraved on the inner wall
of the balustrade along the hallway gallery that surrounds the three main
temples. !elief is read from right to left with a clocwise motion around the
temple. (his is in accordance with the ritual pradasina, which is rituals
surrounding the building clocwise holy by pilgrims. (he !amayana "tory begins
on the east side of the temple of "hiva and continued to &rahma temple . 6n the
balustrade of -ishnu temple there is a relief 4rishnayana narrative that tells the
life of 4rishna as one awatara<ishnu.
(he !amayana reliefs illustrate how "hinta, wife of !ama, was abducted by
!avana. 'ommander <anara nation .money/, Hanuman, come to ,lenga to
see help !ama "hinta. (his story is also featured in the !amayana, which is
Javanese wayang performances are staged regularly at (rimurti open stage every
night of the full moon. (rine stage bacground is a magnifcent view of the three
main temples are illuminated by light bulbs.
*oapala, &rahmans, and the @ods
,cross the narrative relief panels on the wall of the temple along the gallery
decorated statues and reliefs depicting the gods and sages brahman. *oapala
statues of gods, the god of winds heavenly guards can be found in the temple of
"hiva. <hile the compilers of the boo of the &rahmins statues at the temple of
&rahma <edaterdapat. In the temple there are statues of gods -ishnu Ianed by
two apsaras or celestial nymphs.
Prambanan panil7 *ions and 4alpataru
6n the outer side of the bottom wall of the temple is decorated by rows of
niches .niche/ that holds the stone lions Ianed by two panels depicting the life
4alpataru trees. (he holy tree in Hindu-&uddhist mythology that trees are
considered to meet the e+pectations and needs of human beings. ,t the foot of
4alpataru tree is Ianed by a pair innaras-4innari .magical animal-headed
human bodied birds/, or a couple of other animals, such as birds, deer, sheep,
money, horse, elephant, and others. Patterns of lions Ianed 4alpataru is the
typical pattern found only in Prambanan, because that%s called MPanil PrambananM.
Prambanan 4ewu plains or plains are fertile plain that stretches between the
southern foot of the slopes of )ount )erapi in the north and south of the
mountain range apur"ewu, near the border of Gogyaarta and 4laten, 'entral
Java. In addition to Prambanan temple, valleys and plains around Prambanan rich
archaeological heritage &uddhist temples of the earliest in the history of
Indonesia, and Hindu temples. Prambanan temple surrounded by &uddhist
temples. "till in the ancient tourist par comple+, not far north there are the ruins
of the temple of Prambanan temple and temple &ubrah barn. )ore to the north
again there "ewu temple, the largest &uddhist temple &orobudur second after.
Hurther east there is a temple Plaosan. In the west there is a temple Prambanan
temple 4alasan and "ari. <hile in the south there is a temple "o#iwan, !atu &aa
site is located in the hills, as well as &anyunibo temple, temple &arong, I#o (emple.
,round the temple comple+ there is accommodation available and complete
facilities, such as hotels L lodging houses, restaurants L restaurants, souvenir
shops, telecom shops, and internet cafes.
!amayana &allet Prambanan use source of manuscript of !ama story which
is the literary version of the (he !amayana story ?ew Java the most popular
among the people. of !ama is Jasadipura manuscript composition I .9:B9-902B/
.,ccording Poerbat#araa manuscript of !ama macapat a Java boo present the
most good, but also critici=e the author manuscript Poerbat#araa of !ama which
is considered less mastered the ancient Javanese language so often the parts that
are not understood and eliminated replaced.
(he !ama manuscript diAerent from -almii (he !amayana version is
regarded as the original version of the (he !amayana. (he !ama manuscript
sourced or composition of the oldest manuscripts (he !amayana in
Indonesianamely 4aawin (he !amayana, which was written in the Java language
in the form of ancient poetry sung in rhythm .aawin/ .!amayana 4aawin not
sourced to -almii (he !amayana but !avanavadha &hatti bouCuet of India.Pada
4aawin (he !amayana and the staging Prambanan !amayana there is no boo
or the frst anda, &alaanda and seventh, Fttaraanda, so the story ends after
"hinta through a bonfre and proved her purity. Poerbat#araa found (he
!amayana 4aawin made contemporaneous or after the Prambanan (emple
stood, as in the writing of (he !amayana 4aawin authors imagine being in front
of the "hiva enshrinement matanya.6leh therefore (he !amayana reliefs at
Prambanan are not rooted in (he !amayana 4aawin, Prambanan (he !amayana
version is more similar to the saga of "ri (he !ama written in )alay. (he !ama
manuscript itself has diAerences with 4aawin (he !amayana, (he !ama
manuscript scene begins palace and family origins of !avana, !avana family story
is an e+cerpt from the boo ,r#una <i#aya master wors (antular.!elief (he
!amayana story on temple of "hiva and &rahma temple tells ranging from birth to
(he !ama%s coronation 4usa, son of (he !ama as ing of ,yodya. (he !amayana
reliefs on the temple of "hiva carved on BD felds and DB scenes, while the at the
&rahma temple sculpted in B9 felds and ;2 scenes.
&ecause it comes from a diAerent source, which is sourced from the !amayana
(he !ama manuscript while the Prambanan reliefs are thought to have come from
the saga of "ri (he !ama, the staging of the story there is a diAerence, especially
at the end of the story. (he fnal part the story at Prambanan !amayana ballet
performances were diAerent from the wor of -almii (he !amayana, !amayana
&allet Prambanan ends with the reunion of (he !ama and "ita, while the -almii
version, the seventh boo tells the people of ,yodhya are still doubting the
sanctity of "ita, (he !ama told "ita to prove that in the eyes of the people with
oath. Hinally, "ita said NBy never once crossed my heart male images besides
Rama, Goddess of Earth hopefully would open and swallow my confession. For the
sae ! have to say the correct word here, and ! have never admit as a husband
besides Rama, Goddess of Earth may open confession and swallow meO. once the
earth split and appear @oddess of 3arth who embraced "ita and bring it into the
earth. !ama 3nterprises vain begged "ita restored, !ama fnally handed over his
throne as ing of ,yodhya to 4usa and *awa, then bac to 4hayangan become
*ord -ishnu.
"endratari !amayana .(he !amayana &allet/ is one of the masterpieces of
the art show that combines drama and dance. !amayana ballet was frst staged
at Prambanan in 9959 initiators are 4P@H Jati 4usuma, one of the relatives of
"uraarta. He wants to show colossal performances with historical bacground.
?ow, the !amayana is managed by P( (aman <isata 'andi &orobudur,
Prambanan, and !atu &oo. (he atmosphere is so stunning when the lights
highlight the stage yellowish bacground beautiful Prambanan e+otic. ,nd while
do=ens nayaga .gamelan players/ began to beat, chiming blend enong, saron,
+ylophone, and the beat of the gong will bring us into the world of the !amayana.
(he show which lasted for two hours is the story of the legend of !amayana
carved on the reliefs of "hiva temple, one of the temples in Prambanan temple
(he following schedule of performances and ticet prices
Indoor (heater .(ri )urti/
B29D J,?F,!G B, D, :, 9, 99, 9D, 95, 90, B9, B;, B1, B0, ;2
B29D H3&!F,!G 9, D, 5, 0, 99, 9;, 91, 90, B2, BB, B1, B:
),!'H B29D 9, D, 5, 0, 99, 9;, 91, 90, B2, BB, B1, B:, B9
,P!I* B29D 9, ;, 1, 0, 92, 9B, 91, 9:, 99, BB, BD, B5, B9
?6-3)&3! B29D 9, D, 5, 0, 99, 9;, 91, 90, B2, BB, B1, B:, B9
$3'3)&3! B29D B, D, 5, 9, 99, 9;, 95, 90, B2, B;, B1, B:, ;2
(icet Price7
"P3'I,* '*,"" "3,(I?@ !p B12,222
HI!"( '*,"" "3,(I?@ !p 9:1,222
"3'6?$ '*,"" "3,(I?@ !p 922,222
"(F$3?( '*,"" "3,(I?@ !p ;2,222
6utdoor (heater .6pen (heater/
),G B29D 9, ;, 5, 0, 92, 9;, 91, 95, 9:, 90, 99, B2, BB, BD, B:, B9, ;9
JF?3 B29D ;, D, 1, :, 92, 99, 9B, 9;, 9D, 91, 95, 9:, 90, 99, B9, BD, B1, B5, B0
B29D JF*G 9, ;, 1, 0, 92, 99, 9B, 9;, 9D, 91, 9:, 99, BB, BD, B5, B0, B9, ;2, ;9
,F@F"( B29D 9, B, 1, 5, :, 0, 9, 92, 99, 9B, 9;, 9D, 95, 99, B2, B9, B;, B5, B:, B0,
"3P(3)&3! B29D B, D, 1, 5, :, 0, 9, 99, 9;, 95, 90, B2, B;, B1, B:, ;2
6'(6&3! B29D B, D, :, 9, 92, 99, 9B, 9;, 9D, 95, 90, B9, B;, B1, B0, ;2
(icet Price7
-IP '*,"" "3,(I?@ !p ;12,222
"P3'I,* '*,"" "3,(I?@ !p B12,222
HI!"( '*,"" "3,(I?@ !p 9:1,222
"3'6?$ '*,"" "3,(I?@ !p 922,222
"(F$3?( '*,"" "3,(I?@ !p ;2,222
(he show begins at :7;2 p.m. to 97;2 p.m. and depending on to the weather

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