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Mathematics and Surveying


1) after the price of petrol went up by 10%, pedro
reduced his petrol consumption by the same
percent. By what percent would his petrol bill be
a) decrease by 10%
b) Decrease by 1%
c) Increase by 1%
d) increase by 5%
e) Increase by 2%
2) A square of side A is inscribed in a circle, find the
area between the circle and the square
a) a
b) ( -1)a

c) (-1)a

d) (/4-1)a

e) (+2)a

3) It is between 3 and 4 oclock, and in twenty minutes,
the minute hand will be as much after the hour
hand as it is by now behind it. What is the time?
a) 3:05 4/11
b) 3:04 4/11
c) 3:06 4/11
d) 3:07 4/11
e) 3:08 4/11
4) If 1/x, 1/y, 1/z are in A.P. find the value of y
a) x+z/xz
b) 2xz/x+z
c) z-x
d) z/1(x+z)
e) 2x+2z
5) the quotient of a two digit number divided by the
sum of its digit is 4. if the number is subtracted from
the sum of the squares of its digits, the difference is
9, find the number
a) 36
b) 33
c) 30
d) 28
e) 34
6) the length of a side of rhombus is 5cm. if the
shorter diagonal is of length 6cm, find the area of
the rhombus?
a) 32
b) 24
c) 28
d) 36
e) 12
7) there are three short questions in math exams. for
each question, 1 mark will be awarded for a correct
answer and no work for a wrong answer. if the
probability that mary correctly answers a question
in a test is 2/3, determine the probability that mary
gets 2 marks in the test.
a) 8/27
b) 2/9
c) 1/27
d) 5/9
e) 4/9
8) Maria is 36 yrs old. Maria was twice as old as Anna
was when Maria was as old as Anna is now. how old
is Anna now?
a) 22
b) 25
c) 24
d) 23
e) 4
9) the standard deviation of two numbers x and y,
where x>y is.
a) x+y/2
b) x
c) x-y/2

e) x
10) determine the length of the line in meters if there
were 3 tallies, 8 pins and the last pin was 9m from
the end of the line. the tape used was 50 m. long
a) 1875
b) 1713
c) 1584
d) 1236
e) 1909
11) this sides of a square lot having an area of 2.25
hectares were measured using a 100 m tape that
was .04 m too long. compute the error in the area in
sq. meters
a) 18
b) 10
c) 15
d) 13
e) 16
12) if 1/x=a+b and 1/y=a-b find x-y
a) 2b/b

b) 2a/b

c) b
d) b
e) b
13) one side of a field measuring 75 meters is parallel to
the center line of the adjoining road. the other two
sides which are both perpendicular to the road are
125 and 150 m respectively. if the field is to be
divided into two parts of two equal areas by
another perpendicular line, determine the length of
the line.
a) 129.415
b) 125.415
c) 145.544
d) 138.067
e) 156.354
Mathematics and Surveying

14) in what ratio must tea costing 24 per kg be mixed
with tea costing 34 per kg so that a profit of 20% is
made by selling the mixture at 36 per kg
a) 2:3
b) 3:2
c) 1:2
d) 5:3
e) 4:6
15) a line 100 m long was paced by a surveyor four
times with the following data, 142, 145, 145.5, and
146. then another line was paced for four times
again with the following results, 893, 893.5, 891,
and 895.5
a) 635.685
b) 617.236
c) 654.158
d) 628.424
e) 689.598
16) in a two-peg test method od a dumpy level, the
following observations were taken,
if the line of sight is not in adjustment, determine the
correct rod reading on A with the instrument still set up
at B
a) .919m
b) .526
c) .825
d) .665
e) .715
17) transform r
sin 2=6 into Cartesian coordinates
a) xy=2
b) xy=3
c) xy=4
d) xy=5
e) xy=6
18) the height of the cone is U. it contains water to a
depth of 2/3H. determine the ration of the volume
of water to that of the cone
a) 19.27
b) 26.27
c) 8:27
d) 1:27
e) 5:27
19) a boy at 8:00 am started to walk at a rate of 4 km/hr
for 2 hrs and 45 mins, after which a man followed to
overtake him with a rate of 4.5 km/hr for the first
gour, 4.75 for the second hour and so on,
increasing his rate by a quarter of km each hour.
find the time when the man overtook the boy
a) 6:45 PM
b) 7:45 PM
c) 8:45 PM
d) 9:45 PM
e) 6:25 PM
20) let f(x)=(x+3)(x-4)+4. when f(x) is divided by (x-k),
the remainder is k. find k
a) -2 or 4
b) -1 or 3
c) -3 or 5
d) -1 or 2
e) -1 or 6
21) the daily wage of a technician and an apprentice are
in the ratio 2:1. in a day a technician has to work 8
hours but an apprentice only in 6 hrs. the hourly
wages of a technician and an apprentice is in a ratio
a) 4:3
b) 8:3
c) 2:1
d) 3:2
e) 5:3
22) a circular rotunda passes through the three points
A(-4,3), B(2,1) and C(-2, -5). determine the radius of
the circular rotunda.
a) 5.58
b) 3.26
c) 6.15
d) 7.15
e) 4.27
23) find the equations of the tangents to the circle
=5 which make an angle 45 degrees with the x-
a) x+y=10
b) x-y=10
c) x-y=10/2
d) x
e) x
24) the point of intersection of the perpendicular
bisector of the sides of the triangle
a) circumcenter
b) centroid
c) eulers line
d) circul circle
e) non of these
25) the angle of a sector is 60 and the radius is 2 cm.
what is the area of the section
a) 4/3
b) 60/
c) 2/3
d) 120
e) 150
26) the table shows the number of students in two
classes of a school and their average marks in a test.
Class No of students Average mark
a 40 65
b x 50
Instrument Instrument
Set up near A Set up near B
Rod reading
on A
1.505 .938
Rod reading
on A
2.054 1.449
Mathematics and Surveying

if the average mark of the two classes is 58, find x
a) 35
b) 42
c) 28
d) 32
e) 52
27) using polar coordinates, find the polar equation of
the path of a point which is equidistant from the
points whose polar coordinates are (2a, 0) and (a.
a) r=3a/2(2cos-sin)
b) r=3a/ (2cos-sin)
c) r=3a/2(2cos2-sin2)
d) r=3a/(2cos-sin)
28) a fruit vendor goes to market to buy fruits for resale
at her store. she spends half her money for
mangoes, and 1/3 of which remains for bananas.
she spends P150 for other fruits and still has P200
left from the amount she originally had. how much
money did she have at the start?
a) 1150
b) 1250
c) 1050
d) 1110
e) 1025

=y find the value of y

a) y=x
b) y=x
c) y=x
d) y=x

e) y=x


30) a hawker sold 100 egss. 80 of them were sold at a
profit of 30% while the rest were sold at a loss of
40%. what is the percentage gain or loss on the
whole stock?
a) a gain of 16%
b) a gain of 10%
c) a loss of 8%
d) a loss of 10%
e) a loss of 5%
31) the capacities of two hemispherical tanks are in the
ratio of 64:125. if 4.8 kg of paint is required to paint
the outer surface of the smaller tank. then how
many kg of paints would be needed to paint the
outer surface of the larger tank?
a) 6.4
b) 5.3
c) 8.6
d) 9.6
e) 7.5
32) the bearing of a line from A to B was measured as S.
1630 W. it was found that there was local
attraction at both A and B and therefore a forward
and backward bearing were taken between A and a
point C which there was no local attraction. if the
bearing at AC was S 3010E and that of CA was
N2820W, what is the corrected bearing of AB?
a) S 18 24W
b) S 18 15 W
c) S18 25W
d) S 18 22W
e) S 18 20W
33) In a throw of two dice, what is the probability of
obtaining a total of 10 or 12?
a) 1/6
b) 1/9
c) 1/12
d) 1/8
e) 1/10
34) the wheel of a car revolves n times while the car
travels x km. thr radius of the wheel in cm is equal
to ________
a) 50000x/n
b) 2nx
c) 20000x/n
d) 5nx
e) 30000x/n
35) a Quonset 18m long has a parabolic cross section.
its base is 12 m and its height at the center is 6m. a
flat horizontal ceiling 3.70 m above the base is to be
constructed inside the hut. if the ceiling will consist
of wooden boards 25 mm thick, how many cubic
meters of ceiling boards will be required assuming
that 10% of the materials is wasted during
a) 4.524
b) 2.365
c) 5.458
d) 3.715
e) 6.326
36) find the sum of the series 1+3+5+7+...+(2n-1)
a) (2n-1)

b) n
c) (n
d) n

e) n+2n
37) a conical funnel is 20 cm wide at the top and 50 cm
dee. liquid is flowing in at 200 cm3/sec and flowing
out at 30 cm3.sec. find the speed with which the
liquid surface is rising when it is 25 cm deep.
a) 9.715
b) 5.112
c) 6.152
d) 7.485
e) 8.658
38) a polygon having 1000 sides
a) quindecagon
b) chillagon
c) nonagon
d) enneagon
Mathematics and Surveying

e) icosagon
39) the line kx+(3-k)y+3(1=k) passes through a fixed
point P for a ny value k, find the coordinates of P
a) 3,2
b) 4,1
c) 4,2
d) 3,1
e) 2,2
40) find the equation of the sphere whose center is (-2,
4, -3) and which passes through (5, -1, 3)
a) x
b) x
c) x
d) x
e) x
41) ABCD is a parallelogram in clockwise direction. A
line QPD as drawn with point P along the side AB.
the line QPD is the bisector of angle ADC and angle
QPB is 40. find the angle BCD. point Q is outside
the parallelogram
a) 80
b) 60
c) 100
d) 120
e) 40
42) determine the equation of two lines passing
through (-2,4) and forming with the axes of a
triangle with area 9
a) x+y=3, 8x+y+12+0
b) x+2y=6, 6x+y+13+0
c) x+3y=6, 8x+y+15+0
d) x+y=6, 8x+2y+12+0
e) x+2y=6, 8x+y+12+0
43) a certain printer charges P100 for every thousand
books per page. if only 2000 books are printed. for
every thousand in excess of 2000 it will charge 2
less. thus if 3000 are ordered, the price is
98/thousand, for 4000 the price is 96/thousand, etc.
find the total number of books it should print for
maximum income?
a) 25000
b) 26000
c) 24000
d) 27000
e) 28000
44) AOB is a sector of a circle having a radius of 4 cm.
<AOB=30. point M is located along the radius OB,
such that OM=MB, find the area of ABM.
a) 3/4 -1
b) 2/3 -2
c) 3/2 -2
d) 4/3 -2
e) 1/4 -2
45) find the equation of the sphere which passes
through the origin and whose center is (5, 1, -2)
a) x
b) x
c) x
d) x
e) x
46) if (-2, -4) is the midpoint of (6, -7) and (x,y),
determine the value of x
a) 9
b) 8
c) -10
d) -15
e) 10
47) (x-4)
=25 is the equation of a circle and (1,4) is
the point at one end of the diameter. find the
coordinate of the ether end of the diameter
a) 6,-4
b) 5,-3
c) 8,-3
d) 4,-5
e) 7,-4
48) there a re 4 white balls and 6 red balls in a box, if
two balls are taken out successfully, the first ball is
not replaced what is the probability that the balls
are of different colors.
a) 7/15
b) 3/17
c) 8/15
d) 5/27
e) 6/19
49) a right circular cone is divided into 3 portions A,B
and C by planes parallel to the base. the height of
each portion is H and the base radius of the cone at
A is r. determine the ration of the volume of A to
that of B.
a) 1/7
b) 7/19
c) 1/3
d) 3/5
e) 3/10
50) A stone contractor has his quarry 10 km from P, the
nearest point on a straight railway. The railroad
company agrees to haul his stone to S 30 km along
the straight track from P for 5 centavos per ton per
kilometre. If the cost of hauling by car from quarry
to the railroad track is 12 centavos per ton per
kilometre, to what point at then railway shoul he
haul his stone so that the cost of transportation
from the quarry to s be minimum
a) 2.36
b) 4.59
c) 3.48
d) 5.58
e) 6.28
51) Another term for quadrilateral or quadrangle
a) Hexagon
Mathematics and Surveying

b) Tetragon
c) Pentagon
d) Trapezium
e) Trapezoid
52) 5,2,-1 ...are in A.P. find the sum of the progression
from the 11
term to 20
a) 425
b) 235
c) 525
d) 485
e) 385
53) A steel girder 8 m long is moved on rollers along a
passageway 4.0 m wide and into a corridor at right
angles to the passageway. Neglecting the width of
the girder how wide must the corrider be?
a) 2.6
b) 2.8
c) 1.8
d) 2.2
e) 3.25
54) Water flows through a pipe of internal diameter 4
cm at the rate of 60 cm/sec to a rectangular tank
whose base has a dimension of 180 cm x 264 cm.
Find the time in seconds required to raise the water
level by 2cm use =22/7
a) 190
b) 126
c) 93
d) 64
e) 156
55) The top of a ladder 6 m long rests on a vertical wall
while the bottom rests on a horizontal floor. If the
to slides down at a constant rate of .60 m/sec
determine the rate at which the angle the ladder
makes with the horizontal changes when the lower
end is 3.6 m from the wall
a) -1/4 rad/sec
b) -1/7 rad/sec
c) -1/5
d) -1/8
e) -1/6
56) Prietto and ancheta at a distance of D km apart start
simultaneously and travel to meet each other. If
their speeds are x kph and y kph, find the time
taken in hours before they meet.
a) 2D/x-y
b) D/x-y
c) D/x+y
d) 2D/x+y
e) D/xy
57) One ship was sailing north at 8 knots, another cast
at 10 knots at 10:00 AM, the second crossed the
course of the fisrt at the point where the first was at
8:00 A.M. at what rate was the distance between
the ships changing at 9:00 A.M
a) -4.48 knots
b) -5.48
c) -3.28
d) -2.81
e) -1.23
58) A ship anchored in 7.2 m of water. The anchor chain
passes through an opening in the ships bow 3.6 m
above the water surface. If the chain is pulled in at
the rate 75 mm/sec, how fast is the ship moving
when 18 m of chain are out?
a) 90.47 mm/sec
b) 85.44
c) 92.15
d) 96.57
e) 93.75
59) A boy 1.2 m tallis walking directly away from a lamp
post at the rate of .90 m/sec. If the lamp is 6m
above the ground, find the rate at which his shadow
is lenghthening
a) .562
b) .415
c) .158
d) .225
e) .336
60) If the surface area of a sphere increases by 21%, its
volume is increased by?
a) 13.31%
b) 33.1%
c) 30%
d) 34%
e) 23.2%
61) Find the minimum distance from the point (6,0) to
the parabola y
a) 42
b) 32
c) 22
d) 422
e) 52
62) In a group of 70 students, 35 are taking
mathematics, 25 are taking design and 15 are taking
both subjects. If a student is chosen at random,
what is the probability that he is taking design but
not mathematics?
a) 2/5
b) 1/7
c) 3/5
d) 2/7
e) 3/7
63) A triangle with all interior angles less than 90
a) Acute triangle
b) Obtuse triangle
c) ]right triangle
d) Scalele triangle
e) Scalene
Mathematics and Surveying

64) Find the length of the common chord of two circles
of radii 25 cm and 26 cm respectively if the distance
between their centers is 17 cm
a) 48
b) 45
c) 56
d) 62
e) 50.12
65) The surface areas off two spheres are 24 cm
and 96
respectively. Find the ration of their volume
a) 1/6
b) 1/5
d) 1/8
e) 1/9
66) The sum to the nth term of a sequence 8is given by
S(n)=n(n-3). What is the nth term of the sequence?
a) 3n-2
b) 2n-4
c) 2n+2
d) 2n+4
e) 3n+2
67) The mark price of a chair is x pesos, 30% of this
price is the profit. If the chair is sold at a discount of
20% compute the net profit
a) .o9x
b) .24x
c) .10x
d) .04x
e) .08x
68) Find the length of the common external tangent to
two circles of radii 5cm and 12 cm respectively. If
the distance between their centers is 25 cm
a) 26
b) 28
c) 20
d) 22
e) 24
69) Peter bought two cars, one for 60000 and the other
for 40000. He sold the first at a gain of 10n% and
the second at a loss of 12%. What is the total
percentage loss or gain?
a) 6%loss
b) 2.5%gain
c) 1.2%gain
d) 2$loss
e) 1.8%gain
70) A chord is 24cm long and its midpoint is 8 cm from
the midpoint of its shorter arc. Find the radius of
the circle
a) 15
b) 12
c) 10
d) 14
e) 13
71) Simplify (1/sin-1/tan)(1+cos).
a) Cos
b) sin+tan
c) cos+1
d) tan
e) sin
72) a cyclic uadrilateral ABC is inscribed in a circle
haing a diameter C.AB is arallel to C. f the
angle AB is 40 :, find the angle AB.
a) 20
b) 10
c) 12
d) 30
e) 25
73) One side of a parallelogram is 10 cm and its
diagonals are 16 cm and 24 cm respectively. Find its
a) 169.4
b) 146.1
c) 133.7
d) 158.6
e) 173.2
74) Two circles of equal radii r intersect each other. If
the ceneter of the circle lies on the circumference of
the other, find the perimeter of the resulting figure
a) 7/4r
b) 3/8r
c) 4/7r
d) 8/3r
e) 4/9r
75) The sides of a triangle are 5,7 and 10 respective;y,
find the radius of the circumscribed circle
a) 5.39
b) 4.56
c) 6.75
d) 7.45
e) 3.32
76) ow many sides has an euiangular olygon if each
of its interior angles is 165 :?
a) 24
b) 22
c) 20
d) 26
e) 30
77) The nth term of an A.p. is 3n+1 where n is a natural
number. The number of terms of the progression
each of which is less than 82 is
a) 78
b) 6
c) 8
d) 27
e) 52
78) ABCD is a rectangle. The length of the diagonal is 30
cm and the acute angle between them is 50:. Find
the length of the shortest side of the rectangle
Mathematics and Surveying

a) 13.42
b) 10.42
c) 9.56
d) 8.15
e) 12.68
79) The following are the height in cm of 9 boys,
190.180,180,110,130,100,200,150 and 270. What is
the median of the distribution
a) 130
b) 100
c) 110
d) 180
e) 150
80) The sum of three consecutive odd integers is 75.
Find the largest integer
a) `32
b) 19
c) 42
d) 38
e) 27
81) A semi circle of radius 14 is formed by a piece of
wire. If it is bent into a re4ctangle with one side
equal to x and the other side, find the value of x
a) 14.5
b) 17.5
c) 12.5
d) 16.5
e) 18.5
82) Z varies directly as x and inversely as y
. If x=1 y=2
and z=2. Find z when x=3 and y=4
a) 2/3
b) 3/2
d) 4/3
83) Find the side of a regular octagon inscribed in a
circle of radius 10cm
a) 4.15
b) 5.69
c) 6.12
d) 7.65
e) 3.45
84) 1/3, 1/3
, 1/3
5 a GP what is the sum to infinity?
a) 9/10
b) 3/8
c) 9/8
d) 5/8
e) 3/10
85) A sector of a circle has a radius R=9cm. The sector
has a central angle of 60:. A small circle is inscribed
in a sector. Determine the radius of the small circle
a) 5
b) 3
c) 4
d) 2
e) 6
86) The length of a side of a square is increased by
100%. Its perimeter is increased by:
a) 100%
b) 400%
c) 25%
d) 200%
e) 50%
87) Mary is three times as old as ricky. Three years ago,
she is four times as old as ricky. Find the sum of
their ages.
a) 38
b) 30
c) 36
d) 42
e) 40
88) A piece of wire of length 52 cm is cut into 2 parts.
Each part is then bent to form a square. It is found
that the total area of the two squares is 97cm
. Find
rthe difference in length of the sides of the two
a) 5
b) 8
c) 4
d) 10
e) 12
89) The areas of the three faces of a cuboid are 10, 14
and 35. Find the volume of a cuboid?
a) 140
b) 49
c) 10
d) 350
e) 240
90) A class of 40 students took examination in English
and Chinese. If 30 passed in English, 36 passed in
Chinese and 2 failed in both subjects, determine the
number of students passing in both subjects
a) 24
b) 18
c) 26
d) 28
e) 32
91) Four military recruits whose respective shoe sizes
are 7,8,9, and 10 report to the supply clerk to be
issued boots. The supply clerk selects one pair of
boots in each of the four required sizes and hands
them at random to the recruits. What is the
probability that all recruits will receive boots of
incorrect sizes?
a) .38
b) .25
c) .45
d) .61
e) .75
Mathematics and Surveying

92) Three spheres has radii of (r+1), r, (r-1) respectively.
Find the total volume of the three spheres.
a) (r
b) 4(r
c) 3(r
d) R
e) 2(r+2r)
93) The obelisk of a certain rizal monument rises to
some height above the dais, the angles of elevation
of the top and bottom of the obelisk from the two
stations A and B on the same horizontal plane as
the base of the dais are 45: and 30: resectiely,
the corresponding horizontal angles to the common
center of both dais and obelisk from the ends of the
base line a-b 2.5m long are 75:and 60: resectiely.
Find the height of the obelisk
a) 10.86
b) 9.15
c) 8.75
d) 7.46
e) 15.26
94) A wooden cone of altitude h is to sawed into two
parts of equal weight. How far from the vertex
should the cut parallel to the base be made?
a) .336h
b) .415h
c) .648h
d) .526h
e) .794h
95) Find the volume of a right circular cone whose base
radius is 8cm and whose altitude is 15 cm
a) 260
b) 240
c) 280
d) 320
e) 300
96) The sum of the first n terms of a sequence is 2
Find the value of the 6
term of the sequence
a) 142
b) 162
c) 128
d) 158
e) 136
97) A job can be finished by peter alone in x dats or by
jack alone in y days. If peter and jack work together,
the number of days they will take to finish the job is
a) x/x+y
b) y/x+y
c) x+y/xy
d) xy/x+y
e) x+y/y
98) from a tower 100 m high, two objects A and B in the
plane of the base are found to have angles of
depression of 15 and 12 degrees respectively. The
horizontal angle subtended by A and B at the foot of
the tower is 48:. Find the distance from A to B.
a) 345.25
b) 305.56
c) 324.72
d) 354.49
e) 331.15
99) The distance between the points (sin, cos ) and
(cos, -sin) is equal to
a) 2
c) 2sin
d) 2
e) 2cos
100) The number of cars entering a toll plaza on a
bridge during the hour after midnight follows a
poisson distribution with a mean of 20. What is th
probability that 17 cars will pass throght the toll
plaza during that hour on any given night?
a) .12
b) .16
c) .23
d) .076
e) .48
1. a rectangular sheet of paper measures 16 cm. x 24 cm.
circles are to be cut from the paper, each with a radius
of 4 cm. what is the max. no. of circles that can be cut
from the given paper.
2. a pyramid has a square base of side 8 cm. and is 20 cm.
high. if it is cut parallel to and 7 cm. from the base,
determine the ratio of the volumes of the smaller
pyramid formed to the original pyramid.
3. a spherical sector has a central angle of 30 at the
center of the sphere having a radius R. find the radius
R if the volume of the segment is 231 cu.m.

4. the diameter of two spherical bearings are in the
ratio 2:5. what is the ratio of their volume?

5. a frustum of a sphere has the following diameters
12.6 cm. and 20.4 cm. the frustum is 3.6 cm. thick.

A. find the volume of the frustum of the sphere.
B. fine the radius of the sphere.
C. find the area of the zone thus formed.

6. a triangle has the following given parts: A = 0.65, B =
0.75, C = 78.9

A. compute the value of c.
B. compute the value of b.
C. compute the value of a.

7. from his office window of a building, a man tried to
make vertical angular measurements of a utility tower
Mathematics and Surveying

in a distant field. using crude instruments, he measured
the angle of depression of the foot of the tower and
recorded it be 6.4. he then looked at the top of the
tower and calculated an angle of elevation off 42.6. if
the ground is generally level from the foot of the
building to the foot of the tower and the mans eyes
was approximately 3.2 m. above the ground, what is the
height of the tower?

8. two instruments were set up at A and B to measure
the height of a flagpole. B is 54.1 m. closer to the
flagpole, than A and they are all along the same line. if
the angle of elevations from A and B are 26.7 and 60.8
respectively, find the height of the flagpole in meters.

9. a regular pentagon has a side 23.2 cm. long. a
certain cross-section is formed by two circles, one
circumscribing the pentagon and the other inscribed in
it. find the area of the cross section.

10. to determine the height of a distant mountain two
observation points were set up at A and B, which is 290
m. closer to but 25 m. lower in elevation than A. The
angles of elevations from both points are 24.45 and
35.45 respectively. if the elevation at A is 550.45m.,
find the elevation of the top of the mountain.
11. two insects fly from the same point but towards
different directions. one was flying at a speed of 12.2
m/min., while the other was flying at 17.4m/min. the
angle between their fight direction is 84.1. how many
meters are they apart after 2.1 minutes.

12. a triangular lot was surveyed with a steel tape and
found to have the following side lengths. 23.56 m.,
38.54 m. and 33.40m. determine the angle opposite
the 38.54 m. side.

13. two values A and B are related to each other in an
inverse manner such that when one increases, the other
decreases, always with a constant inverse
proportionality, when the value of A is 1200, B is
recorded to have a value of 144720. find the value of A
when B reaches 256,000.

14. it takes 3 hours and 15 minutes to fly from city A to
city B at constant speed. Find how long the journey
takes if:

A. the speed is 1 that of the original.
B. the speed is of the original.
C. the speed is 3.25 times the original.

15. if 48
= 2 x 3
, find the value of N.

16. if 8 men can chop down 28 trees in one day, how
many trees can 20 men chop down in one day?

17. what is the equation in slope-intercept form of the
equation 5x + 2y - 8 = 1.

18. if 2x 7y = 12 and 8 + 3y = 2, what is the value of
x y?

19. ab = 1/8, bc = 6 and ac = 3. if all the above
statements are true, what is one possible value of abc?

20. if xyz = 4 and y
z = 5, what is the value of x/y?

21. a metallic tube has an outside diameter of 8 cm.
and an inside diameter of 6 cm. it has a total length of 4
m. what is the total volume of the metal needed to
make the tube?

22. a metal sphere weighing 24 kg is melted down and
recast into a solid cone which has a base with a radius
of 8 cm. the metal used has a density of 8000 kg/m
15% is lost in the recasting process. the perpendicular
height of the cone is not readily known. what is the
diameter of the metal sphere?

23. a loud speaker diaphragm is in the form of frustum
of a cone. the end diameters measures 28 cm. and 6
cm. and the vertical distance the ends is 30 cm. the
curve surface of the speaker is made of felt composite
material. calculate the area of felt composite material
needed to cover the curved surface.

24. a metal sphere with a specific gravity of 8000 kg/m

originally weighs 24 kg. it underwent a process of
recasting and was formed into a solid cone with a base
having a radius of 8 cm. assuming 15% of the metal was
lost in the procedure, what is the perpendicular height
of the new cone.

25. a rectangular block of alloy has the following
dimensions: 4.3 cm. by 7.2 cm. by 12.4 cm. it was
melted and recast into a frustum of a square pyramid,
10% of the metal being lost in the process. if the end of
the frustum are square of 3 cm. and 8 cm. respectively,
determine the height of the frustum.

26. a cone has a diameter of 80 mm and a
perpendicular height of 120 mm. calculate the volume.

27. a water tank has a cylindrical shape with a diam. of
2 m. and a perpendicular height of 3 m. since it was
already old and leaking, it is to be replaced by another
tank of the same capacity but in the form of a frustum
of a cone. the diameters of the ends of the frustum are
Mathematics and Surveying

designed to be 1 m. and 2 m. respectively. what must
be its height.

28. the absolute value of x is greater than the absolute
value of y. which of the following must be true?

29. a man can run x km in y hours. how long will it take
him to run z km.?

30. cokoy can do a job in 1 hour. paul can do the same
job in 2 hours and praxy can do the job in 3 hours. how
long does it take them to do the job working together?

31. determine the ratio of the area of a circle to the
radius of the circle.

32. calculate for the surface area of a frustum of a
sphere if the diameter of its ends are 80 cm. and 120
cm. and the thickness is 30 cm.

33. what is a non-zero solution to the equation 2x

= 0.

34. if the sum of seven consecutive integers is zero,
what is the smallest of the seven integers?

35. the area of a park on the map is 500 mm
. if the
scale of the map is 1:40000, determine the true area of
the park in hectares.

36. a gasoline tank is composed of a cylindrical portion
5 km. long with hemispherical sections attached at each
end. the cylinder and hemispheres have the same
diam. of 1.2 m. what is the capacity of the fuel tank in

37. if a cone has a height perpendicular to its base is
120 cm. and its base has a diameter of 80 cm. what is its
curved surface area?

38. if ab cde is positive, which of the following must
be true?

39. an angle of 125 is subtended by an arc of a circle of
radius 8.4 cm.:

A. find the length of the minor arc.
B. find the length of the major arc.
C. find the area of the circle.

40. if f(x) = x
+ 3/x, then f(-1) must be equal to:

41. if f(x) = x(2
), then f(x) should be equal to:

42. a particle is travelling along the x-axis. its position is
given by x(f) = 1 t
at time t > 0.
t + 3 find the instantaneous rate of change of x with
resect to t when t = 1.

43. Mario has 4 more hats than alex and half as many
hats as Miguel. if the three together have 24 hats, how
many hats does Miguel have?

44. a shipment of 3200 items is divided into 2 portions
such that the difference between the portions is one
half of their average. what is the ratio of the smaller to
the larger portions?

45. three distinct positive integers have a sum of 15
and a product of 45. what is the largest of these

46. ohms law stiulates that electric current, while
flowing is a fixed resistor is directly proportional to the
voltage applied. when 30 volts is applied across a
certain resistor, the current which flows through the
resistor is 2.4 x 10
amperes. Find the following:

A. the constant of proportionality between voltage
and current.
B. the current when the voltage applied is 52 volts.
C. the voltage required if a current of 3.6 x 10
amperes is required.

47. f(x) = 3x
6x -9/ x
x -2 will have a vertical
asymptotes at _______.

48. given that lim (1 Cos x) = 0 then the



lim (3x
+ 5 Cos x 5) must be equal to:



49. find the 10
term of the series:
5, 10, 20, 40. . . . . . .

50. determine the sum to the first 7 terms of the series:
0.25, 0.75, 2.25, 6.75 . . . . . . . . .

51. the first term of a geometric progression is 4 and
the 6
term is 128. what is the 11
52. which of the following functions grows the fastest?

A. t(u) = 200 e

B. h(u) = u
+ u

C. g(u) = 4

D. K(u) = 3
+ u

53. simplify sec
1 =?
Mathematics and Surveying

54. ealuate C

x cot x dx

55. a conical tank is full of water. it has a diameter of
10 cm. find the work done in N,m in pumping all the
water our of the top of the tank if it has a depth of 20

56. a cycling tract is in the form of an ellipse, the axes
being 250 m. and 150 m. respectively for the inner
boundary and 270 m. and 170 m. for the outer
boundary. calculate the area of the track.

57. if fencing cost P8 per meter, find the cost of
enclosing an elliptical plot of land which has a major and
minor diameter lengths of 120 m. and 80m.

58. Charles law states that for a given mass of gas at
constant pressure, the volume is directly proportional
to its thermodynamic temperature. a certain gas is
contained in a vessel having a volume of 2.25 liters at a
temp of 360 K.

A. what is the constant of proportionality?
B. what is the volume of the gas at 420 K while
keeping the pressure constant?
C. what is the temperature when the volume is
expanded to 2.635 liters?

59. a number line is divided by 10 evenly spaced thick
mark. the length between each tick mark equals x, and
x is a prime number. what is the total length of the line

60. if ab = | a | b | which of the following relation is

A. a = b (nothing suggest that a =b) (not ok)
B. a > 0 and b > 0
(-1)(-1) = | - 1 | -1 | not ok because a > 0 and b
> 0
C. ab > 0
1(1) > 0
absolute value of any number is > 0 (ok)
D. a b > 0
-1 (-1) = 0 (not ok)

therefore ab > 0 is true

61. if x, y, z and z are integers, and x and y are both
even, which of the following could be an odd integer?

A. xy +z
B. y xz
C. xy + y
D. y + x

62. if ab is positive and cde is negative, which of the
following must be true.

A. ab cde > 0
ab (-cde) > = 0
ab + cde > 0 (ok)

B. ab (cde)(cde) > 0
ab (-cde)(-cde) > 0
ab (cde)
< 0 (not ok)

C. ac + de < 0 (not ok
D. ab/cde < -1 (not ok)

63. there are 37 applicants for civil engineering aide
positions in a construction company, consisting of an
odd number of male applicants. if an equal number of
male and female engineers shall be hired for gender
equality, 3 ladies will left out. how many men applied?

64. if 3 < x < 7 and 5 > x > 2 which of the following best

A. 3 < x < 6
B. 3 < x < 7
C. 2 < x < 6
D. 2 < x < 7

65. a music school produced a number of musicians
which includes 3 drummers, 4 trumpet players and 5
pianists. how many different jazz trios can be formed
from this batch of musicians if each trio consists of a
drummer, a trumpet player and a pianist?

66. x, y, r, and t are integers such that x
is negative and
is positive. if it is not a multiple of 2, then which of
the following statements must be true?

A. y is a multiple of 2
B. xr > 0
C. x r < 0
D. x
> 0

67. a certain curve has the equation y = sin A. in
comparison to this curve, which of the following has
twice the amplitude and half the period.

68. a sphere has a diameter of 32 mm. a frustum of the
sphere is created by passing two parallel planes, one
12m mm from the center and the other 10 mm and on
the opposite side of it. compute the volume of the

Mathematics and Surveying

69. a train 180 m. long is chugging along a railroad track
going north. along another railroad tract, very near and
parallel to the first, another train 100 m. long is trying to
overtake the first at 180 km/hr and its tail end is exactly
500 m. ahead of the front of the second train, then find
the following:

A. how many meters have the first train travelled
when the front end of the second train caught
up with its tail end?
B. how many meters have the second train
travelled when its front end caught up with the
tail end of the first train?
C. how many seconds would have elapsed from
the initial position when the second train has
completely and clearly overtake the first train.

70. a tank contains 100 liters of brine with 60 kg of salt
in solution. brine containing 1.0 kg per liter of slat flows
into the tank at the rate of 2 liters per minute, kept
uniform by stirring, flows out at the rate of 3 liters per
minute. find the amount of salt in the tank at the end
of one hour.

71. the time taken by a terminal fee collector to collect
terminal fees from passengers entering NAIA is an
exponential distribution with a mean of 23 seconds.
what is the probability that a random passenger will be
processed in 25 seconds or more (that is, will take more
than 25 seconds).
72. a backhoe component exhibits a negative
exponential failure distribution with a mean time to
failure of 1000 hours. The maximum operating time
such that the reliability remains above 99% is most
probably ________

73. a vehicle velocity check is conducted in a stretch of
highway in northern Luzon. On a regular weekday, the
speeds were found to have a normal distribution with a
mean of 46 and a standard deviation of 3. The daily
average speed for the same highway on consecutive
normal weekdays were determined by sampling 25
vehicles each day. What is the upper two-standard
deviation average speed?

74. LED lamps are packages in boxes of 200. If the
production line is known to produce 1.5% defective
lamps on the average, determine the probability that a
box chosen at random will contain:

A. No defective LED lamps.
B. 2 defective LED lamps.
C. More than 3 defective lamps.

75. solve y
- 12 = 0
1. Given a certain acute angle A, such that cos A is
equal to 4/5. What should be the value of Cos

2. A circle has its center at (-4, 3) on the xy plane
and passes through the point (2, 5). What is the
equation of the circle?

3. In a certain city in the Philippines, all seven digit
telephone numbers begin with 350. How many
telephone numbers maybe assigned to that city
if the last four digits should not begin or end in

4. A school chess team has six members, one of
which is the team captain. If they are to
complete in 6 simultaneous games board 1 to 6,
how many arrangement can they make if the
team captain should always be in board 1.

5. Given the value of y which is a positive acute
angle. It is predetermined that Sin y is equal to
0.50. calculate the value of Sin 2y.

6. Given two angles x and y such that Sin x = 4/5
and Tan y = 5/12. Both angles are in quadrant
1. What is the value of Sin (x + y)?

7. A triangular piece of land has vertices A, B and C
and is surveyed producing the following data: A
= 30:, C = 50: and AC = 13 m. What should be
the length of side AB?

8. From appoint A, the angle of elevation of the
top of the pole is measured as 37.1:. Measured
from the point B on the opposite side but along
the same straight line, the angle of elevation of
its top is 35.9:. if points A and B are 124 m.
Apart, find the height of the pole.

9. A straight line is defined by the equation y = 3x
4. Another line is drawn in such a way that
the two will never meet even if extended
indefinitely. Which of the following maybe the
equation of the line.

10. A certain circle has the equation of x
+ y
+ 8x
2y + 8 = 0. What is the coordinate of the center
of the circle?

11. In the order of direct proportionality, x : y as 7.5
: 9.5 on the other hand y : z as 125. : 3.5. if z
has an original value of 76.48, find the value of

Mathematics and Surveying

12. A sandwich is made by putting cheese and ham
between two pieces of bread. You are given
five types of cheese, two kinds of ham and
three choices of bread. How many different
sandwiches can you made?

13. Given an expression which is (3x)
where x is
not equal to zero, the equivalent expression is

14. Given an original expression x
+ 9x + 14 + 3x +
+ x -56

15. A certain radio wave takes the form of sine
curve and is expressed by the equation y = 5 Sin
2x. What is the period of this radio wave?

16. The politicians filed the certificate of
candidacies (COCs) to run for town mayor of
Baguio. A survey is taken a month before the
election asking 400 registered voters which
candidate they will vote for in the elections.
The results of the survey are as follows:

Candidates No. Of
votes Garnered


17. A steel structural member has a mass of 400
kg. If each of its dimensions are reduced by
30%, determine its new mass.

18. Which of the following is the product of an even
prime number and odd prime number.

Odd prime number = 3, 5, 11
Even prime number = 2

19. Given an angle A such that (Sec A 2) (2 SecA
1) = 0

20. What is the slope of the line which is defined by
the equation 4y = 3x + 16.

21. A water tank is in the form of a sphere. It is
filled with water to a depth of 30 cm. The inner
diameter of the tank is 45 cm., what is the
volume of water in it in liters.

22. Find the trigonometric function asked of certain
angles in standard position of the given points
are on the terminal side of the angles.

23. A sub-atomic particle with a mass of 100 ___
has a velocity of (25i + 4j 5k)
m/s, where i, j and k are unit vectors in the x, y
and z directions. It hits another atomic particles
which is stationary and which as a mass of 40
___ merging into one composite mass

after the impact and proceeding in the new trajectory.
A. What is the x-component of their
common velocity after the impact?
B. What is the y-component of their
common velocity after the impact?
C. What is the z-component o their
common velocity after the impact?

24. The parametric equation of a function are x = 2
, y = 2 Sin
C. Find the equation of the
normal at the point where C = /4.

25. A circle has is center at (-4, 3) on the x y plane
and passes through the point )2, 5). The
equation of the circle maybe written in the

26. Light bulbs having a mean life of 2400 years and
standard deviation of 62 hours are used for a
consignment of 4000 bulbs.
A. Determine the number of bulbs likely to
have a life in excess of 2500 lbs.
B. Determine the percentage of bulbs with
a life length between 2300 hrs to 2500
C. Determine the probability of any bulb
having a life of 2500 hrs.

27. A certain function variable x is nearly normally
distributed with a mean of 6 and a standard
deviation of 2.
A. Approximately what percentage of the
observation in x will be greater than 4.
B. Approximately what percentage of the
observation in x will be greater than 12.
C. Approximately what percentile of the
observation in x corresponds to 2.
Mathematics and Surveying

28. A rectangle ABCD is given such that AB is 5 units
of measure while BC is 2 units. A solid is to be
formed by rotating the rectangle around side
AB. Determine its volume in square units.

29. A cylinder has a height of 10 units of measure
and is constructed such that its volume
numerically equals its lateral surface area. Find
its total surface area.

30. In the following mathematical expression, select
whether the expression describe is positive,
negative, imaginary or can be determine by the
given terms.
A. The product of 3 negative numbers. -3
(-2) (-2) = 8. Ans. negative
B. The quotient of one negative and one
positive number. -6/2 = 3. Ans negative
C. xy, given that x < 0 and y is not equal to
x = 5 y = 4
xy = -5(4)
xy = -20 ans. Negative

31. find the angle between the curves x
+ y
=4 and
+ y
+ 5 at their point of intersection for
which x and y are positive.

32. Obama and Romney are 20 km apart and walk
towards each other in a straight line direction.
Obama walks at a fairly constant rate and he
walks faster than Romney by 1 kph. Romney
walks at a constant rate of 5 kph. Obama left
his original location first, then Romney started
walking 24 min. After. When they eventually
meet, how far has Romney walked from his
original position.

33. If x = 1 + Sin 2C, y = 1 + Cos C + Cos 2C. Find the
equation of the tangent at C = 60.

34. A civil engineer walks along Roxas Blvd with his
girlfriend for half an hour at an average speed
of 3 kph. They waited 10 min. For a taxi which
brought them back to their starting point at
3:15 PM. If they started walking at 2:25 P.M.
that afternoon, what was the average speed of
the taxi?

35. The measurements of a rectangular are 12 m.
And 16 m. What is the area of the smallest
circle that can cover this rectangle entirely?

36. A. Determine the value of tan 11/6.
B. Determine the value of tan
C. determine the value of tan (-7/6)
37. A. If cos x = 3/5 and csc x < 0, find the secant x.
B. if tan x = -8/3 and csc x < 0, find the sine of x.
C. if sin x = 2/3 and cos x < 0, find the tangent of

38. If y inversely proportional to x and y = 15.3
when x = 0.6.
A. Determine the coefficient of
B. Determine the value of y when x = 105.
C. Determine the value of x when y = 27.2.
39. A 4 cm. By 6 cm. Rectangular pyramid of
perpendicular height 12 cm. What is the

40. A 4.2 cm by 4.2 cm. Square pyramid with a
lateral edge of 15 cm. What is the volume?

41. The volume of a square prism is equal to its
lateral surface area. Its height is not the same
as the measure of its base. Calculate the unit
length of the side of the base.

42. A parallelogram ABCD has the following given
vertices. A(3, 1), B(2, -1), C(-1, -1) and D(0, 1).
Find the area.

43. Which of the following ilnes is parallel to the
line y = 5x 1.

44. Given the following information:
A. The average of A and B is 50.
B. The average of B and C is 80.

45. Given the sets of numbers.
1 2 3 4
7 7 10 10
11 14 19 19
23 24 24 26
quartile = 4
quartile = 10
quartile = 19

46. From a building across the street, the angle of
depression of the foot of an edifice is measured
as 13.7: and the angle of elevation of the top is
45.8:. if the observers eye is 14.7 m. From the
ground level, find the height of the edifice.

47. There exist a value of x such that the tangent of
an expression 2x + 18 is equal to the cotangent
of the expression 4x 12. Find the value of x.

Mathematics and Surveying

48. You are given the equation of a curve y = x

16x + 63 which is a parabola. Find its vertex.

49. If a solid metal ball is immersed in a apol of
paint, it will displace 288 cu. Cm. Of the paint.
If the ball will be painted, what is the total area
that required painting.

50. In a three dimensional space using an x y z
coordinate system, a line is connected between
(0, 0, 7) and (4, 1, 0). Determine the length of
the line.

51. Actual measurements of a triangular lot ABC
shows the following data. AB = 240, BC = 180
and CA = 16. Calculate the angle at B in

52. Given the original terms 1 + 1 where x is
X+1 x
not equal to zero and not equal to 1, express
the terms into a single fraction.

53. Divide the expression 2/3x
+ by the tern x/2
and express the answer in its simplest form.

54. A telephone operator asked 20 of her friends
what the memory size of their flash disks are.
She found out 12 of her friends have only 8 MB
flash disks, 5 have both 8 Mb and 16 MB flash
disks. The rest of her friend have only 16 MB
flahs disk. How many of her friend have 16 MB
flash disks.

55. In measuring a distance by break chaining, the
tape was not accurately levelled and was
actually 0.95 m. lower at one end. If the
distance recorded was 25.60 m., what is the
correct distance.

56. To determine the elevation of an inaccessible
point x, two observation station were set up at
Z and at B, which is 280.5 m. nearer to station A
but 35 m. Lower in elevation than A. .the
respective angle of elevations from A and B are
25.2: and 45.6: respectively. If the elevation of
A is known at 9.89 m. Find the elevation of the
distant inaccessible point.

57. What is the volume generated by rotating
rectangle ABCD around AD, CD has a length of 2
m. while BC has a length of 5 m.

58. Point A and B has the following Cartesian
coordinates A (0, 3) and B (5, 0). Find the
volume of the solid generated if triangle OAB is
rotated around the x-axis, O being teh origin.

59. A square ABCD has the following x y
coordinates. A(-3, 0), B(0, 3), C(3, 0) and D(0, -
3). What is the volume of the solid generated
by rotating the square about the y-axis.

60. Given the equation 5x
2x + 1 = 0. Determine
the characteristics of the roots of the equation.

61. If arc Sin (3x 4y) = 1.571 and arc Cos (x y) =

62. A circle having a radius of 9 cm. Circumscribes a
right triangle whose area is 43.23 sq. cm. If one
of the sides is 18 cm. long., another side is

63. A boat makes 25 mph in still water. It is headed
N. 45: E. In a 7.5 mph water current flowing
east. Find the direction of the course of the

64. You are directed to formulate the equation of a
line that is slope must be three and the
intercept must be -2, what is the equation?

65. Three numbers are in direct proportion in the
following manner. A is to B as 34.5 is to 21,
while B is to C as 36 is to 14. If C = 41.7, what is
the value of A.

66. Expand the expression: (x 3)

3 2

67. A sine wave being emitted is monitored on a
laboratory diagram and is found to follow the
function f(t) = Sin 2t
4 3
A. Calculate its amplitude
B. Compute its period
C. Compute its frequency

68. Humbler and haide are running 1 km. race,
since Hembler can run faster than Haide he
gave her a 12 sec. head start. If Hembler and
Haide run at 5 m/s respectively, in how many
seconds can Hembler catch up with Haide?

69. The distance S meters from a fixed oint of a
vehicle travelling in a straight line with constant
acceleration a is gien by the formula S = ut
where u is the initial elocity in m/s, and
Mathematics and Surveying

t, the time in seconds. Gien S = 42 m. when
t = 2 sec., and S = 144 m. when t = 4 sec.

70. Given the following set of numbers:
Set 1 : (9, 11, 16)
Set 2 : (21, 4.6, R)
If the two sets have identical average, compute
for R.

71. Determine the vertex of the graph of y = (x + 1)

+ 7.

72. A salesman gets a P1000 commission on a small
scale, one of the many that he accomplished in
a period of time. This P1000 commission raised
his average commission by P150. If the
salesmans new aerage commission is now
P400, how many sales did he make?

73. You are given 8 numbers which add up to 168.
One of the numbers is 28. Calculate the
average of the other 7 numbers.

74. The average of 11 numbers is 10. One number
is eliminated leaving only 10 numbers. The
average of the remaining number is 7.5. what
number was eliminated?

75. Let A represents a number line such that -1 < a
< 5. Let B represents a number line such that 6
< b < 10. If A were shifted by 5 in the positive
direction and B were shifted by 2 in the positive
direction, how many common integers would
the new A and new B share?

76. A right circular cylinder has a height of 10 cm.
and radius of 4 cm. a point A lies on the surface
of the cylinder and another point B lies on the
same surface of the cylinder. If point A and
point B are to be far apart as possible from each
other, what is the maximum distance between
A and B?

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