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PS03CBIT01: Microbial Biotechnology
PS03CBIT02: Immunology
PS03CBIT03: Enzymology
PS03EBIT01: Human Phyiology
!nimal Biotechnology
Phytoreource "tilization # Coner$ation
PS03CBIT0%: Practical o& PS03CBIT01an' PS03CBIT02
PS03CBIT0(: Practical o& PS03CBIT03an' PS03EBIT01
PS03CBIT0): *i$a $oce
PS0%CBIT01: Plant Biotechnology
PS0%CBIT02: En$ironmental Biotechnology
PS0%EBIT01: Phytoreource "tilization # Coner$ation
PS0%EBIT02: !nimal Biotechnology
PS0%CBIT03: Practical o& PS0%CBIT01an' PS0%CBIT02
PS0%CBIT0%: Practical o& PS0%EBIT01an' PS0%EBIT02
PS0%CBIT0(: *i$a $oce
PS0%CBIT03: Practical o& PS0%CBIT01an' PS0%CBIT02
PS0%EBIT0%: -iertation
PS0%CBIT0(: *i$a $oce

PS0%CBIT02: Environmental Biotechnolog
Iue an' co/e o& en$ironmental biotechnology0
1ate 2ater treatment3 1ate 2ater characterization an' it igni&icance: C+-4 B+-4
Inorganic contituent4 oli'4 biological com/onent0 Primary4 econ'ary an' tertiary
treatment o& 2ate 2ater0 Princi/le an' aim o& biological 2ate2ater treatment
/rocee0 Biochemitry an' microbiology o& inorganic /ho/horu an' nitrogen
remo$al0 Su/en'e' gro2th technologie: !cti$ate' lu'ge4 o5i'ation 'itche4 2ate
tabilization /on'0 6i5e' &ilm technologie: Tric7ling &ilter4 rotating biological
contactor4 &lui'ize' be' an' ubmerge' aerate' &ilter0 !"ra#ali$
!naerobic 'igetion: microbiological an' biochemical &un'amental4 &actor
in&luencing anaerobic 'igetion0 !naerobic 2ate 2ater treatment ytem: ,BC4
"!SB4 anaerobic &ilter0 Merit an' 'emerit o& anaerobic treatment o& 2ate0
To5icity teting in 2ate 2ater treatment /lant uing microorganim0
Com/oting: +b8ecti$e4 &un'amental4 microbiology4 &actor in&luencing com/oting
an' com/oting ytem0 Com/ot 9uality an' ue0 *ermicom/oting0!Bh&mi$
Bio'egra'ation o& organic /ollutant: Mechanim an' &actor a&&ecting
bio'egra'ation0 Pollution /roblem an' bio'egra'ation o& im/le ali/hatic4 aromatic4
/olycyclic aromatic hy'rocarbon4 halogenate' hy'rocarbon4 azo 'ye4 lignin an'
Bioreme'iation: Intrinic bioreme'iation4 Biotimulation an' Bioaugmentation0 In
situ an' ex situ bioreme'iation technologie !a%r&ti$0 Bioreme'iation o& oil /ill
!viral$0 Bioreme'iation o& hea$y metal /ollution4 Phytoreme'iation0 "e o& :M+ in
bioreme'iation0 Biological treatment o& 2ate ga ;/ollute' air<: bio&ilter4
biocrubber4 membrane bioreactor4 biotric7ling &ilter ;Chetna$0
Biogeotechnology3 Bioleaching o& metal: Characteritic o& commercially im/ortant
microbe4 mechanim o& bioleaching4 &actor a&&ecting bioleaching an' current
biomining /rocee0 Biobene&iciation o& gol' ore0 Microbially enhance' oil
reco$ery0 Bio'eul&urization o& coal: ,emo$al o& organic an' inorganic ul&ur &rom
Microbial Inectici'e: Bacterial4 &ungal an' $iral inectici'e in /et management0
Bio&ertilizer: .itrogen &i5ing an' /ho/hate olubilizing bio&ertilizer0 ;%r&nal$
Re)erence Boo%(:
Com/reheni$e Biotechnology *ol3%4 Murray Moo =oung0
Biotechnology3,ehm an' ,ei'0
1ate 2ater microbiology by :0 Bitton
Bio'egra'ation an' bioreme'iation by M0!le5an'er
1ate 2ater treatment &or /ollution control4 2n' e'ition0 !rcei$ala
En$ironmental Biotechnology by H0 >or'ening an' >oe& 1inter
To/ic relate' re$ie2 article
Str&ct&re an' organi/ation o) animal cell(0 ti((&e( an' 1iolog o) c&lt&re' cell(.
:eneral out3line o& e/ithelial tiue4 connecti$e tiue4 mucular tiue an' ner$e
tiue0 Cell a'heion? >unction? E5tracellular matri5? Cyto7eleton? Cell cycle?
-i&&erentiation? Cell ignaling? Energy metabolim
E2&i"ment( an' material( )or animal cell c&lt&re technolog.
!e/tic con'ition an' re9uirement o& other e9ui/ment? Incubation? Storage?-i&&erent
, Intro'&ction to the 1alance' (alt (ol&tion( an' gro3th me'i&m:
Me'ia @Phyical /ro/ertie4 balance alt olution4 com/lete me'ia4 erum4 Serum3
6ree me'ia
Chemical4 /hyical an' metabolic &unction o& 'i&&erent contituent o& culture
me'ium0 ,ole o& carbon 'io5i'e0 ,ole o& erum an' u//lement0 Serum an' /rotein
&ree me'ia an' their a//lication0
*rimar an' e(ta1li(he' cell line c&lt&re0 Meaurement o& $iability an'
cytoto5icity0 Biology? Characterization an' gro2th o& the culture' cell?
-iaggregation o& tiue an' /rimary culture? Maintenance o& cell culture? Cell
cloning an' cell e/aration? Cell 'i&&erentiation? Cell ynchronization an'
tran&ormation? Meaurement o& cell 'eath an' a/o/toi0
Ba(ic techni2&e( o) mammalian cell c&lt&re in vitro
Culture o& A/ecialize' cell: E/ithelia? Meenchymal an' connecti$e tiue?
Mucle? .euroecto'erm? En'ocrine? Hemato/oietic cell? Tumor cell
Em1ronic (tem cell( (tem cell c&lt&re an' their a""lication(.
Em1ro technolog an' tran(genic animal(
Re)erence( :
6rehney4 ,0 I: Culture o& !nimal Cell0 1iley3Bi0
Mater4 >0 ,0 10 ;e'<: !nimal Cell Culture @ Practical !//roach4 +5&or' "ni$0 Pre0
Baega4 ,0 ;e'<: Cell :ro2th an' -i$iion: ! Practical !//roach0 I,B Pre0
Butler4 M an' -a2on4 M0 ;e'0<0: Cell Culture Bab 6a54 E'04 Bio Scienti&ic
Publication Bt'04 +5&or'0
Clyne4 M0 ;e'<0: !nimal Cell Culture Techni9ue0 S/ringer0
Mather4 >0P an' Barne4 -0 ;e'<0 : Metho' in Cell Biology4 *ol0 (C4 !nimal Cell
Culture Metho'0 !ca'emic Pre0
*S+4CBIT+,: *ractical( o) *S+4CBIT+5an' *S+4CBIT+-
*S+4CBIT+4: *ractical( o) *S+4EBIT+5an' *S+4EBIT+-
*S+4CBIT+6: Viva voce
*S+4CBIT+,: *ractical( o) *S+4CBIT+5an' *S+4CBIT+-
*S+4EBIT+4: 7i((ertation
*S+4CBIT+6: Viva voce

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