Alice Walkthrough

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Alice: Madness Returns: FAQ/Walkthrough by DomZ Ninja

Version: 1.0 | Last Updated: 2013-03-26 | View/Download Original File Hosted by

Return to Alice: Madness Returns (X360) FAQs & Guides
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Winner of the GameFAQs FAQ of the Month for July 2011
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Copyright (c)2011-2013 DomZ Ninja
Author: DomZ Ninja
E-mail: domzninja[at]hotmail[dot]com
Updated: 03/26/13
Version: 1.0
NOTE: This guide does contain spoilers!
See that series of numbers to the right of each section? If you want to find
a specific section in the FAQ, press CTRL + F to open a search box. Type in
the series of numbers for the desired section that you're trying to find and
press Enter. Whabam! The search function will take you there in an instant.
[1] VERSION HISTORY.................................................. [0100]
[2] CONTROLS......................................................... [0200]
[3] WALKTHROUGH...................................................... [0300]

Chapter 1: Hatter's Domain...................................... [0301]
Chapter 2: Deluded Depths....................................... [0302]
Chapter 3: Oriental Grove....................................... [0303]
Chapter 4: Queensland........................................... [0304]
Chapter 5: The Dollhouse........................................ [0305]
Chapter 6: Infernal Train....................................... [0306]
[4] ENEMIES.......................................................... [0400]
[5] SNOUTS........................................................... [0500]
[6] MEMORIES......................................................... [0600]
[7] RADULA ROOMS..................................................... [0700]
[8] BOTTLES.......................................................... [0800]
[9] EQUIPMENT........................................................ [0900]

Weapons......................................................... [0901]
Items........................................................... [0902]
[10] ACHIEVEMENTS..................................................... [1000]
[11] THANKS/CREDITS................................................... [1100]
FAQ/Walkthrough #57
Version 1.0 (07/06/11) - FAQ/Walkthrough complete and submitted.
[2] CONTROLS [0200]
| D-Pad | Toggle Ranged Weapons |
| Left Analog Stick | Move, Hysteria (Click) |
| Right Analog Stick | Move Camera, Aiming Mode (Click) |
| Start | Pause Menu |
| Back | Skip Cinematic |
| X Button | Vorpal Blade |
| Y Button | Hobby Horse |
| A Button | Jump/Float |
| B Button | Clockwork Bomb |
| Right Trigger | Fire Ranged Weapon |
| Left Trigger | Focus |
| Right Bumper | Dodge |
| Left Bumper | Shrink (Hold) |
[3] WALKTHROUGH [0300]
NOTE: This walkthrough is based on the Normal difficulty.
"In which Alice abandons the mundane - again"
Snouts: 14 Memories: 26 Radula Rooms: 0 Bottles: 18
| Houndsditch Home |
The game begins in London, where Alice is sitting inside Dr. Bumby's office.
After the opening cutscene, you are to pick up your medication. As you stroll
through the hallway, note the impressive visuals and art style the game
You cannot do much inside the building; you can inspect some objects with the
X button, but that's really it. Once you make it out to the streets of London,
go forward into the Whitechapel Market. You can check out the diverse range of
characters in the market. Alice spots a white cat around the corner and
follows it into an alley (while also mentioning her knack for following
Ignore the display of police brutality and continue your pursuit of the white
cat. Once you corner it in an alley, you'll witness a disturbing cutscene.
Afterwards, you end up on top of a roof. Walk past the pigeon coops and check
out the pretty scenery before approaching Nurse Witless. Back to Wonderland!
| The Vale of Tears |
Take in the atmosphere of Wonderland before you move along. You can expect to
find a lot of odd sights and scenes during your stay. Start up the hill and
check out the weird cow bird as it flies off, then collect the glowing LIDDELL
MEMORY [1/26] up ahead.
Cross the stream and continue up the hill. You are introduced to basic game
mechanics, such as jumping, double jumping, and floating. Alice can float and
glide momentarily after a double jump (hold down A), allowing her to cross
large chasms. Jump up the steps and across the gap, then use the domino
platforms to cross the pit.
Follow the mystery child down the steps to find another LIDDELL MEMORY [2/26].
Use the mushroom caps here to climb up to the tall ledge, then step on the
half-submerged mushroom: it acts as a spring and launches you to the upper
platform. Grab the LIDDELL MEMORY [3/26] behind the second mushroom spring and
check out the small keyhole behind it. When you gain the ability to shrink,
you can enter these openings.
There is another keyhole at the next ledge and a strange purple flower. Again,
these tools become available with the Shrink ability. Fall down for a short
cutscene with the Cheshire Cat.
Alice steps inside the purple potion and gains the ability to shrink. While
miniature, you can use Shrink Sense: this technique allows Alice to see things
that she normally couldn't see when regular size. These things appear as
purple drawings and will slowly disappear once you return to normal size. They
are usually clues and directions among other helpful signs.
Walk towards the keyhole nearby and recover the DR. WILSON MEMORY [4/26] next
to it, then hold down the Left Bumper to shrink (note that you cannot jump
while shrunk). You exit out to where you found the third Memory; use the
mushroom to jump up to the other keyhole and shrink once more.
Step inside the purple flower to make it shrivel up and disappear, leaving
Teeth behind in its wake. Teeth are valuable collectibles that are used to
power up your weapons. Go through the keyhole to exit out to an area filled
with gigantic snails! Don't worry, for they are harmless. Pick up the Teeth
and fall down to the bottom.
Shrink down and enter the next keyhole. Stay shrunk and squeeze underneath the
dice. In the next chamber, there is a blue mushroom spring. Do not step on it
just yet! Beforehand, search the other end of the room for a LIDDELL MEMORY
[5/26]. Once it is in your possession, walk onto the mushroom spring. As you
ride the giant slide, collect the floating Teeth and collide with the snail
shells for more Teeth.
Alice drops down into a bloodstained river. Walk forward to find the skeletal
remains of some monster. The Jabberwocky, perhaps? Alice takes the Vorpal
Blade from the carcass.
| Slug With a Shell |
The Vorpal Blade is yours! Press X to attack with your new weapon and hack up
the snail shells for Teeth and Roses, which replenish your health. Before you
exit the pool, make sure to recover the DR. WILSON MEMORY [6/26] in the corner.
Use the Vorpal Blade to smash the snail shells blocking the path and enter the
clearing ahead. An enemy attacks Alice; a gooey creature with a doll mask,
known as Insidious Ruin. The fiend is weak and can be destroyed with several
slashes. Hold the Left Trigger to lock on to your target and hack away. You
can also dodge by pressing the Right Bumper.
Take out the other Insidious Ruins for a path to open up for you. Walk through
the tunnel and recover the BUMBY MEMORY [7/26], then follow the trail towards
another mushroom spring. There is a large chasm presented in front of you, and
you'll need to use your Float ability to get across. Hold down A to glide
forward and you can press A multiple times to put a little hop in your step
(jump) in order to cross greater distances. Practice a bit, then float across
the first two gaps to reach another mushroom spring.
Spring up to the ledge right above you to locate a BOTTLE [1/18]. Glide to the
opposite end of the area to find a second BOTTLE [2/18], then walk towards the
large kitchen for a scene. The Duchess orders Alice to fetch her some Pig
Snouts using the Pepper Grinder. Everything's better with bacon!
Take the Pepper Grinder from the tree stump table and walk through the open
door. Bolterflies attack Alice in the backyard. These pesky flies can latch
onto you and drain your health; you can only shake them loose by dodging. Use
the Pepper Grinder to defeat the Bolterflies from afar and make sure to
destroy their nests that drop from the ceiling. The Pepper Grinder has
unlimited ammo, but can overheat if used too frequently. Don't hold down the
trigger too long or you'll have to sit through a cooldown period.
Kill all of the Bolterflies in the forest (and a single Insidious Ruin) to
trigger a scene. Click down on the Right Analog Stick to enter Aiming Mode and
aim for the flying Pig Snout in the air. Shoot the SNOUT [1/14] with your
Pepper Grinder to shoo it into the kitchen.
Climb up the hill to find some more Teeth at a dead end. Return to the Duchess
and break open the breadbasket that appears to receive some Teeth. The Duchess
sends you on your way, so shrink down and enter the keyhole on the side of the
Walk towards the pool of water below you and stay on the ledge. Look forward
and shoot the SNOUT [2/14] as it disappears, leaving behind a domino bridge...
and some Bolterflies! Shoot down the enemies and jump across the dominoes to
reach a small alcove.
Kill the Insidious Ruins here and look above to find another SNOUT [3/14] in
the alcove. Pepper the Snout to make some more dominoes appear ahead of you.
Before you cross the dominoes, drop down into the pool and walk forward. When
you reach the waterfall, destroy the rainbow snail shells and look to your
right. Shrink down to reveal a hidden keyhole and slip inside to find a BOTTLE
[3/18] along with some Teeth.
Exit back out into the pool and use the mushroom spring at the entrance to get
back up to the platforms. Recover the NANNY MEMORY [8/26] near the large snow
globe. Leap across the floating dominoes to the other side of the pool and
beyond. The crying girl statue drops down a group of Slithering Ruins, which
resemble slimey slugs. They are very weak and should give you no trouble at
Jump over to the platform and take out s'more Slithering Ruins along with an
Insidious Ruin, then float over to the tiny island to your left. A mushroom
spring appears, and stepping on it flings you up to the upper platforms.
Shrink down to reveal another hidden keyhole and another BOTTLE [4/18].
Return through to the other side and float down to the main path. Up ahead,
several platforms crumble in front of you as black slime geysers erupt from
below. You must use the mushroom springs on the remaining islands to jump over
the deadly hazards. When you reach a fork, ignore the path in front of you and
float down to the island on your right. Use the mushroom springs to travel to
the final island, where a BUMBY MEMORY [9/26] is waiting for you.
Return to the intersection and jump up the steps. Some trees in your way fall
apart and open up the path for you. Float across the gap to find the
mysterious child from before. Chase after him into the slime-covered room
ahead. Destroy the Bolterfly nests and the Insidious Ruins.
Once the coast is clear, you'll receive a message from Hollow Yves. You are
given a chance to upgrade your weapons. You likely don't have enough Teeth for
the Pepper Grinder upgrade, so stick with upgrading the Vorpal Blade instead.
The ruined train in the corner collapses, once again opening up a new trail
for Alice.
Before you head to the exit, shrink down and look on the left side of the area
for a message. Use the mushroom spring under the message to reach a ledge
containing a BOTTLE [5/18]. Run to the left of the railway sign and head to
where the train once was.
Follow the train tracks and use the mushroom springs to aid you, then enter
the tunnel at the end. You end up getting sealed inside the tunnel, so turning
back is out of the question. Make your way through the tunnel and slide down
the slope to reach a new area.
| The Crockery |
Smash the teapots nearby and walk forward into the barren land. Madcaps drop
into the pit with you. These enemies resemble small green goblins and wield
various porcelain items, such as cups for helmets and tiny forks as weapons.
You can destroy their armor with either of your two weapons, but watch out for
their quick lunge attacks.
Once you kill the first batch, a shielded Madcap lowers a ramp and approaches
you. You cannot target him head-on as long as his shield is intact, so you
must dodge his attack. Dodge the Madcap's lunging stab and attack while his
fork is stuck in the ground.
Go up the ramp when ready to confront another group of Madcaps. Once they are
all taken care of, shrink down and step inside the purple flowers to replenish
your health (and collect Teeth). A mushroom spring appears up against a wall,
so jump on it to reach the entrance to the Hatter's Domain.
The game recommends you to use your Shrink ability often, because Shrink Sense
can reveal hidden paths and cool secrets. A seemingly giant pit in front of
you is revealed to be an invisible bridge once you shrink. Before you go
across, shrink down and enter the hidden keyhole near the entrance sign; you
will find a BOTTLE [6/18] inside.
On the subject of hidden paths, you do not have to stay shrunk while crossing
invisible paths such as this one. Shrinking down only reveals the path to you,
but you can return to normal size and continue across, especially since Shrink
Sense doesn't disappear until after several seconds of normal size.
Grab the PRIS MEMORY [10/26] on the other end of the invisible bridge and take
a gander at the city in the distance. Break the teapots in the surrounding
area for Teeth. If you haven't noticed yet, Slithering Ruins love to lurk
inside breakable objects such as these teapots and snail shells.
Shoot the SNOUT [4/14] flying on the left side of the area to reveal a
platform. Use this platform to reach the high ledge, then smash apart the
breadbasket and teapots for some Teeth. Drop back down and take the stairs on
the other end. As you call for the cable car, Alice will be transported to the
Hatter's Domain.
| Hatter's Gate |
Alice will have a conversation with the Cheshire Cat inside the cable car. A
Bolterfly attack leads to an... unconventional landing, but hey, at least you
made it there alive.
Read the memo on vents, then approach the one in front of you. This one is
already turned on, so you should have no trouble reaching the walkway above
you. Turn around and take the LIDDELL MEMORY [11/26] before running through
the hole in the wall. Walk to the left and turn the valve to make some flying
vents appear. Cross the first gap and defeat the Madcap, then float over to
the island with the violet flower.
Shrink down and look to the right to find some invisible moving platforms.
Carefully cross the platforms (while occasionally shrinking to make them
visible) and jump onto the island. You may see the Bottle in the distance, but
you have no way of reaching it. Look on the side of the building for a hole
and a SNOUT [5/14] on the other side. Pepper the Snout through the hole to
make a vent appear. Ride the vent to the platform and grab the BOTTLE [7/18].
You can walk along the catwalk to reach the entrance to avoid backtracking.
Return to the island where you killed the Madcap and use the second vent to
reach the next platform. Defeat a couple Madcaps and go through the hole in
the wall to end up inside again. Pull the lever to make the spinning gear
shift into the wall. Before you go any further, step into the side room and
enter the keyhole for a BOTTLE [8/18].
Return to the lever and float across the pit. There are some rotisserie Dodos
hanging on the wall, but unfortunately you cannot have a share. Shrink
underneath the half-open door and defeat the shielded Madcap, then destroy the
boxes for a horde of Teeth. Go back under the door and head outside again.
Deal with the Madcaps outside before turning the valve to activate some more
vents. There's nothing important out here, so just navigate across the islands
and defeat any enemies until you reach another opening.
Drop down below and fight some more Madcaps, then walk across the gear and
ride the vents to the balcony. A wave of Madcaps (shielded and regular)
appear, so deal with them to make an opening appear. Head up the ramp to
encounter some more Madcaps. Deal with them, head through the new opening,
then float down to the island and heal at the flower.
Turn around and use your Shrink Sense to discover more invisible platforms.
Carefully make your descent and instead of stepping onto the island, sneak
through the crack in the wall instead. You'll find a LIDDELL MEMORY [12/26]
and some Teeth here. Pepper the SNOUT [6/14] on the wall for even more Teeth!
Go back outside on the invisible platforms, then maneuver across the moving
gear platforms and the vents. When you reach a valve, turn it to make a vent
appear straight ahead. Ignore the vent for now and glide towards the large
hole on your left. Defeat the pair of Madcaps guarding the LIDDELL MEMORY
[13/26] and take it.
Backtrack to the vent and float over to the platform. Wait for the gear
elevator to lower to your level before jumping on, then rise upward and jump
to the next platform. Leap to the balcony near the hole in the wall; before
you go inside, turn around to find a SNOUT [7/14] on the side of the previous
island. Once it's peppered, ride the new vent to find a BOTTLE [9/18]. Fall
down and make your way inside.
Immediately after entering, shrink to discover a hidden keyhole on your left.
Go through to locate a PRIS MEMORY [14/26], then return to the hallway. At the
end, float over the large gap and immediately turn around to spot a flying Pig
SNOUT [8/14]. Fill it up with your Pepper Grinder for a vent to float down,
then fly up to the nearby ledge. Enter the keyhole when miniature, recover the
DR. WILSON MEMORY [15/26], then exit.
| Always Elevenses |
Jump onto the circular platform to do battle with an Eyepot. As the name
implies, these creatures are a teapot with a single eyeball on the side with
spider-like legs. The trick to downing these beasts is to shoot its eye with
the Pepper Grinder to stun it, then to capitalize with your Vorpal Blade up
Upon killing the first Eyepot, another platform rises from the depths with
another one of these things on it (along with an Insidious Ruin). Kill the
Insidious Ruin first, then take on the nasty Eyepot. Turn the valve at the
next island to reach another pair of Eyepots, then clear the house to open up
the exit.
Talk to the Cheshire Cat in the next room, then jump to his location and step
on the switch to make an elevator lower down to your level. Proceed to the
elevator before it leaves without you and ride up to the second floor. Smash
the boxes, then float down to the hole in the wall above the switch.
Avoid the liquid raining down from the ceiling as you navigate to the opposite
end of the three-doored chamber. One of the doors is closed, so the one
straight across is the only way to go. Head through the tunnel to reach a
large room.
Don't start up the side of the tall chamber just yet; shrink down and walk
through the small opening in a gate (you should see a Bottle drawing above the
gate) to enter a room with a tall pillar in the middle.
Use your Shrink Sense to view several numbered platforms surrounding the
pillar. They move, so you'll have to be very careful when traversing the
invisible platforms. Once you reach the top, grab the BOTTLE [10/18] before
backtracking to the previous room. Phew!
Hit the switch to open up the exit. It'll start to close as soon as you step
off, so hurry up and jump over to the exit and squeeze through before it slams
in your face. You'll end up at the top of the three-doored chamber. Open up
the third door and proceed through. Alice will slide down the slope and into a
dimly-lit room.
Pick up the Clockwork Bomb in front of you. This new weapon allows you to
place Hatter bombs on the ground. Place a Clockwork Bomb on the ground with B,
then detonate it by pressing B once more; these bombs can be used to damage
enemies and destroy some walls.
Continue up the ramp towards the weakened wall and tear it down using one of
your Clockwork Bombs. Open up the next doorway with a Clockwork Bomb, then
float over and break the boxes to reveal a mushroom spring. Use it to reach
the exit.
Go forward and you'll find a series of platforms that take you up the side of
the wall. Ignore them for now and stay on the ground; head down the ramp and
clear out the boxes, then shrink down and enter the keyhole opening to
eventually reach a LIDDELL MEMORY [16/26].
Return to the platforms and use them to reach a door; open it for a cutscene.
You receive an ALICE MEMORY [17/26] after the scene. Alice Memories are found
in each of the game's chapters and can not be physically recovered. Every
chapter has a white door like this one and you get the Alice Memory by going
through and watching the cinema. You can only view Alice Memories from the
main menu
Alice can now use Hysteria. Hysteria can be activated when your health is
dangerously low, and it provides a brief moment of invincibility and super-
strength. Click the Left Analog Stick to enter Hysteria. Your health is
automatically reduced, giving you an opportunity to test out your brand new
Wipe out all the Insidious Ruins before Hysteria runs out, then walk forward.
A small box on the opposite end of the room opens up, revealing a red sphere.
From your location, enter Aiming Mode and begin shooting the switch with your
Pepper Grinder. Just like a traffic light, it is red when inactive and green
when ready to go. Activating the switch lowers a platform down to you.
| About Face |
Alice will find the Hatter (well, some of him) in the next room. He asks you a
favor: find and return his limbs to him. Sounds easy enough, right?
Destroy the two walls on either side of the Hatter with Clockwork Bombs. On
the right side, collect the BOTTLE [11/18]. The Pressure Pad only works when
weight is applied. Stepping on the switch will lower the elevator on the other
end of the room, but stepping right off makes it rise back up. Place a
Clockwork Bomb on the Pressure Pad, then run onto the elevator before the bomb
blows up manually.
At the top of the elevator, you'll catch a glimpse of the surrounding
environment. Pick up the Umbrella in front of you to receive a new weapon.
While locked onto an enemy, you can shield yourself from attacks by pressing
the A button. You can also deflect some projectile attacks by timing your
blocks properly.
A Menacing Ruin assembles in front of you, giving you a chance to test out
your new toy. The Menacing Ruin has a fireball attack that you can deflect
back at it with your Umbrella. Doing so will damage the monster. When it uses
its running slam attack, make sure to dodge so you can get several clean hits
off with your Vorpal Blade. It'll take a while to defeat this hulking monster,
but pay attention to the number of masks it has on to determine how far along
in the fight you are.
Two switches appear once the Menacing Ruin bites the dust. Facing the
elevator, look down to your left (below the switch) to find a SNOUT [9/14].
Pepper it to make an island appear behind the elevator, so jump and float over
to it and take the DR. WILSON MEMORY [18/26]. Jump back to the platform and
activate both switches with the Pepper Grinder.
From here, you have two options: go to the building marked "Smelling &
Regurgitating" on your left or the building marked "Cranking Up & Pressing
Down" on the right. Your choice has no affect on your playthrough, since you
are going to have to visit both areas eventually.
For the sake of the walkthrough I'll go left to right, which means I will be
covering "Smelling & Regurgitating" first. Float over to the gear platform and
step into the funky mine cart to be whisked off to the building.
| Smelling and Regurgitating |
You will arrive in the "Smelling & Regurgitating" plant. You can hear the
Dormouse barking orders on the loudspeaker above. Destroy the crates and pots
as you ascend the stairs and jump onto the column submerged in the lava pool.
Shoot the red switch on the wall with your Pepper Grinder to make the column
(and several others farther away) move up and down. Several pipes dispensing
lava also get in your way, so watch your step as you float from column to
Once safe on the other side, enter the next room to have the door slam shut
behind you. Jump onto the column and to the other side of the room to have the
column sink into the magma. Boy, they really don't want to you leave!
Attack the Eyepots and the Insidious Ruins on the platform here. Try using the
Clockwork Bombs on them, as it proves to be a valuable weapon. If an enemy
runs into the bomb, it detonates automatically and takes a large chunk of
their health.
After defeating the enemies, survey the room a bit. You can find a LIDDELL
MEMORY [19/26] on the right side of the room and a BOTTLE [12/18] on the left
side of the room. In both cases, float over to their locations and watch out
for the lava geysers that periodically rise up.
Walk forward to the edge of the platform and press the Left Trigger to look at
the two giant teapot machines in the distance. Jump off the edge to a balcony
across the way, then turn around and leap underneath the platform. Shrink down
and continue through the keyhole to find a lever. Once turned, columns rise up
from the lava. Use the first two to get back up to the platform (you'll have
to kill more Insidious Ruins), then ride the third one to the exit.
You can get a hint from the Cheshire Cat in the the hallway, then proceed to
the next room. Like before, the exits are sealed as soon as you take a step
inside. Defeat the Eyepot and Insidious Ruins down near you, then use your
Pepper Grinder to demolish the one on the upper ledge.
As the Cheshire Cat mentioned, you must use the lever to cool the metal.
Travel counter-clockwise around the room using the various platforms while
avoiding lava geysers. Once you've reached the valve, turn it to freeze the
entire room.
With the room totally frozen and the lava out of the equation, there are a lot
of nooks to explore. First off, dispose of the enemies in the room. You have
to fight a Menacing Ruin along with two Bolterfly nests, and it may be
difficult, but try to shoot the nests first.
Jump onto the frozen cauldron on the left side of the room and you should be
able to reach the next cauldron in the corner. Recover the LIDDELL MEMORY
[20/26] and drop down to the floor. There are plenty of Insidious Ruins on the
floor walking around. Go underneath the main platform to find a SNOUT [10/14];
you are rewarded with a BOTTLE [13/18] for peppering it.
Use the vents to reach the platforms and drop down onto the pipeline running
across the room. Walk to the end of the pipe and shrink down into the keyhole
for some Teeth.
Last but not least, jump onto the now-frozen ledge on the far right end of the
room. There's a hidden keyhole against the wall, so shrink down and go through
to find some Teeth and a NANNY MEMORY [21/26]. Look through the opening in the
grate to locate a SNOUT [11/14], then shoot it to receive some Teeth inside a
big breadbasket. Backtrack to the frozen room and take the tunnel on the left
side of the room.
Grab the Teeth at the end of the tunnel, then walk through the crack in the
wall. Call upon the Cheshire Cat and ask for his advice, which should help you
in navigating the silo.
Shoot the first red switch to raise a couple vents, then fly over to the
central pillar. Walk around to the back and and use another vent to reach a
small island. From here, you can target another red switch with your Pepper
Grinder to summon more vents.
Before you go any further, target the weakened wall (it looks like chunks of
scrap metal glued together) with a Clockwork Bomb to reveal a keyhole. Go
through and look through the peephole at the end to spot a flying SNOUT
[12/14]. Open the breadbasket for a bunch of Teeth and return to the island.
Ride the vents to the next island to find some crates and pots. Jump onto a
walkway against the wall and use Shrink to get underneath a pipe, then walk to
the end and shoot another red switch on the pillar. Fly over to the pillar,
then use a second vent to reach the top of the room. Near the pillar, place a
Clockwork Bomb on the Pressure Pad to keep the exit door open, then run
The Cheshire Cat's warning is a testament to how annoying the next platforming
section is. It features vents, moving platforms, and other hazards. Turn the
valve to get things started. Things aren't so bad here, and you should reach
the checkered platform with ease. However, the platform is crawling with
enemies: Madcaps, a shielded Madcap, and an Eyepot. You can now use Clockwork
Bombs to destroy the shielded Madcap's equipment, so he's much easier to
defeat than before.
Walk onto the platform jutting off to the side for a BOTTLE [14/18], then
proceed to the opposite end of the platform. Jump onto the mushroom spring to
shoot into a hole in the wall.
Up ahead is the Dormouse's lair. This goon is running the factory and has
taken possession of the Hatter's arms. He certainly isn't willing to give them
up, so you'll have to trek through the lava-filled chamber in order to reach
First off, jump onto the columns inside the lava pool. Jump across to the next
as they each move up and down (wait until they are raised before moving
forward). While you wait on each one, you must avoid Eyepot cannon fire in the
distance. You likely cannot target them from down here, so use your Umbrella
to block their attacks. It's pretty easy for one shot to hit Alice and knock
her into the lava. Also avoid the lava-spewing cauldron that moves back and
Once you reach the other end of the room, look to your right for a red switch.
Activating it causes some square platforms to appear near you. Time your
steps, for lava will rain down onto the platforms, so make sure it's all clear
before you take your first steps. You may also notice a keyhole on the ground.
Leave it be, since the lava on the floor prevents you from shrinking down and
getting inside.
Spring up to the ledge above and attack the band of Insidious Ruins. Turn the
valve to drain the floor of lava. Now return to the keyhole you just passed
and shrink down inside. Grab the BOTTLE [15/18] and exit to the floor (if you
are concerned, the hallway to the left takes you right back to the same area,
so you aren't missing out on anything there).
A pair of Boltfly nests drop down onto the columns, so jump onto one of the
low ones in order to get a good shot. Walk back over near the keyhole and use
any of the violet flowers to heal, then look inside the small alcove for
another red switch. Use your Pepper Grinder to turn it green and turn on a
Ride the vent up to the next section of the room; an apparently un-navigatable
area, according to the Dormouse. Unfortunately for him, he isn't aware of the
power of Shrink Sense. Use Shrink Sense to discover a hidden bridge across the
lava pool. It's a straight line and covered with Teeth, so you shouldn't have
a hard time getting across even when normal size. Watch out for the lava pipes
on the ceiling, though.
On the other side, drop onto the tiles and fend off some Eyepots and Insidious
Ruins, all while avoiding another cauldron. Defeating the enemies causes a red
switch to turn on, so walk over to it and use your Pepper Grinder. Tiles will
start flowing downstream, so jump on the tiles and move against the current to
safety. Shrink down into the keyhole and turn the valve.
The Dormouse starts to get worried of Alice's progress and bails. However,
with the remaining lava frozen and another vent in place, you can reach his
hideout. Pull the lever to have the Hatter's arms detach from one of the
cauldrons and fall down into the Rubbish Chute. Follow after them to return to
the Hatter.
You're going to notice a Bottle here in this area, but don't get too excited.
Collectibles reappear when replaying through areas, but ones previously found
lose their glowing aura. This is Bottle #11 reappeared rather than a new
Bottle, so collecting it does not add to your total (assuming that you
collected it the first time you were here). I know that has confused some
people, including myself, at first glance.
Place another Clockwork Bomb onto the Pressure Pad to return to the roof, then
go to the right as you are transported to "Cranking Up & Pressing Down".
| Cranking Up & Pressing Down |
Right out of the gates, the Cheshire Cat is willing to give you some hints.
This particular factory is overseen by the March Hare. Walk up the winding
staircase to reach a large pit. There is a red switch on the wall to the
right, but a large mechanical foot blocks it off. As the foot stomps up and
down, wait until you can see the switch before shooting at it. A platform
lowers, allowing you to continue to the next room.
Break the boxes to your right to find a RADCLIFFE MEMORY [22/26] tucked away
behind them. Shoot the red switch on the wall to make the platform move, then
head to the next room. In here, you'll encounter large fist machines that slam
to the ground. Use the Pressure Pad to disable the first two and run
underneath to the spinning gears.
Walk onto the gears and approach the third fist. You can get through even if
it's moving, so time your jump as it ascends towards the ceiling and dodge
underneath to the other side. As soon as you reach the other side, look over
the edge to your right to spot a keyhole below. Drop down, shrink, then walk
through the keyhole - a BOTTLE [16/18] is waiting on the other end.
Go back through and use the mushroom spring to get back to where you were,
then bomb the wall with a Clockwork Bomb. Destroy a second wall to reveal a
Pressure Pad, then place a Clockwork Bomb on it. This will raise the gears up
to the second level, so go up the nearby stairs and hop on the raised
platforms. Quickly run across the gears to the opposite side of the room and
jump onto the ledge.
Shrink under the deactivated fist smasher, then dodge the second one to find
another weakened wall and another Pressure Pad. The same results as before:
the gears rise up to your level, so dash across the gears and through the exit
before the bomb blows up.
Destroy the Eyepot and approach the set of crushers. These ones are open-
palmed hands that clap together horizontally. Dodge the first set and rest in
the small section of the hall, then get past the second pair. Ignore the
closed door in front of you and hop on the mushroom spring instead. Head up
the stairs to a Pressure Pad and use it to open the door below. Don't worry
about the Insidious Ruin that appears in front of it and just make a beeline
for the door.
Float over the gap to the gated-in area for a fight. Battling against the
Eyepots and Insidious Ruins in here is a pain, because there are several fist
crushers. They are in each of the four corners and one in the middle of the
room, so the best place to stand is right in front of the entrance. Don't
stray too far (especially not under a crusher) when doing battle and err on
the side of caution.
Open the door by shooting the red switch and proceed through the open gate on
the right for a BUMBY MEMORY [23/26]. Take the exit door after.
As the sign implies, you are now in the Dodo Miserarium. The place is littered
with hanging cages and imprisoned Dodos. Jump onto the first cage on your left
and look in the left corner of the room. Inside a hole in the wall is a SNOUT
[13/14], and once shot, makes a BOTTLE [17/18] appear on the left platform.
Return to the entrance, then jump on the moving cage and head right. Target
the red switch through the hole in the wall and turn it green to lower down a
couple cages. Use the cages as stepping stones to reach the vent and ride it
up to the ledge. Break down the wall with a Clockwork Bomb and you'll find a
lever; yanking it turns on a nearby vent, allowing you to continue.
Step into the vent and land on some high cages, then turn around. There's a
red switch above the ledge you were just on, so fire at it as a pair of cages
rotate into place. Jump onto the first one, then float over to the open cage
with the LIDDELL MEMORY [24/26] inside. Continue to the door and make your way
Alice confronts the March Hare ahead, who has taken Hatter's legs and placed
them in a hamster wheel. The first couple fist crushers are easy to avoid. Put
a Clockwork Bomb on the Pressure Pad and get across to the other side, then
pull the lever and return to the now-deactivated crushers. Enter the new path
and avoid the fist crushers and palm clappers.
You're not out of the woods just yet, for you have to fight three Bolterfly
nests, an Eyepot, several Insidious Ruins, and one Menacing Ruin. I'd leave
the big guy for last and take out the Bolterflies and Eyepot first, because
they are especially pesky.
Next, shoot the red switch to open up a small alcove. Before you pull the
lever, blow up the weakened wall and shrink down into the keyhole. Take the
last BOTTLE [18/18] and then turn the lever to lower an elevator.
Walk inside the elevator and ride up to the top of the room, where more fist
crushers are waiting for you. Study the order of when they drop before
attempting to make a run for it. You'll have to go real fast in order to beat
them, so it's kinda tough. Heal at the violet flowers and maneuver past the
two malfunctioning crushers to find yet another lever. Once pulled, a hole
appears in the wall and the March Hare calls it quits.
Head over to his glass bubble and turn the lever to free the Hatter's legs.
Now that the Hatter is fully assembled, you can continue. Up up and away!
| Assemblage (or Destruction) |
As soon as the cutscene ends, you'll be able to see a Pig Snout and a Memory
in the distance. Float closer to the SNOUT [14/14] and pepper it to make the
LIDDELL MEMORY [25/26] accessible. Slice open the breadbasket for a gaggle of
Teeth and take the door.
The game recommends you to use Clockwork Bombs in battle, even though I
suggested it way earlier... anyways, you must deal with several waves of
Insidious Ruins (plus one Menacing Ruin) before you can escape. When the
Hatter gets the doors open, follow him through. At the first corner, look to
the left to find a keyhole and search through it for a LIDDELL MEMORY [26/26].
Glad to have that done with!
Follow the Hatter into the next room, where he's having trouble with a locked
door. Help him out by springing up to the second floor and moving up the ramps
to find a red switch. This makes a miniature door rotate into place; shrink
down and continue through the tiny tunnel.
Enter the keyhole ahead and fall down to the floor. A portion of the floor can
be bombed with one of your Clockwork Bombs, so go ahead and do that (use your
Shrink Sense to help find it). Pull the lever to open up the door for Hatter,
and the two of you will be reunited.
Cutscene time! I know that there aren't any boss battles in the game, but
tempting us like that is just plain cruel. :( With that, Chapter 1 ends.
"In which Alice sinks further into frigid discontent"
Snouts: 15 Memories: 15 Radula Rooms: 4 Bottles: 16

| Billingsgate |
Alice washes up on the docks and is rescued by two... gentlemen...
Follow the white cat here on the docks and walk through the warehouse. Make
your way to the Mangled Mermaid. You won't be able to get inside from the
front entrance, so go around the back alley for a short scene. Take the back
exit to enter the bar, then ascend the stairs. A cutscene will begin as you
enter the first room up ahead, and Alice is transported back to Wonderland.
| Tundraful |
The scenery here is much different than anything you've witnessed prior, and
it looks rather cool. Based on the name of the chapter, you can expect to see
an entire underwater theme during your stay.
As soon as you gain control, turn around and shrink down to find a keyhole
hidden behind some rocks. Walk through and nab the BOTTLE [1/16] on the other
side before returning to the start point.
It doesn't matter if you take the upper path or the lower path, because they
both take you to the same place. Make your choice, then destroy the starfish
to find some Teeth. A strange fish monster disappears out of sight as you
reach here. Weird...
You'll see the same fish guy just around the corner, but he disappears and
Alice is forced into a fight against a Malicious Ruin and several Insidious
Ruins. Afterwards, a Yeti peeks out of a hole in the mountain and starts
breathing a stream of cold air.
Ignore him for now and use your Shrink Sense in the battle area to find a
Bottle drawing on the wall. Just below the drawing, you can destroy the patch
of ice with a Clockwork Bomb to be brought to a room with another BOTTLE
[2/16]. Move along the icy walkway towards the Yeti; about halfway across,
look down into the pit on your right to see a SNOUT [1/14] clinging to a wall.
Pepper it, and a breadbasket appears farther along the trail.
Spring yourself up to the Yeti and jump past him between his ice breath. If
you unfortunately get hit, the breeze will push you right off the edge. Grab
the Teeth inside the breadbasket here. Drop down into the tunnel and Alice
will slide down the icy ramp into a checkered room.
In here, you'll find the Hobby Horse, a new weapon. This hard-hitting staff
can be used by pressing Y. Just as you pick it up, one of the fish beings
tunnels into the room. The Ice Snark have the ability to encase Alice in a
sheet of ice, and dodging is the only way to break free. If they burrow
underground, use a Clockwork Bomb to blast them out of hiding. Test out the
Hobby Horse in action; it's a very slow, but very powerful weapon to yield.
Icicles drop down from the ceiling, allowing Alice to escape the room. If you
use your Shrink Sense, two invisible platforms appear near the icicles. Jump
along the invisible platforms to reach a small ledge. See the ice on the wall
shaped like a horse head? What other tool would you use on this than the Hobby
Horse? Duh! (though the Clockwork Bomb acts as an acceptable substitute).
Break the ice to obtain some Teeth.
In the next chamber, there is a mushroom spring to your left and a horse ice
sculpture on the right. Smash the ice horse with your new weapon and destroy
the next one just beyond. Glide over the first pit onto the first island, but
the second island with the Memory on it is just out of reach. Look behind you
to spot a SNOUT [2/15] and shoot it to gain access to the BUMBY MEMORY [1/15].
Head back to the mushroom spring and shoot up to the ledge. Jump down over the
other side and exterminate the Ice Snarks and Insidious Ruins here. By the
way, check out the monstrous fish encased in ice. Whoah... There's a hidden
keyhole to the right of the frozen fish, and going through leads you to the
upper portion of the room and a PRIS MEMORY [2/26].
Up ahead is an intersection. For now, go to the left: smash the ice horse
blocking the way and then bomb the ground for a BOTTLE [3/16]. Return to the
right and bomb the ground here.
Drop in and look around the room while shrunk... with your Shrink Sense on,
you should notice several invisible platforms. Climb across them to a high
ledge and survey the room to spot a SNOUT [3/15]. Shoot the Snout to lower a
wall and open up the new path using your Hobby Horse. Collect the Teeth from
inside the breadbasket, then return to the previous room. Step onto the
mushroom spring to the next area.
| Sliding Towards Oblivion |
Judging by the area name, you can expect to find a slide or two here. In fact,
there's one directly in front of you! The mega-slide features many twists and
turns, multiple paths, and dangerous sections that lack railings. Press Down
on the Left Analog Stick to slow Alice down when you reach the sharp turns.
Also, it doesn't matter which paths you take during your descent.
Take down the various enemies in the next room to open up the exit. Proceed
forward to find your first Radula Room: it's a large snail shell with an
opening big enough for Alice to fit inside. Before you explore the insides,
turn around and bash the ice horse for a BOTTLE [4/16]. Next, step inside the
Radula Room.
RADULA ROOM [1/4]: Radula Rooms provide Alice with an opportunity to receive
Rose Paint, usually by solving riddles given to you by the Cheshire Cat.
He presents you with a riddle as soon as you enter:

Q: How is the Queen of Hearts like a typhoon?

* Both are cruel
* In all ways -- but the typhoon doesn't mean to be
* Both are indiscriminately destructive
* Both are powerful
Pick the second option, "In all ways -- but the typhoon doesn't mean to be",
and the Cheshire Cat will give Alice some Rose Paint. By collecting four of
these items, Alice's overall health will increase.
You'll be dumped back outside. Walk to the right and spring out of the room.
Up ahead, there is a path leading to a pirate ship. Don't jump onto the road
just yet and walk around the corner to the right. Pepper the SNOUT [4/14] in
the distance, then launch up to the keyhole to eventually discover a PRIS
MEMORY [3/15].
Backtrack to the road and start making your way across. Slide down the slope
and hop onto the mushroom spring, then slay the lone Ice Snark. Heal yourself
at the violet flower if necessary. Here, there are two ways to go. Leap across
the invisible platforms on the right (use Shrink Sense to see where you are
going, of course). Slide down to a pool of water, where there is an invisible
raft waiting for you.
Hop onto the invisible raft and it begins to move. Stay shrunk so you can go
underneath the miniature archway. Once you're through, hop off the raft and
onto the side of the river. Pick up the BOTTLE [5/16] and break the ice horse
next to it to enter the next chamber. Don't worry about the raft; it'll slowly
move downstream to meet up with you.
Just after smashing the ice horse and stepping through, look above you to find
a SNOUT [5/15]. Pepper it and break open the breadbasket it leaves behind,
then wait for the raft and step on it to reach an island with a mushroom
spring. Spring through the ceiling and onto dry land.
There is another intersection up ahead. To the left are a few side rooms
containing Teeth (and it eventually takes you back to the first intersection).
However, your main goal is to reach the pirate ship, so the right side is your
destination. Don't worry about the black skeleton sharks and also do not
linger on the stepping stones, for they sink into the icy waters after several
seconds. Approach the base of the ship.
| HMS Gryphon |
For your first mini-game, Alice will take control of the pirate ship, HMS
Gryphon. It is presented as a horizontal-scrolling shooter. Move the ship with
the Left Analog Stick, fire cannons with A and use depth charges with Y.
Cannons fire straight ahead, while depth charges fire below your ship.
Shipwreck Sharks often come in from the right, so spam your cannons and make
short work of them. You don't have to kill every single one, and you may miss
frequently, so make sure to simply avoid them at all costs. You lose a life by
getting hit just once, and you only have ten lives, so be careful.
Eventually, bigger Shipwreck Sharks will periodically swim in from the left,
so try not to hug the left side of the screen or you may get surprised. Also,
Cannon Crabs at the bottom of the screen fire cannons of their own at you. In
addition, explosive mines also start showing up.
Keep your guard high and pay attention to your surroundings. It is best to
stay safe rather than upping your score, since there is no reward based on
your overall score. However, you can unlock the "Ship of Fools" Achievement by
completing the mini-game without taking any damage.
| Naval Disaster |
Following the ship crash, Alice is stranded underwater. Mock Turtle gives her
a ticket to Carpenter's show, then goes off to sulk. Walk over to the crying
Mock Turtle and break down the piece of coral, then go through the keyhole
here for a RADCLIFFE MEMORY [4/15]. Run back through and continue past the
wreckage of the HMS Gryphon.
The scenery ahead is magnificent and there are tons of wild sea creatures that
swim around you. Even though you are underwater, you can still fall off of
edges and die, so watch your step. The path to the right is the way to go, but
if you activate your Shrink Sense, you will find an invisible bridge in the
left corner. Run to the end of the bridge for some Teeth, then return to the
cliffside and be on your way.
Watch out for the spikey red jellyfish in the way. Let him get out of your way
before hopping across the gap. Jump across the large pit with assistance from
the geyser, then kill the Ice Snark and make a right. Inside the tunnel, break
the coral and shrink down into the hidden keyhole to find a BOTTLE [6/16] on
the other side.
Backtrack through the tunnel. You can jump on top of the flat white jellyfish,
as they act as platforms. However, aim for the ledge below with the giant clam
on it. Don't walk on top of the clam, or else he'll slam down on top of you.
Across the way is a SNOUT [6/15] on the wall, which makes a breadbasket to
appear inside the clam when shot with the Pepper Grinder. Be careful when
opening the breadbasket, then take the Teeth and use the nearby geysers to get
across to another platform (this is where the jellyfish would have taken you
if you decided to take that route). Break the reinforced treasure chest with
the Hobby Horse for some Teeth, then drop down below and destroy the coral in
your way.
Interact with the door for a cutscene. You automatically receive an ALICE
MEMORY [5/15] following the scene.
Jump onto the white jellyfish, then the blue one to be sprung up to the ledge.
Here, you will duel against a Lost Soul. These freakish monsters are
incredibly obnoxious and difficult to fight. The Lost Soul is transparent and
cannot be damaged with any weapon. The only way to weaken him is to shoot one
of the bombs in his hands. Before he manages to toss them at you, shoot it
with your Pepper Grinder to stun him and make him vulnerable. Repeat this
process until the Lost Soul is toast.
After defeating the Lost Soul, there will be a Pressure Pad for you to push.
Don't worry about it for now and look to the left of the switch to find some
invisible platforms off in the distance. Get a feel for where they are using
your Shrink Sense, then float across the series of islands. Break the coral
and pick up the LIDDELL MEMORY [6/15] from inside the clam before it snaps
down onto you.
Back at the Pressure Pad, drop a Clockwork Bomb onto it for a red switch to
rise up from the deep. Before the bomb goes off, make sure to turn the switch
green; doing so makes a couple platforms raise up, and you are free to go.
Heal up at the flowers and stay near the right side of the cliff. Shrink down
and check out the invisible platforms to your right. There's a spinning bridge
right in front of you, followed by a couple invisible platforms farther away.
Move to the edge of the spinning bridge and shrink down to get a better look
at the location of the two platforms.
When ready, step onto the bouncy blue jellyfish and bounce up to the first
platform. Find the second platform and float over to it, then glide over to an
invisible bridge past the red jellyfish. Once you're on solid ground, walk to
the other end and shrink down to find another invisible trail.
Walk out onto the invisible path and stop when you reach the circular joint.
There is a SNOUT [7/15] high up on the roof of the nearby shack; pepper it for
a geyser to turn on. Head to the end of the invisible path and jump into the
geyser to reach a breadbasket up on the roof. Now you get to follow your
footsteps all the way back to the cliff!
Continue along the side of the cliff and you will soon enter a tunnel. Bust
open the two treasure chests with your Hobby Horse, then take a few steps
along and shrink down to find a hidden keyhole; it'll eventually bring you to
a room housing a BOTTLE [7/16] and several chests.
Return to the tunnel and continue along towards the building. Welcome to
Barrelbottom, boys and girls.
| Barrelbottom |
Talk to the Cheshire Cat upon entering the town and check out the atmosphere.
Walk up to the statue in the town square and look up to the right to find a
SNOUT [8/15] on the side of a building. Collect the Teeth inside from the
breadbasket afterwards and stay on the right side of the town.
When you come across a wall of coral, tear it down and descend the stairs to
end up underneath Barrelbottom. There is a Radula Room straight ahead, but
first stay to the left to find some breakable urchins and a keyhole. Go
through the keyhole and collect the BOTTLE [8/16].
RADULA ROOM [2/4]: This Radula Room is far different than the first. Instead
of having to answer a riddle, you are tested by having to survive against an
army of Madcaps. They aren't much of a threat and I just kept backing up
while spamming Clockwork Bombs (it really helped in trying to unlock the
"Beware of the Lagomorph" Achievement, to boot). The White Rabbit rewards you
with a Rose Paint once your make it out alive.
Return to town and take the stairs on the left side of town. Destroy the coral
on the floor with a Clockwork Bomb and drop down. Proceed through the cavern,
taking down the Lost Soul along the way, until you reach a mushroom spring.
Bounce on up to a LIDDELL MEMORY [7/15] and then jump off the edge of the
balcony back down to the town square.
Proceed straight ahead towards the "Dreary Lane Theatre" sign. Make the long
drop down to the island, where a Drifting Ruin gets in your way. This thing is
a cross between an Insidious Ruin and a jellyfish. As it floats around, lock
on with your Pepper Grinder and fire once you see the doll head stick out.
Knock it down to the ground before running over and hacking it apart.
Float up into the geyser and step onto the island, then take out a few more
Drifting Ruins. Collect the Teeth out on the invisible platforms, then cross
the white jellyfish to the next area.
By holding down the Left Trigger, you can see the theatre in the distance.
Make a sharp left to enter a small cave filled with clams. One of them is in
possession of a BOTTLE [9/16]. Head back to the edge of platform.
Activate Shrink Sense and move along the invisible catwalk on your left to a
house with a flower on it. Break the urchins and the chest, then walk across
the next invisible platform behind the building. Look up in the sky to find a
flying SNOUT [9/15] and pepper it. Now you can jump over and claim the DR.
Return to the island and use the myriad of white jellyfish to inch closer to
the Dreary Lane Theatre. Kill the Lost Soul here. Near the violet flower is an
invisible walkway, but ignore it for now. Walk forward and place a Clockwork
Bomb on the Pressure Pad to make a red switch appear back near the invisible
walkway. Step onto it and turn the switch green... now you can float your way
over to the theatre.
Inside, you are presented with a hallway straight ahead flanked by two
staircases. The stairs don't take you anywhere, so proceed down the passage
for a cutscene. The Carpenter is an odd fellow, eh? Well, so are most of the
characters in this game... anyways, you need to get the script from the writer
to get the Carpenter to go on with the show. You probably noticed the BOTTLE
[10/16] tucked away on the left side of the room, so go ahead and grab it once
the scene ends.
Go back one room and up the stairs on the left now that the door has been
opened. Before going through the second doorway, head down the hall on the
right and enter the keyhole. Collect the NANNY MEMORY [9/15].
Backtrack to the doorway and jump through for a chat with the Cheshire Cat.
Hardy har har. As you exit outside, the doors behind you close and cigar-
puffing (how does that work underwater?) Cannon Crabs attack! Their shells are
tough and can only be damaged by your Hobby Horse or Clockwork Bombs. After
taking enough punishment, the Cannon Crab will flip over on its back. You can
use your Vorpal Blade to attack its soft underbelly.
Once the coast is clear, a couple red switches are revealed to you. Shoot the
red switch just above the Cannon Crab's nest. Jump up the stone heads and
bounce on the mushroom spring to a balcony. From up here you can target the
second red switch.
With the switch now green, you can reach the shark mouth exit. The white
jellyfish seem to be there without a purpose other than collecting one or two
Teeth; otherwise you can climb up the stone head to the area exit.
| Inky Veil |
The writer is Scottish, rude, vile, and seems to be strangely fond of hide and
seek. Oh, and he is also an octopus. You have no choice but to play along with
the Octopus and complete a game of hide and seek.
Grab the Teeth on the invisible walkway and start hopping across the jellyfish
(while avoiding the red ones). When you reach the geyser, jump off onto a
jellyfish and make your way towards the island to the left. Pepper the SNOUT
[10/15] on the wall, then break apart the breadbasket for your reward. You can
use the intricate invisible walkway on the other side of the island to get to
where you need to be.
Make a pit stop at the violet flower to heal and be on your way. Up ahead is a
large clearing littered with tall purple bottles. Break them all open and you
will find the octopus hiding inside one of them. He runs off in search of
another hiding spot.
Follow after the octopus by going to the right side of the clearing. Use the
invisible platforms to get to the wooden island and throw a Clockwork Bomb
onto the Pressure Pad. To reach the red switch that appears, use Shrink Sense
to find another nearby invisible platform. Once you activate the switch,
return to the Pressure Pad and continue across the wooden islands.
On your way across, make a quick detour on the moving invisible platform
nearby, which takes you over to a BOTTLE [11/16]. Return to the path and
continue across. Make the long jump/float onto the mushroom spring and bounce
up to another area filled with bottles.
Even though there are plenty of breakable bottles here, the octopus isn't in
any of them (destroy them anyways just for good measures). Approach the
keyhole, then look past it to find a few invisible platforms in the distance.
Navigate across each one and take the BOTTLE [12/16] floating in the air
before returning to the keyhole.
On the other end, there will be a few more bottles... you can actually see the
octopus inside one of them! Just like before, he will run away once he has
been caught. Jump across the floating jellyfish over to another Pressure Pad.
You know the drill. Get across the invisible bridge to the red switch and turn
it green, then jump on the bouncy blue jellyfish to the next area.
A gate closes behind you, so you are sealed in here. Immediately walk to the
left and take the BUMBY MEMORY [10/15] before dropping down into the clearing.
Destroy the Lost Soul and move over to the series of wooden walkways.
In this spot, there are multiple Pressure Pads and red switches you must
shoot. It can be a little tricky since you have to do some backtracking from
the Pressure Pads in order to shoot their respective switches. There are three
Pressure Pads and three red switches in total.
Ultimately, you will be able to reach a geyser. Spring up to the ledge and
walk over to the geyser to the next bottle room. Break them all and you will
catch the octopus for a third time. A fair sport, the octopus agrees to send
the script over to the Carpenter in the theatre. Before you leave, make sure
to rob him of the Teeth inside his house. :)
| Choral Coral |
The Music Fish up ahead is normally a good singer, but she cannot hear her own
notes due to the clogged-up pipes surrounding the area. The yellow, blue, and
red pipes all need to be unclogged by Alice in order to save the day.
Look immediately to the right while on the platform to find a SNOUT [11/15] on
the wall. Collect the Teeth from inside the breadbasket, then drop down to the
ground. Look near the large step where you entered the area and you should see
some treasure chests right at the base. Break them apart with your Hobby Horse
to reach the BOTTLE [13/16] hiding behind them.
It does not matter which route you take, so I'll go left to right and start
with the yellow path. Scanning the area will reveal black sludge covering up
the yellow pipe. Inspect it to initiate an ambush from Insidious Ruins and Ice
Snarks. Once they're all toast, smash the sludge with your Hobby Horse to
clear up the yellow path.
The situation in the blue path is more or less the same. This time, you must
take on Insidious Ruins and Cannon Crabs. Use your Hobby Horse to free up the
blue pipes.
Again, the red pipes are also covered in slime, and you must fight your way in
order to clean it up. Kill the wave of Ice Snarks and the tough Menacing Ruin
and smash the sludge with the Hobby Horse.
With all the pipes cleared up, you must assist the Music Fish in getting her
timing down. You do so with a mini-game, where Alice must press the desired
buttons onscreen. The buttons act as notes and as the bar moves from left to
right, press the required button just as it passes over the bar. Do this two
times in total to complete the mini-game.
The exit opens up, so go through the central door. At the fork, head to the
right and grab the RADCLIFFE MEMORY [11/15] inside the clam. Double back and
head left this time. Talk to the Cheshire Cat here. Ignore the exit for now
and slice down the coral on the right. Grab the Teeth and break the next coral
wall. Heal at the flower and use the invisible platforms to reach the Radula
Room on the other side of the chasm.
RADULA ROOM [3/4]: You must complete a rehash of the HMS Gryphon mini-game
experienced earlier in the chapter. It is identical to your first playthrough
and is rather simple - press A to fire cannons and Y for depth charges.
Either kill or avoid the enemies onscreen until you reach safety. By winning,
you will get a third Rose Paint.
Backtrack to the exit door and proceed through.
| Oyster Garden: Beds Available |
You have the script and the singer, and now all you need are the oysters.
Unfortunately for you, they are sleeping and it's up to you to wake them up.
In the area in front of you, you are to destroy the multiple Cannon Crabs
scurrying around. Take on one at a time and you should be fine. The first
oyster wakes up and runs off to the show once the enemies are gone.
Jump along the rock faces to the next room. Hop into the geyser and avoid the
red jellyfish as you make your way over to the first giant white jellyfish
platform. Continue to the second giant white jellyfish, then stay put. Look to
the right and all the way up the side of the rock wall to locate a SNOUT
[12/15]. This one is particularly easy to miss since it's so far away and you
cannot hear the "oink" noise it makes.
Make a quick detour over to the breadbasket that appears, then make your way
across the jellyfish. When you reach a violet flower on one of them, shrink
down and heal.
Shrinking here also provides an opportunity to spot the invisible platforms
nearby. Hop across to the secret keyhole and crawl through to end up on a
cliff overlooking the area you were just in. Pick up the RADCLIFFE MEMORY
[12/15] and float (or backtrack) to the final jellyfish. Step off onto dry
land and set off to find the second oyster.
In order to wake up the oyster, you must defeat the whole lot of enemies;
mainly just Insidious Ruins and Cannon Crabs. Once the clam wakes up and
leaves, a door opens up.
The third clam is awake, but you need to help her fix the movie poster. In
order to complete the challenges, you must first collect the four blocks in
the surrounding area. Once you have all the pieces, it turns into a slider
Back away from the puzzle and proceed down the tunnel to the left. Here, you
must fight a couple Ice Snarks while a Cannon Crab fires down at you from a
high ledge. Take out the Ice Snarks first before worrying about the Cannon
Crab. Once the coast is clear, hop onto the blue jellyfish to collect the
first block.
Return to the puzzle room and jump up the steps to the right of the puzzle for
the block. That was easy. Right near the steps is a hidden keyhole; grab the
third block on the other side. Run past the puzzle and use the mushroom spring
to bounce up to the high ledge.
In here, there are invisible platforms to the left and a bouncy blue jellyfish
to the right. Leap across the platforms first and you'll end up finding a
BUMBY MEMORY [13/15] behind a piece of coral. Go back and jump on the blue
jellyfish. Placing a bomb on the Pressure Pad opens up the cage that's holding
the fourth block. In order to reach it, you must quickly move across the fast-
moving invisible platforms. It may take a couple tries.
Alice will be automatically transported to the puzzle room once she has all
four blocks. You must slide the blocks in order to form the proper picture,
and it must be done in a certain number of moves (24, to be exact). Lets make
things very simple and label the squares in the 3x3 block. You shouldn't need
anywhere near 24 moves in order to complete this puzzle, just follow these
steps for an easy victory:
+---+---+---+ * move the block at "2" down
| 1 | 2 | 3 | * move the block at "3" to the left
|---|---|---| * move the block at "6" up
| 4 | 5 | 6 | * move the block at "5" to the right
|---|---|---| * move the block at "8" up
| 7 | 8 | 9 | * move the block at "9" to the left
Voila. Easy enough, right? With that, the exit opens up and the oyster leaves
in order to rejoin her companions. Before you leave, head back to where you
found the fourth block. Jump onto the single white jellyfish next to the tiki
head that the block was found in. Shoot at the flying SNOUT [13/15] to receive
a breadbasket for your efforts. Make your way back to the shark mouth and
continue through.
| Lost Souls Locker |
After the shocking cutscene, Alice will fight a new enemy. The Drowned Sailor
is similar in appearance to the Lost Soul and is fought in a near-identical
Like his counterpart, the Drowned Sailor is transparent and cannot be harmed.
He burrows into the ground and tracks you down before uprooting himself. Dodge
his diving knife strike and the Drowned Soldier will be vulnerable. Attack
until he becomes transparent again. He also uses the same bomb attack as the
Lost Soul and can be damaged the same way.
A gate opens up at the end of the cemetery, but don't go anywhere. There is a
SNOUT [14/15] on the back of one of the tombstones that reveals a keyhole when
shot with your Pepper Grinder. Pick up the DR. WILSON MEMORY [14/15] and
return to the cemetery.
To enter the next section, you can either go through the gate straight ahead
or proceed through the tunnel on the right side of the cemetery. Deal with the
Lost Soul and the Ice Snarks in the next room to trigger a scene. A ghost
reveals himself as a captain and asks Alice to free the souls of his men.
The gate past the captain opens up. There are three crypts up ahead; the one
on the right opens up first, so go inside.
Once you destroy the Drowned Sailor, the sailor's soul will begin to float
away. A glowing seahorse and helps light the way. As you jump across the
narrow platforms, try to take it slow so the seahorse can follow close behind
and illuminate your path. At the end, smash open the treasure chest to free
the soul.
The crypt on the left now opens for you. This sequence is the same as before,
but first you must defeat three Drifting Ruins that accompany the Drowned
Sailor. Once again, follow the glowing seahorse towards the trapped soul.
Note that if you go too far ahead or linger behind, the darkness will
overwhelm Alice and begin to slowly drain her health. Drop a bomb on the
Pressure Pad about halfway to raise the next series of platforms. As you
continue, pick up the BOTTLE [14/16] just up ahead and continue across the
geysers to the soul. One swing from your Hobby Horse will free it.
Now for the middle crypt. The Slithering Ruins that appear during your fight
with the Drowned Sailor are in endless waves; you can place a Clockwork Bomb
to distract the slime slugs while you focus on the main target. As always, the
soul is whisked away and you must enlist in the help of a glowing seahorse in
order to chase after it.
The first few steps are easy, but just beware of the clams. When you reach the
Pressure Pad, wait up for the seahorse and then throw a Clockwork Bomb onto
the switch to make some geysers appear. Ride them to the upper balcony and
heal at the flowers. Slowly make your way across the series of invisible
platforms towards a second Pressure Pad.
Place a Clockwork Bomb on the switch and make your way across the second set
of invisible platforms. You may notice a faint golden glow in the distance;
this is a Bottle. When you reach the square invisible platform with a "2" on
it, float over to the right to reach the BOTTLE [15/16]. Return to the main
path and proceed to the third soul.
With all three shipmates reunited (at least in the afterlife), the gate to the
right of the captain's grave flies open. Before you continue to the exit, look
for a hidden keyhole using your Shrink Sense. On the other side is a long and
intricate set of invisible platforms that lead up to a LIDDELL MEMORY [15/15].
If you drop down from the left side of the island, you will end up near the
cemetery exit.
| Barrelbottom Revisited |
Another monster slide awaits in front of you. Again, there are multiple
branches, but they all lead to the same destination. Just don't fall off the
edge during!
Something much more perilous than a giant slide is at the bottom: a Colossal
Ruin. This hulking freak is very powerful and can shoot projectiles that are
too tough for you to block with your Umbrella. When they appear, target the
multiple doll heads on its stomach with your Pepper Grinder. Once you shoot
off all the faces, the Colossal Ruin escapes.
Smash apart the glowing wall with your Hobby Horse and walk through. Although
intriguing, ignore the bloody trail at first and use your Shrink Sense to find
a hidden keyhole. Shoot the red switch, then rise the invisible platforms up
to the Radula Room.
RADULA ROOM [4/4]: Similar to the second Radula Room, you must simply survive
in order to be rewarded. You must battle Eyepots and Menacing Ruins. Even
with your heavily upgraded weapons, this is quite a challenge (personally,
the first type of challenge I have experienced in the game). Try to take out
the Menacing Ruin first, since his fireballs get annoying. Even though you
can attack Eyepots directly with your Hobby Horse, stick to the Pepper
Grinder + Vorpal Blade combo.
Return to the bloody trail. You may hear a Pig Snout, but you sure won't see
it! That's because this one is invisible, and you can only see it with your
Shrink Sense. You can still shoot it when normal size, so locate it when
shrunk, then place your targeting reticule and fire at the invisible SNOUT
[15/15] to make a mushroom spring pop up. Jump on it and take the BOTTLE
[16/16], then fall back down.
Proceed past the pile of mutilated sea creatures and up the stairs into the
building. As you go down the hall, you will find the Octopus and the Music
Fish; go into the theatre for a cinema. My oh my, I wasn't quite expecting
"In which disintegrating Alice recklessly conjures up a nightmare - and
enters it"
Snouts: 11 Memories: 19 Radula Rooms: 4 Bottles: 18
| Threadneedle Street |
Alice wakes up with Nanny on a wagon. There really isn't much to do when you
stop and get off: follow the streets and look at all the characters roaming
around. In under a minute, you'll end up at the doorstep of the Radcliffe
residence. Once inside, head up the stairs and enter his study.
| Vale of Doom |
After the cutscene, exit the desolate house through the back door and follow
the snowy streets. The snow quickly turns into embers and you end up trotting
on the path of the Infernal Train! Alice makes a quick transition to
A Menacing Ruin and some Insidious Ruins appear as soon as you regain control.
Kill them all, then smash the glowing pile of junk with your Hobby Horse.
Inspect the hookah to make a rock platform appear and jump on top of it. The
Slithering Ruins up ahead should not pose much of a threat. After, jump onto
the vent. Before you go anywhere, survey the area. If you look straight ahead
at the moving rock, look to the right of the rock to find a BOTTLE [1/18]
sitting on a gear. Grab the Bottle, then go across to the island.
Take out the Insidious Ruins and clear the junk away from the hookah. Take a
puff out of the hookah and jump on the platform that appears. Hop into the
vent and ride the next rock over to a platform with a BOTTLE [2/18] on it.
From here, fall down to the ledge below and defeat all of the monsters. Not
sure if that's lava or slime, but it's dangerous either way; avoid it when you
take on the enemies. Jump into the next vent and hop across the tiny islands
to eventually reach a fork in the road. At the fork, go under the archway on
your left to find a BOTTLE [3/18], then double back and continue right.
In the clearing ahead, Alice receives the Teapot Cannon. The Teapot Cannon is
used by pressing the Right Trigger, so you must use the D-Pad to cycle between
the game's final weapon and the Pepper Grinder. The Teapot Cannon is a blast
to use and shoots destructive cannonballs with ease. You can hold the Right
Trigger to charge a more powerful shot, but this will cause the weapon to
automatically overheat.
Try it out in combat! Use the Teapot Cannon on the Insidious Ruins, then on
the Colossal Ruin that shows up. Like before, target the multiple doll masks
on its stomach. The Colossal Ruin will stick around this time once they are
all destroyed. Wait for it to use its flamethrower attack; a larger doll mask
appears on its head. Shoot at the mask with your Teapot Cannon, then lash out
with your Vorpal Blade when the monster doubles over.
Once you come out on top, you can destroy the large glowing wall with your
Teapot Cannon to escape. Smash the boxes at the base of the ramp for some
goodies, then head up the slope. Smoke out of the hookah, then turn around and
walk back down the slope; a wall begins glowing, which means you can destroy
it. Collect the RADCLIFFE MEMORY [1/19] on the other side, then return to the
hookah and ride the vent up.
Bombard the Insidious Ruins and Menacing Ruin up on the stone bridge. When you
reach the streams of lava/slime/harmful stuff, stop and make a right instead.
Float over to the platform and break the junk and the crates. You can find a
SNOUT [1/11] on the adjacent wall.
Once peppered, a gear will lower down to you. Ride the moving gear to find a
keyhole; walk through and hop across the rocks. Shrink down and start jumping
across the invisible platforms over to the Radula Room.
RADULA ROOM [1/4]: Put your weapons away, for there is no combat in this
Radula Room. The Cheshire Cat appears and asks Alice a question:

Q: We welcome the arrival of a phantom at sunset, only to rue its departure
at sunrise. What is it?

* Dreams
* Night Phlox
* Hope
* May Flies
By selecting the answer "Dreams", you will successfully complete the riddle
and get a Rose Paint for your troubles.
Return to the lava and get across to find another hookah. Take a puff and ride
on over to the island with the tree on it. Take out the pair of Drifting
Ruins, then look behind the tree for another BOTTLE [4/18]. Follow the path to
the left and use the vents to reach a series of gears. There's a BOTTLE [5/18]
on the last gear.
Jump back down to the tree and shoot at the wall with your Teapot Cannon. Ride
the floating rock to the checkered island. The Eyepot and Madcaps should be no
match for your awesome Teapot Cannon (and neither should the Menacing Ruin not
too far away). In fact, you can stay where you are a bomb the Menacing Ruin
from across the gap!
Leap over when you're ready and dispatch the two Drifting Ruins. Ride the
series of vents past the train stop and to the next area. Kill the Insidious
Ruins that emerge from the lava and fly across the vent. Walk down the hallway
to encounter some Madcaps and Drifting Ruins, then walk off the edge of the
gear to the platform below you.
Use Shrink Sense to discover the invisible platforms and head across. Ignore
the first vent you find. You'll need to go there, but you should take the long
way instead... continue across the remaining invisible platforms to a ledge.
Look across the pit to find a red switch and shoot it. Several vents rise up;
ride them over to the LIDDELL MEMORY [2/19], then bounce on the mushroom
spring to reach your destination. See, the long way wasn't so bad!
Talk to the Cheshire Cat, then walk forward. A Colossal Ruin and several other
various Ruin types are summoned onto the battlefield. Try to take out the
weaker guys before you focus on the Colossal Ruin. There is a violet flower
near the edge of the area if you need healing.
After the fight, head over to where the flower is and check out the floating
rock in the distance. Use your Shrink Sense to find an invisible SNOUT [2/11]
on the side of the rock; pepper it and you'll be able to reach the breadbasket
at the top of the rock.
Return to where you fought the Colossal Ruin and run straight ahead. Break
free the hookah and inspect it. Next, attack the glowing wall to the left of
the hookah with your Teapot Cannon. Jump across the platforms and use the
first vent.
When you reach the second vent, float up to the rock with the flower on it.
Shrink down and run across the invisible walkway to reach the ledge that you
bombed. Inside is a PRIS MEMORY [3/19]. Also, bash apart the junk to find a
keyhole and squeeze through. As far as I know, there's nothing valuable back
here aside from some Teeth. A couple Madcaps and Eyepots. Not sure what the
point of this area is.
Backtrack to the main path and run over to the waterfall for a scene. Whoah,
I've never seen a hookah do THAT before!
| Scorched Earth |
Jump on the rotating tiles and hop onto the island. You can either go straight
ahead or to the right; for now take the right path and glide down to the
platform. At the end of the path is a fish statue with a chain in its mouth,
but don't worry about it right now. Instead, walk past the fish and use the
block to reach a BOTTLE [6/18] behind some pots.
Pull the chain in the fish's mouth to summon some stone pillars. They move up
and down in the water, so wait until you get enough elevation before crossing
over to the platform. If you walk to the edge of the platform and look down,
you will find a small island with a mushroom spring directly below you. You
can float over to the island on the left for some Teeth or use the floating
tiles to reach the right island and a BOTTLE [7/18].
Back at the mushroom spring, bounce up to the next platform and proceed to the
island. Turn around to find a SNOUT [3/11] on the side of the platform; shoot
the Snout to make a path appear. Follow this new path up to a honeycomb wall
and smash it apart to collect the RADCLIFFE MEMORY [5/19] inside.
Return to the island and use the tiles to get over to a staircase. Instead of
going up the stairs, stay near the water's edge and follow the cliffside to
make some more tiles emerge from the water. Follow them to a keyhole, then
shrink down to find a LIDDELL MEMORY [6/19]. Now you can take the stairs up
through the gate (I think it's called a torii if I'm not mistaken).
The invisible platforms here disappear much quicker than normal, and I'm not
so sure why. Be careful when you make your way across. Hop into the air pot to
fly up to the balcony, then cross the invisible bridge and through another
Well, now you can tell where the section name comes from. The village here has
been reduced to cinders, but there is still some exploring to do. Hug the
right wall to find another honeycomb wall with a BUMBY MEMORY [6/19] inside.
Eventually, your trip is interrupted by a Samurai Wasp. These nasty buggers
are very fast and block most of your attacks with their swords. You can either
use a Clockwork Bomb or your Teapot Cannon to stun them, or you can destroy
their weapon with repeated melee attacks. After defeating a handful of Samurai
Wasps, a doorway opens up.
From the edge of the cliff, look down and shoot at the honeycomb wall with
your Teapot Cannon (or you can do it from the pillar below you). Either way,
destroy it from a distance and then proceed through to find another fish
statue. Pull the chain to make the pillar rise up a bit. Float through the air
pot to the next part of the village.
Slaughter the group of Samurai Wasps and proceed to the left. There are a few
invisible platforms up ahead, but first shrink down and slip inside the hidden
keyhole near them. Recover the PRIS MEMORY [7/19], then go back and cross the
platforms. On the last platform, fire a Teapot Cannon shot at the honeycomb
wall and glide in. Yank the chain and proceed to the next area.
Speak with the Cheshire Cat and walk through the gate. The Samurai Wasps here
are easy, but a much badder foe follows them. The Daimyo Wasp looks similar to
the Samurai Wasp, but is much bigger, is wearing thick armor, and wields a
large halberd. Your best bet is to stay back and stun him with a Teapot Cannon
shot. Once the Daimyo Wasp is dazed, run in and attack with your Vorpal Blade
or Hobby Horse.
Check out the left side of the area and stand near the edge of the river.
Facing the river, on the left side of the edge is a SNOUT [4/11] between some
bamboo stalks. Pepper the Snout and jump into the air pot to reach the
breadbasket on the upper balcony. Now you can continue through the doorway
into the shrine.
Inspect the statue the insect folk are worshipping. Search the left side of
the building for a honeycomb wall. Bash it apart and place a Clockwork Bomb on
the Pressure Pad to lower an elevator across the way. Stand on the elevator,
then destroy the bomb to ride up to a balcony with a LIDDELL MEMORY [8/19].
As you exit the shrine, stay to the right and you can sneak through the bamboo
forest. At the end of the trail is a violet flower and an invisible flying
SNOUT [5/11]. Once peppered, collect the BOTTLE [8/18] that appears and return
to the main path. Float across the tile and through the torii. This place look
familiar? Just like in the last chapter, you must collect blocks and complete
a slider puzzle to continue.
First off, pick up the block directly to the left of the puzzle. Boy, what a
journey. Next, go up the ramp and enter the hidden keyhole for the second
block. Exit and jump onto the mushroom spring to reach a honeycomb wall. Break
it open and enter the cave. After killing the single Samurai Wasp, put a bomb
on the Pressure Pad in the back of the cave; quickly make your way up the
pillar and to the third block before the bomb explodes.
For the fourth piece, walk past the puzzle to find another honeycomb wall on
the left side. Destroy it and you'll find the final block in the back end of
the cavern. Now that you have all four, you will automatically begin the
puzzle slider challenge. The puzzle is a spitting image of the puzzle back in
Chapter 2.
+---+---+---+ * move the block at "2" down
| 1 | 2 | 3 | * move the block at "3" to the left
|---|---|---| * move the block at "6" up
| 4 | 5 | 6 | * move the block at "5" to the right
|---|---|---| * move the block at "8" up
| 7 | 8 | 9 | * move the block at "9" to the left
Spitting image, right? Not only do you have to complete the puzzle in the same
amount of moves, the sequence to complete it is identical to the first slider
puzzle. The game developers were too lazy to, at the very least, change up the
puzzle's solution? Whatever.
Walk through the double doors and walk to the cliff edge. Shrink down into the
keyhole behind the bamboo for a DR. WILSON MEMORY [9/19]. Navigate across the
huge chasm using the air pots and moving tiles, then approach the insect for a
cinema. Slide down the slide and interact with the painting...
| Scroll of Happy Times |
It's time for some more 2D action! In this mini-game, you are on a 2D plane
and in control of Alice. She can use most of her basic abilities, such as
jumping, floating, and shrinking. It's a nice change of pace if you ask me.
At the start, turn around and search the bushes for a Peach. Walk down the
path and bounce on the mushroom spring. Continue over to the air pot and float
over the pit to the platform. Watch your step as you navigate across the
flimsy tree branches up ahead.
Even more dangerous are the statues that shoot fireballs at you. One hit will
kill Alice and transport her to a previous spot in the area. Jump over the two
floating statues and travel through the next air pot. It is pretty
straightforward here, so it's hard to get lost and you don't need precise
When you reach the first crusher statue, run underneath and jump onto the tree
stump. Double jump to the left and onto the small ledge. Bounce onto the
mushroom spring and walk along the high ledge to find another Peach. Return to
the tree stump and continue right.
Cross over the statues in the spike pit (they sink down if you stand on them
for too long) and then shrink to get underneath the spikes on the ceiling.
Step onto the mushroom spring and continue forward. When you reach another
mushroom spring in the middle of the path, walk past it and jump onto the two
clouds for another Peach.
Walk back to the mushroom spring and bounce up the series of mushroom springs
as you ascend into the skies. When you reach the topmost mushroom spring,
bounce to the left instead and grab the Peach on the tree branch. Now bounce
to the right and leap onto the rotating tree branch. When the tree branch is
pointing straight up, leap onto the next branch and continue climbing up.
If you look off to the left, you'll notice another patch of leaves. Float over
to this branch and grab the fourth Peach, then return to the main set of
branches and continue up to the fish statue. Yank the chain to turn on an air
pot and ride it up to the ledge. The exit is just a few steps ahead.
Back to 3D, finally! Those clunky controls weren't doing it for me. Exit the
room and have a chat with the Cheshire Cat. Before you continue towards the
string of islands, walk to the edge and look to the left on the side of the
wall: there is a SNOUT [6/11] here that summons an air pot when peppered. Land
next to the keyhole and go through for a RADCLIFFE MEMORY [10/19].
Return to the main path and proceed across the scroll conveyor belt. Avoid the
red symbols, because they can damage you. Attack the Samurai Wasp Archer that
buzzes around the area; since he's high in the air, your Pepper Grinder or a
charged Teapot Cannon blast will do the trick.
Cross the floating rocks over to the geisha statue and kill some more Samurai
Wasp Archers. Below the statue is a mushroom spring you can use to get up to
the fish. Pull the chain to rotate some of the rocks below. Now when you
return to the floating rocks, a new path will be opened up for you. Run across
another, faster scroll conveyor belt. A rock face rolls out of the way,
revealing a cave.
Run down the stairs and take out the Samurai Wasp Archer, then heal at the
flower. Float over to the island and shrink down to reveal a large invisible
walkway. When you make it across, you'll find another fish statue on the other
side. Before pulling the chain, pick up the BOTTLE [9/18] in the corner. Now
if you retrace your steps to the start of the invisible path, you can exit the
In the field, Alice squares off against several Samurai Ink Wasps. These guys
are similar to Bolterflies in that they are small, can grab onto you and drain
your health, and live in "hives". These hives are more like stone tablets with
ink symbols on them. Destroy the tablets with your Hobby Horse or Teapot
Cannon, then wipe out the Samurai Ink Wasps. Also defeat the lone Samurai Wasp
wandering around.
Bounce into the next room and fight off some more Samurai Ink Wasps, Samurai
Wasps, and Samurai Wasp Archers. Phew! Once the coast is clear, hop over the
gap (if you haven't already) and follow the left tunnel to the Radula Room.
RADULA ROOM [2/4]: It's kill or be killed once again. Luckily, this one isn't
nearly as hard as the last survival Radula Room. In fact, it is incredibly
simple. The only enemies you have to battle here are some Bolterflies and
Madcaps, and they can be absolutely mutilated with your Teapot Cannon. Take
out the Bolterfly nests so they stop spawning, then clear out the rest of the
enemies as you see fit. Pick up the Rose Paint when finished.
Head back through the tunnel and spring up to the Pressure Pad. Place a
Clockwork Bomb onto the switch to make the statue below turn, revealing a
doorway. Go through the doorway into the statue, then blow the bomb up to
rotate the statue - with you inside - back to its original position. Exit and
step onto the mushroom spring.
| Monastery Shelf Valley |
Woo, another humongous slide. You know what to do. As you float to the wooden
table floating in the sky, you might notice the SNOUT [7/11] flying in the
distance. Even though you can get closer, you can still pepper it from here.
Also press the Left Trigger to zoom in on the giant hookah on top of the
mountain. Toss a Clockwork Bomb onto the Pressure Pad, which opens up the
drawers in the floating cabinet. Jump onto the drawers and to the top, then
leap over to the wooden bridge.
Go across the wooden platforms, fighting Samurai Wasps along the way, until
you reach a fork. Head to the right first to reach the breadbasket that
appeared after shooting the Pig Snout. Return to the bridge and proceed across
to fight a whole slew of enemies. Samurai Wasps, Samurai Wasp Archers, Samurai
Ink Wasps, and even a Daimyo Wasp! Prioritize, first and foremost!
Destroy the slime covering up the Pressure Pad and put a bomb on it. Jump up
the raised platform to find another Pressure Pad and do the same. This opens
up the cabinet drawers behind you, allowing you to reach the fish statue. Yank
the chain to rearrange the wooden bridges. Jump down and go across the
bridges; avoid the water flow emanating from the floating vases overhead.
At the geisha statue, turn to the left and approach the violet flower. Heal,
then shrink down into the secret keyhole. Grab the NANNY MEMORY [11/19] and
return to the geisha. Use your Shrink Sense to reveal a string of invisible
islands and take them down to the Pressure Pad. Use it to flip open the
treasure box, revealing a mushroom spring. Bounce up to the fish and pull the
chain. The result: another path opening up for you...
At the intersection, proceed to the dead end on the right for a RADCLIFFE
MEMORY [12/19], then double back and take the left path. Interact with the
white door for a cutscene and, of course, another ALICE MEMORY [13/19].
Float across a couple platforms and Alice notices several Samurai Wasps
terrorizing innocent townsfolk. Rush in to the rescue for a short scene. You
must participate in a note-playing mini-game identical to the one in Chapter 2
with the Music Fish. It's a little more complex than the first puzzle, but you
can manage.
As you head up the stairs towards the open doorway, look for a honeycomb wall
to the right of the door and smash it open to find a LIDDELL MEMORY [14/19].
Now proceed through the doorway and up the stairs through the stone door. You
must battle a crapload of Samurai Ink Wasps and a Daimyo Wasp. Even though the
little wasps are annoying, defeat the Daimyo Wasp before you try and
exterminate all the tablets.
Go through the spinning doorway afterwards and immediately turn to the right
upon exiting the other side. Grab the BOTTLE [10/18] in the corner and proceed
up the mountainside. Hop onto the mushroom spring that sprouts from the dirt.
Another slide sequence, but this one can be pretty dangerous at times; slow
down or else you'll get burnt or even worse - fly off the edge!
Once you reach land safely, bounce up to the ledge and proceed towards the
next section of the valley. Defeat the Slithering and Insidious Ruins and walk
behind the pillar in the back to find a sludge-covered Pressure Pad. Clear it
off before dropping a bomb on it. Before the Clockwork Bomb blows up, you must
make it up the opened treasure box and across the stone pillars to the fish
statue. Pull the chain to activate another pair of pillars.
The Clockwork Bomb has likely gone off and the pillars sunk back into the
ground, so you'll have to go back down and put another one on the Pressure
Pad. Climb back up to the fish statue and cross over to the new set of columns
to a cave entrance. Fend off a few more Insidious Ruins and head through the
cavern. As soon as you enter, you'll come across a keyhole on the right that
leads to a BOTTLE [11/18]. Exit the cave.
Eliminate the various Ruin types in the following area and use the invisible
platforms to get across the lava pit. There is a Pressure Pad that causes
columns to rise out of the lava when activated.
Ignore the Pressure Pad at first and continue past the island towards the back
end of the lava pool, where you'll come across another keyhole. Go through and
take the BOTTLE [12/18], then return to the Pressure Pad and toss a bomb on
it. Jump up the pillars to another fish statue, then pull the chain and make
your way towards the honeycomb wall.
Blast it apart and float inside to find another Pressure Pad. Dropping a
Clockwork Bomb on it causes more pillars to rise up out of the lava, and you
will be able to reach the top of the dresser opposite your location. Once
here, go across the catwalk and slay the Samurai Wasps. As you near the two
teapots flanking the staircase, walk to the left to find a keyhole. Squeeze
down into it and take the BOTTLE [13/18] before returning to the staircase.
Head up the flight of stairs and through the odd red doorway.
| Trunk |
After speaking with the paper insect, fall down into the sand pit to take on
some Insidious Ruins and a Menacing Ruin. After, break the slime wall to free
some innocent insects, who conjure up a mushroom spring for you to use. Bounce
up to the second level to find a SNOUT [8/11] that's pretty hard to miss.
Smash apart the breadbasket and continue to the next level.
I'm pretty sure an endless number of Drifting Ruins emerge from the sludge in
this area. If I were you, I'd try my best to ignore them and cross the pool
over to the fish. It'll probably be tough to do though. Seriously, Drifting
Ruins are the most obnoxious damn enemies in the entire game.
Pull the chain to turn on the air pots and then go back across to the first
one. When you reach the last air pot, you will be able to float up to the next
level. However, if you look around, you should notice a ledge between the two
levels. Glide down to this ledge and go through the keyhole to find a BUMBY
MEMORY [15/19].
On the fourth floor, bomb the slime on the wall to free another insect. He
makes a mushroom spring appear, so jump on it to get the hell away from those
Drifting Ruins! Keep springin' on up until you exit the tree.
After the scene, talk to the Cheshire Cat and start jumping across the paper
fans. Against the bright white backdrop, you should easily spot the dark
silhouette of the flying SNOUT [9/11] in the distance. You can use some
invisible platforms to reach the fan closest to the Snout.
From here, you can use a trail of invisible platforms to end up at a fan
containing a LIDDELL MEMORY [16/19]. The invisible platforms can be incredibly
difficult to see against the white skies, so you might want to turn down the
game's brightness and/or contrast. I had to at least.
Get back on the main path and continue across the fans. As soon as you reach
dry land, hug the right wall to end up in a side tunnel. Walk through and
enter the keyhole to eventually reach a BOTTLE [14/18]. Follow the path to end
up on a ledge overlooking the mountain trail. Fall down and continue forward
to another set of fans, then maneuver across to a large cavern.
Talk to the Cheshire Cat and take a few steps forward. This dangerous cave is
filled with fire-breathing statues. Follow the ramp on the left up to a
honeycomb wall with a fish statue inside. Pulling the chain causes one of the
flamethrower statues to stomp up and down, revealing a keyhole underneath it.
Head to the right side of the cave... there are a couple routes to choose.
There is a keyhole that you just revealed, a second keyhole nearby, and a
ledge containing some goodies on the far right. Start off on the right end;
jump on top of a statue, then double jump and float over to the ledge. Pick up
the LIDDELL MEMORY [17/19] and enter the Radula Room.
RADULA ROOM [3/4]: Up to this point, this is by far the easiest Radula Room.
All you have to do is survive against Cannon Crabs and Madcaps for a certain
amount of time (around a minute, maybe a lil' longer). Since all you have to
is wait for time to run out, you don't have to lift a finger. All I did was
run around in circles until time ran out and the monsters died.
Another way to reach this ledge is to go through the other keyhole, so I guess
there are two ways to reach the Memory and Radula Room. Whatever. Dodge the
crusher statue by shrinking down and timing things just right: as soon as the
statues rises up, dash inside the keyhole. There's another crusher statue on
the opposite side, so be careful.
Climb the stairs as the door closes on you. In order to escape, you must
defeat the enemies inside. No biggie; just your standard Samurai Wasps. I
wouldn't even bother crossing the bridge up ahead: jump onto the floating
platform and glide across so you don't have to worry about getting squished.
In the next room, break apart the honeycomb wall. The rotating flamethrower
prevents you from adequately exploring the room, and even though it appears
you can shrink underneath the fire, you can't. Glide over to the flamethrower
just as the flame passes counter-clockwise and follow it to reach the other
side. Continue to another honeycomb wall to find a fish inside.
First off, grab the BOTTLE [15/18] in the corner and then pull the chain. This
summons several pillars, but also turns on some flamethrower statues on the
side of the wall. Crossing the pillars is very dangerous, but the best piece
of advice is to just take your time. When you reach the Pressure Pad, drop a
bomb on it to open the door down near the rotating flamethrower. Carefully
glide down to the door and run through. Slide down and inspect the painting.
| Scroll of Dark Skies |
Another 2D adventure, as if the first one wasn't fun enough. Sheesh...
Jump up into the treetops and pull the chain to open up the trail for you. A
Samurai Wasp Archer is up ahead and slowly fires arrows down at the ground.
Since you cannot attack in this mini-game, all you can do is dodge the arrows
and move on. Dodge the trio of Samurai Wasp Archers ahead.
Avoid the flame-spitting statues and bounce on the mushroom spring. Wait for
the flamethrowers to stop before jumping across and to the air pot. The next
string of statues is hard to get past. You may die a few times, but it's all
about getting the timing and pattern down to a tee. At the top, grab the Peach
on the side and continue to the right.
Push the rock to kill the Samurai Wasp Archers in the way and pull the chain
to raise the statue in your way. Drop down into the pit and avoid the spike
traps as you fall; it's a whole lot easier to float down rather than fall
down. There are two Peaches in the area with the multiple mushroom springs:
one is on a ledge and the other can be obtained by pulling a chain.
Bounce up onto the clouds and glide over to the left for another Peach. Go
back to the clouds and now run to the right. As you maneuver across the
rooftops, you must avoid more arrows. This spot is a lot easier than it looks,
because all you need to do is memorize the trajectory of their arrow fire. At
the top of the buildings, grab the fifth and final Peach before leaving.
| West Peak Prison Village |
Before you can leave the area, you must first battle a couple Menacing Ruins.
Fighting two on one can be a pain, but make sure to focus on one at a time and
you should be fine. Exit and use the air pot and moving tiles to reach another
slider puzzle. Once again, you must collect four blocks in the vicinity.
First, enter the tunnel to the right and drop down into the hole. In here, you
must defeat a whole bunch of Slithering Ruins before the slime wall can be
destroyed. Collect the first block and continue through the cave. Jump into
the air pot and cross the floating tiles to reach another small cavern with a
geisha statue. Using the Pressure Pad causes some invisible platforms to move,
which in turn allows you to claim the second block.
Return to the puzzle set and make a left this time. You are presented with a
fork in the road: you can either jump onto the mushroom spring or continue
through the tunnel. Go up the mushroom spring first and enter the secret
Here's a first: the keyhole isn't just a straightforward path and there is
actually an intersection inside the keyhole tunnel. At the fork, go to the
right to find a BOTTLE [16/18], then take the other path to reach a dimly-lit
room. Go up the mushroom spring and turn around to find a Pressure Pad. Drop a
bomb on it to open up a door above you. Use the next mushroom spring and go
through the door to find the third block.
Back at the first intersection on the main path, take the left side and enter
the tunnel. Leap up the spiral staircase of invisible platforms up to the
fourth block; you'll be transported back to the slider puzzle.
+---+---+---+ * move the block at "2" down
| 1 | 2 | 3 | * move the block at "3" to the left
|---|---|---| * move the block at "6" up
| 4 | 5 | 6 | * move the block at "5" to the right
|---|---|---| * move the block at "8" up
| 7 | 8 | 9 | * move the block at "9" to the left
Guess what? It is the same exact puzzle with the same exact solution as the
first two slider puzzles. Ain't that a hoot? Anyways, make your way through
the open gate. The next area is filled with hanging cages that you can use to
cross. Some of them even contain prisoners and they usually swing back and
forth or move up and down. When you reach the first rock ledge, jump across to
the other side of the canyon and look up to find a SNOUT [10/11] on the wall.
By shooting the Pig Snout, a nearby door opens up and some cages move into
place. Pick up the BUMBY MEMORY [18/19] inside, then use the dangling cages to
proceed to the top of the canyon.
Take out the Samurai Wasps to open up the next door. You are now in the
presence of a humongous sleeping frog. Before you can inspect the area, a
Colossal Ruin emerges from the earth. In addition, two Samurai Wasps drop down
and a pair of Samurai Ink Wasp tablets appear on the upper balconies. Oh boy.
Run up close to the two Samurai Wasps and use a close-range Teapot Cannon shot
for the easy kill. The tablet on the right side of the area is easy to destroy
because you can jump up to it, but the one on the left may be out of reach.
Try to ignore it and focus on the Colossal Ruin. If you have been upgrading
your Teapot Cannon (I had it fully upgraded at this point), a single fully
charged blast can destroy all the doll heads on the monster's stomach. From
there, target the head until it bites the dust.
When the enemies have been dealt with, Alice notices a gong on the back of the
Oriental Frog, saying that banging the gong will surely wake the creature up.
Shrink down to notice a drawing on the base of the central column. If you
scale the rubble to the left of the column, you'll find a keyhole leading to a
BOTTLE [17/18]. Leap onto the mushroom spring to reach a fish statue; pull the
chain to bang the gong. The Oriental Frog wakes up and spits out a boulder,
which creates a new tunnel for you.
Walk back through the doorway and into the new tunnel. There is a pair of
honeycomb walls inside here that must be destroyed. Break the one closest to
you to reveal a keyhole; there is a BOTTLE [18/18] inside. Now smash the
second honeycomb wall and proceed through.
Check the area near the batch of Teeth to discover a keyhole. Slip through to
the other side and enter the Radula Room.
RADULA ROOM [4/4]: You must participate in a 2D, side-scrolling mini-game
similar to the ones you have experienced earlier in the Chapter. It is all
pretty easy, since you don't have to collect anything and you can simply run
from one end to the other.
You can now run through the remainder of the passage to the next area.
| Hellish Hive |
Kill the enemies that confront you before bombing the honeycomb on the floor.
Break the next honeycomb wall to reach another keyhole. Once through, destroy
the honeycomb floor and talk to the Cheshire Cat. The next section is a very
large room containing floating tiles and hanging cages. Move across the
platforms and such to the far end of the room.
As soon as you land on the circular platform, a swarm of Samurai Wasp Archers
fly over to you, all under the command of a Daimyo Wasp. This battle can be
tough because it's hard to focus on the Daimyo Wasp when you have flaming
arrows coming from every angle. I would still recommend taking out the Archers
first - one Teapot Cannon shot each should suffice.
After they fall, several Samurai Wasps drop down and fight you directly
alongside the Daimyo Wasp. At this point, it doesn't matter who you take on
first. Make sure you keep your distance and bomb them with the Teapot Cannon
or dodge and attack with the Vorpal Blade.
Once they are all dead, look directly above you at the SNOUT [11/11] flying
right above the circular platform. Follow the floating tiles to a honeycomb
wall and smash through; follow the spiral path up to a LIDDELL MEMORY [19/19].
Backtrack to the circular arena of doom and proceed up the staircase and
through the door to a painting.
| Scroll of Destiny |
Right off the bat, some enemies stand in your way. Use the mushroom spring to
bounce up to a fish statue and yank the chain to take care of the monsters.
Push the rock out of your way to destroy a few more Samurai Wasp Archers, then
follow the rock's path. Pick up the Peach along the way and head over to the
mushroom spring.
Proceed up to the two clouds and you may notice a Peach in the top right
corner of the screen. You cannot reach it right now, so continue up to the
long tree branch. Stand at the very edge of the leaves; your next move is to
drop off the edge, then immediately float underneath the branch and to the
left. A successful attempt brings you to the aforementioned Peach.
When you reach a cloud hovering near a spike pit, it will begin moving with
you on it. Avoid the bamboo spikes as you ride across and to the next section.
Bounce up to the moving cloud and land on the left side for a Peach.
Up ahead, ride the air pot up to the fish statue and pull the chain - several
more air pots appear, and ride them to the right while avoiding the fireballs.
At the last air pot, drop down to the lower ledge instead of the island to
find the final Peach. You should unlock the "Just Peachy" Achievement if you
have collected all 14 Peaches in the three 2D sequences. The exit isn't much
| Peak Temple |
There are no enemies in the vicinity, so you can enjoy a calm ascension up to
the temple. When you reach the temple staircase, walk over to the teapot
statue on the left and look behind it. Shrink down to discover the hidden
Shrink Sense Decal, which is a drawing of the Spicy Horse developer's logo.
This will earn you the "Eyes on the Size" Achievement.
Now you can head up into the temple and meet the Caterpillar. Well, kind of.
After the conversation, walk up to the coccoon for a cutscene.
"In which a nearly broken Alice concludes the past is not dead. It's not even
Snouts: 11 Memories: 17 Radula Rooms: 4 Bottles: 18
| Bow-Street Lock-Up |
The opening cutscene provides an interesting insight on the current situation.
You are free to exit the jail, so walk down the hall and descend the flight of
stairs. As you follow the white cat out the doorway, everything goes white.
Alice ends up in a creepy dungeon. Run down the passage and through the red-
tinted room.
| Cardbridge |
After taking a tumble, you end up on a bridge made of playing cards. Ride the
airlift up to the next portion of the bridge and stop once you reach the two
Ace of Hearts. Turn to the right and use your Shrink Sense to find an
invisible flying SNOUT [1/11]. A few floating cards appear in front of you,
guiding you towards a LIDDELL MEMORY [1/17].
Return to the two Ace of Hearts and continue straight ahead this time. Ride
the moving Two of Clubs as the path bends to the left. Before you follow the
bridge, shrink down to discover a couple invisible platforms across from the
moving card. Jump over the platforms and to the walkway. One of the invisible
catwalks rotates, so be very careful when getting across to the BOTTLE [1/18].
Return to the card bridge and follow it to reach a large house of cards.
Before you go inside, shrink down once again to spot another invisible SNOUT
[2/11]. However, you are only rewarded with some Teeth for peppering the Pig
Snout. Now proceed inside the house of cards.
Inside, walk forward and a door opens up in front of you. Before heading
through, follow the hallway on your left and jump over the pit. Destroy the
paper boxes in the corner to reveal a small hole you can shrink down and
enter. In here, you'll find a BUMBY MEMORY [2/17]. After leaving the room,
you'll probably notice a BOTTLE [2/18] tucked away to the right; grab it
before making your way back to the door.
There are two Pressure Pads through the open doorway. The switch on the left
causes a nearby invisible platform to lower down to your location, and the one
on the right makes a door open up in the distance. Place a Clockwork Bomb on
the left Pressure Pad, then stand on the right one.
Run between the two Pressure Pads and jump on the one invisible platform
before detonating the bomb and deactivating the left Pressure Pad. This causes
the platform you're on to rise up to the others. Sprint across the walkway and
through the door before it closes on you; you'll probably have to shrink down
in order to squeeze underneath, Indiana Jones-style.
Proceed down the card bridge and bounce on the deck to reach a tower. Follow
the path to another Pressure Pad. The switch makes a card island in the
distance bigger, making it easier to land there. In fact, the Pressure Pad
seems useless since you can easily float across to the stripped-down cards
that are left behind. Hop onto the invisible walkways and glide on down.
Before using the second Pressure Pad here, use your Shrink Sense and look
around for yet another damn invisible SNOUT [3/11]. Did the game's developers
think the Pig Snouts were too easy to find and decided to make them invisible
now? Sheesh. Pepper it and proceed over to the BOTTLE [3/18] not too far away.
Back at the switch, toss a bomb on it and a few card towards appear nearby.
Unlike the last case, you cannot cross the pit without activating the switch,
so float over towards the towers before the bomb goes off. Make sure to walk
across the towers and onto the walkway before detonating the Clockwork Bomb,
because otherwise you might risk having the cards be swept out from under you.
Follow the card trail that constructs in front of your eyes and slide down
onto the deck. You'll bounce into the air and seemingly float down to your
doom, but a tower appears at the last minute. Set your coordinates to the
location and you should be saved by a few cards instead of falling to your
death. Walk onto the tower and hop on the mushroom spring.
| Least Wing |
You will be dropped off at the top of a giant slide. Usually, they aren't
important and only contain measly Teeth, but there is a valuable hidden in the
slide section, so pay attention or else you will miss out on it. When the
slide splits, go to the left and follow it towards a big dropoff. Just as you
fall, make sure to land on the upper ledge of the card house to reach the
BOTTLE [4/18]. The rest of the way down is devoid of anything important.
At the end of the slide, jump into the fog and glide over to the bridge. You
can take one of two paths here on the stone bridge; I prefer the left path,
since you don't have to worry about sections crumbling out from under you.
Some Insidious Ruin enemies appear where the two routes meet.
Once the enemies are killed, turn and face the left path. There is an airlift
and a raised portion of the bridge that you can reach (you traveled under this
piece if you took the left path), and there is a BOTTLE [5/18] here. Jump back
to the arena and bounce on the mushroom spring, then continue onwards.
Stay on the floating island in front of the giant heart door; look to the left
and down off the edge: there is a SNOUT [4/11] on the side of another floating
rock island. Pepper the Snout, then ride the airlifts over to the RADCLIFFE
MEMORY [3/17]. Return to the heart door, but once again, do not go inside yet.
There is a breakable wall to the right of the door, so go through and use the
mushroom spring to reach a Radula Room.
RADULA ROOM [1/4]: For the chapter's first Radula Room, you must answer one
of the Cheshire Cat's infamous riddles.

Q: What comes next in the sequence "1 3 4 7 11"?

* 13
* 17
* 18
* 21
The answer is "18": if you add the first two numbers, you get the third. Add
the second and the third, and you get the fourth. Add the third and the
fourth, and you get the fifth. Continuing the trend, the sixth number should
be 18. Collect the Rose Paint and leave.
Next, proceed through the heart door at last. A Card Guard rises from the dead
and begins pursuing Alice. These menaces may look creepy, but they really
aren't that powerful. Defeat a band of Card Guards and the camera zooms in on
the way to go. Instead of heading up the ramp, walk towards the right edge of
the area and use your Shrink Sense to locate several invisible platforms.
Leap across the invisible platforms and stand on the one marked with a "3".
You should easily spot a SNOUT [5/11] on the nearby wall, and peppering it
allows you to enter the keyhole beside it. On the other side of the keyhole is
a breadbasket. Backtrack to the slope and approach the wall.
The White King is bound to the doorway, so you must destroy him in order to
get through. Go on with the deed and proceed through to the other side.
As you walk down the hall, destroy the weakened wall on the left to receive a
DR. WILSON MEMORY [4/17]. Enter the castle for a scene. Walk straight ahead
towards the painting of the Queen and you'll find a NANNY MEMORY [5/17] next
to the artwork.
Toss a bomb on the nearby Pressure Pad and cross the floating islands to the
other side. Walk through the club-shaped doorway and turn around once on the
other end - there's a SNOUT [6/11] high up above the club doorway, and
shooting it opens up a wall at the pit you just crossed. Use the Pressure Pad
on this side of the pit to make an airlift appear and ride it over to the open
part of the wall. Enter the keyhole for a LIDDELL MEMORY [6/17].
Head back to the club-shaped doorway. Inside this room, there is a portion of
the floor you can break that reveals a BOTTLE [6/18]; shrink down to help
pinpoint the location of the weak floor. There's another breakable section of
the floor that you can enter to reach a chain. Pull it and return to the
castle foyer.
Now you can cross over to the left side of the foyer. Continue to the balcony
and walk through to the next room. Destroy the weakened wall above you with
your Teapot Cannon and leap through for a BOTTLE [7/18]. Glide around the
corner to the lower ledge and up the stairs. Take out the Card Guards until
the Executioner arrives.
Simply put: you cannot kill this guy. Any attempt to damage him is a futile
one. Unfortunately, there is no way to go, so jump and dodge his scythe
attacks for a minute or so until Alice admits that this is a battle she cannot
win. A door opens up in the corner, so sprint through. Unfortunately, the
Executioner follows you! Dash down the hallway until you reach a keyhole at
the end, then quickly shrink down and escape.
Inside this room, look in the back corner for a breakable part of the floor
and a LIDDELL MEMORY [7/17] underneath. Exit through the weakened wall on the
right and have a chat with the Cheshire Cat.
Pull the chain and ride the airlifts... the Executioner appears again! After
the scene and when you regain control, look behind you for a BOTTLE [8/18].
Run away from the Executioner when he drops down, and eventually a gate will
close behind you, keeping you safe. As you battle the enemies in the next
room, however, the Executioner will raise the gate and destroy your
competition. Reap the rewards, then get away from the huge monster by flying
over the airlift. Crisis averted.
The platforms with the chains on them are all connected and act like scales:
when you apply weight on one of the platforms, it will lower and its partner
will rise. You can either stand on one or use a Clockwork Bomb to shift the
platforms around to your liking. Test it out on the two Diamond platforms so
you can reach the upper ledge.
Jump across the two Club platforms and shrink down to find a moving invisible
platform on your left. Ride it over to the violet flower and heal. A SNOUT
[7/11] is located on one of the walls near the flower. Use the invisible
platform to get back across and open the breadbasket for some Teeth.
Facing the two Club platforms, throw a bomb on the leftmost one to make the
other rise high up in the air. Jump up to it to reach a platform with a Card
Guard. Defeat him and float over to the pair of Heart platforms. Use a
Clockwork Bomb to raise one up and reach the lever, then pull it to open the
If you peer to the left of the open door, you should notice a weakened portion
of the wall. Destroy it, then use the Heart platforms to reach the wall and
jump inside for a BUMBY MEMORY [8/17]. Fall down near the door and continue
In the next room, you must play a Chess Puzzle mini-game. When you move a
Pawn, the one opposite its location mirrors its movement. You must move your
Pawn in a specific series so both Pawns reach their goal at the same time.
Rooks block your path and Knights can destroy Pawns. You must complete the
mini-game in five moves or under. In short, here's the solution:
* Left * Up
* Left * Up
* Up * Up
* Up * Left
* Up
* Right
If you followed these instructions, you should have unlocked the "Grandmaster"
Achievement for completing the mini-game without failing. The door across from
you creaks open, allowing you to exit.
| Waste Wing Part 1 |
You will hear a Pig Snout as soon as you enter the room. The SNOUT [8/11] is
straight ahead and on the side of a column; after shooting it, a door opens
up. Grab the LIDDELL MEMORY [9/17] in the room, then exit back out to the hall
and head up the staircase. A long, empty hallway? I wonder what's next...
Run away from the Executioner and slide down the slope to escape. You end up
inside a strange cave. Talk to the Cheshire Cat for some advice, then shrink
down: there's a secret keyhole on the right side of the cave, so go through.
Bomb the floor and descend the stairs for a PRIS MEMORY [10/17]. But hey,
check out who's sitting on the throne just behind the Memory!
Back inside the cave, break the weakened wall at the end to enter another
hallway. But DO NOT go through yet! There is a second breakable wall to the
right of the first, and destroying this one takes you to a BOTTLE [9/18]. Now
you are free to leave the cave.
In here, you are ambushed by an Armoured Card Guard. Their weak points are the
glowing suit on their back. Wait for them to swing at you with their staff,
then run behind them and strike the glowing suit while your target is hunched
over. You can also use a Teapot Cannon shot to knock them silly, allowing you
to run behind and strike the weak point. Defeat a second Armoured Card Guard
along with some regular Card Guards.
Run through the exit and fall down into the hole, then walk forward to reach
another area with chainlinked platforms. First, jump across the Spade platform
to the island with the mushroom spring. While bouncing on the spring, turn
around and bounce up to the landing above the area entrance for a BOTTLE
Drop onto one of the Spade platforms and look near the landing you were just
on. To the left of the landing is a SNOUT [9/11] high up on the wall near the
heart-shaped carving. Shoot it to open up a section on the wall. Place a bomb
on the Spade platform closest to the entrance and ride the other one up to the
open area. Shrink down to find a secret keyhole leading to a RADCLIFFE MEMORY
Glide over to the Diamond platforms. To the right of the rightmost platform is
a breakable wall: destroy it to find a BOTTLE [11/18] on the other side. Toss
a Clockwork Bomb on the rightmost Diamond platform and use the other one to
reach the island above you.
The Club platforms ahead are straightforward, so use a bomb to reach the upper
ledge. You must fight some Armoured Card Guards, regular Card Guards, and a
pair of Drifting Ruins. Once they have been dealt with, turn around and face
the Club platforms - there's a platform with a lever on it that can be easily
Float over to the lever and pull it to open door; in addition to the door
opening, two airlifts appear back where you fought the enemies. Go back to
that island and ride the airlifts over to a Radula Room.
RADULA ROOM [2/4]: Another survival Radula Room, with you pitted against
Samurai Wasps, Samurai Wasp Archers, and Eyepots. Leave the Archers for last
and take out the others since they can deal a lot more damage to you. Still,
overall it's a pretty easy challenge.
With the door open, cross over and continue through. Hop on the mushroom
spring to clear the chasm and glide into the next room. An army of Card Guards
and Armoured Card Guards rise from the ground while the Executioner watches
the chaos from the central pillar. Eventually, he joins in on the fun.
Fighting the enemies while simultaneously dodging the Executioner's scythe is
very difficult, and you can make things a lot easier on yourself: bait the
Executioner into attack while he's surrounded by his minions, and he should do
your job by himself. Once the Executioner has inadvertently killed all his
lackeys, he decides to punish Alice by sucking her into a strange wormhole.
Before you go forward, spin around and walk down the narrow trail to find a
BOTTLE [12/18]. Now you can approach the Pressure Pad at the other end; toss a
Clockwork Bomb on the switch to make a red switch appear to your left. Jump
over to the square island (Weighted Companion Cube?!) and shoot the switch.
This makes two more cubes appear, allowing you to escape.
Bounce over to the opposite end of the room using the two mushroom springs,
then put a Clockwork Bomb onto the Pressure Pad. The camera directs you to a
weakened wall that can be shot at using your Teapot Cannon. Break it, then
target the red switch behind. Ride the floating cube up to the ledge and
proceed forward.
Execute the Insidious Ruins. Here, you can either go straight ahead or to the
right; the Shrink Sense drawings on the floor should help you make your
decision. First, go to the right and ride the airlifts and invisible platforms
to a LIDDELL MEMORY [12/17]. You can use the violet flowers along the way to
Back at the fork, go straight this time and bounce on the series of mushroom
springs. When you reach the last mushroom spring, aim for the high ledge
rather than the floor in front of you. Once you land on the ledge, float over
to the next ledge for a BOTTLE [13/18]. Drop down to the floor and shrink to
find a hidden keyhole.
Inside the keyhole is an intersection; go to the left to reach a LIDDELL
MEMORY [13/17], then take the other path to another area. Use the invisible
platforms on your right to reach the chain, then yank it to make some chained
platforms appear.
Throw a bomb onto the first Club platform, then get across the invisible
walkway to the second one. While it's raised up, hop off onto the floating
rock. Navigating across the invisible platforms can be annoying, since they
disappear from sight much faster than usual, forcing you to use your Shrink
Sense more often (or risk it).
At the Heart platforms, don't bother putting a Clockwork Bomb onto the first
platform: just follow the invisible catwalk over to the farthest Heart
platform. Now place a bomb on this one, then run back across to the first
platform. It should be raised, giving you access to a BOTTLE [14/18]. Now do
the same sequence, but in reverse: put a bomb on the first Heart platform and
run across to the second one, then leap up to the exit.
You are presented with a three-way intersection: straight ahead is a Pressure
Pad, to the left is an airlift, and to the right are some invisible platforms.
Go to the right and shoot the weakened wall with your Teapot Cannon, then
return back to the fork. Place a bomb on the Pressure Pad to make a red switch
appear at the end of the right path; shoot the switch through the destroyed
hole, and now take the left side to reach the end.
On the final platform, a battle ensues. The Executioner (giant-sized!) looks
on as you deal with Card Guards and a Menacing Ruin. Luckily, he is only
spectating this time, and once you are victorious he drops you through another
portal. Back to the real world! Well, back to Wonderland that is...
Run away from the Executioner yet again and drop down onto the slide. Up ahead
is another Chess Puzzle mini-game. This one is much trickier than the first,
but it isn't so hard when the solution is right in front of you. :)
* Up
* Left
* Right
* Up
* Up
* Up
* Left
* Left
* Up
* Right
With the puzzle complete, the exit door opens. Move on through.
| Waste Wing Part 2 |
Walk through the hallway. If you make a left, you'll reach the outside where a
couple enemies are roaming around. That's the way to go, but head to the right
instead and check the corner to find a hidden keyhole that takes you to a
BOTTLE [15/18]. Go back to the left now and kill the two Card Guards. You
catch a glimpse of the Infernal Train as it flies past you. Even though you
can continue around the bend, jump along the airlifts on the edge of the
walkway to reach a Radula Room.
RADULA ROOM [3/4]: You must survive the passage of time, which basically
means that you must withstand the time limit. It's only around a minute, and
even though you are pitted against three Drowned Sailors and a pair of Daimyo
Wasps, all you have to do is run around the arena until you win.
Float back down to the ground and walk forward; just to the left is a
destroyable wall with some Teeth, but nothing else. The camera pans out a bit,
giving you a preview of the upcoming room. Surprise! It's another room with
chainlinked platforms. Use the first two Club platforms to reach the central
More enemies, hurray! Armoured Card Guards, Insidious Ruins, and Drifting
Ruins all confront you. Shoot the SNOUT [10/11] on the wall - it's pretty easy
to spot, especially since the camera gave you a nice shot of it during your
arrival. This makes a breadbasket appear, so slice it open for a heaping
helping of Teeth. To the left of the Pig Snout is an invisible platform that
takes you over to a breakable wall. Smash it, then jump through and enter the
keyhole to reach a BOTTLE [16/18].
Backtrack to the central island. There are two Club platforms inside the base
of the island that, as usual, can be lowered and raised. There is also a hole
in the middle of the island that drops you down to a lower level.
In order to operate these, drop a Clockwork Bomb on one of the platforms to
make the other rise up. Drop down into the hole and use the mushroom spring to
bounce up onto the raised platform. From here, you can reach the upper
Place a Clockwork Bomb on the right Club platform to make the left one raise
up. Spring up to it to reach a lever; pull it to make a door open on the
opposite end of the balcony. Now reverse the sequence by falling back down and
tossing a bomb on the left Club platform. Bounce up to the raised right
platform to reach the door. Continue down the hall to enter another Chess
Puzzle room. The mini-game begins immediately after.
* Up
* Left
* Right
* Up
* Up
* Left
* Right
* Up
* Up
* Left
With a successful attempt, you will be able to leave. Jump over the gaps and
enter the white door for an ALICE MEMORY [14/17].
| Labyrinthe Revenge |
At the entrance, go up the stairs and make a left. Walk to the VERY edge of
the walkway and turn to the right to find a flying SNOUT [11/11]. By peppering
it, you receive a breadbasket.
Go back to the fork and go straight. At the end, speak with the Cheshire Cat
and then shrink down to reveal several invisible platforms. When standing on
the one with a "3" on it, look across for a breakable wall. Destroy it with
your Teapot Cannon before jumping through for a BOTTLE [17/18]. At the end,
jump all the way down to the ground and proceed forward.
Fend off the Armoured Card Guards, regular Card Guards, and the Menacing Ruin
to make an exit show up. Destroy the black slime coating the gazebo to locate
a DR. WILSON MEMORY [15/17] inside, then proceed past it to spot a mushroom
spring. The invisible platforms above you only lead you to some Teeth, and the
trail continues past the mushroom spring.
As you enter the hedge garden maze, make a right and blast the floor. Enter
the keyhole for the last BOTTLE [18/18]. Back at the hedge garden entrance,
continue to the left and leap over the pit. Make the first right to enter a
clearing containing various Card Guards and Drifting Ruins. Afterwards,
continue to the second half of the maze.
As the Executioner appears, sprint through the hedge garden for a scene.
| Harder They Fall |
Alice discovers a cake at the end of the hedge garden. As she eats it, she
grows to huge proportions and promptly steps on the Executioner. How
satisfying! Alice is still giant-sized, meaning that you get to have some fun.
Your techniques are restricted when giant, so you can only stomp (Y) or pound
(A or X). Your goal is to stomp the Queen's towers to expose her Heart.
Head down the path and stomp on all the gazebos and statues for Teeth, then
break through the tentacle wall. A huge army of Card Guards tries to topple
you over, but a couple well-placed stomps should do the trick. Smash all the
chess pieces on the chess board and continue to another sector.
A red icky portal appears on the ground and continuously spawns Card Guards.
Lumber over to the red pool and stomp it to cease the flow of enemies. Kill
the remaining Card Guards and another portal appears. While you are doing
this, a cannon-mounted tower will be shooting cannonballs at you.
Once the two portals are out of the way, walk towards the tower and rip the
red tentacle from the ground to lower the tentacle wall. Now you can approach
the tower and destroy it. Stomp the heart underneath and move onward. The rest
of the way is more or less the same. There are three hearts in total that you
must squish in order to reach the Queen's tower. Crush the heart at the
tower's base to collapse the entire thing.
| Dark of Heartness |
Awww, you're back to normal size. Walk past the slide to discover a weakened
wall on the other side and smash it for a LIDDELL MEMORY [16/17]. Go down the
slide and the game's camera points out a heart on the wall.
Ignore the heart first and look around. What a gross place you're in! Tongues
stick out of the ground and wiggle around like worms. Weird. Anyways, there is
a hidden keyhole on the left side of the room that leads to a Radula Room.
RADULA ROOM [4/4]: The Radula Room features an encore of the Giant Alice
mini-game you just completed minutes ago. It is the same exact scenario as
before: kill the Card Guards and their spawn portal, rip the tentacle out of
the ground to make the tower vulnerable, then smash it apart and stomp on the
heart underneath. This one is a little more complex, but it's still the same
basic principle.
Exit back to the previous room and destroy the blue heart with your Teapot
Cannon or Pepper Grinder. The green bile in the next room will kill you, so
stay out of it. Shoot the heart on the wall to make some platforms appear.
Jump across to the left and land on the platform, then turn around and destroy
the heart on the upper wall (you can always use your Shrink Sense if you're
having trouble locating the hearts).
Go back across and hop over the new platforms to the giant mouth. Jump into
the mouth and shoot the heart on the nearby wall to open the mouth. Take out
the Insidious Ruins, then shrink down and search for a hidden keyhole. Once
you've found it, slip inside and recover the BUMBY MEMORY [17/17].
Head into the next room and shoot the two hearts on the wall to open up the
mouth door. Take out some more Insidious Ruins, then shrink down into the tiny
hole. The room is identical to the last one, with another closed door. The
heart can be found by taking the ramp on the right side. Walk underneath the
entrance and shoot the heart to open the door. Next, exit and walk down the
stairs into a giant chamber. Scene time!
"In which Alice struggles to contrain the corruption consuming Wonderland -
in vain"
Snouts: 8 Memories: 17 Radula Rooms: 4 Bottles: 13
| Rutledge Asylum |
Yep. Alice has been stowed away in an asylum. Alice is looking pretty crazy in
her straightjacket and with her shaved head. Even her movements are all
drugged up and wacky. Exit her cell and go down the hallway to see some funny-
looking orderlies wheeling a gurney (Tweedledum and Tweedledee?). Follow them
to the right for a scene. Leave the room and continue down the hall and you'll
see a short cinema in the next room. Things get pretty creepy, but it won't be
long until you escape.
| Hide Park |
Alice ends up inside an incredibly foggy park. This section here is pretty
weird; if you stray out too far, the screen becomes really fuzzy and
eventually you are transported back to the beginning. All you really have to
do is follow the light posts through the park until you trigger a cutscene.
After, walk over to the burning house for another scene.
| Fort Resistance |
Alice ends up back in Wonderland. Love the scenery here; it looks pretty cool,
eh? Jump on the vents until you reach a Pressure Pad. Throwing a Clockwork
Bomb on it makes two platforms shift in height, allowing you to continue
onward. You must jump on the first platform, then onto a spinning wooden
block, then to the second platform all before the bomb goes off. If you mess
up and they shift back into place, you can take an alternate route to return
to the entrance of the area.
It sounds like a waste, but intentionally mess up the first time: when you
reach the second platform (which should stay lowered when the Pressure Pad is
deactivated), float over to another platform and continue into the dollhouse.
Destroy the cakes for some Teeth, then drop down one level. Look around inside
the house to find a BOTTLE [1/13], then follow the trail to return to where
you started.
Once you make it across the two shifty platforms, walk towards the housed
marked with an "A"; a mushroom spring pops up just to the left. Ride the
mushroom spring to the top level of the house, where you can collect a DR.
WILSON MEMORY [1/17]. Drop down into the house and go through the keyhole. At
the intersection inside, make a right to exit.
Float across the invisible platforms and through the hole in the wall, then
pull the lever inside the bedroom. Before you drop down through the hole, pick
up the BOTTLE [2/13] between the beds. Downstairs, smash the breadbasket and
leave the house.
Hop on the first rainbow-colored platforms and shoot the flying SNOUT [1/8]
nearby: doing so summons two more colorful platforms. If you were wondering,
the path straight ahead back at the keyhole intersection takes you to this
location. And also, there is a keyhole inside the building to the left of the
rainbow platforms, but going through the keyhole and crossing the platforms
takes you to the same exact spot.
Ride the vent up to the house with a "D" on it. The lever inside causes
another hole to appear in the floor, so drop down to the lower level. Squeeze
through the keyhole to enter the toy room and have a chat with the Cheshire
Cat. Destroy the gingerbread wall in the corner and pull the lever on the
other side to open up a new pathway for you.
The side wall flipped around, so the keyhole you just went through is now on
the ground. Shrink and fall through the keyhole to the bottom floor and smash
the gingerbread men on the floor to enter the basement. From here, you can
exit the house.
Outside, battle the two Drifting Ruins and the Menacing Ruin. After the fight,
the entrance to Fort Resistance opens... then subsequently closes once a
Dollgirl crashes onto the scene.
The Dollgirl is a big doll that is pretty tough to take down. You can target
the bolts that secure her arms in place, which greatly reduce her potential
for damaging you. Aim for her arms and fire away with your Teapot Cannon;
knocking off the Dollgirl's arms means that she cannot attack you with her
knives. Once both her arms are knocked off, attack her core while you avoid
her foot stomp and flame breath attack.
Once the Dollgirl bites the dust, an exit opens up. Before you make a beeline
to the exit, search the area a little bit. Break all the cakes for some Teeth
and health, and also bomb the weakened wall right next to where you entered
for a BOTTLE [3/13].
Proceed towards the giant doll. Shrink down and enter the secret keyhole to
the right of the doll. Smash the breakable wall at the end and go inside the
cellar to locate a NANNY MEMORY [2/17]. Return to the doll and walk right into
its crotch (uhh...) to enter Frog's Way.
| Frog's Way |
As you exit out of the backside, float over to the house and head on in. Fly
over to the lever on the left and pull it for a wall to drop down. Float
across the vent and kill the pack of Drifting Ruins. Shrink down to discover a
hidden keyhole to the left of the large "3" on the wall; you will find a BUMBY
MEMORY [3/17] in the dining hall among some other strange sights.
Ride the vent to the top floor and place a Clockwork Bomb on top of the
Pressure Pad. Doing so opens up a wall behind you, so you'll have to backtrack
a tad in order to reach the new opening. Once you are through, use the vent to
reach the top floor. Jump across the gap - avoiding the deadly green swing in
the way - to reach a lever.
Once you pull the lever, a few walls rotate back in the house where you fought
the Drifting Ruins; a vent also rises up to your location. Glide over to the
new platforms and yank the lever here... once again, a new opening appears
behind you. Before you float over to it, use the mushroom spring next to you
and enter the attic for a BUMBY MEMORY [4/17].
Float back over and use the vent up here to continue. The gap in front of you
is quite large, and there's also another swing to avoid, so watch out. Once
you make it across, you are treated to another enemy encounter.
Once you have survived against the Dollgirl and the Insidious Ruins, a portion
of the wall splits open. Throw a bomb onto the Pressure Pad here: two rainbow
platforms appear next to you, plus an opening behind you reveals a red switch.
Don't worry about the platforms and instead turn around to shoot the switch.
This causes another set of platforms to descend further along.
Toss another Clockwork Bomb on the switch, then ride the rainbow platforms to
the top floor. Jump across and pass the red switch (watch out for the two doll
swings!) to the next building. In the next house, walk through either door and
step onto the mushroom spring to reach a lever on the second floor. Pulling it
triggers some more crazy wall-flipping action right next to you.
As you go through the door, turn to the right and climb up the blocks to reach
a BOTTLE [4/13] on the third floor. Fall back down and head to the left this
Cross the invisible platforms. Instead of jumping off to the house on the
other end, stay on the platforms and ride them up to a Pressure Pad. First,
break apart the gingerbread wall and collect the BOTTLE [5/13].
Once you activate the Pressure Pad, the entire house on the opposite end
shifts down. Move back across the invisible platforms to the opposite end and
enter the doorway. Jump up the blocks to find a gingerbread wall and bash it
apart. If the bomb blows up beforehand, the house will shift back up and you
won't be able to access the gingerbread wall.
On the other side, glide down to the arena. A Dollgirl, Menacing Ruin, and
several Drifting Ruins are waiting for you. Even though they are the smallest,
I suggest taking out the Drifting Ruins first (they are a major thorn in your
side). After that, it's a toss-up between the other two.
When you get a chance, inspect the area and you should spot a large doll head
on the side of the wall. A SNOUT [2/8] actually makes up the doll's nose, so
it's pretty easy to find. Shoot it to trigger several events.
Spring up to the vent and you can land on either the left or the right
platforms. First, go to the right and grab the LIDDELL MEMORY [5/17], then
jump and float across to the left platform. Enter the keyhole in the back end
of the room to reach a PRIS MEMORY [6/17]. Now land back on the arena and head
towards the dollhouse that opened up after eliminating the enemies.
Climb up the stairs to reach the nearby vent, which takes you up to the second
floor of the house. A hole opens up in the floor below you, and once you drop
down, the house closes back up with you inside. No worries though. Fall down
in the hole to find a mushroom spring, then use it to bounce way up to the
third floor. Break the gingerbread house and leave.
The next section is filled with barbwire doll swings, so you better watch
where you float. Glide over to the Pressure Pad and throw a bomb on it; dodge
the next group of swings and land on the wooden ledge. Some Drifting Ruins may
appear, so shoot 'em out of the skies.
Proceed to the left end of the wooden ledge and shrink down to spot some
invisible platforms on the left. Jump on them to access another ledge directly
above the one you were just on. There is a SNOUT [3/8] down here, and shooting
it reveals a breadbasket. Return to the upper ledge, then use a nearby vent to
fly up to the top of the slope. Pull the lever to open up another dollhouse;
plus, part of the wooden ledge flips over to reveal a mushroom spring.
Slide down the slope and run over to the mushroom spring to bounce up to a
small room. From here, you can float over to the new house. It closes in on
you and the camera reveals a slider puzzle. Remember these? You must first
collect the four blocks before you can participate in the mini-game.
Go downstairs and enter the room across from the stairs. Jump on the desk and
toss a Clockwork Bomb on the Pressure Pad. The door next to you opens up in
addition to one above you. Enter the door next to you and bounce up to the
second floor, then turn around for the first block. With the clock still
winding down, rush across the invisible walkway and through the other door to
find the second block.
Exit the room. Stay on this floor and head through the door behind the
staircase. While you face off against the Menacing Ruin, an endless wave of
Slithering Ruins will hang out and pester you. Focus on the big guy at all
times, even though targeting him can be a pain with all the slugs roaming
around. Afterwards, blast the slime wall to find the third block.
Still in this same room, look underneath the stairs for a violet flower and a
keyhole. Heal, then shrink down into the keyhole. Enter the following keyhole
to reach a dead end with the fourth block.
+---+---+---+ * move the block at "4" down
| 1 | 2 | 3 | * move the block at "5" to the left
|---|---|---| * move the block at "2" down
| 4 | 5 | 6 | * move the block at "3" to the left
|---|---|---| * move the block at "6" up
| 7 | 8 | 9 | * move the block at "5" to the right
+---+---+---+ * move the block at "8" up
* move the block at "9" to the left
Slightly different solution than all the past puzzles, but it's still not too
bad. An exit appears, with a lever in the distance. However, a Bitch Baby also
takes notices and attacks Alice.
These floating enemies are small and fast, making them hard to target with
your Pepper Grinder or Teapot Cannon. Definitely stick with the former,
though. If you want the "Brollyant" Achievement, wait for them to use their
acid spit attack and knock it back at them with your Umbrella.
After a few waves of Bitch Babies, use the vents to reach the lever and pull
it. Fight s'more Bitch Babies until you get a chance to move over to the
platform with the mushroom spring. It can be tough to float past the swing,
but I usually make three quick jumps followed by a dodge to get past the
swings without getting killed.
Use the mushroom spring here to enter the house marked with an "8" and search
the back room for a BOTTLE [6/13]. Drop back down to the island and float over
to the other dollhouse. Spring up to the top floor and before you go any
further, turn around to spot a PRIS MEMORY [7/17].
Notice the rotating pillars? If you use your Shrink Sense, you'll notice
invisible platforms connected to the pillars that spin around with them. It
can be hard to navigate across these platforms because they are constantly
spinning and it's hard to judge where they precisely are.
For starters, face the two red columns, then look to the right. There is a
SNOUT [4/8] on the lower part of the wall, next to a large, shadowy doll mask.
Shoot the Snout to trigger a sequence: start by going through the door in the
floor and bashing the gingerbread men on the ground. Bounce up to the
dollhouse and grab the BOTTLE [7/13] before entering the Radula Room.
RADULA ROOM [1/4]: Here you have another riddle-based Radula Room, where you
must correctly answer the question asked in order to earn the Rose Paint.

Q: The one that uses it never knows that he's using it. What is it?

* Insurance
* Necktie
* Coffin
* Sugar
This riddle is easy, mainly due to the sheer silliness of the options. Select
"Coffin" to receive the Rose Paint.
Backtrack to the rotating invisible platforms and carefully make your way up
them. Once you're high enough, glide over to the landing. Talk to the Cheshire
Cat, then approach the Jack-in-the-box for a scene.
| Off With Her Head Part 1 |
In this mini-game, you control a doll head on a 2D plane as you guide it along
a wooden plank. At first, use the speed boosts to get across the gaps and
follow the path. It is simple at first, since there are basically no hazards
to deal with.
In the second area, you must use cannons to fire the doll head across chasms
and other obstacles. Hold down X to charge up the blast and let go to fire.
You shouldn't have too many problems overall, and it's a nice way to spice the
gameplay up a bit.
| Dolltown Cellar |
Alice emerges in a decrepid old room. Time for another slide sequence, woo!
Once you reach the bottom, destroy the Insidious Ruins and the Bitch Baby.
Break the white doll wall to reveal a Pressure Pad, but first go up the
stairs. Look across the room and you'll spot a SNOUT [5/8] inside a trophy
case above a diagram. The diagram falls down after shooting the Snout, so jump
over to the doll head and shrink in its mouth for a RADCLIFFE MEMORY [8/17].
Back at the Pressure Pad, drop a bomb on it to make the spike floor in the
next room retract. Run through to the next room and drop down onto the smooth
floor. Run to the left and jump over the pit before the spikes shoot back up.
The next set of rooms feature large spike crushers, and they are immediately
put to work when an idiotic Insidious Ruin decides to get stuck in the trap.
Carefully make your way through the spike crushers. Up ahead, destroy the
breakable wall to find another Pressure Pad. There are two stairs flanking the
switch; one going up and the other going down. Go down the staircase on the
left and ignore the Bottle you'll see behind a glass window. Continue to the
bottom to discover a hidden keyhole leading to a BOTTLE [8/13].
Head back up the stairs and put a Clockwork Bomb on the Pressure Pad. Run up
the other set of stairs and quickly shrink underneath the deactivated spike
crushers before the bomb goes off. Break the destructible floor in front of
you and drop down. Dodge the spike crushers to reach a room with two Pressure
Pads (and some various Ruin-type enemies).
The switch on the right raises the spikes in your way, while the one on the
left makes two doors open. You must place a Clockwork Bomb on the right
Pressure Pad to keep it pressed down, but you can stand on the one on the left
and then step off.
Now here's the tricky part: you must go through both doors in order to reach a
lever. If you only get through the first door and the second one slams in your
face, then you'll end up in a previous part of the area. Throw a bomb on the
right switch, then step on the left and quickly run through. Use your Shrink
ability at the end to squeeze underneath if you have to.
Once you pull the lever, the doors (and the spikes) stay open. Now you can
explore a bit without having to worry about closing doors or retracting
spikes. Proceed back to the room with the two Pressure Pads and search the
right-hand corner for a path leading to a BOTTLE [9/13]. This was the one
behind the glass window from before, FYI.
Walk through the glass door on the other end of the room to battle some Bitch
Babies. This chamber also contains a pair of chainlinked platforms. Remember
them? The one on the left is in the distance and can only be reached by
crossing an intricate invisible walkway. Walk across and throw a Clockwork
Bomb on the platform to lower it. Hurry back to the start and jump on the
raised one to reach the upper ledge.
Up ahead is anothe room with some chainlinked platforms, in addition to the
Drifting Ruins flying around. Clear out the room before going to work. Place a
bomb on the platform furthest away to raise the one next to you. Use a
mushroom spring and a vent to get on top of the platform, then step off on the
landing. Heal at the violet flower and then grab the LIDDELL MEMORY [9/17] on
the balcony.
From up here, you can look off the edge of the landing and throw a Clockwork
Bomb down onto the platform. The one farthest away now rises up to your level,
and you can float over to it and reach the exit.
The door behind you slams shut, sealing you inside. Using Shrink Sense, you'll
see a large number of moving invisible platforms up ahead. Traverse to the
right end of the room to find a red switch behind a wall; shoot it and climb
over the new invisible platform onto a Pressure Pad.
Put a bomb on the Pressure Pad and jump across the gap. Before the bomb goes
off and the spikes shoot up from underneath you, make sure to turn the red
switch green to permanently keep the spikes at bay. Use the islands to move
past the red switch. Here, you'll reach a second Pressure Pad.
Once again, toss a bomb on the switch to make a red switch pop up somewhere.
Run over to it (the red floor you're standing on will impale you if the bomb
goes off) and shoot the red switch. This time, the switch causes a couple
glass doors to open up. Return to the first Pressure Pad (more specifically,
the area where you stood and fired upon the red switch) and continue through
the glass door in the back of the area).
Unfortunately for you, the islands ahead are covered in spikes. Go back to the
first Pressure Pad and drop a bomb on it. This causes the spikes to retract,
so run back into the new room and hop across the islands until you reach safe
Move past the invisible walkways and platforms to reach a passage filled with
not only Slithering Ruins, but breakable walls. One of them on the left
contains a BOTTLE [10/13]. Navigate past the spike crushers up ahead until you
are sealed inside a room with a Dollgirl. Defeat her and her Insidious Ruin
minions, and the camera pans out to reveal several slime targets you can
Go around the edge of the room and follow the hall into a pink-tinted area.
Blast the slude here to reveal a keyhole and shrink down inside to reach a
fork. Go straight ahead for a BUMBY MEMORY [10/17], and move to the right to
find a Radula Room.
RADULA ROOM [2/4]: It's kill or be killed, and Alice faces off against some
tough enemies. You must fight Card Guards, Armoured Card Guards, and Ice
Snarks. By now, all of your weapons should be fully upgraded, so your weapons
are probably pretty overpowered. You can honestly just spam the Teapot Cannon
until you win. Regardless, make sure to stay on the perimeter of the arena so
you can have more room to fight.
Return to the center of the room where the enemies were. Blast the slime on
the left and drop into the new room. Don't worry about the keyhole in the
corner and walk across the glass floor; peer down below at all the hazards and
inner workings. You'll actually be going underneath the glass in a minute. On
the far end of the glass floor is a lever that, when pulled, opens up a door.
From the lever, jump up the ledge to the right for a RADCLIFFE MEMORY [11/17]
and go back to the keyhole in the corner. Squeeze through and walk down the
hall to end up underneath the glass floor. The obstacles seem easy to maneuver
past, but when you take into account the low ceiling and your inability to
jump, it can be pretty annoying.
Pick up the BOTTLE [11/13] in the corner and continue to the moving platforms.
Ride them to the left and shrink down in the keyhole next to the "3". Throw a
bomb on the Pressure Pad to make a red switch appear; go back through the
keyhole and stand on the moving platforms. Look through the hole in the wall
and shoot at the red switch to lower a glass door next to you.
Go through here and fire at the second red switch to open a second glass door.
Head over to said door and move on through to eventually reach a keyhole with
a lever inside. Pull the lever to escape from the floor and to also open up
the exit. Run through and bounce on the mushroom spring.
Oh boy, another giant slide! You know what to do here (slide down, obviously).
Take out the Bitch Babies at the bottom and inspect the chainlinked platforms
and the surrounding area. Lower the one on the left with a Clockwork Bomb and
use the vents to reach the one on the right. Up here, you can get to a lever;
this creates a new opening.
Now place a bomb on the platform here to make the other one rise up. Head over
to it to end up on the same ledge as before, but on the other side of the
lever. Drop down to find another set of chainlinked platforms. Before messin'
around with them, fall down to the lower walkway and step onto the invisible
catwalk. Once at the end, turn around to spot a SNOUT [6/8] under the rafters.
Shooting it reveals a BOTTLE [12/13].
Climb back up to the platforms; put a bomb on the first platform here and then
move around the room to find the second one. To get up to it, shrink down and
run across the invisible catwalks. If the platform is too high, destroy the
bomb and jump on as it begins to lower back down. If you're quick, you can hop
on and then float across to the exit.
| Dollgirl's Pursuit |
The route in front of you consists of multiple spike crushers and other deadly
devices. Be careful when navigating through, for timing is everything here.
Smash through the weakened wall and then continue through the next set of
crushers. You'll eventually reach a breakable wall with a Pressure Pad on the
other side.
When you toss a bomb on the switch, a platform extends out from the darkness.
Float over to it and jump into the vent, then make sure to float OVER the
spiked platform rather than using it as a step. You'll end up on a balcony
overlooking the obstacle course you just ran through. The spike crushers that
you avoided before must now be used as platforms. Jump over the gap and watch
out for the clippers as you destroy the breakable wall in front of you.
The Slithering Ruins in the next room aren't much of a threat, so run past
them and into the corridor. Move slowly through the passage, because parts of
the ceiling will fall down and create holes in the floor.
Go up the stairs, but stop before you walk through the doorway. If you shrink
down, you'll notice a platform to your left. Jump over to it and walk around
the corner to find a keyhole. Continue through and recover the DR. WILSON
MEMORY [12/17], then return to the doorway (or jump around the corner to the
back end of the room).
Inside, you must fight a whole slew of monsters: one Dollgirl, several
Insidious Ruins, Bitch Babies, and Drifting Ruins. Take them out in any order
you'd like (I left the Dollgirl for last) and a glass window slides open. Pull
the lever for a cutscene.
| Fort Resistance Delivered |
You end up inside another dollhouse, and the way to go is straightforward.
When you reach a hole in the wall leading to the outside world, shrink down
and inspect the left side of the hallway to find a hidden keyhole; take the
BOTTLE [13/13] on the other side and then proceed outside.
Speak with the Cheshire Cat on the right. Don't worry about the platform he's
standing on, as it only leads to a dead end with some Teeth. Move across the
floating platforms to reach a Pressure Pad. Ignore it at first and move across
the invisible platforms instead towards the Radula Room.
RADULA ROOM [3/4]: On paper, this Radula Room sounds difficult, since you
must survive a time limit against Samurai Wasps, Samurai Ink Wasps... and an
Executioner! As you may have discovered during the chase scenes last chapter,
Alice can evade the Executioner much easier while dodging. All you have to do
is run around and tap the Right Bumper while moving around the arena's
perimeter. You may want to destroy the two Samurai Ink Wasp tablets, though.
Now activate the Pressure Pad to raise up the doll head bridge. Use the vent
to get up to the bridge and glide over to the rainbow-colored island.
Eliminate the Colossal Ruin that appears, then clear the sludge off of the
Pressure Pad on the far end of the island.
This next section can be slightly difficult at first. The Pressure Pad here
makes the first doll head bridge move into place, allowing you to cross over
to a second Pressure Pad. This switch causes another doll head bridge to
rotate as well.
Once you make it across to the second Pressure Pad, detonate the Clockwork
Bomb; the first doll head bridge will slowly revert back into its original
position. Toss a Clockwork Bomb onto the second Pressure Pad, then quickly
jump back into the first doll head bridge as it moves upward. When you are
able to reach the second bridge, jump over to it, run through the doll head,
and off to the other side.
Slide down the slope to end up back at Fort Resistance. A new pathway opens
up, but ignore it at first. Facing the fort, walk to the right and inspect the
teal-colored house. There is a hole in the side of the wall (on the second
floor) with a SNOUT [7/8] inside: pepper the Snout and you'll be able to reach
a breadbasket.
Next, enter Fort Resistance. You'll find a corpse belonging to one of the
dalls from earlier. There isn't much inside, although there is a keyhole
underneath the ramp; slip inside and walk to the end to receive a DR. WILSON
MEMORY [13/17]. A few Bitch Babies may appear outside the fort, so take them
out if so. Continue through the open path to the right and behind Fort
| Looking Glass Railway Station |
Walk through the clearing and inside the large dollhouse; you are immediately
attacked by a Dollgirl. In addition, two Menacing Ruins are perched on the
second floor and pelt you with fireballs. While you fight the Dollgirl, make
sure to deflect fireballs back at each of the Menacing Ruins.
Afterwards, try to lure the Dollgirl near the entrance to the dollhouse so the
Menacing Ruin on the right won't be able to see/target you. Once the Dollgirl
is down, jump up the blocks and finish off the pair of Menacing Ruins. Up on
the second floor, destroy the slime wall and pull the lever.
Climb the blocks up to the third floor and walk over to the cabinet. You'll
have to play another note-playing mini-game, and afterwards a wall slides down
into the ground... the railway station is up ahead. Before you check it out,
enter the side room and break down the gingerbread wall. Smash the cakes
covering up the keyhole and then go through to find a BUMBY MEMORY [14/17].
The railway station looks similar to the one seen way back in Chapter 1.
First, walk past the railway station to the right and shrink down onto the
invisible catwalk. Enter the Radula Room at the end.
RADULA ROOM [4/4]: Following tradition, you must replay the chapter-specific
mini-game in this Radula Room. Of course, the mini-game happens to be the
doll head obstacle course. However, this one takes place primarily in 3D and
you must navigate the doll head through the course. It's a bit tougher than
the first mini-game earlier on in the chapter, but at least it's kinda fun.
Once you're back at the railway station, go up the ramp behind it and through
the open door.
| Off With Her Head Part 2 |
Walk over to the stairs towards the Jack-in-the-box, but first look behind the
stairs: on the left wall behind the staircase is a SNOUT [8/8], so shoot it
and smash open the breadbasket. Now you can go up the stairs for a cutscene
and another mini-game.
You gain control of another doll head and the mini-game begins. Just like
before (and in the Radula Room), you must move the doll head through the
obstacle course while avoiding the various hazards and perils. If you complete
the course in under six minutes, you can unlock the "That's Using Your Head"
Once you regain control of Alice, proceed down the slide. You're in for a real
treat when you land: one Menacing Ruin, two Dollgirls, and Bitch Babies
(though they only show up when one of the Dollgirls dies). The Menacing Ruin
is on a raised platform that the Dollgirls cannot reach, so defeat him first.
Keep your distance and use your Pepper Grinder to destroy the Dollgirl's arms,
then blast their core with your Teapot Cannon.
Bounce on the mushroom springs that appear and destroy the weakened wall, then
inspect the white door for a cutscene and an ALICE MEMORY [15/17].
| Dollmaker's Workshop |
Proceed down the spooky hallway and stop at the staircase that leads up to the
Dollmaker's workshop. Make sure to grab the LIDDELL MEMORY [16/17] on your
left before ascending the stairs. Go up, then ride the vent over to the main
Once inside, you will have to face off against a swarm of Insidious Ruins and
several Drifting Ruins. Slowly make your way across the room as you defeat the
enemies, one by one. When you reach the flight of stairs, jump over to the
alcove on the left and enter the keyhole for the final LIDDELL MEMORY [17/17].
Hooray on collecting all the game's Memories!
Walk up the lengthy staircase to encounter the Dollmaker. Next, a cutscene
begins and the chapter comes to a close.
"In which Alice saves herself from Madness and rescues Wonderland"
Snouts: 0 Memories: 0 Radula Rooms: 0 Bottles: 0
| Whitechapel |
Walk down the snow-covered street. Along the way, you will notice ghastly
spirits and other ghosts roaming around. Take the stairs on the left (the one
with the soot and smoke blowing out) and enter the train station for a scene.
Well, that was short!
| Infernal Train Carriage |
When you gain control of Alice again, walk forward through the doorway to
board the Infernal Train. Here, Alice finds the Mad Hatter, and a cinema
begins. Next, Alice encounters the Caterpillar, and you get to listen to his
| Dollmaker Part 1 |
The scenery here gets weirder and weirder. Move forward and through the large
gate to enter the next train car. Here, Alice meets up with the Queen of
Hearts. A short cutscene follows.
| Dollmaker Part 2 |
Proceed up the flight of stairs and across the bridge to the final room.
Before you can go any further, the Dollmaker rips apart the train and
confronts Alice. Ready for the grand finale?
BOSS: The Dollmaker
+- Part 1 -+
The Dollmaker stands outside of the train and attacks you with his two
detached hands. He first sends out his left hand. Note the doll mask infused
inside his hand: when it's covered in black slime, you cannot damage the boss,
so wait for the slime to drizzle off before attacking.
The boss's left hand can attack you in several ways. Its most common attack is
to curl up into a fist and punch the ground. Similarly, the hand can also slap
the ground with its palm wide open. Watch out for when the left hand begins
getting tugged around by some strings, because the Dollmaker will move it
towards you and try to slap you with the hand.
Although rare, sometimes the Dollmaker's left hand will scratch its pointer
finger across the glass floor, creating a purple shockwave that is promptly
pushed towards you. This is usually preceded a wag of the finger.
The left hand's most annoying attack is when its two fingers stick into the
floor and begin tapping the ground as the hand chases after you. Repeatedly
dodge and try to run circles around one of the two pillars to avoid getting
skewered by one of the pointy fingers.
Whenever the black slime disappears, you will be able to attack the hand. Rush
over and begin slashing away, with the occasional charged Teapot Cannon blast.
I'm sure by now all four of your weapons have been long upgraded, so use
whatever weapons have gotten you this far through the game. Personally, I
mainly used the Vorpal Blade and the Teapot Cannon, but if your battle
strategy differs, then that's A-OK.
Insidious Ruins periodically patrol the area, so attack them if you are in
need of health. Eventually, the boss ups the ante and Menacing Ruins begin to
show up as well. Take them out before you focus on the hand.
+- Part 2 -+
Once you destroy the doll mask on the left hand, the right hand comes out to
play. This hand operates exactly like the other hand, with all of the same
attacks. It also has a doll mask on the back of it that can only be damaged
when it is sludge-free. Use the same battle techniques to dispose of the right
hand as well.
+- Part 3 -+
Both battered hands return and attack you simultaneously! The only attack they
use is a grab attack where they'll squeeze the life out of Alice if caught.
When you see a hand start to move after you, shoot it with your Teapot Cannon
and begin dodging.
After both hands attempt to harm you, they will each grab hold of the two
columns and the Dollmaker leans over. His long black tongue will stick out and
the boss start shooting explosive projectiles at you. Dodge them and target
his tongue with either your Pepper Grinder or Teapot Cannon.
The Pepper Grinder is a lot faster and more accurate, so you may want to side
with it when targeting the Dollmaker's tongue. Drifting Ruins will also appear
to keep you busy, but they are best taken out with the Teapot Cannon. While
you focus on them, the boss will still attack, so watch out for his black
sludge bombs.
After taking enough damage, the Dollmaker retreats and the hands do the dirty
work again. Run away from the hands or fend them off with your weapons until
the Dollmaker leans in again and sticks his tongue out. Repeat the process to
finally put an end to the Dollmaker.
Following the boss fight and the cutscene, stroll down the street for the
game's ending. That's a wrap!
If you're interested, you can participate in a New Game +, which allows you to
replay the game with all your weapons at their current upgrade stages and all
dresses unlocked.
[4] ENEMIES [0400]
| Insidious Ruin |
"An unnatural and hostile combination of ruined mechanical parts vomits
pollution and slashes through the muck it dispenses. A mindless, industrial
disease, it oozes grease and organic slime and wields a dangerous weapon. Its
unseemly sound and stench completes its menacing aura. An awful head adds to
its revolting appearance."
Insidious Ruins are the most common and one of the least dangerous enemies in
the game. They appear very early on in your adventures and usually spawn in
small groups and also accompany other enemy types. Insidious Ruins only have
weak melee attacks and can be dispatched easily.
| Bolterfly |
"What pass for fauna in the Hatter's Domain resemble winged cros bow bolts.
They nest in the now wrecked machinery, of which they're very protective. They
become fractious when disturbed, and for dumb 'creatures' they're annoying
Bolterflies are very small flying insects that live in spherical nests made
from steel parts and other metal alloys. You often encounter two or more
Bolterfly nests at a time, so destroy the nests to prevent more insects from
appearing. These metallic bugs can latch onto Alice and slowly sap her health,
and the only way to shake them off is to dodge.
| Madcap |
"The erstwhile guardians of the Domain appear to be armed with outsized
versions of Hatter's household cutlery. Hatter was never particularly
discriminating in his guest list, but I never imagined he had giants for tea.
Like many long-time retainers, their loyalty has outlasted their usefulness
and their sense. Still, this 'old guard' can be dangerous."
Madcaps almost look like miniature versions of the Mad Hatter: they are short,
green, and very ugly. All Madcaps carry some sort of weapon (usually a fork or
spoon) and use it to damage Alice. Some carry large porcelain shields that can
only be destroyed after successfully dodging their attacks.
| Slithering Ruin |
"Ruined and repulsive, this reckless waste of protoplasm has as much in common
with maggots and leeches as it does with slimy garden slugs. Secretive by
nature, surprisingly aggressive when cornered."
Slithering Ruins are nothing more than oversized slugs, and just as dangerous
as one. These creatures can be killed in a single hit and don't do much other
than slink around and occasionally jump on you. Think of Slithering Ruins more
as a nuisance than a threat.
| Eyepot |
"These ornately-crafted beasts, once the pride of the Hatter's table, seem
destined for scrap. Understandably they're shirty, unsociable, bloody angry -
and dangerous. Because the eye is obviously vulnerable, they fire scalding
projectiles afar. But they're not cowards."
Eyepots have both a long-range tea blast and a melee attack, making them extra
dangerous. They are some of the tougher enemies early on because they cannot
be harmed normally. You cannot penetrate their bodies with your Vorpal Blade,
so you must stun them by firing at their eye. Once the Eyepot is down and
vulnerable, run over and slash at their lone eyeball.
| Menacing Ruin |
"A more perilous version of the Insidious Ruin. Every vile and depraved
feature of the former has evolved to become more loathsome, foul, and
hazardous in the latter. Who could have imagined it?"
The Menacing Ruin is basically a giant version of the Insidious Ruin, with
minor differences: it has a large slime arm in addition to two tiny doll hands
and three doll masks. The Menacing Ruin protects its trio of faces with its
small hands, making it impervious to attack. You must use Alice's Umbrella to
knock one of its fireballs back at it to destroy its two doll arms before
slashing the faces to oblivion. Watch out for the Menacing Ruin's ground pound
shockwave attack and its physical strikes.
| Ice Snark |
"Sightless eyes do not inhabit this vile predator from ruling the tundra.
Living flesh is no less at risk than carrion. While his parts seem mismatched,
his antenna provides protection and his teeth are lethally efficient."
The Ice Snark is a nasty foe that is very fast and can slide on the ground
like it's made of ice. Watch out for the Ice Snark's powerful bite. In
addition, the creature can burrow underground and ambush you, or simply hide.
Use a Clockwork Bomb or your Hobby Horse to unearth it, then fight back.
| Cannon Crab |
"Well-armed, with great size, an impregnable carapace, and a self-
declared 'honorable' mission, this noble crustacean is a formidable foe. One
may only hope it has a soft underbelly."
The cigar-smoking Cannon Crab is very powerful, as demonstrated by the massive
cannon on its arm and the ability to shoot huge cannonballs at its opponents.
The only way you can damage the Cannon Crab is to use your hard-hitting Hobby
Horse or Teapot Cannon. You can ultimately break off the crab's cannon arm and
flip it over, allowing you to strike at its belly.
| Drowned Sailor |
"Poor souls are eternally conflicted. Necessity sent them to the sea. THe
economy depends on them - but they do not profit; reluctant to sign on to a
two-year voyage - they are Shanghaied, complain about anything - they are
lashed and put on short rations. They are even discouraged from learning how
to swim. They trust none but themselves. Their shades do likewise."
Drowned Sailors (also known as Lost Souls) are encountered in the deep ocean.
Since they are ghosts, they can phase in and out of planes in order to stalk
their prey. When they are transparent, you cannot damage them. Drowned Sailors
can burrow underground and pop up at your feet or create bombs to throw at
you. When you see bombs appear in their hands, shoot them with your Pepper
Grinder to daze them; run over and attack until they go transparent again.
| Colossal Ruin |
"An infinitely more powerful and undeniably more disgusting manifestation of
the Menacing Ruin. What was formerly foul and detestable is heinous, even
monstrous here. The RUIN seems relentless. It just keeps getting worse."
The Colossal Ruin is one of the biggest foes you encounter in Wonderland and
is as tough to take down as it looks. The Colossal Ruin's entire body is
coated with around a half-dozen doll masks that you must destroy. The best way
to break them is using your Teapot Cannon. Once all the masks are gone, the
Colossal Ruin begins using a powerful flamethrower attack, in which a large
masks is revealed on its head. Stun it with your Teapot Cannon, then run over
and slash the beast when it's bent over.
| Samurai Wasp |
"Ravagers, despoilers, and murderers, these self-proclaimed Samurai have
corrputed the blameless and defenseless Origami Ants way of life. It's a cruel
lie. They've violated the philosophy of that noble warrior class: 'Bushido'.
They're merely expert killers who have expropriated the weapons of their
namesake - sword, shield, and long-bow. Unlike true Samurai, they protect
nothing, are loyal to nothing, and have no honor."
The strength of the Samurai Wasp lies in their agility: they are incredibly
fast and hard to hit with long-range weapons. They are also skilled with a
sword and block almost all of your melee attacks. However, repeated strikes
will eventually destroy their blade and you can promptly slash them to bits.
Samurai Wasps are often found in large groups, but I found that a close-range
Teapot Cannon blast does the trick.
| Samurai Ink Wasp |
"While not terrible clever, strong, or dangerous, there's a seemingly endless
supply of soldiers available to support the Samurai's mayhem. They remind me
of the Grubs. They're unpleasantly alike."
Samurai Ink Wasps are nearly identical to the Bolterfly enemies: they are
small, can swarm and suffocate Alice (dodge to shake them off), and emerge
from nests. The Samurai Ink Wasps emerge from stone tablets that are durable
and must be broken with the Hobby Horse or Teapot Cannon.
| Daimyo Wasp |
"Though each of the Samurai Wasps appear to act on their own authority, some
fraction of them seem to be of higher rank. More skill with their weapons may
give them higher standing in their diseased society. They may give orders to
the others. They are, of course, equally reprehensible. Perhaps more so."
The Daimyo Wasp wields a large halberd and is both bigger and stronger than
its Samurai Wasp lackeys. It can block your attacks by twirling its weapon and
also perform a shockwave stab move. Keep your distance and bomb the Daimyo
Wasp with your Teapot Cannon to knock off its armor, then run in for the kill.
| Drifting Ruin |
"Another arrow in this abomination's bulging quiver of mayhem. It moves
faster, it's bigger, and it can fly! What's next! Impregnability? Immortality?
Who dreamed this up?"
The Drifting Ruin is one of the most frustrating enemies in the game. They are
never found alone and can only be damaged when they reveal their face to you,
during which they will proceed to spit sludge at you (which materializes into
sharp crystals once it hits the ground). Fire at its doll mask face with your
Pepper Grinder to knock it to the floor, then slash it apart. Alternatively,
one shot with the Teapot Cannon destroys the entire thing.
| Card Guard |
"Without weapons, the Queen's reckless guards aren't much more than 'fodder'
in a fight. They were never really good with their hands; but this current
bout of clawing demands caution. There are so many of them! And they're eager
to give up their lives. Even dead, their corpora defecti and remnants can
cause a problem."
Zombified versions of the Card Guards first seen in American McGee's Alice,
these monsters are out for revenge. Unfortunately for them, they really are
considered fodder and are almost as pitiful as Insidious Ruins. Card Guards
attack in large numbers and try to take advantage of you, but a basic combo is
just about enough to do them in.
| Armoured Card Guard |
"The wicked staff they carry makes them dangerous, but ponderous. Still, were
their weapon to hit its target, they wouldn't need speed to deliver the coup
de grace."
The Armoured Card Guards are slow enemies due to the thick chain mail covering
their bodies and the large staff they drag along. It requires two hands to
swing the staff, so it's pretty easy to avoid getting hit, but they really do
pack a punch if you're clumsy. You cannot pierce the Armoured Card Guard
anywhere except the red suit displayed on their back, so wait for a swing and
a miss before you capitalize.
| Dollgirl |
"The female of the species, so to speak, is equally objectionable. Their
depraved maker played no favorites. Her voluminous clothing appears to conceal
more than her body would demand."
The Dollgirl is certainly more than meets the eye, because one may expect that
fighting a doll may not prove to be a challenge. Wrong. Dollgirls are massive,
wield various sharp weaponry, and can also breathe fire. You must begin by
targeting one of its arms (only held on by a single bolt) and using your
Pepper Grinder to detach it. Once the Dollgirl has no arms, it resorts to its
flame breath and slam attack. At this point, use your Hobby Horse and Teapot
Cannon to expose its beating heart and eventually slay it.
| Bitch Baby |
"To construct a flying, vomiting, killing machine in the guise of four-legged
female infant is certainly the proof of a diseased mind - if more proof were
These are truly strange creatures: Bitch Babies are essentially a flying doll
head with four legs that act as a propellar. The Bitch Baby is very fast and
has an easy time evading your Pepper Grinder or Teapot Cannon. Wait for it to
dive towards you and dodge, then strike the downed target. You can also wait
for the Bitch Baby to spit out acid globs at you, then deflect them back with
your Umbrella for an instant kill.
[5] SNOUTS [0500]
One of the game's collectibles, Snouts resemble pink pig snouts. You must use
the Pepper Grinder on them in order for the game to register that you have
located one. Snouts help open up paths and often reveal hidden items.
| Chapter 1 |
+- Snout #1 -+
Found: Slug With a Shell. In the forest behind the Duchess' kitchen. Kill all
of the enemies to make it appear, then pepper it to cause it to fly
into the kitchen.
+- Snout #2 -+
Found: Slug With a Shell. In the large pool past the kitchen, floating near
where you enter the area. By shooting the Snout, you make a domino
bridge appear.
+- Snout #3 -+
Found: Slug With a Shell. The Snout is inside an alcove just past the previous
one and it can be found by crossing the domino bridge. Once peppered,
it causes more dominoes to appear further on.
+- Snout #4 -+
Found: The Crockery. Found floating in the sky near where you found the
Memory, "Spontaneous Combustion" (near the entrance to the Hatter's
Domain). Shoot it to make a platform appear, allowing you to reach a
ledge containing many Teeth.
+- Snout #5 -+
Found: Hatter's Gate. The Snout is inside the building, but is visible through
a hole in the wall. After crossing the invisible platforms near the
region's entrance, shoot the Snout to make a path to the seventh Bottle
+- Snout #6 -+
Found: Hatter's Gate. This Snout is in the same room as the Memory, "No Key
to My Heart", hanging on the wall near the cooked Dodos. Pepper the
Snout to find a breadbasket full of Teeth.
+- Snout #7 -+
Found: Hatter's Gate. Found shortly after obtaining the Memory, "Rock of
Gibraltar". Ride the vent and the gear elevator to reach another
entrance to the building. Before you go inside, stay on the balcony
and turn around to find the Snout on the side of the previous island.
Pepper it to make a vent appear, leading you to a Bottle.
+- Snout #8 -+
Found: Hatter's Gate. This Pig Snout is found close by to the last one. Head
inside the building and run down the hall until you reach a big shaft.
Glide across to the opposite end, then turn around to find the flying
Snout up against the wall. Pepper it to make a vent drop down.
+- Snout #9 -+
Found: About Face. After you receive the Umbrella and defeat the Menacing
Ruin. Facing the elevator, look off the edge of the platform to the
left to find the Snout floating below the switch. By peppering it, a
platform appears behind the elevator.
+- Snout #10 -+
Found: Smelling & Regurgitating. This Snout is found in the frozen room. Once
you freeze the room, fall down to the ground and go underneath the main
platform to find the Snout on the wall. Shooting the Snout causes it to
drop a Bottle.
+- Snout #11 -+
Found: Smelling and Regurgitating. Go through a keyhole on the right side of
the frozen room. It is near the Nanny Memory, "Paper Pile Ignites".
Once you pepper the Snout, a breadbasket containing some Teeth plops
onto the floor.
+- Snout #12 -+
Found: Smelling and Regurgitating. Go into the big silo from the frozen room.
Use the first set of vents to reach the other side of the room, then
destroy the weakened wall with a Clockwork Bomb. Squeeze through the
keyhole to find a Snout on the other side, through a circular window.
Shooting it reveals a breadbasket with Teeth.
+- Snout #13 -+
Found: Cranking Up & Pressing Down. Upon entering the Dodo Miserarium, leap
onto the first cage on your left and look in the back left corner...
you should see a Pig Snout through a hole in the wall. Shoot it to
make a Bottle appear not too far away.
+- Snout #14 -+
Found: Assemblage (or Destruction). After getting the Hatter's arms and legs
back, you'll end up in a new area. Float down to the ground and shoot
the flying Snout to turn a vent on. The Snout is pretty hard to miss,
since you can see it right away.
| Chapter 2 |
+- Snout #1 -+
Found: Tundraful. Once the Yeti appears, follow the narrow bridge towards his
location. Along the way, look into the hole on the right to find the
Snout on the side of the wall. Shooting it drops down a breadbasket.
+- Snout #2 -+
Found: Tundraful. After obtaining the Hobby Horse, head to the next room and
break the ice horse on the right wall. Smash the next one to reach a
dead end. Float to the other end of the room and look behind you to
find the Pig Snout just below the ledge you jumped from. By peppering
the Snout, a platform falls down and allows you to reach the nearby
+- Snout #3 -+
Found: Tundraful. Near the intersection where Bottle #3 is located. Go to the
right and fall down into the room. Activate your Shrink Sense to find a
couple invisible platforms and use them to get to the top of the room.
The Snout is up here, attached to the wall. Peppering it reveals a
secret alcove containing many Teeth.
+- Snout #4 -+
Found: Sliding Towards Oblivion. Before stepping on the ice road that leads to
the pirate ship, go around the corner to the right to find the Pig
Snout high up on the wall. By shooting it, you are able to reach a
keyhole containing a Memory.
+- Snout #5 -+
Found: Sliding Towards Oblivion. After taking Bottle #5 from inside the river
with the invisible raft, break the ice horse and step through to the
adjacent room. As soon as you enter, you should spot the Snout nearby
on the wall. Once you pepper it, a breadbasket materializes.
+- Snout #6 -+
Found: Naval Disaster. Right after crashing the HMS Gryphon, walk past the
wreckage and use the first geyser you come across to get up to the
high ledge. Look over the edge and glide down to where the clam is.
Survey the area and you should find a Snout on the wall; shooting it
makes a breadbasket appear inside the clam.
+- Snout #7 -+
Found: Naval Disaster. Before heading inside the tunnel that takes you to
Barrelbottom, walk to the right side of the cliff and use Shrink Sense
to notice a string of invisible platforms. First, stand on the rotating
bridge, then inch closer and travel across the invisible platforms.
When you reach an island, continue out onto another invisible bridge.
Face the house and look up towards the roof to find the Snout. Shoot it
to make a geyser turn on and a breadbasket appear.
+- Snout #8 -+
Found: Barrelbottom. As soon as you enter Barrelbottom, walk over to the
statue in the center of town. Look up and to the right: the Pig Snout
is hanging on the side of one of the buildings. When you pepper it, a
breadbasket appears in front of you.
+- Snout #9 -+
Found: Barrelbottom. On the path leading to the theatre, use the invisible
walkways on the left side to reach an island with a small house and a
violet flower. Go behind the building and shoot the Pig Snout flying
high in the air to make the nearby Memory accessible.
+- Snout #10 -+
Found: Inky Veil. At the start of the hide and seek game, leap across the
white jellyfish and make a quick detour to the island floating off to
the left. Once you land, you can easily see the Pig Snout on the
island. Shoot it to make a Teeth-filled breadbasket pop up nearby.
+- Snout #11 -+
Found: Choral Coral. As soon as you are done talking to the Music Fish, look
on the right side of the area to see the Pig Snout on the wall. Pepper
it, then open the breadbasket for some Teeth.
+- Snout #12 -+
Found: Oyster Garden: Beds Available. After rescuing the first oyster, head
across the chasm via the floating jellyfish. When you reach the second
giant white jellyfish, look up to the right and survey the giant rock
wall to find a Snout in the distance. It can be a little difficult to
find at first. By peppering it, a breadbasket with Teeth appears.
+- Snout #13 -+
Found: Oyster Garden: Beds Available. The Snout is flying in the air and to
the right of where you find the fourth block. If you followed the order
of my walkthrough in obtaining the blocks, then you will likely need to
revisit here after completing the puzzle. Pepper the Snout to receive a
breadbasket filled with Teeth.
+- Snout #14 -+
Found: Lost Souls Locker. After defeating the first Drowned Sailor, search the
cemetery to find a Snout on the back of one of the tombstones. Shooting
the Snout makes a tombstone sink into the ground, revealing a keyhole.
+- Snout #15 -+
Found: Barrelbottom Revisited. Found near the back entrance of the theatre,
in front of the trail of blood. When you're in front of the pool of
blood, use your Shrink Sense to find an invisible Pig Snout. Aim at its
location and then shoot it when normal size to make a mushroom spring
pop up next to you.
| Chapter 3 |
+- Snout #1 -+
Found: Vale of Doom. This Pig Snout is found not too far from the Radcliffe
Memory, "Accidents Do Happen". Walk up the ramp and past the hookah,
then ride the vent up to the stone bridge. Take out the enemies and go
forward, then make a right when you reach the lava streams. Glide over
to the platform, then look high up on the walls to find the Snout.
Pepper it to open up a path that ultimately leads you to a Radula Room.
+- Snout #2 -+
Found: Vale of Doom. Near the Liddell Memory, "Smoking on the Sky". Once you
kill the Colossal Ruin and his friends, approach the violet flower near
the edge of the cliff and check out the floating rock. There is an
invisible Pig Snout on the side of the rock, so use your Shrink Sense.
By peppering it, you'll be able to reach the top of the rock and the
+- Snout #3 -+
Found: Scorched Earth. Just after obtaining Bottle #7. Return to the island
with the mushroom spring on it after grabbing the Bottle and bounce up
to the platform. Drop down the other side and float over to the island,
then spin around. The Pig Snout is on the side of the platform you
were just on. Peppering it creates a path that leads you to the
Radcliffe Memory, "Aesthetic Opinion".
+- Snout #4 -+
Found: Scorched Earth. Located in the area after encountering a Daimyo Wasp
for the first time. Once the coast is clear, walk over to the river on
the left side of the area. Facing the river, look between the bamboo
stalks to your left to see a Pig Snout resting in the shade. By
peppering it, you will be able to reach the breadbasket on the other
side of the river.
+- Snout #5 -+
Found: Scorched Earth. As you exit the shrine, hug the right side of the path
to enter a narrow trail in the bamboo forest. At the end of the trail
is a violet flower, but more importantly, an invisible Pig Snout. Once
you shoot it, a Bottle appears right next to you.
+- Snout #6 -+
Found: Scroll of Happy Times. After the 2D mini-game, exit the chamber and
onto the edge of the cliff. Before you jump over to the scroll conveyor
belt, look at the rock wall to your left; a little ways down the wall
is the Snout, and shooting it gives you access to a Memory.
+- Snout #7 -+
Found: Monastery Shelf Valley. After going down the slide, you can see a Snout
flying in the distance; you'll likely notice it on the right side of
the screen when floating down to the wooden table. Shoot it from afar
to activate a tile that can be ridden over to a breadbasket.
+- Snout #8 -+
Found: Trunk. Once you have freed the insects in the sand pit, jump onto the
mushroom spring and bounce up to the second floor. Before you continue
up to the third floor, shoot the Snout right next to you and break open
the breadbasket.
+- Snout #9 -+
Found: Trunk. In the open area with the paper fans; it is pretty easy to spot
due to the harsh white backdrop of the afternoon sky. Once peppered, a
paper fan rotates, allowing you to access it.
+- Snout #10 -+
Found: West Peak Prison Village. When you reach the canyon with the hanging
cages, proceed up to the rock ledges. The Pig Snout is on the wall and
to the right of the green ying-yang door. Shooting it opens said door.
+- Snout #11 -+
Found: Hellish Hive. The Pig Snout is found floating above the circular
island where you fought the army of Samurai Wasps and other related
foes. Pepper the Snout to create a path leading to a honeycomb wall.
| Chapter 4 |
+- Snout #1 -+
Found: Cardbridge. When you reach the two Ace of Hearts, look to the right
and shrink down to locate an invisible flying Pig Snout. Pepper it to
create a few moving card platforms.
+- Snout #2 -+
Found: Cardbridge. This is another invisible flying Snout that can be spotted
if you shrink down right before entering the house of cards. By
peppering it, you can jump over to a card that contains several Teeth.
Yeah, that's it! Lame.
+- Snout #3 -+
Found: Cardbridge. In the location with the two Pressure Pads and the
growing/shrinking platforms. When you reach the card platform with the
second Pressure Pad on it, face the switch and look to the left while
shrunk to locate another invisible Pig Snout. By peppering the Snout,
you will be able to cross over to a Bottle.
+- Snout #4 -+
Found: Least Wing. Before entering the heart door at the end of the ruined
stone bridge, stand on the floating platform right before it and look
to the left. If you look over the edge and below a lil' bit, you can
find a Pig Snout on the side of another floating island not too far
away. Shoot it to make some airlifts appear.
+- Snout #5 -+
Found: Least Wing. After killing the Card Guards, ride the invisible platforms
on the right. While standing on the one with a "3" on it, you should be
able to find the Pig Snout on the nearby wall. Pepper it to gain access
to a keyhole, which in turn leads you to a breadbasket.
+- Snout #6 -+
Found: Least Wing. Located on the right end of the castle foyer. As soon as
you walk through the doorway shaped like a club, turn around and look
at the top of the doorway to find the Snout. It reveals a keyhole when
+- Snout #7 -+
Found: Least Wing. In the area with the chained platforms that rise up and
down. Head over to the pair of Club platforms and use your Shrink Sense
to find an invisible platform on the left. Ride it over to the island
with the flower on it and you can find the Snout nearby. After you
shoot it, a breadbasket appears.
+- Snout #8 -+
Found: Waste Wing Part 1. As soon as you enter the first room, you'll hear the
Pig Snout. It's straight ahead, on the side of a column on your left.
Pepper it to open a nearby door.
+- Snout #9 -+
Found: Waste Wing Part 1. Located in the spot with the chainlinked platforms,
near where you locate Bottle #10. The Snout is up on the wall near the
two Spade platforms, and shooting it causes a slot to open up on the
wall nearby.
+- Snout #10 -+
Found: Waste Wing Part 2. The Snout is found in the room with the chainlinked
platforms. When standing on the central island, look between the two
columns to spot it; pepper it to reveal a breadbasket.
+- Snout #11 -+
Found: Labyrinthe Revenge. At the entrance, go up the stairs and make a left.
Walk to the very edge of the cliff and look to the right to catch sight
of the Snout flying in the corner. Once you shoot it, a breadbasket
appears behind you.
| Chapter 5 |
+- Snout #1 -+
Found: Fort Resistance. Go through the keyhole inside the "A" house and make a
right at the fork. Once you exit, glide down to the rainbow platform
and you should see the Snout flying in front of you. Peppering it makes
some more colored platforms rise up from below.
+- Snout #2 -+
Found: Frog's Way. In the arena containing the Drifting Ruins, Dollgirl, and
Menacing Ruin, there should be a large doll head on the perimeter of
the area. The Snout actually makes up the nose of the doll, so look
on the doll's face to see it. Pepper it to open up two hidden paths.
+- Snout #3 -+
Found: Frog's Way. This Pig Snout is found in the room just past where you
found Snout #2. For reference, it's a large area with a ton of doll
swings on it. Use the Pressure Pad to reach the ledge on the far end of
the area, then stand on the left side of the ledge. Use your Shrink
Sense to discover some invisible platforms and ride them down to
another ledge directly below. The Snout is found here, and shooting it
reveals a breadbasket.
+- Snout #4 -+
Found: Frog's Way. In the area with the rotating red pillars and invisible
platforms, right next to the Pris Memory, "Soul of Practicality". Face
the red columns and look to the right. The Pig Snout is to the right
of the shadowy doll mask. Shooting it reveals a long path that leads
you to a Bottle and a Radula Room.
+- Snout #5 -+
Found: Dolltown Cellar. After going down the slide, destroy the enemies and go
up the stairs. The Snout is inside a busted trophy case, above a
diagram of a human brain. Once peppered, the diagram falls over and
reveals a large doll head.
+- Snout #6 -+
Found: Dolltown Cellar. After going down the second giant slide, work your way
through the first chainlinked platform room to the second one. Before
you mess around with the platforms, drop onto the lower landing and
walk out onto the invisible platform; the Snout is found underneath
the support beams. Pepper it to make a Bottle appear.
+- Snout #7 -+
Found: Fort Resistance Delivered. Facing Fort Resistance, look to the right at
the teal-colored house. There should be an open window on the second
floor of the dollhouse with a Snout inside. Once you pepper it, a
compartment opens up inside the house to reveal a breadbasket.
+- Snout #8 -+
Found: Off With Her Head Part 2. Before you head up the stairs towards the
Jack-in-the-box, walk behind the stairs and survey the left wall; the
Snout is resting on the left wall behind the staircase. Once you shoot
it, a platform with a breadbasket rises up from below you.
[6] MEMORIES [0600]
Memories are hidden items that unlock bits of Alice's past. They can be found
in the main game and are specified towards certain characters. Memories look
like glowing crystal objects.
| Chapter 1 |
+- The Library was a Firetrap -+
Found: Always Elevenses. Automatically rewarded to you after the cutscene
where Alice learns how to use Hysteria.
| Chapter 2 |
+- The Last One in the Library -+
Found: Naval Disaster. Found automatically when entering the white door at the
end of the jellyfish path.
| Chapter 3 |
+- Dinah Saved My Life -+
Found: Monastery Shelf Valley. You receive this Memory after going through the
door at the end of the first valley section.
| Chapter 4 |
+- Lizzie Hated Locked Rooms -+
Found: Waste Wing Part 2. Go through the white door at the very last room to
automatically recover this Memory.
| Chapter 5 |
+- Centaurs Don't Live in Oxford -+
Found: Off With Her Head Part 2. After the huge fight against the Dollgirls,
Menacing Ruin, and Bitch Babies, climb the mushroom springs to reach a
door; inspect it to get the Memory.
| Chapter 1 |
+- Slave to Memory -+
Found: Slug With a Shell. After defeating your first enemies, proceed down the
trail that opens up for you and you'll locate the Memory on the side of
the road.
+- Upsets to Ear & Eye -+
Found: Slug With a Shell. In this area, you are to avoid slime geysers. Use
the mushroom springs to jump over them and slay the enemies on the
platforms along the way. Before you step off onto the main trail,
continue around the circle of islands to find the Memory at the end.
+- Insects Eat Their Own -+
Found: Cranking Up & Pressing Down. In the room where you fight Eyepots and
Insidious Ruins while dodging multiple fist crushers. Shoot the red
switch with your Pepper Grinder, then proceed through the open gate on
the right side of the room to locate it.
| Chapter 2 |
+- Ship Sinks In Arctic -+
Found: Tundraful. This is in the same room as the second Snout, right after
receiving the Hobby Horse. Shoot the Snout with your Pepper Grinder to
reach the Memory.
+- Leaving One's Troubles -+
Found: Inky Veil. This spot is found in the clearing just before the annoying
Pressure Pad/red switch area. As soon as you see the gate close behind
you when entering, look immediately to the left to see the Memory in
plain sight.
+- Time Trumps Memory -+
Found: Oyster Garden: Beds Available. In the area with the fourth puzzle
block. Ignore the bouncy blue jellyfish and hop across the invisible
platforms and walkways. Destroy the coral wall to find the Memory.
| Chapter 3 |
+- The "Guy" on Fire -+
Found: Scorched Earth. As soon as you enter the village, stay near the right
side of the area to find a honeycomb wall. Destroy it to reach the
Memory inside.
+- Flush Away Pain -+
Found: Trunk. In the room with the unlimited amount of Drifting Ruins. After
activating the air pots, ride them towards the upper ledge. Before you
go any further, look down and to the right to spot a small ledge
between the two levels. Glide down there instead and go through the
keyhole for the Memory.
+- A Precious Lock -+
Found: West Peak Prison Village. Inside the canyon with the hanging cages.
After peppering Snout #10 (which opens the green door), proceed through
the now-open door for the Memory.
| Chapter 4 |
+- River of Forgetfulness -+
Found: Cardbridge. After going inside the house of cards, a door should open
up. Instead, walk down the trail to the left of the door and smash the
paper boxes in the corner. This reveals a small hole that takes you to
the Memory.
+- The Golden Mean -+
Found: Least Wing. This Memory is found at the end of the area, just before
entering the Chess Puzzle room. There is a landing to the left of the
exit door with a breakable wall on it: shoot it with your Teapot
Cannon, then place a bomb on the right Diamond platform to be able to
reach the Memory.
+- Season For All Things -+
Found: Dark of Heartness. After exiting the room with all the acidic green
bile, kill the enemies and search the room for a hidden keyhole. Slip
through to locate the Memory on the other side.
| Chapter 5 |
+- Defining a Leech -+
Found: Dolltown Cellar. After killing the Dollgirl and Insidious Ruins, you'll
be able to destroy several patches of black slime in the vicinity. Go
to the outer perimeter of the room (the pink-lit area) and destroy the
slime to reveal a keyhole. Go straight ahead to find the Memory.
+- A Creature's Purpose -+
Found: Frog's Way. In the room with the Drifting Ruins, defeat them all and
then shrink down: there's a hidden keyhole to the left of the "3" on
the wall. Once inside, walk behind the table to reach the Memory.
+- Each Child's Purpose -+
Found: Frog's Way. It is actually in the same building as the previous Memory,
but you must flip some levers in the vicinity. Once a mushroom spring
appears on the top floor, bounce into the nearby attic and recover the
+- Fix What's Broken -+
Found: Looking Glass Railway Station. After playing the note-playing mini-game
on the third floor of the dollhouse, an exit appears. First, enter the
side room and smash the gingerbread wall, then shrink down into the
keyhole to reach the Memory.
| Chapter 1 |
+- Intermingling of Species -+
Found: The Vale of Tears. This is the first Memory you locate in the game. As
soon as you enter Wonderland, start up the hill and it is in plain
+- Parental Palpitations -+
Found: The Vale of Tears. After jumping across the domino platforms, you'll
catch sight of a small child as he drops down from a ledge. Follow
after him and you will find the Memory along the way.
+- When What Reeks Can Kill -+
Found: The Vale of Tears. Use the first mushroom spring to shoot up to the
upper ledge. Before stepping on the next one up here, recover the
Memory behind the mushroom and near the keyhole.
+- Fun by Oneself Revealed -+
Found: The Vale of Tears. Inside the chamber with the blue mushroom spring,
before the area with the giant slide. Shrink down and you'll find a
drawing on the wall indicating the Memory.
+- Nearly an Indecency -+
Found: Hatter's Gate. Ride the first vent at the beginning of the region and
search the walkway for the Memory.
+- No Key to My Heart -+
Found: Hatter's Gate. Use your Shrink Sense to find some invisible platforms
that help your progression. Jump down on the platforms to reach an
island where you can continue your journey. Before stepping on the
island, stay on the invisible platform and enter the crack in the wall
to locate the Memory.
+- Rock of Gibralter -+
Found: Hatter's Gate. Not long after finding the Memory, "No Key to My Heart".
Turn the valve to make a vent appear, but ignore the vent and glide to
the left of the valve towards the large hole in the wall. Once inside,
kill the two Madcaps and claim the Memory.
+- Roast in Our Beds -+
Found: Always Elevenses. After receiving the Clockwork Bomb, use it to exit
the room and make your way down the passage. Ignore the platforms
hanging on the wall and stay on the ground to reach a keyhole; shrink
down and continue through to locate the Memory.
+- A Trip to Brighton -+
Found: Smelling and Regurgitating. Located inside the factory, inside the room
with the Eyepots, Insidious Ruins, and moving columns. It is on the
right side of the room inside a tiny alcove.
+- Cursing the Darkness -+
Found: Smelling and Regurgitating. The Memory is inside the room that you have
to freeze. After freezing the room, jump and float onto the frozen
cauldron in the corner of the room to find it.
+- Sleeping Birds Lie -+
Found: Cranking Up & Pressing Down. This Memory is inside the Dodo Miserarium,
near the exit. There should be an open cage on the side with the
Memory inside. It's pretty hard to miss if you look for the glow.
+- Lethal Smells -+
Found: Assemblage (or Destruction). After putting the Hatter back together,
you will end up in a new area with a Pig Snout and a Memory right in
front of you. Shoot the Snout to make a vent appear, then ride it up to
the Memory.
+- Tupper's Tragedy -+
Found: Assemblage (or Destruction). After defeating the waves of Insidious
Ruins using your Clockwork Bombs, Hatter gets the door open. Continue
through, and at the first corner, shrink down and enter the keyhole for
the Memory.
| Chapter 2 |
+- Photographic Memory -+
Found: Naval Disaster. After executing the Lost Soul, look to the left while
shrunk; jump over to the invisible islands to the small cliff. Destroy
the coral and grab the Memory from inside the clam before it snaps shut
on you.
+- Domestic Dustups -+
Found: Barrelbottom. On the left side of town, ascend the stairs and blow a
hole through the ground. Make your way through the tunnel and take out
the Lost Soul, then use the mushroom spring to reach the Memory resting
on a balcony.
+- Wisdom of the Ages -+
Found: Lost Souls Locker. After freeing the souls of the three sailors, head
through the gate next to the captain's grave. Shrink down and enter the
hidden keyhole to reach a giant pit. Use your Shrink Sense and traverse
across the series of invisible platforms to get to the Memory.
| Chapter 3 |
+- Smoking on the Sky -+
Found: Vale of Doom. After fighting a bunch of Drifting Ruins, start making
your way across the invisible platforms. Pass by the first vent and
continue up the platforms onto a ledge. There is a red switch across
the way that makes a couple vents appear when shot. Ride the vents over
to the Memory.
+- The Pathetic Sailor -+
Found: Scorched Earth. Just past Snout #3; head down the main trail to reach a
staircase, but don't ascend them just yet. Stay near the waterside and
follow the narrow strip of land (and some tiles) to a keyhole. Shrink
down inside to reach it.
+- One Night Light -+
Found: Scorched Earth. Upon entering the shrine, go to the left and smash the
honeycomb wall. Toss a Clockwork Bomb onto the Pressure Pad to lower an
elevator across from you. Stand on the elevator, then blow up the bomb
to activate it. You will rise up to a balcony containing the Memory.
+- Music Must Soothe -+
Found: Monastery Shelf Valley. After completing the musical note mini-game,
start going up the stairs. There is a honeycomb wall to the right of
the doorway that can be blasted open, which contains the Memory.
+- Naughty Times Two -+
Found: Trunk. Located on a paper fan that becomes accessible by peppering
Snout #9. It can be hard to reach because you have to cross several
invisible platforms; the platforms are difficult to see due to the
bright white backdrop.
+- A Desperate Plea -+
Found: Trunk. Inside the cavern with the fire-breathing statues, on the far
right side. Jump on top of the nearby statue's head to reach the ledge
containing the Memory. A Radula Room is directly behind it.
+- Suffer for Art's Sake -+
Found: Hellish Hive. After peppering Snout #11, use the floating tiles to get
over to the honeycomb wall. Destroy it and follow the twisting path
towards the Memory.
| Chapter 4 |
+- Incident at Waterloost -+
Found: Cardbridge. A few moving cards appear once you've peppered Snout #1,
near the area entrance. Ride the cards over to the Memory.
+- Taxidermy Forbidden -+
Found: Least Wing. After finding and shooting Snout #6, a secret opening will
appear. Float over to it and enter the keyhole to reach the Memory.
+- Gun or Sword -+
Found: Least Wing. After your first run-in with the Executioner, exit through
the keyhole and into a dark room. Walk to the back left corner of the
room to find a weakened part of the floor you can destroy. Just below
is a Memory you can recover.
+- Another Name For Prison -+
Found: Waste Wing Part 1. Found in the very first room. After peppering Snout
#8, go through the door that opens up to find the Memory alongside a
bunch of Teeth.
+- A Cry For Help -+
Found: Waste Wing Part 1. In the strange realm, when you reach an intersection
on your journey, go to the right. Ride the airlift and follow the
series of invisible platforms up to the Memory.
+- The Ladies Washroom -+
Found: Waste Wing Part 1. Found in the hidden keyhole just after collecting
Bottle #13. At the fork inside the keyhole, make a left and follow the
path to the Memory.
+- Slimy Like an Eel -+
Found: Dark of Heartness. Walk past the tongue slide to find a wall you can
destroy. Do so, then pick up the Memory.
| Chapter 5 |
+- One Life to Live -+
Found: Frog's Way. After shooting Snout #2, two openings appear at the top of
the area, and you can access them both via a mushroom spring and a
vent. While in the vent, float over to the platform on the right to
reach the Memory inside the room.
+- Bunch of Toadies -+
Found: Dolltown Cellar. Found inside the second chainlinked platform room. Put
a Clockwork Bomb on the one farthest away from you, then use the vent
to fly up to the raised platform. From up here, you can float over to a
balcony containing the Memory.
+- No Time for Tears -+
Found: Dollmaker's Workshop. Go down the hall to approach the entrance to the
workshop. Before heading up the stairs to the entrance, walk along to
the left and grab the nearby Memory.
+- Not a Toy! -+
Found: Dollmaker's Workshop. Once inside the Dollmaker's Workshop, proceed
through the first room while warding off the Insidious Ruins and
Drifting Ruins. When facing the flight of stairs, jump into the alcove
on the left and enter the keyhole to locate the Memory.
| Chapter 1 |
+- Spontaneous Combustion -+
Found: The Crockery. Use Shrink Sense to get across the invisible bridge near
the Hatter's Domain entrance sign. The Memory is right on the other end
of the bridge.
+- Reckless Obstinance -+
Found: Hatter's Gate. After shooting Snout #7 and collecting Bottle #9, go
inside the hole in the wall and immediately turn to the left. Shrink
down to find a hidden keyhole and go through to discover the Memory.
| Chapter 2 |
+- A Pitiful Waste -+
Found: Sliding Towards Oblivion. Before you start on the path leading to the
pirate ship, walk to the right and go 'round the corner to find Snout
#4. By shooting it, you will gain access to a keyhole with the Memory
through the other side.
| Chapter 3 |
+- Ode to Blistered Skin -+
Found: Vale of Doom. On the main path right before reaching the waterfall, use
the vent to get on top of the rock with the violet flower on it. Now
navigate across the invisible catwalk. At the end of the walkway, shoot
the destructable wall with your Teapot Cannon and float over to get it.
+- A Medical Opinion -+
Found: Scorched Earth. In the section of the village past the second fish
statue/chain. Walk to the left to find a pit and several invisible
platforms and shrink down. Before you jump on the platforms, you can
go inside a hidden keyhole next to the first platform. Inside the
keyhole is the Memory.
| Chapter 4 |
+- Cold Madame Defarge -+
Found: Waste Wing Part 1. After escaping from the Executioner for the first
time, you will slide down into a cave. Search the right side of the
cave for a hidden keyhole. Walk through and bomb the floor, then go
down the stairs to find the Memory.
| Chapter 5 |
+- A "Persuasive" Teacher -+
Found: Frog's Way. Two openings well, open up after you pepper Snout #2. Ride
up to the vent, then float over to the room on the left. There is a
keyhole in the back corner of the room that takes you to the Memory.
+- Soul of Practicality -+
Found: Frog's Way. After collecting Bottle #6, drop back down to the wooden
platform and float over to the nearby dollhouse. Bounce on the mushroom
spring to get onto the roof, then turn around to locate the Memory.
| Chapter 1 |
+- The Desire to Disappear -+
Found: The Vale of Tears. After gaining the ability to shrink in size, walk
over to the keyhole and pick up the Memory here before you shrink and
go inside.
+- Take Flight or Fight -+
Found: Slug With a Shell. After obtaining the Vorpal Blade, you can find this
Memory in the corner of the blood pool.
+- A Lonesome Child -+
Found: Hatter's Gate. After collecting the Memory, "Reckless Obstinance", go
down the hall and leap across the gap. Turn around and pepper Snout #8,
then use the newly-made vent to reach a keyhole containing the Memory.
+- Childish Things -+
Found: About Face. Collect the Umbrella and slay the Menacing Ruin, then turn
near the elevator and look over the edge of the platform to find a Pig
Snout. Shoot it to make an island containing the Memory appear.
| Chapter 2 |
+- Brittle Fish Scales -+
Found: Barrelbottom. On the path leading to the Dreary Lane Theatre, go behind
the building on the left and pepper Snout #9 to make a platform rise up
underneath the Memory. Now you can glide right over to the Memory and
take it.
+- Different Friends -+
Found: Lost Souls Locker. Inside the cemetery, pepper Snout #14 to reveal a
keyhole behind a tombstone. Go through the keyhole and recover the
Memory you find at the end.
| Chapter 3 |
+- A Life in Chains -+
Found: Scorched Earth. Go through the double doors after completing the slider
puzzle and walk to the edge of the cliff. Turn to the left to find a
keyhole near the bamboo and go inside to find the Memory on the other
| Chapter 4 |
+- No Painless Sacrifices -+
Found: Least Wing. Found in the hallway leading up to the Queen's castle.
Smash the breakable wall on the left of the hall to find the Memory.
+- Let Her Eat Cake! -+
Found: Labyrinthe Revenge. In the trail leading to the hedge garden maze is a
gazebo covered in sludge. Destroy it and look inside the gazebo to find
the Memory.
| Chapter 5 |
+- Beloved Toys -+
Found: Fort Resistance. Located inside the "A" house. Before going through the
main entrance, jump on the mushroom spring directly to the left to
reach the upper level. The Memory is up here.
+- Science vs. Quakery -+
Found: Dollgirl Pursuit. Before entering the room with the Dollgirl and the
other enemies, stay at the top of the stairs and face to the left. Jump
on the platform and go around the corner to find a keyhole. Head on
through and take the Memory that's found inside.
+- A Broken Mind -+
Found: Fort Resistance Delivered. Go inside Fort Resistance and look for a
keyhole underneath the set of stairs (more like a ramp). Shrink down
and continue through to reach the Memory.
| Chapter 1 |
+- Mock Turtle Soup -+
Found: Slug With a Shell. In the same area where you find the two Pig Snouts
and the third Bottle. Use the domino bridges left behind by the Snouts
to cross the area and find the Memory near the snow globe.
+- Paper Pile Ignites -+
Found: Smelling and Regurgitating. Inside the frozen room. Once you freeze the
room, climb onto the icy ledge on the right side of the room to find a
hidden keyhole. Once through to the other side, you will discover it.
| Chapter 2 |
+- Taste for Blue Ruin -+
Found: Tundraful. When you enter the room with the gargantuan fish monster
enclosed in ice, wipe out the enemies first and then look for a secret
keyhole to the right of the frozen fish. Going through leads you up to
a walkway at the top of the room, where the Memory lies.
+- Perfecting Practice -+
Found: Barrelbottom. After talking with the Carpenter, take the stairs on the
left and follow the hallway to a keyhole. Shrink down and squeeze
through to locate the Memory on the other side.
| Chapter 3 |
+- Oriental Artifacts -+
Found: Monastery Shelf Valley. At the geisha statue, make a left and jump over
to the violet flower. There is a secret keyhole you can search inside
if you use your Shrink Sense, with the Memory on the other side.
| Chapter 4 |
+- Pictures Tell All -+
Found: Least Wing. As soon as you enter the Queen's castle, walk forward and
approach the painting on the wall. The Memory can be found directly
next to the painting.
| Chapter 5 |
+- Cutlery and the Devil -+
Found: Fort Resistance. There is a hidden keyhole to the right of the entrance
to Frog's Way. Shrink down inside and destroy the weakened wall at the
end to enter a cellar. Look around inside for the Memory.
| Chapter 1 |
+- Industrious Suffering -+
Found: Cranking Up & Pressing Down. In the second room of the factory, break
the cluster of crates to find the Memory behind them.
| Chapter 2 |
+- Grotesque Headgear -+
Found: Naval Disaster. As soon as you gain control, walk over to the Mock
Turtle and continue past him. Destroying the piece of coral along the
wall reveals a keyhole that leads you to the Memory.
+- Macabre Speculation -+
Found: Choral Coral. After clearing the three pipes and pleasing the Bottle
Fish, head through the central door to reach an intersection. Take the
right path and grab the Memory at the dead end; be careful of the nasty
clam, though!
+- Brick Homes Do Burn -+
Found: Oyster Garden: Beds Available. After locating and shooting Snout #12,
continue along the jellyfish platforms until you land on one with a
flower on it. Straight ahead are a few invisible platforms that lead to
a secret keyhole. You'll end up on a cliff overlooking the previous
area and the Memory right at the edge.
| Chapter 3 |
+- Accidents Do Happen -+
Found: Vale of Doom. After receiving the Teapot Cannon and subsequently
vanquishing all the monsters, break down the glowing wall and proceed
forward. Head up the slope and inspect the hookah. Before going any
further, turn around and walk back down the ramp; a nearby wall begins
glowing, so destroy it to find the Memory behind it.

+- Aesthetic Opinion -+
Found: Scorched Earth. A series of platforms and tiles appear after peppering
Snout #3. Use them to reach a honeycomb wall and destroy it to locate
the Memory on the other side.
+- Marmoreal Memory -+
Found: Scroll of Happy Times. As soon as you complete the 2D mini-game. After
peppering Snout #6, float into the air pots and shrink down into the
keyhole towards the Memory.
+- Conflagration's Origin -+
Found: Monastery Shelf Valley. Past where you found the Nanny Memory,
"Oriental Artifacts". Go across the invisible platforms and pull the
chain to open up a new path. When you reach an intersection, make a
right to reach a dead end and the Memory.
| Chapter 4 |
+- Monarchical Doubts -+
Found: Least Wing. Found resting on the floating rock island where Snout #4 is
located. After peppering the Snout, float across the airlifts to the
island and the Memory.
+- Closed Caskets -+
Found: Waste Wing Part 1. In the first chainlinked area. After you pepper
Snout #9, a portion of the wall opens up. Use the Spade platforms to
reach this location and go inside the secret keyhole for the Memory.
| Chapter 5 |
+- An Executor's Duty -+
Found: Dollhouse Cellar. You can find Snout #5 at the bottom of the slide,
just above a diagram of a human brain. After you pepper the Pig Snout,
the diagram slides down to reveal a large doll head. Float over to it
and shrink down inside its mouth to collect the Memory.
+- Guilty and Innocent -+
Found: Dolltown Cellar. When you reach the room with the glass floor and the
inner workings underneath, walk across to the far end of the room. Hop
up on the ledge to the right to find a lever and pull it. Facing the
lever, jump onto the upper ledge to your right to find the Memory.
[7] RADULA ROOMS [0700]
Radula Rooms are secret chambers hidden inside giant snail shells. Inside, you
are confronted by the Cheshire Cat, who forces you to complete a task or
answer a riddle. Successful attempts lead to Alice receiving a Rose Paint;
collect four of these items to increase her maximum health.
| Chapter 2 |
+- Radula Room #1 -+
Found: Sliding Towards Oblivion. After going down the large slide and fighting
some enemies, the game directs you to the Radula Room. Inside, the
Cheshire Cat asks you a question:

Q: How is the Queen of Hearts like a typhoon?

Answer with the response, "In all ways -- but the typhoon doesn't mean
to be" to obtain a Rose Paint.
+- Radula Room #2 -+
Found: Barrelbottom. Smash the coral wall on the right side of the town square
and follow the stairs to end up below Barrelbottom. Straight ahead is
the Radula Room. In order to receive the Rose Paint, you must defeat a
large army (around 15) of Madcaps.
+- Radula Room #3 -+
Found: Choral Coral. After clearing up the three pipes, proceed through the
exit door and go left. Before you go through the doorway, break the
two coral walls on the right and climb across the invisible platforms
to reach the Radula Room. You must complete the HMS Gryphon mini-game
once again for the Rose Paint to be yours.
+- Radula Room #4 -+
Found: Barrelbottom Revisited. After battling the Colossal Ruin, break down
the glowing wall and activate your Shrink Sense. Enter the hidden
keyhole, then shoot the red switch to gain access to the Radula Room.
Inside, you must fight two waves of Eyepots and Menacing Ruins before
you can claim the Rose Paint as your prize (it's a lot harder than it
sounds, trust me!).
| Chapter 3 |
+- Radula Room #1 -+
Found: Vale of Doom. By peppering Snout #1, a gear will float down to your
position. Jump on and hop over to the keyhole, then go through. Use the
rocks and the invisible platforms to reach the Radula Room. Inside, the
Cheshire Cat provides you with another riddle:

Q: We welcome the arrival of a phantom at sunset, only to rue its
departure at sunrise. What is it?
Pick the response "Dreams" to successfully complete the riddle and get
a Rose Paint for your troubles.
+- Radula Room #2 -+
Found: Scroll of Happy Times. In the chamber after first encountering Samurai
Ink Wasps. A side tunnel with the Radula Room opens up after clearing
the room of enemies. Inside, you must survive against a single wave of
Bolterflies and Madcaps. Ridiculously easy.
+- Radula Room #3 -+
Found: Trunk. In the cave with the fire-breathing statues, directly behind the
Liddell Memory, "A Desperate Plea". In order to obtain the Rose Paint
inside this Radula Room, you must survive against Madcaps and Cannon
Crabs until the timer runs out. You don't have to kill a single enemy
if you don't want to; just run away until you are victorious.
+- Radula Room #4 -+
Found: West Peak Prison Village. Enter the tunnel created by the Origami Frog
and blast open the second honeycomb wall. Go through the tunnel and
search the right side for a keyhole near the Teeth. Head through to the
Radula Room. Play through another 2D mini-game to win the Rose Paint.
| Chapter 4 |
+- Radula Room #1 -+
Found: Least Wing. Stand in front of the heart door and look to the right for
a breakable wall. Destroy it and use the mushroom spring to reach the
Radula Room on a high ledge. Here, you must answer a riddle:

Q: What comes next in the sequence "1 3 4 7 11"?

Pick "18": if you add the first two numbers, you get the third. Add
the second and the third, and you get the fourth. Add the third and the
fourth, and you get the fifth. Continuing the trend, the sixth number
should be 18. The Rose Paint is yours after a successful attempt.
+- Radula Room #2 -+
Found: Waste Wing Part 1. In the area with the chainlinked platforms. After
pulling the lever to open the door, float back to the island where
you fought all the enemies. There are now two airlifts here, so ride
them over to the Radula Room. Inside, you must survive against Samurai
Wasps, Samurai Wasp Archers, and Eyepots.
+- Radula Room #3 -+
Found: Waste Wing Part 2. Right at the start of the area. When you see the
Infernal Train pass by, walk forwards a lil' bit and use the airlifts
in the left corner to reach the Radula Room. Several Drowned Sailors
and two Daimyo Wasps are your opponents, but you do not have to slay
them, but just withstand the time limit. This is also the easiest way
to unlock the "Cold Arms, Cold Heart" Achievement.
+- Radula Room #4 -+
Found: Dark of Heartness. After sliding down the tongue slide, search the left
end of the chamber for a hidden keyhole and go through. In this Radula
Room, you must replay the Giant Alice mini-game. The controls and your
goal are exactly the same: clear out the enemies, rip the tentacles out
from the ground, then destroy the tower.
| Chapter 5 |
+- Radula Room #1 -+
Found: Frog's Way. After shooting Snout #4, drop through the green door and
follow the path to a dollhouse. As you enter, a wall will lower and
reveal the Radula Room to you. The Cheshire Cat asks you a riddle and
you must correctly answer it.

Q: The one that uses it never knows that he's using it. What is it?

The answer is "Coffin", which is a pretty obvious answer considering
the other choices.
+- Radula Room #2 -+
Found: Dolltown Cellar. After slaying the Dollgirl and Insidious Ruins, you'll
be able to destroy several patches of black slime in the vicinity. Go
to the outer perimeter of the room (the pink-lit area) and destroy the
slime to reveal a keyhole. Go inside and to the right to reach the
Radula Room. Inside, you must kill waves of Card Guards, Armoured Card
Guards, and Ice Snarks to claim your prize.
+- Radula Room #3 -+
Found: Fort Resistance Delivered. After exiting the first dollhouse, follow
the moving platforms over to a Pressure Pad. There are some invisible
platforms past the switch that lead you to the Radula Room. Inside, you
must withstand a time limit while fighting Samurai Wasps, Samurai Ink
Wasps, and an Executioner. Since you cannot kill the aforementioned
monster, all you can do is run away until time runs out. I suggest
using Alice's dodge (Right Bumper) to keep your distance.
+- Radula Room #4 -+
Found: Looking Glass Railway Station. Once you're at the railway station, walk
to the right and across the invisible catwalk; doing so takes you to
the Radula Room. You must replay the doll head obstacle course mini-
game, with it being a bit tougher than the first. It's still easy and
straightforward: navigate the doll head through the obstacle course
and try not to die so much (it's not like dying has any consequences in
this game).
[8] BOTTLES [0800]
Bottles are just what they sound like: it's a glowing, floating bottle strewn
throughout the game's chapters and can be collected in Wonderland.
| Chapter 1 |
+- Bottle #1 -+
Found: Slug With a Shell. Near the large pit where you have to use your Float
ability. Float over to the mushroom spring and launch yourself to the
ledge directly above you to find it.
+- Bottle #2 -+
Found: Slug With a Shell. This Bottle is found in the same area as the first
one. Simply float over to the ledge on the opposite end of the area.
+- Bottle #3 -+
Found: Slug With a Shell. In the area where you find the second and third Pig
Snouts. Fall down into the pool and walk to the end of the area near
the waterfall. Shrink down and you'll spot a hidden keyhole on your
right with the Bottle inside.
+- Bottle #4 -+
Found: Slug With a Shell. After you first encounter Slithering Ruins, glide
over to the tiny floating island to make a mushroom spring appear.
Launch up to the platforms above you and shrink down to find another
hidden keyhole. The Bottle can be found inside.
+- Bottle #5 -+
Found: Slug With a Shell. In the railway entrance, after killing the monsters
and upgrading your weapons. Search the left side of the area (opposite
the railway sign) and step on the mushroom spring to reach the Bottle.
+- Bottle #6 -+
Found: The Crockery. There is a hidden keyhole next to the entrance sign to
the Hatter's Domain. Go through while shrunk to find the Bottle on the
other side.
+- Bottle #7 -+
Found: Hatter's Gate. Near the entrance to the region, shrink down to find
some invisible platform and leap across to reach the fifth Pig Snout.
Shoot it to make a vent appear, then ride the vent up to a platform
containing the Bottle.
+- Bottle #8 -+
Found: Hatter's Gate. Once inside the building, ignore the lever for now and
continue into the side room. Break all the boxes and stuff, then shrink
down into the keyhole. A Bottle is waiting for you on the other end.
+- Bottle #9 -+
Found: Hatter's Gate. After shooting the Snout #7, jump into the vent and fly
up to the platform, where the Bottle is waiting for you.
+- Bottle #10 -+
Found: Always Elevenses. Deep inside the building, you should find a Bottle
drawing above a semi-open gate with your Shrink Sense. Slip through the
opening to reach a large shaft with a column in the room's center.
While using Shrink Sense, jump across the invisible moving platforms to
reach the Bottle at the top of the pillar.
+- Bottle #11 -+
Found: About Face. Found inside the Hatter's chambers. Destroy the wall on the
right side of the room with a Clockwork Bomb to find the Bottle near
the Pressure Pad.
+- Bottle #12 -+
Found: Smelling and Regurgitating. In the room with the Eyepots, Insidious
Ruins, and moving columns (the same spot where you find the Liddell
Memory, "A Trip to Brighton"). It's on the left side of the room.
+- Bottle #13 -+
Found: Smelling and Regurgitating. After you freeze the room using the valve,
drop to the ground and look around underneath the main platform to
find Snout #10. Peppering the Snout gives you this Bottle.
+- Bottle #14 -+
Found: Smelling and Regurgitating. After exiting the silo, float over to the
checkered platform using the vents and take out all the monsters. Step
onto the platform jutting off to the side for the Bottle.
+- Bottle #15 -+
Found: Smelling and Regurgitating. Found inside the Dormouse's lair. Once you
have drained the lava from the lower level, go through the keyhole at
the far end of the room to find the Bottle inside.

+- Bottle #16 -+
Found: Cranking Up & Pressing Down. When you first encounter the fist
crushers, dodge the first two and cross over the gears. Get past the
third and look over the edge to the right. There is a keyhole down
below, and the Bottle is in there.
+- Bottle #17 -+
Found: Cranking Up & Pressing Down. Right inside the entrance of the Dodo
Miserarium. By targeting and peppering Snout #13, a Bottle will appear
on the left side of the room.
+- Bottle #18 -+
Found: Cranking Up & Pressing Down. Inside the March Hare's room, after
defeating the army of monsters, shoot the red switch to reveal a tiny
alcove with a lever. To the right of the lever is a wall you can bust
open with a Clockwork Bomb. Do so, then head through the keyhole for
the Bottle.
| Chapter 2 |
+- Bottle #1 -+
Found: Tundraful. As soon as you enter the area, turn around and shrink down
into the hidden keyhole near the mound of rocks. Walk through and you
will be brought to a dead end with the Bottle.
+- Bottle #2 -+
Found: Tundraful. Slay the Menacing Ruin and Insidious Ruins to make the Yeti
show up. Stay down on the ground and walk over to the frozen bird; to
the right is a patch of ice covering the wall (use Shrink Sense to find
the Bottle drawing nearby). Use a Clockwork Bomb to blow the ice apart
and reach the Bottle.
+- Bottle #3 -+
Found: Tundraful. Just past the room with the frozen fish monster is an
intersection. Go to the left first and break down the ice horse, then
bomb the floor to reach a Bottle lying at the bottom of a pit.
+- Bottle #4 -+
Found: Sliding Towards Oblivion. When you encounter the game's first Radula
Room, turn around and face the opposite direction to find an ice horse.
Break it with your Hobby Horse to reach the Bottle.
+- Bottle #5 -+
Found: Sliding Towards Oblivion. As you make your way towards the pirate ship,
you will go through an underground river via an invisible raft. As soon
as you enter the tunnel, jump off of the raft and collect the Bottle
on the left side.
+- Bottle #6 -+
Found: Naval Disaster. Once you reach the first geyser and get up to the high
ledge, take care of the Ice Snark and enter the tunnel on your right.
The keyhole at the end leads you to a Bottle.
+- Bottle #7 -+
Found: Naval Disaster. As you make your way through the tunnel and towards
Barrelbottom, shrink down and hug the left side of the tunnel to
eventually come across a hidden keyhole. Take it and you'll spill out
into a room with the Bottle and some treasure chests.
+- Bottle #8 -+
Found: Barrelbottom. Break the coral wall on the right side of town and
descend into the basement. Walk around on the left end to discover a
keyhole. The Bottle is right through the keyhole.
+- Bottle #9 -+
Found: Barrelbottom. At the spot where you are able to view the Dreary Lane
Theatre from a distance. Instead of moving towards the theatre, make a
hard left to enter a clam-filled room. A Bottle is lying right on top
of a clam, so be swift when claiming it.
+- Bottle #10 -+
Found: Barrelbottom. After the scene with the Carpenter inside the theatre,
search behind the random junk on the left side of the room to find the
Bottle tucked away.
+- Bottle #11 -+
Found: Inky Veil. On your way to the Octopus writer's second hiding spot, you
should come across a moving invisible platform (it's on the island just
before the mushroom spring. Hop onto the platform to be taken to a
+- Bottle #12 -+
Found: Inky Veil. Found near the second bottle-filled clearing (though the
octopus isn't inside any of 'em). Near the keyhole is a cliff and some
nearby invisible platforms. Ride them over to the Bottle floating out
in the distance.
+- Bottle #13 -+
Found: Choral Coral. There are some treasure chests in the corner of the
ledge where you entered the Music Fish's room. Drop down from this
ledge and turn around to see the chests, then destroy them to find the
Bottle tucked away behind them.
+- Bottle #14 -+
Found: Lost Souls Locker. Found in the crypt on the left. As you chase after
the soul, the Bottle is resting on a clam, not too far off the beaten
+- Bottle #15 -+
Found: Lost Souls Locker. Located inside the middle crypt, during your journey
with the glowing seahorse for the final soul. When you reach the second
Pressure Pad, throw a bomb on it and begin making your way across the
set of invisible platforms. You should be able to see the golden glow
of the Bottle; you can reach it by getting onto the platform with a "2"
on it and floating off to the right.
+- Bottle #16 -+
Found: Barrelbottom Revisited. Near the back (bloody) entrance to the theatre.
Pepper the invisible Pig Snout, Snout #15, to make a mushroom spring
appear. Jump on it to find the Bottle on a wooden balcony.
| Chapter 3 |
+- Bottle #1 -+
Found: Vale of Doom. When you reach your first vent, stay floating on it and
look around a bit. To the right of the moving rock (where you are
supposed to go) is a gear sticking out of a huge rock spire. Jump onto
the gear and take the Bottle.
+- Bottle #2 -+
Found: Vale of Doom. The Bottle is laying on a platform not too far from the
first Bottle you found, next to some snail shells. You have to jump on
this platform in order to continue, so there is no way you can miss it.
+- Bottle #3 -+
Found: Vale of Doom. Not long after finding the second Bottle, you will end up
at an intersection. Head to the left first and go under the archway to
locate the Bottle at a dead end.
+- Bottle #4 -+
Found: Vale of Doom. You should be on a small island with a tree on it. Slay
the Drifting Ruins, then look behind the tree to spot the Bottle on a
lower ledge.
+- Bottle #5 -+
Found: Vale of Doom. Right near the previous Bottle. From the tree, jump over
to the left and fly up the vent onto a gear. Hop across the gears to
reach the Bottle.
+- Bottle #6 -+
Found: Scorched Earth. When you reach the first fish statue and chain, ignore
it and continue along the path. Jump on the floating tile and ride it
over to the island, where you will find the Bottle hiding behind some
pots and boxes.
+- Bottle #7 -+
Found: Scorched Earth. After pulling the chain in the fish statue's mouth,
use the stone pillars and the air pot to get to the platform ahead.
Fall down to the island below. You can use the floating tiles to your
right to reach the far-away island, which contains another Bottle.
+- Bottle #8 -+
Found: Scorched Earth. After exiting the shrine, stay near the right side of
the trail to enter the bamboo forest. Shoot Snout #5 to make the Bottle
appear out of thin air.
+- Bottle #9 -+
Found: Scroll of Happy Times. Inside the cave, after going across the long
invisible catwalk. The Bottle is found right next to the fish statue.
+- Bottle #10 -+
Found: Monastery Shelf Valley. After defeating the army of Samurai Ink Wasps
and the Daimyo Wasp, proceed through the rotating doorway. As soon as
you exit out the other side, turn to the right to spot the Bottle in
the corner.
+- Bottle #11 -+
Found: Monastery Shelf Valley. Inside the small tunnel that leads to the lava
pool. There is a keyhole on the right side of the tunnel that will take
you to the Bottle.
+- Bottle #12 -+
Found: Monastery Shelf Valley. Make your way across the pool of lava and walk
past the first Pressure Pad on the ground to find a keyhole on an
adjacent island. Squeeze through to reach the Bottle.
+- Bottle #13 -+
Found: Monastery Shelf Valley. In the area just past the lava pool. Once you
reach the top of the dresser, walk forward and kill the enemies. Head
across the walkway and approach the flight of stairs. To the left is a
keyhole with a Bottle inside.
+- Bottle #14 -+
Found: Trunk. After crossing the paper fan area, drop down onto dry land and
immediately walk to the right to end up in a side tunnel. Go through
the keyhole to find the Bottle and you'll end up on a ledge overlooking
the trail.
+- Bottle #15 -+
Found: Trunk. After getting past the rotating flamethrower statue, jump up the
platforms to find a fish statue behind a honeycomb wall. Before you
yank the chain, look in the right-hand corner of the tiny room for the
+- Bottle #16 -+
Found: West Peak Prison Village. Inside the keyhole tunnel leading to the
third block. At the fork inside the keyhole, make a right to find the
+- Bottle #17 -+
Found: West Peak Prison Village. After slaying the enemies inside the frog's
chamber, jump over the rubble to the left of the central column and
enter the keyhole. The path leads up to a fish statue, and there is a
Bottle you can take along the way.
+- Bottle #18 -+
Found: West Peak Prison Village. Once the frog wakes up and blasts open a new
tunnel, go on in to find two honeycomb walls. Bash the one closest to
you and proceed through the keyhole to locate the Bottle.
| Chapter 4 |
+- Bottle #1 -+
Found: Cardbridge. Ride the moving Two of Clubs towards a portion of the card
bridge that bends to the left. Before you continue any further, use
your Shrink Sense to find a few invisible platforms. There is a Bottle
floating in the air, and you can use a rotating invisible catwalk to
reach it.
+- Bottle #2 -+
Found: Cardbridge. This is in the same area where you find the Bumby Memory,
"River of Forgetfulness". Instead of going inside the tiny hole that
leads you to the Memory, search behind one of the cards to your left
to spot the Bottle.
+- Bottle #3 -+
Found: Cardbridge. Found in the area with the switches and growing/shrinking
card platforms. After shooting Snout #3 next to the second Pressure
Pad, ride the moving card over to the Bottle.
+- Bottle #4 -+
Found: Least Wing. During the slide sequence, make sure to take the left path
when you reach the fork. As you slide off towards the house of cards,
make sure to first jump onto the upper ledge of the card house so you
can reach the Bottle.
+- Bottle #5 -+
Found: Least Wing. Found in the stone bridge area right after the slide. Take
either route to reach a circular island with Insidious Ruins. Once they
are taken care of, look towards the left path (opposite the mushroom
spring up ahead) and use the airlift to reach the raised section of the
bridge to find a Bottle.
+- Bottle #6 -+
Found: Least Wing. On the right side of the castle foyer, through the club-
shaped doorway. Destroy the weakened portion of the floor (the one on
the left side of the room) to discover the Bottle.
+- Bottle #7 -+
Found: Least Wing. When you are able to, cross over to the left side of the
castle foyer and jump up to the balcony. Continue into the next room
and destroy the weakened wall with your Teapot Cannon. Jump up to it to
find a Bottle. You basically have to pass through the breakable wall to
continue, so it's hard to miss.
+- Bottle #8 -+
Found: Least Wing. This can be found after encountering the Executioner for a
second time. Once the scene is over, immediately turn around to find it
right next to you.
+- Bottle #9 -+
Found: Waste Wing Part 1. Inside the cave after escaping from the Executioner.
At the end of the cave is a breakable wall that leads back inside the
castle. Instead of going through, look for another wall you can destroy
just to the right. Smash this one and head through for the Bottle.
+- Bottle #10 -+
Found: Waste Wing Part 1. In the area with the chainlink platforms, just after
you first encounter Armoured Card Guards. At the set of Spade
platforms, use the mushroom spring to bounce high into the air and
float over to the landing above the area entrance to reach the Bottle.
+- Bottle #11 -+
Found: Waste Wing Part 1. In the same area as the previous Bottle. When you
reach the Diamond platforms, destroy the weakened wall to the right of
the rightmost platform to find the Bottle inside.
+- Bottle #12 -+
Found: Waste Wing Part 1. After being dragged through the portal to the
strange realm by the Executioner. As soon as you emerge through the
portal, turn around and follow the catwalk to the Bottle.
+- Bottle #13 -+
Found: Waste Wing Part 1. At the intersection, go straight ahead and jump on
the three mushroom springs. At the third one, aim for the high ledge
instead of the floor. Once you land, jump and glide over to the next
ledge to collect the Bottle.
+- Bottle #14 -+
Found: Waste Wing Part 1. In the second area with chainlinked platforms. Once
you're at the pair of Heart platforms, cross over to the farthest one.
Throw a Clockwork Bomb onto the platform, then double back to the first
platform. It should be raised up and you should be able to reach the
Bottle up on the island here.
+- Bottle #15 -+
Found: Waste Wing Part 2. Near the beginning of the area. Just before you
reach the area with the two Card Guards, make a right instead of going
to the left. In the corner is a secret keyhole with a Bottle inside.
+- Bottle #16 -+
Found: Waste Wing Part 2. When standing on the central island in the room
with the chainlinked platforms, look to the left of the Pig Snout while
shrunk down. An invisible platform moves back and forth near a
breakable wall. Break the wall, then ride over to it. Proceed through
the keyhole for the Bottle.
+- Bottle #17 -+
Found: Labyrinthe Revenge. When you reach the series of invisible platforms,
jump across until you are standing on the one marked with a "3". Peer
towards the wall to find a breakable portion and shoot at it. Once
destroyed, jump through and take the Bottle.
+- Bottle #18 -+
Found: Labyrinthe Revenge. At the entrance to the hedge garden maze, make a
right and bomb the floor. Drop down inside and enter the keyhole to
locate the Bottle on the other end.
| Chapter 5 |
+- Bottle #1 -+
Found: Fort Resistance. At the beginning, ride up to the Pressure Pad and put
a bomb on it to shift the two platforms. Instead of taking the high
road to your next destination, float across the lower platforms on the
left to reach a small house. Go inside and search the bottom floor for
the Bottle.
+- Bottle #2 -+
Found: Fort Resistance. Found in the bedroom just past the "A" house (make a
right inside the keyhole intersection). The Bottle can be found between
the beds and across from the lever.
+- Bottle #3 -+
Found: Fort Resistance. There is a weakened wall in the area where you first
fight the Dollgirl; it's actually right next to the basement where you
emerged from just before. Smash it apart for the Bottle.
+- Bottle #4 -+
Found: Frog's Way. Found on the third floor of one of the houses. Use the
mushroom spring to bounce up to the second floor, then pull the lever.
When the wall turns, walk through the doorway and jump up the blocks on
the right to reach the third floor. You can reach the Bottle from up
+- Bottle #5 -+
Found: After claiming Bottle #4, go to the left and jump across the invisible
platforms. Ride the invisible elevator up to a Pressure Pad, then smash
the gingerbread wall nearby to find the Bottle.
+- Bottle #6 -+
Found: Frog's Way. After first encountering the Bitch Babies, glide over to
the lever and pull it, then float towards the mushroom spring. Spring
up to the house with an "8" on it and enter the back room to find the
Bottle in the corner.
+- Bottle #7 -+
Found: Frog's Way. Shoot Snout #4, then drop through the door and smash the
gingerbread floor. Follow the trail and bounce into the dollhouse
window to find the Bottle (in addition to a Radula Room).
+- Bottle #8 -+
Found: Dolltown Cellar. Avoid the first series of spike crushers to enter a
room with two stairs. Take the one on the left to descend to the
basement. Down here is a hidden keyhole with a Memory inside.
+- Bottle #9 -+
Found: Dolltown Cellar. In the room with the two Pressure Pads, put a bomb on
the right one and step on the left one. Run underneath the spikes and
through the two glass doors before they close on you. Pull the lever to
permanently open all the glass doors here. Return to the previous room
and go to the right to reach a Bottle.
+- Bottle #10 -+
Found: Dolltown Cellar. Down in the hallway inhabited by many Slithering
Ruins. The Bottle is found behind one of the many breakable walls, and
in particular, it is on the left side of the passage.
+- Bottle #11 -+
Found: Dolltown Cellar. Located inside the room with the glass floor that you
can go underneath. Once you are able to go underneath the floor, work
around the various hazards into the corner to get the Bottle.
+- Bottle #12 -+
Found: Dolltown Cellar. This Bottle appears right after you pepper Snout #6
after the second slide sequence. Step onto the island that appears and
take it.
+- Bottle #13 -+
Found: Fort Resistance Delivered. As you walk through the first dollhouse, you
will come to a large hole in the wall. Before you go outside, use your
Shrink Sense to find a hidden keyhole on the left (next to the mirror)
and head through to find the Bottle.
[9] EQUIPMENT [0900]
WEAPONS [0901]
| Vorpal Blade |
Alice's first weapon and often considered her signature tool, the Vorpal Blade
is swift and easy to wield. It will probably be your most used weapon through
the game, since it is powerful, fast, and elegant. Repeatedly tap X to string
together combos to help defeat your foes.
| Pepper Grinder |
Given to you by the Duchess in Chapter 1, the Pepper Grinder has several uses.
It's primarily used as a long-range weapon; you can enter Aiming Mode or lock
onto an enemy. It isn't particularly strong, but it's useful in targeting
enemies from afar. The one downside is that it can overheat if used for long
periods of time. You can also use the Pepper Grinder to activate switches and
pepper Pig Snouts.
| Hobby Horse |
The Hobby Horse is found in Chapter 2 and serves as Alice's strong weapon. It
is a heavy hammer that takes a lot of effort to swing, but it certainly packs
a punch. The Hobby Horse is best used on slower enemies; the weapon can also
be used to break weakened walls and other durable objects.
| Teapot Cannon |
The Teapot Cannon - found during Chapter 3 - is probably my favorite weapon in
the game. The weapon acts as a powerful cannon that shoots globs of hot tea at
its targets (it is arguably the strongest weapon in your arsenal, to boot).
You can hold down the Right Trigger to charge it up, resulting in a
catastrophic projectile blast. Like the Pepper Grinder, the Teapot Cannon can
overheat if you use it too much. You can also use it to destroy breakable
walls as a substitute to the Hobby Horse.
| Clockwork Bomb |
One of Alice's two sub-weapons, the Clockwork Bomb is mainly used to solve
puzzles and activate Pressure Pads. Press B to drop a White Rabbit bomb that
will detonate after several seconds (or you can manually detonate it by
pressing B again). Enemies will target these bombs in a fight and using them
as a diversion is also a great battle tactic.
| Umbrella |
This isn't really a weapon, but more of a defensive tool. When locked onto an
enemy (Left Trigger), you can press and hold A to have Alice shield herself.
Not only can the Umbrella protect Alice from some enemy attacks, but you can
also deflect projectiles back at their sender.
ITEMS [0902]
| Teeth |
Teeth are found high and low in Wonderland. They are received after defeating
enemies and are also stowed away in various breakable objects, but can also be
found out in the open in small clusters. Alice can use Teeth in order to
upgrade her four main weapons. White Teeth count as one unit while Gold Teeth
are worth five units.
| Roses |
Red roses help replenish Alice's health. You can normally find roses by
killing monsters in Wonderland, but some breakable objects will yield roses if
you are not at full health.
| Shrink Flowers |
Large flowers can be found in Wonderland and are generally pretty hard to
miss. If you shrink and stand inside the flower, it will wrap around Alice and
begin to heal her. Stay shrunk until you are completely healed, then let go to
receive a couple Teeth as a bonus. There are usually invisible platforms near
Shrink Flowers.
| Collectibles |
The game boasts many various collectibles and they are neatly tucked away into
various hiding spots throughout Wonderland. Memories unlock small snippets of
Alice's past, Pig Snouts can reveal hidden locations, Rose Paint can
ultimately increase Alice's maximum health and are found inside Radula Rooms,
and Bottles have no purpose in the game other than to help towards 100%
[10] ACHIEVEMENTS [1000]
Here are all the Achievements found in the game, in alphabetical order.
| 52 Pick-Up (20) |
Defeat 52 Card Guards
| Armed to the Teeth (30) |
Fully upgrade all weapons
| Beware of the Lagomorph (20) |
Kill 30 enemies with the Clockwork Bomb
| Brollyant (20) |
Kill 10 Bitch Babies with Deflection
| Calm In the Face of Death (30) |
While on your last Rose, kill 5 enemies without activating Hysteria
| Cold Arms, Cold Heart (30) |
Defeat the Drowned Sailor without taking any damage
| Dead Hatter (10) |
In American McGee's Alice, Complete Behind the Looking Glass
| Death by Darjeeling (10) |
Acquire the Teapot Cannon
| Dress-Ups (10) |
Equip a Different Domain Dress
| End of Innocence (10) |
Complete Vale of Tears
| Everything Fit To Remember (30) |
Find all Memories
| Eyes On the Size (10) |
Find the hidden Shrink Sense Decal
| Family Memories Fond and Faded (10) |
Find all Liddell Memories
| Full Recovery (50) |
In American McGee's Alice, Complete the Game
| Grandmaster (10) |
Complete a Chess Puzzle without failing
| Grim Folly (10) |
Complete Wonderland Chapter 2
| Grind 'em All! (10) |
Kill 5 Bolterflies in a row with the Pepper Grinder
| Ground Pork (10) |
Acquire the Pepper Grinder
| Hatter's Demise (10) |
Complete Wonderland Chapter 1
| Just Peachy (20) |
Collect all Peaches in the Scroll of Destiny
| Level-Headed (50) |
Finish the game using Hysteria only once
| Madness Begins (10) |
In American McGee's Alice, Complete Village of the Doomed
| Madness Prevails (80) |
Complete the game on Nightmare Difficulty
| More than a Mouthful (20) |
Fully upgrade a weapon
| Neighslayer (10) |
Hit 4 enemies With a single Hobby Horse Ground Smash
| No Happy Returns (10) |
Back to Wonderland
| No Quarter! No Mercy! (20) |
Defeat 100 Ruin enemies
| Nothing Like the Smell of Bacon (10) |
Pepper all Snouts in a chapter
| Out of the Woods (10) |
In American McGee's Alice, Complete Wonderland Woods
| Painting the Town Red (30) |
Complete all Radula Rooms
| Pulling Strings (30) |
Defeat the Dollmaker without taking any damage
| Royal Approach (10) |
In American McGee's Alice, Complete Queen of Heartsland
| Seasoned Campaigner (30) |
Pepper all Snouts in the game
| Ship of Fools (20) |
Complete HMS Gryphon without taking damage
| Shooting the Moon (10) |
Collect 4 jars of Rose Paint
| Skool-Leaver (10) |
In American McGee's Alice, Complete Fortress of Doors
| Snicker-Snack! (10) |
Acquire the Vorpal Blade
| Strange Hobby (10) |
Acquire the Hobby Horse
| Strike a Deal (10) |
Upgrade a weapon
| Tea Party (10) |
Destroy 10 Ruin Barriers
| That's Using Your Head (20) |
Complete Off With Her Head Part 2 in under 6 minutes
| The Beginning of the End (20) |
Complete Chapter 1 on Nightmare Difficulty
| The End of Daze (10) |
Complete Wonderland Chapter 5
| The Harder They Fall (10) |
Complete Wonderland Chapter 4
| The Imaginative Endure (50) |
Complete the game on Normal Difficulty
| The Persistent Flourish (75) |
Complete the game on Hard Difficulty
| The Strong Survive (25) |
Complete the game on Easy Difficulty
| Venting Frustration (10) |
Spend 7 minutes on steam vents
| Weapon Schizo (10) |
Hobby Horse to Vorpal Blade to Hobby Horse combo
| When Worlds Collide (10) |
Complete Wonderland Chapter 3
[11] THANKS/CREDITS [1100]
Of course, this guide couldn't have been made without some extra help. Here is
a shoutout to everyone who made this FAQ possible:
CJayC: For being an awesome host of an awesome site.
Eternal Czar Smapdi: For being the best co-author anyone could have, and for
being yourself.
FESBians: Because you're cool.
You: For reading this FAQ.
This document is copyright (c) DomZ Ninja 2011-2013.
This document may be found on the following sites:
* GameFAQs -
* GameSpot -
* IGN -
* Super Cheats -
* Neoseeker -
* HonestGamers -
The latest update of this document can always be found on GameFAQs.
Other sites may use this document, but only with my permission. If you see
this document on a website not listed above, please email me. Do not edit or
alter this document in any way. Do not steal anything from this document. Do
not host or distribute this document for profit. That is plagiarism, and it is
against the law.
If you have any questions, comments, or anything that you would like to add to
this guide, then feel free to email me. My email address is found at the top
of this guide. However, if you do email me, please include the name of the
game in the title. Lastly, thanks for reading and using this FAQ. If you like
this FAQ, then please recommend it to others by clicking the "recommend"
button at the top of the guide. :]
"Touchin' down, hit the ground, I'm breathing new air. Can I take this all in?
Can I take this all in?"
- Friendly Fires
Alice: Madness Returns: FAQ/Walkthrough by DomZ Ninja
Version: 1.0 | Last Updated: 2013-03-26 | View/Download Original File Hosted by
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