Formal Letter

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Key: formal letters/application/on behalf of students

June 19, 2011

[3-line gap]
The Principal
xxx, xxxx.
Subject: Prayer for (no. 122).
[3-line gap]
Dear Principal
With due reverence and humble submission we, the students of your college, beg to
draw your kind attention toward the fact that we have got no opportunity of getting together
(through + no. 110)/ (because of having no + no. 1122) to widen our bonhomie. So we
feel dire need to have your favor of (no. 122) so that we can widen our amenability and
acquire convenient knowledge.
In the above stated circumstances, we, therefore, pray and hope that your Honor
would be kind enough to take steps so that we can solve our caustic problem and oblige
Respectfully yours
Class: X, Roll: xx
On behalf of the students of
1. Arranging a picnic
2. Arranging a cricket match
3. Arranging a football match
4. Arranging a study tour
5. Arranging an education tour
6. Arranging an excursion
7. taging a cultural function
!. "ermission to stage a drama
#. "ublishing the college
1$. %ranting a half holiday
11. &stablishing an auditorium
12. etting up a canteen
13. etting up a library
14. etting up a laboratory
15. etting up a debating club
16. etting up a literary'&nglish club
17. etting up a common room
1!. etting up a sports room
1#. etting up a scout room
2$. etting up a hall room
21. etting up a book stall
22. etting up an information center
Key: formal letters/personal application
June19, 2011
The Principal
Dhaka College
Subject: Prayer for (a/b/c/d/e/f).
Dear Principal
With due reverence and humble submission I, the student of your college bearing roll no. 231 in
science group of class XI, beg to draw your kind attention toward the fact that (A/B/C/D/E/F).
Hence I am badly in need of your favor for (a/b/c/d/e/f).
In the above stated circumstances, I solicit and hope that your Excellency would benevolently be
considerate enough to take early steps for (a/b/c/d/e/f) and thus help me solve the dire problem
that I am confronted with.
Respectfully yours
Kazi Minarul Haque
Class: XI, Roll: 231
Dhaka College
a( allo)ing me a seat in the college hostel
b( changing an electi*e sub+ect. Allowing me to change the subject
c( changing group. Allowing me to change the group
d( issuing me a transfer certi,cate
e( granting me a full free studentship
f( helping me from the poor fund
A)I live in a very distant place from the college and attend classes by riding public buses. This
fatiguing journey often delays my attendance to the sessions and considerably impedes my
B & C) at the time of my admission in your college, I took science group/Biology as an elective subject but
now it seems very difcult to me. I have tried my best to cope up with the problem but it did not
work. Now I think it would hinder me to get a good result. Ergo, I want to take commerce group/
Computer Studies instead of science/Biology.
D) my father is a government employee who has been transferred from Dhaka to Chittagong.
Consequently, our family will shift there next month. I do not have any relatives living here whom I
can stay with. Furthermore, I do not have the capacity to bear the expenses of living in hostel.
E & F) my father is an insolvent government employee and only earning member of our large family.
I have two other brothers who also are students. As a result, in todays economic destitution it is really
arduous for my father to bear our educational expenses.

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