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Operating instructions
and interface description


2. November 2004
Software Ver 1.30

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File: Manual Englisch V1.30.doc

1 Transport, storage ..........................................................................................................................................3
2 Installation, setting up....................................................................................................................................3
3 Technical data .................................................................................................................................................3
3.1 Installed loads........................................................................................................................................................... 3
3.2 General ...................................................................................................................................................................... 3
3.3 Measurement cycle................................................................................................................................................... 3
3.4 Standard deviation.................................................................................................................................................... 4
3.4.1 Air temperature................................................................................................................................................ 4
3.4.2 Temperature differences.................................................................................................................................. 4
3.4.3 Dew point temperature..................................................................................................................................... 4
3.4.4 Relative humidity.............................................................................................................................................. 4
3.4.5 Atmospheric pressure...................................................................................................................................... 4
4 Maintenance.....................................................................................................................................................5
5 Indication of special operating conditions...................................................................................................5
6 Calibration........................................................................................................................................................5
6.1 Calibration of the barometer KLA30-P35................................................................................................................ 5
Command desciption of barometer KLA30 P35......................................................................................................... 5
Simple offset adjustment............................................................................................................................................. 6
Offset and span adjustment ........................................................................................................................................ 7
6.2 Calibration of the barometer KLA30-P (Serial Numbers 0001.. 0021)................................................................... 7
Simple offset adjustment............................................................................................................................................. 7
Offset and span adjustment ........................................................................................................................................ 7
6.3 Calibration of the thermometer................................................................................................................................ 7
6.4 Calibration of the dew-point temperature............................................................................................................... 8
7 Data format ......................................................................................................................................................8
7.1 General ...................................................................................................................................................................... 8
7.2 Data communication cable ...................................................................................................................................... 8
8 Command set...................................................................................................................................................9
8.1 Standard commands ................................................................................................................................................ 9
8.1.1 AQ, measured value query .............................................................................................................................. 9
8.1.2 AP, atmospheric pressure................................................................................................................................ 9
8.1.3 AT, temperature............................................................................................................................................... 9
8.1.4 AU, dew point temperature .............................................................................................................................. 9
8.1.5 AZ, set/read time............................................................................................................................................ 10
8.1.6 AI, identification.............................................................................................................................................. 10
8.1.7 AS, status request.......................................................................................................................................... 10
8.1.8 AA, send buffer again .................................................................................................................................... 10
8.1.9 AC, cleaning mirror ........................................................................................................................................ 10
8.1.10 AM, select measurement input ...................................................................................................................... 11
8.1.11 AD, measurement interval ............................................................................................................................. 11
8.1.12 AR, remote resetting...................................................................................................................................... 12
8.2 Commands for calibration ..................................................................................................................................... 12
8.2.1 AO, set offset calibration values .................................................................................................................... 12
8.2.2 AH, set correction factor calibration values.................................................................................................... 12
8.2.3 AE, write to EEPROM.................................................................................................................................... 12
8.2.4 AL, read calibration values............................................................................................................................. 12
8.3 Commands for addressed operation .................................................................................................................... 13
8.3.1 AG, set sensor address ................................................................................................................................. 14
8.3.2 AK, Kiss protocol............................................................................................................................................ 14
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1 Transport, storage
Storage temperature: 5C (41F) to 50C (104F).
Atmospheric humidity: 10 to 80% relative atmospheric humidity, noncondensing.
Atmospheric pressure: 800...1060 hPa (transport in aircraft only in pressurized cabin; if the lower and upper specified limits
of the atmospheric pressure are violated, recalibration is necessary).
Weight: 7.9 kg
Dimensions: width 450 mm, height 152 mm (19 inch standard housing, 3 height modules), depth 350 mm.
The instrument should remain connected to the power supply and switched on even when not in use.
2 Installation, setting up
Important: in order to measure the correct atmospheric pressure, the instrument must be positioned at the height at which
the pressure should be measured, connection of a hose is not sufficient! Reference point for the calibration is the height of
the instrument. The instrument must be set up horizontally.

If the dew-point sensor is operated via a hose, the fan must be switched to full power; to do this, short diode ZD1 (3.3 V) on
the board with the temperature inputs (KLA30 T4) by closing the soldering jumper LB1. If necessary, the fan can also be
switched over to continuous operation by closing the soldiering jumper LB2.
3 Technical data
3.1 Installed loads
Operating voltage: Selectable 200...250 V or 100...130 V, 50/60 Hz
Power consumption: Typically 3.8 VA, max: 10 VA
3.2 General
The specified accuracy is first reached after a warm-up time of min. 90 minutes. The instrument should always remain
switched on.

The specifications apply to a calibration interval of 12 months.
3.3 Measurement cycle
The measurement cycle is 5 minutes, measurement is always performed according to the following scheme:
Time Measurement
0:00...3:00 test of dew-point mirror, clean if necessary
3:00...3:40 fan on, adjust mirror system
3:40...4:50 measurement
4:50...4:52 evaluation, output new measured value/new measured value ready
4:52...5:00 wait until time x:x0 or x:x5
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3.4 Standard deviation
The standard deviation of the values sampled during the measurement time (70 s) is specified.
3.4.1 Air temperature
Resolution: 0.001 C
Measurement range: 15...25 C KLIMET A30-I: -100...+100 C
Accuracy: +/-0.05 K KLIMET A30-I: -20...+60 C +/- 0.08 K
-100...+100 C +/- 0.10 K

Standard deviation at constant temperature: <0.01 C

3.4.2 Temperature differences
Resolution: 0.001 C
Measurement range: +/- 10 K
Accuracy: +/-0.02 K

3.4.3 Dew point temperature
Resolution: 0.001 C
Measurement range: 0...17 C KLIMET A30-I: -60...+40 C
Accuracy: +/-0.05 K KLIMET A30-I: -20...+40 C +/- 0.15 K,
-60...+40 C +/- 0.25 K
3.4.4 Relative humidity
Calculated from the air temperature and dew-point temperature according to the formula:
RH = (100/(exp((a*T[1])/(b+T[1])-(a*T[5])/(b+T[5])))) [RH] = %

a = 17.368, b = 238.83, T[1] = air temperature (sensor 1), T[5] = dew-point temperature

Resolution: 0.01%
3.4.5 Atmospheric pressure
Resolution: 0.001 hPa

KLIMET A30 with barormeter BM35
Measurement range/ 600...1060 hPa +/-0.15 hPa (depending on the calibration, cross appropriate box)
Accuracy: 600...800 hPa +/-0.05 hPa
700...900 hPa +/-0.05 hPa
850...1060 hPa +/-0.05 hPa

KLIMET A30 with barometer KLA30-P35
Measurement range: 600...1060 hPa
Accuracy: +/-0.04 hPa

Measurement range: 600...1060 hPa
Accuracy: +/-0.1 hPa

Measurement range: 35...1060 hPa
Accuracy: +/-0.04 hPa
3.4.6 CO2 Content
Measurement range / Accuracy: 0...3000ppm/150ppm
Calibrated range: 200...1500ppm/50ppm
Resolution: 0.1 ppm

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4 Maintenance
The instrument and its sensors require no maintenance. The dew-point mirror is also maintained automatically and needs no
manual cleaning.
5 Indication of special operating conditions
The KLIMET A30 data message contains a status value which indicates certain malfunctions.
Several status messages can appear at the same time, the corresponding bits in the status byte are then added. Status
messages <16 can appear in normal operation. Status messages 16 are error messages and are intended to instruct the
user to check the instrument.
Status messages meaning
Q0 Normal measured value
Q1 "Old" measured value, the measured value has already been called up once
Q2 Mirror cleaning, dew point mirror has just been cleaned
Q4 Internal reference temperature unstable

Error message meaning
Q16 Fault mirror motor
Q32 Fault mirror illumination, LED faulty/too weak, (setting 12)
Q64 Fault compensation, thermometer for compensation faulty
Q128 EAROM checksum error

If error messages appear, the instrument must be returned to the manufacturer for checking or repair.
6 Calibration
The instrument should be calibrated once a year by a recognized testing facility. If the tolerances are exceeded, the
instrument can be readjusted using the software (function of the calibration values, see command "AL").

The internal clock must be set properly before the calibration to ensure that the correct calibration date is stored.

For each measured variable (except RH), an offset can be entered (command: "AO")
For each measured variable (except RH), the correction factor can be entered (command: "AH")

If an offset or correction factor is already active in the instrument, this will be taken into account in the entry.
If the correction factor is changed, the offset must also be corrected.

The internal correction is done after the following formula:

T(displayed) = T(measured) * correction factor + offset)

On completion of the adjustment, the calibration data must be saved with the command "AE".

6.1 Calibration of the barometer KLA30-P35
The calibration values AVW20 ... AVW35, AVW18 and AVW19 will not be used for barometer KLA30 P35. The calibration
values are stored in the plug-ins memory, therefore it is possible to change the barometers without a recalibration.
Important: Before calibration, the barometer KLA30 P35 must be powered on for at list 1 hour.
To calibrate the barometer, you must have direct access to the port KLA30 P35, to achieve this you put the KLIMET A30 in
transparent mode, by typing the command AX<cr>. Then the barometer port will be feed trough the KLIMET A30 allowing
direct access to internal commands of the barometer.
Command desciption of barometer KLA30 P35
97 MeteoBus address of the barometer (Default)
<Info> <Commend> <character 0> ... < character n>
ccc Checksum (must have 3 digits)
The "Frame" A97......ccc<cr> which surrounds the commands has a fixed format, there must always be a 2 digit address
and a 3 digit checksum. By switching off the checksum test, you might enter any 3 digits as the checksum.
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The most important commands
A97Eccc<cr> Write data to EEPROM
Write individual data to EEPROM.
A97L<Nr>ccc<cr> Read calibraton value
A97L20ccc<cr> Read calibration value 20
A97Rccc<cr> Remote reset
The software will wait in a loop, letting the watchdog reset circuit performing a hardware reset.
Example: A97Rccc<cr>
A97W<Nr.>:<EW>ccc<cr> Send adjustement value to barometer
The calibration value is stored in the RAM of the barometer. Attention: After successful adjustment, you must enter the
corresponding command, to copy the values to EEPROM.
Nr.: Number of the calibration value
EW: calibration value
A97W20:-0.10ccc<cr> calibration value [20] = -0.10
A97W21:1.009ccc<cr> calibration value [21] = 1.009
Simple offset adjustment
For this adjustment, a constant value EW[20] will be added to the measured air pressure. The offset is derived from a
calibrated reference cell.

= P
The value will be stored as EW[20].
Now the KLIMET A30 shows in column 2 the corrected air pressure P
and in column 1 the air pressure before correction.
The corrected air pressure must now be equal to the reverence cell.
If the values are corresponding, then the calibration values must be stored in EEPROM by invoking the command
By invoking the command A00Rccc<cr> the KLIMET A30 and also the barometer returns in normal operation.
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Offset and span adjustment
For an offset and span correction, min 2 measuring points are needed. By means of the linear regression the offset b and
the slope m (span) is calculated. To start calculation you need the uncorrected values P displayed in the first column.
The software calculates the corrected air pressure P
from the formula:
= m * P + b
The offset will be stored in AVW[20] die slope m (span) as AVW[21].

To double-check if the adjustment is correct a second measuring is needed.
If the values are corresponding, then the calibration values must be stored in EEPROM by invoking the command
By invoking the command A00Rccc<cr> the KLIMET A30 and also the Barometer returns in normal operation.

6.2 Calibration of the barometer KLA30-P (Serial Numbers 0001.. 0021)
The barometer must not be calibrated over the entire measurement range, but only over the range applicable to the intended
measurement location (usually 850...1060 hPa). After the calibration, the atmospheric pressure must never exceed or drop
below the selected range. If the barometer is transported in an aircraft, it must be kept in a pressurized cabin.

For calibration of the barometer, the measurement cycle can be accelerated: Enter commands "AVQ" (fast measurement
cycle) and "AD10" (10 s integration time) to output a measured value every 10 s.

Simple offset adjustment
For this adjustment, a constant value EW[19] will be added to the measured air pressure. The offset is derived from a
calibrated reference cell.

= P
The value will be stored as AVW[19].
Now the KLIMET A30 shows the corrected air pressure P
which must now be equal to the refence cell.
If the values are corresponding, then the calibration values must be stored in EEPROM by invoking the command AE<cr>.
By invoking the command AR<cr> the KLIMET A30 returns in normal operation.
Offset and span adjustment
For an offset and span correction, min 2 measuring points are needed. By means of the linear regression the offset b and
the slope m (span) is calculated.
The softare calculates the corrected air pressure P
from the formula:
= m * P + b
Before measuring the values must be reset EW[19] to 0.00 und EW[18] to 1.000 . Check the content of the memory by
command AL<cr>.
The offset will be stored in AVW[19] die slope m (span) as AVW[18].

To double-check if the adjustment is correct a second measuring is needed.
If the values are corresponding, then the calibration values must be stored in EEPROM by invoking the command AE<cr>.
By invoking the command AR<cr> the KLIMET A30 and also the Barometer returns in normal operation.

6.3 Calibration of the thermometer
For calibration of the thermometer the measurement cycle can be accelerated: Enter commands "AVQ" (faster
measurement cycle) and "AD60" (60 s integration time) to output a measured value every 60 s.
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6.4 Calibration of the dew-point temperature
It is essential to perform calibration of the dew-point sensor using the standard measurement procedure. The measurement
time is 70 s in this case. The built-in fan is switched on approx. 40 s before the measurement is started.
For this calibration, the sensor can be removed from the housing and placed in a test chamber or the air can be introduced
using a hose. If more than 1 m hose is attached, the air must be actively pumped through the system (throughput > 1
7 Data format
7.1 General
The data interchange between KLIMET A30 and a PC takes place via an RS232 interface.
The data are transferred in ASCII format.

Each command starts with the letter "A" and is closed with "CR" (carriage return, ASCII 13).
Any line feed characters (ASCII 10) are ignored.

All commands must be entered in UPPERCASE LETTERS.

Setting of the interface: 2400 baud, 8 bits, no parity.
7.2 Data communication cable
Pinout of the interface connector:

Pin signal signal direction
2 RXD from Computer to KLIMET A30
3 TXD from KLIMET A30 to Computer

Note: Use a Nullmodem cable for connection to a PC.

Nullmodem cable for PC with DB9 connector:

Nullmodem cable for PC with DB9 connector:

Klimet A30
5 PC
Klimet A30

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8 Command set
Command, PC to sensor
A <command> {parameter} "CR LF"
(The LF characters are optional, i.e. they will be ignored by the system).
8.1 Standard commands
8.1.1 AQ, measured value query
AQ KLIMET A30 sends a complete set of measured values to the PC

Example: Q<status><dd>.<mm>.<yy>,<hh>:<mm>:<ss>,<pressure>,<temperature>,<dew
point>,<rel. humidity>,<std dev. pressure>,<std dev. temperature>,std dev. dew
point>,<std dev. humidity>, "CR LF"

Example: Q0,14.3.96,11:40:00,952.023,23.934,15.433,89.53,0.045,0.003,0.010,0.035
Status: 0
Date: 14.3.96
Time: 11:40:00
Pressure: 952.023 hPa
Temperature: 23.934 C
Dew point: 15.433 C
Humidity: 89.53 %
Standard dev. pressure: 0.045 hPa
Standard dev. temperature: 0.003 K
Standard dev. dew point: 0.010 K
Standard dev. humidity: 0.035 %

Only the measured values selected with the command "AM" are outputted. (Default: as shown in example.)

8.1.2 AP, atmospheric pressure
AP output current atmospheric pressure

Example: P 951.344 = atmospheric pressure 951.344 hPa
8.1.3 AT, temperature
AT{sensor number} output current temperature

Example: T23.456 = temperature 23.456C
8.1.4 AU, dew point temperature
AU output current dew-point temperature

Example: U20.456 = dew point temperature 20.456C

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8.1.5 AZ, set/read time
Set KLIMET A30 clock

Example: AZ31.1.96, 12:31:5 = 31st Jan. 96, 12:31:05

- Four figures can be entered for the year if desired.
- Entry of the seconds is optional, without any entry the clock will be started with xx:xx:00.

AZ Read clock

Example: 31:1:96,12:31:50 = 31st Jan. 96, 12:31:05
8.1.6 AI, identification
AI KLIMET A30 sends an identification message to the PC.

Example: KLIMET A30, Ver 1.1, 00, SN 000002
Instrument, software version, address, serial number
8.1.7 AS, status request
AS KLIMET A30 sends a status message to the PC.

Example: Intervall: 0 s Setting of the interval (0 = off)
pwr on since 201 s Time since instrument switched on
last cleaning: 1.3.96, 14:45:00 Date and time of last mirror cleaning
cleaning intervall: 460 cycles Cleaning interval
8.1.8 AA, send buffer again
AA The complete content of the RS232 buffer will be sent again to the PC.
(This function may be used to measure off-line).
8.1.9 AC, cleaning mirror
AC In the next cycle a mirror cleaning is performed, the dew-point mirror is cleaned
automatically if dirty or at the latest after 5 days
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8.1.10 AM, select measurement input
AM{channel},{on/off} On/off switching of measurement inputs (1 = on, 0 = off)

Channel No Default Function
1 on temperature 1
2 on temperature 2
3 on temperature 3
4 on temperature 4
5 on dew point temperature
6 off internal compensation channel
7 on atmospheric pressure
8 on relative humidity
12 off differential measurement, sensor 1 - sensor 2
13 off differential measurement, sensor 1 - sensor 3
14 off differential measurement, sensor 1 - sensor 4
34 off differential measurement, sensor 3 - sensor 4

Example: AM1,1 temperature 1 on, AM8,0 humidity off

AM Request what channels are switched on: The instrument responds with:

Bit Value Function
0 1 temperature 1
1 2 temperature 2
2 4 temperature 3
3 8 temperature 4
4 16 dew point temperature
5 32 compensation channel(always on)
6 64 atmospheric pressure
7 128 relative humidity

Example: 255 inputs all inputs on

AM{no} Alternatively, the number of the attached temperature sensor can be entered.
Entry of the number of temperature sensors: 90 = no temperature sensor, 91 = 1 sensor

Example: AM93 scan 3 temperature sensors
8.1.11 AD, measurement interval
AD{measurement interval} Output of the data every xx seconds. Primarily of interest for adjustment and for
recording of the climate with a terminal program.
0: No interval, output only on request by PC
1: Measurement interval 1 second (i.e. as soon as a new measurement value is
available, = every 5 minutes)
With very short interval times, the data are not sent until new measurement data are
available. The minimum measurement time is 5 minutes.

If the interval selected is 300, 600, 900, 1200, 1800, 3600 or 7200 seconds (5, 10, 15,
20, 30, 60 or 120 Minutes) the output would be synchronized with the clock, i.e. Output
all 2 hours shortly before the full hour. On the other interval times the output will be
asynchrony, just after the expiration of the selected time.

Example: AD600 = switch to 10' interval.
The "query" data record is outputted every 10 minutes
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8.1.12 AR, remote resetting
AR The program remains in a wait loop until the watchdog circuit resets the entire hardware.

Example: KLIMET A30, Ver 1.0, 00, SN 000002
8.2 Commands for calibration
8.2.1 AO, set offset calibration values
AO{number of the channel},{calibration value}
Transfer calibration values to KLIMET A30.

Example: AO1,0.04567 calibration value 1 = 0.04567

Warning: As calibration values are first changed in RAM, they must be saved with the "AE" command to ensure the change
remains permanently stored.

If an offset has already been entered, this is taken into account. In other words, the new offset is added to the existing one.
8.2.2 AH, set correction factor calibration values
AH{number of the channel},{calibration value}
Transfer calibration values to KLIMET A30

Example: AH1,10001567 calibration value 1 = 1.0001567

Warning: As calibration values are first changed in RAM, they must be saved with the "AE" command to ensure the change
remains permanently stored.

If a correction factor has already been entered, this is taken into account. In other words, the new entry is multiplied by the
existing correction. Entry of the calibration value "0" deletes the correction, i.e. it is set to 1.0000.
8.2.3 AE, write to EEPROM
AE Copy calibration values from RAM to EEPROM, the copying operation lasts several
seconds and is documented on the screen.
8.2.4 AL, read calibration values
AL Read calibration values of KLIMET A30.

Meaning of the calibration values:
AVW1 Date of the last calibration

AVW6 Correction factor for temperature sensor 1 (the result is multiplied by this factor)
AVW7 Correction offset for temperature sensor 1 (added to the result)

AVW8 Correction factor for temperature sensor 2 (the result is multiplied by this factor)
AVW9 Correction offset for temperature sensor 2 (added to the result)

AVW10 Correction factor for temperature sensor 3 (the result is multiplied by this factor)
AVW11 Correction offset for temperature sensor 3 (added to the result)

AVW12 Correction factor for temperature sensor 4 (the result is multiplied by this factor)
AVW13 Correction offset for temperature sensor 4 (added to the result)

AVW14 Correction factor for dew point temperature (the result is multiplied by this factor)
AVW15 Correction offset for dew point temperature (added to the result)

AVW18 Correction factor for barometer (the result is multiplied by this factor)
AVW19 Correction offset for barometer (added to the result)

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AVW37 Correction factor for differential temperature measurement 1-2 (the result is multiplied by this factor)
AVW38 Correction offset for differential temperature measurement 1-2 (added to the result)

AVW39 Correction factor for differential temperature measurement 1-3 (the result is multiplied by this factor)
AVW40 Correction offset for differential temperature measurement 1-3 (added to the result)

AVW41 Correction factor for differential temperature measurement 1-4 (the result is multiplied by this factor)
AVW42 Correction offset for differential temperature measurement 1-4 (added to the result)

AVW43 Correction factor for differential temperature measurement 3-4 (the result is multiplied by this factor)
AVW44 Correction offset for differential temperature measurement 3-4 (added to the result)

AVW50 Measuring interval fast, if AVW50 is bigger then 0 the instrument is started just after powering on.

AVW51 Default value for choosing the measuring inputs (AM1..8) Default is 224

AVW52 Default value for choosing differential measuring (AM1..8) Default is 00

8.3 Commands for addressed operation

<M><sensor address><data><checksum> "CR LF"

<M> Designates the type of measured value:

P: atmospheric pressure, T: temperature, U: dew point, F: rel. humidity
Q: PTUF combined (depending on preselection of measurement channels

<sensor address>: <10's><1's> (01...99: free sensor addresses)

<data> informative data

<checksum> <100's><10's><1's>

sum of all character values modulo 1000

As the "frame" ("M"<sensor address><checksum>) in which the information is packaged has a fixed data format, 2
characters are always sent for the sensor address and 3 characters for the checksum.

Data format in addressing mode

"A"<sensor address><command> {parameter}<checksum> "CR LF"

<sensor address> <10's><1's>

<command> <command>

{parameter} {number or character, depending on command}

<checksum> <100's><10's><1's>

sum of all character values modulo 1000

Sensor address 00: All sensors are addressed with address 00
01...99: Free sensor addresses

Instruments with address 00 are addressed by all addresses.
If address 00 is selected, the checksum is ignored.

As the "frame" ("A"<sensor address><checksum>) in which the information is packaged has a fixed data format, 2
characters must always be sent for the sensor address and 3 characters for the checksum.
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8.3.1 AG, set sensor address
AG{sensor address} Set new sensor address and switch on addressing mode.

The addressing and checksum is normally "bypassed" thus making the interface somewhat simpler (so-called Kiss mode
(Keep It Simple and Stupid), The Kiss mode is activated by switching on the instrument or by entry of A00Kxxx.

The addressing mode is activated as soon as a valid address is entered.

Example: AG23 = New sensor address 23
AG00 = General sensor address, instrument responds to all addresses.
8.3.2 AK, Kiss protocol
A{sensor address}K{checksum} Selection of the Kiss protocol, deactivates the addressing as well as the generation and
testing of the checksum.

Example: A00K236 (this command must always be sent with address and checksum: A00K236)

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