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Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others:
1. A. advertise B. addition C. adventure D. advantage
2. A. clear B. break C. dearIy D. hear
3. A. church B. chemical C. choice D.cheaper
Choose the word whose main stress pattem is not the same as that of the others:
4. A. element . B. vacancy C. undergrowth D. ancestry
. A. preservation B. environment C. accessible D. conventional
Choose the word or phrase (A. B. C or D) that best fits the blank space in each sentence:
!. "e haven#t seen each other $$$$ we met at %eter#s party. &A. 'or B. be'ore C. during D. since(
7. )e has been absent $$$$$$$ so many classes this month. &A. 'rom B. at C. 'or D. on(
*. +here is an old +, set $$$$$$$$ the corner o' the house. &A. in B. at C. on D. below(
-. +hey all do it $$$$$$$$ save the environment. &A. in order B. so to C. so as to D. in order 'or(
./. $$ 0ew 1ear2 ,ietnamese people always have big celebrations. &A. In B. At C. 3n D.
... +his drug can only be obtained I' you have a doctor#s $$$$$$$
A. license B. permission C. prescription D. order
.2. +hey visited the university $$$$$$$ the 'ormer president used to learn.
A. who B. which C. when D. where
.3. 5aser treatment does well when the cell can be $$$$$$$ attacked.
A. direct B. directly C. directionally D. indirect
.4. It was a matter o'$$$$$$$ when people travelled on the le't in ancient 6ngland.
A. convenient B. inconvenience C. convenience D. conveniences
.. I' I $$$$$$ him yesterday2 I would have to come back tomorrow.
A. hadn#t met B. didn#t meet C. met D. have met
.!. +he laser is used in a lot o' $$$$$$$ as a power'ul treatment
A. surgical B. surgery C. surgically D. surgeons
.7. 8moking cigarettes o'ten $$$$$$ a loss o' appetite.
A. succeeds in B. results in C. carres out D. brings up
.*. +om is $$$$$$$ among the boys in the class.
A. the taller B. the tallest C. taller D. tallest
.-. +he students are $$$$$$$ In working out the solution.
A. absorbent B. absorbing C. absorption D. absorbed
2/. I want to know the truth2 but he always tried to $$$$$$$ answering my 9uestions.
A. avoid B. stop C. keep D. hesitate
2.. +he collector $$$$$$$ his set by the end o' the year.
A. will complete. B. has completed C. will have completed D. will be completing
22. ,ietnamese women are no longer $$$$$$$ people in the modern society.
A. dependent B. independent C. dependable D. depending
23. It is no use $$$$$$$ this lotion. It won#t work.
A. about trying B. to try C. to trying D. trying
24. +he students were made $$$$$$$ harder 'or the ne:t e:am.
A. work B. working C. to work D. worked
2. 8he en;oys $$$$$$$ stamps 'rom all over the world.
A. collect B. collected C. collecting D. to collect
2635. Choose the word or phrase (A. B. C or 0) that best fits the blank space in the
following passage:
I' you are &2!(<. to someone#s house 'or dinner in the =nited 8tates2 you &27(<.. bring a gi't2
such as a bunch o' 'lowers or a bo: o' chocolates. I' you give your host a wrapped gi't2 he>she
may open it &2*( < 3pening a present in 'ront o' the gi't?giver is &2-( <polite. It shows that
the host is &3/(<.. about receiving the gi't and wants to show his>her appreciation to you &3.( .
6ven i' the host doesn#t like it2 he>she will tell a @white lie# and say &32( <<they like the gi't to
prevent the guest &33(<<< 'eeling bad. I' your host asks you to arrive at a particular time2 you
should not arrive &34(<<.. . on time or. earlier than the e:pected time2 because this is
considered to be potentially inconvenient and &3(<<.. rude2 as the host may not be ready.
2!. A. invited B. o''ered C. sent D. called
27. A. would B. should C. will D. shall
2*. A. behind B. below C. be'ore D. beneath
2-. A. supposed B. considered C. thought D. regarded
3/. A. keen B. e:cited . C. interested D. 'ascinated
3.. A. right in 'ront B.right immediately C. right away D. right now
32. A. how a lot long C. how o'ten D. )ow much
33. A. at B.about C. 'rom D. away
34. A. e:actly B. appro:imately C. even D. rightly
3. A. however B . there'ore C. but D. besides
ead the passac below carefully and choose the correct answer A! B! C! or D:
Aany years ago2 people o'ten said A woman#s place is in the home.B But Americans do not 'eel
that way any more. +oday2 women make up about 43 per cent o' the America labor 'orce. +here
are about 4 million working women in the =nited 8tates2 and a large number o' them are married
women with children. In .-*/2 'or the 'irst time in the nation#s history there were more working
wives than household wives. 5ooking back to .-4/2 we can see a picture o' some very rapid
change. In .-4/2 only . per cent o' married women held ;obs.
+oday2 most young women choose to work even when they have young children. "hy do they
workC +he most important reason is that they need to earn money. But another reason is that
women today are better educated and they have more opportunities to work in various
pro'essions than women had earlier.
36. What does this passage mainly discuss?
A. "omen and ;obs in America
B. "ell educated women in America
C. Aore women than men in the labor 'orce
D. +he number o' women who work outside the home
37. According to the passage2 what is the percentage o' men in the labor 'orceC
A. * per cent B. 7 per cent C. 4 per cent D. 43 per cent
38. Which of the following is NO t!ue" acco!ding to the passage?
A. "omen work because they want to make their own living.
B. "omen play an important role in the labor 'orce now.
C. +he ma;ority o' working women are single.
D. "omen have better schooling nowadays.
3#. he wo!d !apid in line 5 is nea!est in meaning to $$$$$$
A. signi'icant B. valid C. 9uick D. slow
%&. What can 'e infe!!ed f!om the passage?
A. "omen need money more than education.
B. 1oung women do not get married in order to have ;obs.
C. "omen can work in many di''erent 'ields.
D. +he best place 'or women is in the home.
%( %3. Complete the sentence by choosing A. B! C! or D:
%(. )!. *o'e!t is a noted chemist $$$$$$
A. but he teaches very good in addition
B. however he teaches very good also
C. and too a very e''icient teacher
D. as well as an e''ective teacher
%2. +e has !ecei,ed se,e!al schola!ships $$$$$$
A. as resulting o' his ability in the art and the academy
B. 'or both his academic ability as well as his artistic
C. not only because o' his artistic but his academic ability
D. because o' his academic and artistic ability
%3. he facilities of the olde! hospital $$$$$$
A. is as good or better than the new hospital
B. are as good or better that the new hospital
C. are as good as or better than those o' the new hospital
D. are as good as or better than the new hospital
Choose the answe! -." /. C" o! 01 that is nea!est in meaning to the sentence p!inted
%%. 2n o!de! to ha,e good health" people do e3e!cise !egula!ly.
A. %eople do e:ercise regularly when their health is good.
B. %eople do e:ercise regularly because their health is good.
C. Doing e:ercise regularly does nothing to people#s good health.
D. %eople do e:ercise regularly so that they can improve their health.
%5. +e didn4t pay attention to what 2 said.
A. )e didn#t hear me when I said to him.
B. )e took no notice o' my words.
C. )e had no intention to talk to me.
D. )e took my advice.
%6. 5he feels 'ad when she stays up late.
A. 4eeling bad2 she stays. up late.
B. 8he is bad to stay up late.
C. 8taying up late is her bad habit.
D. 8he is not used to staying up late.
Choose the underlined word or phrase (A. B, C or D) that needs correcting:
47. 3ne o' the weaknesses in 6nglish is that it is not pronounced the way it is written.
4*. In the 'irst meeting2 a headmaster brie'ly introduced me to the school#s teaching sta''.
4-. +he girl who comes 'rom a rich 'amily can#t seem getting accustomed to eating in the
/. +he breakup o' bird 'lu did great damage to our agriculture.
65 2
Choose the word or phrase (A. B. C or D) that best fts
the blank space
(7 A. teacher B. money C. return D. ruler
27 A.heat B. seat C. great D. meat
37 "e are made ................... all the cleaning in the house.
A. to do B. do C. doing D. done
%7 I ....................... television a lot but I donDt any more.
A. was watching B. was used to watch
C. used to watch D. have been watching
57 )e ............... to 0ew 1ork three times this year.
A. had been B. was C. is D. has been
67 I remember ............. you somewhere be'ore.
A. meet B. meeting C. met D. to meet
87 0o one knows how many documents ..................... been lost.
A. has B. had C. have D. has had
87 I' energy .................... unlimited2 many things in the world would be di''erent.
A. is B. will be C. were D. would be
#7 Ar. Brown has .................... many patients .................... he is always busy.
A. too>that B. very>until C. such>that D. so>that
(&7 +he children2 ............... parents work late2 are taken home by bus.
A. that B. whom C. whose D. their
((7 8he doesnDt understand ................. I am saying.
A. what B. that C. whose D. where
(27 )e wanted to know the reason ............... I was late.
A. as B. 'or C. why D. because
(37 "e have to start early .............................. we wonDt be late.
A. so that B. that C. because D. because o'
(%7 +he place .................... we spent our holiday was really beauti'ul.
A. what B. who C. where D. which
(57 It .................. me two hours to get home because o' the tra''ic ;am yesterday.
A. take B. spends C. took D. spent
(67 +here are small .................... between British and American 6nglish.
A. di''erences B. di''erent C. di''erence D. di''erently
(87 8ome species o' rare animals are in .................... o' e:tinction.
A. danger B. dangerous C. dangerously D. endanger
(87 "e are .................... o' the long ;ourney.
A. tire B. tiring C. tired D. to tire
(#7 8ara speaks so .................... that I canDt understand her.
A. 'ast B. 'astly C. 'aster D. 'astest
2&7 "ould you mind .................... me a hand with this bagC
A. give B. giving C. to give D. to giving
2(7 ...................... is 3:'ord 'rom CambridgeC
A. )ow long B. )ow 'ar C. )ow long away D. )ow o'ten
227 I#m only interesting in what he did.
237 "e came late ..................... . A. because o' the bad weather
B. because the bad weather
C. because o' the badly weather D. because the badly weather
2%7 2 didn9t ha,e an um'!ella with me" so 2 got wet.
A. I' I had had an umbrella2 I wouldnDt get wet.
B. I' I had had an umbrella2 I would get wet.
C. I' I had had an umbrella2 I wouldnDt have got wet.
D. I' I had had an umbrella2 I would have got wet.
25E :ane is a 'ette! coo; than 0aisy.
A. Daisy canDt cook as good as Fane. B. Daisy isnDt a cook as good as Fane.
C. Daisy can cook as badly as Fane. D. Daisy canDt cook as well as Fane.
267 A. churches B. chairman C. chemist D. changes
287 I am worried ............. taking my 'inal e:am.
A. that B. o' C. to D. about
287 Basketball has become increasingly popular 'rom .*-..
29: The prole! is di""icult to sol#e.
A. It is di''icult problem to solve. B. It is a problem di''icult solve.
C. It is di''icult to solve the problem. D. It is di''icult solve the problem.
he <o!ean education system 'asically consists of p!ima!y schools" -3&1..... schools" high
schools" and colleges -3(1...... uni,e!sities" with g!aduate cou!ses leading to =h.0.deg!ees
-321...... education is compulso!y fo! child!en aged si3 -331...... ele,en. he 'asic p!ima!y
school cu!!iculum is gene!ally di,ided into eight -3%1...... 7 the <o!ean language" social
science" -351...... " ethics" physical education" music and fine a!ts. 5tudents in seconda!y
schools a!e !e>ui!ed to ta;e a num'e! -361...... additional su'?ects" such as 6nglish" and
can ta;e electi,es" -381...... as technical o! ,ocational cou!ses. .fte!wa!ds" students can
-381...... 'etween gene!al education and ,ocational high schools. -3#1...... gene!al" high
school tends to 'e st!ict" as college and uni,e!sity admission is ,e!y competiti,e.
3&7 A. second B. secondary C. among D. hal'
3(7 A. as B. or C. but D. so
327 A. %rimary B. )igh C. College D. =niversity
337 A. 'rom B. 'or C. with D. to
3%7 A. sub;ects B. courses C. topics D. titles
357 A. mathematician B. mathematics C. mathematically D. mathematical 367
A. o' B. with C. 'or D. to
387 A. so B. such C. like D. alike
387 A. choose B. test C. wish D. consist
3#7 A. 3n B. In C. 3' D. 4or
%&7 I was listening to the radio last night when the door bell rings.
%(7 8usan is looking 'or something .................... .
A. eat B. to eating C. to eat D. eating
%27 "e need more sugar. +here is .................. sugar in the pot.
A. much B. many C. any D. little
%37 "e had better to review this chapter care'ully.
%%7 Ay 'ather is a ....................... . )e works in a garage.
A. 'armer B. mechanic C. teacher D. doctor
%57 DonDt............ the door. +he paint is still wet.
A. touch B. leave C. keep o'' D. watch
Da"id #empleman Adams is an e$plorer and ad"enturer. %n April &'()! he walked through
northern Canada to the *orth +ole. #e walked )00 kilometres in ,, days. #e was ,- years
old when he did it. Da"id was the first person to walk to the *orth +ole $ hi!sel". .ther
people tra"elled to the *orth +ole before Da"id but they had a sled and a dog team. Da"id
didn/t ha"e a dog team. Da"id
was a bra"e man to go on this ad"enture on his own. #e was also a lucky man because
the bear and the icy water didn/t kill him.
)0: %hich o" the "ollowing est e&presses the !ain idea o" the passage '
A. David drove to the 0orth %ole. B. 0o one travelled to the 0orth %ole be'ore David.
C. David was the 'irst person to walk to the 0orth %ole alone.
D. It was very cold in the 0orth %ole.
%87 Da#id tra#elled to the (orth )ole with..................... .
A. a group o' people B. a dog team C. another person D. nobody
%87 %hich o" the "ollowing is *.1 true'
A. )e was killed by the bear. B. )e walked to the 0orth %ole alone.
C. )e walked 4// kilometres.
D. )e was 27 years old when he travelled to the 0orth %ole.
%#7 The phrase *by himself* can e replaced $ .................. .
A. alone B. success'ully C. with other people D. on 'oot
5&7 "hich o' the 'ollowing is the best title o' the passageC
A. A +uc,$ -an B. A %al, to the (orth )ole C. %ithout a Dog Tea! D. .c$ %ater
@Ac ;B CoDn ,En sau ,F chAn phGHng In CJng Kng ,Li - . hoMc /"C"0 1
The worl/s "irst was shown in 1091 $ two 2rench rothers. Although it onl$ (1) 333 o" short, si!ple
scenes,people lo#ed it, and "il!s ha#e een popular e#er since. The "irst "il!s were silent, with titles on the
screen to e&plain the stor$. 4oon the pulic had (2) 3333 "a#ourite actors and actresses and, in this wa$, the
"irst "il! stars appeared. .n 1927, the "irst 5 tal,ie6 a "il! with sound, was shown and "or! then on, the pulic
would onl$ accept this ,ind o" "il!. 2urther i!pro#e!ents continued, particularl$ in A!erica,(7) 33333333
!ost o" the world/s "il!s were produced. %ith the arri#al o" tele#ision in the 1918s, (9) 3333333 peope went
to see "il!s, ut in recent $ears cine!a audiences ha#e grown again. -ore countries ha#e stared to
produce "il!s that in"luence "il! !a,ing and there are currentl$ (1) 33333333 national "il! industries.
CNu (E a. consisted b. considered c. held d. belonged
CNu 2E a. his b. your c. their d. our
CNu 3E a. when b. who c. which d. where
CNu %E a. each b. other c. any d. 'ewer
CNu 5E a. lots b. many c. plenty d. much
ChAn tO -Kng , Li . , F /"C"01 cP phQn gDch chNn CGRc phIt Nm ;hIc
CNu 6E a. chair b. child c. cheap d. chemist
CNu 8E a. business b. shut c. summer d. sunrise
CNu 8E a. women b. movie c. lose d. prove
CNu #E a. sign b. li't c. light d. might
CNu(&Ea. chosen b. golden c. cover d. grove
ChAn cSmTtO thUch hRp -Kng ,Li . hoEc /"C"01 CV hoFn thFnh mWi cNu sau .
CNu((E a. 8he has worked as a secetary $$$$$$$$ she graduated 'orm college.
a. since b. while c. be'ore d. until
CNu(2E )e is learning 6nglish $$$$$$$$$$ he can study in 6ngland.
a. so as b. so as to c. so that d. in order that
CNu (3E 6nglish $$$$$$$$ in many parts o' the world.
a. speaks b. was spoken c. is speaking d. is spoken
CNu (%E )er car has broken down $$$$$$$$$ isto walk to the nearest telephone
a. whatever she does b. that she can do now
c. all she can so now d. the thing which she#s doing now
CNu (5E )e has really worked hard so 'ar2 $$$ heC a. does b. has c. doesn#t d. hasn#t
CNu (6E 8he 'ailed the test2$$$$$$$$ she studied hard.
a. despite b. as though c. although d. as
CNu (8E 1ou will have to work hard i' you want to $$$$$$$$$.
a. success b. succeed c. success'ul d. success'ully
CNu (8E I' had time2 I $$$$$$$$$ to the beach with you this weekend.
a. will go b. would go c. would have gone d.will have gone
CNu (#E +he 'ollowing day she 'elt $$$$$$$$$$$ well to go to work.
a. su''iciency b. su''iciently c. su''ice d. su''icient
CNu 2&E I knew they were talking about me $$$$$$$$$ they stopped when I entered the room .
a. there'ore b. so that c. despite d. because
CNu 2(E I asked her $$$ she understood the leson. a. i' not b. i' c. i' only d. even i'
CNu 22E 5ondon is $$$$ o' 6ngland. a. a capital b. capital c. one capital d. the capital
CNu 23E )ung B+hank you very much 'or a lovely party.B)oaE G $$$$$$$$B.
a. 1ou are welcome b.+ thanks c.Cheers d. )ave a good day
CNu 2%E )e took his seat 9uietly $$$$$$$$$$$.
a. in order that not to disturb their conversation as to disturb their conversation
c. in order not disturb their conversation as not to disturb their conversation
CNu 25E Ay parents 'irst $$$$$$$ each other at the 3lympic games in .-*2 .
a. meet b. have met c. met d. had meet
CNu 26 E Fim is 'ive centimeters $$$$$$$$ than +om.
a. higher b. tall c. taller d. tallest
CNu 28 E $$$$$$$$$2a bad sends out a series o' signals 2 which bounce o'' any ob;ect in its path.
a. when in 'lying b. while it is 'lying c. when they are 'lying d. once 'lying
CNu 28 E AID8 is a&n( $$$$$$$$$$ disease.
a. endanger b. danger c. endangered d. endangerous
CNu 2# E "hether we go out will depend $$$$$ weather. a. in b. about c. on d. with
CNu 3& E +he children $$$$$ to the Hoo. a. were en;oyed taking
b. were en;oyed taken
c. en;oyed taking d. en;oyed being taken
CNu 3( E "hen I came to visit her last night2 she $$$$ a bath.
a. was having b. is having c. had d. has
CNu 32E +he man $we met yesterday was the manager o' a 'actory. a. when b. whose c. who d. which
CNu 33 E +heir $$$$$$$ has lasted 'or more than 2/ years.
a. 'riends b. 'riendship c. 'riendly d. 'riend
CNu 3% E $$$$ he comes in hal' an hour2 we shall go alone . a. because b. i' c. unless d. when
CNu 35 E I don#t believe a word she says 2 I think she $$$$$$$$$.
a. lied b. is laying c. is telling lie d. is lying
XIc CYnh tO T cSm cP gDch dGLi -Kng , Li . hoMc /"C"0 1 cQn phZi s[a
CNu 36E +he more 'ast you drive2 the greater danger you get.
CNu 38 E Do you know how getting to the post o''ice 'rom here C
CNu 38 E %eople are not allowed to enter the park a'ter midnight because lack o' security.
CNu 3# E +he meeting was so length that many people had to leave be'ore it ended .
CNu %& E +hey asked me what did happen last night2 but I was unable to tell them.
ChAn phGHng In CJng -Kng , Li . ho Mc /"C"0 1 CV di\n CDt CJng nghBa mWi cNu sau.
CNu %( E We didn4t go on holiday last yea! 'ecause we didn4t ha,e enough money.
a. I' we hadn#t had enough money2 we wouldn#t have gone on holiday last year.
b. I' we had had enough money2 we would have gone on holiday last year.
c. 2f we hadn4t had enough money" we would ha,e gone on holiday last yea!.
d. =nless we had enough money2 we would go on holiday last year.
CNu %2 E =eople p!otesting against pollution a!e maching to ]ondon .
a. %eople who protest against pollution are marching to 5ondon .
b. %eople who protests against pollution are marching to 5ondon.
c. %eople who protesting against pollution are marching to 5ondon .
d. %eople protest against pollution are marching to 5ondon .
CNu %3 E .lthough he is intelligent" he doesn4t do well at school .
a. Despite being intelligent2 he does#t do well at school .
b. In spite o' intelligent2 he doesn#t do well at school .
c. In spite he is intelligent2 he doesn#t do well at school.
d. Although his intelligence2 he does well at school .
CNu %% E =eople ha,e disco,e!ed a new sou!ce of ene!gy.
a. A new source o' energy have been discovered by people .
b. A new source o' energy has discovered . c.A new source o' energy has been discovered .
d. A new source o' energy have been discovered .
CNu %5 E:ill d!i,es mo!e ca!efully than *ose .
a. Iose drives less care'ull than Iose . b. Iose drives carelessly than Iose .
c Fill is a more care'ull driver than Iose . d. Fill is a more care'ully driver than Iose .
@Ac ;B CoDn ,En sau ,F chAn phGHng In CJng -Kng ,Li . hoMc /"C"0 1 cho mWi cNu tO %6 C^n 5& .
2or !an$ people the language o" the internet is :nglish. 5wor,, wide, wed: Three :nglish words 5 was
the na!e o" an article $ -ichael 4pecter in the (ew ;or, Ti!es a "ew $ears ago. The acticle went on
to sa$ : 5 i" $ou want to ta,e "ull ad#antage o" the .nternet, there is onl$ one real wa$ to do it: learn
:nglish 5..n general, it is not di""icult to learn to use .nternet serices. But although internet ser#ices are
rather easy to use! you will ha"e considerable difficulties if you are not familiar with 2nglish. %n
fact! a good ,nowledge o" :nglish is one o" the !ost i!portance aspects that help $ou use the internet.
+earing to use a internet ser#ice !a$ a "ew hours, a "ew da$s or so!e wee,s, ut it ta,es $ears to
learn a language so that $ou can use it "luentl$ and con"identl$. <" couse, when $ou ,now so!e
:nglish, $ou can learn !ore =ust $ using it on the internet. But at least $our :nglish should e goos
enough to understand co!!o!l$ used words and to ,now what to do on the .nternet.
CNu %6 E 2t $$$$$$$$$ to lea!n to use 2nte!net se,i!ce .
a. in easy b. is di''icult c. takes a 'ew minutes d. takes a very long time
CNu %8 E .cco!ding to the acticle 'y )ichael 5pecte!" you should $$$$$ to ta;e full ad,antage of the
2nte!net. a. learn to type 'ast b. learn to use the Internet services
c. learn 6nglish d. learn the names o' some wedsites
CNu %8 7 ]ea!ning to use a language fluently and confidently may ta;e $$$$$$$$$.
a. a 'ew days b. a 'ew hours c. a 'ew weeks d. a 'ew years
CNu %# 7 2f you do not ;now 6nglish ,e!y well" you will $$$$$$$$$ when using the 2nte!net.
a. be laughed at b. have many di''iculties c. 'eel more com'ortable d. spend a 'ew days
CNu 5& E Which of the following could he the 'est title fo! the passage ?
a. G6nglish and the InternetB b.G"ay to take 'ull advantage o' the internetB
c . G %ractising your 6nglish on the InternetB d. G)ow to use Internet serviesB
..a. study b. reply c. apply d. rely
a. teacher b. money b. return d. ruler
2.a. churches b. chairman c. chemist d. changer
3.a. heat b. seat c. great d. meat
4.Jold2 as well as silver2 in price. a. have risen b. has risen c. rise d. are rising
.)e to 0ew 1ork three times this year. a. had been b. was c. is d. has been
!.I remember you about this be'oren a. tell b. to tell c. telling d. told
7.6ach o' you a share in the work. a. have b. has c. having d. to have
*.)e let the letter onto the 'loor. a. 'all b. 'alls c. 'alling d. 'ell
-. all my warnings2 he tried to 'i: the computer himsel'.
a. instead o' b. in spite o' c. although d. because
./. 1our homework 'inished last nightC a. was b. did c. are d. do
...)ave you decided to apply the ;ob yetC a. 'or b. to c. into d. o''
.2.Ar. Brown has many patients he is always busy.
a. too> that b. very> until c. such> that d. so> that
.3."e are very 'ond$$$$$$$ 'olk music. a. in b. at c. with d. o'
.4.+he children parents work late2 are taken home by bus. a. that b. whom c. whose d. their
..)e wanted to know the reason I was late a. as b. 'or c. why d. because
.!.8he doesn#t understand I am saying. a. what b. that c. whose d. where
.7."e have to start early we won#t be late. a. so that b. that c. because d. because o'
.*.+he place we spent our holiday was really beauti'ul. a. what b. who c. where b. which
.-.8he goes a lot. 8he hardly ever spends an evening at home. a. out b. down c. along d. over
2/.+here are small between British and American 6nglish.
a. di''erences b. di''erent c. di''erence d. di''erently
2..8ome species o' rare animals are in o' e:tinction.
a. danger b. dangerous c. dangerously d. endanger
22."e are o' the long ;ourney. a. tire b. tiring c. tired d. to tire
23.8ara speaks so that I can#t understand her. a. 'ast b. 'astly c. 'aster d. 'astesr
24."ould you mind me a hand with this bagC a. give b. giving c. to give d. to giving
2."hen I came in2 everyone were watching a 'ilm.
2!.Ay 'amily spent an interested holiday in 6urope last summer.
27.Ay uncle lived in )anoi since .--/ to .--*2 but he is now living in )ue.
2*.)e stopped to smoke because it is harm'ul 'or his health.
2#.2 didn4t ha,e an um'!ella with me" so 2 got wet.
a. I' I had had an umbrella2 I wouldn#t get wet c.I' I had had an umbrella2 I would get wet
b. I' I had had an umbrella2 I wouldn#t have got wet d. I' I had had an umbrella2 I would have got wet
3&.=ete! wanted to win the !ace. +e !an .
a. 8o 'ast as he can. b.'ast as he could c.'ast as he can. 'ast as he could
3(. he coffee was too hot fo! me to d!in;
a. +he co''ee is so hot that I can#t drink it b.+he co''ee is so hot that I can#t drink
c. +he co''ee was so hot that I couldn#t drink d.+he co''ee was so hot that I couldn#t drink it
32. ]ea!ning 6nglish is not easy a. It is not easy to learning 6nglish b.It is easy learning 6nglish
c. It is not easy to learn 6nglish d. It is not di''icult to learn 6nglish
1> Appro&i!atel$ 718 !illion people ?..(77)?.. :nglish as their "irst?..(79)? Aout the sa!e nu!er use
it ?..(71)?. A second language. .t is a language ?...(7@)?. A#iation, international sport and world
trade.71A o" the world/s?.(77)? is in :nglish,@8A o" the world/s radio stations ??(70)?. .n :nglish, !ore
than hal" o" the world/s newspapers are ?.(79)?.. in :nglish. .t is an o""icial language in 99 countries. .n
?..(98)?.. others. .t is a language o" the usiness, co!!erce and technolog$. There are !an$ ?..(91)?..
o" :nglish, ut 4cottish, Australian, .ndian and Ba!aican spea,ers o" :nglish, in spite o" the di""erences in
pronunciation, structure and #ocaular$, would .(92)?.. that the$ are all spea,ing the sa!e asic language.
33 A. say B. speak C. tell D. talk
34 A. language B. languages C. linguistics D. linguist
3 A. o' B. with C. as D. in
3! A. on B. to C. 'rom D. o'
37 A. mail B. parcels C. envelopes D. letters
3* A. broadcast B. travel C. write D. show
3- A. spoken B. printed C. sold D. taken
4/ A. an B. more C. many D. much
4. A. varieties B. kind C. type D. sort
42 A. use B. keep C. invent D. recogniHe
2> . was orn in (ewcastle, a cit$ in the (orth :ast o" :ngland. (ewcastle is on the an, o" the Ci#er T$ne.
.t is Duite ig, with a population o" aout 288888 people. There is a cathedral and a uni#ersit$. There are "i#e
ridges o#er the Ci#er T$ne, which lin, (ewcastle to the ne&t town, Eateshead, where there is on o" the
iggest shopping centres in the world. A "ew da$ ago, the !ain industries are shipuilding and coal!ining,
ut now the che!ical and soap industries are i!portant. . !o#ed to +ondon ten $ear ago ut . o"ten return
to (ewcastle. . !iss the people , who are #er$ "riendl$, and . !iss the eauti"ul countr$side near the cit$,
where there are so !an$ hills and strea!s
%3.Newcastle is . a. city near the north east o' 6ngland. b. A small town in 6ngland
c.A city in the north east o' 6ngland d. A city the north o' 6ngland
%%.he population of Newcastle .
a. 2//2/// people c. Auch less than 2//2/// people
b. Auch more than 2//2/// people d. About 2//2/// people
%5._ateshead has one of in the wo!ld.
a. +he largest rivers c.+he most important shipbuilding industries
b. +he most beauti'ul countrysides d. +he biggest shopping centres.
%6..cco!ding to the passage" the w!ite! .
a. Is still living in 0ewcastle c.)as never returned to 0ewcastle
b. Doesn#t live in 0ewcastle any more d. )as come back to live in 0ewcastle.
%8.Which of the following is NO t!ue a'out Newcastle.
a. Its people are 'riendly. c.Its main industry now is shipbuilding
b. It has a cathedral and a university d. It is ne:t to Jateshead.
%8. 5usan is loo;ing fo! something . a. eat b. to eating b. to eat d. eating
%#.We need mo!e suga!. he!e is suga! in the spot. a. much b. many b. any d. little
5&````.is O3fo!d f!om Cam'!idge? a. )ow long b. )ow 'ar b. )ow long away d. )ow o'ten
CNu (7 "e are made all the cleaning in the house. A. to do B. do C. doing D. done
CNu 27 I television a lot but I don#t any more.
A. was watching B. was used to watch C. used to watch D. have been watching
CNu 37. )e to 0ew 1ork three times this year. A. have been B. was C. is D. has been
CNu %7 0o one knows how many documents been lost. A. has B. had C. have D. has had
CNu 57.I' energy unlimited2 many things in the world would be di''erent.
A. is B. will be C. were D. would be
CNu 67 "hat beauti'ul eyes K A. does she have B. she has C. has she D. she doesnDt have
CNu 87 Aake e:ercise a part o' your daily .
A. regularity B. chore C. routine D. 're9uency
CNu 87 the storm2 the ship couldnDt reach its destination on time.
A. In case o' B. In spite o' C. Because o' D. But 'or
CNu #7 )e completely with what I said.
A. accepted B. complained C. agreed D. argued
CNu (&7 I 'inished my homework a 'ew days ahead the deadline.
A. o' B. to C. by D. at
CNu ((7 )e hurried he wouldnDt be late 'or class.
A. since B. as i' C. unless D. so that
CNu (27 I' she rich2 she would travel around the world.
A. would be B. is C. has been D. were
CNu (37 Aary was the last applicant .
A. to be interviewed B. to be interviewing C. to interview D. to have interviewed
CNu (%7 Argentina Ae:ico by one goal to nil in the match.
A. beat B. scored C. won D. knocked
CNu (57 +here should be no discrimination on o' se:2 race or religion.
A. 'ields B. places C. areas D. grounds
CNu (67 +he cat was to wait 'or the mouse to come out o' its hole.
A. patient enough B. so patient C. enough patient D. too patient
CNu (87 I canDt 'ind my purse anywhereL I must it at the cinema.
A. leave B. have le't C. be leaving D. have been leaving
CNu (87 o' the workers has his own work.
A. 6very B. 6ach C. 3ther D. All
CNu (#7 +he numbers add to 7/. A. o'' B. up C. in D. out
CNu 2&7 +he e9uipment in our o''ice needs .
A. moderner B. moderniHing C. moderniHed D. moderniHation
CNu 2(7 )e 'elt when he 'ailed the e:ams the second time.
A. discouraged B. annoyed C. undecided D. determined
CNu 227 I have bought a present 'or my mother2 and now I need some $.
A. paper wrapper B. wrap paper C. wrapped paper D. wrapping paper
CNu 237 Computer is one o' the most important o' the 2/
A. inventings B. inventories C. inventions D. inventors
CNu 2%7 I' they are not care'ul with their accounts2 their business will go .
A. poor B. bankrupt C. penniless D. broken
CNu 257 It was really kind you to help those poor people. A. by B. o' C. at D. to
CNu 267 Do you know C A. what wrong was it with B. whatDs wrong with it
C. what wrong was with it D. what wrong is it with
CNu 287 I' you had taken my advice2 you in such di''iculties.
A. wonDt be B. hadnDt been C. wouldnDt be D. wouldnDt have
CNu 287 )air colour is one o' characteristics to be used in identi'ying people.
A. the most obviously B. most obvious C. obviously the most D. the most obvious
CNu 2#7 I would appreciate it what I have told you a secret.
A. you can keep B. that you kept C. you will keep D. i' you kept
CNu 3&7 Ay cat would not have bitten the toy 'ish it was made o' rubber.
A. i' she has known B. i' she should know C. had she known D. i' she knew
CNu 3(7 I wish I hadnDt said it. I' only I could .
A. turn the clock round B. turn the clock down C. turn the clock back D. turn the clock 'orward
CNu 32E " the !esults couldn9t 'e 'ette!. A. 0o matter what he tried hard
B. 0o matter how hard he tried C. Although very hard he tried D. Despite how hard he tried
CNu 337 )e gave me his personal $$$$$$$ that his dra't would be ready by 4riday.
A. endurance B. insurance C. assurance D. ensurance
CNu 3%7 +hey will stay there 'or some days i' the weather 'ine.
A. would be B. was C. is D. will be
CNu 357 Aany people like the slow o' li'e in the countryside.
A. step B. pace C. speed D. space
34c k5 6o7n "8n sau "9 ch4n ph:;ng <n 6=ng (A ho>c B! C! D) cho m?i ch? tr@ng
The ne&t generation o" telephone users will proal$ laugh (7@)3 we e&plain how we used to
stand ne&t to a wall in the ,itchen to (77) a phone call. -oile co!!unications, alread$ highl$
ad#anced co!pared with a decade ago, will co!pletel$ change co!!unications in the ne&t "ew
$ears. (70) 3333there are !illions o" people using !oile phones, !ost people ,now (79)33333 aout
the !oile teleco!!unications industr$ and its technolog$.There are three t$pes o" !oile phone.
These are hand portales, poc,etFsiGed hand portales and transportales. The s!allest and !ost
popular are the poc,etFsiGed hand portales. These wor, on rechargeale atteries, which allow an (98)
33o" up to 08 !inutesH con#ersation. -oiles that are "itted per!anentl$ in a #ehicle do not (91)
333333on separate atteries. The$ reDuire an e&ternal aerial on the #ehicle. This can !ean a stronger
signal with clearer (92) 3. Transportales ha#e a high power capailit$ and can e used (97)333
an$where. The$ co!e with power"ul atter$ pac,s "or longer, continuous use and !a$ also e put (99)
a #ehicle, using its electrics. The$ (91) to e ul,ier than hand portales.
CNu 367 A. unless B. when C. while D. whether
CNu 387 A. make B. give C. take D. do
CNu 387 A. In addition B. Because C. As a result D. Although
CNu 3#7 A. little B. some C. 'ew D. lots
CNu %&7 A. amount B. account C. activity D. average
CNu %(7 A. rely B. create C. carry D. insist
CNu %27 A. wave B. letter C. speech D. speed
CNu %37 A. mostly B. hardly C. most D. almost
CNu %%7 A. on with B. into C. up with D. in to
CNu %57 A. used B. have C. tend D. are
<ut in the )aci"ic <cean, 7,788 ,ilo!etres "ro! +os Angeles, are the islands o" Iawaii, the "i"tieth state o"
the Jnited 4tates, with its area o" 1@,788 sDuare ,ilo!etres. The "irst Iawaiians arri#ed "ro! other )aci"ic
islands so!eti!e around 188 A.D. Then in 1770, Captain Coo, #isited Iawaii. Ie put the islands on his
!aps o" the )aci"ic <cean. Then !ore ships ,new Iawaii and egan stopping there "or supplies. .n 1028, a
s!all group o" people "ro! the eastern Jnited 4tates ca!e to teach the Iawaiian people aout Christianit$.
The$ started "ar!s to grow sugar cane and pineapples. Because there were not enough people to do all the
"ar! wor,, "ar! owners rought in Asians K Chinese, Bapanese, and 2ilipinos. +ater Loreans, )ortuguese,
and )uerto Cicans also ca!e. -ore people ca!e "ro! the J.4. !ainland and "ro! other )aci"ic islands,
and Iawaii eca!e an island with traditions "ro! se#eral countries. )eople "ro! the #arious national groups
ha#e !arried each other, so toda$ the groups are partl$ !i&ed. Iawaiians are #er$ "riendl$ and alwa$s
welco!e #isitors. The$ celerate traditional Chinese, Bapanese, and 2ilipino holida$s as well as holida$s
"ro! the Jnited 4tates. Iawaii is ,nown as the Aloha 4tate. 5Aloha6 !eans 5hello6, 5good$e6, and 5. lo#e
$ou6 in Iawaiian.
)0) #awaii is AAAAA sBuare kilometres in area A. 1@,788 B. 1,028 C. 2,188 D. 7,788
)-) Core ships knew #awaii through AAAAA and stopped there for supplies.
A. Christopher Colu!us B. Christians C. Captain Coo,/s !aps D. Bapanese #isitors
)() %n the early &'th century! many Asians were taken to #awaii AAAAA.
A. to go "ishing B. to do the "ar! wor, C. to #isit attractions D. to e holida$!a,ers
)') 1oday the "arious national groups are AAAAA.
A. li#ing in di""erent societies B. partl$ !i&ed C. co!pletel$ separated D. co!pletel$ !i&ed
D0) According to the passage! which of the following statements is *.1 trueE
A. All Iawaiian people ha#e co!e "ro! Asia.
B. Iawaii is in the )aci"ic <cean, 7,788 ,ilo!etres "ro! +os Angeles.
C. Iawaii is the "i"tieth state o" the Jnited 4tates. D. Captain Coo, ca!e to Iawaii in 1770.
Ch4n tF (Gng "Hi A ho>c B! C! D) cI phJn g7ch chKn 6:Lc ph<t Km kh<c
(1 .. grapes /. roo's C. hats 0. chairs
21 .. none /. done C. bone 0. tongue
31 .. 'ood /. moon C. good 0. noodle
%1 .. heat /. beach C. teach 0. breath
51 .. 'orced /. caused C. stopped 0. worked
Ch4n tFMcNm tF thOch hLp (Gng "Hi A ho>c B! C! D) 6P ho9n th9nh m?i cKu sau.
CNu 67 )e had no$$$$$ o' selling the clock ? it had belonged to his grand'ather.
.. interest /. intention C. meaning 0. intend
CNu 87 )is pronunciation causes me a lot o' $$$$$.
.. di''icultly /. di''iculties C. di''icult 0. di''iculty
CNu 87 0either you nor I $$$$$ responsible 'or the bad result.
.. is /. be C. am 0. are
CNu #7 Fack insisted that he didn#t need any help2 $$$$$ I helped him anyway.
.. however /. besides C. but 0. so
CNu (&7 =p to now2 I $$$$$ a lot o' in'ormation about her.
.. learnt /. have learnt C. will learn 0. would learn
CNu ((7 Ay uncle $$$$$ you met yesterday is a lawyer. .. what /. which C. whom 0. whose
CNu (27 Jlass is usually $$$$$ sand. .. made o' /. made with C. made by 0. made 'rom
CNu (37 +he weather was terrible. I wish it $$$$$ warmer.
.. was /. had been C. has been 0. were
CNu (%7 8he 'ailed the test2 $$$$$ she studied hard.
.. in spite o' /. as C. despite 0. although
CNu (57 Dien Bien %hu is the place $$$$$ our army won a resounding victory in .-4.
.. which /. that C. where 0. what
CNu (67 I knew they were talking about me $$$$$ they stopped when I entered the room.
.. because /. despite C. so that 0. there'ore
CNu (87 "hen I came to visit her last night2 she $$$$$ a bath.
.. was having /. has C. had 0. is having
CNu (87 +he sick man still 'inds it $$$$$ to stand without support.
.. com'ortable /. com'orting C. discom'ort 0. uncom'ortable
CNu (#7 DonDt waste time $$$$$ that broken vase.
.. mend /. 'or mending C. to mend 0. mending
CNu 2&7 7 I' I had time2 I $$$$$ to the beach with you this weekend.
.. would have gone /. would go C. will have gone 0. will go
CNu 2(7 )ow $$$$$ is your 'atherC
.. tall /. high C. single 0. alive
CNu 22 E+he old man is said $$$$$ all his money to an old peopleDs home when he died.
.. have le't /. to leaving C. to leave 0. to have le't
CNu 237 8he has worked as a secretary $$$$$ she graduated 'rom college.
.. be'ore /. until C. since 0. while
CNu 2%7 7 I regret $$$$$ you that your application has been denied.
.. to have in'ormed /. to in'orm C. in'orming 0. in'orm
CNu 257 +hey worked hard $$$$$ they could pass the 'inal e:amination.
.. in case /. since C. because 0. so that
CNu 267 "ait here until I $$$$$ you. .. call /. am calling C. will call 0. am going to call
34c k5 6o7n "8n sau "9 ch4n ph:;ng <n 6=ng (Gng "Hi A ho>c B! C! D) cho D cKu sau.
.t is #er$ i!portant to ha#e health$ teeth. Eood teeth help us to chew our "ood. The$ also help us to loo,
nice. Iow does a tooth go ad' The deca$ egins in a little crac, in the ena!el co#ering o" the tooth. This
happens a"ter ger!s and its o" "ood ha#e collected there. Then the deca$ slowl$ spreads inside the tooth.
:#entuall$, poison goes into the lood, and we !a$ "eel Duite ill.
Iow can we ,eep our teeth health$' 2irstl$, we ought to #isit our dentist twice a $ear. Ie can "ill the
s!all holes in our teeth e"ore the$ destro$ the teeth. Ie can e&a!ine our teeth to chec, that the$ are
growing in the right wa$. Jn"ortunatel$, !an$ people wait until the$ ha#e toothache e"ore the$ see a
dentist. 4econdl$, we should rush our teeth with a toothrush and "luoride toothpaste at least twice a da$ F
once a"ter rea,"ast and once e"ore we go to ed. %e can also use wooden toothpic,s to clean etween
our teeth a"ter a !eal. Thirdl$, we should eat "ood that is good "or our teeth and our od$: !il,, cheese, "ish,
rown read, potatoes, red rice, raw #egetales and "resh "ruit. Chocolates, sweets, iscuits and ca,es are
ad, especiall$ when we eat the! etween !eals. The$ are har!"ul ecause the$ stic, to our teeth and
cause deca$.
CNu 28 E Jood teeth mainly help us to $$$$$.
.. look nice /. have good eyesight C. look important 0. chew our 'ood
CNu 287 When food and ge!ms collect in a small c!ac;" ou! teeth $$$$$.
.. send poison into the blood /. begin to decay C. make us 'eel 9uite ill 0. become hard
CNu 2#7 . lot of people do not ,isit a dentist until $$$$$.
.. they have holes in their teeth /. their teeth grow properly
C. they have toothache 0. they have brushed their teeth
CNu 3&7 What may 'e most ha!mful to ou! teeth?
.. red rice /. 'resh 'ruit C. sweet things 0. raw vegetables
CNu 3(7 he 'est title fo! the passage would 'e $$$$$.
.. G)ow to keep our teeth ever whiteB /. G)ow to make our teeth nicerB
C. G)ow to clean our teethB 0. G)ow to keep our teeth healthyB
Ch4n ph:;ng <n 6=ng (Gng "Hi A ho>c B! C! D) 6P ho9n th9nh m?i cKu sau.
CNu 327 0! 5ales is the pe!son $$$$$.
.. whom I donDt have much con'idence in him /. in whom I donDt have much con'idence
C. I donDt have much con'idence 0. in that I donDt have much con'idence
CNu 33 E $$$$$ that no one would ask 'or tips.
.. +he tourist were strange to 'ind /. It 'ound strange tourists
C. +he tourists 'ound strange 0. +he tourists 'ound it strange
CNu 3%7 We li,ed in that $$$$$ on the co!ne!.
.. old house brick small /. house brick small old
C. small old brick house 0. brick small old house
CNu 357 +e too; his seat >uietly $$$$$.
.. so as not to disturb their conversation /. in order 'or him not to disturb their conversation
C. in order not disturb their conversation 0. so as to disturb their conversation
CNu 367 2f 2 had enough money" $$$$$.
.. I could buy that house /. I am buy that house
C. I can buy that house 0. I will buy that house
Q<c 6Rnh tFMcNm tF cI g7ch d:Hi (Gng "Hi A ho>c B! C! D) cJn phSi sTa
CNu 387 IDd rather to stay at home than go out at weekends.
CNu 387 8he is tired with being asked the same thing everyday.
CNu 3#7 FohnDs mother thought that chocolates were bad to him.
Ch4n tFMcNm tF thOch hLp (Gng "Hi A ho>c B! C! D) 6P ho9n th9nh m?i cKu sau.
%&1 +here are $$$$$ planets in the universe that we cannot count them.
.. so much /. such C. so many 0. so
%(1 Could you $$$$ me how to use this new mobile phoneC
.. e:plain /. say C. direct 0. show
%21 +he 8econd "orld "ar $$$$$ in .-3-.
.. starts /. started C. start 0. has started
%31 )e was looking 'or an eraser $$$$$ he could erase a mistake in his composition.
.. because /. there'ore C. so that 0. however
%%1 Ay sister had a baby girl yesterday2 and this is my 'irst $$$$.
.. son /. daughter C. niece 0. nephew
%51 DoraE G"hat#s your nameCB )elenE G$$$$.B .. IeallyC /. %ardonC C. 3M. 0. 4orgive me.
%61 BrendaE NDo you think it will rainCN CarolE N3hK $$$$.N
.. I don#t hope /. I hope not C. I donDt hope so 0. It#s hopeless
%81 +he librarian told us not $$$$ re'erence books out o' the library.
.. taking /. to take C. take 0. took
%81 +he animals gathered closely together 'or $$$$... warmed /. warm C. warmth 0. warmly
%#1 +he house caught 'ire while they $$$$$.
.. are sleeping /. have slept C. sleep 0. were sleeping
5&1 +hank you 'or $$$$$ me .. invite /. inviting C. invited 0. invitation
5(1 In our school library2 there are several large tables $$$$$ we can sit to read books.
.. where /. that C. when 0. which
521 DonDt read that book. ItDs $$$$$. .. bore /. boredom C. boring 0. bored
531 "e agreed $$$$$ Ar. "ilson was a good teacher .. what /. which C. i' 0. that
5%1 1esterday was the day $$$$ they celebrated their wedding anniversary.
.. when /. then C. what 0. which
551 I' I $$$$$ ten years younger2 I would do yoga every day. .. are /. am C. have been 0. were
561 +hatDs the house $$$$$ he used to stay. .. in which /. o' which C. on which 0. which
581 I don#t mind $$$$$ you with it i' you can#t 'ind anyone else.
.. help /. helped C. helping 0. to help
581 Aany ,ietnamese people are 'ond $$$$$ watching 'ootball. .. o' /. about C. with 0. in
5#1 Aary $$$$ in 5ondon 'or . years .. is living /. was living C. has lived 0. lives
6&1 +his house2 $$ he bought in .--/2 is being repaired at the moment. .. that /. which C. who 0. what
6(1 +here is $$$$$ water in the bottle. .. many /. a number o' C. 'ew 0. a little
621 %eter $$$$ at the moment2 so he canDt answer the telephone.
.. works /. has worked C. is working 0. worked
631 4rench $$$$$ in Ouebec2 Canada .. has spoken /. is spoken C. is speaking 0. speaks
6%1 "e are not used $$$$$ on the le't. .. to drive /. to driving C. driving 0. to be driven
Q<c 6Rnh tFMcNm tF cI g7ch d:Hi (Gng "Hi A ho>c B! C! D) cJn phSi sTa
651 )ow age is your elder sisterC
661 )ave you 'inished reading the book which I lend you last weekC
681 5ast summer my 'amily went camp in Do 8on.
681 Aarie Curie2 whose discover o' radium made her 'amous2 was a 4rench physicist.
6#1 +he room is such dirty that it needs cleaning immediately.
Ch4n ph:;ng <n 6=ng (Gng "Hi A ho>c B! C! D) 6P ho9n th9nh m?i cKu sau.
8&1 0o you ;now when $$$$$? .. was the accident happening /. the accident was happening
C. did the accident happen 0. the accident happened
8(1 +e wal;ed slowly $$$$$. .. because o' his bad leg
/. so his leg was bad C. in his bad leg 0. so that his leg was bad
821 .lthough the sun was shining" $$$$.
.. it wasn#t very hot /. but it was very hot C. yet it was very hot 0. it was very hot
831 hey too; the !o''e! to the police station $$$$. .. so 9uick as they were
/. as 9uickly as they could C. 9uickly as possible 0. very 9uick as possible
8%1 $$$$$ you! !elati,es in 6ngland? .. "hat do you o'ten visit
/. "hat o'ten you visit C. )ow o'ten you visit 0. )ow o'ten do you visit
Ann Bohnson has wor,ed at this college "or three $ears. 4he is a responsile e!plo$ee and gets
on well with the other !e!ers o" the depart!ent. %e ha#e all "ound her to e an e&cellent (71) 3333. 4he
is alwa$s on ti!e "or wor,. 4he is an e&tre!el$ (7@)3333 sta"" !e!er who is ale to wor, independentl$. .
can alwa$s rel$ on her creati#e thin,ing. Ier students o"ten tell !e how ,ind she is. 4he is alwa$s read$ to
help with a s!ile and she is cheer"ul to all o" the!. .n pri#ate, she is not #er$ tal,ati#e (77)3333 see!s
rather sh$. Ier wor, is e&cellent, and she is deter!ined to (70)3333. 4he is also Duite a!itious and has
applied "or the position o" Director o" 4tudies. . thin, that $ou can count (79)3333 Ann to !a,e $our school a
success and . reco!!end her "or the post o" Director.
851 .. employer /. adult C. student 0. colleague
861 .. reliable /. laHy C. stubborn 0. sel'ish
881 .. there'ore /. as C. so 0. and
881 .. help /. use C. succeed 0. 'ail
8#1 .. to /. with C. 'or 0. on
65 8
Chn phng n ng (ng vi A hoc B, C, D) din t ng ngh
CNu (7 GI would study 6nglish i' I were you2B Aai#s 'riend said.
.. Aai#s 'riend advised her to study 6nglish. /. Aai#s 'riend advised her to have studied 6nglish.
C. Aai#s 'riend said that she was like Aai. 0. Aai told her 'riend to study 6nglish.
CNu 27 "hat an e:cellent ;ob she didK
.. 8he didn#t do the ;ob well. /. 8he did a very good ;ob.
C. "hat kinds o' ;ob did she doC 0. "hat is an e:cellent ;obC
CNu 37 +he car was so e:pensive that I didnDt buy it.
.. +he car was not so cheap that I couldn#t buy it.
/. +he car was such e:pensive that I didnDt buy it.
C. +he car was cheap enough 'or me to buy. 0. +he car was too e:pensive 'or me to buy.
CNu %7 )e asked2 N"hy didnDt she take the 'inal e:amCN
.. )e asked why she hadnDt taken the 'inal e:am. /. )e asked why she took the 'inal e:am.
C. )e asked why didnDt she take the 'inal e:am.0. )e asked why hadnDt she taken the 'inal e:am.
CNu 57 "e must take steps to preserve natural resourcesL otherwise the planet will be in danger.
.. =nless we take steps to preserve natural resources2 the planet will be in danger.
/. =nless we take steps to preserve natural resources2 the planet will not be in danger.
C. I' we take steps to preserve natural resources2 the planet would be in danger.
0. I' we take steps to preserve natural resources2 the planet will be in danger.
34c k5 6o7n "8n sau "9 ch4n ph:;ng <n 6=ng (Gng "Hi A ho>c B! C! D)
Aost people are a'raid o' sharks2 but they usually do not know very much about them. +here are
more than 3/ kinds o' sharks2 and all o' them are meat eaters. 8harks are use'ul because they
eat sick 'ish and keep the oceans clean. 8harks do not have ears. )owever2 they can NhearN
sounds and movements in the water. Any sound or movement makes the water vibrate. 8harks
can 'eel these vibrations2 which help them 'ind 'ood. +hey also use their large eyes to 'ind 'ood.
Aost sharks see best in dim light. +hey o'ten hunt 'or 'ood at dawn2 in the evening2 or in the
middle o' the night.8cientists want to learn more about sharks 'or several reasons. 4or e:ample2
cancer is common in many animals2 especially in people. )owever2 it is rare in sharks. 8cientists
want to 'ind out why sharks almost never get cancer. Aaybe this in'ormation can help people
prevent cancer too.
CNu 67 According to the pasage2 sharks are use'ul because $$$$$$.
.. they are very big /. they clean the oceans
C. they are meat eaters 0. they eat 'ish
CNu 87 8harks can 'ind 'ood because they can $$$$$$.
.. 'eel vibrations and hear with their ears /. see with their eyes and hear with their ears
C. 'eel vibrations and see with their large eyes 0. hear very well with their large ears
CNu 87 Aost sharks hunt 'or 'ood at night because $$$$$$.
.. they see best in dim light /. they are hungry at night
C. there is more 'ood then 0. other 'ish are sleeping
CNu#7 According to the passage2 research on sharks may help $$$$$$.
.. people know how to prevent cancer /. animals prevent cancer
C. people 'ind a cure 'or AID8 0. sharks live longer
CNu (&7 +he best title o' this passage could be $$$$$$.
.. G8harks ? +he Dangerous AnimalsB /. G8harks ? +he Aeat 6atersB
C. G8harks ? +he =se'ul AnimalsB 0. G8harks ? +he Cancer %reventing AnimalsB
Ch4n tFMcNm tF thOch hLp (Gng "Hi A ho>c B! C! D) 6P ho9n th9nh m?i cKu sau.
CNu ((7 Ay handbag was stolen $$$ we were playing tennis... during /. while C. be'ore 0. a'ter
CNu (27 6nglish is a $$$$$$ easy language to learn.
.. comparable /. comparative C. compared 0. comparatively
CNu (37 3liver used to go 'ishing and $$$$... so did I /. so did me C. I did not 0. so I did
CNu (%7 AnnE Do you think you#ll get the ;obC
AaryE $$$$$$$... 1es2 that#s right /. I think not C. I know so 0. "ell2 I hope so
CNu (57 Aary always takes great care $$$$$$ her children... to /. o' C. 'or 0. with
CNu (67 All 'lights have been cancelled $$$$$$ bad weather.
.. owing to /. due C. thanks 0. because
CNu (87 As soon as you $$$$$$ all your homework2 you will be allowed to go out.
.. did /. had done C. are doing 0. have done
CNu (87 +he woman $$$$$$ son is studying at )anoi =niversity o' +echnology is a teacher.
.. who /. whom C. whose 0. which
CNu (#7 "hile I $$$$$$ along the road2 I saw a 'riend o' mine.
.. was cycling /. cycled C. have cycled 0. had cycled
CNu 2&7 I 'ind it 9uite $$$$$$ to talk in 'ront o' a group o' people.
.. embarrassingly /. embarrassed C. embarrassment 0. embarrassing
CNu 2(7 "e have studied hard $$$$$$ we will be well prepared 'or the e:amination.
.. in case /. since C. because 0. so that
CNu 227 Aary doesn#t mind living $$$$$ her own... by /. with C. at 0. on
CNu 237 )e $$$$$$ to the last meeting2 but he didnDt.
.. had gone /. would go C. should have gone 0. must go
CNu 2%7 Jordon wants to look his best at the wedding so heDs $$$$$$.
.. make a suit /. having a suit made C. to get made a suit 0. having made a suit
CNu 257 DavidE N)appy ChristmasKN
FasonE N$$$$$$N .. +he same to youK /. )appy Christmas with youK
C. 1ou are the sameK 0. 8ame 'or youK
CNu 267 )er parents would not be upset i' she $$$$$$ harder.
.. is working /. will work C. worked 0. works
CNu 287 $$$$$$ hard I have ever worked2 I do not get good salary.
.. %rovided that /. )owever C. I' 0. 0evertheless
CNu 287 +he librarian told us not $$$$ re'erence books out o' the library.
.. take /. taking C. to take 0. took
CNu 2#7 I#m sorry to be the one $$$$ the news to you... break /. to break C. broke 0. breaks
CNu 3&7 Could you $$$$$$ me how to use this new mobile phoneC
.. direct /. e:plain C. show 0. say
CNu 3(7 "e#ll be late $$$$$$ we hurry... unless /. when C. despite 0. i'
CNu 327 It#s very $$$$$$ o' you to help me... glad /. happy C. kind 0. well
CNu 337 DonDt worryK By the time you arrive tomorrow2 we $$$$$$ the work.
.. will 'inish /. will have 'inished C. have 'inished 0. would 'inish
CNu 3%7 I will never 'orget $$$$ you have ;ust told me... which /. why C. when 0. what
CNu 357 Do you really $$$$$$$$ me to believe youC
.. plan /. e:pect C. think 0. wait


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