The Stony Brook Press - Volume 27, Issue 15

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XXVII, Issue 15 July 10, 2006

New Journalism Major 2006-2007 USG Budget Club Spotlight: Pep Band
Page 2 Page 6 Page 8
Stony Brook Finally Adds
The Stony Brook Press - News

Journalism Major
By Jowy Romano then... [we] got final approval from the
___________ State Education Department,” said
Schneider in reference to the long road it
As far back as 1967 there have took to make the major a reality.
been multiple attempts to get a journalism Students will have the opportuni-
major on the Stony Brook campus. ty to study various fields of journalism
President Shirley Strum Kenny and including broadcast journalism, print jour-
Journalism Professor Howard Schneider nalism and online journalism. According
have spearheaded the latest proposal. Last to Professor Schneider, journalism stu-
month, after going through many commit- dents will be exposed to all of these fields
tees on the university and state level, the and then choose a concentration their sen-
journalism major proposal was given final ior year.
approval by the State Education “In terms of credits this will be
Department. perhaps the most comprehensive [journal-
“[We] took the propos-al to the… ism] program in the United States,” said
campus curriculum committee and several Schneider. The program requires 47 cred-
other committees and then to the Faculty its in journalism and 80 credits outside of
University Senate and once it was journalism.

A Few Good Fellows Cervical Cancer:

approved by those bodies we went to Currently, students are able to The proposed “newsroom of the future”
Continued on next page
SUNY and we got SUNY approval and Courtesy of Howard Schneider

Incurable but
By Rebecca Kleinhaut Indians.
___________ Olufemi Vaughan finished his
Ph.D. in Politics at Oxford University.
This summer, two Stony Brook Besides publishing work that focuses on
University professors have earned presti- African history since the nineteenth centu-
gious fellowships in order to further ry and Africa’s international relations, he
important research projects in their respec- serves as Associate Dean of Stony Brook’s
tive fields. Brooke Larson, a Professor of graduate school. He has most recently By Adina Silverbush determined that Gardasil should be
History, has received a Guggenheim received the Cecil B. Currey Book Prize in ___________ mandatory for all girls ages 11 and 12.
Fellowship, and Olufemi Vaughan, a 2001 for his book Nigerian Chiefs: Like the Hepatitis vaccine, girls wouldn’t
Professor of African Studies, has earned a Traditional Power in Modern Politics, Worldwide, 400,000 women are be able to attend school until they were
Woodrow Wilson Fellowship. 1890’s-1990’s. diagnosed with cervical cancer each year, vaccinated. However, controversy sur-
Brooke Larson, who The Woodrow Wilson National and half of them die. This makes cervical rounds this: first, cervical cancer is great-
received her Ph.D. from Fellowship Foundation promotes the con- cancer the second highest cancer among est amongst the poor, who generally can-
Columbia University, has tinuance of research projects for college women, following closely behind breast not afford the gynecologist’s pap smear
taught Latin American professors. All fellowship winners spend cancer. This devastating cancer often test that detects cervical caner. If these
History at Columbia and the one academic year in residency at the causes women to lose their ability to bear women can’t afford the screening, then
Br o o k e Law s o n New School for Social Wilson Center in order to facilitate the children. Although the cancer has no cure, they also won’t be able to afford the vac-
Research. Here at Stony Brook, she completion of their projects. This year, 22 a new immunization might prevent cine. Although state vaccination programs
recently served as a founding director for fellowships were awarded to a variety of women from ever contracting it. The exist, they are already faced with financial
the Latin American and Caribbean Center. professors from around the world. human papillomavirus (HPV) is a sexual- hardships, and with the high cost of
She was also a Fulbright Scholar in 1990. The project that Vaughan will be ly transmitted virus, and it was found to be Gardasil there is no way they’d be able to
Larson’s current research is for a working on is titled “Islam, Christianity, the leading causes of this cancer. HPV supply everyone who would benefit.
book that revolves around the Bolivian and Indigenous Religions in the Formation alone is said to be responsible for 70% of Secondly, conservatives feel this vaccine
Andes. In her own words, her work of the Modern West African State”. the 15,000 cervical cancer cases diag- will send a message to young girls about
“probes the ideological battles, cultural Congratulations to both winners! nosed in the United States each year. promiscuity and sexual activity, since they
politics, and grassroots social practices of Although pricey at $360 (the are safe from some of the sexually trans-
rural Indian school reform and popular lit- most expensive vaccine ever), Gardasil is mitted diseases.
eracy in the Andean countryside.” given in the form of three shots. The hope The Federal government will be
This year, the John is that young girls will receive the vaccine buying the vaccine for about 7 million
Simon Guggenheim before they become sexually active, but girls, over 2 billion dollars worth, depend-
Memorial Foundation sup- any women age 9-26 years could receive ing on whether The Department of Human
plied fellowships to 187 them on doctor’s orders. The vaccine also Health and Human Services agrees. The
Americans and Canadians, would be able to give women only a 10% insurance company WellPoint Inc. has
Ol uf emi V au ghan with the grants averaging chance of contracting an unpleasant con- already stated that they would reimburse
$40, 107. The Foundation received 2,778 dition of genital warts, which is also their patients for the Gardasil vaccine.
applications. Larson hopes to use the caused by HPV. Other insurers will probably be making
money to further her work on the Aymara The Federal Advisory Panel the same promise to their customers soon.

Big Gay Victory

News - The Stony Brook Press

By Joe Safdia in any way and this is therefore an exam- gram certainly leaves the Republican Party believe that the legalization of homosexu-
___________ ple of an expanding government intruding in a precarious position when it comes to al marriage will open the door to legalized
once again in the private lives of its citi- keeping themselves in power. The polygamy, incest, and bestiality.
On June 7, the Senate either pre- zens. More optimistic same-sex marriage Republicans were hoping for this amend- Whether or not people see it now,
served or destroyed marriage for all supporters hold the belief that this is mere- ment to pass in order to appeal to their the failure of the gay marriage ban’s pas-
Americans (depending on your view of ly another civil rights battle, reminiscent conservative voters during the midterm sage is a victory for all Americans, not just
same-sex marriage) by voting not to of women’s suffrage and the Civil Rights elections. In 2005, however, which was a homosexual Americans. A majority of
amend the Constitution to restrict marriage movement on the 1950’s and 1960’s, and it year with no federal government elections, Americans oppose same-sex marriage
only to heterosexual couples. The will end in the favor of the minority in government officials, including the (although nearly the same amount of peo-
Marriage Protection Amendment, which question. President, were nearly silent about the ple opposed a constitutional amendment
was passed in the House of One observation about the issue. banning it) and many, including Bush,
Representatives with a 136-61 vote, failed Marriage Protection Amendment that cer- Many opponents of gay marriage, have denounced the Supreme Courts of
to receive the two-thirds approval it need- tainly holds merit is that it only seems to however, also opposed a constitutional Massachusetts and other states for defying
ed from the Senate. Receiving only a 49- be a hot button issue during election years. amendment to ban gay marriage. They the will of the people and “legislating from
48 voting count, the amendment failed to Sure enough, President George W. Bush argue that preserving the institution of the bench.” However, this argument holds
even achieve a majority vote. had tried, and failed, to push this same marriage is not something that merits an no merit and the decision of the so-called
The Marriage Protection amendment through Congress in 2004, the amendment to the Constitution. The activist judges was the proper one. The rul-
Amendment, which drew large amounts of presidential election year. 2006 is the Constitution was drafted to create rules of ing of the Massachusetts Supreme Court
both criticism and support, subtlty places a midterm election year, and mishandling of governance and to prevent people’s rights was in opposition of the “tyranny of the
ban on gay marriage by defining it as “the the Iraq War and the release of information from being taken away. It should not be majority.” The will of the people can and
union of a man and a woman.” Supporters pertaining to Bush’s domestic spying pro- used as a tool to create social policy, legis- does justify many things, but it is never
of the gay marriage ban rallied behind the late morality, or take away the basic rights legal justification (let alone moral or ethi-
amendment due to both religious beliefs of the people. cal justification) for denying or retracting
and to protect America’s families from the President Bush and other sup- rights from law-abiding, tax-paying
perceived danger of same-sex couples porters of the Marriage Protection American citizens. If the Marriage
receiving marriage licenses. Proponents of Amendment cite it as a necessary tool to Protection Amendment had passed, it
the amendment also saw it as the only way preserve the institution of marriage, which would have justified the “tyranny of the
to prevent “activist” judges from legislat- has allegedly remained unchanged for majority” that often occurs in democratic
ing from the bench by ruling in opposition thousands of years. This, however, ignores states, and the will of the people would be
to the gay marriage bans that exist in many the many changes that marriage actually all that’s needed to take away basic human
state constitutions and the federal Defense has faced since the first two (or more) peo- rights from American citizens (for exam-
of Marriage Act. Critics view the Marriage ple were joined together in holy matrimo- ple, American Muslims in a post-9/11
Protection Amendment as an attack on the ny. Marriage, in ancient times, was often world). It would have also set a dangerous
rights of the homosexual community by polygamous and was an economic transac- precedent in creating future amendments,
the religious community, and that gay mar- tion rather than an act of love. If one takes and with that precedent, the Constitution
riage is as legitimate as straight marriage this into consideration, as many critics do, would have been transformed into a docu-
because both legally require both parties in then the “sanctity” of same-sex marriage is ment that creates restrictive social policies
the union to be consenting and sane-mind- greater than that of the “traditional” polyg- and allows for the intrusion into the lives
ed adults. A universal argument in opposi- amous economic marriage. Another argu- of the people by the government.

New Journalism
tion of the amendment is that gay marriage ment in favor of the amendment is the
does not affect any heterosexual marriage “slippery slope” argument, in which many

Major Continued
Continued from previous page tions and a television studio.
work for one of the many student news Another of the proposed facilities
organizations for up to two semesters for is a small news bureau located at Stony
credit. Journalism majors will be required Brook Manhattan.
to spend at least one semester at one of “The journalism program will be
these organizations. “We think it’s so a resource for the entire campus,” said
important that students participate in the Schneider. Majors and non-majors alike
media-life of the University,” said will be able to take a class in news literacy
Schneider. for DEC B credit. “The course is designed
There are plans to build facilities to help students decide whether the news
to accommodate the new major. One of that they’re getting every day is reliable
the proposed facilities is a two-floor and credible.”
“newsroom of the future” that would be Students interested in the
housed in the Melville Library. The top Journalism program are encouraged to
floor will have cutting-edge technology contact the Journalism office at (631) 632-
that will “enable students to work in video, 7403 or visit
audio and text at the same time,” according nalism for more info. Also check out
to Schneider. The bottom floor will be a for the full
news lab that includes smaller worksta- interview with Howard Schneider.

The Stony Brook Press - Editorials

Editorial Board
SCOTUS Rules Military
Executive Editor
Jowy Romano Tribunals Unconstitutional
Managing Editor
Andrew Per nick On Wednesday, June 28, the Supreme Court, in a 5-3 held in Gitmo must be allowed access to council. The Hamden
Associate Editor
decision, ruled that the ad hoc military tribunals that would have case, the broadest in scope and repercussions for both the
Alex Walsh been used to try detainees held at the U.S. military installation at detainees and the administration, adds further rights to those held
Business Manager
Guantanamo Bay are unconstitutional. in Gitmo on suspicion of being “enemy combatants” in the War on
Adina Silverbush The case, Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, 000 US 05-184 (2006), Terror.
Production Manager
the latest in a series of crushing blows to the government in the When Congress drafted the Uniform Code of Military
Caroline D’Agati area of terror detainee rights, held that the government over- Justice, the set of laws outlining and detailing the criminal provi-
News Editors stepped its constitutional authority in requiring that foreign sions of the U.S. military, it did so with the right to council and the
Rebecca Kleinhaut
Madeline Scheckter
nationals held on terrorism charges defined in accordance with the right to be present at one’s trial held sacrosanct. Article II of the
President’s Executive Order on the Detention, Treatment, and Geneva Convention, which states that all persons held as the pris-
Features Editor
Stephanie Hayes
Trial of Certain Non-Citizens in the War on Terrorism. As a result, oners of a war, either declared or undeclared, must be afforded the
the court held, Salim Ahmed Hamdan, the alleged driver and right to council. The President’s Executive Order is an affront to
Photo Editors
Joey Safdia
bodyguard for Osama bin Laden, must be tried in a civilian court the interests of justice, both national and international, and to our
Vincent Michael Festa and be afforded the full spectrum of rights and opportunities a Constitution.
Copy Editors
U.S. citizen would enjoy as a criminal defendant; in short, the The Supreme Court, in ruling in Hamdan’s favor, estab-
James Messina court held that Hamden must be allowed to avail himself in a stan- lished that, even, and perhaps especially, in times of war, the
Rose Slupski
Lukasz Chelminski
dard, constitutionally-legitimate trial in a civilian court. Constitution’s provisions for the rights of the accused must be
In his majority decision, Justice Souter wrote that, maintained. In a so-called war, one that has not been declared by
Chris Williams
“Congress has not issued the executive a blank check … Indeed, Congress, such as the War on Terror, the Constitution’s protec-

Congress has denied the President the legislative authority to cre- tions for criminal defendants are of even greater concern, as the
Kristine Renigen
ate military commissions of the kind at issue here.” Executive’s attempts to overstep its authority and strip those it

Previously, the Supreme Court has ruled that Gitmo deems enemies of the state of their rights must be held in check by
Rob Pearsall
detainees cannot be held indefinitely without access to an ad hoc the Judiciary. The Stony Brook Press applauds the Supreme Court
court established for them to appeal detention; U.S. citizens held in its ruling, concurring in their decision that ad hoc military
in Gitmo must be allowed access to a lawyer; and non-citizens courts should not be used to try those held in detention centers.

The NSA Has Discovered MySpace

Minister of Archives
Joe Rios

Distribution Manager
Joe Filippazzo

Wildly renascent online communities such as MySpace al orientation, political affiliation, and anything else deemed
have become the newest battlefront for the Bush Administration’s “incriminating” by the Defense Department.
Travis Aria Thomas Mets
diaphanous, never-ending, global war on terror-unseen. Cited as The claim is that these websites are an integral resource
Nicole L. Barry Jamie Mignone
Melissa Bernardez Ali Nazir
an important tool in ongoing counterterrorism efforts, the for determining “who knows who” by linking bits and pieces of
James Blonde Irv Novoa Pentagon, with blessings from the Executive Branch, has decided information about citizens posted on profiles to “solve some of the
Jimmy Del Kerr Frank Nobiletti to further encroach upon our Fourth Amendment rights to privacy most critical problems facing the US intelligence community”
Joe Donato John O’Dell by now monitoring civilian dialogues and social networks on the according to the Congressional Research Service. An organiza-
Melanie Donovan Laura Positano Internet. tion called Advanced Research Development Activity uses funds
Rob Gilheany Michael Prazak
For those of you who have never MySpaced (it’s a verb from the National Security Agency to sort through some 4 million
David K. Ginn Natalie Schultz
Sam Goldman Alison Schwartz now), it is a social networking website that has become so popu- gigabytes a month in personal, civilian information. The data is
Paula Guy Karen Shidlo lar since its creation in 2003, that it has quickly garnered over 26 then collected, tracked, and analyzed for the federal government’s
Trevor Hirst Christine Tanaka million members and counting. Recently sold to Rupert Murdoch records.
Mo Ibrahim Amberly Timperio of media behemoth News Corporation (the parent company of This is not even the first time the Department of Defense
Alexander Kahn Claudia Toloza
Fox Broadcasting) for $580 million, this international nexus of has attempted to spy on the very people it is meant to protect.
Olga Kaplun Lena Tumasyan
Adam Kearney Marcel Votlucka
mainly high school and college students has data miners and intel- Other such initiatives to infiltrate the internet in the domain of
Yve Koon Brian Wasser ligence gatherers at the Pentagon salivating over the potential for purely domestic use includes the CAPS II program, the USA
Joan Leong Ricky Whitcomb invasion of privacy in the name of national security. Patriot Act, the classified 2003 Defense Appropriations Act, and
Antony Lin Brian Wong Ostensibly, these data mining initiatives are just a small the since disgraced Total Information Awareness program. In
Melissa Lobel Ed Zadorozny battle in the global war on terror. Truthfully, however, civil liber- almost every case, the government has been harshly rebuked by
The Stony Brook Press is published fortnightly during ties mean little to the Pentagon and there is no justification for organizations such as the ACLU and other advocates of civil lib-
the academic year and twice during summer session
such a blatant invasion of privacy in the absence of anything that erties internationally.
by The Stony Brook Press, a student run non-profit
organization funded by the Student Activity Fee.
could remotely be considered actionable intelligence on the pro- So just how many terrorist plots have been foiled by
The opinions expressed in letters, articles and

Continued on page 9
files of teenagers and college students. Simply by having a pro- those big-mouth, culturally contemporary, college-age fanatics on
viewpoints do not necessarily reflect those of file on one of these sites under the auspices of meeting people and
The Stony Brook Press as a whole.

Advertising policy does not necessarily reflect editorial

expressing an opinion, a dossier has been compiled on your sexu-
policy. For more information on advertising and dead-

lines call (631)632-6451.

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Staff meetings are held Wednesdays at 1:00 pm.

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News-In-Brief - The Stony Brook Press
Compiled by Rebecca Kleinhaut and Madeline Scheckter
The amendment’s supporters, nicknamed “flag accusation – 840 in June alone, according to the Iraq
hags” by Jon Stewart, assure voters that it has nothing to Coalition Casualty Count.
do with free speech, but, according to The New York American officials who disclosed information
Times, they believe that it is appropriate to pass it “when about this and other criminal proceedings were forced to
American troops are at risk.” speak anonymously because they are not authorized to
According to Speaker of the House Dennis give information about possible criminal proceedings.
T h e N e w Y o rk T i m e s A c c u se d o f ÒT r e a s o n Ó Hastert, the flag burning amendment was the beginning of Another official wished to remain anonymous for fear of
a host of issues that will be addressed after their Fourth of reprisals, but it is not clear from whom those reprisals
Representative Peter King (R-NY) has called for July recess. Other topics on the newly nicknamed would be.

E xc om m u n i c a t i on f o r St e m C e l l Sc i e n t i st s ?
legal action against The New York Times after an article “American Values Agenda” are gay marriage, abortion,
concerning counterterrorism officials’ interest in the bank the Pledge of Allegiance, property rights and eminent
accounts of a few select Americans. domain, and Internet gambling.
On June 22nd, the New York Times, along with Cardinal Alfonso López Trujillo stated in a
The Los Angeles Times and The Wall Street Journal, ran recent interview that scientists who do stem cell research
an article about the SWIFT program, which traces bank should be excommunicated from the Catholic Church.
transactions of people who are believed to be involved His argument follows the logic that doing research on
with Al Qaeda. This includes wire transfers and transac- stem cells is destroying an embryo and that therefore these
tions from international banks with the United States. The scientists should be excommunicated, just as women who
article explicitly states that the SWIFT program does not get abortions and the doctors who perform them are.
monitor transactions that are complete within our borders, It is not clear whether or not the pope agrees with
but that people who are being tracked can have their ATM the cardinal’s position. Many Catholics feel that excom-
withdrawals and credit card transactions monitored. In the munication is too strong a punishment, and many people
United States, 107 banks and institutions are members of who believe in science are slightly more concerned with
SWIFT, while 588 use the system for sporadic monitor- science than they are about the Catholic Church.

Gi a n t S e a w o l ve s B a nn e r T u rn s U p Mi s s i n g Su pr e m e C ou r t G en ev a De ci s i o n , o r s o m e-
ing. Eleven million transactions are monitored per day.
On June 27th, King appeared on The O’Reilly
Factor to discuss the impact of printing an article about t hing cle vere rer.
the SWIFT program. “The thought that The New York Who says that Stony Brook lacks school spirit?
Times could run the risk of stopping [prevention of] anoth- Some dedicated Seawolves fans are now the proud own- One June 29, the Supreme Court ruled that pris-
er type of attack, to me this requires criminal sanctions,” ers of a five foot by ninety foot “Go, Seawolves!” banner. oners at Guantánamo Bay can invoke Common Article 3
said King. “That’s why I’m calling on the attorney gener- Police believe that the banner was stolen from LaValle of the Geneva Convention; the article prohibits cruel,
al to launch a full investigation and prosecution of The Stadium sometime during the wee hours of the morning inhumane, and degrading treatment and torture. The rul-
New York Times.” He also stated that he believes that their on May 16th. ing was only 5-to-3, which comes as a shock to anyone
actions violate the Espionage Act of 1917. Police are baffled by the removal of the sign, who thought that the US still believed in human rights.
President Bush and Dick Cheney have also ral- which is estimated to weigh more than sixty pounds, held As a consequence of this ruling, the debate over
lied against the Times, calling the move “disgraceful.” into place by more than 100 zip ties. After reviewing the whether new Army Field Manuals will have interrogation
data, political analyst and campus life expert Madeline instructions which include abusive techniques. It could
Scheckter has concluded that the only possible explana- also give credence to the habeas corpus petitions filed on
tion involves the use of “thirty foot scissors.” behalf of Guantánamo Bay prisoners. Interrogators in
While the sign cost $3,000 to produce, Stony Guantánamo and secret CIA prisons will be more wary in
Brook University Police are offering a $2,000 “scholar- their interrogation techniques because future administra-
ship” for any information that leads to an arrest. All calls tions may hold them accountable. The ruling should
are confidential. change the way that the administration conducts its inter-

R ap e a n d M u r der I nv es t i g a ti o n i n I r a q
rogations because it reaffirms that international and con-
stitutional law apply to the current administration.

In March, a woman was allegedly raped and Do l p h L u nd g r en C u l t on C a m pu s

murdered in Mahmudiya, Iraq by American GIs. Her hus-
band, son, and her husband’s brother were also murdered. A cult is being formed around Dolph Lundgren,
On June 24th, the American military began an investiga- action star of the 1980s. Recently, it has been brought to
Fla g Burning Ame ndment Loses by One tion after a soldier spoke about them during a therapy ses- the forefront of the public’s mind that Lundgren received
V ot e sion. One soldier has already admitted his role in the slay- a Fulbright Scholarship from MIT for Biochemical
ings and has been arrested. Mahmudiya is in what is Engineering. This is the most likely cause for the grow-
June 27th, Washington – An amendment that called “The Triangle of Death,” an insurgent stronghold; ing interest in the action star.
prohibits the desecration of the American flag failed to therefore the killing was originally reported as insurgent “Not only must he break you, but he’s actually a
pass in the Senate by a margin of one vote. The amend- activity. genius,” said one cult member who wished to remain
ment, which was last considered in 2000, left a final vote These allegations of rape and murder come in the anonymous. “This isn’t any Chuck Norris [expletive
of 66-34, with 67 affirmative votes needed to ensure its wake of the Haditha scandal in which Marines are accused deleted], he’s for real,” said another anonymous source.
passage. of killing approximately 24 unarmed civilians after a The cult bears a similarity to the famed Asia
Dissenters of the amendment claim that it vio- roadside bomb killed one Marine. Nuri Kamal al-Maliki, Carrere religion, which focuses not only on her amazing
lates free speech under the Bill of Rights, and that the the Iraqi Prime Minister, says that violence against civil- adult film career, but also on her membership in MENSA.
amount of flag desecration incidents per year does not ians by the US military has occurred regularly, and the No one bothered to get in touch with Lundgren for a com-
warrant this amount of legal action. civilian death toll certainly seems to corroborate that ment.

The Stony Brook Press - Features

USG Budget 06-07

Features - The Stony Brook Press
More Bang for
Your Budget
By Rebecca Kleinhaut Handball, The Musician’s Alliance
___________ for Peace, Roller Hockey, and Belly
Dance Club. The Stony Brook
If you did not vote in the Volunteer Ambulance Corps
most recent USG elections, then received an increase of close to
please stop reading here. If you $30,000. Also, Roth Regatta
chose to cast a ballot for (or against) received a budget increase of
the mandatory Student Activities $5,000, so be prepared for a flashier
fee, then congratulations: you are extravaganza.
now entitled to know exactly where However, some clubs were
your hard earned money is going. not so lucky. The Statesman faces a
The Press has crunched some num- cut of almost $25,000, with no
bers in the 2006-2007 USG budget money allocated for their advertis-
for your enjoyment. ing, making it the most drastic and
Next year, USG has over dramatic cut in the budget.
two million dollars to move. While The Commuter Student
many clubs have received the same Organization received little readjust-
amount as last year, give or take a ing, so commuters can rest easy in
few hundred dollars, there were a their representation. Those of you
few surprises that should be noted. who dorm can also relax; no major
Congratulations are in order for cuts were made. However, no
Amnesty International, whose budg- money was gained either, so if you
et exploded from $750 last semester were unhappy with last year’s condi-
to almost $5,000 this year. The tion, you’re out of luck.
Caribbean Students Organization is Although there have been
sure to be a larger presence on cam- some drastic readjustments for the
pus, for their budget expanded by upcoming school year, it’s safe to
over $15,000. The College say that you won’t see any changes
Republicans received close to if you aren’t looking for them. So let
$10,000 after their meager past this be your first step into keeping
budget of almost $800. Other clubs up with campus affairs, even if you
that received drastic increases were only read about them right here.
Biology Club, Marine Science Club,

Coming Soon to a
University Near You!

The Stony Brook Press - Features

Pep Band
Awesome Musical Group or
Anagram for Pan Bed P?
By Alex Walsh picks up a few years ago. The Pep Band at want and choose what events they want to ing minstrels or hiring them to enliven an
___________ that point was a group of students at SBU play at. When the band played at Roth event can visit their website
and a local high school paid by the Regatta this year, they eschewed the pre- (
Welcome to Club Spotlight! This University to play at Men’s and Women’s dictable “classics” (such as the Rocky pband/index.htm), or find them on
is a new column in which, each issue, one Basketball games. As is often the case in theme or “The Hey Song” (you know, the Facebook. Veteran Pep Band member
of our talented, strikingly attractive staff clubs with paid positions, many of the one they always play at hockey games, and Jowy Romano had this to say to potential
writers will introduce to you, dear reader, members were only in it for the cool check everyone stands up and says “Hey!” It was clients: “If any club is holding an event
one piece of the wide and varied smorgas- on payday. So when Stony Brook pulled on Jock Jams or something.)) in favor of that they would like us to play at, I encour-
bord of opportunity that is the “clubs and the plug in 2003, only the truly peppy less traditional, more fun tracks like the age you to contact us. We would be
activities” scene at Stony Brook. There’s a among these guardians of Pep stuck themes from Tetris and Duck Tales, and thrilled to.” And to aspiring recruits he
lot of stuff out there you’ve probably never around to give a damn. Reel Big Fish’s ska-pop anthem “Sellout.” delivered this glowing testimonial: “We
even heard of. Did you know that we have The ringleaders of the Pep Band The Pep Band is always looking have loads of fun!” What could be more
a Scuba Squad on campus? Thrilling and reformation, drummer Jowy Romano and for new members and new gigs. Anyone important?
intriguing, I know, but that’s a story for Dimitri Vishnepolsky, who played trumpet interested in joining up with these wander-
another day. No, my friends, today I’m and guitar, scraped together the remaining
going to focus on a subject much nearer Pep Band stalwarts and began anew as an
and dearer to some of us here at the Press, all volunteer club. The revival was a bit
the Stony Brook Pep Band. So listen for a shaky at first. “Yes, at first, the number of
while and hear the tale of this plucky col- band members was reduced dramatically,”
lective of pep performers. said Romano, “But again, it weeded out
If you went to the Roth Regatta the people who only really cared about the
this year, you’ve most likely heard the Pep money.” This new lineup comprised only
Band play. This troupe of student musi- six members, but they served admirably,
cians has been making the rounds at cam- proving that the school’s attempts to crush
pus events in its current incarnation since the spirits of its students can’t always suc-
the 2003-2004 school year. Their ener- ceed.
getic, ska-influenced sound has been heard After three years of working hard
at basketball games, Strawberry Fest, to keep the Pep Band alive and playing,
Cultural Explosion, and the University the membership has grown and the group
Café as well as the aforementioned is looking to perform at more events. They
Regatta. were recently awarded a grant from the
The absolute beginning of the USG budget surplus to purchase new
Pep Band has been lost to the domain of equipment for the club. According to
legend, but reliable history (what the old- Romano, “The grant was to buy a drum
Photos Courtesy of Adina Silverbush
est of the current members can remember) set, amps and a cart to wheel the stuff
around campus. Up until we got the grant,

Would you like your club

we were all using our own instruments and
amps. My drums took quite a beating
while transporting them around campus

to be featured in a future
for 3 years.”
The dedication demonstrated by

Club Spotlight?
the members who volunteered their own
time and equipment illustrates the quality
of enthusiasm that sets the Pep Band apart
from other campus ensembles. Because
the club is student run, USG funded, and
unpaid, anyone who shows up and plays

E-mail us at
does so because he or she wants to, not to
pick up some cash money on the side, as in
the Pep Band of yesteryear. It also allows
the band a considerable degree of freedom.
Not having to answer to an administrative
overlord, they can play the songs they

Extra! Extra!
Superman Returns

Reviews - The Stony Brook Press

that works well in Superman Returns; as Clark Kent, but unfortunately he isn’t
however, this is a thin building block that given much to work with. Kate Bosworth
gives little credence to the film’s larger as Lois Lane grows on you as the film pro-
scale. Superman must save the world from gresses, but she doesn’t possess the spunk
the maniacal and ludicrous aspirations of and drive that Margot Kidder brought to
his foe, Lex Luthor, who attempts to create the role in 1980. The same can be said for
an eighth continent off of the east coast of Kevin Spacey as Lex Luthor: he is ade-
North America. This would enable him to quate but Gene Hackman brought more
acquire ownership rights and to sell the charisma to the part.
land, thus becoming the world’s premier The one aspect of the film I did
real estate agent. If this sounds believable enjoy was the romance between Lois and
then maybe I can sell you, as the viewer, Superman. This does not say much about
the Brooklyn Bridge or, better yet, we can the film as a whole, but it could have been
take that viaduct and bridge the gap a building block to grow from. However,
between the two continents! Its fun to the rivalry between Superman and Lex
watch, but its so bizarre and wacky. It’s Luthor was not. One facet of this romantic
just an insane concept. link was the scene in which Superman
The film has its moments of gives Lois a ride through the city, starting
exhilaration! In particular, there is a har- from the top of the Daily Planet building,
rowing scene in which Superman saves a flying between the building in the night
jetliner from is plummeting to earth after sky and soaring just above the ocean with
By Eddie Zadorozny learns that it was destroyed. He then
an attempt to launch a space shuttle from the NY skyline displayed in the back-
___________ returned to Metropolis to return to his
on top of the plane goes awry. Inside the ground. It paid homage to the 1980 version
crime fighting ways and to rekindle the
jetliner are media personel and specialists and beautifully displayed with affection
The dejected yearnings of a lust he feels for Lois by resuming his two
covering this groundbreaking achieve- through the lust between the actors. It’s as
woman for a super human being are final- personas: the goofy, gawky Clark Kent
ment, and Lois is one of the passengers. It memorable and aesthetically pleasing here
ly revisited after more than 5 years without and the treasured and admired Superman.
all looks spectacular, but I found it so far- as it was in the 1980 Christopher
correspondence from her desired suitor! However, Lois has since gotten over him.
fetched that a space shuttle would be Reeve/Margot Kidder version.
However, it’s not just any suitor, but a She has even written a Pulitzer Prize-win-
launching above a jetliner. It seems to ask The film is flawed, but if you can
mate that can fly, encompass bouts of ning article entitled “Why the World
a lot of the audience to find this plausible. suspend your thoughts and let the prepos-
super strength, and also promote the con- Doesn’t Need Superman” and has a son
There is also a scene where Lex Luthor’s terous storyline proceed, it has its
cepts of justice and goodwill for all of and a new fiancée. Despite it all, she still
sidekick, Kitty (played by Parker Posey) moments of entertainment value through
humanity. It sounds like a woman’s has a yearning for the romantic bliss with
has the brakes on her cars tampered with in set pieces, production decisions, and
embodiment of the perfect manly speci- the enigmatic but brooding presence that
order to occupy Superman. The scene is action scenes. However, those moments
men (it could be Tom Cruise), especially if accompanies Superman. What woman is
spectacularly staged, but it is so ridiculous are not enough to say that this film is the
that man is named Superman. not looking for the romance of being swept
that the car endures impossible feats. event it could have been, or what I was
Five years have passed since the off her feet passionately (which in one
Brandon Routh as Superman has hoping it would be.
last interlude between the mighty woman scene literally happens) and being adored?
a nice brooding presence and striking
reporter, Lois Lane, and the Man of Steel, If this sounds a bit sappy and way
Hollywood looks. I am sure he will Superman Returns: rated PG-13 (intense
Superman. He left this universe to return sentimental, it may be due to the fact that I
become a presence of pinup quality in scenes and action violence) running time
to his home, Krypton, after it was told by was feeling vulnerable with my box of
film. The camera seems to have a fixation 140 minutes released by Warner Bros
scientists that it still existed. He had a new 99.9% antibacterial, aloe, hypoallergenic

Editorial: The NSA Has

with his charm, more so as Superman than directed by Bryan Singer
mission in store for his homeland, but soon Kleenex that day. Romance is the element

Discovered MySpace Continued

Continued from page 4 professional ruin of individuals for ideo- Cockrum. tomorrow and the future public servants. I
MySpace? With Tom as my witness and logical and political purposes. For exam- So this begs the question: What fear that the $58.8 billion spent this past
one true friend, the answer is zero. In the ple, 20-year old student Jason Johnson was are the Defense Department’s true inten- year on domestic surveillance programs
time it takes to edit one’s profile, a reason- expelled from a Christian liberal arts col- tions? It is insulting to be told that that include social network data mining are
able treatment of the types of information lege in Kentucky this past April for admit- MySpace, a veritable billboard for incon- nothing more than an insurance policy for
available on such online communities ting that he was gay on his MySpace pro- sequential bric-a-brac, is a valuable tool our current leaders. They seek only to
would suggest that the Pentagon has file. The college deemed this information for counterterrorism. (Although it’s no acquire political ammunition against the
invested our money and its time on an dangerous enough to eject the college stu- wonder that the very same Department of voices that diversify and enrich the public
ineffective, incomplete, inaccurate, and dent from their enrollment for “promoting Defense who sifts through MySpace for discourse and they aim to slowly detract
incorrigible surveillance program. sexual behavior not consistent with actionable intelligence would not act on an from the ideals that make America such a
In fact, the only discernable utili- Christian principles” according to a state- August 2001 memorandum entitled “Bin wonderful place to live.
ty this kind of snooping has demonstrated ment from the University of the Laden determined to strike in US.”)
thus far is the character assassination and Cumberlands’ spokesperson Larry We, after all, are the leaders of

Time to BOOK IT!®, Bitches!
The Stony Brook Press - Reviews

By Rebecca Kleinhaut Eyeing the Flash: The Making of a Carnival Con Artist The Complete Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis
___________ by Peter Fenton This book is a must for any summer reading list
I didn’t think of Long Island as being a particu- for all ages. You might think that this is a quick read, but
Growing up, my sister and I had voracious larly large breeding ground for rednecks until I went to be prepared to spend the next few weeks reliving your
appetites for two things – carbohydrates and books. Then, the Bald Hill Carnival last month. I enjoyed the “big top” childhood. This compilation creates a whole other world
Pizza Hut created a program that we thought was just for circus with a 1,000 pound pig, ten dressed poodles walk- beyond the wardrobe. Plus, there’s so much controver-
us. In 1985, the popular chain of pizzerias created BOOK ing on their hind legs, and a clown named Potato. sial symbolism mumbo-jumbo surrounding the book,
IT!®, which challenges young kids to read for free food, However, after reading Peter Fenton’s freaky memoir, I making it one of the only children’s books that you can
and thus, creates generations of smarter, chubbier chil- developed a sense of sympathy for the midway workers. read in public and still manage to look scholarly.
dren. Fenton details his traumatic fall from a shy, athletic and
If you have never indulged in the joys of this pro- intelligent high school kid to an outlandish and crass car-
gram, you’re now out of luck. However, you still have two nival con artist. You’ll also learn why you just can’t
options: you can either encourage a younger sibling to seem to get one stupid baseball in the stupid bucket.
read and then steal their pizza, or you can check out some
of my favorite summer reads while eating the food of your
choice: this way, the opportunities are endless!

Sellevision: A Novel by Augusten Burroughs

If you’ve read the 2003 memoir Running With
Scissors, then I’m sure that no explanation is needed.
Just seeing his name on a book makes me want to buy it.
Sellevision is Burroughs’ first published work and is his
only completely fictional novel. It chronicles the com-
ings and goings of a prosperous (and fictitious) home
shopping channel, where we learn why the program
hosts really have no right to be so condescending to their
callers. If you’ve ever watched QVC just to revel in the
mistakes of the perky personalities, then this is the book
for you. It begins with one host accidentally flashing his
stuff for the camera… during a Toys for Tots segment.
How could you not want to read it? Live from New York: An Uncensored History of
Saturday Night Live edited by Tom Shales and James
A. Miller
Let’s face it: “Saturday Night Live” has seen
better days. Many are convinced that this is the begin-
Them: Adventures with Extremists by Jon Ronson ning of a final decline. This compilation of interviews
Jon Ronson is a god in the world of journalism. from the people who lived through the madness helps to
In an age where news can be (and will be) misinterpret- explain why it’s not dead yet and why it won’t be for a
ed and sensationalized, Ronson embeds himself in the while. It’s like being a fly on the wall at some drunken
lives of his subjects across the political spectrum with SNL reunion party. Learn why everyone loves and
detailed and honest accuracy. Ronson spends his time respects Lorne Michaels and despises Chevy Chase, and
explaining the conspiracy theories of a whole host of why hosts Ben Stiller and Jerry Seinfeld are not favorites
crazies. He becomes so dedicated to uncovering his story among the writers. Even though many of us were not
that he is even revealed to be a Jew at a militant Islamic around to see the show at its inception, you’ll feel like
terrorist training camp. If you’ve ever wondered in the you were after completing this long but satisfying jour-
recesses of your brain whether groups like the ney.
Bilderberg Group or New World Order really exist, then
this book is worth your time.


Summer Reading

Reviews - The Stony Brook Press

By Stephanie Hayes A Long Way Down by Nick Hornby Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides
___________ If you like Nick Hornby, there’s a good chance Despite its heavy subject matter, Eugenides’
it’s more like love and you’ve already read this. If you lauded debut novel The Virgin Suicides ended up being
haven’t read a single Hornby book, you should probably choice summer reading a couple years ago. I assumed
This is what I’ve been reading: start with High Fidelity or About a Boy (How to be Good his sophomoric effort Middlesex would also work well
is… good but the other two are better). That being said, with hot, sunny afternoons. Boy was I mistaken. I don’t
The Undomestic Goddess by Sophie Kinsella I love Nick Hornby and was therefore inclined to enjoy know if it was the well-expressed insecurities of the nar-
Although I’ve yet to read the rest of Kinsella’s his fourth novel A Long Way Down. rator or the descriptions of inner city Detroit but this is
novels, including her highly successful Shopaholic It’s New Year’s Eve and four people find them- definitely a story suited to dreary skies and cold weath-
series, I’ll hazard a guess that they all have eerily simi- selves on the top of a building, all ready to jump, or so er. Eugenides’ writing forced me to think about more
lar plots (a young, professional woman ends up telling a they think. There’s Martin who was once the co-host for serious issues and worry about deeper things (compared
bunch of white lies and those lies build up to something a morning talk show, Maureen whose livelihood is sti- to, let’s say, Sophie Kinsella). However a great book is
both comical and disastrous. In the end, the heroine fled by the constant care she must give her disabled son, a great book, whether it would have been better in late
emerges victorious and takes with her a heartwarming Jess, a frustrated and emotional teenager, and JJ, an autumn or not. And considering that not everyone has
life lesson, possibly several). You’d think formulaic American and failed musician who delivers pizza. They my philosophy on the “right” time to read certain books,
writing like this would be cheesy and dull but it actually meet on the roof where they exhibit nothing but disdain I figured this was worth a brief review.
works. for one another, yet somehow they talk themselves Middlesex is the story of a hermaphrodite
In this case, the story follows workaholic downstairs and form a sort of motley support group. The named Carl, who was born and raised as “Calliope” by
Samantha Sweeting. She’s in her late twenties and has four main characters take turns narrating the book, mak- unknowing parents. Carl turns out to be a fantastic nar-
worked like a dog in hopes of making partner at ing them each more reliable than they would have been rator who, even if the first fifty pages drag, you become
London’s most prestigious firm. Unfortunately, she through outward actions alone and exposes them as unbelievably attached to. To tell his story, Carl back-
loses her promotion because of a single error and in full somewhat vulnerable. Hornby has a way of mixing tracks to Turkey, tracing the family journey of this
freak-out mode, she flees to the countryside. Because of seemingly cheerless things (in this case, suicidal depres- mutant gene. It begins with his grandparents, who had a
a mistake, Samantha is able to fib her way into a job as sion), with humor without cheapening the whole plot. very close relationship (wink wink), and moves on to his
housekeeper. Nevermind that she has never cooked or Martin, Maureen, JJ and Jess end up flying off on vaca- parents, also too genetically close for comfort. And
cleaned; Samantha sees this job as an opportunity to hide tion together but their conflicts seem so ordinary and while I would have liked to shake my head and write
from her botched career in London. And lucky for relatable that the book never seems false. The reader is these people off as… whatever the Eastern European
Samantha, her employers are Trish and Eddie Geiger, a able to chuckle at the zaniness of these characters and equivalent is for American rednecks, I found their per-
nouveau riche couple who are dazzled by their new “cor- learn what it is that causes unhappy people to jump, or spectives were so complete and convincing that to judge
don-blue” chef. The Geigers’ lack of sophistication come down. them seemed wholly unkind. Instead of the awkward
makes them easy to fool, certainly, but they are also ideal adolescence most people face, Calliope has a terrifying
people for Samantha to surround herself with because high school experience as a towering, graceless teenag-
they are considerate and well-meaning. At the Geigers’, er, well aware that she stands apart from other girls.
she finds aid in Nathaniel, the attractive gardener who Even if you can’t relate to Calliope/Carl’s predicament
provides her with constant support. Not surprisingly, of being born with two sets of genitalia, you feel how
Nathanial steps in as Samantha’s love interest. painful it is for this character to never fit in; you grasp
I hardly think I’m giving anything away when I how weighted down he is by isolation, even if his tone
say that Samantha finds herself a changed woman by the seems a bit removed. The difficulties faced by family
end of the book. Luckily, Kinsella knows she is not and gender roles, the constant fear of forming any sort of
being judged for her predictable plots. Rather, she hooks lasting relationship--these are things that Jeffrey
readers with charming characters you wish you knew Eugenides weaves into his story. And luckily, his writ-
and ideals you’ve always felt to be true. You’ll laugh at ing style is so smart and polished that he avoids being
Samantha’s outlandish lies and root for her as she tries to melodramatic. So yeah, Middlesex is more complex
learn the finer points of laundry. Samantha is a flawed than I’m capable of putting into words.
character who grows to discover that her life as a lawyer Books I Might Read/Finish Eventually:
was not a fulfilling one. What makes The Undomestic Utterly Monkey by Nick Laird: Protagonist Danny
Goddess such a page-turner are the ways in which Williams has left behind his past in Belfast but then a
Samantha blossoms into her new life and attitude. Ah, high school friend comes and shakes things up.
the warm, gooey goodness of chick-lit. Gemma Bovery by Posy Simmonds: A contemporary
spin on Flaubert’s Madame Bovary put in graphic novel
The Coma by Alex Garland: A man is recovering from
an attack in the subway. The novel jumps around the
timeline of his life and things are pieced together.
The Curse of Lono by Hunter S. Thompson: A jour-
nalist sets out to retrace the steps of Captain James Cook,
a guy who was beaten and eaten over 200 years go. The
illustrations look pretty badass.
The Real Thing by Tom Stoppard: Another play about
complicated relationships but everything Tom Stoppard
does is brilliant.
Hewligan’s Haircut by Jamie Hewlett: To be perfectly
honest, I don’t know what this is about and I really don’t
care. I just know that it’s illustrated by Jamie Hewlett
(Tank Girl, Gorillaz) and it’s really colorful.
Finnegans Wake by James Joyce: Joyce’s famous
experimental novel. Just not today or tomorrow or ya
know, anytime in the near future.

death egg zone

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