The Stony Brook Press - Volume 27, Issue 16

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Vol. XXVII, Issue 16 “Wow..................where are my rice cakes?

” September 6, 2006
Chapin Apartments: Seawolves Men’s
The Stony Brook Press - News

The Roof is on Fire Soccer Alumni Return

By Alex Walsh By Antony Lin “It is great seeing how the program is
___________ ___________ doing well even though they lost a lot of
players. It is good to come out here,” said
A fire in the Chapin apartment com- The current Seawolves squad defeated Megaloudis. “They are well-coached. I
plex this summer extensively damaged the Alumni by a score of 3-0, with all have been with Cesar (Markovic) for four
six of Building J’s seventeen apart- goals coming in the first half on a beauti- years and he gets the best out of the play-
ments and destroyed a large section of ful night at LaValle Stadium. Assistant ers.”
the roof. The fire, which occurred coach Dariel Collazo played the role of Adam Ciklic scored the game-winning
around noon on Wednesday, August 23, the head referee. It was a night not to be goal off of a great passing combination
is being considered a possible arson by forgotten as the defending 2005 America between Mahamadou Simpara and
investigators. There have been reports East champions felt their championship Michael Palacio. Ciklic’s shot from nine
of mattresses leaned against the side of rings for the first time. yards out found the lower right corner of
The roof of building J after the blaze.

the building which may have been ignit- got there, flames burst through the roof. “It was a good chance to see good the net.
So for about an hour, we stood with I, J, players that graduated from here,” said The Alumni found themselves down 2-
and K building residents watching the Yahaya Musa. “At the end of the day we 0 off of a header goal from Pete Halkidis.
“For about an hour, we stood fire eat up the roof and grow. are all part of what helped Stony Brook Playing the short corner, Tamer
with I, J, and K building Fortunately, there are brick walls be a good team.” Mohamed sent a perfect inswinging
between each apartment section, so they “I thought our guys played well,” said cross, finding Halkidis to head the ball
residents watching the fire eat were able to put it out before it spread to head coach Cesar Markovic. “Our alumni home.
up the roof and grow” the other buildings. There were lots of team is a good team. There are about six Recently named one of the three cap-
desperate graduate students trying to run to seven guys getting paid to play soccer. tains, Zachary Norwood put the game out
Claire Mize back inside for computers, dissertations, It was just a lot of fun to have all the guys of the Alumni’s reach on the night of his
and visas.” together.” birthday. Ciklic played a precise ball to
Graduate Student
University Media Relations Officer A large number of the Stony Brook Norwood, who slotted the ball to the near
ed to start the fire. Stony Brook Patrick Calabria said 67 students were alumni are currently members of the post from seven yards out to make it 3-0.
University fire safety trucks arrived at temporarily evacuated during the fire, Long Island Rough Riders in the United Following the match, the “Crowning
Chapin shortly after the alarm went off, and 17 were relocated to the West Soccer League USL, 2nd division. Of that of the Champions” reception was held in
and the fire departments of Setauket, Apartments. According to an RA in group, Joshua Allen, Anthony Barberio, the VIP room of LaValle Stadium.
Stony Brook, St. James, Centereach, West, the relocated students were given Rob Fucci, Chris Megaloudis and Championship rings were distributed to
Selden, Terryville and Port Jefferson gift cards and items to help replace what Douglas Narvaez made appearances in members of the 2005 America East cham-
were called to put out the blaze. was lost in the fire and furnish their new the Seawolves Alumni match. Assistant pionship team during the reception.
Claire Mize, a grad student and for- rooms. coach Jack Stefanowski also made a few “Remember, it is the memories that are
mer Building J resident, described the No residents were injured, although appearances for the Rough Riders as well going to count the most,” Markovic told
incident: “I ran downstairs, and just as I four firefighters suffered minor injuries. this past season. the players.

Accusations Prevent Student Gov Officials

from Taking Office at SUNY New Paltz
By Madeline Scheckter director Corinna Caracci. The commit- administration would never attempt to committee – a member of which was
___________ tee members who heard their case were influence the student election in such a the complainant. Holmes was most
colleagues of Caracci – most certainly manner, the fact is that Holmes was clearly forced out of his student govern-
In recent years, election scandals not the peers of the accused. arrested on May 9th for possession of ment position, most likely for his polit-
have become so common that one Holmes, who appears to be targeted stolen property. The stolen property in ical activism.
almost expects to hear at least one for because of his activism on the issue of question was a sleeping bag of the sort SUNY New Paltz has been enjoying
any given election. But what if there New Paltz’s marijuana policy, claims that, according to The New Paltz Times, an increasingly favorable reputation.
were allegations of illegal and unethi- there was no harassment and cites a is commonly used by student officials Applications have been increasing; it is
cal attempts to influence an election tape of the alleged encounter. The tape in their offices when they work late. now the most applied-to SUNY campus.
which were ignored? What if then, is posted on the student-run website, Indeed, Holmes was asleep in the sleep- The average GPA of incoming freshmen
after the person campaigned against wikipaltz, which Holmes helped to cre- ing bag in his office. If nothing else, has also increased. However, New
had already won, they were arrested on ate. Caracci’s police report claims this shows that he did not intend to Paltz also bears the stigma of being a
truly unfair accusations, which were physical contact, the tape shows none, remove the property from the campus party school – politically correct
made only to prevent them from taking which Holmes says proves she filed a and there is a clear precedent of people administration talk for ‘full of hippies
office? Then you would have what misleading police report. Holmes also using the equipment and there was no and weed.’ While it is understandable
happened this past election at SUNY claims that he personally heard Caracci indication that they were something that the school’s administration would
New Paltz. discussing her attempts to influence the students were not meant to use. want to separate itself from this image,
Over the summer, SUNY New Paltz student elections against him. Eric The hearing on the sleeping bag has it is hard to imagine why they would
student body president Justin Holmes Gullickson, the spokesperson for been postponed, yet the college claims disrupt and interfere with campus poli-
and statewide student president Dan SUNY New Paltz, has called these that the judicial process is “well-estab- tics and tarnish the names – not to men-
Curtis were suspended for a year and claims “ludicrous” and dismisses them lished and fair.” Furthermore, Holmes tion educational careers – of students
student government vice-president R.J. as something the administration would has not been allowed to cross-examine who are working for change because
Partington III was expelled after allega- never do. his accusers, and the Department of they want what is best for the college
tions that they harassed resident life Despite Gullickson’s claim that the Student Affairs selected the hearing and its students.

Happy First Anniversary Katrina!

News - The Stony Brook Press

by Joanna Goodman waters.
___________ The pain present now is much hard-
er to condense into a single image or
Where was the media over the past two-minute segment. How do you
year? The Middle East. Colorado capture in a mere snapshot or a sound
(again). The US-Mexico border. bite the 35-year-old single mother and
And now, they've all taken a trip to her three-year-old daughter who,
the Gulf for the one-year anniversary denied a trailer, have no home, job, or
of Katrina. It's like one big happy income? How can you show TV view-
reunion, reporters and broadcasters ers the impact of FEMA's readiness to
reconvening over the scenes of a dis- cut off financial aid to nearly 2,800
aster that has yet to end. families stranded in Texas? How do
Is the tragedy over? Are the people you convey the emotions of the man
safely settled? Are the houses rebuilt? collecting the pieces left of his life on
No; debris still hasn't even been the curb outside his home??
removed from some of the streets of "FEMA blue" tarps, trailers outside
New Orleans. Yet here we all are one- broken homes, deserted cars and lev-
year-later, watching coverage of a eled blocks don't keep the nation's
Tanya Lukesik
Eight months later, a child's sandal lies in the street close to a Habitat for Humanity worksite in the Eighth Ward.

tragedy as if it has passed while the attention span the way they used to.
victims still struggle to feed and Yet in photos taken as recently as three
house themselves. Every media outlet months ago, personal effects remain in
place in otherwise demolished homes,
or lay haphazardly on the pavement.
The pain present now is much A cassette tape, a stuffed animal, a
stack of dishes, a bowling ball. I'm
harder to condense into sure that there's a child's sandal still
a single image or two-minute sitting in the same spot in the Eighth
Ward as it was when Stony Brook stu-
segment. dents first found it over Spring Break
in April (see next issue for further cov-
was ready to jump on the bandwagon It's all still there and people are still
for the viewer-drawing potential of the suffering. But now, in place of visible,
array of forgotten people of the Gulf; tangible pain, anguish, and loss, in
ravaged by looters, plagued by crime, place of jarring footage of chaos and
and forsaken by the government.? destruction, what we are left with is a
Tanya Lukesik
Eight months later, the remains of houses still lined the streets, in clusters, blocks, or entire neighborhoods.

Now the anniversary is over, and grief, an exhaustion, a despair, that

coverage will dry up again until there's cannot be captured so easily on cam-
something juicier to bring their cam- era, or at least not in brief enough
eras back. Notice, when the situation moments for the nation to catch in
disintegrated into violence, how between the latest celebrity DWI and
quickly everyone was talking about it. the weather report.?
I can name only one mainstream media The 365th day since the hurricane
network that consistently returned struck has come and gone, and the
their focus to the area even after the swarm of anniversary coverage is
hurricane died down, the levies gave over. There are no memorials to fuss
way, and the city flooded. over – not enough has been rebuilt to
For the rest, the story ended when put them anywhere. There's no enemy
they could no longer find the dramatic to strike us again if we let our guard
visuals of the families trapped on down. Nothing is left to keep our
roofs, eighty-year-olds and infants attention but the people of the Gulf
wasting away in the Superdome, or themselves, and they may beckon,
lifetimes' worth of possessions float- plead, and shout to be heard, but the
ing away on the surface of the flood nation will have them on mute. Andreas Stewart, Hamline University
Nine months later. God Bless America?

The Stony Brook Press - Editorials

The Blame Game
Editorial Board

Executive Editor
Jowy Romano
When we’re young, we are told to take responsibility for our recent back-to-back deaths of infants, with only one of them
Managing Editor actions. We are taught that a missed homework results in an being a candidate for open heart surgery, has left the State
Andrew Per nick
incomplete, and the failure to talk to your crush means that they Department of Health playing the blame game, and
Associate Editor will never know that you exist. Your life cannot change until Quaegebeur and his nurses are suddenly at the top of their list.
Alex Walsh
you take the first steps. Modern medicine is all about taking chances. We can actual-
Business Manager However, something happens along the way that makes ly open up a body and fix it from the inside out. When you
Adina Silverbush
those life lessons ring false. We find that it is easier to point think about it, that’s pretty damn near miraculous. However,
Production Manager fingers than to work together. We also find that we can cover most doctors will tell you that all they really need is a lot of job
Caroline D’Agati
our tracks by using blanket statements. Our thoughtless actions training and a good night’s rest. When they don’t have the
News Editors can suddenly become something that was “meant to be” or “a chance to have either of these, then the problems do not origi-
Rebecca Kleinhaut
Madeline Scheckter matter of chance.” We find that we are capable of playing the nate at the hospital itself, but with those who lay above the law.
Features Editor role of God. The DOH has since shut down the hospital’s pediatric car-
Stephanie Hayes Recently, the Department of Health has been searching for diac surgery program, leaving a number of both national and
Photo Editors reasons to point a finger at otherwise competent doctors at international patients without a doctor. They have also fined the
Joey Safdia Stony Brook University Hospital. However, what they have hospital $38,000 after conducting sweeping investigations of
Vincent Michael Festa
failed to do is turn that finger on themselves. The Department the Pediatric Unit. The Unit itself has been under investigation
Copy Editors of Health will try to piece together otherwise unrelated inci- since 1999, after four infant deaths left them baffled.
James Messina
Rose Slupski dents in an attempt to create a picture of a careless staff and The DOH wonders blindly why messages from doctors to
Lukasz Chelminski ineptitude on the part of the doctors. nurses to other nurses in other units are being mixed up. What
Webmaster The Pediatric Unit at Stony Brook University Hospital is they’ve conveniently overlooked is that communication errors
Chris Williams responsible for thousands of babies every year. It is their job to only occur when a hospital is understaffed and overworked. A
Audiomaster make sure that the defenseless can someday become responsi- hospital is only understaffed and overworked when it is under-
Kristine Renigen ble children, and then semi-responsible adults. Dr. Jan paid. He who controls the money controls the doctors, and
Ombudsman Quaegebeur, Stony Brook’s only pediatric cardiothoracic sur- hence, controls the fates of its patients. If Health Department
Rob Pearsall geon, was responsible for performing 225 open heart surgeries Commissioner Antonia Novello and the DOH choose to take on
on infants since 2001. He and his specially trained staff of nurs- the role of God, they must take on the responsibility of making
es have only had four deaths in five years. However, three sure that their doctors and nurses are taken care of.
Minister of Archives

Arson and Campus Destruction

Joe Rios

Distribution Manager
Joe Filippazzo

Staff A fire, believed to be the work of an arsonist, damaged the roof vast majority of students would not see fit to assault their mother, let
Travis Aria Melissa Lobel of Chapin Apartments building J, forcing 67 residents to temporari- alone lighting her on fire. Unfortunately for the majority, a small
Nicole L. Barry Thomas Mets ly evacuate, damaging six apartments, and leaving 17 students in minority have so little respect for the campus and their fellow stu-
Melissa Bernardez Jamie Mignone
James Blonde Ali Nazir need of a new place to live. The Stony Brook Press extends its dents that they actively set out to ruin the university experience for
Philip Camacho Irv Novoa deepest sympathies for those affected by the fire and stands by their the majority. Since they have such a blatant disrespect for their
Jimmy Del Kerr Frank Nobiletti side in this time of chaos and confusion. At the same time, The “second mother” that one is left wondering whether they assault
Joe Donato John O’Dell
Melanie Donovan Laura Positano
Press condemns the work of the arsonist and hopes that he or she is their first mother, she who raised them from their youth.
Rob Gilheany Michael Prazak brought to justice with all due speed. The position of this paper must be made abundantly clear: The
David K. Ginn Rachel Eagle Reiter But the arson is part of a much larger issue, one that affects not Stony Brook Press condemns not only the arsonist who partially
Sam Goldman Natalie Schultz
only the graduate housing, but the campus entire. Although most damaged Chapin J, but also those who seek out to destroy, damage,
Joanna Goodman Alison Schwartz
Paula Guy Karen Shidlo students at Stony Brook respect the university’s property, a small or deface any other part of the university. With all of the events,
Trevor Hirst Christine Tanaka number of disaffected students have a blatant disregard for univer- clubs, and activities on this campus, with all of the work and study-
Mo Ibrahim Amberly Timperio sity buildings, furniture, and grounds. The university administra- ing, with all of the distractions, surely these students could find
Alexander Kahn Claudia Toloza
Olga Kaplun Lena Tumasyan tion, over the past year, has done a lot of work to beautify the cam- something better to do with their time rather than engage in acts of
Adam Kearney Marcel Votlucka pus, and The Press commends them for their efforts. That said, a campus destruction.
Yve Koon Brian Wasser minority of students seem to have made it their mission to make this So, to those of you who feel it necessary to deface the campus,
Chun Lee Ricky Whitcomb
Joan Leong Brian Wong
campus, especially its residence halls, as damaged and defaced as on behalf of The Stony Brook Press and, most likely, on behalf of
Antony Lin Ed Zadorozny possible. those students who wish to enjoy their university experience: cease
The term alma mater, often used to refer to one’s university, is and desist. Find better things to do with your time. Throw your-
derived from the Latin for “second mother.” The university experi- selves into your studies. Join a club. Your actions against campus
The Stony Brook Press is published fortnightly during

the academic year and twice during summer session

by The Stony Brook Press, a student run non-profit ence is meant to include forming close-knit bonds with one’s fellow property do nothing save ruin it for the rest of the student body. In
students. But that experience is also meant to include developing a short, The Stony Brook Press urges all of you who see fit to destroy
organization funded by the Student Activity Fee.

fondness for the campus itself. Yet these disaffected students seek the campus to stop and we condemn, in the strongest of all possible
The opinions expressed in letters, articles and

viewpoints do not necessarily reflect those of

The Stony Brook Press as a whole. to make developing that fondness as difficult a task as they can. The ways, your actions and your results.
Advertising policy does not necessarily reflect editorial

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News-In-Brief - The Stony Brook Press
Compiled By Rebecca Kleinhaut and Alex “A-Wal” Walsh
Southampton College’s New Lease on Life are attempting to pick up international television sta-
There is a light at the end of the tunnel for the lit- tions. Havana is also set to host the Non-Aligned
tle college that couldn’t quite make it. Southampton Movement Summit later on this month.
College, formerly a member of Long Island Those Crazy Drunks in Wyoming
University, is just steps away from becoming the New Yorkers love an excuse to tell their crazy
newest member of the Stony Brook University fami- hillbilly jokes. Now they have one! A recent survey
ly. On September 1st, University President Shirley found that south central Wyoming has the highest
Strum Kenney announced that the colleges are underage drinking rate in the country. The survey,
“eager and ready” to merge. Southampton, which which was conducted by the federal Substance
was bought by Stony Brook last year for $35 million, Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
will be commencing with its undergraduate program over a span of three years, found that Wyoming,
in 2007. This year the college will retain a select few Montana, and the Dakotas housed seven out of the
programs, including marine science, will be ten largest areas for underage binge drinking. Some
retained. The college soon hopes to unveil their new analysts say that the drinking rate is so high because
curriculum, which will focus on environmental stud- children are forced to adapt to the frontier lifestyle,
ies and sustainability. and thereby are forced to grow up early. The resi-
dents, however, blame it on sheer boredom.
Montana, which made drunk driving a criminal
offense last year, also suffers from rampant metham-
phetamine use.

The “Chocolate City” Strikes Again

Days after his infamous 60 Minutes interview,
New Orleans mayor C. Ray Nagin visited New York
to try to gain investments for businesses in his city.
Mayor Nagin, who is known for his political incor-
rectness in choosing his statements, admitted that he
could have chosen his words more carefully when he “The Scream” Returns
referred to the World Trade Center site as “a hole in Just in case you thought your days of seeing that
the ground”. creepy painting with the screaming peanut shaped
In a press conference on September 1st, Mayor head were over, it’s time for a rude awakening. After
Nagin apologized for his statement, calling it instead two year’s hiatus from the Munch Museum, Edvard
a “sacred site that is currently in an undeveloped Munch’s paintings “The Scream” and “Madonna”
state.” were recovered in Norway on August 30. Iver
The Reverend Al Sharpton, who was at his side for Stensrud, the assistant chief of Oslo police, said that
the weekend, said that Mayor Nagin’s statement the paintings were not damaged beyond a scratch or
echoed the frustration of many New Yorkers. “Many two. Although no new arrests were made, six men
New Yorkers wonder why we haven’t built a serious were arrested last year in conjunction with the rob-
memorial [for the victims].” bery. The painting was stolen from the museum in
broad daylight on August 22, 2004.

Castro Alive and Kicking

Raul Castro recently reported that his brother
Fidel is recovering “gradually and satisfactorily” Crocodile Hunter Dies
from an operation to stop gastric bleeding. Raul, Steve Irwin (February 22, 1962 – September 4,
who serves as defense minister and interim 2006) Beloved environmentalist and crazy mother-
President, made the announcement about his broth- fucker. Took a goddamn stingray barb to the heart.
er’s health during a meeting with Syrian Information His death, described by Australian Prime Minister
Minister Mohsen Bilal. John Howard as “sudden, untimely, and freakish”
Since his brother’s surgery, Raul has proved that leaves behind a similarly insane wife, recently
temporary leadership is just as good as the real controversial son, mostly unknown daughter, awe-
thing. On August 30, Raul named Castro rival some dog Sui, and a dinghy. Irwin’s is only the
Ramiro Valdes as Minister of Communications and second recorded stingray-related death in
Information Science. Castro Jr. is hoping to crack Australian history. Peace out Steve, you’ll be
down on the amount of illegal satellite antennas that missed.

Neo-Nazis: Being All That They Can Be
The Stony Brook Press - News

By Joe Safdia enlist more men and women into the ance policy against extremists in the mil- allegedly had “Weapons of Mass
___________ armed forces. itary. In the past year, there was evidence Destruction” even though it was well
One has to wonder if they’re doing the to implicate 320 servicemen as racist known that North Korea had an arsenal of
Ever since September 11, 2001, same thing with gays and lesbians. extremists, but only 2 were actually dis- nuclear weapons, denying due process to
America has appeared to have been har- An article written by Steven Barry charged, according to Defense Muslim Guantanamo Bay detainees, and
boring a strong feeling of Islamophobia. which appeared in the skinhead magazine Department investigator Scott Barfield. allying ourselves with Israel whether the
Extremism and terrorism are almost National Alliance urged white suprema- “Recruiters are knowingly allowing latter’s actions are ethical or not. Our
exclusively attributed to followers and cists to join the Army and request light neo-Nazis and white supremacists to join domestic policy has not been that much
practitioners of Islam, and many infantry units, stating that “the coming the armed forces, and commanders don't better. There has been a heated debate
Americans remain distrustful of Muslims, race war” in Iraq will be waged primarily remove them from the military even after regarding whether or not law enforce-
even those who are American citizens and by infantry forces. we positively identify them as extremists ment should be allowed to employ racial
have no criminal record (though to be “It will be house-to-house, neighbor- or gang members,” said Barfield. profiling of Muslims in airports and sub-
fair, the anti-Muslim sentiments have hood-by-neighborhood until your town or ways, and with the NSA wiretapping pro-
gone downhill dramatically in the past city is cleared and the alien races are driv- gram, who knows what other injustices
couple of years). Recent events, however, en into the countryside where they can be American Muslims (or anyone with a
have shown that extremism, racial and hunted down and 'cleansed,'” wrote Barry Muslim-sounding name) are currently
religious intolerance, and the use of terror in his article. enduring? This is Bush’s time to send the
are not limited to Muslims. Instead, any- Many Nazi extremists have been sent United States and the rest of the world a
one of any culture can be an extremist to Iraq where they have attempted to message that he and his administration
ready to target innocent people, and any- spread their messages of hate to fellow oppose and are committed to fight
one of any culture can be a victim of these soldiers. Sightings of Aryan Nations graf- extremists and terrorists, not Muslims.
extremists. fiti have been reported in Baghdad. These Neo-Nazis, who infiltrate the
The number of Neo-Nazis and white Of course, these supporters of pro- United States Army in order to commit
supremacists joining the United States white racism do not only have wiping out genocide against a foreign people that we
Army has grown dramatically in recent the “alien races” of Iraq in mind (the are trying to help, must be tried (whether
years, according to the Southern Poverty “alien races” being the ethnic groups that it be in open criminal court or in military
Law Center, a civil rights group which are actually the natives and rightful tribunals) for conspiracy against the
monitors domestic extremists. These inhabitants of the region). More impor- United States, or whatever charge is
extremists have taken advantage of the tant to them than their goal of killing all appropriate in this case. Failure to take
relaxed recruiting standards that have sur- Muslims in Iraq is their goal of “cleans- action against people who commit such
faced since the Iraq War lost popular sup- ing” the United States itself of Muslims. It is imperative that Rumsfeld and crimes against America and desecrate the
port. The plan is to gain access to military President George W. Bush take a strong honor of our military while allowing law
The 1996 Oklahoma City terrorist weapons and training which will help stand against these white supremacists enforcement to single out Muslims and
attack, perpetrated by white supremacist them wage war against Muslims, Jews, and swift action to remove them from the engaging in a foreign policy that leaves
and Gulf War veteran Timothy McVeigh, blacks, gays, and other groups Nazis feel ranks of the armed forces. To allow them Islamic nations in ruins will further con-
brought on a crackdown on extremists in should be wiped out. to continue their heinous activities will vince the world, including the people of
the military. However, the pressure on Barry confirms this objective with a undermine America’s values as well as war-torn Islamic nations like Iraq and
military recruiters to fulfill their quotas chilling final statement in his article. “As the commitments implied in our foreign Lebanon, that the Bush Administration
has led them to turn a blind eye towards a professional soldier, my goal is to fill policy. Besides the dangers of desires the same thing as the Neo-Nazis
the racist behavior of many possible the ranks of the United States Army with Islamophobes with machine guns and themselves. Whether this sentiment is
enlistees. With the unpopularity of the skinheads. As street brawlers, you will be U.S. Army uniforms running around the true or not, it will make it easier for ter-
Iraq War and with the U.S. Armed Forces useless in the coming race war. As trained Middle East, it is important that the Bush rorist organizations such as Al Qaeda and
stretched thin defending Iraq and infantrymen, you will join the ranks of Administration steps up in order to count- Hezbollah to convince people to join their
Afghanistan, recruitment is hitting the Aryan warrior brotherhood.” And er the belief prevalent in many nations ranks. It is much easier to convince a per-
record-breaking lows while the demand we’re afraid of the Muslims? that America is anti-Muslim. Our foreign son to commit a terrorist attack against
for more soldiers is higher than ever. By Richard Cohen, Chief Executive of the policy thus far has consisted of bombing the United States if that person feels that
letting Neo-Nazis slip by, recruiters are SPLC, called upon Secretary of Defense and invading Islamic nations in the name the United States is getting ready to strike
able to meet the increasing demands to Donald Rumsfeld to adopt a zero-toler- of freedom, targeting Iraq because it against him.

Asian American E-Zine - The Stony Brook Press
Shanghai Summer
A E-Zine and SBU students spent the Chen absolute success. The experience for JOIN AA E-ZINE!
summer in China. There was the first us was incomparable! We know it will be
SB China Alumni Reunion created by for undergraduate Chinese students coming
The ONLY student run Asian and Asian American
the enthusiasm that we now have an here as well. We hope that with the planned weekly zine in the country and now a weekly TV show too!

AA E-Zine and AA2@SBU

Associate Dean of Admissions for China SUNY / SBU program, to be taught in
and SBU is planning on having a joint pro- English in China, it will also be more

gram with a Chinese university. There was American students going there.
the amazing realization that SB is more well
known in China than America and alumni Why is SB MORE famous in China than
are proud to be associated with it! We found America? Two men, two generations: When: Wednesday, September 13th, 2006
our alumni are now CEO's and CIO's of bil- C.N. Yang and Charles Wang Campus Lifetime (1:00 - 2:00 PM)
lion dollar enterprises. But most of all we C.N. Yang brought so much fame to Where: Student Union 071
had a good time immersing ourselves in his native land as the first person from
another culture - boating at the Summer
Palace, eating Fudan University food and
China to win a Nobel Prize that when you
go into the science section of Madame F R E E F OOD !
wishing we had it here, seeing the sites and Tussaud's in Shanghai, only two figures are
making friends. Here is a flavor but read it there, Albert Einstein and Yang! 100 of their up and coming management work to do, we would go exploring
all at And what does that have to do with professionals to SBU for an intense semes- Shanghai to get a taste of the city. The expe-
SBU? Prof. Yang won his Nobel in 1957 ter of grad courses and visits to American rience was interesting... enriching. But
Meet Dean Jiuhua Chen and in 1966 he came to SBU to hold the businesses. He picked up the tab. China had more on that later.
Associate Dean of Admissions for China first Einstein Chair and create what is now made its decision to join the global econo- To take a break from the moderniza-
By Huy Huynh and Ja Young the Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics. my and chose some of her best and bright- tion that was Shanghai, Steven Leigh and I
The best way to create cross-cultural C.N. Yang's thirty-three years at Stony est to come. AIMP - Advanced Information took a trip to Beijing with one of our co-
understanding between countries as diverse Brook forever linked the two names togeth- Management Program - was born. workers, ZP. There we found ourselves star-
as China and the US is for people to not just er. Every student in China who took a They were people like ZHAO Rifeng, ing at the sheer size of Tiananmen Square
have a deeper knowledge of each other but physics class learned about Yang and where now CEO of Jinlin Petrochemical, largest and getting lost in the Forbidden City with
to have a heartfelt knowledge. That does he was. Because of him, every educated division of Sinopec, one of two of China's its 9,999 and 1/2 rooms. Yea... I know
not come from books! person in China has heard the name 'Stony oil and gas companies. Oil and gas prices you're thinking 1/2 a room?!? But the story
For college students it comes from Brook' at least once. No other person did are regulated but even so, Jinlin managed to behind that lies up above in heaven where
living together, sharing not only meals but more for Stony Brook's reputation than make a profit of a few billion. Its goal how- Chinese tradition dictates that heaven con-
dreams - bonding and becoming best Chen Ning Yang. ever, is to be the next Exxon. tains 10,000 rooms. Thus the emperor could
friends. For most American undergrads at Yet in this modern world of the inter- And Jack Song, not only CIO of the not build a place on earth comparable to one
SBU, however, that opportunity rarely net, television, and a global economy, a uni- Agricultural Bank of China, Shandong, but in heaven.
exists. Roughly 95% of undergraduates are versity's prestige can also come from new a Shandong provincial legislator. After he The most memorable experience in
NY State residents. sources. Native son Charles Wang is as well came back from SB he purchased what was Beijing, however, was at the Summer
Professor Chen hopes to change that. known as Yang. Before he retired Wang had then the fourth largest supercomputer in Palace. The Summer Palace is located in
He is himself a graduate of multiple cul- created the then second largest computer China. He cannot wait for an SBU program northwest Beijing with its own man-made
tures and knows its value. He did his company in the world. in China! lake and mountains. (The emperor wanted a
Bachelor's and Master's in China, then his Aside from Computer Associates The last group , known as China V, lake and it appeared.) In the present day,
PhD in Physics in Japan. He came to Stony (CA), Wang is also known as the NY had such a good time here they have contin- this lake is used as a commercial attraction
Brook on a post-doc and never left. Islanders National Hockey League (NHL) ued to stay in touch. When they learned that for tourists with its many boats (pedal and
"Globalization and diversity are team owner, a real estate mogul, and above the Provost had visited China twice but had battery-powered). We rented a battery-pow-
essential," said Dean Chen, "to move our all, a well known philanthropist. His fund- not known any alumni to meet with, they ered boat that seemed like it had not been
educational quality to a higher level." ing for The Smile Train has endeared him to decided to make sure the same thing never charged for days. It crawled at 5mph and
Now with the Mineral Physics people all across Asia. happened again. In August GU Yong, left us wishing for the few speedboats used
Institute (MPI), Dr. Chen is passionate At the same time he spent almost $50 WANG Shanshan, and Ja Young put togeth- by the "rescuers."
about SBU and what he is able to do here, million building an Asian and Asian er a weekend reunion in Shanghai of China About a quarter of the way along the
even spurning offers from higher ranked American Center for SBU, he donated V with alumni coming from Beijing to lake we spotted a large commercial boat
institutions. Provost Bob McGrath recently China's most modern law school, the Guangzhou. It took one of them 18 hours by about to take people across the lake. We
endorsed his new multimillion dollar initia- Kenneth Wang School of Law, and its 1st train and plane from western China. With proceeded past the boat but little did we
tive to run a facility at the National anniversary celebration was on TV all Dean Chen they are forming an official know, it was the scheduled departure time.
Synchrotron Light Source at Brookhaven across China. Last year he brought two affinity group within the SBU Alumni We were out of the field of vision of the
National Lab (BNL) with a new SBU-BNL teams of young boys from Harbin and Association and their goal is an all AIMP driver and right under the stern. It started
joint position at MPI. The NSLS provides Qiqihar to compete in the Canada Bell reunion at the Beijing Olympics in 2008. moving forward and we started panicking.
intense light spanning the electromagnetic Capital Cup, and then brought them to LI - If only our little boat was a little bit faster
spectrum from infrared through X-Ray's an event that was one reported worldwide. Interning in Shanghai... the experience of we would have made it out of harm's way
and is used by over 2300 scientists annual- And this August he really brought a lifetime but nooooo... BAM! We got hit. Alright,
ly from throughout the US. hockey home with his latest gift to China - By Huy Huynh maybe it wasn't that bad since I'm writing
Having just spent the summer in China Ice Hockey Project Hope with the The majority of our time spent in this story but we got hit none the less and
Shanghai with Stony Brook China alumni China Winter Sports Association. It will not China was in modern got a close up look at the
who are ecstatic about this new direction only fund China's national ice hockey train- Shanghai with its thousands of boat's anchor. Luckily, the
Provost McGrath is taking and have begun ing center and three national women's ice skyscrapers. We stayed near driver probably heard our
working with Dean Chen, we wish Prof. training bases, but it will also fund 30 mid- Fudan University, one of the screaming, turned the rotor,
dle schools, 10 high schools, top 5 schools in China, and and ran the other way. Good
and scholarships for high had lunch there daily. That is... thing too otherwise we would
school students to come to until one of the SBU students have had a bone to pick with
the US to study. got sick of the environment. him...
The food there, however, was- Another interesting thing
Stony Brook China n't half bad... compared to SB happened on this lake... We
Alumni Reunion food, Fudan's was like that of went fishing... well, sort of...
In 1996 Charles Wang a nice restaurant. On the Find out more at
proposed to the Chinese weekends when we had no
government that they send
Wanted! Writers, photographers, and Weekly meetings to be announced at our in SB Press Vol 3 No 1 September 2006 all students interested in media. office in Student Union 071.

The Stony Brook Press - Features

The Press
The Cave Dwellers of the Union Emerge
By Jowy Romano terms of membership.
___________ Now, there are more things to do at the
Press than ever before. Of course, we are
Welcome back to another Club always looking for news-writers/journal-
Spotlight! This time around we will be ists. They are the keys to making our uni-
introducing you to one of the most won- versity better, by making the community
derful clubs on this campus: creators of aware of what is happening and exposing
the infamous USG Elections Guide, the wrongdoings. We also need arts writers to
official newspaper of Stony Brook write music and movie reviews as well as
University, The Stony Brook Press. reviews of art galleries, performances, and
Now before you say to yourself, “wow, other events on campus.
this ain’t gonna be biased at all!” hear me If you aren’t much of a writer and still
out. Since this is a fresh, new column in want to get involved, there are plenty of
our first issue of the school year, we feel other jobs at the Press. If your forte is the
this is the perfect opportunity to let you English language, you can help copy edit
articles by looking for grammar and
spelling mistakes and fact-checking.
There are also plenty of artistic jobs at the
Jowy Romano
Look at how clean our office is!

Press. We need graphic designers, illus- about is a classifieds page. If everything

about and how you can get involved, let
trators and photographers to make the goes as planned, starting next issue we will
me give you a little sneak peak into what
paper look pretty. If you still haven’t be offering students very affordable classi-
our plans are for this coming year. First
found something that suits you, we are fied ads.
and most importantly, we will be increas-
also looking for audio editors/producers, There’s a lot more to say about the
ing our campus news coverage with more
video editors/producers, archivists, busi- Press. If you are interested, I’ve included
investigative pieces and regular USG cov-
ness/advertising assistants, web develop-
erage. Starting this issue we will also be a few website addresses below where you
ers and a whole lot more.
adding a new games page complete with can read more about us. If you are inter-
The best part is, we will teach you how
sudoku puzzles, crosswords and more. ested in getting involved in the paper, you
to do any of these things.
Another addition that we are very excited will also find some vital info below.
So why join the Press over the many
other wonderful media organizations on
campus? The short answer is we guaran- E-mail:
tee you will have the most rewarding Office: Union building, room 060
experience and the most fun at the Press.
When we aren’t producing a kick-ass
Meetings: Wednesdays at 1PM in our office
newspaper, many of us come down to the Open house: Wednesday, September 13th in our office
office to just hang out. On the off-time we Links:
watch movies, play classic video games
Jowy Romano

on our NES (sweet!), hold intellectual

We’ve got issues.

know about ourselves. The Press has conversations, and what can only be Our website!
much to offer to every single member of
the Stony Brook community. Let’s start
described as “sophomoric humor” fills the
air. Oh, and did I mention Beerfest?
off with a brief description of who we are Even if you are not interested in joining Here you can find more info about the Press and a brief
and what we do. the Press, there is still a lot the paper can history.
The Press is a news and features paper, offer you. Aside from the obvious print

Would you like your club

published every two weeks during the publication, we have a website (www.the-
school year, funded primarily by the where we post
undergraduate Student Activity Fee. The exclusive web content such as breaking

to be featured in a future
staff primarily consists of undergraduates, news, blogs, etc. You can also find a
but also includes graduates and members growing archive of back issues on the
of the community. The paper prides itself website in PDF format. The site is com-

Club Spotlight?
on its hard-hitting news pieces, full spec- munity based, so you can leave feedback,
trum of opinion, and witty humor. In the discuss story topics, vote on polls and
past few years, the paper has also covered more. In addition, we publish audio and
a wide variety of world news and has video news briefs through the website.
expanded its arts coverage, making it the We also offer opportunities for clubs to

E-mail us at
heftiest paper on campus. Over the past publicize themselves and their events (like
two years the Press has also become the this column!).
largest media organization on campus in Now that you know what we’re all

Features - The Stony Brook Press
By Alex Walsh Clubs and Organizations, Communications, Anyone can bring a case before the Judiciary But what if going to meetings and visiting
___________ and Student Life. The Executive branch is but if it does not fall within their jurisdiction, officials doesn’t get anything done? There’s
tasked with enforcing the laws of USG and the case will be thrown out. Judges are nom- one option left: run for office. USG elections
The long love affair between Stony Brook the decisions of the Senate. In addition, the inated by the President and approved by the are held toward the end of spring semester
University and acronyms has yielded many Executive Council plays a guiding role in Senate. every year. Positions are open to all Stony
children: ERQ, USG, CEAS, CORE, HSC, USG policy making. USG often seems distant and unimportant Brook undergraduate students. In the past two
and so forth. USG in particular has signifi- The members of the Senate are elected by to the average student. However, the fact that years, political parties have become a factor
cance to every undergraduate student at the the students, with several representatives for they handle a large amount of money that in campus elections. Currently, the two main
school. USG, or Undergraduate Student each college in the University. The majority comes directly from students and is supposed coalitions are the Reform Party and the SUC-
Government, is responsible for distributing a of Senators are elected from the College of to be applied to clubs and events benefiting CESS Party. Any aspiring candidate should-
budget funded by the Student Activity Fee. Arts and Sciences. The Senate controls the students is a powerful argument in favor of n’t feel the need to lock him or herself into
This money goes toward the plethora of clubs Student Activity Fee, allocating money to paying attention to what they do. An easy one of these two groups, though. Reform,
and organizations on campus. It is also used clubs and events in an annual budget process. way to keep tabs on the government’s activi- SUCCESS, independent, or anything else, the
to fund events throughout the year. USG is The Senate also serves as the intermediary ties is to go to Senate meetings, which are important thing is this: just run. Lots of can-
similar in structure to the United States gov- between the students and the administration held in the SAC Ballroom B from 7 to 9 on didates means choice and competition.
ernment, with an executive branch headed by by passing resolutions on issues. Recently, for Tuesday nights. They’re open to the public, Choice and competition are good for democ-
the President, a legislative branch (the example, a resolution was passed condemn- and have allocated time for comments from racy. The administration hasn’t wrangled
Senate), and a Judiciary. ing the practices of the Coca-Cola corpora- the gallery. So if something effects you, feel democracy into an acronym yet, but odds are
The Executive branch consists of the tion, with whom the University has a con- free to make a ruckus. They have to listen. pretty good they’re working on it.
President and ten other officials: the tract. The Senate is headed by the Executive USG officials are also required to hold office In the spirit of introduction to student gov-
Executive Vice President, Treasurer, one rep- Vice President. hours. The Student Government has offices ernment, USG President Romual Jean-
resentative from each class, and four Vice The Student Judiciary handles disputes on the second floor of the SAC in rooms 202- Baptiste has contributed this letter to the stu-
Presidents in charge of Academic Affairs, between individuals and clubs or USG itself. 217. dent body.

I would like to thank the Press for giving me the opportunity to communicate to the undergraduate student body
about the Undergraduate Student Government, especially for incoming students. The USG is the caretaker of the
student activity fee, which is currently $188.50 per student per year, and also of a budget of more than $2.58 mil-

USG 101
lion. With that fee, the USG provides funding for an array of services, clubs, and activities, including major events
on campus. Like many representative forms of government, we have executive, legislative, and judicial branches; we
have policies and procedures, laws, and court decisions; we have elections and referenda; and of course we have a
budget process.
My job as President is to best represent the interests of you, the students, and to make changes when there are
problems. I oversee the Executive Council, which consists of ten other members, and we are responsible for enact-
ing policies and procedures that enforce the laws of the USG. We also oversee the agencies of the executive branch,
and we can revise their operations manuals if necessary. We also have a role in the constitutional process. An amend-
ment to the Constitution requires the approval of two-thirds of the Executive Council and the Senate to be placed on
the ballot. Similar to the President of the United States, I have the power to veto Senate legislation if I feel it is not
in the best interest of the government and/or the student body.
Besides the powers that we have within the government, in my own capacity as President I also sit on the Stony
Brook Council and on the board of directors of the Faculty Student Association (FSA). Working with the FSA in par-
ticular is very important for the USG, since the FSA presides over student life issues such as meal plans, the dining
facilities, residential halls, etc.
It is in working to improve student life on campus and streamlining the administration of the USG that I have
been the busiest over this summer. My term does not begin with the fall semester; rather, I have been working dili-
gently since last spring to organize the USG and to work with the University's administration to improve the quali-
ty of life and the level of services on campus. Since I have taken office, I have worked with Campus Residences to
get the YES Network on campus. I have also worked with the FSA to offer off-campus meal plans to all students (to
be voted on this Fall), and I have collaborated with the Department of Student Union and Activities to create an online
block-booking and event-planning system for clubs and organizations, which is in the final stages of testing. I have
a plan to implement a brand new USG website which can serve as our centralized communication system. Finally,
I have also worked with the Financial Aid Office so that work-study students can now work for the USG.
This year, working with both the USG Reform and SUCCESS party coalitions, we have major plans, including the
revision of the USG Constitution and improvements to the way the budget process operates by enacting new finan-
cial bylaws. We also want to start the budget process earlier this year so that the Senate has an opportunity to vote
on it, because in previous years that was not the case. In addition, it is important that the USG continues to work
with the University and advocate for student life issues. For example, I am currently putting together a proposal for
the University to improve handicapped-access on campus. We also need to conduct surveys so that we can let the
FSA know at which off-campus locations you would like to use your future off- campus meal plans. I want to con-
tinue working with SU&A to make sure that online block booking is achieved by the end of this academic year.
Finally, it is important for students who are concerned about quality of life issues on campus to let us know about
them, so that we can work together in order to influence positive changes on campus. The more we work together
and communicate our needs to the Administration, the more we accomplish as a team.
It is important, when dealing with student life issues, that we not remain silent. We are duty-bound to work with
the University Administration so that we can improve Stony Brook, and I vow to make the USG twenty-one times
better than when I inherited it. As President, I am proud to be your chief and advocate.

Jowy Romano
—Romual Jean-Baptiste, USG President
Romual Jean-Baptiste, your 2006-2007 USG President

Lots of Car Alarms
The Stony Brook Press - Features

Memoirs of a Stony Brook Student from September 11th, 2001

By Thomas Mets

Part 1
Everything started at Physics class
in Stuyvesant High School at around
8:45 in the morning. The class had just
come back from a five minute break in
the middle of a 90 Minute lesson on
scientific notation. Mister Lam was
covering it just as exhaustively as my
Biology and Chemistry teachers had,
so I wasn’t paying attention. Then,
everyone in the class heard a boom. It
was followed by car alarms going off;
Lots of car alarms, which is how I real-
ized something major had happened.
While I was slow to react, several
kids (At this point, I didn’t know any-
one by name) had already gotten to the
window. Some kids talked about how a
car had probably exploded, and were
looking at the street, trying to find it.
When I was able to look outside, I saw
the smoke in the sky. It led to one of
the towers of the World Trade Center,
which covered its twin from my line of
My school was just a few blocks
from the World Trade Center, so I had
a good view of it. Two sides were visi-
ble from where I was, and there was a
several story-hole in one of them. A lot
David Vogler

of smoke was coming out of it. of static, and they didn’t know anything Michael, who had not yet gotten to could be used. We didn’t consider that
We didn’t know what had happened. either. Someone said that it was tragic school. He was a freshman, and I was the towers could fall, just that there
It could have been a bomb, a missile, how many people had probably died, pretty sure his first class didn’t start would be a hell of a repair bill.
or a plane. Some kids said they heard a but how it looked so cool. Another stu- until 9:30. He was probably in the sub- I had just gone back to my seat when
flying sound right before the boom. I dent talked about wanting a camera, way, and I was concerned about how the message came. “This is Mr.
didn’t recall that. I didn’t think it was a bad things might be for him. I wasn’t Blaufar.” He was some official at
plane, because I couldn’t see any air- afraid he was in the World Trade Stuyvesant (assistant principal, to be
plane parts (I don’t mean to insinuate Some girl began talking about Center, or anything. I was just thinking exact). That was followed by about fif-
that anything other than a plane hit the the tragic loss of life. Another about how bad the delays must now be. teen seconds of silence. We began to
World Trade Center. For me to do that This would’ve been his first complete laugh, although Mr. Lam wanted us to
would be crazy). There was too much wondered if it was a terrorist day of high school. be quiet. The message finally came, as

attack. “Yea,” I said.

smoke for me to be sure. We heard planes, and helicopters. Mr. Blaufar told teachers to keep stu-
Mister Lam opened the curtains for The lesson continued. Then we heard dents away from the halls and round up
another window, although the view was another boom (This was probably when any students walking in the halls. He
not as good. Some girl began talking and I agreed. Most times when I wished the second plane hit the second tower, also said he’d keep students posted on
about the tragic loss of life. Another I had a camera along, it was to take pic- which we could not see ). There was any news (nearly five years later, while
wondered if it was a terrorist attack. tures of escalators being repaired, rats now a hole on the other side of the rewriting these notes, I just realized
“Yea,” I said derisively “We’re at war.” in the Subway or something mundane. tower. Amidst the smoke, pieces of that he lied to us).
But when I finished saying it, I realized We eventually got back to our seats metal and glass were slowly falling. It When the class ended, I went to look
that if you wanted to start a war with but we couldn’t just continue the les- was eerily beautiful. at the window one last time. Smoke
the United States, there’s no better way son, as much as Mr. Lam wanted to. I Mr. Lam noticed Principal Teitel on seemed to be coming from behind the
to do it. started writing what was happening another roof. We looked at the people visible tower, and I realized that there
The entire class was crowding because I had promised myself that if on the roof. A kid noticed how instead was likely serious damage on the two
around me, and looking out the win- something really interesting happened, of looking at the World Trade Center, sides that I couldn’t see. I didn’t think
dow. Mr. Lam tried, and failed miser- I’d write it down. The notes would we were looking at people looking at of the other tower.
ably to continue his lesson. Kids who become the basis for the article. the World Trade Center. I walked down the stairs to get to
had been in the bathroom, or just Around 8:55 AM an announcement There was a small debate on how the Photography class. Several freshmen
returned from the break, were coming came: “A moment of silence please. A fire would be put out. Someone sug- were talking about what they saw. A
in and being told of the situation. small plane hit the World Trade Center gested a really long ladder. Someone guy was hugging his girlfriend. I
Someone turned the TV on to watch at 8:45. Debris is still falling. All stu- else said they’d use helicopters. wished I had a girlfriend to hug. I saw
the news. Less than two minutes had dents are not allowed to go outside for Another asks “How are they gonna get Sunny, a friend of mine, and asked him
passed since the boom, and most chan- their own safety. We will investigate all the water in the Helicopters?” I sug- what he saw. He hadn’t seen anything,
nels were running talk shows or com- whether or not you can go outside dur- gested an extinguisher, although I doubt and I realized I had one of the best
mercials. Only VH1 was showing the ing the Lunch Period.” anyone heard me. A girl who sat next to views in the school of what was hap-
story of the year. The image had a lot I began to think about my brother me said there was a special powder that pening.

Common Misconceptions
About Blood Donation

News - The Stony Brook Press

by Lena Tumasyan Center, is based right here on route 110 in expiration date of 42 days. So while in your body. According to studies, peo-
___________ Mineola. NY Blood Center is the nation's NYBC was hoping to get a fresh supply ple felt better with this technology and
largest community-based non-profit when needed, American Red Cross was were less prone to complaints afterwards.
Until about a month ago I was a blood blood collection and distribution organi- forced to dump excess dead blood. But This technology is in use in many blood
donation virgin. But something came zation. NYBC is not to be confused with even the dumping of blood is a miscon- centers today. Ask about it next time
over me that afternoon when a co-worker the American Red Cross, which is an ception. Because of its multi-cellular you're thinking of donating. Blood vol-
and I succumbed to the blue and white emergency relief organization. While the quality, many things were extracted from ume (fluid) is replenished within 24 hours
NY Blood Center truck. We grabbed American Red Cross may get some of its the blood and only unused material was of donation and red blood cells are
forms from the table outside and stepped blood from NYBC, NYBC serves local thrown out. replaced within four to eight weeks.
inside, proceeding to do that which I have hospitals and facilities that require blood. Not everyone who lines up qualifies to Ok, so you did a little bit of drugs
not done before (she's a regular) - donate LIBS services Nassau, Suffolk, and give blood. There are age and weight recently, whether it was recreational or
blood. Queens. requirements, 16-76 years old and 110 simply aspirin. Does this mean you can-
It seems like no big deal to donate One major misconception occurred pounds minimum. However while 60% not donate? Not at all: NYBC has you
blood: a prick of a needle, pump your immediately after 9/11. People lined up of the population is eligible for donation, sign consent forms that state your inten-
hand a few times, and there it comes to donate blood trying to help any sur- only 2% of Long Island's general popula- tions are good and that you are not trying
out. But people do make a big deal vivors. Unfortunately, because of the tion donates each year. Of the 2% that to pass on a drug that may still be in your
out of it. People will find every scale of the event, more people died donate, most only do so once a year even system. Once the blood gets to the lab,
excuse not to donate blood (I than were injured and blood was though a person can donate up to six they only test for HIV, Hepatitis, and
constantly did). Many assump- not needed. Compared to the times per year, no often than every two other deadly, transmittable diseases.
tions, such as dumping of American Red Cross that accept- months. Individuals who have gotten Trace amount of drug probably won't
blood, what blood is tested ed lines of people wanting to pierced within a year of donating are not affect blood recipients, although they do
for, who can donate, and donate blood, according to eligible, and similar restrictions are put hope you donate blood with good inten-
what stays confidential, are NYBC representative July on tattoos and travel outside the US. The tions. If they do find you have a disease,
false or exaggerated. Tingue "9/11 was the only number of donations, according to they will call you (and keep calling you)
Therefore it is important time in NYBC history that Tingue, has actually been decreasing until you are notified. They will not give
for light to be shed on we discouraged people overall year to year; especially during your name out to others and won't leave a
this matter. from donating blood. holidays and summer. There seems to be message with others (or on the machine)
Long Island We really needed it no clear cause as to why people donate saying that you may have a serious prob-
Blood Services, a weeks and months more during certain months. Perhaps it is lem. Blood type and other information is
division of New from the time." because many donations are from stu- strictly confidential. Finally, illnesses are
York Blood Blood has an dents, or simply because people are busy. impossible to contract from blood dona-
Regardless, major shortages do occur. tion since all-new equipment is used on
NYBC declares a blood emergency each donor.
when they have fewer than three days of A big exaggeration is the amount of
blood. A common misconception is that bruising that occurs on a person's arm
they can import it from somewhere else, from the needle. Ok, I'll admit, the nee-
like Europe. Not true. The Food and dle is pretty big. But they do ask you to
Drug Administration banned blood look away when they insert it, and then
importation from Europe in 2002 due to you're fine! Some people's veins are eas-
mad cow disease. As it is, NYBC is ier to get to than others. More bruising
forced to import 50,000 pints of blood usually occurs when it's hard to reach a
from other blood centers across the US. vein or if a vein is very small. Likewise,
All collected blood goes into a common some technicians are better than others at
pool in NYC, and when emergencies locating and accessing veins. But bruis-
occur NYBC is forced to ration blood to ing does eventually go away. My donor
hospitals. This is a dangerous situation specialist, Kim Trolly, did such a great
for patients. job that the mark left behind from the
One common complaint from people needle was less noticeable then the ones I
who donate blood is that they feel get from blood tests at clinics from regu-
tired/dizzy/sleepy/nauseous/you-name-it, lar doctors! Donor specialists know what
afterwards. Personally, I felt absolutely they're doing.
fine after mine, but many people bring So, blood donation doesn't make you
these feelings on through their own significantly tired, bruises don't happen
(in)actions. LIBS recommends that too often, hospitals need your blood
everyone have a good breakfast or lunch because they can't just get it from a lab or
prior to donating blood and a good meal from Europe, places that collect or dis-
afterwards. Of course you're bound to tribute blood are not evil because they
feel some sort of weakness, but most of don't dump blood frivolously, and they
the weakness is actually due to fluid loss, won’t find out if you did a little bit of an
not red blood cell (or any other type of illegal drug who knows how long ago. So
cell) loss. The technicians recommend what's the problem? Help your neighbors
that donors drink plenty of fluids, and out: Donate blood. It's a renewable
refrain from exercise for four to five resource (not to sound cheesy) that only
hours afterwards. NYBC even developed comes from you!
a method, "Automated Red Cell
Technology," that actually picks out more Call Medical Eligibility Line 1800-688-
red cells per pint, so that more fluid is left 0900 and visit

The Stony Brook Press

Here ye’ Tenderfeet!
Here ye’ tenderfeet, and the constant construction (that
welcome one and all to Stony goes on at every college), it is
Brook University, where the pretty nice to look at,
scientists and athletes live in although, I wouldn’t suggest
peace and harmony! At Stony swimming in Roth Pond, as
Brook you’ll have tons of fun, you might find your extra limb
especially on the weekends growth to be uncomfortable.
when you can run around out- The Stony Brook Press
side all by yourself since encourages you to take advan-
everyone else went home. tage of what this campus actu-
When it rains you’ll enjoy the ally has to offer. There is a
swimming pools that emerge club for everyone and lots of
all around campus for your cool, free or cheap events
pleasure only! Stony Brook, going on all the time. We here
oh Stony Brook your sandy at The Press will try to do our
shores how we love thee, best to inform you throughout
Shirley Strum! the year. So let’s make the
Stony Brook is actually a most of these four years and
great school with a lot of the not spend all our time drunk
country’s top professors and, and peeing on bathroom
for the most part, aside from floors!

Where To Poo
James Messina of places I would and would not about a half-hour staring into space of the Union. This equals a whole
___________ shit. one time, and no one came in. lot of washing. So the bathroom is
Where I Would Shit 4) The Tabler Arts Center. I high-traffic, and wet besides.
Imagine this: You see vomit on 1) Not your corridor bath- haven’t personally used it, but I’ve 4) The bathroom near the Press
the ceiling. If you didn’t immedi- rooms. No sir. Especially not on a heard some mighty fine things office. I’m not telling you this so
ately ask yourself, What the fuck?, Friday. Just about any bodily fluid about it. Low-traffic, kept clean. that you’ll avoid our extra-sweet
then you’re the sort of person who that comes to mind can be found And oh! such ambience. bathroom. It’s for your own good.
won’t need this article. Your conspicuously on a Friday, a psy- Where I Would Not Shit We’re all deliriously happy to have
unflagging lack of curiosity will chedelic kaleidoscope of brown 1) Your mouth. Perv. new writers. But we’d lose ‘em all
inure you against whatever hygien- and yellow. 2) The first floor of Kelly din- if they became acquainted with the
ic nightmares the university flings bathrooms before our writers.
at you monkey-style. If, howev- 5. The library. At any given
er, you were even mildly curious time in any given bathroom there
about that vomit, then read on. are about four people using the
Bathrooms weren’t all created bathrooms. If you know someone
equally, and they aren’t all treated that works in the library, see if they
equally. If you’re living in a suite can scope that shit out and they
with conscientious folk, your bath- could find you somewhere all
room will be reasonably close to furtive and secret-like. I couldn’t,
pristine. This is fucking ridicu- though, and I wouldn’t recommend
lous. Of course one of your suite- going near one of those bath-
mates will be a legendary slob. He rooms.
will take shits that stink like rotten This is merely conjecture, but
eggs and curdled milk, he’ll use all I’m imagining in the bigger
the TP, he’ll shave his beard and buildings, Physics, Math, Chem,
leave that shit ringed around the etc, there’re probably some bath-
sink (is that motherfucker half rooms that are alright, too.
gorilla?). She’ll wash her panties The Holy Grail is located in the
in the sink for no apparent reason, Staller Center. I won’t say exactly
or leave her used tampons floating where. I’m pretty sure the admin-
on the toilet. Avast! … There’s no istration wouldn’t take it upon
escaping these bitter truths. And if itself to destroy this particular one
you’re living in a corridor, then if I mentioned it, but it’s accrued
Joe Donato

you’re just fucked. There are more 2) The Staller Center, 1st floor. ing. It’s cold in the winter. It’s wet some twenty years of graffiti, and
than a score of people living in It gets a fair amount of traffic, but year-round. Fuck that. I’d hate to see it go. It’s full of bro-
each hall, and something about the it’s not bad. Not bad at all. They 3) The second floor of the ken poetry, obscenity, caustic accu-
anonymity of this inspires residents have tiled floors. I like them. Union. I figured to myself once sations regarding everything from
to shit everywhere. I don’t know 3) The Wang Center. Bee-yoo- that if I went on the second floor, the campus’ art majors to the 2004
why, but this is true. There’ll be tee-full. I’m pretty sure the TP there would be less traffic than on hurricane, and everything in
shit stains everywhere. What are there is two-ply. It feels like silk the first; a serene poo, one for the between. Take it upon yourself to
you to do? after the sandpaper that’s all over books. Wrong. One of the tenets find that one, and you shall not be
Personally, I recommend being the rest of campus. I use the base- of Islam involves washing before disappointed. I wouldn’t shit there,
nowhere near those bathrooms ment on occasion because no one prayer. They pray five times a day, it’s beat to hell, but you can’t help
when nature calls. Here’s the list else seems to. Hand to God, I spent and they do so on the second floor loving it.

Three Cheers For Transfers!
Rebecca Kleinhaut including those pre-college actually make it to some classes, finding that kind of information on
___________ endeavors. If you received an 85 or don’t take all of your least favorite the Internet.
higher on your Foreign Language, requirements at once. Try to mix
Congratulations on being man Math and English Regents exams, your less-than-fantastic ones with 4) We could use a head like
enough to make the leap to Stony then they can be counted towards thoroughly enjoyable ones. You yours: The fact that you’ve had
Brook! Forget what you’ve heard: your requirements. Some of your have more than enough time to previous college experience
transfer students are not the middle DEC requirements might also be complete what needs to be done. already puts you ahead of the
stepchildren of an academic insti- fulfilled through AP exams. Also, keep in mind that you must game. If you find something minor
tution. However, change is diffi- As far as college credits go, complete all upper division here that reminds you of why you
cult, especially when you’ve Stony Brook has a fairly high sat- requirements here at Stony Brook. left your other college, it’s up to
already been humiliated as a fresh- isfaction rate when it comes to the You might need to prepare your- you to make a difference. Get
man once (or twice, in some amount that they accept. However, self for a little intersession work.involved in a club or organization,
cases). While most of the if you’re wondering why some and go to a few Student
Freshman Guide can apply to your weren’t accepted, it’s in your best 3) Meetings, meetings, meet- Government (Or Stony Brook
situation as well, here are a few interest to look into it. They sim- ings: Time to face facts: you’re Press) meetings. The college life is
tips for those of you that are older ply might have been overlooked, going to be spending a lot of time not going to get any better if
and wiser when it comes to school or perhaps you could even finagle out of the classroom trying to get you’re at home every night.
knowledge. your way out of taking a 100-level your degree together. It’s in your
After you visit the Transfer class. best interest to meet the head of
Office, which is located on the bot- your department. Make sure that Endnotes:
tommost level of the 2) Everything’s not coming up they have a copy of your degree ~Send all transcripts to:
Administration Building, make roses: You’re not in Kansas any- progress report, which can be Undergraduate Transfer Office
sure to take into account a few more. Public school has a lot of obtained through the Transfer 134 Administration Building
simple things that will make this requirements, and very little room Office or the Registrar. They will Stony Brook, New York 11794
experience better than your last: to work around them. Those DEC also be able to clue you into any- ~ When sending high school tran-
requirements that could not be ful- thing that you have to accomplish scripts, Stony Brook’s school
1) You didn’t take your filled with transfer credits must be that is specific to your major: for code is 2548.
Regents exams for nothing: If you taken care of somehow. Be pre- example, if you’re an English ~ Visit
want to get out of here on time, it’s pared to have your intelligence major, you have to hand in graded or
important to have the Transfer insulted. papers as writing samples for com- more information regarding credit
Office evaluate all of your credits, In order to ensure that you will pletion of your degree. Good luck evaluations.

Commuters Are People

Lukasz Chelminski live there and just go sleep at home conveniently at the South entrance hurry and just have a class or two,
___________ at the end of the day or something. to the campus. From there, you you can look for a metered spot.
Meet people, study, and have fun. will have to get on a bus to get to These are located at convenient
So you decided you really like Make friends: Hell, you have a car the main campus. locations around campus. The
it here on Long Island and you’re at school; you’re really cool! You I’ve never done this, but appar- problem is that they’re almost
going to commute to the shining (well, some of you) also have the ently walking will take you a good always full. Patience is a virtue:
gem of Suffolk County: Stony advantage of not entering deep 20 minutes at a brisk pace. If you’d the best resort here is to sit in one
Brook University. Great! I had the depression because you didn’t like a little exercise, you know row/lot and wait for a spot to
pleasure of doing the same for four move out of your home of 18 years what to do. Personally, if my car become vacant. If you do this for a
years. While I almost never partic- to go away to school. had a bike rack, I would consider few minutes, you may get lucky.
ipated in on-campus activities and If you become active on cam- that option. That way, you get a Of course, you probably don’t
complained about commuting the pus you won’t feel like you missed leisurely amount of exercise and have that kind of time. Another
whole time, I suppose it wasn’t that out on college life as much as peo- you’re not at the mercy of the option may be the lot between the
bad. You get to eat for free at ple who went to class and then buses. For the first few weeks they train station and the sports com-
home, and you don’t have the has- drove home right after. I was told will run splendidly. You’ll wonder plex. If you enter the campus
sle of moving in and out of your this and I didn’t really take it to what all the complaining is about. through the North entrance, make a
dorm or driving for hours every heart. If you’re reading this you That’s just what they want you to right and drive to the second stop
time you have a few days off; might actually be looking for tips think. Then, as it begins to get cold sign, you will see it to your left on
unless, of course, you’re one of so, if anything, remember this one. and the school has you in its clutch- the hill. If you get to this lot early
those lucky bastards that lives Alright, I’m going to move on es, the buses will become sparse enough, you may easily find a spot
around here but got to dorm. You to a couple of more tangible things. and you’ll be waiting longer and that is a leisurely 5 minute walk
got the best of both worlds and I If you’re commuting, you’re going longer. At that point remember this from the center of campus. This
hate you. to need to know about parking. article and accept my congratula- becomes easier as the week pro-
Anyway, let’s move on to the The parking situation at Stony tions, because you have officially gresses; you’re almost guaranteed a
first tip. It isn’t like I couldn’t have Brook is terrible. I suppose it could become a bitter Stony Brook under- spot on Friday
been more involved because I lived be worse, but not by much. Your graduate. My favorite spots are those at
off campus. So, spend a lot of time safest and least risky bet is driving There are a few more options. the train station. The legality of
on campus. Hell, make believe you to the South parking lot, located If you have the bling or are in a Continued on page G6

Livin’ It Up At The Brook

H Quad
If you find yourself unlucky enough to end up in the bleakest quad on
Mendelsohn campus, take solace in the fact that a path leads from H Quad directly to
the train station. Benedict is the main dorm building, where you’ll find a
“Mendy Yellow, Mendy Yellow!” For some reason, this quad is filled
with quad pride and school spirit. Maybe it’s all the athletes that live here, gym, computer center, and dining hall. I suggest trekking to Kelly for
since it’s right across from the stadium, or maybe it’s the fact that it always weekend brunch if you stay on campus for the weekend; the food is bet-
seems sunnier on this side of campus since there are constantly students ter. The dorms are all corridor-style by the way, so be prepared to share a
outside in the middle of the quad playing and relaxing. Mendelsohn is cor- bathroom with thirty uncouth football players. The open field between the
ridor style and pretty well kept. It’s really close to the union, which makes three dorm buildings is good for a game of football…or frat and sorority
our staff happy to live there. pledges marching and shouting at the top of their lungs. The only other
distinguishing feature about H quad is the D3 wing of the Langmuir dorm
– you’ll never find a better deal on weed (but you didn’t hear that from

Tabler Quad
Despite being next to Roth Quad, you might not expect to stumble
upon this slightly more isolated area. But as long as you avoid the infa-
mous “Tabler steps”, you can enjoy the peacefulness of the grass and Roth
trees, along with the birds chirping in the daytime. When snow comes, This is a suite style quad right next to the academic mall. Known for
expect to go on a slipping spree while walking through the treacherous its pond and intelligent residents (home to the honors colleges), Roth quad
hilly paths. While the hallways and suites may seem liveable, the rooms is a pretty decent place to live. Roth’s glory day is the annual “Roth
can be quite (ahem) “cozy.” The premium rooms, on the other hand, are Regatta”; on this day in April, students race their duct tape and cardboard
worth bribing an RA for. The basement level in each building hosts a boats across the pond. Although the pond might look harmless, I’d keep
recreational room typically consisting of a pool table and one big screen my distance and please, I don’t care how drunk you are, DON’T DRINK
TV that you won’t get to enjoy due to thefts. There is one kitchen in each THE WATER! Roth has it’s own dining hall which is going to be redone,
building that comes with a stench that is the opposite of an appetizing (at last) but not till next year. Everyone that lives here seems to dig it, it’s
meal. And “Printer is Down,” is the sign you will typically see upon modern and clean, so if this is where you’re living, enjoy!
entrance to the computing center in Douglass.

Kelly is the only Quad on campus with balconies, which are pretty Eleanor Roosevelt Quad
cool to have for the midnight scream, if you’re a smoker, or the occasion- This quad is sort of the place people try to get away from. It looks like
al tossing of keys and ID cards to your friends, or forgetful suitemates a prison since the architect that designed it had previously designed those.
below. Often the ceilings in the halls seem like there are really tall angry The Cabaret which houses plays put on by the graduate theatre students is
people living here since someone obviously regularly gives them a good located here. The plays are usually pretty good and admission is only $3.
beating. New furniture was put in the rooms last year but suites have old The central courtyard is an ideal spot for the campus’ skateboarders with
gross tables and couches. There is one kitchen in each building’s base- an open concrete area surrounded by some steps. Often referred to as “the
ment, but don’t expect to use it since it tends to be pretty dirty and sketchy projects,” Roosevelt has been undergoing major renovations, so it’s not
down there. There is also a laundry room, and very minimal quiet study nearly as bad as it once was. If this is where you live, don’t be discour-
room in the basements. The gym for this quad is in the basement of aged. Most of the dorms in Roosevelt are very friendly, close, and offer a
Schick, which needs some updates, as the machines are definitely show- unique sense of community. ERQ is home to some very interesting char-
ing there age, but it has everything most students would need in a gym. acters, including the cockroaches that like to swim in the flooded bath-
Kelly’s big draw is the Kelly Dining hall which although doesn’t have the rooms. Just kidding...or am I?
best food, it’s open till 3am which you will find to be very important!

West Apartments I & II

Only upper classmen with over a 3.0 GPA can live here, it’s a bit more
expensive but well worth it. Each suite has two bathrooms for six people
and a kitchen! West II are all singles and West I have both single and dou-
ble occupancy rooms available. This is where the parties tend to be since
the majority of those housed here are of legal drinking age. Keep your
grades up so you too can experience having a really nice place to live on
campus one day!

Commuters Continued from page G3 rooms). bike? sleeping body yet. No worries if
parking here is questionable, but If you live within 5 miles of I’m going to quickly cover they are. Try various building lob-
everyone does it anyway so go for school, I recommend getting a road another important part of commut- bies for soft benches. There are a
it! This lot will become packed bike (the kind with the thin tires ing to school, and that is where few in Harriman Hall and the cen-
toward the middle of the semester and all the gears (unless you are you’re going to sleep if you have a ter of the Javits center which, as
but, once again, if you are patient it really cool and don’t need gears, break between classes and stayed freshmen, I’m sure you’ll be seeing
is a great place to park. If you park but that is another article altogeth- up all night killing zombies on your a lot of. This is just a rough guide
right across the street from the sta- er) and trying to commute on that. television or something equally though. Don’t be ashamed to just
dium lot, you are only seven or With all the traffic at peak hours awesome. If you read the rest of crash anywhere you feel is com-
eight minutes from the center of and no hassle with having to find my article and parked your car fortable. You’re in college now,
campus. As you get more desperate parking, you may turn that stressful within walking distance, that is and college kids sleep a lot. No one
you may be forced to park further half hour commute to your class- your first logical bet. Grab a pillow will notice or care unless they have
toward the North Entrance. You’ll room into a relaxing bike ride that from home and enjoy sleeping in to step over you and they trip, or
get a bit of exercise in that case but takes the same amount of time the backseat. If you want to stretch something. On the flipside, that
since you don’t have to wait for a (even if it is a few more minutes, out your legs, try moving the pas- may be a good way of meeting like-
bus, you’ll be sure you are about isn’t it worth it to chill out on your senger seat back and put the back minded peers. I’m going to say this
ten minutes from class once you bike before class every day?). I’ll down. No steering wheel and all like it doesn’t apply to everything:
find a spot. If you are really lucky, warn you that I’ve never tried this that leg room! use your best judgment.
you’ll catch the railroad bus as it is but have always wanted to. I came Your next logical option would That’s about all the important
about to leave from its stop at the real close once when I saw a smok- be the commuter lounge in the information I can think to convey
station and catch a quick ride to the ing deal on a decent bike at a thrift SAC. Although it is often crowded, right now. You’ll figure out the rest
SAC (Student Activities Center. If store, but it slipped through my you can check and see if any seats soon enough. Good luck, you’re
you haven’t heard, it has two ball- hands. Anyone want to lend me a or couches aren’t occupied by a going to need it.

Why You Don’t Want

To Go To The Mall
Rob Pearsall Macy’s, Sears, the Food Court and,
___________ nothing. The nothing used to be a
Stern’s but that was done away
“It’s a teenage wasteland.” with years ago. I’ve lived on the
island for my whole life and I can
I know that opening with a just barely remember going inside
Who quote is pretentious consider- Stern’s. It looked liked Sears.
ing I’m not old enough to have lis- The Food Court is ugly and
tened to The Who in their heyday dirty. I can’t go up to any of those
but it’s true. Smithhaven Mall is a establishments with good con-
god-forsaken hellhole of con- science and order a meal. You can
sumerism. Some of you reading get a smoothie or a sugar covered
this may come from small mid- pretzel easily enough but the mall
western towns or big cities. is not a place to eat meals. You
There’s a mall near you in any case shouldn’t stay there long enough to
and it’s probably kinda nice. Either get hungry. If you’re hungry there
it’s big and sprawling or it’s got is a Friday’s and a Ruby Tuesday as
five floors. It’s probably got sun- well as a couple other establish-
light. There’s a good food court ments. There is a Starbucks. It’s
with a nice atmosphere, right? the only place anyone goes. There
Smithhaven Mall has none of that was a good Greek place called the Now you’ve got empty store isn’t about how my soul was
and less. Wild Fig but alas, it’s gone now. fronts dotting the walls. A sucked away over three years of
Before we get into specifics I’ll I keep mentioning things that Saturday Matinee that is overpriced working for a place that only clos-
tell you the generals. The mall has are missing from the mall right as well as an FYE that couldn’t es on Christmas Day.
piss poor lighting on even the sun- now. Maybe the mall sucks so hard charge more for it movies and CDs. There’s construction (great
niest of days. You walk down one because I remember what it was They do have sales occasionally segue, don’cha think?). Stern’s is
of four large hallways with only and compare that to what it has but for the most part you’re better becoming something else but I
bad signage, ugly storefronts, and become. There was a movie theater off going to Best Buy. EB Games don’t know what. That area has
the glow of kiosks to guide you. where Forever XXI is now. The and Gamestop are the same store been under construction since
It’s insufferable. Neon is the worst mall used to have a candy store. for those of you who missed the 2000. They’ve pulled up the floors
perturbation of color next to pastels Buy it by the bag and it was cheap- news last year. In fact, Planet all around the mall. You don’t even
The mall has a bicycle-wheel- er than what the Union will charge Comics was owned by Gamestop at walk on disgusting tiles anymore.
like structure. There is a central you for a pound of molded sugar the end and stopped selling comics. I’m told by people who still work
hub where they frequently have and high fructose corn syrup. I’ve got my own story about that there that it’ll look a whole lot bet-
nothing. During the holidays you There was a comic shop, you can because I worked there. People ter when it’s done. Right now it
can find men in suits with children still see the vestiges of Planet would come in and ask why we looks like ass. It’s like you’re at
on their knees. Occasionally you’ll Comics but it’s gone now as well. don’t have comics and my favorite the Home Depot but dirtier.
find a dinosaur exhibit for the little There was a Lego store. It was co-worker would say, “Go to The people at the mall suck too.
ones. Four large hallways come off expensive but Legos are the only Banana Republic and ask for a There are mallrats everywhere.
this hub-o-nothing and go to thing I’ll overpay for. banana.” Ah... but I digress. This Mallrats are like people, but dirtier.

On-Campus Eats
Roth Dining Hall Union Dining H-Quad Dining Hall SAC Dining
This is the only dining hall on The ground floor of the Student Campus Connection is the Walk around campus and you’ll
campus that actually delivers, though Union offers three dining choices name nobody outside the adminis- hear lots of comments from students
only order from them if you’re really for the hungry visitor. The Union tration uses for the dining facility on how bad food is on campus. Enter
lazy and not very hungry since you’ll Deli offers a wide variety of prod- at H Quad. At H Quad you have the SAC cafeteria where they can be
be waiting for hours till your food ucts; sandwiches made to order, a two choices: Taco Bell, or a cafe- proven wrong.
arrives. The pizza is ok though the decent grocery (for a college cam- teria-style dining hall. The Taco Breakfast is an array of bagels,
cheese is always burnt. Get your pus anyway), and a serviceable Bell is good…as long as you have cereals, fruits, and Ritazza coffee. At
Chinese food from off campus (King snack selection for those evening a strong enough digestive system. the Changing Palate it’s an order of
Wah is very good). Roth Chinese, munchies. Now, sandwich-crafting I really hope I don’t have to go eggs and pancakes. Later at the
called Deng Lee’s, has gotten too is a fine art, and while the people at into poo jokes to get the point Palate, stock up your bowl with veg-
many students sick for you to risk it. the Union Deli might not be up to across here. Last year’s discontin- etables and your choice of meat for
Also at Roth is a Burger King, a small the standards of one’s hometown uation of the chalupa struck a sizzling salads (Tuesdays) or stir fry
market, and The Terra Ve deli, their service definitely out- blow to many Taco Bell visitors, (Wednesday) Sate, which is steamy
Lunch/Dinner. There is a kosher and shines that of Kelly Deli. but bringing in the crunchwrap beef, chicken, or shrimp on a stick
vegetarian section as well. Enjoy Another fellow eatery in the was a big step forward. Regardless served with spicy sauce over rice,
Roth Dining while it lasts because Student Union is the Delancey of what you might read elsewhere returns on Thursdays with quesadillas
next year it will no longer exist as it Street Kosher Deli. Located a short in this publication, Taco Bell is the now on Mondays.
currently is; they’re renovating the walk from the Union Deli, this is an number one Mexican-themed Portabella’s bring in a heavy
whole thing, so by the time you alternative destination for the sand- eatery on campus. It reigns draw of students every day with sev-
freshies are juniors, you’ll have a wich connoisseur. Although it’s not supreme. Like the Crunchwrap eral varieties of hand-tossed brick-
mall-type food court to eat at without the proper place to order a classic Supreme. oven pizza and garlic knots. Season’s
even having to go to the mall, which ham and cheese, Delancey makes a The cafeteria style section pro- wild variety includes fruit smoothies,
will make Rob Pearsall happy! good sandwich that even a goy can vides an ever-changing array of prepared sushi, and pasta sauté.
enjoy. dinner options. Not all of them are Toasty Subs offer students their
Tabler Cafe Last and arguably not least, the particularly tempting though. assembly of classic Italian, smoked
Although without any official Bleacher Club deserves a mention. Although some dishes are worthy chicken, or mesquite turkey heroes
dining hall, the Tabler Café manages Bleacher is a cafeteria-style estab- of mouth-watering (chicken cor- with choice of bread and sauce. Close
to serve at least one customer per day. lishment with several stations to don bleu and Philly cheese steak to the exit is Philly’s for the American
The café is one of the few places on procure victuals. The top attractions get a shoutout), a trip to see what’s heart with offerings of Southwest and
campus where you can find hot here are the Grill Artist and Penny new on this side of H will often Quesadilla burgers, grilled cheese,
dogs…and that’s pretty much it, with the Pasta Lady. Also, the cash regis- provide nothing but a worse spot Texas toast, pattie melts, Roadhouse
the exception of rock-hard pretzels. ter ladies are pretty awesome. A in line at Taco Bell. If you’re look- Ranch, and Philly cheese steak.
Within the café is also a luxurious Bleacher bacon cheeseburger is a ing for mashed potatoes, don’t At the middle is where the cafete-
lounge that many forget to take must-have at least once in any come here. Bleacher’s the place to ria offers Au Bon Pain soups and
advantage of. While you munch on Stony Brook student’s career. go. chilies, and a salad bar with all the
one of the aforementioned pretzels, H Quad offers an all-you-can- fixins’. Add Outtakes cake and sand-
you can find art exhibits, various per- Kelly Dining Hall eat brunch on weekends. For about wiches, carton salads, more sushi,
formances, and film series exhibited Did someone say pizza? If you seven points, you’re free to eat all bottled water, fountain drinks, chips,
upstairs in the Tabler Center for the did… don’t expect to get that at you can fit into your gut, and candy, and ice cream, and it’s no
Arts, Cultures, and Humanities. Kelly, although they do serve it here, smuggle out the rest. The waffle wonder the SAC cafeteria generates
you’re really better off buying any- and omelette station always has a long lines at lunchtime and a huge
Jasmine thing else (The SAC has the best long line, but those who wait on it popularity amongst students and
Jasmine is an Asian food court pizza on campus). For some reason generally say it’s worth it. Some of many people in general.
with Japanese, Chinese, and Tai food the tomato sauce in Kelly is 60% the dishes in the brunch are a bit Finally, you can be greeted to a
that is very delicious if you go the right tomato peels! So the pasta with their dodgy – pancakes especially could huge windowed seating area with the
time of day. However far too often sauce won’t be any better! The be better – but don’t let that scare view of the weather, trees, and stu-
you’ll pay $8 for food that’s been sit- Mexican food is pretty good with a you a way. I have two words that dents walking through campus as an
ting around for hours and is hardly eat- nice variety and better then H Quad’s should draw any self-respecting accompaniment to what could be
able anymore. Make sure you look at Taco Bell. The deli has all the prod- college student in: tater tots! delicious times.
the food before you purchase it (broc- ucts you could ever want on a sand-
coli should be green, not brown)! This wich though at prices that may make End of the Bridge Kelly Coffee and Tea House
is by far the best looking place to eat you loose your appetite! The best This is the only sit down “Welcome to the Kelly Coffee
on campus. You could actually bring things often sneak up on you from restaurant on campus. They’ll and Tea House. Today we don’t
a date here and feel like you’re on a the left corner where nightly they give you menus and you’ll have a have milk, whipped cream, coffee,
date - sit outside by the fountain and have different dishes with more of a waiter and you can pay for all of tea, or spoons, what would you
have a romantic lunch. Also available homemade feel. Harvest Moon also it with your lovely meal plan like?” That’s the way you’re nor-
is bubble tea and tasty Asian deserts. offers nightly specials, which, card! If you don’t mind bad mally greeted at this adorable lit-
although very pricey, usually are food, and bad service, the prices tle coffee shop located on the
University Café worth it! The pasta stir fry and sushi actually are only slightly higher ground level of the Kelly Dining
This is the coolest spot on cam- are probably some of the best meals then the dining halls so come on Hall. Read the sign with what
pus, with live music on most week- you’ll have on campus. The Kelly up to the second floor of the they don’t have before you order
end nights and just a really nice, chill market is nice and will help you sur- union and enter “EOB”. Just or the employees will get very
atmosphere. Godfrey runs the café, vive on campus but once again the don’t come hungry because the angry! The menu is great, though
which tends to be a big graduate stu- prices are generally outrageous, and wait will be over an hour for your pricey, and if they actually have
dent hangout but undergrads spend a when you don’t have a car, you don’t food, even if the place is empty. what you want it’s fantastic, very
lot of time here as well. If you’re really have a choice, although if Look forward to hard pasta and chic, and often they have live
facing the union go all the way to the you’re willing to walk to 7-11 you frozen vegetables! If you get a music, or karaoke right outside.
left most wing and find the red might save a few bucks. The dining bunch of people together for a The high chair and booths are
awning. During the day you can get hall is open daily till 3am, and on friend’s birthday they’ll give you comfy and for a small moment
some panini sandwiches and a cof- weekends they serve brunch. For $7 a free cake, but if you actually you’ll feel like your somewhere
fee, and by night this is the only spot it’s all you can eat till 3pm, and it’s like your friends you may want to much classier then a college cam-
on campus that serves alcohol, they actually pretty good, just don’t go take them somewhere… nice on pus. Oh yes, their deserts are
ID though so don’t get too excited. every week or you’ll get sick of it! their birthday! delectable!

Off Campus Eats
The Curry Club Cosmos Café
The Curry Club specializes in A staple of the off-campus din- SUNY students, faculty, and
Southeast Asian food. There are a ing community for years, Cosmos employees…with an ID.
variety of dishes in an exotic Cafe provides Greek and Italian The Cosmos Cafe is located
restaurant atmosphere. The Curry specialties. Gyros, pastas, and piz- across the street from the LIRR at
Club also provides catering for zas are only the tip of the iceberg Stony Brook. The menu is avail-
special occasions. for food choices, in this diner. able online at:
Overall, the food is great. Cosmos’ menu also includes sand-
However, certain dishes aren’t as wiches, burgers, calzones and
spicy as they could be, which is soups.
intentional. Ask if the food can be You don’t want to go out to eat?
prepared to your tastes. Cosmos provides free delivery.
The Curry Club is about a ten- You want food for a celebration?
minute walk from the campus on Cosmos does catering. Also,
Route 25A. Also, it’s located near Cosmos has a 10% discount for
the Velvet Lounge, a bar and club
with live music.

Getting Back to Nature

Ashley Schiff Preserve

Every once in a while, one needs to escape the artificiality of this cam-
pus. For this, nothing beats the Ashley Schiff Preserve. Tucked between
Roth Quad and the Marine Sciences Center, the preserve is a 26 acre
woodland that is perfect for getting back to nature. Inside, one can find a
rich variety of plant and animal life. Go deep enough into the woods, and
the sounds of the campus disappear, leaving you at one with the forest
itself. The forest is especially recommended in winter, just after a fresh
snowfall, as the preserve becomes blanketed in pure white.
Please, please, please, please, please do not litter or hold keggers in the
preserve. That would make Baby Jesus cry. Besides, the preserve is also
known as the “Forever Wild” Ashley Schiff Preserve. There’s nothing for-
ever wild about litter or beer cans, wild though your kegger may be.
Long pants, closed-toed shoes, and bug spray are recommended as it
is possible to be bitten by ticks within the preserve. Also, pick up an
already downed branch to use as a walking stick as the preserve is quite
hilly – in snow, this is a necessity. Take only photographs, leave only

The Bamboo Forest

Despite popular belief, the bamboo forest still exists! Although a lot
smaller in size, if you travel to the back of West Apartments, behind build-
ing G, there you’ll find a grove of bamboo looking completely out of
place. There used to be great parties here but since the building of the new
apartments the grove is a just a taste of what once was a haven for raucous
illegal activity.

Dates to Remember

FALL 2006:
Classes Begin – 9/6
Late Registration – 9/6
Saturday Classes Begin – 9/9
Waitlist Deadline – 9/12
Drop/Withdrawl Deadline – 9/12
Last Day to Add Classes – 9/12
Student Media Open House – 9/18
Club and Activity Involvement Fair – 9/20
Homecoming Parade – 10/06
Homecoming Game (vs. Albany) – 10/07
Last Day to Drop Courses – 11/07
Last Pass/No Credit Option Day – 11/07
Freshman Guide Rebecca Kleinhaut
Correction Day – 12/13 Contributors: Antony Lin
Last Day of Classes – 12/15
Reading Days – 12/16 and 12/17 Rob Pearsall
Finals – 12/18 – 12/22
Saturday Finals – 12/23 Lukasz Chelminski Jowy Romano
Classes Do NOT Meet on: Caroline D’Agati Adina Silverbush
Rosh Hashanah – 9/23 and 9/24
Yom Kippur – 10/02
Vincent Michael Festa Alex Walsh
Thanksgiving – 11/23 through 11/26 David Ginn Chris Williams
Review: Descent Review: Snakes

Reviews - The Stony Brook Press

well as startling. Let’s just say this girl
could maybe take on Rocky in the ring.
The expedition goes as planned as they
find the opening in the earth and descend
down into the dark cave. The cave is beau-
tiful at first; it’s a large cavernous arena
with a lot to explore and discover but as
the light grows dim the darkness settles
and becomes the seventh character in the
film -- which leaves the six women in a
state of uncertainty as well as shock and
horror. The metaphor of dark and light
plays nicely in this film; light meaning life
and dark providing the horror of the
unknown that is about to fall upon the cast
with some rather disturbing inhabitants
complete with carnivorous appetites and Joe Donato

One by one, the women must fight with By Eddie Zadorozny are released by a small explosive mecha-
themselves and each other as the cave ___________ nism, leaving the snakes free to roam and
turns into a cavernous maze, each turn and attack.
Some .it website
Forza Italia!

By Eddie Zadorozny decision a life threatening one. One scene A flight we all dread is one complete Basically the attraction of the film lies
__________ in particular involves Sarah realizing she with turbulence, fear, height, hijacking, in its campy title and the way it preys on
has gotten separated from the group when and bomb scares. These are some of the the movie audience’s phobias. Fear of fly-
A weekend expedition of cave dwelling she sees where she has ended up by the most extreme elements that make air trav- ing and fear of snakes are the selling points
and exploration turns into a hellish night- light of a flask of fire. It’s a rather tense el intimidating to most and terrifying to of this film. They are two legitimate irra-
mare for six women as the grotto they scene – the place she stands is actually a some. Why don’t we raise the terror bar tional fears, and putting the two together
inhabit, for the sport of journey and dis- monster’s lair. The scene is particularly and throw into that mix about a thousand makes the film very fun to watch. I see the
covery, actually delivers rather gruesome bone-chilling and leaves you on edge, yet rampant deadly snakes? Such is the prem- potential for a sequel: Trapped on the top
consequences. This is the case in The it is where the character gets her strength ise for the film Snakes on a Plane, which floor of the Empire State Building with
Descent, a very creepy, spine-chilling, as there is no other choice for her but to lit- uses such a concept to become a surpris- Tarantulas. Do you not see the potential!
claustrophobic film. erally back up to a corner and figure a way ing and rather entertaining film. It has all The characters are not developed to an
The six women are all friends who meet out. What she does figure out in this situ- the makings of a cult movie. extent that makes you care about them.
at a ranch in the Appalachian Mountains ation is very nerve-wracking to watch. The story line is rather simple: a young That was expected, The director just intro-
in North Carolina. They all have distinct The cinematography is great to watch; sports adrenaline enthusiast Sean (a rather duces stereotypical passengers that could
personalities and face certain life tribula- the camera gives off a great claustrophobic bland Nathan Phillips) bears witness to a be on a typical flight, such as a fat woman,
tions; this appears certain in one of the feel, especially when the women are murder by the evil mobster Eddie Kim a rude British man, and a young couple
main characters, Sarah (Shauna reduced to crawling through openings with (Bryon Lawson) one sunny afternoon who want to join the mile high club. This
MacDonald). On the conclusion of a barely any room to spare. It also feels cold while riding his dirt bike in the back roads is totally fine because all of the actors in
white water rafting excursion she is and harrowing when one gets stuck – of Hawaii. As an eyewitness to the dead- this film play second fiddle to the real stars
involved in a car accident on the drive “Why put yourself in this situation?” you ly event, Sean is told that he must testify of the film, which are the snakes and the
home, which leaves her daughter Jesse say to yourself, but nonetheless you watch against Mr. Kim, a known and notorious title (probably one of the best and campiest
dead. It’s a year later and Sarah has not with bated breath. criminal. Sean’s eyewitness account will to come along in years).
gotten any better since the event and is The creature effects are very unsettling help put Mr. Kim behind bars, but the task I may be sounding a bit sarcastic about
basically just plodding along slowly in as are the look and sound of them. The must be done in Los Angeles. F.B.I agent the film but it is just mindless late summer
life, but she still comes to take part in the sound they produce and their movement Neville Flynn (Samuel Jackson) is film fun. Expect to laugh and lay witness
cave expedition with her friends; it keeps will be etched into your memory for a assigned the task of escorting and protect- to some bizarre as well as imaginative
her busy and involved. The leader of the while even after the film is well over. ing Sean from Hawaii to Los Angeles so scenes of peril and scenarios of death for
group is Juno (Natalie Mendoza), an ath- I find the film very rewarding on all lev- Sean can testify. Of course Mr. Kim is the passengers, and decide for yourself
letic, strong minded leader who stresses els: scare tactics, tension, and torment. It’s well aware of the situation. He has never what would be worse: to be trapped on an
safety, while possessing a strong physical a nail-biter! A well-done horror film that seen the witness, but knows which flight out of control aircraft or to be confined to
prowess about her that makes her tough will enthrall you as it carries you to its out- he is on. In an attempt to kill Sean, he has a plane with thousands of slithering
enough to handle any situation thrown at come. I know I won’t be exploring any the cargo compartment of the plane rigged snakes. I say don’t pick just one; merge
her. One scene in particular tests that caves anytime soon; I think I will stick to with crates of several different species of the concepts and double the phobia. Let
strength of hers; it’s very memorable as rock wall climbing. venomous snakes. Once in mid-air they the camp fest begin!

The Flaws Behind American and Israeli Foreign
Policy And What Must Be Done To Stop Terrorism
The Stony Brook Press - Opinion

shouting, “Down with Saddam”, chances They engage in open and brutal warfare
were that you could go outside, put in a with their Sunni enemies, leading Iraq
hard day’s work at your job, buy whatev- down the path of civil war.
er items you want or need, and return Things are bad in Iraq. Real bad. But
home, all without being shot. Iraq is still salvageable. And it all
All in all, despite his wicked ways, depends on the new Iraqi government.
Saddam did what every smart tyrant and President Bush has to, in this writer’s
dictator did, he gave the people a reason humble opinion, take a hard line against
to trust him. That is more that can be said the inactivity of the Iraqi government.
can be said for the Bush Administration The government is responsible for the
and the current Iraqi government. Putting security of Iraq and its people, and for
aside how the Iraqi people would feel the maintaining of an Iraqi security
about their houses being destroyed and force. It must be made clear to them that
their loved ones being killed, a foreign the United States cannot hold their hands
power occupying their land, and a civil forever, we cannot govern and defend
war ensuing as a result, the U.S. their land. If they cannot stand on their
Government has not lived up to its prom- own, they will fall to the militias, insur-
ises. If you are like me and you consider gents, and terrorists. A deadline must be
the freedom to not live in fear of terror- given to them (in secret if need be) to
ists and militias to be an important part take control of their country and estab-
of freedom as a whole, then the Iraqis lish order and security on the streets.
still do not have the freedom they were America would, under this plan, continue
denied by Saddam and are deserving of to give Iraq support until then, filling
just for being human beings. holes in their security gaps.
Joe’s Dad Iraq’s infrastructure is still in sham- But it must remain clear to this new
bles. According to BBC News, governing body that once that date
How could you hate the Red Cross?

By Joe Safdia sibly do. “Electricity generation at best meets half comes, they will be on their own to
___________ As much as pro-war neoconservatives of estimated demand and fell below pre- defend their country, ready or not.
hate to hear it, in order to fight terrorism war levels in early 2006. A 2004 survey America cannot defend Iraq forever, and
There is a myth that’s become quite we must stop and wonder what causes found just over half of households had a if Iraq cannot maintain its own security,
prevalent in America that I like to call the terrorism and why groups like Al Qaeda, stable supply of safe drinking water.” there is nothing the United States can do
Let Freedom Ring Myth (that’s when I’m Hamas, and Hezbollah have so much And those pre-war levels were pretty to help them. At the same time, America
not calling it the If You Shout It, They support from the people. Fear not, Iraq low. The people of Iraq aren’t any safer and Iraq must rebuild the infrastructure
Will Come Myth), which states that if and Lebanon are not unsalvageable, but under their new democratic government. in a quick and efficient manner. By pro-
you offer the people of the Middle East military might will not win the day in the Sunni insurgents prey on the innocent, viding these basic and important servic-
freedom, they will come running towards war against terrorism. conducting devastating and heinous ter- es, America will “win over the hearts and
it with open arms. A wise man (who I am --The problem with Iraq is that people rorist attacks against civilians and U.S. minds” of the Iraqi people, as Bush set
proud to say is my father) once said, did not want what Bush was trying to troops alike when they aren’t exchanging out to do from the beginning.
“These people don’t want democracy, sell. Besides the noticeable lack of WMD gunfire with Shiite militias in populated At the same time, the people will
they just want to keep their way of life. (Weapons of Mass Destruction) lying areas (the latter of these two groups sure- come to trust, support, and rely on their
They’d be happy with a dictatorship if around Iraq, people were not and are still ly receiving support from Iran). own government for services that a state
the dictator is benign.” not interested in the brand of democracy As for the new Iraqi government itself, should provide. Militias will no longer
That statement holds more truth then that was being given to (forced upon) they seem to be about as efficient as the feel the need to take security matters into
all the State of the Union speeches about them by President George W. Bush. This United Nations. The democratic govern- their own hands if the government can
Iraqis being thrilled to exercise their is not to say that Iraq was a free and ment of Iraq has sat on its hands, its keep the streets safe. Terrorist organiza-
newfound voting rights combined. peaceful state before the war, nor is it to politicians bickering endlessly amongst tions will have a much harder time
Make no mistake, this statement does even suggest that Saddam Hussein has a themselves, and has done little to provide recruiting people to murder civilians.
not insinuate that the Iraqi people don’t moral bone in his body. In truth, howev- security to its people. Yes, it is true that There will be no insurgency if people
deserve democracy. Far from it. er, while one can’t deny that Saddam was millions of Iraqis exercised their right to have an acceptable quality of life.
Everybody deserves to live in freedom an atrocious excuse for a human being, vote in a democratic election, but what Yet Bush’s plan to give the Iraqis
(except for criminals). And everybody he brought stability to Iraq. good has that gotten them? democracy, and his current approach of
deserves to live without the fear of a ter- Disregarding for a moment the fact A demolished infrastructure and the simply sending more troops to guard the
rorist attack. But people also deserve to that that stability was through fear, peo- occupation by a foreign power is what region, is doomed to failure. Why?
not have their homes bombed by foreign ple were not being killed left and right in leads many Sunni Arabs (who had it People will trade democracy for electric-
powers, and they deserve not to suffer Baghdad. Iraq had a working infrastruc- “good” under the rule of Saddam, a ity, clean running water, and a safe place
because their government harbors terror- ture (it wasn’t the greatest due to neglect, Sunni) to commit terrorist actions. Of to live in a heartbeat.
ists. but they still had things like power), a course they are going to hate America Left-wing myth: No one in Lebanon
American foreign policy and Israeli stable enough economy (again, nothing and of course they are going to be loyal supports Hezbollah to any extent.
defensive policy, however, center around to brag about), and houses for the people to the old regime. And there can be no Right-wing myth: Muslims in
the shortsighted notion that bombing to to live in. The common person, despite doubt that terrorist organizations will see Lebanon are firm supporters of terrorism
hell any country that has a terrorist popular American myth, weren’t being this, swooping in to recruit formerly and the destruction of the state of Israel.
organization in it and giving them slaughtered left and right (Saddam mur- decent Iraqi citizens into their ranks I’ve heard both (I’ve heard the right-
democracy will eliminate any terrorist dered his political opponents and their under the guise of fighting evil oppres- wing myth much more often than the
threat and bring freedom to those who families as well as anyone who protested sors in the name of the sovereignty of other one), and neither of them are true
don’t have it. This plan will never work, against him, that much is certain, but the Iraq. The Shiites, fueled by anger (with the right-wing myth being com-
and for reasons other than the fact that it idea of him walking up and down the towards the Sunnis for both the atrocities pletely outlandish and implausible). The
would probably rely on us doing what we streets killing random innocent people is of Saddam’s tyrannical regime and the people of Lebanon do support Hezbollah,
did in Iraq to every Middle Eastern coun- simply ludicrous. Even Hitler and Stalin terrorist attacks perpetrated by the insur-
try one by one, something we cannot fea- never did that). Unless you went around gency, take matters into their own hands. Continued on next page

The Flaws Behind American and
Israeli Foreign Policy Continued

Opinion - The Stony Brook Press

Continued from previous page the irrational fear people had for their destroyed. At worst, they have lost provide these important services and, in
Japanese neighbors, people who disap- friends and family. Whereas the turn, regain the support of their own peo-
for the most part at least. But why? Why proved of FDR’s disgusting policies Lebanese people earlier did not care ple.
would they support a terrorist organiza- against Japanese-Americans gave him about Israel, they now hate their Jewish While it is technically on Lebanon to
tion? Well, since going to Lebanon and support as long as he continued to create neighbors with a fiery passion (there also do this, Israel might want to take more
asking all the people there is completely economic policies that fed them, clothed lies the fact that, while Israel was delib- than a passing interest in the relief and
unfeasible (especially considering cur- them, and put a roof over their heads. erately avoiding the civilian population, reconstruction efforts in Lebanon for
rent events), let’s use rational thinking to The same thing applies to Lebanon. Who because Hezbollah was doing things like their own interests, namely their own
figure out why they support a terrorist knows exactly how many people there storing the rockets they fire at Israel in national security. They, along with the
organization, and then see what can be support Hezbollah’s terrorism and how their clinics, Israel is forced to bomb United States and the United Nations,
done about it. many actually oppose it? But that doesn’t these medical clinics and private houses will want to be heavily involved in this
Lebanon is a country where the people matter, because no one in their right which results in the further deterioration program, but whatever relief is allocated
are poor. All the wonderful things we mind will raise either their voices or their of their image). to Lebanon by the UN, Israel, and the
take for granted living in this great arms in revolt of the only organization But Hezbollah? Hezbollah was the Western nations, it must all go directly
nation do not exist for the people of that they can rely on to provide them only organization striking back against from the government of Lebanon to its
Lebanon. Where is their government to with dinner for the next day. Israel (never mind that they were retaliat- people. The country must properly
help them? Not doing their job, that’s To further put the situation into per- ing against a retaliation in a war that they rebuilt and people have to be able to give
where. The government of Lebanon has spective, let’s form a realistic answer to started, and were doing so via the uneth- credit, and the loyalty that comes with it,
sat on its hands while its people fell how the people of Lebanon felt about ical act of killing Israeli citizens), doing to the legitimate government and not to a
deeper and deeper into poverty. The Israel before the war. I won’t say that what the Lebanese military failed to do, terrorist organization.
Lebanese people have about as much rea- everyone there loved Israel and loved the or at least failed to do in an efficient The cease-fire is a prime opportunity
son to trust their government as they do Jews and thought that the Jews were manner. Hezbollah is the only organiza- for Israel to capitalize on this for its own
to trust Ann Coulter and Pat Robertson. God’s chosen people. For the most part, tion in Lebanon dedicated to reconstruc- sake. Now is the time for Israel and
In swoops Hezbollah, an organization they probably didn’t care too much about tion (even now, after the cease-fire has Lebanon to work together to rebuild the
which provides food, clinics, and other the Jews. If they even did hate Jews, they taken effect, one of Hezbollah’s primary latter state. If they do this, public support
services to the people. To once again probably only hated them to the extent goals has been to provide care for the for Hezbollah will fall. Without that sup-
quote my father: “To us, Hezbollah is a that they would speak badly about them people, no doubt in an effort to garner port, Hezbollah will not be able to use
terrorist organization. To them, however, at dinnertime (Americans did the same more public support). Hezbollah is the the civilian body as a giant human shield
it’s the Red Cross. How can you hate the thing with the Muslims after 9/11). But only group that has given the Lebanese when they provoke larger and more well
Red Cross?” Gaining public support, that’s as far as it goes. any reason to give their trust and support, armed states to attack them. They will no
Hezbollah can now use the civilian pop- Anti-Semitism isn’t something to be at least when looked at from the point of longer be able to convince the people to
ulation itself as their base when they con- proud of, but it’s a far cry from terrorism. view of the Lebanese civilian, and the join their ranks. When their support is
duct their terrorist attacks, as the people The likelihood that anyone hated Israel ramifications of this will be catastrophic gone and their membership is dropping,
willingly let the people who put food on enough to actually do something about it since now they will have a much easier Hezbollah will either simply fade from
their table into their own home. is rather low, especially considering the time recruiting outraged and grief-strick- existence, or they will able to be hunted
One would ask, and rightfully so, “But more pressing priorities that come about en people into their ranks. down and either arrested or killed with-
Hezbollah conducts terrorism! Even con- in extreme poverty. While the claims of Israel’s invasion out the destruction of civilian lives or
sidering that Hezbollah provides them So now we have a country where a ter- of Lebanon being acts of imperialism, property since they would now theoreti-
with the services that the Lebanese gov- rorist organization has so much support unprovoked aggression, and even terror- cally be completely separate from the
ernment should be performing, how that they conduct their terrorist activities ism are unwarranted (and that’s even people and unable to use private houses
could the people support them in the from within the civilian population itself considering Lebanon’s civilian body and medical clinics as bases for their ter-
slightest bit when they know exactly without so much as a complaint. They count and the destruction of their resi- rorist attacks.
what they were doing?” put rockets in the same clinics that they dential neighborhoods), it can be argued Between that and the inherent benefits
The answer is that people are self- treat people in and hide their militants in whether military invasion was good of reconstruction, Lebanon will go from
interested and will willingly condone the homes of private citizens. They judgment on their part. In this writer’s an impoverished state that harbors terror-
harm done towards others if they feel the launched terrorist attack after terrorist opinion, a military invasion was, and is, ists to a prosperous nation that is a friend
action will make them safer or increase attack against the state of Israel, with the not an effective tactic against a terrorist to Israel and the United States. And that
their quality of life. Let’s examine an capturing of the two Israeli soldiers organization that blends in with, and is is how you “wage war” on terrorism.
example from American history. During merely being the latest act of aggression often indistinguishable from, the civilian America’s current anti-terrorist for-
World War II, while Hitler was putting before Israel launched air strikes in retal- population. eign policy is counterproductive to that
Jews into camps, President Franklin D. iation. Where will the Lebanese people’s This is not World War II, this is not the goal, and Israel’s defensive war isn’t a
Roosevelt was putting Asians into loyalty and support in this war lie? Cold War. The enemy is not a legitimate much better idea. Terrorists hide behind
camps. Executive Order 9066, signed at They will not support their own gov- state with a traditional military that is civilians, and to target them with bombs
the request of the American people, man- ernment. The Lebanese government, dur- separate from the civilians. Military and missiles will only kill the innocent
dated that Japanese-Americans, most of ing this whole affair, did not take any dominance will not defeat Hezbollah ter- people they cower behind. A terrorist
whom were law-abiding, tax paying action against the Israeli air strikes. As rorism in Lebanon, and a new approach organization is not a government army,
American citizens, be forced to relocate for Israel, it is completely outlandish to must be taken, a more effective one that and they cannot be defeated simply by
into internment camps (though I’m sure, believe that the people will pledge their does not involve bloodshed. bombing everything in sight. We may be
when in doubt, the “all Asians look the support to them. The solution is simple. Food must be the leader of the world when it comes to
same” doctrine was applied). How could Whether you believe that Israel’s provided to the impoverished people of military power and technology, but this is
the American people condone such an retaliation was ethical or unethical, justi- Lebanon, along with a working infra- a problem that requires us to unflex our
unconstitutional and unethical “law” (if fiable or unjustifiable, necessary or structure and adequate medical care. And muscles and use our brains instead.
you can call an executive order a real unnecessary, appropriate or too large all this must be provided in Lebanon’s And only when we do that will we
law)? scale, the fact is that Israel’s actions have name, not Hezbollah’s. Hezbollah is no realize that if we kill a person’s family in
Because the man who was putting left nearly 1,000 Lebanese people dead charity, it is a terrorist organization. The order to give him/her democracy, that
Japanese people into camps was the same (with the number of Hezbollah casualties services they provide to the Lebanese person will use those newfound voting
man that was putting food on their tables, merely in the double digits) and hun- people are repaid with popular support rights to put into power terrorist groups
via his New Deal program. Nobody will dreds of thousands of people displaced. and loyalty. The Lebanese government dedicated to destroying us and our way
strike the hand that feeds them. Besides At best, their homes have been must move to counteract this, they must of life.

Wear Fur, Or You’re With Osama
The Stony Brook Press - Opinion

nothing new, to the extent that it’s bull- Center along with the gays. Well then,
shit. Choosing consumption patterns certainly growing your own garden is
mean next to nothing, other than the fact cause for Code Red because it steals from
that it makes us feel good. After all, Monsanto’s bottom line.
what’s a few dollars to a corporation? In In case it’s not painfully clear, this is
the society of the spectacle, the only the epitome of what is wrong with the
things that matter are impressions. forces of control in modern society. Next,
So refusing to buy products, protesting it will be illegal to conscientiously object
certain companies makes us feel good, to consuming the way we’re now almost
makes us feel like we’re keeping them in forced to consume. What the shitheads in
check in a world where government can- “power” don’t seem to realize is if there
not do that anymore. In fact, the govern- are people protesting a corporation, then
ment is designed only to keep us in check, that corporation is probably doing some-
now to the extent that it is illegal to sim- thing wrong and deserves to lose a lot
ply influence thought, even if on a small more than whatever business the protes-
scale. Simply spreading knowledge about tors can influence. And if they’re protest-
something (the only effect non-violently ing inhumane treatment of living beings,
protesting has) is now illegal if companies then the inflictors of such treatment are
lose profits as a result. Not only is it ille- the real terrorists, not observant people. It
gal, its terrorism! Oh wait, it’s still okay to is ludicrous that we are so close to living
do so in general (for now), it’s only illegal in a society where it is a crime to note
when the subject of such knowledge has when something is ethically depraved,
to do with animals and their rights. and a crime only for those who don’t hap-
A bill is pending in the House and pen to fall within the brackets of the one
America’s Dairy Farmers Senate right now, H.R. 4239 and S. 1926, world order.
otherwise known as the Animal Enterprise That said, as should everyone (whether
Let them eat cows.

By Brian Wasser make us forget we’re not happy, organ- Terrorism Act (another perfect example of you are a reactionary to the animal rights
___________ ized religion to make us forget that the the use of language as a means of thought- “movement” or not, whether you support
natural state isn’t authoritarianism, and control), that would make it a crime to the First Amendment or not), I am more
It has been a long time since our last consumerism to make us feel like we’re a engage in non-violent actions if those than angry about even the proposal of
doubts about our powerlessness in society community again, to make us feel like it’s actions result (if even indirectly) in loss of such a law, in itself and for the precedent
faded away. Those who have ever given okay to spend the rest of our day behind profits for the poor, affected businesses. it will set. But I’m not phased, I know that
any thought to something larger than our fences. All surrogates already have The Act would make it illegal to cause a I don’t have to ask for permission from a
themselves have long since divided into programmed within them the antidote to loss of profits to any business which is government in order to voice my opposi-
two groups: post-modern, Baudrilliardian any skepticism. Satellites orbit, and power considered an "animal enterprise," includ- tion to the ruins of the profit-motive,
cynicists who know there’s no point in grids buzz, so that we behave. ing factory farms, vivisection labs, circus- whether it deals with animals or not.
doing anything more than sitting around So what is there to do in society to es, fur farms and other businesses which Please, please, oh fat fucks in suits and
with a knowing smirk, or tirelessly strate- make us feel autonomous again? What are routinely inflict suffering on animals. ties, please may I, with my knowledge
gizing pessimist-optimists sitting around strategies so that we can feel like we’re Even if the loss in profits to the company and my conscience, commit terror by sim-
hoping for some momentary, ecstatic doing something other than punching in, results from peaceful protests, effective ply asking the ass you kiss, Almighty
glimpse of autonomy from “the machine.” tuning out, or being a reactionary? The boycotts or media campaigns, it could be Capital, to proceed with just a little more
There are six billion people in the only choice we’re given, in a choiceless interpreted as a violation which could respect.
world and counting, a blatant world, is what to consume with the arbi- impose a hefty prison sentence of several Call Representative Tim Bishop at 631-
Illuminatian, pro-life (for one species) tration we sold our precious time for. But years. What’s next, will unions become 696-6500 for H.R. 4239, and Senator
tactic meant to reinforce our feelings of even that choice is laden with the illegal because their efforts to raise wages Clinton at 631-249-2825 and Senator
helplessness and the resulting supremacy inescapable, cyclical ironies of control, ad result in “loss of profit” for the company? Schumer at 631-753-0978 for S. 1926.
of the 200 corporations that “rule the infinitum. We don’t have lives, we have No, of course not, they’re hard-working Oh, and if you want to call the dick who
world.” After all, what is there for us to be lifestyles. Column A or Column B, didn’t Americans, unlike animal rights anar- thought this Bill up, call Thomas Petri at
“powerful” about? There is television to the SATs teach you anything? This is all chists who blew up the World Trade 202-225-2476.

Comics - The Stony Brook Press


Fuck You, Shirts (Take That!)
Stony Brook Soapbox

Fuck you, and your little shirt too. I’ve Spongebob, hastily waving away smoke. Yeah, free and all. No, what I don’t get is people who
thought about it a while now, and I don’t know they’re winning the race for going bald, alright. buy expensive T-shirts at places like
precisely what types of shirt I hate, but here’s a The granddads generally look pleased as punch Abercrombie & Fitch stating they were on the
few. You should hate them too, by the way, you wrestling team. I bet you couldn’t wrestle your
trend whores. cock out of your pants when you wake up in the
1. The one-liner T-shirt: This makes the top morning, let alone some scrappy dude who runs
of the list. T-shirts like this say, “I used to be a few miles a day and wants to call you Shirley
schizophrenic, but we’re OK now,” or, “Your vil- after he gets you in a pin. Fuck you, dumbass.
lage called: It’s missing its idiot!” Sentences to Unfortunately, I’ll admit to you I don’t mind
either make the person look humorous, or to retro shirts or band shirts. If you have a band
indicate their superiority. If you need a T-shirt shirt, and I know the band, I feel as though we
to tell other people you’re funny, you’re not. share a fraternal bond. (Warning: It seems I’m
You’re probably that annoying guy that looks up the only one that thinks this. After having
jokes online and tells them to the other guys. approached at least three separate random peo-
Cut that shit out. And if you think you’re supe- ple to compliment their taste in music, I’ve offi-
rior, again, you’re probably not. In fact, that cially learned my lesson.) And if you’re wearing
shirt that so artfully proclaims you King of the a shirt indicating anywhere that you like some
Universe hasn’t been washed since your corona- pop idol or other, then I’ve just saved myself a
tion. If you need a T-shirt to make your first potential of ten minutes of having to get to know
impressions, then fine, be my guest. Just know you. So band t-shirts are convenient. I also like
the only impression I got was that you’re a retro shirts, despite the fact that most people
douche. wearing them are pretentious ass-wrinkles. I
2. Invader Zim T-shirts: Luckily, this isn’t as like the Blues Bros. a lot, and if somebody wants
much of a problem anymore; the show’s been off to wear their shirts, then I’m cool with that.
the air for a few years now. While the show was Just don’t encourage Aykroyd to make another
on, and in the year or so following its cancella- sequel. I heard that motherfucker’s going ahead
tion, every teenage mallrat the country over had with Ghostbusters III, and my gag reflex can’t
some piece of Invader Zim merchandise or other. wait.
I liked that show, and 14-year-old jailbait with B. Lueballs Lastly, I’d like to make note of my love-hate
crooked teeth had to go ruin it for me. Fuck you, relationship with two other pieces of clothing. I
teenagers. Kids these days… to wear their shirts. I don’t know whether this disagree with pants that say things like “JUICY”
3. Shirts indicating you’re a father/grandfa- is out of a sadistic pleasure in knowing their chil- emblazoned on the back, but I can’t help myself
ther: I don’t hate these shirts, per se, I just dren will now face the sleepless nights, disap- hoping they stay in style, at least ‘til I can’t get
wanted to extend my condolences to the poor pointments, and fiscal ruin they did, or if it’s an wood anymore. The Ugg boot, short skirt combo
bastards wearing them. Your balls are under indication of burgeoning senility, or if, perhaps, is the other piece of fashion I can’t fathom. For
lock and key, and now everyone knows it. You it’s genuine pleasure. I lean towards the first of two winters now, I’ve seen stick-thin girls in the
can tell what stage of a marriage a guy’s in when these scenarios. Those vengeful bastards. middle of winter wearing miniskirts on the way
he wears it, too. The young guys always look 4. T-shirts saying you’re on a sports team: I to class, with nothing keeping their legs warm
happy, thinking their son or daughter will grow was kind of misleading in that. I actually don’t but those damned boots. God bless you dumb
up to be famous, rich, influential. The middle- mind sports T-shirts; usually, they’re free if sluts for reminding us all what skin looks like
aged dudes look sheepish and grumpy; their you’re on the team, won the award, participated during the winter months.
dreams for their children die a little more every in the event, etc. And I’d be remiss in blaming
time they come home to see them watching someone for wearing free shit, what with it being —James Messina

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The new Soapbox section of

The Stony Brook Press!

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A Warning to All Sculpture Students

Stony Brook Soapbox

As the 2006 fall semester commences a num- He informed us that he had met with said techni- was not a sculptor and as far as she was con-
ber of students will venture down into the depths cian and that the problems would be fixed. Our cerned it was her last semester and she just
of the Staller Center basement to embark on a main concern at the time was that there is no wanted to graduate and never look back. That is
sculptural journey. I will not be among you, but evaluation form to fill-out at the end of the why problems are never resolved; people just
I feel compelled to inform you why that is and semester for technicians like the ones for faculty. ignore them and they get worse and worse. That
warn you of the dangers you may be facing. His response to that was “He is not a member of sculpture class ended the semester half the size
Since the Spring 2005 semester the sculpture academia” and that as a member of a union the it was at the beginning; obviously there is a prob-
department has been in a state of what can best actual SUNY senate would have to meet to lem.
be defined as chaos. Apparently the problems change the rules regarding evaluating non-facul- I’ve seen more tears rolling down the faces of
began long before that time, but it was not until ty. I remember this distinctly to this day because sculpture students than at JFK’s funeral.
that time that I was affected. Due to the on-going that has to have been the most insane thing I Something has got to give. If enough students
state of affairs, and the fact that even with have ever heard in my life. How can a person stand up when they witness obvious infractions
numerous complaints by both students and fac- with whom students must interact not be consid- then eventually the problems will be resolved.
ulty nothing has been done to fix the situation, I ered a member of academia? By this point I had I’m already up Shit’s Creek by writing this; it’s
feel that it is my duty to warn all future students wisely dropped that class, but other students about time somebody tosses me a paddle.
of possible problems and to let you know that continued having problems and more complaints
you are not the first victim, and very likely not were filed, but ignored by Dr. Rubin. —Natalie Schultz
the last. I am doing this because the main prob- The plot thickens. The unique twist to this
lem that I faced in trying to fix the problem was story is that students were not the only victims;
that a lot of students were too afraid to step up apparently the sculpture professors also encoun-
and file complaints of their own. I realize now tered similar problems and complained, but to no
that the only way to take fear out of the equation avail. This isn’t just hearsay; one of the incidents
is to issue this public grievance so that you know happened a year before (spring 2004) in front of
that you are not alone. In the spring of 2005 at an entire class and one of the students finally
least five of us did so, but to no avail. That is sim- came forward with a written complaint in spring
ply not acceptable; these problems can no longer 2005. The reactions by professors to us ranged
just be swept under the rug. from egging us on because apparently they
First I want to make clear that as far as I risked their jobs if they interfered, to trying to
know these problems do not extend to the rest of get us to shut-up. I was even asked by one
the Art Department; I have never had any prob- Professor to take a semester off from art, to
lems outside the sculpture facilities, and many which, wisely or un-wisely, I complied.
students who have faced these problems have The new Chairman of the department, whom

The Stony Brook Press

clearly stated that the best solution is simply to I have not met, apparently has his hands full try-

Where all the

avoid sculpture and take painting or E-media ing to fix all sorts of old problems. The hours
classes instead. But, becoming a painter just to during which students can actually use the
lonely women are.
avoid a harsh work environment is not the prop- sculpture facilities have been so limited that it is

Meetings Wednesdays
er tactic; that’s like telling a writer to become a nearly impossible to do any real work.

at 1 pm
mathematician just to avoid a few bad apples. At Unfortunately, according to many sculpture stu-
an academic institution you should be able to dents who have met with him and others, it is a

Union room 060

choose your courses freely; to learn what you “he said / she said” situation in which no one will
truly want to learn; not to be scared off into a dis- give an honest answer to anyone. I almost sub-
cipline that doesn’t interest you simply because mitted a seething article to the Press about the
a department is out of control. situation last semester when, after having to
At this point I will name names, only because bring my work home since I couldn’t work in the
writing this with clarity is impossible otherwise; studio, it broke on the way back to school and I
specific details will be left out whenever possible. was furious. I almost dropped the class that day,
I openly declare that all statements herein are but at the request of fellow students I tried to
the truth to the best of my knowledge, and I take stick it out. A few weeks later history repeated
full, personal responsibility for what I am about itself and a fellow student was irrationally yelled
to write. at and the TA was in a lot of trouble for some-
Unfortunately the problem is much more thing that wasn’t her fault at all. I was not about
complex than it seemed at the time; those in to stand by and see an innocent person take the
power have played sides and silenced the rest fall for something that wasn’t her fault, so I sent
through fear. Dr. Rubin, now former Chairman of an email to all involved faculty explaining the
the Art Department failed miserably at fixing
the problem, therefore the main problem, the
situation and proving her innocence. I was then
called to a meeting along with the TA; the meet-
Want to go to church?
Sculpture Technician is still in power and seems ing did not address the problems, rather it was
to feel invincible. New rules that have been insti- purely an intimidation tactic to get me to shut-
But you need a ride?
tuted have not fixed the problem, rather they up. The TA was off-the-hook, but I dropped the
have made it almost impossible for students to class. Do I regret standing up for justice? No, Three Village Church will pick you up
truly be free to create their work. Going back to but I am still pissed off that that student still on Sunday morning at 8:50 for Sunday
the spring 2005 semester, the problem was basi- refused to stand up for herself; that I saved her
cally an angry verbal attitude by said sculpture ass and still all she worried about was getting a School or at 10:25 for church. We pick
technician towards students in general; once I nice recommendation letter. That letter of rec- up at the Student Union bus stop, the
was personally verbally attacked and my work ommendation is worthless in my opinion if it Kelly bus stop, Tabler steps, and the
as well as the work of another student removed means that all other students, present and
Chapin bus stop. After church, join
and/or destroyed, written complaints were filed future, are to be treated with such disrespect
by a few other students and myself about the The real problem, as I have now become other students for a free lunch. Return
specific incident and the general atmosphere of aware, is that both students and faculty are in a rides are provided.
fear in the sculpture facilities. After meeting bind. After being yelled at that student did not
with Dean Stein, the only person who was actual- want to weld at all; unfortunately all our profes-
ly helpful, we met with then Chairman Dr. Rubin sor could do was try to console her and tell her
Three Village Church, 322 Route 25A,
who couldn’t care less. At that meeting we were that she had no choice but to work with the tech- East Setauket, NY 11733, (631) 941-
informed that these complaints were not new, nician. That student told me that she wouldn’t 3670,
but there was really nothing that we could do. write an official letter of complaint because she

Shut Up, Just Shut Up
Stony Brook Soapbox

There are many endangered animals in the and incoherent screaming, all at the command of trouble at school, mouth off to your parents and
world we call Earth, but there is one species of one single terrorist leader. What type of convo- teachers, vandalize private property, make your-
animal that you will never see PETA lift a finger luted Dr. Evil-type plan do you think they have? self visible by acting and dressing like your
to protect (heck, you may even see them wearing Whatever it is, here’s hoping the resulting uni- favorite allegedly gun-toting “gangsta” rapper,
the skins of these poor endangered animals). The verse-destroying doomsday explosion knocks and then, when confronted about all the trouble
species in question is known as “homo intelligus”, you back to reality, where the rest of us live. And you have undoubtedly been causing, have the gall
also known by their non-scientific name, “smart here in reality, the media is biased both ways, to say, “You only hatin’ on me ‘cuz I’m BLACK!!!”
people”. As stupid people (or as comedian Carlos right and left. No, you bullet bullseye, they’re “hating on you”
Mencia classifies them, “Dee Dee Dee’s”) seem to Shut up. Just shut up. because you actually do all that shit, and, in turn,
be reproducing more and more rapidly, the num- make life harder than it needs to be for the major-
ber of smart people in the United States and in ity of black people who are respectful of others
the world seems to be dwindling. It’s almost as if, and follow the law. Get it? Accusing you of some-
like in George Orwell’s 1984, smart people are thing is not racism if you actually did it.
being taken away by the government or the Shu’up, yo. Just shut up, aight son?
Party, or are in some way being hunted to extinc- I’d like to call upon God to smite all the super-
tion. Perhaps the reason it sometimes seems like religious Christians who want to bring prayer
this is that people will often say the stupidest back into the public schools (especially if you are
things, not in privacy, but on the news and in the one of the evolutionary failures who believe that
papers, defending them vehemently and then school shootings are the direct result of the
expecting to receive an ounce of respect from Supreme Court case that abolished public school
any well educated intellectual or professor, or prayer). You people who think that tax dollars
even anyone with half a brain. When it comes to should be funneled into prayers over the loud-
politics, something that should inherently draw speakers and Bible studies classes should be sent
intelligent conversation, America’s collective directly to Hell from where you stand, and your
stupidity seems to be turned up a notch or two. It mouths should be stapled shut once you get
is in political and politically related conversation there. Why? Because you are HYPOCRITES! I’ve
that the stupidity of most humans truly shines. had enough experience simply living in this
Not everybody has a smart idea about every- country to tell me that you will fight tooth and
thing, that is understandable and natural, but nail for your “right” to Bible studies and prayers
there are a lot of people out there who should just to God, but the moment another religion—say the
shut up. Muslims, since everybody hates Muslims—the
The so-called War on Terror seems to draw the moment an Islamic community starts demand-
retards out of the woodwork (now if only we ing Koran studies and prayers to Allah, you all
could get Osama out of those caves that easily). rush to put a stop to it. Well if you’re going to act
First off, it’s one thing to support the Iraq War. like little kids, you will be treated like little kids.
Vincent Michael Festa
There is nothing wrong with that, there is a lot of STFU contains no saturated fat! Like when a parent takes a toy away from two
evidence in its favor and there is a lot of evidence siblings who can’t share. Since apparently two
that it was a failure and we should never have Oh and if you are one of the people who think separate religions cannot exist in one school, our
gone in. No, war supporters are not the idiots that Muslims should be racially profiled in sub- tax dollars aren’t going to fund any religion.
here. No, fuck you if you are one of those people ways (meaning searched simply because they Period. Because the fact of the matter is, you can
who believes supporting the war is synonymous are Muslim, or at least look it) and then get all pray to Jesus or Mohammed or Buddha all you
with supporting our troops. I once read an article offended when the cop asks you to open your bag, want, but no one cares about what you think, you
by a woman who said the she was a minority in you should be required to be strip searched right insignificant little speck in the universe. So stop
America, that minority being someone who sup- there on the train platform. By the homeless guy your whining before you get a divine bitch-slap
ports the troops. She should get beaten, that’s who peed himself. Seriously, what kind of lame- right in the face.
what I have to say. Most people who oppose the ass double standard is that, you flaming hyp- Shut up. Oh Lord Father who art in Heaven,
Iraq War either do so because they support the ocrite? You are not interested in safety or fair- just shut up.
U.S. Armed Forces, or just support the military ness, you are just a racist. Because you know If you think that Creationism should be taught
anyway because they defend our freedom. Sure, what? Not being able to tell one Arab man from in science classrooms as a possible explanation
these soldiers died so that you can exercise your the next is one thing, but basing our law enforce- for the origin of humanity, then you are living
right to say something retarded like, “If you don’t ment policies on this instead of probable cause proof that a human being can actually survive
think we should bomb Iraq, then you hate our (ever hear of the phrase “innocent until proven without a brain or any other part of the central
troops and America”, but they also died so that guilty”) is stupid at best. Anybody who says it is nervous system. An article in The Patriot, writ-
you can exercise your right to shut the fuck up. a hypocritical cock monkey, because they would ten by Erik Berte, said something along the lines
Why don’t you just exercise that one for a have a shit fit if they went to another country about science not being about what is fair, but
change? Douchebags. and were treated the same way by a police force what is factually correct. Now you can believe
Shut up. Just shut up. that believed that all Americans looked the same. that God snapped his fingers and created
Keeping with terrorism and anti-terrorist Oh, and if you are a non-white (especially if you humans, that’s fine, but no you cannot have kids
activities in a post-9/11 world, if you are one of are either black or Asian) and you think all being taught it as the objective truth because it is
brainless slugs who think that all Muslims are Arabs look the same, then shame, shame on you. wrong. Wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong.
terrorists, you should, um, die. No I’m not saying As minorities whose people have been stereo- Science has proven the myth of Creationism to be
that someone should kill you (not in this rant, typed to all look the exact same, you should have just that. A myth. Evolution, on the other hand, is
anyway), I’m just stating a biological fact. No one much more sympathy than that, dirtbags. supported by scientific evidence and empirical
could be that stupid and live. Same for the “liber- Shut up. Just shut up. observation. The Bible was written before scien-
al media” myth. Hello? These are what they call Here’s another group of individuals who make tific evidence and empirical observation were
“conspiracy theories”. You know, like the one police brutality seem more appealing. Now I “invented”, so to speak, or rather when religion
about Bush blowing up the Twin Towers? Stupid don’t believe that all black people are thugs and and unconditional faith in God determined the
shit like that. Honestly, you ignorant white criminals, and frankly I think anyone who does is collective reality of humanity’s origins. It is not a
supremacist (face it, you probably wouldn’t even a fucking retard who should, as the title states, credible source, so stop trying to get my hard-
give terrorism a second thought if a white person just shut up (permanently, if at all possible). But earned money to be funneled into brainwashing
did it), you can’t possibly believe that all Muslims I can’t stand the blacks (usually middle and high our nation’s children to conform to your beliefs,
here and/or in the Middle East are conspiring to school black youths are responsible for this one) because like I said before, nobody cares about
destroy America and Israel and are ready to who perpetuate the stereotype. To be more spe- your beliefs. You are stupid.

Continued on next page

launch a wave of simultaneous terrorist attacks cific, shut the fuck up and die if you are one of the
involving dynamite, AK-47s, Gatorade bottles, blacks in America who steal, get into behavioral

Shut Up, Just Shut Up Continued

Stony Brook Soapbox

Continued from previous page Ethnocentrism is for stupid people. Oh, I guess year if you all just shut up.
that explains it then. To end this part, my friend Shut up. Just shut up.
And the Lord, our God, said, “Shut up. Let recently told me that some Hispanic people had These hysterical mothers, and the politicians
there be shutting up.” translated the American national anthem into who support them, who would destroy American
Illegal immigration. I could do an entire rant Spanish, and then proceeded to ask me the liberty and democracy, and probably put anyone
on this one alone, but I’ll make this quick. Shut dumbest question: “Doesn’t that piss you off?” who ever thought an impure thought or ever
up. All of you. And go illegally emigrate to No, why the fuck would that piss me off? Who the came within 500 feet of an accused pedophile on
Mexico, please. No, not the people who merely fuck cares if they translate it into their own lan- the registered sex offender list, in the name of
oppose illegal immigration but continue to sup- guage? I’m sure most people in this country—and “protecting the children”. Guess what? I don’t
port open borders. No, you guys can sit back I’m talking about native citizens—don’t even care about you or your rotten kid. Fuck your kid.
down. I’m one of you. No, leave this country and know the words to the damn song anyway. It’s The little bastard should be beaten, just for my
go anywhere else—preferably a terrorist-con- not like any of you morons have the “Star personal amusement. I care more about my
trolled anti-American dictatorship in the Middle Spangled Banner” saved on your playlist. So rights, liberty, and privacy than I do about mak-
East—if you are one of the fools who say shit like, what if the immigrants translate it into Spanish ing sure your child doesn’t accidentally stumble
“I’m tired of them Mexicans coming here and so they could show pride in your country when onto a porn site. By the way, I hope he does and I
stealing our jobs”. They do yardwork! You’re you’re too lazy to do it yourself? And why does hope he gets traumatized.
telling me that you couldn’t get a job cutting everybody get so pissed because they didn’t Shut up. Just shut up. Except for anything
grass? And you couldn’t make it to wherever the learn English just so they can sing that one song? that you need to say in order to abort your child.
place that you would apply for this job before Oh and by the way, if you’re too lazy to press 1 for And I’m talking about the one who’s already been
Jose Lopez from Mexico? The man came from English (because “this is America, why do I have born.
another fucking country, you lazy prick! That’s to press 1 for English”), then you should just Most of all, shut the fuck up if you’re even
why I think businesses should be allowed to hire drop dead. If you’re that lazy, it would probably thinking of me as someone who is an anti-
anyone they want. Because Diego Hernandez be nothing more than a formality, anyway. American racist who supports illegal immigra-
from Mexico City will work twice as hard for half Die. tion, the beating and/or killing of children, ter-
the pay, while 16 year old kids practically I can respect you if you simply disapprove of rorism, and killing people. Learn to take a fuck-
demand vacations and medical benefits. I say if gay marriage or homosexuality in general. We all ing joke, and learn to put that joke into a context
American workers want to compete with immi- have things we agree with or disagree with, and that relates to the world around you. Get it?
grants of any kind, they should do the one thing that’s fine. The people who need to just shut up When I talk about “aborting” 5 year olds, I’m not
they have been avoiding: work. Not a lot of work, are the people who see a gay guy and go, “Oh my seriously advocating infanticide. It’s called a
but so many people in this country don’t even God!!!!!!! THAT FAG IS LOOKING AT ME!!!!!!!” joke, and it’s not my fault it went over your bleed-
want to do their own jobs and then they wonder Now you’re probably expecting me to wish that ing heart politically correct head. The First
why a business will hire some immigrant who you get raped for your close-minded stupidity Amendment protects my right to offensive
will work hard all day and do what his boss tells and homophobia. No, actually I wish you the best. speech as much as it protects your right to stupid
him to do. While we’re on the subject of immigra- I hope you marry a beautiful woman (actually I speech. I hope you are offended, because your
tion, just drop dead if you are one of the people hope you marry an ugly woman, but I hope it’s an stupidity offends me. I don’t support murder, I
who constantly bitch when an immigrant, legal ugly woman that you love) and have at least 2 support death by natural causes. So drop dead,
or otherwise, shows pride in his native country wonderful children. And I hope you all take a nice meatsack.
rather than in America. I’m sorry that not every- long road trip. One that lasts many an hour. Shut up. Just shut up.
body worships this country. I mean, I love this Maybe you go on vacation and are constantly I could go on forever listing people who should
country, yeah, but I’ve lived here all my life. This together in motel rooms, restaurants, and in not exercise their First Amendment rights (trust
is my home. If I were to go live in Brazil tomor- your car for an entire week or more. And for the me, I could easily pull out 100 pages), but this
row, I would not be running around with a entire trip, I hope that his is the only thing you rant (not to be confused with an actual article,
Brazilian flag with a tear running down my hear: “Daddy, he’s looking at me.” “Daddy, she’s which the stupid people probably will do and,
cheek as I sing the Brazilian national anthem. So looking at me.” Over and over and over and over subsequently, use it to attack the journalistic
what if they continue to embrace their native cul- and over and so forth. Sometimes irony is just integrity of the Stony Brook Press) has gone on
ture? Maybe they aren’t interested in suddenly more fun than outright cruelty. long enough. If you’re one of the environmental-
“assimilating” themselves into our culture like Shut up, you fag. Just shut up. ists out there who are always trying to help out
we’re the fucking Borg or something. Maybe they The government. The entire government. endangered species, please take the time to help
are not interested in fast food, consumerism, Bush, Cheney, Kerry, Hillary, the Democrats, the out the most endangered species in all the animal
laziness, and nationalistic arrogance. Seriously, Republicans, the whole thing. Just stop talking, kingdom. The “homo intelligus”. And remember
people, stop with the ethnocentrism. all of you. Less people would probably die per to please just shut up.

The Stony Brook Press - Calakazoo

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Calakazoo - The Stony Brook Press

By The Undead this cellar for a few nights now and it doesn’t seem like it’s letting up. The neck
feels much better, thanks for asking. I’m just getting stiff all over and I’m achy all
Dear Undead, day. I hope you guys have some video games lying around because I’ll kick your
Geez, that sounds so weird... How do I ask a group my most personal of sodding rotted butts.
questions? Let alone a group, no, a legion of those who have died in what looks to
be the most painful and gruesome of ways? I’ll just direct my question to one of you One Of Those Days Where I Feel A Little Lonely,
but you are all free to answer. I’ve lived with my Mum for many many years and I Ed Frost
don’t get out much. There is this very pretty girl and I do want to meet her so...
sigh,... I need to get Mum out of the house so I can meet this girl and get on with my hrgghrmm Edd,
life. mmhmgmgrrgmh... grmmrhrgghrhrggmm... ooaaahhmmnn grrhgr
mmhrmm... grmmaaooaannmrmmrmghghrrr... guhmmgghurnmmmhrguuoaamm...
Not Staying Down After I Die,
Lionel Balme -The Undead

Lionelll mgmmhhrr, Dear Dread Pirate Roberts,

Brrrinnnggg mmhhrrmmom tooo zoooo... Mhrrnmnew RAaat-MMmmonkey I think I’m in the wrong column. I wrote my letter early in order to get it in
exhibrhit therrreee. on time but I think the undead have just been answering everything in their path. I’ll
send you another letter next week. Voracious, overzealous corpses, you killed my
-The Undead father. Prepare to die, again!

Dear The Undead, Slicing You All To Bits Will Be A Snap,

Oh my, I don’t know where to start. So much has happened in so little time. I. Monotya
My boyfriend left me when were in the graveyard of all places. I had to make my
way to a little farmhouse for some shelter, I was afraid of being mugged. There are a mMhmmonnntoyaaahmmgrrghmm,
couple of people in there that think it’s the “end of times.” Gosh, they need to get Brhiiinng iiit hrgghrmmn...
signs and mindlessly walk the streets of Manhattan. I’m quite smitten with the other
man in the house though, Duane... He’s cutie but what should I say to him? Dear Undead,
My girlfriend locked herself in the attic. I can’t get to her and I keep hurt-
I’ll Keep Coming Back With A Lust For Answers, ing myself trying to get in. Nothing works, I’ve even pleaded with her. “Let me in!
B. O’Dea Let me eat your brains!” I’m at my wits end and I’m so hungry. I can’t quell the
pain of being dead... I guess I miss her a bit too.
Bbeee O’Daayaaahhh,
We’rrre commhrmhing forrr youu... Hungry And Not Vegetarian,
Undead Fred
-The Undead
Dear Undead, Alwayyys willllinnngggrrh tooo hrelp a brothaagrmnhh aaaaoooout. Hhaave
I just thought to let you know I’m coming. I’ve been sitting down here in themmhh sennnd mmhmmore firemmhenn...

death egg zone

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