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Intercede with Us for the Muslim World!

He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak I will strengthen them in the LORD and in his name
they will walk (Is 40!"# $e %0%!& 'I()*
Many wealthy people in Arab countries have foreign servants and maids working in their homes. Most come from Asian
countries that are open to the gospel, and some of them are dedicated believers. Pray that as they work and interact with
their employers, their lives will show Jesus' love and they will find opportunities to share their faith.*
Today's Prayer Requests: From Students and Alumni
GHANA: An alumnus who serves as ational !hildren's "irector says, #$e need %od's wisdom and strength as the
leadership team starts planning this month, especially concerning work among Muslim children.& Pray that the 'ord
will give them creative ideas and strategies to reach them. Many of these children attend when kids' fairs are offered in
their areas( pray that the seeds planted in their hears at these events will grow.
SIERRA LEONE: An alumnus reports that his church held prayer and fasting services throughout August as )bola
continues to affect the community. *e notes, #%od seems to be using )bola for salvation... Many Muslims do run to us
for counselling and prayers.& +ood prices have skyrocketed. !ontinue to pray for our brothers and sisters in the
affected areas. Pray that many Muslims will find Jesus as they seek healing, provision, and peace.
In the News
,his past week the United Kingdom raised its terror threat level to #severe& and an anti-terror team was put on alert
near 'ondon after warnings of prolonged attacks. .slam is growing /uickly here( Muhammad is now the most popular
name for boys in )ngland and $ales. *undreds of 0ritish citi1ens are known to have gone to wage 2ihad in
collaboration with the .slamic 3tate. Pray that %od's 3pirit will move in the hearts of believers in the 45, that they
will sense a growing burden to reach out to Muslims around them. Pray that Muslims living in this free country will be
drawn to the love of Jesus that they see in !hristians' lives.
World Watch List: Pray for the Persecuted**
,he !entral Asian nation of Kazakstan moved up this year from number 67 to 89 on the list of countries where the
!hurch faces the most persecution. .n July a new !ode of Administrative :ffenses was adopted, to be fully
implemented in January ;<=>. ,his !ode is already used to impose fines and prison sentences on those who practice
their beliefs, which includes attending or hosting worship services. 3ome ><? of 5a1akhstan's =@.@ million people
follow .slam. ,hose who seek to leave .slam to follow Jesus are sub2ect to persecution from both their communities
and the government. :nly an estimated <.@? of the population are evangelical believers. Pray that the 'ord will
strengthen and embolden *is people. Pray for Muslim seekers, that they will find Jesus and be nurtured in their faith.
+or more information and prayer re/uests, see httpABBtinyurl.comBocynhwt.
For Muslim Women***
Please pray for a !hristian woman who is comforting her Muslim friend through a personal tragedy. Pray that the
*oly 3pirit's presence will bless both women in a very special way.
Prayer Resour!es
*Praying for Muslims: A Guide for Effective Intercession offers many insights concerning .slam and a different prayer sub2ect
each +riday. ,his week we pray for the witness of domestic workers in Arab countriesA httpABBtinyurl.comBl7sC9go.
**:pen "oors publishes an annual list ranking the >< nations where persecution against !hristians is most severe. 3ee the full
;<=6 $orld $atch 'ist at httpABBbit.lyB=mcm;fu. !lick on a country on the map or list to read its profile and prayer re/uests.
***Muslim women need your prayersD Eou can 2oin a prayer network and receive regular re/uests at httpABBsayhelloinfo.comB.
+or a list of resources for prayer groups, see httpABBtinyurl.comBwaast2umaa.
+ind information and prayer re/uests concerning Muslims around the world at httpABBwww.8<-days.netB.
*ow should we pray for those imprisoned for their faithF Gead httpABBwww.elam.comBarticlesB*ow-to-pray-for-those-in-prisonB.
+or news updates concerning persecuted !hristians, visit httpABBmorningstarnews.orgB and httpABBwww.releaseinternational.orgB.
+or prayer re/uests, visit httpABBwww.opendoorsusa.orgBprayB and httpABBwww.persecution.comBpublicBpray.aspC.
,o help you answer Muslims' /uestions about Jesus and the 0ible, eCplore httpABBansweringislam.orgB.

Jumaa Prayer
for the Muslims of Africa and beyond
5 September 2014 West Africa Advanced School of Theology

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