100 Centre ST Episode List

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Episodes for "100 Centre Street"

Season 1
Season 1, Episode 1: Bobby & Cynthia
15 January 2001

Season 1, Episode 3: My Brother's Keeper

29 January 2001

Season 1, Episode 4: Episode #1.4

5 February 2001

Season 1, Episode 5: Hostage

12 February 2001

Season 1, Episode 7: A Shot in the Dark

26 February 2001

Season 1, Episode 8: Passion

5 March 2001

Season 1, Episode 9: Joe Must Go

12 March 2001

Season 1, Episode 10: The Bug

19 March 2001

Season 1, Episode 11: Domestic Abuses

26 March 2001

Season 1, Episode 12: Let's Make a Night of It

2 April 2001

Season 1, Episode 13: Queenie and Joe

16 April 2001

Season 1, Episode 14: And Justice for Some

23 April 2001

Season 1, Episode 15: No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

7 May 2001

Season 1, Episode 17: Things Change

21 May 2001

Season 2
Season 2, Episode 1: Kids: Part 1
8 October 2001

Season 2, Episode 2: Kids: Part 2

15 October 2001

Season 2, Episode 3: Love Stories

22 October 2001

Season 2, Episode 4: Queenie's Tough

29 October 2001

Season 2, Episode 5: The Fix

5 November 2001

Season 2, Episode 6: Daughters

12 November 2001

Season 2, Episode 7: Lost Causes

19 November 2001

Season 2, Episode 8: Queenie's Running

26 November 2001

Season 2, Episode 9: Andromeda and the Monster

11 December 2001

Season 2, Episode 10: Bottlecaps

18 December 2001

Season 2, Episode 11: End of the Month

8 January 2002

Season 2, Episode 12: Give Up or Fight

15 January 2002
Season 2, Episode 13: Babies
22 January 2002

Season 2, Episode 14: Zero Tolerance

29 January 2002

Season 2, Episode 15: Justice Delayed

5 February 2002

Season 2, Episode 16: Hurricane Paul

12 February 2002

Season 2, Episode 17: Fathers

26 February 2002

Season 2, Episode 18: It's About Love

5 March 2002

Season One
Bobby And Cynthia
The media harasses Judge Joe Rifkind and a higher judge for the shooting
of a rookie police officer who was killed by a young criminal the judge set
free. To make amends, Judge Rifkind pays a visit to the father of the rookie
police officer who also happens to be one of his former police partners.
Assistant DA Bobby Esposito's brother, Frank, is given another chance to
stop using drugs, but when he doesn't show up for his flight to the
rehabilitation centre, Bobby assumes he's been deceived by Frank again.
Meanwhile, Bobby and Cynthia Bennington's relationship heats up despite
the one secret Bobby can't bring himself to tell her.

This episode is the pilot episode and is two hours in length. (edit)

Queenie And Joe

Judge Joe Rifkind, a liberal judge whose nickname is "Let-Em-Go-Joe,"
releases a petty offender who jumped a subway turnstile. The decision
starts a chain of events that end a rookie cop's life, and possibly the
judge's career. Standing by Rifkind are his wife, Sarah, and his friend and
colleague, Judge Attallah Sims. Sims has a firmer view of justice than
Rifkind; her nickname is "Attallah-the-Hun." Meanwhile, Assistant District
Attorneys Bobby Esposito and Cynthia Bennington are getting to know
each other. Cynthia is uptown money. Bobby's Brooklyn, working class
roots could demolish his success when his father asks him to erase one of
his brother's drug convictions to save him from life in prison.

And Justice For Some

A teenager is cajoled by a friend to rob a convenience store for kicks, but
when the friend pulls a gun on the store's owner, everything takes a turn
for the worst. Once arrested, the friend claims he wasn't the one with the
gun, and the innocent teen is charged with robbery in the first degree.
Legal Aid Attorney Ramon Rodriguez mishandles the case because he was
having a tryst with an assistant district attorney and didn't have time to
prepare. He puts both the teenager's life and his marriage to Cassandra in
jeopardy. Meanwhile, Bobby and Cynthia reconcile.

My Brother's Keeper
Bobby and Cynthia's relationship intensifies, but Bobby's career still hangs
in the balance as a detective tries to identify and then get information
from his hospitalized brother, Frank. Frank has come out of a coma after a
drug-related mugging and beating. The detective wants to know who
erased a conviction on Frank's drug arrest record. Frank faces either an
extra-long prison sentence or turning his brother in for helping him. Also, a
veteran cop and his wife attempt to get professional help for their broken
marriage after an incident in Judge Sims' night court.

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

Cynthia sees how the other half lives when a former maid's daughter and
childhood playmate, Amanda, appears in night court. Amanda suffers from
a bipolar disorder and currently doesn't have her medication and is living
on the streets. When Cynthia tries to help Amanda get shelter and a
Medicaid card, she's sent on a journey that has her navigating a social
services system fraught with red tape. Cynthia, who was raised a
millionaire, finds herself in check-cashing lines trying to pay a phone bill
and in a hardware store bartering for an air conditioner for Amanda's

Everyone must play along when a Vietnamese man tries to obtain justice
for the murder of his parents by American soldiers in the Vietnam War.
Judge Sims' courtroom is televised live for the country as Bobby
prosecutes and Ramon defends the soldiers who have been forced to
come to the court either in person or by telephone. Waiting in the wings
are Cynthia and Fatima who can't seem to get along because of Cynthia's
privileged background and Fatima's Brooklyn working-class roots.

Things Change
A woman is arrested after her five-year-old daughter who suffers from
cerebral palsy is rushed to the hospital in critical condition. The child is
severely underweight and small for her age. The woman has three other
children, all by different fathers, who also appear to have been neglected.
They are put in foster care while their mother awaits trial. At first, Cynthia,
who's prosecuting, wants the woman to get the full punishment and
Ramon, who's defending, feels that Cynthia doesn't understand the
woman's plight. But both of their opinions will change as the investigation
heats up.

Lady Paris
Judge Rifkind, who's still being berated in the New York press for going
easy on an offender who shot a rookie cop, recommends that Ramon get a
taste of what the streets are really like by riding around with other police
officers in a patrol car. Ramon complies and meets a prostitute named
Paris who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. When Paris appears
in night court, Ramon tries to defend her against a prosecuting attorney
who has his own agenda. Also, ADA Fatima Kelly is faced with a moral
dilemma when she learns that her next door neighbour's daughter is on

A Shot In The Dark

District Attorney Spiegelman singles Bobby out to do pre-trial work for a
highly publicized case involving a white cop who shot a black man in the
back while arresting him. Bobby is given an assistant with a chip on his
shoulder, Milton Hong, who thinks the case should have been his. Bobby
re-interviews Hong's witnesses and by gaining their trust, gleans more
information from them. Despite all of the evidence he uncovers, it will be
another gunshot that brings Bobby to the truth. Meanwhile, Judge Rifkind
and his wife, Sarah, go to an alumni weekend in the country where Rifkind
is offered a teaching position at the law school.
Joe Must Go
When the mayor's lead in the upcoming primary begins to wane, the press
sites Judge Rifkind's ordeal as one of the Mayor's problems. The mayor
puts in motion a plan to have Rifkind removed from the bench. In the
ADA's office, maintenance removes Bobby's computer so it can be
evaluated for misconduct and Cynthia is called into District Attorney
Spiegelman's office. Spiegelman wants her to testify against Judge Rifkind
for sexual harassment. He claims someone witnessed a harassing remark
Rifkind made to her. She denies anything ever happened but is forced to
reconsider when threatened that her testimony will keep Bobby out of jail.
Meanwhile, Judge Attallah Sims has her own plan for helping Rifkind.

The Bug
Shortly after a phone worker reports that he found a "bug" on a phone
line, the man is arrested on drug charges. He claims that he's being
framed by a federal agency to protect an illegal wiretap. His defending
attorney, Ramon, believes him and uses it as his defence before Judge
Rifkind. Rifkind becomes embroiled in the case, and his paranoia about
being monitored escalates when he brings in a friend from Washington to
investigate. Judge Sims suffers retribution for going against the mayor to
help Rifkind when her personal life is out to the public by the press.

Domestic Abuses
Judge Rifkind seriously considers teaching law school when he revisits his
love and appreciation for American law. Cassandra gives Ramon an
ultimatum: either he can be a good husband and father, or he can be
single. His decision becomes complicated when a former girlfriend makes
him an offer that could jump-start more than his career. Bobby prosecutes
an abusive husband and his wife for stabbing a police officer. The husband
is using his money and influence to put his wife in jail. But the case is the
least of Bobby's worries when he's finally faced with his punishment for
erasing a conviction on his brother's arrest record.

Let's Make A Night Of It

In the season finale of 100 Centre Street, justice takes a side step when a
popular football player is brought into night court for beating up a female
groupie. Cynthia attempts to prosecute, but the victim is unwilling to talk
and the presiding judge is a fan of the player.

Television executives offer Judge Sims her own show. Cynthia and Bobby
contemplate opening a legal aid office for people who don't have money
for representation; Bobby would investigate and Cynthia would defend.

Penelope returns to Judge Sims and Rifkind makes his decision about
whether he should teach law or stay on the bench.


Season Two
Kids (1)
An ambitious new Assistant D.A., Jeremiah "J.J." Jellinek, arrives at 100
Centre St. and immediately starts jockeying for a position on a new task
force, run by acting D.A. Gil Byrnes, that is going after the construction
industry for its ties to the mob. Cynthia and Bobby set up their non-profit
legal aid business, People's Defence, in Washington Heights and land their
first client, Rudolfo, a 17-year-old accused of brutally beating a teacher.
Judge Attalah Sims' last case of the night is a catatonic young woman who
goes by the name Rebecca Rifkind, who turns out to have some
connection to Judge Rifkind's past.

Kids (2)
Judge Rifkind becomes reacquainted with his daughter, Rebecca, who
harbours animosity towards him and her stepmother, Sarah. J.J., the new
assistant district attorney, continues to forge new ground in night court
and sparks a smouldering relationship with Fatima Kelly. Bobby and
Cynthia's case becomes increasingly difficult when the mother and sister
of their 17-year-old client, Rudolfo, offer opposing views on his integrity.
Bobby also gets different opinions on Rudolfo from a jaded high school
principal and the teen's employer.

Love Stories
Charlie the bridge man asks Judge Rifkind to be tough on his son, who was
arrested for drunk driving. Having cleaned up his act, Ramon and his wife
plan another child. J.J. and Ramon are pitted against each other in a case
involving kids who set fire to a homeless man, while Rifkind and Sarah try
to cope with the presence of his daughter in their lives.

Queenie's Tough
Judge Attallah Sims takes on the establishment when she pursues a
conviction against the captain of the narcotics branch, who had refused to
put an officer in rehab when he got hooked on drugs. Fatima is slipped a
knockout drug at an office party and ends up spending the night with J.J.
Attallah finds out she will not be returning as a judge when her term
expires. J.J. wins a coveted slot on the joint task force investigating mob
ties in the construction industry - only to appear to be on the take with the

The Fix
Cynthia is knocked unconscious in an attack outside her storefront office.
Judge Rifkind takes aside a defendant who has spent a lifetime fighting
social injustice, leading to a debate about the system. Ramon counsels a
teenager accused of patronizing a prostitute. Bobby accosts the man who
attacked Cynthia, and Ramon can't get a house in the suburbs because he
is Latino.

A reluctant and still angry Rebecca is forced to live at home with Judge
Rifkind and his wife, Sarah. Ramon suspects Fatima of using drugs, but his
attempt at a drug intervention goes awry. J.J. goes undercover and visits a
lawyer for a construction company suspected of having ties to the mob.
Cynthia's father is concerned for her welfare, and Judge Rifkind convinces
him to watch her in court to see for himself how much she loves what she

Lost Causes
As a last resort, a desperate woman approaches Bobby and Cynthia about
appealing her husband's 20-year sentence for murder. A weekend affair to
remember happens for ADA Supervisor Michelle Grande and Harley Rand,
a cowboy sheriff from New Mexico. The sheriff is in town to extradite a
prisoner being held 100 Centre Street.

Queenie's Running
A racially charged incident between Hasidic Jews and blacks in Queens
almost blows up at 100 Centre St. Power attorney Benjamin Berkowitz
represents an older Hasidic Jew accused of running over a young black girl
and leaving the scene of the accident. Attallah decides to run for mayor as
a candidate for the Fusion Party, in hopes of defeating the current
administration that has threatened to take her off the bench.

Andromeda And The Monster

Judge Attallah Sims takes on a freedom of expression suit against a
successful artist accused of exploiting an underage girl who posed for his
painting without her father's permission. The father subsequently destroys
the painting and lands back at 100 Centre St. J.J. catches Fatima in a
series of compromising positions with various officers. After Fatima loses it
in Rifkind's courtroom, Rifkind starts to suspect something is wrong with
her. An arrogant J.J. starts to make his way up the ranks of the Joint Task

A suspect behaves irrationally on the stand in Attallah's courtroom and his
father convinces Cynthia and Bobby to try and help him. They discover he
has a brain tumour that is causing a bizarre syndrome that causes
patients to lose any sense of responsibility for their actions. This threatens
Attallah's sense of justice and she refuses to let the man free. Before they
can go to trial, however, the man walks off a curb and is killed.

End Of The Month

It's the end of the month at 100 Centre Street and Rifkind is annoyed to
find his courtroom full of petty convictions orchestrated by shady cops
looking to reach their monthly quotas. He is unable to convince ADA Julia
Brooks that perhaps the cops are up to no good. Rifkind learns the
temporary Bridgeman is on the take, getting money from the cops in
exchange for calling their cases sooner. A cop on the force for 25 years
without a conviction loses his first collar, a woman he caught dealing
drugs, and loses her drug stash. Fearing the cop may get him fired after
years of service, Rifkind offers to help him out.

Give Up Or Fight
Sarah and Rebecca come to blows at home and Sarah reveals that Judge
Rifkind may have prostate cancer. Mary Ryder continues to push for
overturning her husband's murder conviction. Cynthia and Bobby suspect
foul play in the Ryder case. Judge Rifkind discovers a former cabaret
singer, Lee Ann Halsey, drinking at a jazz club where Rebecca's boyfriend,
Rush, tends bar and plays guitar. Rifkind convinces Halsey to try singing
again. Bobby approaches Willard Block, the man who got him kicked out of
Centre Street, for advice on the Ryder case.

Ramon gets his big break when a notorious environmental activist, on trial
for blowing up a water tower as part of a protest, asks him to take his
case. Unfortunately, a renowned environmental lawyer swoops in and
steals the case from Ramon. Rifkind agrees to visit Lou, a Buddhist monk
that Rebecca has been seeing. At the last minute, the environmental
lawyer convinces the activist to plead guilty, just as Ramon predicted.
Rebecca's boyfriend, Rush, steals a valuable Buddha from Lou to buy
drugs and Rebecca turns to her father for help. LeeAnn's comeback fizzles
as she refuses to take the stage.

Zero Tolerance
ADA Supervisor Michelle Grande convinces Cynthia and Bobby to take the
case of a homeless man accused of setting a fire that cost a fireman his
life. Acting DA, Gil Byrnes takes Julia Brooks off the case after she plea-
bargained with Cynthia and replaces her with J.J., who is told to seek the
highest possible sentence. J.J. sees this as another chance to climb the
ladder and is ruthless in the courtroom. Despite a compelling closing
argument that Bobby gives to Cynthia, they lose and the man is found

Justice Delayed
Cynthia finds a cop willing to testify that Jim Ryan was set up by the cops
for murder to protect a mob informant who had committed the crime. She
brokers a deal with Gil Byrnes to get Ryan out of prison after 28 years in
jail and becomes a media star. Meanwhile, the construction owner with
mob ties dies suspiciously, leading the FBI to suspect someone killed him
after finding out about the Joint Task Force. J.J. falls under suspicion.

Hurricane Paul
Hurricane Paul, the "storm of the century", is about to hit New York City
and all hell breaks loose down at 100 Centre Street. J.J. and his fellow asst.
D.A.s are forced to stay at the office in the event the weather causes
rioting and mayhem. In turn, Michelle Grande forces her Legal Aid officers
to stay in, including Ramon who is worried about his pregnant wife at
home. Meanwhile, Fatima runs out into the storm to score some drugs
only to end up trapped outside and hysterical. Cynthia gets called in to
assist the Legal Aid office, while Bobby runs off to join his fellow Brooklyn
surfers to catch the big waves. And Judge Rifkin does his best to calm a
skittish Attallah who has a childhood fear of storms.

J.J. goes after a deadbeat dad whose son was killed, even though he was
not even living at the home at the time. When Attallah throws the book at
the father, the press represents this as a political ploy to support Attallah's
run for mayor and her ratings shoot up. A nervous mayor's office offers to
keep her positions as judge if she'll drop out of the race. Bobby is
becoming less interested in his work at the People's Defence and Cynthia
asks her dad to help Bobby get back his law credentials.

It's About Love

Ramon defends a teenager accused of horrible gay bashing. The teen
insists he's innocent. Ramon tries to cop a deal with the Assistant D.A. for
a lesser charge only to discover that he may have been manipulated.
Rebecca moves out of the Rifkind home to take a job at a health spa in
Baja. Bobby decides to quit his job as an investigator, which may end his
relationship with Cynthia. Acting D.A. Byrnes takes J.J. under his wing and
offers to be his mentor. Desperate to score more drugs, Fatima breaks
down in Michelle Grande's office. Ramon's wife goes into labour and while
in the waiting room meets a gay man whose lover is dying.

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