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... through Bertha Dudde

Instruction to work for spiritua possessions ....
Realisation ....
Greetings to !ou fro" a of us# and under our protection further
teachings fro" the $a%iour sha fow to !ou. B! no "eans do we
want to withhod an!thing fro" !ou and !our feow si&ings
which can on! &e a &essing for !ou a# and therefore the
$a%iour has granted !our pra!er and aows !ou to hear 'is
Words afresh ti"e and again# for in recei%ing these !our strength
and !our faith wi grow. (nd when !our knowedge increases#
when !ou constant! re"ain in 'is grace# the high %aue of !our
work wi aso &e recognised ....
It is sef)e%ident that on! a person wi partake of this grace if he
constant! works at i"pro%ing hi"sef and on! e%er tries to
o%ing! pro%ide for his earth! si&ings. (nd !et# e%er!one has
the right to &e instructed in the Word of God# and &! "ere!
showing a itte desire the Father wi take pit! upon hi" &!
granting his wish and instructing hi" .... For as !et !ou don*t
understand that the Father*s o%e is seeking !ou .... that
e%er!thing on! happens in order to show !ou the right path# for
there is no sa%ation where !ou are ai"ing to# there is on!
destruction .... +onsider this &efore it is too ate.
(t the end of !our da!s !ou wi find it difficut when !ou wi
ha%e to ,ustif! !ourse%es as to how !ou ha%e used !our ife. Of
what use wi !our actions then &e which "ere! gained !ou
earth! reward .... Of what use wi !our earth! possessions
&e- ....
(nd how "uch wi !ou regret not ha%ing gathered deeds of o%e
which ena&e !ou to ascend in the &e!ond .... and what pain wi
this regret cause .... when !ou ha%e reaised that !ou had
precious ti"e at !our disposa and had i%ed it fruitess! for
eternit! .... Oh# such reaisation is &itter.
/he 0ord therefore ad"onishes !ou to turn to 'i" whie there is
sti ti"e# for within a short ti"e !ou can# if !ou are of good wi#
create inconcei%a&e possessions for eternit! .... if !ou unite with
the 0ord in thought and in heartfet pra!er appea to 'i" for 'is
grace .... 1%er!thing !ou re2uest fro" the Father for !our sou
wi so gad! &e granted to !ou.
Don*t &e satisfied on earth with iusi%e possessions which are not
per"anent .... the 0ord has prepared such indescri&a&e
happiness in 'is kingdo" for !ou .... this aone shoud &e worth
!our desire. 0et !ourse%es &e instructed and if !ou gratefu!
accept these teachings in !our heart it wi &e a &essing for !ou
for eternit!.
3ow# "! dear chid# foow our ad%ice4 It is not awa!s good to et
onesef &e guided &! one*s feeings .... 5ou wi earn to
understand these words .... that this gift of God !ou recei%ed is
so"ething specia ....
O%er "an! decades the hu"an &eing does not di%ert fro" his
point of %iew# and !et# a "o"ent often &rings hi" cose to the
great# hoiest .... recognition of the Di%init!# and then he is no
onger a&e to find his wa! through the confusions of ife. 'e fees
he understands and can no onger reconcie this understanding
with e%er!thing &efore ....
/his is the ti"e when often e%er!thing see"s to cru"&e in the
person which unti then had see"ed rock)soid# and if then the
grace of God did not %isi&! protect such peope# the ad%ersar!
woud ha%e an eas! ti"e .... 5et e%er!one foows the path he is
destined to take# and his sincere incination towards God wi
guide hi" across a o&staces.
(nd if !ou now turn to the $a%iour for enighten"ent# the 0ord
ad%ises !ou to ea%e e%er!thing to 'i" .... 'e wi correct! guide
and instruct an!one who paces his trust in 'i"# and if !ou fee
that !our desire for the 0ord is &eing granted# that !our heart
turns to 'i" increasing! "ore# then !ou wi aso recei%e
increasing! "ore profound teachings and the &read of hea%en
wi &e gi%en to !ou .... 6raise the 0ord# for 'e instructs !ou and
changes e%er!thing for !our own good.
6u&ished &! friends of new re%eations of God 7 Infor"ation#
downoad of a transated re%eations# the"e)&ookets at4


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