"Botika NG Barangay": A Sample Project Proposal

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A Sample Project Proposal

Botika ng Barangay
I. Title: Botika ng Barangay
II. Duration: 6 months
III. Scope: Within the vicinity of the arangay
I!. Status
This pro"ect is ne# an$ must e revie#e$ thoroughly #ithin the council of the
arangay an$ the local government unit.
!. Bene%ciary:
&ll the constituents #ill ene%t the sai$ pro"ect. It #ill not only cater the nee$ of
those #ithin the arangay ut also the surroun$ing arangays #ithin the
municipality. It is a fact that lack of e$ucation on mo$ern me$icine' lea$s to the
people(s use of natural me$icine #ithout kno#ing its si$e e)ects. So this pro"ect
proposal coul$ e a tool in changing the people(s perception on me$icine.
!I. Backgroun$:
The common health prolems #ill e easily counteracte$ ecause of the easy
access to this estalishment.
!II. *usti%cation:
This pro"ect proposal must e prioriti+e$ y the arangay o,cials to cater the
nee$s of their constituents. It is in$ee$ a great help for the people. This is one #ay
for them to easily access all the programs implemente$ y the arangay.
-nfortunately' some of the resources are lacking' one of those is the otika ng
arangay #hich #oul$ contriute a great help to the people. It is universally
accepte$ that having goo$ health contriutes to a great #ealth' so therefore this
pro"ect must not e taken for grante$' for this #ill not only ene%t the people an$
their family ut the community as a #hole.
!III. ."ectives:
If approve$' this pro"ect #ill e ale to:
/. 0romote health an$ #ellness among the people in the community.
1. 0rovi$e easy access in response to health prolems $uring emergency cases.
2. 3et the people ma4imi+e an$ make use the facilities o)ere$ y the pharmacy.
I5. Description:
This pro"ect is a "oint venture et#een the local government unit an$ the
arangay council. The arangay council must e ale to counterpart an$ appropriate
a certain percent of u$get that #oul$ sustain the 6uality an$ the e,ciency of the
facilities. The local government unit hea$e$ y the municipal mayor must %n$ a #ay
to otain sponsorship to avail free me$icines from the Department of 7ealth. The
pro%ts earne$ y the arangay #ill e use$ in maintaining the pharmacy.
8urthermore the pro%ts #ill not only e use$ in maintaining ut coul$ also e use$ for
emergency purposes among the constituents of the arangay. The arangay health
#orker' the chairman on health' #omen' an$ e$ucation' together the arangay
treasurer spearhea$e$ y the arangay captain #ill e the ones responsile in
managing' consoli$ating' an$ allocating the fun$s.
-pon the construction of the pro"ect the arangay council shoul$ take into
consi$eration in consulting the municipal engineer' in this #ay it coul$ e a great
help for them to have a lueprint on the kin$ of estalishment they #ill construct.
5. 0roponent:
This pro"ect #ill e manage$ y the arangay council an$ the local
government unit.
5I. 0ro"ect Implementation:
Activities Time frame Resources Expected Result
One day Check-
Every Wednesday of
the eek
Appropriated !ud"et#
Rural health $nit#
%rivate health centers
&mproved health care
(ealth education on
the constituents#
5II. Bu$get:
!aran"ay Counterpart *overnment Other
from the
% -./ ...
% 0./...
% -./ ...
%0./...1234 5ud"et appropriation6
% 2./...
% 0../..
% 2./...
% 0../ ...
% 2./ ...
% 0../...
% 02/ ...
% -../...
% --./...
% 80./...
% 92/ ...
% 2../ ...
Total# %
5III. 9onitoring an$ :valuation Scheme:
The pharmacy must e monitore$ y the arangay council #ith
cooperation of the local government unit. The sales must e counterchecke$ from
time to time to avoi$ $iscrepancies an$ possile loses. ;eceipts must e al#ays e
keep y the person in charge on that $ay. The arangay council in or$er to evaluate
the progress of the pro"ect must inclu$e in their monthly session all the concerns that
must e improve$ an$ maintain. It is also important that people must give their all
out support to preserve integrity an$ feasiility.
5I!. Summary
The sai$ pro"ect proposal is entitle$' Botika ng Barangay #hich #ill e locate$
#ithin the vicinity of the arangay. This pro"ect proposal aims to promote health an$
#ellness among the people in the community' to provi$e easy access in response to
health prolems $uring emergency cases an$ to let the people ma4imi+e an$ make
use of the facilities o)ere$ y the pharmacy. It is to ene%t all the constituents of the
arangay especially #hen it comes to health prolems $uring emergency cases as
#ell as to e$ucate the people in terms of taking the right me$icine an$ not "ust
relying on heral reme$ies. This pro"ect is ne# an$ must e revie#e$ thoroughly
#ithin the council of the arangay an$ the local government unit. This pro"ect #ill e
manage$ y the arangay council an$ the local government unit. This pro"ect
proposal #ill cost 0 /'//<'===.==.

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