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1) What is Management?
2) Define: Management.
3) Write any four characteristics of Management?
4) Write any two points favor for management as a science
5) What is time study?
6) What is motion study?
7) What is authority?
8) What is responsibility?
9) Comment: Management is both A science and an art
10) What is centralization?
11) What is decentralization?
12) What is Esprit-de-corps?
13) Write three levels management?
14) Write some important functions of top level management?
15) Write any four functions of management?
16) Define sole trade?
17) What is partnership?
18) What is Joint Stock Company?
19) What is private limited company?
20) White is a co-operative society?
21) What is a social responsibility?



22) Define planning.
23) What is the main objective of planning?
24) Define Mission
25) Define objectives
26) What is mean by strategy
27) What are the factors to be considered while formulating strategies ?
28) Define policies
29) What is procedure?
30) What is programme?
31) Define budgets.
32) What is objective?
33) What is MBO?
34) What is meant by strategy?
35) What are the major kinds of strategies and policies?
36) Write down any four factors which lead to fail of strategic planning.
37) What is planning premises?
38) What are the practices made in making effective premising?
39) Explain the term decision and decision making?
40) How would you evaluate the importance of a decision?
41) Mention the three approaches generally adapted by managers in selections an


42) Define Organizing
43) What do you understand by effective organizing?
44) How informal organization characteristics differ from formal organization?
45) What is span control?
46) What is matrix structure?
47) How can we define power?
48) What is line authority?
49) What is staff authority?
50) Define staffing.
51) Define Human resource planning.
52) What is job analysis?
53) What is job design?
54) Define: Recruitment
55) What is selection?
56) What is grading method?
57) What is mean by resources allocation?
58) Define the Peter Principle.
59) Define: Training
60) Define; Organizational conflict.
61) What is managerial grid?
62) What is meant by the term directing?
63) List down the human factors in managing?



64) Define creativity.
65) What is a SCAMPER tool?
66) What is meant by reframing matrix?
67) State the function of mind mapping tool?
68) Mention the use of DO IT process for creativity?
69) Differentiate innovation and invention.
70) How can be harmonizing objectives achieved?
71) Define multiplicity of roles.
72) What is meant by Brain storming?
73) Define motivation
74) Names the steps involved in motivation process.
75) What are the types of motivation?



83) Define control?
84) Why need of control in the organization?
85) Why need of control in the organization?
86) What are the Inter relationship between planning and end with control?
87) What is Feedback Control?
88) What is management by exception?
89) What is concurrent control?
90) What is feed forward control?
91) What is direct labour Budget?
92) What is fixed Budget?
93) What is flexible budget?
94) What is Internal Audit?
95) Define Productivity?
96) Define: OR
97) What is JIT?
98) What is value engineering?
99) What is preventive control?
100) define: Multinational Corporation?
101) What is ethnocentric attitude?
102) What is polycentric attitude?
103) What is geocentric attitude?

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