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International Consultancy
Establishment of
Spatial Data Infrastructures
Spatial Enabled Society
Key registers
The demand for data referring to land has been increasing rapidly. Both citizens and professionals encounter the benets of online data
provision on a daily basis: 24-7 easy access, up-to-date information, low costs, fast delivery. By building a Spatial Data Infrastructure
governments are able to meet these requirements of society. It is the basis for a well operating e-governement. In order to create such
an infrastructure, guidelines are necessary, addressing contents, harmonisation, availability and distribution. Such guidelines exist on
national level (GIDEON), European level (INSPIRE) and even on global level (UN GGIM). Kadaster is involved in all these developments.
It also has experience in maintaining the Key Registers Cadastre and Topography. Land administration at the click of a mouse.
How Spatial Data Infrastructures improve data
accessibility, planning, analysis and decision making
International Consultancy
Our activities
Making inventories of existing spatial data, infrastructures,
standards and responsible organisations. Analysing the
willingness and room for improvement and collaboration,
dening the actors creating the new spatial data infrastructure.
Providing proposals for optimal collaboration between
the institutions involved. Proposals include criteria for the
organisational and legal structures. Indicating the technical and
legal steps necessary, applying experiences from comparable
Implementation Plan and Training
Creating a platform for periodic meetings between stakeholders.
Establishing and -if required- implementing the plan that
contains all the activities that need to be executed.
Your benets
Use of the latest technologies
Kadaster participates in various national and international
forums concerning spatial data infrastructures (like INSPIRE
and UN GGIM). It is able to use and provide leading know-how
on data, standards, technology and organisational and legal
Higher efciency and quality
A well-designed data infrastructure streamlines the exchange
of data between the users involved. Resulting in improved
information provision and lower costs.
New products and services
Easy data exchange makes it possible to create new information
products and services on the basis of spatial-oriented land
administration data. In this way, online technologies offer
opportunities for creating new income.

Project samples
Macedonia, 2010-2012: Strengthening capacity for developing the
NSDI Strategy and large scale digital map production
Establishing a strategy for a national spatial data infrastructure
Providing draft copies of a new NSDI Law that includes the
necessary conditions for INSPIRE compliance and a draft data
sharing agreement.
Analysing the existing IT infrastructure and geospatial data of
the key registers
Defning the NSDI Conceptual Architecture, including an
awareness and communication campaign.
Russia ,2008 - 2009: Developing Information Products based on
Cadastral Spatial Data
Financed by the Dutch Government
Providing key know-how for a spatial data infrastructure,
comparing Russian, Dutch and INSPIRE approaches
Developing prototype applications and information products
Constructing a pilot inquiry-portal for geo-datasets
The Netherlands, 2007 -2011: Establishing key registers for cadastral
and topographic information
Financed by the Dutch government
Establishing a working set-up of systems and regulations,
including agreements with the Dutch government and
legal approval. Developing and constructing the necessary
database, infrastructure and nancing mechanism.
Contact information

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