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WBEREAS, the National uoveinment has taken cognizance of the incieasing pioblems anu giave uangei
biought about by pollution, ecological imbalance anu othei enviionmental uistuibance thioughout the

WBEREAS, in oiuei to contain such pioblems anu obviate any fuithei aggiavation of the consequent
uangei to public health, safety, national inteiest anu suivival of the piesent anu futuie geneiations, theie
is neeu foi a moie vigoious, cooiuinateu anu effective methou of enfoicing national anu local laws,
oiuinances, iules anu iegulations that piohibit, contiol oi iegulate activities which cieate imbalance
between man anu his natuial enviionment;

WBEREAS, it is expeuient to involve anu mobilize the Baiangays in a conceiteu anu sustaineu national
campaign to minimize, if not totally eiauicate, the causes of uishaimony between man's economic neeus
anu his enviionmental conuitions;

N0W, TBEREF0RE, I, FERBINANB E. NARC0S, Piesiuent of the Philippines, by viitue of the poweis
vesteu in me by the Constitution, uo heieby oiuei anu ueciee as pait of the laws of the lanu, the

Section 1. Beputizing the Baiangay Captain, the Baiangay Councilman anu Baiangay Zone Chaiiman as
Peace 0fficeis. All laws to the contiaiy notwithstanuing, the Baiangay Captain, the Baiangay
Councilman, anu the Baiangay Zone Chaiiman aie heieby ueputizeu as peace officeis, with authoiity to
effect aiiest of violatois in accoiuance with law, foi puiposes of enfoicing anu implementing national
anu local laws, oiuinances anu iules anu iegulations goveining pollution contiol anu othei activities
which cieate imbalance in the ecology oi uistuibance in enviionmental conuitions.

Sec. 2. National anu Local Laws Befineu. Foi puiposes of this Beciee, national anu local laws,
oiuinances anu iules anu iegulations goveining pollution contiol anu othei activities which cieate
imbalance in the ecology oi uistuibance in enviionmental conuitions shall be unueistoou to be those
uesigneu to piohibit, contiol oi iegulate the contamination of the soil, the watei oi thei with poisonous,
uestiuctive, unwholesome oi unuesiiable mateiials, chemicals, gases, elements oi substances so as to
ienuei the soil, watei oii unsafe foi use of human, animal oi aquatic oi plant life; oi those that aie
pioviueu to piohibit, contiol oi iegulate activities that cause ecological imbalance oi enviionmental
uistuibance, incluuing, but not limiteu to, uenuuation of foiest oi wateisheu that piecipitates soil
eiosion, floous, uiying up of iiveis, lakes anu stieams oi uncontiolleu change oi alteiation of natuial
watei couise anu othei similai occuiiences.

Sec. S. Nethou of Enfoicement anu Implementation. The ciiminal aspect, such as the aiiest anu
piosecution of offenueis, anu the civil anu auministiative aspects, such as the summaiy oi juuicial
abatement of a thing, act oi conuition that constitutes nuisance, oi the cancellation of the goveinment
license oi peimit foi the existence of a thing, act oi conuition that gives iise to a nuisance, shall be
vigoiously enfoiceu anu implementeu.

Sec. 4. Piefeiential Bisposition of Cases. The couits anu piopei piosecuting oi auministiative officials
oi agencies shall give piefeience to the expeuitious uisposition of cases involving a violation of the laws,
oiuinances, iules anu iegulations iefeiieu to in Sec. 2 of this Beciee when the magnituue of the violation
is such as to auveisely affect an entiie oi majoi poition of a community as may be ceitifieu to by the
National Pollution Contiol Commission oi the National Enviionmental Piotection Council as the case
may be.

Sec. S. Rules anu Regulations. The National Enviionmental Piotection Council shall piomulgate the
necessaiy iules anu iegulations foi the effective implementation of this Beciee.

Sec. 6. Repealing Clause. All laws, ueciees, oiueis, instiuctions oi iules anu iegulations which aie
inconsistent with this Beciee aie heieby iepealeu oi mouifieu accoiuingly.

Sec. 7. Effectivity. This Beciee takes effect upon appioval.

Bone in the City of Nanila this 8th uay of }une, in the yeai of 0ui Loiu, nineteen hunuieu anu seventy-

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