ITIL Foundation Sample Paper 1

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ITIL Foundation Sample Paper 1

Which of the following lists best describes the key attributes needed by Service
Desk Staf?
A Good interpersonal skills; tenacious; technically astute; frm
B usiness aware; articulate; methodical; tolerant; good interpersonal skills
C !ogical; methodical; tenacious; forthright; analytical
D Well presented; technical specialist; numerate; good interpersonal skills
Which of the "#"! processes is responsible for ensuring the organisation is aware
of new and changing technology?
A $apacity %anagement
B $hange %anagement
C &inancial %anagement for "# Services
D $onfguration %anagement
Which incidents should be logged by the Service Desk?
A 'nly incidents not resolved at logging
B 'nly incidents from bona fde customers
C (ll incidents e)cept simple en*uiries
D (ll incidents
What information does $onfguration %anagement provide to the "#
management of an organisation?
A +ariations from the agreed service levels
B #ime spent on investigation and diagnosis by each support group
C ,umber of incidents and problems per category
D Details and history of the "# infrastructure
#he words Delta- &ull and .ackage describe diferent types of release/ Which one
of the following statements is true?
A ( .ackage release contains hardware and software
B 0rgent changes are always Delta releases
C ( Delta release is only ever part of a .ackage release
D ( &ull release releases the 1normal release unit2 into the live environment
(vailability %anagement is responsible for 333//
1 understanding the reliability of components to carry out a re*uired
function under given conditions over a certain period of time
2 the ease with which maintenance of service components can be carried
3 negotiating availability levels with customers
Which of these is correct?
A 'nly 4 5 6
B 'nly 7 5 4
C 7- 4 5 6
D 'nly 7 5 6
Which is the correct combination of concepts and "#"! processes?
1 $" level a (vailability %anagement
2 Disaster $ $onfguration %anagement
3 8isk (nalysis % "# Service $ontinuity .lanning
9 $onfdentiality d Service !evel %anagement
A 7:b- 4:c- 6:c- 9:a
B 7:d- 4:c- 6:a- 9:a
C 7:d- 4:d- 6:a- 9:b
D 7:b- 4:d- 6:c- 9:b
( $onfguration %anagement Database ;$%D< can contain diferent
$onfguration "tems ;$"s</ Which of the items below would ,'# normally be
regarded as a $"?
A ( user name
B ( video monitor
C ( bought:in software package
D ( procedure
"n relation to "# Service $ontinuity .lanning- the severity of a disaster depends
A #he time of day it occurs
B >ow many people are available to assist in recovery
C #he type of disaster- whether ?ood- fre- etc
D #he impact upon customers2 businesses
What is the main diference between a $%D ;$onfguration %anagement
Database< and a typical asset register?
A ( $%D is a computerised system @ most asset registers are not
B #here is no diference
C 'nly hardware and software is recorded in a $%D
D ( $%D is a database that shows the relationships between items
(pplication SiAing is a techni*ue used by $apacity %anagement/ Why is
(pplication SiAing "mportant?
A #he availability of an "# service can be measured
B #he use of an "# application can be controlled
C #he maintenance of technical skills is important to application developers
D #he resources needed for an application and its performance can be
When can the building- testing and implementation of a change begin?
A "f it is urgent- as soon as the 8e*uest for $hange has been classifed
B (s soon as there is a back:out plan for the change
C (s soon as the impact analysis has been discussed by the members of the
$hange (dvisory oard
D (s soon as the 8e*uest for $hange has been formally authorised
Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between
$hange %anagement and $onfguration %anagement=
A #here are no dependencies between $onfguration %anagement 5 $hange
B "f $hange %anagement is implemented without $onfguration
%anagement; the result will be less efective
C $hange %anagement cannot be implemented without $onfguration
D $hange %anagement and $onfguration %anagement must be
implemented simultaneously
Without a good (ccounting System you cannot=
1 Bnow the full cost of services provided
2 Cudge the eDciency of .roblem %anagement
3 8ecover costs related to usage- should you so wish
Which of the above is true?
A 7- 4 5 6
B 7 5 6 only
C 7 5 4 only
"n which two Service %anagement processes would you be most likely to use a
risk analysis and management method?
A $hange 5 $ost %anagement
B (vailability %anagement 5 "# Service $ontinuity %anagement
C "ncident 5 $hange %anagement
D Service !evel %anagement 5 "# Service $ontinuity %anagement
Salesmen are able to use their laptops from hotels to obtain information on
travel routes and travelling times/ 'n several occasions they have found that
when a certain modem had been installed- communication was unsatisfactory/ (
temporary solution to this fault has been identifed/ Which processes other than
"ncident %anagement are involved in achieving a structural solution ?
A $hange- $onfguration- 8elease 5 .roblem %anagement
B 'nly $onfguration- .roblem 5 8elease %anagement
C 'nly $hange 5 8elease %anagement
D 'nly $hange- 8elease 5 $onfguration %anagement
E 'nly .roblem 5 8elease %anagement
.ercentage availability is calculated as=
A Downtime ) 7EE C ;(greed Service #ime @ Downtime< ) 7EE
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
(greed Service #ime (greed Service #ime
B (greed Service #ime ) 7EE D (greed Service #ime
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Downtime ;(greed Service #ime @ Downtime< ) 7EE
What is the diference between a .roblem and a Bnown Frror?
A ( Bnown Frror is always the result of an "ncident- a .roblem is not
B #here is no real diference between a .roblem and a Bnown Frror
C "n the case of a Bnown Frror there is a fault in the "# "nfrastructure- with a
.roblem there is not
D "n the case of a Bnown Frror the underlying cause of the .roblem is known
Which of the following are direct advantages of entering into Service !evel
1 #he e)pectations of both the "# customer and the provider should be
2 &ewer incidents will occur
3 0nambiguous measurements of service provision will be provided
#he number of changes that have to be backed out will decrease
A 4 5 9
B 7 5 4
C 6 5 9
D 7 5 6
Students at a college can send in their course work from their home .$ via the
telephone ,etwork/ #hey can then check the results on their .$s/ ( student
needs an e)isting set of programs that can be confgured for the particular
course that the student is following/ Which process is responsible for the correct
confguring and transmission of the programs?
A 8elease %anagement
B $hange %anagement
C $onfguration %anagement
D ,etwork %anagement
$onsider the following statements=
1 "#"! processes should be implemented in such a way that the contribution
to the organisation is not only clear but also actually achieved
2 ( characteristic of the "#"! approach is that a department is given
responsibility for the Service Support and Service Delivery processes- so
that the resources allocated can be used as eDciently as possible
(re these statements correct?
A oth
'nly 4
C ,either
D 'nly 7
$onsider the following metrics=
1 ,umber of incidents closed on without onward referral
2 ,umber of incidents correctly categorised at logging
3 ,umber of hardware faults reported
Which of the above are valid performance indicators for the Service Desk?
A (ll three
B 7 5 4
C 7 5 6
D 4 5 6
Which of the following data is least likely to be used in the incident control
A "ncident category
B %akeGmodel of faulty item
C "mpact code
D $ost of faulty item
'ne of the obHectives of .roblem %anagement is to minimise the impact of
problems on "# Services/ Which one of the following activities is ,'# a
responsibility of .roblem %anagement?
A Working with third party suppliers
B Working with (vailability %anagement to ensure agreed levels of service
C Bnown Frror management
D (lways taking charge of diDcult incidents
( trend analysis of incident data indicates that over 6EI of incidents regularly
recur/ Which of the following activities will contribute most to cutting down the
percentage of regularly recurring incidents?
A ( presentation to the board of directors to e)plain the importance of
.roblem %anagement
B "mplementation of the .roblem %anagement process
C #he selection of an appropriate tool to log all incident data more
D #he introduction of a single Service Desk number so customers know who
to contact
$onsider the following statements=
1 $ustomers should always be invoiced for the "# services they use
2 #he only reason services are charged for is to make customers aware of
the costs involved in using those services
(re these statements correct?
A oth
B 'nly 7
C ,either
D 'nly 4
>ow fre*uently should $(GF$ meetings be held?
A Daily
B %onthly
C Weekly
D (s re*uired
$onsider the following statements about "# Service $ontinuity .lanning=
1 #he intermediate recovery e)ternal option ofers a remote installation-
fully e*uipped with all the re*uired hardware- software- communications
and environmental control e*uipment
2 #he intermediate recovery e)ternal option is often shared between
multiple customers and in the event of a disaster may not be available
due to over: subscription
(re these statements correct?
A oth
B ,either
C 'nly 7
D 'nly 4
"n (vailability %anagement terms- what do the letters $"( stand for?
A $omponent "mpact (nalysis
B $onfdentiality- "ntegrity and (vailability
C $onfguration "tem (vailability
D $entral "ntelligence (gency
Which of the following is ,'# the concern of "# &inancial %anagement?
A #elephone charges
B "nvoicing
C Diferential charging
D 8eviewing "# service *uality
"f a customer complains that service levels are below those agreed in the S!(-
apparently due to a number of related hardware incidents- who is responsible for
ensuring the cause is investigated?
A #he "ncident %anager
B #he $apacity %anager
C #he .roblem %anager
D #he (vailability %anager
Which of the following statements on "# &inancial %anagement is correct?
A (n "# &inancial %anager identifes the costs incurred by "# and might
propose prices for the services supplied
B "n order to be able to set up udgeting and (ccounting- S!(s and '!(s
need to have been agreed
C "t is only possible to be cost conscious if the customer is charged for
D "# &inancial %anagement must agree charges with the customer before
establishing a $ost %odel
%anaging service availability is now more important than ever because3//
A #he dependence of customers on their "# has grown
B System %anagement tools can now provide much more real time
performance management information
C %ore "# systems are now outsourced
D %ore service providers now have Service !evel (greements with their
Which of the following can be regarded as $"s?
1 >ardware
2 Documentation
3 Staf
! ,etwork components
A 7- 9 5 J
B 7- 4- 9 5 J
C 7 5 9
D (ll of them
Kour organisation has Hust entered into a Gradual 8ecovery "# Service $ontinuity
agreement/ Within the "#"! defnition- which of the following lists is ",$'88F$#
for what you could fnd at the contingency site?
A ( building- electricity- telecommunications e*uipment- oDce space for
technical staf
B Stand:by generator- telecommunications e*uipment- system manuals-
support staf- water
C ( building- telecommunications e*uipment- a computer- support staf-
D ( building- electricity- water- support staf- system manuals
( company has received messages concerning errors in the daily batch run
which handles the ordering of raw materials for the manufacturing process/ #his
is probably due to an incorrect change in the software/ #he change involved
e)tending the Lstock numberM feld by two positions/ #his change was also
introduced in a monthly program that has not yet been run/ #he situation needs
to be corrected very *uickly to avoid afecting manufacturing/ What is the best
possible solution to be adopted by .roblem %anagement when handling the
A #he errors are reported and- because the underlying cause is known-
handled by $hange %anagement as a 8e*uest for $hange with the status
of 1urgent change2
B #he errors are reported as .roblems at the Service Desk and- because
manufacturing is involved- are directly introduced as $hanges
C #he errors are reported as "ncidents to the Service Desk and after some
research they are identifed as Bnown Frrors- which can then be changed
D #he errors are reported as "ncidents and a .roblem is identifed/ (fter the
cause of the error has been established and a temporary workaround
found- it is labelled as a Bnown Frror that can be corrected by raising a
8e*uest for $hange
Which if the following would you ,'# e)pect to see in an "# Service $ontinuity
A $ontact lists
B #he version number
C 8eference to change control procedures
D &ull Service !evel (greements
$onsider the following statements=
1 Ffective $hange %anagement ensures that urgency and impact are keys
to decisions made on the scheduling of changes
2 $hange %anagement controls all aspects of the change process
Which of these statements is true?
A 7
B ,either of them
C 4
D oth of them
Diferential charging is a techni*ue used in 33333//
A &#(
B Status (ccounting
C Demand %anagement
D $8(%%
'ne of 8elease %anagement2s tasks is to set up a D>S/ Which statement most
closely describes the D>S?
A ( D>S is a number of physical locations where baselines are stored
B efore setting up a D>S a tool should frst be purchased for releasing the
hardware into the live environment
C ( D>S is an area set aside for the secure storage of defnitive hardware
D ( D>S is a database in which all defnitive hardware $onfguration "tems
are recorded

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