Catalogue AMF Standard Clamping Elements

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Catalogue 2013
for an overview in numerical / alphabeical or!er" #ee caalo$ue pa$e# %&&'%()
CoMpany hIStoRy
1890 Compan* foun!e! b* An!rea# Maier a# a
loc+ manufacurer,
1920 Pro!ucion pro$ram e-en!e! o inclu!e #panner#,
1928 Pro!ucion'line a##embl* of ./ELL0AC1 L2C3S4,
We gener ate e
Si nce i # foun!i n$ b* A n!rea# M ai er i n %56 7" our compan* ha#
l i ve!
hou$h man* e-ci i n$ i me#, To!a* we are he l ea!i n$ manufacurer
i n Europe" #uppl *i n$ over 8"7 7 7 !i f feren pro!uc# from he f i el !#
cl ampi n$" #crewi n$ an! l oc+i n$, 9 i h hi # e- en#i ve pro!uc ran$e
we can mee al l of our cu#omer#: nee!# an! re;ui remen#, 0u
provi !i n$ opi mal ;ual i * mean# meei n$ he chall en$e# a all l evel#< E
con#ul ai on" mo!ern eam or$ani# ai on" i n!i vi !ual #olui on# =i ncl u!i n$
#peci al !evel opmen#>" f l e-ibi l i * i n re#pon#e o chan$i n$ con!i i on#"
ec, A n! we our#el ve# f i n! hi # #o e-ci i n$ ha we l oo+ for war! ever *
o #hapi n$ he mar+e o$eher wi h our empl o*ee# an! our cu#omer#
? boh now an! i n he fuure, T ha i # #omehi n$ *ou can coun on,
191 9ih he inro!ucion of clampin$ elemen#"
AM/ !iver#ifie! ino he fiel!# of wor+piece an!
ool clampin$,
19! To$$le clamp# e-en! he AM/ pro!uc ran$e, AM/
caalo$ue# are now publi#he! in en lan$ua$e#,
19" 1*!raulic clampin$ mar+# furher #peciali#aion,
1982 Clampin$ an! fi-ure #*#em# roun! off
AM/:# clampin$ e-peri#e,
199! Inro!ucion of he AM/ Team 2r$ani#aion in
all bu#ine## #ecor#, @uali* a##urance cerifie!
o IS2 677%,
2001 Inro!ucion of he AM/ Service Guaranee for
all pro!uc#,
200# Inro!ucion of he APS Bero'poin clampin$ #*#em,
200" The ma$neic clampin$ echnolo$* e-en!
he AM/ pro!uc ran$e,
2009 Developmen an! mar+ein$ of AM/ Cacuum
clampin$ echnolo$*
2012 AM/'9rier an! AM/'Cleaner for auomae! labellin$
an! cleanin$ via he ool #pin!le
In$i%i$ual $e%elopment
Dou canno fin! he pro!uc *ou nee!E Tal+ o u#F we will fin! he
ri$h #oluion for *ou ? from a #pecial ver#ion" ri$h hrou$h o a
compleel* new !evelopmen,
# Warranty
9e believe in he hi$h ;uali* of our pro!uc#, Complain#
are !eal wih ;uic+l*" unbureaucraicall* an! $enerou#l* ?
a# far a# po##ible" even well'be*on! he $uaranee perio!,
3 Certi&ie$ 'uality
AM/ #an!# for pain#a+in$ pro!ucion in our own wor+#,
9e have followe! hi# ra!iion #ince %567 ? o!a*" of
cour#e" wih a mo!ern ;uali* a##urance #*#em o IS2 677%,
2 Short $eli%ery times
/rom he AM/ fini#he!'pro!uc #ore# wih over 8,777
aricle#" we can #uppl* 65 G of or!er# from #oc+, An!
*ou can be #ure ha ever* #oc+ aricle or!ere! i# e#pache! he
#ame !a*,
1 Real technical a$%ice
Man* a#+# an! a muliu!e of #oluion#, /rom AM/ Profe##ional
Pro!uc# *ou can fin! he ri$h wa* o #olve
*our problem ? fa# an! reliabl* ? eiher a *our local
!ealer or wih he help of he #peciali# in our eam,
Hu# call u#I
e Ma$e in germany
I $oe# wihou #a*in$ ha our ran$e of pro!uc# i# !evelope! an!
manufacure! b* our eam of emplo*ee# in German*,
m anaging (ir e c t or
J H oh an ne# M a i e r
Col +e r G K b e
t)e a m* se r + ice g,a r a nte e
J A # # u re ! l * o n h e wa* o h e o p
for an overview in numerical / alphabeical or!er" #ee caalo$ue pa$e# %&&'%()
pR o ( u C t S on the C o+ e R
.Cro co ! i l e4 cl a m p n o, &)%LC" p a$ e )% M Pre ci # i o n we ! $ e b l o c + n o, &N&8" p a$ e &5 M Cl a m p i n $ b o l #" nu # a n ! wa# h e r#" p a$ e # 5)'%78
L S TA NDA R D CL A MPIN G E LE ME NT S A N D R E AS M A I ER /ELL0AC1 w w w , a m f , !
San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS ) ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,!e
CaCuum Cl ampin$ EChnolo$* & ' %5
powEr Cl amp %6 ' L5
Cl ampS L6 ' 8N
Suppor bloC+S 88 ' &7
SE in$ ElEmEn S &% '
5L man!rEl an! floain$ Cl amp
Cl ampin$ bol S" nu S an! waShEr S
5) ' %78
Cl ampin$ SE S an! aCCES SoriES %7& ' %%5
pull'!own Cl ampS %%6 ' %))
poSiionin$ ElEmEn S %)N ' %8L
CEnrin$ Cl amp an! ECCEnriC Cl amp" ma$nE iC lif %8) '
Er S
-ur inno%ations an$ highlights ... ... at a glance
Cl-se $
N o, &)%8G N G" pa$ e N8
Cl a mp
N o, &)%LC" pa$ e L6
N E 9 # i BeI -n
N o, &)&8" pa$ e &5
N San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,!e
Cl a mp
N o, &)%LC I " pa$ e
Cl a mp 2ith n-s e 3
+aCu um Cl a
mping te
N o, L57 7" pa$ e &'%5
pR e Ci s
i 2e
... at a glance
San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS 8 ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,!e
--0 e n$3
e Ch a niCa l
o, &8N7 1" pa$ e %%N
C-unte R CatCh
&8N7 G" pa$ e %%N
9I S i Be ML7 a n ! MLN
a mping s e t
R-lle R Ch a
N o, &8N7 3 " pa$ e
t uR n/uC0 le
N o, &8N7CS" pa$ e %%&
N E 9I S i Be ML7 a n ! MLN
o, N
Ch a in Cl
N o, &8N7" pa$ e
9I S i Be ML7 a n ! MLN
the m-st imp-Rtant -n the su/5eCt -&
+aCuum Cl amping teChn-l-gy
2h at i s a +aCu
A vacuum i # he #ae i n a #pace whi ch i # free of ma er, I
praci ce" we al rea!* cal l i a vacuum when he ai r pre# #ure i n
a #pace i # l e# # han ha of he amo#phere,
unit s -& me a suR e me nt u s
e $
T he mo# common uni # are he pa#cal an! he bar,
7 %7 7 Pa O % h
7 % h Pa O %
7 % mbar O 7,7 7%
+aCu um Cl a mping sys te m
Cacuum cl ampi n$ #*#em# are u#e! above al l i n he woo!"
pl a#i c# an! non'ferrou# meal # i n!u#ri e# for ;ui c+"
#i mpl e machi ni n$F he* are compai bl e wi h CN C machi ne
ool#, 1 ere vacuum echnolo$* i# u#e! i n conneci on wi h
#peci al han!l i n$ #*#em#" for e-ampl e i n or!er o f i - an
al umi ni um pl ae an! machi ne i from al l #i !e#, T hi # i ncrea#e#
pro!uci vi * an! co#'ef feci vene# #< he f i-in$ !oe# no
cau#e an* !ama$e o he wor+piece" an! no l abori ou#"
i me'con#umi n$ al i $ni n$ of he wor+pi ece i# re;ui re !, T
l ae# cl ampi n$ #*#em# al l ow a achmen# of vari ou# #iBe#
an! #hape# o be e-chan$e! i n a ver * #hor i me" hu#
faci l i ai n$ f l e-i bl e han!l i n$ of a wi !e ran$e of wor+pi ece
2h at $-e s +aCu um Cl a mping me a n6
I n vacuum cl ampi n$" an un!erpre# #ure i # $enerae!
un!er he wor+pi ece bei n$ cl ampe!" i,e, a pre# #ure !i f
fereni al i #
creae! whi ch pre# #e# he wor+pi ece a$ai n# he cl ampi n$
pl ae, T hu# he wor+pi ece i # no" a# one mi $h hi n+" acual l *
.#uc+e!"4 bu i # raher pre# #e! a$ai n# he vacuum abl e,
T he #l i !i n$ force of he wor+pi ece !epen!# on i # #ur face
#rucure" he pre# #ure !i f fereni al an! he area on whi ch he
vacuum ac#, T he l ar$er hi # area i #" he be er he hol !i n$
2h y $-e s a +aCu um ge ne R ate
a h-l$ing &-RCe6
Al l #ur face# of an obP ec are #ubP ece! o an even pre# #ure of
appro-, % bar b* he #urroun!i n$ amo#phere, T he i ne$rae!
Cenuri noB Bl e or an e- ernal vacuum pump hen remove#
#ome of he ai r from un!er he wor+pi ece bein$ hel !" hu#
removi n$ par of he pre# #ure l oa! on ha #ur face, 9 ha
remai n# i # a one'#i !e! pre# #ure on he op #ur face of
he wor+pi ece" who#e #i Be !epen!# on he !e$ree of he
vacuum, G eneral l * i i # 7,( ' 7,5 bar, T hi # mean#" for
e-ampl e" ha a vacuum of L7 7 mbar =ab#ol ue pre# #ure> i #
T he pre# #ure !i f fereni al aci n$ on he wor+pi ece i # herefore
57 7 mbar =appro-, 7,5 +p/cm>, T he #iBe of he cl ampi n$ force
i # hen onl* !epen!en on he clampi n$ area,
Ca lCul ati-n &-R mul a e 8
7 /orce O Pre# #ure - A rea
7 / =N> O bar - A =mQ> - %78
7 % bar O %7 N / cmQ
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
& San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,!e
+acuum clamping plate
the /ene&its -&
am& +aCuum Cl amping teChn-l-gy
1 2 3
7 T he AM / vacuum cl ampi n$ pl ae
can be operae! u#i n$ compre# #e!
ai r
an! he i ne$rae! Cenuri noB Bl e" or
wi h an e- ernal vacuum pump,
7 T he hei$h'a!P u#abl e eccenric
#op# ab#orb he #l i !i n$ force#" an!
can be a!P u#e! i n!i vi !ual l * o he
wor+pi ece hei$h,
7 Ea#* po#i i oni n$ of wor+pi ece# b*
fa#eni n$ wi h #op pi n#, T he#e al#o
ab#orb he #l i !i n$ force#,
# !
7 I rre$ul ari i e# in he wor+pi ece
#ur face are compen# ae! for b* he
#eal i n$ cor!, T he wor+pi ece conour
can be repre#ene! opi mal l * u#i n$
he $ri ! pa ern on he pl ae,
7 Laeral $roove# al l ow he vacuum
cl ampi n$ pl ae o be fa#ene! o a
ba#epl ae or ono he machi ne abl e
u#i n$ AM / cl amp# N o, &)L8,
7 /i - ure# can be po#i i one! on he
vacuum cl ampi n$ pl ae wi h a
preci #i on of R7,7% mm u#i n$ one
l ocai n$ pi n an! one !i amon! pi n
" 8 9
7 T he #oun! ab#orber i # i ne$rae! i no
he vacuum cl ampi n$ pl ae, 9e of fer
wo !i f feren ver#i on# of he
#oun! ab#orber =N o, (57 7CS DI
(57 7CS D>" !epen!i n$ on he #peci f
i c appli caion,
7 Depen!i n$ on he #i Be of he
cl ampi n$ pl ae" wor+pi ece# can be
cl ampe! u#i n$ more han one #uci on
poi n, T hi # can al #o be u#e! o cl amp
mul ipl e wor+pi ece# ? even !if feren
7 /or ef f i ci en chan$i n$ of he
vacuum cl ampi n$ pl ae" i can be
u#e! i n
combi nai on wi h he AM /
. Aero'Poin 4 cl ampi n$ #*#em, T hi#
mi ni mi #e# #eup i me# an! i ncrea#e#
machine runime,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
+acuum clamping plate
ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,! e San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS (
+acuum clamping plate
9o. "800:
+acuum clamping plate
Inclu!e! in #cope of #uppl*<
' 0a#eplae ma!e of aluminium
' Ine$rae! Cenuri noBBle
' Soun! ab#orber" #upplie!
' Cacuum meer
' Shu'off valve
' & eccenric #op#
' L m pneumaic ho#e
' Plu$'in nipple for compre##e! air connecion
' %7 m #ealin$ cor! S N mm
The vacuum plae ha# $roove# an! #ucion poin# on i# upper #i!e, 0* in#erin$ he #ealin$ cor!" one or more fiel!# can be !efine! for he !e#ire! wor+piece #iBe, All #ucion
poin# are inerconnece!, Ea#* po#iionin$ via hole# for #op pin# or laeral" hei$h'a!Pu#able eccenric #op#,
Laeral $roove# or fa#enin$ hole# allow he vacuum clampin$ plae o be fa#ene! o a ba#eplae
=e,$, machine able>,
/i-ure plae# can a!!iionall* be fi-e! u#in$ a #wor! or locain$ pin, I i# al#o no problem o
ine$rae he vacuum clampin$ plae ino he AM/ .Aero'Poin4 clampin$ #*#em =#ee he AM/
.Aero'Poin S*#em#4>,
The wor+piece# bein$ machine! are clampe! hrou$h $eneraion of a vacuum b* mean# of he
ine$rae! Cenuri noBBle echnolo$* =inclu!e! in #cope of #uppl*> or wih an e-ernal vacuum
pump, 0* mean# of in!ivi!ual $ri! allocaion i i# al#o po##ible o clamp an! machine muliple"
!ifferen wor+piece# a he #ame ime,
T*pical applicaion# are millin$ an! $rin!in$ operaion#,
The vacuum clampin$ plae i# rea!* o u#e ri$h awa* ? all of he nece##ar* componen#
are inclu!e! in he #cope of #uppl*,
' The AM/ vacuum clampin$ plae can be operae! u#in$ compre##e! air an! he ine$rae!
Cenuri noBBle" or wih an e-ernal vacuum pump,
' Co# #avin$# hrou$h u#e of he Cenuri noBBle
' Low compre##e! air con#umpion" hu# low operain$ co##
E-ample< % mT of compre##e! air co## 7,77(5 U, A an avera$e con#umpion of N7 l/min"
hi# corre#pon!# o 7,7%5( U/h,
' Muliple #ucion poin#" hu# fle-ible $ri! allocaion an! clampin$ of muliple par# po##ible
' Cacuum plae# can be combine! wih each oher
' 1i$h hol!in$ force#
' Vniver#al u#e
' 1i$h coefficien of fricion allow# #ecure clampin$ of unmachine! wor+piece #urface#
' Sealin$ cor!# compen#ae for #mall irre$ulariie# in he wor+piece #urface
' Di#orion'free" vibraion'free five'#i!e! machinin$
2perae onl* wih !rie!" filere!" non'lubricae! compre##e! airI
Ma-, #ucion volume a$ain# amo#phere< L%,5 l/min,
2perain$ pre##ure for ma-, #ucion volume flow< ),8
bar, Plea#e ob#erve in#allaion manual (577,
-n re'uest8
Special !imen#ion#
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
5 San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,!e
Number of #ucion
L 0 1 R7"% R 9ei$h
3"10 )'5 6) % %87 %87 N7 L8 %"7
3"##"0 )'5 6) ) L77 )77 N7 L8 &"7
3"##88 )'5 6) 6 )77 N77 N7 L8 %L"7
3"##9! )'5 6) 6 N77 N77 N7 L8 %&"7
3"#0# )'5 6) 6 N77 &77 N7 L8 LN"7
3""1" )'5 6) % %87 %87 N7 %L"8 %"7
3""33 )'5 6) ) L77 )77 N7 %L"8 &"7
3""8 )'5 6) 6 )77 N77 N7 %L"8 %L"7
3"""# )'5 6) 6 N77 N77 N7 %L"8 %&"7
3""90 )'5 6) 6 N77 &77 N7 %L"8 LN"7
+acuum clamping technology
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,! e San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS 6
a$apter mat3 ru//er a$apter plate3 aluminium
9o. "800;M<:
;$apter mat3 ru//er
%, The #ealin$ cor! i# place! in he $ri! of he vacuum clampin$ plae, I $oe# up o he en! of he area o be wor+e! on in he wor+piece,
L, The a!aper ma i# place! ono he vacuum clampin$ plae,
), 1ole# are ma!e in he a!aper ma wihin he mar+e! clampin$ #urface over a woo! plae wih
a )'8 mm !iameer hole punch, The locaion of he hole# mu# be in he area of he $ri! cu# of
he vacuum clampin$ plae,
N, The wor+piece o be wor+e! on i# place! on i an! fi-e! u#in$ he a!Pu#able eccenric #op#,
' The $oo! coefficien of fricion offer# e#peciall* $oo! re#i#ance a$ain# he !i#placemen force#
ha ari#e !urin$ proce##in$,
' The a!aper ma can be cu ino up o L mm !eep wihou problem,
' If he #ame conour# are u#e!" he a!aper ma can be reu#e! almo# an* number of ime#" #ince
i !oe# no un!er$o wear,
;$apter mat3 ru//er
+acuum clamping plate
Sealing cor$
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
%7 San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS ANDREAS MAI ER /ELL0AC1 ww w , a m f , ! e
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
%7 San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,!e
Maerial hic+ne## R7,L
3"#8 %87-%87 N %%7
3"01# )77-L77 N L(8
3"022 )77-N77 N 887
3"030 N77-N77 N (57
3"0#8 N77-&77 N %%77
a$apter plate3 aluminium sur &ace=mounte$ /loc0
9o. "800;>;:
;$apter plate3 aluminium
%, The #ealin$ cor! i# place! in he $ri! of he vacuum clampin$ plae, I $oe# up o he en! of he area o be wor+e! on in he wor+piece,
L, The a!aper plae i# #crewe! o he vacuum clampin$ plae,
), The wor+piece o be wor+e! on i# place! on i,
N, The wor+piece i# fi-e! u#in$ he a!Pu#able eccenric #op#,
' The a!aper plae can be overcu b* up o L mm =eliminaion of cu#>,
' Preferre! u#e# are for proce##in$ hin #hee meal" foil#" boar!# an! even paper,
;$apter plate3 aluminium
+acuum clamping plate
Sealing cor$
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
ANDREAS MAI ER /ELL0AC1 ww w , a m f , ! e San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS %%
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,! e San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS %%
Maerial hic+ne## R7,%
3"09" %87-%87 %7 7"&
3"#8"! )77-L77 %7 %"&
3"#892 )77-N77 %7 )")
3"#900 N77-N77 %7 N"N
3"#918 N77-&77 %7 &"&
sur &ace=mounte$ /loc0 accessories
12 San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,!e
9o. "810;?:
Sur&ace=mounte$ /loc0
The followin$ are #upplie! a# #an!ar!<
' Surface'moune! bloc+ from aluminium" $ri! %L,8 - %L,8
' ) eccenric #op# wih fi-in$ #crew#
' % m #ealin$ cor! S L,7 mm
9o. "810;>;:
;$apter plate3 aluminium
Suiable for #urface'moune! bloc+ no, (5%7A0Y,
ma-, vacuum
Number of #ucion
L 0 1 9ei$h
3"!2! 6) % (5 (5 N7 &77
The #urface'moune! bloc+ ha# $roove# an! a #ucion poin on i# upper #i!e, The $ri! #pacin$ i#
%L,8 mm, The fiel! #iBe i# in!ivi!uall* !efine! b* in#erin$ he #ealin$ cor!, The #urface'moune!
bloc+ i# place! !irecl* over a #ucion poin on he vacuum clampin$ plae no, (577, The un!er#i!e
i# e;uippe! wih a #ealin$ cor! S L,7 mm,
The u#e of #urface'moune! bloc+# allow# openin$# for fini#hin$, 9or+piece# can be hrou$h'
bore! wihou he vacuum clampin$ plae or he componen i#elf bein$ !ama$e!,
Plea#e or!er #ealin$ cor! S N,7 mm #eparael* =2r!erNo, )(N8%L>,
9o. "810;M<:
;$apter mat3 ru//er
Suiable for #urface'moune! bloc+ no, (5%7A0Y,
' The a!aper plae can be mille! !own o L mm =millin$# on boh #i!e#>,
' Preferre! applicaion# are he fini#hin$ of hin #hee#" foil#" PC0# an! even paper,
' The $oo! coefficien of fricion offer# paricularl* favourable re#i#ance o he re#ulin$ !i#placemen force# !urin$ fini#hin$,
' Millin$ !own o L mm !eep in he a!aperma i# no problem,
' If he #ame conour# are alwa*# applie!" he a!aper ma can be reu#e! an* number of ime#"
#ince he* !o no #uffer an* wear,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
Maerial hic+ne## R7,%
3"!3# (5 - (5 %7 L77
Maerial hic+ne## R7,L
3"!#2 (5 - (5 N &7
9o. "800+>:
Rotary %ane %acuum pump
Inclu!e! in #cope of #uppl*<
' #ucion'#i!e fine'me#h filer
' oil mi# #eparaor
' rever#in$ valve for coar#e or fine vacuum operaion
' ani'vibraion buffer
' iniial oil fill
' wihou $a# balla#
9o. "800+>*:
Liquid separator with vacuu !i"ter
inclu!e! in #cope of #uppl*<
' 9aer #eparaor
' Cacuum filer
' /a#enin$ uni
' 0all valve
' Couplin$ plu$ %/L4 e-ernal hrea! ' %8 mm
' Pla#ic ube S %8 - %L mm" len$h L m
' Coupler #oc+e
' Double nipple
Lubricaion Moor
Noi#e level
W!0 =A>X
3"#991 66 %8 %8 L)7/87 86 8N %77 %6
If compre##e! air i# pre#en where he vacuum clampin$ plae i# u#e!" we recommen! u#in$ he
AM/ roar* vane vacuum pump, I en#ure# reliable coninuou# operaion of he clampin$ plae#
u#e!, Due o i# #mall !e#i$n" he pump can be aache! !irecl* o *our machine,
Replacemen oil can be or!ere! un!er or!er no, NL5(LL,
-n re'uest8
2her #iBe# an! #ucion performance# are available on re;ue#,
SiBe Connecion /low
3"#9" D%77-L87 )/N4 %8 %&%7
The li;ui! #eparaor effecivel* remove# con!en#ae =waer> from he vacuum clampin$ #*#em
an! #o proec# i from conaminaion,
' Removal of 66G of he conaine! li;ui!
' mainenance'free
' #*#emZ# operaion an! mainenance co## are minimi#e!
' ea#* o in#all =before he vacuum pump>
The #e i# #upplie! in he a##emble! #ae,
;pplication example8
Roar* vane vacuum pump
2r!er no, )(N66%
Li;ui! #eparaor wih vacuum filer
2r!er no, )(N6(8
Cacuum clampin$
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,! e San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS %)
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
accessories accessories
14 San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,!e San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS %N ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,!e
9o. "800+>@:
+acuum pump3 external
9o. "800(:
Sealing cor$
Shore har!ne##< 5'%)[,
9o. "800+:
+acuum meter
9o. "800+(S:
+acuum pressure sensor
2ith accessories
Elecrical connecion<
Cable wih connecor accor!in$ o EN &76N('8'L" roun! !e#i$n
M 5-%" N'pin" Cable len$h 7,)
m, Scope of #uppl* con#i## of<
' Pre##ure #en#or
' Cacuum ho#e" ouer S N mm" len$h )7 cm
' Plu$ connecion G%/5'N
' Silencer open
' 0all valve
' Plu$ connecion for ho#e
A #mall pla#ic ePecor ha i# u#e! o clamp #ucion'i$h wor+piece#, /or u#e in #*#em# wih e-ernal
=!ecenrali#e!> vacuum $eneraion,
Cer* #mall !e#i$n" univer#al u#e an! economical,
Groove wi!h
3"#12 N N"7 R7"N8 %7 )L7
The #ealin$ cor! i# in#ere! in he $roove o !elimi he clampin$ #urface,
Muliple wor+piece# can be clampe!" even wih !ifferen #iBe#,
In!icaor# area
Connecion below 9ei$h
3"#!9# '% ,,, 7 N7 G%/5 ()
In!icaor# area
3"#20 '% ,,, 7 7'87 57
The hre#hol! value# =variable< L - relaive pre##ure> are #e on he pre##ure #en#or u#in$
eachin$, If he vacuum pre##ure !rop#" he machine i# #wiche! off,
The vacuum pre##ure #en#or #erve# o monior he applie! air pre##ure, If he pre##ure !rop#"
he machine i# #wiche! off, Thi# conribue# !eci#ivel* o proce## reliabili*,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
ma-, vacuum
Ma-, #ucion
volume flow
min, operain$
pre##ure WbarX
Cac, connecion
2u#i!e !ia,
Pneum, connecion
2u#i!e !ia, WmmX
3"!#3# 6) L%"5 )"8 & & N(
9o. "800+(:
Sealing ring
for vacuum meer
9o. "800@:
@ccentric stop3 $ia. 30 mm
Seel" blue!,
Complee wih fla'hea! #crew,
9o. "800+S(:
Soun$ a/sor/er
1ou#in$ an! ab#orber in#er of PE,
Sealin$ rin$ i# u#e! in in#allaion of he vacuum meer,
3"#38 )7 L&
In!ivi!ual a!Pu#men o he wor+piece hei$h, The #li!in$ force# are ab#orbe! b* he #op,
9o. 908:=<1A8
Scre2 plug
wih rubber #eal
Can be #crewe! !irecl* ino he in vacuum clampin$ plae,
Chec+ #oun! ab#orber re$ularl* for foulin$,
9o. "800+;*:
Suctio# !i"ter
1ou#in$ of bra##" filer in#er of in bronBe,
The #ucion filer i# #crewe! ino he vacuum clampin$ plae,
Chec+ #ucion filer re$ularl* for foulin$,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
Connecion 9ei$h
3"#!1 G%/5 7"8
Connecion Ambien
3"#"9 G%/5 '%7 ' &7 8
Connecion 9ei$h
3"#3 G%/5 (
Connecion 9ei$h
3"#88# G%/5 L
9o. "800;+:
manuall* operae!,
9o. "800+9S:
>lug=in nipple &or 'uic0 coupling
wih cap nu DN(,L, 0ra##,
The han! valve i# #crewe! ino he plae !irecl*, 9ih 2'rin$ #eal,
9o. "800BS:
IS- 8"3#=#x12=; cylin$er pin
Ea#* connecion wih he pneumaic ho#e of he vacuum clampin$ plae,
9o. 2800W:=0!
>neumatic hose
Ea#* po#iionin$ of wor+piece# b* fa#enin$ in he hole# provi!e! in he vacuum clampin$ plae,
The #li!in$ force# are ab#orbe! b* he #op,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
Connecion 1o#e !ia,
3"#8" G%/5 & N7
1o#e !ia," ouer
3"#9 & %(
Pac+a$in$ uni
3"#!03 %7 %8
1o#e !ia,
3"#!11 & %7 )77
9o. "800+;?:
Cocating pin
@uic+" preci#e ali$nmen of he fi-ure# bein$ clampe!,
9o. "800+S?:
S2or$ pin
9o. !32
Clamps &or machine %ices
Temperin$ #eel" blue!" pac+a$e! in pair#,
A 0 C D E / G 1 H 3 9ei$h
3"#!3" %& %L %& %L %& N M8 %7 RN N") L)
The #wor! pin i# u#e! for olerance compen#aion =R7,7%>,
@uic+" preci#e ali$nmen of he fi-ure# bein$ clampe!,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
A 0 C D E / G 1 H 9ei$h
3"#!29 %& %L %& %L %& N M8 %7 RN )7
0% L for clampin$
#crew meric
for clampin$
#crew inch
for Paw
A A%-AL 1 9ei$h
"#!82 %&"8 (5 M%L" %N" %& %/L" 8/5 %77 LL"8 %7-8"8 %8 &58
9o. !3"0B9:=20
Clamping nipple
&or clamping mo$ules D20
1ar!ene!" for h*!raulic an! pneumaic clampin$ mo!ule#
=#iBe 3L7>,
9o. !3"0B9S:=001
@ngagement nipple scre2
Sren$h cla## %7,6,
2r!er no, )(N&N8< Aero poin nipple
2r!er no, )(N&8L< Sli nipple
2r!er no, )(N&&7< Vn!er#iBe! nipple
2ur complee Bero poin clampin$ pro$ramme can be foun! in our caalo$ue .Aero'Poin'S*#em#4
(imensions &or machining
nipple mountings
-n re'uest8
En$a$emen nipple #crew# in variou# len$h# an! maerial# =e,$, hi$h'$ra!e #ainle## #eel>,
Shown wih clampin$ nipple an! en$a$emen nipple
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
SiBe !ia, DN !ia, D% !ia, DL 1 1% T 9ei$h
3"#!# 3L7 )L L8 %L L5 L) 8 %%7
3"#!2 3L7 )L L8 %L L5 L) 8 %%7
3"#!!0 3L7 )L L8 %L L5 L) 8 %%7
SiBe M L L% 9ei$h
3"#!"8 3L7 M%L 8N 6 (7
<rEFe SD% SM S% SL
D20 L8 M%L 8"8 L)
po2er Clamp &or in5ection moul$ing
the p-2eR Cl amp
that 0eeps its
7 material8 Robu# cl ampi n$ elemen ma!e of al l o*e!
empere! an! for$e! #eel
7 a pplications8 Al l cl ampi n$ a#+# i n cu i n$ an!
non'cu i n$ f i ni#hi n$ operai on#,
7 &eatures8
7 Cl ampi n$ force of up o L8 +N
7 Two Poi n# for mi ni mal wear
7 Chi p'!ef l eci n$ !e#i $n
7 Si mpl e i n#al l ai on i n T'#l o# or on $ri ! pl ae#
9 hen u#i n$ cl amp# i n non'cu i n$ an! cu i n$ meal f i ni#hi n$ proce# #e#" a# wel l a# i n moul ! ma+i n$" cl ampi n$ force
an! preci #i on ha mee he hi $he# !eman!# are re;ui re!, 9 i h he #l i !i n$ power cl amp ma!e of al l o*e! empere! #eel"
of fer an e-cepi onal l * robu# an! ver# ai l e mechani cal cl ampi n$ el emen" whi ch can achi eve e- remel * hi $h cl ampi n$ force
of up o L8 +N, T he power cl amp" whi ch i # u# abl e boh hori Bonal l * an! ver i cal l *" can be fa#ene! o re$ul ar T'#l o abl e#
u#i n$ T'nu# or" al ernai vel *" o $ri ! pal l e# u#i n$ hrea!e! mouni n$,
7 Robu# an! power ful bu ea#* o u#e ' he power cl amp ha +eep# i # promi #e#,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,! e San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS %6
po2er Clamp &or in5ection moul$ing po2er Clamp &or in5ection moul$ing
20 San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 www,amf,!e
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS L7 ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,!e
9o. "00D
>o2er Clamp &or in5ection moul$ing
Complee wih mounin$,
Robu# clampin$ elemen ma!e of allo*e! empere! #eel"
for' $e!" for variable clampin$ hei$h#" wih #li!in$ ba#e
elemen, Componen#<
' 0a#e elemen
' Carrier elemen
SiBe ma-, loa!
G 1 min, 1 ma-, 9ei$h
3"29!1 %& %& M%L %% N5 %LN7
3"389# L8 L8 M%L 7 &) L6N)
3"3902 L8 L8 M%& 7 &) L6LL
%, Po#iion an! fa#en carrier elemen on he ool plae,
L, Pu#h he ba#e elemen ino he !e#ire! po#iion on he carrier able, Afer hi# i# !one" i i#
rea!* for operaion,
), A!Pu# he hei$h of he clampin$ arm wih he a!Pu#in$ bol an! clamp he ool,
N, The ver* robu# !e#i$n enable# ;uic+ an! ea#* clampin$,
' ma-, loa! %& +N / L8 +N
' Two Poin# for minimal wear
' V#e on ool plae# wih T'$roove# an! pich
' Low in#allaion hei$h provi!e! b* a!Pu#in$ bol wih he-a$on #oc+e
To re!uce wear o he a!Pu#in$ bol" we recommen! u#in$ AM/ #crew compoun! No, &))6, I
po#' #e##e# a #*ner$i#ic combinaion of hi$hl*'effecive #oli! lubrican# an! i# hea're#i#an an!
!oe# no wa#h ou,
SiBe A A% 0 0% C G% 3 L% LL S9
3"29!1 %& L%"8 67 )L N& %77 M%N 5'N) %L L) 5
3"389# L8 )L"7 %L8 N7 8N %)8 M%& )L'6( %& L8 5
3"3902 L8 )L"7 %L8 N7 8N %)8 M%& )L'6( L7 )7 5
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
Re&erence &ormulae &or the num/er o& po2er clamps on in5ection moul$ing machines
>o2er Clamp
Re&erence &ormulae8
=#ee !aa#hee on inPecion moul!in$ machine>
Gor'ueA&orce path no. "00S=1!
no. "00S=2
N7 67
& 5 %7 %L %N %8"8 %&
Clampin$ force W+NX
6 %) %& %5 %6 L% LL LN L8
Clampin$ force W+NX
9ei$h W+NX
Re;uire! ool clampin$ force on ba#i# of ool wei$h W+NX
%, Calculaion of wei$h W+NX< *g O m x g
*sp O Ma-, loa! of power clamp W+NX =#ee no, (8773>
L, Calculaion of ool force W+NX< *s2 O * g
*sp1 O Difference between Fsp and Fv [kN] $
Pre'en#ionin$ force of power clamp W+NX
2penin$ force of inPecion moul!in$ machine# W+NX
), No, of power clamp# re;uire!
on ba#i# of ool wei$h<
n1 O * s 2
N, No, of power clamp# re;uire! on n2 O *E**n
g O Acceleraion =6,5% m/#Q> ba#i# of openin$ force< *sp1
Tool ma## W+$X
No, of power clamp# re;uire! on ba#i# of ool wei$h
. Result H comparison /et2een n1 an$ n2
,se the larger num/er per tool page
n2 O No, of power clamp# re;uire! on ba#i# of openin$ force
$ O Friction coefficient (0!14"



po2er Clamp3 sli$ing po2er Clamp3 sli$ing
9o. "00S
>o2er Clamp3 sli$ing
complee wih mounin$,
Robu# clampin$ elemen ma!e of allo*e! empere! #eel"
for' $e!" for variable clampin$ hei$h#" wih #li!in$ ba#e
elemen, Componen#<
' 0a#e elemen
' Carrier elemen
' Thru# piece wih #mooh #urface
' Mounin$ +i No, (8770/
%, Po#iion an! fa#en carrier elemen on he ool able,
L, Pu#h he ba#e elemen ino he !e#ire! po#iion on he carrier elemen, Afer hi# i# !one" i
i# rea!* for operaion,
), A!Pu# he hei$h of he clampin$ arm wih he a!Pu#in$ bol an! clamp he wor+piece,
N, The ver* robu# !e#i$n enable# ;uic+ an! ea#* clampin$,
' Vp o %& +N / L8 +N clampin$ force
' Two Poin# for minimal wear
' Chip'!eflecin$ !e#i$n
' %N ' L5 mm T'$roove# or M%L an! M%& $ri! palle#
' N hru#'piece varian#
' Cariable clampin$ hei$h" 7 ' %57 mm
9hen #iBe %& an! #iBe L8 are emplo*e! an! he Power Clamp i# in#ere! parallel o he
$roove" mounin$ +i no, (8770/ mu# be u#e! wih he ba#e elemen for $roove# #iBe %5 or
To re!uce wear o he a!Pu#in$ bol" we recommen! u#in$ AM/ #crew compoun! No, &))6, I
po#' #e##e# a #*ner$i#ic combinaion of hi$hl*'effecive #oli! lubrican# an! i# hea're#i#an an!
!oe# no wa#h ou,
SiBe A A% 0 0% C G% 3 L% LL S9
3"28# %& L%"8 %78 )L N& %77 M%N 5'N) %L L) %7
3"2888 %& L%"8 %78 )L N& %77 M%N 5'N) %L L) %7
3"289! %& L%"8 %78 )L N& %77 M%N 5'N) %L L) %7
"#09! L8 )L"7 %)8 N7 8N %)8 M%& )L'6( %& L8 %)
"#10# L8 )L"7 %)8 N7 8N %)8 M%& )L'6( %& L8 %)
""!2 L8 )L"7 %)8 N7 8N %)8 M%& )L'6( L7 )7 %)
"838 L8 )L"7 %)8 N7 8N %)8 M%& )L'6( L7 )7 %)
"8#! L8 )L"7 %)8 N7 8N %)8 M%& )L'6( L7 )7 %)
"83 L8 )L"7 %)8 N7 8N %)8 M%& )L'6( L7 )7 %)
"8!1 L8 )L"7 %)8 N7 8N %)8 M%& )L'6( L7 )7 %)
1 2 3 #
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
SiBe O
clampin$ force
G Slo 1 min, 1 ma-, 9ei$h
3"28# %& M%L %N %% N5 %)N7
3"2888 %& M%L %& %8 8L %N(8
3"289! %& M%L %5 %8 8L %8%L
"#09! L8 M%L %N 7 &) )7%&
"#10# L8 M%L %& 7 &) )7NL
""!2 L8 M%& %5 7 &) ))&7
"838 L8 M%& L7 7 &) )NL7
"8#! L8 M%& LL 7 &) )N57
"83 L8 M%& LN 7 &) )857
"8!1 L8 M%& L5 7 &) )(77
9o. "00@
>o2er Clamp 2ith spacer element3
complee wih mounin$,
Clampin$ force L8 +N,
Robu# clampin$ uni ma!e of allo*e! empere! #eel" for$e!"
for variable clampin$ hei$h#" wih #li!in$ ba#e elemen,
' 0a#e elemen
' Spacer elemen
' Thru# piece wih #mooh #urface
' Mounin$ +i No, (8770A
9o. "00<
?ase @lement
wih he-a$on hea! or
#oc+e, Tempere! #eel"
%, Po#iion an! #ecure he #pacer elemen on he ool able,
L, Pu#h he ba#e elemen =ba#e bo!* an! clampin$ arm> ino he !e#ire! po#iion on he #pacer
elemen, I i# hen rea!* for operaion,
), A!Pu# he hei$h of he clampin$ arm wih he a!Pu#in$ bol an! clamp he wor+piece,
N, The ver* robu# !e#i$n faciliae# a ;uic+ an! ea#* clampin$,
SiBe O
clampin$ force
Slo S9 ou#i!e S9 in#i!e 9ei$h
3"2912 %& %N'%5 %7 ' 558
3"2920 %& %N'%5 ' 5 5&5
"#8"2 L8 %N'L5 %) ' %6&7
"!!0# L8 %N'L5 ' 5 %6N7
G Slo 1 min, 1 ma-, A% AL 3 9ei$h
"93" M%L %N &7 %L7 %65 67 )L'5N N857
"9# M%L %& &7 %L7 %65 67 )L'5N N&77
"!#!3 M%& %5 &7 %L7 %65 67 )L'5N N(77
"!#"1 M%& L7 &7 %L7 %65 67 )L'5N N(&7
"!#89 M%& LL &7 %L7 %65 67 )L'5N N5L7
"!81 M%& LN &7 %L7 %65 67 )L'5N N6L7
"!8"" M%& L5 &7 %L7 %65 67 )L'5N 8787
"!#0! M%L %N %L7 %57 L85 %87 )L'5N &7N7
"!#22 M%L %& %L7 %57 L85 %87 )L'5N &7&8
"!919 M%& %5 %L7 %57 L85 %87 )L'5N &%&7
"!901 M%& L7 %L7 %57 L85 %87 )L'5N &LL7
"!92" M%& LL %L7 %57 L85 %87 )L'5N &L57
""#9 M%& LN %L7 %57 L85 %87 )L'5N &)57
""03 M%& L5 %L7 %57 L85 %87 )L'5N &877
po2er Clamp in use
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
LN San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,!e
accesoires &or po2er Clamp
San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS L8 ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,!e
9o. "00*
*oot element
Complee wih mounin$ #crew,
Tempere! #eel" har!ene!, Recommen!e! u#e< $roove #iBe
%& an! $reaer for #iBe %&F $roove #iBe L8 an! $reaer for #iBe
9o. "00;
;$apter element
for M%5" ML7 an! MLN po#iionin$ hole#, Tempere! #eel"
har!ene!, Con#i## of #pacer plae" a!aper #crew an!
c*lin!er #crew IS2 N(&L'M%L,
Mounin$ +i# no, (8770A" compri#in$ c*lin!er'hea! bol of $ra!e %L,6 an! T'$roove +e* DIN 875" are
no inclu!e! in pac+,
9o. "110M=II=2
;$apter element
for 0loc+ Clampin$ S*#em no, (%%7,
Throu$h he combine! u#e of he a!aper elemen wih Power Clamp No, (877 an! 0loc+ Clampin$
S*#em No, (%%7" lar$e clampin$ hei$h# can be achieve!,
A!!iional elemen# of he AM/ 0loc+ Clampin$ S*#em can be foun! in our AM/ caalo$ue
.Clampin$ an! fi-ure #*#em#4,
Power Clamp
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
SiBe O
clampin$ force
G 1 min, 1 ma-, A 0 C L% 9ei$h
"9"1 L8 M%5 ) &6 5 N8 %)8 %& NL8
"9"23 L8 ML7 ) &6 5 N8 %)8 %& NN7
"92"" L8 MLN ) &6 5 N8 %)8 %& N(L
SiBe O
clampin$ force
G Slo 1 min, 1 ma-, A 0 C L% LL 9ei$h
3"290# %& M%L %N'%5 %8 8L 8 )8 %77 %L L) %%8
"#13 L8 M%L %N'%5 ) &6 5 N8 %)8 %& L8 )%N
"#1!1 L8 M%& %5'L5 ) &6 5 N8 %)8 L7 )7 )7N
SiBe Suiable for
power clamp#" lar$e
A 0 C I L 1 min, 1 ma-, 9ei$h
""800 %L %& 87 )7 &8 %L"8 N7 &% 65 6)8
""909 %& L8 87 )7 57 %&"7 N6 87 %%) %L)7
accesoires &or po2er Clamp
9o. "00G
Temperin$ #eel" har!ene!,
Mounin$ +i# no, (8770A" compri#in$ c*lin!er'hea! bol of $ra!e %L,6 an! T'$roove +e* DIN 875"
are no inclu!e! in pac+,
2r!er no, )(L6)5
2r!er no, )(L6)5
9o. "00B
Spacer element
Temperin$ #eel" har!ene!,
9o. "00(
>ressure pa$
complee wih !owel pin,
Sainle## #eel,
(877DG #mooh conac #urface"
(877DR wav* conac #urface"
(877DL conac #urface for c*l, wor+piece#" len$hwi#e"
(877D@ conac #urface for c*l, wor+piece#"
2r!er no, (NN)8 2r!er no, (NNN)
Mounin$ +i# no, (8770A" compri#in$ he-a$onal bol IS2 N7%('%L,6" wa#her DIN &)N7 an! T'
$roove +e* DIN 875" are no inclu!e! in pac+,
SiBe O
clampin$ force
/orm A 0 C 9ei$h
3"28!2 %& DG %N %( %L"8 6"7
"##19 L8 DG %& L8 %("8 %6"8
"##2" L8 DR %& L8 %("8 %("5
"##3 L8 DL %6 L8 %("8 LN"8
"###3 L8 D@ %6 L8 %("8 L8"7
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
L& San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,!e
SiBe O
clampin$ force
G Slo A C E 1 L% LL 9ei$h
3"28"0 %& M%L %N'%5 L7 %77 )L L%"8 %L L) )&N
3"2938 %& M%L %N'%5 L7 %77 )L L%"8 %L L) ))8
"#138 L8 M%L %N'%5 LN %)8 N7 )L"7 %& L8 6N&
"#1#! L8 M%& %5 LN %)8 N7 )L"7 L7 )7 558
no, )(L5&L / (NN%6 2r!er no, (NNL(
SiBe O
clampin$ force
G Slo 1 min, 1 ma-, A 0 C L% 9ei$h
"#120 L8 M%L %N'%5 &7 %L7 67 N7 %87 L) L8L7
"##8# L8 M%& %5'L5 &7 %L7 67 N7 %87 L) L8L7
"##"! L8 M%L %N'%5 %L7 %57 %87 N7 %87 L) N7L7
"##92 L8 M%& %5'L5 %L7 %57 %87 N7 %87 L) N7L7
accesoires &or po2er Clamp
San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS L( ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,!e
9o. "00S>
Clamping ?olt Set
1e- hea! or #oc+e" con#i#in$ of ball'hru# bol" #upporin$
bol an! L pin#, Temperin$ #eel" har!ene!,
9o. "00?*
Mounting 0it &or carrier element
compri#in$ he-a$onal bol $ra!e %L,6 an! T'$roove +e* DIN 875,
9o. "00?B
Mounting 0it &or interme$iate element
compri#in$ he-a$onal bol IS2 N7%('%L,6" wa#her DIN &)N7
an! T'$roove +e* DIN 875,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
SiBe O
clampin$ force
G% L S9 ou#i!e S9 in#i!e 9ei$h
3"29#! %& M%N (5 %7 ' %L&
3"293 %& M%N &) ' 5 %%7
"#08 L8 M%& %77 %) ' LL7
"8121 L8 M%& 58 ' 5 L77
SiBe O
clampin$ force
G Slo L for (877S for (877S\(877/ 9ei$h
3"29"9 %& M%L %N )8 $ ' 5%
3"298" %& M%L %& N7 ' $ %7(
3"299 %& M%L %5 N8 ' $ %)5
"990 L8 M%L %N N8 $ ' 65
"9!08 L8 M%L %N 87 ' $ %77
"9!1! L8 M%L %& N8 $ ' %%5
"9!2# L8 M%L %& 87 ' $ %LL
"9!32 L8 M%L %5 N8 $ ' %N8
""#" L8 M%L %5 88 ' $ %8)
"9!#0 L8 M%& %5 87 $ ' %5L
"9!" L8 M%& %5 88 ' $ %67
"9!! L8 M%& L7 88 $ ' LN7
"9!"3 L8 M%& L7 &7 ' $ L87
"9!81 L8 M%& LL 88 $ ' L65
"9!99 L8 M%& LL &8 ' $ )%L
"9"0" L8 M%& LN &7 $ ' N77
"!"1 L8 M%& LN &8 ' $ N78
"!89 L8 M%& L5 (7 $ $ 8)(
SiBe O
clampin$ force
G Slo L 9ei$h
"03! L8 M%L %N N8 %)7
"0## L8 M%L %& 87 %8N
"0!9 L8 M%L %5 87 %57
"0"" L8 M%& %5 88 L&8
"12" L8 M%& L7 &7 )LL
"390 L8 M%& LL &7 )57
"!9" L8 M%& LN &8 N5L
""39 L8 M%& L5 (7 &%L
stan$ar$ Clamping elements
0* +in! permi##ion of Rober 0o#ch Gmb1 in 9aiblin$en
0* +in! permi##ion of Rober 0o#ch Gmb1 in 9aiblin$en
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
L5 San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,!e
1Croco$ile. clamp
Cl amping 2ith
single Cl
-R 2ith C-mpaCt
Cl amping units
7 material8 Temperi n$ #eel o DI N re$ul ai on#,
7 machining8 Pl ane'paral l el ba#e' an! cl ampi n$ face#
en#ure # afe force ran#mi # #i on,
7 tempering8 Accor!i n$ o DI N re$ul ai on#,
7 &inishing8 Al l cl amp# are abra#i onproof ;ual i *
varni #he!" or of e;ual ;ual i * f i ni#h,
9 here hi $h cl ampi n$ force# or f l e-ibl e a!api on o #hape# an! #i Be# of wor+pi ece# are !eman!e!" we of fer our #i n$l e
cl amp# or cl ampi n$ combi nai on# b* u#i n$ our a!P u#abl e cl amp#, Al l AM /'cl amp# #hown i n hi # caal o$ue be combi ne! wi h
!i f feren #uppor bl oc+# an! are herefore a!apabl e o !i f feren #hape! an! #i Be! wor+pi ece#,
T he A!vana$e# of he#e a!P u#abl e clamp# are heire un#i ver# al appl i cai on abi l i ie# for #i n$l e par # up o me!i um
#erie# pro!uci on wi h chan$i n$ cl ampi n$ !i men#i on#, T he* al l ow #i mpl e an! fa# hori Bonal an! ver i cal appl i cai on" are
i nerchan$eabl e an! pri ce wor h*, T heir compac !e#i $n en#ure# hi $h cl ampi n$ force# even a l ar$e cl ampi n$ !i men#i on#,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,! e San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS L6
1Croco$ile. clamp 1Croco$ile. clamp
%0 San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,!e San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS )7 ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,!e
9o. !312+
1Croco$ile. clamp
2ith counterhol$er3 a$5usta/le
Coninuou#l* a!Pu#able" empere!" $alvaniBe!" wih
un!eacha' ble compre##ion piece an! bac+ #uppor,
& 'pecified clampin( forces in optimal clampin( position (smallest distance from t)e clampin( screw
o he clampin$ poin>, Clampin$ force# can var* !epen!in$ clampin$" #ren$h cla## of he
clampin$ #crew an! con!iion of he hrea! =lubricaion>,
The croco!ile i# u#e! for all clampin$ a#+# over T'$roove# an! Nuen un! hrea!e! hole#, The
compre##ion piece an! he counerhol!er are connece! un!eachabl* o he clampin$ #hoe" an! #o
he croco!ile can be u#e! ;uic+l*, The clampin$ plae i# e;uippe! wih wo clampin$ #urface# an!
can be ea#il* urne! !epen!in$ on u#e, A# a re#ul" all non'cuin$ an! cuin$ proce##in$ *pe#
=e,$, inPecion moul!in$ an! pre##e#> are covere!,
' Po##ibili* of variable an! ;uic+ a!Pu#men a a !i#ance from he wor+piece
' V#e in all area# of cuin$ an! non'cuin$ proce##in$
' E#peciall* #uiable for u#e on inPecion moul!in$ machine# an! pre##e#
' No a!!iional #uppor# o achieve he re;uire! clampin$ hei$h
' Compre##ion piece an! counerhol!er are connece! un!eachabl* o he clampin$ #hoe
' The croco!ile clampin$ elemen can be variabl* e-pan!e! for ever* clampin$ hei$h,
Dour choice of en#ionin$ #crew# DIN (5(" #u! #crew# DIN &)(6 an! he c*lin!er #crew# DIN
6%L can be u#e! for clampin$, Greaer clampin$ hei$h# can be achieve! hrou$h u#e of he
#uppor e-en#ion no, &)%LS,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
0% Slo Clampin$ force ma-,]
1% 9ei$h
"9"! %) %7" %L" %N )7 7'88 87&
"9"98 %( %L" %N" %&" %5 N7 7'(7 %)5L
"98 L% %&" %5" L7" LL &7 7'57 LLN%
"9913 L8 L7" LL" LN" L5 (8 7'%77 )N(6
3"!#" L8 L7" LL" LN" L5 (8 7'%77 NL5L
A A% AL 0L - L 0) E% EL 1L 3
"9"! L( %( %L NN-%%8 )7 L8 )7 %5 %%
"9"98 )& L% %( 88-%87 N% )8 )& L7 %L
"98 NL L( L7 &L-%5( )7 NN NN )7 %N
"9913 8% )N LN (7-L)8 )7 &7 N( )% %(
3"!#" 8& )8 LN ()-L58 )7 &L 8% )8 %(
9o. !312+
1Croco$ile. clamp
2ith counterhol$er3 a$5usta/le
complee wih clampin$ bol DIN (5(" wa#her DIN &)N7 an!
nu DIN &))70, Infiniel* a!Pu#able" empere!" $alvani#e!
wih capive compre##ion piece an! couner bearin$,
& 'pecified clampin( forces in optimal clampin( position (smallest distance from t)e clampin( screw o he clampin$ poin>, Clampin$ force# can var* !epen!in$ clampin$"
#ren$h cla## of he clampin$ #crew an! con!iion of he hrea! =lubricaion>,
The croco!ile i# u#e! for all clampin$ a#+# over T'$roove# an! Nuen un! hrea!e! hole#, The
compre##ion piece an! he counerhol!er are connece! un!eachabl* o he clampin$ #hoe" an! #o
he croco!ile can be u#e! ;uic+l*, The clampin$ plae i# e;uippe! wih wo clampin$ #urface# an!
can be ea#il* urne! !epen!in$ on u#e, A# a re#ul" all non'cuin$ an! cuin$ proce##in$ *pe#
=e,$, inPecion moul!in$ an! pre##e#> are covere!,
' Po##ibili* of variable an! ;uic+ a!Pu#men a a !i#ance from he wor+piece
' V#e in all area# of cuin$ an! non'cuin$ proce##in$
' E#peciall* #uiable for u#e on inPecion moul!in$ machine# an! pre##e#
' No a!!iional #uppor# o achieve he re;uire! clampin$ hei$h
' Compre##ion piece an! counerhol!er are connece! un!eachabl* o he clampin$ #hoe
' The croco!ile clampin$ elemen can be variabl* e-pan!e! for ever* clampin$ hei$h,
/or mi##in$ !imen#ion#" #ee No, &)%LC,
A A% AL 0L - L 0) E% EL 1L 3
"9"80 L( %( %L NN-%%8 )7 L8 )7 %5 %%
"980! L( %( %L NN-%%8 )7 L8 )7 %5 %%
"9822 L( %( %L NN-%%8 )7 L8 )7 %5 %%
"98#8 )& L% %( 88-%87 N% )8 )& L7 %L
"98!3 )& L% %( 88-%87 N% )8 )& L7 %L
"9889 )& L% %( 88-%87 N% )8 )& L7 %L
"990 )& L% %( 88-%87 N% )8 )& L7 %L
"9921 NL L( L7 &L-%5( )7 NN NN )7 %N
"9210 NL L( L7 &L-%5( )7 NN NN )7 %N
"9228 NL L( L7 &L-%5( )7 NN NN )7 %N
3"#92! NL L( L7 &L-%5( )7 NN NN )7 %N
3"#9#2 8% )N LN (7-L)8 )7 &7 N( )% %(
3"#9!" 8% )N LN (7-L)8 )7 &7 N( )% %(
3"#983 8% )N LN (7-L)8 )7 &7 N( )% %(
3"00! 8% )N LN (7-L)8 )7 &7 N( )% %(
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
0% Slo Clampin$ bol
DIN (5(
Clampin$ force ma-,]
1% 9ei$h
"9"80 %) %7 M%7-%7-%77 L8 7'N7 &%)
"980! %) %L M%L-%L-%L8 )7 7'88 &5&
"9822 %) %N M%L-%N-%L8 )7 7'88 (78
"98#8 %( %L M%L-%L-%&7 )8 7'(7 %86%
"98!3 %( %N M%L-%N-%&7 )8 7'(7 %&%7
"9889 %( %& M%&-%&-%&7 N7 7'(7 %(65
"990 %( %5 M%&-%5-%&7 N7 7'(7 %5%5
"9921 L% %& M%&-%&-L77 88 7'57 L(%8
"9210 L% %5 M%&-%5-L77 88 7'57 )7%5
"9228 L% L7 ML7-L7-L77 &7 7'57 )7%5
3"#92! L% LL ML7-LL-L77 &7 7'57 )7&7
3"#9#2 L8 L7 ML7-L7-L87 (7 7'%77 N)&5
3"#9!" L8 LL ML7-LL-L87 (7 7'%77 NN%7
3"#983 L8 LN MLN-LN-L87 (8 7'%77 N568
3"00! L8 L5 MLN-L5-L87 (8 7'%77 N6&&
9o. !312+
1Croco$ile. clamp
2ith counterhol$er3 a$5usta/le
complee wih #u! bol DIN &)(6" wa#her DIN &)N7 an! nu DIN
&))70, Infiniel* a!Pu#able" empere!" $alvani#e! wih
capive compre##ion piece an! couner bearin$,
& 'pecified clampin( forces in optimal clampin( position (smallest distance from t)e clampin( screw
o he clampin$ poin>, Clampin$ force# can var* !epen!in$ clampin$" #ren$h cla## of he
clampin$ #crew an! con!iion of he hrea! =lubricaion>,
The croco!ile i# u#e! for all clampin$ a#+# over T'$roove# an! Nuen un! hrea!e! hole#, The
compre##ion piece an! he counerhol!er are connece! un!eachabl* o he clampin$ #hoe" an! #o
he croco!ile can be u#e! ;uic+l*, The clampin$ plae i# e;uippe! wih wo clampin$ #urface# an!
can be ea#il* urne! !epen!in$ on u#e, A# a re#ul" all non'cuin$ an! cuin$ proce##in$ *pe#
=e,$, inPecion moul!in$ an! pre##e#> are covere!,
' Po##ibili* of variable an! ;uic+ a!Pu#men a a !i#ance from he wor+piece
' V#e in all area# of cuin$ an! non'cuin$ proce##in$
' E#peciall* #uiable for u#e on inPecion moul!in$ machine# an! pre##e#
' No a!!iional #uppor# o achieve he re;uire! clampin$ hei$h
' Compre##ion piece an! counerhol!er are connece! un!eachabl* o he clampin$ #hoe
' The croco!ile clampin$ elemen can be variabl* e-pan!e! for ever* clampin$ hei$h,
/or mi##in$ !imen#ion#" #ee no, &)%LC,
A A% AL 0L - L 0) E% EL 1L 3
3""!! L( %( %L NN-%%8 )7 L8 )7 %5 %%
3""82 L( %( %L NN-%%8 )7 L8 )7 %5 %%
3"808 )& L% %( 88-%87 N% )8 )& L7 %L
3"82# )& L% %( 88-%87 N% )8 )& L7 %L
3"8#0 )& L% %( 88-%87 N% )8 )& L7 %L
3"8! )& L% %( 88-%87 N% )8 )& L7 %L
3"881 NL L( L7 &L-%5( )7 NN NN )7 %N
3"90" NL L( L7 &L-%5( )7 NN NN )7 %N
3"923 8% )N LN (7-L)8 )7 &7 N( )% %(
3"9#9 8% )N LN (7-L)8 )7 &7 N( )% %(
3"9!# 8% )N LN (7-L)8 )7 &7 N( )% %(
3"980 8% )N LN (7-L)8 )7 &7 N( )% %(
3"81! NL L( L7 &L-%5( )7 NN NN &)'6% &)
3"832 NL L( L7 &L-%5( )7 NN NN &)'%L) &)
3"8" 8% )N LN (7-L)8 )7 &7 N( (L'%75 (L
3"8"3 8% )N LN (7-L)8 )7 &7 N( (L'%N( (L
3"899 8% )N LN (7-L)8 )7 &7 N( (L'%75 (L
3"91 8% )N LN (7-L)8 )7 &7 N( (L'%N( (L
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
0% Clampin$ bol
DIN &)(6
Suppor e-en#ion
Clampin$ force
1% 9ei$h
3""!! %) M%L-%77 ' )7 7')7 &)6
3""82 %) M%L-%L8 ' )7 7'88 &86
3"808 %( M%L-%L8 ' N7 7'87 %8)8
3"82# %( M%L-%&7 ' N7 7'(7 %885
3"8#0 %( M%&-%L8 ' N7 7'N7 %&&7
3"8! %( M%&-%&7 ' N7 7'(7 %(%5
3"881 L% ML7-%&7 ' &7 7'N7 L(8N
3"90" L% ML7-L77 ' &7 7'57 L5)N
3"923 L8 ML7-L77 ' (8 7'(7 N7(L
3"9#9 L8 ML7-L87 ' (8 7'%77 N%(L
3"9!# L8 MLN-L77 ' (8 7'87 N)(N
3"980 L8 MLN-L87 ' (8 7'%77 N8LN
3"81! L% ML7-L87 M%&-88 &7 )7'%N% )NL5
3"832 L% ML7-)%8 M%&-67 &7 N7'%67 )(7N
3"8" L8 ML7-)%8 ML7-&6 (8 87'%(8 8N)5
3"8"3 L8 ML7-N77 ML7-%76 (8 87'LL7 85()
3"899 L8 MLN-)%8 ML7-&6 (8 N8'%57 8587
3"91 L8 MLN-N77 ML7-%76 (8 N8'L%8 &)87
9o. !312+I
1Croco$ile. clamp
2ith counterhol$er3 a$5usta/le
complee wih #u! bol No, &)(6I" wa#her DIN &)N7 an! nu
&))70, Infiniel* a!Pu#able" empere!" $alvani#e! wih
capive compre##ion piece an! couner bearin$,
0% Clampin$ bol
No, &)(6I
Clampin$ force ma-,]
1% S9
3"9! %) M%L-%77 )7 7')7 N &)6
3"9"2 %) M%L-%L8 )7 7'88 N &86
3"998 %( M%L-%L8 N7 7'N7 N %8)8
3"!00# %( M%L-%&7 N7 7'(7 N %885
3"!012 %( M%&-%L8 N7 7'N7 N %&&7
3"!020 %( M%&-%&7 N7 7'(7 N %(%5
3"!038 L% M%&-%&7 &7 7'N7 N L85(
3"!0#! L% M%&-L77 &7 7'57 N L&L8
3"!03 L% ML7-%&7 &7 7'N7 8 L(N8
3"!0!1 L% ML7-L77 &7 7'57 8 L5)N
3"!0"9 L8 ML7-L77 (8 7'(7 8 N7(L
3"!08" L8 ML7-L87 (8 7'%77 8 N%(L
3"!103 L8 MLN-L77 (8 7'%77 8 N8LN
3"!09 L8 MLN-L87 (8 7'%77 8 N8LN
& 'pecified clampin( forces in optimal clampin( position (smallest distance from t)e clampin( screw
o he clampin$ poin>, Clampin$ force# can var* !epen!in$ clampin$" #ren$h cla## of he
clampin$ #crew an! con!iion of he hrea! =lubricaion>,
/or beer han!lin$ when #ein$ up he clampin$ elemen" he hrea!e! pin can be moune! an!
remove! u#in$ an Allen +e*,
V#e he Allen +e* onl* o #e up he clampin$ elemen" no for clampin$I
/or mi##in$ !imen#ion" #ee no, &)%LC,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
suppor t extension suppor t extension
9o. !312+
Support extension
1ar!ene! an! Binc'plae! #eel" har!ene! #uppor #crew"
#ren$h cla## 5,5, Con#i#in$ of compre##ion piece"
#uppor #crew an! fa#enin$ bol#,
The #uppor e-en#ion i# #crewe! o he counerhol!er of he croco!ile o increa#e he clampin$
Coninuou# a!Pu#men of clampin$ hei$h#,
DIN &))70
DIN &)N7
No, &)%LC
DIN (5(
No, &)%LS
Ghe right siJe &or your application is al2ays a%aila/le3 &or example3 or$er no. !312+3 2ithout clamping /olt
Re'uirements8 Table #lo %5 / re;uire! clampin$ hei$h< %L8 mm / re;uire! clampin$ force< )8 +N
1K Select clamp no. !312+ =or!er able P, )7>
Groove %5 clampin$ force N7 +N 0% O %( croco!ile or!er no, (6(65
2K *or a clamping height o& 12 mm3 support extension no. !312S is use$ = able p, )8" boom>
0% O %( $roove %5 clampin$ hei$h %L8 mm ==clampin$ ran$e L&'%&& mm> D-LS O
Suppor e-en#ion or!er no, (65)7 =able S, )N>
3K SiJe o& the G=slot /olts (I9"8"3 complete 2ith 2asher an$ hexagon nut
M%&-%5-L87 or!er no, 5%7NL
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
D - LS A 0 0% C D% E G 1 3 9ei$h
"9""2 M%7-)6 %7 )7 %) )7 )7 NN M8 5')7 5 %6(
"981# M%L-N6 %& )8 %( NL )& 8N M8 %7')( %7 N))
"9830 M%L-6N %& )8 %( NL )& 8N M8 %7'57 %7 N()
"98"1 M%&-88 L7 N7 L% 87 NL &7 M8 %)'N% %) N6N
"989" M%&-67 L7 N7 L% 87 NL &7 M8 %)'() %) &N7
"9"#9 ML7-&6 L8 87 L8 87 87 (7 M& %&'8L %& %%)&
"9"!# ML7-%76 L8 87 L8 87 87 (7 M& %&'6% %& %)6&
Installation recommen$ations an$
$imensions 2hen using the clamping /olt
(I9 912 L2ithout support extension !312SK
Installation recommen$ations an$ $imensions
2hen using the clamping /olt (I9 "8"
L2ith support extension !312SK
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
G - L
Clampin$ hei$h
Threa! !eph
13 M%7-57 N'L8 %8')%
13 M%7-67 %('N7 %8')%
13 M%7-%77 )%'88 %8')%
13 M%L-57 7'L7 %5'))
13 M%L-67 %7')N %5')&
13 M%L-%77 LL'87 %5')&
1" M%L-67 7'LL %5')N
1" M%L-%%7 LN'87 %5')&
1" M%L-%L7 )5'&& %5')&
1" M%&-%77 7'L& LN'N)
1" M%&-%%7 %L'N7 LN'NN
1" M%&-%L7 L&'88 LN'NN
21 M%&-%L7 L'L6 LN'NN
21 M%&-%)7 %8'N) LN'NN
21 M%&-%87 N)'(L LN'NN
21 ML7-%N7 %5'N5 )7'8L
21 ML7-%87 )%'&) )7'8L
21 ML7-%&7 N8'(5 )7'8L
2 ML7-%&7 L)'8N )7'8L
2 ML7-%57 8%'5) )7'8L
2 ML7-%68 (L'%77 )N'8L
2 MLN-%N7 7'%8 )&'N5
2 MLN-%&7 %7'NL )&'&7
2 MLN-%57 )('(% )&'&7
?1 D - LS
DIN (5(
Clampin$ ran$e
13 M%7-)6 M%7-%7-%77 %5')%
13 M%7-)6 M%L-%L-%&7 %5'68
13 M%7-)6 M%L-%N-%&7 %5'68
1" M%L-N6 M%L-%L-L77 L&'%L)
1" M%L-N6 M%L-%N-L77 L&'%L)
1" M%L-N6 M%&-%&-L77 L&'%L)
1" M%L-N6 M%&-%5-L77 L&'%L)
1" M%L-6N M%L-%L-L77 L&'%L7
1" M%L-6N M%L-%N-L77 L&'%L7
1" M%L-6N M%&-%&-L87 L&'%&&
1" M%L-6N M%&-%5-L87 L&'%&&
21 M%&-88 M%&-%&-L87 ))'%N%
21 M%&-88 M%&-%5-L87 ))'%N%
21 M%&-88 ML7-L7-L87 ))'%N%
21 M%&-88 ML7-LL-L87 ))'%N%
21 M%&-67 M%&-%&-L87 ))'%87
21 M%&-67 M%&-%5-L87 ))'%87
21 M%&-67 ML7-L7-)%8 ))'%()
21 M%&-67 ML7-LL-)%8 ))'%()
2 ML7-&6 ML7-L7-)%8 N%'%((
2 ML7-&6 ML7-LL-)%8 N%'%((
2 ML7-&6 MLN-LN-)%8 N%'%((
2 ML7-&6 MLN-L5-)%8 N%'%((
2 ML7-%76 ML7-L7-)%8 N%'%6(
2 ML7-%76 ML7-LL-)%8 N%'%6)
2 ML7-%76 MLN-LN-)%8 N%'%57
2 ML7-%76 MLN-L5-)%8 N%'%57
Clamps Clamps
(I9 !31#
>lain clamp
Temperin$ #eel" varni#he!,
= > DIN e-en!e!,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
0% L for clampin$
#crew meric
for clampin$
#crew inch
A 0L 0) E% EL 9ei$h
"0003 &"& 87 M& %/N %7 L7 5 %7 L7 &)
"0011 6 &7 M5 8/%& %L L8 %7 %) LL %%)
"0029 %% 57 M%7 )/5 %8 )7 %L %8 )7 LL&
"003" %N %77 M%L M%N %/L L7 N7 %N L% N7 N67
"00# %N %L8 M%L M%N %/L L7 N7 %N L% 87 &L%
"002 %5 %L8 M%& M%5 8/5 L8 87 %5 L& N8 6&7
"00!0 %5 %&7 M%& M%5 8/5 L8 87 %5 L& &8 %LN7
"00"8 LL %&7 ML7 MLL )/N )7 &7 LL )7 &7 %(5(
"008! LL L77 ML7 MLL )/N )7 &7 LL )7 57 LL)(
"009# L& L77 MLN % )7 (7 L& )8 57 L857
"0102 L& L87 MLN % =)8> (7 L& )8 %78 )577
"0110 )) L87 M)7 % %/N N7 57 )N N8 %77 N6)N
"0128 )) )%8 M)7 % %/N 87 57 )N N8 %)7 ((55
"013! =N)> N77 M)& MNL % %/L &7 %77 N) %77 %87 %8777
9o. !31#B
Step clamp
Temperin$ #eel" varni#he!,
2nl* mach #ep bloc+# no, &877E, The lon$er ver#ion# are
u#e! for lar$e clampin$ !i#ance# !ue o lar$e T'#lo !i#ance
or enlar$e! wor+ !eph" i,e, on $ravin$ machine#,
(I9 !31?
*or0e$ clamp tapere$
Temperin$ #eel" varni#he!,
= > DIN e-en!e!,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
0% L for clampin$
#crew meric
for clampin$
#crew inch
A 0L 0) E% EL 9ei$h
"039 &"& 87 M& %/N %7 L7 5 %7 L7 88
"022" &"& 57 M& %/N %7 L7 5 %7 N8 67
"03!" 6 &7 M5 8/%& %L L8 %7 %) LL %77
"02#3 6 %77 M5 8/%& %L L8 %7 %) &7 %57
"03" %% 57 M%7 )/5 %8 )7 %L %8 )7 L77
"023 %% %L8 M%7 )/5 %8 )7 %L %8 (7 )87
"0383 %N %77 M%L M%N %/L L7 N7 %N L% N7 N87
"020 %N %&7 M%L M%N %/L L7 N7 %N L% 67 ((7
"0391 %5 %L8 M%& M%5 8/5 L8 87 %5 L& N8 677
"033# %5 L77 M%& M%5 8/5 L8 87 %5 L& %%7 %877
"0#09 LL %&7 ML7 MLL )/N )7 &7 LL )7 &7 %(77
"0#1" L& L77 MLN % )7 (7 L& )8 57 L877
0% L for clampin$
#crew meric
for clampin$
#crew inch
A 0L 0) 0N 9ei$h
"0#!! &"& &7 M& %/N %L %6 & ) &7
"0#"# 6 57 M5 8/%& %8 L8 5 N %N7
"0#82 %% %77 M%7 )/5 L7 )% %7 8 )77
"0#90 %N %L8 M%L M%N %/L L8 )5 %L & 8(7
"008 %N %&7 M%L M%N %/L L8 )5 %L & ()7
"01! %N L77 M%L M%N %/L L8 )5 %L & 6%7
"02# %5 %&7 M%& M%5 8/5 )7 N5 %8 5 %757
"032 %5 L77 M%& M%5 8/5 )7 N5 %8 5 %)&7
"0#0 %5 L87 M%& M%5 8/5 N7 N5 %8 %7 LL87
"0" LL L77 ML7 MLL )/N N7 8L %8 %7 %577
"0! LL L87 ML7 MLL )/N N7 &L L7 %7 )777
"0"3 LL )%8 ML7 MLL )/N N7 &L L7 %7 )587
"0#2 LL 877 ML7 MLL )/N 87 &L L7 %7 (877
"081 L& L77 MLN % N7 && L7 %7 LN77
"099 L& L87 MLN % N7 && L7 %7 )777
"0!0" L& )%8 MLN % N7 && L7 %7 )587
3"390 L& N77 MLN % 87 && L7 %7 86&L
"0#33 L& 877 MLN % 87 && L7 %7 (&77
30"9 L& &77 MLN % 87 && L7 %7 67NL
300!# L& 577 MLN % 87 && L7 %7 %L%LL
"0!1 )) L87 M)7 % %/N 87 (N L7 %L )(77
"0!23 )) )%8 M)7 % %/N 87 (N L7 %L N(87
"0!31 )) N77 M)7 % %/N 87 (N L7 %L &%77
"0##1 )) &77 M)7 % %/N 87 (N L7 %L 6L77
"0#8 )) %777 M)7 % %/N &7 6N )7 %L L5777
"0!#9 N7 N77 M)& % %/L &7 %77 )7 %L %%777
"0!! N7 &77 M)& % %/L &7 %77 )7 %L %&877
"0!"2 =N)> &77 M)& MNL % %/L 57 %L) N7 %L L6&77
9o. !31<9
*or0e$ clamp 2ith shoe
Temperin$ #eel" varni#he!,
9o. !31<9<
Clamp 2ith nose3 close$
Infiniel* a!Pu#able" empere! an! paine!" wih clo#e! #lo
for u#e wih roain$ wor+piece#
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
0% L% for clampin$
#crew meric
for clampin$
#crew inch
A 0L 0) LL L) 9ei$h
"08!2 6 %77 M5 8/%& %8 )7 %& )L %5 LN7
"08"0 %% %L8 M%7 )/5 L7 )7 L7 )5 LN )57
"0888 %N %&7 M%L M%N %/L L8 N7 LN N( )7 577
"089! %N L77 M%L M%N %/L L8 N7 LN N( )7 687
"090# %5 L77 M%& M%5 8/5 )7 87 L5 8( )& %877
"0912 %5 L87 M%& M%5 8/5 )7 87 L5 8( )& %587
"0920 LL L87 ML7 MLL )/N N7 &7 )8 &5 N8 L677
"0938 LL )%8 ML7 MLL )/N N7 &7 )8 &5 N8 )&77
"09#! L& L87 MLN % N7 (7 N) 5) 8& )N77
"093 L& )%8 MLN % N7 (7 N) 5) 8& N)77
"09!1 )) )%8 M)7 % %/N 87 57 87 55 8& &777
"09"9 )) N77 M)7 % %/N 87 57 87 55 8& ()77
0% L for clampin$
#crew meric
for clampin$
#crew inch
A 0L 0) E% EL L) 9ei$h
3"!1# LL L87 ML7 MLL )/N N7 &7 )8 &5 %&7 N8 )7L8
3"!1!0 LL )%8 ML7 MLL )/N N7 &7 )8 &5 LL7 N8 )5%7
3"!18! LL N77 ML7 MLL )/N 87 &7 )8 &5 )77 N8 8668
3"!202 LL 877 ML7 MLL )/N 87 &7 )8 &5 N77 N8 (NN7
3"!228 L& L87 MLN % N7 (7 N) 5) %N7 8& )&)6
3"!2## L& )%8 MLN % N7 (7 N) 5) L77 8& N8&7
3"!2!9 L& N77 MLN % 87 (7 N) 5) L(7 8& (LN)
3"!28 L& 877 MLN % 87 (7 N) 5) )(7 8& 56)(
3"!301 )) )%8 M)7 % %/N 87 57 87 55 L77 8& &LNL
3"!32" )) N77 M)7 % %/N 87 57 87 55 L5) 8& ((65
3"!3#3 )) 877 M)7 % %/N 87 57 87 55 )5) 8& 6&7(
3"!13" N8 N77 M)& % %/L &7 %%8 68 %L8 LL7 67 %665(
3"!12 N8 877 M)& % %/L &7 %%8 68 %L8 ))7 67 LN7LL
3"!1"8 N8 577 M)& % %/L 57 %%8 68 %L8 &)7 67 )&68)
(I9 !31C
*or0e$ clamp 2ith pin en$
Temperin$ #eel" varni#he!,
(I9 !31!
Single goose=nec0 clamp
Temperin$ #eel" varni#he!,
= > DIN e-en!e!,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
0% L% for clampin$
#crew meric
for clampin$
#crew inch
A 0L D LL L) 9ei$h
"0"0! 6 %77 M5 8/%& %8 )7 %L )7 %5 LL7
"0"1# %% %L8 M%7 )/5 L7 )7 %& )& LN )87
"0"22 %N %&7 M%L M%N %/L L8 N7 L7 N8 )7 (87
"0"30 %N L77 M%L M%N %/L L8 N7 L7 N8 )7 687
"0"#8 %5 L77 M%& M%5 8/5 )7 87 LN 88 )& %N77
"0" %5 L87 M%& M%5 8/5 )7 87 LN 88 )& %(87
"0"!3 LL L87 ML7 MLL )/N N7 &7 )7 &8 N8 L(77
"0""1 LL )%8 ML7 MLL )/N N7 &7 )7 &8 N8 )N77
"0"89 L& L87 MLN % N7 (7 )5 57 8& )L77
"0"9" L& )%8 MLN % N7 (7 )5 57 8& N%77
"080 )) )%8 M)7 % %/N 87 57 N8 58 8& 8(77
"0813 )) N77 M)7 % %/N 87 57 N8 58 8& (777
0% L for clampin$
#crew meric
for clampin$
#crew inch
A 0L 0) C E% EL 1 9ei$h
"102" &"& &7 M& %/N %7 L7 %7 5 LL"7 L7 6 5%
"103 6 57 M5 8/%& %L L8 %L 6 L("8 L8 %% %&&
"10#3 %% %77 M%7 )/5 %8 )7 %8 %L )&"7 )L %N L66
"100 %N %L8 M%L M%N %/L L7 N7 L7 %& NN"7 N7 %5 &(5
"10!8 =%5> %L8 M%& M%5 8/5 L8 87 L8 L7 8%"8 N7 L) %7N6
"10"! %5 %&7 M%& M%5 8/5 L8 87 L8 L7 8%"8 87 L) %)&&
"108# =LL> %&7 ML7 MLL )/N )7 &7 )7 LN 86"7 88 L( %6%%
"1092 LL L77 ML7 MLL )/N )7 &7 )7 LN 86"7 (7 L( LN%(
"1100 =L&> L77 MLN % )8 (7 )8 L8 (&"8 &7 )L ))%8
"1118 L& L87 MLN % )8 (7 )8 L8 (&"8 57 )L N%)L
"112! =))> L87 M)7 % %/N N7 57 N7 N7 6&"7 57 N8 8LL8
"113# )) )%8 M)7 % %/N 87 57 N7 N7 6&"7 %77 N8 5N86
"119 =N)> N77 M)& MNL % (/%& % %/L &7 %77 87 87 %78"7 %L7 88 %(7(5
Clamps Clamps
9o. !31"
(ou/le goose=nec0 clamp
Temperin$ #eel" varni#he!,
The#e clamp# o mach wih lar$e wa#her DIN &)N7 or DIN
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
N7 San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,!e
0% L for clampin$ #crew A 0L 0) C E 1 9ei$h
"13#0 %5 %77 M%L'M%5 L7 N7 L7 %& L& N7 &L7
"13" L8 %N7 ML7'MLN )7 &7 )7 LN )5 &7 L7N7
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
N7 San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,!e
Clamps Clamps
9o. !32
Clamps &or machine %ices
Temperin$ #eel" blue!" pac+a$e! in pair#,
9o. !32<
Clamps &or machine %ices
/or$e! !e#i$n" pac+a$e! in pair#,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,! e San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS N%
0% L for clampin$
#crew meric
for clampin$
#crew inch
for Paw
A A%-AL 1 9ei$h
"#!82 %&"8 (5 M%L" %N" %& %/L" 8/5 %77 LL"8 %7-8"8 %8 &58
"#!90 %&"8 (5 M%L" %N" %& %/L" 8/5 %L8/%&7 L("8 %7-&"8 L7 (78
0% L for clampin$
#crew meric
for clampin$
#crew inch
for Paw
A A%-AL 1 9ei$h
3"38"8 %&"8 (5 M%L" %N" %& %/L" 8/5 %77 LL"8 %7-8"8 %8 8(7
3"388! %&"8 (5 M%L" %N" %& %/L" 8/5 %L8/%&7 L("8 %7-&"8 L7 &L7
Clamps Clamps
42 San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,!e San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS NL ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,!e
9o. !31#+
Gapere$ clamp 2ith
a$5usting support scre2
Temperin$ #eel" varni#he!,
9o. !31!+
Cran0e$ clamp 2ith
a$5usting support scre2
Temperin$ #eel" varni#he!,
&dependin( on dept) of slot to D*N +,0 and position of fi-ture nut!
Clamp# wihou T'bol# are #ame iem for #iBe# %L an! %N" %& an! %5" L7 an! LL" each,
&dependin( on dept) of slot to D*N +,0 and position of fi-ture nut!
Clamp# wihou T'bol# are #ame iem for #iBe# %L an! %N" %& an! %5" L7 an! LL" each,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
Slo 1] #im,
D - LS A 0L E% EL 9ei$h
"01"" %7 5')( %%-57 ' M%7-)6 %8 )7 %8 )7 L77
"0193 %L\%N %7'N( %N-%77 ' M%L-N6 L7 N7 L% N7 8&7
"0821 %L\%N %7'6L %N-%77 ' M%L-6N L7 N7 L% N7 &)8
"0219 %&\%5 %)'8L %5-%L8 ' M%&-88 L8 87 L& N8 %%%7
"0839 %&\%5 %)'5( %5-%L8 ' M%&-67 L8 87 L& N8 %L)7
"0201 L7\LL %&'&8 LL-%&7 ' ML7-&6 )7 &7 )7 &7 L787
"08#" L7\LL %&'%78 LL-%&7 ' ML7-%76 )7 &7 )7 &7 LL)7
"011 LN\L5 L7'5) L&-L77 ' MLN-5( )7 (7 )8 57 )L77
"08# LN\L5 L7'%)) L&-L77 ' MLN-%)( )7 (7 )8 57 )N(7
3"3928 LN\L5 L7'57 L&-L87 ' MLN-5( )8 (7 )8 %78 N)N7
3"393! LN\L5 L7'%)7 L&-L87 ' MLN-%)( )8 (7 )8 %78 N8L7
3"##0 )& LN'%87 ))-)%8 ' M)7-%57 87 57 N8 %)7 %%L%8
3"##39 NL LN'%87 N)-N77 ' M)7-%57 57 %77 57 %(7 LN)87
"02!8 %7 5')L %%-57 M%7-%7-57 M%7-)6 %8 )7 %8 )7 )N7
"02"! %L %7'N7 %N-%77 M%L-%L-%77 M%L-N6 L7 N7 L% N7 (77
"2801 %L LN'6L %N-%77 M%L-%L-%&7 M%L-6N L7 N7 L% N7 5)7
"028# %N %7')5 %N-%77 M%L-%N-%77 M%L-N6 L7 N7 L% N7 (L7
"282" %N L)'6L %N-%77 M%L-%N-%&7 M%L-6N L7 N7 L% N7 5N8
"0292 %& %)'N5 %5-%L8 M%&-%&-%L8 M%&-88 L8 87 L& N8 %N77
"29#2 %& %8'5) %5-%L8 M%&-%&-%&7 M%&-67 L8 87 L& N8 %&%7
"0300 %5 %)'N& %5-%L8 M%&-%5-%L8 M%&-88 L8 87 L& N8 %N77
"30! %5 %)'5% %5-%L8 M%&-%5-%&7 M%&-67 L8 87 L& N8 %&)7
"032! L7 %&'&8 LL-%&7 ML7-L7-%&7 ML7-&6 )7 &7 )7 &7 L&77
"30!# L7 L%'%78 LL-%&7 ML7-L7-L77 ML7-%76 )7 &7 )7 &7 L6)7
"0318 LL %&'&8 LL-%&7 ML7-LL-%&7 ML7-&6 )7 &7 )7 &7 L((7
"30"2 LL %6'%78 LL-%&7 ML7-LL-L77 ML7-%76 )7 &7 )7 &7 L657
3"39## L5 L7'57 L&-L87 MLN-L5-L77 MLN-5( )8 (7 )8 %78 8N5&
3"391 L5 )7'%)7 L&-L87 MLN-L5-L87 MLN-%)( )8 (7 )8 %78 8(%&
381988 )& LN'%87 ))-)%8 M)7-)&-)%8 M)7-%57 87 57 N8 %)7 %%668
382002 NL LN'%87 N)-N77 M)&-NL-N77 M)7-%57 57 %77 57 %(7 L8&5)
Slo 1] #im,
0% - L
D - LS A 0L E% EL 9ei$h
"1183 %7 LL'8% %%-%77 ' M%7-)6 %8 )7 )&"7 )L )NN
"1209 %L\%N L5'&8 %N-%L8 ' M%L-N6 L7 N7 NN"7 N7 (&%
"122 %&\%5 )&'(8 %5-%&7 ' M%&-88 L8 87 8%"8 87 %8%&
"121" L7\LL N)'6L LL-L77 ' ML7-&6 )7 &7 86"7 (7 L&&6
"12!! LN\L5 8L'%%8 L&-L77 ' MLN-5( )8 (7 (&"8 &7 )5%7
"12"# %7 LL'N& %%-%77 M%7-%7-57 M%7-)6 %8 )7 )&"7 )L NN7
"1282 %L L5'85 %N-%L8 M%L-%L-%77 M%L-N6 L7 N7 NN"7 N7 67&
"1290 %N L5'8& %N-%L8 M%L-%N-%77 M%L-N6 L7 N7 NN"7 N7 6L&
"1308 %& )&'(% %5-%&7 M%&-%&-%L8 M%&-88 L8 87 8%"8 87 %586
"131! %5 )&'&6 %5-%&7 M%&-%5-%L8 M%&-88 L8 87 8%"8 87 %5(8
"1332 L7 N)'6L LL-L77 ML7-L7-%&7 ML7-&6 )7 &7 86"7 (7 ))LL
"132# LL N)'6L LL-L77 ML7-LL-%&7 ML7-&6 )7 &7 86"7 (7 ))8L
9o. !31#;+
Steppe$ clamp 2ith
a$5usting support scre2
Temperin$ #eel" varni#he!,
9o. !31+
Steppe$ clamp 2ith
a$5usting support scre2
Temperin$ #eel" varni#he!,
&dependin( on dept) of slot to D*N +,0 and position of fi-ture nut!
To clamp hin par#" urn he clamp over,
Clamp# wihou T'bol# are #ame iem for #iBe# %L an! %N" %& an! %5" L7 an! LL" each,
&dependin( on dept) of slot to D*N +,0 and position of fi-ture nut!
To clamp hin par#" urn he clamp over,
Clamp# wihou T'bol# are #ame iem for #iBe# %L an! %N" %& an! %5" L7 an! LL" each,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
Slo 1] #im,
D - LS A A%-AL 0L E% EL 9ei$h
"#!" %L\%N %7'88 %N-%77 ' M%L-N6 L7 5 -%7"7 N7 L% N7 857
"#" %&\%5 %)'&L %5-%L8 ' M%&-88 L8 %7-%L"8 87 L& N8 %%N7
"#83 L7\LL %&'(( LL-%&7 ' ML7-&6 )7 %L-%8"7 &7 )7 &7 L%77
"#91 %L %7'N5 %N-%77 M%L-%L-%77 M%L-N6 L7 5 -%7"7 N7 L% N7 (N8
"#!2 %N %7'N& %N-%77 M%L-%N-%77 M%L-N6 L7 5 -%7"7 N7 L% N7 (&N
"#!33 %& %)'85 %5-%L8 M%&-%&-%L8 M%&-88 L8 %7-%L"8 87 L& N8 %8%7
"#!#1 %5 %)'8& %5-%L8 M%&-%5-%L8 M%&-88 L8 %7-%L"8 87 L& N8 %8)7
"#!8 L7 %&'(( LL-%&7 ML7-L7-%&7 ML7-&6 )7 %L-%8"7 &7 )7 &7 L577
"#!!! LL %&'(( LL-%&7 ML7-LL-%&7 ML7-&6 )7 %L-%8"7 &7 )7 &7 L5N7
Slo 1] #im,
DIN &)%80
0% - L
D - LS A 0L EL 9ei$h
"11!" %7 5'N( %%-%77 ' M%7-)6 L7 )7 (7 ))7
"11" %L\%N %7'86 %N-%L8 ' M%L-N6 L8 N7 67 (77
"1191 %&\%5 %)'&( %5-%&7 ' M%&-88 )7 87 %%7 %)77
"128 L7\LL %&'58 LL-L77 ' ML7-&6 N7 &7 %)8 L&77
"3189 %7 5')( %%-%77 M%7-%7- 57 M%7-)6 L7 )7 (7 N7)
"319" %L %7'N5 %N-%L8 M%L-%L-%77 M%L-N6 L8 N7 67 6L7
"320 %N %7'N8 %N-%L8 M%L-%N-%77 M%L-N6 L8 N7 67 6N7
"32#" %& %)'85 %5-%&7 M%&-%&-%L8 M%&-88 )7 87 %%7 %5&7
"32# %5 %)'8& %5-%&7 M%&-%5-%L8 M%&-88 )7 87 %%7 %557
"32!2 L7 %&'(( LL-L77 ML7-L7-%&7 ML7-&6 N7 &7 %)8 )&%7
"3288 LL %&'(8 LL-L77 ML7-LL-%&7 mL7-&6 N7 &7 %)8 )&87
9o. !313D
Clamp short 2ith sa$$le
coninuou#l* a!Pu#able" empere!" $alvaniBe!
an! blue pa##ivae!,
9o. !313C
<oose=nec0 clamp long 2ith sa$$le
=wihou clampin$ bol>
coninuou#l* a!Pu#able" empere!"
$alvaniBe! an! blue pa##ivae!,
Suiable fa#enin$ elemen#< DIN (5( clampin$ bol#" DIN &)N7 wa#her# an! DIN &))70
he-a$on nu#,
Suiable fa#enin$ elemen#< DIN (5( clampin$ bol#" DIN &)N7 wa#her# an! DIN &))70 he-a$on nu#,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
0% Slo Clampin$
0L - L D E% EL 1% 1L 3 9ei$h
"3932 %) %L\%N ' )5- 55 N5 L) L5 7')8 )7'88 %N L&7
"39#0 %5 %&\%5 ' 8&-%)7 (N L6 )5 7'88 NL'5N %5 576
"39" LL L7\LL ' &&-%N7 57 )L N& 7'&8 87'%77 L7 %L8)
"39! L& LN\L5 ' (&-%(N %77 )6 8L 7'(8 8N'%%% LN %(%5
"39"3 )L )& ' 67-L77 %%7 NN &% 7'57 &L'%L8 L5 L(58
""1#9 %) %L M%L-%L-%77 )5-55 8L L) L( 7')8 )7'88 %N )68
""1! %) %N M%L-%N-%77 )5-55 8L L) L( 7')8 )7'88 %N N%8
""180 %5 %& M%&-%&-%&7 8&-%)7 (6 L6 )( 7'88 NL'5N %5 %%)7
""198 %5 %5 M%&-%5-%&7 8&-%)7 (6 L6 )( 7'88 NL'5N %5 %887
""20! LL L7 ML7-L7-L77 &&-%NN 5N )L NL 7'&8 87'%77 L7 %557
0% Slo for clampin$ #crew 0L - L 0) E 1% 1L 1) 3 9ei$h
"#00 LL L7\LL ML7 &&-L77 L7 55 L8'87 &7 %5 L7 %&75
"#013 L& LN\L5 MLN (&-L)L L) 6( )7'(7 (7 LL LN LL7N
"#021 )L )& M)7 67-L&) L8 %7( N7'(8 57 L8 L5 )886
9o. !321
Stepless height a$5usta/le clamp
Seel" for$e! an! empere!" Binc'plae!,
Seple## clamp for fa# covera$e of #everal ran$e# of wor+ hei$h wihou a!!iional #uppor#, Low #pace re;uiremen on machine able, 1eav*'!u* !e#i$n an! #peciall*
#uiable for clampin$ of pre##' an! punchin$ ool#,
To achieve he full =(8 mm> clampin$ hei$h wih clamp# no#, &)L%'%L an! &)L%'%N" DIN(5( T'
#lo bol# %&7 mm lon$ mu# be u#e!,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
Slo 0% 0L - L D E% EL 1 Clampin$
"122 ' %( 87-%N7 &7 )7 88 (8 ' 677
"130 ' L% &7-%(8 57 N7 (7 58 ' %&77
"#90! %L %( 87-%N7 &7 )7 88 7'87 M%L-%L-%L8 %7(7
"#91# %N %( 87-%N7 &7 )7 88 7'87 M%L-%N-%L8 %757
"#922 %& %( 87-%N7 &7 )7 88 7'(8 M%&-%&-%&7 %L(7
"#930 %5 %( 87-%N7 &7 )7 88 7'(8 M%&-%5-%&7 %L57
"#9"1 L7 L% &7-%(8 57 N7 (7 7'58 ML7-L7-L77 L)77
"#9!3 LL L% &7-%(8 57 N7 (7 7'58 ML7-LL-L77 L)(7
9o. !31#S
Support scre2
1ar!ene!" #ren$h cla## 5,5 Suiable for all loc+able clamp#,
9o. !!21
(etent clamp le%er
Seel" blue!, Suiable for a!Pu#able clamp# no, &)%)3" &)%NC"
&)%8C" &)%&C an! &)L%,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
D - LS D% 3 9ei$h
"3#3" M%7-)6 )7 5 8L
"3## M%L-N6 )& %7 6&
"#039 M%L-6N )& %7 %N8
"3#2 M%&-88 NL %) %57
"#0#" M%&-67 NL %) L)7
"3#!0 ML7-&6 87 %& )L7
"#0# ML7-%76 87 %& N77
"3#"8 MLN-5( &7 L7 867
"#0!2 MLN-%)( &7 L7 5L7
3"##13 M)7-%57 57 LN %(7N
G D 1 L 9ei$h
"#!09 M%L )) N5 %)8 )&7
"#!1" M%& N7 &N %85 &L7
9o. "000
Step clamp
Special ca# iron" #crew an! bu#hin$ 5,5,
Clampin$ uni for ;uic+ applicaion, The #piral #erraion allow# fa# a!Pu#in$ o an* wor+ hei$h up o
)L7 mm, Low #pace re;uiremen on machine able !ue o compac !e#i$n,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
SiBe Slo 0 C 1 L S 9ei$h
"#"08 7 %L )N %N 7' N8 %N7 7"(8 (77
"#"1! % %L )N %N %8' N8 %%7 7"(8 &77
"#"2# L %L )N %8 )7' (8 %%L %"L8 577
"#"32 ) %L )N %& &7'%)8 %%L L"87 %L77
"#"#0 N %L )N %5 %L7'%68 %%L L"87 %(77
"#"" 8 %L )N %6 %57'L88 %%L L"87 LL77
"#"! 7 %N )N %N 7' N8 %N7 7"(8 (77
"#""3 % %N )N %N %8' N8 %%L 7"(8 &77
"#"81 L %N )N %8 )7' (8 %%L %"L8 577
"#"99 ) %N )N %& &7'%)8 %%L L"87 %L77
"#80" N %N )N %5 %L7'%68 %%L L"87 %(77
"#81 8 %N )N %6 %57'L88 %%L L"87 LL77
"#823 7 %& 87 L7 7' (7 %&7 %"L8 %677
"#831 % %& 87 L7 L8' (7 %L8 %"L8 %(77
"#8#9 L %& 87 L% 87'%L7 %L8 L"87 L877
"#8! ) %& 87 L% %77'LL7 %L8 )"(8 )8N7
"#8!# N %& 87 LN L77')L7 %L8 )"(8 N677
"#989 7 %5 87 L7 7' (7 %&7 %"L8 %5(7
"#99" % %5 87 L7 L8' (7 %L8 %"L8 %&(7
"002 L %5 87 L% 87'%L7 %L8 L"87 L877
"010 ) %5 87 L% %77'LL7 %L8 )"(8 )857
"028 N %5 87 LN L77')L7 %L8 )"(8 N(87
9o. !31#;G
Clamping unit to clamp
outsi$e o& the tool ta/le
Tempere! #eel, Infiniel* a!Pu#able,
V#e! for clampin$ ou#i!e of he ool able, /or u#e when clampin$ lar$e wor+piece# or ool# ha !o no allow an* #pace for clampin$ elemen# on he ool or machine
/or he in#allaion !imen#ion# of he clamp" #ee No, (%%7GY']]'
%, Do no u#e on pre##e#I
A L 3% 3L S9% S9L
"3999 %78 %L8 L( N7 %5 &
"3981 %&5 %&8 )8 88 LN 5
"919# L7& L88 )) 58 )7 %7
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
Clampin$ force
Ti$henin$ or;ue
Slo G 1 9ei$h
"3999 %8 (7 %5 M%L L7')8 5N7
"3981 L8 %(7 LL M%& )7'N8 L%L&
"919# 87 )L7 L5 ML7 N7'8) 8777
9o. "110<:=II=1
Clamp3 straight
9o. "110<C:=II=1
Clamp3 straight LlongK
wih #crew'in pin en! empere!,
9o. "110(:=IIxMII
Set scre2
ball'#hape!" #ren$h cla## %7,6,
9o. "110(M:=IIxMII
Set scre2
ball'#hape!" bra##" wih #eel nu,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
SiBe A - 0 E / G I 3 N 9ei$h
"328 %L'% L7-)8 %%7 %L"8 M%L L%"8 %%"8 5L )N7
"33! %&'% )7-N7 %NL %("7 M%& L5"7 %8"7 %7( ((7
"3## L7'% N7-87 L77 L%"7 ML7 )5"7 L%"7 %87 %577
SiBe A - 0 E / G I 3 L M N 9ei$h
"31 %L'% L7-)8"7 %8& %L"8 M%L )7 L7 %L %5 %7& &77
"3"" %&'% )7-N8"8 %6& %("7 M%& )8 LL %& LN %)& %N77
"38 L7'% N7-&7"7 L65 L%"7 ML7 N( )7 L7 )7 LL% )677
SiBe G - L 1 S9 9ei$h
"393 %L-M%L M%L-)7 %&'L5 %6 87
"3!01 %&-M%& M%&-N7 L7')5 LN %77
SiBe G - L 1 S9 9ei$h
"3!3 %L-M%L M%L-)7 %&'L5 %6 87
"3!#3 %&-M%& M%&-N7 L7')5 LN %77
set scre2
9o. "110():=IIxMII
Set scre2
wih fla'face! ball" a!Pu#able" ribbe!,
9o. "110(I:=IIxMII
Set scre2
wih fla'face! ball" a!Pu#able" plain,
9o. "110(D:=IIxMII
Set scre2
wih fla'face! ball,
9o. "110(*:=IIxMII
Set scre2
wih fla'face! ball" ribbe!,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
SiBe G - L 1 !ia, 3 S9% S9L 9ei$h
3"###" 5-M5 M5-L8 %%"& 8"8 %) %) L8
"3!0 %L-M%L M%L-)8 %8"( 5"& %( %6 88
"3!!8 %&-M%& M%&-N7 L7"( %7"8 LN LN %%8
"3!92 L7-ML7 ML7-87 L(") L7"7 )7 )7 L)7
SiBe G - L 1 !ia, 3 S9% S9L 9ei$h
3"### 5-M5 M5-L8 %%"& 8"8 %) %) L8
"3!8# %L-M%L M%L-)8 %8"( 5"& %( %6 88
"3"18 %&-M%& M%&-N7 L7"( %7"8 LN LN %%8
"3"2! L7-ML7 ML7-87 L(") L7"7 )7 )7 L)7
SiBe G - L 1 !ia, l !ia, 3 S9 9ei$h
3"##!2 5-M5 M5-5 %) %) ("L %% %)
"3"3# %L-M%L M%L-%L %5 L7 %7"8 %( N)
"3"#2 %&-M%& M%&-%& L( )7 L7"7 L( %N6
"3"9 L7-ML7 ML7-L7 )8 87 )N"8 N% 8L7
SiBe G - L 1 !ia, l !ia, 3 S9 9ei$h
"#32 5-M5 M5-5 %) %) ("L %% %)
"3"!" %L-M%L M%L-%L %5 L7 %7"8 %( N)
"3"" %&-M%& M%&-%& L( )7 L7"7 L( %N6
"3"83 L7-ML7 ML7-L7 )8 87 )N"8 N% 8L7
Bero point clamping technology to per&ectionJMro
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS 8%
ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,!e
,2 San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,!e
the /l-C0= Cl
amping system
/or ;ui c+ an! # afe cl ampi n$ of wor+pi ece# a vari ou#
hei $h#" bl oc+'cl ampi n$ #*#em# are i !eal for u#e on
mi l l i n$ machi ne#" CN C machi ne#" machi ni n$ cenre# an!
f i - ure #*#em#" a# he* are
7 ea #* o #e up
7 ; u ic+ when ool chan$i n$
7 relia bl e when cl ampin$
7 economica l when remove!
/ur her a!vana$e#<
7 I nf i ni e a!P u#men o he correc wor+pi ece hei $h
!ue o #li!e'i n i nerme!i ae elemen#,
7 S abl e an! i mmovabl e po#i i on for
horiBon a l or ver ica l
7 @ ui c+ cl ampin$ an! uncl ampin$ of he wor+pi e
ce u#i n$ P u# one bol ,
9o. "200??
?loc0=clamping system /asic set
Con#i## of<
' L clampin$ uni# #iBe %&
' L #pacer elemen# %77 mm hi$h
' N #pacer elemen# 87 mm hi$h
' L fa#enin$ #e# each for $roove# %5" L7" LL
' % a!aper +e* wi!h LN
SiBe Slo Dimen#ion# of ca#e L-9-1 9ei$h
3"#330 %& %5" L7" LL 8N7 - N77 - %&8 %)"8
%, Po#iion ba#e elemen on machine able on wor+piece, Po#iion #pacer elemen on ba#e
elemen u#in$ en#ion ro!#,
L, Pu#h #pacer elemen !ownwar!#,
), Swivel #pacer elemen in unil i loc+# ino place, Repea hi# up o he re;uire! clampin$
hei$h, La#l*" moun hea! elemen,
N, Turn omb#one o !e#ire! clampin$ po#iion an! #ecure on ba#e elemen, Ti$hen clampin$
bol for clampin$,
' Low wei$h" a!vana$e# for a##embl* an! han!lin$,
' The conour# of he ba#ic elemen# an! he open !e#i$n mean har!l* an* proPecin$ e!$e#,
' Cer* low mainenance re;uiremen#" becau#e all par# are ea#il* acce##ible,
' Ea#* o $rip ' can be $rippe! #ecurel* even when wearin$ $love#" when oil* an! !ir*,
' Elemen# are ea#* o combine in an* po#iion,
' Than+# o a minimum number of !ifferen par# an! #*#emaicall* mo!ular !e#i$n" he AM/
bloc+'clampin$ #*#em (L77 i# more economical han comparable bloc+'clampin$ #*#em#,
' The #*#em i# ver* #ecure, The #ur!* inerface# an! he minimal e-pan#ion of he en#ion
ro!# mean ha almo# all of he or;ue i# ran#mie! o he wor+piece, Thi# en#ure# hi$h
clampin$ force#,
' 0* e-chan$in$ he T'nu# he #*#em i# #uiable for variou# T'$roove#,
' Ten#ion ro! of har!ene! an! empere! #eel
' 0o!* of aluminium
' All par# are e-chan$eable,
' Sub#e;uen hei$h e-en#ion po##ible hrou$h purcha#e of a!!iional #an!ar!i#e! #pacer
1 2 3 #
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
/loc0=clamping system a$apter 0ey
9o. "200?R
Clamping unit
con#i#in$ of ba#e an! hea! elemen,
9o. "200B
Spacer element
SiBe Slo A - 0 - C
1 /]
Ti$henin$ or;ue
3"#30! %& %5 )5-N5-%)) &&'%8& )7 %N7 )757
3"#322 %& L7 )5-N5-%)) &&'%8& )7 %N7 )757
3"#3#8 %& LL )5-N5-%)) &&'%8& )7 %N7 )757
3"#3!3 L7 LL )5-N5-%)) 5%'%8( N8 LL7 )(NN
3"#298 L7 LN )5-N5-%)) 5%'%8( N8 LL7 )(NN
3"#31# L7 L5 )5-N5-%)) 5%'%8( N8 LL7 )(NN
] Achievable clampin$ force wih he #malle# clamp elemen !imen#ion wih nu" lubricae! wih
#crew compoun! no, &))6,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,! e San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS 8)
SiBe 0 C D 1 I L 9ei$h
3"#2!# 87 N7 %L8 )7 87 L7 57 8))
3"#2"2 %77 N7 %L8 )7 %77 L7 57 5)5
3"#280 L77 N7 %L8 )7 L77 L7 57 %LLN
SiJe A% 0% E G G% 1% 1L I 3 L N S9
3"#30! 1! &L N8"8 L%L M%& M%& LN7 L%'N7 LN 5'87"7 57 %) LN
3"#322 1! &L N8"8 L%L M%& M%& LN7 L%'N7 LN 5'87"7 57 %) LN
3"#3#8 1! &L N8"8 L%L M%& M%& LN7 L%'N7 LN 5'87"7 57 %) LN
3"#3!3 20 &L 87"7 L%& ML7 M%& L)L L5'88 LN %7'&7"8 57 %( )7
3"#298 20 &L 87"7 L%& ML7 M%& L)L L5'88 LN %7'&7"8 57 %( )7
3"#31# 20 &L 87"7 L%& ML7 M%& L)L L5'88 LN %7'&7"8 57 %( )7
a$apter 0ey
9o. "200?
;$apter 0ey
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
8N San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,!e
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
S9 0% 0L 0) L T 9ei$h
3"38! LN 8( %N 88 L7) & L58
3"39# )7 &8 %N 88 L7) & )L)
step /loc0s
the m-st
imp-Rtant &aCts
a/-ut supp-Rt
7 material8 1i $h ;ual i * emperi n$ #eel re#p, ca#i n$#,
7 machining8 Al l #uppor bl oc+# #hown" have machi ne!
ba#e' an! conac face#, T he #errae! el emen# are
preci #el * mi l l e! or broache!, Levele! wor+ #uppor an!
# afe force ran#mi # #i on are herefore provi !e!,
7 e xecusion8 To DI N re$ul ai on#,
7 &inishing8 Al l #uppor bl oc+# are abra#i onproof ;ual i *
T he fol l owi n$ pa$e# conai n #uiabl e #uppor bloc+#" f i nel *
$ra!uae! or i nf i ni el* a!P u#abl e" for an* appl i cai on, Suppor
hei $h# from %L,8 o )N7 mm are achi evabl e wi h al l #uppor
/or cl ampi n$ hei $h# over )N7 mm" we recommen! our
#crew P ac+# on pa$e# &6 o (N,
7 Conveni onal wor+pi ece cl ampi n$ for !ri l l i n$ an! pi nni n$ a f i - ure,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,! e San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS 88
step /loc0s uni%ersal step /loc0s
,+ San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,!e San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS 8& ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,!e
(I9 !318
Step /loc0s
wih #ep incremen# of (,8 mm each, Machine
ca#in$" varni#he!" ba#e an! #ep face# mille!,
9o. !318?
Step /loc0s3 2i$e
wih #ep incremen# of (,8 mm each, Machine
ca#in$" varni#he!" ba#e an! #ep face# mille!,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
SiBe 1 min, 1 ma-, A 0% 0L 9ei$h
"13! 87 %L"8 87 NL"8 87 87 877
"13"3 68 8("8 68 68"7 88 87 %&77
"1381 %N7 %7L"8 %N7 %77"7 &7 87 L777
"1399 %58 %N("8 %58 %78"7 &8 87 L677
"1#0" L)7 %6L"8 L)7 %%7"7 (7 87 )&77
"1#1 L(8 L)("8 L(8 %%8"7 (8 87 N)77
"1#23 )L7 L5L"8 )L7 %L7"7 57 87 8L77
SiBe 1 min, 1 ma-, A 0% 0L 9ei$h
"1#80 87 %L"8 87 NL"8 57 57 577
"1#98 68 8("8 68 68"7 58 57 L)77
"10! %N7 %7L"8 %N7 %77"7 67 57 )N87
9o. !00@
,ni%ersal step /loc0s
Sep incremen#< verical N,&8 mm" horiBonal L,)
mm, Temperin$ #eel" varni#he!,
9o. !00)
,ni%ersal step /loc0 set
in #oli! woo!en ca#e wih li!,
Temperin$ #eel" varni#he!,
/or u#e in pair# wih all clamp# an! #in$le u#e wih clamp no, &)%NA,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
Conen# 1 min, 1 ma-, Ca#e L - 0 - 1 9ei$h
"33#! 5-&877E'%" 5-&877E'L" N-&877E') LL L75 L57-%88-N7 5"N
SiBe 1 min, 1 ma-, A 0 C 9ei$h
"329! % L) 8% %6"7 )7 )) 67
"330# L )6 %7( )8"8 )7 && )77
"3312 ) (% L75 &5"7 )7 %)% %787
step /loc0 step /loc0
9o. !01
Step /loc0
conac face &7 mm wi!e, 9ih lin+ #prin$,
Sep incremen#< verical N,&8 mm" horiBonal L,)
mm, Temperin$ #eel" varni#he!,
SiBe 1 min, 1 ma-, 0 9ei$h
"333 L )( %7( &7 %777
The wo par# of hi# AM/'#uppor bloc+# are lin+e! wih a #prin$ for ea#* han!lin$,
9o. !01M
Support /loc0 2ith magnet
Mounin$ #urface &7 mm wi!e" wih connecin$
#prin$, Sep incremen#< verical N,&8 mm" horiBonal
L,) mm, Tempere! #eel" burni#he!,
Au#f^hrun$ mi Cerbin!un$#fe!er Nr, &87% un!
SiBe 1 min, 1 ma-, 0 9ei$h
3"39!9 L )( %7( &7 657
The wo par# of hi# AM/ #uppor bloc+ are connece! b* a #prin$ for ea#e of han!lin$,
1ol!in$ force N ma$ne# O )57 N
1ol!in$ force L ma$ne# O L57 N
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
9o. !10
Serrate$ heel /loc0
=#errae! Pac+#>, Sep incremen#< 8,L mm, Malleable
ca#in$" varni#he!, 0a#e mill fini#he!,
(I9 !32!
Support /loc0s &or continuous
a$5ustment3 com/ination
wih #piral $earin$, Temperin$ #eel" varni#he!,
(I9 !32!
Support /loc0s &or continuous
a$5ustment3 single
wih #piral $earin$, Temperin$ #eel" varni#he!,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
SiBe 1 min, 1 ma-, A 0 Clampin$ force
"33"9 L %%% %N( 87 87 N7 %LL8
"338" ) %88 LL) &7 &7 &7 L&7(
"339 N LL7 )N7 57 57 67 &7L5
Combinaion 1 min, 1 ma-, Lower par Vpper par 9ei$h
"19!9 A3 L8 N8 A 3 %787
"19"" AG N8 &8 A G %)87
"198 03 &8 58 0 3 L877
"1993 0G 58 %78 0 G L577
"2009 C3 %78 %L8 C 3 N777
"201" CG %L8 %N8 C G N)77
"202 A3G L8 &8 A 3G %887
"2033 03G &8 %78 0 3G )777
"20#1 C3G %78 %N8 C 3G N877
Sin$le par# A% 0% C% 9ei$h
"2090 A &7 57 NL 587
"2108 0 &7 57 5L L)77
"211! C &7 57 %LL )577
"212# 3 )7 (7 LN L77
"2132 G )7 (7 NN 877
9o. !#"
Cutti#% too" support& !"at&
&or continuous a$5ustment
wih bevelle! #erraion#, Temperin$ #eel" varni#he!,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
SiBe 1 min, 1 ma-, A 0 9ei$h
"283 % %7"8 %) L8 %L7 L)7
"28#3 L %L"8 %& N7 %&7 &77
height setting scre2 5ac0
the m-st
imp-Rtant &aCts
a/-ut se t ting
Develope! b* AM / an! proven i n #er vi ce for !eca!e#" he#e
#crew an! al i $ni n$ P ac+# of fer a broa! ran$e of appl i cai on#,
Due o heir robu# con#ruci on" he#e #crew P ac+# funci on
#ecurel* an! preci #el *" wi h #eple# # a!P u#men even un!er
heav * l oa!#,
a ppliCati-n s a n$
C-m/in ati-n s8
7 Safe an! reli abl e cl amp #uppor # for hei $h# from
)5 o %L87 mm,
7 Accurae an! # afe #uppor i n$ an! #e i n$ of an*
wor+pi ece i n vari ou# level# an! hei $h#,
7 Al umi ni um #crew P ac+# for !el i cae machi ne abl e#"
#ur face pl ae# an! pl ane abl e#,
7 M a$nei c #crew P ac+# for hori Bonal an! ver i cal
#uppor i n$ an! #e i n$,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,! e San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS &%
height setting scre2 5ac0 height setting scre2 5ac0
+2 San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,!e San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS &L ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,!e
9o. !#1
)eight setting scre2 5ac0
wih L locain$ pin# DIN &)L8 =%L-87 an! %L-57>, Cenrin$
hole !ia, %L mm, Temperin$ #eel" blue!, Spin!le< M)7-%,8
fine hrea! wih en! #opbo!*, 0earin$ in#er urn# on pre##e!'
in plain bearin$ bu#h,
9o. !#1!
)eight setting scre2 5ac0
2ith magnetic /ase
wih L locain$ pin# DIN &)L8 =%L-87 an! %L-57>, Cenrin$
hole !ia, %L mm, Temperin$ #eel" blue!, Spin!le< M)7-%,8
fine hrea! wih en! #opbo!*, 0earin$ in#er urn# on pre##e!'
in plain bearin$ bu#h,
SiBe 1 min, 1 ma-, D% DL wih locaion pin
wih locaion pin
/ ma-,
8!0# (8 88 (8 87 )& 5)'%7) %%)'%)) )7 &57
8!12 %%8 (8 %%8 87 )& %7)'%N) %))'%() )7 557
The hei$h #ein$ #crew Pac+ can be u#e! wihou locain$ pin# or wih pa!# no, &NN7 an! no,
&NN%, 9ih cenerin$ pa! no, &LNL combinaion# wih all AM/'#crew Pac+# are po##ible, The*
allow #en#iive a!Pu#in$ up o hei$h of %)(7 mm, A bearin$ in#er preven# he wor+piece from
bein$ urne! while he Pac+ i# a!Pu#e!,
Suiable pa!# are no, &NN7" &NN%" &NNL, Suiable ba#e i# no, &NNL,
SiBe 1 min, 1 ma-, D% wih locaion pin
wih locaion pin
/ ma-,
8!20 58 &8 58 87 6)'%%) %L)'%N) )7 577
8!38 %L8 58 %L8 87 %%)'%8) %N)'%5) )7 %777
The hei$h #ein$ #crew Pac+ can be u#e! wihou locain$ pin# or wih pa!# no, &NN7 an! no,
&NN%, 9ih cenerin$ pa! no, &LNL combinaion# wih all AM/'#crew Pac+# are po##ible, The*
allow #en#iive a!Pu#in$ up o hei$h of %)(7 mm, A bearin$ in#er preven# he wor+piece from
bein$ urne! while he Pac+ i# a!Pu#e!,
Suiable pa!# are no, &NN7" &NN%" &NNL,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
9o. !#20
)eight setting scre2 5ac0
2ith pi%ota/le /all
Seel empere!" burni#he!, 0all ma!e of har!ene! #eel,
9o. !#00
Screw 'ac( with !"at support
Cenrin$ hole !ia, %L mm, Spin!le< TrapeBoi!al hrea!"
#elf' loc+in$ wih en! #opbo!*, Temperin$ #eel"
SiBe 1 min, 1 ma-, / ma-,
"2#! (7 8& (7 )7 687
Thi# elemen wih i# puncual #uppor i# paricularl* u#eful in he #uppor an! ali$nmen of free'
form #urface# e,$, of wor+piece# which are ma!e of ca# iron an! for$in$'$ra!e #eel#, The
preci#ion of ali$nmen i# appro-, 7,% mm,
' The pivoable ball minimiBe# he fricion on he #uppor an! re!uce# he re;uire! operain$ force#,
' The u#e of a poin'li+e #uppor preven# he ran#mi##ion of he or#ional force creae! b*
he movemen of he #pin!le, The po#iion of he wor+piece remain# unchan$e!,
' The #imple an! ru$$e! con#rucion provi!e# for a lon$ la#in$ #ervice life,
The li$h'!u* #crew Pac+ wa# !e#i$ne! for clamp# wih #lo'#iBe# up o %N mm, Me!ium'!u*
#crew Pac+# mach clamp# of #lo'#iBe %N o LL mm, The #crew Pac+# no, &N)7 are u#eful
compleion# for lar$e clampin$ hei$h#, 1eav*'!u* #crew Pac+# mach clamp# of #lo'#iBe L7 o N7
mm, The #crew Pac+# no, &N)8S are here u#eful compleion# for lar$e clampin$ hei$h#, 9hen
u#in$ clamp# DIN
&)%8 0" &)%8 C an! &)%8 GN wih #lo'#iBe# above L& mm we recommen! he locain$ pa! no, &NN)
for #afe*, E-ra'heav*'!u* #crew Pac+# were !e#i$ne! for #uppor of lar$e wor+piece#, Suiable
pa!# for #iBe 8L'%77 are no, &NN7" &NN%" &NNL" &NN)/%N an! &NN8, Suiable ba#e i# no, &NNL,
Suiable pa!# for #iBe %N7')77 are no, &NN7" &NN%" &NNL" &NN) an! &NN8,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
SiBe 1 min, 1 ma-, TR D% DL / ma-,
"239" 87 )5 87 L7- N )% )% %8 %67
"2389 8L NL 8L )7- N 87 87 &7 887
"2#0 (7 87 (7 )7- N 87 87 &7 &L7
"2#13 %77 (7 %77 )7- N 87 87 &7 677
"2#21 %N7 %77 %N7 N7- ( &5 &5 %77 L(&7
"2#39 L%7 %N7 L%7 87- 5 57 (7 %(7 N&77
"2##" )77 %67 )77 &7-%7 %77 57 )87 6777
"2#9! L77 %N7 L77 &8-%7 %77 57 )87 &677
"20# L57 %67 L57 57-%7 %N7 %%7 &77 %6777
scre2 5ac0 2ith &lat suppor t aluminium scre2 5ac0
9o. !#00M
Screw 'ac( with !"at support
an$ magnetic /ase
Cenrin$ hole !ia, %L mm, Spin!le< Self'loc+in$
rapeBoi!al hrea! wih final #op, Paine! empere! #eel,
9o. !#00<
Screw 'ac( with !"at support a#d thread
Threa! for fa#enin$,
Cenrin$ hole M%L, Spin!le< TrapeBoi!al hrea!" #elf'loc+in$
wih en! #opbo!*, Temperin$ #eel" varni#he!,
AM/'ma$neic #crew Pac+# are !e#i$ne! for horiBonal an! verical applicaion#, The permanen
ma$ne en#ure# a la#in$ an! preci#e po#iionin$ of wor+piece on verical face#, The #crew Pac+#
are #uiable for clamp# wih a #lo wi!h of appro-, %N'LL mm, 9hen u#in$ clamp# DIN &N%80"
&)%8C an! &)%8GN from L& mm #lo wi!h" we recommen!" b* wa* of precauion" fi-in$ cap
number no,
&NN), Suiable cap# for #crew Pac+ nr, &N77M are no#, &NN7" &NN%" &NN) an! &NN8, The
#uiable #uppor for he !i#moune! ma$neic ba#e i# no, &NNL,
E#peciall* #uie! for u#e on verical urnin$ an! borin$ machine# o achieve opimal clampin$ hei$h# an! ab#orb cenrifu$al force#,
Screw Pac+ can be #crewe! ono he heav* #crew Pac+ no, &N)8SG an! hu# en#ure opimal #ecuri*
a$ain# he occurrence of cenrifu$al force#, In he #crew Pac+ op" he fi-in$ cap no, &NN)G or a
#crew for reainin$ a clamp can be incorporae!,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
SiBe 1 min, 1 ma-, TR D% DL D) / ma-,
"3320 &L 8L &L )7-N 87 87 88 &7 (77
"33!1 57 &7 57 )7-N 87 87 88 &7 ((7
"3#03 %%7 57 %%7 )7-N 87 87 88 &7 %787
SiBe 1 min, 1 ma-, TR D% DL / ma-,
3"!19# 8L NL 8L )7-N 87 87 &7 887
3"!210 (7 87 (7 )7-N 87 87 &7 &L7
3"!23! %77 (7 %77 )7-N 87 87 &7 6N5
9o. !#01
;luminium scre2 5ac0
Cenrin$ hole !ia, %L mm, Spin!le< Temperin$ #eel"
blue!" TrapeBoi!al hrea!" #elf'loc+in$ wih en! #opbo!*,
0a#e< Aluminium N77 N/mmL en#ile #ren$h,
9o. !#0
Magnetic scre2 5ac0
Cenrin$ hole !ia, %L mm, Spin!le< Temperin$ #eel"
blue!, TrapeBoi!al hrea!" #elf'loc+in$ wih en! #opbo!*,
0a#e< Aluminium N77 N/mmL en#ile #ren$h,
Safe$ar!# machine able# a$ain# !ama$e =#warf !o no penerae ino able face bu ino alu'
ba#e>, V#eful for all machine ool able#" #urface plae# an! plane able# wih preci#ion face#, /or
lar$er clampin$ hei$h# u#e cenerin$ pa! no, &NNL an! #crew Pac+# no, &N77, Suiable pa!# are
no, &NN7"
&NN%" &NNL" &NN)/%N an! &NN8, Suiable ba#e i# no, &NNL,
Do no a!Pu# #crew Pac+ un!er loa!I
SiBe 1 min, 1 ma-, TR D% DL / ma-,
"80# &L 8L &L )7-N 87 87 )7 )57
"812 57 &7 57 )7-N 87 87 )7 887
"820 %%7 57 %%7 )7-N 87 87 )7 (%7
AM/'ma$neic #crew Pac+# are !e#i$ne! for horiBonal an! verical applicaion#, The permanen
ma$ne en#ure# a la#in$ an! preci#e po#iionin$ of wor+piece on verical face#, /or lar$er clampin$
hei$h# u#e cenrin$ pa! no, &NNL an! #crew Pac+# no, &N77, Suiable pa!# are no, &NN7" &NN%"
&NN)/%N an! &NN8,
Do no a!Pu# #crew Pac+ un!er loa!I
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
SiBe 1 min, 1 ma-, TR D% DL / ma-,
"""0 8L NL 8L )7-N 87 87 )7 )(7
""88 (7 87 (7 )7-N 87 87 )7 N)7
""9! %77 (7 %77 )7-N 87 87 )7 &77
aluminium scre2 5ac0 aluminium scre2 5ac0
9o. !#0!
;luminium scre2 5ac0
2ith s2ar& protection
Scraper rin$ proec# #crew Pac+ #pin!le a$ain# chip#,
Cenrin$ hole !ia, %L mm, Spin!le emperin$ #eel" blue!,
TrapeBoi!al hrea!" #elf'loc+in$ wih en! #opbo!*,
Compo#e! of<
' #crew Pac+
' Alu'ba#e =#iBe %7> or ma$neic ba#e =#iBe L7>,
SiBe 1 min, 1 ma-, TR D% DL D) / ma-,
"280 %7 (8 55 )7-N 87 87 87 )7] &)7
"28!8 L7 (8 55 )7-N 87 87 88 )7] (L7
& ensured to ma-! %,0 mm total )ei()t. dan(er of bucklin( for lar(er fi(ures/
Suiable pa!# are no, &NN7" &NN% an! &NN8,
Do no a!Pu# #crew Pac+ un!er loa!I
9o. !#0!
;lu=interme$iate ring
for a!!iional hei$h increa#e,
9o. !#0!M
Magnetic /ase
for #crew Pac+#,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
SiBe 1 D% 9ei$h
"28"! 78 %L"8 87 )5
"288# 7& L8"7 87 (&
"292! 7( 87"7 87 %&8
1 D% 9ei$h
"21" %7 88 L%7
9o. !#0!
;luminium scre2 5ac0
2ith s2ar& protection
Scraper rin$ proec# #crew Pac+ #pin!le a$ain# chip#,
Cenrin$ hole !ia, %L mm, Spin!le emperin$ #eel" blue!,
TrapeBoi!al hrea!" #elf'loc+in$ wih en! #opbo!*,
Compo#e! of<
' #crew Pac+
' inerme!iae rin$ %L,8 mm
' inerme!iae rin$ L8 mm an!
' Alu' an! ma$neic ba#e,
1 min, 1 ma-, TR D% DL D) / ma-,
"23"1 (8 %L8 )7-N 87 87 88 )7 6L7
Suiable pa!# are no, &NN7" &NN% an! &NN8,
Do no a!Pu# #crew Pac+ un!er loa!I
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
precision 2e$ge /loc0 scre2 5ac0
9o. !#!0
We$ge /loc0 1)er0ules. height 2e$ge
Cenerin$ hole !ia, %L mm, Spherical $raphie ca# iron an!
#eel empere! an! burni#he!, 9e!$e face# preci#ion
machine!, Complee wih one ball'pa! no, &NN7,
9o. !#!
>recision 2e$ge /loc0
Cenrin$ hole S %L mm, Ca#e'har!ene! #eel an! fine'
machine! we!$e #urface#, A #pherical aachmen no, &NN7 i#
wih ever* preci#ion whip#oc+,
]1/VO hei$h a!Pu#men per #in$le urn,
9ih loa!# up o %/) / ma-, manual a!Pu#men of we!$e bloc+ i# ea#*, The preci#ion machine!
we!$e face# allow for a #mooh an! #en#iive a!Pu#in$ wihin %/%7 mm" u#in$ a +nurle! nu or
he-a$on +e*, The !ual we!$e effec en#ure# a lar$e ravel an! preci#e verical movemen wihou
laeral !eviaion, The we!$e bloc+# wor+ well on !ifficul ca#in$# or for$in$# on lar$e machine ool#,
An a!!iional locain$ hole in he ba#e plae allow# o locae he we!$e bloc+ on .heav* #crew Pac+#4
b* u#in$ a locain$ pin DIN &)L8 %L-)7 mm,
Suiable pa!# are no, &NN7" &NN% an! &NNL,
SiBe 1 min, 1 ma-, 1/V]
/ ma-,
3"92 88 87 88 7"(% N7 LL L"&
3"!18 58 (( 58 7"(% L87 )& %%"7
]1/VO hei$h a!Pu#men per #in$le urn,
' The fine'machine! we!$e #urface# permi# a #mooh" preci#e a!Pu#men o le## han %/%7 mm,
' 2peraion can be via an open'en!e! #panner ' hence en#urin$ enhance! #afe* an! ea#e of
han!' lin$ !ue o he lar$e a!Pu#in$ force#,
' The !ouble we!$e effec pro!uce# a preci#e verical movemen wih no laeral #li!e,
' The fla !e#i$n of he preci#ion hei$h we!$e enable# hi$her #afe* properie# o be reali#e!
when ali$nin$ heav* an! lar$e componen#,
' The preci#ion whip#oc+ ha# an a!!iional cenrin$ hole in he floor of he ba#e #urface, =#uiable
for a pin IS2 5()N ' %L mm !iameer>
' Suiable cap# for he preci#ion whip#oc+ are no#, &NN7" &NN% an! &NNL
' Preci#ion whip#oc+ can be a!Pu#e! un!er loa!
' 1ei$h a!Pu#men i# 7,(% mm / revoluion
?1 G 1% 1L 1) L L% LL
3"92 !0 L7 &7'&8 N("8 %7 %L5 %87'%(6 &7
3"!18 100 )7 5('68 (N"7 L7 L%7 LNL'L5( 5%
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
SiBe 1 min, 1 ma-, 0% 0L L S9 1/V]
/ ma-,
"2""" &) 87 &) ' N7 &) 5 7"5& N7 %)77
"2"8 %L8 %77 %L8 %%8 &7 %L8 %N %"%& %77 5&77
"2"93 %67 %(7 %67 %N8 57 %(8 LL L"7L L87 L)(87
9o. !#30S
;tlas scre2 5ac0 2ith counter nut
Cenrin$ hole !ia, %L mm, Spin!le complee< emperin$ #eel
wih rapeBoi!al hrea!, Spin!le hea! blue!, 1ou#in$< ca#
iron" varni#he!,
9o. !#3S
)ea%y scre2 5ac0
wih bra## loc+in$ #crew, Cenrin$ hole !ia, %L mm, Spin!le
complee< emperin$ #eel wih rapeBoi!al hrea!, Spin!le
hea! blue!, 1ou#in$< emperin$ #eel" varni#he!,
9hen u#in$ clamp# DIN &)%80" &)%8C an! no, &)%8GN wih #lo'#iBe# above L& mm we
recommen! he u#e of locain$ pa! no, &NN) for #afe*, Suiable pa!# are no, &NN7" &NN%" &NNL"
&NN) an! &NN8, Do no a!Pu# #crew Pac+ un!er loa!I
9hen u#in$ clamp# DIN &)%80" &)%8C an! no, &)%8GN wih #lo'#iBe# above L& mm we recommen! he u#e of locain$ pa! no, &NN) for #afe*, Suiable pa!# are no,
&NN7" &NN%" &NNL" &NN) an! &NN8, Do no a!Pu# #crew Pac+ un!er loa!I
Loc+in$ #crew
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
SiBe 1 min, 1 ma-, TR 0% 0L L S9 / ma-,
"23 %N7 %77 %N7 )7-& %5 (8 %%7 N& &7 %"5
"2!1 L77 %N7 L77 )7-& %5 (8 %%7 N& &7 L"L
"2"9 )L7 L77 )L7 )7-& LL 67 %&7 N& N7 )"5
"28" 887 )L7 887 )7-& LL 67 %&7 N& L8 N"6
SiBe 1 min, 1 ma-, TR 0% 0L L S9 / ma-,
"2!3" )77 L77 )77 N7-( L& %67 LL7 &8 57 5"7
"2!# N&7 L67 N(7 N7-( L& %67 LL7 &8 &7 %L"7
"2!2 (87 N)7 (87 N7-( L& %67 LL7 &8 87 %L"&
"2!!0 %L87 (%7 %L87 N7-( L& %67 LL7 &8 N7 %&"8
scre2 5ac0pa$s
9o. !#38S
Scre2 5ac0
for ;uic+ an! #eple## a!Pu#men wih bra## loc+in$ #crew,
Cenrin$ hole !ia, %L mm, Spin!le complee< emperin$ #eel"
wih rapeBoi!al hrea!, Spin!le hea! blue!, 1ou#in$<
emperin$ #eel" varni#he!,
Thi# #crew Pac+ allow# for ver* fa# pre'#ein$ followin$ wih #eple## a!Pu#in$ for he whole hei$h ran$e, 0* urnin$ he operain$ rin$ &7[ he #pin!le i# loc+e! or
relea#e! for fa# pre'#ein$, V#e loc+in$ #crew for #afe final a!Pu#e! po#iion, Suiable pa!# are no, &NN7" &NN%" &NNL" &NN) an!
Imporan noe for hei$h a!Pu#men<
' 1ol! #pin!le" ma-, & +$
' relea#e loc+in$ #crew
' urn #pin!le
' a!Pu# o re;uire! hei$h
Do no a!Pu# #crew Pac+ un!er loa!I
Loc+in$ #crew
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
SiBe 1 min, 1 ma-, TR 0% 0L D L S9 / ma-,
""0 N87 )L7 N87 N7-( L& %67 67 LL7 &8 87 %%"8
""13 (%7 N87 (%7 N7-( L& %67 67 LL7 &8 N7 %)"(
""21 %L87 (%7 %L87 N7-( L& %67 67 LL7 &8 )7 %5")
9o. !##0
Seel empere!" burni#he!,
9o. !##1
Seel empere!" burni#he!,
9o. !##2
Seel empere!" burni#he!,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
1 D 9ei$h
"2"10 %7 )( 67
SiBe 1 D D% min, D% ma-, 9ei$h
"2"28 N8 %8 N8 %7 87 %L7
"2"!9 &8 )7 &8 LL %77 8N8
1 D D% DL 9ei$h
"2"3! 5 N8 )8"5 )7 %L7
pa$s hea% y scre2 5ac0
9o. !##3
for for+e! clamp#, Seel empere!" burni#he!,
9o. !###
wih c*lin!rical face, Seel empere! an! burni#he!,
9o. !##
Support 2ith pi%ota/le /all
Seel empere!" burni#he!, 0all ma!e of har!ene! #eel,
1 D / ma-,
"2819 L8 N8 )7 LN7
Thi# ru$$e! elemen wa# !e#i$ne! for he #upporin$ an! ali$nmen of wor+piece# ma!e of ca# iron
an! for$in$'$ra!e #eel#, De#i$ne! for u#e wih AM/'#crew Pac+#,
' The pivoable ball minimiBe# he fricion on he #uppor an! re!uce# he re;uir'e! operain$ force#,
' The u#e of a poin'li+e #uppor preven# he ran#mi##ion of he or#ional force creae! b*
he movemen of he #pin!le, The po#iion of he wor+piece remain# unchan$e!,
' The #imple an! ru$$e! con#rucion provi!e# for a lon$ la#in$ #ervice life,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
SiBe 1 D D% L 9ei$h
"2"1 %N %L &) %N L7 )L8
"2"## L8 %8 (5 L8 )7 (%8
1 0 L 9ei$h
"2## L) 87 %6 )(7
9o. !#3S<
)ea%y scre2 5ac0
wih bra## loc+in$ #crew, Cenrin$ hole M%L mm, Spin!le
compl,< emperin$ #eel wih rapeBoi!al hrea!, Spin!le hea!
blue!, 1ou#in$< emperin$ #eel" varni#he!,
' 0a#e plae wih clo#e! elon$ae! hole# for u#e on verical urnin$ an! borin$ machine#
' Threa! in he hea!:# mounin$ #urface for fi-in$ he clampin$ elemen# u#e! wih cenrifu$al force#
9hen u#in$ clamp# no, &)%8GNG wih #lo'#iBe# above L& mm we recommen! he u#e of
locain$ pa! no, &NN)G for #afe*, Suiable pa!# are no, &NNLG an! &NN)G,
Do no a!Pu# #crew Pac+ un!er loa!I
Loc+in$ #crew
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
SiBe 1 min, 1 ma-, TR 0% 0L L S9 / ma-,
3"!21 )77 L77 )77 N7-( L& %67 LL7 &8 57 5"7
3"!2"" N&7 L67 N(7 N7-( L& %67 LL7 &8 &7 %L"7
3"!293 (87 N)7 (87 N7-( L& %67 LL7 &8 87 %L"&
3"!319 %L87 (%7 %L87 N7-( L& %67 LL7 &8 N7 %&"8
9o. !##2<
Centring plate 2ith threa$
Seel empere!" burni#he!,
9o. !##3<
*ixing cap 2ith threa$
for for+e! clamp#, Seel empere!" burni#he!,
Cenrin$ plae can be #crewe! ono
#crew Pac+#, Safe* wih verical urnin$ an! borin$ machine#I
The #crew Pac+# no, &N77G can be #crewe! ono
he cenrin$ plae,
Cenrin$ plae can be #crewe! ono #crew
Pac+#, Inernal hrea! for a!!iional fa#enin$ of clamp# ono #crew Pac+#, Safe* wih
verical urnin$ an! borin$ machine#,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
1 D D% DL 9ei$h
3"!33 5 N8 M)5-L )7"5 %LL
SiBe 1 D D% L 9ei$h
3"!30 L8 %8 (5 L8 L7 &7%
man$rel man$rel
9o. !#1"
blue!" wih bra## hru# piece,
' The man!rel# are fa#ene! o he machine able b* mean# of T'nu#,
' The man!rel i# fi-e! on he #loe! able b* operain$ he S9 L( mm pre'en#ionin$ nu,
' Clampin$ i# b* mean# of he S9 L( mm #crew of empere! #eel,
' Dama$e o he wor+piece i# prevene! b* a bra## clampin$ rin$,
' Re!uce! oolin$ ime an! ool elemen# cu# oolin$ co##
' 2pimal u#e of he machine able
' Ten#ion on fla wor+piece# increa#e! o ma+e hole#" hrea!# an! $roove#
' Suiable for wor+piece hic+ne##e# from 5 o N7 mm
' Suppor hei$h 57 mm
' Al#o available i# an e-en#ion #crew for wor+piece hic+ne##e# from N7 ' (L mm an!
Spacer elemen# of L8 mm an! 87 mm o increa#e he #uppor hei$h
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
SiBe Slo 1
G% GL S9 9ei$h
"#1"9 57 %N 57 %%& %N5 5 N7 N7 87 )L M%L M%& L( %L(7
9o. !#1"B
Spacer element
9o. !#1"S>
+is longue
V#e! o increa#e he #uppor hei$h,
V#e! o increa#e he clampin$ hei$h,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
SiBe !ia, D 1 9ei$h
"#19 L8 N7 L8 L%N
"#211 87 N7 87 N86
SiBe L !ia, DL GL S9 1L min, 1L ma-, 9ei$h
"#23" M%& %7N 87 M%& L( N7 (L NL)
suppor t element3
&loating clamp
9o. !#18
Support element3 mechanical
incl, DIN 875'M%L-%N nu for T'$roove#" M%L-)7'%7,6 hrea!e!
#u!, 0o!*< Ca#e'har!ene! #eel" man$ane#e pho#phai#e!
an! $roun!, 0o!*< Aluminium,
SiJe Suppor force / ma-,
1 Sro+e
S9% S9L G 9ei$h
"#1! M12 5 (5'5) 8 L% & M%L 6)6
%, /a#en #uppor elemen =L- M& connecin$ hrea!> on fi-ure,
' Noe operaor #i!eI
' Alernaivel*< Remove M%L - %7 hrea!e! #u! an! replace wih M%L - )7 hrea!e! #u! an!
moun he #uppor elemen wih +e* =#iBe L%>" e,$, for T'$roove mounin$
' =No !efine! operaor #i!e en#ure!>,
L, Turnin$ he clampin$ cam =he-a$on #oc+e #iBe &> on he ou#i!e #urface of he re!
proecive #leeve po#iion# he #upporin$ bol a$ain# he wor+piece wih li$h #prin$ force,
), Turnin$ furher a# far a# i will $o =loc+> ' a oal of %57[ ' loc+# he clampin$ mechani#m of
he #upporin$ bol wihou len$h chan$e,
The #uppor elemen i# po#iione! on he wor+piece an! loc+e!,
N, Turnin$ in he oppo#ie !irecion =unloc+> relea#e# he clampin$, Coninuin$ o urn bac+ a# far a#
i will $o ' a oal of %57[ ' move# he #upporin$ bol o he en! po#iion,
' V#e! a# an e-ra #uppor o preven #a$$in$ an! vibraion of he wor+piece,
' Moune! !irecl* un!er a clampin$ poin" i preven# !i#orion of he wor+piece,
' Compen#aion of lar$e wor+piece olerance# =ca#in$#>,
' M5 hrea! on #upporin$ bol can be moune! wih pre##ure #crew#
=No#, (%%7D1Y" (%%7DIY" (%%7D3Y" (%%7D/Y>,
' Cu#omer'#pecific e-en#ion# can al#o be moune!,
' /or reliable funcion he M%L hrea!e! hole mu# alwa*# be clo#e!,
SiJe D D% 1% 1L 1) 1N
"#1! M12 88 N6"N %7 %& L8 %7"8
op view
boom view
;pplication example8
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,

9o. !#19
*loating clamp
incl mounin$ for T'$roove#,
] Clampin$ #ro+e O clampin$ ran$e wih upper an! lower #an!ar! clampin$ Paw,
%, /a#en floain$ clamp on fi-ure or machine able,
L, A!Pu# hei$h #op an! #wivel ran$e wih re! a!Pu#men #leeve an! loc+ wih hrea!e! #u!,
9hen #ein$ he upwar!# hei$h limiaion" allow for $enerou# pla* =wor+piece manufacurin$
), Pre## floain$ clamp !ownwar!#,
N, Swivel clampin$ Paw# in a# far a# he* will $o,
' The floain$ clamp i# po#iione! wih li$h #prin$ force on boom of wor+piece,
8, Ti$hen floain$ clamp wih he-a$on nu,
' Durin$ he clampin$ proce## he wor+piece i# clampe! an! a he #ame ime #uppore!,
&, Vnclampin$ i# carrie! ou in he rever#e #e;uence,
' E#peciall* #uiable for lar$e" har!'o'machine componen# =#iBe %&>,
' No !eformaion when clampin$ wea+ componen#,
' Cibraion #uppre##ion !urin$ machinin$,
' Clampin$ of rib#" crea#e# an! ab# for #iffenin$ on clampe! componen#,
' Deformaion'free clampin$ of blan+#,
' The floain$ clamp i# u#e! o clamp an! #uppor over!eermine! clampin$ poin# on componen#,
' /or cu#omer'#pecific clampin$ #iuaion# he #upplie! clampin$ Paw# can be replace! wih he
followin$ clampin$ Paw# =No#, &N%60'%L an! &N%50'%&> =ma-, i$henin$ or;ue O N) Nm>
SiJe 12 L O #wivel ran$e
upper an! lower Paw i#
replaceable b* &N%60'%L'7% unil
;pplication example8
SiJe 1!
A!Pu#men of
verical #op
an! #wivel
A!Pu#men of
verical #op
an! #wivel
L O #wivel ran$e
upper Paw i# replaceable
b* &N%60'%&'7% unil '7N
lower Paw i# no
roable )&7[
pivoin$ afer a##embl*
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
SiJe Slo G M! min, ' ma-,
ravel 1
#ro+e 1L]
""# 12 %N M%L %8')7 L'5 %7L'%%L 7'%L %557
"!22 1! %5 M%& 87'%%8 5'L8 %&)'%(8 %7'L8 &L87
""# 12
"!22 1!
Clamping 5a2 Clamping 5a2
9o. !#19?=12=01
Clamping 5a2
Ca#e'har!ene! #eel" niri!e! an! burni#he!,
Lower #an!ar! clampin$ Paw,
9o. !#19?=12=02
Clamping 5a2
Ca#e'har!ene! #eel" niri!e! an! burni#he!,
Vpper #an!ar! clampin$ Paw,
9o. !#19?=12=03
Clamping 5a2
Ca#e'har!ene! #eel" niri!e! an! burni#he!,
Vpper e-chan$eable clampin$ Paw,
/a#enin$ wih IS2 N(&L'M5 c*lin!er bol#,
Clampin$ ran$e O wor+piece hic+ne## 7'%L mm,
/a#enin$ wih IS2 N(&L'M5 c*lin!er bol#,
Clampin$ ran$e O wor+piece hic+ne## N'%& mm,
/a#enin$ wih IS2 N(&L'M5 c*lin!er bol#,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
SiBe 0 0% D D% \7"7L 1 '7"% 1% 1L '7"% 1) R7"% L L% T \7"L T% 9ei$h
"1233 %L L5 %8 6 %L L&"5 L"8 LL") %&") L5 %7 8"8 7"L 5)
SiBe 0 0% D D% \7"7L 1 '7"% 1% 1L '7"% 1) R7"% L L% T \7"L T% 9ei$h
"1!0 %L L5 %8 6 %L L% L"8 %("8 %%"8 L6"8 %%"8 8"8 7"L (%
SiBe 0 0% D D% \7"7L 1 '7"% 1% 1L '7"% 1) R7"% 1N L L% T \7"L T% 9ei$h
"#229 %L L5 %8 6 %L LN"8 L"8 L%"8 %8"8 )"8 L6"8 %%"8 8"8 7"L 6N
9o. !#19?=12=0#
Clamping 5a2
Ca#e'har!ene! #eel" niri!e! an! burni#he!,
Vpper e-chan$eable clampin$ Paw,
9o. !#19?=12=0
Clamping 5a2
Ca#e'har!ene! #eel" niri!e! an! burni#he!,
Vpper e-chan$eable clampin$ Paw,
9o. !#19?=1!=01
Clamping 5a2
Ca#e'har!ene! #eel" niri!e! an! man$ane#e
pho#phai#e!, Vpper #an!ar! clampin$ Paw,
Clampin$ ran$e O wor+piece hic+ne## %8'L( mm,
/a#enin$ wih IS2 N(&L'M5 c*lin!er bol#,
Clampin$ ran$e O wor+piece hic+ne## L&')5 mm,
/a#enin$ wih IS2 N
Clampin$ ran$e O wor+piece hic+ne## %7'L8 mm,
/a#enin$ wih IS2 N(&L'M5-87 c*lin!er bol#,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
SiBe 0 0% D D% \7"7L 1 '7"% 1% 1L '7"% 1) R7"% 1N L L% T \7"L T% 9ei$h
"#2# %L L5 %8 6 %L LN"8 L"8 L%"8 %8"8 %N"8 L6"8 %%"8 8"8 7"L 67
SiBe 0 0% D D% \7"7L 1 '7"% 1% 1L '7"% 1) R7"% 1N L L% T \7"L T% 9ei$h
"01 %L L5 %8 6 %L )8"8 L"8 )L"8 L&"8 L8"8 L6"8 %%"8 8"8 7"L %)L
(&L'M5 c*lin!er bol#,
SiBe 1 1% 1L 1) 1N 9ei$h
"382 %& N7 L6 ))") )L L("& N77
9o. !#19?=1!=02
Clamping 5a2
Ca#e'har!ene! #eel" niri!e! an! man$ane#e
pho#phai#e!, Vpper e-chan$eable clampin$ Paw,
9o. !#19?=1!=03
Clamping 5a2
Ca#e'har!ene! #eel" niri!e! an! man$ane#e
pho#phai#e!, Vpper e-chan$eable clampin$ Paw,
9o. !#19?=1!=0#
Clamping 5a2
Ca#e'har!ene! #eel" niri!e! an! man$ane#e
pho#phai#e!, Vpper e-chan$eable clampin$ Paw,
Clampin$ ran$e O wor+piece hic+ne## 7'%N mm,
/a#enin$ wih IS2 N(&L'M5-87 c*lin!er bol#,
Clampin$ ran$e O wor+piece hic+ne## L)')5 mm,
/a#enin$ wih IS2 N(&L'M5-87 c*lin!er bol#,
Clampin$ ran$e O wor+piece hic+ne## )8'87 mm,
/a#enin$ wih IS2 N(&L'M5-87 c*lin!er bol#,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
SiBe 1 1% 1L 1) 1N 9ei$h
"#2# %& N7 N% ))") )L L("& )57
SiBe 1 1% 1L 1) 1N 9ei$h
"##0 %& N8 L%"& )5") )L )L"& NN7
SiBe 1 1% 1L 1) 1N 9ei$h
"!30 %& 8N %5"& N(") )L N%"& 8%7
Clamping 5a2
;pplication example 9o. !#19?=12
;pplication example 9o. !#19?=1!
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
5L San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,!e






Cl amping /-lts3 nuts
an$ 2asheRs =
Nualit y -&
0ol #" T'nu# an! nu# are manufacure! o DI N L&( an! I So
565, 0* $al vani Bi n$ empere! an! har!ene! componen#
here i # a cer ai n ri #+ of he maeri al $e i n$ bri l e, I n he
even of componen# bei n$ #ub#e;uenl * $al vani Be! we
refu#e al l po# #i bl e cl ai m# re$ar!i n$ brea+a$e# an! !ama$e#,
T here are #ron$ rea#on# for !eman!i n$ operaor# o onl *
u#e AM /'cl ampin$ bol# of hi $he# ;ual i *<
J S ri c chec+# $uaranee a con#i #en ;ual i * l evel,
J 1i $h ;ual i * cl ampi n$ bol # an! nu# l a# l on$er" re!uce ool
mana$emen an! i !l e peri o!# re#ul i n$ i n more econom* i n
he l on$ run,
please notice4
T he or;ue whi ch can be achi eve! b* han! can be hi $her
han re;ui re! b* DI N #an!ar! for #crew# #i Be# up o %L mm
!i a, Re#ul < o nl * un!er wor# con!i i on# wi l l he #crew f i r#
of al l wi # an! evenual l * brea+ when over#re# #e!, A #mal l
bu !eci #i ve conri bui on o # afe * a he wor+pl ace,
7 material8 Temperi n$ #eel o DI N re$ul ai on# wi hi n
en#i l e #ren$h cl a# #e# 5,5" %7,6 an! %L,6,
7 machining8 Al l bol # an! #u!# have rol l e! hrea!# an!
$uaranee hi $h cl ampi n$ force# an! l on$ l i fe,
7 tempering8 Ten#il e #ren$h cl a# #e# accor!i n$ o
DI N re$ul ai on#,
ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,! e San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS 5)
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
a m& =t= s l-t /-lt s $in"8" are manufacure! wi hi n
en#i l e #ren$h cl a# #e# 5,5" %7,6 an! %L,6,
a m& = s t u$s $in!3"9 are manufacure! wi hi n
en#i l e #ren$h cl a# # 5,5" %7,6 an! %L,6,
a m& = he x ag-n nu t s $in!330/3 $in!331 a n$ n-.
are manufacure! wi hi n en#i l e #ren$h cl a# # %7,
T he i n!i vi !ual characeri #i c# i n en#i l e #ren$h cl a# #e# 5,5 an! %L,6
are !ef i ne! a# fol l ow#<
5, O mi ni mum en#i l e #ren$h O 57 7 N/mm
,5 O mi ni mum *i el ! poi n =57G of mi n, en#i l e #ren$h O &N7 N/mm
%7, O mi ni mum en#i l e #ren$h O %7 7 7 N/mm
,6 O mi ni mum *i el ! poi n =6 7G of mi n, en#i l e #ren$h> O 6 7 7 N/mm
%L, O mi ni mum en#i l e #ren$h O %L7 7 N/mm
,6 O mi ni mum *i el ! poi n =6 7G of mi n, en#i l e #ren$h O %757 N/mm
s tR e ngth -& he x ag-n nu t s8
T he i n!i vi !ual characeri #i c i n en#i l e #ren$h cl a# # %7, !ef i ne! i #<
%7, O mi ni mum e# #ren$h O %7 7 7 N/mm
T hi # e# #ren$h i # e;ual o he mi ni mum en#i l #ren$h of a #crew whi ch
can be char$e! o i # mi ni mum brea+i n$ l oa!" when mache! wi h he
re#peci ve nu,
A normal #crew / nu combi nai on for l oa! ran#mi # #i on woul ! be a nu of
en#i l #ren$h cl a# # 45_ for 5,5 #crew#, /or manufacuri n$ of hi # nu" a mi nor
;ual i * maeri al han for 5,5 #crew# necce# # ar * coul ! be u#e!" #i nce l ower
en#i on# occur i n he nu" compare! wi h #crew, 0u #i nce nu# re;ui re a hi $h
wear re#i #ance i n a!!i i on o #uf f i ci en #ren$h" we manufacure hem of
he # ame maeri al a# our 5,5'#crew#, T hi # re#ul # wi h en#i l e #ren$h cl a# #
4%7_ for nu#,
Cl ampi n$ force# !epen!i n$ on l ubri cai on,
AM/ heav* !u *
hrea! pa#e no, &))6
onefol! i$henin$"
enfol! i$henin$"
Te# re#ul # reveal e! cl earl *< fre;
uen u #e o f non' $ rea #e! bol
/nu con nec ion # i n f i - u re#
will re! uce cla m pi n $ f orce#
con # i!er'abl * a # il l con #
an or; ue#" wi h a!! i iona l
wea r
To r;u e
9e herefore recommen! he AM /'1 eav *'!u * hrea! pa#e no, &))6 =#ee
pa$e NL>, I ha# a #*ner$ei c aci n$ combi nai on of hi $hl * aci ve whi e #ol i !
l ubri cai on# an! i # re#i #an o hea an! wa#h'of f, I provi !e# opi mal #l i !i n$
characeri#i c# for i ncrea#e! cl ampi n$ force an! i mprove! hrea! l i fe,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,






5N San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,!e
/olts &or t=slots
San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS 58 ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,!e 0, San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,!e
C1ART o /
ESS /o
Pe rmi # # i b l e p re'#re # # fo rce
pre'#re# # force wi h #an! ar! # panne r
] S re n$ h f i $u re # of h e ri $ h b ol #
e x pl a n ati-n -& ta /le Ch a R aC te Ri s tiC s8
7 pe R mi s s i/le /-lt l-a $ i # he ma -i mum en#i on l oa!" he #crew can be #re# #e! wi h al ci n$ i no accoun
al l aci ve force#, T he *i el ! poi n i # onl * ui l i Be! o 57G for # afe *,
7 pe R mi s s i/le pR e = s tR e s s &-RCe i # he l oa!" he #crew can be pre'#re# #e! a mo#" when i $heni n$ he
m atc ) i n ( nu t! Fi ( u re s of ta b l e a re va l i d fo r a f ri cti o n of 1 2 0.14 i n t) r u st face s a n d t) re ad. co r re s p o n d i n ( to t) e f
ri cti o n of
$rea#e! me!i um face#,
7 R e NuiR e $ le ngth &-R le + e R -& s pa nne R8 T he#e l en$h f i $ure# were cal cul ae! wi h he mean
val ue of han! force# achi eve! i n e# #eri e# b* !i f feren wor+men,
s tR e ngth & iguR e s a n$ t-RN ue s &-R /-lt s a n$ nu t s8
T h e a!
Ten # i
l e
M& M5 M%7 M%L M%N M%& M%5 ML7 MLL MLN ML( M)7 M)& MNL MN5
Pi c h of h re a!
% %,L8 %,87 %,(8 L L L,87 L,87 L,87 ) ) ),87 N N,87 8
n u #<
1 ar! e ne# #
D I N &)) 7/&))%/&))N
%7 L8 ' )8 L7 ' )7
Te # fo rc e =AS - S p>
D I N EN L7 565'L
%7 L7,6 )5,% &7 55 %L% %&8 L7) L&7 )L% )(N N5& 868 5&& ' '
n u # f o r ' S l o # !in875/ !in875 l<
S i Be M&-5 M5-%7 M%7-%L M%L-%N ' M%&-%5 ' ML7-LL ' MLN-L5 ' M)7-)& M)&-NL MNL-N5 MN5-8N
1 ar! e ne# # 1
LL ' )7
Te# forc e +N %& L6 N& &( ' %L5 ' %6& ' L5L ' NN5 &8) &8) &8)
bo l #<
1 ar! e ne# # 1
5,5 LL ' )L L) ' )N
%7,6 )L ' )6
%L,6 )6 'NN
i$henin$ !aa< = > no in he amf'ran$e,
M i n i m u m b rea + i n$ fo rc e
=AS - R m>
5,5 =%&> =L6> =N&> =&(> 6L %L8 %86 L7) L8L L6) )5% N&& &(5 6)7 %LLL
%7,6 L% )5 &7 55 =%L7> =%&)> =L77> =L88> =)%8> =)&(> =N((> =85)> =587> =%%&8> =%8)%>
%L,6 =LN> =N8> (% %7) =%N7> %6L =L)N> L66 =)(7> N)% =8&7> =&5N> =66(> =%)&(> =%(6(>
Pe r mi # # i b l e b ol l o a!
m a -, 5 7G of * i e l ! po i n
5,5 %7 %6 )7 N) 86 57 %7% %L6 %&7 %5& LNL L6& N)% 86% (((
%7,6 %N L( N) &) 5& %%5 %NN %5N LL5 L&8 )N8 NL% &%N 5N) %%7(
%L,6 %( )L 8% (N %7% %)5 %&6 L%8 L&& )%7 N7N N6) (%6 65& %L6&
Te # fo rc e =AS - S p> o
D I N EN I S o 565" p a r %
5,5 =%L> =L% =)N> =N6> &( 6% %%8 %N( %5L L%L L(8 ))( N67 &(L 55L
%7,6 %( )7 N5 (7 =6&> =%)7> =%86> =L7)> =L8L> =L6)> =)5%> =N&&> =&(5> =6)7> =%LLL>
%L,6 =L7> =)8> 8& 5L =%%L> %8L =%5&> L)5 =L6N> )NL =NN8> =8NN> =(6L> =%75(> =%NL5>
Pe r m i # # i bl e pre '#re# # forc e
m a -, 6 7G of * i e l !
p o i n a n ! f r i ci o n ` O 7"%N
5,5 6 %( L& )5 8) () 6% %%( %N& %&5 LL% L&6 )6N 8NL (%N
%7,6 %) L8 )5 88 (( %7( %)7 %&( L75 LN7 )%8 )5N 8&% (() %7%5
%L,6 %8 L6 NN &8 6% %L8 %8L %6& LN) L5% )&6 NN6 &8( 67N %%6%
Re; u i re! o r; u e fo r
p e r m i # # i bl e pre '#re# #
fo rc e a n d f r i ct i o n 1 2 0.14
5,5 %7 L8 N& 5L %)7 L7& L5N N7( 8NL &65 %7L% %)88 L)(L )57L 8()7
%7,6 %N )& &( %L7 %6% )7L N78 857 ((L 66N %N88 %6)7 ))(5 8N%8 5%&L
%L,6 %( N) (6 %N% LL) )8N N(N &(6 67) %%&) %(7) LL85 )68) &))( 68(%
R e ; u i re ! l en $h fo r l ever o
ac h i eve per m i # # i b l e
pre '#re# # forc e
5,5 )7 &8 %L8 L%8 ))7 N67 &87 5(7 %%77 %)87 ' ' ' ' '
%7,6 NL 67 %(8 )77 N87 (77 6L7 %L77 %8&7 ' ' ' ' ' '
%L,6 8% %%7 L%7 )&7 887 5)7 %%77 %N(7 %5&7 ' ' ' ' ' '
Po # # i b l e o r; u e o o b a i n
w i h # an! ar! # p an ne r" re#
u l i n $
pre#re# # forc e]
Nm ' &7 57 67 %77 %%7 %L8 %N7 %87 %(7 %58 LL8 LN7 )77 ))7 N%7
+N ' 8N 8) N5 N) N) N) N) NL NL N) N8 N) N8 N& 87
] 9 i h h i # pre '#re# # forc
e h ere i # !a n $er of
bre a+a$ e %7,6
l o o # e n i n $ of c l a m p i n $ u n i a # a r of m oi ve fo rc e
A S O no mi nal cro# # # e ci o n i n m m
/ S p O mi n, cl a m p i n$ fo rce i n N /m m
/ R m O mi n, l oa! faco r i n N /m m
/ ` O f ri ci o n
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
Ten # i le #ren $h c
5,5 %7,6 %L,6
Y Y '
D I N &))
D I N &))% '
' N r, &))N
N o minal e n# i l e #re n$ h
WN /m m
57 7 %777 %L7
M i ni mu m * i e l ! p oi n
WN /m m
&N7 67 7 %757
a # #e
D I N (5(
D I N &)(6
7 0
(I9 "8"
?olts &or G=slots
/or$e!" T'#lo $ui!'face# mille!" rolle! hrea!" AM/'#*mbol an!
#ren$h cla## punche! ino hea!, M &'M%L empere! o
#ren$h cla## %7,6" M%N'MNL empere! o #ren$h cla## 5,5
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
( x Slot x C A 0 E 3 Pac+a$in$
8#00# M!x!x2 8"( %8 %7 N L8 6
8#012 M!x!x#0 8"( L5 %7 N L8 %L
8#020 M!x!x!3 8"( N7 %7 N L8 %5
8#038 M8x8x32 ("( LL %) & L8 L7
803"# M8x8x0 ("( )8 %) & L8 L8
80382 M8x8x80 ("( 87 %) & L8 )7
8#0#! M10x10x#0 6"( )7 %8 & L8 )7
80390 M10x10x!3 6"( N8 %8 & L8 87
81323 M10x10x80 6"( 87 %8 & L8 &7
80#08 M10x10x100 6"( &7 %8 & L8 (7
80#1! LM12x12x0K %%"( )) %5 ( L8 &7
8!0 M12x12x!3 %%"( N7 %5 ( L8 &8
80#2# M12x12x80 %%"( 88 %5 ( L8 (8
81#0! M12x12x100 %%"( &8 %5 ( L8 67
80#32 M12x12x12 %%"( (8 %5 ( L8 %%7
81#9" M12x12x1!0 %%"( %77 %5 ( ' %)8
80##0 M12x12x200 %%"( %L7 %5 ( ' %&7
80#" LM12x1#x0K %)"( )) LL 5 L8 (7
8!13 M12x1#x!3 %)"( N8 LL 5 L8 57
80#! M12x1#x80 %)"( 88 LL 5 L8 %77
8181 M12x1#x100 %)"( &8 LL 5 L8 %%7
80#"3 M12x1#x12 %)"( (8 LL 5 L8 %L7
829!! M12x1#x1!0 %)"( %77 LL 5 ' %87
80#81 M12x1#x200 %)"( %L7 LL 5 ' %57
80#99 M1#x1!x!3 %8"( N8 L8 6 L8 %%8
8##2! M1#x1!x80 %8"( 88 L8 6 L8 %)7
800" M1#x1!x100 %8"( &8 L8 6 L8 %87
8##3# M1#x1!x12 %8"( (8 L8 6 L8 %57
801 M1#x1!x1!0 %8"( %77 L8 6 L8 LL7
8023 M1#x1!x20 %8"( %87 L8 6 ' )77
8031 LM1!x1!x!3K %8"( N8 L8 6 L8 %N7
8!21 LM1!x1!x80K %8"( 88 L8 6 %7 %&7
80#9 LM1!x1!x100K %8"( &8 L8 6 %7 %57
8#38# LM1!x1!x12K %8"( 58 L8 6 %7 LL8
80! LM1!x1!x1!0K %8"( %77 L8 6 %7 L(7
8!#" LM1!x1!x200K %8"( %L8 L8 6 ' )%8
80!# LM1!x1!x20K %8"( %87 L8 6 ' )57
80"2 M1!x18x!3 %("( N8 L5 %7 L8 %&7
8!39 M1!x18x80 %("( 88 L5 %7 %7 %58
8080 M1!x18x100 %("( &8 L5 %7 %7 L7)
8##00 M1!x18x12 %("( 58 L5 %7 %7 LN8
8098 M1!x18x1!0 %("( %77 L5 %7 %7 L57
8!# M1!x18x200 %("( %L8 L5 %7 ' ))7
80!0! M1!x18x20 %("( %87 L5 %7 ' N)7
8#103 LM20x20x80K %6"( 88 )L %L ' L67
8#03 LM20x20x100K %6"( &8 )L %L ' )N7
8#111 LM20x20x12K %6"( 58 )L %L ' )67
8!!2 LM20x20x1!0K %6"( %%7 )L %L ' N(7
8#129 LM20x20x200K %6"( %L8 )L %L ' 887
8#0"9 LM20x20x20K %6"( %87 )L %L ' &(7
8#13" LM20x20x31K %6"( %67 )L %L ' 577
80!1# M20x22x80 L%"( 88 )8 %N ' ))7
8829 M20x22x100 L%"( &8 )8 %N ' )(7
80!22 M20x22x12 L%"( 58 )8 %N ' NL5
8!"0 M20x22x1!0 L%"( %%7 )8 %N ' 877
80!30 M20x22x200 L%"( %L8 )8 %N ' 8(7
88# M20x22x20 L%"( %87 )8 %N ' &57
80!#8 M20x22x31 L%"( %67 )8 %N ' 5L7
80""0 LM2#x2#x100K L)"( (7 N7 %& ' 8N7
8!88 LM2#x2#x12K L)"( 58 N7 %& ' &77
80"88 LM2#x2#x1!0K L)"( %%7 N7 %& ' ((7
8"0# LM2#x2#x200K L)"( %L8 N7 %& ' 677
80"9! LM2#x2#x20K L)"( %87 N7 %& ' 6&7
8#0!1 LM2#x2#x31K L)"( %67 N7 %& ' %L(7
8080# LM2#x2#x#00K L)"( LN7 N7 %& ' %N%7
80! M2#x28x100 L("( (7 NN %5 ' &87
8!9! M2#x28x12 L("( 58 NN %5 ' (L7
80!!3 M2#x28x1!0 L("( %%7 NN %5 ' 577
8"12 M2#x28x200 L("( %L8 NN %5 ' 687
/olts &or t=slots /olts &or t=slots
(I9 "8"
?olts &or G=slots
/or$e!" T'#lo $ui!'face# mille!" rolle! hrea!" AM/'#*mbol an!
#ren$h cla## punche! ino hea!, M &'M%L empere! o
#ren$h cla## %7,6" M%N'MNL empere! o #ren$h cla## 5,5
= > #imilar o DIN,
-n re'uest8
2her #iBe# on re;ue#,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
( x Slot x C A 0 E 3 Pac+a$in$
80!"1 M2#x28x20 L("( %87 NN %5 ' %%L7
8#08" M2#x28x31 L("( %67 NN %5 ' %)87
80!89 M2#x28x#00 L("( LN7 NN %5 ' %N67
8"!#3 LM2"x32x1!0K )%"& %77 87 L7 ' %%&5
8""83 LM2"x32x200K )%"& %)8 87 L7 ' %)N8
8"809 LM2"x32x31K )%"& L77 87 L7 ' %5L5
80!9" M30x3!x12 )8"& 57 8N LL ' %L87
8"20 M30x3!x1!0 )8"& %%7 8N LL ' %NN7
80"0 M30x3!x200 )8"& %)8 8N LL ' %&)7
8"38 M30x3!x20 )8"& %87 8N LL ' %6L7
80"13 M30x3!x31 )8"& L77 8N LL ' L%77
80"21 M30x3!x00 )8"& )77 8N LL ' ))77
80"39 M3!x#2x1!0 N%"& %77 &8 L& ' LL77
80"#" M3!x#2x20 N%"& %(8 &8 L& ' L5L7
80"# M3!x#2x#00 N%"& L87 &8 L& ' )6)7
80"!2 M3!x#2x!00 N%"& )N7 &8 L& ' 8N57
8#1# M#2x#8x1!0 N("& %77 (8 )7 ' )N77
8#12 M#2x#8x20 N("& %(8 (8 )7 ' N)77
8#1!0 M#2x#8x#00 N("& L87 (8 )7 ' 8577
(I9 "8"
?olts &or G=slots
complee wih he-a$on nu DIN &))70 an! wa#her DIN &)N7,
/or$e!" mille! T'$roove" rolle! hrea!" #ampe! wih AM/ lo$o
an! #ren$h cla##, M& o M%L har!ene! o #ren$h cla##
%7,6" M%N o MNL har!ene! o #ren$h cla## 5,5,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
( x Slot x C A 0 E 3 9ei$h
8#202 M!x!x2 8"( %8 %7 N %6
8#210 M!x!x#0 8"( L5 %7 N LL
8#228 M!x!x!3 8"( N7 %7 N L5
8#23! M8x8x32 ("( LL %) & N7
80812 M8x8x0 ("( )8 %) & N8
80820 M8x8x80 ("( 87 %) & 88
8#2## M10x10x#0 6"( )7 %8 & &8
80838 M10x10x!3 6"( N8 %8 & 57
813! M10x10x80 6"( 87 %8 & 67
808#! M10x10x100 6"( &7 %8 & %%7
8083 M12x12x0 %%"( )8 %5 ( %L7
8"#! M12x12x!3 %%"( N7 %5 ( %L5
808!1 M12x12x80 %%"( 88 %5 ( %)7
81##8 M12x12x100 %%"( &8 %5 ( %N8
808"9 M12x12x12 %%"( (8 %5 ( %(7
810 M12x12x1!0 %%"( %77 %5 ( %68
8088" M12x12x200 %%"( %L7 %5 ( LL7
8089 M12x1#x0 %)"( )8 LL 5 %)7
8"3 M12x1#x!3 %)"( N8 LL 5 %N8
80903 M12x1#x80 %)"( 88 LL 5 %88
829"# M12x1#x100 %)"( &8 LL 5 %88
80911 M12x1#x12 %)"( (8 LL 5 %57
8#3"! M12x1#x1!0 %)"( %77 LL 5 L%7
80929 M12x1#x200 %)"( %L7 LL 5 LN7
8093" M1#x1!x!3 %8"( N8 L8 6 L77
8###2 M1#x1!x80 %8"( 88 L8 6 LL7
809# M1#x1!x100 %8"( &8 L8 6 L)7
8##9 M1#x1!x12 %8"( (8 L8 6 L57
8092 M1#x1!x1!0 %8"( %77 L8 6 )%7
809!0 M1#x1!x20 %8"( %L7 L8 6 )67
809"8 LM1!x1!x!3K %8"( N8 L8 6 L87
8"!1 LM1!x1!x80K %8"( 88 L8 6 L(8
8098! LM1!x1!x100K %8"( &8 L8 6 L67
8#392 LM1!x1!x12K %8"( 58 L8 6 )77
8099# LM1!x1!x1!0K %8"( %77 L8 6 )57
8""9 LM1!x1!x200K %8"( %L8 L8 6 N)8
81000 LM1!x1!x20K %8"( %87 L8 6 8)7
81018 M1!x18x!3 %("( N8 L5 %7 L&7
8"8" M1!x18x80 %("( 88 L5 %7 )78
8102! M1!x18x100 %("( &8 L5 %7 )%8
8##18 M1!x18x12 %("( 58 L5 %7 )&7
8103# M1!x18x1!0 %("( %77 L5 %7 N77
8"9 M1!x18x200 %("( %L8 L5 %7 NN5
810#2 M1!x18x20 %("( %87 L5 %7 8&7
8#301 LM20x20x80K %6"( 88 )L %L 8L7
81#" LM20x20x100K %6"( &8 )L %L 8(7
8#319 LM20x20x12K %6"( 58 )L %L 8&7
8803 LM20x20x1!0K %6"( %%7 )L %L &57
8#32" LM20x20x200K %6"( %L8 )L %L (77
81!2 LM20x20x20K %6"( %87 )L %L 577
8#33 LM20x20x31K %6"( %67 )L %L 6N7
8109 M20x22x80 L%"( 88 )8 %N 8)7
883" M20x22x100 L%"( &8 )8 %N &%7
810!" M20x22x12 L%"( 58 )8 %N &(7
8811 M20x22x1!0 L%"( %%7 )8 %N (%7
810" M20x22x200 L%"( %L8 )8 %N (87
882 M20x22x20 L%"( %87 )8 %N 587
81083 M20x22x31 L%"( %67 )8 %N 657
8121! LM2#x2#x100K L)"( (7 N7 %& 6%7
88!0 LM2#x2#x12K L)"( 58 N7 %& 6(7
8122# LM2#x2#x1!0K L)"( %%7 N7 %& %7N7
88"8 LM2#x2#x200K L)"( %L8 N7 %& %L&8
81232 LM2#x2#x20K L)"( %87 N7 %& %N%7
8188 LM2#x2#x31K L)"( %67 N7 %& %&N7
812#0 LM2#x2#x#00K L)"( LN7 N7 %& %(57
81091 M2#x28x100 L("( (7 NN %5 657
888! M2#x28x12 L("( 58 NN %5 %7%7
81109 M2#x28x1!0 L("( %%7 NN %5 %%87
889# M2#x28x200 L("( %L8 NN %5 %LN7
(I9 "8"
?olts &or G=slots
complee wih he-a$on nu DIN &))70 an! wa#her DIN &)N7,
/or$e!" mille! T'$roove" rolle! hrea!" #ampe! wih AM/ lo$o
an! #ren$h cla##, M& o M%L har!ene! o #ren$h cla##
%7,6" M%N o MNL har!ene! o #ren$h cla## 5,5,
= > #imilar o DIN,
-n re'uest8
2her #iBe# on re;ue#,
AM/ ;uali* #ar# wih conrolle! raw maerialI
2ur full*'auomae! for$in$ plan pro!uce# clampin$ #crew#, 2nce cleare!" he hrea! i# rolle!,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
( x Slot x C A 0 E 3 9ei$h
8111" M2#x28x20 L("( %87 NN %5 %877
81!0# M2#x28x31 L("( %67 NN %5 %()7
8112 M2#x28x#00 L("( LN7 NN %5 %5&7
81133 M30x3!x12 )8"& 57 8N LL %5&7
8902 M30x3!x1!0 )8"& %%7 8N LL %687
811#1 M30x3!x200 )8"& %)8 8N LL LL)7
8910 M30x3!x20 )8"& %87 8N LL L888
8118 M30x3!x31 )8"& L77 8N LL L687
811!! M30x3!x00 )8"& )77 8N LL )687
811"# M3!x#2x1!0 N%"& %77 &8 L& )LL7
81182 M3!x#2x20 N%"& %(8 &8 L& )5N7
81190 M3!x#2x#00 N%"& L87 &8 L& N687
81208 M3!x#2x!00 N%"& )N7 &8 L& &877
8#1"8 M#2x#8x1!0 N("& %77 (8 )7 &777
8#18! M#2x#8x20 N("& %(8 (8 )7 &677
8#19# M#2x#8x#00 N("& L87 (8 )7 5N77
/olts &or t=slots L12.9K Rhom/us=hea$ scre2 &or t=slots
(I9 "8"
?olts &or G=slots L12.9K
/or$e!" T'#lo $ui!'face# broache!" rolle!, Threa!" empere!
o #ren$h cla## %L,6, Sren$h cla## punche! ino hea!,
Machin$ nu# DIN &))70 an! wa#her# DIN &)N7, = > #imilar o DIN,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
D - Slo - L A 0 E 3 Pac+a$in$
839! M%7-%7-N7 6"( )7 %8 & L8 )7
839"2 M%7-%7-87 6"( )8 %8 & L8 N7
83998 M%7-%7-57 6"( 87 %8 & L8 &7
83923 M%7-%7-%77 6"( &7 %8 & L8 (7
8!1#0 M%L-%L-87 %%"( )8 %5 ( L8 &7
8!231 M%L-%L-&) %%"( N7 %5 ( L8 &8
8!1" M%L-%L-57 %%"( 88 %5 ( L8 (8
8!2! M%L-%L-%77 %%"( &8 %5 ( L8 67
8!1! M%L-%L-%L8 %%"( (8 %5 ( L8 %%7
8"30# M%L-%L-%&7 %%"( %77 %5 ( ' %)8
8!1"3 M%L-%L-L77 %%"( %L7 %5 ( ' %&7
8!181 M%L-%N-87 %)"( )8 LL 5 L8 (7
8!!11 M%L-%N-&) %)"( N8 LL 5 L8 57
8!199 M%L-%N-57 %)"( 88 LL 5 L8 %77
8!!"8 M%L-%N-%77 %)"( &8 LL 5 L8 %%7
8!20" M%L-%N-%L8 %)"( (8 LL 5 L8 %L7
8"320 M%L-%N-%&7 %)"( %77 LL 5 ' %87
8!21 M%L-%N-L77 %)"( %L7 LL 5 ' %57
8!2!# =M%&-%&-&)> %8"( N8 L8 6 L8 %N7
8"3#! =M%&-%&-57> %8"( 88 L8 6 %7 %&7
8!2"2 =M%&-%&-%77> %8"( &8 L8 6 %7 %57
8"3!1 =M%&-%&-%L8> %8"( 58 L8 6 %7 LL8
8!280 =M%&-%&-%&7> %8"( %77 L8 6 %7 L(7
8"38" =M%&-%&-L77> %8"( %L8 L8 6 ' )%8
8!298 =M%&-%&-L87> %8"( %87 L8 6 ' )57
8!30! M%&-%5-&) %("( N8 L5 %7 L8 %&7
8!!29 M%&-%5-57 %("( 88 L5 %7 %7 %58
8!31# M%&-%5-%77 %("( &8 L5 %7 %7 L7)
8!!# M%&-%5-%L8 %("( 58 L5 %7 %7 L)7
8!322 M%&-%5-%&7 %("( %77 L5 %7 %7 L57
8"#03 M%&-%5-L77 %("( %L8 L5 %7 ' ))7
8!330 M%&-%5-L87 %("( %87 L5 %7 ' N)7
8!#21 =ML7-L7-57> %6"( 88 )L %L ' L67
8!#39 =ML7-L7-%L8> %6"( 58 )L %L ' )67
8"#29 =ML7-L7-%&7> %6"( %%7 )L %L ' N(7
8!##" =ML7-L7-L77> %6"( %L8 )L %L ' 887
8"#3" =ML7-L7-L87> %6"( %87 )L %L ' &(7
8!## =ML7-L7-)%8> %6"( %67 )L %L ' 577
8!3#8 ML7-LL-57 L%"( 88 )8 %N ' ))7
8!3 ML7-LL-%L8 L%"( 58 )8 %N ' NL5
8"## ML7-LL-%&7 L%"( %%7 )8 %N ' 877
8!3!3 ML7-LL-L77 L%"( %L8 )8 %N ' 8(7
8"10 ML7-LL-L87 L%"( %87 )8 %N ' &57
8!3"1 ML7-LL-)%8 L%"( %67 )8 %N ' 5L7
8!#!2 =MLN-LN-%77> L)"( (7 N7 %& ' 8N7
8!#"0 =MLN-LN-%&7> L)"( %%7 N7 %& ' ((7
8""" =MLN-LN-L77> L)"( %L8 N7 %& ' 677
8!#88 =MLN-LN-L87> L)"( %87 N7 %& ' 6&7
8!#9! =MLN-LN-N77> L)"( LN7 N7 %& ' %N%7
8!389 MLN-L5-%77 L("( (7 NN %5 ' &87
8!39" MLN-L5-%&7 L("( %%7 NN %5 ' 577
8"8 MLN-L5-L77 L("( %L8 NN %5 ' 687
8!#0 MLN-L5-L87 L("( %87 NN %5 ' %%L7
8!#13 MLN-L5-N77 L("( LN7 NN %5 ' %N67
81281 M)7-)&-%&7 )8"& %%7 8N LL ' %687
813!# M)7-)&-L77 )8"& %)8 8N LL ' LL)7
81#!3 M)7-)&-L87 )8"& %87 8N LL ' L888
82131 M)7-)&-)%8 )8"& L77 8N LL ' L687
9o. "9"
Rhom/us=hea$ scre2 &or G=slots
for$e!" T'#lo# mille!" rolle! hrea!" hea'reae! o #ren$h
$ra!e 5,5, Lower loa! capaciie# compare! wih comparable
#iBe# of DIN (5( !ue o re!uce! bearin$ #urface in he T'
Machin$ nu# DIN &))70 an! wa#her# DIN &)N7,
A!!iional clampin$ poin wih fi-ure alrea!* clampe!,
Al#o po##ible o #e'up a clampin$ poin rero#pecivel*" !e#pie machine T'$roove alrea!* bein$
occupie!, Rhombu# #crew no, can be in#ere! ino he T'$roove from above, Thi# i# al#o po##ible
wih he combinaion beween rhombu# $roove no, 8%7 an! #u! bol DIN &)(6,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
D - Slo - L A 0 E 3 9ei$h
8"29! M%L-%N- 87 %)"( )8 LL 5 (7
8"312 M%L-%N- 57 %)"( 88 LL 5 %77
8"338 M%L-%N-%L8 %)"( (8 LL 5 %L7
8"33 M%&-%5- &) %("( N8 L5 %7 %&7
8"3"9 M%&-%5-%77 %("( &8 L5 %7 LL7
8"39 M%&-%5-%&7 %("( %77 L5 %7 L57
8!"93 ML7-LL- 57 L%"( 88 )8 %N ))7
8!801 ML7-LL-%L8 L%"( 58 )8 %N N)7
8!819 ML7-LL-L77 L%"( %L7 )8 %N 8(7
8!82" MLN-L5-%77 L("( (7 NN %5 &87
8!99 MLN-L5-%L8 L("( 58 NN %5 ((7
8"11# MLN-L5-L87 L("( %87 NN %5 %%L7
stu$s stu$s
(I9 !3"9
Rolle! hrea!, M &'M%L empere! o #ren$h cla##
%7,6" M%N'MNL empere! o #ren$h cla## 5,5,
The #peciall* !evelope! AM/'#u!# for clampin$ purpo#e#
are $ra!uae! b* len$h accor!in$ o DIN )L) #erie# R%7
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
( x C 0% 0L Pac+a$in$
8#""2 LM !x 32K 6 %& 87 5
8!#! LM !x #0K 6 L7 87 6
8#"80 M !x 0 6 )7 87 %%
822 LM !x !3K 6 N7 87 %N
8#"98 M !x 80 6 87 87 %5
812" M 8x #0 %% L7 %77 %7
8#80! M 8x !3 %% N7 87 L7
812"3 LM 8x 80K %% 87 87 L8
8#81# M 8x100 %% &) 87 )7
8#"! LM 8x12K %% (8 87 )&
8#822 LM 8x1!0K %% %77 87 N8
81299 M10x 0 %) L8 87 L8
8#830 M10x 80 %) 87 87 N7
8!0#1 LM10x100K %) (8 87 87
8131 M10x12 %) (8 L8 &L
8928 LM10x1!0K %) %77 87 57
8#8#8 LM10x200K %) %LL ' %77
8#8 M12x 0 %8 L8 L8 )(
81331 LM12x !3K %8 )L L8 N8
8#8!3 M12x 80 %8 87 87 88
813#9 LM12x100K %8 &) 87 (7
8#8"1 M12x12 %8 (8 L8 67
8#80 LM12x1!0K %8 %77 L8 %%)
8#889 LM12x200K %8 %LL ' %N7
813"2 LM1#x !3K %( )L L8 57
8##!" LM1#x80K %( 87 L8 58
81380 LM1#x100K %( &) L8 67
8##" LM1#x12K %( (8 L8 %L7
81398 LM1#x1!0K %( %77 L8 %87
8!3 LM1#x200K %( %LL ' %68
8#89" LM1#x20K %( %&7 ' LN7
8#90 M1!x !3 %6 )L L8 58
81#1# LM1!x 80K %6 87 L8 %78
8#913 M1!x100 %6 &) L8 %)7
81#22 LM1!x12K %6 (8 L8 %&7
8#921 M1!x1!0 %6 %77 L8 L%5
8#98 LM1!x200K %6 %LL ' L57
8#939 M1!x20 %6 %&7 ' )L8
8#8 LM1!x31K %6 %57 ' NL8
8#"2 LM1!x00K %6 )%8 ' &87
8#9#" LM18x 80K L) 87 L8 %)7
8#9# LM18x12K L) (8 L8 L77
8!!1 LM18x1!0K L) %77 ' L88
81#"1 LM18x200K L) %LL ' )L7
81#89 LM18x20K L) %87 ' N77
8#9!2 LM18x31K L) %57 ' 877
8#9"0 M20x 80 L( )L ' %58
8#988 M20x12 L( (7 ' L88
80! LM20x1!0K L( %77 ' ))7
8113 M20x200 L( %LL ' N%7
8121 LM20x20K L( %&7 ' 8%7
8#99! M20x31 L( L77 ' &N7
89"" LM20x#00K L( L87 ' 5%8
8001 LM20x00K L( )%8 ' %7L7
8019 LM22x100K )% N8 ' L(7
8139 LM22x1!0K )% %77 ' N)7
8!"9 LM22x200K )% %LL ' 877
81# LM22x20K )% %&7 ' &(7
8!9 LM22x31K )% %57 ' (67
802" LM22x#00K )% L87 ' %7(7
803 M2#x100 )8 N8 ' L67
8!3 LM2#x12K )8 (7 ' )57
81"0 M2#x1!0 )8 %77 ' N(7
81# LM2#x200K )8 %LL ' 857
819! M2#x20 )8 %&7 ' ()7
8!009 LM2#x31K )8 L77 ' 6L7
80#3 M2#x#00 )8 L87 ' %%&7
8!02 LM2#x00K )8 )%8 ' %N&7
800 LM2#x!30K )8 )%8 ' %5&7
(I9 !3"9
Rolle! hrea!, M &'M%L empere! o #ren$h cla##
%7,6" M%N'MNL empere! o #ren$h cla## 5,5,
The #peciall* !evelope! AM/'#u!# for clampin$ purpo#e#
are $ra!uae! b* len$h accor!in$ o DIN )L) #erie# R%7
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
( x C 0% 0L Pac+a$in$
81!9 LM2"x12K )6 8& ' N58
81"03 LM2"x200K )6 %LL ' ((7
81"11 LM2"x31K )6 L77 ' %%%7
8!8" LM2"x#00K )6 L87 ' %8)8
81"29 LM2"x00K )6 )%8 ' %6)7
80!8 M30x12 N) 8& ' 867
81!12 LM30x200K N) %LL ' 687
81!20 M30x31 N) L77 ' %N67
81!38 M30x00 N) )%8 ' L)&7
81!#! LM30x"00K N) N77 ' ))77
81!!1 LM30x1000K N) N77 ' N(77
80"! M3!x1!0 8% 57 ' %%77
81!3 LM3!x200K 8% %LL ' %)N7
808# M3!x20 8% %&7 ' %(%7
8 LM3!x31K 8% L77 ' L%87
8092 M3!x#00 8% L87 ' L(77
81!"9 LM3!x00K 8% )%8 ' )N87
81!8" LM3!x"00K 8% N77 ' N(87
889 LM#2x31K 86 L77 ' L687
89" LM#2x#00K 86 L87 ' )(87
830 LM#2x00K 86 )%8 ' N&67
(I9 !3"9
Stu$s L12.9K
rolle! hrea!, Tempere! o #ren$h cla## %L,6,
The #u! bol# !evelope! b* AM/ e#peciall* for clampin$
purpo#e# have len$h# a!ape! o he #an!ar!
(I9 !3"9I
Ghrea$e$ pins L12.9K
2ith hexagon soc0et
rolle! hrea!, Tempere! o #ren$h cla## %L,6
The #u! bol# !evelope! b* AM/ e#peciall* for clampin$
purpo#e# have len$h# a!ape! o he #an!ar!
] Ten#ile #ren$h cla## %7,6,
The hrea!e! pin al#o ha# a he-a$on #oc+e, Throu$h hi#" fa# relea#e or clampin$ i# po##ible,
V#e in all area# of cuin$ an! non'cuin$ proce##in$,
' Cariable an! fa# a!Pu#men po##ibili* a a !i#ance from he wor+piece
' E#peciall* #uiable for u#e on inPecion moul!in$ machine# an! pre##e#
The nu# DIN &))70" #ren$h cla## %7 an! wa#her# DIN &)N7 mu# be u#e! in combinaion wih
hi# hrea!e! pin,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
D - L 0% 0L Pac+a$in$
82123 =M%L- 57> %8 87 87 88
89193 =M%L-%77> %8 &) L8 (7
8920 =M%L-%L8> %8 (8 L8 67
892"! =M%L-%&7> %8 %77 L8 %%)
82180 =M%&- 57> %6 87 L8 %78
822!3 =M%&-%77> %6 &) L8 %)7
8"1 =M%&-%L8> %6 (8 L8 %&7
8""3# =M%&-%&7> %6 %77 L8 L%5
8""9 =M%&-L77> %6 %L8 ' L57
8""91 =M%&-L87> %6 %&7 ' )L8
8"!!8 =ML7-%L8> L( (7 ' L88
8"!8# =ML7-%&7> L( %77 ' ))7
8""00 =ML7-L77> L( %L8 ' N%7
8""#2 =ML7-L87> L( %&7 ' 8%7
8"833 =ML7-)%8> L( L77 ' &N7
8"!92 =ML7-877> L( )%8 ' %7L7
8828! =MLN-%&7> )8 %77 ' N(7
88930 =MLN-L77> )8 %L8 87 857
8909# =MLN-L87> )8 %&7 ' ()7
8913! =MLN-)%8> )8 L77 ' 6L7
8911 =MLN-N77> )8 L87 ' %%&7
891"" =MLN-877> )8 )%8 ' %N&7
D - L 0% 0L L% S9 9ei$h
3819# M%L-%77 ] %8 &) N N 5L
381913 M%L-%L8 ] %8 (8 N N %7L
3819"0 M%L-%&7 ] %8 %77 N N %)7
38199! M%&-%L8 %6 (8 N N %5N
381939 M%&-%&7 %6 %77 N N L)&
382010 M%&-L77 %6 %L8 N N L6N
382028 ML7-%&7 L( %77 8 8 )(%
38203! ML7-L77 L( %L8 8 8 N&L
3820## ML7-L87 L( %&7 8 8 8((
38201 MLN-L77 )8 %L8 8 8 &(7
3820!9 MLN-L87 )8 %&7 8 8 5)8
Techni#che an!erun$en vorbehalen,
ANDREAS MAI ER /ELL0AC1 ww w , a m f , ! e San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS 68
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,! e San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS 68
nuts &or t=slots Lt=nutsK nuts &or t=slots Lt=nutsK
3+ San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,!e San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS 6& ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,!e
(I9 08
9uts &or G=slots LG=nutsK
empere!" #ren$h cla## %7, The nu# for he T $roove can onl*
e-perience a full loa! when he #crew connecion e-i## over
he enire len$h of he hrea!,
] /ormer #an!ar! %6L5 or AM/ wor+#
-n re'uest8
Special ma+e# on re;ue#,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
D - Slo A E 1 3 Pac+a$in$
80002 M 8- & 8"( %7 5 N 87 N
80010 M &- 5 ("( %) %7 & %77 6
80028 M 5-%7 6"( %8 %L & %77 %L
1#0301 M 5-%L] %%"( %5 %N ( 87 LL
8003! M%7-%L %%"( %5 %N ( 87 LL
1#032" M 5-%N] %)"( LL %& 5 87 N%
8023# M%7-%N] %)"( LL %& 5 87 )(
800## M%L-%N %)"( LL %& 5 87 )8
13#!0 M 5-%&] %8"( L8 %5 6 L8 87
803!! M%7-%&] %8"( L8 %5 6 L8 &7
801!8 M%L-%&] %8"( L8 %5 6 L8 87
8001 M%N-%&] %8"( L8 %5 6 L8 87
13#"8 M 5-%5] %("( L5 L7 %7 L8 6%
812! M%7-%5] %("( L5 L7 %7 L8 5(
1890" M%L-%5] %("( L5 L7 %7 L8 5L
801"! M%N-%5] %("( L5 L7 %7 L8 (7
800!9 M%&-%5 %("( L5 L7 %7 87 (7
8018# M%&-L7] %6"( )L LN %L L8 %%7
800"" M%5-L7] %6"( )L LN %L L8 %%7
1!30 M%&-LL] L%"( )8 L5 %N L8 %(&
802#2 M%5-LL] L%"( )8 L5 %N %7 %&)
8008 ML7-LL L%"( )8 L5 %N L8 %88
19#18 M%&-LN] L)"( N7 )L %& %7 L&7
80192 ML7-LN] L)"( N7 )L %& %7 L)8
80093 MLL-LN] L)"( N7 )L %& %7 LL7
19#2! M%&-L5] L("( NN )& %5 ' )5)
18899 ML7-L5] L("( NN )& %5 ' )88
8038 MLL-L5] L("( NN )& %5 %7 )N7
80101 MLN-L5 L("( NN )& %5 ' )LL
80200 MLN-)7] L6"( N5 )5 %6 ' NN7
80119 ML(-)L] )%"& 87 N7 L7 ' N&7
80218 MLN-)&] )8"& 8N NN LL ' (77
8012" M)7-)& )8"& 8N NN LL ' 867
8022! M)7-NL] N%"& &8 8L L& ' %%87
8013 M)&-NL N%"& &8 8L L& ' %7%7
801#3 MNL-N5 N("& (8 &7 )7 ' %&77
8010 MN5-8N 8)"& 58 (7 )N ' L)77
9o. 08*
G=nuts 2ith spring Lpat. pen$.K
=T $roove +e*>" wih #prin$, 1ar!ene!" #ren$h cla##
%7, Sprin$< Sainle## #eel,
' Sable po#iion of fi-ure wihou wor+piece" paricularl* on verical face#,
' ea#* in#erion of #u!# ec, =no $ropin$ for hrea!hole#>
' #lo clearin$ effec,
9o. 08C
9uts &or G=slots3 exten$e$
1ar!ene!" #ren$h cla## %7
Thi# e-en!e! form #afe$ar!# he T'#lo# of preci##ion machine able#,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
D - Slo A E / 1 3 L 9ei$h
89"30 M5-%L %%"( %5 %L"8 %N ( )% LN
89"#8 M%7-%L %%"( %5 %L"8 %N ( )% L%
89" M5-%N %)"( LL %)"8 %& 5 )) NL
89"!3 M%7-%N %)"( LL %)"8 %& 5 )) )5
89""1 M%L-%N %)"( LL %)"8 %& 5 )) )N
89"89 M5-%& %8"( L8 %8"8 %5 6 NL &)
89"9" M%7-%& %8"( L8 %8"8 %5 6 NL &7
89813 M%7-%5 %("( L5 %("8 L7 %7 N) 5(
89839 M%&-%5 %("( L5 %("8 L7 %7 N) (7
8990# ML7-LL L%"( )8 L%"8 L5 %N 8& %8)
D - Slo A E 1 3 L Pac+a$in$
8#!#0 M8-& 8"( %7 5 N L7 87 5
8#!" M&-5 ("( %) %7 & L& 87 %N
8#!! M5-%7 6"( %8 %L & )7 87 )7
8#!"3 M%7-%L %%"( %5 %N ( )& 87 N6
8#!81 M%L-%N %)"( LL %& 5 NN L8 5L
8#!99 M%N-%& %8"( L8 %5 6 87 87 %L7
8#"0" M%&-%5 %("( L5 L7 %7 8& L7 %(7
8#"1 M%5-L7 %6"( )L LN %L &N %7 L&7
8#"23 ML7-LL L%"( )8 L5 %N (7 ' )&7
8#"#9 MLN-L5 L("( NN )& %5 55 ' ()7
8#"!# M)7-)& )8"& 8N NN LL %75 ' %)67
9o. 10
9uts &or G=slots 1Rhom/us.
Tempere!" for en#ile #ren$h cla##e# #ee a!Poinin$ able,
Lower loa! capaciie# compare! wih com parable #iBe# of DIN
!ue o re!uce! bearin$ #urface in he T'#lo#,
9o. 08R
?lan0s &or G=nuts
Temperin$ #eel 7,)8'7,N8 G C,
1ea reamen o en#ile #ren$h cla## %7" i,e, LL')L 1RC, 1ar!enin$< 557[C'N8 minue#" ;uenche! in oil of (8[C an! empere! a 887[C'L hour#, The#e blan+# allow
economical manufacure of T'nu# wih non #an!ar! hrea!#,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
D - Slo Sren$h cla## A E 1 3 Pac+a$in$
8993 M &-5 5 ("& %) %7 8"5 87 (
8"#11 M 5-%7 5 6"( %8 %L & 87 %%
8029 M%7-%L 5 %%"( %5 %N ( 87 %N
18220 M%7-%N 5 %)"( LL %& 5 87 L(
802!" M%L-%N 5 %)"( LL %& 5 87 LL
802" M%N-%& & %8"( L8 %5 6 L8 ))
18238 M%7-%5 5 %("( L5 L7 %7 L8 &N
80283 M%&-%5 & %("( L5 L7 %7 L8 N&
803#1 M%&-L7 5 %6"( )L LN %L L8 (6
80291 M%5-L7 & %6"( )L LN %L L8 (7
182#! M%&-LL 5 L%"( )8 L5 %N L8 %%6
80309 ML7-LL & L%"( )8 L5 %N L8 65
8813 ML7-LN & L)"( N7 )L %& ' %(7
1823 M%&-L5 5 L("( NN )& %5 ' L(5
8#"31 ML7-L5 5 L("( NN )& %5 ' LN5
8031" MLN-L5 & L("( NN )& %5 ' L%8
8032 M)7-)& & )8"& 8N NN LL ' N)7
80333 M)&-NL & N%"& &8 8L L& ' &67
Slo A E 1 3 Pac+a$in$
8#09 & 8"( %7 5 N L8 N
8#1" 5 ("( %) %7 & L8 %7
8#2 %7 6"( %8 %L & 87 %&
8#33 %L %%"( %5 %N ( 87 L(
8##1 %N %)"( LL %& 5 87 87
8#8 %& %8"( L8 %5 6 L8 (7
8#!! %5 %("( L5 L7 %7 L8 68
8#"# L7 %6"( )L LN %L L8 %87
8#82 LL L%"( )8 L5 %N L8 L%7
8#90 LN L)"( N7 )L %& %7 )77
8#!08 L5 L("( NN )& %5 ' N)7
8##83 )L )%"( 87 N7 L7 ' &)7
8#!32 )& )8"& 8N NN LL ' 577
8##91 NL N%"& &8 8L L& ' %N77
8#!1! N5 N("& (8 &7 )7 ' L%77
8#!2# 8N 8)"& 58 (7 )N ' )%87
hexagon nut hexagon nut
(I9 !330?
)exagon nut
hei$h %"8 !ia, Tempere!" en#ile #ren$h cla## %7, 9ih
#pherical en! machin$ aper face of wa#her# DIN &)%6 D or
G, /la en! machin$ har!ene! wa#her# DIN &)N7,
9o. !33#
@xtension nut
hei$h )"7 !ia, Tempere!" en#ile #ren$h cla##
] 2l! DIN #an!ar!,
= > DIN e-pan!e!,
SiBe E M S Pac+a$in$
82!1 M& %%"78 %5 %7 %77 5
82!!9 M5 %N"N7 LN %) 87 %6
822"1 M%7 %("57 )7 %& L8 )7
82!"" M%7 %5"67 )7 ]%( L8 NL
82289 M%L L7"7) )& %5 L8 N5
82!8 M%L L%"%7 )& ]%6 L8 &N
8229" M%N L)"N7 NL L% L8 ()
82!93 M%N LN"87 NL ]LL L8 68
82"01 M%& L&"57 N5 LN L8 %L7
82"19 M%5 )7"%7 8N L( L7 %(7
82"2" ML7 ))"87 &7 )7 %7 LN7
8230 MLL )("(7 && )N %7 )67
82"3 MLL )8"(7 && ])L %7 L57
82"#3 MLN N7"77 (L )& ' N77
82"0 ML( N8"&7 5% N% ' &77
82"!8 M)7 8%")7 67 N& ' 587
82""! M)& &%")7 %75 88 ' %N(7
82"8# MNL (L"&7 %L& &8 ' L)N7
82"92 MN5 5)"67 %NN (8 ' )&77
] ol! DIN #an!ar!,
The e-en#ion nu no, &))N i# u#e! o connec T'#lo bol# DIN (5( wih #u!# DIN &)(6, Throu$h'
!rive of hrea! i# no po##ible, /or funcion an! #afe* boh #crew# #houl! mach half he len$h of
nu on eiher #i!e, Minimum !eph i# % - !ia of hrea!,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
SiBe E M R S Pac+a$in$
823!2 M& %%"78 6 6 %7 %77 8
823"0 M5 %N"N7 %L %L %) %77 6
823# M%7 %("57 %8 %8 %& 87 %N
82388 M%7 %5"67 %8 %8 ]%( 87 L7
823#" M%L L7"7) %5 %( %5 87 L7
8239! M%L L%"%7 %5 %( ]%6 87 L5
82321 =M%N> L)"N7 L% L7 L% 87 )N
82#0# =M%N> LN"87 L% L7 ]LL 87 N8
82#12 M%& L&"57 LN LL LN 87 85
82#20 =M%5> )7"%7 L( LN L( L8 5)
82#38 ML7 ))"87 )7 L( )7 L8 %%7
82339 =MLL> )("(7 )) )7 )N %7 %58
82##! =MLL> )8"(7 )) )7 ])L %7 %)7
82#3 MLN N7"77 )& )L )& %7 %68
82#!1 =ML(> N8"&7 N7 )& N% ' L57
82#"9 M)7 8%")7 N8 N% N& ' N78
82#8" M)& &%")7 8N 87 88 ' (%8
82#9 MNL (L"&7 &) 85 &8 ' %%(7
8203 MN5 5)"67 (L &( (8 ' %577
(I9 !331
Collar nut
hei$h %"8 !ia, Turne! an! mille!, Tempere!" en#ile
#ren$h cla## %7,
(I9 !331
Collar nut
hei$h %"8 !ia, /or$e!, Tempere!" en#ile #ren$h cla##
] 2l! DIN #an!ar!,
= > DIN e-pan!e!,
= > DIN e-en!e!,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
SiBe A D% E M S Pac+a$in$
8229 M& )"7 %N %%"78 6 %7 87 &
823" M5 )"8 %5 %N"N7 %L %) 87 %L
82222 M%7 N"7 LL %("57 %8 %& 87 L%
82# M%7 N"7 LL %5"67 %8 ]%( 87 L8
82230 M%L N"7 L8 L7"7) %5 %5 L8 )7
822 M%L N"7 L8 L%"%7 %5 ]%6 L8 )&
822#8 =M%N> N"8 L5 L)"N7 L% L% L8 N)
82!0 =M%N> N"8 L5 LN"87 L% ]LL L8 8%
82"8 M%& 8"7 )% L&"57 LN LN L8 (7
828! =M%5> 8"7 )N )7"%7 L( L( L8 68
829# ML7 &"7 )( ))"87 )7 )7 L8 %)7
822 =MLL> &"7 N7 )("(7 )) )N %7 L77
82!02 =MLL> &"7 N7 )8"(7 )) ])L %7 %&7
82!10 MLN &"7 N8 N7"77 )& )& %7 L)7
82!28 ML( 5"7 87 N8"&7 N7 N% ' )L7
82!3! M)7 5"7 85 8%")7 N8 N& ' N(7
82!## M)& %7"7 &5 &%")7 8N 88 ' 577
8211 MNL %L"7 57 (L"&7 &) &8 ' %)N7
82800 MN5 %N"7 6L 5)"67 (L (8 ' L7N7
SiBe A D% E M S Pac+a$in$
82198 M& )"7 %N %%"78 6 %7 87 &
8211 M5 )"8 %5 %N"N7 %L %) 87 %L
8221# M%7 N"7 LL %("57 %8 %& 87 L%
8210" M%L N"7 L8 L7"7) %5 %5 L8 )7
821#9 M%& 8"7 )% L&"57 LN LN L8 (7
8220! =M%5> 8"7 )N )7"%7 L( L( L8 68
821! ML7 &"7 )( ))"87 )7 )7 L8 %)7
821!# MLN &"7 N8 N7"77 )& )& %7 L)7
82313 ML( 5"7 87 N8"&7 N7 N% ' )L7
821"2 M)7 5"7 85 8%")7 N8 N& ' N(7
Nuic0=action clamping nut 2ith collar am&=t 2innut nut = 2ithout
9o. !331S
Nuic0=action clamping nut 2ith collar
/or$e!" har!ene!" #ren$h cla## %7,
9o. !332S
Nuic0=action clamping nut 2ithout collar
har!ene! an! Binc'plae!" #ren$h cla## &,
Sli!e ;uic+'acion clampin$ nu over hrea! up o clampin$ poin an! loc+, Ti$hen ouer bu#he# b*
%/L urn,
' Re!uce! a##embl* an!/or clampin$ ime#
' efforle## bri!$in$ of lon$ #crew hrea! an! clampin$ #pin!le#
' ea#* a##embl*/!i#a##embl* in i$h an! invi#ible #pace#
' no #earchin$ for he hrea!
' no #eiBin$ on he hrea! !ue o ou#i!e influence#
' no impaire! performance hrou$h conaminaion #uch pain re#i!ue# or even ru#,
Sli!e ;uic+'acion clampin$ nu !irecl* over #crew hrea! up o clampin$ poin an! hen loc+ i, If he ;uic+'acion clampin$ nu ba#e i# firml* in conac a he clampin$
poin" hen he hea! can be loc+e! wih he ba#e b* mean# of a %/N o %/L urn,
' efforle## bri!$in$ of lon$ #crew hrea! an! clampin$ #pin!le#
' ea#* a##embl*/!i#a##embl* in i$h an! invi#ible #pace#
' no #earchin$ for he hrea!
' no #eiBin$ on he hrea! !ue o ou#i!e influence#
' no impaire! performance hrou$h conaminaion #uch a# pain re#i!ue# or even
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,! e mpin$ ElEmEnS %7%
SiBe A D% E M S 9ei$h
88112 M%& %7"N )8"8 )7"&5 L)"N L( %78
88120 ML7 %L"8 NL"7 )5"&7 L6"7 )N L%7
88138 MLN %&"7 87"N N&"(L )N"5 N% )&8
SiBe S9 M 9ei$h
881#! M & %& 6"7 %7
883# M 5 %6 %7"8 %8
889 M%7 LL %L"8 L)
88!" M%L L( %8"7 NN
88" M%& )N %&"7 &5
8883 ML7 N% LL"7 58
San!ar! Cla
am&=t 2innut nut = 2ithout
am&=t 2innut nut = 2ith
102 San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,!e San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS %7L ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,!e
9o. !333S
;M*=GWI99,G nut = 2ithout collar
wih #eparaion bloc+,
@asy mounting o& the GWI99,G collar nut8
@asy remo%al o& the GWI99,G collar nut8
Separable bol nu# for ;uic+'mounin$ applicaion#, I can be #impl* pu#he! over lon$ or
!ama$e! #u!!in$, Nu halve# are un!eachable hrou$h he #eparaion bloc+" even in he
#wivelle! ou con!iion,
' Time #avin$# wih lon$ an! !ama$e! #u!!in$
' Can be u#e! over corro!e! or hrea!'!ama$e! #u!!in$" or even #u!!in$ ben up o L7[
' Compac !e#i$n an! e-remel* ea#* han!lin$
' /a# mounin$ an! !i#mounin$ wih normal ool#
' 1ol!in$ power li+e #oli! nu# of he #ame #iBe wih /3%7,
Afer he* are pu#he! o$eher" a %/N o %/L urn #uffice# for loc+in$,
-n re'uest8
2her maerial# an! #pecial #iBe# on re;ue#,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
SiBe E M S 9ei$h
381""2 M& %% & %7 )
381"80 M5 %N 5 %) &
381"98 M%7 %6 %7 %( %N
38180! M%L L% %L %6 L7
38181# M%& L( %& LN )6
381822 ML7 )) L7 )7 (8
381830 MLN N7 LN )& %)%
9o. !333S?
;M*=GWI99,G nut = 2ith collar
wih #eparaion bloc+,
9o. !333
Mounting 0ey
Separable bol nu# for ;uic+'mounin$ applicaion#, I can be #impl* pu#he! over lon$ or
!ama$e! #u!!in$, Nu halve# are un!eachable hrou$h he #eparaion bloc+" even in he
#wivelle! ou con!iion,
' Time #avin$# wih lon$ an! !ama$e! #u!!in$
' Can be u#e! over corro!e! or hrea!'!ama$e! #u!!in$" or even #u!!in$ ben up o L7[
' Compac !e#i$n an! e-remel* ea#* han!lin$
' /a# mounin$ an! !i#mounin$ wih normal ool#
' 1ol!in$ power li+e #oli! nu# of he #ame #iBe wih /3%7,
Afer he* are pu#he! o$eher" a %/N o %/L urn #uffice# for loc+in$,
-n re'uest8
2her maerial# an! #pecial #iBe# on re;ue#,
/or ea#* openin$ of he AM/'T9INNVT
V#able for all nu #iBe#,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
SiBe A D% E M S 9ei$h
3818#8 M& )"7 %N %% 6 %7 8
3818 M5 )"8 %5 %N %L %) %L
3818!3 M%7 N"7 LL %6 %N %( LN
3818"1 M%L N"7 L8 L% %& %6 ))
381889 M%& 8"7 )% L( L% LN &L
38189" ML7 &"7 )( )) L& )7 %%N
38190 MLN &"7 N8 N7 )7 )& %55
D D% DL 1 L L% 9ei$h
381921 %8 L %"8 %)") 57 8 )&
2asher 2asher
(I9 !319C
Spherical seat 2asher
Ca#e har!ene! an! pho#phae!,
(I9 !319(
(ishe$ 2asher
Ca#e har!ene! an! pho#phae!, De#i$ne! for #crew #oli!i*
in compliance wih 5,5, Limie! for u#e on fla clo#e! rin$ area#
=no allowe! for elon$ae! hole#" we recommen! DIN &)%6G
for he#e>,
(I9 !319(
(ishe$ 2asher
ma!e of CN8, De#i$ne! for #crew #oli!i* in compliance wih
%L,6, Limie! for u#e on fla clo#e! rin$ area# =no allowe!
for elon$ae! hole#" we recommen! DIN &)%6G for he#e>,
SiBe ma-,]
DL DN 1) Pac+a$in$
8190 M& 6 ("% %L L"5 %77 %"8
818!9 M5 %( 6"& %( )"8 %77 N"7
818"" M%7 L& %L"7 L% N"L %77 &"8
8188 M%L )5 %N"L LN 8"7 %77 %7
81893 M%N 8) %&"8 L5 8"& 87 %5
81901 M%& () %6"7 )7 &"L 87 %6
81919 ML7 %%( L)"L )& ("8 L8 )L
8192" MLN %&5 L5"7 NN 6"8 L8 &)
8193 M)7 L&6 )8"7 8& %L ' %))
819#3 M)& )6N NL"7 &5 %8 ' L)&
819!8 MNL 8NL N6"7 (5 %5 ' )&8
819"! MN5 (%N 8&"7 6L LL ' &N%
] ma-, ran#miable #aic #crew force,
] ma-, ran#miable #aic #crew force,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
SiBe D% D) 1L R Pac+a$in$
81828 M& &"N %L L") 6 %77 %"7
81"3" M5 5"N %( )"L %L %77 L"8
81"# M%7 %7"8 L% N"7 %8 %77 8"7
81"2 M%L %) LN N"& %( %77 ("7
81"!0 M%N %8 L5 8"7 LL 87 %7
81""8 M%& %( )7 8") LL %77 %L
81"8! ML7 L% )& &") L( 87 L)
81"9# MLN L8 NN 5"L )L L8 NL
81802 M)7 )% 8& %%"L N% ' 5(
81810 M)& )( &5 %N"7 87 ' %5N
8183! MNL N) (5 %("7 85 ' L6(
818## MN5 87 6L L%"7 &( ' 8L8
SiBe ma-,]
DL DN 1) Pac+a$in$
8"1"1 M%L &8 %N"L LN 8"7 %77 %7
8"19" M%& %L8 %6"7 )7 &"L 87 %6
8"239 ML7 %6& L)"L )& ("8 L8 )L
8"2# MLN L5% L5"7 NN 6"8 L8 &)
(I9 !319<
(ishe$ 2asher
punche!" $au$e! an! empere!, Due o lar$e !ia an!
hic+ne## more #uiable o mach #loe! clamp#,
(I9 !3#0
empere! =)87 \ 57 1C)7>
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
SiBe DL DN 1) Pac+a$in$
820"3 M& ("% %( N L8 8"8
8198# M5 6"& LN 8 %77 %)
81992 M%7 %L"7 )7 8 %77 %6
82008 M%L %N"L )& & %77 )L
8201! M%N %&"8 N7 & 87 N5
8202# M%& %6"7 NN ( 87 8&
82032 ML7 L)"L 87 5 L8 6N
820#0 MLN L5"7 &7 %7 %7 %&6
820" M)7 )8"7 &5 %7] ' L%5
820! M=)&> NL"7 57 %L ' )87
82081 M=NL> N6"7 %77 %8 ' &N7
82099 M=N5> 8&"7 %%7 %( ' 5)7
SiBe SiBe inch D% DL S Pac+a$in$
82818 M& %/N &"N %( ) %77 8
8282! M5 8/%& 5"N L) N %77 %7
8283# M%7 )/5 %7"8 L5 N %77 %&
828#2 M%L %/L %) )8 8 %77 )8
8289 =M%N> ' %8 N7 8 87 N7
828!" M%& 8/5 %( N8 & 87 &7
828" =M%5> ' %6 N8 & 87 &7
82883 ML7 )/N L% 87 & 87 ()
82891 =MLL> (/5 L) 87 5 L8 6L
82909 MLN (/5 L8 &7 5 L7 %(7
8291" =ML(> % %/%& L5 &5 %7 ' L%7
8292 M)7 % %/5" % )/%& )% &5 %7 ' L)7
82933 =M)&> % %/N" % )/5 )5 57 %7 ' )87
829#1 =MNL> % %/L NN %77 %8 ' &(7
8298 =MN5> % )/N 87 %%7 %( ' 6L7
/oxe$ set o& assor te$ clamping elements /oxe$ set o& assor te$ clamping elements
9o. !30
?oxe$ set o& assorte$ clamping elements
wih low hei$h clampin$ Paw# no, &N67 an! hrea! pa#e no,
&))6, The#e ca#e a##ormen# are for machine ool# wih T'#lo
able# an! conain all necce##ar* elemen# for fa# clampin$ of
!ie#" fi-ure# or wor+piece#, All iem# are inerchan$eable an!
be replace!, The* are ma!e of emperin$ #eel o DIN or wor+
#an!ar!, Screw iem# o en#ile #ren$h cla## 5 or %7
re#p, 9oo!en ca#e wih removable li!,
Slo No, &877E
No, &)%NA
DIN (5(
DIN &)(6
No, &))N No, &N67]
No, &N58
No, )%%)A
No, &))6 L - 9 - 1 9ei$h
M%7-%7 N-%" N-L" L-) N- %%-57 L-N7" N-&)" N-%77 N-57 &- &- N- N-%L ' %- %&-%& %- )88-L(7-N(
M%L-%L N-L" N-) N- %N-%77 L-87" N-57" N-%L8 N-%77 &- &- N- N-%L ' %- %5-%5 %- N&7-))7-87
M%L-%N N-L" N-) N- %N-%77 L-87" N-57" N-%L8 N-%77 &- &- N- N-%N %- %N'L7 %- %5-%5 %- N&7-))7-87
M%N-%& N-L" N-) L- %N-%77"
N- %N-%&7
L-&)"N-%77"N-%&7 N-%L8 &- &- N- N-%& %- %N'L7 %- LL-LL %- 8%7-N%8-87
M%&-%& N-L" N-) N- %5-%L8 L-&)"N-%77"N-%&7 N-%L8 &- &- N- N-%& %- %N'L7 %- LN-LN %- 8%7-N%8-87
M%&-%5 N-L" N-) N- %5-%L8 L-&)"N-%77"N-%&7 N-%L8 &- &- N- N-%5 %- %N'L7 %- LN-LN %- 8%7-N%8-87
] The low hei$h clampin$ Paw# no, &N67 are complee #e# wih T'nu# DIN 875" #crew# IS2 N(&L an! wo he-a$on +e*# IS2
L6)&, Sin$le iem# available,
9o. !31
?oxe$ set o& assorte$ clamping elements
wih #prin$ *pe clamp #uppor no, &)NL an! hrea! pa#e no, &))6,
De#cripion a# for no, &8)7" bu wihou low hei$h clampin$ Paw#
&N67, Inclu!e! in#ea! are N #prin$ *pe clamp #uppor# no, &)NL each,
Slo No, &877E
No, &)%NA
DIN (5(
DIN &)(6
No, &N58
No, )%%)A
No, &))N No, &))6 L - 9 - 1 9ei$h
M%7-%7 N-%" N-L" L-) N- %%-57 N-&)" N-%77 N-57 ' &- &- ' %- %&-%& N-% N- %- )87-LL8-N(
M%L-%L N-L" N-) N- %N-%77 N-57" N-%L8 N-%77 ' N- &- ' %- %5-%5 N-L N- %- )86-)))-8(
M%L-%N N-L" N-) N- %N-%77 N-57" N-%L8 N-%77 ' N- &- %- %N'L7 %- %5-%5 N-L N- %- )86-)))-8(
M%&-%& N-L" N-) N- %5-%L8 N-%77" N-%&7 N-%L8 ' N- &- %- %N'L7 %- LN-LN N-) N- %- )67-N%8-88
M%&-%5 N-L" N-) N- %5-%L8 N-%77" N-%&7 N-%L8 ' N- &- %- %N'L7 %- LN-LN N-) N- %- )67-N%8-88
ML7-L7 N-L" N-) N- LL-%&7 N-%L8" N-L77 N-%L8 ' &- &- %- %N'L7 %- )7-)7 N-N N- %- N57-8L5-&7
ML7-LL N-L" N-) N- LL-%&7 N-%L8" N-L77 N-%L8 ' &- &- %- LL')L %- )7-)7 N-N N- %- N57-8L5-&7
ML7-LN N-L" N-) N- LL-%&7 ' N-L77" 5-%L8 5- &- &- %- LL')L %- )7-)7 N-N N- %- N57-8L5-&7
Sin$le iem# available,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
9o. !20
G=/olt set
#upplie! in #oli! woo!en ca#e wih li!, All iem# empere!
o #ren$h cla## 5" re#p, %7,
Slo DIN (5(
DIN &)(6
DIN 875 DIN &))70 No, &))N DIN &)%6C\G DIN &)N7 L - 9 - 1 9ei$h
M%7-%7 L-N7" N-&)" N-%77 N-87" N-57" N-L77 %> N- N- N- N- L8N-%55-)L
M%L-%L L-87" N-57" N-%L8 N-&)" N-%77" N-L77 %> N- N- N- N- L(5-L)N-)&
M%L-%N L-87" N-57 N-&)" N-%77" N-%L8" N-L77 N- N- N- N- N- L(5-L)N-)&
M%N-%& L-&)" N-%77 N-&)" N-%77" N-%&7" N-L87 N- N- N- N- N- )%(-L)6-NN
M%&-%& L-&)"N-%77"N-%&7 N-57" N-%L8" N-L87 %> N- N- N- N- ))6-L6N-N5
M%&-%5 L-&)" N-%77 N-57" N-%8" N-%&7 N- N- N- N- N- ))6-L6N-N5
M%5-L7 L> &-57" 5-%8" N-L77" N-)%8 N- N- N- ' N- )86-)NL-8&
ML7-LL L-57" N-%L8 N-57" N-%L8" N-L77" N-)%8 N- N- N- N- N- )85-)NL-8&
MLN-L5 L-%77" N-%&7 N-%77" N-%&7" N-L87" N-N77 N- N- N- N- N- NNN-N76-(L
%> O T'nu# DIN 875 no #uiable for hi# #iBe,
L> O M%5-L7" inclu!e! in#ea! DIN (5( are N #u!# DIN &)(6-%L8 mm an! L-57 mm"wih DIN 875 T'nu# an! DIN &)N7 wa#her#
each, Sin$le iem# available,
9o. !32
?asic sortiment
All iem# of emperin$ #eel" T'bol# empere!" rolle! hea!,
I!eal #e for oolroom" manufacurin$ an! rainin$ purpo#e#,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
SiBe Clampin$
force W+NX
ma-, clampin$ hei$h
u#in$ L clamp# WmmX
ma-, clampin$ hei$h
u#in$ N clamp# WmmX
No, &)%NA
No, &877E
DIN (5(
DIN &)(6
M%L-%N L7 %&8 (7 L-%N-%77"L-%N-%&7 N-L" N-) L-87"N-57"N-%L8 L-%77 &- &- L-
M%N-%& L5 %68 %77 L-%N-%77"L-%N-%&7 N-L" N-) L-&)"N-%77"N-%&7 L-%77" L-%&7 &- &- L-
M%&-%5 N7 L78 %)7 L-%5-%L8"L-%5-L77 N-L" N-) L-&)"N-%77"N-%&7 L-%77" L-%&7 &- &- N-
trolley &or clamping e'uipment trolley &or clamping e'uipment
9o. !#"0
Grolley &or clamping e'uipment
wihou clampin$ e;uipmen an! wihou hol!er#,
Ru$$e! #eel hou#in$" #ora$e comparmen# !e#i$ne!
wih rubber ma#, L roller# \ L ca#or# wih loc+in$ bra+e,
9o. !#"0=Mxx
Grolley &or clamping e'uipment
2ith /asic set o& clamping e'uipment
incl, clampin$ e;uipmen ool car no, &N(7,
"#22 N77 %L& %L) 57 %77
' Mobile O ;uic+l* rea!* when nee!e! a he wor+place
' Ti!* O convenien" #pace'#avin$ an! alwa*# rea!il* available
' In!ivi!ual e;uipmen confi$uraion# po##ible hrou$h variable arran$emen of hol!er#
1ol!er# for clamp# =No, &N(71'L> an! clampin$ bol# =No, &N(71'%> can be #elece! a# re;uire!,
-r$er no. "220
LSiJe M1!K
-r$er no. "32"0
LSiJe M20K
-r$er no. "#!"#
LSiJe M2#K
-r$er no. "#880
LSiJe M30K
Item -r$er no. SiJe >c. -r$er no. SiJe >c. -r$er no. SiJe >c. -r$er no. SiJe >c.
(I9 !3"9 5%NLL M%&-%L8 & 5N655 ML7-%L8 & 588&) MLN-%L8 & 587&5 M)7-%L8 &
58N65 M%&-L77 & 5%8%) ML7-L77 & 588%N MLN-L77 & 5%&%L M)7-L77 &
588N5 M%&-)%8 & 5N66& ML7-)%8 & 5&776 MLN-)%8 & 5%&L7 M)7-)%8 &
58N(L M%&-877 & 5877% ML7-877 & 5&7L8 MLN-877 & 5%&)5 M)7-877 &
5%&N& M)7-(77 &
5%&&% M)7-%777 &
(I9 !331 5L8(5 M%& )7 5L86N ML7 )7 5L&%7 MLN )7 5L&)& M)7 )7
(I9 !3#0 5L5&( M%& )7 5L55) ML7 )7 5L676 MLN )7 5L6L8 M)7 )7
(I9 !31# (77&7 %5-%&7 N (775& LL-L77 N (7%7L L&-L87 N (7%L5 ))-)%8 N
(I9 !31? (78LN %5-%&7 N (788( LL-L87 N (785% L&-L87 N (7&L) ))-)%8 N
(78)L %5-L77 N (78() LL-)%8 N (7&7( L&-)%8 N (7&)% ))-N77 N
(78N7 %5-L87 N (7NL8 LL-877 N (7N)) L&-877 N (7NN% ))-&77 N
9o. !33# 5L(7% M%& %7 5L(L( ML7 %7 5L(N) MLN %7 5L(&5 M)7 %7
9o. !#00 (LN%) %77 N
(LN)6 L%7 N
9o.!#3S (L&)( )77 N (L&)( )77 N (L&)( )77 N (L&N8 N&7 N
(L&N8 N&7 N (L&N8 N&7 N (L&N8 N&7 N (L&8L (87 N
(L&&7 %L87 N
9o. 08C 5N(7( M%&-%5 %7 5N(L) ML7-LL %7 5N(N6 MLN-L5 %7 5N(&N M)7-)& %7
9o. 10 57L5) M%&-%5 %7 55%8) ML7-LN %7 57)%( MLN-L5 %7 57)L8 M)7-)& %7
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
SiBe 1ol!er no, &N(71'7%
1ol!er no, &N(71'7L
"220 M%& 8 N L8("7
"32"0 ML7 8 N L(("7
"#!"# MLN 8 N )7N"7
"#880 M)7 ( N 8%L"8
DIN &))%
DIN &))%
DIN &)%N
DIN &)(6
No, &N)8S
No, 8%7
No, &))N
DIN &)N7
No, &N)8S
DIN &)(6
DIN &)%80
9o. !#"0)=1
)ol$er &or clamping /olts
9o. !#"0)=2
)ol$er &or clamps
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
"#18" ))5 L7 5& 5&&
"#203 )N7 L7 5& 5(7
set o& assor te$ plastic clamping elements accessoires
9o. !3
Set o& assorte$ plastic
clamping elements
inclu!in$ 88 elemen#, Clamp#" #ep bloc+# an! nu#<
hi$h #ren$h pla#ic P0T" re!, Su! bol#< aluminium
Mo# #uiable for )D'coor!inae mea#urin$ machine#" en$ravin$ an! E,D,M, machine applicaion an! an* li$h !u* clampin$, The po##ible clampin$ force =up o 877 N>"
!epen!in$ on he acual levera$e" can be achieve! b* manual i$henin$ of +nurle! nu" while i# he-a$on #ecion allow# relea#e
hrou$h u#e of open Paw wrench,
' The wei$h i# onl* %/N compare! wih aluminium an! %/%7 compare! wih #eel
' anicorro#ive a$ain# han! #wea
' ver* ea#* o han!le
' no !ama$e o #urface plae" #upporin$ able or wor+piece
' #uiable for muli'combinaion,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
SiBe M L - 9 - 1 9ei$h
830"1 7& M& NN7-)(7-87 %(77
8310 75 M5 NN7-)(7-87 %(N7
83089 %7 M%7 NN7-)(7-87 %((7
8309" %L M%L NN7-)(7-87 %577
9o. !339
)ea%y $uty threa$ paste
Threa! lubricaion for nu#/bol# in clampin$ !evice# of hi$h operain$ fre;uenc*" in paricular when u#in$ a$$re##ive coolin$ lubrican#,
Non $rea#e! =!r*> hrea!e! connecion# are #ubPec o hi$h fricional force# an! earl* wear a
fre;uen #ron$ operaion#" re#ulin$ in e!ucion of clampin$ force, AM/'hrea! pa#e
provi!e# opimal #li!in$ characeri#ic# for increa#e! clampin$ force an! improve! hrea! life,
The pa#e" ba#e! on mineral fa" ha# a #*ner$eic acin$ combinaion of hi$hl* acive whie #oli! lubrican#, I i# re#i#an o hea an! wa#h off, =9a#houe# accor!in$
DIN 8%57(" par LF lo## of lubrican afer % h/)(,5[C O %,NG>,
9o. !3#2
Spring type clamp support
wih bra## loc+in$ #crew
The #prin$ *pe clamp #uppor hol!# he clamp while he wor+ piece i# remove! an! loa!e!"
en#urin$ fa# an! #afe clampin$ #e;uence,
#prin$ compre##ion WmmX
9o. !#8
G=slot scraper
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
Temperaure ran$e Conen#
8!!8! 'L8 ' \ %L8[C (8 %L (8
SiBe D% DL L% LL Travel of #prin$ S for clampin$ #crew 9ei$h
"92 % LL %7"8 )7 LL 5 M5'M%7 N%
"9!0 L L& %N"8 )L LL %7 M%L'M%N 88
"9"8 ) )L %5"8 )5 L& %L M%&'M%5 56
"98! N )5 LL"8 N7 L5 %L ML7'MLL %))
"99# 8 N8 L("8 NN )L %L MLN'ML( %((







SiBe Slo Pac+a$in$
"2892 %N'L7 %N'L7 %77 %78
"2900 LL')L LL')L 87 %77
"2918 )&'8N )8'8N ' )&7
accessoires Chain clamping set
(I9 89#
-pen=en$e$ spanner3 single=en$e$
Special #eel for$in$" Paw# machine!" an$le of Paw#
%8[" har!ene! an! pho#phae!,
9o. !
of prof
] SiBe o ol! DIN #an!ar!,
The horou$h #ub#e;uen cleanin$ of he #lo on he machine able i# no lon$er re;uire!,
Alwa*# cover free #lo# b* u#in$ he ori$inal AM/'T'#lo cover before #arin$ wih machinin$,
The T'#lo cover# can ea#il* be remove! afer machinin$,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
S9 Threa! meric 0 L T Pac+a$in$ uni 9ei$h
3"9 5 8 %6 6N N %7 %)
39 %7 & LL %78 8 %7 L7
3!11 %L ' L& %L8 8 %7 L5
3!29 %) 5 L6 %L8 8 %7 )8
3!# %( %7] )& %88 & %7 &8
320 %5 %L )6 %88 ( %7 (7
3!2 %6 %L] N7 %(7 ( %7 5)
3!!0 LL %N] N& %68 5 %7 %78
3!"8 LN %& 87 L%8 6 %7 %87
3!8! L( %5 8& LN7 %7 %7 L77
3!9# )7 L7 &L L&8 %% %7 L&8
3"02 )L LL] &( L(8 %L %7 L68
3"10 )& LN (N )77 %) %7 NL8
SiBe Slo Len$h
"1##9 %L-%777 %L %777 55
"1#! %N-%777 %N %777 %77
"1#!# %&-%777 %& %777 %L7
"1#"2 %5-%777 %5 %777 %)8
"1928 L7-%777 L7 %777 %87
"193! LL-%777 LL %777 %&8
"1"8" LN-%777 LN %777 %(7
"19## L5-%777 L5 %777 L77
"191 )&-%777 )& %777 LL7
ot co%er
ile! aluminium,
awn o #iBe,
9o. !#0
Chain clamping set
Ten#ionin$ hoo+ an! a+e'up uni are har!ene! an!
empere!, Chain i# ma!e of allo* #eel, Plea#e or!er
mounin$ for T'#lo# =No, &8N%> #eparael*,
Con#i#in$ of<
' Ten#ionin$ hoo+
' Clamp chain proecion #e
' Ta+e'up uni
' N !ifferen len$h# of chain
' N connecin$ lin+# wih #pli pin#
' & pla#ic clip elemen# =for wor+piece
proecion> Toal len$h M%L O %)7L mm
Toal len$h M%& O %5L6 mm
Slo Screw G ma-, permi##ible
ma-, po##ible
clampin$ force
8"!01 %N" %&" %5 M%L N8 %8 L&L5
8"!2" %5" L7" LL" LN M%& 67 N7 (&N7
Mainl* u#e! for clampin$ c*lin!rical par#" #uch a# valve bo!ie#" flan$e#" pump hou#in$#" pi#on#
ec, hi# !evice can be u#e! boh on machine able# an! on clampin$ palle#, Iniial #elecion of he
chain len$h an! #ein$ clampin$ force i# carrie! ou a he a+e'up uni b* urnin$ he +nurle! nu,
/inall*" he or;ue nece##ar* o $enerae clampin$ force i# applie! o he en#ionin$ hoo+, Pla#ic
pre##ure pa!# can be in#ere! in he chain lin+# o proec he wor+piece #urface,
' Vniform pre##ure !i#ribuion re!uce# wor+piece !eformaion,
' 9or+piece can be proece! b* pla#ic pre##ure pa!# in#ere! in he chain lin+#,
' Lar$e ran$e of a!Pu#men =en#ionin$ #ro+e> a a+e'up uni an! en#ionin$ hoo+,
/or lar$er clampin$ a#+#" he clampin$ hoo+#" counerhol!er# an! clampin$ chain# of #iBe ML7 an!
MLN are u#e!,
Chain stretch at speci&ie$ tor'ues
Chain #rech WmmX
chain #iBe M%& a 67 Nm
chain #iBe M%L a N8 Nm
A 0 C E% /% 1% min, 1% ma-, Clampin$ #ro+e S% EL /L 1L min, 1L ma-, Clampin$ #ro+e SL M N S9
8"!01 )& )& %5 N6 L% 68 %L8 )7 8N N6 %%% %L( %& L7 %8 )&
8"!2" )( NN L8 &N L6 %%( %&L N8 (7 &L %N7 %(7 )7 )) L% N&
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,



Chain clamping set Chain clamping set
9o. !#0)
)oo0 en$3 mechanical
SiJe A 0 C EL /L 1L min, 1L ma-, Clampin$ #ro+e SL
3"#93# M12 )& )& %5 8N N6 %%% %L( %&
3"#99 M1! )( NN L8 (7 &L %N7 %(7 )7
3"!1" M20 85 &N N% 65 57 LL7 L(L 8L
3"!33 M2# 85 &N N% 65 57 LLL L58 &)
9o. !#0<
Counter catch
SiJe A 0 C E% /% 1% min, 1% ma-,
3"#"10 M12 )& )& %5 N6 L% 68 %L8
3"#"28 M1! )( NN L8 &N L6 %%( %&L
3"!!" M20 85 &N N% 6L N5 %(8 LL5
3"!!32 M2# 85 &N N% 6L N5 %5& LN&
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
SiJe Slo G ma-, permi##ible
ma-, po##ible
clampin$ force
S9 9ei$h
3"#93# M12 %N" %&" %5 M%L N8 %8 )& 58)
3"#99 M1! %5" L7" LL" LN M%& 67 N7 N& %67L
3"!1" M20 LL'L5 ML7 %67 (8 &8 &7)(
3"!33 M2# L5')& MLN )77 %L7 &8 &7N7
SiJe Slo G S% Sro+e ma-, po##ible
clampin$ force
3"#"10 M12 %N" %&" %5 M%L )7 %8 N87
3"#"28 M1! %5" L7" LL" LN M%& N8 N7 %LN7
3"!!" M20 LL'L5 ML7 87 (8 )N7L
3"!!32 M2# L5')& MLN &7 %L7 N775
9o. !#0D
Roller chain
The in!ivi!ual chain len$h# can be Poine! a# re;uire! u#in$ he connecin$ lin+# =No,
&68N7C>, The chain can be #horene! o an* len$h a# re;uire!,
' Chain can be e-en!e! or #horene! o he re;uire! len$h wih ea#e
' boh #i!e# u#able wih couner cache# or hoo+ en!#
' re#i#an o emperaure influence# an! #oilin$
' chain# are en#ione! o minimi#e elon$aion,
-n re'uest8
Cu#omi#e! len$h# availableI
9o. !#0DS
Clamp chain protection set
Compleel* pre'a##emble!,
To u#e he clamp chain #afel*" he proecion #e i# #impl* #crewe! below he hoo+ en! or he
counerhol!er, Then" u#in$ he #upplie! connecin$ lin+" he proecion #e i# fa#ene! above he
hoo+ en! or counerhol!er, Thi# preven# he clamp chain from #nappin$ unconrolle!l* if he hoo+
en! or counerhol!er brea+#,
' Ea#* mounin$ of he proecion #e
' Safe han!lin$ of he clamp chain
' Improve! wor+ #afe*,
If he proecion #e i# !ama$e!" he enire #e mu# be replace!,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
Sin$le roller chain DIN 5%5(, IS2 R &7& 0" ST )('
L, Surface< plain,
SiJe ma-, po##ible
clampin$ force
L M N 9ei$h
3"#"3! M12 %8 %L8 L7 %8 %%N
3"#"## M12 %8 L87 L7 %8 LL5
3"#"1 M12 %8 877 L7 %8 N88
3"#"!9 M12 %8 %777 L7 %8 6%7
3"#""" M1! N7 %L8 )) L% ))8
3"#"8 M1! N7 L87 )) L% &(7
3"#"93 M1! N7 877 )) L% %)N7
3"#801 M1! N7 %777 )) L% L&57
3"!!"3 M20 (8 %777 N) L8 )(L7
3"!!99 M20 (8 %877 N) L8 8857
3"!"1 M20 (8 L777 N) L8 (NN7
3"!"23 M2# %L7 %777 88 )N (787
3"!"#9 M2# %L7 %877 88 )N %78(8
3"!"!# M2# %L7 )N 88 L777 %N%77
SiJe Ma-, clampin$ force o be #ecure!
3"!111 M12 %8 L57
3"!129 M1! N7 )87
3"!#91 M20 (8 %)%)
3"!8 M2# %L7 %)%)
9o. !#0+
Connecting lin0s 2ith spring cotter pin
9o. !#0*
Spring cotter pin
Pac+a$in$ uni< %7 pc#,
9o. !#0DS
The connecin$ lin+# are u#e! for Poinin$ wo chain# o$eher,
Chain# #imple an! ;uic+ o combine an! replace,
The urnbuc+le i# clampe! beween he chain# u#in$ wo loc+in$ lin+#, The chain i#
preen#ione! hrou$h urnin$" an! he pla* =cau#e! b* len$henin$ of he chain> i# remove!,
' 2pimal applicaion of preen#ionin$ wih u#e of lon$ clampin$ chain# =) m or lon$er>
' Couneracin$ chain #rechin$ for lon$ chain#
Roller chain &8N73
Turnbuc+le &8N73S
1oo+ en! &8N71
9or+ piece
An$le bloc+
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
SiJe Pac+a$in$
3"#83 M12 %7 7"8
3"#8#3 M1! %7 %"7
3"!822 M20 %7 L"L
3"!8#8 M2# %7 &"8
SiJe L M N ma-, po##ible
clampin$ force
3"#819 M12 %8"6 L7 %8 %8 %8
3"#82" M1! L8"N )) L% N7 &N
3"!"80 M20 )%"(8 N) L8 (8 L77
3"!80! M2# )5"% 88 )N %L7 )77
SiJe ma-, po##ible
clampin$ force
L L% LL 0% S9 9ei$h
3"!#9 M12 %8 8L 5N %NL %) LL LN7
3"!!1! M1! N7 && %7L %&% L7 )7 (L7
9o. !#0S
>rotecti%e elements
for wor+piece proecion,
Pac+a$in$ uni< & pc#,
9o. !#0>
;ngle /loc03 120O
Tempere! an! burni#he!,
Chain len$h L3
The proecive elemen# are pu#he! ino he $ap# beween he chain lin+#,
The wor+piece #urface i# proece!,
SiJe LR 0 0L / 1L 1) 1N L LL L) LN !ia, S !ia, S% 9ei$h
3"!8 M12 57 N( L7 L& 57 )8 8"8 %%5 86 NL %( %)"8 L7 LN66
3"8# M1! %77 N( L7 )) %77 NN 8"8 %N5 (N NN %( %("8 L& )5))
2pimi#e! u#e of he clamp chain han+# o fle-ible po#iionin$ of he clampin$ pri#m# in he machine
able $roove,
The clampin$ pri#m# can al#o be u#e! for #imple clampin$ on he AM/ clampin$ plae# u#in$ $ri!
The u#e of a fla T'nu no, &)LLA or no, &)LL0 enable# he clampin$ pri#m# o be preci#el*
po#iione! in he machine able $roove,
Pri#m# for he #iBe# ML7 an! MLN are available on re;ue#,
-n re'uest8
Special ver#ion# are available on re;ue#,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
SiJe Pac+a$in$
3"#80 M12 & )
3"#8!8 M1! & 8
3"!"# M20 & %7
3"!90 M2# & %&
n - R WmX
Clearance of an$le bloc+#
!ie, D% WmmX
Chain len$h L3 WmmX
=-> O Number of lin+#
% - N7 O N7 %67 ' L57 N%) =L&> ' &)8 =N7>
L - N7 O 57 L87 ' )&7 8N7 =)N> ' 5L& =8L>
) - N7 O %L7 L(7 ' NN7 &7) =)5> ' %7N5 =&&>
N - N7 O %&7 )77 ' 8L7 &)8 =N7> ' %L)5 =(5>
8 - N7 O L77 )87 ' &77 (&L =N5> ' %NL6 =67>
& - N7 O LN7 N)7 ' &57 68) =&7> %&%6 =%7L>
( - N7 O L57 8%7 ' (&7 %%N) =(L> ' %5%7 =%%N>
5 - N7 O )L7 &L7 ' 5N7 %)6( =55> ' L777 =%L&>
6 - N7 O )&7 (&7 ' 6L7 %((5 =%%L> ' L%6% =%)5>
%7 - N7 O N77 6L7 ' %777 L%6% =%)5> ' LN%) =%8L>
% - 87 O 87 L87 ' )(7 886 =LL> ' 5&N =)N>
L - 87 O %77 )L7 ' N(7 (%% =L5> ' %%%5 =NN>
) - 87 O %87 )L7 ' 8(7 (%% =L5> ' %)(L =8N>
N - 87 O L77 )L7 ' &(7 (%% =L5> ' %8(8 =&L>
8 - 87 O L87 N)7 ' ((7 6&8 =)5> ' %5L6 =(L>
& - 87 O )77 8)7 ' 5(7 %%&5 =N&> ' L75) =5L>
( - 87 O )87 &)7 ' 6(7 %NLL =8&> ' L))( =6L>
5 - 87 O N77 (&7 ' %7(7 %(L( =&5> ' L86% =%7L>
6 - 87 O N87 6&7 ' %%(7 LL)8 =55> ' %(6N =%%7>
%7 - 87 O 877 %%&7 ' %L(7 L(N) =%75> ' )7N5 =%L7>
9o. !#1
*ixtures &or G=nuts
/or aachin$ he chain clampin$ #e no, &8N7 on he
#ubplae" compo#e! of nu for T'nu" re#emblin$ DIN 875"
an! #crew compl*in$ wih IS2 N(&L" cla## 5,5,
9o. 902M$
-pen=en$e$ spanner
with torque)wre#ch !itti#%
for clampin$ nu#, Drive %/L4 #;uare #oc+e wih ball'
en$a$emen $roove, Special #eel" har!ene! an! Binc'plae!,
] /or u#e of he proecion #e no, &8N73S
/or clampin$ hoo+# an! counerhol!er# of #iBe# ML7 an! MLN" fa#ener# for T'$roove# are
available on re;ue#,
S9 L S S9%
T T% 9ei$h
21# )& %7% &7 %/L ( %& L88
222 N& %75 &7 %/L 5 %& )N7
Conrolle! i$henin$ preven# !ama$e o #pin!le chan$in$ ool# on a machine,
The #e value for he or;ue wrench i# !epen!an on in#erion !imen#ion .S4,
The operain$ manual provi!e! wih *our or;ue wrench conain# he re;ui#ie informaion
an! calculaion formulae,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
D - Slo A E 1 3 9ei$h
8#21 M%L - %N %)"( LL %& 5 &7
8#2!9 M%L - %& %8"( L8 %5 6 57
8#2"" M%L - %5 %("( L5 L7 %7 %78
8#28 M%& - %5 %("( L5 L7 %7 %%8
8#293 M%& - L7 %6"( )L LN %L %(7
8#3#3 M%& - LL L%"( )8 L5 %N LN7
8#30 M%& - LN L)"( N7 )L %& ))8
3"!#83 M%L-%N ] %)"( LL %& 5 55
3"!09 M%L-%& ] %8"( L8 %5 6 %%N
3"!2 M%L-%5 ] %("( L5 L7 %7 %N%
3"!#1 M%&-%5 ] %("( L5 L7 %7 %56
3"!!! M%&-L7 ] %6"( )L LN %L LN5
3"!82 M%&-LL ] L%"( )8 L5 %N )78
3"!!08 M%&-LN ] L)"( N7 )L %& N7(
pull=$o2n clamps pull=$o2n clamps
T he we!$e aci on of cl ampi n$ P aw# i # he characeri #i c feaure of he#e pul l !own cl amp#, I cau#e# he 4pul l !own ef fec _"
whi ch pre# #e# he wor+pi ece a$ai n# boh" #op an! machi ne abl e, T he cl ampi n$ force i # re#ol ve! o i # hori Bonal an!
ver i cal componen# /% an! /L, T he l aeral cach of P aw# al l ow# compl ee machi n$ from above of op face# even for l ow #iBe!
wor+pi ece# wihou probl em#,
T he cl amp force# meni one! i n he abl e# are achi eve! b* u#i n$ he opi mal #i Be of
bol # an! ui l iBi n$ he re#peci ve permi # #i bl e or;ue, /orce /% pre# #e# he wor+pi ece
a$ai n# he #op" pul l !own force /L i # achi eve! wi h a pl ai n face of wor+pi ece,
9o. !#90
Co2 height clamping 5a2s3 mo$el 1?ulle.
empere! an! burni#he!, Pac+in$< L uni# in caron" complee
wih cap #crew IS2 N(&L'%7,6" T'nu# DIN 875 an! he-a$on
+e* IS2 L6)&,
Available in pair# onl*I
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
Slo 0 C D 1 L% LL L) /%
"299 %L N7 ) M%7 L7 57 )6 L& %& 7"& %%87
"29!" %N N7 ) M%L L7 57 )6 L& LL 7"6 %L87
"29" %& N7 ) M%L L7 57 )6 L& LL 7"6 %))7
"2983 %& 87 N M%N L8 %77 N& )N )L %"L L)N7
"2991 %5 87 N M%& L8 %77 N& )N )& %"N L8N7
"300" L7 87 N M%& L8 %77 N& )N )& %"N L&&7
"301 LL (5 8 ML7 )7 %N7 &8 87 )& %"N 8657
"3023 LN (5 8 ML7 )7 %N7 &8 87 )& %"N &))7
"3031 L5 (5 8 MLN )7 %N7 &8 87 N7 %"& (7&7
"30#9 )7 (5 8 MLN )7 %N7 &8 87 N7 %"& (857
9o. !#91
Slot stop
empere! an! burni#he!,
9o. !#92
*lat clamp3 mo$el 1Mini=?ulle.
empere! an! burni#he!, Pac+in$< L uni# in caron"
complee wih fa#enin$ #crew# IS2 N(&L =5,5> an! he-a$on
+e* IS2
2nl* !elivere! in pair#I
To be u#e! for lon$iu!inal or ran#ver#al funcion, The low overall hei$h allow# applicaion wih
fla wor+piece#,
1min,/1ma-,< !epen!in$ on $roove !eph o DIN &87,
The clampin$ piece can be $roun! b* Y mm, Thi# allow# lower clampin$ hei$h# o be achieve!,
The#e empere! clamp# are !e#i$ne! for e-remel* low wor+piece#, 9e!$e acion of Paw# pre##e#
he wor+piece firml* an! #afel* a$ain# he machine able, The horiBonal force# are compen#ae!
b* a #crew relae! o #lo #iBe" which bloc+# he clamp wihou !ama$e o able,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
Slo A 0 D 1 3 L% LL L) 9ei$h
"381" %L %%"( %5 M5 %L ( )& 6"7 %5 %77
"382 %N %)"( LL M5 %L 5 NN %%"7 LL %N7
"3833 %& %8"( L8 M%L %8 6 87 %L"8 L8 LN7
"38#1 %5 %("( L5 M%L %& %7 8& %N"7 L5 )N7
"388 L7 %6"( )L M%& %6 %L &N %&"7 )L 8L7
"38!! LL L%"( )8 M%& L% %N (7 %("8 )8 (L7
"38"# LN L)"( N7 ML7 L) %& 57 L7"7 N7 557
"3882 L5 L("( NN ML7 LN %5 55 LL"7 NN %N&7
Slo 1 min, 1 ma-, 0 C 1% L Y /%
"3098 %L L"8 %)"8 %5 %"5 %% 8L 8 8"7 7"& )77
"310! %N %"8 %)"8 LL %"5 %% 88 8 8"8 7"( )57
"311# %& L"8 %("7 L8 L"8 %8 &5 & 5"7 7"6 (77
"3122 %5 %"8 %&"7 L5 L"8 %8 (% & 6"7 %"7 5)7
"3080 LL N"8 L%"8 )8 )"7 L7 56 6 %& %"6 %(N7
9o. !#92(
*lat clamp3 $ou/le3 mo$el 1Mini=?ulle.
empere! an! burni#he!, Pac+in$< L uni# in caron"
complee wih fa#enin$ #crew# IS2 N(&L =5,5> an! he-a$on
IS2 L6)&,
2nl* !elivere! in pair#I
1min,/1ma-,< !epen!in$ on $roove !eph o DIN &87,
The clampin$ piece can be $roun! b* Y mm, Thi# allow# lower clampin$ hei$h# o be achieve!,
Paricularl* #hor wor+piece# can be clampe! wih he#e empere! fla clamp#, The we!$e effec
of he Paw# i$hl* an! reliabl* pre##e# he wor+piece a$ain# he machine ool able, The
horiBonal force# are ab#orbe! b* a #crew corre#pon!in$ o he $roove #iBe" an! hi# firml* clamp#
he clamp wihou !ama$in$ he able,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
Slo 1 min, 1 ma-, 0 C 1% L Y /%
"3#8! %L L"8 %)"8 %5 %"5 %% 5& 8 8"7 7"& )(7
"3#9# %N %"8 %)"8 LL %"8 %% 55 8 8"8 7"( N58
"3"91 %& L"8 %("7 L8 L"8 %8 %%L & 5"7 7"6 587
"3809 %5 %"8 %&"7 L5 L"7 %8 %%N & 6"7 %"7 %7&7
"392# LL N"8 L%"8 )8 L"( L7 %N8 5 %&"7 %"6 LL77
9o. !#9#
Co2 height clamping 5a2s3
mo$el 1Maxi=?ulle.
0o!*< #pherical ca#in$, Haw#< empere! an! burni#he!, Pac+in$<
L uni# in caron wih he-a$on +e* IS2 L6)& wihou #crew # or
bol#, Available in pair# onl*I
Slo 0% 0L C 1% 1L 1) L% LL /%]
%) N7 ) 87 L7 )7 %%8 &7 &
%6 87 N &7 L8 )8 %87 (L L7
)% 57 8 (8 )7 N8 L78 %7L )5
] Clampin$ force# /% an! /L !epen! on he $roove
The clampin$ Paw# .Ma-i'0ulle4 for wor+ on lar$er hei$h# wa# !evelope! from he rie! an! e#e! Mo!el .0ulle4 no, &N67, The we!$e face# of he#e clamp# are
#+ilfull* arran$e! o achieve ma-imum clampin$ force wih low e-erion, /or fa#enin$" L T'#lo bol# DIN (5( for each clampin$ Paw" accor!in$ o T'#lo #iBe in u#e"
#houl! be or!ere! #eparael*, /or lower arran$emen of clampin$ #crew# u#e cap #crew# IS2 N(&L wih wa#her# DIN &)N7 an! T'nu# 875,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
pull=$o2n clamps pull=$o2n clamps
9o. !#9"
@xtra strong clamping 5a2
Rever#ible Paw plae#, 1i$h *pe" wih preci#e Cee'$ui!e, 0o!*<
malleable ca# iron, Haw#< #eel" ca#e har!ene!, Haw#
rever#ible" plain face for machine! wor+" ribbe! face for rou$h
Slo 0% 0L C E 1 min, 1 ma-, 1% 1L L% LL /%]
%6 &8 5 %L 58 66 )5 N7 %(6 %%L"8 5
L& (8 %% %L %77 %%5 N8 N7 L)7 %)5"8 L8
)5 67 %8 %L %L7 %N8 8& N7 L&8 %85 87 ("8 %&7
] Clampin$ force# /% an! /L !epen! on he $roove wi!h,
Due o heir lar$e clampin$ face# he#e clampin$ Paw# are #uiable for laeral clampin$ of hi$h wor+piece#, /or fa#enin$ on he machine able we recommen! he u#e of
L clampin$ #crew#I Relae! o T'#lo #iBe in u#e" L T'#lo bol# DIN (5( for each clamp #houl! be or!ere! #eparael*,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
9o. !#9"<
Sta/le clamping 5a2s3 close$
Rever#ible Paw plae#, 1i$h *pe" wih preci#e Cee'$ui!e, 0o!*<
malleable ca# iron, Haw#< #eel" ca#e har!ene!, Haw#
rever#ible" plain face for machine! wor+" ribbe! face for rou$h
wor+, Clo#e! $roove for u#e on verical urnin$ an! borin$
Slo 0% 0L C E 1 min, 1 ma-, 1% 1L L% LL L) /%]
%6 &8 5 %L 58 66 )5 N7 %5( %%L"8 &7 5
L& (8 %% %L %77 %%5 N8 N7 LNL %)5"8 5) L8
)5 67 %8 %L %L7 %N8 8& N7 L5) %85"7 68 87 ("8 %(7
Due o heir lar$e clampin$ face# he#e clampin$ Paw# are #uiable for laeral clampin$ of hi$h wor+piece#, /or fa#enin$ on he machine able we recommen! he u#e of
L clampin$ #crew#I Relae! o T'#lo #iBe in u#e" L T'#lo bol# DIN (5( for each clamp #houl! be or!ere! #eparael*,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS %L8 ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,!e 12, San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,!e
&lat clamps
Cl a mping 2ith h-RiB-nta l pR e s suR e 8
/a#eni n$ he hori Bonal cl amp wi h #crew# i # #uf f i ci en o hol ! an! cl amp he wor+pi ece, T he aci ve par of he
cl amp con#i ## of hree el emen# ' one ri $i ! an! wo f l e-i bl e par #
a wor+ pi ece i # cla m pe! i n ) # ep#<
Con ac
T he f l e-ibl e cl amp el emen# are
po#i i one! a$ain# he wor+pi ece,
T he f l e-ibl e cl amp el emen# pu#h he
wor+' pi ece !own uni l i come# i no
conac wi h
he ri $i ! cl ampi n$ f i n$er#,
V#e of he cam<
%/N'urn ;uic+ clamp
Cla m pi n$ a n! po#i ionin$<
T he ri $i ! cl ampi n$ f i n$er cl amp#
he wor+pi ece,
1i $h cl ampin$
Conac #ur face
cl ampi n$
Cl ampi n$ force< N"7 7 7 N T i $heni n$ or;ue< 6
N m Cam #ro+e %,L mm
9o. !#939
*lat clamp &or slotte$ ta/le3 horiJontal
con#i#in$ of one clampin$ elemen an! one #op,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
Slo Clampin$ force
Clampin$ hei$h
Sro+e A 0 9ei$h
"01## %7 N777 ("8 %"L N& %5 %N7
"01!9 %L N777 ("8 %"L N5 %5 %87
"018 %N N777 ("8 %"L 8L LL %&L
"03#2 %& N777 ("8 %"L N5 L8 %(5
"0!!# %5 N777 ("8 %"L N5 L8 %67
&lat clamps &lat clamps
9o. !#93S>
Clamping element3 horiJonal
% hole
S %L"7 1(
Deph %5"8 min,
Clampin$ force
Clampin$ hei$h A
0 C D E / 9ei$h
"0!80 N777 L"8 L7 ' 8 %8] L8 L6
"0!98 N777 ("8 L7 L"8 %7 %8] L8 L6
] Cam #ro+e O %,L mm,
The#e hol!'!own clamp# roae aroun! a cam#haf ha provi!e# he clampin$ force, The* can
clamp in an* !irecion,
Clampin$ elemen =% ri$i! #op> enable# he wor+piece o lie flu#h wih he #op#,
9o. !#93S
Stop3 pi%oting
he ri$i!" $roun!" pivoin$ #op# are #ecure! b* #pecial
#crew# ha $uaranee hi$h accurac* !urin$ in#allaion,
% hole
S 5"7 1( ' !eph &"7
M5 ' !eph %N"7
The pivoin$ #op =% ri$i! #op> re;uire# wo #op# o po#iion a wor+piece alon$ a #rai$h line,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
Clampin$ hei$h A
0 C D E / 9ei$h
"11#2 L"8 L7 ' 8 %8 L8 %6
"12#1 ("8 L7 L"8 %7 %8 L8 %6
9o. !#93*
Stop& !i*ed
he $roun!" fi-e! #op# are #ecure! b* #pecial #crew# ha
$ua' ranee hi$h accurac* !urin$ in#allaion,
SiBe % ' Simple #op
SiBe L ' Double #op
SiBe % ' Sin$le #op =% ri$i! #op>< Two #op# are re;uire! o po#iion a wor+piece alon$ a #rai$h line, SiBe L ' Double #op =L ri$i! #op#>< 2ne #op i# #ufficien o po#iion a
wor+piece alon$ a #rai$h line,
L hole#
Cenre !i#ance %5"7
S N"L 1( ' !eph )"8
MN ' !eph %L"7
9o. !#99
Co2=height clamping 5a2 2ith eccentric
har!ene! an! burni#he!, Eccenric lever for fa# clampin$, Low
hei$h eliminae# nee! for re'clampin$, The floain$ clampin$
Paw pre##e# he wor+piece #imulaneou#l* a$ain# a fi-e! Paw
he #upporin$ #urface,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
SiBe Clampin$ hei$h A
0 C D E / G 1 9ei$h
"098" % L"8 L7 8"7 &"8 %8 LL %5 L8 L)
"099 % ("8 L7 L"8 %7"7 %8 LL %5 L8 L)
"1001 L L"8 L8 8"7 &"8 %8 LL %5 ' L)
"1019 L ("8 L8 L"8 %7"7 %8 LL %5 ' L)
Slo 0 C L% LL M /%
"31!3 %L N5 N L77 %&7 M%7 6 7"& 5N7
"31"1 %N N5 N L77 %&7 M%L 6 7"& 5&7
mechanical pull=$o2n spring clamp mechanical pull=$o2n spring clamp
9o. !#89
Mechanical pull=$o2n spring clamp3
' V#e! for wor+piece# wih e-i#in$ or rerofie! hole#,
' 2nce he clampin$ #e$men# are en$a$e! in he hole#" reliable 8'#i!e! fini#hin$ i# po##ible wihou
a problem,
' A #imple he-a$on #oc+e #panner =S9 %7> i# u#e! o acuae he elemen,
' The e-i#in$ clampin$ rim fa#en# he pull'!own clampin$ elemen on he machine able,
' /or po#iionin$ on a fi-ure" he un!er#i!e ha# wo po#iionin$ hole# =pin IS2 5()N ' 5 mm>,
' All par# are ma!e of empere! #eel, All componen# are pla#ma'niri!e! an! are hence
ver* re#i#an o wear an! corro#ion,
' Two'par clampin$ #e$men# are inerloc+e! e-ernall*,
' /le-ible in u#e han+# o ea#e of han!lin$ an! clampin$ on he machine able,
' Plea#e chec+ wih u# for clampin$ of har!ene! wor+piece# or wor+piece# ma!e of GG / GGG,
' The ra!ial force mu# be ob#erve!I
' The laeral force when po#iionin$ he wor+piece mu# no e-cee! he .laeral force4 #pecifie! in
he able,
' The clampin$ Paw# for he machine vice# can be u#e! for clampin$ on he machine able =No,
&)L8F 2r!er no,< (N&5L" )()5(5>,
-n re'uest8
2her #iBe# an! #pecial ver#ion# wihou pull'!own an! a# #uppor elemen#,
Clampin$ hole in wor+piece
Conac #urface
%7"8 57 %77 %7"&
3"!!" L"5 L( %"8 LL %%7 %7"8 57 %77 %%"&
3"!83 )"7 L( %"8 LL %)7 %7"8 57 %77 %L"&
3""09 )"7 L( %"8 LL %&7 %7"8 57 %77 %)"&
3""2 )"8 L( %"8 LL L77 %7"8 57 %77 %N"&
3""#1 )"8 L( %"8 LL L87 %7"8 57 %77 %8"&
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
Clampin$ force
or;ue M!
!ia, 3
Laeral compen#a'
ion per clamp
Clampin$ rim hei$h
min, for Al'allo*
3"!00 8 %5 %7"6'%%"5 R7"L8 6 L%87
3"!!" 8 %5 %%"6'%L"5 R7"L8 6 L%87
3"!83 8 %5 %L"6'%)"5 R7"L8 6 L%87
3""09 8 %5 %)"6'%N"5 R7"L8 %7 LL87
3""2 8 %5 %N"6'%8"5 R7"L8 %7 LL87
3""#1 8 %5 %8"6'%&"5 R7"L8 %7 LL87
Permi##ible Ra!ial force of E-pan#ion Clampin$ pi#on Si!e lo
horiBonal force #leeve #e$men# of #leeve !iameer =unclam
3"!00 L"5 L( %"8 LL %77
mechanical pull=$o2n spring clamp e$ge Clamp
9o. 91!N
)exagon soc0et spanner 2ith G=grip
Soc+e< C1R2ME'CANADIVM" har!ene!
an! ma chrom'plae!,
Grip< impac're#i#an pla#ic =ca!mium'free>,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
ANDREAS MAI ER /ELL0AC1 ww w , a m f , ! e San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS %L6
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,! e San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS %L6
S9 L% 0 D L 9ei$h
##2"1 %7 %L8 %77 %N %88 %L7
##20! %7 L)7 %77 %N L&7 %&7
e$ge Clamp e$ge Clamp
1%0 San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,!e San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS %)7 ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,!e
9o. !#98
@$ge Clamp
complee wih mounin$, /a#ene! wih #crew#
of #ren$h cla## %7,6,
The mechanical #i!e clamp wih hol!'!own effec can be u#e! a# a clampin$ elemen an! a# a fi-e! #op, Movin$ he a!Pu#in$ bol cau#e# hoo+ en!# o clamp he
wor+piece, A he #ame ime" a pull'!own effec occur# on he conac #urface, Aachin$ a laeral #op enable# he wor+piece o be repeae!l* clampe!, 9hen u#e! in
conPuncion wih ba#e plae &N65/T" he #i!e clamp can al#o be place! acro## he able $roove, In conPuncion wih roun! ba#e plae no, &N65/R" onl* alon$ he able
' compac !imen#ion#
' wor+piece fa#ene! ri$i! an! #ecure hrou$h pull'!own effec
' plae en#ion increa#e! o ma+e hole# an! $roove#
' laeral plae en#ion o compleel* fini#h #urface# wihou colli#ion conour
' laeral hrea! enable# a #op o be fa#ene!
' can be u#e! for horiBonal an! verical applicaion#
' re!uce! oolin$ ime an! ool elemen# cu# oolin$ co##
' !iver#e an! variable applicaion#,
V#e of a fla #li!in$ bloc+ no, &)LLA or no, &)LL0 enable# he #i!e clamp o be accurael*
po#iione! in he machine able $roove,
-n re'uest8
Special ver#ion# =!imen#ion 1 R7,7%> are available,
9or+ piece
SiJe 0 0% 0L 0) D \L E) G G% GL G) 1% 1L R S9
"3890 M12x1# 8) %6"7 6"7 L7 &5 )%"7 M%L M%L M& M& (L ( 87 &
3"01 M1!x18 &7 L7"8 %)"8 L7 (5 L8"8 M%& M%& M& M& 68 L7 87 5
3"#3 M20x2# 55 L5"8 %5"7 L7 %75 )5"7 ML7 M%& M& M& %%5 %5 (8 %7
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
SiJe Slo or;ue M!
1 R7"% /%
"3890 M12x1# %N (8 &8 %L ( %8)7
3"01 M1!x18 %5 57 (8 L7 %7 L&L(
3"#3 M20x2# LN %&7 %77 L8 %( 866&
9o. !#98*R
?ase plate3 roun$
complee wih fi-in$ #crew#, /a#ene! wih
#crew# of #ren$h cla## %7,6,
V#e! in conPuncion wih #i!e clamp no, &N65 o clamp acro## an! alon$ he able $roove, The #iBe
M%&-%5 fi# properl* for u#e on he M%& $ri! plae,
' Simple u#e of he #i!e clamp when clampin$ alon$ an! acro## he $roove
' Increa#e in he wor+piece mounin$ #urface,
V#e of wo fla #li!in$ bloc+# no, &)LL0 enable# e-ac connecion of he #i!e clamp o he roun!
ba#e plae, The ba#e plae can be e-acl* po#iione! on he machine wih he fla #li!in$ bloc+# no,
&)LLA or no, &)LL0,
-n re'uest8
Special ver#ion# =!imen#ion 1 R7,7%> are available,
Top view 0oom view
9o. !#98*G
?ase plate
complee wih mounin$, /a#ene! wih #crew# of #ren$h cla##
V#e! in conPuncion wih #i!e clamp no, &N65 o al#o clamp acro## he able $roove,
' Simple u#e of he #i!e clamp when clampin$ even acro## he $roove
' Increa#e in he wor+piece mounin$ #urface,
-n re'uest8
Special ver#ion# =!imen#ion 1 R7,7%> are available,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
SiJe Slo 1 R7"% 0) D \L E) EN G G) R 9ei$h
"391! M12x1# %N )7 L7 &5 )%"7 L5"7 M%L M& 87 6)7
3"2" M1!x18 %5 87 L7 (5 L8"8 L8"8 M%& M& 87 %(57
3"#3"1 M20x2# LN &7 L7 %75 N7"7 )%"7 ML7 M& (8 N&57
SiJe Slo 1 R7"% 0 E% EL G L R 9ei$h
"3908 M12x1# %N )7 (7 N7 &8 M%L %%7 87 %))7
3"#3 M1!x18 %5 87 %L8 N7 67 M%& %)7 %77 N5&N
3"#39" M20x2# LN &7 %L7 (8 %87 ML7 L77 58 (&%N
t=slot clamp &lat clamp
9o. !#9
G=slot clamp
complee wih mounin$,
Seel" empere! an! burni#he!,
9o. !#9S
*astening /olt &or G=slot clamp
Sren$h cla## %7,6
%, Sli!e T'#lo clamp ino T'#lo of he machine able,
L, Po#iion on wor+piece,
), Secure fa#enin$ bol for machine able,
N, Acuain$ he clampin$ bol clamp# he wor+piece,
' /or clampin$ of ver* hin wor+piece#
' Laeral clampin$ of wor+piece# o compleel* fini#h #urface# wihou inerference conour#
' Can be u#e! for horiBonal an! verical applicaion#,
To re!uce wear o he fa#enin$ bol" we recommen! u#in$ AM/ #crew compoun! No, &))6, I
po##e##e# a #*ner$i#ic combinaion of hi$hl*'effecive #oli! lubrican# an! i# hea're#i#an an!
!oe# no wa#h ou,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
SiJe G L S9
"918! 12 M%7 L8 8 %N
"890" 1! M%L )7 & LN
""83# 20 M%& N7 5 86
SiJe Slo /%
1L S9
3"#1#0 12 %N ( )"8 %7 8 6%
3"#132 1! %5 %7 8"7 %L & %55
3"#12# 20 LL %& 5"7 %8 5 )&)
SiJe 0 0% G 1 1% L
3"#1#0 12 LL %)"& M%7 )% LN N7
3"#132 1! L5 %("N M%L )6 )7 N6
3"#12# 20 )8 L%"8 M%& 87 )( &)
9o. !#9!
*lat clamp
Complee wih mounin$,
Seel" empere! an! burni#he!,
9o. !#9!?*
Mou#ti#% (it !or !"at c"ap
compri#in$ ) DIN &6%L he-a$onal bol#" ) DIN 875 T'$roove
nu# an! % DIN &)%6C #pherical wa#her,
9o. !#9!*
Spring 2ith scre2
%, Sli!e fla clamp ino T'$roove of he machine able,
L, Po#iion on wor+piece,
), Secure fa#enin$ bol# for machine able,
N, Acuain$ he clampin$ bol clamp# he wor+piece,
' /or clampin$ of ver* hin wor+piece#
' Laeral clampin$ of wor+piece# o compleel* fini#h #urface# wihou inerference conour#
' Can be u#e! for horiBonal an! verical applicaion#,
To re!uce wear o he fa#enin$ bol#" we recommen! u#in$ AM/ #crew compoun! No, &))6, I
po##e##e# a #*ner$i#ic combinaion of hi$hl*'effecive #oli! lubrican# an! i# hea're#i#an an!
!oe# no wa#h ou,
SiJe 0 1% L L% LL
3"#1" M12x1# NN %& %%7 N8'N5 L&
3"#1! M12x1! NN %& %%7 N8'N5 L&
3"#1"3 M1!x18 8& %6 %)7 87'8N ))
3"#181 M1!x20 8& %6 %)7 87'8N ))
3"#199 M20x22 &L LL %8L 85'&) N%
3"#20" M20x2# &L LL %8L 85'&) N%
3"#21 M20x28 &L LL %8L 85'&) N%
SiJe Slo G L S9
3133"9 M12x1# %N M%L )7 %7 N6
31339 M12x1! %& M%L )8 %7 8&
313#11 M1!x18 %5 M%& )8 %N 67
313#3" M1!x20 L7 M%& N7 %N %7N
313#2 M20x22 LL ML7 N8 %( %((
313#"8 M20x2# LN ML7 N8 %( %56
313#9# M20x28 L5 ML7 88 %( LL5
SiBe 9ei$h
31310 M%L %7
3133! M%& L7
3131 ML7 )7
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
SiJe Slo G /%
1 min, 1 ma-, 9ei$h
3"#1" M12x1# %N M%L %8 ("8 %& L8 8(6
3"#1! M12x1! %& M%L %8 ("8 %& L8 &77
3"#1"3 M1!x18 %5 M%& L7 %7"7 %6 )7 %7%%
3"#181 M1!x20 L7 M%& L7 %7"7 %6 )7 %788
3"#199 M20x22 LL ML7 )7 %8"7 LL )& %&(7
3"#20" M20x2# LN ML7 )7 %8"7 LL )& %(78
3"#21 M20x28 L5 ML7 )7 %8"7 LL )& %57(
parallel suppor ts
7 $esign8 T he #+i l ful l $ra!uai on of #i Be# o DI N
#eri e# f i $ure# al low# for numerou# combinaion#,
7 N ualit y8 AM /'paral l el # $uaranee for l on$ l i fe !ue
o heir hi $h wear re#i #ance,
7 the right 'ualit y &or any application8 our
paral l el wa#her# are avai l abl e i n hree ;ual i * l evel #<
S an!ar!
Preci #i on
Super'preci #ion
AM /'paral l el # are u#e! a# pac+i n$ bl oc+#" #op# or
!i #ance piece# on machi ne ool #, T he* are i n!i #pen#
abl e for he paral l el #uppor of componen# i n machi ne
vi ce#
an! on #ur face pl a#e#,
7 AM / paral l el wa#her#" #op# an! power cl amp bei n$
u#e! for !ri l l i n$ a ba#e pl ae,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
%)N San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,!e
parallel suppor ts parallel suppor ts
San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS %)8 ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,!e 1%, San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,!e
(I9 !3#!S
>arallel supports=set
In woo!en bo- wih !eachable fol!in$
li!, Plain parallel" fine'$roun!" in pair#,
SiBe !aa on he
pro!uc, Ca#e'har!ene!,
Pair olerance in hei$h pL an! wi!h p% o IT 8,
Rae! !imen#ional olerance in hei$h an! wi!h
o DIN IS2 L(&5m,
Remainin$ !imen#ion# o DIN IS2 L(&5m,
Geomerical $ra!uaion enable# full u#e of he #uppor hei$h,
L,8 ' L8 mm over N7 !ifferen hei$h# L,8 ' N8 mm
N ' )L mm over N7 !ifferen hei$h# N ' 8( mm
N ' N7 mm over N7 !ifferen hei$h# N ' (L mm
5 ' 87 mm over )7 !ifferen hei$h# 5 ' 67 mm
5 ' &) mm over N7 !ifferen hei$h# 5 ' %%) mm
L7 ' %77 mm over %N !ifferen hei$h# L7 ' %57 mm,
(I9 !3#!>
>arallel supports=pairs
Plain parallel" fine'$roun!" in pair#,
SiBe !aa on he pro!uc,
Pair olerance in hei$h pL an! wi!h p% o IT 8,
Rae! !imen#ional olerance in hei$h an! wi!h
o DIN IS2 L(&5m,
Remainin$ !imen#ion# o DIN IS2 L(&5m,
SiBe Pair Ca#e L - 0 - 1 9ei$h
"2322 L"8'L8 6 L77-%77- )& %")
"2330 N'N7 ( )78-%%8- 87 )"5
"23#8 5'&) 8 )78-%%8- (7 ("N
"23 L7'%77 ) L57-L%8-%L8 L("%
"21! N')L 8 %)L-%N8- 87 %"8
"21"3 5'87 N %6L-%85- (8 N"6
9or+#hop #e#
SiBe L,8'L8 inclu!in$ =0-1-L><
L,8-5-&) / ),L-%7-&) / N,7-%L-&) / 8,7-%&-&) / &,)-L7-&) / N,7-%L-%77 / 8,7-%&-%77 / &,)-L7-%77 /
5,7-L8-%77 mm
SiBe N,7'N7 inclu!in$ =0-1-L><
N,7-%L-%77 / 8,7-%&-%77 / &,)-L7-%77 / 5,7-L8-%77 / 5,7-L8-%&7 / %7,7-)L-%&7 / %L,7-N7-%&7 mm
SiBe 5,7'&) inclu!in$ =0-1-L><
5,7-L8-%77 / %7,7-)L-%77 / %L,7-N7-%77 / %&,7-87-%&7 / L7,7-&)-%&7 mm
SiBe L7'%77 inclu!in$ =0-1-L><
L7,7-&)-L87 / L8,7-57-L87 / )L,7-%77-L87 mm
Cice #e#
SiBe N,7')L inclu!in$ =0-1-L><
N,7-%L-%77 / 8,7-%&-%77 / &,)-L7-%77 / 5,7-L8-%77 / %7,7-)L-%77 mm
SiBe 5,7'87 inclu!in$ =0-1-L><
5,7-L8-%&7 / %7,7-)L-%&7 / %L,7-N7-%&7 / %&,7-87-%&7 mm
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
0 1 L 9ei$h
"309 L"8 5 &) L7
"31" )"L %7 &) )7
"32 N"7 %L &) N8
"333 8"7 %& &) 57
"3#1 &") L7 &) %L8
"2181 N"7 %L %77 (8
"2199 8"7 %& %77 %L8
"220" &") L7 %77 L77
"221 5"7 L8 %77 )%8
"2223 %7"7 )L %77 877
"2231 %L"7 N7 %77 (87
"22#9 5"7 L8 %&7 877
"22! %7"7 )L %&7 577
"22!# %L"7 N7 %&7 %L77
"22"2 %&"7 87 %&7 L777
"2280 L7"7 &) %&7 )%(7
"2298 L7"7 &) L87 N687
"230! L8"7 57 L87 (677
"231# )L"7 %77 L87 %L&57
"23!3 N7"7 %77 N77 L8)77
9o. !3#"S>
>arallel supports=set3 super=precision
In woo!en bo- wih !eachable fol!in$
li!, Plain parallel" fine'$roun!" in pair#,
SiBe !aa on he pro!uc,
Pair olerance p a hei$h 7,77N mm,
Rae! !imen#ional olerance in hei$h R7,77N
mm, Remainin$ !imen#ion# o DIN IS2 L(&5m,
Pair L 9ei$h
8#09 %N %87 %7"6
% pair each =0 - 1><
%7-%N / %7-%& / %7-%5 / %7-L7 / %7-LL / %7-LN / %7-L& / %7-L5 / %7-)7 / %7-)L / %7-)8 / %7-N7 /
%7-N8 / %7-87 mm,
The#e !ocumen# are u#e! a# wa#her# for wor+piece# e-po#e! o !iver#e machinin$ proce##e#,
The hi$h preci#ion of he parallel wa#her# $uaranee# parallel wor+piece clampin$,
9o. !3#">
>arallel supports=set3 precision
In woo!en bo- wih !eachable fol!in$ li!,
Plain parallel" fine'$roun!" in pair#,
SiBe !aa on he pro!uc,
Pair olerance p a hei$h 7,7% mm,
Rae! !imen#ional olerance in hei$h R7,7% mm,
Remainin$ !imen#ion# o DIN IS2 L(&5m,
9o. !3#"S
>arallel supports=set3 stan$ar$
In woo!en bo- wih !eachable fol!in$ li!,
Plain parallel" fine'$roun!" in pair#,
SiBe !aa on he pro!uc,
Pair olerance p a hei$h 7,7% mm,
Rae! !imen#ional olerance in hei$h an! wi!h o
DIN IS2 L(&5m,
Remainin$ !imen#ion# o DIN IS2 L(&5m,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
Pair L 9ei$h
3"09! %N %87 %7"6
Pair L 9ei$h
83980 %N %87 %7"6
9o. !3#">S>
>arallel supports=pairs3 super=precision
Plain parallel" fine'$roun!" in pair#,
SiBe !aa on he pro!uc,
Pair olerance p a hei$h 7,77N mm,
Rae! !imen#ional olerance in hei$h R7,77N mm,
Remainin$ !imen#ion# o DIN IS2 L(&5m,
9o. !3#">>
>arallel supports=pairs3 precision
Plain parallel" fine'$roun!" in
pair#, SiBe !aa on he pro!uc,
Pair olerance p a hei$h 7,7% mm,
Rae! !imen#ional olerance in hei$h R7,7%
mm, Remainin$ !imen#ion# o DIN IS2 L(&5m,
The#e !ocumen# are u#e! a# wa#her# for wor+piece# e-po#e! o !iver#e machinin$ proce##e#,
The hi$h preci#ion of he parallel wa#her# $uaranee# parallel wor+piece clampin$,
The#e !ocumen# are u#e! a# wa#her# for wor+piece# e-po#e! o !iver#e machinin$ proce##e#,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
0 1 L 9ei$h
"#"3 %7 %N %87 ))7
"#81 %7 %& %87 )57
"#99 %7 %5 %87 NL7
"0" %7 L7 %87 N(7
"1 %7 LL %87 8L7
"23 %7 LN %87 8(7
"31 %7 L& %87 &%7
"#9 %7 L5 %87 &&7
"! %7 )7 %87 (%7
"!# %7 )L %87 (87
""2 %7 )8 %87 5)7
"80 %7 N7 %87 6N7
"291 %7 N8 %87 %7&7
"283 %7 87 %87 %%57
0 1 L 9ei$h
3"0!8# %7 %N %87 ))7
3"0!92 %7 %& %87 )57
3"0"00 %7 %5 %87 NL7
3"0"18 %7 L7 %87 N(7
3"0"2! %7 LL %87 8L7
3"0"3# %7 LN %87 8(7
3"0"#2 %7 L& %87 &%7
3"0"9 %7 L5 %87 &&7
3"0"!" %7 )7 %87 (%7
3"0"" %7 )L %87 (87
3"0"83 %7 )8 %87 5)7
3"0"91 %7 N7 %87 6N7
3"0809 %7 N8 %87 %7&7
3"081" %7 87 %87 %%57
9o. !3#">S
>arallel supports=pairs3 stan$ar$
Plain parallel" fine'$roun!" in pair#,
SiBe !aa on he pro!uc,
Pair olerance p a hei$h 7,7% mm,
Rae! !imen#ional olerance in hei$h an! wi!h o
DIN IS2 L(&5m,
Remainin$ !imen#ion# o DIN IS2 L(&5m,
The#e !ocumen# are u#e! a# wa#her# for wor+piece# e-po#e! o !iver#e machinin$ proce##e#,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
0 1 L 9ei$h
3"082 %7 %N %87 ))7
3"0833 %7 %& %87 )57
3"08#1 %7 %5 %87 NL7
3"088 %7 L7 %87 N(7
3"08!! %7 LL %87 8L7
3"08"# %7 LN %87 8(7
3"0882 %7 L& %87 &%7
3"0890 %7 L5 %87 &&7
3"0908 %7 )7 %87 (%7
3"091! %7 )L %87 (87
3"092# %7 )8 %87 5)7
3"0932 %7 N7 %87 6N7
3"09#0 %7 N8 %87 %7&7
3"09" %7 87 %87 %%57
9o. !3#8S>
>arallel supports=set3 super=precision
In woo!en #an!,
Plain parallel" fine'$roun!" in
pair#, SiBe !aa on fron of
Se# offer a lar$e ran$e wih % mm
$ra!uaion, Ca#e'har!ene!,
Pair olerance p a hei$h IT 8,
Rae! !imen#ional olerance in hei$h an! wi!h R7,7%
mm, Remainin$ !imen#ion# o DIN IS2 L(&5m,
9o. !3#8>
>arallel supports=set3 precision
In woo!en #an!,
Plain parallel" fine'$roun!" in
pair#, SiBe !aa on fron of
Se# offer a lar$e ran$e wih % mm
$ra!uaion, Ca#e'har!ene!,
Pair olerance p a hei$h IT 8,
Rae! !imen#ional olerance in hei$h R7,7%
mm, Remainin$ !imen#ion# o DIN IS2 L(&5m,
SiBe Pair L 9ei$h
"!0! %77 L7 %77 %%
"!1# %L8 LN %L8 %N
"!#8 %87 LN %87 %(
SiBe %77" % pair each =0 - 1><
L-8 / L-%7 / L-%8 / L-L7 / )-& / )-%% / )-%& / )-L% / N-( / N-%L / N-%( / N-LL / 8-5 / 8-%) / 8-%5 /
8-L) / &-6 / &-%N / &-%6 / &-LN mm,
SiBe %L8" % pair each =0 - 1><
5-%% / 5-%& / 5-L% / 5-L& / 5-)% / 5-)& / %7-%) / %7-%5 / %7-L) / %7-L5 / %7-)) / %7-)5 / %L-%8 /
%L-L7 / %L-L8 / %L-)7 / %L-)8 / %L-N7 / %N-%( / %N-LL / %N-L( / %N-)L / %N-)( / %N-NL mm,
SiBe %87" % pair each =0 - 1><
5-%% / 5-%& / 5-L% / 5-L& / 5-)% / 5-)& / %7-%) / %7-%5 / %7-L) / %7-L5 / %7-)) / %7-)5 / %L-%8 /
%L-L7 / %L-L8 / %L-)7 / %L-)8 / %L-N7 / %N-%( / %N-LL / %N-L( / %N-)L / %N-)( / %N-NL mm,
The#e !ocumen# are u#e! a# wa#her# for wor+piece# e-po#e! o !iver#e machinin$ proce##e#,
The hi$h preci#ion of he parallel wa#her# $uaranee# parallel wor+piece clampin$,
9o. !3#8S
>arallel supports=set3 stan$ar$
In woo!en #an!,
Plain parallel" fine'$roun!" in pair#,
SiBe !aa on fron of pro!uc,
Se# offer a lar$e ran$e wih % mm
$ra!uaion, Ca#e'har!ene!,
Pair olerance p a hei$h IT 8,
Rae! !imen#ional olerance in hei$h an! wi!h o
DIN IS2 L(&5m,
Remainin$ !imen#ion# o DIN IS2 L(&5m,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
SiBe Pair L 9ei$h
3"10!2 %77 L7 %77 %%
3"10"0 %L8 LN %L8 %N
3"1088 %87 LN %87 %(
SiBe Pair L 9ei$h
3"109! %77 L7 %77 %%
3"110# %L8 LN %L8 %N
3"1112 %87 LN %87 %(
9o. !3#8>S>
>arallel supports=pairs3 super=precision3
100 mm long
Plain parallel" fine'$roun!" in pair#,
SiBe !aa on fron of pro!uc,
Se# offer a lar$e ran$e wih % mm
$ra!uaion, Ca#e'har!ene!,
Pair olerance p a hei$h IT 8,
Rae! !imen#ional olerance in hei$h an! wi!h R7,7%
mm, Remainin$ !imen#ion# o DIN IS2 L(&5m,
9o. !3#8>S>
>arallel supports=pairs3 super=precision3
12 mm long
Plain parallel" fine'$roun!" in
pair#, SiBe !aa on fron of
Se# offer a lar$e ran$e wih % mm
$ra!uaion, Ca#e'har!ene!,
Pair olerance p a hei$h IT 8,
Rae! !imen#ional olerance in hei$h an! wi!h R7,7%
mm, Remainin$ !imen#ion# o DIN IS2 L(&5m,
The#e !ocumen# are u#e! a# wa#her# for wor+piece# e-po#e! o !iver#e machinin$ proce##e#,
The hi$h preci#ion of he parallel wa#her# $uaranee# parallel wor+piece clampin$,
The#e !ocumen# are u#e! a# wa#her# for wor+piece# e-po#e! o !iver#e machinin$ proce##e#, The hi$h preci#ion of he parallel wa#her# $uaranee# parallel wor+piece
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
0 1 L 9ei$h
3"000" L 8 %77 %&
3"001 L %7 %77 )%
3"0023 L %8 %77 N(
3"0031 L L7 %77 &L
3"00#9 ) & %77 L5
3"00! ) %% %77 8%
3"00!# ) %& %77 (8
3"00"2 ) L% %77 65
3"0080 N ( %77 NN
3"0098 N %L %77 (8
3"010! N %( %77 %7&
3"011# N LL %77 %)(
3"0122 8 5 %77 &L
3"0130 8 %) %77 %7%
3"01#8 8 %5 %77 %N7
3"01 8 L) %77 %(6
3"01!3 & 6 %77 5N
3"01"1 & %N %77 %)%
3"0189 & %6 %77 %(5
3"019" & LN %77 LLN
0 1 L 9ei$h
3"020 5 %% %L8 %(%
3"0213 5 %& %L8 LN6
3"0221 5 L% %L8 )L&
3"0239 5 L& %L8 N7N
3"02#" 5 )% %L8 N5L
3"02# 5 )& %L8 8&%
3"02!2 %7 %) %L8 L8)
3"02"0 %7 %5 %L8 )8%
3"0288 %7 L) %L8 NN5
3"029! %7 L5 %L8 8N8
3"030# %7 )) %L8 &NL
3"0312 %7 )5 %L8 (N%
3"0320 %L %8 %L8 )87
3"0338 %L L7 %L8 N&&
3"03#! %L L8 %L8 85)
3"033 %L )7 %L8 (77
3"03!1 %L )8 %L8 5%(
3"03"9 %L N7 %L8 6))
3"038" %N %( %L8 N&L
3"039 %N LL %L8 866
3"0#03 %N L( %L8 ()N
3"0#11 %N )L %L8 5(%
3"0#29 %N )( %L8 %776
3"0#3" %N NL %L8 %%NN
9o. !3#8>S>
>arallel supports=pairs3 super=precision3
10 mm long
Plain parallel" fine'$roun!" in pair#,
SiBe !aa on fron of pro!uc,
Se# offer a lar$e ran$e wih % mm
$ra!uaion, Ca#e'har!ene!,
Pair olerance p a hei$h IT 8,
Rae! !imen#ional olerance in hei$h an! wi!h R7,7%
mm, Remainin$ !imen#ion# o DIN IS2 L(&5m,
9o. !3#8>>
>arallel supports=pairs3 precision3
100 mm long
Plain parallel" fine'$roun!" in
pair#, SiBe !aa on fron of
Se# offer a lar$e ran$e wih % mm
$ra!uaion, Ca#e'har!ene!,
Pair olerance p a hei$h IT 8,
Rae! !imen#ional olerance in hei$h R7,7%
mm, Remainin$ !imen#ion# o DIN IS2 L(&5m,
The#e !ocumen# are u#e! a# wa#her# for wor+piece# e-po#e! o !iver#e machinin$ proce##e#,
The hi$h preci#ion of he parallel wa#her# $uaranee# parallel wor+piece clampin$,
0 1 L 9ei$h
3"0## 5 %% %87 L7)
3"0#2 5 %& %87 L68
3"0#!0 5 L% %87 )56
3"0#"8 5 L& %87 N5L
3"0#8! 5 )% %87 8(N
3"0#9# 5 )& %87 &&5
3"002 %7 %) %87 )77
3"010 %7 %5 %87 N%(
3"028 %7 L) %87 8))
3"03! %7 L5 %87 &N6
3"0## %7 )) %87 (&5
3"01 %7 )5 %87 55N
3"0!9 %L %8 %87 N%&
3"0"" %L L7 %87 88&
3"08 %L L8 %87 &6N
3"093 %L )7 %87 5)8
3"0!01 %L )8 %87 6(N
3"0!19 %L N7 %87 %%%)
3"0!2" %N %( %87 887
3"0!3 %N LL %87 (%N
3"0!#3 %N L( %87 5(6
3"0!0 %N )L %87 %7N7
3"0!!8 %N )( %87 %L7)
3"0!"! %N NL %87 %)&6
0 1 L 9ei$h
3"1120 L 8 %77 %&
3"1138 L %7 %77 )%
3"11#! L %8 %77 N(
3"113 L L7 %77 &L
3"11!1 ) & %77 L5
3"11"9 ) %% %77 8%
3"118" ) %& %77 (8
3"119 ) L% %77 65
3"1203 N ( %77 NN
3"1211 N %L %77 (8
3"1229 N %( %77 %7&
3"123" N LL %77 %)(
3"12# 8 5 %77 &L
3"122 8 %) %77 %7%
3"12!0 8 %5 %77 %N7
3"12"8 8 L) %77 %(6
3"128! & 6 %77 5N
3"129# & %N %77 %)%
3"1302 & %6 %77 %(5
3"1310 & LN %77 LLN
4)ese documents are used as was)ers for workpieces e-posed to diverse
mac)inin( processes!
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
9o. !3#8>>
>arallel supports=pairs3 precision3
12 mm long
Plain parallel" fine'$roun!" in pair#,
SiBe !aa on fron of pro!uc,
Se# offer a lar$e ran$e wih % mm
$ra!uaion, Ca#e'har!ene!,
Pair olerance p a hei$h IT 8,
Rae! !imen#ional olerance in hei$h R7,7% mm,
Remainin$ !imen#ion# o DIN IS2 L(&5m,
9o. !3#8>>
>arallel supports=pairs3 precision3
10 mm long
Plain parallel" fine'$roun!" in
pair#, SiBe !aa on fron of
Se# offer a lar$e ran$e wih % mm
$ra!uaion, Ca#e'har!ene!,
Pair olerance p a hei$h IT 8,
Rae! !imen#ional olerance in hei$h R7,7%
mm, Remainin$ !imen#ion# o DIN IS2 L(&5m,
The#e !ocumen# are u#e! a# wa#her# for wor+piece# e-po#e! o !iver#e machinin$ proce##e#,
The#e !ocumen# are u#e! a# wa#her# for wor+piece# e-po#e! o !iver#e machinin$ proce##e#,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
0 1 L 9ei$h
3"1328 5 %% %L8 %(%
3"133! 5 %& %L8 LN6
3"13## 5 L% %L8 )L&
3"131 5 L& %L8 N7N
3"13!9 5 )% %L8 N5L
3"13"" 5 )& %L8 8&%
3"138 %7 %) %L8 L8)
3"1393 %7 %5 %L8 )8%
3"1#01 %7 L) %L8 NN5
3"1#19 %7 L5 %L8 8N8
3"1#2" %7 )) %L8 &NL
3"1#3 %7 )5 %L8 (N%
3"1##3 %L %8 %L8 )87
3"1#0 %L L7 %L8 N&&
3"1#!8 %L L8 %L8 85)
3"1#"! %L )7 %L8 (77
3"1#8# %L )8 %L8 5%(
3"1#92 %L N7 %L8 6))
3"100 %N %( %L8 N&L
3"118 %N LL %L8 866
3"12! %N L( %L8 ()N
3"13# %N )L %L8 5(%
3"1#2 %N )( %L8 %776
3"19 %N NL %L8 %%NN
0 1 L 9ei$h
3"22#3 5 %% %87 L7)
3"220 5 %& %87 L68
3"22!8 5 L% %87 )56
3"22"! 5 L& %87 N5L
3"228# 5 )% %87 8(N
3"2292 5 )& %87 &&5
3"2300 %7 %) %87 )77
3"2318 %7 %5 %87 N%(
3"232! %7 L) %87 8))
3"233# %7 L5 %87 &N6
3"23#2 %7 )) %87 (&5
3"239 %7 )5 %87 55N
3"23!" %L %8 %87 N%&
3"23" %L L7 %87 88&
3"2383 %L L8 %87 &6N
3"2391 %L )7 %87 5)8
3"2#09 %L )8 %87 6(N
3"2#1" %L N7 %87 %%%)
3"2#2 %N %( %87 887
3"2#33 %N LL %87 (%N
3"2##1 %N L( %87 5(6
3"2#8 %N )L %87 %7N7
3"2#!! %N )( %87 %L7)
3"2#"# %N NL %87 %)&6
9o. !3#8>S
>arallel supports=pairs3 stan$ar$3
100 mm long
Plain parallel" fine'$roun!" in pair#,
SiBe !aa on fron of pro!uc,
Se# offer a lar$e ran$e wih % mm
$ra!uaion, Ca#e'har!ene!,
Pair olerance p a hei$h IT 8,
Rae! !imen#ional olerance in hei$h an! wi!h o
DIN IS2 L(&5m,
Remainin$ !imen#ion# o DIN IS2 L(&5m,
9o. !3#8>S
>arallel supports=pairs3 stan$ar$3
12 mm long
Plain parallel" fine'$roun!" in
pair#, SiBe !aa on fron of
Se# offer a lar$e ran$e wih % mm
$ra!uaion, Ca#e'har!ene!,
Pair olerance p a hei$h IT 8,
Rae! !imen#ional olerance in hei$h an! wi!h o
DIN IS2 L(&5m,
Remainin$ !imen#ion# o DIN IS2 L(&5m,
The#e !ocumen# are u#e! a# wa#her# for wor+piece# e-po#e! o !iver#e machinin$ proce##e#,
The#e !ocumen# are u#e! a# wa#her# for wor+piece# e-po#e! o !iver#e machinin$ proce##e#,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
0 1 L 9ei$h
3"180" L 8 %77 %&
3"181 L %7 %77 )%
3"1823 L %8 %77 N(
3"1831 L L7 %77 &L
3"18#9 ) & %77 L5
3"18! ) %% %77 8%
3"18!# ) %& %77 (8
3"18"2 ) L% %77 65
3"1880 N ( %77 NN
3"1898 N %L %77 (8
3"190! N %( %77 %7&
3"191# N LL %77 %)(
3"1922 8 5 %77 &L
3"1930 8 %) %77 %7%
3"19#8 8 %5 %77 %N7
3"19 8 L) %77 %(6
3"19!3 & 6 %77 5N
3"19"1 & %N %77 %)%
3"1989 & %6 %77 %(5
3"199" & LN %77 LLN
0 1 L 9ei$h
3"2003 5 %% %L8 %(%
3"2011 5 %& %L8 LN6
3"2029 5 L% %L8 )L&
3"203" 5 L& %L8 N7N
3"20# 5 )% %L8 N5L
3"202 5 )& %L8 8&%
3"20!0 %7 %) %L8 L8)
3"20"8 %7 %5 %L8 )8%
3"208! %7 L) %L8 NN5
3"209# %7 L5 %L8 8N8
3"2102 %7 )) %L8 &NL
3"2110 %7 )5 %L8 (N%
3"2128 %L %8 %L8 )87
3"213! %L L7 %L8 N&&
3"21## %L L8 %L8 85)
3"211 %L )7 %L8 (77
3"21!9 %L )8 %L8 5%(
3"21"" %L N7 %L8 6))
3"218 %N %( %L8 N&L
3"2193 %N LL %L8 866
3"2201 %N L( %L8 ()N
3"2219 %N )L %L8 5(%
3"222" %N )( %L8 %776
3"223 %N NL %L8 %%NN
9o. !3#8>S
>arallel supports=pairs3 stan$ar$3
10 mm long
Plain parallel" fine'$roun!" in pair#,
SiBe !aa on fron of pro!uc,
Se# offer a lar$e ran$e wih % mm
$ra!uaion, Ca#e'har!ene!,
Pair olerance p a hei$h IT 8,
Rae! !imen#ional olerance in hei$h an! wi!h o
DIN IS2 L(&5m,
Remainin$ !imen#ion# o DIN IS2 L(&5m,
4)ese documents are used as was)ers for workpieces e-posed to diverse
mac)inin( processes!
0 1 L 9ei$h
3"1!" 5 %% %87 L7)
3"1" 5 %& %87 L68
3"183 5 L% %87 )56
3"191 5 L& %87 N5L
3"1!09 5 )% %87 8(N
3"1!1" 5 )& %87 &&5
3"1!2 %7 %) %87 )77
3"1!33 %7 %5 %87 N%(
3"1!#1 %7 L) %87 8))
3"1!8 %7 L5 %87 &N6
3"1!!! %7 )) %87 (&5
3"1!"# %7 )5 %87 55N
3"1!82 %L %8 %87 N%&
3"1!90 %L L7 %87 88&
3"1"08 %L L8 %87 &6N
3"1"1! %L )7 %87 5)8
3"1"2# %L )8 %87 6(N
3"1"32 %L N7 %87 %%%)
3"1"#0 %N %( %87 887
3"1"" %N LL %87 (%N
3"1"! %N L( %87 5(6
3"1""3 %N )L %87 %7N7
3"1"81 %N )( %87 %L7)
3"1"99 %N NL %87 %)&6
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
9o. !3#9>>
>arallel supports=pairs3 precision
Plain parallel" fine'$roun!" in pair#,
SiBe !aa on he pro!uc,
Pair olerance p a hei$h IT 8,
Rae! !imen#ional olerance in hei$h R7,7% mm,
Remainin$ !imen#ion# o DIN IS2 L(&5m,
The#e !ocumen# are u#e! a# wa#her# for wor+piece# e-po#e! o !iver#e machinin$ proce##e#,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
0 1 L 9ei$h
3"208 ) %% %L8 &N
3"21! ) %L %L8 (7
3"22# ) %) %L8 (&
3"232 ) %N %L8 5L
3"2#0 ) %8 %L8 55
3"2" ) %& %L8 6N
3"2! ) %( %L8 %77
3"2"3 ) %5 %L8 %7&
3"281 ) %6 %L8 %%L
3"299 ) L7 %L8 %%5
3"2!0" ) L% %L8 %LN
3"2!1 ) LL %L8 %)7
3"2!23 ) L) %L8 %)&
3"2!31 ) LN %L8 %NL
3"2!#9 ) L8 %L8 %N5
3"2!! ) L& %L8 %8N
3"2!!# ) L( %L8 %&7
3"2!"2 ) L5 %L8 %&N
3"2!80 ) L6 %L8 %(7
3"2!98 ) )7 %L8 %(&
3"2"0! ) )% %L8 %5L
3"2"1# ) )L %L8 %55
3"2"22 ) )) %L8 %6N
3"2"30 ) )N %L8 L77
3"2"#8 ) )8 %L8 L7&
3"2" ) )& %L8 L%L
3"2"!3 ) )( %L8 L%5
3"2""1 ) )5 %L8 LLN
3"2"89 ) )6 %L8 L)7
3"2"9" ) N7 %L8 L)&
3"280 ) N% %L8 LNL
3"2813 ) NL %L8 LN5
9o. !3#9>
>arallel supports=pairs3 precision
In woo!en #an!,
Plain parallel" fine'$roun!" in pair#,
SiBe !aa on he pro!uc,
Pair olerance p a hei$h IT 8,
Rae! !imen#ional olerance in hei$h R7,7%
mm, Remainin$ !imen#ion# o DIN IS2 L(&5m,
SiBe LN" % pair each =0 - 1><
)-%% / )-%) / )-%8 / )-%& / )-%( / )-%5 / )-L7 / )-L% / )-LL / )-L) / )-L8 / )-L& / )-L( / )-L5 / )-)7 /
)-)% / )-)L / )-)) / )-)8 / )-)& / )-)( / )-)5 / )-N7 / )-NL mm,
SiBe )L" % pair each =0 - 1><
)-%% / )-%L / )-%) / )-%N / )-%8 / )-%& / )-%( / )-%5 / )-%6 / )-L7 / )-L% / )-LL / )-L) / )-LN / )-L8
/ )-L& / )-L( / )-L5 / )-L6 / )-)7 / )-)% / )-)L / )-)) / )-)N / )-)8 / )-)& / )-)( / )-)5 / )-)6 / )-N7
/ )-N% / )-NL mm,
#e !ocumen# are u#e! a# wa#her# for wor+piece# e-po#e! o !iver#e machinin$ proce##e#,
9o. !3##S>
>arallel supports=set3 corrugate$
In woo!en bo- wih fol!in$
li!, Maerial hic+ne## 7,)
mm, Preci#ion $roun!,
1ar!ene!" empere! #prin$ #eel,
L mm hei$h $ra!uaion,
Pair olerance p a hei$h IT 8,
Rae! !imen#ion olerance a hei$h R7"77N
mm, Remainin$ !imen#ion# o DIN IS2 L(&5m,
SiBe Pair L 9ei$h
3"2821 6 'L) 5 %%7 N87
3"2839 L8')6 5 %%7 N67
SiBe 6'L)" % pair each =0 - 1><
7,)-6 / 7,)-%% / 7,)-%) / 7,)-%8 / 7,)-%( / 7,)-%6 / 7,)-L% / 7,)-L) mm,
SiBe L8')6" % pair each =0 - 1><
7,)-L8 / 7,)-L( / 7,)-L6 / 7,)-)% / 7,)-)) / 7,)-)8 / 7,)-)( / 7,)-)6 mm,
The corru$ae! parallel wa#her# creae a ime'#avin$ when clampin$ wor+piece# for $rin!in$"
millin$" cuin$" borin$" ec,
' no #warf remain# on he mounin$ #urface
' paralleli#m of he clampe! wor+piece i# no affece!
' #everal fla or #in$le hin wor+piece# can ea#il* be clampe!,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
SiBe Pair L 9ei$h
3"2#82 LN LN %L8 N"8
3"2#90 )L )L %L8 8"8
stops parallel stops
9o. !30
>arallel stops in pairs
/or machine $roove#,
Can al#o be u#e! a# parallel wa#her#,
Plain parallel in hei$h" fine'$roun!" in
pair#, Ca#e'har!ene!,
Pair olerance p a hei$h IT 8,
Rae! !imen#ional olerance in hei$h IS2
L(&5m, Rae! !imen#ional olerance in wi!h h(,
Remainin$ !imen#ion# o DIN IS2 L(&5m,
9o. !328
Cylin$rical stop
ca#e har!ene! an! $roun!, The #hor ver#ion" $roun! o
R7,7% mm olerance in hei$h can be u#e! a# #uppor,
0 1 L 9ei$h
"#2!0 5 L8 %77 )%8
"#2"8 %7 )L %77 877
"#28! %L N7 %77 (87
"#29# %N 87 %77 %%77
"#302 %& 87 %&7 L777
"#310 %5 &) %&7 L587
"#328 L7 &) %&7 )%(7
"#33! LL 57 %&7 NN77
"#3## LN 57 %&7 N577
"#31 L5 %77 %&7 (777
The parallel #op# are inen!e! primaril* for #mall o me!ium'#iBe! machine#, Their hic+ne## i#
ma' che! o he machine $roove wih a olerance of 15, A pair of he#e #op# i# in#ere! ino a
machine $roove" allowin$ he wor+piece# o be ;uic+l* po#iione! parallel o he able,
-n re'uest8
/urher #iBe# available,
onl* for #mall #iBe#
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
Slo A h& 0 '7,& D R7,7% 1%
1L 1) Screw
IS2 N(&L
"10 %L 7'7"7%% %L L7 %8 ' 5 & M&-L8 88
"192 %L 7'7"7%% %L L7 ' L8 5 & M&-)8 57
"200 %N 7'7"7%% %N )L L8 ' 6 5 M5-)8 L77
"218 %N 7'7"7%% %N )L ' 87 6 5 M5-&7 )88
"1!8 %& 7'7"7%% %& )L L8 ' %7 5 M5-N8 LL7
"1"! %& 7'7"7%% %& )L ' 87 %7 5 M5-(7 )(8
"22! %5 7'7"7%% %5 N7 L8 ' %8 %7 M%7-87 )&7
"23# %5 7'7"7%% %5 N7 ' 87 %8 %7 M%7-(8 &77
"2#2 LL 7'7"7%) L7 N7 L8 ' %8 %N M%7-88 N%7
"29 LL 7'7"7%) L7 N7 ' 87 %8 %N M%7-57 &87
"2!" L5 7'7"7%) LL N& L8 ' L7 %& M%L-&7 &)7
"2" L5 7'7"7%) LL N& ' 87 L7 %& M%L-67 687
9o. !31
>arallel stop3 single
ca#e har!ene! an! $roun!, Paralleli#m wihin 7,7L mm"
mache! olerance 7,7L mm, Nominal olerance DIN (%&5
9o. !31
>arallel stop3 in pairs
ca#e har!ene! an! $roun!, Paralleli#m wihin 7,7L mm"
mache! olerance 7,7L mm, Nominal olerance DIN (%&5
Parallel #op# are he i!eal #ein$ elemen# for me!ium an! lar$e #iBe! machine#, /i-e! *pe bloc+#,
&)LL A an! #li!in$ bloc+# DIN &)L) fi he L71( #lo# of he parallel #op, Combinaion# wih
he variou# preci#ion bloc+# allow u#e on able# wih !ifferen #lo #iBe#,
The followin$ clapin$ opion# on he machine able are po##ible<
%> 0ol# for T'#lo# DIN (5( complee =con#i#in$ of bol# for T'#lo# DIN (5(" he-a$onal nu#
DIN &))70 an! wa#her# DIN&)N7> or
L> Allen bol# IS2 N(&L wih T'nu# DIN 875 an! wa#her# DIN &)N7,
9o. !33
>recision angle stop
ca#e har!ene! an! $roun!,
Sein$< parallel an! a an$le# of )7" N8" &7 an!
67[ relae! o T'#lo#, Guaranee! preci#ion for all
face# accor!in$ o #lo# R)74,
SiBe Slo 0 D E / 1 L 9ei$h
"##0 %L8 %7'L7 &5 %( &&"8 )N %8 %L8 887
"##!8 L77 %L')& 65 L8 %77"7 N6 L7 L77 %677
/i-e! *pe enon# no, &)LLA an! loo#e *pe enon# DIN &)L) mach wih he menione! able
#lo#, The univer#al #op# can alernaivel* be fa#ene! complee wih T'#lo# bol# DIN (5( or wih
T'nu# DIN 875 wih #crew# IS2 N(&L an! wa#her# DIN &)N7, The hi$h preci#ion of he above
menione! univer#al #op# $uaranee# he po#iionin$ accurac* re;uire! for almo# an* machinin$
Pob, Machinin$ can #ar #rai$h awa*, There i# no nee! o meer #op,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
Slo 0 C 1 L #uiable bol combinaion<
DIN875" IS2N(&L" DIN&)N7" DIN(5( compl,
"#3!9 %7'LN &7 N7 )7 %L8 M%7-%7'ML7-LN %"&
"#3"" %L')& 57 88 &7 %&7 M%L-%L'MLN-)& 8"(
"#38 %L')& %77 (8 %77 %&7 M%L-%L'MLN-)& %L"%
Slo 0 C 1 L #uiable bol combinaion<
DIN875" IS2N(&L" DIN&)N7" DIN(5( compl,
"38 %7'LN &7 N7 )7 %L8 M%7-%7'ML7-LN )"L
"3!! %L')& 57 88 &7 %&7 M%L-%L'MLN-)& %%"N
"3"# %L')& %77 (8 %77 %&7 M%L-%L'MLN-)& LN"L
parallel stops stops
9o. !3+
>rismatic clamping /loc03 single
ca#e har!ene! an! $roun!
9o. !3+
>rismatic clamping /loc03 pair
ca#e har!ene! an! $roun!
/or ali$nmen an! clampin$ of roun! #haf# an! wor+piece# parallel an! cenric o a able #lo, Can be u#e! a# parallel #op# an! #uppor#I
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
SiBe 0 D E R7,7% / G% GL 1% R7,7%N 1L L% LL L) 9ei$h
"08 %L'&8 57 %L'&8 )7"7 %8 M %L M 5 )8 &7 %77 8& L( )"L
"093 L7'%%7 %L8 L7'%%7 8L"8 L8 M %& M %7 88 %77 %77 8) )L 5"%
SiBe 0 D E R7,7% / G% GL 1% R7,7%N 1L L% LL L) 9ei$h
"1#3 %L'&8 57 %L'&8 )7"7 %8 M %L M 5 )8 &7 %77 8& L( &"N
"18# L7'%%7 %L8 L7'%%7 8L"8 L8 M %& M %7 88 %77 %77 8) )L %&"L
9o. !3"
wih he-a$on +e*,
Temperin$ #eel
9o. !38
Si$e stop
Temperin$ #eel blue!" wih L hrea!e! hole# M%& for
L po#iion#, Se #crew DIN 6%8 M%&-57,
The ;uic+l* a!Pu#able #op i# #uiable for po#iionin$ wor+piece# on variou# oolin$ machine#
an! vice#, I ha# a wi!e ran$e for hei$h an! len$h a!Pu#men#, Sein$ i# !one wih he #upplie!
T'han!le he-a$on +e*,
roable )&7[
The #op i# u#e! for #afe po#iionin$ of lon$ an! heav* wor+piece# on #loe! machine able#, I i# in#ere! ino he #lo ' a an incline! po#iion !ue o i# un!er#iBe an!
loc+# he wor+piece a$ain# he parallel #op" e,$, no, &)8%,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
SiBe Slo 0% 0L 1% 1L L% LL 9ei$h
"! L %7" %L" %N" %&" %5 %% &7 )7'%67 L77 %L7 8L LN87
"!!3 ) %&" %5" L7" LL" LN" L5 %( 57 )7'%67 L77 %&7 () )L87
Slo 0 C 1% 1L L 9ei$h
"8"9 %5 L7 L7 %77 N7 87 578
"88" L7 L8 )7 %L8 N7 57 %557
"89 LL L8 )7 %L8 N7 57 %6L7
"903 LN )L N7 %87 &8 %77 )8%8
"911 L5 )L N7 %87 &8 %77 )&N8
"929 )& N7 87 %&7 &8 %L7 N5(7
loose type tenons &ixe$ type tenons
(I9 !323
Coose type tenons
Seel C%8" ca#e har!ene! an! $roun!,
Afer rou$h ali$nmen of fi-ure" he enon# DIN &)L) are pu#he! ino T'#lo from he #i!e, No
proru ! in$ fi-e! T'nu# can ob#ruc he ran#por of fi-ure# an! no !ama$e o machine able#
can occur,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
Nominal wi!h of
45slot on fi-ture 61
Nominal wi!h of
T'#lo on machine 0L
/orm 1% 1L 1) 1N L 9ei$h
"1811 %L %7 A %L"7 )"& ' ' L7 L7
"1829 %L %L 0 L5"& ' 8"8 6 L7 N8
"183" L7 %L A %N"7 8"8 ' ' )L 87
"18# L7 %N A %N"7 8"8 ' ' )L 88
"182 L7 %& A %N"7 8"8 ' ' )L &7
"18!0 L7 %5 A %N"7 8"8 ' ' )L &8
"18"8 L7 L7 0 N8"8 ' ( %& )L L77
"188! L7 LL C 87"8 ' ( %5 N7 L67
"189# L7 LN C 88"8 ' ( L7 N7 )87
"1902 L7 L5 C &%"8 ' ( LN N7 N&7
"1910 L7 )& C (&"8 ' ( )7 87 6N7
9o. !322;
*ixe$ type tenons
=previou#l* DIN &)LL !evelope! %68(>
C%8 ca#e'har!ene!,
The#e fi-e! *pe enon# are #crewe! in pair# ino he #an!ar! L7 mm wi!e #e #lo# of vice# or fi-ure#, 0* chan$in$ he enon# *ou can wor+ on machine# wih !ifferen
#lo #iBe#, /or ver* heav* fi-ure# we recommen! he u#e of loo#e *pe enon# DIN &)L),
9o. !322?
Co2 type tenons
Seel C%8" ca#e har!ene! an! $roun!,
/i-e! *pe enon
Machine able
Low'*pe enon# are u#eful an! ine-pen#ive o u#e" when a fi-ure i# alwa*# u#e! on he #ame machine, /or ver* heav* fi-ure# we recomen! he u#e of loo#e *pe
enon# DIN &)L),
Low *pe enon
Machine able
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
Nominal wi!h of
T'#lo on machine 0
Nominal wi!h of
45slot on fi-ture
1 L Screw
DIN5N or IS2N(&L
"1 %7 L7 %7 LL M&-%7 L7
"1!3 %L L7 %7 LL M&-%7 L8
"1"1 %N L7 %7 L8 M&-%& L5
"189 %& L7 %7 L8 M&-%& )7
"19" %5 L7 %7 L8 M&-%& )7
"1!13 LL L7 %L )L M&-%& 87
"1!21 LN L7 %L )L M&-%& 88
"1!39 L5 L7 %L )L M&-%& &7
"1!#" )& L7 %L )L M&-%& (8
0 1 L Screw
DIN5N or IS2N(&L
"1!9! %7 5 L7 MN-%7 %8
"1"0# %L 5 L7 M8-%L %6
"1"12 %N %7 LL M&-%& L%
"1"20 %& %7 LL M&-%& L&
"1"38 %5 %7 LL M&-%& )7
"1"#! L7 %7 LL M&-%& )N
"1"3 LL %L )L M&-%& 88
"1"!1 LN %L )L M&-%& &L
eccentric clamps eccentric clamps
9o. !!00
@ccentric clamp 2ith en$ clamping
har!ene! an! burni#he!,
9o. !!01
@ccentric le%er3 loose
for en! clampin$
=par of &&77>
9o. !!10
@ccentric clamp 2ith mi$$le clamping
har!ene! an! burni#he!" lever pla#ic coae!,
7ccentric clamps are useful for speciali8ed fi-tures!
9ctuation b: )and 5 )and force
9ctuation b: )and 5 )and force 400
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
A 0 L 9ei$h
"3!9 LN %N %&( )77
SiBe 1 min, 1 ma-, A 0 C E L M 9ei$h
"302 % L& )8 L7 )7 )( L%'N) %77 M%L %777
"310 L L& )8 L7 N7 N8 )N'&& %L8 M%& %N77
400 N!
SiBe 1 min, 1 ma-, A 0 C E L M 9ei$h
"3!19 % )7 N8 L7 )7 )L L%'N) %77 M%L %777
"3!2" L )8 87 L7 N7 N7 )N'&& %L8 M%& %N87
9o. !!11
@ccentric le%er3 loose
for mi!!le clampin$
=par of &&%7>
9o. !!12
@ccentric le%er 2ith eye /olt
=par of &&%7>
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
0% 0L L 9ei$h
"3!"! %N %N %&( )%7
SiBe G 1 M 9ei$h
"#00 % L8 %%7 M%L 877
"#18 L )7 %L7 M%& &%7
9o. !!1#
Clamp 2ith $o2el
=par of &&%7>
9o. !!1!
Set scre2 2ith nut
=par of &&%7>
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
SiBe A 0% 0L 0) E% EL L 9ei$h
"#2! % L7 %8 )7 %L"8 %)"8 )( %77 )87
"#3# L L7 %6 N7 %L"8 LN"8 8% %L8 867
SiBe 0 L M 9ei$h
"##2 % N7 85"8 M%L (7
"#9 L N7 &8"7 M%& %)8
Centering tensioner Centering tensioner
9o. !383B@D
Centering tensioner
wih fla'face! ball,
Repeaabili* R 7,7L8 mm
Roaional accurac* R7"787 mm
/or cenral po#iionin$ an! clampin$ in hole# where #li$h ball impre##ion# are accepable,
/or !eep in#allaion" clearance D ma-, mu# be provi!e!, A##embl* ool#< Reainin$ pin for
!eermi' nin$ he preci#e po#iion of he ball#,
A 0 C E $& / G 1 I R7"% 3 L M @ @D T
3"33" %L"7 %8"8 )"8 %7 6"L 5"& M) )"8 %"8 %"8 L"8 ) L"8 )")
3"33! %N"% %6"( 8"8 %L 6"% ("6 MN N"8 L"7 L") )"8 ) N"7 N")
3"33"3 %&"& L)"& ("8 %8 %%"& %7"N M8 8"8 L"8 L") )"7 ) N"7 8")
3"3381 L7"% L6"% &"7 %8 %8"% %)"6 M& ("7 )"7 L") N"7 ) N"7 &"N
3"3399 L7"% L6"% &"7 L7 %8"% %)"6 M& ("7 )"7 L") N"8 ) N"7 &"N
3"3#0" LN"L ))"N ("7 L8 %8"L %L"5 M& 6"7 N"7 N"& N"8 ) 5"7 &"N
3"3#1 L("% )("& ("8 )7 %5"% %8"( M5 %%"7 N"7 N"& N"8 & 5"7 5"N
3"3#23 L("% )("& ("8 )7 %5"% %8"( M5 %%"7 N"7 N"& N"8 & 5"7 5"N
3"3#31 N7"( 8N"L 6"7 N8 L)"( %6"7 M%7 %8"7 8"7 6") 8"8 & %&"7 %7"8
3"3##9 N8"& &%"& %7"7 &7 L5") L)"& M%L %("7 8"7 6") 8"8 & %&"7 %)"7
3"3#! N8"& &%"& %7"7 &7 L5") L)"& M%L %("7 8"7 6") 8"8 & %&"7 %)"7
@ O number of ball#" @D O !iameer of he ball#
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
D min, D ma-, Ti$henin$ or;ue
S9 P
3"33" %%"( %N"L %"8 L"8 7"8 %5
3"33! %N"8 %5"8 )"( ) )"8 L7
3"33"3 %5"8 LL"8 N"6 N N"8 )6
3"3381 LL"8 L&"8 5"8 8 8"7 &7
3"3399 L&"8 )7"8 5"8 8 8"7 5&
3"3#0" )7"8 )5"8 5"8 8 8"7 %L8
3"3#1 )5"8 N&"8 L7"& & &"8 L))
3"3#23 N&"8 8N"8 L7"& & &"8 )L)
3"3#31 8N"8 (7"8 N%"7 5 5"7 &8)
3"3##9 (7"8 5&"8 (%"7 %7 %7"7 %L(%
3"3#! 5&"8 %7L"8 (%"7 %7 %7"7 %(5)
9o. !383B@S
Centering tensioner
9ih proecive #e$men#,
Repeaabili* R 7,7L8 mm
Roaional accurac* R7"787 mm
/or unmarre! #urface# wih cenral po#iionin$ an! clampin$ in hole#,
/or !eep in#allaion" clearance D ma-, mu# be provi!e!, A##embl* ool#< Reainin$ pin
for !eerminin$ he preci#e po#iion of he #e$men#,
A 0 C E $& / G 1 I R7"% 3 L M @ @D T
3"3#!# %N"% %6"( 8"8 %L 6"% ("6 MN N"8 L"7 L") )"8 ) N N")
3"3#"2 %&"& L)"& ("8 %8 %%"& %7"N M8 8"8 L"8 L") )"7 ) N 8")
3"3#80 L7"% L6"% &"7 %8 %8"% %)"6 M& ("7 )"7 L") N"7 ) N &"N
3"3#98 L7"% L6"% &"7 L7 %8"% %)"6 M& ("7 )"7 L") N"8 ) N &"N
3"30! LN"L ))"N ("7 L8 %8"L %L"5 M& 6"7 N"7 N"& N"8 ) 5 &"N
3"31# L("% )("& ("8 )7 %5"% %8"( M5 %%"7 N"7 N"& N"8 & 5 5"N
3"322 L("% )("& ("8 )7 %5"% %8"( M5 %%"7 N"7 N"& N"8 & 5 5"N
3"330 N7"( 8N"L 6"7 N8 L)"( %6"7 M%7 %8"7 8"7 6") 8"8 & %& %7"8
3"3#8 N8"& &%"& %7"7 &7 L5") L)"& M%L %("7 8"7 6") 8"8 & %& %)"7
3"3 N8"& &%"& %7"7 &7 L5") L)"& M%L %("7 8"7 6") 8"8 & %& %)"7
@ O number of #e$men#" @D O !iameer of he #e$men#
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
D min, D ma-, Ti$henin$ or;ue
S9 P
3"3#!# %N"8 %5"8 )"( ) )"8 L7
3"3#"2 %5"8 LL"8 N"6 N N"8 )6
3"3#80 LL"8 L&"8 5"8 8 8"7 &7
3"3#98 L&"8 )7"8 5"8 8 8"7 5&
3"30! )7"8 )5"8 5"8 8 8"7 %L8
3"31# )5"8 N&"8 L7"& & &"8 L))
3"322 N&"8 8N"8 L7"& & &"8 )L)
3"330 8N"8 (7"8 N%"7 5 5"7 &8)
3"3#8 (7"8 5&"8 (%"7 %7 %7"7 %L(%
3"3 5&"8 %7L"8 (%"7 %7 %7"7 %(5)
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
1,0 San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,!e San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS %85 ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,!e
9o. !383B,D
Centering tensioner
wih fla'face! ball,
Repeaabili* R 7,7L8 mm
Roaional accurac* R7"787 mm
/or cenral po#iionin$ an! clampin$ in blin! hole# where #li$h ball impre##ion# are accepable,
2peraion from below" auomae! or manual,
/or !eep in#allaion" clearance D ma-, mu# be provi!e!, A##embl* ool#< 1ole 3 for reainin$ pin
for !eerminin$ he preci#e po#iion of he ball#,
A 0 C E f( / G 1 I min, 3 L M @ @D R T
3"3!3 %%"6 %8"7 %"7 5 6"L 5"& M) %6"8 %"8 %"8 ("8 ) L"8 %7 8"L
3"3"1 %N"% %("7 %"8 5 6"% ("6 M) %6"8 L"7 L") ("8 ) N"7 %7 &"7
3"389 %&"& L7"& %"8 %L %%"& %7"N MN L5"7 L"8 L") %%"8 ) N"7 %& ("5
3"39" L7"% L("% L"7 %8 %8"% %)"6 M8 )7"7 )"7 L") %%"8 ) N"7 %N 6"N
3"3!0 L7"% L("% L"7 %8 %8"% %)"6 M8 )7"7 )"7 L") %%"8 ) N"7 %N %7"8
3"3!13 LN"L )L"( L"7 L7 %8"L %L"5 M& )&"7 N"7 N"& %8"8 ) 5"7 %& %L"8
3"3!21 L("% )8"& L"8 L7 %5"% %8"( M& )&"7 N"7 N"& %8"8 & 5"7 %& %L"8
3"3!39 L("% )8"& L"8 L7 %5"% %8"( M& )&"7 N"7 N"& %8"8 & 5"7 %& %L"8
3"3!#" N7"( 87"L L"8 )7 L)"( %6"7 M5 N)"7 8"7 6") %&"8 & %&"7 %& L7"7
3"3!# N8"& 88"% L"8 N7 L5") L)"& M5 N)"7 8"7 6") %&"8 & %&"7 %& L8"7
3"3!!2 N8"& 88"% L"8 &7 L5") L)"& M5 N)"7 8"7 6") %&"8 & %&"7 %& )&"8
@ O number of ball#" @D O !iameer of he ball#
D min, D ma-, ma-, pull force
3"3!3 %%"( %N"L L") M&-%7 L"7 6
3"3"1 %N"8 %5"8 L") M&-%7 L"7 LL
3"389 %5"8 LL"8 N"7 M5-%& )"8 8N
3"39" LL"8 L&"8 &"8 M%7-%& &"7 &N
3"3!0 L&"8 )7"8 &"8 M%7-%& &"7 65
3"3!13 )7"8 )5"8 6"7 M%L-L7 5"8 %)6
3"3!21 )5"8 N&"8 6"7 M%L-L7 5"8 LN5
3"3!39 N&"8 8N"8 6"7 M%L-L7 5"8 ))5
3"3!#" 8N"8 (7"8 %("7 M%&-L7 %&"7 &&7
3"3!# (7"8 5&"8 %("7 M%&-L7 %&"7 %L8L
3"3!!2 5&"8 %7L"8 %("7 M%&-L7 %&"7 %(&8
9o. !383B,S
Centering tensioner
9ih proecive #e$men#,
Repeaabili* R 7,7L8 mm
Roaional accurac* R7"787 mm
/or unmarre! #urface# wih cenral po#iionin$ an! clampin$ in blin! hole#, 2peraion from
below" auomae! or manual,
/or !eep in#allaion" clearance D ma-, mu# be provi!e!, A##embl* ool#< 1ole 3 for reainin$ pin
for !eerminin$ he preci#e po#iion of he #e$men#,
A 0 C E f( / G 1 I min, 3 L M @ @D R T
3"3!"0 %N"% %("7 %"8 5 6"% ("6 M) %6"8 L"7 L") ("8 ) N %7 &"7
3"3!88 %&"& L7"& %"8 %L %%"& %7"N MN L5"7 L"8 L") %%"8 ) N %& ("5
3"3!9! L7"% L("% L"7 %8 %8"% %)"6 M8 )7"7 )"7 L") %%"8 ) N %N 6"N
3"3"0# L7"% L("% L"7 %8 %8"% %)"6 M8 )7"7 )"7 L") %%"8 ) N %N %7"8
3"3"12 LN"L )L"( L"7 L7 %8"L %L"5 M& )&"7 N"7 N"& %8"8 ) 5 %& %L"8
3"3"20 L("% )8"& L"8 L7 %5"% %8"( M& )&"7 N"7 N"& %8"8 & 5 %& %L"8
3"3"38 L("% )8"& L"8 L7 %5"% %8"( M& )&"7 N"7 N"& %8"8 & 5 %& %L"8
3"3"#! N7"( 87"L L"8 )7 L)"( %6"7 M5 N)"7 8"7 6") %&"8 & %& %& L7"7
3"3"3 N8"& 88"% L"8 N7 L5") L)"& M5 N)"7 8"7 6") %&"8 & %& %& L8"7
3"3"!1 N8"& 88"% L"8 &7 L5") L)"& M5 N)"7 8"7 6") %&"8 & %& %& )&"8
@ O number of #e$men#" @D O !iameer of he #e$men#
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
D min, D ma-, ma-, pull force
3"3!"0 %N"8 %5"8 L") M&-%7 L"7 LL
3"3!88 %5"8 LL"8 N"7 M5-%& )"8 8N
3"3!9! LL"8 L&"8 &"8 M%7-%& &"7 &N
3"3"0# L&"8 )7"8 &"8 M%7-%& &"7 65
3"3"12 )7"8 )5"8 6"7 M%L-L7 5"8 %)6
3"3"20 )5"8 N&"8 6"7 M%L-L7 5"8 LN5
3"3"38 N&"8 8N"8 6"7 M%L-L7 5"8 ))5
3"3"#! 8N"8 (7"8 %("7 M%&-L7 %&"7 &&7
3"3"3 (7"8 5&"8 %("7 M%&-L7 %&"7 %L8L
3"3"!1 5&"8 %7L"8 %("7 M%&-L7 %&"7 %(&8
lateral pressure pa$
the &iRst step &-R
use an$ empl-yment
-& si$e thRust
7 9 ha i # bei n$ po#i i one! or cl ampe!E
7 9 hi ch #i !e hru# pi ece# wi l l be u#e!E
7 9 ha #iBe corre#pon!# o he wor+pi eceE
7 9 ha ol erance !oe# he wor+pi ece haveE
7 1 ow l ar$e i # he !i men#i on *E = 9or+pi ece hei $h>
7 1 ow l ar$e i # he !i men#i on YE =See abl e>
7 Shoul ! he #pri n$ !ef leci on be compleel * u#e !E
7 1 ow i # he coor!i nae !i men#i on !eermi ne!E
e x a mple 8 p- s iti-ning -R Cl a mping a pl ate 100 x 0 x 8 mm
S hou l ! he pi n ! ia meer be 8" & or 5 m mE
J I f nohi n$ ma* e- en! over he pl ae 8 mm
J I f proP eci on woul ! no be a probl em & or 5 mm
J I f cl ampi n$ wi l l be !one a!!i i onal l * & mm
J I f !ri l l i n$ wi l l be per forme! wi hou
a!!iional cl ampin$ 5 mm
len $ h / wi! h o f he wor+ pieceE
J Len$h O %7 7 \7/ ' 7,N O me!i um !i men#i on 66"5 mm
J 9 i !h O 87 \7"L/' 7,L O me!i um !i men#i on 87"7 mm
wor+ pi ece hei $ h *E
T he ol erance can be i $nore!,
w ha f orce # hou l ! be #elec e!E
J /or po#i i oni n$ a#+# )7 ' &7 N
J /or cl ampi n$ force# 6 7 ' %87 N
!i men # ion Y f or # i !e h ru #
piece# wi h pla # ic # pri n $E
J See abl e or formul a bel ow
Si Be 78 Y O %"& mm
Si Be 7 & Y O %"6 mm
Si Be 75 Y O L"( mm
!i men # ion Y f or # i !e h ru # pi ece#
wi h # eel # pri n $E
J See abl e or formul a bel ow
J N oe ha / i # l ar$er an! hu# al l ow# $reaer l eewa*
9 O wor+piece =\/' olerance> * O wor+piece hei$h
5 F 2 pre5tension ; F 2 clampin( force (sprin( deflection for tolerance"
/ O ='/> \ =\/> T O olerance
/or wor+pi ece# ha are hi $her han C mi nu# r" he abl e
val ue# for !i men#i on Y or he formul a Y O 0/L ' ='/ > appl *,
/or wor+pi ece# ha are #mal l er han C mi nu# r" he abl e
val ue# for !i men#i on Y or he formul a
Y O 0/L ' ='/ > ' W=C ' r ' * > - 7"%L)X appl *,
/ormula for coor!inae#<
3 O 9 ' T/L \ - \ S/L
T he abl e val ue# are #an!ar! val ue# ha #houl ! i !eal l *
be chec+e! u#i n$ a # ampl e cl ampi n$,
9o. !380
Cateral pressure pa$
wihou #eal,
Seel pin for clampin$,
9o. !380(
Cateral pressure pa$
wih #eal a$ain# chip# an! !ir,
Seel pin for clampin$,
A 0 C D '% 1 15 / <
Y #uiable ool 9ei$h
3"3001 & ) N"7 ( & R7"8 %7 7"6 7) 7"&
3"3019 & ) N"7 ( & R7"8 L7 7"6 7) 7"&
3"302" & ) N"7 ( & R7"8 N7 7"6 7) 7"(
3"303 %7 8 &"( %% %7 R7"5 L7 %"& 78 L"&
3"30#3 %7 8 &"( %% %7 R7"5 87 %"& 78 L"6
3"300 %7 8 &"( %% %7 R7"5 %77 %"& 78 )"%
3"30!8 %7 & %7"( %% %7 R%"7 N7 %"5 7& )"&
3"30"! %7 & %7"( %% %7 R%"7 (8 %"5 7& )"&
3"308# %7 & %7"( %% %7 R%"7 %87 %"5 7& )"6
3"3092 %L 5 %)"6 %) %L R%") 87 L"& 75 ("7
3"3100 %L 5 %)"6 %) %L R%") %77 L"& 75 ("L
3"3118 %L 5 %)"6 %) %L R%") L77 L"& 75 ("N
3"312! %& %7 %&"( %( %& R%"& %77 )"L %7 %8"7
3"313# %& %7 %&"( %( %& R%"& L77 )"L %7 %8"N
3"31#2 %& %7 %&"( %( %& R%"& )77 )"L %7 %8"5
9ihou #ealin$ for operaion# wihou !ir" emperaure're#i#an up o L87[C,
In#allaion b* pre##in$ in,
9ih #ealin$ for chip'pro!ucin$ operaion# wih !ir" emperaure're#i#an up o %87[C,
Sealin$< CR" blac+" &7 Shore, In#allaion b* pre##in$ in,
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
A 0 C D '% 1 15 / <
Y #uiable ool 9ei$h
3"319 & ) N ( & R7"8 %7 7"6 7) 7"&
3"31!" & ) N ( & R7"8 L7 7"6 7) 7"&
3"31" & ) N ( & R7"8 N7 7"6 7) 7"(
3"3183 %7 8 & %L %7 R7"5 L7 %"& 78 L"(
3"3191 %7 8 & %L %7 R7"5 87 %"& 78 L"6
3"3209 %7 8 & %L %7 R7"5 %77 %"& 78 L"6
3"321" %7 & %7 %L %7 R%"7 N7 %"5 7& )"%
3"322 %7 & %7 %L %7 R%"7 (8 %"5 7& )"&
3"3233 %7 & %7 %L %7 R%"7 %87 %"5 7& )"(
3"32#1 %L 5 %) %N %L R%") 87 L"& 75 )"6
3"328 %L 5 %) %N %L R%") %77 L"& 75 ("%
3"32!! %L 5 %) %N %L R%") L77 L"& 75 (")
3"32"# %& %7 %& %5 %& R%"& %77 )"L %7 ("&
3"3282 %& %7 %& %5 %& R%"& L77 )"L %7 %8
3"3290 %& %7 %& %5 %& R%"& )77 )"L %7 %8"N
eccentric clamping /olt
9o. !380WB
for pre##in$ in he laeral pre##ure pa!,
9o. !38"
@ccentric clamping /olt
clamp in -'* !irecion wih pull !own
effec, 1ar!ene! #eel 8&R% 1RC,
A 0 C D E / G S9 Y A ma-, hol!in$ force
ma-, or;ue
3"3""9 %%"7 MN N"7 %L L"& N"5 8"8 ) N"7 8"7 7"% 8 8
3"3"8" %8"& M& 8"8 %& 8"7 &"( ("5 8 8"6 ("7 7"N L7 %7
3"3"9 %6"% M5 &"8 L7 8"5 5") 6"& & ("% 5"& )"7 )7 %8
3"3803 L)"( M%7 5"7 LN &") 6"5 %%"5 5 5"8 %7") N"8 N8 L7
3"3811 L(") M%L 6"7 %5 5"8 %%"( %)"& %7 %7"% %L"L &"7 &8 )8
3"3829 L(") M%L 6"7 )7 5"8 %%"( %)"& %7 %7"% %L"L 8"7 87 88
3"383" )8"N M%& %L"7 LN %7"( %8"& %("( %N %)"L %&"L %7"7 %77 67
3"38# )8"N M%& %L"7 N7 %7"( %8"& %("( %N %)"L %&"L ("8 57 %%7
' Clampin$ above he machinin$ #urface
' Clampin$ below he machinin$ #urface
' Clampin$ in hole#,
' #eple## a!Pu#men wih eccenric
' hi$h wear re#i#ance,
-n re'uest8
The eccenric clampin$ bol i# al#o wih available wih lef'han! hrea! on re;ue#,
Clamping a/o%e the machining sur&ace Clamping /elo2 the machining sur&ace
SiBe 9ei$h
3"3308 7) %8"6
3"331! 78 %5"5
3"3332 75 &N")
3"33#0 %7 %78")
the m a nu&aC t uR e -& s pe Ci a l Cl a mping e le me nt s t- Cu s t-me R sP in$i + i$ua l
R e NuiR e me nt s i s a n a m& = s pe Ci a lit y.
/or more han #i - * *ear# now" we manufacure an! mar+e cl ampi n$ elemen# of he hi $he# ;ual i *" an! hu# have e-
en' #i ve e-peri ence whi ch we are pl ea#e! o pl ace a *our !i #po# al, A n! we wi l l" wi h cer ai n *" be abl e o provi !e he
cl ampi n$
el emen *ou nee! for #ome #peci al purpo#e, So i f *ou are no abl e o f i n! he cl ampi n$ el emen *ou re;ui re i n hi # caal o$ue"
we wi l l be pl ea#e! o ma+e a fur her propo# al i n he form of a cu#omer #peci al, T hi # coul ! be a compl eel * new" #peci al l *
!e#i $ne! concep or empl o* co#'ef feci ve par # from e-i #i n$ ool i n$ on he ba#i # of he comprehen#i ve AM /'ran$e of pro'
!uc#" an! hen mo!i f i e! o compl * wi h *our concep,
Pl ea#e formul ae *our en;ui r * a# preci #el * a# po# #i bl e,
T he fol l owi n$ l i # i # i nen!e! o hel p *ou wi h hi #" an!"
of cour#e" *ou can e- en! i a# re;ui re!, 9 i h compl ee
i nformai on" we wi l l be abl e o $i ve *ou a compeen an!
concree repl *,
Pl ea#e cop* hi # pa$e un! #en! i o u# i n he po# or
b* fa -, 9e a# #ure *ou ha we wi l l repl * a# ;ui c+l * a#
po# #i bl e,
9e l oo+ for war! o *our en;ui r *,
1K $escription o& pr o$uct8
2K N uantit y8
3K s iJe or $imension8
#K tolerances8
K $in $esignation or $ra2ing=no.
!K material8
"K material con$ition =empere!" unreae!" ec,><
8K s ur &ace &inish =Bi nc'pl ae!" bl ue!" ec,><
s alutation s
treet A Bip co$e
to2nAC ountr y
phoneA&a x Ae = mail
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,! e San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS %&)
magnetic li& ting $e%ice
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
1+4 San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,!e San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS %&N ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,!e
pRaCtiCal3 sa&e an$ eC-n-miCal
T he# e ma$ nei c l i f e r# are a real revol u i on i n ma$ nei c han!l i n$,
Co m pac !i m e n# i o n#" l ow we i $ h" $ rea p owe r a n ! oal o p e
rai o nal re l i a b i l i * a re h e # p e ci al feau re #of hi # ! evi ce, T h e*
m a +e hi #
#ol u i on e# p e ci al l * co#'ef fe ci ve for b oh # mal l wor+# hop# an! l
ar$ e
i n !u #ri al f i rm #" wi h n ea r Be ro o p e rai n$ co## a n ! ;ui c+ reu rn
o n
i nve #m e n,
T h e # e ri e # co n# i ## of 8 mo ! e l # wi h ca rr * i n$ ca paci i e # of u p
L7 7 7 +$, Ea#* o u # e a n ! o p e rae" h e* $i ve hu $ e a!va na$ e #
hrou $ h i ncrea# e ! ef f i ci e nc* a n ! p ro !u ci vi * i n a $ rea nu m
b e r of a p p l i cai o n# eve n wi h l i mi e ! ha n !l in$ # pace a n !
hoi #in$ o r l i f in$ e ;ui p m e n wi h l i mi e ! ca rr * i n$ ca paci i e #,
I ! eal fo r ha n !l in$ wo r+p i e ce # i n m achi n e ool # a n ! o- *$ e n cu
in$ o p e rai o n" fo r p l ae #" # h e e a n ! i ro n b l o c+# i n #e e l
#ru cu ral
wor+# an! # hi p'*ar!# bui l !i n$" i n #e el i n!u#ri e# an! !i #ri bu i on
ce nre #" fo r cha n$i n$ oolin$ i n p ro !u ci o n a n ! i n $ e n e ral fo r
all h e re ;ui re m e n# of h e mo ! e rn m e cha ni cal wo r+# ho p#,
A # i n$l e o p e rao r ca n ha n !l e h e l oa!" w hi ch i # al wa*# a ncho re !
from ab ove an! l i f e ! from he op wi hou ! eformai on or !
ama$ e a n ! wi h o pi m al u # e of h e avai l a b l e wo r+ # pace" p e r
fe c hu m a n
e n$i ne e ri n$ an! f ul l # afe * for me n an! e ;ui pme n,
p-2eR +s l-a$=aiR gap CuR+es =fo r co m mo n #ru cu ral #e e l of * p e /E )(7 0 wi h p ol e # co m p l ee l * cove re !>
s i B e 12 ' M I N I M V M T 1 I C3 N ES S L7 M M
7 7"8 %"7
A i r $ a p Wm
s i B e 20 ' M I N I M V M T 1 I C3 N ES S L7 M M
7 7"8 %"7 %"8
A i r $ a p Wm
s i B e 00 ' M I N I M V M T 1 I C3 N ES S L8 M M
7 7"8 %"7 %"8
A i r $ a p Wm
s i B e 1000 ' M I N I M V M T 1 I C3 N ES S N7 M M
7 7"8 %"7 %"8
A i r $ a p Wm
s i B e 2000 ' M I N I M V M T 1 I C3 N ES S 88 M M
7 7"8 %"7 %"8
A i r $ a p Wm
Loa! O carr *i n$ capaci * W+$X =wi h #afe * facor O )>
/orce O ma -, eari n$ force W!aNX =wi hou #afe * facor>

























9o. 29#0
Magnetic li&ting $e%ice
2ith manual actuation
SiBe%L8 wih roaable hoo+,
Ma-, emperaure of he loa!< 57[C,
+ech#ica" data !or "i!ti#% !"at wor(pieces
SiBe 1ol!in$ force up o
ma-, wor+piece len$h
min, wor+piece hic+ne##
#20"2 %L8 %L8 %777 L7
#20"!0 L87 L87 %877 L7
#20""8 877 877 L777 L8
#200 %777 %777 )777 N7
#2021 L777 L777 )777 88
Gechnical $ata &or li&ting roun$ 2or0pieces
SiBe 1ol!in$ force up o
min, wor+piece !iameer
ma-, wor+piece !iameer
#20"2 %L8 87 %7 )77
#20"!0 L87 %77 %7 )77
#20""8 877 L77 %8 N77
#200 %777 N77 L8 N87
#2021 L777 577 )8 &77
SubPec o echnical aleraion#,
SiBe L 0 1 9ei$h
#20"2 %L8 %L% (6 %N8 N
#20"!0 L87 %56 (6 %NL &
#20""8 877 L87 %7& %56 %8
#200 %777 )NL %)) L%6 )N
#2021 L777 N8( %&& L6) 57
Contents ... Contents ...
1++ San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,!e San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS %&& ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,!e
... /y item n-.
Aricle no, Pa$e Aricle no, Pa$e Aricle no, Pa$e Aricle no, Pa$e Aricle no, Pa$e
(I9 08 6& 9o. !32 %(" N% 9o. !#00 &) 9o. !#91 %L7 9o. "110(): 87
(I9 !31# )& 9o. !32< N% 9o. !#00< &N 9o. !#92 %L7 9o. "110(I: 87
(I9 !31? )( 9o. !328 %N( 9o. !#00M &N 9o. !#92( %L% 9o. "110(D: 87
(I9 !31C )6 9o. !331S %7% 9o. !#01 &8 9o. !#93* %L( 9o. "110(M: N6
(I9 !31! )6 9o. !332S %7% 9o. !#0 &8 9o. !#939 %L8 9o. "110(: N6
(I9 !318 8& 9o. !333 %7) 9o. !#0! &( 9o. !#93S %L& 9o. "110<C: N6
(I9 !319C %7N 9o. !333S %7L 9o. !#0! && 9o. !#93S> %L& 9o. "110<: N6
(I9 !319( %7N 9o. !333S? %7) 9o. !#0! && 9o. !#9# %LL 9o. "110M=II=2 L8
(I9 !319< %78 9o. !33# 66 9o. !#0!M && 9o. !#9 %)L 9o. "200? 8N
(I9 !323 %8% 9o. !339 %%% 9o. !#1 &L 9o. !#9S %)L 9o. "200?? 8L
(I9 !32! 86 9o. !3#2 %%% 9o. !#1! &L 9o. !#9! %)) 9o. "200?R 8)
(I9 !32! 86 9o. !3##S> %N& 9o. !#1" (8 9o. !#9!?* %)) 9o. "200B 8)
(I9 !330? 66 9o. !3#"> %)& 9o. !#1"S> (& 9o. !#9!* %)) 9o. "00; L8
(I9 !331 %77 9o. !3#">> %)( 9o. !#1"B (& 9o. !#9" %L) 9o. "00?* L(
(I9 !331 %77 9o. !3#">S %)5 9o. !#18 (( 9o. !#9"< %LN 9o. "00?B L(
(I9 !3#0 %78 9o. !3#">S> %)( 9o. !#19 (5 9o. !#98 %)7 9o. "00( L&
(I9 !3#! %)8 9o. !3#"S %)& 9o. !#19?=12=01 (6 9o. !#98*R %)% 9o. "00@ L)
(I9 !3#!> %)8 9o. !3#"S> %)& 9o. !#19?=12=02 (6 9o. !#98*G %)% 9o. "00* L8
(I9 !3"9 6N 9o. !3#8> %)6 9o. !#19?=12=03 (6 9o. !#99 %L( 9o. "00< L)
(I9 !3"9 6L 9o. !3#8>> %NL 9o. !#19?=12=0# 57 9o. !00@ 8( 9o. "00D L7
(I9 !3"9 6) 9o. !3#8>> %NL 9o. !#19?=12=0 57 9o. !00) 8( 9o. "00S LL
(I9 "8" 5&'67 9o. !3#8>> %N% 9o. !#19?=1!=01 57 9o. !01 85 9o. "00S> L(
(I9 89# %%L 9o. !3#8>S %NN 9o. !#19?=1!=02 5% 9o. !01M 85 9o. "00G L&
9o. 2800W:=0! %& 9o. !3#8>S %N) 9o. !#19?=1!=03 5% 9o. !10 86 9o. "00B L&
9o. 29#0 %&8 9o. !3#8>S %N) 9o. !#19?=1!=0# 5% 9o. !20 %7( 9o. "800;M<: %7
9o. 08* 6( 9o. !3#8>S> %N% 9o. !#20 &) 9o. !30 %7& 9o. "800;>;: %%
9o. 08C 6( 9o. !3#8>S> %N7 9o. !#30S &6 9o. !31 %7& 9o. "800;+: %&
9o. 08R 65 9o. !3#8>S> %N7 9o. !#3S &6 9o. !32 %7( 9o. "800(: %N
9o. 10 65 9o. !3#8S %)6 9o. !#3S< () 9o. !3 %%7 9o. "800@: %8
9o. !312S )N 9o. !3#8S> %)6 9o. !#38S (7 9o. !#0 %%) 9o. "800+;?: %(
9o. !312+ )7')L 9o. !3#9> %N& 9o. !##0 (% 9o. !#0* %%& 9o. "800+;*: %8
9o. !312+I )) 9o. !3#9>> %N8 9o. !##1 (% 9o. !#0< %%N 9o. "800+(S: %N
9o. !313D NN 9o. !30 %N( 9o. !##2 (% 9o. !#0) %%N 9o. "800+(: %N
9o. !313C NN 9o. !31 %N5 9o. !##2< (N 9o. !#0D %%8 9o. "800+9S: %&
9o. !31#;G N5 9o. !33 %N5 9o. !##3 (L 9o. !#0DS %%8 9o. "800+>*: %)
9o. !31#;+ N) 9o. !3+ %N6 9o. !##3< (N 9o. !#0> %%( 9o. "800+>: %)
9o. !31#S N& 9o. !3" %87 9o. !### (L 9o. !#0S %%( 9o. "800+S?: %(
9o. !31#+ NL 9o. !38 %87 9o. !## (L 9o. !#0+ %%& 9o. "800+S(: %8
9o. !31#B )( 9o. !3"0B9S:=001 %5 9o. !#!0 &5 9o. !#1 %%5 9o. "800+: %N
9o. !31<9 )5 9o. !3"0B9:=20 %5 9o. !#! &5 9o. !!00 %8) 9o. "800: 5
9o. !31<9< )5 9o. !3"9I 6N 9o. !#"0 %75 9o. !!01 %8) 9o. "800BS: %&
9o. !31+ N) 9o. !380 %&% 9o. !#"0)=1 %76 9o. !!10 %8) 9o. "810;?: %L
9o. !31!+ NL 9o. !380( %&% 9o. !#"0)=2 %76 9o. !!11 %8N 9o. "810;M<: %L
9o. !31" N7 9o. !380WB %&L 9o. !#"0=Mxx %75 9o. !!12 %8N 9o. "810;>;: %L
9o. !318? 8& 9o. !383B@D %8& 9o. !#" &7 9o. !!1# %88 9o. "9" 6%
9o. !319( %7N 9o. !383B@S %8( 9o. !#8 %%% 9o. !!1! %88 9o. 902M$ %%5
9o. !321 N8 9o. !383B,D %85 9o. !#8! %%L 9o. !!21 N& 9o. 908:=<1A8 %8
9o. !322; %8L 9o. !383B,S %86 9o. !#89 %L5 9o. "000 N( 9o. 91!N %L6
9o. !322? %8L 9o. !38" %&L 9o. !#90 %%6 9o. "110(*: 87
... /y -R$eR n-.
-r$er no. >age
1#0)7% 6&
%N7)L( 6&
13N&7 6&
%8)N(5 6&
1&)7 6&
18LL7 65
%85L)5 65
%85LN& 65
%85L8) 65
%85566 6&
%8567( 6&
19N%5 6&
%86NL& 6&
300&N )(
30"6 )(
313)(6 %))
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(escription >age
A!aper elemen L8
A!aper +e* 8N
A!aper ma" rubber %7" %L
A!aper plae" aluminium %%" %L
Alu'inerme!iae rin$ &&
Aluminium #crew Pac+ &8
Aluminium #crew Pac+ wih #warf proecion &&" &(
AM/'T9INNVT nu ' wih collar %7)
AM/'T9INNVT nu ' wihou collar %7L
An$le bloc+" %L7[ %%(
Ala# #crew Pac+ wih couner nu &6
0all'pa! (%
0all'Calve %&
0a#e Elemen L)
0a#e plae %)%
0a#e plae" roun! %)%
0a#ic #orimen %7(
0lan+# for T'nu# 65
0loc+'clampin$ #*#em ba#ic #e 8L
0ol# for T'#lo# 5& ' 56
0ol# for T'#lo# =%L,6> 67
0o-e! #e of a##ore! clampin$ elemen# %7&
Carrier L&
Cenerin$ en#ioner %8& ' %86
Cenerin$'pa! (%
Cenrin$ plae wih hrea! (N
Chain clampin$ #e %%)
Clamp chain proecion #e %%8
Clamp #hor wih #a!!le NN
Clamp" #rai$h N6
Clamp" #rai$h =lon$> N6
Clamp wih !owel %88
Clamp wih no#e" clo#e! )5
Clampin$ 0ol Se L(
Clampin$ elemen" horiBonal %L&
Clampin$ Paw (6 ' 5%
Clampin$ nipple for clampin$ mo!ule# 3L7 %5
Clampin$ uni 8)
Clampin$ uni o clamp ou#i!e of he ool able N5
Clamp# for machine vice# %(" N%
Collar nu %77
Connecin$ lin+# wih #prin$ coer pin %%&
Couner cach %%N
Cran+e! clamp wih a!Pu#in$ #uppor #crew NL
.Croco!ile4 clamp wih counerhol!er" a!Pu#able )7 ' ))
=uttin( tool support. flat. for continuous ad>ustment &7
C*lin!rical #op %N(
Deen clamp lever N&
Di#he! wa#her %7N" %78
Double $oo#e'nec+ clamp N7
Eccenric clamp wih en! clampin$ %8)
Eccenric clamp wih mi!!le clampin$ %8)
Eccenric clampin$ bol %&L
Eccenric lever" loo#e %8)" %8N
Eccenric lever wih e*e bol %8N
Eccenric #op" !ia, )7 mm %8
E!$e Clamp %)7
En$a$emen nipple #crew %5
E-en#ion nu 66
E-ra #ron$ clampin$ Paw %L)
/a#enin$ bol for T'#lo clamp %)L
/i-e! *pe enon# %8L
/i-in$ cap wih hrea! (N
/i-ure# for T'nu# %%5
/la clamp %))
(escription >age
/la clamp" !ouble" mo!el .Mini'0ulle4 %L%
/la clamp for #loe! able" horiBonal %L8
/la clamp" mo!el .Mini'0ulle4 %L7
/loain$ clamp (5
/oo elemen L8
/or+e! clamp apere! )(
/or+e! clamp wih pin en! )6
/or+e! clamp wih #hoe )5
Goo#e'nec+ clamp lon$ wih #a!!le NN
1eav* !u* hrea! pa#e %%%
1eav* #crew Pac+ &6" ()
1ei$h #ein$ #crew Pac+ &L
1ei$h #ein$ #crew Pac+ wih ma$neic ba#e &L
1ei$h #ein$ #crew Pac+ wih pivoable ball &)
1e-a$on nu 66
1e-a$on #oc+e #panner wih T'$rip %L6
1ol!er for clampin$ bol# %76
1ol!er for clamp# %76
1oo+ en!" mechanical %%N
IS2 5()N'N-%L'A c*lin!er pin %&
Laeral pre##ure pa! %&%
?i@uid separator wit) vacuum filter %)
Locain$ pin %(
Locain$'pa! (L
Loo#e *pe enon# %8%
Low hei$h clampin$ Paw#" mo!el .0ulle4 %%6
Low hei$h clampin$ Paw#" mo!el .Ma-i'0ulle4 %LL
Low *pe enon# %8L
Low'hei$h clampin$ Paw wih eccenric lever %L(
Ma$neic ba#e &&
Ma$neic lifin$ !evice wih manual acuaion %&8
Ma$neic #crew Pac+ &8
Man!rel (8
Mechanical pull'!own #prin$ clamp" eccenric %L5
Mounin$ +e* %7)
Mounin$ +i for carrier elemen L(
Aountin( kit for flat clamp %))
Mounin$ +i for inerme!iae elemen L(
Nu# for T'#lo#" e-en!e! 6(
Nu# for T'#lo# .Rhombu#4 65
Nu# for T'#lo# =T'nu#> 6&
2pen'en!e! #panner" #in$le'en!e! %%L
#pen5ended spanner wit) tor@ue5wrenc) fittin( %%5
Parallel #op" in pair# %N5
Parallel #op" #in$le %N5
Parallel #op# in pair# %N(
Parallel #uppor#'pair# %)8
Parallel #uppor#'pair#" preci#ion %)(" %N8" %N&
Parallel #uppor#'pair#" preci#ion" %77 mm lon$ %N%
Parallel #uppor#'pair#" preci#ion" %L8 mm lon$ %NL
Parallel #uppor#'pair#" preci#ion" %87 mm lon$ %NL
Parallel #uppor#'pair#" #an!ar! %)5
Parallel #uppor#'pair#" #an!ar!" %77 mm lon$ %N)
Parallel #uppor#'pair#" #an!ar!" %L8 mm lon$ %N)
Parallel #uppor#'pair#" #an!ar!" %87 mm lon$ %NN
Parallel #uppor#'pair#" #uper'preci#ion %)(
Parallel #uppor#'pair#" #uper'preci#ion" %77 mm lon$ %N7
Parallel #uppor#'pair#" #uper'preci#ion" %L8 mm lon$ %N7
Parallel #uppor#'pair#" #uper'preci#ion" %87 mm lon$ %N%
Parallel #uppor#'#e %)8
Parallel #uppor#'#e" corru$ae! %N&
Parallel #uppor#'#e" preci#ion %)&" %)6
Parallel #uppor#'#e" #an!ar! %)&" %)6
... in alpha/etiCal -R$eR
(escription >age
Parallel #uppor#'#e" #uper'preci#ion %)&" %)6
Plain clamp )&
Plu$'in nipple for ;uic+ couplin$ %&
Pneumaic ho#e %&
Power Clamp for inPecion moul!in$ L7
Power Clamp" #li!in$ LL
Power Clamp wih Spacer elemen" #li!in$ L)
Preci#ion an$le #op %N5
Preci#ion we!$e bloc+ &5
Pre##ure pa! L&
Pri#maic clampin$ bloc+" pair %N6
Pri#maic clampin$ bloc+" #in$le %N6
Proecive elemen# %%(
@uic+'acion clampin$ nu wih collar %7%
@uic+'acion clampin$ nu wihou collar %7%
Rhombu#'hea! #crew for T'#lo# 6%
Roller chain %%8
Roar* vane vacuum pump %)
Screw Pac+ (7
'crew >ack wit) flat support &)
'crew >ack wit) flat support and ma(netic base &N
'crew >ack wit) flat support and t)read &N
Screw plu$ %8
Sealin$ cor! %N
Sealin$ rin$ %8
Serrae! heel bloc+ 86
Se of a##ore! pla#ic clampin$ elemen# %%7
Se #crew N6" 87
Se #crew wih nu %88
Si!e #op %87
Sin$le $oo#e'nec+ clamp )6
Slo #op %L7
Soun! ab#orber %8
Spacer elemen L&" 8)" (&
Spherical #ea wa#her %7N
Sprin$ coer pin %%&
Sprin$ *pe clamp #uppor %%%
Sprin$ wih #crew %))
Sable clampin$ Paw#" clo#e! %LN
Sep bloc+ 85
Sep bloc+# 8&
Sep bloc+#" wi!e 8&
Sep clamp )(" N(
Seple## hei$h a!Pu#able clamp N8
Seppe! clamp wih a!Pu#in$ #uppor #crew N)
Sop %87
'top. fi-ed %L(
Sop" pivoin$ %L&
Su!# 6L" 6)
Su!# =%L,6> 6N
'uction filter %8
Suppor bloc+ wih ma$ne 85
Suppor bloc+# for coninuou# a!Pu#men" combinaion 86
Suppor bloc+# for coninuou# a!Pu#men" #in$le 86
Suppor elemen" mechanical ((
Suppor e-en#ion )N
Suppor #crew N&
Suppor wih pivoable ball (L
Surface'moune! bloc+ %L
Swor! pin %(
Tapere! clamp wih a!Pu#in$ #uppor #crew NL
T'bol #e %7(
Threa!e! pin# =%L,6> wih he-a$on #oc+e 6N
T'nu# wih #prin$ =pa, pen!,> 6(
Tool %&L
Trolle* for clampin$ e;uipmen %75
Trolle* for clampin$ e;uipmen wih ba#ic #e of clampin$ e;uipmen %75
(escription >age
T'#lo clamp %)L
T'#lo cover %%L
T'#lo #craper %%%
Vniver#al #ep bloc+ #e 8(
Vniver#al #ep bloc+# 8(
Cacuum clampin$ plae 5
Cacuum meer %N
Cacuum pre##ure #en#or wih acce##orie# %N
Cee'pa! (%
Ci# lon$ue (&
9a#her %78
9e!$e bloc+ .1er+ule#4 hei$h we!$e &5
notes ...
%(N San!ar! Clampin$ ElEmEnS ANDREAS MAIER /ELL0AC1 ww w ,amf,!e
youR I(e aS WoR0Shop.
9e are *our par ner in i nnovaion for
#olui on# o mechanical" pneumaic" an!
h*!raulic clampin$ problem#,
Re!ucion of #e'up i me#
A!vi ce
Auomai on #olui on#
CAD !aa in over &7 forma# wih
+i nemaic# an! coll i#ion funcion#
Hu# e# u#I
9 i h AM / *ou are al wa*# a #ep ahea!I
AM / CAD !aa are ran#mi e! o
#ub'a# #embli e# wi h aci ve l i n+#,
T hi # feaure can be e-pl oi e! b* he
CAD #*#em# Sol i ! 9or+#" u ni $raphi c"
I nvenor an! Cai a C8,
/ur her a!vana$e#<
Compl ee ran#mi # #i on of he
#rucure ree" i ncl u!i n$ al l
acce# #ori e#" wi h al l CAD
9 hen par # l i ##
$enerae!" he ar i cl e
!e#i $nai on# from he
#rucure ree are
auomai cal l * i ncorporae!,
o r!eri n$ proce!ure# can
hu# be i ni i ae! !i recl *,
I n a!!iion" # ampl e
funcion# are ran#mi e!
whi ch
a> i ncrea#e compuer #pee!
b> #i mpl i f * he P ob of he ool
9 hen he* are no nee!e!"
he # ampl e funci on# can be
#uppre# #e!
A N D R E AS M A I ER /ELL0AC1 w w w , a m f , ! e S TA NDA R D CL A MPIN G E LE ME NT S
NG TEC1 N o LoG*
1 * D R Au LI C CL A M PI
. A ER o'Po I N T4
/I - T u R E S*ST EM S
=1 0
NG TEC1 N o LoG*
1 AN D To o LS
=a t a l o ( u e o r d e r n o! 4+23B0 C
A l l # al e # a re # u bP e c o ou r e rm # of # al e" ! e l i ve r *" a n ! pa* m e n, A l l ri $ h# fo r ! e # i $ n" p hoo $ ra p h# a n ! e- # re # e r ve ! b* h e
pu b l i # h e r" A M /, N o phoome chani cal re pro !u ci on wi hou ou r e- pre# # p e rmi # # i on, L7%)/ ('5G0 J 90 '/'/'/N,/%L/L7%L J Pri ne! i n

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