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Mobility for SAP


September 13, 2013

1. Infokit .............................................................................................................................................................. 3
2. Customizing ..................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1. Customizing transactions ........................................................................................................................................ 4
2.2. Customizing development branch ........................................................................................................................... 5
2.3. Page Layout - Config Service - Customer specific enhancements ........................................................................... 7
2.4. Page Layout - Config Service - Reload on config change ......................................................................................... 7
2.5. Page Layout - Config Service - Choices for choice inputs ........................................................................................ 8
2.6. Page Layout - Config Service - Conditional attributes ............................................................................................. 9
2.7. Page Layout - Config Service - Validations ............................................................................................................. 10
2.8. Create translated text............................................................................................................................................ 10
3. Basics ..............................................................................................................................................................12
3.1. Packages ................................................................................................................................................................ 12
3.2. How to test your development ............................................................................................................................. 12
3.3. Add your own icons ............................................................................................................................................... 13
4. Business Roles ................................................................................................................................................14
5. Guidelines for user interface and usability ......................................................................................................16
5.1. Grids and tables ..................................................................................................................................................... 18
5.2. Specials for BlackBerry OS 4-7 ............................................................................................................................... 18
6. Cookbook for customer specific enhancements ..............................................................................................19
6.1. Start the customizing ............................................................................................................................................. 19
6.2. Find and display the function module that is executed as a data_service for a page ........................................... 20
6.3. Understand and prepare to add customer specific fields, text lines and boxes ................................................... 21
6.4. Input fields or buttons: .......................................................................................................................................... 27
Add new, change labels, icons or attributes ......................................................................................................... 27
6.5. Hide text lines ........................................................................................................................................................ 28
6.6. Hide boxes ............................................................................................................................................................. 30
6.7. Hide inputs ............................................................................................................................................................ 30
6.8. Hide themes .......................................................................................................................................................... 30
6.9. Hide actions ........................................................................................................................................................... 31
6.10. Add actions to standard lines ................................................................................................................................ 31
6.11. Add fields as text lines to a page ........................................................................................................................... 32
6.12. Add an action to a detail page/example to start a call via Skype .......................................................................... 35
6.13. Append the data structure with customer specific fields or tables ...................................................................... 36
6.14. Add additional boxes to detail page ...................................................................................................................... 36
6.15. Change choices of a dropdown list ........................................................................................................................ 38
6.16. Speedup Choice dropdown list by buffering the query ......................................................................................... 38
6.17. Add an additional search field ............................................................................................................................... 39
6.18. CRM package: Add search fields ............................................................................................................................ 40
6.19. Hide or add input fields on a page to edit or create data ..................................................................................... 41
6.20. Add a button on a page to call another page ........................................................................................................ 42
6.21. Add a button on a page to start the browser ........................................................................................................ 43
6.22. Create your own search page to search for other data......................................................................................... 44
6.23. Create your own detail page ................................................................................................................................. 44
6.24. Create your own page to create or edit data online or offline.............................................................................. 44
6.25. Make input fields visible or mandatory depending on other input values ........................................................... 44
6.26. CRM package: Define the activities and opportunities you want to see on the detail pages of
accounts, activities and opportunities .................................................................................................................. 45
6.27. CRM package: Define the partner functions for editing or creating activities ...................................................... 46
6.28. CRM package: Add search field and add default parameter ................................................................................. 46
6.29. CRM package: Define My CRM page .................................................................................................................. 47
6.30. CRM package: Survey ............................................................................................................................................ 48
6.31. CRM package: Define marketing attribute groups ................................................................................................ 48
6.32. Workflow implementation .................................................................................................................................... 48
7. Guidelines for partners ...................................................................................................................................49
8. Integrate App SAP BusinessObjects Mobile .................................................................................................50

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1. Infokit
You find all documentation, presentations, tutorial videos and user guides here:
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MOBI LI TY FOR SAP Customizing
2. Customizing
2.1. Customizing transactions
Your ABAP development will be done in se80. You find the delivered classes and function modules in the
packages /M4S/Main, /M4S/CRM, /M4S/ERP, /M4S/MIS, and /M4S/Workflow_main.

To start the m4S specific customizing you need to run these transactions:
for the Main customizing: /M4S/main_cust
for the CRM customizing: /M4S/crm_cust
for the ERP/HR customizing: /M4S/hr_cust
for the Workflow customizing: /M4S/workflow_cust
Please note: To start a transaction you need to add /n as a prefix! Example: /n/M4S/main_cust

It makes sense to add these transactions to your favourites.

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MOBI LI TY FOR SAP Customizing
2.2. Customizing development branch
Each customizing has the same development branch:

Page Layout Config Service: Define pages, boxes, inputs and their attributes. Define choices for
dropdowns and conditional attributes. This is the main customizing table for development.

Page overview: Starts the browser to get a good overview about your pages. Click on a page and see the
boxes, input and their attributes. The key feature is the list of ABAP code snippets:
get and set input values
Set the different boxes active.
You can copy&paste these snippets into your function modules.

Hide standard functionality: Hide actions, text lines, input fields or boxes that are shown in the
standard functionality. For example insert the l i ne_name of text lines that should not be shown on the
client. See chapter 6.5+ for details.

Copy UI elements: Copy boxes and input fields with all their attributes and conditions. Helpful for pages
with repeated input fields, such as for line items of sales orders.

Business roles: Define the business roles and which pages they should see in the main menu. Also
define which pages are downloaded for each role by the config_service. Limiting the number of pages with
all their attributes and dropdown values speeds up starting the app for the user! See dedicated chapter for
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MOBI LI TY FOR SAP Customizing

Text translations - All texts used in the backend of Mobility for SAP are added and translated here,
such as labels (pages, boxes, inputs) and text in text lines.

Text translations - Text create by copy from OTR-text or data element: Create a new Text _I Dby
using already translated text by SAP in up to 28 languages.
Detailed description can be found in chapter 2.8.

Text translations - Text definitions and translations: See the table of translated text by text_id. You
can do manual translations here.

Text translations List of not translated text: If you are using a text_id where no translation is available
the English text will be shown. If no English text is available an error message is shown that this text_id is
not available. These missing text_id are collected in this table for a good overview what is missing.

Text translations - Text debugging: Switch on to see the Text _I Dnames on the mobile screen. That is
helpful to debug translations.

Text translations Upload and Download to excel: download the translated text to Excel, add missing
translations in some languages and the upload it again.

Icons - Icons: Define icon names and upload their file as a mime in the BSP (see chapter Icon) or enter the
URL. Icons are used in customizing for buttons and pages as well as in the coding in the method
/ M4S/ Pagebui l der -> add_l i ne as parameter i v_i con_l ef t .

Icons Icon base URL: The URL to an icon is automatically created by the URL to the mime types. If you
need another URL, maybe because of using a reverse proxy or web dispatcher, enter the URL (without the
filename of the icon) for each logical system.
Usually you should set the same icon base URL for all client operation systems so leave it empty. In rare
cases you can define the icon base URL for each different OS.

Icons Icon overview: starts the browser and shows all installed icons with their URL. Thats helpful to
find a problem if icons are not loaded on the mobile device. Can they access the URL that you see here?
Maybe you need to set the icon base URL.

Define History pages: Clicking on a customer or order or contact or any object can save this object into a
history for easy access later. In the application is a main menu entry History which shows all entries
where a user clicked on. To see them you need to add customizing here and add some lines of coding in the

Object Factory: You can derive a class from any M4S package and inherit the behaviour of any method.
You only need to map your derived class name and the original class name in this table. Then the whole
application uses your class. Example: Class /M4S/Customer_enhanced_crm contains methods to change a
list of activities or accounts. Or the object /M4S/bo_account contains methods how to search and read the
account. If you want to change fields in this list or the behaviour of the search you only need to derive the
class and derive the methods and enter the original class name and your class name here.
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MOBI LI TY FOR SAP Customizing
2.3. Page Layout - Config Service - Customer specific enhancements
Do not change pages or their related objects like boxes and inputs!
Make sure you always copy a page before changing anything!
Otherwise your work will be overwritten or deleted when installing a new backend transport.
Please copy the page, rename it with a leading Z and set the column Replace pagename like this:

If you do not copy the page or do not start your pagename with Z you will get a warning that you change
SAP delivered data.
2.4. Page Layout - Config Service - Reload on config change

The mobile app saves pages in cache. Some of them are set to loadFromCache=Always, such as initial
search screens. The user wants to click on a search page and immediately see the screen without an online
access. So these pages are newer loaded again. Only in case something was changed in customizing for this
page and this checkbox is checked. Then the mobile app reloads all pages where this is set. Use with care. If
the user downloaded 100 account detail screens and you change something in the customizing of this page,
then all 100 account pages are reloaded.

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MOBI LI TY FOR SAP Customizing
2.5. Page Layout - Config Service - Choices for choice inputs
Choices for choice inputs can be defined in 3 ways:
1) Manual typed list in customizing. Select the page, select the input field, click on choices:

2) Get a list of choices by a class. This class has the method r ead which reads the choices for
example from a customizing table. To create your own class, copy an existing one.

3) Copy the choices from another choice input. This makes sense if the list of choices is long and you
want to save download time for the user. In this example on the PageContactEdit two dropdowns
show a list of countries. The InputPhoneCountry and the InputMobileCountry. The
InputPhoneCountry loads the list with the class /M4S/CHOICES_COUNTRY, the InputMobileCountry
copies the choices from it.

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MOBI LI TY FOR SAP Customizing
2.6. Page Layout - Config Service - Conditional attributes
An input field or a line or a box can be visible or invisible depending on other input values.

Examples: Three more input fields are visible if the user clicks Extended search. Or the user must enter a
reason if he sets the status to Lost. For more examples see the tutorial page in the box Conditional
This behaviour is defined by conditional attributes. For boxes and inputs you can define this in the coding of
the data_service or in the page customizing, for lines only in the coding.
The idea is to define the behaviour (visible or mandatory will be true or false), the conditions and then the
formula combining the conditions.

See the tutorial page for good examples. For this example click on PageTutorial, select Input
InputCond5Input, click Conditional attributes, select the visible attribute and click on Conditions.
There are 3 conditions. The condition names are usually C1, C2 or can be more meaningful. The
description is a text help. Then select the Input name with F4 (choosing the input name will populate the
page and box automatically). Choose one of the operators and the value to check.

Then the formula is defined. Click on Formular in the tree. If you only have one condition you do not need
to enter a formula, but for more. Read the conditions from upper left to lower right. This formula would
then read as: (C1 and C2) or C3

You can also create conditional attributes in the data_service dynamically on each call.
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MOBI LI TY FOR SAP Customizing
2.7. Page Layout - Config Service - Validations
The validation works similar as the conditions. Only that you define an error text in case the validation fails.
This error text is shown when the user tries to save the page on the mobile device.
In the condition you can check against a fixed value or the value of another input field.
You can also create validations in the data_service dynamically on each call.
2.8. Create translated text

Text create by copy from OTR-text or data element: For all translated text of labels (pages, boxes,
inputs,) and text in text lines a text_id is used which returns translated text. Create a new Text_ID by
using already translated text by SAP:
Enter or choose the task (not the request) of a customizing request
enter a text_id (if you leave it empty it will be generated from the English translation)
Enter a search text (use wildcards before, between of behind the text).
Enter the language where to search for
Set the Language to compare to see the text in another language like german to understand if you
found the right translation.
You should set the user parameters /M4S/LANGU_TO_SEARCH and /M4S/LANGU_TO_COMPARE to
set default values. To set it go to system user profile own data and set it here:

Start the search.
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MOBI LI TY FOR SAP Customizing
If the search is slow please see the installation guide to add an index to the database table.
You receive a list of existing translations for your text.

Source shows if this translation comes from a data element or an OTR key.
Num. lang shows the number of available translated languages. The table is sorted by this number.
Result text is the found text in the language language to search.
Compare text is the found text in the language Language to compare. You see in the example that some
texts have the same English translation but a very different meaning in german.
Find your matching text, click Checked and then click Save data. The text_id is created for all selected
languages. The text_id is copied to the clipboard to paste into the coding.
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3. Basics
3.1. Packages
Mobility for SAP is shipped in different transports which correspond to the different packages:
Main package /M4S/Main: Contains the framework to develop including classes, function modules,
customizing tables and BSP pages
CRM package /M4S/CRM: Contains the implementation for CRM
ERP package /M4S/ERP: Contains the implementation for ERP
MIS package /M4S/MIS: Contains the implementation for Mobile Inspection & Service
Workflow package /M4S/Workflow_main: Contains the implementation and customizing for
Workflow approval
Workflow connect package /M4S/Workflow_connect: Contains the implementation to connect to
remote systems and collect the workflows into one workflow inbox.
3.2. How to test your development
If you develop your own functionality in Mobility for SAP you need to understand what you need to do to
see the changes instead of cached content on the mobile device.
Every time you start the client the config_service is loaded with all settings that are done in the customizing
of pages, boxes, inputs and their attributes.

If you do changes in the customizing you can restart the client to load the new config_service or you do
On BlackBerry: Click BlackBerry-Button Options BlackBerry-Button Update Configuration
On iOS: Click Settings and then the button Save and load
This will reload the ConfigXML and all Config_Services.

If you did changes in the data_service implementation (in the coding) for your page you need to reload the
page by clicking the Reload button next to the caching timestamp.

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3.3. Add your own icons
For the main menu icons this free icon set was used:
For all other icons this icon set was used:
To use own icons you have 2 options:
1) Use icons on a non-SAP webserver
2) Use icons uploaded to the SAP System
In option 1) you add the icon in customizing > icons >icons and enter the URL to your webserver.
For option 2) you do the following:
Start se80, choose the package /m4s/main, open the BSP /m4s/icon and upload your icon as a mime with a
leading Z:

Then go to the main customizing and add the icon to the icon table.

With the entry Icon overview you get a list of all icons.
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MOBI LI TY FOR SAP Business Roles
4. Business Roles
With business roles you define:
Which pages a user will see in the main menu
Which pages (with all their inputs and dropdown values) are downloaded
Which boxes on a page are visible for a user
Limiting the number of pages with all their attributes and dropdown values speeds up starting the app for
the user!
This is done in the customizing - development - Business roles:

If you defined at least one business role and the user has no assigned role he will see no icons on the main
Links to pages, that are not included in the role, are not shown as links but as text lines.
ISEC7 delivers in each package roles for all_pages and a specific role that delivers all productive pages of
the package.
This is not working if the user has SAP_ALL!
How to set up a role:
Start the customizing - Development - Business roles
Create a new entry and give a meaningful name and description for the business role. It makes sense
to create a developer role for all pages (including the tutorial pages) and roles for the productive
Then mark this role and click on Menu in the left tree.
Here you add all pages that will show up in the main menu. Use the F4 help or copy&paste them
from the page layout customizing
Now click on Pages in the left tree and add all pages that the user is allowed to access. All the
customized input fields and values for choice inputs and all attributes are downloaded to the mobile
app. So choose only the pages that the user needs.
For each page you can also define the visible boxes for this role
Start transaction PFCG.
Search for an existing authorization role or create a new one
Open Authorizations Tab
Click Edit and Change authorization data
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MOBI LI TY FOR SAP Business Roles

Click Manually

Add Z_m4srole

Now edit the Business role and add the M4S Role with F4:

Now Save and generate and save again
Now start the transaction SU01, open the user and assign the role /M4S/CRM in the tab Roles.
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MOBI LI TY FOR SAP Guidelines for user interface and usability
5. Guidelines for user interface and usability
Simple usability is the key to get happy smartphone users.
There are several attributes to enhance the usability. Please make sure that you use them in your solution.

This is a guideline to improve the usability:
Think user centric and mobilize the process based on their daily work as simple as possible without
technical knowledge of the SAP backend. Usually mobile users are no IT experts and no SAP users.
Save space on the small screen! Use labels for data only if really needed. Meaningful data like a
company name does not need a label for it.
Concatenate data fields by using the characters or /. This brings more data in one text line.
Avoid loading time for the user. Each load of a data_service takes between 2-5 seconds, depending
on network quality. So try to put all relevant data in one page. Use
LoadNonCachedChildPages to download child pages into cache, so they are available
when the user wants to click on it. But limit this to only really needed child pages to avoid too many
pages to be loaded
Pages to display data
Use lines with margins to divide content in sections. Use a line with style=background1 to show a
title line.
Search Pages:
Each search should contain the last hits for easy access to the last objects the user searched for.
Each search result box should have Fol l owLi nkI f Onl yOneLi ne set. So if the user searches and
gets only one result the client directly jumps to it. It only works if there is only one link for each hit.
To avoid additional waiting time to download the detail page you should add the detail page to the
search result page with pagebui l der - >append_page
Avoid too many search fields as the user needs to scroll down. Use a checkbox Additional search
fields and make fields that are not needed too often, visible if checked.

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MOBI LI TY FOR SAP Guidelines for user interface and usability
Pages to edit or create data
Edit of pages should be done online only (Edit-Button has attribute OnlineOnly=true), if other users
could change the data in the meantime. In some cases this can be avoided by organizational rules. Pages to
create data can be offered offline. Please see the Developer Guide Offline for details and combine online
and offline.
The delivered SalesOrderCreate page in the ERP package allows offline order capturing. For a price and
availability check the input data is sent to the backend, an order simulation is done and the result shown on
the page. Usually a user will be online. So, also complex things like a price check are available. Only in the
cases he is offline this feature is not available.
Avoid reloading a page if the user changed something or entered something.
Show only input fields that are needed in 80% of the cases. Hide all others and make them visible if a
checkbox Complex form was checked.
Set attribute ShowDay for Date input fields to make it easier for the user to orientate.
Time Input fields should provide a meaningful increment of the minutes. To enter a working time maybe
you should provide the minutes :00, :15, :30, :45. So the user does not need to scroll through 60
Set input fields invisible if not needed. Use conditional attributes to switch visibility or mandatory
depending on other input fields.
Labels for input fields are usually invisible for text inputs if they contain a value. This is a style guide by
Apple. Usually this makes sense as a user understands the meaning of the input field by the value. But you
can set the attribute AlwaysShowLabel=true to see always a label.
Use the wizard mode (attribute Wi zar dMode=true for a page, set in data_service) to guide the user
through different steps in different boxes. Boxes can be visible/invisible depending on data set in steps
Numeric Input fields should only accept numbers to avoid switching to numeric input for the user. Use the
attribute NumericOnly for this or NumberMaxPlaces, NumberDecimalPlaces,

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MOBI LI TY FOR SAP Guidelines for user interface and usability
5.1. Grids and tables
Tables and grids are not possible in the client because of the restrictions of a small smartphone display. This
looks like a big lack of functionality on the first view. But on the second view there is another way to do this
without a table with a higher usability.
The client shows text left aligned and right aligned. This could look like this:

You can concatenate fields to one line like the zip code and the city.
If you concatenate fields you can use separators like - or / or other characters to make it easier to read
like this:

Praxis Dr. Ernst & Dr. Wei 300360
VIP Customer / 2-5 Million revenue
Brckenkopfstrasse 12 - 60320 Frankfurt

Do not show labels that are not necessary to understand the data. You can save the space for the label
First name and Last name as it intuitive what it is.
If the text for a line gets too long for the screen the longer text is truncated.
You can set a LineProfileName for a line and set the attribute TextWrap=true for this
LineProfileName. This wraps the text if is too long.
Using tables causes waste of space on a small smartphone screen because some cells contain a long text
that increases the width for columns and others a short text. You can see this in this example:

5.2. Specials for BlackBerry OS 4-7
On BlackBerry: Attribute Entries_visible should be set at boxes to a meaningful number to avoid scrolling

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MOBI LI TY FOR SAP Cookbook for customer specific enhancements
6. Cookbook for customer specific enhancements
Customer specific enhancements are key point for mobile SAP projects and so it is a key feature in our
In the CRM package the BOL is used. M4S provides rich customizing for the search in the BOL and to define
activity types. This is a big difference to the ERP package and makes some enhancements different. You will
see a hint if one of the following chapters only applies for CRM.
6.1. Start the customizing
The development branch is available in all package specific customizing transactions.
Open it with one of the transactions (regarding to your installed package).
/n/m4s/cust_main (available in all packages)
/n/m4s/cust_crm (available in CRM package only)
/n/m4s/cust_workflow (available in workflow package only)

Or add the transaction to your favourites (without the /n in front).

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MOBI LI TY FOR SAP Cookbook for customer specific enhancements
6.2. Find and display the function module that is executed as a
data_service for a page
Start the customizing, open the developer branch and click on Page layout config service (see
chapter 6.1).
Find the page you want to change and find the function module for the data_service implementation
in the column Function Module, for example:
In the CRM package the PageAccountDetail with function module /M4S/ds_account_detail:

In the ERP package the PageCustomerDetail with function module /M4S/ds_customer_detail:

Start se37 and display the function module.
Or open se80, go to the package /M4S/CRM or /M4S/ERP or /M4S/MIS, go to function groups and
open the function module.

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MOBI LI TY FOR SAP Cookbook for customer specific enhancements
6.3. Understand and prepare to add customer specific fields, text lines
and boxes
Behind each page a function module for the data_service is delivering the page content such as text
lines and input values.
This function module can directly read the data from a BAPI or Z function module and add the text lines to
the page by calling pagebuilder->add_line.
This makes sense for own developed apps that are not deployed at different customers.

In our delivered packages all business logic to read and write data to the database is available in
methods of BO (business Object) classes and the output of data is done in a UI class.
This enables a great enhancement concept. You can derive a class from our BO and UI classes and redefine
the methods where you need different logic.
If you plan to deploy your app to different customers you should follow this approach.
To hide actions, lines or boxes you can easily add their name to customizing tables (see some chapters

The enhancement concept goes like this:
In the CRM package all text lines are printed by methods in the object lr_crm_ui (class /m4s/crm_ui):

In the ERP package all text lines are printed by methods in the object lr_erp_ui (class /m4s/erp_ui):

If a list of data is printed the build_box method will call a method list_add_lines inside the
loop. Example:
The box of activities in the function module /m4s/ds_account_detail is printed here with the method
activity_list_build_box in the object lr_crm_ui:

In this method there is a loop through the activities. For each activity the method
activity_list_add_line is executed:
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MOBI LI TY FOR SAP Cookbook for customer specific enhancements

Now if you want to add or insert some text lines with data to the box or to the list items you need to:
Check if your new fields are already available in the read data structure
Derive the classes
/m4s/crm_ui (for the CRM package)
/m4s/erp_ui (for the ERP package)
/m4s/mis_ui (for the MIS package)
Derive the method which prints the data, such as account_detail_build_box or
Implement it by calling the super method and add your text lines
Insert your derived class name in the class factory, so your class will be used instead of our class in
the whole solution.

This is explained in detail in the next chapters.

If you want to replace a line with other data, then hide it in the customizing (see chapter later) and insert a
new line with your data.

On each delivered page before executing some coding we are executing a page specific method to give an
entry point for customer specific pre-processing. And after our coding we execute a method for post
These methods are in the classes
/m4s/customer_enhanced_crm (for the CRM package)
/m4s/customer_enhanced_erp (for the ERP package)
/m4s/customer_enhanced_mis (for the MIS package)
They should be derived in a customer specific class and implemented.
Again the customer specific class needs to be added to the class factory.
Pre-processing in the function module for account detail page:
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Post processing in function module for account detail page:

In the post processing method you can add own boxes, pre-set own input fields, do additional things with
input fields
In the pre-processing you can change a pageID to the original format if you needed to change it. So our
coding understands the pageID again. Or you can manipulate values from input fields.
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MOBI LI TY FOR SAP Cookbook for customer specific enhancements
This preparation needs to be done for any enhancement:
The preparation is to derive the classes described above and set them in the class_factory.
If you set your class in the class factory it will be used anywhere in the coding instead of the original
Here is in detail what to do:
1) Open SE80, create a package for your own m4s developments (such as ZM4S) and create a new class
(by right mouse click on the package name) with this name:
Z_M4S_CRM_UI (for the CRM package)
Z_M4S_ERP_UI (for the ERP package)
Z_M4S_MIS_UI (for the MIS package)
2) Then open the properties tab, click on the button Superclass and enter as the superclass:
/m4s/crm_ui (for the CRM package)
/m4s/erp_ui (for the ERP package)
/m4s/mis_ui (for the MIS package)

3) Save the new class
4) After saving you find the Original inherited methods from the original super class here:

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5) Do the same for the classes
Z_m4s_customer_enhanced_crm with superclass /m4s/customer_enhanced_crm
Z_m4s_customer_enhanced_erp with superclass /m4s/customer_enhanced_erp
Z_m4s_customer_enhanced_mis with superclass /m4s/customer_enhanced_mis

6) If really needed: do the same with the BO classes (such as /m4s/BO_account) to redife search or read
or create methods.
7) Activate all classes
8) Start the m4s customizing and open the object factory:

9) Add 2 new entries (or corresponding to ERP or MIS package):

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10) Done with preparation. You now have your own classes where you can derive methods. You get a
good overview about the derived methods in se80. You see the original inherited methods

And your own redefinitions show up here:

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6.4. Input fields or buttons:
Add new, change labels, icons or attributes
These changes are done in the page layout customizing:
Add input fields or buttons
Change text labels or icons of inputs
Change attributes of pages, boxes or inputs
Change value lists in choice inputs
Change conditional attributes to hide input fields depending on other input values
Define your own function module to handle the data_service

If you do any change to the page layout customizing make sure to copy the page before changing anything!
And set the replaced pagename to the original pagename after copying!
If you do not copy and change customizing, that was delivered from us, then your changes will be
overwritten with importing a newer version of our package.

If you only add a box or a input field then you can do this in the original page.

This will replace any call to the original page with your new pagename.
Otherwise your changes might be overwritten by an updated package transport from us.
To change anything, do this:
1) Open the page layout customizing (see chapter 6.1)
2) Start the page layout:

3) Select the page you want to copy and click the icon Copy as

4) Copy the original pagename, change the pagename to Z and paste the original pagename in the
column Replace pagename:
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5) Save. Now every link to the old pagename PageAccountDetail is replaced by the ZPageAccountDetail.
6.5. Hide text lines
Text lines in our delivered standard functionality can be hidden easily by customizing.
In this example we will hide:

1) Find and open the function module which is executed as the data_service for the page you want to
enhance. This is described in chapter 6.2.
It will be /m4s/ds_account_detail in the CRM system and /m4s/ds_customer_detail in the ERP
2) For the link from CRM to ERP: Find the coding where the text line is printed by the pagebuilder
add_l i ne method and find the name for this line.
Example for account detail page: Open the function module /m4s/ds_account_detail and find this
method which prints the detail box of account details:

3) Inside this method you find this coding which adds the link to ERP and the name of this line:

4) For the link from ERP to CRM: Find the coding where the text line is printed by the pagebuilder
add_l i ne method and find the name for this line.
the link from the
ERP account detail
page to the CRM
the link from the
CRM account detail
page to the ERP
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Example for account detail page: Open the function module /m4s/ds_account_detail and find this
method which prints the detail box of account details:

5) Inside this method you find this coding which adds the link to ERP and the name of this line:

6) Check in which box the text is printed. The first box at the top usually has the name BoxMain. You
find a list of all boxes in the page customizing for this page (select page and click on Boxes in the left
tree). Or you can see it in the coding with the method pagebui l der ->set _act i ve_box, this
would look like this:

7) Go to the m4s customizing, open the developer branch and click on Hide standard functionality
and then "Hide text lines".
8) Add a new entry, choose the box and the page with f4 and enter the line name you found before.

9) For the link from CRM to ERP like this:

10) For the link from ERP to CRM like this:


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6.6. Hide boxes
You can hide a box by customizing.
In the CRM package no query is executed to read the data in the hidden box. This is not yet available in the
ERP package.

Go to the m4s customizing, open the developer branch and click on Hide standard functionality and then
"Hide boxes".
Add a new entry, choose the box and the page with f4. Save and reload the page on the mobile device.
6.7. Hide inputs
You can hide input fields by customizing without the need to copy a page for your own changes.

Go to the m4s customizing, open the developer branch and click on Hide standard functionality and then
"Hide inputs".
Add a new entry, choose the input with f4 which also populates the box and the page.
The input fields are set to invisible. So they are still available, but the user do not see them.
6.8. Hide themes
You can hide the themes that are delivered in the main package.
Go to the m4s customizing, open the ConfigXML branch and click on Hide theme and add a new entry for
the themeID to be hidden. You find the themeID in the customizing "Theme Definition" of the themes.

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6.9. Hide actions

Do the same as described in chapter before to find the coding where the actions are created.
Find the name of the action:

Go to the m4s customizing, open the developer branch and click on Hide standard functionality and then
"Hide actions on line".
Add a new entry, choose the box and the page with f4 and enter the action name you found before.

6.10. Add actions to standard lines
You can add you own actions to text lines coming from the standard functionality.
Fin the class and the method where the text line from the standard functionality is printed with add_line.
To do so start at the function module from the page and drill down to the methods where you find the
add_line. Usually this should be a method in the class /m4s/erp_ui or /m4s/crm_ui.

Derive the class and redefine the method (described in a chapter before).
Call the super method to print the text lines of the standard functionality.
Then create your actions and add them to an existing line (with a given line_name) with the method

Add an action to call a phone also to the text line with the phone number.
The method customer_detail_build_box was derived in my class ZM4S_ERP_UI:
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Then the coding would look like this:

6.11. Add fields as text lines to a page
1) Open the function module for the page to enhance. This is described in chapter 6.2.
2) Find the method where all data is read for this page:

3) Check if the field you want to show is available in the structure ls_account_detail
4) If not then you have two options:
a. Quick way: Call a function module or bapi to read the missing data inside your coding where
you output the field
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b. Nice way: Append your fields to the structure of ls_customer_detail.

See chapter 6.8 how to do this.
5) In the function module find the coding where the data is printed

6) Open your class Z_m4s_crm_ui (created in chapter 6.3), find the method
ACCOUNT_DETAI L_BUI LD_BOX and redefine the method with a right mouse click:

You will see the derived method where the call of the original super class is in comments:

Save and you will now see your redefined method here:
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Uncomment the call of the method in the super class.
If you leave it commented our coding is not executed anymore.
Then add your coding to add the lines you want to see. You can add coding before or after the call of the
super method. A double click on the super method brings you to the original coding (where you can copy
the coding of the add_line from).
You can add a line at the end or provide the name of the text line where it should be inserted behind. See
chapter 6.5 how to find the name of the line.
This also works for hidden text lines.
Your coding can look like this:
is_additional_actions = lt_additional_actions.
* This will be added at the end of the block:
CALL METHOD ir_pagebuilder->add_line
iv_text_left = ir_pagebuilder->get_text( 'ZSIZE' )
iv_text_right = is_account_detail-PARTNER_HEADER-ZCompanySize.
* This will be added in the middle of the block behind the organisation name:
if is_account_detail-PARTNER_HEADER-z_vip = 'X'.
CALL METHOD ir_pagebuilder->add_line
iv_text_left = ir_pagebuilder->get_text( 'ZVIP' )
iv_icon_left = 'VIP_Star'
iv_insert_after_line_name = 'NAME'.

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6.12. Add an action to a detail page/example to start a call via Skype
The contact detail and account detail pages show a button for so called Actions in the first line:

Actions can create an email, start a phone call (not visible on tablets which cannot do phone calls) or open
the browser with a URL. You can also do other things with URLs such as starting the Skype client or any
other application on the device.

This is called URL Scheme and the other application needs to support it. For example: You can start the
Skype client by passing a URL starting with skype:// instead of http://.
You then pass some parameters. In this case the URL skype://my_skype_username?call will start a call
with the Skype user my_skype_username. You can try it by entering this URL in the browser of your
mobile device. The Skype app needs to be installed for this.

If you want to add an action to this menu, then do the same as in the chapter before and derive the
bui l d_box method. But add a table of actions and pass them to the super method:

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6.13. Append the data structure with customer specific fields or tables
For each page we are reading the shown data by a read method (this example shows the function module

To append additional data to this structure and read it with the read method you need to:
1) Append the data structure: Start se80, open package /m4s/CRM, open the structure
/M4S/ACCOUNT_DETAIL, click on Append structure and append the fields, structures and tables
you need:

2) Now enhance the read method to read your additional data. The class of the object lr_bo_account is
/m4s/bo_account. Create the class Z_m4s_bo_account and derive it from /m4s/bo_account
This is described in chapter 6.2
3) Add the derived class to the object factory
4) Redefine the method r ead or r ead_addi t i onal _dat a and read your additional data
into the structure.
6.14. Add additional boxes to detail page
Customer specific boxes can be added in the post processing method of a page (described in chapter 6.3.)
1) Copy the page in the page customizing as described in chapter 6.4.
2) Add a new box to your page in the page layout customizing.
3) Open the function module for the page to enhance. This is described in chapter 6.2.
4) Find the post processing at the end:
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5) You already derived the class in chapter 6.3. So you can now redefine the method. Search your
derived class in se80 and right mouse click on the method

6) In the coding you can delete the commented call of the super method as in the pre and post
processing methods nothing is done from our side. It is just a method for customer specific
Here you can add the coding to add the text lines for your box. First set your box active:
pagebui l der - >set _act i ve_box( 'BoxMyNewBox' ) .
And then add the coding to add the lines and maybe loop through the list of data.

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6.15. Change choices of a dropdown list
If choices in a choice input are defined by a class you can replace this class by your own class using the class
factory. But you must not derive your class from the original class. Just copy it and re-implement the read
method. The reason is that the read method is defined as a static method for historical reasons. Static
methods cannot be derived.
6.16. Speedup Choice dropdown list by buffering the query
Classes to read the choices for an input field are executed every time the config_service is executed.
For long running read methods you should put the result in a buffer and run a job to generate this buffer
To do so you need to derive the class to read the choices from the class /M4S/I_BUFFERED_CHOICES
Do not redefine the method "Read" but the method "GET_CHOICES_FOR_KEY"

You are done.

It will fill the buffer.

The "Read" method is generic and reads the choices from the buffer.

If the list of choices is depending on user specific information, such as his workcenter, you need to redefine
two additional methods:
- "GET_KEY_FOR_USER" returns the workcenter for the user in this example
- "GET_POSSIBLE_KEYS" returns a list of all possible workcenters for all users. For this list the job will
generate the choice lists.

The job executes the method WRITE_TO_BUFFER.
This method executes GET_POSSIBLE_KEYS. For each key GET_CHOICES_FOR_KEY is executed and the
result is written into the buffer.

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6.17. Add an additional search field
Add an additional search field to one of our delivered search pages.
1) Start the page layout customizing, copy the page into your namespace and set the column Replaced
pagename to the old name
2) Add your additional input fields.
3) Open the function module for the page. Find the coding where the search is performed. This could
look like this:

4) Find the class name in which the method is executed. Example:

5) The following steps are explained in detail in chapter 6.4
6) Create a new class Z_M4s_bo_customer
7) Set the superclass of it to /m4s/bo_customer.
8) Redefine the method Search.
9) Keep the call of the super method commented but copy the coding of it into your redefined method.
10) Add pagebui l der - >get _i nput _val ue( ) to get your added input field
11) Enhance the search to use your additional fields.
12) Add your derived class to the object factory.

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6.18. CRM package: Add search fields
In the CRM package there is a special customizing to add search fields as the BOL is used.
You have to do 2 steps:
1) Add the input field to the screen
2) Add the mapping in BOL search between the input field on the screen and the component in the
query. Here are the details:
3) Copy the page in the page customizing as described in chapter 6.4.
4) Add the new search fields, set the attributes for a convenient user experience and define the choice
values for the choice inputs.
5) Reload the config_service on your device (see chapter 3.2) and see the input field on the device. But
it has no functionality yet.
6) Now start CRM customizing /m4s/cust_crm and go to BOL search:
5) Find the search that is used on this page. Example: to add the field
Zip to the account search, find the search SearchAccounts. See
that the query name for the BOL search is defined in this
customizing entry for this search.
6) Select the line of the SearchName and click Component

7) Here you find default valued for the search such as the category=1 or category=2

8) And you find the mappings between an input field on the screen and the component of the BOL

9) Add a new entry. Choose the component name by F4 help. You will see all components for the query
name defined for the search name. You will also see your Z-components.
Then choose the wildcard search. *x* will add a star in front and behind the input value for the
search. x* y* will be the perfect search for a first name and last name. The user can enter Fra Ah
to find Frank Ahland. Then choose the input name with F4 help.
In the Include/Exclude column the Include is default if not set.
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6.19. Hide or add input fields on a page to edit or create data
Hiding is simple. You just hide the input field as described in chapter 6.7.

1) Copy the page in the page customizing as described in chapter 6.4.
2) Select the input field, click on Input attributes in the left tree and add an entry with attribute name
= visible (choose with F4) and the value false.

Adding the field to the UI is also simple:
1) Copy the page in the page customizing as described in chapter 6.4.
2) Add the new search fields, set the attributes for a convenient user experience and define the choice
values for the choice inputs.

But now you need to pre-set the input value if the user edits the page and you need to save the data if the
user changed the data. As an example we will use activity edit page.
1) Find and open the function module which is executed as data_service for the page you want to
enhance. This is described in chapter 6.2.
2) You need to derive the class /m4s/bo_activity to add your coding.

Derive method bo_act i vi t y- >set _i nput _val ues to set initial values for input fields.

Derive the methods
bo_act i vi t y- >cr eat e_f ol l owup
bo_act i vi t y- >cr eat e
bo_act i vi t y- >updat e
or the methods which they are executing to save your data.

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6.20. Add a button on a page to call another page
In most cases a button calls another page and you need to set the pageID dynamically in the coding to pass
an AccountID or ActivityID or OrderID.
You add the button in the customizing and set the Li nkPageName as an attribute.
But in the coding you need to set the LinkPageID as it is depending on the current data:
1) Copy the page in the page customizing as described in chapter 6.4.
2) Add the button, set the label, icon and attributes for a convenient user experience
3) Set the LinkPageName for the button as an attribute in the page layout customizing.
4) Set the LinkPageID for the button as an attribute in the coding with the method
pagebui l der - >set _at t r i but es_f or _but t on

The place where to do it is the derived customer enhanced post processing method of the data_service.
Open the function module for the page to enhance. This is described in chapter 6.2.
For example the data_service for the account detail page is the /m4s/sd_account_detail function module.
At the end you find the account _det ai l _post method.

Derive this method and set your attributes for the button:

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6.21. Add a button on a page to start the browser
If you need a button to start the browser for a given URL, you need to set the URL to the button as an
You have two options: Start the browser inside the app or as a separate browser.
If you start inside the app the user stays inside the app. And you can use two more attributes:
InAppLinkURLUseAuth to use the same authentication as for the current backend and
InAppLinkReloadOnBack to reload the page (and reload the data_service) when the user
clicks back. This makes sense if the user changed some data, for example he created a survey.
Is the URL depending on the current data? Do you need to provide a CustomerID or OrderID for example?
Then you need to set it in the coding. Otherwise you can set it in the customizing.
To set it in the coding:
1) Copy the page in the page customizing as described in chapter 6.4.
2) Add the button, set the label, icon and attributes for a convenient user experience
3) Set the linkURL or inAppLinkURL for the button as an attribute in the coding with the method
pagebui l der - >set _at t r i but es_f or _but t on
The place where to do it is the derived customer enhanced post processing method of the
data_service. Open the function module for the page to enhance. This is described in chapter 6.2.
For example the data_service of the account detail page is the /m4s/ds_account_detail function module. At
the end you find t he account _det ai l _post method.

Derive this method and set your attributes for the button:

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6.22. Create your own search page to search for other data
The easiest way is to copy the tutorial page for this, as it contains all essentials such as the Search button
with an icon, the attributes for the result box, example for the coding:
1) Open the page layout customizing, copy the PageTutorialSearch and give it a reasonable name.
2) Change the label of the first box in your page as this shows up as the page title.
3) Add the input fields you need
4) Also copy the function module /M4S/DS_TUTORIAL_SEARCH which is assigned to this page in the
page layout customizing.
5) Set the name of your copied function module in the customizing for your new page.
6) Implement the search and the output of the result. The comments in the function module will guide
you through the implementation. If you use links to detail pages and the search result has only one
entry, then you should append this detail page as described in the comments. This will put the detail
page into the cache of the mobile device save some seconds of waiting time for the user.
6.23. Create your own detail page
1) Open the page layout customizing, copy the PageTutorialHelloWorld and give it a reasonable
2) Change the label of the first box in your page as this shows up as the page title.
3) Add the input fields you need
4) Also copy the function module /M4S/DS_TUTORIAL_HELLO_WORLD which is assigned to this page in
the page layout customizing.
5) Set the name of your copied function module in the customizing for your new page.
6) Implement to read the data and add output the data with pagebui l der - >add_l i ne.
6.24. Create your own page to create or edit data online or offline
Do the same as described in the chapter before with PageTutorialEdit or PageTutorialOffCreate.
6.25. Make input fields visible or mandatory depending on other input
See chapter 2.6

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6.26. CRM package: Define the activities and opportunities you want to
see on the detail pages of accounts, activities and opportunities
In the CRM customizing you can define the process types which show up in the activity or opportunity
1) Start the CRM customizing /m4s/cust_crm
2) Start BOL Search

3) Find the searches for the specific box:
For example: SearchActivitiesForAccount defines the activities on the account detail page.
4) Select the line and then copy it, set a Z before the original name, then set the column Replace
search name to the original name. This prevents overwrites of your data when you install an
updated package.
5) Select your copied line, click on Component definition on the left side.
6) Add the process_types, categories and the status_area you want to see, delete what you do not

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6.27. CRM package: Define the partner functions for editing or creating
1) Start the CRM customizing /m4s/cust_crm
2) Start Transactions:

3) Copy the one order group you want to change, give your group a name starting with z and set the
replaced group name

4) Select your new group and select the process types in the left tree.
5) Define the transaction types you want to edit or create. The sort order is the sort order of the activity
types after clicking Create activity. Define if you want to create it online (X) or offline (OFFLINE).
Same for Update/Edit.
For each offline create activity type a page will be downloaded after loading the account detail page.
So the more the longer it takes.

6) Select one transaction type and select Partner functions on the left side. Add lines for the partner
function (0000009 for account, 00000015 for contact, ), the sort order of this partner function in
the form and how many times it can be entered (minimum / maximum)., and if you want to be able
to change it during edit.
6.28. CRM package: Add search field and add default parameter
Two things need to be done:
1) Add the input field to the page in the page layout customizing
2) Add the mapping between the input field and the component in the search query.

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The first step is simple and already desribed in chapter 6.19.
For the second step open the customizing /m4s/crm_cust and open "BOL Search":

Find the search that is executed on your page. The Search name is a parameter for the search method of
the BO object.
For the account search it is the "SearchAccount". Select it and click on "Component definitions":

Here you define default values (such as category = 1 or category = 2.
And you define the mapping between an input field and the component in the query. You can select the
Component with F4. Add a new entry for your new input field.
Define the wildcard search that it is convenient for the user.
6.29. CRM package: Define My CRM page
The idea of the My CRM page is to show all important activities and opportunities with their accounts and
make them offline available. So the number of activities and opportunities should not be too high to avoid
long download times. A number of 10-20 should be reasonable. So show only activities of today and

The queries for the existing boxes can be changed in the CRM customizing BOL Search section in the
same way as described in chapter 6.21.
Copy and change it for these search names:
Additional boxes can be added by adding them to the page layout and then implementing to output them
deriving this method:
l r _cust omer _enhancement s- >my_cr m_post ( i r _pagebui l der = pagebui l der ).
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6.30. CRM package: Survey
In the CRM customizing define the survey URL depending on the logical system. They can be found on
activity detail pages. Surveys will be created in the browser.
6.31. CRM package: Define marketing attribute groups
Set a blacklist of marketing attributes you do not want to add:
1) Open CRM customizing

6.32. Workflow implementation
See special document Workflow cookbook.
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MOBI LI TY FOR SAP Guidelines for partners
7. Guidelines for partners
Here are some guidelines for implementation partners, who create own packages.

You should focus to develop a package that can be adopted easily in the customer environment without
much redevelopment.

1) Create a new package for each of your packages such /ABC/M4S_Counter/ (/ABC/ would be your
2) All common customer specific enhancements should be done without changing your code but
deriving classes.
For example if you create a package for Measurement points then create two classes:
Create a class like /ABC/M4S_UI_Measurement where all outputs of detail boxes and list boxes
are done and can be used from different pages (corresponding to /m4s/ui_crm).
Create a class like /ABC/M4S_Customer_enhanced_Counterwhere all customer specific output
fields and boxes are implemented (corresponding to /m4s/customer_enhanced_crm).
3) Follow the Cookbook and make the enhancement concept work for your package.
4) Create the transports of your packages with a tool from ISEC7. We will offer a 2 hour WebEx to adopt
it to your needs.
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MOBI LI TY FOR SAP Integrate App SAP BusinessObjects Mobile
8. Integrate App SAP BusinessObjects Mobile
Create a button and set the attribute LinkURL. The URL will be based on the concept URL Scheme
and will start the app SAP BusinessObjects Mobile.

Please see details here how to create the URL to open a specific report:
Chapter 3.11.1 Creating SAP BI URLs For Opening Specific BI / Documents or Reports.

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