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Social Media: Does it really matter?

Social media does not matter at all if you are a person who is stuck in this time period
unfortunately but belong from a time which is 10 years ago. It is also not a big deal to
you if you are a social outcast and can live your life without getting a hunch of essence
amidst the lively world out there. But you are not categorized in those unfortunate low
levels and if wasnt so you wont be sitting in your comfy couch and gazing at the bright
screen of yours other than keeping busy with all those downgraded trends of the pariah.
!ust take a moment and re"oice as you are not belonging to that misfortune class who
do not have the opportunity to get engaged in this mesmerizing world which goes by the
name social media.
#ow if the thing is still uncertain for you and the matter is also revolving round your
head and knocking does it really matter$ So to all those confused folks from that couch
let me have the honor to enlighten you with some facts rather statistics and walk you
through the answer which is hoped to be answered once you are finished with this
Little Chit-Chat
%et&s not "ump to statistics first statistics are for the nerds and the useless bookworms
what we want is results with a better upshot in the same regards. In that case statistics
and figures relating to social media is needed to an e'tent but let us focus on that after
a while. In order to put light into social media we can focus on the root first and then
make an analyzing data along with it. ( comparison chart between social media and the
users of it with a broad range of spectrum alongside the facts and figures are sure to
boost up the illustrative significance of social media. )o reach to the root of the answer
of this baronial *uestion which dared to put a finger at social media we can use the law
of deduction. +o not worry you do not need to be another Sherlock ,olmes to reach to
the end of this *uestion. !ust drag yourself to social media and you will get the answer
before you know it.
Just Being Illustrative, Nothing ersonal
#ow we are left out with social media so what actually are we referring to when we
come to terms with social media$ Breaking the terms apart and understanding them
individually and later on making a connection between them again and fusing them is
likely to bring out a result that is enough for you to have a partial knowledge about
where the discussion is leading us towards. #ow if we do that particularly we will be left
out with two phrases which are literally from two different poles. -ne is .Social and
another one is ./edia. #ow taking a broader look at those terms Social means having
a relation with the society. (s there are no other directive measures are given to put that
phrase in some yardstick and do the "udging so we will stick to that resolution of the
term .Social. #ow what is being referred by the term .social in this conte't where social
media is concerned is not very hard to decipher. If we take a moment to look over the
matter with a bigger eye we can easily conclude that we are being discussed as the
term . Social goes. It is we who are in the limelight and what we are doing is being
referred as social as we are a social being. But due to the gradual change of the world
and thus going with the flow people have also changed and it is not "ust another
change it is really a radical modification in the trend of human being. Being social is not
anymore chained to some one on one hand shakes and knowing over a cup of tea.
)hrough time it has taken a giant 01turn in its course and now the whole world is our
neighbor and the all around 2 billion look alike are our ac*uaintances. (ll this was
possible as the world was literally brought into a net by the introduction of internet. )he
definition of society has changed and we are now living in only one society all together
through the medium of internet.
(nd now the matter drops down to the media so by media we mean in the general
mode of communication. 3es the ,i and the ,ellos are regarded in this field where the
media is concerned. (ctually to some it is. )here are plenty branches of the media that
is there over the internet and also through other modes of communication.
!he Dividing Line
So this is where we tend to break the ice and get a boom in our venture to reveal
whether social media matters or not. So we are able to know what social media is and
at this very moment try to think what type of communication you have ever done
through the internet$ 3es I see that bright face and dazzling eyes4 So now you have got
it. 3ou have understood what social media is and what you do with it or have the
potential to do with it. So put a little bit of pressure in your mind and think harder. 5here
do social media stand in this vast land of opportunity and communication. 3ou will easily
come to know what depth social media have reached into the world where physical
world has almost seized into being due to the rise of this new virtual world. Social media
acted as one of the key factors behind this transformation and thus we have ultimately
got a new world for us. ( simple statistic can easily e'pose the truth behind social
media "ust go back 6 years and see what was there and now look at where it stands
now4 #ow if you really can say again does social media really matter$ I would say then
+o you matter at all without it$

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