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Greece Travelling between islands

The predominant means of transport between the islands is by ferry. Inter island connections
via air is almost non existent, except for the few connections with small airliners such as a small Cretan based airliner using small jet stream planes [! or "# seaters,
covering some connections with Crete, $odecanese, %& 'egean Islands and the Cyclades. These
small planes have a luggage limitation of only "( kgs, over which must pay the difference. The
Ionian islands are serviced by small sea planes in the summer season,
connecting the islands and with the nearby mainland area as well. The two conventional
domestic airlines, 'egean and )lympic airlines do not offer inter island connections and to
connect between two islands, one must travel through 'thens once again.
*luestar ferries are the most conventional modern fleet operational today, with timetables
extending primarily throughout the central Cyclades islands. Their schedules are published +uite
early in the new year, although current rates for the coming summer season (!!,, have not yet
been finali-ed, with possible free-e increases applying, . .ith
itineraries previously covering mainly the Cyclades Islands, they have now extended to include
the $odecanese, and in particular, /hodes, 0os and 1atmos. This is +uite an innovative
approach, providing schedules not yet explored in this region with moderni-ed vessels, for
example the connection of 2yros with 1atmos, and 2antorini with /hodes, and even 1aros with
0astelori-o [or 3egisti4. It has also recently announced a very efficient route, commencing
3arch (!!,, from 1iraeus to 5eraklion [superfast ferries, its international counterpart6 in 7.#
hours. The other major company operating in the 'egean 2ea is %el 8ines, with
their newly revised fleet, operating an interesting complex schedule throughout the &astern,
central Cyclades, together with the %& 'egean sea, in early 2pring (!!,, although schedules are
anticipated to remain similar throughout the summer (!!, season, primarily with the use of their
newest additions, 'eolos 0enteris " and 'eolos 0enteris "".
5ellenic seaways constitute the main form of travel with catamaran or hydrofoil, between the
Cyclades, 2aronic 9ulf and 2porades Islands, and
provide fast catamaran travel between the nearby 'thenian port of /afina, Tinos, 1aros, and
3ykonos:1aros. 5ellenic seaways are the sole connector of the most sought after islands
3ykonos and 2antorini route, although this may be challenged through seajets, and its daily
summer season route from 1aros: 3ykonos and v.v. in connection with the blue star ferries route
from 1aros;%axos;2antorini v.v., also daily.
)ther means of transport between the islands are provided via the older, slower and more
conventional ferries, whose schedules are released no earlier than three weeks prior to departure,
upon port authority approval. <rustrating, it=s true, but only speculation is possible, plus research
into past years itineraries, through a search engine, such as which retains past
schedules to a certain degree. Current schedules may be found at as well as
<erry tickets may be purchased in advanced via the various booking engines possible, such as and as well as through web sites of the companies directly. %ote
that the actual tickets must be collected [some companies provide a courier service at an
additional cost4 prior to departure, which may be inconvenient for 'thens in particular, as the
port agencies plus the main central ticket agents do have a lot of traffic in the height of the
season. If passing through 'thens airport, this is best avoided by booking through ticket agents,
'mphitrion 5olidays and 1acific Travel, who offer (>;? service at a very minimal extra charge,
if any at all. &ither prior to your trip, or directly, depending upon the season of travel and the
need to book in advance due to limited availablility. Inter:island ferry tickets may be reserved
prior to travel, through the internet as mentioned, @pre:bookng A pre:payment6, although for
most companies, the confirmation print out of the booking must be exchanged for the tickets
themselves on the island of departure itself. 2ome companies are modifying this procedure, that
is some tickets, may be picked up from other points of departure, although this is not yet
standard procedure. Certainly not with the older conventional ferries.
<erry tickets for the most sought after fast catamarans and hydrofoils should be purchased in
advance for the high season, Buly and 'ugust, possibly for the beginning of 2eptember as well.
2imilarly for sought after dates, such as long weekends, @one may check here for public
holidays, 6 In general, 3ay, Bune and from "#.!,, is considered middle season,
and pre:advance ferry tickets may not be necessary.
'll conventional ferries offer class distinctions, in particular:economy which translates to
interior plus deck free seatingC then most have cabin accommodation at a different cost range,
and ' class lounge seating areas. *luestar ferries and %el lines offer the option of pre:assigned
economy seats at an additional minimal cost, securing your seat in economy, rather than a free
for all choice. Catamarans provide designated seating, whilst the smaller hydrofoils usually allow
free seating, in the allocated seating area. The older conventional ferries may not offer a separate
' class lounge area, nor a distinction with economy seating.
.ith regard to weather conditions, the hydrofoils and the catamarans are usually more subject to
a bumpier ride in strong wind conditions, and are cancelled with conditions nearing D beaufort
wind strength, possibly less. In general, those prone to sea sickness, should opt for the more
conventional ferries, which may offer a longer, but smoother and cheaper ride [about half to (;
of the cost6 . <or example, bluestar schedules which are the most time efficient of all the
conventional ferry schedules, have been known to cancel only with , beaufort wind strength and
over, and offer a reasonably smooth journey at increased wind strength.
'll types of means of transport are susceptible and subject to weather conditions, a primary
factor influencing inter:island travel throughout the 9reek Islands. Cancellation due to bad
weather conditions is termed Efaux majeureE, and passengers are liable for their own expenses as
a result : most likely insurance policies do not cover this clause, although many ferry or air
companies may try to accommodate the ticket, according to their own discretion.
It is highly recommended to provide yourselves with the luxury of an overnighter in 'thens,
prior to your departure flight ex 'thens airport, allowing concessions for the weather condition
factor, possible delays incurred due to increased traffic, not to mention any unforeseen
circumstances such as mechanical problems, etc.,which may seem highly unlikely at the time of
booking, but very viable when dealing with travel. This decision needs to be balanced with the
possible costs which one may encounter due to a missed international connection, insurance
covers, and the flexibility of the international ticket which has been purchased, plus ongoing
travel plans and committments after 'thens. <or this reason, it is usually recommended that
'thens is kept as a final destination, after island hopping.
5appy travelsF

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