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1. Do you set daily goals/activities?

2. What major categories or activities do you engage in?
3. Did you have a number 1 priority goal?
a. What time did you start this goal?
b. Could you have started sooner?
4. What as the longest uninterrupted period o! your day?
". What period o! the day ere you most productive? #east productive?
$. What as the most common source o! interruption? What ere the causes o!
these interruptions?
%. &n hat items did you spend too much time? 'oo little time?
(. What items could someone else have handled?
). Did you record activities or results?
1*. &n hich items do you thin+ you could achieve your most signi!icant time savings?
Wasting time at or+ can mean sur!ing the net, idle chat, using 'itter, and spending
too much time ith e-mail. &! these, the .nternet is probably the orst culprit.
'here!ore, !irst and !oremost/curb the real time asters.
0oever, the 'imeasters that !ollo are those that inter!ere ith the or+ day o! the
or+er ho is seriously trying to concentrate, be productive, and be e!!icient.
'imeasters such as these can be snea+y. .ndeed, you can be unaare o! some o!
Chec+ out all 14 o! the 'imeasters that !ollo. .denti!y those that apply to you and
ta+e action to remedy the situation. 1ou ill become more productive and e!!icient/
and you ill have less stress on the job.
2e honest in your analysis o! those you need to or+ on.
1. 3naare o! seriousness. 'a+e time log o! phone calls.
4valuate origin, e5tent, and causes.
2. 6o plan !or handling. Develop plan to screen/delegate.
3. 4njoy sociali7ing. Do it elsehere. 8tic+ to priorities.
4. 4go. 9eeling o! importance. Don:t overestimate the importance o!
your availability to others.
". Desire to be available. Distinguish beteen being available !or
business and sociali7ing.
$. 6o plans !or unavailability. ;uiet hour< screening< set periods !or
ta+ing calls/screening email.
%. Desire to +eep in!ormed. =eep to your schedule/plans.
>ecogni7e that your team members ill
naturally ant to +eep you in!ormed o!
everything they are doing, rather than
simply the essentials.
(. Desire to be involved. >ecogni7e danger o! too much involve-
ment. Divorce yoursel! !rom routine
matters and calls.
). 'a+ing and placing one:s on calls. Delegate.
1*. #ac+ o! delegation. Delegate more. Direct ?uestions to
persons responsible.
11 6o planning calls. #ist topics to be discussed. @lan.
12. &verdependent sta!!. Don:t ma+e their decisions. 4ncourage
initiative. Allo mista+es.
13. #ac+ sel!-discipline. Develop plan, implement, monitor
progress. Assign responsibility to
secretary or assistant/hom you train.
14. .nability to terminate conversation. #earn and practice techni?uesB
@reset ti m e limit CD1es, 'om, . can tal+
to you a !e minutes.EF
9oreshado ending CD=im, be!ore e
hand up G DF
2e candid CD8orry, @at, .:ve got to go.EF
1". 3nrealistic time estimate !or call. 'rain secretary to interrupt ith
reminder o! urgent item demanding your
attention. &r, use a 3 minute egg timer
in !ront o! your phone. >eali7e ho
much longer a call can ta+e than is
1$. 9ear o! o!!ending. Don:t be oversensitive. Concentrate on
your priorities.
1%. .ne!!ective screening. Analy7e the problem and develop a
plan. Discuss ith sta!! to avoid
surprise and o!!ense and ensure their
understanding. .mplement and support.
1(. 6o secretary. .! you need a !ull or part-time secretary,
do a study to demonstrate need.
Develop techni?ues to have messages
ta+en at certain times. @lan around the
available technology you have.
1). Hisdirected calls. #ist o! persons and numbers available to
you and sta!!. 3se available technology
to avoid rong numbers.
2*. Con!used responsibilities. Clari!y. 'rain and or+ ith your sta!!.
1. 3naare o! seriousness. 'a+e time log o! visits Cbusiness and
personal< scheduled and unscheduledF.
4valuate e5tent and causes.
2. 6o plan !or handling. Develop plan to screen. Arrange
3. 4go. 9eeling o! importance. >ecogni7e. Don:t overestimate the
importance o! your availability to others. @lan
visits at co!!ee and lunch brea+s.
4. 4njoy sociali7ing. Do it at other times Cco!!ee, lunchF. 8tic+
to priorities.
". Desire to be available. Distinguish beteen available !or business
and sociali7ing.
$. 6o plans !or unavailability. Hodi!ied Dopen doorE< have a D?uiet hourE<
use e!!ective screening.
%. Desire to +eep in!ormed. Do it on a planned and more certain basis.
(. 9ear o! o!!ending. @lan several dialogues to e5plain your lac+
o! time to visit.
). #ac+ o! delegation. Delegate more. Direct in?uiries to
persons responsible.
1*. 45pecting sta!! to chec+ ith 45pect in!ormation only on the deviations
!rom you e5cessively. your plan.

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