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The Hunt of The Falcon

By: shep Gerszberg

Scene One
A 40-year-old woman and her teenage twin son and daughter are eating dinner at the
table in the kitchen.
Mrs. Stulte: Arthur, Alice, hurry up! You have to get to bed. You guys have school
Alice: When is Dad going to be home?
Mrs. Stulte: Your father will be home any minute. Now get to bed.
Arthur: Fine, Were going. Love you mom.
Mrs. Stulte: Love you too, kids.
Arthur and Alice exit stage right, the door opens and Mr. Stulte walks in from stage left.
He is also in his 40s but he is still handsome.
Mr. Stulte: Honey, Im home.
Mrs. Stulte: Welcome back. How was your day?
Mr. Stulte: It was fabulous! How was your day?
Mrs. Stulte: It was amazing!
Mr. Stulte: By the way, did anyone contact us about the extra room?
Mrs. Stulte: Not yet, but Im sure someone will.
Mr. Stulte: Well, Im going to bed. Have a good night.
Mrs. Stulte: You too, honey.
Mr. Stulte exits stage right. The stage darkens with a spotlight on a man in a black suit
with dark sunglasses standing in the center of the stage.
Man in the suit: A seemingly perfect family, one without strife or conflict. But is
everything the way it seems? Let us see what becomes revealed when I enter the
picture. The game is on, my friends.
The man in the suit walks off stage right and the stage darkens to black.
Scene Two
The stage brightens, revealing the scene. Alice and Arthur are eating breakfast. Mr. and
Mrs. Stulte are watching TV. The doorbell rings.
Mr. Stulte: Alice can you get that?
Alice: Sure, Dad.
Alice gets up and walks towards stage left. She opens the door.
Alice: Mom! Dad! There is a strange man by the door and he wants to speak with you.
The man in the black suit enters from stage left.
Man in the suit: Hello. I heard about a room for rent and I would like to talk to you
about possibly renting it.
Mr. Stulte: Perfect! We have been waiting for someone to rent it.
Mr. Stulte takes the man in the suit off stage right.
Scene Three
The set is changed to the house study with a desk with a chair on either side of it. Mr.
Stulte and the man in the suit enter stage right.
Mr. Stulte: Whats your name?
Man in the suit: My name is Peregrine Cain.
The man smiles at Mr. Stulte.
Perry Cain: But all my friends call me Perry or Cain.
Mr. Stulte: Ok, Mr. Cain-
Perry Cain cuts off Mr. Stulte.
Perry Cain: I said my friends call me Perry or Cain. Please call me those. (Said with a
massive, creepy smile stile on his face.)
Mr. Stulte: Fine then. Perry, what brings you to our fine neighborhood?
Perry Cain: Well, the town university has just hired me, so I need a place to stay while I
find something a little more permanent.
Mr. Stulte: Oh, youre a teacher. Thats great! Maybe you can tutor my children. What is
it that you teach?
Perry Cain: (Sighs) I teach Bible Theory, and I teach about Ancient cultures and their
mythos, so I dont think Ill be much help in tutoring your kids, but they seem
Mr. Stulte: Yes, they are. They never get detentions and are both straight A students.
They get along wonderfully too. Sometimes we wonder if they have any faults.
Perry Cain smiles creepily
Perry Cain: OH, everyone has flaws and faults. Thats what makes us human.
Mr. Stulte: I guess youre right. Anyhow, about the room, how does $150 a month
Perry Cain: It sounds great. I just need a place to stay.
Mr. Stulte: Excellent. Let me introduce you to my family.
Mr. Stulte and Perry Cain exit stage left. The scene darkens
Scene Four
The lights come back on, onstage is a couch and a television and Arthur, Alice and Mrs.
Stulte are all watching television from the couch.
Mr. Stulte: Listen up everyone. Perry here is going to rent the extra room that we have.
Mrs. Stulte: Welcome, what would you like us to call you?
Perry Cain: As I told your husband I go by Perry or Cain.
Alice: Welcome Perry. What brings you to this fine neighborhood?
Perry Cain: Oh, my job. Im a professor.
Arthur: Where are you from, Cain?
Perry Cain: Oh, Im from the Middle East. I used to live on a farm and work with sheep
before becoming a scholar.
Mrs. Stulte: Well anyways. You are here now. We will try to make you a part of the
The stage darkens. Perry Cain walks to center stage a spotlight is on him.
Perry Cain: So they just invited me into their household. Curious. They think their
secrets are secure but my instincts are never wrong and I never lose a hunt.
Perry Cain walks off stage right.

Scene Five
Perry Cain walk in from stage left in a suit and classes.
Perry Cain: It has been two weeks since I entered the Stulte household and Ive found
nothing. But something is always there, my intuition is never wrong.
Perry Cain exits stage left. The stage darkens. Then the lights go on. The Stulte family
and Perry Cain are eating breakfast.
Perry Cain: I want to thank you guys for making me feel like a part of this family.
Alice: No problem. You have been so nice to all of us.
Mr. Stulte: Yeah, you have been great. Like when you volunteered to clean and neaten
the house.
Perry Cain: Oh, that was nothing. Im just a neat freak. Im a little OCD about it.
Mrs. Stulte: Still, Thank you. This house was getting a little too cluttered.
Arthur Glares at Perry Cain
Perry Cain: Hi, Arthur. How is your school going?
Arthur: (Said angrily) None of your business Cain.
Mr. Stulte: Arthur! Be nice.
Arthur: There is something off about him. Ive been saying it for a week, there is just
something really off about him. I cant put my finger on it though. Why cant any of you
see it?!
Arthur storms off and exits stage right.
Mrs. Stulte: Im sorry about that. He has been having a hard time. He stays out late and
he has bandages around his arms. Im scared he is being bullied.
Alice: Anyways, Ive got to go. Im late for school. By the way can I get some money for
Mr. Stulte: Sure Alice. But isnt school in an hour?
Alice: Yeah, but I need to go to a tutoring session. I need those grades right?
Mr. Stulte: Of course.
Mr. Stulte pulls out money and gives it to Alice.
Mr. Stulte: Have a great day. I love you.
Alice exits stage left.
Mr. Stulte: Speaking of late. Im late for work. Bye Honey. Love you.
Mrs. Stulte: Love you too.
Mr. Stulte exits stage left
Mrs. Stulte: Im worried about my husband.
Perry Cain: What do you mean?
Mrs. Stulte: Well he leaves for work so early and comes home so late. He works so hard.
It isnt healthy.
Perry Cain: Im sure he is fine. He loves you guys doesnt he?
Mrs. Stulte: Yeah he does. Our family is perfect.
Perry Cain: Then I dont see the issue.
Mrs. Stulte: Thanks, for everything.
Perry Cain: No problem.
The stage darkens.
Scene Six
Voice over (any character): One week later.
Alice and Arthur enter from stage right.
Alice: Come on bro, I just need 50 bucks.
Arthur: No, I made this money through hard work and effort. What do you even need it
for anyways?
Alice: Just stuff. Come on Artie. Ill pay you back.
Arthur gives a resigned sigh
Arthur: You know I hate that nickname.
Alice: Is that a yes?
Arthur: Fine, yes, here.
Alice: Thanks; Ill pay you back.
Alice exits stage right.
Arthur: (Mumbled to himself) No, you wont you never do.
Arthur walks off stage left. Perry Cain walks in from stage right. A spotlight is on him
Perry Cain: So the family isnt as perfect as it seems. What does precious little Alice
need all this money for?
Perry Cain walks off stage right.
Scene Seven
The scene opens on a bedroom of mainly pink. There are pictures of Alice and her
friends and family on the wall. Perry Cain walks in with a broom from stage right and
starts to clean the room.
Perry Cain: (muttering to himself) Everyone has their secrets and has their faults. All you
have to do is scrape off the surface and see what's hidden inside. So lets see what's
hidden here.
Perry Cain looks through the drawers organizing the room. Suddenly something falls out
of the drawer.
Perry Cain: What do we have here?
Perry Cain bends down to pick up the bag that fell out of the drawer.
Perry Cain: Well this is interesting. Someone has been hiding something.
The lights go out with only a spotlight on Perry Cain.
Perry Cain: So the first secret comes out. Poor Alice. Drugs are so destructive. But my
instinct says that there is more to be found here. Oh what did they do to deserve me, its
time to find out.
Perry Cain walks off stage right.
Scene Eight
The stage Brightens on the Stulte family and Perry Cain having Dinner. Alice is visibly
uncomfortable and sweating.
Mrs. Stulte: Alice, are you okay honey?
Alice: (Snapping at Mrs. Stulte.) Yes Mom.
Mr. Stulte: Alice! Dont snap at your mother, she just wants to help you!
Alice: Im sorry; Im just not feeling well.
Perry Cain: Maybe you should go to the doctor.
Alice: (Said Nervously) No! No! Im just not feeling well
Arthur: Why do you even care? You arent a part of this family. Youre just renting.
Mrs. Stulte: Arthur! Thats rude!
Perry Cain: Well am I not allowed to care about another human being?
Arthur: There is something not right about you and I will find out what it is.
Perry Cain: Good luck with that. Im not hiding anything.
Mr. Stultes phone rings.
Mr. Stulte: Hello, yes this is William Stulte. Yes. Ok. Ill be there right away.
Mrs. Stulte: What was that?
Mr. Stulte: A work thing. I need to go right now. It is a major emergency at the office
and I might not be back till tomorrow.
Mrs. Stulte: Come on, you work so hard. Cant someone else do this?
Mr. Stulte: I have to go. See you tomorrow.
Mr. Stulte walks off stage right. The stage darkens
Perry Cain: Well this is interesting. Is there really a work emergency? But my instincts
say its something else. Ive got some investigating to do.
Perry Cain takes out a cell phone and dials a number.
Perry Cain: Hello, is this William Stultes office? Can I speak to Mr. Stulte? Oh, he isnt in
right now. Do you have any idea when he will be back? Not tonight huh. No, its fine Ill
call back tomorrow But you know I heard that he is going to be in tonight so are you
sure? Ok, thank you, bye.
Perry Cain puts away the phone.
Perry Cain: So Mr. Stulte, not at work. Tut tut. What are you hiding?
The stage darkens.
Scene Nine
The lights go on onstage. Onstage is Perry Cain working at a desk and Mrs. Stulte,
Arthur and Alice eating breakfast. Mr. Stulte walks in from stage left.
Mr. Stulte: Honey, Im home.
Mrs. Stulte: Is everything ok with work?
Mr. Stulte: What? Oh, yah. False alarm.
Perry Cain gets up and starts walking off of stage left but Arthur get up and walks in his
Arthur: Where are you going Cain?
Perry Cain: Im going out. I didnt know I needed to tell you where I go. I thought that
Im not a part of this family.
Arthur: What are you hiding Cain?
Perry Cain goes right up to Arthur and puts his face inches from Arthurs face.
Perry Cain: Absolutely nothing.
Perry Cain begins to walk off stage left but bumps into Mr. Stulte.
Perry Cain: Oh, My bad.
Mr. Stulte: No problem. I apologize for my sons behavior. I have no idea what has
gotten into him lately.
Perry Cain: Its ok. All is forgiven.
Perry Cain walks off stage left. The stage darkens and Perry Cain walks back on from
stage left with a spotlight on him. He pulls out a phone from his pocket.
Perry Cain: And here we have Mr. Stultes phone. Its a good thing I learned how to
pickpocket during my time in London. But anyways, lets see what we have here. Who
have you been calling? Hmm, the number that called him last night was definitely not
work. Hmm, lets look at these texts. Well now this is interesting. Really now Mr. Stulte,
an affair? And your wife is so nice. Oh well, another secret is revealed. There is just one
more piece to this puzzle. (Chuckles) Oh what did the Stulte family do to deserve me?
Perry Cain walks off stage right.
Scene Ten
The lights go on and on the stage are three different bedrooms. There is the modern
and somewhat bare master bedroom. Next to it is the graffiti-painted bedroom of Arthur
and next to that is the pink bedroom of Alice. Perry Cain enters the master bedroom.
Perry Cain: And now our symphony comes to its crescendo. A little bit of placement here
a little prodding there, and this finely tuned tower of secrets all comes crashing down.
Perry Cain places Alices bag inside of Mrs. Stultes dresser.
Perry Cain: And so begins the final part of my job. Oh, this poor family. Secrets are so
Perry Cain walks over to Arthurs bedroom.
Perry Cain: Now lets see what is under those bandages, Arthur.
Perry Cain takes the bandages from Arthurs room.
Perry Cain: Ah, poor Arthur, the only one who perceived my true nature. This was a
refreshing hunt, but of course I always win.
Perry Cain walks into Alices room.
Perry Cain: And now for the finishing touch on this masterpiece.
Perry Cain places Mr. Stultes phone inside Alices desk.
Perry Cain: And now all there is to do is sit back and watch the show.
Perry Cain walks off stage right.
Scene Eleven
Perry Cain is eating dinner that night. The door opens and The Stulte family walks in
from stage left and continues across the stage and they exit stage right. Suddenly Alices
scream is heard. Alice storms in from stage right.
Alice: Dad, how could you? (Crying)
Mr. Stulte walks in from Stage right.
Mr. Stulte: Alice, honey, what did I do?
Alice: Dont pretend you dont know. Mom! Come out here!
Mrs. Stulte: I need to talk to you too. (Called out from offstage)
Mrs. Stulte walks onstage from stage right holding Alices bag.
Mrs. Stulte: Do you know what this is?
Alice: Oh, That.
Mr. Stulte: Oh my god, Alice is that
Alice: Dont change the subject. Mom, look at these text messages. Father has been
having an affair.
Mrs. Stulte: Oh, well, I mean, how could you? (Sounds fake insulted)
Alice: You dont seem that surprised. Did you know about this?
Mrs. Stulte: What, no! Thats ridiculous!
Mr. Stulte: Alice, what about these drugs? How could you?!
Alice: How could you?!
Mrs. Stulte: Everyone calm down!! We are still a family. We are always a family! We can
talk this out.
Alice and Mr. Stulte: What???!!!
Alice: Do you understand what is happening here?!
Mrs. Stulte: Of course I do. Dont yell at me, Im your mother.
Alice: Why are you so calm?!
Mrs. Stulte: Because we are a family. We can work anything out. Where is your brother?
Arthur storms in from stage right and grabs Perry Cain from where he is eating at the
table. The tattoos covering his arms are quite noticeable without his bandages.
Arthur: Cain! What did you do with my bandages?!
Mrs. Stulte: Arthur! Get off Perry!
Mr. Stulte: Are those tattoos?!
Alice runs over to Arthur and grabs his arm.
Alice: Thats the tattoo of the local gang Los Dragones. Have you joined the gang,
Arthur: So what if I have?!They have been more of a family than you people! I mean
mom and dad always expect perfection! You cope by using drugs and I cope by finding
a family in other people. If they are a gang then so what!
Alice: But theyve killed people!
Arthur: They are a family to me!
Mrs. Stulte: No! No! No! We are your family! We are a family now and always!
Alice: Youre delusional. Why dont you seem surprised by any of this? What are you
Mrs. Stulte: Well uh of course Im surprised by all of this. I just
Mr. Stulte: No, You arent. Ive known you long enough to know when you are surprised
and you arent. You knew, didnt you? About all of this?
Mrs. Stulte: So what if I did?! I did what I had to do to keep our family together and it
worked and we were happy. Lets just forget this happened and go back to being happy,
Arthur: Wow, you really are delusional. Its pathetic really. Im leaving. Dont expect to
see me again. Im going to stay with my real family.
Arthur walks off stage left.
Mrs. Stulte: Arthur, where are you going?
Alice: Didnt you hear him? He said he is going to his real family and quite frankly I dont
blame him. How could you know about all of our problems and not do anything to help?!
Mrs., Stulte: But we were happy. I thought we were happy.
Alice: Wow, youre even worse than I thought. Im going to go stay by my friends
house. This family is done.
Alice walks off stage left.
Mrs. Stulte: But we are a family we have to stick together through anything! WE ARE A
Mrs. Stulte stomps the ground in anger and annoyance.
Mr. Stulte: Wow, just to watch your deterioration into madness. Its a wonder I didnt
leave you sooner. Goodbye Lilith.
Mr. Stulte walks off of stage left.
Mrs. Stulte: (Muttered to herself) Wait, but we are a family. Perry Im so sorry you had
to see all of this. Perry?
Perry Cain is gone.
Mrs. Stulte: Perry, where did you go?
Mrs. Stulte walks off of stage left.
Scene Twelve
Mrs. Stulte walks into Perry Cains room, which is totally bare exempt for a package on
the bed.
Mrs. Stulte: I mean was it bad if we were all happy? And we were all happy. So was it
really so bad? I did what I had to do to keep my family together. And if we were happy
not knowing than what I did was good, wasnt it?
Mrs. Stulte notices the package on the bed.
Mrs. Stulte: What is this? A thesis paper written by Perry Cain?
Mrs. Stulte picks up the package and begins reading.
Mrs. Stulte: There are many theories as to what Cains punishment was after killing his
brother Abel. It is my theory that God punished Cain to forever wander the earth and to
find families with secrets or lies and to root out the lies. Thereby destroying other
families like he destroyed his own family. This task would eat away at the goodness
inside of Cain and cause guilt for besides for the sudden jealousy that Cain felt for his
brother he was actually a good man. This was Cains punishment.
A piece of paper falls out of the package. Mrs. Stulte picks it up
Mrs. Stulte: What is this? A letter from Perry?
The stage darkens, Perry Cain walks out from stage right. There is a spotlight on him.
Perry Cain: This was my punishment. I am Cain. I have lived many lifetimes and
destroyed many homes. My humanity was eaten away by my actions and all I am is
what I do. You asked yourself if the fact that you were all happy outweighed the fact
that you kept hidden that you knew that your family needed help and you ignored it. It
doesnt. I learned so many years ago that no matter how much you love someone,
hiding the truth does not help anything. The secrets always come out one way or
another. And sadly too many times I am the scalpel that carves them out. I am the
Peregrine Falcon. I am the hunter and I never lose a hunt. So take this lesson from this
experience. Nothing stays buried forever and what you try to keep under the water will
only rise up to drown you. Goodbye Lilith Jezebel Stulte. And remember that secrets are
meant to be found.
Cain walks off stage right.
The End

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