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AE 321
Homework 9
Due in class on November 15, 2013

Problem 1.
Consider a prismatic (rectangular cross-section) beam stretching due to its own weight, as shown
in figure below. The beam is not attached to a firm support.
a) Formulate the boundary value problem for this beam.
b) Derive the displacements field (u,v,w), including Rigid Body Translations and Rotations.
c) Simplify (u,v,w) by eliminating the contribution of RBT and RBR.
d) Sketch the deformed beam under the effect of its own weight. Make sure to include in
your schematic the shape of the beam corners and its free edges after it deforms. Explain.
e) If the undeformed beam was colored with vertical stripes how would the stripes look like
after deformation? Why?
f) If you were to fully bond a fragile flat panel on a face of this bar which face would you
g) If the strength of the material comprising this bar is
what is the maximum length

before the bar will break due to its own weight? If the bar length is 1.2
exactly will it break?
h) If you were to design a cable for a space elevator what should the cross-section of the
cable look like as a function of distance from the ground in order to minimize the
material you need to use?
i) If this space elevator cable is made of steel with
= 900 MPa, and minimum acceptable
diameter of 1mm, what should the diameter of the cable be at LEO (2,000 km) altitude?

Problem 2.
A prismatic beam with dimensions (x,y,z) = (2, 2h, w), made of a homogeneous and isotropic
material, is subjected to bending as shown below.
a) Using simple geometric arguments derive an expression for the displacement in x-direction
as a function of the local angular deflection, , of the beam.
b) Assuming that the beam is made of a homogenous and isotropic material, start from the
displacement function derived in part (a) to derive the stresses in the beam.
c) Use this stress distribution to relate the applied moment at the beam ends to the stress on the
same surfaces. What is the name for the equation you derived?
d) What assumptions did you make to derive the equation in part (c)?
e) Determine the BCs and stresses on each surface of the beam.
f) Determine the displacement field in the beam including Rigid Body Translations and
g) Simplify the displacements you derived in part (f) by eliminating the contribution of Rigid
Body Translations and Rotations.
h) Sketch the deformed beam under the application of a moment. Make sure to include in your
schematic the shape of the beam corners and its free edges after it deforms. Explain your
answers to receive full marks.
i) If the undeformed beam was colored with vertical stripes how would the long (x-y) and short
(y-z) faces look like after bending? Explain your answers to receive full marks.



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