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For Immediate Release

September 4, 2014 ntact: Terry Stanton(517) 335-2167
Sara Wurfel (517) 335-6397

Local government grant applications
now available
$8 million available for distressed local units


Applications for the new Financially Distressed Cities, Villages, and Townships
grant program arenow available on the Department of Treasury website.
Applications must be submitted to Treasury by the close of business on Friday,
October 31, 2014. All cities, villages, and townships experiencing at least one condition
of probable financial distress, as enumerated in Public Act 436 of 2012, Local
Financial Stability and Choice Act, are eligible to apply for funding.*
In total, $8 million has been appropriated for the FDCVT grant program. The total
grant amount for a given local unit of government is limited to $2 million.
This program can offer critical assistance to municipalities experiencing significant
financial difficulties, Gov. Rick Snyder said. Its vital that local governments are able
to build a solid financial foundation for the benefit of their taxpayers and residents.
Grant funding may be used to pay for specific projects, services, or strategies that
move the city, village, or township toward financial stability. Preference will be given
to applicants from local units in which:

A financial emergency has been declared in the past five years;
An approved Deficit Elimination Plan for the General Fund is currently in place; or,
Two or more conditions indicating probable financial distress currently exist.
For more information about FDCVT grants, including an application for cities,
villages, and townships, visit
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