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An Integrated Marketing

Communications Plan for

Presented by Joe Bucher
An Integrated Marketing Communications Plan for Watsi
Joe Bucher
IMC Class of 2014
IMC 830: IMC Campaign Project
Submitted in partial fulfllment of the requirements for the degree of
Master of Arts in Integrated Marketing Communications
in the Graduate School of the
Russell J. Jandoli School of Journalism and Mass Communication
St. Bonaventure University, St. Bonaventure, New York
March 2014
Approved ____________________________________
IMC Program Director: Brother Basil J. Valente, O.F.M.

Date _________________________________________
Executive Summary
One billion people worldwide do not have access to
the resources needed to afford vital medical treatments.
Watsis mission is to address this global issue that has
not received the adequate attention and care that it
should. Watsi, a nonproft crowdfunding organization,
provides funds for patients needing low-cost, high-
impact procedures in underserved countries. Despite
being a new, small, startup nonproft organization,
they have had a substantial impact on the international
healthcare model. However, there are still plenty people
who need help and no shortage of people that could
To increase the number of patients Watsi can
help across the globe, an integrated marketing
communications plan must be implemented. This plan
will use traditional, digital and event marketing to
increase awareness of Watsis brand, the target markets
understanding of crowdfunding, and the amount of
unique donors to Watsi over one year.
It will also create a community of like-minded
philanthropists that can help Watsi understand the
evolution of its target audience while creating a
conversation about the international healthcare crisis.
Table of Contents
Situation Analysis
Competitive Analysis
SWOT Analysis
Campaign Objectives & Strategies
Riding on a bus outside of a small Costa Rican
village, Chase Adam noticed a woman with a red
folder and a bag with a little bit of money in it
moving seat-to-seat up the aisle. This didnt seem
like anything unusual to Chase after all of the time
he had spent in developing countries. As she got
closer, the bag of money flled up. He realized the
folder was her sons medical record. The woman
couldnt afford the procedure her son needed, so
she was asking the riders if they could help her
save his life with their small contributions.
On that bus, Chase began to think about how easy
it would be for this woman to save her son if she
could be connected to his family and friends back
home in the United States. Two years later Watsi.
org launched, named for that Costa Rican village
where Chase had this life-changing encounter.
Watsi is a nonproft, crowdfunding website
that funds low-cost, high-impact procedures for
patients in underserved countries. It has partnered
with 17 doctors groups in 20 different countries,
these groups recommend patients to be shared on
the website. All of the procedures cost less than
$1,500 and donations as small as $5 are accepted
to fund them. Since August of 2012 nearly 7,200
donors have helped fund medical care for over
2,000 patients across the world.
Watsi prides itself on their 100% fnancial transparency.
Every dollar donated goes directly to the fund for the
patient or purpose that the donor dictates. In order to
fund their overhead costs, they turn to angel investors.
Anyone that donates to a patient is also asked if they
could contribute an additional 10% of their donation
to the operational fund. Several services such as
their website, offce space, payment processing and
legal services are donated or subsidized by various
companies and partners.
Many of the companies and partners that donate
services went through the Y Combinator (YC) program.
YC is a Silicon Valley startup incubator that helps
innovative startup companies develop their business
plans. Since 2005 they have funded over 630 startups
including Reddit, Heroku, Songkick and Dropbox.
YC selects innovative companies that apply to the
program, helps to develop their business plans for three
months and provides them with $14,000 to $80,000.
After the three months, each company pitches their
business plan to a group of investors. Many of whom
are alumni of the program. Watsi is the only nonproft
organization to have participated in the Y Combinator
the practice of funding a project or
venture by raising many small amounts
of money from a large number of
people, typically via the Internet
There are four types of crowdfunding; reward
based, donation based equity based and
lending based. The fastest growing style also
has the largest market share and that is reward
based, people get something in return for their
contributions. The style with the second-greatest
market share, but slowest growth is donation
based. Through these platforms, people give
their money toward causes they believe in without
getting anything in return.
The last two styles combined account for 25%
of the market. Equity based crowdfunding is the
second-fastest growing, which is when people
invest in new businesses. The slowest-growing
style of crowdfunding is lending based, people
lend their money and get returns with interest after
agreeing on a schedule of payments.
Crowdfunding is not a new concept. It holds the
same fundamental principles of any way people
have donated money in the past. Crowdfunding
functions more as a buzzword that implies a
large number of people can give small amount
of money toward the same cause, online. Since
online organizations began coining themselves as
crowdfunding platforms, the industry has grown
According to, the number
of crowdfunding platforms around the world as
more than doubled in the past three years. The
amount of funds raised through crowdfunding has
increased from $1.5 billion in 2011 to $5.1 billion
by 2013. In 2012, 59% of capital raised through
crowdfunding came from North America.Social
causes dominate the crowdfunding landscape,
accounting for 30% of activity on crowdfunding

Situation Analysis Highlights:
Detailed patient profles on the View Patients page
Low-cost, high-impact procedures
Donations accepted as low as $5
A variety of actions donors can take
Financial transparency provided through
Google Documents
Philanthropic seed rounds, an effective tactic when
targeting angel investors for operational costs
Situation Analysis
Product/Service Analysis
In acquiring major donations, Watsi has developed
a new tactic called Philanthropic Seed Rounds. In
this, they contact targeted angel investors with a
tech background and entrepreneurial spirit. Once
connected with these targeted donors, they set a
date for this group of people to make a donation.
The date which Watsi sets is completely arbitrary.
In their frst round, investors had three months to
make a decision. Simply by setting a deadline and
targeting donors, Watsi raised over $1.2 million in
three months.
Along with its crowdfunding platform, Watsi
is working to improve the systems that supply
healthcare to people in underserved countries. In
most of the publicity Watsi receives online, Chase
Adam is there to contribute to the conversations
that follow in the comments section. After an
interview on NPRs Here and Now, Adam
explained how Watsi is improving healthcare;
Watsi is working to change healthcare systems.
We work exclusively with medical organizations
1. Establish public / private partnerships, which
strengthen existing systems (many procedures on
Watsi are subsidized by local governments)
2. Cross subsidize (whereby wealthy patients
subsidize the cost of care for poor patients)
3. Train local doctors and staff (residency programs)
By partnering with organizations that take these
approaches seriously, were helping to build the
future of healthcare. We believe very strongly that
the best way to change systems is to support the
amazing organizations that are already thinking
about long-term change in their own communities
while providing healthcare to people who need it.
Watsis homepage is flled with pictures of
patients who need funds to pay for low-cost,
high-impact medical procedures that have been
subsidized by medical groups. Each patient has
an individual fund which Watsi guarantees be
flled. Once enough money has been raised, the
fund is closed. However, patients do not have to
wait for the fund to be closed in order to receive
treatment; Watsis medical partners determine
when the procedure is appropriate and recognize
Watsis guarantee that the bill will be paid.
Donors have many options on how they choose to
participate. They can set up a monthly donation,
donate in honor of someone else, donate to
patients, donate to a universal patient fund
or donate to Watsis operational fund. When
donating to Watsis operational costs, donors
can use Bitcoin, PayPal as well as credit and
debit cards. Each donation is guaranteed to go
where the donor chooses. Google Transparency
Documents are provided for donors to ensure that
they know what Watsi is doing with their money.
Once a donor has completed a donation to a
patient, they are encouraged to donate a dollar
to Watsis operations costs fund. Donors to each
particular patient are sent an email when their
patients procedure is fully funded. They are sent
another email when the procedure is completed.
If a patient does not receive treatment, donors are
asked if they would like to donate to a different
fund or receive a refund. In order to prevent fraud,
random audits are completed of Watsis medical
Market Analysis
Geographics: United States, specifcally the most
charitable online cities: Seattle, San Francisco,
Washington DC, Pittsburgh, Boston and Atlanta.
18-35 year old men and women
Personal income between $5k - $100k

Have completed at least some higher education.
Philanthropically minded: they like to move society
forward by supporting those who are less fortunate
or in need of help
Conscious of the environment and the care needed
to maintain a healthy, happy society
Aware of their own personal health and the health
of their family and friends. They exercise regularly
and maintain a healthy diet
Desire to change the world through means created
and maintained by other people, many are unable
to make the impact they wish they could.
Tech savvy; interested in, and have a greater
understanding of, new technologies
Well traveled, exposed to cultures outside of the
United States and Canada
Involved in their communities through various
projects and organizations

Customer Segmentation
18-23 Currently in college, becoming more
aware of the world around them; developing
a desire to change the world through their
24-28 Recent college graduates beginning their
careers, sharp increase in disposable income,
trying to carve out their own space in the world,
socially active.
29-35 Established career path, starting families,
buying homes and cars. More disposable
income, more established roles in their
Need for product in the market
According to Watsis website, there are 1 billion
people across the globe without the resources
to afford medical care. Watsi provides a
platform where donors can fund life saving heart
surgeries, among many other procedures, for
less than $1,500. No other cause in the world
takes such a direct approach in tackling this
major social and cultural issue.

Trends in the market
From 2012 to 2013, online donations increased
by 13.5%. As a whole charitable giving
increased by 4.9% marking the largest increase
in donations since before the recession started
in 2008. More specifcally, online donations to
healthcare are up 14.5% and online donations
to international affairs are up 12.9%. Most
donations are given during October, November
and December. However, there has been a
trending spike in donations during the month of
June as it is the end of the fscal year for many
Competitor Trends
While Watsi promotes the transparent nature
of their operations, they have yet to be audited
by a third-party. GiveWell, the leading auditor
of nonproft organizations, is yet to assess
Watsis operations. This doesnt mean that
Watsi is doing anything they shouldnt be,
or that they have any defciencies. However,
public perception often relies on the objective
judgement of third-party organizations to
verify the marketing claims made by any kind
of organization. One of the potential issues
that could arise is the frequency of follow-up
procedures. Its unclear how follow-up visits,
additional surgeries, or rehabilitation are
Watsi is working towards auditing its medical
partners to ensure that the funds are being used
properly. They do check-in with patients around
the world to monitor their health after their
procedures. While listing whether or not the
procedures took place and their success is more
than most organizations do, more information
could be given in regards to how quickly they
get back to school, or work, or any other activity
that their profle portrays them participating in
when theyre healthy.
Competitive Analysis
Most of the largest nonproft organizations in the
world are offering health. Some of them are only
in times of emergency or crises, others are taking
care of those that are terminally ill. There are
several well established organizations currently
offering health to people in underserved
countries. They do accept donations online,
however they do not position themselves as
crowdfunding organizations.
For Watsi, UNICEF and Save The Children are
the two biggest competitors. Both organizations
offer healthcare to those who cant afford it,
however they both have a greater reach and
are established organizations. Watsi still has an
advatage in their transparency offerings, the
acceptance of donations as small as $5 and
allowing every cent of their donation to go
directly to the patient or fund that they choose.
Website Introduction
Lots of content on current health crises around
the world.
Several photos of people suffering.
Three donate now buttons
Lots of stories and bits of info for the media to
Specifc tabs for the type of people visiting the
site including individual donors
Focus areas for strategic plan through 2013
from 2006:
Child survival and development
Basic Education and gender equality
HIV/AIDS and Children
Child Protection
Policy Advocacy and partnerships
190 Countries around the world.
Donations and projects accepted and conducted
in all of those region
The authority in international health.
Press Centre features releases for news
organizations regarding the health of people
in confict areas across the globe.
Monthly Donations as low as 5
Single as low as 27
Claim to have helped more people around
the world than any other organization.
Conduct extensive research on the economic
and health climates of all of the countries
they work in.
Save The Children
Website Introduction
First option is to make a donation
Working in 120 countries all around the world
including the USA
Provide care and protection for children affect-
ed by tragedy
89.4% of donations go to programs
Reach is 143 million children
Variety of ways to help
Partners with TJ Maxx
Accredited and protected by well-known
Make a donation, One time or monthly.
Sponsor a child
Buy an emergency gift for a child who needs it.
Advocate for Children or become a fundraiser
Programs: US programs, education, emergency
response, health and nutrition, HIV and AIDS
hunger and livelihoods, US disaster response
child protection
120 countries in all different regions around the
world including the US
Donations accepted physically or digitally. no
mention of specifcally how theyre used.
Social Media
Individual Fundraisers
Popular resource in the media for discussing
the way international conficts are affecting
the health of children.
$50 - $999 or other --$25 is the autofll for
clicking other
In 2013, they saved 3.1 million children from
curable diseases. Including malnutrition.
Target major causes of maternal, newborn
and child deaths.
Provide high-impact, low-cost care that saves
childrens lives.
Train and equip frontline health workers to
provide basic and lifesaving care.
Current Financial Situation
Watsis fscal year starts in September. Since the
organization was just founded in 2012, its too
early to measure annual growth. However, in
their frst fscal year, Watsi raised just over $1.6
million. 10 months into their second fscal year,
$3.2 million has been raised. The projected
increase in annual donations is over 200%.
There are fve full-time employees that Watsi
pays salaries to and they are looking to increase
their staff size. Based on salary expenses
provided in Watsis transparency documents, the
average salary is between $70,000-80,000.
They are yet to achieve fnancial sustainability,
but will do so by asking for additional donations
from donors, corporate partnerships, and
licensing software. For Watsi.orgs most up-to-
date fnancial position please see page 78 of
the appendices.
Historical Results
Celebrity Endorsements
A few celebritys helped Watsi spread their
mission with a series of social media posts. MC
Hammer and Joe Montana both tweeted their
support for Watsis mission. However, neither
post was very unique or descriptive. In fact, the
dialogue that followed the posts was unclear
about what Watsi was and made several
assumptions. The dialogue wasnt helpful to
Watsis brand or positioning. The celebrity
endorsements dont necessarily refect the kind
of people this target audience would be paying
attention to on social media. Rapper, Nas, also
endorsed Watsi on his Coinbase page. Any
Bitcoins donated to the page would be sent
to Watsi. Bitcoins exist in a very niche market
at the moment. Targeting people with Bitcoin
isnt going to reach a big enough audience
for to help achieve Watsis mission. The good
news about this tactic is that it didnt cost Watsi
Social Media

Social media has been the most consistent
presence for Watsi. They share patient updates,
interact with donors, answer questions and
promote their partners. This is an ongoing
effort and the results have been good enough
to keep the company growing at a steady pace.
Philanthropic Seed Rounds

This year Watsi was able to raise $1.2 million
from 14 investors. As listed on, some
of the investors included:
Paul Graham, the founder of Y Combinator
Tencent, a company that fosters the
development of service platforms and
technologies to enrich the lives of internet users
Y Combinator, the preeminent startup
accelerator in Silicon Valley
Ron Conway, the godfather of angel investing
and one of the frst investors in Google
Vinod Khosla, the co-founder of Sun
Microsystems and an iconic venture capitalist
Draper Richards Kaplan Foundation, the venture
philanthropy fund that seeded Kiva
Joe Greenstein, the founder of Flixster and CEO
of Rotten Tomatoes
Eric Wu, a serial entrepreneur and angel investor
Geoff Ralston, a partner at Y Combinator and
founder of Yahoo! Mail
Patient Demographics
Some 20% of the worlds children go without basic
immunization, most of whom live in remote and
often impoverished areas where infection is more
likely to lead to death.
Over 9 million children die each year from
preventable causes, most of them from
dehydration, routine infections, or one of several
major diseases for which vaccines are available.
Some 500,000 women die in childbirth each year
while over 3 million infants die from dehydrating
diseases that could be eliminated through breast
feeding or Oral Rehydration Therapy, a simple and
cheap mixture of clean water, sugar and salts.
Over 17 million people die each year from curable
infectious and parasitic diseases such as diarrhea,
malaria and tuberculosis.
Over 500 million people are infected with tropical
diseases such as malaria, sleeping sickness, river
blindness, and schistosomiasis, all of which are now
Third world countries have insurmountable
debts to developed nations after ill advised
lending in the 1970s. In 1998, the fgure was
estimated to be around $418 billion. This
burden makes it diffcult for such countries to
develop appropriate medical centers staffed
with qualifed professionals. Theyre also unable
to provide services to subsidize the cost of
medical care.
Economy for Donors
Donations increased by 4.9% since last year, the
largest increase since 2008
From 2012 to 2013, online donations increased
by 13.5%
Online donations to healthcare are up 14.5%
Online donations to international affairs are up
Most donations are given between October and
December. June has seen a trending spike in
donations because it is the end of the fscal year
for many companies
National Donor Trends
When deciding to make a donation, people
were asked what was the most important
factor: 44% said its an issue they feel strongly
about, while 26% said its most important
that the money is spent effectively. The least
common responses were communicated its
mission effectively and immediate need for
the funds.
70% of Americans believe that nonprofts have
a positive impact on the cause with which
theyre involved.
61% of Americans believe nonprofts
effectively communicate their message to the
Only 46% of Americans believe that nonprofts
spend their funds wisely/effectively.
41% believe they know somewhere between
nothing at all and a great deal about how
nonprofts are ran and managed, 26% believe
they know nothing at all.
73% of Americans feel they know a great deal
about how nonprofts are managed believe
they spend their funds properly. Of people
that know nothing about nonprofts, only 40%
believe the funds are used properly.
81% of 18-24 year olds claim they are likely
to take action to support a nonproft that
they trust, the highest of any other age
70% of 25-34 year olds are likely to
encourage people they know to take action
in support of a nonproft. 68% of 18-24 year
olds said the same.
76% of 18-24 year olds said they would likely
participate in an event to support a nonproft.
56% of the same demographic said they
would donate money.
People want to display their support to their
friends and support causes via social media.
71% of them are likely to follow a nonproft
on Facebook or Twitter.
52% of Americans said they would volunteer
time to help a nonproft.
Americans claim the three most effective
ways to inform the public about their cause
are through TV news stories, TV commercials
and a website dedicated to the cause,
Primary Research
Marketing Research Methods
The objectives of this research are to understand
what generates donations to nonproft
organizations, learn where international health care
ranks among other philanthropic causes and why
one-time donors become repeat donors. It is also
important to understand the level of Watsis brand
awareness and the brands perception amongst the
target audience. The fnal objective is to uncover
the best ways to start a conversation about Watsi
with the target audience.
A focus group was conducted with members of the
target audience at St. Bonaventure University. A
survey was then distributed online through personal
social media pages as well as Watsis Twitter
Results Summary:
The most popular reason they donate to one
cause more than once is a personal affliation
with the cause, followed by satisfaction with
their previous experience and convenience
53% dont believe they know where their money
goes when they donate it
52% are unaware of crowdfunding
44% of the target that are aware of
crowdfunding, donate to crowdfunding
85% dont know what is

74% have traveled outside of the US and
86% have not participated in community
service projects outside of the US
The top three ways to inform the target
about non-profts are word-of-mouth, news
stories and social media
87% said they may donate to Watsi after
their mission was briefy explained
77% believe healthcare is a basic human
69% believe its important to help people
even if theyre strangers

67% of the target demographic makes less
than $35,000 per year
44% make less than $25,000 per year
35% said they would be open to making a
donation less than $10
Despite their income, 91% have donated
money to a nonproft
Implications of Research
The initial focus group was conducted before
developing the questionairre survey. The group
was made up of several students from the St.
Bonaventure University campus. One of the
common themes from the members of the group
was their willingness to donate, despite their
economic situation.
The focus groups input shaped the questions for
the survey. The results from the survey refected
many of the comments made in the focus group.
This alleviates the restrictions of the focus group.
The survey was distributed digitally, but reached a
national audience. In contrast, the foucs group only
featured members of the target audience from the
north east.
Paired with the extensive secondary research of
donor behavior, the primary research methods
developed the strategies and tactics for this plan.
For a more extensive look at the survey and its
fndings, please go to pages 55-69.
One of the key fndings of the research is that
a majority of the target market is not aware of
crowdfunding. However, 45% of the people who
are aware of crowdfunding also participated
in crowdfunding projects. The target audience
does not have a signifcant amount of wealth,
but surprisingly, they still donate money and
have traveled around the world.
Online giving is one of the fastest growing forms
of donating. With our target audience being the
most eager to give. They are also likely to follow
nonprofts on social media.
Our communications need to address
these issues. This plan should leverage the
effectiveness of $5 donations while explaining
the simple and transparent crowdfunding model
Watsi has developed. Donors will be satisfed
with their experience and they will fnd it
convenient, but this campaign must personalize
this cause in order to relate to the target
SWOT Analysis
Strengths: The internal factors that
meet the highest-needs of donors
and patients, giving a
unique postion against other nonproft
Weaknesses: The internal factors
preventing from meeting the
needs and expectations of donors and
patients, damaging their postioning
against other nonproft organizations.
Opportunities: The external factors
that give Watsi the capability to
improve their position in the market
against other nonproft organizations.
Threats: The external factors that can
prevent Watsi from improving their
position in the market against other
nonproft organizations.
Strengths Weaknesses
Endorsement from Y Combinator
Listed on Forbes Most Disruptive
Companies of 2013
100% transparency of donations, fnancial
statements and partnerships
Simple, intuitive format making the
donation process convenient and unique
Overhead costs covered by partnerships
and in kind donations from YC alumni
Partnerships with 18 doctor groups in 20
different countries
Accepting donations as low as $5
Procedure costs subsidized by medical
partners keeping them below $1,500
Active on social media by posting unique,
timely content and interacting with
followers as well as answering questions
and encouraging donations
Accepting Bitcoin appeals to innovative,
technologically aware people
Philanthropic seed round tactic which
results in major donations from various
angel investors and corporate partners
Brand awareness at 15% among target
Marketing budget of $2,000 annually
Staff size: Watsi only has 5 full-time
employees which makes it diffcult to
manage all operations and conduct audits
of medical partners
Past experience with crowdfunding: This
is a completely new and unique way
to raise funds for a cause of this scale.
Crowdfunding online is still in its infancy
and all of its potential problems have
not yet been uncovered and completely
Financial instability: Its a challenge for the
company to develop a steady stream of
income for its current employees which
makes it diffcult to bring on anyone with
a great deal of experience in the felds of
international healthcare and crowdfunding.
However, this weakness is currently being
addressed and the company plans to be
fnancially sustainable by the end of their
third year of operation.
Opportunities Threats
Public events: Many nonproft organization
have raised awareness and funds through
public events that bring like-minded people
together. These events give personality to
Angel investors: There are many investors in
the Silicon Valley region and many of them are
looking for ways to make the world a better
Online community development: Millennials
love to talk about the things they do, providing
a platform for them to discuss charity efforts
can make Watsi a positive resource for them.
Expansion to more countries: There are many
countries that need the services Watsi offers
to afford health care. There are also many
countries with enough fnancial stability that
could be donating to Watsi.
Increasing medical partnerships: If Watsi
acquires more medical partners it will increase
the number of patients they can raise funds for
on the website
Increasing staff size: More people working for
Watsi will ensure they maintain their smooth,
simple and honest operation. It can be easier
to attend to donor needs as well as conducting
audits of the current medical partners, ensuring
theyre holding up their end of the agreement.
Less than half of the target audience are
unaware of crowdfunding.
Economic instability: While many reports
suggest the economy is recovering from the
recession, the amount of disposable income
which in the target market does not appear to
be increasing.
Development of other crowdfunding websites:
Established charitable organizations could
develop crowdfunding models for their causes
which would decrease the novelty of Watsis
Reliance on word-of-mouth marketing: In order
for Watsi to maximize the number of patients
they can help, greater marketing efforts must
be made.
Reliance on international health organizations:
If any of their partners fail to maintain their
current missions, it could refect poorly on
Established nonproft healthcare organizations
are likely to retain their donors.
Only one major corporate donor (Google):
Watsi needs more stable sources of income to
maintain their day-to-day operations
Unaudited by a third-party, this decreases the
credibility of their transparency claims.
Key Priority Issues
Online community development (Opportunity):
Millennials can never share enough information
about themselves and the things they do.
From posting selfes during major events, to
instagramming their favorite meals, they simply
love to share. Creating an online community
where donors can share information about their
philanthropic experiences allows Watsi to monitor
trends and participate in a conversation that will
allow their product to adapt and evolve to meet
donor expectations.
Reliance on word-of-mouth (Threat): Word-of-
mouth spreads faster than it ever has. However,
the 1 billion people worldwide without access to
healthcare need it faster than word-of-mouth can
travel. Greater marketing efforts must be made
to help Watsi attain fnancial sustainability and to
increase the number of patients they, along with
their medical partners, can help.
Financial Transparency (Strength): This gives
donors confdence that their donations will have
the impact promised by the companies mission.
Affordable donations (Strength): With limited
disposable income in the target market, accepting
$5 donations allows people in most fnancial
situations to have an impact.
Simple online format (Strength): It only takes
5 clicks and less than 1 minute, 30 seconds to
donate to a patient with a standard internet
connection. An email receipt with a note of
gratitude is instantly sent to the donors email
inbox (less than 30 seconds).
Brand Awareness (Weakness): Only 15% of the
target audience is aware that Watsi exists.
Marketing budget (Weakness): Watsi has
allocated less than $5,000 for marketing purposes
in its frst 22 months of operations.
Public events (Opportunity): Public events are
an organic way to raise awareness and funds at
the same time while contributing to the health
of the communities in which they are hosted.
Everyone wins.
Campaign Objective
& Strategy
This integrated marketing
communications plan will
increase awareness of
Watsis brand, the target
markets understanding
of crowdfunding, and the
amount of unique donors
to Watsi over one year.
It will also create a
community of like-minded
philanthropists that can
help Watsi understand the
evolution of its
target audience while
creating a conversation
about the international
healthcare crisis.
Financial Objectives
Personalize the 1 billion people worldwide
without access to health care by bringing
the cause to the people through events and
advertising, educating the target audience
about crowdfunding with persuasive storytelling,
and increasing brand awareness with powerful,
strategically placed images.
Increase number
of unique donors
from 7,108 to
30,500 in one year
Marketing Communications Objective

Based on primary and secondary research the
marketing and communications should leverage
the impact of donations and the simplicity and
transparency of Watsis platform.
Increase brand
awareness from
15% to 25% over
one year
awareness from
52% to 62%

Explain the process of crowfunding through a
series of promotional materials and internations
with consumers online and face-to-face.
Develop a
community of

Incentivise repeat donations by rewarding donors
and giving them more than one reason to come
back to the website.
Marketing Communications Strategy
Target Marketing
According to a combination of primary and
secondary data, Watsis target markets are:
Primary: Donors
18-34 year old, college educated men and women
Personal income below $35,000
Health conscious, they enjoy exercise and maintain
a healthy diet
Wants to create societal change on a global scale
Does not understand crowdfunding
Socially active online, constantly sharing
information about themselves and others
Secondary: Sponsors/Investors
Major companies within the six most charitable
online cities
33-55 year old men and women in the Silicon
Valley region
Net worth greater than $1,000,000
Could beneft from the tax deduction resulting
from a major donation
Donates money to causes they believe in
Invest in new, innovative technologies
Invest in new, innovative startup companies
Entrepreneurial spirit
Positioning will postion themselves as an innovative
global initiative to revolutionize the international
healthcare model through their crowdfunding
platform. Watsi will be top-of-mind for millennials
who want to donate to charity.
Watsi is
revolutionizing the
way underserved
countries across
the world have
access to healthcare.
Through their
100% transparent
crowdfunding model,
donors can give
as little as $5 and
change someones
Consumer Profle
James is a 24 year old graduate student in
Seattle. Throughout high school and college he
participated in many community service projects
helping people who were down on their luck
or less fortunate. One of his service projects
brought him abroad to an underserved country
where he realized the difference in cultures
outside of the United States. He frequents
social media to keep in touch with the people
he worked and traveled with. James also shares
photos of the places he helped and posts about
upcoming projects to try and get more people
Hes always wanted to change the world.
Throughout his education, that passion grew
with him. James just wants everyone to have
the same opportunities that hes had, no matter
where they live. Now that hes out on his
own, his new responsibilities dont allow him
to participate in as many community service
projects. Instead of donating his time, he
donates a little bit of money each month to
Marketing Mix

Watsi is selling health. People that fnd Watsi are
looking to fund healthcare for people who cant
afford it themselves. The partnerships theyve
developed ensure that the patients receive the
most effective care they can. Many charitable
organizations offer the same thing, but Watsi has
positioned themselves as a crowdfunding platform.
Watsi is exclusively concerned with healthcare.
Other organizations get involved in addressing
other economic, social and educational issues.
Their competitive advantage is that 100% of all
funds donated go directly to the fund that the
donor chooses which is ultimately going to provide
better health to someone that cannot afford it.
Among other organizations offering health, none
of them do it with the same direct approach
or with such a high level of transparency. The
scope of the operation is signifcantly smaller
than competitors as they have partnerships in 20
different countries. However, in those countries,
their sole mission is to give people high-quality
healthcare. They also do not specify what kind of
injuries, age or circumstances people must be in to
receive care from their partners. There is no bias in
the selection of patients made by the doctors.
Watsi is an exclusively digital platform, that will not
change. The target market is tech savvy and active
on social media. The convenience of donating right
online directly to a patient will appeal to them. Our
marketing efforts will concentrate on driving traffc
to the website. It is also more expensive and time
consuming to accept physical donations rather than
digital donations.
Watsi accepts donations as small as $5. The cost
of procedures are subsidized by the international
medical partners making smaller donations have a
greater impact. The target demographic also has a
limited amount of disposable income, maintaining
this affordable level of accepted donations allows
people in all economic situations to help those less
fortunate than them.


Watsi will be promoted as an innovative,
transparent, international nonproft organization.
Since Watsi has relied exclusively on word-of-
mouth for their previous marketing efforts, to
bring their mission to the mainstream a mix of
digital and traditional advertising will be used.
The advertisements will be placed where the
highest concentrations of the target market visit. To
personalize the mission for potential donors we will
bring events to the most charitable online cities in
the United States.
Why are we advertising?
There are 1 billion people worldwide without access to affordable healthcare. Watsi provides a platform for
the frst-world to aid third-world countries, whose citizens are in dire need of care. We are advertising to
increase the number of donors to the website to further increase the awareness of this issue and increase
the number of patients that Watsi can help. Watsis mission is to revolutionize the international healthcare

To whom are we talking?
We are talking to 18-35 year olds with some college education. They are well traveled, healthy, tech savvy
and believe they can change the world.
What do they currently think?
64% of them are unaware of crowdfunding, but 16% have donated to a crowdfunding website. Nearly half
of the people that are aware of crowdfunding donate to crowdfunding websites. The top three reasons
they donate are; personal affliation with a cause, satisfaction with previous donations and the transparency
of their donation. They want to be connected, they will donate to a crowdfunding website and they want
to know where their donation goes.

What would we like them to think?
They need to believe that is an honest, innovative and simple way to change their world. All
they need is a way onto the web and $5. We want them to believe in Watsis mission to provide donors
with information that affrms their belief that they are changing the world. We also want to fnd a way to
increase the demographics understanding of crowdfunding and how it works.

What is the single most persuasive idea we can convey?
After all the things youve done online today, you still have time to change the world.
Why should they believe it?
Donating to Watsi only takes as long as it does to enter your credit/debit card information. The site
features Google Transparency Documents giving donors access to all of its fnancial information as well as
a detailed patient log for every patient thats ever been helped by Watsi. They have 17 different partners
in 16 different countries from Asia to Africa to Central America.

Are there any creative guidelines or mandatories?
Many of the patients on the site are children, the use of their image, story or medical history will require
legal permission. HIPPA laws, as they apply internationally, are an ongoing debate.

Tone of voice?
Upbeat, young, focused on the excitement of helping people, less focused on the seriousness of the
Creative Work Plan
Outside of this plan, a second philanthropic
seed round will seek to raise $420,000 for the
purpose of marketing Watsis platform. The
donors targeted will be Silicon Valley based,
tech entrepreneurs. A new part of the pitch
will include this IMC plan to develop brand
awareness, crowd funding awareness and the
number of donors giving through
Top investors to target:
Jeff Bezos - Amazon
Paul Buchheit - Y Combinator
Jeff Clavier - Soft Tech VC
David Lee - SV Angel
Max Levchin - HVF
Benjamin Ling - Khosla Ventures
Marissa Mayer - Yahoo!
Dave McClure - 500 Startups
Matt Mullenweg - Software Development
Acquiring Investors
The following advertisements will address many
key issues such as; increasing the target markets
understanding of crowdfunding and the awareness
of Watsis brand while leveraging the affordability
of using Watsis simple, transparent platform.
They have been tested on a small, but diverse
focus group of the target market. Their feedback
encouraged the use of these materials.
They will reach people who are ready and/or most
likely to donate to an organization with a mission
such as Watsis, to revolutionize international
healthcare, especially for those in underserved
areas of the world.
The GFK MRI Survey was used in the decision
making process for the placement of these
advertisements. The surveymonitors consumer
behavior relative to the media they consume. For
a detailed look at the results, please view page 72-
77 in the appendices.
Print Advertisements
While the target market is made up of digital
natives, there is still a practicality in using the print
medium to reach a mass audience of the target
market. Readership of most magazines is still
higher in print than in digital versions. According
to the GFK MRI national survey, a combined
12,050,000 readers of Game Informer and Vogue
between ages 18-34 believe that working for the
welfare of society and making the effort to help
others is very important. These readers are exactly
who Watsi is targeting. Using both magazines is
an effective way to reach mass audiences while
isolating males and females. Watsis social media
presence has already proven to be a valuable
way to increase word-of-mouth marketing, but to
deliver their message to the mainstream, a mass
medium, such as print magazines, is the best tool.
For a closer look at the ads, please go to pages
51 and 52 of the appendices.
Crowdsave? Its exactly what were doing over
at While we might have made up
that word, we havent made up the thousands
of lives we have saved world wide.
Our mission is to revolutionize the
international healthcare model and that
starts by crowdfunding low-cost, high
impact procedures for the 1 billion people
that cant aford health care.
In the United States, we dont need to
worry about being able to aford healthcare
anymore. However, all over the world people
are dying fromtreatable diseases.
At Watsi we accept donations as small as
$5 to fund these low-cost, high-impact
procedures. Every cent of your donation goes
directly to the patient or fund you choose to
donate it to, not into our pockets.
If you dont trust us, just check out our
Google Transparency Documents. We give
you as much patient status information
as we can ofer. If you happen to have any
questions about their status, just ask!
If you want to learn more about the patients
that need your help, or how you can
contribute, just visit us at Over
there were just crowdfunding a better world.
Te one good thing youve done with
$5 over the past year probably involved
a footlong sandwich. Were here to
give you an opportunity to do better.
Actually, its the best thing you could do
with $5. You could change the world for
just the cost of a sandwich.
Perhaps it could be helping one of
the kids in the photo above. Anyone
of themcould need a low-cost, high
impact procedure to save their lives.
It could be any of the 1 billion people
without access to afordable healthcare.
Te good news is, its all up to you. You
decide exactly where you want your
money to go and we ensure you know
as much as you can about its impact.
We even provide Google Transparency
documents to give you all the details
about your patients status.
Follow us on Twitter @watsi or just
search #ChangeForAFive to see how
people are turning their $5 into life
saving procedures. To jump right in
and invest in saving someones life
immediately, visit us at
Advertising [Continued]
Digital Advertisements
A banner ad will be targeted using the Google
Display Network. This will take people to a specifc
landing page where they will see the YouTube
advertisement to help them better understand
the crowdfunding model. They will have the
option to skip it immediately and proceed to
the patient profles page. It will be targeted at
several websites, a majority of the traffc on those
sites will be comprised of people in the target
market who believe working for the welfare of
society and making an effort to help others is very
important. The websites include, SportsIllustrated.
com,,,,,, and
Google Keywords will be used to fnd people
searching for countries where Watsi is helping
patients, crowdfunding, charities and donating,
5k walk/runs and all of Watsis partners. A list of
the keywords can be found on page 55 of the
YouTube Advertisements
In order to show crowdfunding in action and
express its simplicity and effectiveness. A Youtube
ad will run before videos concentrated in the
United States. It will be targeted based on key
words relating to philanthropy, technology,
innovation and the countries where Watsi helps
patients. This is another tactic Watsi is yet to use.
The commercial will show how people unknowingly
crowdfund on a regular basis in a familiar social
The script for the ad and the search terms used to
trigger its display can be found on pages 53 and
54 of the appendices.
Promotion and Public Relations
These tactics will reach the people most likely
to donate online, while using the existing donor
base to increase awareness of Watsis brand and
crowdfunding. They will help personalize Watsis
mission by bringing it to the people whom it
will interest the most. As well, it will create an
opportunity for Watsis mission and platform to be
shared through news stories by several different
local media outlets.

The only marketing Watsi has done since its
inception is through word-of-mouth. This will still
be a factor as we will rely on our existing donor
base to spread the word about upcoming Watsi
news and events. The email correspondence
with them will have information regarding the
public relations efforts of Watsi. It is anticipated
between social media mentions and shares and
traditional word-of-mouth that this campaign will
be successful.
Media Relations
The media will also be relied upon to promote
some word-of-mouth impressions. Press releases
will be sent to the Pittsburgh Post Gazette,
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, Boston Herald, Boston
Globe, San Francisco Chronicle, Washington
Post, Seattle Times, and the Atlanta Journal-
Constitution. For broadcast coverage the press
release will be sent to each local broadcast news
network in all six cities. Press releases will also be
sent to national tech- publications TechCrunch,
Cnet, and Wired.Watsis social media accounts
will share the content produced by these
publications as well.
#ChangeForA5k [event marketing]
Watsi will take its mission around the country to the
6 most charitable online cities in the United States.
Atlanta, Washington DC, Boston, Pittsburgh,
Seattle and Watsis hometown of San Francisco will
each host a 5k run/walk. This event will be called
#ChangeForA5k. Watsi will seek partnerships with
major medical organizations in each city to help
fund the cost of the event.
The health organizations targeted for partnerships
will be; Emory University Hospital (GA), MedStar
Washington Hospital Center (DC), UPMC (PA),
Massachusetts General Hospital, University of
Washington Medical Center (WA), and UCSF
Medical Center (CA). Partners will be expected
to donate at least $1,000, they will have their
company logos on each runners bib and the fnish
line. They will also be welcome to set up tents at
the fnish line for their own promotional activities.
Runners must donate, or raise, $35 to participate.
Runners will be recruited through social media,
emails to past donors and emails to employees of
the medical partners. Volunteers will be recruited
via Watsis email lists and social media to post fyers
in their schools, parks and other public places.
Participants will be recruited by email using lists
provided by the sponsors.
Promotions will start two months in advance
and registration will close one week prior to
each event. All participants and volunteers will
receive a Watsi t-shirt with the #ChangeForA5k
underneath the Watsi logo.
Each event will kick-off with a short speech from
Chase Adam explaining to the runners why they
have raised their money and the impact it will
have, he will also explain Watsis crowdfunding
model. After the race, Chase will thank the
runners for their participation and encourage
them to visit the website to help specifc patients
and spread the word about Watsis mission. The
hospitals will be encouraged to bring their own
engagement activities as well.
The frst event will be held on the frst weekend
of April. Every other week the run will be held
in a different city through the end of June. The
entire Watsi team should be in attendance
to interact with potential donors, corporate
sponsors and to help set up the events.
Other partners to target in each city include:
Pittsburgh: Bayer, Heinz, PNC Bank,
U.S. Airways, U.S. Steel, American Eagle,
BNY Mellon, WESCO International
Boston:,, Hubspot,
Extreme Reach, Rethink Robotics, DataXu,
Consumer United, Actifo
DC: Medstar Health, Inova Health System,
Safeway, Verizon, Siemens, Johns Hopkins,
University of Maryland at College Park,
Atlanta: Childrens Healthcare of Atlanta, Grady
Health System, Northeast Georiga Health System,
Phillips North America, Wellstar Health System,
Navicure, Infor, Douglas County School Systems
Seattle: Group Health Cooperative, University
of Washington, Amazon, Microsoft, Fred Meyer,
Slalom Consulting, The Everett Clinic, HPG
San Francisco: Adobe, Google, Teespring,
Y Combinator, Genentech,
Intuit, Dropbox, Stripe.
#ChangeForA5k [continued]
These partners are headquartered in the preceding
cities. They are also companies with a large
number of employees and are fnancially stable
enough to afford a minimum $1,000 donation. If
they would like the opportunity to donate more
than $1,000, we will encourage them to match the
donations made by their employees. As part of the
donation process, an additional box will be added
for donors to identify with their corporations to
track those donations.
Hosting all of these events has a signifcant
upfront cost at $27,448, but the return will total
at least $82,500. A series of events at this scale
will drastically increase brand awareness for Watsi,
despite a minimal fnancial return.
Website and Social Media
Watsis Global Givers initiative will be announced
in January, just after many people donated
money during the holiday season. The initiative
will motivate people to donate and check Watsis
webpage regularly to become a member of the
elite Global Giver group.
If a donor gives to 10 patients in 10 different
countries they will be sent a Watsi T-shirt, a Watsi
totebag (Page 56) and access to an exclusive
forum for Global Givers. On this forum they
can discuss their experiences with any nonproft
organization and share exciting opportunities to
help change the world in the future.
Watsis staff will should maintain a presence on the
page to help guide discussions and answer any
questions donors have on the forum. Development
of this community will help ensure a steady fow
of traffc to the webpage and develop a kinship
among Watsi donors.
Watsis in-house photographer should shoot photos
at the events and upload them to Watsis blog to
keep participants engaged after the events are
Digital banner ads will run during the last three
months of the year targeted to websites with the
highest traffc of our target audience. The banner
ads will run on the websites of Cosmopolitan,
Entertainment Weekly, ESPN, Forbes, National
Geographic, Rolling Stone and Web MD. These
websites have the highest concentrations of
people 18-35 that believe working for the
welfare of society, and making the effort to help
others, is very important. This is compared to all
other magazine websites in the GFK MRI survey.
An additional step will be added to the donation
process where donors will have the opportunity
to have an automated post be sent to their
Facebook or Twitter. It will read, With 5 clicks,
I just donated to help [patient frst name] in
[patient country]. Visit @Watsi to see who else
made #ChangeForA5 They will also have the
option to edit the post before its sent, but
#ChangeForA5 will stay in the post.
Crisis Communication
Several ethical questions have arisen in Watsis
short existence. Many people question the ethics
of displaying photos of patients in need, they think
it may turn the donation process into a beauty
pageant. Another question that all nonprofts face
is where do their donations go?
Watsis mission and platform address these issues.
Google Transparency Documents inform donors
where there money is going. The universal patient
fund that can be used to fund the remaining
portion of patients procedures. Also, all of
the patients are guaranteed funding for their
Essentially, Watsi has covered its bases in
ensuring the morality of its operations. However,
questions will still arise as people learn about the
organization. If this is the case, Watsi should stand
by its mission and message and maintain their
openness to answer questions from donors. They
should also actively engage those with questions
regarding their operations and mission as they
have in the past.
Campaign Timeline
Tactic Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
Game Informer Ad
Vogue Ad
Banner Ad
Global Givers
YouTube Ad
Media Impressions
Tactic Results
YouTube Advertisements 350,000 impressions
21,000 hits to
630 donors

Google Ads: 3,650,000 impressions
151,475 hits to
4,544 donors

Banner Display Ads 7300 hits to
219 donors

Print Advertisements 12,050,000 impressions
(5% conversion to site) 602,500 hits to
18,075 donors

Total 16,050,000 impressions
782,275 hits to
23,468 new donors
Budget & ROI
Print Advertising
Game Informer Magazine $186,148
Vogue Magazine $181,286
Total $367,434

Digital Advertising
Google Adwords $5,475
Google Display Network $7,300
YouTube In-Stream Ad $3,650
Total $16,425
5K Runs (all 6 cities combined)
Travel $8,494
Bibs $435
Portable Restrooms $5,760
Time Services $4,500
RRCA Membership $319
T-shirts $10,378
Total $29,456
5% CTR Google Adwords/YouTube
5% print to website conversion
3% website to donation conversion
$25 average donation
$750 average cost of procedure
100% event participation

Tactic Investment Return
Digital Ads $16,425 $134,825
Event Marketing $27,448 $82,500
Print Ads $367,434 $451,875
Total $411,307 $669,200
$669,200 [1.63]
The success of this campaign will be based on;
donations, the number of new unique donors,
visitors to, event participation,
members of the Global Givers, forum traffc,
clicks on banner ads and YouTube video views.
Social media engagement and google analytics
will also be monitored to fnd the most successful
methods of engagement.
In order to measure awareness of Watsis brand
and the understanding of crowdfunding, a
second survey should be conducted at the end
of the year. It should be distributed by a third-
party, not directly associated with Watsi or its
partners. The survey will assess the effectiveness
of this campaign on addressing those issues.
Watsis mission is to connect donors to patients in underserved countries who need the
resources to afford low-cost, high-impact procedures. There are 1 billion people in the
world who need the aid of this service.
Convincing investors to invest in a short term (one-year) integrated marketing
communications plan can greatly increase the awareness of Watsis mission and help
thousands, to perhaps millions, of patients across the world. By connecting to the
target market through these tactics excitement and discussion will build about the
opportunity to change the world.
The return on investment for all of the tactics listed turns in at 163%, showing that it is
an effective way to reach donors. What is most important is the increase in donors from
under 8,000 in their frst two years, to roughly 30,000 by the end of their third year.
With Watsis simple, effcient, transparent platform, many of those donors are sure to
return and share with their friends the impact theyre making. The event marketing
tactics will be very involved for the staff, but it will be a great experience for the
potential donors to put some fresh, young faces on this revolutionary digital platform.
With these tactics, Watsis staff and the millions of people that will be exposed to
Watsis mission, Watsi is well on its way to crowdfunding a better, healthier world.
A special thanks to Grace Garey from Watsi for providing an incredible wealth of information
about the website and for helping to crowdfund a healthier, happier world.
Terdiman, D. (2013, March 26). Y Combinators frst nonproft aims to crowdfund health care.
Retrieved July 18, 2014, from CNET website:
Young, R., & Hobson, J. (2013, August 8). Medical Crowdfunding Attracts Top Silicon
Valley Investors [Audio fle]. Retrieved from
Chase Adam features as a guest on Here & Now to discuss Watsi.

Sekhon, S. (2013, May 1). Crowdfunding Statistics and Trends [Infographic] [Fact sheet].
Retrieved August 10, 2014, from Crowd Mapped website: http://blog.gogetfunding.
Bibliography [continued]

Situation Analysis:
Blackbaud. (2013). Most Generous Online Cities Which locales gave the most
online in 2012? [PDF]. Retrieved from
MacLaughlin, S., & Cohen, T. (2014, February). Charitable Giving Report How Nonproft
Fundraising Performed in 2013 [PDF]. Retrieved from
Historical Results:
Empson, R. (2013, July 25). Healthcare Crowdfunding Platform Watsi Grabs $1.2M From
Tencent, Paul Graham, Vinod Khosla, Ron Conway And More. Retrieved July
18, 2014, from TechCrunch website:
Garey, G. (2012, August 12). About Us & FAQS. Retrieved August 10, 2014, from Watsi

Competitive Analysis:
Save Te Children. (n.d.). Health and Nutrition. Retrieved August 10, 2014, from Save
Te Children website:
UNICEF. (n.d.). Ways to donate. Retrieved August 10, 2014, from UNICEF website: http://

GfK [Growth from Knowledge] Mediamark Research & Intelligence, LLC. (2014, April).
[Personal interview].
Te Survey provides a detailed view of the 226 million adult consumers in the U.S.
their media choices, demographics, lifestyles and attitudes, and usage of
almost 6,000 products in 550 categories. Te Survey can help identify, qualify
and locate best prospects for specifc products in specifc markets and support
development of insightful ways to reach them.
Wilkins, D., & Davis, M. C. (2011, June). Making Event Participants More Successful with
Social Media Tools [PDF]. Retrieved from
Crowdsave? Its exactly what were doing over
at While we might have made up
that word, we havent made up the thousands
of lives we have saved world wide.
Our mission is to revolutionize the
international healthcare model and that
starts by crowdfunding low-cost, high
impact procedures for the 1 billion people
that cant aford health care.
In the United States, we dont need to
worry about being able to aford healthcare
anymore. However, all over the world people
are dying from treatable diseases.
At Watsi we accept donations as small as
$5 to fund these low-cost, high-impact
procedures. Every cent of your donation goes
directly to the patient or fund you choose to
donate it to, not into our pockets.
If you dont trust us, just check out our
Google Transparency Documents. We give
you as much patient status information
as we can ofer. If you happen to have any
questions about their status, just ask!
If you want to learn more about the patients
that need your help, or how you can
contribute, just visit us at Over
there were just crowdfunding a better world.
Crowdsave? Its exactly what were doing over
at While we might have made up
that word, we havent made up the thousands
of lives we have saved world wide.
Our mission is to revolutionize the
international healthcare model and that
starts by crowdfunding low-cost, high
impact procedures for the 1 billion people
that cant aford health care.
In the United States, we dont need to
worry about being able to aford healthcare
anymore. However, all over the world people
are dying from treatable diseases.
At Watsi we accept donations as small as
$5 to fund these low-cost, high-impact
procedures. Every cent of your donation goes
directly to the patient or fund you choose to
donate it to, not into our pockets.
If you dont trust us, just check out our
Google Transparency Documents. We give
you as much patient status information
as we can ofer. If you happen to have any
questions about their status, just ask!
If you want to learn more about the patients
that need your help, or how you can
contribute, just visit us at Over
there were just crowdfunding a better world.
Vogue Ad
Te one good thing youve done with
$5 over the past year probably involved
a footlong sandwich. Were here to
give you an opportunity to do better.
Actually, its the best thing you could do
with $5. You could change the world for
just the cost of a sandwich.
Perhaps it could be helping one of
the kids in the photo above. Anyone
of them could need a low-cost, high
impact procedure to save their lives.
It could be any of the 1 billion people
without access to afordable healthcare.
Te good news is, its all up to you. You
decide exactly where you want your
money to go and we ensure you know
as much as you can about its impact.
We even provide Google Transparency
documents to give you all the details
about your patients status.
Follow us on Twitter @watsi or just
search #ChangeForAFive to see how
people are turning their $5 into life
saving procedures. To jump right in
and invest in saving someones life
immediately, visit us at
Game Informer Ad
YouTube Ad
Four college-aged men and women sitting around on
couches being lazy in a living room. A ffh friend walks
in. He says, Hey, you guys want to order a pizza?
Tey all say yes and start passing $5 each to their
Te doorbell rings and the pizza is delivered.
(Cut to white screen with black font)
Sometimes changing the world can be this simple.
(Cut back to the beginning scene)
Te ffh friend walks in and says, Hey, you guys want
to change the world?
Tey all say yes and start passing $5 to their friend.
(Cut to the ffh friend sitting at his computer clicking
Donate on a patient profle.)
[Uplifing Music]
Children running in a village happily.
(Cut to white screen with black font and Watsi logo in
bottom right corner)
Crowdfunding a healthier world.
7/18/2014 Qualtrics Survey Software 1/5
Under $25k
$25,000 - $35,000
$35,001 - $45,000
$45,001 - $55,000
$55,001 - $65,000
$65,001 - $75,000
$75,001 - $85,000
$85,001 - $100,000
Over $100,000
Default Question Block
Im Joe Bucher, a student in the Integrated Marketing Communications program at St. Bonaventure University. As
part of my final thesis project, I am developing a marketing communications plan for This survey will ask
several questions about Please answer honestly. Watsi is a non-profit crowdfunding website that accepts
donations that fund low-cost, high-impact medical procedures for people in under-served countries. All of your
answers are confidential. By completing this survey you acknowledge that you are at least 18 years of age and and
you are participating voluntarily. If you have any questions you may feel free to contact me at or 315-529-2238. You may also contact my research advisor, Dr. Pauline Hoffmann
at or 716-375-2578.
1. Gender

My Report
Last Modified: 08/11/2014
1 Male 60 34%
2 Female 119 66%
Total 179
Min Value 1
Max Value 2
Mean 1.66
Variance 0.22
Standard Deviation 0.47
Total Responses 179
# Answer Bar Response %
Statistic Value
1. Age
Text Response
1. Salary
1 Under $25k 82 46%
2 $25,000 - $35,000 38 21%
3 $35,001 - $45,000 15 8%
4 $45,001 - $55,000 10 6%
5 $55,001 - $65,000 6 3%
6 $65,001 - $75,000 6 3%
7 $75,001 - $85,000 0 0%
8 $85,001 - $100,000 7 4%
9 Over $100,000 15 8%
Total 179
Min Value 1
Max Value 9
Mean 2.79
Variance 6.52
Standard Deviation 2.55
Total Responses 179
# Answer Bar Response %
Statistic Value
1. Education Level
1 High School 8 4%
2 Some college 40 22%
3 Associates degree 16 9%
4 Bachelors degree 77 43%
5 Masters degree 31 17%
6 Ph. D. 2 1%
7 Other 5 3%
Total 179
Min Value 1
Max Value 7
Mean 3.61
Variance 1.71
Standard Deviation 1.31
Total Responses 179
# Answer Bar Response %
Statistic Value
1. Ethnicity
1 White 168 94%
2 Hispanic or Latino 2 1%
3 Black or African American 1 1%
4 Native American 2 1%
5 Asian / Pacific Islander 4 2%
6 Other 2 1%
Total 179
Min Value 1
Max Value 6
Mean 1.20
Variance 0.73
Standard Deviation 0.86
Total Responses 179
# Answer Bar Response %
Statistic Value
1. Have you traveled outside of the U.S and Canada?
1 Yes 131 73%
2 No 48 27%
Total 179
Min Value 1
Max Value 2
Mean 1.27
Variance 0.20
Standard Deviation 0.44
Total Responses 179
# Answer Bar Response %
Statistic Value
1. If yes, where have you gone?
Costa Rica
Jamaica, Mexico
Europe, Jamaica
England, Ireland, Switzerland, France, Italy, Australia
Nigeria Canada Maldives Portugal Bahamas
Spain, Italy, France, Switzerland, Honduras, Colombia
Mexico, Jamaica, Puerto Rico
Mexico, Dominican Republic
Germany, Austria, Italy, Switzerland, Belgium, Netherlands. Canada
Italy, Carribean, Haiti
Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Morocco, Mexico
United Kingdom, Netherlands, Spain, Korea, Australia, Italy, Greece, Mexico, Canada, Turkey
Mexico, Ireland, Scotland, England, France, Spain, Germany, Holland, Belgium, Poland and Italy
England, China, Spain, New Zealand, Australia, Mexico
Spain, Portugal, Morocco, St. Thomas, St. Maarten and the Bahamas
Italy, England, Belgium, Ireland, Netherlands
Mexico, Spain, Italy, Croatia, Slovenia, Turkey, Greece, Switzerland, France, Germany, Austria, Slovakia
Mexico and PR
London & Ireland
Europe, Bermuda
England, South Africa, France
Ireland, Spain, Scotland, England, Amsterdam, Italy,
Germ,any: Holland Italy Austria Luxomburg& Switerzland
Mexico, Jamaica
Ghana, India, Nepal, Togo, Spain
China, Ukraine
Palau, Mexico, Europe, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Honduras, Barbados
Jordan, France, Mexico, UK, Spain, Costa Rica, Bahamas
Southeast & East Asia, North Africa, Saudi Arabia, Most countries in Europe (Continental & British Isles)
South Africa, Namibia, Canada, England, Ireland
Mexico, Canada, Jamaica
Text Response
1. Have you participated in a community service project outside of the U.S and
1 Yes 24 13%
2 No 155 87%
Total 179
Min Value 1
Max Value 2
Mean 1.87
Variance 0.12
Standard Deviation 0.34
Total Responses 179
# Answer Bar Response %
Statistic Value
1. If yes, what project(s)?
planted trees in Costa Rica
Local Clean Ups
Providing food
Homeless shelter and food bank in Italy; orphanage and secondary school in Haiti
volunteered in Ireland (homeless shelter/needle exchange) during a service-learning student trip
I run a nonprofit organization and we donated water tanks to a village in Kenya.
lots of time at city skatepark events
Bahamas service trip
Building houses in Juarez.
health and microfinance
Church group cleaning local landmarks
Teaching in Grand Bahama, community repairs
6-week service project in Southern Africa building homes and schools for impoverished communities
Mission trip in Paraguay
Teaching Mexican and Costa Ricaan children about sanitation
Helped build a home
Christian health mission
Bahamas service trip. Sife for Bonnie's
Environmental conservation in New Zealand
Athletes in Action Missionary Tour
Teach English in Haiti
Partnering for Africa -- Uganda
Mission project in Togo, West Africa
Total Responses 23
Text Response
Statistic Value
1. Have you ever participated in a community service project not required as part
of your education?
1 Yes 134 76%
2 No 42 24%
Total 176
Min Value 1
Max Value 2
Mean 1.24
Variance 0.18
Standard Deviation 0.43
Total Responses 176
# Answer Bar Response %
Statistic Value
1. Have you ever donated money to a nonprofit organization?
1 Yes 158 89%
2 No 10 6%
3 Not sure 10 6%
Total 178
Min Value 1
Max Value 3
Mean 1.17
Variance 0.25
Standard Deviation 0.50
Total Responses 178
# Answer Bar Response %
Statistic Value
1. Please rate how useful each one of these sources is in informing you about
organizations to donate to.
1 Television advertising 48 93 37 178 1.94
2 Word-of-mouth 16 52 111 179 2.53
3 Social media 14 76 88 178 2.42
4 Online advertising 60 83 35 178 1.86
5 Print advertising 62 92 24 178 1.79
6 News stories 18 79 82 179 2.36
7 Making a purchase in a store 57 78 43 178 1.92
Min Value 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Max Value 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Mean 1.94 2.53 2.42 1.86 1.79 2.36 1.92
Variance 0.48 0.43 0.40 0.52 0.44 0.43 0.56
Standard Deviation 0.69 0.66 0.63 0.72 0.66 0.66 0.75
Total Responses 178 179 178 178 178 179 178
# Question Not Useful Somewhat useful Very Useful Total Responses Mean
Statistic Television advertising Word-of-mouth Social media Online advertising Print advertising News stories Making a purchase in a store
1. How much money are you most likely to donate (as a one-time donation)?
1 Less than $5 33 18%
2 $5 - $10 56 31%
3 $11 - $20 38 21%
4 $21 - $30 24 13%
5 $31 - $40 2 1%
6 $41 - $50 15 8%
7 More than $50 11 6%
Total 179
Min Value 1
Max Value 7
Mean 2.97
Variance 2.98
Standard Deviation 1.73
Total Responses 179
# Answer Bar Response %
Statistic Value
1. Are you aware of crowd funding?
1 Yes 62 35%
2 Not sure 23 13%
3 No 94 53%
Total 179
Min Value 1
Max Value 3
Mean 2.18
Variance 0.84
Standard Deviation 0.92
Total Responses 179
# Answer Bar Response %
Statistic Value
1. Have you ever donated money to a crowd funding website?
1 Yes 28 16%
2 No 108 60%
3 Not sure 43 24%
Total 179
Min Value 1
Max Value 3
Mean 2.08
Variance 0.39
Standard Deviation 0.63
Total Responses 179
# Answer Bar Response %
Statistic Value
1. Please select below the reasons you donate to causes more than once, you
may choose more than one.
1 Convenience 59 33%
2 Personal affiliation with cause 158 88%
3 Transparency of contribution 63 35%
4 Satisfaction with previous experience 81 45%
5 Limited options 4 2%
6 Community events 62 35%
7 Other 17 9%
Min Value 1
Max Value 7
Total Responses 179
# Answer Bar Response %
Statistic Value
1. If you selected other, what's another reason you donate?
Great cause
Let me break this shit down to you, bitch ass buster. I'm a recent college graduate living in my parents basement. I'm unemployed and hardly have enough money to pay for the
gas necessary for me to drive to interviews. On top of that my mom doesn't even cook anything besides soup anymore because thats all my dad eats. I wish I had enough
money to persue a career so I could actually make money. I wish I had money to eat something besides soup everyday. Maybe if this happened I would THINK about donating
to other causes. Untill then the only cause I'm concerned with is the "Feed Joe Tremont somthing besides soup foundation." P.S. Suck my chode.
Believe in the cause
I've selected other because I've never donated to a cause more than once
Text donations that get added to my cell phone bill are great. Very convenient
They are very helpful to certain people!
I believe in what the org is doing and want to support it.
Care about the cause
Believing in what the project aims to do
I donated to the hurricane sandy refund a few times.
ckmpassiin for the cause
want to help when I can
If they don't use money for marketing and little dumb gifts and lots of mailings.
What they do
good cause
Illness of family and friends
Total Responses 18
Text Response
Statistic Value
1. React to the following statements.
1 I know where every cent of my donation goes. 21 69 36 35 17 178 2.76
2 Transparency with my donation is important. 2 8 47 66 54 177 3.92
3 I understand crowdfunding. 50 53 22 31 21 177 2.55
4 It's important to help people we don't know. 0 7 44 75 51 177 3.96
5 Healthcare is a basic human right 5 7 22 65 78 177 4.15
Min Value 1 1 1 2 1
Max Value 5 5 5 5 5
Mean 2.76 3.92 2.55 3.96 4.15
Variance 1.39 0.85 1.89 0.70 0.96
1.18 0.92 1.37 0.84 0.98
178 177 177 177 177
# Question Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Total Responses Mean
I know where every cent of my
donation goes.
Transparency with my donation
is important.
I understand
It's important to help people
we don't know.
Healthcare is a basic
human right
1. Have you ever heard of
1 Yes 22 12%
2 No 155 87%
3 Not sure 2 1%
Total 179
Min Value 1
Max Value 3
Mean 1.89
Variance 0.12
Standard Deviation 0.35
Total Responses 179
# Answer Bar Response %
Statistic Value
1. is a nonprofit crowdfunding website that funds low-cost, high-impact
medical procedures for people in underprivileged countries. They accept donations
as small as $5 and all of the procedures are $1,500 or less. Does this sound like
something you would donate to?
1 Yes 76 43%
2 Maybe 83 47%
3 No 19 11%
Total 178
Min Value 1
Max Value 3
Mean 1.68
Variance 0.43
Standard Deviation 0.66
Total Responses 178
# Answer Bar Response %
Statistic Value
All GfK Roper Values
Source Questions: :
Social responsibility:
Working for the
welfare of society: :
Very Important or GfK
Roper Values Source
Questions: :
Helpfulness: Making
the effort to assist
others: : Very
Important or GfK
Roper Values Source
Unwgtd 49770 11560
Weighted (000) 232658 69637
Horz % 100.00 29.93
Vert % 100.00 100.00
Index 100 100
Unwgtd 10544 2615
Weighted (000) 46460 14875
Horz % 100.00 32.02
Vert % 19.97 21.36
Index 100 107
Unwgtd 10694 2509
Weighted (000) 46428 14597
Horz % 100.00 31.44
Vert % 19.96 20.96
Index 100 105
Unwgtd 10395 2400
Weighted (000) 46561 14148
Horz % 100.00 30.39
Vert % 20.01 20.32
Index 100 102
Unwgtd 9417 2267
Weighted (000) 46598 14251
Horz % 100.00 30.58
Vert % 20.03 20.46
Index 100 102
Unwgtd 8720 1769
Weighted (000) 46610 11766
Horz % 100.00 25.24
Vert % 20.03 16.90
Index 100 84
Unwgtd 11474 957
Weighted (000) 46406 5375
Horz % 100.00 11.58
Vert % 19.95 7.72
Index 100 39
Media Quintile/Tercile Codes:
Magazines I (Heavy)
Media Quintile/Tercile Codes:
Magazines II
Media Quintile/Tercile Codes:
Magazines III
Media Quintile/Tercile Codes:
Magazines IV
Media Quintile/Tercile Codes:
Magazines V (Light)
Media Quintile/Tercile Codes:
Newspaper I (Heavy)
Media Quintile/Tercile Codes:
Newspaper II
Current Assets
Bank Accounts
PayPal 79,522.45
Stripe (2,925.86)
BUSINESS CHECKING 2694 74,501.40
BUSINESS CHECKING 2702 1,507,202.04
BUSINESS CHECKING 9567 926,905.89
Total Cash 2,585,205.92
Accounts Receivable
Accounts Receivable 200,000.00
Total Current Assets 2,785,205.92
Fixed Assets
Equipment 15,650.51
Accumulated Depreciation (2,717.89)
Net Equipment 12,932.62
Intangible Assets
Intangible Assets 5,610.00
Accumulated Amortization (502.33)
Net Intangible Assets 5,107.67
Total Fixed Assets 18,040.29
Other Assets
Prepaid Medical Treatment Expense 1,500.00
Prepaid Benefits 2,658.40
Employee Benefit Advance 133.50
Prepaid Worker's Comp 233.25
Total Other Assets 4,525.15
Total Assets 2,807,771.36 $
Current Liabilities
Credit Cards 10,821.87
Accounts Payable
Accounts Payable -
Medical Treatments Payable 183,455.00
401k Payable 2,898.60
Other Liabilities
Short-term Liability
Short-term Liability -
Payroll Tax Liability 13,078.78
Total Liabilities 210,254.25
Unrestricted Net Assets
Unrestricted Net Assets 988,750.84
Temporarily Restricted Net Assets
Temporarily Restricted Net Assets 1,608,748.43
Permanently Restricted Net Assets
Permanently Restricted Net Assets -
Total Equity 2,597,499.27
Total Liabilities & Owner's Equity 2,807,753.52 $
Watsi, Inc.
Statement of Financial Position
For The Month of June, 2014

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