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International Hotel Management Students

Prepared For:
Scott Dwyer
Prepared By:
Chakar Khan
Semester 1, 2010
Word Count: 1373
Executive Summary
This report is for Blue Rion Hotel! which is ha"ing prolems in few areas related to
managers and staff memers lea"ing their #o$ This report descries the guest cycle and
how all the prolems are affecting it$ %uest cycle is stages or transactions from which a
guest passes through$ There are four stages pre&arri"al! arri"al! occupancy and
departure$ But author had added one more stage which is post&departure$ It means that
how the guest rememers the ser"ice or the e'perience in a positi"e or negati"e way$
There are few ways we can find out aout the e'perience such as %uest Satisfaction
Sur"ey (%SS)$ *uthor also discussed which departments are directly or indirectly in"ol"ed
and the role of different guest ser"ice host such as concierge! porter! receptionist! etc$
The main prolems author found in Blue Rion Hotels were lac+ of training!
communication! not proper forecasting and udgeting$ So author recommended to front
office manager and e'ecuti"e house+eeper should get training and open up
communication etween departments$ Install latest software to forecast and e'ecuti"e
house+eeper should go for online program or short courses to get some formal
,ualification which help uilt her confident preparing udget$ So then she can e a role
model for her staff memers$ If Blue Rion Hotel follows these recommendations there
are most li+ely chances that it will o"ercome all the prolems and which leads to no
hassles for guest$ Which means guest cycle e smoothly run$
Table of Cotets
1.0 INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................................I
1.1 AIM.............................................................................................................................................................I
1.2 AUTHORISATION...................................................................................................................................I
1.3 SOURCES OF INFORMATION...............................................................................................................I
1.3 BACKGROUND.......................................................................................................................................I
2.0 FINDINGS..................................................................................................................................................II
3.0 ANALYSIS..................................................................................................................................................II
4.0 RECOMMENDATION............................................................................................................................III
5.0 CONCLUSION.........................................................................................................................................IV
6.0 REFERENCES...........................................................................................................................................V
Cha+ar -han
The purpose of this report is to discuss guest cycle from pre&arri"al till chec+&out$ *lso
discuss role and duties of front office staff! cashiering! reser"ations! telephonist!
house+eeping! concierge! porter! 23B staff and other staff memers$ *ll the staff
memers in a hotel are directly or in&directly in"ol"ed in guest cycle$
1. 1 AI M
The aim of this report is to highlight all the issues occurring in Blue
Rion Hotel and how these issues will affect the guest cycle$ *fter this
then analysis those issues and then recommend what can Blue Rion
Hotel managers should do in order to smoothly run guest cycle! without
any hassle to guests$
Mr Scott Dwyer authorised this report and its due on 2riday 45
*uthor has ta+en some sources of information ut all are secondary
sources so therefore it6s under references$
Blue Rion Hotel mainly caters for usinesses and conferences$ The
occupancy le"el "aries on wee+days from wee+ends$ So the hotel6s front
office manager is ha"ing prolems forecasting accurately$ Sometimes it
e'ceeded and sometimes it decreases$ 7'ecuti"e house+eeper Mrs 8lums
is ,uite good with her staff ut not much good with udgeting and she
also doesn6t ha"e any formal ,ualification$ House+eeping staff are lea"ing
hotel due to etter cleaning #os around that area$ Staff memers from
other departments are not willing to wor+ in house+eeping$ There are
training issues and lac+ of communication which we can clearly see$
& i &
Cha+ar -han
2rom the article! author has found some issues which might ha"e a ig impact or can
effect guest cycle if they are not controlled$ *uthor will discuss in analysis section how
they impact on guest cycle and why it occurs$ The first and the main issue is that front
office manager is not ale or ha"ing difficulty in forecasting occupancy le"el$ 7'ecuti"e
house+eeper! Mrs 8lums has no ,ualification #ust practical e'perience and has ne"er
wor+ed in any other department$ She is lac+ of confident in doing paperwor+ such as
udgeting$ House+eeping staff are all full time$ Which means hotel is liale to pay them if
there is wor+ or not$ If they finish wor+ early! they will go home which means less pay
and which will decrease #o security$ *nother prolem is that Mrs 8lum has prolem of
+eeping or attracting staff ecause in that area there are etter and high paid cleaning
#os$ Staff from other department are not willing to wor+ or help in house+eeping$ 9ne
another main prolem is of not proper training$
2irst discussing anything let6s see what is guest cycle and who is in"ol"ed in it$ %uest
cycle is a transaction of ser"ices efore arri"ing till lea"ing the hotel$ *s descried y
-asa"ana 3 Broo+s (:..1)! ;It6s the acti"ities that each guest passes y from the
moment he<she calls to communicate a reser"ation in,uiry till he<she departs from the
hotel$= There are four stages such as pre&arri"al> when guest oo+s the reser"ation!
arri"al> when guest physically arri"es in hotel! occupancy> the time if guest stay in the
hotel and departure> when guest lea"es the hotel$ *uthor will add one more stage or
transaction which is post&departure$ It means after departing how guest rememers the
e'perience in a positi"e or negati"e way! ?eel (4114)$ 2rom pre&arri"al till departure all
the departments interact directly or indirectly with the guest such as receptionist> chec+
them in and issue +ey! concierge> pro"ide them information aout the city or
surroundings! porter> handle guest luggage! 23B staff> pro"ide ser"ice if guest dine in
restaurant! tour staff> if guest are going on tour and most importantly house+eeping
staff> they interact on daily asis y cleaning rooms e"eryday and pro"iding linen or
towels$ ?ow let6s ta+e the prolem of front office manager regarding forecasting! it might
occurs due to lac+ of software which is not calculating proper forecast or manager don6t
+now how to do it$ It might e due to lac+ of training$ Its effect would e on guest cycle
that there will e insufficient staff to ser"e! so guest has to wait for longer time$ Which
cause frustration$ 7'ecuti"e house+eeper Mrs 8lums might e ored of her wor+ ecause
she had ne"er wor+ed in any other department and she is not good with udgeting which
& ii &
Cha+ar -han
leads to insufficient funds for house+eeping department to uy chemicals! laundry and
other stoc+$ So which might cause not enough rooms are cleared or not properly due to
limited materials$ *s it re,uired time for ac,uiring such materials! @ones (:../)$
Budgeting is "ery important for all departments$ Budget is done y all department heads
and then sends it to top management for comments! once it6s appro"ed then it6s used to
guide departments to successful operations o"er the course! @ones :../$ 9ne can see
how important udgeting is$ Mrs 8lums also ha"e all full&time staff memers which
means she ha"e to pay her staff no matter there is wor+ or not with some e'tra enefits$
Which means her udget for staff will e o"er the limit$ So then she ha"e to spend less
on house+eeping materials! which means she ha"e to uy cheap materials and it will
leads to poor ,uality of room cleanliness$ Which then ma+e guest unhappy$ 9ther
department staff memers are not willing to help in house+eeping which might e not
proper communication$ *nd Mrs 8lums should offer e'tra enefits so they are willing to
wor+ in house+eeping$

*uthor will recommend front office manager should install new or proper
software to calculate occupancy le"el and should also get training related to
forecasting$ Same goes for Mrs 8lums$ Training is not #ust good for staff it6s also
good for hotel as well$ *s ,uoted y 2orrest 41/5! ;Training enefits the guest!
employee and management$ If it6s well planned! performance should impro"e>
cost sa"ing can e realiAed$= By impro"e in performance it will then satisfy guest
which will then increase in re"enue$ 2orrest 411. says! ;Training also contriutes
to guest satisfaction and therefore repeat usiness$ They will comment to friends
and associates which is word to mouth mar+eting and which cost nothing to
hotel$= Mrs 8lum should also do online courses of hospitality or udgeting to get
some +ind of formal ,ualification and it will also de"elop her confidence$ Her staff
loo+s her as a mentor! so she should e ale to do her #o properly$ Bater then
she can train her staff$ She should put some staff on causal so then she can
roster them when it6s usy$ Communicate with other department heads to rotate
or as+ for multi&hire in house+eeping$ In multi&hire pay is normally high$ She
should moti"ate her staff y gi"ing them "oucher for free dinner in the hotel6s
restaurant$ When super"isors ha"e day off she should ma+e one of room
attendant super"isor or team leader$ She should also delegate the tas+s which
will increase staff6s confidence! growth and #o security$ Mrs 8lum should apply
HerAerg two factor theory! one is moti"ation factor and other is hygiene factor$
& iii &
Cha+ar -han
Moti"ation factor will moti"ate her staff li+e letting them wor+ y themself!
growth in career! recognise the wor+! etc$ Hygiene factor will satisfy her staff y
gi"ing #o security! onus! etc$ *s %itlow! %itlow! 9ppenheim 3 9ppenheim
(41/1) said! ;Set a good e'ample of producti"ity and cheerfulness! listen to your
staff! e fair! come up with ways to help people ond with each other and en#oy
coming to wor+ and ma+e it fun to come to wor+$ 2alcone (:..:) introduced four
moti"ation factors which moti"ate staff themself which are 9pen Communication!
Staff Meeting Beadership! 7'ternal Training Wor+shops and Self&7"aluation Tools$
*uthor will conclude with summarising what ha"e een discussed in the report$
*uthor has e'plained the guest cycle and all the stages$ *lso e'plained which
departments are directly or indirectly in"ol"ed$ Discussed all the prolems
occurring in Blue Rion Hotel and who are responsile persons$ *ll the findings
are done and author has discussed in analysis how the prolems are effecting
guest cycle and why these prolems are occurring$ *t the end author had gi"en
few recommendations to o"ercome those prolems$ Which include HerAerg6s
two factor moti"ation theory! 2alcone four moti"ation factors and few other
things which manager should do to attract and retain staff$
& i" &
Cha+ar -han
2alcone! 8 (:..:) Moti"ating staff without money: here are four ways to
moti"ate staff! HR MagaAine! Society for Human Resource Management$
2orrest! B$C (41/5)! Training for the Hospitality Industry: Techni,ues to
impro"e @o 8erformance! 7ducational Institute of the *merican Hotel and
Motel *ssociation! C$S$*$
2orrest! B$C (411.)! Training for the Hospitality Industry! :
7ducational Institute of the *merican Hotel and Motel *ssociation! C$S$*$
%itlow! H$! %itlow! S$! 9ppenheim! * 3 9ppenheim! R (41/1)! Tools and
Methods for the Impro"ement of Duality! Duality 8ress Irwin! Boston$
@ones! T$*$@ (:../)! 8rofessional Management of House+eeping
9perations! E
7dition! @ohn Wiley 3 Sons! ?ew @ersey! C$S$*$
-asa"ana! M$B$ 3 Broo+s! R$M$ (:..1)! Managing 2ront 9ffice 9perations!
edition! 7ducational Institute of the *merican Hotel and Motel
*ssociation! C$S$*$
?eel! 7$C (4114)! Managing Hotels 7ffecti"ely! @ohn Wiley 3 Sons! ?ew
For+! C$S$*$
& " &

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