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Financial Services

Corporate Governance and Transparency

for Chinese Companies P. 4

Strategy & Marketing

Machine-to-Machine Technology—
The Next Big Thing? P. 32

Procurement & Supply Chain

Are Turnkey Models the Future for
the Telecom Sector? P. 19

Twitter Sentiment Analysis:
Tracking Consumer Attitudes
on Social Media P. 15

Vol. 3 Issue 1

Could Asia Pacific be

the Saving Grace for
the Airline Industry?
P. 10
Welcome to our first
installment of
Cubisms for 2013.
It’s always nice to start the new year afresh and this year, we
certainly embraced that philosophy. We’re excited to reveal our
new look to you—from our new corporate logo to the revamped
Cubisms you are now reading.

We’re most excited, though, to share with you some of the

latest insights around current market issues and industry
trends. This issue spans the globe and crosses industries
to look at how consumers, the economy, the political
environment, technology and suppliers are driving business
forward. In our cover story, we look at how one part of the
world is driving growth for an entire industry globally. In
Machine-to-Machine Technology—the Next Big Thing? and
Twitter Sentiment Analysis: Tracking Consumer Attitudes
on Social Media, we look at how technology is providing
myriad solutions and insights to a wide range of companies
across industries. In the financial services space, we look
at how globalization has led to an increase in the scale and
complexity of Chinese companies, creating a demand for
improved and more transparent corporate governance.
And last but not least, we look at the telecom industry and
how third-party service providers have shaped the future of
network deployment.

We hope you enjoy this issue and welcome any feedback

you may have. If you would like more insight into any of
the topics in this issue, or if you have specific ideas you
would like to see covered in future issues, please email us

Omer Abdullah
Co-founder and Managing Director
The Smart Cube

2 Cubisms | February 2013

Table of Contents

Vol. 3 Issue 1

10 4 32 19 15

Published by The Smart Cube

Managing Director:
Omer Abdullah 10 | Could Asia Pacific be the Saving Grace for the Airline Industry?
Managing Editor:
Amanda Beto Despite adverse economic conditions in the recent past, the airline industry globally has proven to
be resilient. After a short downturn, the industry recovered quickly and, in fact, grew moderately.
For more information on any of these
topics, to request article reprints or While the mainstay markets (Europe and North America) have not shown significant growth, and
learn more about The Smart Cube, are not expected to grow substantially in the near future, Asia Pacific has emerged as a savior of the
email global air travel industry, driving growth and expansion.
This publication may not be reproduced
or distributed (in whole or in part) to any
third party under the name of or using
the trademarks, trade names or service Financial Services Procurement & Supply Chain
marks of The Smart Cube without
the express prior written permission 4 | Corporate Governance and 19 | Are Turnkey Models the Future
of The Smart Cube.
Transparency for Chinese Companies for the Telecom Sector?
Visit Us Globalization has led to an increase in the scale In response to one of the industry’s most and complexity of Chinese corporations. A natural challenging business environments, telecom follow on has been the demand for improved providers have looked to Managed and
and more transparent corporate governance. Professional Services. How has this model evolved
23 | U.S. Major League Sports: and what drivers are propelling this evolution?
Industry Economics and 40 | The Importance of Coal to the
Investment Considerations Chinese Economy
45 | The Smart Cube Risk Appetite Index
Strategy & Marketing 15 | Twitter Sentiment Analysis:
32 | Machine-to-Machine Tracking Consumer Attitudes on
Technology—The Next Big Thing? Social Media
M2M technology has evolved to provide Social networking sites can provide valuable
customized solutions to organizations across a insight into the minds of consumers. This
range of industries. While the market is set to article explores how one tool can be used to
grow globally, where does this growth lie and gauge consumer sentiment on a particular
what challenges should new entrants into the product across Twitter.
market expect?

38 | Manager’s Snapshot: Emerging

Trends in the Consumer Packaged
© 2013 The Smart Cube. Goods Space
All rights reserved.

may 2013 | Cubisms 3

Financial Services

and confidence that is fundamental

to capital markets.” Companies with
stricter internal controls and higher
levels of corporate governance are

Corporate Governance
perceived to be more trustworthy and
usually enjoy higher valuations as well
as easier access to capital.

and Transparency for At the same time, this transition towards

complexity has also seen corporate

Chinese Companies
scandal and fraud rear its ugly head
with increasing intensity. While western
countries have seen large-scale scandals
such as Enron and WorldCom, more
Jyoti Prakash, Sajal Agarwal, Ashish Kumar, and Naman Vij
recently, a growing number of such cases
Financial Research
(and with increasing regularity) are being
attributed to Chinese companies listed
on foreign exchanges.
Corporate governance— of geography. A natural follow on has
need of the hour? been the demand for improved and
This alarming trend has brought to the
Globalization of the world economy, more transparent corporate governance
fore the issue of CG and transparency
the opening of trade relations, (CG). According to the Organisation
standards in the country and has
convergence of global capital markets for Economic Co-operation and
forced the Chinese government to take
and the resultant move towards a Development (OECD), “Corporate
a hard look at its implementation and
capitalistic, market-based economy governance is critically important to a
enforcement efforts in this area.
have led to an increase in the scale and country’s economic growth and stability,
complexity of corporations, irrespective because it provides the credibility

4 Cubisms | MAY 2013

“Corporate governance is critically important to a country’s of shareholders’ interests, thus setting
the stage for the formal development of
economic growth and stability, because it provides the credibility CG and transparency practices. This
and confidence that is fundamental to capital markets.” phase also saw the listing of B-shares in
1991, which attracted foreign investors,
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
further exposing Chinese corporates to
higher CG standards.

Phase 2 (1993–2003)
Background on CG in China meant more exposure to international
This phase was characterized by radical
China embarked on the path towards corporate and governance standards.
changes in terms of liberalization,
economic reform in the late 1970s, after including passing of the Company Law
The introduction of CG in China
years of operating under the control in 1993 and China’s accession to the
and subsequent improvements can
of the state which, until then, had World Trade Organization (WTO) in
be segregated into three distinct
staked a claim on all production assets 2001. The Company Law provided the
phases (Fig. 1):
in the country. The reforms focused legal support to lay the groundwork for
on shifting away from state-owned China’s CG framework and established
Phase 1 (1978–1992)
enterprises (SOEs) to private enterprises, companies as legal entities. Further,
During this phase, the focus was
and encouraged the liberalization of accession to the WTO integrated
on the development of the Chinese
the Chinese economy with respect to China into the world economy, in
capital market. In 1990, two major
foreign capital markets and trade. turn, leading to the increased need
Chinese exchanges—the Shanghai
Stock Exchange and the Shenzhen for improved transparency.
As more Chinese firms transitioned
Stock Exchange—were established.
towards privatization, company Phase 3 (2004 and onward)
This was followed by the establishment
ownership became more diversified, This phase was marked by
of the Chinese Securities Regulatory
leading to a conflict between improvements and amendments
Commission (CSRC) in 1992. This
management and shareholders’ in existing laws and policies and
opened up corporates to scrutiny
interests. This led to the need to set the introduction of new, enterprise-
by investors and also required the
up standard CG practices to manage friendly laws. The amendment in
government to ensure the protection
conflicts. Increasing foreign trade also

Figure 1 — A History of CG in China

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

(1978–1992) (1993–2003) (2004 and onward)
Separation of goverment Experimentation in Bridging the power gap between
and enterprise modern enterprise state and individual

1991 2001 2006

1978 Inflow of foreign 1993 Accession to WTO, Amendment in 2009
Beginning of investors, owing Company Law leading to need for Securities Law and Implementation of SOE
economic reforms to B-shares (amended in 2006) improved transparency Criminal Law Asset Protection Act

1990 1992 2000 2002 2007

Establishment of Establishment Implementation Development of Regulation on
Shanghai and Shenzen of CSRC of Accounting Law code of CG for information disclosure
stock exchanges to standardize listed companies; of listed companies
accounting Implementation of
scheme for Qualified
Foreign Institutional
Investors (GFII) to trade
in A-shares (trading
started from 2003)

Sources: China Securities Regulatory Commission; OECD; “Chinese Corporate Governance — History and Institutional Framework”, RAND Center of Corporate Ethics and Governance, November 2012;
“Corporate Governance at the Chinese Stock Market — How it Evolved”, Junhua Tang and Dirk Linowski.

MAY 2013 | Cubisms 5

Financial Services

the Securities Law and Criminal The primary reason for this lack of listed companies continue to be non-
Law (2006) led to an increase in the enforcement is persistently high state tradable. However, their percentage has
supervision of listed companies and ownership, which has had a trickledown declined from 64% in 2004. Another
made issuance more transparent. The effect on all aspects of corporate follow-through effect of ownership
law on protecting state-owned assets of functioning and governance in the concentration in the hands of the state
enterprises (2009) was promulgated to country. Even after three decades of is the lack of independence among the
safeguard the country’s basic economic reform, the state’s ownership of companies board of directors. Provisions allow
system, to consolidate and develop the in China remains pervasive, with close for the dominant shareholder (in most
state-owned sector. In addition, the law to 80% of market capitalization being cases, the government) to nominate all
banned embezzlement of state-owned accounted for by government-controlled directors, putting a question mark on
funds and the sale of state-owned assets enterprises. As of mid-2010, the top 10 the “independence” of the directors.
at below fair value. state-owned firms accounted for nearly
40% of the Shanghai Stock Exchange According to an assessment of a
range of factors by Transparency
Steady regulatory progress, market capitalization. Mutual funds and
International (a non-governmental
but CG and transparency still financial institutions (which typically
encourage higher standards of CG) have organization monitoring corporate and
lagging developed and emerging
seen little growth since their debut in 1998. political corruption in international
market peers development), of the largest 105 listed
Despite the significant headway made by
A legacy issue related to state ownership companies globally, three of the six
the introduction of CG standards, China
is non-tradable shares, which are shares Chinese companies on the list (including
continues to experience inefficiencies in
owned either by state enterprises or one in Hong Kong) were among the worst
the implementation of these practices. As
other legal entities that cannot be performers, i.e., least transparent, while
a result, Chinese corporations continue
traded. Despite reforms over the years, the other three Chinese companies fared
to suffer from weak enforcement of and
approximately 20% of issued shares of in the second-worst category (Fig. 2).
adherence to corporate laws.

Figure 2 — Transparency in Corporate Figure 3 — CG Rankings of Asian Markets

Reporting Index: Largest 105 Public
Companies Globally Scores
Cg Rules & Enforce- Political & Cg
Average score of companies in each country (countries with three or more Overall Igaap
Practices ment Regulatory Culture
companies in top 105)

Number of Companies Singapore 69 68 64 73 87 54

7 11 4 4 8 3 39 6 5 Hong Kong 66 62 68 71 75 53

7.0 Thailand 58 62 44 54 80 50
6.6 6.5
6.2 Japan 55 45 57 52 70 53
Malaysia 55 52 39 63 80 38
4.2 Taiwan 53 50 35 56 77 46

3.0 2.9 India 51 49 42 56 63 43

Korea 49 43 39 56 75 34

China 45 43 33 46 70 30

Philippines 41 35 25 44 73 29
















Indonesia 37 35 22 33 62 33






Sources: OECD; Transparency International; Asian Corporate Governance Association

6 Cubisms | MAy 2013

Figure 4 — China Gdp and Fai Growth Figure 5 — Overseas IPOs by Companies
Domiciled in China
26.0% 23.9% 24.8% 25.9% 30.0%
23.8% 23.8% 20.7% 50 100
45 90
40 Accounting 80
11.3% 12.7% 14.2%
9.6% 9.2% 10.4% 9.3% 7.7% 35 Global Scandals 70
30 Crisis 60

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 YTD 2012 25 50

20 40
GDP Growth (real. YOY) Fixed Asset Investment (nominal, YOY)
15 30
10 20
1. 2012 GDP growth cumulative until 3Q 2012; 2012 FAI growth cumulative until October 2012 5 10
2. Includes IPOs in Hong Kong; 2012 data as of October 31, 2012 0 0
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
SourceS: National Bureau of Statistics, China; Thomson One; UNCTAD
Amount raised (USD million) No. of IPOs No. of IPOs in US

Another study by the Asian Corporate Many of these scandals have involved While the Chinese market
Governance Association revealed that companies that avoided the rigorous
Chinese companies lag their Asian peers disclosure requirements of IPOs by
scored well on accounting
as well. While the Chinese market scored opting for the reverse merger route, standards, it fared the worst
well on accounting standards, it fared in which a private Chinese company on CG enforcement.
the worst on enforcement of CG (Fig. 3). acquires an already listed shell
company. Insider trading has also been
Accounting scandals aggravating an ongoing issue, as has been seen in
the situation further recent cases in the news.
The lack of appropriate CG and
transparency practices among Chinese Stricter enforcement of CG and
companies has been highlighted by transparency required to reap full
the accounting scandals surrounding benefits of global capital markets
Chinese companies listed on the Continued economic growth will place
NASDAQ, NYSE and the Toronto Stock a continued emphasis on improved CG.
Exchange. Firms such as Muddy Waters, China, despite its growth slowdown, has
Alfred Little and Citron Research have fared significantly better than its global
revealed accounting discrepancies and peers, registering 7.7% GDP growth
erroneous information disclosure by in 2012, having witnessed an average
a number of Chinese companies. The growth rate of more than 10.0% during
number of cases filed against such the past 30 years. Although Fixed Asset
Chinese companies has increased Investments (FAI), which has been the
substantially, from 2 in 2009 to 15 in major driving force behind China’s GDP
2010 and 38 in 2011—with the most growth, has declined, it continues to be
typical issues usually being fraudulent close to 24.0% in 2012 (Fig. 4). Growth
or misleading accounting disclosures in industrial production, at 9.6% YoY
(e.g., overstatement of assets, revenue, in October 2012, beat the consensus.
profits and margins). Further, inflation eased to 1.7% and
retail sales increased slightly to 14.5%
However, some cases of other poor YoY, indicating that the economic
CG practices have also been observed. slowdown may be past the trough.

MAY 2013 | Cubisms 7

Financial Services

All of which is to say that, with either through acquisitions or creation As companies look to get back on track
continued (and possibly further of joint venture with foreign firms, by in terms of IPOs and IPO strength,
pickup in) economic growth, Chinese swapping American Depositary Receipts. improved CG will be a key factor in
companies are expected to continue driving listing performance (and beyond).
to seek capital to expand existing The US and Hong Kong have hitherto
operations and fund growth. Chinese been the primary markets to seek Beyond the individual company level,
companies have been active in the capital. While the global crisis was a the Chinese government’s “go global”
foreign capital markets, with an major setback, with capital raised from strategy (announced in 1999 in response
increasing number of them seeking IPOs in foreign markets declining to the changing global environment and
listings on foreign exchanges 75% YoY to $10.5 billion in 2008, the with an aim to scale up local Chinese
to raise capital. recovery was quick. In 2010, the market companies and seek those resources
rebounded to $38.4 billion, with a unavailable within the country) has
The primary factors making these record of 90 IPOs. Further, in 2011, been going strong—with increasing
markets attractive business destinations foreign direct investment into China overseas acquisitions in both 2010 and
are easier access to capital/liquidity, was at consistently high levels, at $124 2011 (Figs. 6-7). Given the increasing
optimal valuation, high credit-worthiness billion. However, concerns regarding exposure of Chinese corporations to
and the possibility of new partnerships. the Eurozone debt crisis and fears of a foreign companies (through mergers
The developed equity markets provide hard landing for the Chinese economy and acquisitions) and their corporate
a larger pool of capital, more liquidity made investors cautious, a situation standards, it is imperative for Chinese
and the opportunity to raise funds which has been aggravated by the CG corporates to continue to improve their
from institutional investors (who are issues described earlier. In 2012, only 32 transparency standards.
absent from China’s stock markets due IPOs have been launched by Chinese
to stability and transparency concerns). companies, raising a total of slightly Sound CG reflected
Further, as the issuers expect to obtain over $2 billion. Vipshop, China’s leading in improved performance
the ‘right’ valuation for their securities, online discount retailer for brands, Does effective CG actually reflect
due to the presence of a large numbers was the sole US listing in 2012, raising in performance, and does the market
of peers, these markets provide optimal $71 million—39% lower than initially recognize and reward better CG
valuation opportunities. Moreover, an planned (Fig. 5). China Auto Rental, which and transparency?
international listing enhances the scope had originally planned to raise $300
for improved credit ratings and the million, postponed its IPO after failing to To answer this question, The Smart
possibility of entering into partnerships, attract enough investor interest. Cube evaluated CG and transparency

Figure 6 — China Cross-Border M&A Figure 7 — China Cross-Border M&A

Number of Successfully Completed Deals By Value (USD Billion)

946 38
791 34
769 718 30

399 455
360 384 377 21

11 12 11 11
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 7 6
4 5
Chinese Acquirer/Non-Chinese Target Non-Chinese Acquirer/Chinese Target

Note: 2012 data as of October 31, 2012 -2

Sources: Bloomberg; UNCTAD 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Net Sales Net Purchases

8 Cubisms | MAy 2013

Figure 8 — Transparency/Disclosure Figure 9 — Other CG Areas
Percentage of Companies Following Percentage of Companies Following
Good Practices Good Practices

Has adhered to prescribed time 100% 80%

Holds regulary AGM
limit to report results 73% 100%
Provides guidance/business outlook 100%
93% Majority of Board is 67%
independent directors 73%
Holds regular earnings calls 100%
87% Shareholding is not concentrated among 60%
100% promoter/directors/management 20%
Has disclosure on CG/Code of Ethics
Does not have differential 93%
Has disclosure on Environmental 40% voting rights 67%
Sustainability 47%
Has disclosure on Corporate 7% Specific committee 47%
Social Responsibility for different roles 80%
Best Performers Worst Performers Best Performers Worst Performers

Sources: China Securities Regulatory Commission; OECD; “Chinese Corporate Governance – History and Institutional Framework”, RAND Center of Corporate Ethics and Governance, November 2012;
“Corporate Governance at the Chinese Stock Market –How it Evolved”, Junhua Tang and Dirk Linowski.

practices of the best- and worst- and Corporate Social Responsibility This article was written by The Smart Cube (TSC)
on an independent basis. The insights included are
performing overseas-listed Chinese disclosures. That said, other CG areas
based on its own research and from sources believed
companies. It focused on overseas- such as ensuring independence of board
to be reliable. However, TSC may have received
listed Chinese stocks, as the impact of members and independent members on information on this topic that is confidential and
the accounting scandals is highest on various committees also continue to be proprietary to a third-party. As such, this
these stocks with overseas investors a pain point for both worst performing information will not have been utilized and is thus
not reflected in this article.
becoming more aware of the issue and best performing companies.
and hence greater scrutiny of CG and The views mentioned in this article do not in any
way constitute investment advice and should not be
transparency practices in these stocks. In conclusion
construed as an offer to sell, a solicitation to buy, or
In recent decades, China has continually
an endorsement or recommendation of any
The identification of the 15 best and 15
reinvented itself as a globalized, market- company, security or commodity. TSC disclaims all
worst performers is based on excess/
based economy. At the same time, CG responsibility for investment decisions based on the
lower returns generated compared with content of this article or the dissemination or
practices are struggling to evolve and
their sector peers listed in China (this distribution of this article to a third party. Any
break free of their bureaucratic past.
is to separate the effects of sector and conclusions, calculations or determinations reached
While the Chinese government has
constitute TSC’s views as of the date of this
macroeconomic factors), premium/
shown great initiative in introducing publication and are subject to change without notice.
discount in P/E multiple (average of
radical reforms, the drive and effort
last three years) to sector peers listed
required to implement these reforms
in China, and the level of institutional
must continue to develop.
holdings in the stock (the higher level
of institutional holdings, the better; To this end, continued privatization,
therefore, institutional holdings level increased participation by institutional
as a parameter for the quality of the shareholders (to create a broader
company was used). shareholder base), strengthening
of the legal framework (increasing
The analysis of CG and transparency
legal obligation of management and
practices of these companies revealed
controlling shareholders to protect
that, on the whole, better transparency
minority shareholder rights) and clearly
and disclosure practices are clearly more
etching out the roles, responsibilities
prevalent among the 15 best performers
and independence of the supervisory
(Figs 8-9). This indicates that companies
board are some of the key areas that
with better transparency/disclosure
need to be addressed on an immediate
tend to perform better. However, there
basis for China to continue on its
is significant room for improvement
growth trajectory.
in Environmental Sustainability

MAY 2013 | Cubisms 9


EU struggling to contain its debt crisis

and the US registering stagnant growth
in air travel, consumers in these regions
are increasingly rethinking their air

Could Asia Pacific be

travel needs. Freight volumes in these
regions have also grown sluggishly in the
recent past. All the while, Asia Pacific

the Saving Grace for

has been registering healthy growth.

Airline industry in Asia

the Airline Industry? Pacific vis-à-vis the world

The commercial airline industry in
Asia Pacific is experiencing the best
Vivek Goyal, Nitish Mittal, and Subash Chandar phase in its history. Rapid growth has
been fueled by lenient regulations, the
strategic services
emergence of low-cost carriers, favorable

demographics, and sustained economic
espite adverse economic and reach about 13.8 billion revenue
activity. Between 2012 and 2031, the
conditions in the recent past, passenger kilometers (RPK) (Fig. 1).
region is likely to record a CAGR of 7%
the airline industry globally
in air travel, increasing its market share
has proven to be resilient. After a short While the mainstay markets (Europe
from 27% in 2011 to 37% in 2031 (Fig. 2).
downturn, the industry recovered and North America) have not shown
In contrast, the North American and
quickly and, in fact, grew moderately. significant growth, and are not
European markets are likely to grow at
From 2011 to 2031, annual air traffic expected to grow substantially in the
a relatively muted CAGR of 3% and 4%,
is expected to increase at a compound near future, Asia Pacific has emerged as
respectively, during the period.
annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5%, a savior of the global air travel industry,
driving growth and expansion. With the

10 Cubisms | MAy 2013

Figure 1 — World Annual Traffic Evolution According to the International Air
Transport Association (IATA), in 2011,
(RPK Trillion, 1971–2031F) Asia Pacific, as compared with its peers,
recorded higher net and operating
profits. Of the 10 most profitable
Total Air Expected Air
Traffic Traffic carriers (by net profit), half were from
Asia Pacific. Also in 2011, the Asia-
Pacific airline market generated total
RPK (trillion)

revenues of approximately $200 billion,

second only to North America. During
Air traffic
has doubled that year, 10 of the 20 largest airlines
every 15 (by revenue) were based out of Asia
years (compared with only five Asian carrier
Air traffic groups in 2001).
will double in
the next 15 The IATA forecast also reported that
years Asia-Pacific airlines are likely to record
a net profit of $2.3 billion in 2012,
accounting for about 56% of the global
airline industry profits ($4.1 billion),
making Asia Pacific a driver of airline
industry growth (Fig. 3).
Source: Airbus Global Market Forecast 2012–2031 (September 2012)

Key drivers fueling growth

Figure 2 — World RPK Breakdown
2011 2031F
By Region Mounting downstream demand
Within the Asia-Pacific region, China
and India are leading the way. By 2014,
Others North America Others air passenger traffic on North America
18% 28% 23% routes will increase to 360 million—45%
of all global air passenger traffic—with
China and India being the largest
2011 contributors fueled by the emergence
100% = 5,198 of low cost airlines, increasing travel
billion RPK requirements, and rising disposable
income. Outbound trips made by
Asia Pacific Europe Asia Pacific Europe
Chinese tourists totaled 57 million in
27% 27% 37% 20%
2010, and this figure is likely to rise to
2031F 100 million by 2015. The Indian travel
industry has been recording double-
100% = 5,198 billion RPK digit
100% growth,
= 13,764 and RPK
billion it is expected to have
around 1.8 billion travelers by 2021.
h America Others North America

28% 23% 20% Increasing corporate travel
According to various statistical
bodies, corporate travel is also expected
to further drive growth of the Asia-
Pacific airline industry as a number
100% = 13,764
of professionals/entrepreneurs are
billion RPK
traveling within and to the region.
Europe Asia Pacific Europe
This is largely attributed to the
27% 37% 20%
increasing trade, business, and financial
opportunities happening within this
region among various countries. As
Source: Boeing Current Market Outlook 2012–2031 (September 2012)
100% = 13,764 billion RPK a result, Asian markets are likely to

MAY 2013 | Cubisms 11


Figure 3 — Airline Net Profits By Region (USD Billion)



USD Billion

-2 Europe Asia Pacific North America Latin America Middle East Africa

2010 2011 2012F 2013F

Source: IATA Financial Forecast (September 2012)

“We see tremendous growth experience continuous growth in and tourism industry. OTAs are also
business travel, despite a weak European experiencing faster growth than airline
potential in Asia Pacific. The economy. In China, business travel is websites, leading all travel categories
Asia-Pacific region is now the expected to grow 17% and 21% in 2012 in terms of unique monthly visitors
world’s single largest aviation and 2013, respectively, and the country and attracting, in some cases, more
is projected to pass the US as the world’s than twice as many visitors as airline
market, as well as a growing largest business travel market by 2015. websites. Online gross bookings in this
economic powerhouse, region are likely to grow twice as fast as

Budding middle class
making it crucial for airlines the total travel market to comprise 25%
The rapidly growing middle class in of the total market by 2013.
to be a part of this market for Asia Pacific provides a large number of
increased growth.” opportunities for the airline industry,
Growth in Asia Pacific helps
domestically and internationally. By
Robert Bailey, President and CEO, Abacus airline industry soar
2030, Asia Pacific will be home to 66%
International (June 2012) Many of the key drivers fueling growth
of the middle class population. Further,
among Asia-Pacific airlines have a direct
in Asia, there are 270 cities with a
impact on the airline industry globally.
population of one million that lack
Three primary areas are in new airplane
an airport. Additionally, by 2014, one
deliveries, demand for single-aisle
billion people are expected to travel by
aircraft and the outcrop of new airlines
air in Asia Pacific.
in the Asia-Pacific market.

Growth of online travel agencies

Asia Pacific to lead in new
Online travel agencies (OTAs) in
airplane deliveries
Asia Pacific continue to dominate travel
Between 2011 and 2031, the number
retail sales. There also is significant
of airplanes in the Asia-Pacific fleet
room for growth, as bustling economic
will nearly triple, from 4,710 to 13,670.
activity and the rise in adoption of
To meet the increasing demand,
e-commerce continue to aid the travel

12 Cubisms | MAy 2013

approximately 34% of new airplanes Figure 4 — Global Airplane Fleet
being produced globally will be
delivered to the region (valued at $1.7
By Region
trillion) (Fig. 4). This will make Asia
Pacific one of the primary contributors
to worldwide fleet growth, which is 2011 23.7% 33.4% 22.3% 6.4% 14.2% 19,890
expected to grow at an annual rate
of 4%, nearly doubling in 2030 as
compared with 2010.
2031F 34.4% 22.2% 20.9% 8.7% 13.8% 39,780

Rising single-aisle aircraft usage
The increasing preference for a
low cost carrier (LCC) model and the Asia Pacific North America Europe Latin America Others
increase in demand for short-haul
flying are likely to fuel a substantial Source: Boeing Current Market Outlook 2012–2031, September 2012
increase in demand for single-aisle
aircraft. Between 2003 and 2011,
single-aisle capacity doubled, and it
is expected to further double by 2021 Figure 5 — Share In Global Fleet
(Fig. 5). The narrow body, single-aisle By Aircraft Size
segment is likely to increase as well, as
these aircraft have lower maintenance, 19,890 39,780
better economics, and higher fuel
4.0% 2.5%
efficiency. This will be primarily due to
the increased demand for LCCs from 14.0%
developing economies such as India 22.9%
and China. 18.6%

New airlines entering the market
To leverage these growth
opportunities, the number of new airlines
in Asia Pacific has increased sharply over 63.4% 69.0%
the past decade. New LCCs have cropped
up in almost every major nation (Fig. 6).
Regional airlines also are establishing
subsidiaries in neighboring countries 2011 2031F
and even diversified business groups are
entering the sector. Single Aisle Twin Aisle Regional Jets Large

Source: Boeing Current Market Outlook 2012–2031, September 2012

Asia-Pacific market set to
take-off amidst turbulence
The recent growth in the number of
new airlines in the Asia-Pacific region
is quite apparent. Looking ahead, “The economic conditions in China and India are helping to
passenger traffic is likely to continue drive business opportunities and thus generating business travel
to remain robust, with carriers looking
activity, because companies want to get their people where the
to maintain high load factors and
implement lean practices, while strictly business opportunities are.”
controlling unit operating costs to keep
Christa Degnan Manning, Director
air travel affordable. In addition, full
eXpert Insights Research, American Express Global Business Travel (November 2011)
service network carriers, with a focus
on premium services, are expected to
gain traction. LCCs will primarily focus
on streamlining short-haul operations,
while some (for instance, Indigo) will

MAY 2013 | Cubisms 13


also venture into international and long- and taxes, resulting in dampened Final destination
haul markets. Asia-Pacific carriers will growth. In Asia Pacific, the presence Amidst the rapidly changing market
continue to invest in service innovation, of multiple governments and regulators dynamics and increasing regulations,
adding more fuel-efficient aircraft in in a highly diverse region has led to air carriers have started to adopt
a bid to meet the projected growth in several inconsistencies. different end user strategies. The
travel demand. future may look bleak in the short term,
From a workforce standpoint, the region
driven by immediate challenges such as
However, the industry continues to face needs to train personnel such as pilots
high fuel costs and risks posed by the
challenges, such as a weak cargo market and aircraft technicians to leverage the
Eurozone crisis; however, air carriers
and high fuel prices. Further, the global benefits of rapid fleet modernization and
from Asia Pacific are likely to stand
economic slowdown has resulted in projected growth in air travel. According
out. The region is expected to exhibit
significant downside pressure on air to Boeing’s estimates, Asia Pacific is
higher sales and margins than their
freight volumes. This is primarily due likely to require the highest number of
Western counterparts in the long term.
to weak consumer sentiment, especially new pilots and technicians over the next
Carriers in the region also are looking to
in developed economies such as Europe 20 years globally. A pilot shortage has
innovate and differentiate by providing
and the US, and a corresponding already started to take place in the Asia-
travel features such as air-cushioned
slowdown of exports from Asia. Pacific region, with airlines experiencing
seats and freshly-made food to attract
delays and operational interruptions
customers. The spirit of transformation
On the regulatory side, the global airline due to pilot scheduling constraints. The
that is prevailing across this region, in
market has been affected by political region is expected to need an additional
the form of strategic realignments and
concerns in the US and Europe. In 185,600 pilots and 243,500 technicians
versatile airline offerings, is likely to
addition, global air travel experienced by 2031, as airlines expand their fleet
propel these air carriers to look beyond
increased government regulations and new carriers open shop. traditional business models and register
regarding airport security, emissions
high sales growth in the long run.

Figure 6 — Asia Pacific Low Cost Carriers Overview

Airline Commencement of Development
In 2012, Jetstar Airways entered Japan by forming a partnership with Japan Airlines (JAL) and
Jetstar Japan Japan
Mitsubishi Corporation
Joint venture among AirAsia, Malaysia, and All Nippon Airways, Japan. The airline commenced
AirAsia Japan Japan
operations in August 2012

Scoot Singapore LCC subsidiary of Singapore Airlines. Began operations in June 2012

Air Mantra India Subsidiary of Religare Group, which started operations in 2012

Commenced operations in March 2012, as a joint venture between All Nippon Airways and the First
Peach Aviation Japan
Eastern Investment Group (a Hong Kong-based private equity and venture capital firm)

Tiger Airways, Australia Australia An Australian subsidiary of Tiger Airway, the airline commenced its services in November 2007

Tianjin Airlines China Commenced operations in 2007, with a focus on China, Mongolia, and South Korea

Began operations in November 2007. It is a long-haul, budget airline, with domestic and
AirAsia X Malaysia
international operations
Commenced operations in August 2006, and is India’s largest LCC. In January 2011, it qualified to start
IndiGo India
international operations, which coincided with an order for 180 A320s from Airbus worth $15 billion
A domestic airline established in 2006 It is a joint venture between Shenzhen Airlines of China and
Henan Airlines China
Mesa Air Group of the US
Began operations in November 2005, in India as a LCC. In 2011, the company ordered 72 new A320 Airbus
GoAir India
aircraft in a deal worth about $6.1 billion

Spring Airlines China A China-based LCC, which began operations in July 2005

Started operations in 2005, as an LCC. To augment its fleet of 20 Boeing 737NGs, it ordered 15 Q400s
SpiceJet India
(with 15 options) and 30 Boeing 737NG aircraft in November 2010, adding to another 8 B737s on order.

14 Cubisms | MAy 2013


be daunting, and many marketers today

are using statistical tools and analytical
techniques to derive meaningful insights.

This article explores the use of one

such tool to gauge consumer sentiment
Twitter Sentiment Analysis: on a particular product across Twitter.

Tracking Consumer
An illustrative example is used to
demonstrate the tool’s effectiveness on a
particular topic—specifically looking at

Attitudes on
the launch of the Apple® iPhone® 5 and
the nearly 60,000 tweets related to it.

Social Media
Sentiment analysis:
a three-step approach
The overall model development can be
Deepak Trehan and Rachit Khare divided into three phases (Fig. 1):

DATA ANALYTICS 1. Collect and prepare data

2. Derive sentiment and visualize data

ocial networking sites can provide and dislikes and brand perception. 3. Build a model
valuable insight into the minds Armed with this knowledge, marketers
of consumers. The wealth of data can develop a more effective strategy
available can help marketers better and make better decisions overall. That
understand wide-ranging issues, such said, given the unstructured nature
as customer reception of a new product of the data, tracking and analyzing
launch, overall product attribution likes information from social channels can

MAy 2013 | Cubisms 15


Figure 1 — Sentiment Analysis Flowchart

Collection and

Clean tweets –remove RT, http Normalize tweet words – remove


Download tweets from Twitter

links, punctuation, etc. English keywords, stem words

Derive sentiment by matching


Visualize tweet data in Transform textual data into matrix

product-specific positive and
word clouds form (Term Document Matrix)
negative keywords
Build Model

Consolidate product- YES

Consolidation achieved? Build Decision Tree Model
specific keywords


Collect and prepare data • Segregating commercial tweets • Cleaning text, such as removing http
R, an open source statistical software, links, punctuation, whitespace, etc.
• Cleaning tweets for word forms such
provides a Twitter interface that can
as nouns and adjectives • Removing stop words such as had,
be used to download tweets based on
which, that, product name, etc.
keyword and hashtag search criteria. • Filtering out commonly used
Nearly 60,000 tweets were downloaded English words • Stemming to get the root form of
two months after the launch of the every word
Some of these challenges were
Apple® iPhone® 5. This was done to ensure

addressed by applying the following Derive sentiment and
that consumers had enough time to use
set of operations: visualize tweets
and express their views about various
After the data was cleaned, a custom
features of the device. • Identifying words such as “win,”
list of positive and negative words
“contest,” etc., that could be attributed
Processing of these tweets for sentiment associated with the device was built to
to commercial tweets
analysis presented a number of classify the tweets. A matching logic
challenges, including: was developed to derive a sentiment

Figure 2 — Frequency Distribution of Tweets Across Sentiment Score



1,606 524
2 10 53 261
Negative Neutral Positive
-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

16 Cubisms | MAy 2013

Figure 3 — Overall Figure 4 — Positive Figure 5 — Negative
Sentiment Cloud Sentiment Cloud Sentiment Cloud

score for tweets, and accordingly Build a model bottom. For instance, node 12 represents
classify them into positive, neutral To derive more meaningful results, tweets containing only keywords related
and negative. The chart on the secondary research and a count of words to the feature “body” of the smartphone,
previous page shows the output for this was used to identify the most frequently and a majority (51%) of them carry
classification (Fig. 2). appearing words. Keywords related to negative sentiments on this feature.
product attributes were then classified Similar key nodes with high percentages
In addition to this, an overall into product subcategories such as of negative sentiments can then be
sentiment score was calculated. In this battery, screen, apps, etc. (Fig. 6) researched further, to deep dive and
case, the overall sentiment score was explore reasons for dissatisfaction.
+31% (+ indicating positive consumer Upon consolidating the data, a heuristic
sentiment). At this stage of the model (decision tree) (Fig. 7) was built
analysis, the analyst team used word to understand the relationship among
The approach illustrated in this article
clouds to provide an effective way to various iPhone® 5 attributes driving
uses basic algorithms for sentiment
visualize textual data (Figs. 3-5). public sentiment. For our classification
detection in tweets. For better results,
model, tweets with neutral sentiment
advanced Natural Language Processing
The visual representation in the first scores were ignored, to avoid dilution of
(NLP) can be used to more accurately
shows that the word “love” was the model output. Various tree classification
identify the sentiment score for each tweet.
most repeated word. However, this options such as CART, CHAID and
NLP can handle the many complexities of
alone does not present a clear picture Exhaustive CHAID are available to
unstructured text data through advanced
of factors driving positive and negative create relevant decision trees. We used
processes such as conference resolution,
sentiments. Therefore, the first word the CART option in SPSS to arrive at
part-of-speech tagging, etc.
cloud was split into two—one each for the optimum decision tree.
positive and negative tweets (Figs. 4-5).
Additionally, other methods can
The classification tree presented here
alternatively be used to identify key
Even though the last two word clouds are provides an easy way of visualizing the
product attributes, and model their
not directly comparable, they provide impact of different product attributes in
impact on overall public sentiment.
insight into possible factors driving driving public sentiment, as captured
Alternatives include statistical techniques
positive and negative sentiments. For by Twitter data. This decision tree
such as logistic/ordinal regression
example, the positive sentiment word highlights the attributes most important
modeling, and advanced techniques such
cloud seems to be crowded by the in segregating positive and negative tweets.
as supervised and unsupervised artificial
appearance of related words, while the As seen here, attributes such as accessories,
neural networks (ANN). Feed-forward
words battery, screen, and voice-search voice search, camera, appearance, body,
networks like multi-layer perceptron,
appear more often than any other and comparison with other phones seem
radial basis functions, and Kohonen ‘s self
product attribute in the negative word most important in segregation of positive
organizing maps are commonly used for
cloud. Hence, this data could provide and negative tweets.
this purpose.
useful information for Apple’s product
development teams as well as marketers To identify defining characteristics
Use of ANN provides many advantages,
engaging with consumers on various of a particular node, the hierarchy of
including its ability to map and replicate
social media channels. classification should be read from top to

MAy 2013 | Cubisms 17


Figure 6 — Example of Keywords Consolidated into any mathematical relationship, and

its lack of dependency on any data
Product Attributes
assumptions. However, interpretation
of results from ANN may be difficult
Battery Screen Appearance Apps Storage
compared to conventional statistical
procedures, due to the relatively black
Charger Scratch White/Black Appstore Memory
box and often complex computing
involved in neural networks.
Battery Life Touchscreen Contrast Appnames CardSlot

Further applications
Adapters Body Download HDSlot
This article highlights one of the uses
Battery Dead Shine Design Install bits/GBs
of analyzing unstructured text data to
better understand consumer sentiment.
However, the field of text data analysis
offers a large number of opportunities to
gain insight into consumer minds across
multiple media, including:
Figure 7 — Decision Tree Output
• Social networking sites such as Facebook
Node 0 (n=11,917) • Blogs
Negative – 35%
Positive – 65% • Call center logs

N Accessories Y • Email

Node 1 (n=10,847) Node 2 (n=1070) • Service notes

Negative – 37% Negative – 19% • Warranty claims

Positive – 63% Positive – 81%
• Open-ended survey responses
N Voice Search

Node 3 (n=10,019) Node 4 (n=828) Data from such media can be

Negative – 38% Negative – 25% analyzed and used in numerous
Positive – 62% Positive – 75% business scenarios, such as:

Y Camera N N Appearance Y • Monitoring of consumer perception

of specific products
Node 5 (n=1,161) Node 6 (n=8,858) Node 7 (n=569) Node 8 (n=259)

Negative – 28% Negative – 39% Negative – 33% Negative – 7% • Promotion impact analysis
Positive – 72% Positive – 61% Positive – 67% Positive – 93%
• Brand image analysis
N Comparison Y
• Red-flagging potential sources of
Node 9 (n=7,397) Node 10 (n=1,461) dissatisfaction
Negative – 40% Negative – 30% • Developing consumer targeting policies
Positive – 60% Positive – 70%

N Body Y The choice of relevant data source and

analysis methodology will depend on
Node 11 (n=6,256) Node 12 (n=1,141)
the business objective.
Negative – 39% Negative – 51%
Positive – 61% Positive – 49%

Cubisms is an independent publication and

has not been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise
approved by Apple Inc.

18 Cubisms | MAy 2013

Procurement & Supply Chain

core competencies. Telecom operators

were forced to adopt new strategic
outsourcing business models on account
of changing market dynamics, which

Are Turnkey Models

included outsourcing various non-core
functions to third-party service providers.

the Future for the

One of the outcomes of this ‘rethink’
in business models was the origin of
Managed and Professional Services

Telecom Sector?
(MAPS), a practice where telecom
operators transfer their network
maintenance and management-related
responsibilities to NEPs. From 2000
Pankaj Dokania and Subash Chandar
to 2009, a number of managed and
STRATEGIC SERVICES professional services deals were signed,
as network operators took aggressive

n the first half of the last decade, Confronted with declining profit margins steps to streamline operations. Further,
leading network equipment providers from voice services, increasing market the evolution of MAPS and increase in
(NEPs) such as Alcatel-Lucent, complexities, strengthening regulations, trust among network service providers
Ericsson, and Nokia Siemens Networks and changing consumer preferences, and equipment manufacturers led to
(NSN) faced one of the industry’s most telecom companies realized the need to the beginning of turnkey models in the
challenging business environments. streamline their operations and focus on telecom sector, where NEPs handle

MAY 2013 | Cubisms 19

Procurement & Supply Chain

Figure 1 — Turnkey Logistics Management Model

Entirely Managed by the Equipment Manufacturer

Manufacturing Warehouse Network Provider’s

Facility (Logistic Company/Equipment Supplier) Base Stations

Typically, equipment vendors employ 3PL players to manage

the logistics and warehousing initiatives

Before 2000, in the absence the complete deployment process from operators to differentiate their product
logistics to installation of the equipment offerings with new mobile services and
of a turnkey model, network in the base station for telecom content. All these require an extensive
operators typically hired companies (Fig. 1). effort on the part of the operator,
a telecom consultant for while improving the time-to-market of
Since then, the turnkey market has also the new services. Therefore, telecom
network deployment, been driven by the growing demand for companies are increasingly outsourcing
including network planning, new network deployment and expansion field activities—leveraging the
from network operators that are either
design, and optimization and vendor’s expertise as the technological
resource constrained or lacking in environment is becoming more
engaged with a third-party adequate in-house expertise. With the complex—while keeping planning and
logistics provider (3PL), such continuing evolution, telecom operators management functions in-house.
had a single point solution in NEPs
as DHL and Kuehne & Nagel,
for their base station deployment and Reduction in operational costs
for transportation and management (Fig. 2). Globally, telecom companies have
warehousing of the network come under increasing pressure to

equipment. Drivers propelling this evolution streamline their operational costs due to
declining margins from voice services.
Shifting business ecosystem This has sparked growth of leaner
Telecom companies are increasingly business models. Network operators can
simplifying the supply chain and leverage their manufacturing expertise
moving closer to consumers. As a result, and R&D capabilities to drive down
these companies are relinquishing the costs. Therefore, a turnkey logistics
technological aspects of the business management model is a comprehensive
and focusing on sales and marketing. model that can address an operator’s
Further, increasing competition in imperative to cost-effectively plan and
the telecom market requires network design new network deployment.

20 Cubisms | February 2013

Figure 2 — Evolution of the Telecom Equipment Manufacturers’ Business Model

Turnkey Logistics
Managed and
Professional Services In the recent past, telecom
Pure Play Equipment network deployment and
Manufacturer logistics management has
With declining revenue been increasingly moving
from telecom equipment towards a turnkey model
The telecom industry sales, NEPs diversified as operators look to focus
adopted a simple supply into network operation on the marketing and
chain, with the equipment and maintenace services operational aspects of the
manufacturers involved (MAPS) business, and outsource
only in the equipment their non-core activites
manufacturing process The model became very
and sales popular and a large
number of MAPS deals
were signed

Before 2000 Early 2000s 2010 Onwards

Increasing demand for Way forward

wireless services, especially In 2013 and beyond, the telecom
in emerging markets sector is expected to be driven by
The growth of turnkey deals is also continuous innovation and more
driven by the explosive growth in demand complex competitive activity. To
for wireless services across emerging remain competitive, industry players
markets. On account of the rapidly will require a holistic perspective,
increasing subscriber base for wireless with a focus on differentiating service
services, telecom companies are finding offerings through product and service
it difficult to manage their infrastructure launches and evaluating their business
and numerous base stations. As a result, models in the context of critical strategic
these companies collaborate with NEPs imperatives. Outsourcing models such
as a strategic partner to help them as turnkey logistics management can
manage their network deployment and help telecom companies address these
logistics requirements. imperatives.

Recent turnkey deals in the

telecom sector
A number of turnkey deals have been
signed between network operators and
equipment providers around the globe
since 2009 (Fig. 3).

The number of past deals and increased

frequency strongly suggest that turnkey
models will continue to gain broader
acceptance and further shape the future
of network deployment and logistics
management within this sector.

MAY 2013 | Cubisms 21

Procurement & Supply Chain

Figure 3 — Key Turnkey Contracts Between 2009 and 2012

Network Equipment
Deal Synopsis
Operator Provider

In May 2012, T-Mobile awarded a joint contract to Ericsson and NSN for LTE 4G network modernization and deployment
T-Mobile, US Ericsson
– Under the contract, Ericsson will provide turnkey services for a number of areas such as installation and commissioning

Based in Japan, SoftBank awarded a turnkey contract to NSN, in April 2012, to supply, deploy, and integrate its 4G,
SoftBank, Japan NSN Frequency Division Duplex—Long Term Evolution (FDD-LTE) network
– As part of the agreement, NSN will deploy Flexi Multiradio Base Stations

Telenor, a Norwegian telecom company selected ZTE, a Chinese telecom equipment and solutions provider,
in March 2012, to provide network equipment and construction services for its 2/3/4G networks in Pakistan
Telenor, Pakistan ZTE – The project scope includes about 18,000 network stations that covers 1,500 new GSM base stations,
7,000 new HSPA base stations, and 2,000 new LTE base stations
– The contract includes end-to-end network management

In March 2012, Optus—an Australian telecom operator, awarded a turnkey contract to Huawei to build a LTE
network in New South Wales and adjacent areas
Optus, Australia Huawei
– The contract’s scope includes a number of services, such as installation, project management, transmission
provisioning, and managed and professional services

Etisalat Misr, In February 2012, Etisalat Misr signed a turnkey agreement with ZTE, which would cover the supply, installation,
Egypt and implementation of a number of equipment solutions, such as base station subsystem (BSS) solutions

M1, a telecom company based in Singapore, awarded a turnkey contract to Huawei, in May 2011,
for deploying a LTE 4G network
M1, Singapore Huawei
– The contract includes installation of macro base stations, distributed base stations and Evolved
Packet Core (EPC) architecture

In November 2010, Mobile Cellular, the largest mobile telephone operator in Mozambique, signed a multi-million dollar,
Mobile Cellular, Ceragon
turnkey-solution deal with Ceragon Networks for the planning and deployment of the Backbone Network link
Mozambique Networks
– The link will join the central part of Mozambique to the southern part, from the city of Beira to the capital city of Maputo

Togo Cellulaire awarded a turnkey contract to Alcatel-Lucent in January 2010, to extend its network capacity in GSM and
Togo Cellulaire, build a 3G wireless broadband network
Togo – Alcatel-Lucent will provide a full end-to-end, turnkey solution, including converged radio access network (RAN) and transport
solutions as well as professional services, such as network planning, radio design and operation and maintenance optimization

In December 2010, Sprint, a telecom company based out of the US, awarded a five- year, turnkey contract to Alcatel-Lucent for
Sprint, US Alcatel-Lucent providing a number of services, such as network integration, converged RAN, and network monitoring
– The contract also includes base station solutions that support 3G and other technologies

Beijing Mobile, In January 2010, Beijing Mobile awarded a turnkey contract to NSN for deployment of TD-SCDMA base stations
China – Beijing Mobile plans to strengthen its 3G coverage through this contract

Based in Uzbekistan, UCell awarded a contract to Nokia Siemens Networks (NSN), in October 2009, to upgrade its network capacity
NSN – NSN will install mobile soft switching and packet core network technology, transport equipment, base station controllers, home
location registers and media gateways, as a part of the contract

22 Cubisms | MAY 2013

Financial Services

U.S. Major League Sports:

Industry Economics
and Investment
Sourish Gupta and Nakul Kanchan

he four major sports leagues in investors following a personal dream Are U.S. major league teams
the United States—the National of owning a sports franchise? While
Football League (NFL), Major ownership of sports teams certainly
good investments, or are they
League Baseball (MLB), the National has novelty, glamour, and a passion for only for affluent individual
Basketball Association (NBA) and sport associated with it, our analysis investors following a personal
the National Hockey League (NHL)— suggests that, following positive
witnessed deals worth an estimated developments between 2011 and 2013,
dream of owning a sports
$5.6 billion in 2012, an increase of 200% major league teams can potentially franchise?
YoY. The $2.2 billion1 sale of baseball make for a strong investment case (at
team, the Los Angeles Dodgers, to an industry level). The major leagues’
Guggenheim Baseball Management in recent media rights contracts promise
May 2012, is the largest ever buyout of substantial improvement in top line,
a professional sports team. The deal while renewed collective bargaining
valued the team at an expensive 9.3x agreements (CBAs) with the players
EV2/Sales, despite the Dodgers being have not only immunized the leagues
in Chapter 11 bankruptcy at the time from labor disputes for several years
with a meager $3.2 million in EBITDA3 to come, but have also reduced payroll
in the preceding season. The valuation costs. This can potentially transform
multiple for the Dodgers deal was many teams into highly profitable
much higher than that of any other businesses. That said, the major leagues
major league deal, but even the median remain an extremely heterogeneous
EV/Sales multiple of 3.8x for all major mix of profitable and deep-in-the-red
league deals in 2012, was far from cheap. teams. Given the demanding valuation
multiples that deals have typically
All of this merits the question—are U.S. commanded, not all teams will prove to
major league teams good investments, be truly attractive investments.
or are they only for affluent individual

1) Includes $150 million paid for real estate in the vicinity of Dodger Stadium
2) EV: Enterprise Value
3) EBITDA: Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization

MAy 2013 | Cubisms 23

Financial Services

Figure 1 — Major League Deals Hit A High4 in 2012,

Notes Even if the Dodgers’ Sale is Excluded

• U.S. major league teams are privately

held entities and do not disclose financial 6 12
information publicly. As a result, all financial
datails in this article—revenue, EBITDA,
5 10
debt—for the U.S. major leagues is based
on estimates published by Forbes. Forbes
calculates revenue net of debt servicing 4 8
cost for stadium/arena related debt. This

No. of Deals
USD Billion
may result in a significant understatement 3 6
of revenue and EBITDA figures. Forbes’
estimates also have been disputed from 2 4
time to time by league officials.
1 2
• In this article, all references to financial
data of the NFL, MLB, NBA and NHL, 0 0
unless mentioned otherwise, refer to the 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
aggregated financials of the individual
teams within the league.

• All references to data pertaining to a NFL MLB NBA NHL Total no. of deals
specific year are to data for the season
ended in that year. For example, 2012 refers SourceS: WR Hambrecht + Co; Forbes, Thomson Financial, and various press
to the NBA season 2011-12.

Figure 2 — Deal Multiples5 Expanded Significantly in 2012

LA Dodgers
$2.2 billion1

10.0 Miami Dolphins Washington

Pittsburgh (NFL), Wizards (NBA),
Steelers (NFL), $1.1 billion $551 million Houston Astros
$800 million (MLB),
$680 million



2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Median Highest

SourceS: WR Hambrecht + Co; Forbes, Thomson Financial, and various press

1) Includes $150 million paid for real estate in the vicinity of Dodger Stadium
4) Deal values represent pro-rata allocation of Enterprise Value (EV) based on stake acquired
5) Deal multiples are calculated based on sales in immediately preceding game season; dollar values in comments on the chart
represent EV on a 100% basis

24 Cubisms | MAy 2013

The major sports leagues in the Resilient revenue with a track
U.S. are among the world’s top record of consistent growth
professional sports leagues by The combined revenue of the four
attendance and revenue major leagues increased 4.3% YoY
At approximately 75 million, MLB has to $22.7 billion in 2012. Except for a YoY
the highest spectator attendance among drop in revenue for the NBA in
the world’s professional sports leagues. the 2011-12 season, due to a five-month
This is supported by each of the MLB’s league lockout by owners, each of the
30 teams playing 162 games during the major leagues delivered YoY revenue
regular season, compared with 16 games growth every year between 2008 and
per team in the NFL and 82 games 2012. In the recessionary year of 2009,
per team in the NBA and the NHL. when U.S. nominal GDP declined 2.2%
By revenue, the four U.S. major YoY and nominal gross output of the
leagues are among the top five leagues private services industry dropped
globally, with the NFL’s large broadcast 4.4%6, the major leagues outperformed,
television deals making it the highest with an increase of 5.2% YoY in
revenue earner. combined revenue.

Figure 3 — The U.S. Major Leagues are Among the Highest

Revenue Earners Globally By Revenue (USD Billion)



3.7 3.5 3.4
2.4 2.2


NFL MLB NBA EPL (UK) NHL Bundesliga La Liga Serie A (Italy) AFL
(Ger.) (Spain) (Australia)

Season Ended 2011 Season Ended 2012

SourceS: Forbes; Deloitte Football Finance Review 2012; DFL Bundesliga Report 2012; IBIS World
Revenue for European leagues converted at EUR/USD=1.39 (average during 2011; source: Bloomberg)
Latest publicly available data, other than US major leagues, pertains to seasons ended 2011

6) Source: US Bureau of Economic Analysis

MAy 2013 | Cubisms 25

Financial Services

Figure 4 — Consistent Revenue Figure 5 — Large Share of Long-term

Growth Across Leagues, Barring the Media and Sponsorship Contracts Offers
NBA’s 2011 Lockout YoY Revenue Growth Revenue Stability Revenue Mix, 2012

16% 23%
8% 38%
Lockout reduced regular 11%
season to 66 games per team
(down from the usual 82) 16%
15% 42% 9%
25% 4%
5% 49%
42% 41%
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Ticket sales (season, regular seating) National media
Parking, concessions Local media, sponsors,
merchandising, luxury box

Source: Forbes Source: Forbes

The resilience and growth in the major leagues. In terms of spectator

major leagues’ revenue reflect the large attendance, the U.S. is a largely
proportion of revenue derived from saturated market, with attendance
multi-year media rights contracts and seeing minimal growth over the long
growing revenue from digital media. term (for instance, the NFL’s regular
The NFL, for example, earned as season attendance has grown at a
much as 42% of its 2012 revenue from CAGR of 0.4% between 2000 and
long-term contracts with broadcast 2012). As a result, growth for these
television companies for media rights revenue streams is dependent on price
fees. Such contracts lend stability to improvement. Ticket sales during
revenue and also contribute to growth the regular game season, the major
through “escalator” clauses that component of gate revenue, have
increase rights fees over the duration of witnessed a recovery after a decline
the contract. MLB has historically had between 2008 and 2010, when personal
lower levels of revenue from broadcast income levels weakened and consumers
television, but local media rights reined in discretionary spending.
contracts, agreed between individual For the NFL and the NHL, average
teams and regional sports networks attendance at stadiums/arenas has
(RSNs), contribute significantly to total consistently been at or above 90% of
revenue. Moreover, MLB has been able capacity from 2009 to 2012, enabling
to expand its revenue streams through teams to increase ticket prices steadily
its Internet and interactive media arm, from year to year. MLB has been the
MLB Advanced Media (MLBAM). exception among the major leagues,
MLBAM has witnessed explosive with the high volume of total games
growth, with revenue growing from $75 per season, at 2,430 (twice that of the
million in 2002, to $620 million7 in 2012, NBA and NHL and 9.5 times that of the
and has enjoyed major success with its NFL), resulting in average attendance
Apple® iPhone® application. of around 70% of stadium capacity
between 2009 and 2012. This has led
Gate revenue, comprising ticket sales, to MLB ticket prices stagnating despite
concessions, and arena parking, is an increase in attendance during the
the traditional revenue stream for the 2011-12 season.
7) Estimated (Source: Forbes)

26 Cubisms | MAy 2013

Increasing media rights fees set to benefit the most. The largest RSN
to significantly improve NFL deal to date has been the L.A. Dodgers’
and MLB revenue and profits contract with Time Warner Cable, a
25-year deal starting 2014 that various
starting 2014
press reports estimate to be in the range
For advertisers, the major leagues
of $280 to $320 million in annual fees (in
offer virtually unmatched consumer
comparison, the Dodgers’ 2012 revenue
reach. According to Nielsen, combined
was $245 million). The New York
viewership for the title matches of the
Yankees and the Los Angeles Angels
leagues in 2012 was 143.9 million. The
of Anaheim, among others, have also
NFL’s Super Bowl XLVI (2012, where the
negotiated significant deals with RSNs.
New York Giants beat the New England
Along with media rights fees, the latest
Patriots) garnered maximum viewership
deals included an equity stake in the
of 111.3 million, with the Miami Heat
RSN, broadening the teams’ revenue
versus Oklahoma City Thunder NBA
streams to include a share in cable
finals garnering the second highest
subscription fees as well.
viewership at 16.9 million. Backed by
such high numbers, television ad rates
have been in a long-term uptrend as
advertisers jostle for airtime during key Figure 6 — Latest Television Rights Contracts Have Been
major league events. Signed at Sharply Higher Fee Levels
The NFL and the NHL renewed their Estimated Annual Media Rights Fees (USD Billion)
national broadcast television rights
contracts in 2011, while MLB followed 2014-22
suit in 2012. The contracts, ranging
between 8 and 10 years, were renewed 6.0
at substantially higher annual rates 2008-16 (renewal
negotiations expected
compared with the previous contracts— 4
3.7 2014-21 to start in 2013/14)
at a 62% increase for the NFL, 89% 2013-21
for the MLB and 41% for the NHL. In 2 1.5
0.8 0.8 0.9
terms of addition to total 2012 revenue, 0.15 0.21
the renewed contracts translate into a 0
14% increase for the NFL and 5% for NFL MLB NBA NHL
MLB, but just 1% for the NHL. The
Previous New
NBA’s broadcast television contracts
come up for renewal in 2016, and the
increase in rights fees is likely to be just
as large as the other leagues, given that SourceS: Data on “Previous” contracts — “Theory of the perfect game: Competitive balance in Monopoly sports leagues”,
2009, John Vrooman, Vanderbilt University; Forbes; various press
television ratings for the NBA’s regular
season were up sharply in 2011-12.

National media rights, however, are The NFL, with a 14.9% EBITDA
just one part of the story of the major margin in 2012, has consistently
leagues’ revenue growth. From 2011 delivered superior margins compared
through 2013, several teams have with the other major leagues. The
separately signed large rights deals with remaining major leagues, despite
RSNs. Given that revenue from deals steady revenue growth, have so far
with RSNs are categorized as “local been low-margin businesses. The new
revenue” for teams, only a portion of media rights contracts, which start in
this revenue is shared with other teams 2014 for MLB and the NFL, could be
(as opposed to “national revenue”, which a game changer for the profitability of
is divided equally among teams). Teams MLB and will help the NFL improve
with the most lucrative RSN deals stand margins further. The only incremental

MAy 2013 | Cubisms 27


Figure 7 — The NFL is the Most Profitable Among the

Major Leagues EBITDA Margin

Lower revenue
share for players
(new CBA)

5% ticket prices

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012


Source: Forbes

cost associated with the additional concluded positively for the leagues,
revenue from media rights will be the with the new CBAs drawn for periods of
share of revenue paid to players. This 10 years (except MLB, for which the new
implies (based on 47-50% players’ share CBA extends until 2016). This compares
of revenue) a near doubling of 2012 with five-to-six-year durations for the
EBITDA for the NFL and MLB, and a earlier CBAs and is a major positive
relatively lower 12% addition to 2012 for the leagues as it reduces the risk of
EBITDA for the NHL. revenue loss as well as possible damage
to the leagues’ brand value, which are
Owner-player negotiations have associated with work stoppages and
ended on a positive note, lockouts. The most positive impact,
reducing operational risk and however, was on the NBA and the NHL
teams’ profits. Along with the stability
payroll costs
provided by their longer duration, the
Between 2011 and 2013, the major
new CBAs reduced the guaranteed share
leagues signed new collective bargaining
of revenue for players to 49-51% (from
agreements (CBAs)8 with the respective
57%) and 50% (from 57%) for the NBA
players’ associations. Barring MLB,
and NHL, respectively. This resulted in
each CBA renewal witnessed intense
significant EBITDA margin expansion
negotiations, resulting in lockouts9 in
for the NBA in 2012, and will have a
the NFL, NBA and NHL and truncated
similar effect on the NHL in 2013, the
game seasons for the NBA and the
first year of the new CBA.
NHL. However, the negotiations

8) Each league’s CBA lays down extensive rules including players’ share in league revenue, minimum and maximum player
salaries, team-wide salary caps, and the framework for revenue-sharing among teams. By setting player salary caps, the CBA
attempts to restrict financially strong teams from consistently outbidding financially weaker teams when hiring top players. The
revenue-sharing agreement divides revenue into national and local pools. National revenue comprises media rights (broadcast
television), sponsorship and merchandising deals entered into by the league, and is divided equally among teams. Local
revenue comprises local media rights (e.g. with RSNs), gate revenue, concessions etc. contracted by individual teams. Reve-
nue-sharing mandates that teams in large home markets share a certain proportion of locally generated revenue, such as gate
revenue and local media rights, with teams operating in smaller markets. Revenue-sharing for local revenue (as a percentage)
is the highest in MLB and at low levels in NBA and the NHL
9) Lockouts resulted from team owners shutting down facilities

28 Cubisms | MAy 2013

Wide disparities in financial Figure 8 — Revenue Disparity is Highest in the NHL and
performance of teams, not every the NBA Top 3 and Bottom 3 Teams by Revenue in Each
team is an attractive business League (USD Million, 2012)
Despite the leagues’ attempts at creating
a level playing field for team finances,
financial health varies widely among
teams. Even in the NFL, where pooled Dallas Cowboys 500
national revenue accounts for nearly New England Patriots 380
60% of the league’s revenue, the Dallas
Washington Redskins 373
Cowboys generated revenue of $500 NFL
million and enjoyed a 45% EBITDA St. Louis Rams 231
margin in 2012, against the league-wide Minnesota Vikings 227
average revenue of $275 million and
Oakland Raiders 226
average margin of 14.9%. The difference
in financial health of teams is the largest New York Yankees 471
in the NHL, which also had the highest Boston Red Sox 336
number of EBITDA-negative teams, at Philadelphia Phillies 279
13 out of the total 30. MLB
Oakland Athletics 173
Apart from the scale of business, as Kansas City Royals 169
determined by revenue, the critical
Tampa Bay Rays 167
driver of profits is player salaries.
According to the respective CBAs, New York Knicks 243
players are guaranteed approximately Los Angeles Lakers 197
half of league-wide revenue, making
Chicago Bulls 162
player payrolls the single largest cost NBA
component for the teams. The CBAs Charlotte Bobcats 93
also set a team-level salary cap as well Milwaukee Bucks 87
as minimum salary levels (identical
Brooklyn Nets 84
for all teams). While each team has
Toronto Maple Leafs 200
the flexibility of paying player salaries
within the range provided by the New York Rangers 199
minimum and cap levels, only a few Montreal Canadiens 169
teams are able to avoid hitting or NHL
Columbus Blue Jackets 85
breaching the cap as most try to outbid
other teams for the best players. Player Phoenix Coyotes 83
payroll costs have typically been one of New York Islanders 66
the primary reasons behind variations
in EBITDA margin among teams. The
Source: Forbes
Dallas Cowboys, Toronto Maple Leafs,
New York Knicks and Oakland Athletics
were the most profitable teams in their
respective leagues in terms of 2012
EBITDA margin, driven in large part by the debt-to-EBITDA ratio in 2012
being among the teams with the lowest among MLB teams varied between
player payroll expenses (as a percentage 298 for the Philadelphia Phillies and nil
of revenue). for debt-free teams such as the Atlanta
Braves and the Seattle Mariners.
The variance in EBITDA margins, and
consequently cash generation, has also With such significant variances in
led to large variances among teams financial performance, investments in
in terms of leverage. For instance, major league teams require investors to
excluding teams with negative EBITDA, be highly selective.

MAy 2013 | Cubisms 29


From an investor’s perspective, The impact of large home markets

key differentiators among on revenue is borne out by the fact
teams are size of the home that the teams based in the 10 largest
metropolitan areas by population in the
market and payroll
United States constitute the majority
The revenue-sharing framework
of the top 10 teams by revenue in each
followed by each league places all teams
league. For example, 9 of the top 10
on equal footing as far as revenue
teams by revenue in MLB are based
from national media rights fees,
in these markets, while 7 of the top 10
sponsorships, and merchandising are
teams by revenue in the NBA are based
concerned. The CBAs set the share of
in these markets. However, several of
revenue payable to players.
the large markets house more than one
Consequently, the key factor separating team in the same major league and this
financially strong teams from weak ones can certainly lead to one of the teams
is the ability to generate local revenue. losing out in revenue.
Apart from MLB, where teams in
On-field/court performance of the team
large markets share nearly half of local
is clearly important as well, resulting in
revenue, the majority of local revenue is
higher spectator attendance and higher
retained by the team. In this scenario,
television viewership, which leads to
the size of the home market population
higher gate revenue and better deals for
becomes the differentiating factor for
local media rights fees. However, team
relative revenue generation potential
performance is obviously unpredictable
for a team. The size of the home market
and unlikely to be a good criterion
population is the main driver for gate
for investments. Moreover, the size of
revenue (through game attendance) and
the home market can, in many cases,
in making media rights for the team
overshadow performance as far as
attractive to RSNs looking to reach out
revenue generation is concerned.
to the maximum number of consumers.
For instance, during the 2000-01 to
2011-12 seasons, the NBA team, the
Figure 9 – Most Teams in Top 10 Metropolitan Areas10 New York Knicks’, best performances
are Among the Top 10 Revenue Earners have been first round losses in the
Number of teams in top 10 U.S. metro areas that are among Eastern Conference playoffs, with an
average wins-to-games-played ratio of
top 10 revenue earners in their league
43%. In comparison, the San Antonio
Spurs, during the same period, won
9 the NBA finals three times, reached
8 the final round of the playoffs three
7 7 times, and averaged a wins-to-total-
games ratio of 71%. However, the Spurs
generated revenue of $127 million
in 2012, compared with the Knicks’
$243 million.

Controlling spending on player salaries

is critical for profitability. The NFL and
the NHL have “hard” caps whereby
teams cannot exceed a set level for
aggregate player salaries. However,
MLB NBA NFL NHL MLB and the NBA have “soft” caps.
In this case, teams are penalized if
Source: US Census Bureau, Forbes they exceed the team salary cap and
10) Metropolitan Statistical Areas as designated by the US Census Bureau; NHL figure includes three of the NHL’s top 10 teams are required to pay a “luxury tax” as
by revenue based in Canada, in Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver; according to the Television Bureau of Canada (based on penalty. As a result, if not consciously
data from Nielsen), these are the top three television markets by population in Canada

30 Cubisms | MAy 2013

controlled, profits of teams with high also be in order, given that ownership This article was written by The Smart Cube (TSC)
on an independent basis. The insights included
player payrolls not only suffer due to the of a major league team could open up
are based on its own research and from sources
salaries paid, but also take an additional access to the team’s media rights. As
believed to be reliable. However, TSC may have
hit due to the luxury tax, significantly such, there is likely to be an increase in received information on this topic that is
reducing margins. the number of deals to buy into major confidential and proprietary to a third-party.
league franchises. The NFL, with its As such, this information will not have been
utilized and is thus not reflected in this article.
Deal activity may increase as already high margins and upcoming
more teams become financially large media rights fees and the NBA, The views mentioned in this article do not in any
where the new CBA has already way constitute investment advice and should not
attractive… be construed as an offer to sell, a solicitation to buy,
The majority of major league teams expanded profits with new media
or an endorsement or recommendation of any
are owned by individual investors. rights contracts expected to be signed company, security or commodity. TSC disclaims
However, private equity (PE) firms during 2013-14, appear to be the most all responsibility for investment decisions based

as well as corporations have also had suitable hunting grounds for PE and on the content of this article or the dissemination
strategic investors. or distribution of this article to a third party.
consistent presence as team owners,
Any conclusions, calculations or determinations
though to a limited degree until now. reached constitute TSC’s views as of the date
Several top executives from well-known …Though multiples are likely of this publication and are subject to change
private equity firms currently own to contract without notice.

teams in their individual capacities The increase in EV/Sales valuation

— this includes, among others, Mark multiples (based on historical sales) for
Walter of Guggenheim Partners (MLB’s transactions executed in 2012, is likely
L.A. Dodgers) and Joe Lacob of KPCB to reverse, as the multiples reflected
(NBA’s Golden State Warriors). PE firm expectations of an increase in media
Platinum Equity currently owns the rights fees due to the upcoming contract
NBA’s Detroit Pistons, while Towerbrook renewals. With these contracts having
Capital and the private equity arm of materialized (except for the NBA)
Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan formerly through 8-to-10-year contracts, the
owned the NHL’s St. Louis Blues and next wave of growth for major league
Toronto Maple Leafs, respectively. team’s revenue and profitability is
Corporate owners include Rogers now several years away. Moreover, a
Communications (NHL’s Toronto comparison with the trading multiples
Maple Leafs), real estate investment of listed peers—major European soccer
company Lerner Enterprises (MLB’s clubs—shows that the average EV/Sales
Washington Nationals), Liberty Media multiple for U.S. major league deals has
(MLB’s Atlanta Braves) and Nintendo been significantly higher. The EPL’s
Corporation (MLB’s Seattle Mariners). Manchester United is the only listed
peer trading at a higher multiple (6.8x
The current situation appears quite EV/Sales11) than the U.S. major leagues’
conducive for investment by PE firms 2012 average deal multiple. However,
— an imminent increase in revenue and this is supported by Manchester United’s
profits due to higher media rights fees, reported EBITDA margin of 26.7%,
high levels of debt on the balance sheet which is significantly better than the
of many teams across the four leagues, U.S. major leagues’ average. Other peers
negative EBITDA (which can lead to with meaningful market capitalization
difficulty in servicing high levels of debt (above $50 million) include the German
until the additional media rights fees Bundesliga’s Borussia Dortmund,
in 2014 start flowing in), and teams Italian Serie A’s A.S. Roma and Scottish
with high payroll costs that can be major league’s Celtic. All three peers are
brought down (while still maintaining currently trading at EV/Sales multiples
them above the CBA’s prescribed in the range of 1.2-1.6x, much lower than
minimum) to expand margins. Strategic the median 3.8x for U.S. major league
investments by media companies could deals in 2012.

11) All valuations based on share prices as of April 15, 2013; EV/Sales multiple is based on the latest reported financial year.

MAy 2013 | Cubisms 31

Strategy & Marketing

transportation, utilities, security, IT, and

telecom, allowing users to control remote
assets and systems, and access sensitive
information (Fig. 2). While the market

is set to grow globally, the emerging
Asia-Pacific countries are expected
to experience high growth, owing

Technology—The Next
to increased network coverage, data
throughput growth, expected regulatory
changes, and a rising number of health

Big Thing?
care and infrastructural projects in the
near future.

Rohitashwa Agarwal and Upasna Lal M2M applications

As of 2011, M2M applications were
strategic services
largely used by companies based out of
North America and Europe. However,

achine-to-Machine (M2M) (at the receiving device) is then used between 2012 and 2017, Asia-Pacific
refers to the technology that to translate this information into a countries, such as China and India, are
allows communication among meaningful event (placing an order for expected to become leading users of
machines (wireless or wired systems). It inventory, dispatch of medicine, etc.) (Fig.1). M2M technology (Fig. 3).
is based on a process in which a device
captures a particular event (inventory Since the first significant development Three types of connections are used in
levels, test results, etc.) and transfers the in M2M technology in 1995, M2M has the M2M market—wireless (2G, 3G, 4G,
information gathered through a network evolved to provide customized solutions and satellite), fixed, and short-range
(wireless, wired, or short-range network) to organizations across a range of (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, ZigBee, MAN, etc.).
to another device. A special application industries, including retail, health care, By 2015, short-range connections are

32 Cubisms | MAy 2013

Figure 1 — M2m Process Flow



Data Collection
Retail Health Care SUPPORT TEAM

Industrial Security
M2M Server and Application

Wireless Data Transfer

IT & Telecom Transport

Monitoring and Diagnostics

On Site Support

Energy Smart Buildings

expected to dominate the market with Cellular M2M market are expected to drive significant demand
around 70% share, as most information Ongoing developments in high-speed for cellular M2M applications across
being transferred through M2M does data transfer, cloud computing, industries, making it a key focus area for
not require long-distance transmission. smartphone technology, and regulatory service providers.
This will be followed by wireless initiatives have created a three-fold
connections (i.e., long-range cellular Although the share of emerging Asia-
advantage for the cellular-based
and satellite connections)—accounting Pacific countries in the total M2M
(wireless) M2M market— including
for 20–25% of the market—and then connections is expected to increase,
substantial reductions in installation
fixed connections, accounting for less their share in cellular M2M connections
and operational costs, easy installation
than 10% of the market. (a part of the overall M2M connections)
and usability, and an increase in the
has registered only minor growth
number of applications. These benefits

Figure 2 — Evolution of m2m

First significant development in M2M technology took Technological breakthroughs between 2006 and 2008, led to a
place in 1995, when Siemens set up a dedicated substantial cost reduction in the development and application
department to undertake development of products for of M2M-based products, and expanded applications of this
industrial M2M applications. technology across industry verticals, including surveillance,
security, health care, and utilities.

From 1995 to 2005, several M2M products were Since 2009, M2M has become one of the fastest
launched for applications across point of sales (POS) growing markets with several players, including
terminals, vehicle telematics, remote monitoring, and AT&T, Vodafone, Telenor, Verizon, and Qualcomm
logistics routing and tracking purposes. making significant investments in this market.

General Motors and Hughes Electronics were among M2M applications have increased across smart
the first companies to adopt M2M technology. buildings, and energy distribution and monitoring, etc.

MAY 2013 | Cubisms 33

Strategy & Marketing

between 2009 and 2012. Technological Figure 3 — Global M2M Connections Breakdown
and infrastructural constraints in
By Geography
these regions are the primary factors
responsible for this slow growth of 30.0% 28.0% 27.0%
19.0% 22.0%
cellular M2M connections (Figs. 4-5).
13.0% 11.0% 14.0%
Highest M2M growth markets
Health Care
2010 2020F
Application of M2M across the health-
North America Europe Emerging Asia-Pacific Countries Developed Asia-Pacific Countries Other Regions
care sector—in the form of remote
health monitoring and telemedicine—is Note: This breakdown is for total M2M connections, including wireless, fixed and short-range (Wi-fi, Bluetooth, Zig, Bee, MAN, etc.)
Source: EIU, 2012
emerging as an effective means to
reduce health-care costs (both for
health-care providers and patients) and Figure 4 — Global Cellular M2M Connections
to improve the quality of health-care (USD Million) 364.5
services. The introduction of a variety
CAGR (2009-2011): 24.7%
of M2M-based applications across
radiology, cardiology, dermatology, and CAGR (2012E-2016F): 27.4%
other health-care areas from 2008 to 232.9
2011, created a sizable global market
for remote health monitoring and
telemedicine. 110.6
The key factors driving the growth of
M2M in the health-care sector include
the following:
2009 2010 2011 2012E 2013F 2014F 2015F 2016F
Cost-effective Health Monitoring Note: This breakdown is for total M2M connections, including wireless, fixed and short-range (Wi-fi, Bluetooth, Zig, Bee, MAN, etc.)
Source: ABI Research
Deployment of sensors (remote monitoring
devices) at patients’ homes enable
Figure 5 — Global Cellular M2m Connections Breakdown
doctors to monitor them from a remote
location. This is particularly useful for By Geography
patients with chronic illnesses, such as
42.0% 41.5%
blood pressure, cardiac diseases, and 30.4% 29.4%
diabetes. This results in a substantial 16.1% 17.6%
reduction in hospital visits and stay- 8.9% 9.2%
2.6% 2.3%
related expenditure for patients.

• Personal Safety and Drug 2011 2015F

Compliance: Application of M2M North America Europe Asia Pacific Latin America Middle East and Africa
technology helps to improve the Source: ABI Research

Examples of recent innovations in M2M health care:

Telefonica Tele-rehabilitation Service: a remote location, following the patient’s The device, priced at $8,000, can be
Telefonica, a Spanish communications discharge from the hospital. used to take fetal, abdominal, cardiac,
service provider, commenced sales of and pelvic imaging, and transmits the
its M2M-based product ‘Rehabitic’ to Mobile Ultrasound Equipment: data through a USB connection to a
hospitals and health-care providers in In October 2011, the US Food and Drug smartphone for viewing. This enables
2011. Rehabitic is co-embedded with Administration approved a portable, medical consultants to diagnose these
motion sensors that allows the doctor to M2M-based ultrasound device called images without requiring patients to
monitor a patient’s healing process from Mobius, manufactured by Mobisante. visit clinics.

34 Cubisms | MAy 2013

personal safety of patients, by time intervals. M2M-based solutions smartphone or PC, allowing for greater
reducing their physical movements allow the doctor to diagnose diseases control over energy costs. There is a
and hospital visit requirements. In proactively and on a real-time basis. particularly increasing trend towards
addition, it helps to ensure regular the use of M2M-based tools to optimize
drug compliance, as per prescriptions. Product Life Cycle Management energy consumption (for heating, air
Application of M2M technology provides conditioning, lighting, etc.) within the
• Effective Utilization of Health-care
pharmaceutical companies with a more building and the home. By 2020, this
Facilities: Many patients with
efficient means to manage inventory, market is expected to account for 27%
chronic illnesses can be monitored at
control counterfeiting, and meet regulatory of global M2M connections. Smart
home, thereby eliminating the need
requirements. The technology allows buildings also help in the detection and
for hospital admissions for regular
companies to track and trace the location prevention of electricity theft or loss
medical tests. This leads to efficient
and condition (including quantity, (due to faulty systems). Although the
utilization of hospital beds and
temperature levels, etc.) of their products cost versus benefit is a key driver for this
resource capacity. This free capacity
in transit and storage. market, the installation of a smart meter
can be provided to other patients who
(an advanced meter that enables two-
require emergency treatment.
Smart buildings/homes way communication between the meter
Proactive Monitoring and Treatment Smart buildings/homes operating and the central system) in buildings
Continuous monitoring through an on M2M-based networks allow users has shown to lead to cost savings with a
M2M network allows doctors to identify to remotely monitor and control all reduction in energy expenditure.
signs of health deterioration earlier than electronic devices; monitor electricity,
gas and water consumption; and In 2009, the European Union
the scheduled physical examination,
control security equipment using a announced mandatory installation
which can be done only after certain

Case Study: How Promega (a US-based biotech company) saved $1.7 million using M2M technology?

About Promega: Headquartered in Madison, Wisconsin, Solution: To tackle the problem of product spoilage, the company
Promega operates in the field of genomics, protein analysis decided to switch to advanced freezers for inventory storage.
and expression, cellular analysis, drug discovery, and genetic These freezers are equipped with radio frequency identification
identity analysis. With more than 1,200 employees and 2,500 (RFID) technology that captures data such as volume of liquid
products, the company has an annual revenue of $300 million. within a container and temperature of the product, and transmits
this information to the data center using M2M technology. It
Challenge: Promega’s 15–18% of total inventory was being also provides the user with information regarding location of the
written off each year as shrinkage—due to products not product, its expiry date, details of the end user, etc., thus providing
being sold during their life cycle or being damaged in transit the company with greater control over its supply chain.
or storage. This was costing the company approximately
$1.2 million per annum. Owing to the low level of control over Results: Deployment of RFID- and M2M-enabled freezers
storage of products and low visibility on expiry dates for onsite helped Promega reduce its product shrinkage to near-zero
products, the company was losing an additional $500,000 levels and hence, save about $1.7 million annually. Further, this
each year as write-offs in product spoilage. provided the company with more detail about end users and
their preferences, as well as the overall supply chain.

“The real advantage to Promega is the information it captures. Now, we really know who our
end customer is at the individual level. Now we have the intelligence about their preferences
and buying habits and usage patterns to proactively tailor our delivery practices to their
specific needs. And as part of improving our customer service, we find we have more
opportunities to introduce new products, more merchandising opportunities, and higher
ability to add incremental business through more efficient supply.”
Todd Clermont, Business Development Director, Promega (2012)

MAY 2013 | Cubisms 35

Strategy & Marketing

of smart meters in all homes by 2022. technological innovation in the market solution, including product, platform,
The smart meter automatically collects will require companies to regularly device, and application development;
data about energy consumption and update the platform used for integration monitoring of transmission; and
quality of supply at the customer site of internal and external devices—i.e., processing of information critical in
and communicates back to the utility devices at customer locations and gaining consumer confidence. Experts
company for monitoring and billing back-end devices—and also ensure that believe that the absence of global
purposes. Between 2010 and 2017, the the platform is compatible with new standards has acted as a key barrier to
number of smart meters installed in applications being launched. M2M market growth.
Europe is expected to increase more
In addition, companies will need to • In July 2012, several global
than four-fold.
invest in infrastructure and human standard organizations collaborated
resources to expand their sales, on an agenda to standardize M2M
Growth potential marketing, order management, and communication and launched an
Over the past few years, several reports after-sales capabilities. initiative to develop oneM2M—a
have been published, highlighting the single standard for the global M2M
• Service management: Service
massive growth potential in the M2M market. Participating organizations
providers need to develop strong
market. However, the market—in terms include the Association of Radio
service management facilities to
of number of M2M connections as well as Industries and Businesses (ARIB),
deliver timely service, as required
total revenue generated—has not grown the Telecommunication Technology
by customers, and ensure smooth
as expected (Fig. 6). Committee (TTC) of Japan, the
functioning of devices, transmission
Alliance for Telecommunications
lines, and applications.
Five barriers to growth Industry Solutions (ATIS), the

High investment costs Declining ARPU (average revenue per Telecommunications Industry
To effectively exploit the opportunities user) and slower-than-expected growth Association (TIA) of the US, the
in the M2M market, communication of the M2M market have affected service China Communications Standards
service providers (CSPs) need to invest providers’ faith regarding return Association (CCSA), the European
heavily to keep up with growth in on investments. Telecommunications Standards Institute
demand. The key investment areas (ETSI) and the Telecommunications

include the following: Standardization of M2M services Technology Association (TTA) of Korea.
The M2M market involves multiple
• Product development: Given the • oneM2M is also expected to simplify
platforms and devices as well as
customized nature of M2M products, the development of M2M devices and
operations through remote locations,
companies need to proactively identify applications, create a mass market,
different types of networks and
areas that need product innovation and shorten the time-to-market for new
applications, and most importantly,
have strong in-house R&D capabilities products, and help CSPs in reducing
transmission of sensitive information
to support new product development. operating and capital expenses.
through M2M systems. This makes
• Platform-related costs: A high level of standardization of the complete M2M

Figure 6 — Global M2m Market Size

Revenue Opportunity (USD Billion) Machina Research, a UK-based
advisory firm on the M2M market,
projected that the M2M market
CAGR: 18.1% offers a potential to expand to $376
341 billion by 2020.
217 However, actual growth in the M2M
148 180
113 market will be at a relatively slower
84 96
rate. The forecast market size for the
M2M market between 2012 and 2017
2011 2012F 2013F 2014F 2015F 2016F 2017F 2018F 2019F 2020F is 25–35% of the potential market
size, owing to several challenges that
Source: Machina Research will prevent operators from tapping
into this market.

36 Cubisms | MAy 2013

Figure 7 — Other Industry Examples of Successful M2M Application Between 2006 and 2010
End User Service Provider(s) Application Key Benefits

Industrial and Energy

ABB nPhase, Verizon, conEdison Reduction in service time by approximately 50%
Asset Monitoring

American Trash Management KORE Telematics, Sprint, Verizon Transportation Reduction in operational costs by almost 25%

Reduction in health monitoring cost per

CardioNet Sprint Remote Health Monitoring
patient by about 90%

Tata Teleservices (TTSL) Discom, TTSL Smart Grid and Metering Savings on bill collection costs of 15–20%

Reduction in electricity consumption

Vodafone Bglobal Metering, Vodafone Smart Metering
by almost 10%

Strained growth in to the growth of this market. Convincing However, the outlook for the M2M
emerging markets customers about the benefits of M2M market is not entirely rosy, as there
While a few emerging countries (such applications also is a big challenge. are multiple barriers that may prevent
as Brazil, China, and India) are already the market from growing to its full

using M2M technology across industries Customer persuasion potential. The investment costs
and are continuously expanding the The M2M market faces a major involved are high and the target market
usage of these systems, the demand for challenge of limited technology awareness is fragmented. These factors, coupled
M2M products in the Middle East and among potential individual customers. with the fact that a large number of
Africa declined over the past few years. According to industry experts, convincing customers are still not convinced about
Slow financial growth and political end users about the benefits of adopting the effective cost savings of M2M
unrest in the recent past have been the M2M technology is an issue due to high application in day-to-day operations,
main reasons for strained growth of installation costs. Standardization in pose concerns about the pace of growth.
M2M in African markets. technology used, and deployment of devices
that are more compatible with advancing M2M is a unique market and CSPs

Fragmented target market technology can help operators in this regard. need to manage their steps within the
The M2M target market is highly Security of information is another constraint space carefully. The future of M2M will
fragmented, covering several industries in the acceptance of M2M technology by be determined by service providers’
and niche user segments. While certain customers, as they are skeptical about ability to devise innovative strategies to
M2M solutions can cater to several users sharing personal information. improve their product development and
across industries, others are customized service capabilities, reduce the cost of
to meet the requirements of specific end Although there are barriers to growth, technological upgrades, and market the
users only. For example, the user segment various companies have successfully product across untapped industries.
of a fleet management application is very implemented M2M technology across
limited, compared with that of a smart their supply chain in the recent past and
metering application or a CCTV security achieved cost benefits (Fig. 7).
application. There is faster growth of
M2M applications in industries such as The future of M2M technology
transportation, logistics, and security, Industry analysts and market experts
where some relatively standardized agree that the market is set to register
solutions can be deployed. However, exponential growth over the next decade.
applications developed for specific The opportunities available in the market
consumer segments offer limited revenue are potentially limitless, as M2M offers
opportunities, as the associated sales applications for almost every industry,
volumes are low. from automation in industries such as
automobiles, security and surveillance,
This fragmented target market leads utilities, smart buildings/homes, to
to a slowdown in the development of improving health-care facilities and
new applications, as each application monitoring logistics. The most critical
involves longer go-to-market timelines. factor that makes M2M highly attractive
Development of M2M solutions that are is that it can be customized to meet
applicable across industries will be critical general as well as niche requirements.

MAY 2013 | Cubisms 37

Strategy & Marketing

• In December 2011, Unilever acquired

approximately 82% of Concern
“KALINA”, a Russian beauty product
company. The acquisition is likely to
strengthen Unilever’s position and
offerings in Eastern Europe.
Manager’s Snapshot:
• In September 2011, PepsiCo acquired

Emerging Trends in Wimm-Bill-Dann, a Russian dairy

product and beverage manufacturer,
which made it a leader in the country’s

the Consumer Packaged growing dairy product market. This

also increased PepsiCo’s presence in
Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

Goods Space • In April 2011, H.J. Heinz Company

acquired an 80% stake in Coniexpress
S.A. Industrias Alimenticias, a Brazilian
Subash Chandar
manufacturer of the Quero brand of
strategic services tomato-based sauces, tomato paste,
ketchup, condiments, and vegetables.

ery few industries today are 2011 and will continue to influence this This acquisition paved the way for
as global and multifaceted as industry in 2013. Heinz to enter the Brazilian market.
Consumer Packaged Goods
(CPG). Organizations within this industry Trend #1: Expanding into Trend #2: Streamlining portfolios
are extremely responsive to consumer emerging markets With improving macroeconomic
demands and sentiments and largely Brimming with growth potential due conditions, large CPG companies have
operate in a business environment that is to rising populations and disposable realized the need to restructure business
highly dynamic and increasingly prone to incomes, emerging markets—Argentina, operations to more effectively (and
the following challenges: Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Mexico, efficiently) drive long-term growth. As
• Need for continuous innovation and Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, a result, companies are increasingly
product development Thailand, Turkey, and Vietnam— implementing spin-off strategies
offer numerous opportunities for the to divest non-core businesses and
• Increasing government regulations
CPG industry. Consequently, CPG enhance their focus on those activities
• Rapidly changing consumer demands companies are adopting inorganic they consider to be core to their
• Rising raw material and product growth mechanisms to tap into these businesses. This is assisting companies
development costs markets at an increasing rate. These in reducing cost as well as time-to-
acquisitions by CPG companies are market and more effectively leveraging
• Brand commoditization set to continue into 2013, and are competencies within newly created
• Emerging low-cost private likely to provide newer (and in many entities. CPG companies will continue
label manufacturers cases, locally attuned) platforms to to assess spinoff strategies in 2013,
deliver sustainable growth in a rapidly and restructure portfolios to develop
Given these challenges, CPG players changing environment. Some recent systems that make them distinctive and
are today operating in a more complex, examples include: profitable. Some recent examples of this
volatile, and changing environment. trend include:
• In August 2012, General Mills
In order to more effectively respond to
acquired Yoki Alimentos, a Brazilian • In October 2012, Kraft Foods approved
these challenges and attain sustainable
food company, to accelerate its top- a spinoff of its North American grocery
top-line growth, CPG companies
line growth in Brazil. The company business into Mondelez International
are deploying new strategies based
also acquired Parampara Food Incorporated and Kraft Foods Group.
on innovation, reduction in time-to-
Products in May 2012, an Indian This was done so that the newly formed
market, operational transformation as
food company that specializes in entity (Mondelez International) could
well as the adoption of new technologies
producing ready-to-cook spice and focus on strengthening its snacks
and tools in marketing and sales. As a
sauce mixes, to expand its meal business unit and the parent entity
result, five underlying trends have been
solution offerings within the country. (Kraft Foods Group) could focus
shaping the CPG industry beginning in
exclusively on core grocery products.

38 Cubisms | MAy 2013

• In March 2012, Sara Lee split its ensure that its supply chain ends with campaigns to help boost dampened
operations into two distinct public the consumer of its products and not sales. Social sites, such as Facebook and
companies—D.E Master Blenders 1753 with its retail partners. In September Twitter, are being used to build customer
(International beverage) and Hillshire 2011, the company rolled out a demand loyalty, engage with customers on a more
Brands Company (North American sensing software from supply chain personal level, and drive product demand
Meat company). This was in line with solutions provider Terra Technology via special promotions, contests, and
the company’s strategy to focus on across its businesses to access point of more. Results to date have been very
core business segments—meat and sales data to study and monitor demand. positive, making this a key trend that will
beverages and coffee and tea. continue in 2013. Some recent examples of

• In October 2011, Fortune Brands, a Trend #4: Innovating innovative marketing campaigns include:

Deerfield, Illinois-based conglomerate, product lines • In August 2012, Reckitt Benckiser

split its businesses into two publicly Another noticeable trend across the CPG tied up with Syncapse to help connect
traded companies—one focusing on space is the development of innovative social media marketing programs
liquor and the other on home and products that cater to alternative as well on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+
security products—to leverage and as more customized consumer segments. across more than 20 brands, including
strengthen core competencies and This means not only launching new Clearasil, Durex, and Lysol.
capitalize on the improving economy. products, but also rebranding and
• In May 2012, PepsiCo entered into
upgrading existing product lines.
a partnership with Twitter to offer
Trend #3: Focusing on Selected examples of companies that
free music and video downloads on
have adopted this strategy include:
downstream data PepsiCo’s Twitter channel.
In the CPG industry, out of stock means • In April 2012, Sara Lee launched its
• In April 2012, Coca-Cola installed a
out of business. In today’s volatile new Ball Park Flame Grilled Patties as
vending machine in Singapore that
market, increasing on-shelf availability a major extension of its brand. In doing
does not take cash to dispense the cold
improves consumer satisfaction, while so, the company stepped outside the hot
drink, but rather needs to be hugged to
driving top-line growth—essentially, dog category to tap into the $400-million
get the drink. Industry professionals
optimum on-shelf availability—ensures frozen burger category market.
stated that this was a part of its
that the right product is on retail store
• In February 2012, P&G launched new strategy to go viral across Asia, leading
shelves in the precise quantity at any
Tide Pods, a liquid unit dose detergent to an outbreak of “random hugging”
given point in time. As a result, CPG
containing three ingredient chambers. with the Coca-Cola brand in the mind
companies are using downstream data
• In February 2012, Kimberly-Clark of consumers.
to improve on-shelf availability of their
products globally. Large CPG companies launched MyKleenextissue 2.0 under • During 2012, Unilever partnered with
are set to invest in technology to gather its Kleenex brand as part of its strategy Jana, a Boston-based mobile technology
downstream data points, which will to provide highly customized products company to create a social media
enable better and faster decision making. to consumers—the tissue boxes can focus group on Facebook in Vietnam.
Companies such as Nielsen and IRI, and be customized with personal photos, Through this campaign, the company
retailers such as Walmart and Target are messages, custom designs, and colors reached out to about 20,000 Vietnamese
among leading players that provide point- from dozens of available options. citizens, doubling the original two-week
of-sale data points to CPG companies. • In January 2012, Unilever extended target of 10,000 people.
Specific CPGs investing in this area its portfolio of Axe deodorant products
include: into hair care. The company believed 2013 and beyond
that its highly successful marketing The CPG industry is in a time of
• In April 2012, Kellogg’s Company
campaign put Axe firmly on the global tremendous change and transformation
chose Terra Technology’s Demand
map for male adults, and set to build across the entire value chain—from
Sensing solution to cater to the various
its popularity by targeting younger revenue through to operations. Given
downstream segments and improve
women with its hair care products. the key trends discussed in this article,
stock availability while reducing costs.
it is anticipated that progressive CPG
• Since the beginning of 2012,
Trend #5: Creating innovative companies will continue to restructure
Procter & Gamble (P&G) has been business models and operations, as they
marketing campaigns
using downstream data to augment look to not only solidify their position
CPG companies were one of the first
on-shelf availability and eliminate within developed markets, but also tap
industries to embrace the digital
out-of-stock situations. into emerging markets through organic
marketing realm, and over the years have
• Unilever is using downstream data to developed many innovative marketing and inorganic growth.

MAy 2013 | Cubisms 39

Procurement & Supply Chain

The evolution of China’s

coal industry
China’s coal industry has transformed
significantly over the last decade and
the country has moved from being an

The Importance of Coal exporter of coal to a net importer that

is influencing the global market for
the commodity. A detailed view of this

to the Chinese Economy evolution is provided in the following

graphic (Fig. 3).

Richa Singhal and Rakesh Ranjan By 2010, China became the largest
electricity consumer in the world,
strategic services
overtaking the US. Approximately 70%
of this demand was met using coal

oal has played a key role in Demand for coal in China has reserves. And, as such, increasing coal
China’s economic development predominantly been driven by the consumption over the years has been
in the past decade. As of electrical power sector. However, since driving China’s contribution towards
December 2012, China has been the 2008, a new trend towards coal-based global GDP. Per the table on the
largest producer and consumer of coal chemical production has been emerging following page, China’s share in world
worldwide. According to the World Coal in the country, with the potential to coal consumption has approximately
Association, China’s coal production is significantly impact both the Chinese tripled over the last 30 years, and its
estimated to have tripled between 2000 and the global economy. This includes a contribution to the share of GDP has
and 2010, and in 2011, China accounted shift in the usage of coal from fuel to raw grown nine fold (Fig. 4).
for 45% of global coal production, material. Some key questions analysts,
totaling 3,520 million tons. In that same buyers, and producers are asking are: Clearly, China’s economic growth will
year, China accounted for less than be constrained if its coal production/
• Will this trend hold?
3% of the world’s oil and natural gas supply does not fulfill this energy need,
reserves compared to approximately • What are the drivers stimulating which also eventually will impact the
13% of the world’s coal reserves, making this trend? global economy.
it an irreplaceable energy source in the • What is the future of coal-based
country. (Figs. 1-2). chemical production in China?

Figure 1 — World’s Largest Coal Producers Figure 2 — China’s Share of World

By Volume Energy Reserves
(By Percentage, 2009)



1.2% 1.3%

Oil Natural Gas Uranium Coal
1990 2000 2011
China US India Australia Russian Federation Source: EIA; OECD

Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy, BP (June 2012)

40 Cubisms | MAy 2013

Figure 3 — The Evolution of China’s Coal Industry

2010: 2012: 2027:

Coal production 12th Five-year Coal production
2008: tripled Plan aims to projected to
Became compared to curb Chinese peak at
a net 2000; however consumption 5.1 billion tons
2007: importer still imported and production
Chines coal of coal 170 million to 3.9 billion
tons of coal tons by 2015
generated more
2001: energy than
Exported total Middle
90 million East oil
tons of production

Coal as chemical feedstock is there has been a considerable amount internal production from hydrocarbon
the new way forward of investment to produce coal-based and coal-based feedstocks to become self-
Although China predominantly uses petrochemicals as a substitute for reliant. Huge petrochemical facilities are
coal for power generation, it is now traditional crude oil-based processes. being built by Chinese and multinational
also being used to produce chemicals. firms in the country. These planned
China is using coal extensively for the facilities will require more than 20 million
Certainly, the country is not new to
production of chemicals, because coal is tons of additional coal every year. This
the idea of using coal as a chemical
considerably less expensive and has the implies that China will continue using
feedstock. In the late 19th and early
potential to meet China’s desire to become coal for the production of chemicals in the
20th centuries, coal tar was used in
self-sufficient in resource inputs. As such, future. (Refer to Potential roadblocks to coal-
the dye industry to produce aromatics
China is expected to achieve sufficient based chemical production on page 42.)
and specialty chemicals. Since 2000,

Figure 4 — Share of China in Global Coal Consumption and GDP


Percent of World Total

Coal Consumption (%) GDP (%)

1980 17 2.2

1990 21 3.9

2000 25 7.2

2011 49.5 14.4

2016 50.8 (estimated) 18.1 (estimated)

Source: EIA; IMF; World Bank

MAy 2013 | Cubisms 41

Procurement & Supply Chain

As of 2012, the following four chemical exceeded its supply by a significant

products have been made from coal margin in 2011. As per the 12th
in China: Five-year Plan, additional plants are
scheduled to be established, which
• Coke-oven light oil (COLO) as a
will have a combined capacity of
source for aromatics: Coal is heated
providing 20% of ethylene and 17% of
in an oven to be converted into coke.
propylene to meet local demand.
This results in the production of coke-
oven light oil, which mainly comprises • Monoethylene glycol (MEG) and
benzene, toluene, and xylene (BTX), ethanol: This process involves
with benzene being the predominant preparing dimethyl-oxalate by
aromatic. It is estimated that China oxidizing carbon monoxide (derived
produces 27% of its benzene from this from the gasification of coal) with
process, as compared with 4–5% being methyl nitrite. Further, dimethyl
produced globally. oxalate is hydrogenolyzed to produce
MEG. Finally, nitric oxide and oxygen
• Acetylene to vinyl chloride monomer
are reacted to make methyl nitrite
(VCM) and butanediol (BDO): Lime
by releasing methanol. By 2014,
is reduced by carbon (in the form of
approximately five coal direct-to-MEG
coke) in an electric furnace to produce
plants are scheduled to commence
calcium carbide, which is further
operations in China. This is expected
hydrolyzed to produce acetylene. This
to increase the MEG production
acetylene is then used to manufacture
capacity (from coal and not from
chemicals such as VCM, BDO, and
ethylene) to over 1 million tons/year.
vinyl acetate monomer (VAM). It is
estimated that China produced more
The following figure shows the
than 85% of the VCM from coal-derived
estimated amount of coal to be used in
acetylene. It also is considered to be
future for chemical production (Fig. 5).
the only country that uses coal-derived
acetylene to manufacture BDO.
Key drivers
• Olefins (CTO): The process of China has abundant coal reserves and a
converting coal to methanol to olefin significant shortage of oil and gas. This,
also produces ethylene and propylene. quite simply, is the country’s primary
China’s consumption of ethylene reason for choosing coal as a substitute

Figure 5 — Projected Coal Consumption in Coal

Conversion Plants in China (Million Tons)


175 172
70 85
58 47 58
16 31

Ammonia Methanol Acetic Acid Liquid Fuel Di-methyl Ether

2012 2020E 2030E

Note: The figures have been approximated using a measuring tool

Source: IMF

42 Cubisms | MAy 2013

for oil for economic development. In boost the demand for coal in China. “During the 12th Five-year
recent years, favorable market conditions
have also stimulated the national Automotive: The automotive industry Plan (2011–2015), China
is one of the largest consumers of
coal chemical industry. Continuous will establish 10 large coal
fluctuations and increases in global oil chemical products in China. The
and gas prices are causing many national industry recorded a CAGR of 26% from companies that will be capable
2006 to 2010. However, at present,
and multinational firms to invest in of producing 100 million tons
China’s coal gasification industry. it is showing signs of a slowdown
due to withdrawal of government of coal per year, along with
The Chinese government is, as support and stimulus measures. It
another 10 companies with
expected, playing a key role in the will need to focus on zero-emission
development of this industry. Under the technologies and alternative power a capacity of producing 50
latest Five-Year Plan, 37 deep processing sources to increase vehicle sales. BYD
million tons per year. These 20
coal demonstration projects have been Auto Company Limited, a Chinese
approved by the China Development automobile manufacturer, has started companies will be responsible
and Reform Commission. The key focus the process by entering the battery
for 60% of the country’s
will be on seven areas, namely coal business to provide cleaner and efficient
liquefaction, coal-to-gas, coal-to-olefins, automobiles. It is expected that its output/production of coal.”
coal-to-ammonia/urea, coal-to-glycol, competitors will soon follow. This will
low-rank coal upgrading, and coal- bring significant opportunities for
Wu Yin, Deputy Director, National Energy
Administration, China (May 2012)
to-aromatics. The total investment in chemical manufacturers (coal-based
these projects is estimated to be around chemical production) and will further
RMB700 billion (approximately USD increase the demand for raw materials
112 billion), which indicates significant such as coal over the long term.
growth of the Chinese coal gasification
market in the future. Petrochemicals: Chinese oil and
chemical companies will keep
The key industries propelling this augmenting their ethylene production
growth are as follows: capacities. As per government
estimates, production is expected to
Steel: China accounts for more than increase at an average rate of 11% per
half of global steel production and year from 2012 to reach 26 million tons
plays a major role in boosting national per annum by 2015. This will make
industrial growth. Although it has China the top producer of ethylene in
coal reserves in abundance, coking the global market, overtaking the US
coal constitutes only 28%. Therefore, and propelling the demand for coal in
China is expected to become the the near future.
primary coking coal importing country
in the world, as domestic coking coal Cement: Industry analysts and market
production is also slowing down. experts across the supply chain state that
This is substantiated by the fact that cement demand is likely to increase in the
Chinese imports of coking coal grew near future, which will propel the growth of
approximately 60% in 2012 over 2011. coal, which is one of the key raw materials
used in the production of cement.
Non-metallics: At the global level,
cement is considered the principal Others: Performance materials and
sector across all non-metallic industries. coatings used in the electronics and
Coal provides a major share of energy consumer industries, and bio-products
consumed in manufacturing non- will record high demand in the
metallic materials, such as cement, future, and will affect the coal market
soda ash, and other building supplies. positively. The building/infrastructure
With a massive boom in the Chinese sector will also act as a catalyst in
construction sector, large quantities of China’s industrial development
cement, soda ash, and other products (especially in western parts).
are being consumed, which will further

MAy 2013 | Cubisms 43

Procurement & Supply Chain

Potential roadblocks in coal-based chemical production

Using coal as a chemical feedstock poses certain limitations Increased carbon emissions and environmental risk from
for China’s coal-based chemical industry. coal extraction are the other major areas of concern for the
coal-based chemical industry in China. These challenges are
The biggest challenge is limited availability of water
threatening China’s target of cutting down greenhouse gas
resources. According to statistics, for each ton of coal
(GHG) emissions.
produced, seven tons of water is required in the direct
liquefaction process, whereas the indirect process requires To combat these challenges, China is taking various measures
12 tons. It is estimated that water consumption by the that might help it in the long run. For instance, it is improving
Chinese coal industry will reach 9.07 billion metric tons by the technology used in sewage treatment plants to recycle
2015, which significantly exceeds its estimated supply. In waste water. The Baotou Iron and Steel Company plant
addition to water problems, local ecological issues and soil recycles 98% of its water, as directed by the country’s law that
degeneration will also be affecting the environment. prompts owners of industrial plants to conserve water. China
might also consider transporting water to its northern and
The technology used in coal-based chemical production is still
western parts, which are dry and receive less rainfall.
in its nascent stage and is not fully developed. Thus, pollution
and technological limitations make the future of China’s To reduce GHG emissions, China is moving toward scientific
investment in coal-based chemicals an open question for now. development—a drive started by President Hu Jintao.
This drive aims to reduce waste and emissions, boosting
According to Kai Pflug, CEO of Shanghai-based Management
productivity, and shutting down plants where modern
Consulting, per capita coal reserves in China are below
technology cannot be implemented.
average. It is expected to last for only 38 years if consumed
at the present rate.

“Coal prices will remain low China’s transition into the Looking to the future
in the long term, and the coal markets Overall, the Chinese coal chemical
After becoming the largest importer of industry is now gearing towards
structure of China’s power thermal coal in 2011, China is expected considerable growth. It is experiencing a
supply is expected to change, as to play a major role in setting its prices. complete evolution with an environment
It is believed that this is the key reason full of substantial opportunities, which
the coal industry will enter an
behind China’s slower approach to needs to be dealt with utmost care in
adjustment period featuring reforming coal prices. This affected coal view of the existing challenges. One
high costs and low profits.” miners from Australia and Indonesia should note that coal is an advantageous
significantly, who supplied more than feedstock only if international oil prices
Shandong Provincial Coal Transporting and half of China’s coal in 2012. According stand above $80 per barrel. However,
Marketing Association, China (August 2012) with China significantly lacking in
to the local media, China’s cabinet is
considering the National Development crude oil and natural gas reserves, coal
and Reform Commission’s (NDRC) has become a blessing in disguise for the
proposal to give more freedom to miners Chinese economy.
for negotiating coal prices.

44 Cubisms | MAy 2013

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