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Rules of the

Red Rubber Ball

Based on the book by
Kevin Carroll
Barry Moline
Executive Director
Florida Municipal Electric Association
(850) 224-3314, ext. 1
April 2012
Finding your red
rubber ball
Rules of the red
rubber ball
Your Red Rubber Ball
What would you do for free?
What activities do you like?
What hobbies do you have?
What inspires you?
What brings you joy?
Your Red Rubber Ball is
Any activity, topic or
purpose that gets you
excited about the day.
Your Red Rubber Ball is
What you do when no one
tells you what to do.
Your Red Rubber Ball
You can several
at the same time
Your Red Rubber Ball
Discovering your RRB
does not have come in
childhood. It can occur at
any stage of life.
Your Red Rubber Ball
Finding your RRB is only
half the battle. Then you
must pursue it.
Chase Your Red Rubber Ball
Your Red Rubber Ball May
Chase You!
Rules of the Red Rubber Ball
Seek encouragers
Be Creative
Do the lonely work
Speak up
Expect the unexpected
Maximize your day
You Might Be Thinking
Barrys about to tell us to quit our jobs
and go fishing, golfing, bake cakes,
read books, or head to the beach.
What is Your Best
Lifetime Investment?
What is Your Best
Lifetime Investment?
Your job!
What is Your Best
Lifetime Investment?
What is Your 2
Lifetime Investment?
What is Your 2
Lifetime Investment?
Your education
are your best
The desire to follow your RRB must
come from within you
From your heart
Expect doubt, but dont obey it
Pay no attention to the naysayers
Commit to your goal and
the naysayers wont
derail you
Seek Encouragers
Build relationships with people
who share your goal or have a
GENUINE interest in you and your
Boss, teacher, friends, spouse
They share joy when you succeed
Boost your confidence when youre
Remember You own the
outcome, good or bad.
Be Creative
The path is not always clear
Sometimes people might be
standing in your way
Think creatively how to go around them
Many ideas come when
you are not working
Study: 90% of Nobel laureates and
MacArthur Genius grants report
their biggest breakthroughs
happen when they are doing their
hobby, or something fun
Sparks of Genius Michele and Robert Root-Bernstein
Be Creative
Do the Lonely Work
Do the Lonely Work
Tim Tebow doesnt just show up on
Sunday to play.
He studies the playbook
He lifts weights
He practices
When hes called on,
hes ready
Do the Lonely Work
Do the Lonely Work
Does your RRB require:
Taking a class?
Learning a new skill?
Completing a project?
The shoes make the man
Paste, dry, brush, polish
He knew
You have to do the work
in order to enjoy the shine
Do the Lonely Work
Speak Up
Share your idea
Raise your hand
Speak Up
Ask for a challenging
new assignment
Speak Up
The world stands
aside to let anyone
pass who knows where
he is going.
-- David Starr Jordan
Expect the Unexpected
Events will change your plans
Expect things to go wrong
Embrace it
We cannot control what happens to
us, but we can control our response
to it
Be flexible
Maximize Your Day
86,400 seconds each day to chase
your RRB
Make a list!
Keep it near your desk
Take action daily
If not, dont let it turn
into weeks, months or years
Carpe Diem
Find, and commit to your RRB
Find friends, colleagues & relatives
to encourage you
Expect the unexpected and be ready
to adjust
Put in the time to prepare
Speak up when you have
the chance
Take action daily
Rules of the
Red Rubber Ball
Based on the book by
Kevin Carroll
Barry Moline

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