Pre Lab For 1520 Lab 1 Part 1

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Pre-lab assignment for Lab 1 (Part 1)

Biology 1520

Directions: This semester, you will be working together in a group, learning to design and
conduct your own experiments. Youll actively do science together. To begin to help your
group members and your TAs get to know you, please respond to the following questions.
Some of these answers (except questions #5) may be shared at the first lab meeting along
with the TAs own answers. If you do not wish your answers to be shared please indicate
that on your statement. There is no penalty for not wanting an answer shared.

How this assignment is graded: This pre-lab assignment is worth 10 points (2 points per
question). Each question can be addressed in several sentences or a short paragraph. Your
written assignment should be long enough for thoughtful responses, about 1-2 pages in
total length.

Great answer (2 pt)= questions were answered with thoughtful statements that demonstrate
thoughtful consideration of the ideas; logical flow of ideas in all paragraphs; correct
grammar/spelling throughout.
Fair answer (1 pt)= questions were answered but responses show only cursory consideration of the
idea; some but not all paragraphs have logical flow of ideas; correct grammar/spelling in many but
not all places.
Poor answer (0 pt)= questions were not answered; responses show little to no consideration of the
idea; lack of logical flow of ideas in many places; frequent grammar/spelling mistakes.

To get credit for this portion of the pre-lab assignment, you must submit it to T-square
Assignments (upload a file) by the deadline indicated on the T-square announcement. This
pre-lab assignment is due several days before your lab meets so that your TAs have time to
read everyones statements.

1. Who are you? Describe yourself and what youre interested in. What are you
studying at Tech?
2. What is science? What does doing science mean to you?
3. Whats your experience with biology? What is your past experience with learning
biology? What did you enjoy most? What do you find most challenging in biology
(either in the past, this semester thus far, or both)? Do you like working in lab?
4. Why are you taking Biology 1520? What do you hope to learn as a result of this lab
class? (Maybe we can make it happen!) How does biology connect with your major?
5. Whats your experience with group work? Describe your experience working in
groups in the past. What have you enjoyed and why? What problems did you
encounter and why? What challenges do you anticipate?

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