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When adjusting Political Will, flip marker to Dove if count > 0 or to Hawk if count 0.
. !core an" pla"ed #rand $ampaign cards.
%. $heck for collapse in &aos and $am'odia. Pa" ( !)Ps to avoid collapse. *f a faction collapses, add ( Hawks or ( Doves. !ee )ules+ $,-./D*, ,0D &,/!.
(. ,djust Political Will on the #ame 1rack.
a. 2 Dove in 343 and later.
'. 2 Dove for ever" 5!6*76)/8 unit 9'lue:colored; in the .od" $ount .o<.
c. 2 Dove if in the .od" $ount .o<, the num'er of )ed units num'er of .lue units.
=. $ount red:flagged provinces in !>0. ,dd Doves 9D;. ?:@ A D, 3:0 A %D, :% A (D, (:= A =D, B2 A BD
B. $heck )>0 !ta'ilit". !u'tract pacified provinces from ,)>0 units in the .od" $ount .o<. .lue must pa" the difference in !)Ps or the )>0 government
collapses. $oup+ ,dd ( Doves, flip all ,)>0 to untried, ,)>0 go to !aigon, set .lue !)Ps to 0. !ee )ules+ )>0 !1,.*&*1C.
4. $heck for victor". !ee 'elow.
*nterphase+ $heck for automatic victor". $ompare Political Will 9PW; against )ed 6 .lue auto:win goals.
Dnd of #ame+ )ed wins if Political Will > Dnd:#ame #oal. .lue wins if Political Will Dnd:#ame goal.
Hawk points are negative, so ( Hawks is :(, for e<ample. 9D<ample+ *n 344, )ed wins if PW is 0, , or % Hawks or an" num'er of Doves.;
End of Year 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 197 1971 197! 197" 197# 1975
Dnd:#ame #oal :? :( 0 4 4 3 %4 (0 (= ==
)ed ,uto:Win E E B E @ E B E %0 E %= E %? E (= E (@ E =%
.lue ,uto:Win :( :0 :? : = 3 % 3 %( %?
. Dach pla"er gets % !)Ps. )ed+ 2 !)P starting in 34@ 'ut ending with $/--,0D/ H501. .lue+ 2 !)P each "ear that Political Will is Hawk 9 0;.
%. 1ake reinforcements. *n 343, add 343 cards to the #ame Decks, and >ietnamiFation 'egins.
(. -ove units in .od" $ount .o<+ >$ G >$ pool, 0>, tanks G off:map, remaining units G Dead Pool.
=. 1ake replacements from the Dead Pool+ @ 0>,, B ,)>0, 5!6)/86*7, all $am'odia6&aos units if not collapsed.
B. .u" remaining replacements from Dead Pool, !)P per unit.
4. Pla"ers deplo" units, .lue first. !ee 'elow for where to deplo". 0on:natives in &aos and $am'odia ma" need to 'e re:deplo"ed.
?. .lue+ )efuel 'om'ers.
@. )ed+ Draw and deplo" >$. *f 1et has not occurred and there are less than 0 >$ in pla", deplo" a second >$.
3. .lue+ )e:deplo" all ,ir 6 0aval unit plus B .lue units to an" province without red flags or )ed units or to !aigon.
Year %&'e Re(nfor)e*en+, -(+.dra/a&, Red Re(nfor)e*en+,
344 B 5!, 5! artiller", 5! tank, ( ,)>0, 'om'er B 0>, infantr"
34? 5!, 5! artiller", 5! tank, % ,)>0, )/8 B 0>, infantr"
34@ 5!, 5! tank, ,)>0, *7 = 0>,, 0>, artiller"
343 % ,)>0, ,)>0 artiller", .om'er, % vet $a % 5! = 0>,, vet 8hmer )ouge
3?0 % ,)>0, ,)>0 artiller", vet $a 4 5! ( 0>, infantr", vet 8hmer )ouge
3? ,)>0, ,)>0 tank, vet $a 4 5!, *7 ( 0>, infantr", vet 8hmer )ouge
3?% 0one. 9Do not withdraw 'om'ers and the remaining )/8.; ,ll 5!, )/8 % 0>, infantr"
3?( : ?B !ee Pla"'ook.
.eginning in 343, .lue must withdraw units from the game. )emove them first from the Dead Pool and then from the map. )emove veterans 'efore untried units. Do
not remove 'om'ers until 3?(. )/86*7 units ma" not su'stitute for 5! withdrawals. 7or ever" % 5! units "ou remove 9no matter where the" come from;, promote one
untried ,)>0 infantr" unit to veteran status. Promoted ,)>0 ma" 'e reinforcements, replacements, or alread" on the map.
$or)e Lo)a+(on
0>, 0orth >ietnam. /ne unit ma" 'e placed in 8ampot if !ihanoukville is open. *t is open starting in 34B.
>$ )ed:flagged provinces or 'order provinces in &aos or $am'odia. .lue units ma" not 'e present. Deplo" face:down. Do not e<amine
until after "ou place them.
Pathet &ao, 8hmer )ouge ,n" 'order provinces in their home countries without enem" units if possi'le
5!, *7, )/8 ,n" friendl" 'ase provinces free of )ed units. *f the .lue pla"er cannot deplo" all his 5!6)/86*7 units at 'ases, he ma" deplo" the
'alance in !>0 coastal provinces without red flags.
,)>0 ,n" friendl" provinces free of )ed units
.lue Water 0av" ,n" !outh >ietnamese coastal province
#un'oat ,n" Hone = province
,ir $av ,n" friendl" province free of )ed units
.lue $,, &, ,n" interior provinces in their home countries without enem" units if possi'le
.om'ers ,ir'ase .o<
. )einforcements Phase 9!kip turn ;
%. Hand )efill Phase. Draw to B cards. Pla"ers ma" secretl" select one $ampaign cardI )ed decides first.
(. $ard Pla" Phase. Pla"ers alternate pla"ing cards 9)ed first; for = rounds.
a. .lue+ $onduct 'om'ing mission 90 )Ps;.
'. .u" an event printed on the pla"ed card 9J )Ps;.
c. -o'iliFe all friendl" units in one province 9 )P;. -oving groups ma" 'e am'ushed.
d. $onduct a 'attle round in one province 9 )P;.
e. ,ttempt P$:change in one province 9 )P;.
f. .lue+ ,ttempt to pacif" one province 9 )P;.
g. !ave )Ps to the stockpile 9J )Ps;.
=. *nterphase 97lip over this Pla"ers $hart.;
. Defending units ma" evade.
%. )eveal an" concealed >$ units. )esolve revealed .ad *ntel units on the .ush Dvents ta'le.
(. *f no defending units remain in the 'attle, cancel 'attle seKuence, and the attacker does not spend his )P.
=. *f .lue is attacking, ,ir 6 0aval units ma" react 'ut 'oth )ed and .lue units must 'e present.
B. Dach pla"er adds factors, rolls a die, and consults the .attle ta'le. ,ppl" 'attle results. 7ire is simultaneous. 1he attacker spends his 'attle )P.
4. Promote untried infantr".
?. *f .lue is defending, ,ir 6 0aval units ma" react 'ut 'oth )ed and .lue units must 'e present.
@. Defender ma" reinforce from adjacent provinces, !)P per province. ,m'ushes permitted. 0o reinforcing '" sea. !kip if there are no defending survivors.
1d6 1 ! " # 5 6 7
Die )oll -odifiers
2 A )ed anti:aircraft present
2% A During monsoon
:% A &ima !ite @B+ *n &aos or Hone *
.lank A -iss
,% A Dliminate or % units
) A Dliminate unit, plus !)P or unit
% units
( units
= units
B units )
4 units % )
?2 units % % )
1d6 1 ! " # 5 6
>$ , D D
>$2 , D D D
)aid D D
, A ,m'ushing unit eliminated
D A Defending unit eliminated
.lank A 0o effect
1d6 1 ! " # 5 6
Die )oll -odifier+ : )ed units evading from mountain 9-ontagnard; province.
D A !uccess. #roup ma" evade.
& A 7ail in &aos6$am'odiaI !uccess in !>0.
) A -ust lose !)P or unit. 7ail. $ommitted to 'attle.
.lank A 7ail. $ommitted to 'attle.
*f % >$, roll for each. >$ down A concealed, >$ up A revealed
,ir 6 0aval units alwa"s evade successfull". Do not roll for them.
>$ down D D D D
>$ up D D D
unit ) & D D D
% units ) D D D
( units ) D D
=2 ,ll Dvasions 7ail.
Red %&'e Re,'&+
!um the 'attle factors of all units in the 'attle group and add to one die roll. $om'at is simultaneous.
.lue rolls on .&5D columnI )ed rolls on )DD column until 3?(.
.attle 7actors -odifiers+ :% A )ed units attacking !aigon or .lue units attacking *ron 1riangle or an"one attacking enem"
During a monsoon, 'oth pla"ers move up one row on the .attle 1a'le. 9D<ample+ .lue attacks on the ? L 3 row. -ove up
and use the B L 4 row instead.;
M A 1arget must eliminate that man" units.
) A 1arget must either lose )P 9or !)P; or eliminate unit. *gnore if all units are killed.
: B : = ::
4 B : 4 )
? : 0 ? : 3
0 )
% : = : ( %
B = %)
4 : @ B : 4 (
3 ? ()
%02 @2 =
Ca*5a(6n 0one Con+ro& %on',
8he !anh * =
*a Drang ** ( 2 Pleiku 2 Darlac
*ron 1riangle *** B N*ron 1riangleO in .inh Duong
-ekong Delta *> B
1et *, **, *** 34@ L 3?0. !>0 cities 9over (;. .order provinces in Fones ** and *** 9over =;. .lue kills 6 B.
Daster *, **, *** 3?%. !>0 cities 9over (;. .lue kills 6 =.

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